Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. MRS. GALT CHOOSES PRESIDENT WILSON ACCEPTS SHADOW LAWN SUFF CAMERAS TO HUMAN SKYSCRAPER JOINS SUFF PARADE Letter Currier, (5 Feet I Indies Tall Will Be DfMfSJ as Unci Sam. COUNT' FNDICTED AS WIVES IDENTIFY HIM Authorities Socking otfiiT Women Whom Thev Stii.oct Loudon Mnrrieil. FIGHT VOTE FRAUDS 1-inps at Jcrspy Balloting Places Will Bo Photographed to Prevent Repeating. GREEN IN TROUSSEAU! FOR A SUMMER "CAPITOL" BUT WILL PAY RENT HnH Trimmed With Beaver and Tw Frocki Ait Made In Hull ilium. 20 SEEN At.TIMORI, Oct, 16. A large part .if the trnu..sciiu of Mm. Okll, the I'reai-I dent's Dan cm, is being mailt In Haiti-1 rKire Two afternoon fraclte, K.iin.' My anil ni'i Mvtral aeperete blouati i itiniMi for the outtll f Ihi ItMttre Mm. WooAron Wlloon have already : liern font l VVaeMngtOlt from a ltoi j ltere. The frock and the Mil wan ordered! at atnrda) ami Monday, on whtoh gajra two or Ihrot frlondo who help-. Ill Mm. "Salt In t hp MlOCtlOn of ''rr trtraaeeati Restored ii BaJtttnori f: j ahopphm. i The inH wiiic'11 la ballovoil to be iiiu fillr WtllCh Mr". li:lll IntflliN In wear mil tile WOddlnl trip im a modal III dtlll ureon I duveiyn with a ohln chin collar and ouffi j Of lieave: Thi- tup of Hie OOat Is cut tu It the rlgtira rather rtoeely, A flare j tiu.iiin1mr lour vatil and a half W ! CHINESE INFLUENCE i iiiiont tiie iKittmn nf the coal edged with j n whie band "f beatrer, The coat but tons stralKht down the front anil 'fjf, ) worn with a Rlmple allghtly dared kirt. , The prettier Of the two afternoon fro. kw i a modal in rrtM georgette and . taJfOta of tha name rh'h Hull preen as the stiit. The iiiimU'I shows a stroiiK Chlneoc Influence The uirt hat live narrow of crept georgette tiainl.'.l in taffeta, tlnely phalli! anil mottntoH on a orepa undarehlrt There Jo an under horli.'r of taffota flowerod Jn ilull rose, over Which falls a Ohlneoe i ale. veless la. kel of crepe georgette ex- j nti.eiteiy ombpotdarod In aalfsolorod ' hearts. The oth. tlination C aeoi tcette very Wtda afternoon frock crape chiffon Is com and Ttiie In n seal brown. Thar lo pleated skirt With hands tif plain chiffon lii a llithter sluule of tnvn set In at interval alsive the Jlem To this mo.Ii'1 alio there Is a lijwMi ovorjacket embroidered with threads of Oliver and gold. The blndlnga on the skirt are alsh outlined with silver and ftold. Tlie tilousw are largely modoll of crepe georgette chiffon and lace and are designed for dressy afternoon wear. Both Of President Wilson s dailK'lters. Mrs. Sayre and Mrs. McAdOO, obtained part Of tholr trousseaus her.'. Two aoamel raoeea are in conatanl attendance tit the Qejl home n aVaahtngtoiti but It la said that moat of the trouoaoau is tieinff made on rush orders, sueh as tiiose euppllod in Baltimore. WEDDING DATE IS SET. nil other llrlnlU I el niMtnneeil. re Not r A JH I 1TO N , Oct. 1...--4 'Ol. E. M. It ITomc. arho had been at the H'hlte House vaveral daye. returned t hit home in nw York to-day. it t generally believed thai the date f r the Praal dent't weddlnR With Mra. Uall has been et, that attendant! have bean Mlected ami aM the details arranaed. but the aerrel will be gu;ttbd and no one but those concerned wttl know enythlni un til it is announced from the White liouae jual before t he day. Mrs. tJalt In buey With her troUMeaU attd with the detalle attending tha Riving Up of her bouse. Some of her relative mill occupy it title winter. Mrs Wait occupied each afternoon this week i-i receiving the vlettn of the Cabinei and oth official hoateaaee Mrs. Eanalng. Mrn, Lane end Mre, Danieli have all made ealle. Mrs. Lane has known Mrs. Oalt for some years. Mr.--. Lane was a retddent of Waahtng ton t'Hia before she becamf member Of the Cabinet Circle and to MOme extent gha has been thrown lii contact with Mrs. Uall iu charitable and phllan Ihroplc work. Mrs. Danieli has known Mra, OaJI for pome tune una n.tti nor as ner gueet on the wayllOWer in the summer po r the iiaai review In New fork. WILSON NOTE TO BRIDE-ELECT. Pfliikhl! r or lrianltln I ' SpMIKUKIIIaD, HI tna note was i Prenident Wlleon Uunne, daughter to be married on Corbo) . a 'hi' MU ln ii ii Boat Wlabea, . . t 1 R, The follow eeelved loday from by MIm Rllaen Mary I f i lov. Punne who ih i t tetober - to William j i itorney : I "Mr I 'K a it Miss lt nk Ma? I not 1 wish for you in your approaching mar- i rlage the groatenl happlnena and eon tent mem . and may l not convey through you my warm eat congratulations to mv. Corboy? I wish i might have the plea gura of being preaenl on the twentieth to convey- my frljrtl at ions in person." MOTHER WIPES OUT FAMILY. Umly Mmlr Wt.l.ti Ktlla Thr I llllllrril mill M.-r-t-lf. The bodttt Ot Mra Anna Hunt inner and her three children wtrt found terday mornlnfl in her kiih Ailed i at SS8 Sixth avenue. Brooklyn. wiu'ii Jostph Huntttng r, a barge es- iomt p- gain, tailed to .ome home on Hunday, lrs. Huntslngtr loft htr children In eare of the neighbors and wtnt " starch Of hini. After tit) ting hospitals, police gtatlona and t ht homes of friendt f'r Ihret days she found the body of her husband In !" Brooklyn Morgue Thura- day nfternoon 1 1 s had been drowned ' In t he I 0WI nits t 'anal. she returned tn Ihi leant I ly fumlshsd flat nnd called her thrtt children from their play in the street About o'i lock ahe put the children, Alice, lii Rllta, R, gnd Bmmtt, t" sleep In htr own bed. Then carefully nnd m'thodlcall) she gtuffed up tha cracks In the windows and doors with newspapers and rags After turning on thrtt gas Jts he took s plc turn of her husband from htr bureau and Knt Into bed with tht children, The bodlts were found by Peter Connoll of 4 T ' sixth avtnut, a brothtr of the dead wonmn. SUICIDAL PAIR LOCKED UP Jll If'll t lonn t H ii till i' l iirNt. Im I n II v tit lliltnl ' Daleellve. I fter oontldlni In nureo f t'1' Poet Graduuta lloepltitl thet lltcy were ebout tt .'Otniiiit lulolda, Irvltlff mi l Mary ' ir liaiiiK win urreeted yeeterday ee they wore lettvlns th Inetltiitlon arni ar fvitvriad in the Weel Hide pi!t.-(. court. TIki huelwnl wh lield in 11,000 hail by Macletrate Murphy uhttrged with e viola tion ot tlie Buiilveii lew end ih wifo Tia in im in 1500 ball chnrged wlHi being e sakiaiii They will httve a bearing thli morning. ilui-iiaiii ami wife iiafl I n treated or eonifl llntB In i'1 Hoel ilreduele Hon j pltul, a raw ihiye ugo Ihey left, bul roturrted yMtetthiy to eey tro.ii-iiy tu the nuree. Mi. Altmndor Th nureel queetloned ihem oeeefully end her i" 1. 1 draw from Ihe young; wife the i . i ttutt ehe i tired of life. Knowing thai ihe was eflllcted with nn Ineumble u.antiK. ..i. ... ........ ...... ... ....... i.p ...... . imliied thai her huebend hud IhhikIu a ttvolver aad Intended tn kill her gnd i ineelf ' their home, Htuyveeenl Ktrcet. Mine Aleggnder kepi the two In Liuiveiwtlon until Dr. Ichlapp eum niutg Detective DevaneM Mrs War- au formerl) Mi Wllklni avenue. IliilieiiHlcin Bronx. of I'iie to Uh;" Wnr 1 im'mI mm Bef . aW H i JaLYi&jflLV fl Ha? tlt w.a8iiim;ton. o.'t II. 4nia4o LAwn, Mm fHtAtr at KIVhT'Mi. N. .1 . upht Ion(c Branch, upon w1iih the late .John A. ftfeCall waiil to liavr Hprnt more than 111,600,000 in chancing II from unattraot ive rntllrtH to one of the how places of the Atla.n;ii neabonrd. wan formally ao ceptPtl this mon'lriff by Plttldtnt WllSOfl a? a mimmer hfnif. a dctentior of more than r core of j,.rnpV DamoCratM called at the , , . . i nitc tih use i" leu uie rrvsiavni mm tii home folka want whenever iir ii. aiio f.-.'in Waahlngton. The delegation whore eJforti lo have the "tuitimiPr rrtMtl" 'linnReil from Cortilahi n ii. to the Jereey oat w-re I quite lUOOeaefuli wits headed hy Repre ! (tentative Si ully. liov Klelder, who could not accompany the committee to Waehlnge n becauae ol a death in hla family. Bent a letter In Which be urgently pleaded with Prealdenl Wllaon to accept the .iffer to inalie Shadow Lawn hi urn mar reoldonce. "Come hack." wrote Qov. nelder. "and In th.. old familiar surrounding" reoalve the lud lidlnna of yur renotn- InathMh" rn Jrrnil' Want tlim. "We want you to return to New .ler- n." wax the way Congreaaman gcully'a Invitation w.m w-rded. ' which hna given the country the graaUal Prealdenl in it Matory." The commlttee'a Idea ol the term of the offer of Shadow Lawn wan that the Prealdenl tn accepting not to he put at any expenae accept the upkeep ol hla own household In accepting the invitation the Pi eeklent Hai.l i "Ma. SiM i i v nii Ointuimbn ; it i vei-i- delightful to fee', at home in this group and to so many familiitr faces and people If m hack home. you Ulideretand, I am under arnst down here andj am aeldom allowed to escape. hut you may he sure that my heart constat, tty JOte back to New Jersey, and when you come on a mission ilk thli and with euch peculiar generoaity and invite me home the - nly thing I can hay it that 1 Will oome. Now .fersey nieana too much to me to make any other answer poaalble, if you would be generous enough to me pa) the rem that i have been accuMtomed to pay for a Bummer pure I would feel easier abOUt It. even If Mm devoted the mone to soma charl- I table Jei-t and not to tht- defraying of the expenaea or Keeping me piaee up. ' Would Kaal attar. i thmk yiau will undtrataad hwg I foal wbout t ttLt . It is not that t heaitatt for a moment to accept anything from ADVENTURESS, HUNTED HI FOOT LIZARD HERE ELEVEN YEARS, IN JAIL1 FROM HELL CREEK, MON. Woman of Many rested fr Crimo lug Ball i" AUatiei Ar ifter Jump 1004. titvtn Hattts Afte year 9i Hockti aludlm tht police fnr Carrie Weathtrby. alias mximrn Jaatlt Wilton, who Ir as well known bv the jioiij-e ot to Kuroveai' .iii.h a " " r Boston, Philadelphia Ctileage, . as arraated yeeterday, charged with I theft immltted In geptemoer, ifvt. She admitted o tiie detectlvee 'hat am. waa arnst...l ntioui iwtmrn ' I.... I,...- rfu-fllt . ' X 1 1 . . i r .In.lvlm the DOllCd of tMg ..... i:ns more. rw Blty wns the I thins, ("lit- HUlll. thai ever hap- P" '.'...I'.'n. i,o hea enent very- in. perlOde In ihe Jalle of many .'Itles hroughout the world, winding , monthi In Cape Town. South Africa, WM found by Detectlvee and Dalton at her home. In 107 West Thirty- mchth rtreel l" W he wu watta ,,,il .-'KirKeil With Picking the JtOCkat Of ISIlery Hark r ).(... x. v. a Maale t rate held her In 11.500 ball. he fa'"''1 to Rppoar' for trial and 'he police began their eleven year h treh fnr her. n old sweetheart of 'he woman Un wittingly revealed hla Identity to the de- ' teelives WHO moe U1C arresi. nun) If nniihell alun known as Phony Kid, In formed Inspector fray anil Pete.tivea Flaftee a"1' Dalton last Wedneaday nlgbl he naa nninq srnim Hcotland for nturdr. He came to Hew York after in- had heen pardoned for euvlni another prisoner h life. He sanl (hat he hoped tO he ahle to "live on the K-vel." After the oonveraatlon Inapeetor Cray followed him from gortyaecond etraet and Broadway, where the oonver nation 'Urredi to the home of Carrie w ntherby. Tn,. police will ask the authorities u, Uiwego if Bllery Clark i ellll resident of the city. MASS. POLITICIAN A SUICIDE. t ui, H, H. .iih u iMltliia II rot her Ml I II I I n Pftptti Vm. l'un.APia.riMA. Oot. 15. -Col. Bdward H rod Is QtiUffOW of WoreeHter, Mass., ex-niemher of the MMMthUttttt State LeH i.-la lure anil well kUOWn in politi cal eli'den, Iclllod himself hy ihOOtlflf to-day t" tht home of his brother, Wlll iatn UlaHgfOWi Hi UUtfOW PUot, I'lklnn I 'ark. The ColOlttl fame to hit hrother' home nhotit ten dayn ago for a month'n HtHy. It wuh said he rt'ieittly hud been aotlip "v a nervoue and highly ex riled manner. I I :.. .L . , . - I'.ip.vrlght l.i Morris, from I ' n I r r w ootl .1 I'l ItwopJ. DUVK. BMtdOW Uwn, the John N. J., which President Wilson dence. Below, the social hall, 7f hy X' feet, on the main floor, and the wide stairway leading to tiie mez.anine floor. JinWef pOOptOi but I should feel more comfortable If you would let me pay the' rental that 1 ordinarily pay in tVe sum mer time; then I uld feel that t was doing m pari and also accepting a very generous bos Italtty on the part of thoaa who represent the State, and I am sure you do represent the state. "All 1 can add Is that 1 snail loOK ' J for ward with tin groateet plena are to ! being In the old familiar surroundings. 1 May I not send m love bark to t he people ,i: bono- th'itugh you ami express ; to you my vary great pleaaure In aee4ng I ou " ' The Prealdenl added jokingly thai he I "promiwes io . Fielder not to dWt urb j ; him toi much at hi summer ramp at Sea Olrt f object to riding a horse In frock coat and Hi IK hat." Committee members later explained this remark by Maying that the rlrst tone Mr Wllaon while so garbed got gel tide a boras was 1 when he received at Sea Ulrt in 191 2 the hrt news of his nomination. Prealdenl Wilson's acceptance of shadow Lawn is believed hare to mean that he will not swing around the coun try campaigning Bhadow ttwn. t i now taken for granted, will be the pcene of an campaign speeches Mi Wilson may feel c.t ileal upon make. JUKI ae l krasldena MeKlnley addressed some of t his mtvt telling speei-hes from his lawn at Capton( Ohio. Baoh In the dayg when the late John Uitinl ton Tj rannoiiatirtiH'N Hkolo Hountod in Natural Htfitory Miixmhii. Baftium Brown, who hunts pit hlttortc sktletons out Waat. has lived uji t his (Irtt name hy finding and forwarding bo the American Mustum of Natural History th- skeleton of the king f all Rath eaters, a giant tyran ri isainu.- Harnnm Brown's largest 1r rttttial flesh eater of all ggtt Wat found, appropriataly enotiKh. near Hell Creak In the Bad Lands of Mkontana. Bvtn when trained down t. the bont this htavywtlgbt acrapper ttretchei forty-seven feet In ItHSth and looms nine teen feet into the air. The tyranno- saurus has been mounted hy Charles Lang under the direction of Prof. Henry Kairtleld Ouborn and the sclent I flf staff of the depart ment of vertebr.ite pnltron-tuluR-y and lias been placed on exhibition at the museum, where the mount is Poll Kldtrad tht best piece of work of Its kind yet a hie v ml D) the Institution. "Larger herbivorous dinosaurs have been found In the United States and In Africa." Mr. Brown said In dlacuaaltlg the new pat tinea rl hed -or unfOoktd at Hell 'reek in the Bad Lands, "but their carnivorous contemporaries we i a at least a third smaller than Tyranno saurus, which it may be safely stated Is the largest terrestrial llesh eater of all anes." Tyfannoaaurus is --or was -a reptilian cousin to Haardli OrOOOdtlOt uml birds, j with hind lens formed like the lag! of a blnji parnUm Brown has gone to lb 11 t 'reek .iK.nn and Is expeeted back from the Had Lands later in tht season, it was said at the museum yesterday, with so (tuny more forty footers In his little game bag ibut the museum will bne enough for a mess. DIV0BCE FOR MRS. 0 D0N0HUE. Mite of New York Hun Weill Item, for lie. Tee. Ite: , New, Met. u, a decree divorce was granted here to-day to lioae Mildred Taylor ti'Donohue from Joeeph John 1 1' I ..nii. hue Hdi 11 l eal estate dealer end graudaon of Jxiaeph J. O'Ponohue, i lie city chamberlain of New jfork and wealthy ooffee mei chant, Mrs tVponohue charged deeertlon gnd non-eupport. she reolted thai they have mie child, a sun years old, They were married In New Vmu April 27, Ull, No mention of alimony wai made. Mra. OTKinnhiie has been living here for Ix months. A. Mel all mansion has accented as his summer resi A. McCall was a poor bookkeeper, so ha need to tell his friends of later ears when he had become prealdenl of the New York Life Insurance Company an a tats of the wonders of his Khadow lawn hai bean one of hla dreama Two yean after he had Unlaned n. at a coat estimated at about 1J ,000, pet haps more. Mr. Mctall died in lii- splendid nummer mansion Hut Mr McCall had had time to lay out a won lerful est. tie w ha h. when finally in IS0J it came hito tt:e hands of Capt, Joaepti B (Iraanhut the depart ment attire merchant, waa gone over from top to bottom i Ins hie awd out, and brottffhl up to a point of perfection far beyond even the dream ol Mr, MvCall, lountalns upon wl -f- lights played at n ght were added by Capt, tlreermut, who iUao had u;it upon ti' place a ewln. unrig l- that is the last word tn su 'h luaurlea. Just as the house wgg done over front founttations to roof during the six years that Khadow teSaWn has been Catt. Oreanhut's home, so also t he Captain want tt work on the grounds and deVOgOpad gardetiK of marv lloun beauty. The Jerae) ooaet "pointed With pride" to an estate which Capt Qreanhul bad developed until it was one of the finest In the country; a d there i" no doubt thai i" accepting Shadow Lawn sa a "summer While House" President Wil son has gone far toward bringing to a realisation the hope of long standing HELD AS LEADER OF WEST SIDE DRUG RING Edward Uoyh DUtrlbutlnu Woaltli) KiiHioitod of NntvoticN to Cllontolo. Bda eight ii in .the havintf 11.1 Dnyle, !! Weal Eighty. str.'.t, was art ,uiit.ll es'.eroay W est omit on a charge of narootlc druga In his poeeeeato'i. He waive.) 11,000 bail i hearing ami wae hei.i under for trial Tin prisoner Is believed In be the legder ol a drug rinic Which haj been dletrlburlng oocalne and morphine lo a wealthy clientele n the upper Weal stile inii wae arraated by Detectlvee Rleary and smith as he was leaving his home in the morning, lie had in iiis Doimeaelon two nackaaiea which tin poll. si y .Ills known 'E .le. ks ..f happy heroln. Thi aleo had 400 valuable j.-wels. alleged drug in iiis wallet .list ributer and many After taking Poyle into custody the detectlvee return.. I m tiie apartment wlu re he lives. There they were met hy an evpeiimvely gowned woman who opened the door only an Inoh or ao aniv what they wanted. When told of the purpoee Of their visit the woman elammed lite door In lha fa.e ..r tha deteotlvea and faatened it with a bolt and chain. Cleary and Smith iimnahed In the door, in a large china bowl on a ma hogany table ihey found r quantity of a White powder believed tO bfl heroin. I some ..f li lii ..lie, I paper wrappers, ami 1 aisu tive one-eighth ounce bottlee, little airgar nf milk waa aleo fmimi in tie same jar, bul the police Ihlnk this was put there by the alleged iihk trai- Ih'kers as a blind LANDLORD ACCUSES BABY. nt U- enr-lllil MvlOllOH Xi'tlol. ihkIk ,.r Tw heen llaher being ami ' i-year-old llavld Bleenberg has leellsed h' John J. Ilillml, il pub- at 188 West Thirtieth slreel. of a "unisy and boiateruUH person" cauelng greiii dtaturhance ami an noyance" to uiher mombera of the apart ntenl at -it Plaremonl avenue In an affidavit IHllon, the landlord, has tiled in beginning eviction proceedlnga before Juetlce Well tn Ihe Seventh Dlelrlcl Munlclmtl 1 'ourt. in bringing ins oot inn gggluel Ueater V. rlleenbergi a lawyer at III Madlaon si reel, Mr Ihllon said he had received I'omplulntH Rgalnel Davld'e ear split ting walls frnni fifteen peraone. tine came nil the way from Blvergtdj I hive, besides many from the apartment house. Mr. arid Mrs. Kladntierg say their son it Elberon. I , cries no more t I.i. 11 the normal Infant. held h many that torn day Hhadow .awn will b the summer home of President! of the United Btatet for all time Mr, MfM'ail bough) Ihe nft)elgh1 acres i f farm la: d more than a dogen yea rt I ego for H 00,006 from the iiuii'k, .b- oott, rtanorson sno I'atidaeH rstalee, a tratch of elevated land within light of the ocean near long Braneh, A "itiie tory farmhouse Htood mar the middle of Mr. McCalti new holdings and away from the farmhouse tretched unattrae- tlve cornfl Ida Henry NSdward Crleaer was the archi tect elected by Mr McCill for the home he had in view. While pla S were in tiie uuikma Mr McCatl aaaemblod laridv.M i gardeners a mi reglmapts f laborcra The cornfield huminocke die ppeared, Tha sulfate ground was Untied DVer( rich SUbaotl wan spread, ami datly the com field i disappeared to give way t drives and terracoa, walks and Illy pom!-, lawns. Bhadi lr e and beautiful old faehloned gardeng, t n ii t o n ran i lien aty in the middle of aroae t ha approached mansion of riassic columns by wide granite utapS The portico leads into a wide central ball surrounded by tWO tiers f wide galleries, the hall be- overed with a brilliantly colon d glasg dome loo fee? above the Root ff the central hall nre draa ing rooms, iitung rooms, billiard and card rooms The bedrooms S re arranged arOUnd the second Moor galleries, with a music room on tb megganlne door Very wide branching stairways of marble connect the t wo ktoiies just before Mi McCall died In IBOI be sold bis "dream' to B) ran M. ippen halm and three associates, w ho, it wan Said at the lime, paid Mil) 8S0,G0tt for Ha property, Then Abraham White, the pectaeular Texan who grew rich in a week bj plunging on Union and South ern Pacific in August. I to, took Hhad w leawn, mortgaging it for 1 190,000 to tin- Metropolitan Lift- Two sars later White had trouMi meeting the lnt ret and Hhadow LaWU was sold b the mortgagee at MherlfTs sale on May 2a. I S08, t a syndic ite which Included Mr. Oppenhelm, P. Han ford Rosa, Harry Content. J B, Bedle ! and K C. Harding;, who paid 1108,000 for the estate above the 1100,000 mort gage. Mr. uppenhelm and his New Jar" ney ttMHiCltties mtenitfi in nitue a tr club of tht rM 'te, but the feii through i m April IP09, the nnnount i was ma'b that Bhadow Lawtl btu purchased b) ('apt. Joaeph H. On from Mr, Oppenhelw and his aavo Th our chase nrtce was nol slated roun 'tnetiT been ennut iatcs. Tiie thoroush fOhabiMiatioii of tht- proparty j under the taateful dlradtoti f fapt. Ureenhui was basjun at once until nmv t he lacki iioihlhn as u home for even a lresldtitl himself and ti Plrsl Lady of th Lana. I 37 AUTOS STOLEN TO START A JITNEY LINE PrlMHierti dnilt Wliolcgale Theft n Long fHluiid Two I riiHUffenm Arrontodi a ii It of a I Otlfl SS mi n ide I , j 4), tl . Dlatrlc iteottvea WM I 's' Attorney'! otHca y. re eaarchlng Long tarda) Island Ight fi two men alleged to j b be implicated In a wholceale ecneme 10, steal automobile, The Inforntere pleaded guilty to grand larceny yeeterday before .inline Craln In Ueneral Heealone and later admitted. II is aaeertad, the theft of Ihlrty-eeven machlnea since April. The Informera are l-'rank Joachim and Adolph Benewaril, both of 719 Correal avenue. Th.. Bronx. They said, accord ing t.i Ihe authorities thul their I n- cenlei began the latter purl ..f April. Only new care were taken, and where poaalble phyelclane' machlnea were se lect. .1. h.enuso they were euppoeed lo be equipped for rapid driving. After a few monthe the two decided to BO UtlO the )llne bus business and I rafter looking over advartleemente lo cated in MldiMoaburo, Ky, There they were grreated and wart brouffM back ! lu re laat Wednesday. Their undoing 1 name through ihe shipment of two stolen gul .nob les uml a load of furniture lo Mlddleahoro. They said they sold one car to a inm Inland justice ol the , peace. Two t'fcaaffenre lr reeled Tket ggel 00 Motor Hon! I r.ilNC. Barl B, poremu. n chauffeur, of 7t.; Bterlkig place, Brooklyn, as arraated in I'atchogUe yeatul'dll) on a warrant charging him with Rtottllng an automo bile belonging lo Uuulac C. Ilull of BOS Seventh avenue. Mil ihattun. Another chauffeur. Wallace Seaman of Acad emy street, Patch. .Rue. waa arrested with 1 inn 11111K as an noceeeory Thi letectlvra from I'ollce Head. qUartere made the arrest Just as Die two men were about 10 leave 1'at-hiiuue in a motor boat on a cruise tn tile South. The motor boayl, wltloh waa more thani ;m feel In leitgthi was well stocked with I provisions. LINDSEY JURORS DISAGREE. I e ii e r J n il u I Im rwril Mnn With l.lbelllnu Mini. DRNVKRi Op If).- -After beitn: out itllOfl vest.-t il i the Jurors In the Ki anU Hose lilu-l t ase. in whh-li Ju1ko lbn Iinlsi wax th pfOHMUtlnf WlttlteMi rportd they were unable to HRreo aiul were tt'sehnreil to day. The Judf eharBei Hose with olr rulallnir a false nfndKVli alleging Immorality. FORTY MEETINGS TO-DAY The failure of Secrrlary of State j Thomas F Martin of New Jersey tO bnve the ballots to be cast it next Tuesday 'i special election numbers as I in rdimity SlSOtlOni has anniseu me:, I and women who are working for the adoption of the woman suffrage amend 1 ment. PoUtlclam admit that the omls- alon of numbers will make it easy for i election boards Inclined to be dtitionsal to stuff ballot boxes unless they are Closely watched. Mr Ma I tin SSyS he II not required under the law to Instruct the printer to furnish numbered ballots, He places tht- blame tor t he omission on t he Rs publican Legislature, Martin is an nnU Suffragists are slOO disturbed btClB USS i: Will be p SJgibls for nu n to register and then cam then- VOtSI Irnmedlatelv . This they Pay Will make it easy for pn fesslonal rep ateri to get in their work. The New Jsrsey CommlttSS of One Hundred. Which includes ex-State Sen ator Five ret I "oihy. Col, George Harvey and United States Senator Hughes, is sued a statertx nt laat night saying that the "time has oome when the corrupt measures Of s few years ag will no longer be tolerated' In New Jersey and declaring thai It "will take sjttrsme measures to see to it that thoas who ta nipt r with t he election ret ui ns are brought This ntlttae to Justice.' n a SpSClal election." the com onttnuad, where certain sa fe- guards usually present are OOflSplcU OUS by their absence ami invite a wrede- nals raid by those desperate lnt streets which are del- t unned to keep the women of New Jersey disfranchised We refer particularly to the fad that the ballots for this election will not be numbered and to the further fact that under the law i: has nol bean possible to verity tiie registration 1 1st I. " Alfred N. Chandlar, chairman of the ampalgn committee of the Committee of One Hundred, said a continuous photo graphic record of the voting lines in cer tain districts will be kSpl iu order to make it possible to prOSSCUtS repeaters A party of woman stiff r.igints headed by Mrs. Thomai I M. ught. Wife of F I- eral Judge Halght, asked County Judge Cteorge 'i Tennant in Jersey City raster day to asatst Hudaon county In getting an honest election. They made a similar appeal to Under Hheiifl Jamen t'larke. Huprems Court Justice Hwayse and County Judge Tennant win confer to day on the queatton whether the noils Shall ' lose at , 7 I'. Mm as the election law provides, ..r at o'clock, when the regi-- j on . nda, Huff rage leaders Will make a great "drive" through Passaic and Her gen counties to-day. They will hold forty (open air meetings and will Wind Up In the Peterson High School, w here ad dr. iseS w ill be made by William Jen- ntngs Idah. Brj an and and Mushen etora r.'-iah w J. rey f N EQUAL FINES FOR WOMEN TOO. Jmimo '"r .iitrur. bal wnn nr UnnalMllli for Ualll, An excise cahe in which a Women WM the defendant was before Junthvii Itua II, Fr. scl.i ami ilarym in Hperlal Ses lone yesterday and leii tn nn espreralon of opinion n HUffraee from the bench After Anna NethHnaon was eonvlrted if Helling whiskey in Detective ami Falla. .m Sunday, Augui her huriband'H ealmin el Ifill K nue, r. a. M. Maims, hei eotim Huh pl.-a t unolly I ml a.--.1. made "This wi inn in ihnuldn'l be punlaheg Mverely, stie waenl ihe bartender ih. re. ami any nentence linpowill on her is hniin.i tu work harilehlp.' To win.-h A-'istant Dlettivl Attorney Wllntoi re tuned sitae women are demanding an equal share with men llillay in making the I hiws. Ihey nhnuldn't claim any leniency when Ihey break the laws " Thereupon t'hlef Juetlce Rueeell, wh.' eald he epoke fr in colleague?, shi.i i j "t am hearttb In favor of giving women equal rtghte arlth men ami equal punlahment. it' h woman killed a m. ui I ehould I"' Willing to have her i bunged like a man. As all the other 1 aefendante In eltnllar raaeii tn-ilay have he. n men ami have panl tines of $10. with tlie alternative ..f m,. j.ul. ihe cnurl Impoeee ihe sum ..n this defendant." Mr- Nathans. in .aid the tlhi- tin couri room with an air of ahle itiunit . uaye m penalty ami U ft conalder- BRYAN STUMPS FOR SUFFS. In mnrU io-nlulit: Ti-rrnre linr- ilii Monillll t'liinu. WlHIttm Jenntngt Bryrtn li tnklng i Utttfl tittt' off front Ihe i-ojiptiiler ition nf utiivetsal pea'e ti boom wotium fniffraefo In the campaign state.. He will I peak at Terras tjarlen next M tin-lay evet inK under the uuiipioei f Hi.- Qerman American Commltti f the Woman Bulfrage Party. To-night he l to tpeitk At Kroegei Hall Newarki for Hie Win I'oiitit.ii LTnlon H. Marv St nr nr Oat Ui JLa, llrrald Soiura. C Financial Topics I"ORE people are taking an interest in financial matters than ever before in the financial history ,i.vj "t "iir ct)iintr. .Disaster comes to the un initiated very often because of ignorance. Whether a broker, a speculator, or just an interested on-looker, you will find a tion in these books, penned by financial affairs, Stork Bichgngt Kroni Within- Vmi Antwerp. J.1.J4 A. B. C. Of Wall Strrrt - S. A. Nelson. Mo Viilnr of OrRiinizrd Speculation Bruce. $1.79 Theory of Stock Speculation A. Crump. 54c Mary'i nook Itepnrtmant , Mnln floor, Hear -tVr ACTRESSES HELP CAUSE An UltOla Uan been found to march In UU ItllfrM Praile on October 23, nnrl lie Ik one of Unfile Sflm's letter cnrrlerK lie walked into the headntiar- ten of iho Bmplre Htoie CtmpeJfK 'om- n-.lttee ps!erdny nnd ;ntroiluced lnnilf M Krlc llloiiqulst of r,l!) Kast 14 4th Mreet. The llietllben of the parade committee tilted llioii head" upward to take a vUw of hln prapOFtlOIWi and nald tliey thought he'd do. He Ik li feet ,". Iltchl tall, and ithletl.. He had Keen the call the ftuf- frejfleti eeni otil Wedneedey for a tail, hAltdSOftte man to walk with MIkh -lumhla, xarhtd In the Htarn and HtripeK, nt the htad nf the Nattnnal Wimian Suf- fnure Aaaoclatlon wet Ion In the parade ami WOnderad if IM AMMI the requite- i nwntfli 1 The sufTraftatl told him that the name nf the Woman who WOUM Uikf the part of atlas Columbia wan btlnsj kept a - t ret, bttt he WM Wllllnl U take a OtUMOt that she WOUld he an appropriate mate for hi in. t lUOMM nre cife tif tO I he Identity of MIhh t'olumhla, and wkitth art about even on Mlal HtdWlg Helcher and Mra. Inez MHholland Botaatvaln. six ad rtaaet manned the ptenill ma N tat Ion m f'r the parade yentenlny and gathered In eeveml thousand slgnaturtt nlvo lotnl money They were fed at Inttrvals by Mrs. James Bftklnt Neai, i win tpent tht day whlMliuj from ta- I tlon t't etatlon In htr Wutomobllt with a , basket of aandwlchttt Tht Woman's Political Union win re- i open Its suffrage ah op at Ifl Wfth ave nut today at t rtcrultlng station for Ihe parade There are to be suffrage petchei daily at 4 :3 I. M. The speak- , ers to-day art Mrs. Ada llnhman. wife i Of the rretnier of NtW South Wales, and I r. Alan Mc urd . The tuffraglsts are making t sptclal tffori to enlist saleswomen in the de partment ttorea Ten of tht New York firms havt announced that they will give their women tm ploys n, up to ont-halt 'he fuii comptemtnti Saturday afternoon off ni the day Of tht parade, that they may march without losing tht half day's wages Thty have alao put parade pot ters up in the rest rooms "f their tofet The Kirls are from Altman's, BonWlt Teller g .., Lord - Taylor. Qlmbtrt, Best (, Httrn Bros., Jamei Mo i 'it erj . Wanamaktr't) Kranktln Simon i and MhM.rnUiKdales'. WINS CHILD AND ALIMONY. II.-. I.I. .11 nninal trllnt'i Wit.- It e vcme.l li II lie her l'..urt. The deolelon of supreme Court Jus- t liorr holding thai Mra, Aiiee M. Moticrleff could nol oollecl alimony from 1 . 1 huabandi Jamee K Moncrleff, an artist, unleae she gave up tin- euetody of h. r daughter, All.'. .May, :i years old, waa revereed yesterday by the Appellate lytvlHton of the Kupreme I'miri. .Mrs. Moncrleff is autng f.t a reparation on the ground of non-support. The defend ant deulen Ihe chargea ami allegeM tliat in 'vif. abandoned him. He declarea thai his wlf. has heen a member of a women'a quartel ami tint her Income is greater Mian hla own. .luMiee 'J.ifi allowed Mr. M0i. riefT ID a Week alnniiiiv, ami when her huebaod had the eaae reopened the court .ie.'i.-.i that if ahe didn't give up her .laughter to her huahmid the ali mony alio wam. would he atrlcken out. .Mrs Moncrleff appealed, and her at lorney, Joeeph it t'elvenger, argued that under the nettled law .if th inn an award of alimony is unconditional ami is granted becauee the party re celvlng it is entitled lo It. The Appellate Dlvlelon tipiiehl this e. intention. I V SUFFRAGE CALENDAR. WOW W Hl'TKHAUK MAItTT Niiuii Factory ntevtlni f t ha Ireg Hiiuttd ui I -"nn lalatid ifio Noon :.t- ntffftlni Kirt. Pll ! tl fira'ei at. t vnin nv tnue. t.. in v M irUh rally aad -uf-fragt fl Hudioft ri i Canal utroeti i F. M ST-et nifteOns auty itxth ntrrt it'i.i Brondwai s t leilfl iv M Mtatlngi ii .t-r venue and eAirdhum rumi; h avenue and ilth trei Brouilolda ailtl jerume venuea a;; . Pordnaui end jrome vnue k:IO p m -Me"ii itlth treel an I St. N'lchoirLM itvtnua w.mi; s PutlTlCfile rviuv. 1 3 .v.Mt Hlstaentti Veaatorlal dli tri t- niffKitiii. K'.nletn etraet miiJ Ninth avenue. ii :t.i a. m i vento?nth ienatortal dWtrtel mevttng. Seventh avenue unl fifteenth itroei r. at. rwvntleth HenatarlgJ li tri t. rempalgti committee will leave i li- of tl. e ..f tb union f o rt IttHhute Itafteti u.i through the !itti. P, y Twrntlnth Henatortgl de tri." meeting) ttt3lh strett anj Kir.-1 u enue. T:4& I M To niltth Benetorial iHa tn.'t meeting, llgh(ynlntn etreet fi j Third evenue p M - Meei inn nt TonipMne gq tare. B ;S0 P M gtrMt meeting Thirty t rt lr i street nnd Broadeay, ptSO P M Pweniitth ManatortaJ !! trivia llfith Pt'oet itti i Third evenuo Ca.'i Attn. lion. Ara Their Lav Print. B'wu.Hth to 'r.lh St. Current fund of authoritative informa- recognized writers of A. B. C. of Stock Speculation S. A. Nelson. Options and Arhitrage- S. A. Nelson. The Stock Exchange F. W. Hirst. Work of Wall Street S. S. Pratt. 54c 54c 44c ii si An InttletlMnt for Mcumy . gj aalnt "Count" Max Loudon r day and he will lie ari.tigi,. I .;,n. I pel Station Morulay. I!.-- : non l:p;d under 110.000 bail. In the ineeMISM Ai.slRtiint Dlitrlct Attorney Ival.rc a Mil Ietectlv Uubs.) wfll try .. round M triore women who th.i- nave heiri were married to the "Count." On ti OAVIel paper olUUYlnf Loudon lth 'rlme bll iiain.N are Kivo-i M,v , , mtill, alius Max MtlMKt, lllai Hi I' Louden and fount Max Lydon Uu don. Before the case waa lUbmltled lo lh flrand .lury twu Women Were i tken ro the Tomb?, whei'e they Identified ih ! "Count" as the man to Wltd Ibtgn married. One was Mr ! noid of PovgKkoaptlti who had Ar- . Ft eeso was married to the prisoner, j the namt of Chlmangf on Mtpti ! 1191, They lived togtthor tin-, and g MM! Igttr was bofh. !! nber IS, monthi hit father yesterday for the ti-st ' :r, Tlie other woman. Who MteM t s WM HaVrlgd tO the ''Count" on N". . 1 her 14. 1912, In Hose I'Hrfcn of ;. i trton, N Y. he tgyt tht "Count . j with htr long enough lo et her l4,""fl and 2.nnn from her sllttr and then disappeared When the "Count" Wgg arrested .it 121 Convent avenue, The Bpung, ht w , v Irig with a woman who gltO poeed his wife and Mr. Bmbrtt Wat told y v j ttrdty that he had ma rMtd her on Htpttmber i. 1111, at tiie c t . Hall under the name of Count I Pamiy, I Htr name was Ltllt Ptortncc iaii. n She was wanted it a witness . ; bttt failed tn obey i subptenx terdtjr, 'otntt bt pun - f..ti-,d j Uves art now Marching for htr. Tlie Itaitutt under wh ifh the '( t Iff to he prOOaOUttd in one neldotl land provides that a DOTton may b ! Ithtd in the county in which he li If charged with hljramy. Moth rigajog, at least the llrst Alt I t were performed out of thll OOUnt) Bmbrto said he had no doubt ai leK.tllty of the section. Dili Mr th tttl Igf. The "Count" Is said to h ive ; that lie dartd not return ti giving aM a reason thai he had trouble in his native land di I.. COURT TO SEE TWILIGHT FILM. Juatler Krlnnarr Will Whether It A nn He The a snj Bkoei Hi Bttprama Court Juattce Krlanget ctdad yaaterday thwt he wHI a tnei Uonday afternoon moving ploture dttOtlon of "TwiliKbt Bleop.'' v Lloanea 'omamiealoner BoM has riir must noi bt produced in the movie -hero. The owner of the IUm l tiuii -ompl the LIcetUM Commlaaloner La mlt the presentation of the tllm b; Motherluiofl 1-Mu atiotiat SK lt justi- e Brlanger aaJd that If the proved to be anything l he the made of It by the llconte COmmJee be WOttM not restrain Commloeionei from mteffertnga I HARDWARE Hard wear that's one feature of our suits of ""'Fore fathers' Cloth." We've reproduced as nearly as possible the cloth of 1620 substantial stuff and mighty handsome. Butternut brown, olive green and grey the colors worn by the Puritans. ""'Scotch Mist" overcoats are bigger than the weather. They're smart Fall coat jand they're also raincoats. j Everything men and bo s : wear. Regieteg Trada v...-u Rogers Peet COMPANY Broadway at 13th St. Broadway at Warren reai "Thr Foui Ccmer" Fifth A at 41 r 12 tfrtttandt-AJ 3 Men's Specialty Store OccupyiriR On Lntirr Build little HbODI That P.- it I t lie" Can't t ouipetr Willi Is $4.00 bilk SRIrti at $2.35 from our own Stock Date at. nnirts. r tT. i - a 98c regularly $1 .50 Soli and si ifl I nil. $2.00 French Flannel Shirt! at $1.49 M.J... D.i.m.i s;..M. f lavug mo e ga jaiiiu iui,ir j inn in i " Regularly $1.5U, : i I'lai.i t 0 $1.25 Heavy ( ape Walking Glovi Surplua Stock from a (.ir.r M I Hats Kept in Vonaithn I for Six Monthi FfH Fine Soft Hats $1.90 i Scon o) vu Sfytn, Smart. Fttttttk Bn w, L'lih a Spirt. tou.h Flexible Derbys $1.00 onH LtghtwalaHI. Mf-CoiiliiiriilnR, efr r v i i f t I M I ft jolly (o pan w'l.iti i pritt)