Newspaper Page Text
Stockholders win PUMP SKIRMISH Opt High, to Trovp Interna- Honal Concern Fniiod When solvent. CHAHOES STIR PROTEST Tim jirtvtive committee rsprsssnuns; t ...u.t. i . i . ki -i ., fiiiana i WIIIU .-l"Sa. ne ... anal BtNUTI I'ump Company won mi Important aklrmlh yesterday in the.r ffht to Modi iiio proposed rsofBtuilas ton plan. They IthIih.hI Judge Jiillin Jt Mnv.T "f the United St.itp Dsttrio. Court 10 flVt IMBI M ."..poi'tunUy to prove before the BBSOlsl tnnaler that Die I'ompiny was B0IVM1 WBSB t wan thrown I'Uo UN BBIlSB of NMRIN In gli tfnttJT milt In August. 1914 It sua the cei-ond effort made by the BBhtOTity preferred stock holders to Mi SgsM)llBh thin end. On September 10 liey BgtMlQtigd Judge. ItouKh In the game gottrt !o allow them to Intervene It; the equity nnd mortgage foTecloure gaits BO tl'Ht they might prevent fore rlefure, whMi they declared xvas de sbrnsd to poh them of their pruaierty arid put the BSBBtS of the oomiwny into Iho heJida of tlie lmndholilcrs anil the present management. let on Jnrtgc'a anaacat ion. Judge Hough refused this request, ra' attention to th faet that the preferred eUvkhoKlem liad a res-elver appointed for the oomnany in the Jer sey courts and that the receiver had peen made a nrly to the suits m this Clt'- Therefore, he said, the preferred gtack lioldera nhould have made the.r c! arges of OOllUSlOTI and their protest gainal the i .'organisation plan Uiruuglt tie receiver. Acting on thi suggestion. Hourke Cockran. attorney for the protective committee, appeared before Judge Mayer Teittrri.iy and asked that Receiver Oil Pert C, Colling of Jersey, hr a party defendant to the equity and mortgage foreclosure aiilta, should be allowed to S'ntnd the answers of the company In !H suits In euch a way as to deny Insolvency. The hearing laned until T o'clock last night, when the Judge sild that the preferred stockholders should be given their U--v In court. Under hi ruling l!:ey will begin to submit testimony be fore Pje. al Master (lllbert next Tuea l.iy mnrtilng In support of their olmrges ef fraud and collusion an the part of the manage nient and the bondholders. If tVy can prove their allegations that the company was solvent the mortgage will rot he foreclosed and the reorganlia t:on will be prevented Cravath Resent Ihirm, After the Judgo had rendered htg de cision PaUl 1 Cravath, attorney for the bondholders. Jumped to his feet an.l aid: "Your Honor, some bitter aspersions Pave beetl made against my clients at ttiig hearing, but Mr. fookran has so long been gaged in the business of calling honest men thieves that we would rather have his condemnation tian his praise." Mr. Cockran waa framing a retort when the Judge interposed with : "Gentlemen, it la my opinion tliat none ef you is as bad ns he Is said to be and thai roue of you la quite It good g. he thinks he Is." THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET PHILADtXTmA, Oct II .1 r, linll ad Tan ed from to 70. closing at Cambria si . reaotionar, tolling trow to 7 and elOtiRi m i-7V with a smaller volume of Iraaucti ini Elsewhere nothing of in An i Hon, is were active and arm The nimmary : Open High Low- Cloa tile. ng est eat. ing. T All. Chalmers .. S -S S Am Milling a g c. Am i.aa ltr it: it: n; v- Am liOeotnotlra . six ii ttoi IT MAD Kulwaya jr.a '' ' MM is Am tmalter icl Pill Itl2 N Baldwin L000....IH 196 up m f Halt Ohm si-, :', t I But Sua t c pf n M a: r. P.v Br. ;i ... 70 e K6i Cambria itajl ... r.i an f t'n !' Co Fuel A Iron r.S tr8 M M Chea A Ohio .. f-7. 11 h: mi' h u Pac tti :t, a) :o K Eh. ateraga uat. 13 7; t WKayalon Til.. . lav. 1 11. :', 44 7' Kafatong T-l pf. M N M t" tuner Corp aU to, si, tl l-huh Njv. .. 77', 77', 77 TTtjZ P7' Uhlgh Valley .. ::.v, 7. a. Til 77. HI Uhlgh Val Tro na I i t t f Labifh V Trao p rrfi 7 .it. 17 M.ami II1, r.i'. Mil Mti tl Korlhjrit Central aS'a ., sn, tn I North Pinna i, 11 U tU n Hi 1 a it It st "-, r-7s, 171 W Pi-. ,i i't Mfi ios VI lotVa lttZ Pauna 'eel. . o an " Ml a tie pf,, !c I'.;', n; aj', " Phllt Co 47' a ITU 4 W P111I4 Co pf in 3t n I'm. a Kle.t m :-' :i : Phlla it t H 14 11 14 17(1 Pbllg K T t e ... Ufl 134 13 BO Ray Cina... M : i'. - ktadlng 74 ;H 77Ti T7'j r- southern l'a- ifle.. th pri i"H 'H t ronopah Ur.motit n4 4 3', I ir.-w 1"" Utah Copper 70 70 70 70 7'' j'niun TVa nion .. 4; pgu 4-.- I 1- Imp UH, M- k'.-, g ', - Mm MS IMi '" J a 4 ,r Cham, . 434, 4.1 , MS IMI g 'J I 'U I A s I a, 1,, i, )(,i, tJ . "' 'lrr, ? u' 4"'l H WaatmaraiM C M H M BONUS tm ' . A K : w v- 1 1 0 1st tm letla lot lot 14 lotH " Hath il :t re MI00U iv 101)', lao'I " Plan A Pro TV 4a 7". niZ II ::.', !'' K-a., Ti I 1st tm :m 54 M I" 1 '"' . 111 Is reg II 7 7 7 1J M 1 Kiv 4a ! !. 01 41 ' ' a 1 dm ' 'a s'. ''' MU '!!' ' ., Oon 4'.... ttti MH M', mi, 1 I" 4 Co a I. (; sit u l P , Co lat ;a . W 10.1 tao '" lOgel 4a.... vi ti I'h da Kle.4 La . luc 10s lit 1" "' I 4a ... M tit 93 THE COPPER MARKET. eeond Hay Willi lhaenrr of Rlar tin j ina of Metal. I i" eand oonairgilva day big Baal, JT Pi.. r tnarkal waa praetloally 7, ,', ' ' Demand from tfuropa araa 1, : tho home lioiulrv sua infill, a ' , ' 'nie known -hat a'l produoori were t aUherlnt a.- .lu,el as n the ri-ient P'i. ' "', "" lliP I"-'" ,, L . , ,n iBclmatlon on i, ,,Hrt of ' the larger Intertata aliaifa 10 I , ' t. f to get some r l- ttfi ." ' """"lltAJ upon 11. Iha trade I, ;"", M aftola i ia mi:: MllTng ' " inla made it Increasingly dlf , ' 1 "g MMnclea to tiiBoaa ,,f !.' at i bia ur a higher prl s. . I , ' WHn Calumet gradea earn J"" pritiiiiim, f nearly ihr.-e , enta . . a! gear ala troiti(-. ' ''r was ijunt.d t .t4 0lai r 90l shipment and .,sn t., ' ' 'or futuraa, Demand waa " , I'roduetlun 1- ahooing .. .1., y , ' '' H l pointed out at pa same tnai coniumpllan ul" on the 1 h i marks! showed ' ihanai-. Tht ' i'" ltd ..- 4 , ante a pound FINANCIAL NOTES. -' a A Domlnloh of New York an us 111. i their offering of ll.700.inm 11 is-r illva debaalure an, k uf the K I At neaolin ComptAt btM all lieen lilel thowlm the muvemi lit of the 1 ..iltoii iron Irom itsT-M In dale mpilad in- Huiibaid Hro a Co ' is hatila 1 'he inraaimarH dim pi Oblftat Co has has 1 1 changed tn Mer a 'o The hum., romgln at 7 II ii'ol.l S M .iiiiKi-i-. iir nine 1 a H Hun- A Co. haa boen , ' iger ol the Uetroit ollioa of Sler- 1 :i A Ct APPELLATE DIVI8I0N DECISIONS Complete Mat of Annonnpemenla Made bp riral nepartaaeal. J The Appellate Division of the Supreme yeate'rrt"""1"""''''1 following decision. Malovlnla E. Welsh, reapt.. va. Henry B WelJB, applt. order modified as atate.t In order and sa modified affirmed without t ..N" opinion, ilrder nied r- X Jrankel. apnlt va. Max Wolper. Order affirmed, with 110 en... and disbursements. No opinion order filed. Benjamin Herahanoff. reapt., va Now ISSu 9S2f"ai1" Railroad Company, applt order affirmed. Willi tin oottg an I ntahiirsnments N onlnlon Order nia.i MOpolf Levy, respt . vs. Henry II Kell. T a tfl'1 "rder reversed, with 110 rosts aiM disbursements and motion granted as "P'nlon. Opinion per curiam fettle order on notice. , , Ti 1 Jenkins, respt , va, Arthur , Jenkins, applt Order lrm.l . uh... I coMe No opinion. Order flled lotin Itvan. r ts Ishs t . applt Order reversed, with 110 costs, and d sburaementa and motion granted, with "t ' N" "Pinion Order Bled. Billy Voni. respt . vi John Wanamaktr. spplt iirder reversed and motion granted. No opinion, urdrr nied In the matter of the flrove Hill Realty Company Order modified na atnted in opinion, and a. mndlfled affirmed, with !ii "fT dlahursementa to napond- notlre curiam. Settle order on j Wlillsm Pragar , rgfM,, vs. Maud I n. Barclay, Impld.. applt. Banned Friend iLS ioktA' v" "tm'' Ordort of- I nrme.t i-i, n ro, ,, dlgbureamttta No Opinion Orders tiled. Abraham II. Altacbul, applt.. va Alfred , tfOdWlti Hupt of nulldlngs. Ac, reaat ' Order reverted, w ith I0 , o.ta and dls 'uraetneiita and motion grantad, with 110 co"". ''Pinion per eUram. urder flled A. ice im, Mvm rleff. nppit. va Jamea n aanncrien. reapt ordtr reversed, with 110 costs anif dlshuraemants and ord-r granting alimony reinstated Opinion nor curiam. Order flled. Minion per In the matter of Kujpp A French. Inc Order reveres,!. th 6 , 0ata and dla huraementa and motion granted aa atatrd In opinion per curiam Tlie aame Appeal,ed with 110 coata and dlaburae menta The earns Appeal dlamUerd. wttb 110 coata and dlaburaeinrnta. The aama. Jirrter affirmed, with 110 costa and dl Miraemenia. Opinion per curiam. Settle orders on notice ptla F Wood, reapt. va Rose O'Neill Wilson, applt. Order affirmed, with 110 de"' "fll'et '"""'Btg No opinion. Or- Theoflore M Cox. applt . va Kdward R SfsVi?.'" ""' rP'" Order affirmeC with 110 costa and disbursements No opinion. Order flled. .v.F,r."rl" E T"' PPll- v. William Ullllams. eommr. e . et ol. reapts. Or der affirmed, with I0 coats and illaburee mente. No opinion Order flled. laaae Abramowlta and am., reapts.. vs Max Hart, applt Order affirmed, with 110 coeta and dlahuraemente No opinion order nied. William A. Reea et al reapts. a. Cnlteil Ptatee Oxygen Company. ppi: i,,d, r nio.l Itle.l as atat1 In opinio,,. Mnj M, modified ami-med, with 110 nd dlslmrae- memo to appellant, opinion per curiam Bettle order on notlc. .lullua Ieeiynsky. reapt , va otto l.evln aohn et a!, epplts order afflrmed with no coata and .liahuracments No opinion 1 inter fllel. Andrew J. Brown, applt. vs D C, Dom inion Company el at. reapts Seme va same orders afnrmrd With lia eoata and disbursements No opinion Ordera HU.i Commercial Adv.rllaer AaaocJatlon. .w-n . -a. uMor-vyi"!-,ma N,n,ratlo., applt Alfr,-d W MeCann va si Or ders reversed, with 110 cost, and dMtwraO meets an.l moil,.,, a d. r.le.l opinion. irdera filed Perle W. Hoot, applt.. v. John M Ilraln ard. respt OiMer affirmed, with llu .oats and dlsburai-menta So opinion Order Mod, Thlel DOteotlre Service Company, applt . vs W J Burns Int rnatlonal Detective Agency, respt. Order affirmed, with 110 roots an.l disbursements No opinion Or der flled. Hroi1 iva ADartmt-nl " - . .. applt . vs. RI -kert-Flnley Kealtv I'ompinv and ann. peepts ir.ler aftlrm- I. wl-h jjw - jicj uisDuraetnents N opinion Or.t.-r flleat. Edwar.1 F D, Witt, . vs Abraham Hros. Horse and Male Company, opp'ts order iifflrme-t. with 110 .v,sta and ,li. biiraementa. No opinion Order filod Seinue! Kohn. reapt . vs Sulzhorger A Pona Company applt. Order revere. , I with 110 roans and dlgburatmentg and motion granted, with 1 10 coeta opinion Or der filed fed WO Jotavlle, reap., vs Ooorgp r1 Taylor as prest . A -., applt Order re- i rsrd, w ith 110 coata and A lal.urs. met, and motion deal ad, lth :o Mats. No opinion Order fi:e,l Bearl-'.- Flnkelatetn. reapt. . Nathan Flnkelaneln. applt. Order nio.lltled bt re tlu. lna allmo;i to IL'O p r ,., k. anl ronn Ml fee to I'.OO. and aa so modified at flrme'. without costs o opinion Or der tiled Otto Krausa. applt va, Fran.l- Ii-i A Co., reap- order reverted, with li-i f oats and dlaburaaments :'.-i motlot da nsd, with 110 eOOtS. No opinion Order Mav NaM ,.0i repst , is COHIIBblA Amuaement Co., applt. Ordgl afflr-n-d with tin coata and disbursements. No ..pinion ordri li.f.i Fva Friedman, respt,. vs RamUtl Spiro nppit order affirmed, with II" eoata and dMottrgamontg Bio opMnton, order 11. .i. Kdward .1 KaawhlO, reapt. va J. I'irker s:.ane and ano.. apt, its order reversed, with 110 eiats and disbursements and motion grnn'ed. with 1 10 costs. No opinion order filed. Philip Elchel, respt . va. JenTereen Lstaa ing Co. applt. Sam.- vs. sons. order .ifflrmed. without coats. No opinion or. lore tVe.l MolII, Itarker. respt . va. Jerome M Ja- k gon, applt Order aftlrnie-l wltl, )o 1 ats Htii dlgburgotntntg No opinion, order tiled. Joseph Bernstein, applt., vs Simon s.-li-ger. reapt. Order affirmed, with $10 ,-oa-s gnd dtsburaements No opinion. Order filed I'iorenie It, Van I' rt,i rrspv Os. r ilartablne, optt't. Older mod. I .1- e:.iT,-l in opinion, arid us mieliiio.l affirmed, with li-i roatl an.l dlgbtiraamentg to appellant Opinion per curiam. Settle order on nottl g Moses Steinberg, raps'., vs. Franr. K'in mer' h -toft.; tttnith a Bowman, spp;ts order ffimaed with lit costs an.l dl bureemeota Wk opinion. Order tiled. Hudo'.f A. J. Wolff et al , rep-le , vs itsnlamln law snsteln, applt Same vs. same, order affirmed, with $10 'a and disbursements No opinion, orders filed Anna laeobgon ym lanata Ja nl.son, M.n Brown, applt. Nathaniel Hnsenherg. respt iirder uf firmed, with 110 outs and dis burseiiietita. No opinion JrJ'jl lUod. Jamaa V. Orteler.,. applt.. Vi r,e..rg. Iiougherty, reapt. Ordera affirmed, with out coats. No oplnlor. Order flled fmberto Vlncl. app.t . ra, PlAQjala dl Mfiii and ano., reapt. Order ariirnieo wl'h 110 costs and disbursements No opinion Order ftl.'d. Sam t!.,n and stay denied, ' sanit. Mo- $10 roitl. Anna Walloon, reapt. va. John WTlHaon, app.t. "r.'er modified by reducing counsel tl.. T to I...0 and awarding to tht plulutlff 17'. a month for the rapport "f 'he ,l fandant'a children, and 11s ... inodlBtd. ar firmed, without costs. No opinion. Order NtlMg I.-vene. rtspt., vs I x. ila livens apel. Order affirmed, with fit 1 irj;ml dL'unrsen.ent.. No o. on. Pjfi-4-. John H Ulagler rtopt., r h ' a A. Kiuie apnel order revetetd, Wllo fit i" and disbursemen-. and, mothm a ran ted with 110 c.ait- No opinion. Or 5er filed. 1! ve Same Mollon for lr granted w about eoati awtilt or.ler on Oortruda B, Tledonuinn. respt . vs. IM dolDh S. Tledemonn. tpptl order afflrmed. with $10 coats and disbursements. No opln 1"'n,e0I'-!ople!e'Ac. ,.. Nicholas Arn.t.ln. Motion granted unless appellant compiles with terms of order. Jrd"r "I'd- The People. Ac. vs Itodman Dixon. Mo Uon granted order tiled at4aa Th" People. A.-, v.. Jacob Fox. Motion gl.tulo'l order filed . Tht FO pie. a5!, vs. Samuel Miller. Mo il., 1, granted. Order filed. rht Peoplo, A.-, va Harvey Newton. Mp. , K: -ed unless appellant coll, piles with ,,s f rder Ordtr 'll"d. The People, Ac . . BenodeKa lUndaiio. Mothm granted unless appellant .ompdes with tonne of .inter. older fl.ed. The people, Ac, vs Chariot A r-baefer Motion granted unleaa appellant com piles wlih terms of order Order flle.1 The People, A--., va. Vlnotnoo Aoena. .Motion granted 'inleas apptllanl eoropllea will, terms of order. Order filed The Ptoplt A,', vs Feltro Itrilsio and 1 her Motion granted unless appellant compiles with terms of order Order Red Harry ls-vlno et al va. Harry orentl sh et al Motion to diamine appeal denied wit boil' '"st Order filed Matter of KMa.'beth Volga, deceased Mo tion B dlatlllaa appeal denied OH conditions suited In memorandum per arlom tetti oedar on noth-e Kredorhk P, Br.ant vs. le.ulse P, Briont Motion tn dismiss appeal granted Order filed Adele B Davis vs. fader II Davis Mo tlon to dlsmies appeal granu-.l, with lln costa Or.ler flled FaltOUta lr.,n and Steel rompnnv va Prang A Tasker Motion to dlamlsa ap ....! mr . . i wtihoiit i .ista Older filed Ralph Mattueol et "I va Jtgell BM a In" Motion to dismiss granlad, with 110 eoets flnler filed M irv Hume'steln vs Nicholas Oaro'a Motion to dismiss appea.1 grantesl, Willi llu e,st Order file.1 Ctwrlea Oerbln vs. Fifth Avenue COAak Convpany. Motion to dtsmias appamt grantesl. wilti 110 OiU- Order filed lMiib-l I I.earv va Fred-rl. k llaller, as ex, Motion denied, with IIO .xnta. Or der filed. Andrew M Malion va Art Oolor I'rlntliig r-omnaiiv Motion ilenbal, with 110 coals. Order filed. I., ..I. W Beriuant v.. Mary 9. Keveney. Vlotlon granted. Order filed. Oeorgla C. Archer va. Fqultable Life Aa euranco Hoclety. Motion granttd; quet- tloiiTi ceitlfled. Onler flled. Frank . vw. William Simpson. Motion denlrxi, with 110 costs Order flled. Solomon Stern va. Metropolitan l.lfs In suranve Company. Motion granted ; quet Hons certlfle.1. order flle.1. HOberl Holmes et al. ve. Kdward O. Smith, Impld, Ac. Motion gi anted, ques tion certified Onler Bled. ItObl rt Holmes et al. va. Hugh N. I'.imp. Jr.. et al. Motion gianled: queetlon cer tified. Order flled. Augusta vs. Iesnnard I.andee. Motion d.nb.l, without coeta Order lllesl. Bridget l iorka vs Herman fill. Motion denied, with 111) ost. order flled. Alfred Mleato vs. I'ommercleJ Union As aurntiie Oomimnv. Umlted Motion de hlfd, with io .vata order fllesl. John A li, i.l' va Turbo-Klertlir Con struction Convpany et al. Motions dented, wltb ltd is.sta. ordera nied. Matter of i 'onion Kl. ctrlc Waaher Com pany. Inc. Motion denied, with 110 tsxata. Or.ler filed. Otiampt 0. Andrews vs. Asa Bird tlardl nor Motion denle.1, with 1 10 costs Order IM i-arlton Illustrators, inc. vt. Amerloan len oniotive Ooiiipanv. Motion dtnied, with lit) cits. order tiled Jtmea fl. Meng, at exr, va Rmigraot Industrial Savlnga Bank Motion denied, with lo ets. order filed. Benjamin Olbhs vs Arraa Bros, Inc. Mo tion granted order filed fmberto Vlne va. l'ao.uala dl Maaaa et al. Motion denied, with $10 coett. Or der filed. In the matter of Knopp A French. Inc. Motion denied, without co.ta order filed ..isravret a. Mccaulty. as admx vn. Wl Bradley Son Motion granted, with $10 iosta, nnl.Mw appellant ,,, ply with terms stated In order. Order tiled Millie Blum berg vs Josjh (onlay Mo tion denied, without ooats. order filed. Solomon Hchdnael et al va Ioils J hlnaat et al. Motion gran'e.1, wiLh $10 ooets. un less appellant comply with terma stated In order. order filed New- York Life Inauran. e Companv va lit. i d Ki-iilty I'ompany et al. Mollon granted with $10 mats, order flled Helen A. Wiaaman vs HI. hard t,. Tref furih ei al Motion to withdraw appeal granted order filed. Henry n. Fox va. Cltv of New York et al. Motion grantesl. wth 11" coats, unless ap pellants ..imply with terms atnted In order. Order flled. Jai-ob U llrubel.'as truatee. Ac, vs. John Kltchle et al. grante.1 with ftl roeta unless appel ant comply with terms stated In onler Order fi'ed Albrt A Volk v.. M 1 Stewart A Co. Inc. Motion to dismiss appeal granted. With 110 Order nied. M iry l .at vs lavnla Koot) at il Motion denied, without roste. Order flled lamia PolralM vs. Charlea Birsottl Mo tion to dlsmlaa aispeal granted, with III) cists, unless appehant comply with terms stated n order Order filed The y.lnwlll Company et al vs. American Purchasing Asao. latloii et al Motion lo Manilas appeal granted, with tin o,t Or der filed. S.mie vs City Heal Faitate Improvement corporation Motion to dismiss eppeal granted, with $10 cat's Onler flled Wllllnm W. Molaiuahlln vs Albert ta Hire. Motion to dlsn.ias appeal granted, with 111, ...eta. unless appellant comply with terms atnted In order Order fl'.esl Carlnta II .le Mnralea va. Itlro.rdo Nar genes. as er. Motion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 co,t. Order filed. Hani 1 Hoffman vs nalph nogart Mo tion to dismiss appeal granted, with $10 est. unless nppel'ant comply with terms stated in order Order filed Matter of Firmer. Loan and Tru-' Com pany, a. .tuhattttlted trPtttt Motl m to ma miss granted, with 110 c.Mits. Order fl. Ixvuls Solomon vs Manhattan and Queen. Traction Corporation. Motion to dl.mlsa appeal granted, with $10 ooatH unles. ap pe'lant rompl) with terma stated In order. Order flled Alfred F ommen Arthur W. Little et al, a. exr. Motion to dlamlsa appeal granted, with IM ,-osts. unless appellant comply With term, .tated In urder Order Wed Ocaanle Investing Company vj. Rudolph A Rodtl. Impld., Ac Motion to dltmitt appeal granted, wl-h lo coats, unlesa ap pellant comply with terms stated In order, order flled. Francis H. Boss v . Bthtl H Moors Impld . Ac Motion to dismiss appeal granted with $10 coats. Order filed. William D Tvn.lall et al vs. Plnelawn Cemetery, Motion to dismiss appeal gr-.nted with 110 cost,. Or.ler flled. M ,tt-r ..f William c Baker va Andrew .1 MoOulre. s- Supervisor. Ac. et al Mo tion to dismiss appeal denied, without costa. Order filed Mit-r of Franklin B Walla.-e dtCtaged. Motion ti dlamltt appeal denied, without costa. orxler filed Patrick M.ilo.drlek i. penrnvlvanla II. ii road Company. Motion lo di-mlss ap peal granted, with .-it , oats. Order filed People ex rel . fvgtdt Asphalt Tavlng Company is. Alfred P W Seaman et al. Motion grant, d. qu. stlons certified. Order ltd. Saul o'lner et al vs. Iteniamln Oolden- berg at gl Motion granted OrJer tiled. COTTONSEED OIL. Si to 4 pottltl Utwt-r Tlir-r" CsOMtCasfT' biar prftji ita .Huti riUhwNl s!i.t.j. tirapiir gll ivportl from t kit wm not BtUilal f rt-i-1 v ui.ii u moUimqI as C losing ptirot Md 7 TVj.iT w) no o- ..... ' -i; i; )7 h 07 .ii tit i , Crudi OH "M mi ti -t ItqutdtM urn amt jtioiitly the ii. i: net hi .irriU in !nj Sotnh wftf that Willi ;it th rt nit Spr utu-t' ili ninl Spot l-ril'tllNT u ah May INDUSTRIAL EARNINGS. Th- Atoini BxprMgi CNMnpny r.-pnrt to t Urn 1 n:try',itt i 'mnmerc ConWmion fur tht m.ititli f .tun Opor, rt v.-mie . "iOgltS In. 4lSttll op.-r SpMM I. J . t 4 4 In . 4ti.47 wl tpT. rov l im r Inonma 31 ITI I no. M47.247 i ...:. i 4 I !i-. 1u . Zftl rr tha twxiM monthi ndod Jiim lii Opt r rwVstllU 117.!' 7.' Ml llW. $.IM,t nprr. vspotMMt . l.'t8.3l Inc. 1 '149. 141 St. op.rvdof. I.K-.Mt in-". iMI.tfil rnooltoctlWa rt-v. . tl.07i Inc. ..07R Taxi IMtUl Uet-. 1.11.2 op. Inr . ilfft .. ltM.117 tWO. t4'.3l AMBKICAX BXriUBM. rhsf A tniT' '.m i'vprj-t ninpun, p-'H to tlit I ntr mUoion fr Juno; 1 'nintlltTro -T'oin. linn Mi -iwr. OpOtTi rtV4fnu tpltlS-'- . $; in mi in in 2,111,711 Iim HdrttTM X.t ptr. rev.. M,4)tl Inv 32:.9S4 Oiwr. I'ironu.. .. .ti!t,.U3 Inc. SJy.141 l-'or tlit tttflvt ni-mttiit nlrl .Iun- SO ; Opor. rovonuo ,.9SS,9M.4f1 Upt-T- fX.wnntK. . .4 . HrtO. 305 Inc. 1.446.710 S.t op.-r r-T . l,i04.UI I no. 11,197,994 119,079 111' l.JJK.OirJ Op. K.'.o.immi II 1 : M Ills FLAT. Plant have been llled with the .Man hattan Bureau of BulMlflfa for the construction vf a six story iiiartmeut hotlte on the aouthweat corner of All dubon avenue and lT.'d stris-t for Donald Roberteon as owner, it will have a frontage of 80 feet and a depth of 1)0 feet and hive .1 facade of brick and limeatoue. Schwarlg Hi .roes are the ardhltecta aid have entlmated the ioat at tr.o.nuo. RESULTS AT AUCTION. I'abllr llflrrlnat 1 r.lrrdt) In Man- hatlan ami llrum .salearoonia. I AT 14 V8MKY STIlEET 1 By Itenry MURKAY ST. 41, n r cur W Hvv,i, HI 69, 35glT.t, 4 at)' lofl ami sir hi.ig H..,v try sstvg. Hank sgt y, .1 ii achTrenbtck el al; due. $4 7. S I II l2 , t.iies, Ac, ll.Hlt.ftfii to tlis i. all. lift $61,000 HfsRIN'U MT. 11'- III. n a. r," (Iretut si, IT.tglOti fi eiv l"fi bl.lg -aireenwl.-h Mavga ii. ink tafi C Runyon at ui, due, $611,611 tti laaee. i.. ll.lfOrOOl to tiie piuttitirr By Charlet a. nni.m I.KtVIS ST. .. .. W i. 73 1 n "til av, !l sv (gJ 4. sly K A Archer ,igt Is. ills I. swim Man et al ; due, 120, tares. .-. to tlie plaintiff Hy J II MaytM. ti'llTIi ST, li Bi n s, w 1st av. 10 la ISO. 10, 3 ttv dwlg -(-'res II. una f-.r I V.iung I'rlrl. ngt IaiuIs l.a.s et si; due. fl.0Ji.lll laxea. e, MtO.ISl adjuurned . to Dot 1 u IJ0I TH1RJ3 AVaaKVI. By J H Mayera. IyOi't MT AV. 'Jk'l. e s, n lllsth at, !f,0x lUxltlxNI. gliiang Miiliiil I. ire in. Co , ugi It ' Fisher st Ml; due, $:44,l'.0; laxet, Ac. pliOtO.Ttl a.ljourned to I ts-t ::. Ily Junita J. linnovan. OODBN AV. a. 4.',0 II 170lli at, ".0x112 3 x.'iOxit l.u, vacant Jacob Pohrtnann agt Merwiu Realty Co et all dtiti il.tlt.tli taxes, $37j im adjourued u. oit oi, ATUVIKD MKOHAMICV I.IKNlt! Manliallan. HTH IT, 7H and 7-.' V II IV Johna Man vllle UO sgl i. xl. nil I, .in, Cs et al, Jan. 1 1, ItU lino STH ST. 70 iiti.l 72 VV, and .'.4th at, 55 W Hern. it.l areenwood Co ugt iixfnnl Rttlty Co n all Jan i'. Ittl n n ht. nr. w Amtrleaa Radiator -o agt Oxford Itealty '.. et al; Jtiti 11, till ., tin ts 1 JlSUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916 J. R. HEGEMAH BUYS TRIANGLE FILM CO. 79TH ST. APARTMENTi LEASES BIG SPACE MetVppolliM Life's Pre-Jdent Trades I'ptown House for Newer Investment. FILM CO. IN BIO LEASK John n. Hrgaman, gwealdent of the Metropolitan Islfa Inaurarw-e Company, Whoa oornpan y haa been for yean, a leader In (Inaiielnjr tha upbuilillng nf tlie fine at.ariin.-nt aactlona of th ilty. haa lUmnelf become an Investor In ain'ii a hoiies. He 1 the buyer of tlie prin cipal property In an exchange loaeil yesterday by the J. Itomalne Kruwin Company, reported to Involve iitsoul 1 -. s. t . e..v.v,v,.vvv.. .sir. negeman na- jiurcnaseu fr mi the list bold Ilealty Oimpany, Blng t Blng. the twelve story fireproof apartment houae at 135 Weat Heventy nlnth atreet. between folumbua and Am sterdam avenura, covering a plot t'ix 100 2 This building representa the latest de MktJMMM of the anuill aivartment tpe and contalna forty-eight apartmeuta of three and four noma and bath each, it Was is.mpleted about a year ago. Is fully tenant.-. I. allowing a rent roll of 111.000 iver annum and is oonsldere l one of the moot advantageously located and Israt laid out apartment l.uildlnga of Its kind In the city. Mr. Hegeman gave In p.irt p.iyme:ii the teveri story fireproof H.partinent house known mi the Majestic, at the southeast s.rner of 8t. Nicholas avenue I and H.'ith atreet and covering a plot I3.9xin0xl6. 10x101..'.. The Majestic waa built by Oeorge Dalker about twenty years ago and waa the largest and first fireproof ajwrtment house on the upi-r Weat Side. Mr. Hegeman purchased thla property peveral years ,igo. The J. fVymaifia Brown Company wlll have ciiarge of the management of the Seventy. ninth atieet propttty, KIsT MOM AP.IHTMfAT ITK. KAST H9TH STREKT The Allertou Ilealty Company, compoeed of Janus I, fuahman and William H. 811k. has bought from John J. Beam the thre . dwellings at 143 to 147 llast Thirty- ninin street, oetween 1-exington and Thud avenues, on pint 53xK8.ii The alte wiil te improved with a nine toi-y apartment house, the operation representing an outlay of abiut $Ion.. 0C0. The builders are interested in other apartment enterprlsea In the aame aet!on. 1 3 ast tir.TH M'KflVr.- Jarrvaa Kyle Sons have sold for Mary Mayhew to a client for o cuncy the three story and baaenient private dwelling at 11" I Batrl Slxiy-flftli street. WHST 1'olTH STHKET. Charlea S Kohler haa sold fir Mrs. Lillian II I)er to Itobert If. Hurnaide the three story (Jueen Anne dwelling at M Wes 100th street, aouthweat torner ..f Manhattan uvetiue. Tlie house ta on a ' lot IT.taTS. WMT 11ITH STREET.--The NtttOII Realty Company haa reri.ld to E. Neu ItlU 1".". West 114th atreet. a five atory flat, on plot 31x100. 131 feet wtM of LHWtl avenue. M. Salmon Wai the broker, The selling company ac quired the house last month. FI..T M'. 4 It BRONX PARK. VAN BI RKN STREET The Van Bu- r-u Realty Company, recently Incnr- ' I". rated, with Bftlll N. Sorgenfrel Patrick J Dwytr and . Olehl. has purchased tho aoutha-est corner of Van Buret, street and Morris I'ark avenue, a plot 110x103. and will erect two rtve story apartment houses. The property lg opposite the main station of tho New York, Westchester and Boston Railroad, which gtatlon Is to be the lsotli street subway station of the White Plains avenue extension now Hearing completion William Pa tart & Co. were the brokers tn the trim Naction. INTER VAI.K AVENCE OnMllt llr. have sold ssl Intervals avenue, two glory frame dwelling, on plot ,r."xli". The buyer Is a builder who will erect live ires. story apartment house with at DWEBK 4 ili hi ii BR Rji44)Ki.i . Qtorgt A. Rose has purchased the old stable at HI and 5 Scherinerhi u ti atreet, oi f ttu- Uuidrnarag of the downtown section, for the new 1-t. Constant me (JreeK Orthodox Church, whose congre gation now worships in It Lawrence street. The price paid for the laml was about $14, .".Ufl. It Is assessed hy the city at a valuation of 119,90, The plot covers iOxT.1 feet. An attractive bullil- ii, g ban been designed by William A Tarfltt. architect. Iaiuis Hold haa sold to Victor Kish- bach the two story and store brick build ing recently completed al 330 Albany avenue, ami also tne dwelling at 4 in East Fourteenth street, to N. Jacobs. The Alio Building Company has sold the one family dwelling at $127 Sixty- seventh street to Mrs Mdli Goldstein. Hnilk I .Its IN Pl.AZt DKAl'i William - White ft fo'is were tlie brokers In the tale of Cue seven slorv office building at T, West Eifty-etg-htli stri"t for ISlro Biv.h. to the Plata Operating potnpajvyi owner of the Hotel I'laxa, adjoining. M. L. Hess negotiated the leant to the United Cigar Manufaci urera Coin pan v of tht seventeenth flisir In tho building at UI to 1111 West Fortieth atreet. running through the block to 114 to US Wean Korty-Ilrat street Tho Henry M. Weill Company neg. liated the Hale of the tenement at 4"2 Wieat Fifty-fourth mix-et, trMaferred i yetterday by -Margaret E. Weill to C. Forster. A. A. Hagrman waa aasoclaled Joeeph P. Day tn the tale of III Thirty-sixth atreet to A. Lyman. John 1 with East GOELET TO BUILD MARKET. To Duplicate on I'ark Axe. Aalor'a Weal tide Hull, Una Robert W. ClQBttt plans to give to the high class Park avenue uparlineni house section a market similar to the one Vincent Astor has built at the southwest corner of Hi'o.idway aid Ninety-fifth street for West Side apart ment dWtlltra. Mr. cJ-elet vlstled Mr Aator's market yesterday and got the Idea that Park avenue was In need of audi a food mart. PnlesH he t-hanges Ills mind ii market will he put up on part of the two and a half blocks of frontage which he twiis. The two west Ida of Park avenue, blocks front from Fifty-second to Fifty-fourth street are his und wo ie a large plot at the north east corner of Park avenue and Fifty fifth street. The Fifty-fifth street plot Is nearly the sue of the site Mr. Astor elected for his market It Is ion. a feet on Park uvetiue arid 121. ,1 feel. Tlie feeling prevails among brukera in tha Park avenue section that If Mr. tK.elel follows out his Ideaa It will he the Fifty-fifth atreet corner property that ho will build on. I.KAsiEH w li-.T-cniis-rnn RrTATB. The Scars. lain Katatea Organization lias rented tho Duulel P. Ritctiey egtatc 111 tho Murray Hill suction of the oaradala I'an.-itea to William f. Wan ot thla city. The property oonslHtn of sev eral acres and a tine residence of colo nial architecture. Tftk,,s Tw0 Floors in BrokttW Hulliliiifj: for Offices, Studios and Storage. tine it lli, t.nrarpat t ri. 1 hlialnaaa Iratps In the history of upper llnuidwny Wag Hlgiieil yi-slorday WntH the Triangle rum i iirp.iratlnn nemilrrd the entire eleventh an.l twelfth flimrs of tho new Hrokaw ttulldlng, on Hnmdwny near Knrty-gei-oiid street. Tho term of the lease Is live years, beginning on orahmit January 1, 1!U6. About 14. linn f...-t ol spare will lie oi-eupled and the aggregate rental for the five year term will rem h a very large figure. Tho fart that the j building Is still under riinstrui tinn has ennl'led the bulldgf to arrange f"r more perfeitly appointed executive headiiuar- I Mm than probably any other lllm or- Kauiiatton in the city enjoys n .' ' 1 1 1 i I I I I... tU r. II.. ... ...HI .... ,!.... . in the -ral for , executive oftlces. lllm axohangnse. , projection rooms, fireproof storag fllmt. an Indoor motion picture studio for emergency work, a foreign department for export of fllmt to HurOpts Asia and South America, an International public ity department, ample ajMog for B . hrary of Il.tXO DletUrM of pla.vrrs ami inn. Otio Items of literary dutnl an ex tensive auditing and flnanre depannn-nt anil large reception rooms for the use of i-resident Aiken and likewise nf dl rectors IV W. (irilllth, Thomas H, In. anil .la.klyn .Sennett whenever shall be In town. they Oiie of the londltions f the leasH is that there shall I no other Mm ran- PgfM of any sort In the building. With th acquisition of these ofllcM the Tri- angle r uni I nrporation becomes one of tne most XteiUTYt occupiers of offlct theatricul space In the country. The corporation has rented large branch headqualten In seventeen Ot tht prin cipal cities outside of New Vork and Controtg three model theatres, the Knick erbocker In New York, the BtUdtbaktr In Chicago and the Chtvttnut Street opera House In Philadelphia. It Is con structing new studio plants nt Culver City and lldendale, I,os Angeles, and It is believed quite likely that another new juani win soon be start. -d on th. skirts of New York. out- 5TH AVE. BIRD STORE. Nelson. a, ilreen have leased tlie entire Fifth avenue store. .-Invllin in il, twelv '"f i.iiismore I4ii i . iik being at 111- M . T' '. . MMIBI r.t i erected I Fifth avenue, and Thlrtv.nrst sir..., The tenant la LaWreno c II.. Men. bird and animal dealer, for ten v.ais on West Twenty-thlnl street Eighty feel of the Thirty-first street show front g to be laid out as a garden with w.ilkt and electric fountain aouariutns. with tlie VarlOUg birds .lis) 'Ved in scenic effects, duplicating their natural homes BOOMfl lSHT hi ii iiim Horace S Klv St Cn. luva r nl inr new llogtrs -,.e build. ng at r:h i.VeniiM ne,t !.-.. . ,.,, , ,' .. .. " .'"! - . . . pur. i. III. IFI T-ll story on a long term lease to Ihe Ameri can Bead Companv, now at 615 Broad way. The space rented cuers 11,000 qUar feet and InVolraa a Intel I of about $2(10.0(1.1 If, ,y I Heat and J H. Iforgtnattrn .v. re aatoclattd as brokers. Ooodale, Perry & T-wlght have rented tin- third loft at ii Eist Ht van teen th street to Benjamin Wohl, who was rep reeented by lieii & stern. l-'redertoK Pox Ac c. l .ive r. nted to the l.urle Company the eighth loft, con taining 10,000 s.iiat.. feet of space, at s-ii West Thirtieth street, for a term o.' yeats The l.urle Company is the guoaaiaor to tins Lurla a Co., at the northeast corner of Taenty-tii-.tli street aii. i Broad a a) Barnard Wurtenberg has I tated loft apace at 312 Seventh avenue to th. Wade Btttt n Works; 131 West Twenty e.guth street to the R. mien Company: 7S and .77 Broadway to tha Novelty Veiling Company; l"3 Madlaon avenue to Roatnthal ,v Uatner; tio and su Sixth avenue t,. Max it. Cohan; 161 and l'.T West Twenty-third street to the Blltmora Waist Company; 101 to no Seventh avenue to th. Arthur Brandon rtein Company. II t.. It East Twenty second street to Max Pellak & Co.; 17 anil In 1-iast Twenty -second street to the I.. Mack Company and to Irradtrlck a Bchurmann. and t ti and 33 Kaat Tw. m -seventh str i t to the Be k Man. uf.i 'turing Company. lVnac Ac bjlltman have leass-.l the store In 20 Wett Forty-sixth street to the While Swan T a Room, at p relent lo cale 1 in Bel mar, v j A. A. has caaad to .1 M I!, the first loft ..t 4.'. VagTiiii I v -sixth street; tlrsi and tti otutiof I s at 637 sixth avtnut to Andrew Planoa HENTlAti NEAR 11:11411X41.. DaM Wldntt. uirent for the under bill Oonoounta Butktlngi roporte that the following eoncarna have ranted eisue there. Qeorgg ii Moore. Alexander Miller A Bra.! the Brltlah American ciicmi.-al Companyi a. U Outdone a 8on. the AlVey Manufacturing Company, T 11 Kreiner ujul B. B VoKniev. tlie l.lbettv I'Niiier Oompfiiy. the Carblc Mtnufaoturlng Oomimny and tve e-t,.te of Thomas I.. Watt The Cross ft Brown Company negrvtiated the llrst tw . leases new ciiiioa' IN II It Is. I.l $$. Wiiiard s Burrowg Company hn v. leased to Chlldi Company the corner store ami baas mailt in the Uarfleld Build ing, at Court aid Remaen streets. Brook. ln, opposite Borough Mail, for a term of twenty-one years : H" aggregate rental of about 1100,000, The Huregwt Company yapraatntad th.- chlldt Com pany, and Howard C, Bylo Company represented the ownera After atenslve alt. -rations the premises x ill be occupied by i'hilds Company an an udditlon to their chain of restaurants. HKvriM; PITY HOMiet. j Peaee & Ellltnan have rented furnished I for the estate of Loulat Tllllnghaat, rep I reitllted hy William P. liixon. the four story and basement dwelling at il'i East Sixty-fourth mr'ct. between Madison and Park avenues, to Fran, is M HIHhouae ; for Mra. Irene Booach to Dr, Alfred Jn 'k son the three story and basement dwell ing at :i2i Lexington avenue, between I Thirty-eighth and Thtrty-nuith ttreeta, Shaw ft Co. have bused for John la. Qgrvay the three Btory and baaemenl dwelling at II, West 1 .Mil street t" : Joshua Wood Charles ft Kohler has leased for the 1 Excelsior Bavlnga Bunk to t-ewia VV'Mlkar Hlbbtn 54 W.M 104th sirret ; for Eliz,- bath Haiti to John Parent 124 vVeat loith stre. t; for Itobert H. Buriitlda to Sarah DaVlaa 121 Manhattan avenue: for Laura Pegentltrt to Ellen Stewart 77 Manhattan avenue, and for J. J. steiniiier Company to Qaorglg Collins illl Manhattan avenue. I si V tliOI.I K U HKIT NIITII ST. I peats ft Klliiitan have leased the four story and basement dwelling at 43 West j Eighty-sixth street to the New Syria gOgUt. now In Aeolian Hall. Tile lease . was mad.' for the estate of Edward llafter. 1 lie head of this congregation la Rabbi Bphralm Friech, ami among lit OfAotrg are M. 11. Rothschild, Jerome Well nnd J. I,. Krnnkol. Clarence Adler lu the director of music. MtNTI at i -i i : I. iim'I'on . The Iielafleld Estate linn leased .it Fieldston for u, term of yagrg a han.l aomo luiuse la J J Hamilton of Vouiiitn 'town, Ohio, and this city. Tho hOUJgl rill be ready for occupaiicy about May TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TKANsl-KRM. (With name nml aildress of lendOf nrut attrimsy. If nttorn.v's niiina la Omitttd address party of scrnnd part.) Ib.wnlown. (South of Fourteenth st 1 NlJKKdl.K HT. It, w e. 76 a Broome st, IT.X fiO David Palty to ll.njntnln M (Iruen ateln and nno, n v ggtll at. mtg Ill.lOlj Oct II: tttyt, Uru.iiairln & M. 230 (Iran. I at II CHRTRTIB ST. ;ti3. w a, 2i, a Hiantcn at, lltlt.t David Palty to BenjamM m Uflltntttln and an.., CO W '...'.th at, mtg 111,000, urt 7. nttya. Qruentttln ft M, .'t0 ( at $1 Bl.KBCKBH ST. 121-5. n w c Woatttf at. ttiltt-rPettr Tracy io Trl-Ctnttnntal It.uity Co. 43 Rtchangt pi, mtg ltt,000, Oel lit Htty, t ti c.i. if.. Bway, BORATIO ST, a a. 110) e Washington st. IT.IlllT.I -Patrlok rsrroll to Hugh far roll. L-44 B r.2d at. Hit 14, ally, John Wnaltn, u o j Hway ,.$ioo I ts! HAt, (Kutt of Fifth ay. between Fourteenth and 110th Ita) S9TII ST. 143-7 K, n s, IM w Id av, 53 Ix !'s ,1 -Julio .1 Htarn to Ktanley .louea, r.iii Wathlagton av, Bklyn, mtg $7i.(.uo, DM Iti ally, c J M. D. riuo't, ; Hector ti . fi ti I II HT. a s, i..- ii w Park av. Itxtlit Charlea t T.rry to IM Park Ave Co, III Hadleen av, mtg ,ttt, and ill llent, 1 .. t it. tt j, i. t i I " Rwai . 1 1 "i HTH sr. B. a a. It, w Park ..v. Iljit inn Huge .Meyer to r, no p. irk Ave Co. Ill Ma. lis. ui av. all Men.-, totg $7 1 Oel It: attj, I, T Co. ln Hvv.iv g no I.BXINUTON AV. w It.i n ttth at. .Ox 7s Anna r Simpson to Buaton Bait. ling Cerpn, 14 W ttth at, all llena. Oct 14; nttjs, Rteddard a m. III Bway., .-$too S4TH BT. . s. llu 4 .. I'd hi. Il.lgltt.l - prajieea i Madntrre t. Clara Porwoiik. 310 B 4th si. intK H-ttt all ilens, Opt 14; Htl). I. T CO, It Hvviiy $ IITH sr. :;o B. . s. .'in . 3d av, ;:.xioo. David Pale to M Urueneltln nno, nil W tilth St. mtg lll.ttt. Oo fj ..:t-... Urueaetein a m. I'.to Orana .t lift'i Jl. AV. 1701. e a. 7.', s n Sth 't. Itgttt I David C.i i-y to J... I. H MHVrr. !44 Park av, mtg i.'j.oon. ik-i . aitvs, Oruenateln ' M, S3 ii lira rid $1 IMTH s i . ti .. in ;, tat a. 37 1x100. 11 1 Win .'iifr to Tanner lt-altv Conin, lil3 Bway, ort 14; attya Phatat Baet 30 llroa.l at $ . 31. AV. e a. 40 4 n 100th et. It.tltt.t Ferdinand mi. rmann io Itatli a M r i.nse gieltrmann, till 7th av. Jan- 11:1 attg, Aifr.-i I'lank.nth.iier. .T. N'aaaau tt $oo . Jl AV. Ittl, a a. .0 10 n loot l, ,i, It.lttl M -' l ' Bill II Colt to Ft am ! Ii I Mesne, Hini-.ti, t. ,n. I. I. Oct 7. at : v .. ! Curtlt, M. p i'. 30 llroad at $1 3I . Ittl, vv . mo lu ii Itttk at. m.llx M.S. il . -Fr.n ii la li Ilowne I.. F. t II COM, BJdgefleld, "onn. Oct ; u-.tya. .Mav gaaobeea, i Park Row n Meat tide. (West uf Fifth av. between Fourteenth und 1 10th sta 1 1IST ST, a a. Ill w 7th IV, 41 llKlft,', Win J Hsiti . to Krue-t W Hr.iwn 4'. 130th at. net 1; attys. Hon II), I, tt J. II Wlillain at $1 ITTH st. u w. a a w 5th av. :Kx t$ I John llagea lu ,v ante M Horner, 1 IllKhlan.l av. PlUthlng, all llena. Aug 11. atty, T tl Co, 174 llvvav $100 34TH ST. 4'.: W. a s, 10 vv' Ith av. ;'Ux I" 2 II irgt V. Weill to Jno C F.sster 13 w Ittl tl nug l,tt!, and al: llena. Oct 11; atty. N V Title Int Co, 113 Hw.iy ..$100 ItlTH ST. 110.14:- w. a s. 4074 w Colum t'u. av. r: moo iixt7 ldxtoi Cunra.l Hubert to wo. prager, ladlv, i B t it h at mtg Mt.tIO, and all II. -na, o. t ; attvs, LlBd At 1'. It. CeJar st $M0 I ptOHO. Manhattan Island, north of lltth tt.i II ITH ST. si B. n a. 7.'. w Park av. ;;x Baetern plecounl Hank to Lor en Corpn, ;.. Broadway, mtg, i,t 13: atty. 1. Co, Itt Bway II 1ST AV e e a. 11.1 a ef c 1. bIM bet tilth an.l 1:1. t -.e. MalOt Joeao Men t.. Anna Well, hi. wife. ill-. 1st av. , pan. Aug It. II l.KMiX AV, :$3. w a. ae a I at. m0 Morgan j ty Brian, .tr ref, to Ota 1: C!i.-h...m and 0110. tru. tlorruitown. n .1. oei l: attvs. gttwan s. 4:. Wai! at . HI, noo Mol NT UORRII PARK w. w s. II 11 lltd at. 4" 11x10, . Mount M-rCs park W. n w eer l.'.d at. lOxlOn -R A s i'. 1 to Bernard Ratkowaky. w 1:0th st. mtg iis-iooo. oil ir. atty. H-nJ M I-vv at lvl" 1.-4TH ST. r..i K. . a, 13.', e Ma 1 v lax 10.1.11- Icule .1 ev-hnar'.g. ref. to BOW 11 a li'.-.kner. .:i" t'nlvtrtlty av. o.t it: ..-v. M 14 i- j.ks, 111 Hway $7.73' IIITII ST. 13 K. n s. Itt e ith av. Ml io. 10- -Th... F s. u,,v .,t..i nn. to Bophla Hints.. 11. pel W Until st. all title, mtg $:7.te0.1l Aug 17. attxs. Ii II M.UI.V A i'o. :.7 K IXIUi et $100 157TH ST. r.7 B. n a. 13.i a 3 1 av, IL.tvtt.11 Kite nor m atewart to i--.. tahi, -;.-j 31 av, mtg !i. ". al: ttena. 1s t is: at:v. t it 17.'. Bway tio.i IltD ST. s s os e Ittl a :.x 11- H. n rlettt Bs. hr. 1. : to Jacob gtaramen. t K lo.tli a:, ail lien., gepl II Ittl Hriinx 1 Borough ..f The Hr..u . JBRtntB AV, lltt, 11 . North tt, ivx 71 11-sMat.e tlmetaln to .1 II Phillip! Itruel, Peamv. H .1. mtg $t.o.n., 4-t tl. .tt vs. latater 1.. Itt Hway 1100 ITIiLl.- nn .ending t. c: ian'i I'--it. . vv a. begin wl map : (a .0 s r unt Heary Baumann to Helen Oaraay. Ml 144-ii e:. Ken 11, a' .'. lUrrv L Bjtr. TM Tremont av ptno j:'.rii sT a 3 w r.-h av, :.'.vc.' -via. ceaao Plata to Uluteppt h.k-s-..v.. t. im loth av . mtg 1, lee, ' t 7. ii'-.v .1 I-iiwe,. .;i Bway, , Ittl I'ltxrr AV. e a. 100 x ,, N'etann IV. 7 -.X If l' gin I i'.. c of Edenwald to Ail.-ri Bleating. ftS R llfth tl, Oct atty. A B eating, 1331 Id av II I44TH HT. ii a. Itt e i:; av. Six 1041 Franc la II Meagt to I'-.t.-a .1 Uenge, 411 i: t444li si rata 14.100. 1 1. I 11. Fr .1 M lip . 441 B 144th III WAVBRIsT si i, .. .. CourtlMdt av, trip I, till ii. riry ii s. hoe'.p io wm Hi tt I- 4th st. Jertey fitv, gepl 14.1 illv. T '! ft T Co, 17 llwnv l I s.wn: PHOPBRTl Carrlt evhoepp .t ..; I.. tame, is-. 4; atty, a--mo $1 1 hamk PHOPKHTV !- 1 .a .- Branner to I aama, Kaapt IT; a'.l. T il A- T Cii, 17ol Ra It hami: PROPtJKTT- John .1 - ina. ta I aame, Oct x atty. same fi HAMK PROPKRT1 4 leo A ftrhulg to .-j. me. I IH 4 , ait v. aame 11 SAMF. PItOPBRTT Wl'l C H. hull lo sun... l t 4, atty, same ...II Lit i-4. 1.1k ittl, tax mapHarry N prtne h ref, to .'i.aa C DU-lteh. Jr. ivt n..m aaay la' K . lh-1 11, a-.-.v, T li A T Co, Ift Bway $:.oo BAMB PROI'BRTV- Oia ' IMetefh, Jr. t.. Mary A Dleltch. 113 Daglt av, Oel 14: atty, same i-. OAHJJtCN PI. being lot :o. man 17. .,,1. ..t geuth Mt Vertovi. ;.,al.'4 Retta et a: to Mlehl better 4;.;: Qardan pi i.c- 14. atty, F a BaparMo, Mt Vermin, N V ;uu OAROCN PL, a ,. . 1., lug lot 11, game mop, ISxltl- Jat Bttta lo Joa,. i i.'t 11 at t . aam 1 ioo PRAXKLIN AV. 1331. w s. &Ox:ol -Loult K Kaeban. Inc. to Itaaa leader, is.ti .'iinton av. mtg lie. -"io. .i-i, - :.t, atti T ii A T 10 HI Hway $ BAMH PROPF.RTV laaac Is-adtr to Ida tttiereehtvek! lios Ancheny ax mtg 1 10. Out, 11, t 11. atty. same lino Lot tl, lab 57. tax map Mlddleton M H.irUn.l. r. t. to John Kenntsly, 173; tt'eeka av. Oct 14; ttv, t U a t Co 1 :s Bway $ 1 na MARION AV. ;.. x w a ri.txll! $-Wm Albert 4o Walter ii Wale, h, Jr. lit Jgi k ton ..v. mtg 14 lat, i.t 14 ,.V, t 1: a '1 ' ' 1 7vi Ha :iy f too lltTH sr. s so w Tllden ax. ItglSl -ChtJ B Marrln. ref. t., Ulchtte Sara etna, 7:.i 1: U7th .1. Aug -, utiv allchtli Hara.-ena, c.i Park l..w . 7io Iti AV. w e. .lit, ti nut et. .'.!;; n -Jarquln Frmk, ref to Third Av Inc. 3:73 3 I av. Oel IS; a.ttva, ISIfera X A, '.7 7 Hvvuv . , 1 .,,, HUTU sr. 37 F, a e a. 11x100 alaa W.iverly si. u e. TI e Cortland! av airiii I x: Wm II H'nodt 1 1 Jet Thelae -417 valantlnt av. nog l,$ot, Oet altv. 'I' vl A I Co. Iff llvvav.. .. i UITH ST. s vv .. 100 nw 3.1 av. Il.ttioi also interior jot begin- on ti line i.,t .177. map Mairoat, inn e e Blien av 40 .x: ,x3i 4x. '. Wm k Kletnt to fhaal Dtlltlt, III B Ittth n. Apr 14; am T 'i A T 1 ... Kit Hvx iv li HAMK PBOPBHTY -i-li. is w iiei.t. ... Wm : Kltlne, lllgliw .... I, N j. Apr 11 I atty. aatlie ... LtlT 31, map 1: it II King. I'ttv Island Jacob giuRh, Jr. et ,,: to iiiv Uland 11. .110 1-, inr 4-. won 11, nug 13,310, - r 7' atty. 'i' t Co, i7 iivv..v... $ 1 n I l I'M A I4S ST. a . 3.. King av. 4.lx - Jacob Smith. Jl, i xr. et ul to City is. an. 1 Homea. lu. iv ..:: at, Oel 7: ttty. T 1: T Cii, 170 Hvv.iv .$.-,730 WAIHINtlTOM AV. 11 e cr lltth s-. U fa si 11- I'liristina eo ii'iiM t.. Fred gen 1 la lilt av. Oct 7. atty, T 11 T Co. 70 llvvav ttdO gAMB PHOPBHTY Frtdk kehulia to No III! Tltboul Av. in.-, tug Tltboul av, Oct 11, ally. SKlne 1100 IllliilCIIS I'... vv a. $17.1 11 Westchester av, us x 7 4 l:.l St Kea'.i v i'u to Tere- ln lit Mgrls. 1)11 1st nv, nitft. gSl.f 11. t 13; atty, T (I ft T Co, 170 llroa.l way $100 INTBRVAIaB AV. e . 1143 n t9th at, r.uxiiio l.:d St Ilealty Co to Tere. Ilia I... Negri. -'-'.i 11 av. ! I it 111,000, i.t 13; atty, T ii ft T Co, 170 Hiv.iv $100 MQBTtMO KM, (With asm tad iddraai nf an.l liaoir'l uttnruey.l Hull III mi II. (South of Pourtotnui tt I SOUTH STi Itt. - t , all (Kla, prior mtg Ii is. -pi 17, dun gg p,.r band .Davit a Huiiac to Wtttuhtitar -Mtg Ca IMaiaaotvlllg, N v. mt. Jonathan Huldvn, Plaas mt vllle. V V n dqo ItlVINHTON BT, I'JI, 'i w Ni-riK ,( :o.::, tlorrla Oral! t.. iinaa Warahow ii Mornlnialda nv, luatuiis a p ,, Mr ll -'' 11 ally, A Warahow. Ill "" M.O'll) KRAI. F.gTATK AT ACrTION. Gen. Sherman said "War Europe says "War is The Dash Heirs say "War is Because they are forced to sell 329 lots in War Times when they know it will be impossible to get more than 25 to 50' , of their actual value. Buyers must make money because they will be able to obtain lots along Broadway directly on the line of the City's quickest growth at a Subway Station, for whatever they choose to pay for them. Don't yon see the opportunity 329 Lots AT ABSOLUTELY UNRESTRICTED AUCTION at Broadway, 236th, 237th, 238th and 240th Sts. and adjacent avenues nnd streets, 'fthe Bowie Dash Estate TUESDAY, OCT. 26TH at Exchange Salearoom, 14 Vcgey St., N. Y. 70 . on mortgag. Titleg insured frao For maps and particulars apply to J. Clarence Davies, 149th St. & 3d Ave. Joseph P. Day, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Agents and Auctioneers. .'.Til ST. . a. '1 vv :.l .iv. :"x.'',s, i.rl.r mtg iT.r.oo--M..TM a KulIi ti. Prancla 1. Adrian at rii-asaiitv.ii;., N v. Oct It, I-i. A--', as p.r t.on.l. atty. K J K-i. li. :;0 Hway It.ttt tlaat IMS, (Eaal .f Klfth av, hsisssn Ki-urta.nth ami 110th ata l LRX INOTOH av. s, n :4Hi .-. II ox MagUaltaM li". wi lo Mt. Morrlaon. t&. 11 ... . krr at. prlur mtg ltt,ttt, "lu Nov l, Hit, i; ) e, tut 1'.; atty. S N Tu It man. 3-U Bway I Mitt 6ITH BT, It E. a a. HI r, Park av. Il.tS lot.l lot r.irk Ave i-o t-i Hugo Mayer. W ?vh .;. O. t 1'.. attv, I. T Co, ill Bway m ono ;4TII l-'T, n a. .So a ;i I ligltt.S Uorttta N liiskrn t' Hartln Dlaltan & ,s..n. lii.i GMii st, Bklyn, prior n.ig. ii. mand I p v. uvi It; atty, J l' Donallan, Ian Nassau at tt.'illO LBXIN'UTON av. io.;a i. a s. .;: : n ttth .t. i Kayaar, i vr and I rug. Henry i- Kuya. r to darniaa Bav lugs Hank. 1" 4t!v av. Oil 13, .1 vrs. p i . atty. m Autrbaeh, 4. Broad way 12.000 4TII ST. a a 1:13 I i- :, v It.tgltt . - i ...r.4 l'..rv.';ik t. Krair is i' Mai latyro. a!l A ii. r, Prlncvgg llu . S I. Tirl'ir II. IK f..1'.1. Instil ls ti p .. I I. 1 14. i,t'V. 1. T i-. Ill Mvta II, tit tint Mile. (Waal of nffh av, botwaea Poarttanth an! 1 10th ata I ITTH BT, n a. w Ith av. ilsll Ata-...n-n N 11. .:n- r t.. John Magi a Watklna N .Iti.- i.s per bond. Oct 1; atty. T A T Co, 1 T c Hway s.'..ooy fTH AV, T;-i. Itaoahokt Thoa K Corcoran 10 on Bbrot, nn; Park i demand ti v. oit i'.. utty. itw m Burgbara. Ill livv :t' 12.000 .'ITH sr. II W, n s. ii e nth av, llxltt.l lifth M I'mikar to l.illun II W-. hs.. r. 5T.'i .t Bhd aVi pr mtg l,s, 1 r or aoonar, i p . tivt 1. atty. Ralph V Wechglfr. SSt Hway ; ooo ttTH BT. W, a. ::. vv i'.nir.. r.irk v.-.-t. Ilgltt.t 'Wilhulmlna f Muller an.. i. I'liton s.iuaj-. Bavlagl Hink. t-i Union Stio-ir.-. . yra, i p c, t,t 14. ut-v. T (I Co 1T Hway 11:.. 000 AMKTBRDAM AV, a.-., feaaahnld Jog 1" Bi-atlon ta Win 0DontieU, '3' Am-. ..v. itua m. i-r bond. 14. attv, Melvllla II ll-'trna. I'. Hcekmau t II. TOO I ptoWBi 1 Manhatt 111 IBtand. north nf 1 10th at.l 5U AV. : i::. r r 0 II li lllh st. L'il.i .1 ph M Matikey to n.. Kallty, lit VV . let at. tin. aa pel bo.iU. O- l li, till... ally, T i Co. Ho Hway r..t VHIt.M ll.M.A AV. a cur .'. lih at. :i 114 txlt.'gll It Metiken-Kraua Ratal ly a- Conatr Co 10 1'ratn ia, tlarcla, ill Mad av, e i ra. I a p v. Oct II j attia, Uoklanilth, ' 0 a- W, 01 Broad way Iio.voO Brass. 1 Borough of Tu Broni.i POWRlsls AV, 11 a. at lino hat lota HT; and :'T. map UntonpofL ll.taitl, being pari lot ;'7v aanit in-ip Kl'. .en. V S, li tn-t.lar tu Martin Btapper, Htl Powell .0. n i 1. 3 vi., ;.i. p v. attv, frank oaaa. iiu-, it:1.;. West, na.sier av iltltl PRATT av. 100 11 Nelaon av. it.ti ;i.1. 1 1 AU.ert Hleaeltig to IsuuJ 10 I of Bdenwaltli 319 Mwh. Oct 14. " via. a P . ttty. It H Ailing. 143 Hway..; WAHIIlN'OTCaN AV, :--4. e g, miOl.t Waahlngton -Vv Uotdlng Corp la Nicholas Cgnribratice, 17.". K isn, prior mtg 13. ' 1 1 t It, vra, I p e; atn Waah lngton av 11-.. -nug Corp, un.'i W'H.Mt.g ton ,iv ... li.r.oo It.iTH sr. 11 . ITI a Willis .iv. ISlttO-. Henri V 11. 1 lime to Minnie itrosa, 4-9 .'"Mil st. Bklyn. Oct II. I vra. 1' p ,-. itttv. T il A T I'o. 17-1 Bwa) IIV.OOU URAKlJ lUU'l. i: aiui and CtiVCOt'llBB, vv , ;i: n l.lth at. r.'iaT? Nlata Conat IVl In,, to N Y Tllla Itva Co, jti ltvt tv. lat 1... 3 ms p . atty, N V Title ln C, IIS Hway tT. oo'l PA MM PHOPKHTV same to lleo Uaalt n. .l.u. : t no Klftlt av. pri-.r nug IJ..HVJ0, nt is, due April It, Itll, ii p o; atty, "'i- 7,.00t JKWIN'IS ST, 0l-ttt, a a. Cxlll.lgtOl Istt 4 i'iih. 11 Rot Batata to Jacob A ii- gaenhalner, jsi w iiui and ano. 1-is. n t 14. 3 yra, I p c; utty. Title 1) A T - ... 17-1 Hw ay ... 11 r..00ii D1TMARB sr. a a. lot 31, map Hi R ti King PM Isian.l (Itv ialan.1 Home.. In.-, t-. Johl II, 11 Cunn-.ti prior nug ,SQ, Ool 17, 3 yra. I p oi a-tv. Tltlv vi A T CO, 17 Hway.. ..:,00 ASSIUNMENTB OP MORTOAQltS, MssBaltSSi RIVIN ITtiN KT. Ill Wm H P.hnil.ti, ear, Ac, in Plorenra H Ctwle, It... kwlnk 1. r chauateti III ObtrmenlaiMl he Rretnan, Qermaayj attv, c g PctrtaBcli v'i Maiden lan-- $1 :4in sr. i:ii B Saint to tania; attv. "Jin" fi URflAUWAV, e ls Itttb at tlx I itv Mtg i o to x v Trust Oa ;-t Broad n. atty. v a Snow, WaJI t II I7TH ST. 344 W John P Klrgel 10 Tim- tiy Hiv.-iip.iri .V ano, trus. ;-'l Belinonl Ter. V'-nkeia. N Y . fin.iiii.i li- III BT, HO 1 WMUlla H Weaver t.. Irving Olover, ling:- 00,1. N ,1 . 11 PKIVRV BT, II IS 1. Noblt at al, rgra, to Bntlgraat Indurl Saving a Hunk M at. attya, It A 11 J iritor man( II Chatnbert at ,,,, ISO tot LKONAIID si- 44-4.1- Uawyi ra Realty .'.. to Y Real Estate Aeaoolatlon. to 11 Hway. ultj, 1. T . 'o. iro llvvav . .1 40 000 HTH sT. l-i 1: st John 11 it Id nf ,m N Y t n Y Mis a Security Co. i t'. Rwayi a-.ty. N Y Title (na 1.1. itt. Hwuy 114 ITTH ST. 11 e, Hi tv central We-t ' linl 11 . lei. ne Wi.lmav.-r to llw.a c Vom Hafe, lit Si Mrka av. Rklyni I'ty. .1 . l.afi . uler. 1001 AtltMltlO :i'. Bkiyn Lt 190 st. 3.i.;-s 1: -Isaiwyere M-tg Co to Al lien CrSOt i-l al, trua, Stamfordi I'mm; 11 My. Awytrt Mtg i'o. II Liberty al tn:., 000 BLDRIDQB ST, fiii -s.-ynioor ReaJt) .1 . Jog Reoht, N Y ; itttv. I. T '... Itt Hway lit (nig HAMK PROPBRTV Jog 11. .M u cii.,. luttman, Ul Centtal Park Welti am- ame 47'ITI ST. IN K. A 3.1 av. IDS Hormud MaTM nun, rvi., A . t , lluray Hay mulin kn aahliiaton pi, attyt BngeJ Brot. 13J Kaaaau at oro.r of rourt SAMK PROPBRTT-4tmt to Jacob Hey- 17 RKAL rtTATF AT ArCTIOrf. is it" it" 111 inn. tins. M Waahlngton pt; atty, urder of court Brass, Doltla uu'" "'"' SJON ALlCB M ,.,!. to'VlinlgranVin1 MIMJllt. WllaLlANBTTIC, to' M.iry a 1 1 FIRS TIT1.H At Till ST , -, ; Vo 'jacill M tUvyerVa . . . t , tun S,TO' MARTH . to' j aJiS! K,L':' ' '' '-'" W. ' ,, a.rn.1.,. rifV l-us-li HdMKS.' ix.-.' t. BinkeTa Truat ti,. assign t mtg. $11001 RKCOBOKU LRASKel, """tsttss BUIRIDOB ST. :5, ,r, i men -rm.ip i, Uodenbiirg and an., to wl oohl, .-, Br g Ki M'ril, ' :; atty. Dlogenat it y c. vik .n .,. .mil rWcvatur at. -f li V- "- v " ', , '"d '" t - - ' Vr,."' 1 " 1 ' l-oa.-l I"- agent - JSr,,l ' t., Thoa 1' i 'or.'itran. "..-.V;i. at, 10 in Iron t i. ttii: , ' M Burghartl, , -. I iiw ' I ST. inn-1.. k, ..'.- Pau Ine Huh- malater Wtnion Hot. ; c... iuo k total Hull '.'i 1 ' 'sill atty, wm Brlmner, Sso Bway i; on maims, ,x st. .tre Thereaa ! '.-Int to Jas An-lr. i,k -. st Madlaon at. . vra . ,ir ''" 'tn i;t IITH BT 171 W. iij.artment nn 4th Hor .i.s I'o wen to 11 Tlemeyer, 4M W lOUl at, 3 yra from net 1, lilt In ... , HO ..ti l I i.'O 3D A. rtt, -1 - Mary Carro la Patk J Lenahan Itt K loth ,, It vrs rrora !,', ' li ItlJi u w 11 Stewart, ittl ITH BT, 17 " ra' floor t.a. :nVnt Braunateln Rt - Pountaln So to Joa Mlbui, on prem, 3 vra from Oct l. Itlvi att aruii.- 1744 Broski 131 TH ST ..;. K, .lout.'., .tore K,lw K'lck. a oi t. tn Heuer, .if- y, 1x4th gr :t yra froni M.v 1, uij; ., ., ia Heutr, iti B 1 3 1 1 Ii at 130.1 II- I'l.MIHXv Manhsl tan. lltTH sr. jn; k s;.,,,. victor Cone last nt- Mu x M Uolan -1 .-1 ifore.juaure of mtg . any. 1 , 1; Cone) . 1:1) sr. 1. . . v. m.i. i.s, ,n av. SSttl.Boa Harry Muller u al agt It Bait 3!4 ri Co el al ifurecloeure f nngi, alty, m 1 Johnxou, BROADWAY, HI Umanuet s. -never ot ' "B I burgh l it- A Trust Co .ape. ..11. ni-rformanci 1; attya, Ui) Prank ent l.aler Brass, MURKIS AV, w a. .4.. . K-.lh -. ItalSxa. w i.ium N Joiinaeu agt Clertrudt l.o 11- n tforei lotui 0 ..1 mtg . v, j h ii nrein KHI.l.Y sr. 711 -Ann., Ooldbarg agt J. ffobitieS. "" ' 01 mtg.. HIST BT, lot K Lawyeri Mortgag Co ..j,. Agii"a M I'raciia.l e: .,1 ifortcTolur of mtg); atty. i'.,i- a Carroll. Mil 11 INItS' UKMB, Manhattan. Al'Dl'HON av. 11 .. c lltth at, Ittxlttkaa Joa pli ,... Rahder uat S H J 1 nrp, ..vvu-r. Ulueappey .iheUi. t-ntrae. tor I 1 1 - a. 10 1. ST. 311 w Man in k agt Joaiih 1 1 . Vn 'HS "; Rwnt! eantraclor noj l.irn si, i, Benjamin Led oa joeeph, own.r uni cuntraotor, l.ouls uoldtn, contractor itia BAMK I'ROPERTl Pan. agt lists iV-a-pn, owner an I . uniractor lilt 1110 ST. HT snil w m -r .,,,. trplnf cM.VraV,.f,"?rf' ",y c,"., IIST ST . 34 I: Chan... Smith agt J. . ph w Stern and Kdward 11 .i.,rks owner; Abraham ano Menry M -tarn berg, ,01111 a,!r. TI.?I IIITHST, .110 K m . M Rog act Bu. nt... Really inera; a Hithworer. Jr, contractor 11 v.. ,.ri M; III. till t'Oail'OH-HTIOHrfi AbBATNV, Oct I. .Tht following rea.ty rorporaUtfiia w.ia i 1 1 1 h-.e . ,i n- iia. a .Sat Realty Con. pun. Manhattan, capital, t ..... ,: 1, ...... 1.,, aanioal Soaln, Joseph Prankturiliar and Alavander s ataiiaon. .New fork ell una lluiidrtKl and Hlx Kael rTlsbty.flfta P:r t 1 'i(Hii M.udiatlan, wpiual. i, i"mi dirtctora x hen - Mui liner, iVeoa II ..i.e.. Now lota ... . p, Cat, l.yti llilllai, .N .1 Kaflea. IbMtlO Co iptny, Masaavttssi rapit.l. 11. dlrai'iora, s Q - : ,.,n Joaeph r Crater an 1 wintl.ron H'ilaon. New Vork t'lt 1 llalpln Realty I'oinpuny, alajxhaOtaai capital. II,'..",. sra. Henry J KHnaky Aloiits t. 11 ,1-ri. and Uenevleve .-he.l-oan. Xe ,v ,.1 u v i-.v Mai 1,; Holding company, Manhsyltan capitul ll.ii,,., ,i;re, .. . M .1 , f, Isevu.e. Hannah Cohmi an 1 Max l'. MorrlMn, .New Y01 k idly iia.t .Nn. in street Company. Brooklysi saplta I It "-io, itirsctora J vim eg Bergst, PSIhaill Minor. X. .. Joaeplj .V PstWSIl. Hi k vn v i, i Atthur J Cariaton. Bdsewali r. S BenlilU Building fttimpaiiy, Bc-'-kivtv. capita . II. o.i .. .1.. ra, ci, bnr .Vin... Ollibcr a-. I Nathan Sliuala . Urook lyn, x. r il!i?!-jIJllLilL?il: IL' jtk 1 ir sAi.B. ATTHACTI VK HARUA1NH IN MuUMlCM one fainlll h.ns. s a:, I clinUw I'lilldlng Inla at private a iiuge numbi-r fium which to ali .-t THE BANK INC DRPARTMBMT I r AT 3 OP NKW VORK. t" qulok .' os- Iha l.ilal- nei (wo oorpot itl ni nfl . theaa prui rlia at aim n . nf I n. r pru.e Thev are loi it it I tvvopd. l'a.taada, Morstrt tno laionta. New jarty mp p'.stte urant1 Tomtii within twenty.ttvg minutes of Manhattan An laapsctlon of 1 1 . es 1 properlle grill tsnvtsos that iby r uuutual bar gain, tslbaral termi Tltla Ouaront Pot- li v free l-'nr f-irther dtaltt tl 1 lerma eddrl IllvlN'.i I. HAIQHT. Bperlnl I' iiuly Bunt of iixnka. care if it nkn ; i", irtstast. 1 Brotatwgy. Xrw Tori ' ttv .: c r