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IB NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF BOOKS Inman Overwhelmed bp Craig Btddie THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. THE BOOK OF ROMANCE IS THE BEST IN WORLD" n tot m rh ' ' vjgj rH tTTHN-l'OHTKH. h run to e.troeei myself on th if lii-tnm. 1to.-cntly 1 buM a t i. WORM that I niight work Thii subject i i tno- I .1 i.l not f QtMM to It, so to m'n'"' ... I w. iit ami asked, my friends, th. i :t i to 3,000 yours, to Inform Itiv Tin- xmt I'l VMi i o, 1 4 ii , SJBOIYOO there , ,. . every wni mpMni 10 ne louohrd i ii red ami WW. A MMI , , a ik broken onto by n tow ohicku and tltmki ooraaloaally n narrow , . a mntimi) IThHUtd, while faintly , iii i ls drifted In the MH of larka. f"r migration, anil from .- drtUcf the OTM f flocking red- Wlllg. P... tlr-t tree thai Nisiae in me was gn aspi II, mini nnK a mm t'i"i a....i m.i.r ami kiicii leaves set on stinted stoma, lis" turn.-.! theaii In the light Wttb ,Mioh fgjintgg! breath of air so thai oonttnuousky they wMgpgrod ami rustled advanced and rstrsatsd, making I , . k of the fluctuations of the hu man heart, wo 1 wasj no: In the least sur prised Whan the Bgpon whin-rcl to me; Ti .l people that the lak of romance In the best in the world. Say to thorn ttiai ti e gtori of the hve of .the human heart is the only one worth writing or rend ng. " I ponji n il that a while and then I ask.-i 'VJouki you prove it?" Hurelyl auggargd Che aapati "WaU'h vc . 1 summon my host of immortaJ lovers." HMD the waved her wilful head and t her command through I.nnberhist wood bhart cama trooping the dainty little iweethearta and the gallant lov- trs ol nil HUldg and literature. Hand In hand lite) camti (linking Hke birds along my trees, 1 nun us and Thisbe. y .f and Ingelwre, Hermmi anil Dorothea, KkMtata ami Amvuw n. Paul anil Virginia! 1'avid and D04rg JiOrtm Itociiu aii I Jack ltidd. Dabble and the Utile Minister. lehgbod I raiw and Katrina van Taaael, Desuoalra and i.ady tr Mulvatvey ami Dlnab Bhadd : on sil on they seetniilirty an endleaa priHi.!!.! -if laUKi ing fact s, tear stained Sua, averted t.u all iluahed from lilt beating love stirred hearts speak Iiik man) tonfuaa; but ail telling tlie mine story ami at the end, gayest of tfcs. s.i;.', Nancy Stair, liaintH. the l.:niy of the ii in. Molly M:Lke-bolieve. listhlv Long'lega, impel iahabla lovers. wit'i e.ioli pair of whom I hail Joyisl and i orrowrd. Sn n.i the last one passed me j 1 tiisliie.l to tl i aspen una saia : lou IN right The lKk of romance is the best nook in the world. Nothing can be o well worth reading as the story of the lojrea of the human heart." Then I noticed a gray oM maple vig gfOtsgy shsjdng a hd of scarlet, green iini! fold at me, so I asketl: "Now wh.i.r Is the matter with you? Have you an or-!- ernHic hiHihaT" t The maple answered i "I haxe trav- elll around the gl. die, I hav "weii 1 sen and climbed mountains, 1 have lvl m Valley, held and deep wood. I h.i,- the world and adventured in nl' i.e. - Ai;'!i :s a changeable flirt. pay no attention to her. that no book is equal to sdvtntura it Area the of 'I .r.iig. it w arms the Let me tell you he tssik of high l.raln to deeds lcart. it nerves the .trni. iiieti is a crazy lovesick girl. waCdt tl mighty men of valor who ooroe :it my summons." Then i rash i through my w-ovsl with glean ng va rd and shining lance came Do Qu i and RobHi Hood, Buy Idas and I'i i . of India, Monte Crktto gnd Pra ,s Villon, Kim and the Masiter of Hallanl Kinbad, Robinaon Crusoe N gger of the Saroiaaua, trailing to';;".! on o't. a gallant host liilventiir It,k r I Ve of the g&me, playing with Ufa i areleaaly as a praotiaed juggler tossing balls, from Hood in velvets lo Crui s I, .1 iring men wttogg prov Ince to tea h eourage and feitrless ad- garei onvtel on. Bo I waved to them paaslllg and criisl; "March on Rurdlty! v.iu gtand for courage and lnr ngl Von are from the bint book in th world!" 1 B nn my head iume an ar IWtive blow Startled. I looked up to te thai laai night'g froal had begun bo loosen the nuts of a giant hickory above me a:,, i had dropped the Ilrst on my head, undoubtedly With intention, since Wide tpaee where it might have fallen lay all around me, ao i asked rather ag- irievedly; "Why did you do that. Mckoryr "To w.ikn ynii up," answereil hickory. Bui you needn t give me concussion," I protested, if you know anything about to . m I a:u willing to listen. "If," .- led hickory shaking its head to vigorously 11 pelted me with a ruin "f ' itl until I hurried to another seat, rubbing iy bruises as I went, "if?" "Wot ' please tell me what book U nl ! for 1 uskwl iiolltely. u ' ghoutad hickory, pelting dn-.v . n. nuts "Vos I see you do," I said, "but won't W1 pli M n 11 ma why ."' A 'Be i they rire my kltid " said Prkorj '"Can't you see 1 am the -' ' tre. In the wisids? Dogg not A) hbrt band for the how or the boa keel Are not my nut the beat" Is no! my hark used In syrup and coloring liter? Am I not a giant In siae and Br I ? Do I not serve more purpose, t 1 i j other tree? Come, tie hm--' a imli all thla" fly i.i of emphasis hickory again t head and lilt me a hard blow " far thrown nut, which aroused giy n mper. '' yog look bar, Ui kory." l cried. T l 1 o far You claim too mucn Tou are the toughest tree In the woods, 1 it; you do tend the furthest, mu'-h too far at tnnee; ao far In fact thai ou break. I'll freely admit that tow r ut is the ... when It la good. ' ' .- nnh rich diet that a trifle 100 It led of It so enriches the blood that It ' in a to the surface in bolls and lorei; you have got to be eaten spar In ind with great discrimination. In lb tmall, thin ahnlled. oompact meat ef tlie shagbark you are far befter 'haii in the big, haul mocker nut with which you are now trying to crack my skull Beechnut! are smaller and you have to March the brown leave of earth 10 find them, but when you do they gv later, sweeter kernels." Heeehnuts." scoffed the hickory. "I h"'ild think you would be ashamed to rotation them In the same class with ns fine, rich fruit." And I should think you would be ah imed of tho foot." I retorted hotly, II the man who buys your fruit and i 11 home for un evsnlnv trwit for ta himself and his children nvr ran tell by it look if It ha a worm In the keart that has apotied the meat. You are not saytng a word aibout that Bttle gg laid in your fruit while green and ironing that leave no trace on th lull, b,,t whan the nut la cracked all Mm meat 1 worm Infested and pilaon Y. van ! iat of the vaJua of your for sy run wn rmut somiK to ' b., think that It Is used with brown augar 10 ib fraud the jieople who think they Of buiring the Isonest aap of your Mother maple here. And It haa been roy asptrlaMO with the dye made from your hark that tltey are ao powerful "t on using them I more likely to t the color too strong than Juwt right. lark In to kimlle a snaw' fire to warm my to. the.c fpoMy October night." "You are very severe." Mild the Trin-k -ory. "Aren't you going to let m ithow the iirm-eserloti I represent at till?" "Of ooureel'' I cried. "I am not so iinrruw .w not to give you your chance. I'll ntlmlt all the good them is In you; Init when I Inhume against it your friiuds unil il.. tsiition, and worm Infested fruit. I will not admit that you ore the bent tree In the woods. You are real enough . -;ii 1 can aee why you chain -!lon the book of realism, but you will have to stiwrw tive your procession before I grant tlie .i;u-e that you claim." Then the hickory -waved his topmost brnnvhea nnd through my woods came a motley throng like none other the., ever walked this, earth before or tnficr agailin. There wan youth, there was sti-eng-th. Metre was beauty, there was truth, there wras a little Joy, but far ,mire mmi,. whie ovcr hunK n idork ckmd of shame that darkened the enure mmo amci eveiry instant bs'imc more kvwerlng und mwvaclns;; aharne for lies, shame for lust. hame for broken . shame for theft, ahamo for mur der, shame for pollution of the soul. My heart was anxious and afrad as I watched the passlnsr of Jean Vallean and the vlenr of WakehVhU Jane Evre. I ami jumi nainAX Were mure haartUng; ltarnahy Budge, Wtth his ruven trudged past In silence, silns Uip htun was telling the Virginian his troubles, the recording angel walkasl with ahumi!r atep and outstretched hands ami even before her closed eyea 1 pulled my sk.rts lower, while the Iron Woman stnetohed a Arm hand to steady her. The Pastor's Wlfs and the Circuit Rider's Wife wore telling each other their troubles, for It could easily be seen that all of thorn had troubles, hut they seemed decent folk, not with out hope, and 1 might have granted the rii kory's contetftkm if It had not been hat close I .eh u si thvm came a sicken ing group, the lying, cheating, Intrigu ing women, the Becky Sharps and Lily Iftirts ,f fiction Then tall and sombre, with set eyea and sealed lips walked the tragic figure Of li ster FrytUMt and by her aide Lyn dgll of the African Farm ; Lyndall. who gave all f.rr love and then spread her cloak against the rain over a tiny mound, and refusing protection und shelter went out aloira to Join the pro cession now passing through my woods, because the man she loved had not loved her eniough In return not to dislionor her Next come three spaounvna of superb manhood, Tito Mek-ma, Axthur Homiahorne and Iorlan Uray. ami their shadows follow .si shivering In three little golden haired, pink child women, with tear blistered taam, Strug gl ug to choke down aobe they could not control. And close behind came Tess of the Dl'rbervllles, Anna Karenlna, and He, hi., (iabler, and then a throng of re membered names and faces, from Itahab on the wnlls of Jericho, down to the last nar.ot Intimately described in the realms of realism, until I hid mv face and cried aloud for very shame s sake Hut that was not all. for through the golden darkness of closed lids drifted by another host, visions evoked by those passing, nameless wraiths, victims of sins so scarlet they dare not be painted or described. Since even realism at Its worst dues not deal with the ultimate evil. I wondered why It Is necessary to rile the pool and skim the froth for our edification, when the deeps are pro tected by law. for thank Ood there Is a law that shields human nature from It self and suppresses tho history of the superlative degree of the Dorian drays When I hoped that the last gaunt f.irm hu.l l..ft ,1... ...... I 1 a. i I ...J. - "a , " Jl. . "ESs SL'T .L"' aim luunni ui . nut 1 imumi Wiai ,1,.. 1. T , - . I left on my soul In an Indelible stain. I was forced to question whether as it ! passed on. to be studied In minute de- tall by the world outside, the lesson It ; taught might not quite aa often be one of unbridled license, since It made the whole world appeal hopelessly corrupt, as a factor for good. 1 was quite will ing to grant that the hope to do good had IirulllDted the maiorltv nf the work but the majority was pitifully small and I nothing but putrescence of mind could account for the remainder It also ap- ' pealed to me that no Fagln of the slums, of our greatest cltle ever gave such , realistic lessons In the gentle rt of be-1 Ing a thief and no procuress ever I painted more glowing pictures than I i muse io la iiiuiiu un me pages (l moni of these books. Just then a (lender rough little cone dropped at my feet and I picked it up to find that It was literally bursting with good seed, seed that would scatter from it over the forest Moor and grow new trees wherever it went. "Where do you come from':" I aeked. "Look up!" called a lusty tree voice above me, so 1 raised my .eyes, hut be ing stiff hy nature, my neck would not bend far enough to sue to the top of that tree; I was forced to arise and step far back Itl order to see the crown of the tallest tree of the wood, but In it I recognized the friend of a lifetime. "I know you have something to tell me." 1 said. "Whn are your charac teristics and for whut book do you stand ''" Said tulip poplar: "My merits are few. but you might consider them. From the lake you can see my head tnw-criiitf hlirh above vour other trees. Not another has n body so straight, a In art of sui h pure gold. Test my wood und it will warm or shelter you , see my leaves, the cleanest cut and the largest, remember my head each year covered Willi big creamy flowers with which no oilier bloom of the wood can compare Itl slxe, whiteness and perfume." "Oood!" 1 cried. "You know tulip, I love you. You are an Ideal tree. Come anl tell me for which book do you stand ?" "For the book of pure Ideallam," an nwered tulip poplar. "I stand for the tallest, stralghteat book In the world. With a heart of gold, a head of beauty nd sweetness for every empty 'heart." "Rut tulip," I Objected. "That's too nood to b true. No one will believe It. "Hut am I not here to prove it?" asked tulip "Examine me and see for your self." "For myself. I know, tulip." I an swered. "You live in my wood. If people come her 1 can provs you aro true and so can tney wirn Trnom you live elsewhere, but you aro very pro vincial you know, you will persist In clinging to a spot you llhe; very few people In the world know tubout you." "Then you tell them." sold the tulip. "But I hove." I Instated, "and they any I am mhitaken ; that you are not o tall, not sn straight, your heart doen't ahow on th outside, you ar only known In a few localities and your perfume Is much too sweet." "ITor hundreds of years I Huw been here," anewered the tulip, "men can se for themselves If they wUI look ; and be oauae there are ao few of me I must make my perfume all th aweeter that the wlnda of earth may carry It whr there 1 none." . That Is all true." I errd. ut you know tulip, you perfectly wU know, that people p relit in awing you are loo good to be true." "Yes I know," W1 th tulip, but be cause there are not o many of my kind .i.- not nrov that I am not toera and In oilier forest of earth quite 4U the aspen, maple and hickory know that." . . truly You ireed, "1 moat ceriouiir - people who are not familiars) of the . forest." "That t can," said the tulip. "Only j watch my book processional!" . Then throuxh mv wood 001110 trooping i a great company of men and woman nnd a countless Boil of children. Ivich lover had his arm around his sweelhcit'. t, each man saved his kisses lor his wife, tach child almost alWWyfe obayad its jiaients, because It nlwns had been so taucht. hvery one of .them did the level heat I they knew and all of them knew forty ways for Sunday to be kind and clean and true, and every one of them fill out of the procession and plumped ilowu on logs and stones and acted as much at home In ,lnUerl'ist WOOdg gg if they had been bom there and always meant to remain. Looking closely 1 that some of them had sorrow COUId sen j gild goma bore 'heavy luirdens. some were old and a very few were had, but all of them looked as If they were going to try to Jo toetter In w minute, because it must luivs been haul work to be had in that com pany, for they all laughed, even those who seemed most heavily hurdeiicd, and they loved nnd walked unashamed. All the strong folk helped the weak, all the glad folk shared their Joy, till the clean folk shone like stars, so that otth rs could easily see to follow by their light, Darrell of the blessed Isles, headed that procession. I never could name the half of It. but while tin y paused I saw hosts I knew. Sir Galahad and Ml grim. Little Lord Faunthroy and the Beloved Vagabond. Father and Mother, and Mother t'any carefully guarding her chickens. Stella Marls and Kehx O'liay. the whole of Friendship Milage and all of Doctor Lavender's people, the i Irandlsslmes and every clean, decent character of every book you ever read with unalloyed pleasure ini'V iiiiki'u anil i.iiiki.i'i ,i ,u sang and loved until all the wood became so sweet the half -dormant bees a Wakened j and began making honey until every bee tree dripped sweetness and all the woods grew so bright that every leaf ' and lichen, each llower and l.uttci tly ' and bit of moss and blade of grass be ! came a miracle and all the birds of ' summer came back so that such singing you never heard. Adam and Qeorgtana hung their heads when a Kentucky car I dlnai flew after them whistling, "lea 'here! Kee here!" until his mate felt so ! sorry for them she pulled his feathers I to atop him. No doubt she would have i b' with shame, but she and I knew that tlo.1 h.ul mad her gray to start with and the blush never would I have worked Its way Ui rough the I feathers. Then the queerest thing happened Into all that light and song came dear ! old Aristophanes listening to the chorus of the birds, Phexli-us sit m a log and I told a group of children about tin- Htm and the Mouse, the Frogs and Uie Sun; .FJsop told nil bis fables to others of them and I was delighti-d to that Audubon had sold his gun and bough' Held I glasses nnd a camera wtlh the proceed! I Emerson leaned against a pine an t I looked at It lovingly as If he -were thmU I Ing poetry and Thoreau was show ing I everybody a million things they never 1 had seen before, when all of us saw a i vision. The trees faded and straight 1 down a wall of sheer ice cam John , Mulr. cutting his way for etch step ' and carrying Dr. Hall Young between his teeth ami when he had reached I earth and revived his friend tha mighty I man of the avalanche fell on his knees before a tiny flower and cried: "Ah. my' ' little sweetheart. I thought I d find you 'here!" and to another. "YOU are lost. 1 my dear, you belong In Tennessee " Then In the utmost harmony the laewi , Istlc folk and the misters of Wtna Ion slowly drifted away together, and i f.-i nflfl so I sprang up ami ran wnvr them, for Pa (llsdd.ti and Polyannit were not ret from sight: but something again rapped i smartly on the head.i . and I paused In anger. Who is taking a w haok at me now 1 I cried. , i "I am." answered white oak "It time for some of Og to stop von, and aa I am the strongest and oldest tree in our woods of course 1 am the wise" so 1 dropped that ncm to . all your 11 teniion io me Don't you run off after nnv of those book folk. You stay right , . , ,. l...i,.f,e kifta .. fliesn wood. when. V--tl belom. Hut I have bo find out wn h of t hem i are liest." T urged. "You Httle fool," cried white laughing tlmiugli nil his mil branches, "can't you see that llfi n, ,,ia on of al! of them" Each i ak. My 11 the tost hook in Its own w.iv. ea m r II. onrnivse I'll acconip'. ish.-s Its erni No head, or heart, or library la tom nlsta w ithout all of them, for all :i ' parts of life; hut for heavens sake don'i attempt to try out nil of Ihetn before the same isiurt. Judge eat!h for; ) tt is and you Will Und most 0 them good." ..,( eotUM." 1 Orled Joyously "How gttiptd of me not to have seen that for myaalf I'll go buy a thousand and pUI .11 .if them mv Khe.v "Ksy iioa. OaUUOnea wnr.e wn. "Don't be so emotional I wouldn't for the world hurt any one's feelings, l.u' .-.., filoser while I whisper this Warn ing to you. Whan you reach of realism ch.sise only the kind that have husks easy II the book. s'i isjtjerk take off. thin shells nnd are pickisi So'.ld lull of line, sweet meat just like a platfus ron hard, mocker nut boohs shim those hlg. thgl are l"1" Htm. wnson IS Bllirosi i'" puxelt.le to remove. Shells so hned V ' will scarcely he able to crack them, and if you do almogi always you find no kernel at all or "nn poisoned with i worm from Its budding'' 1 looked up at the giant oid oak and for the first time saw that lie had a few dead branehes at the top. "Sorehead ! ' 1 jeered "You mind what 1 say." retorted White nak "or you may be struck by llghinliii; harder than 1t hit me Cnpyrliihii d tiy ; mc Xroflos-f'nrf'r. By GEORGE BR0NS0N -HOWARD j Tlie trouble with the American novel of to-dav Is the Ten yetUg ago I nubhahod mv first bisik la chain of hn. signlfliiant tlotion a "Serte," eoeh ixmceirnlng a more than mortal Bjwn). NEW FICTION TASTES OF Conlinufi from Strond Paot a moral problem The story la oolortd by a sin dig feeling for nature and man's relation to it and by much cheer- . J ..htloaotlhV The A vW xtaru t liouos-aici i ow . fly Allele Wlelwlnil. An gOCOUnl of a nurse s experiences on th! battle front of the great war, which Is said to be DaOOtl entirely on fact. The heroine is nn American girl of Krench descent who enlists lor in u Cross service. An Fnclisn captain ana a German I'llnee make love lo her and their rivalry makes 'her the plot centre of the contending armies rhmr Tu 4h ( Derail i fly Arnold fleniwff. The long waited Mmpletion ,f In Claylianger ullony-uhe ai-ry of the marriage of Kdwtn Clayimiiger snd Hilda I.essways In which the author describes m slern miirrlnge -with u de tail roininirablo to tliat of "The Hid Wives' Tale." 7s hrtrlH iul (Sorlbner's) fly John fj0fs40riV, In this, Mr. (ialsworthy's Igtggl novel, he has found a wider scope for hi talent than In any of his previ. ui IkmiUh. The 4t4ry, whlcli Involves a delicate ro miunoo'lof young love, is an eriwltlon tiha'doolal alt nation in Kngland with ular regard to th land gaioMem. Soon afterword, about the av of 21. I won steadily in demand for ' (.erics'' a nd novelettes at :i cents tuid 2 cents PtT word respectively. And as I made wh DM of tlie series at 10. Oml words. and as each novelette was no lens titan 10,000 words, I got ti'tO per mstalnvnt for "scries" and no less Uian IlifM for novelettes. To in. ike ?LTi0 took about a week (If you MUM i lyinges rn.uls ta order and ti few n l tions). To make l.lni tooK a month. less It Just go happened that my more than mortal "series" hero iad caught on Soon 1 was getting 3T0 and 4'in for tales about him Imaglno a youngster Commanding such prloaa for mere narra tions; t.ilee) .if lmioswihl feits; In mv gggg sintalnJug some real kxiij rxilor (It g true) and some slight attempts nt char bCtortaallOn. Hut I never iieTmitted another wlume of my hero s feats to be republished, despite publlshom' ofToiw. Tlio su)ie nag for ti e f..w serials I WTOta 1 puh lislie.1 my first ser'al In tsiok form soon nfter mv first tssik. The rest Mo Im bedded in tlie A lag of certain magaalnes. , i remember itaiph T. Halo (than of tin- DobmMeTrlU Company) coming to j Baltimore, where I then lived, nnd , paMUnf an nft. rn.ion trying to ivnvln. e Hi" 1 should touch up each one of my aerials, as 1 had done the first, also some novelettea, and have them reissued in tsmk form, as Vance and Mesdann s ltower and Kinehart were doing, Willi whom 1 shared serial honors at the ttriiw. Hut i thouirhi rim "I expect lo lie able novels some day," I said to wrlto real i "An.! it w,ii 1 i-. hwi i, ...i 1,. .Tuivm.-e nnvlsslv thev 1 ale real with a long string of ph aulas- ma aorta on m- I lag. Anyhow, l haven't tha heart in polish pggnutg. Tlie peanut Is a O0d reliable bit of foodstuff, so is tills Stuff I'm doing now. Hut It Is no Is'tter for any purpose whatsoever. If one spends days polishing Its even 1 ahell like a lapidary i What I said was something like that. an) how.) I waited four year befom publishing my next hook. "An Knetny to Society," a piece of work Unit Wa miles in ad vance of the other two. Hut even that was marred by serial requirement 1 introduced totally unnecessary "love interest" nnd a number of artificial scenes purely for serial purpose. Hut I had l ot th urage to leiuse 1'i.OOft for the serial rights, and s" allowed myself to be convinced that said "heart In tereat" and said artificial eeenew were in -cssary. Then 1 suddenly stapiied deceiving myself. I hid written plays which did I...- ltd their neck to any yoke. 1 vi.. I do my net HovOl without even thinking of an fidttor s existence. I : : e,. and have at last the knowl sdge that l hav done something thai can Stand the Brrftlafl I'" of a novel t e test of being damned because It 1s "American. " There is not an American writer if to-day i of any consequence ) who w ill not Is'ar me out that while for his pookstbook he can 111 afford to dis regard serlaJixatlon, for his best work he can 111 afford net to Any one skilled In the editor's code ciin skim through nn otherwise sicnifl canl novel and show you where hurtful characters, scenes and dialogue nave been Inserted (or helpful ones eilml- nated). with magaginea paying the nuge prices they do nowadays i twi. e ns much as when I was a steady contrib utor), It require a real ggcrlncg, some time a gacrlBM that brings a well known man actually clns0 to poverty. to do novels 'hat have no serial chance i-vr to uo a novel i a reai nwvii r--gulrc no less thsn a year of stegdy work . a year of .in" d, ten m twelve luairs a .lay 1 was considered a rapid wr,.r I hav written 10,000 word toH( n a dav . yet It took ine two and o half us t. do "tl nl Man." a ,000 word book. I suppose I wrote ,i million words to get that 2 10,000 In I's final fln'slnd shape, however. And the worst of It all Is that one lose i ne' kr.aok for the rubber stnmg type of story the maaTag res. in the main, wnnt. Once 1 Wag able to leave off working on serious play to write "re vues" like "Tile Pissing Show of 1112," "Broadway to Paris." ftc . but I doubt my ability to do so any nn re. Say. lather. I doubt my ab.llty to I make myself see the necessity of doing s'.i. h work. lor. by keeping away from certain themes, a writer liny retain 111 I stiil do short stories for' self-respect and tin- magaalne, if lie carefully eel. els the time and pla.e for Writing and sell ing. To return to our original tubjei t mat ter. Outald of exceptional ease of writer with well established clienteles the mag tglnadeslrei to aoqtilr f Church ill's for IngtAno). outside of exceptional comedies (Ilk "H. I!.") and novel whose schema permits sti Ignoring of the tortuous in human affairs (like "The Turmoil"), outside of ggeopttonal well worked up advertising "plants" like Susan Lenox" and a fea- other ex nnpl una, the GtlgOOSg are ten to one , , In good' sertalg being good nov els. Ai d good novels when publish ally aie often not good novels; to the cuts. I remember when ed serl 1 hanks this Bungay" was published serially . nint iv. At b :ist 100 pages fr the ceuire of tho book wore sliml naiad at one fell SWOOp all trace of young FOCI" derevo's tlrst marriage, and Die liaison following it. w.-re entirely eliminated s.. the "first lov stuff" with the Honorable Miss S'ormanby svuld begin and end the book. When they will do that with II. Q Wolls, the tirst Kngllsh writing novelist of the "lay, you will see that a great name does not pacify the liourgeoisa who pay 15 rent per copy, not when their "idlers' of what ought to ho are threatened. Willi h makes it difficult for him WibO lust! lor the ISgyptlan purple of maga- i glne prices (and Who hns the uhility i mmand high one). That is. if he would give to life end letters the best that is In him. TO SUIT ALL READERS in tne i h araoterg of this book we 'e the suffering men and women who have be en me siavi s of tne soli. The whole pre. si in .-; a vivid plnturs of the relics of (eudnllsm which persist in Bngtand to day nnd throw llgbl on the rpong of th middle rlngg to the cull to arms. i Young Ifaw'i Yrar (Apple ton), i A Bisotty Hops. The ove stoi or a young man and ihe romance of his start in life, lie he bis fir! ense, hei'omrs Interested in a married woman, u la upon bad mivice nnd loses all his money before he settles down iii the country mid winds up hie love affair lUCCeiSfUlly all in a year. ttieky .Vim. Bcrvtl (AppUton) Jiy Bli" Avthftt Qutller-OQUch, A Mftllmslcal tale of a quaint longs ghori "la" mid bis struggles In get rich Slid into the Ruropean war as well. Tin re are many a uiiisltii,' complications, amusing chnracleis and tho cheerful nt moaphera of a Utile Kngllsh coast il ia ge. Ihunn ggBSB4 ' Knopf). By glaawlaii frybggtMfti translation of what Is considered Ihe niual luipurtgnl work of the gragteal liv ing 1'olish wilier. Who has streped him self so thoroughly in the literature and philosophy of (lerinnuy and other isniii trlas that his work is said to ba msirkeil by n 4Ugloul4kr locality, Usui I aans nnd of no one place Thn Old Ontrr Mend). ChnnprtK (T'odd. liu 4fcW0oM Vafgagla A story delineating the charai'fers, habltg and lives f members of the old Kngllsh county grist OCfacy. The plot centre ubiuit the last mejMbOf of nn Important old family who Is by his ex travagance forced to sell nil estate to a self-made man of millions. Histories! Romance i Knnfasr Thr Fortunri nf Onrln ( Hrnjghtoti i Ml Mln) Bu Mnry Ofltttlo. The si ene is laid In the romantic j hnckgiounil of southern Frin e In the I time of the crusades the time of trou- bgdOttrg and Ideals of chivalry. The i hero, scion of a poor but noblo fiimlly comes back from the Holy Land to ; fight for the "ugly princess." whom he Anally discovers to be the sime girl he I had rescued years liefore. BaltOftM, thr Smi'h (UttlOi Hrown). ?! Jrffrry Ftimnl. I A "roiinince of tne greenwood,'' In ! which a young smith, versed in nothing I mors worldly than woodcraft and nn 1 c!cnt philosophies, learns sw.ndpliy and j horsemanship and goes forth to meet amaxing adventures nnd love. The tali Is crowded with Incident, rollicking humor and quaint philosophy. 7'ftr ffmy Da teg (DouMeday. Page) I110 second volume in the aulhor's California trilogy. A store of romance and nd ciiTnre Murine lirilanto times when men uvea big. einisidylng rnnrao ters who laid th foundations of the .State w emerged from the s thing. unformed muss of 'OO, fkg OfOffowO It'istnl (l.anel. Hy Utttn Huixlly .SfrCnrthy. Pari " the see: e. i .. hero our old friend I ancot Villon, the little man with the msntTr tK.dy. twisted spirit and lively mi; d. who was . of the great isieis of the world. Here he Is shown l: his youth. In the days when he learned to live and write verses to In love with love, to m ike friends with princes and cutthroats. Iltil o' thr roust, es I RevellV Hy .". It Cro-knt A sto-y of the days of Cromwell, when the dogs of wnr w re let loose in llng gh meadows. The author In this last lory of his drew a splendid portrait of Cromwell and deputed lidly the cane of the struggle between Cavalier ami Roundhaad, Senllment sntl .orobe Ifeifdfei heer. i Retll Th Brltton). B$ Lettng Darrysigle, A "character story" setting foith a I roroence of old fashioned sentiment w ith I modern oompllcatlona The KmddlerH Ibecaus of his fondneaa for certain ' young people and because of his Innate I lov for matohtnaklng nualsg himself with a cluster of love affairs Poliyosga Orowi f ;i ( PagfO) tty Btl ntuir II. Port, r A se oml "glad book'' in which the optimistic little heroine 1 found In new environment, encountering new eg-tH-rleiiccs and new chara' lers She en counters Prince Charming of routgo l , the latter half of tlie ta.e deals her romance. with i Wi n .11 Skip Comi Ho .'iy r-liiro ff, (lOSpkN Two children in childish , ii,...m ( Keven I fancy con- eelve of their h .vlng each gaim nt snip out on the o sanS "f the world. eirrv!ng a wonderful eirgi of everything they I want nnd lev most Tear slip by until or.e day when the children ar grown their grip : tnike ssfn 1 1 arbor, Ann' of thr tilomd i Pag i I Bu . U. Ifoatpomery. Anne, popularly known as being "of flreen Oablss" and nls.i "of Avonleg," r.ow comes back to tell of her life at college t'd of her romance "back home" on the IsWr.d This herolres previous have sold oer hnlf a million copies. I'S lloiikic of ROMStoad Punrs (Dodd, Meld) ii u Rack A wealthy and busy youi g lad wiltes i her lov letieis per in r social Moretary Thus a playful love story and a tea. lov. storv work out Side by side, with tan girls and one man Involved, lhr ,.,, Ooggofs (Pag) By .Viiifum OaMelcr. A rem l no set nt the time . tension between Venice and C nopls, wbloh culminated In the i rus.ide and the Lsvtln oonuuest slant inople The adVOlHUre of de Veie. sent to lake the I.idy ' treat nstantl- Fourth of fon- Audran 1 Ilea nor from the wit, raplt il, form ics cauldron or ensures tlie theme tMljf of the world in the wurld. music: and pulfit topics in churches to-morrow OU3 TRfNITT - Th.' It' Manning will pr, a. h ti A .M . the llev. li.iuni n,.i.h ..i .". Sn I'. M ui I ir W on, at row n Kin) u ill R. the R ?.. . .. ... ti 1. M BUia w in praaai s ' UAHUBMNKW YultK PHI Clll il II -Al i 1 A H . 'Thi JHYTKHIAN W ursolic ef u ilreat l hureli HHOAOV) At TABH1UN - I K rtfty-tltth aneet. rh pastor, ih lr CharlM K. Jefferson "i I preh A M. nd P. il ' - sllimii i II till! I'.. I io-' Will liu t" lllldttti l-l l-1 14 AVKN'tm I'liU-'lDTHlil N clll It' II -l ull-r K.ft r.l'li :r.-ei lie" Itev Dr. J II Jowtt) the psi er, will prvaih nl b-ith ": Tl .dT.riiig w, . t.e f..r tin Asaentoly'a' Board of Kdui'stnui, M. n's Blbla class st lu A. al. The mid week iitii.e in ib eliapel mi ilednesday evening at 1:11 r. Al. will n conducted p nbST'thoikiHT -Academy Mall. Ill West geventy-nlntb street, 'a. pryettoiij UmK win nn ilia aubleel ef Ulss nil I Walts si 11 ?Vloog lo.morri. mining. l AI.Yasl i in ni ii i . Tsenty-nrsl street 11 a m . morning prayer, iermon, bjectl "The servles Rendered by ih grnt "f Hod i v r M el 111111 SIM 11 MPmeg, abjcti T He V;.l of Mv 0I" H ue " tiT AUNBM .'II Al'lil- -Trlrny Palish Weal Niii. i v -acc.iu.i street. The Rev, Dr. W. W. lleillliser will prineli ill Hi 11 'i'-iiri'-'iV"'.!- rnm uRagtAH i-ark avenue at Thirty-fourth sue". I'hs Ran John lluio' Holmes will preaeh lo-ninr-ra at It A. at. gulijei I : "Tinea of HgT,,XNDREW'g MBTHOD10T fHI KCH Wi geventy-lth street. Tha itev. red Wlnelow Adam, p.o.r. Al 11 end I lyanli.s -.nn n. "There I- a Ha" JOHN ST UK. I IT M K fHI It'll t. sfl at 11 anil 7 : 30 ine nv lafwi n Streelel .i ' ' will pir.i.h. W AKtllNllTON HriUHITS Ft A P Tl RT riirni'll Oenvent avenui el With street, Tim aiiiiiiMi ohurrh aclal will be heM on Tuesd i v evenliiK m;v rm m il (HWRPRKIIORatAN) -it Thlrli filth -ii' ' i" Bmyth wi.i Drrsrh lo-morrow at il oVIoeg; lubiect. "iDlrltual Reviving" Admlnleiratlon "f llw Holy CotlimU n lOllOWlllg tha -er.h,' ttCHOOI. OP THB nU'IliUHIlH 1 III Well -i. . . io a ishi h atieei HerA'leei oonduoted by u paraulial pupil of JUdRt T T: I Lsoturs to-morrow meuuiiK at ii o'ciuik and tvtry in imllll "I the same hour ex dspI gaturday. urn i.miwav PIlRIBTTBRIAN CHURCH -I'oriier Huh stre.t. There will b ser vices tn eslsbrsta th- completion "f iv jsn year- nf w all et ih.' ii". in Walter Inn, i hi ftliehiinan. the ptar Pf, Hu ohanaa will prrh n annlvareary topic. "MbeneSer. I" th" evening the iscrsd canttBi "Ituth." will be rendered by the quartel and Imv.' choir The iti. I t'rnm and Neighborhood Qulld will meet mi Thuraibiv nuiriilng of the present wa, k nt lit n'elook In ih, i-hapi''. I'MTV glVIRTV nl-' PRACTICAL en ii is ti mtv Itl Madison avenue Mrs. Van Metf win speak to merrow at 11 p'oiacll mi " I'lie Rsalnt of I'b'iii " Mrs. Prdrlc I i.-iin iu -'ng At :: o'cl ick mi Mond) -Mrs an Mai ler's liipie will ba 'Ahunden) Life" Nuns silence daily, i'AI.VAHV HAPTIMT CHURCH- -West l-IIty lVllth itrel The llev. Dr. Kemp p.islar. will prl'h In-lnnlrnw ,il both ner- Vioea Th grlday ei.ntnK ptayer ment- lllg are M MUM in AVRNUM MKTIIOIHKT 10IMM COf AX, CUUHOU -Curnar flailmh an act BIDDLE WRESTS CUP AWAY FROM INMAN Aniioxcs llnmoMtoad ChRllenpc Trophy. Kontlns: Man Who Ifpld Tt Two Years. THREE SETS SUFFICIENT Hot HrniNos, Va . Oct. HI. Craig Btddll of I'liHadelrdyln. wlnmer yeater dny Of the men's singles, defeated to-dav Frisl C. Inman of Now York, hrildor for two yenrs of the Homestead Challenge ""lip. The scorn was 6 4. B 01. The iwe MH fast for the first two setta, but 1n the third Itlddlo had things hlH own way. The weather was warm and the court fast. The point ecore: FII1.T PUT .114 2 4 I 4 I 4) I RBjcotfO MW 114414)11 1411414 TitiitK si-rr. 14 4 4 Inman Hid lie 1 17 4 II In ninn HI. Idle Inman . Diddle 4 1 I 14 I 4 I II I Miss I'.'.ismora Scans and Miss Marlon Feiwio of Itoston won the finals In w -omen's doubles, defeating Mrs. Ilawwon WiksI and Mrs. J. Harvey Williams of Now York. 6 I, 67. S 2. In 'he remaining half of rhe semi finals of mixed doubles Miss Fenno and Hoimci S. Prentice tieat Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Williams, I t. 6 I, and will play t morrow against Miss Sears aisl I i'i.-i g I'.lddle for the cup honors. The final In men's doubles, with .1. Appll n Allen and McKee Dunn against Craig Habile an t lldgar Mcott, 1s set for to-morrow morning. In eonaolatlon singles Heng-y il-letcher ilcfaul'ed to Karl liodge and Dewees Inl WOP li lo Kiolding V. Jnokaon. J. llar v.'v MfHllnms beal AltsTt M. Kerr, g o, I 0, nnd Oeorgi Rtohnrd heat J. a. M.igulre. 6 0, 4 2. MUS. BARGER WALLACH VICTOR. Defeats Miss Vanderhnef In Final ' 1 of West Side Toorner. Mr- H.irger Wallach defeated Miss M.Lrlon 'anderh,eiC yesterday In the final round nf the West BIOS Tennis ('lab championship tournament In the i 'lass A division. She took two acts to 01 . et 8 I, B 7, il- :t, and thereby car risd off the club tnle Miss Vanderhoef OOuld riot get going at all In the opening set and It was until tin. seoie stood 4 :t againat ner In the SSOOnd that she played anything Uks the game of which she is ngipgjhlai Miss Vonderhoa-f t.silc tiie lead In that set at 5 4. and fter Mrs. Wallach hail brought It to deuce t iok the necessary gana-s to wdn the set In the third e.-t her game, fell sway off. Ufa, Siienivr Fullerton Weaver, who won the doubles chamlonhtf with Mrs Theodore Cagsabesr hist year, retreated , .... ,, , . r. . -. i with Mm Itol-irt A. Pope a her part- ner. Th winners defeated Mrs. J Hlancha-d and Mrs. tleorg de (lersdorff in the tlnal round In straight sets i - 1, 4--.1 Mrs Pojsi was runner last year with Miss Oer'rtide ! CARELESS ONLY SHORT TIME. Vilas GrOTS Slid .Mrs. 1 1 bourne Io Heller In Third Set and Win. .M.h Margaret OrOVO and Mrs Percy W irne reaohed the seml-nnal round yesterday in the invitation women's Iblei it the H, Iford Park levn Ten nla Club by defeating Mrs l" w Jen king id Mrs. W. H. Voaa tw seta ' 01 al I I, 2 li H. The winners excelled their rl-als a bit in every de- t 01 the game. That they lost I..- second f-et was due to their lack of , ire .:i playing the soft strokes of Mrs Jenkins and Mr. Vos. Tl nly olhef match of the day was in the ilrst round of the mused doubles. Il ri lulled in Victory tor Miss Marie vi .. r , d Albert J. i Wtend irf over M. i Foster and K'.llot Blngla Miss Wagner and Ostsndorf played some of . besl tennis seen Itl the totlfltgmonl and took their mnlch In straight seta a: I 1. I J. Tho cornmlltee plans to . i tne women doubles to day and the mixed doubles to. mo mow I "1 lit.. I XI .1 . Tlo. I.aslo ..i P, M A M . iiTi,iii. Tha Has Worth M in., preach at ll a. m uu.i in si jdsota BUndey school, lien s llihl'i rliisa. prof, Rob I, w.-iuins Hliile .Mlaa u Hot l. lliarlna in.iiKlua. lu A. Al . yuuntf peu- 1- e - psi no hour. a. an p. M. Mon.lav ii in eervica, t a. Al . pryr meetlna, U . In. 4U) . i P SI. Ml n.-n'ol.lTlN TKMPl.K Bsvanth ivauu . '. Kourteenth mrvet. noma s . h erlna d) will be velebrated An uiniatial pi gi mime has bB i - p . - -1 for tha v i 1 i; pervl The Rev, . C Marshall s praei h In the nunri.ii on "Tlia Cbrls i n. i i'!i ot .iii.i Compass ajil st 4 l'. M. "la -he world Urowlng Woreef" with in, ti. ni picturei M AUL-UN IVKNVB H apt 1ST CHURCH Corner Thirty llrl str.-el Tha Hav CI ii si g i lylor. ptstor .if tha Sei'ond L'ungregsdoDsi Church of ureeowica, L'unn.. will ui'.'uny tlia pulpit. i 1 ItHHAH AlilTHi il'is-f 1-U'lsrorAl. nil in II Marlon avtnue, Twenty-third nihil i iry, il A My ihe Rv, Cyrua W. Ilansoun, Uuruia. h p ,M . tha Hev. .1. Lewis Huts.. ,-k. NfW York. KT UAIITHUUuMBW'g CHUHCH M i I Won . ntie at Kiirty-fourth Itreet. At in- i o'clock service en four su. i-easiv -nel.. ftftsrnoona, bglQ4UBg in -morrow, 11. i ' i-.,hn'a "EUJah." K.issl- MI-THulllST KPtiaCOPAI. rill'ltoil nrooklyn Tha Edna Wbrt In mpel 0Urtl will piny at the availing service ! morrow. Tha iiev Ira Went- ItendarSuo, paator. will preach on ht-a Irom n Live Wire " llanry Wi at i. nn win lorrrmiondriii of the llrook- K lyll A'SgfCi will apeuk un Sunday availing. o. lobar ;4. i ki.i: s VNAUinjUK Osrnsgl) Hull l 11 a' In, u to marrow morning at c':ir licgifl Hull Dr. Wise will Kile Ilia .-...i. l r -wa a idressei en "Parent or rhlij-en: w 1 ltei.ii.nslhia ?' KOUIITH I'UKKHYTHIll AN COTUROH West un. i avenue at Ninetyanrel ptreet. Mlbi Sin, ,1 iv win be observed io-inorrow. Ths paator, tr, Rdgar Whltaker Work, win preach i tmih morning au.l avemiig services I'Olil.RHATH CHURCH UK HT Mi'.H OLAJ -.Fifth avenue at Fsrty-elghtk iti The Rev i r Malcolm Jamee Ago- Lod. tnlnlster. will pruaeh morning and tvening Morning aubjr.-t: "Tha llai-k-allder ,i Crrltleitm, livening aubjsct: "The It iPkalldsr "Wah-oma." HT iM i.s en apici, Columbia t'ni verlty. The praai tier at the retular 4 o'clock servl. w ill be tha Rev, Archibald u Munflid, uperlnlBdent of the ses- men'a hut h Institute of N.w York A thorl organ reoltal hv Prof Walter Henry Hall, nrgiinlst, will 'allow the aer.esoe. M A II III. K COlA.MaiATfi CHlTtni -Klfttl avenue at Twenty-ninth street. In I'n. in . i i b.g at II O'clock Dr. Jurri. will preach ir on the ihwne, "The lleipieaannae ,r the Almighty." At s P M . the aub- l.',-t of hi- rm0B will be rSkp the Com- ni iiiilineiits " IIIMII.TON ORANORR IlK.FOU.MKn I'lii'itcii Oonvent avenue at tilth street. The iiiliilatar. Iir. Paul Selhert l.elnhaeh, will pretnh at both eervleaa. Ill- i ham nt 11 A If. w ill be: "Through 'I nil lo Triumph'1 and at 4 P. M , "A Ho. k for Needy Hmils " ST. PAln.'g MKTHOIHST Cllllltni Wssl Hnd avenue nt Klghty-llltn street. "Shall I Prink?'1 will In. ilia evening sub- .le. t et in chsrlea i.. Deodelf i'Ht"RfH nl'' THR HRAiIilNfl CHRIHT lliin-i MeAlpln. Tha nret meeting of ths Students AeenataHofl of the l-hureh will b held riext Weilneaitay evening at 4:1a. f.M.VAUY .MBTIIODiaT I'HUIU'H gev entb svenue. at 114th etreeu Anniversary MAT DIRECT TAKES LAST RACE Owtwaeaa Patrick M. la Kitrs Reil Of Continued Contest. I.bxinoton, Ky., Oct. IS. My winning the third heat to-day in the second di vision of the 2 in pace, carried over from yesterday.. May Direct took the last race on the 1916 Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Association card. May Direct and Patrick M. each won a heat yester day. Second money In the race went to Patrick M. Sixteen of eighteen starter lowered their records this nfternoon at the breeders' meeting. Ktawah and Na poleon Direct furnished the stellar per formances. Ktawah, going to beat 'i :0.H4, clipped a quarter second from his previous mark, with the score by quar ters as follows: llllH, ItMHi llfsH and 2 lOt, Nopolenn Direct was unable to lower his mark of 2:00. His time for the mile by quarters was 0:Sfl, 1:0ft, 1:31, 2:014. Both were driven by Kd fleers, who also drove .Straight Sail, three-year-old trotter, to a new mark of 2:08. FINE FIELDS READY FOR WIDENER MEET Maiiv of Rpst rross-fouiitrv IVrfornif-rs Kntorrd In Events nt Lynnowoorl Fiirm. Many of the best cross-country per formers sr entered for the Invitation race meet of Joseph K. Widen'-r, which will he held this afternoon on his private course ar i.ynnew.Hiu rnrm, r.iKins rars, Pa. The events are named after some of the famous st. eplechasers that have raced in the Widcner colors. The Collgny Steeplechase, o-, r a, course of two miles, has received a par- I liCUlarly high elas.- entry, including Kx- j ton. winner of the Brook cup at Piping Hock, and Bonny Laddie, which carried off the cup In the Piping Hock Sub Script ion Steeplechase on the same day. 1 the entries Tollow : First Ki-e-The Caller Piste: bandeau: tor nil ajes; six aisl a half furiolxs on lb 1 nit Armsment Alledo San tlo.1 it. Otto Kioto in 117 Culvert HI lit faker UI 1 $ Itodondo t.i 121 llntrrioe 1 10 loo mill Hlbbs !' 112 Crinobis. 134 i; li, m iff it') ill Avlatreee . .. . iji cum peon Valentini Msri'heiia y'MkKKile Mat. hfleld Mohonk At gOOf second Hee Tlie Chelti-ntiajn Steeplechase for maiikn three year old and upward ,.,. ,,. armur t wo onles . HI Alledo 14.'. Lons Stlllle . Is) Sandow 1 .' First I'n . , . 1".. Sixty Four. L'Alrlette Sarlhworsl Flying lieep Hull Moose Sure tiome '.IT 114 Third Rao The El Til. h.ilo Plate: three-year olds and iHiward; one mile an I A s.xlenth on the flat Hurueuot UOIDpablet 141 Coin 1 ii AbsemiikT .. . r4! Ileethoven IHAtSbQT - 1; - Armanwnt ..... ir.i'While Metal 1 " ' Itruiu Belle 149 rourtn Ka.e - me urniieworsi t na, (u(, sieenleehase: for hunters: al-iut Fourth Ra.e-The IgrBnewood Oiaileiixe miles and a half: Mamr naad Web Carter L.unptilB4-k folio ueror . . I M 1 Shannon IF? Knirht of Verrt lit Imlii ator Ml Mfrrr Man It.' Aleepo : macli and Whi'f. 14 111 in iti 1ST fur Fifth live -The Cnhcnr I faur rear oltla nd Upward I aa.l n ball Ileepleehees null s ' hannon iuver ui i renins Pickle Mali syimset Urease.'! Rule Thl-lle Qofdea vale . .. n.iisrt Oliver Rorthwoad ii Relenhanl H." O'Hear 14i Frtoii .. K.i 144 I 144 ; M I 11.' I 141 1 llonny Laddie ' "Wehlship Arehdale . .. HSi s.xth Kn.a Tin v iiminat r"aie: handi cap: for und hunters; one mile and I tire alirivntha on the flat fVncrarahian IT Mail ill Holly. 1J 111 Unit n BSD. Zsllwood ..'.l M'.a Oibb 114 Cloud i 1 Fine Prises for Amslenr Hoaera, rk A. fjf, announces th it Its amateur Isixing tour tvld In the club gymna her 21 nnd 23. are the ed for an amateur tour- The New Ti the ptiica for nnment, to be slum on Ortn best ever offei r cv gold Kach winner will receive a solid watch nnd Chain, tlie second m i'i ti 14 carat diamond lOgrf pin. and a die mislal will reward the loser In the semi-rtnal bouts of each class, The weights are Hi. !2n, 131 and 140 pound classes Kntrles close on Monday at the office of the Metropolitan Association. 21 Warren street, or at the New York A C clubhouse with Paul l ilgrlin day commemnrKting Its thirty second anniversary, will be bel 1 both morn ing and evening. Bpecll music by tti iiuurtet stnl vated choir, unu.r :l Iri , - tion of Prof Patterson Dr Morgan win spaak nt ihe morning service on tn.- sun Jct, "if l rorget Thee" and in tin eve iiitis en "The Lew ef laorease." WKsT-PAKK IsRBBBYTKHlAN I'liritdl Ametendam avenue ai Rtghty-etrth vreat. Tha Ret I'r Anthony H Bvans pr 1 i to-morrow ai 11 A II on "Christian Hope fulness " Tha Rr, I ir Anvon 1 Attir burv preaches at s p M. CATHBDRAL OP S'j' JOHN THK Dl V1NR The ureaoheri te-morrew will b ui. f, ,;.,, It A M . th- Right Re' Dr Nathaniel g. Thomas. Missr.nnry Bllhop nf Wyoming; 4 f m, the itutu Rev Dr. Prcderlck Coirstnay, r 'or - f st Jme i'arl-h. New Y"rk city BRICK PRRgBYTBRIAN CHURCH Fifth avenus at Thirti seventh street iir Merrill win preach at the ii o'clock aervlee on "National I'repiu i liiess." Ha will also praai h u: thi 4 o't ock Viper ervlce RRI.IOIOr 44)TICBB. Sarvb-aa are held In ihe following Christian Science Churches Sundays. 1 1 A.M. and 8P.M. WcdnMitayi.KP M. Flret Church. Central Park Weal A 94-h St. Pacini) Church. CMtrai l'ark West A t!th 01 Third Church. 12f.Hi 8t A Mallsoti Avenue. Iwurt'h Otittroh, Ft Waahtuaoon Ave. lTStli rt 4'hureh, Asollan Concert HaH. II W. 4Sil Ht Hath Ohliroki 1S1 Waahln tan Are . Bronx. THE BRICa CHURCH Fifth Avenue and Thi1ty-vnfh .Urset (1 William I'leraoii Merrill. M1nJtere ( Krntlk Latimer Jenewav nil M 11 in. 1 1,1, will preach st 11 and 4. Bible Rehoel at P 4 A M Midweek Pervlc Wednesday a-t II r M Noon Rervics Exery Weekday, Mlll4gfl4 St. Itomt' t ChMrch FIFTH AVH ANP 6ID PT llev BRNBST M BTllllCg, U U . Heritor, s A. M Holy Couiniiuil n. It. Mornln BervHte and Sermon (Ilex W. H II Pott. li. Il l 4. Fveni!iK and Addreaa ilVeton. St. tieorge's Church la on 14th Blrest, Bast of Ird Axenue All seats free KAItl. RI II N1I, Reelor. R. rvlcea I, II (Raotorl and I Rpecldl muain every Rundiiy svenlngi Free Illble Classes lor Psofila, Monduy. Tuesday, Thurada) unJ Friday, 4:10 to 7:14 P, f In the Chapel nf the Fulton stress. Nmn Prayer Meeting, lis Killiton Rtreet. near Naaaau Streut. New York aZtly . Oolninimcliiir Mnn.l:iy. ileto'.er lath. Tromlnent Blbla 1'eaebera will sn ak CHTBt H OF TIIF. NFAV ( IVII l.At KIN. )r iliills Melon, Founder Bundny Se.rxl.-ea. 1t:l A M Hot! Umpire. 4rd Ml to llroailvnar Oelma, Crulkhnki S'paakar SubJeM: "The First I'onvert " kruk hynaium-.i'f. OAlRNTkHB MAM. HUNIlAY AT 11 DR. WltiEl "TUB IWTT OF OHIlrfetBM TO J'ARKNTR " A.L.1. A.KAI WkklaCOMB. GUILFORD REACHES SEMI-FINAL ROUND Amory, lfovpy and Bms Am Other Thref Survivor in Brnoklinfl Toiirnoy. 000P GOLF IN M0HN1N0 BsoOKI.INr, Mass. Oct. IS. Two round of match piny for the Century 0Mb cirp to-day loft C M. Amory. R. H. Hovey, Jeewe iluilford arid C. W. Haas the survivors. Some gisjd golf was) played this mornlnw. two of the matches going extra holes, but this afternoon, -enpt In one Instance, the victories were decisive. sn lines played prominent parts In the Ilrst round. Amory defeat ing J. K Sullivan, Jr., by laying him one im tho seventeenth green, while W. E. Sibley won soveral boles from O. H. PUSheS In that way. The match between Hans and (lullford to-morrow promises to be a good fine, us the formed crowded OUnford out of the New Hampshire edgmcdoa this ygaV, The summary. Flrt i;ounrl C. 14. amory, tessB County, dfetd J il suiilvsn. Jr.. Wst un.l. 1 up. I-'. I.. Kmery, Hroekllne. d teHtfcd glUcklea, lira.- Hum. - up; IL II limey, ltli.ids Islsnd. dsfestsd J. N Man ning. Brae Hum, ami : 1.. M. Wssh hurri. Mi rlon, deleated I B Ilylsn, V. per. :. slid 8; It M. Purv, Woodland. lffmtrd M. K o connfil. Alplns, 1 ug i nineteen holein; .1. 1" litltlford. Woog land, dtfesird tl. H. Hell'vu. 7 an. I ; V' R. Slt'lei . Miami Tom. di'fested 'i II. Puehse, Hrse Murn. I up nwenty hole); (' W. Hans. portMnfttttlfti N. II. dfeatd A Mi Hrse Hum. 3 and 1. g ..n.i Round Ajnery defeated F.mery. t up Hovey defeated washjrara, 4 and 4: (luiuord defeated Purvea, " and 4. Base defeated Blbley, i und I. WOOLLEN MEN PLAY GOLF. corse II. Williams Win Prise far l.ota eat (.ross Score. sminT Hills, x. j. Oct 15 -Thr ore me i hera of the Woollen Jolf A'ao- cintlon played In a one day tournament over the links of the lialtuerol Uolf Club and later on spent a long evening at a dinner in the clubhouse. All of the winner received their pnzes et the dinner. O sorgo H. Williams WOO the chief cup offeicd hy the association for the lowest gross score. His card for the round showi.I e total of 01, The net prlie, given h It. A. Skrong. was won by C J. Wilson with a scar of II no. 71. The worst golfer in the held proved to be it. I, Broome, lie made the round In IM and received tho duffer piixe. The Ibid was dlilded into three clashes, according to handicaps The first and second men in each cla war: ('lns A--Joshua ClOUgh, 98 16, II: II It Stockton, 95 9, a. Class B H K. Taylor. 10(1- 24, 2 : A. H. Stur berg. 10111, 3. Class C J. D. Steven, lo5 25, Ml; It. T. Hi . an, 111 II, 41. PRIZE FOR MRS. FAITH. IIHS Iteat I. .niM Score in One Day 'I onrney nt Scnradnle. Mount Vcknon, n y , Oet 16. Tho Women's Uetropolltan Oolf Association held ii. ither one day tournament to-day in the Unas of the Siwatioy Country c,ul. Mrs W J. Fglth, Sear-dale, w-on the irro-- jinze with a 16, but there wer la s in- the iit prize and in th ap proaching and pulling competition. Mrs a. s Itossln, Century, 99 3. 94 ai.d Mrs Irving Brown, llawrth, 105 9, 96, were the two golfers who lied for the nel prise The tl was played off and Mrs. Rosgln won. In He approaching and putting com- pet en Miss Un der of DunWOOdlO and Mrs. Sidney ,. ,,f Kairvnw led with scores of a eai-h Mill Harder won the playoff. SitniTesnnt Is 10400 lelor. HtUyVesalt High defeated 1 1-usee Mai. n on the Boooer gridiron at Van Cortland! l'ark yesterday afternoon. I no. lis to H. At half time stuyvesant. led by 2 to P. the result of a good hoi by Barundln and a penalty kick bv Bmlt-h. In the second half Ogpt, M'ezo j glioni exond from another penalty. CHURCH OF Tin: TRANOPIOURATION Matins, 10 30 a. m : evenaong, 4 P M t BhT BND PltBHUYTEHIAN CHURCH Amaterdam avenue as lojih street As to morrow is lie tn Church Sabbath thr, " the city, :ba pastor, the R A Bdwtn Kelgwln, li I . will pre.ii-h at both service In th" morning ihe un tut ul.l tie. "Ood Will Tike rare f Ynu." ai night, "gafety rirvt " i-'OI.LEiJIATE CHURCH- West Knd avenue, at geventy-ssvaath atraat. At tha I'i. Tiling aervlee at 11 e'eineh the llev Thorn aa MoBrlde Nichols wi II praaih A' the aflerii'ion sen lea nt 4. at) o'cieek Mr Nlchnl wiil prt-ath on "aidvers Ircuni- ali n i ea." BT NI-HOI,AI AVBNL'R PRBOBtTsl iiian CHURCH Cornel 141-t itreei The Rev. Dr. Elliott w Brown, peeler, will 1 r.-.i. h In ihe morning mi "Rack in Bethel" and In tha ev-nln on "greedom from Bervlc." I'l I.TON PTRBRT NOON PRAVKu MKKTI N.i Tin- s. nnd rat "f tha vnlBg Blbla ' la-ieaa lor bualneaa pa-uiie start io t Weak RRIiIOIOPI NOTICE, FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I iflh tie. sntl Fifty. Hflh 01. RF.V. J. H. JOWBTT, D.D., Posfcr Rarvlees at 11 a m and 1:14 P M In Jovxett will preach at noth ervlce ' "i .: for Asssmbl) Boars of K.tunotion Men's Bible Clsaa tl ii) A M. Th Mid-Week Oervles I" ihe t'hanei on Wl '1 i.iv al Islfi I' M no; he coudui'ted by lr. Joxvec. 11 ll'tl U KM r: llITIsl i III RI H it., " x . l t.t Ii M rest : am. Ir 1 n. ' a II pi . pi DiiMnn. , Minister Rev, nil I. AHI P. II. !., vein tir-leh at II ..'clerk. Iir. ( HUM I II VI (llil 1 RI V will rr.aeh at ,' lot k Bunday Boheol lilO; ui''"' 'ia-ee ia Tuaatlay, I v. M. Youni I'sopla's Beoieiy. Friday friii. -r Mealing, P M CENTRAL PRRMRYTKHIAN III R B. Miiib-on In-, und ."lib B4. RVi Hilton Merle-sinilili, " ! last.' will preai h it 11 M Krv. II i nib Itbi. k till' M DIITPC0C riti -n ri'iti w . hi ri ii nUIUCItj in, .a, i.i.i. nii.i : iii m liei. UAMFI. Ill --ill Ii Ii. Mlultrler win preach at 1 1 a m and s r. ft Evening auoje i " saldler'a onfeaelon." I haiiel f ihe IntereeaaloBi Trlnllf I'artah. Brvi ,, , -, snd rttrral isav. M 14 Hits- Volar 4. II i il;4i, lOllOl 11 A. M i r. m. Bedford Preebyleriaa rhureb, Noatrni a- u...: pan t.. Brooklyn Pastor, a. t.lw'Hl.l Youiik 10:41 A M. . 7:4'. r. M I sr. MATTHRR 'H Till Rt'H.M "eat Mth B4, ISev. Arthur II . Reolor. Hen I a.. 11 Slid (.R F 4 III IS( II nil (SLATTrlUY lb 4 t itev Harry llroit.lnav 10th st "t,,r . imj II lb- mr H M hole, H f i i iii .-- l -n 1 1 41, mii II I V. P uib lie leeture sTtinda) evsw ji ct "Harms," hv ii n ii at w 4 ih .a Iil4 gub tOll, St. Nicholas Av. Bsv. Elliott W. nrov. n.ll. li. tela.: ! ana Ht. NlehofA le lllnlsier 11 1 ( "but you wt eivo i. g-wv. 44 4. a lot 4 Jgokrtloi iu bivst use I aver (ouod for your