THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. 19 f REACTION IN COTTON AFTER EARLY RISE Forenoon Htivin? on Ruins find BnlHlB OIIps Report on Crop. FOREIGN YIELDS SIIORT Then H wmttifc bullish news In dr n jrastaffgs' (hiring the forenoon Induct butts to put prlcea up about .,i point over Thursday's rinsing. I tn tatting by uptown Interest, an Sell .i- soma er-llltig by llir Hnrth, caused l. .f about ht&t this fain before ihf i lose. The Ml whs also it feeling1 that I iMKt ginning report might be heavy, .is tlierc hag been plenty of labor and the, rid bus been an Incentive to encour jgo cotton picking. Heavy but MIMHl rains were re-purti-d 1" parts of Arkansas. Oklahoma, the Mississippi Valley. Alabama and Oeorgla. CabhM regarding the crops of lidlm ami ligypt pointed to a curtailed vlfld A Bombay cable placed the In ns crop io 4.nno,Ofln bales, compared with r. . ' ' o . n i 0 bales last year. Further (leterionitlon was reported by Alexan dra In the Kgyplan crop, t'nfavorable advices from liulia have led to a sharp id vance In Sen island cotton, which la now higher than It has been for several veer. ' Miss Olles Issuerl a supplementary re port. I" which she gave no condition figure", although much stress was laid en the damage to the top crop by wee vil, and the checking of growth by the frggtS ..f early OOtObOf In the Mississippi Vall' V and Arkansas. The returns tic ri tested that II per i-ent. of the crop i l hri n Binned Ml an average date of October I and that fl per rent, of the , had been picked. There was considerable comment on (he Nv York rotton Exchange regard- g (hi pfupoood amendment barring illeii" from ictlve membership. Tha imitations apply to aubjecte and cttlgens gf gtl countries outside of the United States. Residents of other countrlaa Will have the right of aaeoclata member hip. similar to that accorded to resi dents Of other countries by the Liver pool i-otton Association. In this way It possible to avoid compllcatlona resulting from the selling out of con ta for tha a. .omit of operators who ,.e re!de"ts of other count rlee which might bi S war at some time with the Vn.t-.t Htaes. .ding to the New York Cotton i mgc the Into sight for the week was lit :ni balaa, against lll.OM laat year. The total for the eason was S. 541.000. igilnft l.2.0in last year. Spinners' ik iiK- ..' American rotton were lifl.OOO. tgalntl 114.000 last year The visible apply of American cotton Is now J. 574. MO, igamst 1,070,000 last yer. M.irk.t closed steuily. Doeo-Hlte-Low cioe Pr mi ct el ing close baiambw II " H TO 12 Mil "hill ' WU 'Tu.rv 1 1 II II r?K77 II . Ma, I, IS . 1.1 13 l; r. 1.1 W 1 13 " 3m 111 list lilt Vl.lsllls.l4 IIJ4 1:1-1 13 in U.UU.N UJOwllW Bl.i The lo. l market for .pot cotton was quiet. Mlnta adranoi . nii.lilling. U 4V Southern not surketa h alBctaUy reported were un Sungrd i" 13 points advgnce New Orleans, if Oslveston, : Savannah. Wga.1 Wtaiphla II - ' : Augusta. U.Uv.. and Houa- inn 1. lie . -a Ne orlean. market oiened steady ami - Iise-l ateat.y Open Until Low. Clns- PSST. 1 . est. est. ! 'lose T.emher I n ll. U41I.M UJMItl.W . ,n . ,r '.' i.r. 13 13 1 13 ll- "' iir,i, .. ., Mjr HOI 11.17 li.tSgril.4t U.SMII.M Th. Liverpool market ms-iie.1 unlet. Tbera m.eio"! bualiMMa in poi cottun. with niut 1II11K I polnta MM t tM Sales. flftai tales recelpta, II.O0I bales; Amertoan, 11.00"). v'iotnl very steatly Open- High- lxw- Cln Prev ion est esi. ins ciusv. ; nj : IS 1 07 7 IHft 7 I" - :!, 7 g 7.10 7 Ik 7 lflt 7 14 7 I' 7.tS 7.H : v 7 M t o4 1 tall btda to Liverpool were; Janu 1 , ...... . n .lnlv ll.'T. The luirktl there is due to 0111 to- ggl 4 to ;i point! decline roi i mvipii .md itocas . lie Laat ceipta year im r..it7 I. '.IK $20,000,000 TOBACCO MERGER COMPLETED New Corporation Formed Out of Several Lonpr Entab llshed rompanie. Incorporation papena of the Mutual Tobacco Company, Inc., a 120,000,000 corporation formed by the merging of several long established tobacco com panies of New York and New Jersey, were filed yesterday In Delaware. James O. Taney, a leaf tobacco merchant at ! South William atreet, promoted the merger, the negotiation of which has been under way for two years. Among the roiicemn taken over by the Mutual TobaoOn Company nre the Mis. rj. B. Miller A Co. of New York a corporation nrganlaed In 177; Hoff man A Co. of lied Hook. N. T eatab llahed In 1800; Allen Dunning of Pat eraon, N. J., established In 183S. and the Campbell Tobacco Co. of Newark, N. J established In lg06. The Miller company la one of the oldest New York corporatlona. Negotlatlona are under way for the Inclusion of other com panies. The par value of the stock will be 110 a share. About f 15,000.000 already has been taken up and the remainder will bo offered to the public, and may bo Hated. According to a statement Issued bv Benjamin Swartg. 12 Broadway, coun sel for tha new corporation. It Is In no way connected wMh the American To bacco Company Interesta or with the HohtlMe Interests "The management of the chain of fac tories will be In New York city," he said. "We have no desire to rreate a monopoly. Wo will take advantage of the most advanced selling methods and plan an extensive advertising campaign. We will take advantage of every benefit of organisation on a large scale. We will feature a profit sharing coupon w th our merchandise, which will Include a popu lar priced cigarette. Italian atogles, a new chewing tobacco and popular priced smoking tobacco In cans. We will alan grow, cure and produc e tobacco In all forma. Including aiiufr." timcens and directors of the new com pany will be elected next week, when further organisation plana will bo formulated. .Inn FV 31 ar Apr Mi Jum July tut TV :i A M an : - Mj r, , vev. Ne llri.di llaMIe Sivunnah. . . Charleston ffllntngton .Norfolk Ink nor n . iUI :-' Memni. M Loula Hnuileii f New Orlei 77.1 13 H ate! lfcs M fll 3 131 I l- and eto. ks Ue l.sst .mis year 4fi 4 M 4 VI" .17 a 4.1.-.4 U.M I4JH Bstlmatad port receipts to nay H o U) 1" Oot Stm-Us. XvO l?4 M J4 it.m 179.713 U.M 10 471 Stocks 140 IM n i4 .ui Ml Ul,Mt Last week U.1M 7 1I13 l.att year 151 m 7l.4l II KM M.I7I X,74 U.M7 Last year. 7o.oM a7,-33 14.30.'. m.40 Last year 1.1 417 3.40! Total ' ii Isi Hue season. i.3l bales. Total laat kwiti, vij"j, uaies DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WAIHINOTON, Oct ir, - The utatement of ' e . ,j ! ihshuraement- of 1 tie Treaa- 1117 abowa, Tins mo Maeal year IU aipli . . i: 17,H7 ItM.M.IM biaburarnenla m w.n.'.: 212.s14.337 Dsn . . ii m.OgJ l4l.il71.SM in cuatoMS this nay. !".;. 147; . evei le urdtnerjr, It.Ml.MSi iDeoflM lag I and mlacellaoaous, 177 7:1c batik notes received lor redemp tion, K77.7V; nil atslamenl of the t inted States October 14 show NORFOLK SOUTHERN PICKS UP. Three Moatha. The report of the Norfolk Southern Kallroad for the year endad June30,181 5. shows a deficit; of 20. Oil, hut since then the road s business has recovered In line with the Improvement of busi ness lu the South and In July. August and September earnings Increased so that a substantial surplus Is shown. The surplus over all charges for July was 15.37.', against a deficit of 11,131' last year, an Increase of 17,401. The surplus for August was 115,1.11. against a deficit nearly as large for that month last year, making an Increase of f0, 141. The gross earnings for July showed a decrease of 113,000, hut In August it had Increased 111,114 and In September 21. 0. The earnings for these last two months were the heaviest In five years, due to Improved lumber and coal business. The gross Income for 115 was 13. !!,", 2 as compared with 13,0,020 in 1114. while the total Income was 11,057. '.'20 In 1016 as compared with I1.2M. 178 in ttl4. The deficit this year, how ever, was less than In 114, when It wus I22.2J8. due to the fact that divi dends were paid that year. in 11J there was a surplus of $5(0,689. THE CHICAGO MARKET CHICAGO. Oct 1.1 -The market .-on tinued atronj andectire National Biscuit common. Stewsrl Warner Illinois rinek Ilia moisl Match and Swills were In iood . maud al huher prima Hoial market hrool. with Public Srrvn.e -a a strung feature i ne aumniary THE BOSTON MARKET. BOSTON. Oct. 16 The reaotlomvr lone at New York was reflected In the market for copper hares In s small wag. Prices yielded fractionally throughout tha Hal. but there was absence of Inelaient pressure lo sell Industrials and rails were dull and slightly lower, ine aumniary Open- High- ing. est. Sales. nas Alaska Gold H Its) Alton th lit 1M Allouet MVi 1101 American Zinc... si, 440 Aria Commercial, m nr. Butte Alex 8 H r.r, Bmte Balak 114 471 Butte A Superior. 30s Calumet A Arli.. (I4t is 1 amine! A SMSM.IM 0 centennial Ill Chi no SiO Copper Ksnre.. 3f. Daly West Kssl Butte iro Franklin 196 Oranby 1747 Greene Cananea lo Hancock .100 Helvetia V Indiana . ?S Inspiration M Island Creek. .. ?" lale Roysle.. . 300 Kerr Lake so Lake 1 .a Salle s fl Mass Cons 111, N Mayflower 8 170 Miami M, so Mteblgan su 4-1 Mohawk 7f 7.1 Nevada Cons Its 540 New Areaihan.... 101 W New idrls aJ North Butte SI K.7 North Lake r. 100 Old Colony 4 31 Old Dominion Ma so Osceola is Jl Pond Creek ITU W Ray Cons jau Is Hants Fe v. 310 Shannon N Shsttuek 27 I3S South Lake 175 South ftah 88 Bt Mary's .,. MS 114 V Mi II 711 gm 414 r.00 ii i; z 11 sS Ixiw- Clos est Ing. H 4!"4 IM 1.1 M 41, 41W M m in 6 n il c 3214 1 '4 ts3S IS 4 S OS 04 &.YI II 40, 6i MM ml IM M 44 40'. US 0 II! I ci 4SS 4IS .. 4.1 47, 4.. .. 3S MS M ..I lg-l I 11 1! 1H 11 1114 ll1, II ns r. MS 3S 7s 15 I0 S 11 IS 4 Mi II ITS gm N r. 6644 10i, 60 IS 44 47S 3'a tl 70', S I 11k M Superior Boston 1 1 11 .1 1 in eiilrior topper 2m, isn Tamarack 44s 3Xi Tniilly 10 (00 Tuolumne ,30 to t'nion Con Land., n, 2W If S Smelt inn 414 SK. f S Smelting pf. ;u H7I ftah Apex S 30 I'tah Cone 13 213 rtob Copper 7014 60 Victoria iii 140 WolTriine Wjandotte 114 RAIL OO ADS Boston A Alb in', 4.'. lloaton Kiev v. ;vl Beaton Iawell..l33 so Boston Maine.. Mtl M Chi Jet S T pf 104 1 Conn River im t ritchburg pf 7 Maine Central .... Mn ;. N Y N H A H ... 13 i West End St Ry.. 4'4 c.isi miupi..H M MISCKI.I.ANEOIS 10,i Am Ag I'lc m .. 471 nu rst Am Ag Ck pi M w ;' Amoskeas- ,.,'.. 10 Am Pneu Serv.. . IS le Am Sugar of 1 if. ts7 Am Tel ft Tel.. ..IMS IMI Am Woolen us IM Am Woolen pf . . N 7 At Oillf ft W I . 11 170 A Ii ft W I pf . MS 13 Rdiaon IV, tieii Electric i 3 Maaa Gas MV i Msas tlsa if in 10 McElwain pf X Merrenlhaler is N H Cot Yarn pf 4n .' N K Telephone, llvs I 11 I Jl l.'S H JOS I 4 f.-, S4 17 S IS 18 17 M 9 6.1 S 4f. IS 41S 47 1 11 12S IS r.; IS s M 3 Mi 601, I 600 II MM t,6i, M IMt S N 41 ITS M 41S 4A 2 s 14 4 It R 14 2S 7'S irs 10s M 11 1 4 M K.S 17 34 as 1 T I ..". 61 1 3 gj OS .45 Its i?S t:s BRITAIN NOW ORDERS CAST IRON SHELLS Larjre Contract Placed in Can ada Call From Kallroadu for Brldtzfl Steel. 114 Ml 131 MS imS ir o S MS 4S - IM 136 (7 is I IM as 61", 1 IMS 4S IK 31 104H IV. 70 MS 12 4S 14 To Pullman i Kcce Button 41 Swift ft Co 10 Torrington pf. . 147 l iuiisl Fruit 361 I'm Shoe M.h B Vnl Shoe M pf 716f. p S Steel 41, 1 S Sleel pf .. 4.V. Ventura Oil. . . 144 . 16 ,n;S . M ,14S . fell, ;'. I3S HIS IS BONDS IM 144 11 11SI, 34 1I6S MS Ms sis III "6S ms 3S 116 l.'4S M S4 14 1.1 I 335 17 mm m so Igj 411 IM 144 IS 11SS 34 IMS fS 3 ma "IS 1-'S f'S IS 144 m ;us I04S Ii". ?0 -S XI IMS 14 7S n 14 S L IMS iijs MS 14 33S 3 IfMfj 4 is IM i 13.1 144 16 US1, 3a tM SOi, 3S 114S IIS '.' Atrh sill M, 1000 A (1 ft W I M l'si Cent Vt 1st la WOO C J ft S Y 4s ' Si i Mau (ias - ISM Mas- tias 4Sa Ml oho N K Tel re MM Pond Creek fia l'sa Swift Sa West TAT ,' MS Ht 7IS 71 S vi.. S 3. MS MS MS HsH, l M. s7 SIS l MS S74. IMS luiS M MS its MS MS IM r THE BOSTON CURB MARKET. The British Government lias placed a large contract fir cast Iron shnapnel Hhells wltfh Tanadlan nianufacturera. This Is the first contract for castings for tills purpose that lies is. me to the our face. Heretofore all of the orders for shrapnel and small high explosive shells placed In America have been of rolled or forged atecl. In Kngumd It has been the practice, to make small oast shells for years, but the ImpresMon Is that such castings made In the United Stales r ir small shells are Inferior ; honoa all orders hsve been for rolled or forged metal. Word comes from Ottaira, Can ada, that mil of the contracts for pro jectiles placed by the Hrltleti flovern nient oinia through a central committee. This committee distributee the orders tog the shells and also orders for the steel to be used tn the manufacture, pro portioning the orders among the various mills and foundries. All of the con tracts for ltUKslan. French und Italian shells, however, are placed directly with Canadian manufacturers. There Is much complaint that the British Government has placed only u small part of Its munltlrinn requirement wrtli Canadian works. 4 Heveral new smnll Inquiries were re ported yesterday for billets and bars. These were fmm (llaagow firms and wore for shipment within the next few iminths. 1 ine Inquiry is for 2.IKIU tons of 6 Inch billets. The others are made UP of small Ma fef structural material. Including channels and I boglrM, A large domestic manufacturer baa placed a con tract for upward of IS. 000 ions of roll ing billets with an Kastern mill for shipment bog-inning In Peocmher and running over the first quarter of next year. Slightly higher prices were ob tained than Oil prevlo .a contract. Forg ing billets, which sold a fsw weeks ago at 14 to 14' at eastern Pennsylvania mills, are IMW commanding ISO to 5i f. o. b. mill. s Tile Northern Pacific Railway bos placesl n bridge contract calling for son tons of struitural steel with the Ameri can Bridge Company. The lrvt North ern Ilallroad la taking bids on 3. not) tons of bridge work for shipment during the last quarter of this year. The iel ware. I-ackawaiina and Western lLailroa.1 Is nsklng fur tenders on 3. Son tons of struc tural steel, which It Is esllin.ited will be Its requirements for 1911, The Lion Island Railroad haa closed with Die American Bridge Coniiny for 3.00H tons of structural steel for bridges and the POPngyiVgJlla Itailnnul luui given an onler for two small draw bridges willing for 300 tons of steel to the same fabri cator. The Centnil Ilailroail of New Jersey Is said to be closing for 1.200 J tone of bridge work with the retuiayl- I 1 vanlii Kteel Company. The onler for the flunbury bridge osi the IVilladelphla and Ilea. In it calling for 1,000 tons Is still pending Tlie Maine Central bridge In qtttry is alsostlll lield In atwyan.-e. The 1 Southern Itaiiwiry bridge requirements coil for 2.3m) tona f steel. The New York Central is In the inarket for a bridge over the barge canal west of Syracuse. It is estimated tluit about l.r.OO tons of steel will be required. All of the previous barge canal sfmcttiral 1 work for the New York Central has I bOOTI awarded to the J'honiix Hrtdge Coinpaiiv. Misit of these i-ontracis were for small lots, but some of the barge caisil bridges have run ss high as 7. "00 tons. THE GRAIN MARKET. I snse Open- Hlih- Low - C1o Sales ina est est. tug IM Am Can a 60S s fas Ml Cht llieu Tool H ms ,1 4 1, 1" Chi Kys r ,-e I,, I .; r Com Edison ., II) 117 UJ 117 Ml Dia Match toi iicis IM 109 46 Inland Steel :;ss 37S ItfH 37JS 111 lllinoia Hrn k 4s 4a e Ml latalsay I.nht 4414 10 Mont Ward pf .. 111S 111", "IS HIS 30 Nst Blacuit 13 110 ITS lilO 7.; People, llaa 130 ISO 11444 IU luo Public Serv pf.. WS sS Mtl lag, 40 Quaker Osta 3i 340 NO NO 114 SearaRo'buck . Ill IMS 164 IM 6 Seara Roe pt 13IS IMti I34S IMS : Switch ft Sitnal In M M M 391 Stewart Warner... 7:.s H 310 Swift ft Co im 1!S 110 11, 19 I'nion Carbide ,1M IMS IMS IMS BONlS IJnoo Armour 4Sa 4: J M 1O00 Clly Ky lal Ga V. sr :.r M io.i Chi Rya lat 6s IMS MS MS M4 3a) Chi Ry B 6a MS est, 4s, 60S snftl Com Edison Sa. . WIS 101 S 1(,' S 10IS r.ioo Morn, 4S 7S "S s7S 7S 10M Ogdsn a r,s .. ms Mm Mil MVI 7000 Public Serv 6s .. I1S uS MM !iflo Swift f.s Sf 1 W W THE BALTIMORE MARKET. '.KNKHAl. rURO Id 4aiuh;.. I MU Itstsa notes sal liank mile, and Federal res.",, liolea fertiii.., , his.Ka on banka Subs - wr miner com and River ii llllofl lunaortad aurroiMgl ' 1,;, nk- and Philippine To 4- in 11 i I. irrehef in Treaaury K.4 .3.310 It M1.MI U.17S.7C3 .11 434.77H SM.4I1 31.110.1M 117.371 61.0114.713 HAI.TIMORK. Oct 16 -Elkhorn r'llel Pennsvlvania Water Power and Houaton Oil continued in demand Pennaylvania Waler Power advanced a full point on active trad ug Bonds were fairly aitive anil linn The summary. glga, So Con, Coal . 1 Con- power 3d! Coaden f. Cosden ol 60a Elkhoiu Fuel 1 10 Fiuelily ft Uep III Houston nil is 10 Houstun Oil pf MS it Msreh ft Mm T.. 9 71 Nor Central MS 1141 Pa Water Pow . 71S BONUS ejeii llili Ixiw Cln 1 1 1ST est. eat. . im M 94 .107 107 s w BOSTON Oel liricea follow-: Alraradn Bay Slate lias . Blurham Bohemia Begole Boatou Kly Butte ft London Calaveras chief Conaolldotod Cnnsolirliited Antona . Coilsoiuiated t'oiqier . Cortea isi Coefatn Crown Ke-erve Davis lisly Bagle ft Bluebell First National Copper lioldlleid Hon, hum Iron llloesom La Koae Majeslie McKinle) Dgrrag Ii Mexican Metal, Mines of America. ... New Bailie New Cornelia Nevada Ilouilaa Ohio Copper Oliceo Onondaua Southwesl Miami Mewait Mining t'tah Metals Tonopah Iti'lmonf Tonopah Minin, Yukon I". - The Boston curb closing Darganelles Advises strength In Wheal. The bullish sentiment In wheat circle was pronounced during yesterday's ses sion, even though a fair reaction was resist ei cd before the market closed. Much of the buying through commission houses was due to London advices In dicating a strong possibility that ths operational at the Dardanelles would be abandoned. It Is generally conceded that there will be plenty of wheat to supply all requirement without Russia's esti mated surplus of 150,000,000 bushels, but the speculative holdera of wheat appre ciate the present strong supply and de mand situation, and argue that with a suspension of attacks on the strait the bugaboo of the big Russian sur plus will not confront the trade until there Is a prospect of peace. Some of the active deliveries gained 3 cents a bushel. Mills continue to buy ac tively. The farm movement In causing no presaure. It la understood that do meatlc consumers of flour have not re plenished their stocks to H noteworthy degree, which presages a liberal source of support to the cash wheat situation for an indefinite period. However, the prospect of larger receipts, especially at the Northwest, was not Ignored yes terday by bulls who had profits on their holdings. Clement. Curtis A Co compiled s report placing the mlllablr wheal .top of the country st 70.000.000 buahela Many author! lies believed that thia estimate of the un merchantable wheal was eaceaeive The tiovernmem crop estimate of all wheat waa s nlllion buahela. and some reliable report, including the Snow estimate, have auiaested thai there were from 76.000.000 lu tniahela of unlit milllns wheal thia season J!""'01' reara the total haa varied from M.sM.gM to buahela. and the wheat of inferior quality le uasd for feeding, export or mixing purposes If there are l.w.000 000 buahela of Inferior quality wheal thia era son. therefore, it iloes not seem fair 10 many to unqualifiedly dedu.i a like amount from the crop or the exportable surplus Thus it was contended that the exportable surplus of wheat thia ,aaou would euual last year's total of Mt.MOMO buahela eren after heavy allowances were nualc for wurthleas wheat and repleiuahuient of stocks throuih the iseintry. Tbn exports of wheal and nour for the week were 10 HV 000 buahela. asalnat 6.374.000 a year ago. Suae July 1 the total ta s 00" 000 buahela. compared with 109.000.0O0 buahela a ear ago During the past few we. k, the wheal elupmenta hae included a much heavier percentage of Canadian wheal than was the csar ID 1914 The export husllssaa jealerday waa pla-vd al 400 .000 buahela and. while the total was rather diaappointint. there was couaulallon derived from the fact thai Inqulnea for several millions of buahela were hero al prieea about gve ceiua under the market. The .v.. dem tifer con Braved mher pri vate reports In figuring the new winter wheat area at 10 lu 30 per cent, under thai of a year ago The usual fly complainta are being received Corn-Further damai repoiia came to hand aisl the market made a lalrly substantial advance The Jhsrp bulge in wheal had pronounced effeii on the ,t Buyimi lor sharls waa active, ami Jud.mii; by the sen iiiuent 111 comnualon house, outsider, '" un t neore or leu corn There 1, likely to tie increase,! hedge preasure in 1 tie near future, according to private reisrerte. espe cially if weather conditions during the lale fail are good Rumor of export busmen are frequently heard ami cieilued: foreign market- .smtinued Strong Cash market, were readily advats-eil with futures yester day Oate- The advgfiegg were' not altogether in s.impathy with the upturns 111 other hiraiti, KxiKirlera were liuyera Jt la believed that the fnrciui pure , w . the past few day, exceeded l.fJMM4 bushels Increased hedge selling waa offset h.v an expauainn In the Sis-. -ulatlve demand I'ruvieions The sejing for packer- hid a Very derreetllg efte.-t no the market Mil. port lacked volume and liar fresh out-ule Mov (Trust 0. In thm Hrt of thm Shopping District Condition on Sept. 25, 1915 Capital Surplus and Undivided Earnings Deposits Total Assets $1,250,000.00 1339,630.23 27,499,763.08 30,292,561.50 This Company invites Deposits of In dividuals and Business, Civic, Social and Religious Organisation and Financial Institutions. Arrangements mar be made for interest on deposits. Trustee for Personal Trusts Safm Deposit Vault FIFTH AVENUE 4 36TM STREET, NEW YORK WEATHER FORECAST Warsliingtnn Predictions for To-dav and To-morrow. domic north Republic of Panama l.': Secured sinking rung Thirty Tesr Hold Bongs Sua November I, I1M I. OAI.l.BD BONDS. Notice is hereby given In accordance with the term, of the Trust Indenture made by the Republic of Panama to The farmers' Loan and Trust f'ompany and William Nelson Cromwell, ss Trustees, dated November S. lull, that the following SM secured Sinking fund Thirty Year Hold Donda. dated November 1. I hi. hsve been drawn for redemption, st a price of lojt, and accrued' Interest to the date of such redemption, to elienrh, as nearly as may la1, all money now In ine sinking Fund, vis.! .1 31 7 .MS sin S7S IV 17 11 so. I MIS SMI SOU IS. in 7.1 Sea isi? HM) till.'. I2AI 121 shi MM S7S IMS I.1UB IU. sail M2fl ." 10SO I III 3 13H 2SS S77 S07 1142 1310 IHS a 7 il S79 nil 1IH4 1410 IMI ,17S 71.1 U.V1 12.10 14-.H and will be redeemed Ihroush the aald Sinking Fund at said nrtie of 102 i, and accrued Intent to the dste is aueh redemption, toy- Th" Farmer,' 1 .mn and Trust t'nmpany. Tru.l'e. st Its office. Nisi in ss William Street. New York f'lty. on November 1,1. 1911. from and aflir which date the bond, so drawn shall cca,e to law interest, anything In auch bond, or coupons pir1sintng thereto to the contrary notwltli.tandlng T1IK KVHMK.H- IsDAN AND TRUST rHlM 1'AN V. Il gDWIN s MAHSTON. Ireldent. "tl I iaii KELaoM CROMWlLL, Tniatees Dated New York September 20, 1917V ilemand was eeipt, have r l liicagu pro itiaaiuunnliiu Kei-riit een a I Ii ahorlsd bog rf lli.l A,ked. Tn 114 IS I'll, n. 1 ji 1 ni ,m w u .34 14, m .sa .sr. is Itt "a : . .711 .'il .oa ,11 .40 III 1 ILlt l, I 11-14 Ma IS is M .71 III .in Mi ifj .411 ,n ao .1 .11, M-j '1 .11 14 .11 ,11 .411 1 mi 44 : ,M 1 i . .71) 7S 7H .11, .14, Jt, HI IM :, - ! - .1 riiii' 'im rj . 1 .. . good 10 prima, II ' 1 , r. im tic . renovated, I ' 107 444 UVi 1.14S VMS IfHi lll'l 11 114 107 m l.ll-S 611, 41 71.?M.I0 101.847.6.14 114,4T0."41 1 " id liabilities 1 1 11 w 111 general fund RESBRV1 KIND 1 1 bullion IUt.MI.Ii Till ST KI ND i.i.iiHlina "i qt.Ms.JDI '1 '.' 1 urn nt cash lu Treaa- :.275.tM,14l . R' ., " U-1. ig mi, ml. , - is, lor aleeit .- V. t rate. 1 stun-. ii.u. 1 OS', - -( M M Ui- . . if v ludtni Nftll -A. "... 11 1 Bit 44": ., finl i: 111 he UUrn Srni to tj;r 0 1 , Wh at s , Mill 1, 4441(1 1 SC., ' u.l,a te - . for hi -'ouaii. lit 1 I, lis Mock ilarkel. KHIDAT, October 19. beeVSS ell 2, 50l head, in. .ire for tiie market; mak i'iIouh arrlvaia, 71 cars en at earn wetH eleers 'I'raile iw, ul . tirline heavy steers ..nil all other very hard to ti .t.. f lu 11 I ; bulla were . 1. lu Inner; thin cowa firmer; '"H steady, The yarda were not 1 i lute hour, t'oinuion to prime ' I in ! ' -I 5" l" per 100 .Ii-. 141 ft; uowi at I: ..0 t In Dressed ,luw at UiillUi . for city dressed IS41 extra lieer sold at lie. "t -Ivee were 704 head, In-I- for the market. Demaud for r,nri. kihmI ,nil prlcea steady; im liHiigiiil lii price. Comnien to oala ... t at tl4illi.S0 per lot . at til: 'i graseers at 14 SOi ilt,-ene.l veala sold at il c t"w al lie. I country dressed were ii 16, ; dressed graasers and 1 a 1 'J 11 I le. 1 nt lie,r ,itit lamha I Including anout 7 cars for -lu-ep were; lambs i ne pen, era :.-nrii oommon ieep sold st S4 r ss. 90 per III at 3ttsr.o. i.unba al gs.setg Is at 7 i- 1 mutton steady : dressed lambs at lis 14 Vac, drsassd .suing at tiailtfs i ire.aed hotliouee lamlM lower at 1 ' 1 asa. - of ting, were .nil head, in -mill u 1 or for the market. Prices aeak with sales st lilt II md medium welgklsl lit See t'onirtry drssssd hoga SSssawy ' Hung alas at ttiK. were t,. for th a steady I4 1011 li MM 4000 lnnii PSl loot., uUni ion 1 Thm, S A C lane gg ' City Hall 4',8 '.. Oily 4 '40 'ity 4a 'tl itv I'aa '4tl Klkhorn Fuel fs Fairmt Trs' : Ha Caro a 9 ' Hou.t Oil dlv ta Mt VWtllM' Unl R 4 E fill IS I'm R ft E notes t in Ry ft E Ine m 10414 .UK 1 j . Bt, 47 - o .101 1, 70 40 "It, hu . CO vl s!l M 1041. lo4'4 1il lOi', 10JS lo.ii, K: !'.la Ofll, It' H .' fl7, BfSl U vt te 44 li,4 loli, 101S 76 74 74 40 40 SI S4V, US w4 100 100 10"! ta 60 60 SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. 17 446.000 163.000 TIURDAY. Paid by Sub-treasury to banks. Paid lu banks to Sub-Treaeuri Gain to banks on day s trans- actlona 14,633.000 SI NCR KJtlDAY LAST. Paid by Huh Treasury to henkn tUMil.OOO Pstd by banks to Sub-Treaeury . 13.160,000 1 1 1 1 t.mri to uhiir. ---- Oaln to banks same period pre vious we, a 114,400 040, OOt on. undated Etrksagr, A number of the "war sto-'ka'1 were promt n.i 111 tha earle advamr, on the Colisoll datetl Stock Kschango yestenlsy WsatiM house suecine aosi ss mso n.. "r.,1, four nolma above ita doling pn.-e oti Thurs day, but II clossd at MJ4- Amerl.-sn Can toucheil s high of Vi, K polnta abiive Ita final pri'e on Thursday, but 11 ended the day .... ... 1 , I-,.,,, ..1,1,. Mtw. mi d aa 11 ih g si. but aflerwsrd sot down 10 80S, cloelus 7 VlSi. Ii4 pointe under iia Thuraday cloaini American Csr snd Foundry oia-ned st ft. unchangsd from Thuraday. and roae lu MS. S3 io53 st MV4. TennsaaaaCopia.r &' i 74i touched M. but dosed at MV, Ha ioweet American Smelling opened at un ehau'ed Tram Thursday, reacted to 1V eud than Troae to S. but II dosed at N. 'eErias s Tpsclsl upward movement In sLlolmuis esrlyiut wssluisid laler. United Stales Steel common waa the mm .isa.vaw, w u - noli,. active ma sjewwaniari .ooiid its s iiosiiii i mrtssrarssrs and I sen roan o .sts. a, " - as g good scale. ana Mta nLelgses la DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET. BUTTBR Trading sraj dull nearly all da. There u go oiit-nl,- ,1, uiaml ' The Warm weather w,iH against good cOndl' tions. Bgtraa wr. on sc., which waa'tii, on.y enssgg in Quatgflona front Ins pre vious day. Market oiustsi Irregular and dull I'rice.; I'leunierv. i-xtriia, as .core. ItlaOtlUc; higher scoring. IIUIISc; nrsl, v I., 9J Ss Ii sic. . State liilry 1 Hoe. one, i , , Il Slti . rnutni-.ii lo fair exSTas, - 4 i, il S i.e. ; in.:., S3', a. '4..; imi tation ohasmsry. tirsis. ntfiTc.i laiticM. ourrsnl make, tir.t., IIMIItsO ; packing etock. June, fine, tic. 1 current make. Hue. 31c ; No. if, SO',.'., inner grades. ITillMli. CHEESE -While trade was qglel e, terdsy moat it the reei..r, had oonfldenoe in fancy cheese This wn eapeclaTly true of fancy Stule tin's A number of receiv ers refuaed to sell thee at quotation,. The firm londlilon of fumy emended to high grade skin.- Market close. I firm, i'rice. State. S'hols nilik. fresh. Hat-, specials, ll4rllWo.l average fancy, Itttc.l Slate skims, bsld aBSolsTSi llgylllliC ; fresh ape claia. lisaisc: choice, ios .ill. ; fair to good. 10100.; wliconaln twlni, lis a lie, : double daisies. 1 1 , 11 K. i, e. Kill IS Tiiere was an ,-a.ler tune In the market all day. The warm weather waa e trifle illscouraslng in refrigerator stock. There was enuiiKli good stock to go ground. The oiitalde limitation on extra flrata was uft lc, The s hole market na a ruts waa easier than ut the name time last week and at the close this easier feeling prevailed. Ite'-elptS were norma! Prlosa: Kreah gathered, extra,, tine. .14 fl) 15c: extras firsts, Slu33,'. rlrsia. S7fiS0c; aeoonds llHMHe.; No. l. dinies, 210 Ite.i refrlgerat'ir, pechil marks. See.! re frigerator, flrata, SlStVS&Sc. se, unda S.1lr-4c , nennery, wniies. nna 10 rancy, 4l4lfi0'., hrow-na, 341f3lc.; mixed colors. Sl'iflSc I.1VH POt'l.THY- 1'nexperte.t receipts and nlow trading sent the market off yesterday fully lc. Fowle and chlrkena both dragged hecauae there were too many of them. Long island du-k arsre easier lTlSc. anil western oil' as were ua 11'. Old roosters held their own. a, did lurkeya. feear Mild pigeons rrjSSS ! I' owia, 1SSW Jr.; chickens. Il014tij0.l dink, state, spring. I40IIS.I ling island. ISayiTSil western. i,-.. iui.. . invwie ..... geeae, 10110. guineas, per pair, 00c, wtgenns. pair, 24c. DRESSED rol l.TRY --Most of the buy ing waa done previou, tn yesterday and trailing trie quiet all day. While receipts were light, there waa an accumulation of chickens, especially of the medium grade There was a demand for fam fowls, hut most of them sold aluwly. Old Poostsfg were steady, with Long Island spring durka In light supply and good demand. There was a scarcity of Urge equahs, and the small ones were Inactive. In froaen atoek turkeys were up Sc. Frnxen fowls were quiet and unchanged. Prlcea : Fresh fowl,, weatern. boxed, 60 His. snd over. l',e; Western, hi aided, large, 17c: Iced, West, em, dry picked, IS and O ihe . 18c ; 4 lbs., 1744c chickens, fresh, naarby. I and 4 lbs to pair, Srie.j Virginia, milk fed, 8 and IS Iba. to pair, 21c ; Western, milk fed. I and 4 lbs . 1110 20.: dry picked, corn fed, 1 snd 4 Iba, 1 7 -i 1 h . . old rnostera, lilac. ; -uunlis. prime, white. 10 lbs. In dnsen, 111 0 lb'. 3 I0: I lbs, 3 Long Island aprlng diuka. lie Froaen- Tur keys, dry picked, selected. lVa-tarn 91buS2e.l Texas. Chickens, II to box, milk fed, 41 His and over, tic; earn fed, 41 lbs. nnd over. 31e. Fowls. 13 tn box, 60 lbs. and over to doaen, c: IS to Ifi Iba, lOtjlHav. Old rooatara, wo. L MaJIUfaattirlng plants in 1he central West, atianlalli those of the Irsfhtstrrsl OOmpaTriSa Unit are eniriiged In the manufacture of war mnterul. are placing karge isiiiir.u'ls for plant extensions with fabricating slsops. Tlie largest onleis ionic fnuit auliimnli ir inittiufHcttirers ami rubber igorka Much sac racy, how ever, is iii-ins sgerolssd In tho pbictng of tiie,,. contraota, AtMithar matiufacturer of war muni tlons In the riilliuielplila dlstliot is satl tn have placed a supplementary MmtKACt for '.nno tons of striH'turnl steel for plant egtonslon. und the Bald! Steel ' t-M CotnpatT "1 New t 'ust'.e. Del . has placed an order for 1,000 tons or lUDrvOAteq steel for iidditionul shots.. The Ksnnti Wood ward Compan) of Albany ii.if placed a contract for a building calling for 100 tons pf struc tural sleel With Leveling ei- (JarTlgUeS Tlie American Bridge Company haa been awarded a oontrgct for 1,500 inns of fgbrli ateil steel for .i pier sheil at Thirty tifih street, Brooklyn, Bids went In ygs terdsy on L'.nnn tons of steel for the Appraiser's gtort warelimise lo he constructed In Boston by the United tatsa (iovernment. Ths Hlnkls iron Works has been awnred a rontract for .'iini tons of structural sleel for a His .-lory lofl and nffloa building, to lie con structed ut II West Fifty-seventh street Tim same fabricators have also taken nn order for 3un tons of stru' iural steel for a hospital to tn erected st I3itii street and the Qrand Concourse, Ths Heddsn iron Constructli ompany Is fabricating TOO long of steel for an other machine simp for H. W. Btlss, Smith g I'afT. ry havs been awarded a intrant for so tons ot structural piais ir ii tannery 10 bS oonstriiotsd at Syra cuse DlH-n Hiah- Low. Cioa IMev Wheat,. ing. eat eat ing l loae. Ie.-rmher Ml 1is.u, lo:i, pa Istti May pes ns ies li'a iOTs Corn ; December. . e' MS S i MM May se, CI ', 4uS 60 Oat,; Deotmber MM S ', 3S May S 40S i, ;.-, s Pork October M 7S II 7i 14. M I4.M M.M January 17 70 17 so 17 10 17 On 1 M Lard : Oclolier 4 .VI 1 ': 4 :. C. 14: Jauuiry 'it: To p 40 S.M tM Ribs: Oel oner . . It' Janusry I t'. I M 4 13 f. '. V 70 New York wheat priest were Open Hull la ClOS ig e-t sMi ins Dsi mbrr. .... BUSINESS TROUBLES. fS-.jffsf ee-f st rrpurl- .''.I hunn 111 t.if United Si: tn 'lurltiB H 4-k HlMle-H HtfttM Ml.. I f.4 hg.i Hint i ii j ik V Hniff aro tHkiiiR i- i for t)i rotiKtruotton of anothtr twelve itory AptSHmtnl to fa rrii N i. ;it Kort y-foUl th vti"ti itt'ivccn g-Bxinffton Third RVtnuMi cnHinf fof too torn of ittfuc tiirnl rHt-el Bid! hftYVwl tBOttl tUbinltUd mi 40ii toil! P liMl for builtlinit- in b i-oiistruttod at 3'il! Wtiit Thirty Mix tli rUret-t fr Rurhnur I unn. Tni wiiiyn-uvt iriand 'ompfttiy i prtpftiitif pl!irt for Himtlifsp furtory buiMInc to be oonitruotid r Tolodo oaUtng fr t.ftOO tons- of fftbrloAted itMl. Thi Con RoltdaUd Om bihI RltMstrlo Company of Halt Intori. Mtl., is In thd murkt for u building oftlllnf for 1.000 tona of itriK.- tural HliHpcH. Thd Van DOfll W DUttOI. ( 'ompany ami the Vun I -urn BltOtrtcftl Ttoi ConiMny hsavvt plaodd oontraoti with thd Moi ! lint to htorahAll Condtrtid- linn t'imptiny for plant pxtonnlon at CUVdlttnd talllriir for SJai tons of itftlO' tural Mj4l. f'ontratMH for tho OOnStfUOtlbn of bridffdd oner tha Kr.e HarK Canal thud far plaoad by idndral w-ntraotord call fof lfi.OOO to L'0,000 toim or rtUin'Hiral HtMftl, all of Which have been ptaedd with tho Phoanix Ftrlda Company Bid" have been RUbmHtdd on IdO tona of ttdfl for an addition tat thd Tod Houdd at Touitfdtowni HitOi Tlie Htandinh futtiaod ban advanodd t ho piioa of low phoaphorui pig iron to It:., at furnaod. The frdlpK ratd to I'hilaib'U.hla g $2.J per ton. tt Tha Phlladalpbla and Hrmiina itaii- road luui ih.rel oontraotd for 2,fi00 lutH, Indudrns 1,000 all "t1 ltu411 tu,M- 1.000 i.ieei unddrfrarnd box pari nd 100 t''i unilerfranie mmdola cam. Thd Ifatton Navigunon Company had plaoad a contract for a freight boat with a PaolflO OOadt .n.i whh li will require a limit toma of HloW plati-K und Htrui tural Itddl. The OOOtTaOt prlot la reported to be 11,000.000. The provloud boaiM orddrad by (ha llataon Intarddtd were built at thd Newport NdWI yurda, M trtlilll'-e tilt ttfrk. l.nii . eek atn J h; aid 23 tir the rriiiitn-ttnK from is-1 1 m Idtl i i middle t i ;t. Nw t'nsfUn.i 4K Pout ber fl Idt Weniern J . Northweettrn til r w - r II t'ttni-U i i II, (I for tliA pre'eMug nf-k About pr mh ..r (lu i-tiii. erriM , i t- n.t.l h, inpttii of ieMM thstn 1 5. 00 n an) 7 per COOt hh i from 1 lo $: odd ep4ti LUKH A Bt'RKK i dOSd rO., i contractorflt .it Wet1 Portyefcond I ral rert. hats tllrtiltt uli KMlf fimetll IO therlei Ji HydOa former 1) clt Chem berlglO The uii!h-m mil t.ri murt , t hen twenty itri mk by i.nk a lturk. Whd I lat !'.!.! '-living. It Ii laid, MneJderoaTi reot eetote In ihte . it The torn put)) a liK-uriienite.l In "n"'. with u iHpKnl ttork of $loo.flo-i I, ike a. Bur k wee preildent until hU I ilftith. when Jemei .1 Morkr beceni ure-ilent The inipany no latlng .tt Bradetreat! for eavertil monthi peit it hea had Mvoral i-ri con t recti 1 it iiui.t th Corone eewer In Queene, Hen i View it -: 1 Iteten lelinii. eit toe I 1 1 tr If m Mo' r-it ' I.Htr In the tiny ft I i-iltton tn bankruptcy filed e cat nil tin rompany by a;ii h tlydra, attornt for theee credit ore: Joeeph Johiieon'el Kone, 1 " Bdward J McCabe t'o . , UTttfto. md Chdrlee K Monday. II6. Ill, Tbe a t uf hitnkrupt. allegad tn.iklng .hi . - - k mil. m and Klil'if i n preferen to ihe Ke York and (Jueem i 'nunty t-i' Ifl Light L'ompan i The llabllltloe Wdie aald be 1171 ,001 end the wtn lldl.lll Mr My ere I iald that in Mr Wy i - appit al on foi leave n tarry th" buifndea it lp P-itr- that thart' 1st 27t,000 due from (he iHty ef New mk on ecouui of the , nnroni aewer contract, w hit u oannot be nut from 'he city unload the work i Rnlehed n.l 111,001 will he required In in. un t he uurk 'I' he total amount of I ttie '-ontratt aaa ll.llttlBl on hi-h 1111.114 haa been pi Id The r.m tract J for tha Hia View Moepltal bay been i I'ompleted, but there Ii atlll due 171.111 All the moneya on ihoao lyro contraota were on Atiguft 13 aeelgned lo the i i tlenal Purety Company to aeoure that i tomtmny on It- Im-ii-I to the tit. The ma'tilnery . 4iulpiuint und I'ipi'liea nre nnintnallv woiih .O.OHO. lut oiill K1.K( riUNH AMI MKKTINCift. THM CaaMerMAM AND OdUO AAIiV W CO. I NOTtCI oF ASM Al. ITOCKMOLMM M KST1NU. New Tor h, Auguet 1. 1 9 1 S I Notice ta boreby gUen thai the Annual mertlng of tha aXpcJuoldera of The cbaa- Reak and fhio Kallw.iV CNmpany will bo -.1 at the general nm.-a of tne t'ompanv I In the City er mchtnont, Virginia, on I i if , o '.ober 11, lilt, al eleven o'clock A M. ii) fur the MOCttOd of PlrOOtOfOj ' b I ' for th- traaaodtlon f auch other bualneaa aa may Lawfully come before tha metMlng, I n iuillng the autbr1zatlon of the ac qul4tion h iuid Railway iNimp iny of a'l , t h- proper I leO) right i and franc alddd of I ' k i!i tt ml Southern Hall way 'ompany, ml (c) for he pur,."" of oneblertna all ns'tlon beret of ore taken or authorlied by i th i of IMrf-rtore or by the Kxetutlve Com met tee of the OO moony, which may be : OilbmlttOd to the nieetl'ig. whther In con nectton with any of the ma': --- aforeiald J or othtrw Un Tha etOI k tranafr OOdha will ha eioatM , ei the ofll e of the ComMny. No 71 Broevdwoy, nw York city i on Frldoy. sep- 1 temO(r . t 1113, at t Lree O'clock P M , an i erill be reopened on Wedneodayi Oc tober .'0, 1111, at ten 00lO0h V M. Hy 4r.ier of tb Board of Directors. CARL REMINGTON. Hecrs-iry. MKRH N I Of OMOTP K CO Ml ANY I Chun ii ti . New Tortt Odpt. HUb till, Notice l harehv OlVOd thai thi dOOUal tiMt'tlrig of th "to. kho.iitrai of Amrri.'.ni locomotlve Company ertij tie hold at the offh of ihe Company at 3t Church Otrooti Ke Vork Ctty, on Tueedayi th l!:h -lay f 0':tber. la,;., al twelve oi k, mum. IMVIIIKMI. AMI IMI.KWl. ANACONDA OFI'Mt MIMM. CO iz Broadwayt New York, aeptdntbor Id lit 3 Th-' Ifowrl of 1'lrectora of the Anacotula ('opiiar Mining t'ump.iny ha u taxed a dlvldeml of one I n (l.0l pr-r abera upon ita capital .Stock of the par ValUi of d SO per ahar", payahle on Novemlser l?jr. 0 the hOldora of auch ehareaf rpOON at the elOOa of hualneaa att 1. u'clock, Nosin, on Meturday. Oetober 2S. Illl. The .11.1 payable only upon the $!.- ahara Into wblih thu Capital Mtock 1 now divided. All eto. kholdera who have not converted their holdlnge Into iharr of I . per value ahould do ao without delay In order that they may receive their dividend prompt. y. A. II. ME LIN, Secretary. BROADWAY TBI T COMPANY. New York. October 14th. Illl. The board of dlrOOton of thia company haa thia day doclofod a quarterly DtVlaond of one and one-iiMif per cent., paynble No- VOmatr let Illl. t4 atookhold-ra tf record at the cloee of buolnooa Ootober Illl Trunafer hook will elOOO at S 0OlOCh i M Oetobor 2ift. lata. ni roopdo at 10 o'clock A. M. November let, lltG .HHIN W, M BBROIIN, Secretary. Mvnlolpal Strvlot Company Common Mock DUIdend Ttrtnton. OotOOdff Hi ll A dividend of 1'V on he I'ommun atok uf the Maniolpal Porvloa Company hei boon deelaredi payable tctnber ;iat, laii. lo etock holdera of record m the iiojie of buii naea l it i .:h. ' HtKKK, AYLINa A COMPANY , Trunafer Agenta For eaatem New York, aouthem New Ingland and New Jeraey. generally fair to da and to-morrow; moil era le north eaet wlnde. Boaters Pennsylvania. fir nl molar to.tlay ; fair to-morrow , moderate north -eaat WiBqI . , . H Por northern New Kngland. fair to-day and to-morrow; moderate north ani tiortheait wlnda. Pur weetera New York, pnrtl to-day; fair to-morrow; daOOdfat em wlnda . . , , NKW YttRK. Oc. Id An area OrjRtdm pre-atiro POtlOfOd all the i-aatern half or the oOUOtry yeaterday from a centre north OAit of I.uke llurvii. and the preaaura We high eat ward from the upper lake region to the Pnclftd 00 dab hut moderately low lu the douthweo-t, dhowere eoallnnod in the Ohio n. lowor 'etke roatona, New York nnd New Rnflafrd, and hnidy t ondltline prevailed genemllv aoiith WuTil. CrOttdfneaa and ahowera aleo covered moot odotlona from smith Dakota aotyth and aouth word Into Tdaag and New MOfdgo, hut there waa tuo definite HafW formation In am' eetlon. ft waa cooler In the lake reaMone ami OhlO Valley and In the Nortbweat. erff B email ereaa of freeilne weather In north ern Montana, Nevada and Ihd Soutbweat Temperature continued U nj"esjMKnahl t high In the Atlantic Stutee and It waa much warmer In the plain Htatee. lu thia city the morning waa cloody ; continued worm; wlml. high to freah emith weat to Brdflt; average humldltv, 71 per aent ; barometer, crrected to real at aea level, at A. M . 30.22; S P M.i 10 1. The temperature In thia city ymterday, a i-erorded by tho official thcrtuumetcr. la ahown In Ihe anneutl table: iwi5. iui4 i ion. 1014. 0 A M. 7' Wh A P. M ..7P f3 I2M :r or; o P.M. . .14? '! P.M...T4V M 12 Mid . w' dJ lllirhi-.t tcniperature. 77", at 1)10 P.M. I.owobi lemperaturc. iH', at A A. M. EUROPEAN MAILS. Tne Italian liner Am una. eal intf 'O djf for Nap Ice, will take ifiaii, ns.lng at A. M . t.r Italv, Hulgarla, Ituinanbt, .Herola. Hw ttierland and Jree,-r. The Aniorlean liner at, lulOi ooitMif to day for ht erposil. will take inaJl, vlotdng .it I ltd a M wr Burope reajoopi Odfnaony, Aooirlo. Hungary, Luxomburai Turkey, the Netherlan la, Hweden, Norway and Pen mark Africa. ent Aela IM lb U-aal linllen. The Nor w eg Ion -Amertoan otoamehlp Her genoflord. galling to-dav for Kt-rgen, will take ma.ll. Woalng at V :$ A. M . for Nor Way. Sweden. Ienniark. Uuafia. flernianv, AUftrlOa Hungary, buoomkurg and Turkey The Prone! Hner Chicago, nnUtng Mon day for Horde-aua. will take mall, rloaln nt noon, for Kianee, Rumania., gorblau Iul gurla, Wit garland, Itadr. Miln. PrtU! Kgvpt. firg.e, Hritlih India. Hrltlah si it m. Units. 1 libra! tar HraMa Se-t t lementa. Imt-h BdOt lndiee, and VYeeH Attatrajstln. The Holland-Am-rh-a liner Ityndam. aalllng Thuraday for Kaitnonth and Rotter dam, WIH take mail, chlng Mt a 0 A. M . for Kurope (evcopl Herman)', Auafrle, Hungary, huiamhurg. Hnignrla, Turkey. Norway swJen ami tenjnrki, N.ther landa, Afrl.a. Weel Ama Hiel the l-oat. Indies. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 'Ttufa I, Bh vSaaft t vlOO Munlelpal Service Compiny l-referre.l Mlork lllaldeod Bastes, o.tjSrr It, iis. A nuurterly dlvidead of l1! on the fre ferre.l e:mk of th Municipal Mervlci. Pom- saay hi bass neiir.i. payL-ie Novssabsr 1st. 1411. in atocSholiler. of r.OOrd al lll Olggg of huelneaa petobaf 'J.'ith. lltl. RAKKR. AVI.IM. a COMPANT Tr.inef.'r Agen'.a. illiwi Fella Power Company I'rrfsrrsd Niark IH.UIsnd Bosiss, Ootoksr II, Stl , tsailaaaal dlvtdaatf ol iaa on th Prsl.rrsd r k of th- Bsllowi re . Poa.r I'omrMiio ii... t.een dsclarsd. pa gable s,. vsmbar lal ISI4, lo ato kholdsrs of racorU at the pi HNJ of kUalnStS I' - toiler ltd. HIT.. 11 k 1 11. vi im. a roaPASi Agere". MINIATURI ALMANAC. AM I'M AM ".un 1. sea 11 mi Sun SSS. ', 11 MnnnaitailM 1111)11 WAT Kit THIS DAY. IM AM AM xand) II k I 4lMlnv. lal 1 III Hell ()IH 4 M LOW W ATKfl THIS UAV. AM AM' AM Sanrlyllk 7 54 I lor IJ '.'I Hell I la's Id tM gjlllgg PRIDAT, OetobSf ir. Sa tiSplSIMli T 21 A M UjrgfUOOl, t. Sa I'aralo.. I A M . Cardiff, Ispl S4 Sa St rat tic airy 3 in I' M. Algirr. fVpt.V. gg Harrorlan t P M Harrr Oct i . Sa l lnlsrli. S:U P M . Clir t..u c Alls. Sa H.uni William. liM A M . l.ondoa. Sept : Sa Taharka. I P M Harllniiiol. Sept 23 Sa HarrHtica 3 :m A M . Santa Marls. Oct S. Sa lMillaiielpln.i I A M , sail Juall. Oct IB. Se Santa Theresa, lit Oct s. ModlVS, I ill A sa Manggalllo Oot, I s Nabraakan Ss i i roii laiui l.' M M utaniaa. i.tiaiifaniinio. Oct S. ii m A M . Santa ( rug. M.. Tlioinaa. Oct t. lie Ei?glind Compiny i A .emt-ar DUS Kir.t l'referr-,1 i'..rnp..n ii i- I Nuvernher 1, itt ait tlie for the fur the trrftiea-' pi operly .irp..-, of aloi'tlng four Dlfaclort r !i i ..f three eaee. nlnl for the oi of .-.Kh other buslnssa aa may 'ine before 'tie rnei'ttilk IIVKI !'. HUM. Preferred HI, lilenil Beaton, oatofeai It, llti. ill.i.len.l of ;S'. on Hi. h.ire. of tlie New England n n declared, i . s , , i . . on . '. atocktlnlder. of recnr 1 i in.-.e ootoher .aril. iji. a tntii iM Tran.for Agents !:4j A M s. Mgygro, noon. Grenada Oel s. F.j Mglo New Orleana, Oct s. Cits of Monlgomery Saeannat Sa K! M.'ir flslvsston. Oci $ s. ;in Jgdnlo. Oalvsslon, Re Km Grands Charleston s Princess Anne, Norfolk s. Tula. Philadelphia, Oct ARAIVBD PROM KBW VuHK s. Nieuw ABialerdsnt, st RcHtsrdaai RAILED FOR NKW VORK s. Pretlerik iii from CotMeiUiageii It Tuscsrua trom ii laagos Oil . O t UJ. o.t O.f Oel OlTtiOINfi Sail tliendli.ents 'o Hevlloli. t. I, TO. tl. 1J gnd II of 'lie BykawBi pravldlaa for the otti. e ,,f Chairman of the Beard, grill be presented for ratlgegtloili The po!:s wl'l renmln open from Iff tig o'clock until :i3 o'clock iti ttie gfternaon of laid dsg Tiie .lock book, ol the Company "ii! be irlosed from the '.:1st ds) of 1V1.'-. at three ..'clock in the afternoon, until the Had dag of Oe t. .Iter. 141.'.. at ten 0'rlOCti in th fiirenmin SPKNi'KR ROBBItTSON, Serr.tari Iiimiii Mis AM) INTKRRST. RI.KI I UK IIOMI MI s KI in PRBPKHIIIOI) sTis'K UIVIUBND HO ..' New Vork. October It, IglC Tiie regulgf guartarly dividend si one Hii.l one-h.ilf 1 1 '(r. i per cent, on tin- l'r.--f.iret St. ok of BI.BCTRtC BOND AND shark COM PAN f baa been declared, payable .November 1, lilj. to atockholders of record ut the clos of bualneaa Ocloher ;. I r. II M PRANCId, g - retary. t'lorlda Eaat t ua.l Hallway stapaag. KeW York. iicfob.T Ifli. The lloartl of Dlr.olola h.. le.(.r. i oul of the for tile fiscal vent eiuli'ig June .to. 1116, Interesl t the of i'. pgygbls Bovsmbsr i nsat, on the ISe.Ott - imio lieneral Mortgage Ine. 41 Klfty Year Oolil Bonds, ,lH:r,l J'i:- I. Itl j i SALT Kit. Secretary, m ff8,ooo,ooo Oary mih. a tepurt thai tha United Btateg gteel Ceorporatlon had decided to build a miit .it dar) for tha American sheet and Ti Plate Contpsiiy wsi conflrmed yeaterday by Judge Klberl H Oar) Ha auid i ! i t tha coal mmlil be gboul Hi00fl,000, lis would not say when work would begin Si Lo u. Liverpool . .. Bergsneflord Rerien Ancona. aple H.i alia Havana Carolni i, San Juan Calamarea. Crlttobgl Manchionsgl. RlngStott. Aniiiu. Manggnlllo Acttllea Ne Ot lean . LiimpasH.. Mobile Buecea Qalveflon Arapahoe. Jsesaoni i lie en, of Montgomery. Sa anuith Prtniesa Anne Norfolk Ei v.iiie Oalveelon ri.i e .' Brunswick STEAMSHIPS. To day Malls Ciosa .. i it a m IMAM ,. ., I '. A M ... OS A M :' M ... !' ... A M Ii J) A M Sail. II M M I ... p M I i M IIMAI II Nil li .1 v II ifl M II . M II M M 1 N 9 y i to pfl 1 N P M I no P M I oo p M I SO P M Pil snd Nsv Orders. t. 11. Th. d to day J'l.lae A'lX' iiii irk BOND M SHARB CO. COMMON STOCK niVIDP.NU SO. It. Nw York, i ici. .tier 13. 141", 'rii regulsr ojttarterly dividend of two I 1 2' i i par cent on tbe Common stock of ki.KCTHIC RiiMi AND SHARM COM- PANt has been daelarad, payabt. Ootober son. IB, ill", to .to. kholiters r.r record nt thejriret uioss ol buaineea October 14j lltl. n. . II f PRANCIS, s-ere-ary. signed igtay WASIll.NUToN Ordsr. war- la.u 'ol. J A llu' ago as Juige Advocate or Central IJepar ment. CapL A. w prown, gctlng Judi AdvoogtCi iipon dlacoatltiuancs of best .uarters . f Bgcond Division to Chicago fi duty jn oftlie ..f Judge Advocata of Cn ira. Deparirosnt. Cspl M It Mowi ui'tlng .lu.lst AdVOCStSi 10 K-irt Sum Ho t tan. lean- ea acting Jlldgs AdVOcSI aouth.rn D.partmni Col. J P P n fiintry. tui islon, c I, w intiiiiii I I'ir' w l:h i i. Ion -it Aihtti; ii Allatrs. from unsi Igteentn lnfantr). d lo da) eli:l,1e. nt Ml ijran-l .tree mi t'l, lot mi a asttl Tha Un payroll ay. It 1 1 i tt" flU a! John K.iren Prison I oinnilaslon. Washington, (let. 11. .President Wile son lo-d.iy apiiolntrii John Kuren of MaasaabUatl I member of the Inter national Prison Comrnlsnlon. nnd gamual if mnen op , have nitt'le nn Arnold. A p. will, lllao filed llsbttlttes nr" anld beaTati buslaaa. in cloaki et, h:.s Picker lllau filed prob.'ibty reallxe lit ooe on th enroll. .ewer. :i loo COH PIN BROS.- -Nathan I'ohen. mgnufactureri p.-nei at tit Broadwai n.'lsiiuient to M.irrl. H tllln.i in liuiikrupt' ig.iliisrt them. The is be I40.DIIO. Thay 1401. jOaRP Ki.KiN, manufsolur.r f nnd suits t ii: Division "tie iiui.le im n.slKnnient lo l.oui M a ostltles in bankruptcy waa against him Tin: 11 N VBDDHB COMPAMT A pstltlon in bankruptcy im. been fi'e.i nK-;iiiiit the II. n vsddsr Company) In- luran e. Hi 0 iaue The li.i bllllli a are mid lo bt I IT HOO mi l the assets IJ.000 Til cnlllpinV 1 .1 New janoy corporatlani organised lu lltl, with u capital atoek of I.!. 600. gCHIPK g nHBBNHAUg SntliHti S. Iilff gnd Marry Oreenhaugi rnanufacturera of ioiikn ami aults nt l!i Vet Twenty1 fiiurlil .treat, have lll'lde H 1 1 Sealgnn.Sflt to lax S. Weinberg A petition lii bankruptcy Wat alga lil'l asalnat ttiem en Mil. i:s ROHNF.H v petition lu bank rupt! y has been tiled agslnal Qbarlss Rnsner, Jobber In tobacco products at TI'J Kaat I Std Street. I was alleged thai ii madi "ii aaalgnmsivl on aegt.mber ':t to Harry z.iikin PETKH SCHNBIDItB of 111 Baal nisih .Meet hits filed n peiitinn In bankruptcy, Willi liabilities f .ii: and no asttts. The debts were roblraclsd III tin citv and Ogtsnolde. I ! far wine and Uquorgi Hcrlvrra Appointed. HANPT HRHS -Jlilg Hand bae ap. pointed rfedertog C. lesuuttaidtei rseelvo.' Inr ilnnft s)fos.i Soriiita, at iiu Madiaog n, eon- Bonn. f-iilO. CIIAlll.KS HTKORR Conipanv - Judge lluiiil llaa iitipnlnted Mu i- ffelfgnil re call er for tliiielwa SI gt-r. do-liia busltn-.-i hh Cliarle I'l.uitiaii)-. oiosb niuiiu- faoturar al " weat Thh ty-thini atreet. The llnbllltls are al.l lo be S 1 0.000 and the aeiieta .'.00 Composition ('onjlrmed. Lul ls si Judgt Hand ha. .on llrmsd a oampoaltlon of taoult Si miner, .tew-ller of u MSld.ll lane, with crsdltari at IU t enia usall on Hi dollar. Tha Ha l. nines were 113,414. KHAMBIt Hint." A CO. JUdga Hand .11--miaaed yestinlsv tlin petition In hank ritptc.y nisd un August 24 against Kramer Bros. A Co., iu.nii.rai im er. of lamp K I LI.I US a i an led a W il lam , bard a i MelJeti la In., barae ., rallied M'.'RKA - J l'lge H.iugll hei I, barge fmni bank''uit .i M.i'rea. eii.i trade.l a lluij- w lnCenale JgWS t al 4 i THE PITTSBURG MARKET. PITTffBURU Oel 11 l'moi. Saudi and sis mil coutiti'iei! it. sharp alliance si-inni; up ,s., .... I 1:.., .. .. I',.,-;. ., . ij.i- '.i iiii.i,.'', ' . iimnei gml San Toy Mining were other a. tive eg lure. The Open Sale.. inn IN Am Wm 01 IIU to Am Win til pf SO't :..o Am w ill M. h t.l IMU mo i oi inn tu a ti k liQ laiue Star OgSi :nn Nat Plroprool L'u Nni glrtproof pf ino oiiio Purl sup ii Oklll Nat tig. ne. I'lttsbui u Coal Is;, Pure Oil 90900 San Toy ion Union Nal tia Itll I'll Sw A SIB fill We.llnali A R, 7!i3 Weat mill Klec II MR 104, '.".'. am. , 70 . U IT', . 13 IMsa . 117 .113 . Isi, lliuli eat mt pit it n I0H :", :m, 70 43 la 13 I Mtl I .S H '-, TO., Low eat So lottt 13', IM ms tlli Ut 70 41 I TAJ II 1.1.114 127 ill', Nil I Cot Q A K i.e . . wo pitta Cool deb 1100 Wail Pens. Ry -a Ntl tii W44 (Tua inn. 40 III 14 IH4 0V 3344 Nlj TO 41 17', 13 MIS IN 1.3S 64 734, "' 'a i Tlie.-.- na.) ordrr. Were LiegtenantCoaTtmand.l P ''. McCrsry, .from ofAca of Nn.ii Aeronautics Bav I pepartmenti lo work of Conneetlcal Air- I. rtift CompsnPi New Haven, Conn i Lieut. K. H Bklund, from the Salani t.. tha Rhode l.lalni. .1. I' Miller to tile I North Ibikota, UI.UI R P, Dlllen, from tti Uoul.lstia to Naval A. .id. -my. Lieut. i atHs to Bars tslsnd yardi Idsuf 11 .1 M.Miiiin to Chsrleston yard, Lieut II K. Lewis 1111. 1 Ueul P T Herrv to 1 Mavsl AcadarAy. Lieut, it. T Kelran, from . Mgr. I. laud yard tu the leSUtalanai Knelan lit. s. II. Vgaable, from tlie plorlda tn the .New York; i ...!. 1 Aaalstsni Psymaetsr Is. K Dickinson la Naval Academy. Marine t gspgi I S.saag Lieut A. C. Ilesrlns. from I'tu. 1 d.lphla barrscka u Norfolk lia k-. Capt, l H Wills. A. P M , headquarter. Marine CorpSi waahlngtop, t.. as. , .taut 1' . . in 11 -r"- offl' . New Yorit: aat'ond 1 I . it Klti.ston from Norfolk barra-ka ;.. isan Prancisco bsrracksi Second Llsut. 11. II. Lgrten, from Norfolk barraiks .i s.n lOltgOi .'a'. . bgrrsokg; Plrsl Llsut. Thlngi from San Il-ao barrack, to I'titllp pln: Plrtl Ul.Ut, 1. W lloyt, from Mgr. i 1.1s nd harr.ii ka to lluatn. Cepl. .1 N 1 Wrlgtit. from Mare laland barrgeka to JiiiHiin Klrat Mauti A. A. Raclcot, Jr. from Norfolk barrack, to th. Brooklyn: t'lipt. ii J Hlr.hlngsr. from Pugsi Hounai ! barrack, to Philadelphia imrraik.. sail To-morrow Ycetrie. Bshia i A M 10 ; A M sail Monday Chicago Ror.leatix IIOSM 1 .i P g Uoilgner, Nil- 13 M M Madison, Norfolk jpg INCOMINO STEAMSHIPS. Ous To day Kort una Hartvlona aspt 11 Kuan. Patraa .. Septal .Par Oo) I Kei.asi.iio Palermo Sept it ja. Ina Oinrsllar Sent N Hynsam mnterdam tsn . i.i Camplna Rotterdam . iti i Devon City i , flgVTe 0,'t 1 liwinsk An himifel On 1 Poseidon Malaga sept J. fag. knsea Hull o.-t t Libra Maple. kepi i Pala.'ine Hrtati'im Ot I Finland Criatnhal IS-i 14 ' Baperanrs .Havana .. .Oct l Lsnape Jack.onville . Oct 11 Tlnland Nea Orleam ..Oct it line To NurrOW Philadelphia Liverpool ot IVrum Gibraltar .. . Oat I I A. ksnsaa Copenheii . oot I Hum a pgl l O't I Tereiwe Truihiad o. t t City of Columbus Savannah .... oot it jU Albs Oslvetton . . Oct it line Monday Amen.' I Naples . Oct 4 Pants Aiuliieri Ulbralta . , Oel t Mongtnerro . ... Naples Ooi I 1 t'oanio . sait Jtian .,, .OH 1-1 Sl.phsnu St Johns i.Qot II Bermudlan Rernuid. Oct ta Naaolg Ph." in Corte. oi i Tenadorr. Pari Uaion im It Hay anion . s.n. Juan ...Oct II MOWU. New Orb ina ..Oct 11 I BlUmlna .-aac1 -By Wlrrle RAILROAD EARNINGS. It-orK i.i Stun hrrn B- rat fak Oct . . Knuit July 1 . . . . Uoblla ami OMOI Ptrat wath ' W Frtrin July 1 .... uio (iranda KlTHl V r'k I i K rot July 1 h ihI 11 o rii it. ; Ml M , le,'. . . . X, 111. HI Da ftoutharn, t, . Itifill Inr, U7,3u ) - I QiAtiaNja, Ittf.H fi4. tia t liti tt4 33: I nltHl Nta.taa Nnprrnie Court Calnidar VASMisiTON, oot. IB. Tha ralanUar In th Unl tad StatM lupraana couri fur Monday. Otouar if. i: Nat, r tft. :i? iia vj;i, fl. I.'-. vH-t, f4, jv.t, 40. ii III, iDt and tM. t'ourt uf AUHANY. ralfHitlar fur 41). 447, 443, 444 and i . . m1s t IrrnJar. Ott if. court of App.,lt UnruUy: Non. 1031, 431, 440, NkaWl Mjtl4?tl. II. I hi u im 1,.. 1 I, flip,.. Minr-nifiils of AHHINUTON, Oct, )tMl.i hslH avniW'il H: NOW t'ti hl u Itta ut Now .rk .n il 1 ui MKMi"it ha latlail from lndtan Haad f"t Norfo.k, yacht Kan a fr or uu lrill 0 for PatttffOAVa, UIIDOl A 1 IIA poll I from Sun Frill. Ih'O for Sun Dia CO rolllar Hi tur from Hon au Prlnca for t iiimmo. dMtroyar Tt-rr v from N 1 Ytirk for NtwpoHi orulaar Hroottlyn from NaWport for fiut klan.1, Mr ; t tisj tture'd, . from I'ort itu l'r. tut fir 1 1 unntunan. . yat ht m.iviiovmt from Wftaolniton for r fdik. arulaar 'j Molnaa from Ratrul f Memliii. OOUtar Ttrutu from livirut f..: Aii-xaii'irii. deatruyor lUamaon from linn nni fir Harnatabla Bay, tun Triton from orfoik f": Waahlniton, battTothlpi Wj mi Ing Arh'iin-.tK, Ttlita iiti'l r'lttrtila. nilm ahTpi Hun Krainflai . ami PAltlmorti and daaptttota "out Yuukinn from Nawpuri for Ktw York; battiaahipt virsrlniH. oaorfla, KabPMkft Nw J ro. rrpulr -t u t unit 4nlllir NVpiunf frm Nawporl fof lion ton ; bottloahlpa nlcnlfan itna fioutli rarollna from Ktwport fr PhllAdaiphia, ha t tltoblpa IdOtilalonOj Kow ifampattlri4. iti,-..)- (alamt. n- fork and Mlnnattota ami fOlllar Orion from S'OWport for Ruttli too Road a ; aolftar Cyolnpa fr.tni Koa r"" 1 fur Norfolli, -ii.HT Jupltar from rVr-wport f.-r AnnapAtla. lie rn t 111 hp 11. I'ault! ing, McI'imiu-hi. iturrowh ami 11 ii 1 m from NfMvixirt for tlurdlnir'H HaVi '"1 ro(4jor A oArr-mla. 'tod ' 1 tc PlftOftl aii'ia f run ' Hon -fapo for Ouatn. 4 fin lit n o' Nihaa UajTfton. BO mtira wftt of Ki y VTeal :it noon ii,rtlajr h OtHlttrntf ilatlvoatnn, ISI mikt ' tf Tirtu..i- at OOOII s City "i Co iiubiia, sava" in.'M norl In ii oi Kryim I'on 14I imon s. Ktiiiiiii Port Arthur, nnlea Pkwx. uf Bab!.. ia- .it noon Sm i lit a Pirt Arthur. K MlUtl hjlMdt at noi'ii Mrs leiiiai' Jaji'kaoiiYlll Hamt) lliiiik al H M Cuanio, San J t tan Sniuiv ii.hiU .41 noon K1 AlriJt, ilttlvaiatun, ' mmal kiho ii al H Tua Kti'M.' Ilrunaw vt i nf tJiaittoiul Hbo 1. il H si 4'olorailn. fbarlfaton, w ' ti Hi. tin 1 ahoal it " i' M :i BjorttM aoutb ot iO mitai f ml h of - milt trotp Pia mi . m itbaraaj Ki lajt pat 011 (h . nf .hii'Mi r at l 11 Mi Miiltnwkel, Htoi'ktoii Mat .i Unini it I P M . M tituil" ."Ni A 1 .1 a:.. Jlllllll al Colon. 1 1 11 j4.1u.iv Hook at 7 p N niiN aoulbwaat Ofl nnlrai nnrlii milgj nonh Itloi nith rf o it hat of au Appellato ni J.i .tn .ipplliMM-m 1 ilnrli ul S.i inn:' M Ilk the judfinw l "i' ITT.f'Oi lift I leal II . ,itr litM'Idl 1. 1 1.1 in in Mrvh, Iwia id ei for iiuo.uou Mum Tl lijui tor lit-. In-n s, 11. -11. mi fltvi osi r th" Kinlffr it 1 from 111 of Hmry Binehuff Pi a hi: 'I jury ajw v . a, ii '-li -iii Uut.i b) Ult Irlkl Junce iu T0, OW.