Newspaper Page Text
p WW' 1 iv"U J"i -P.ii"SUasjsigsjesjpjiweiaii' upiuiijiiwpijwfi pwnwwwuw .11 ... . ' wmpmpiipniipv M"" hi, - -s-i.'iprj-sp' n uijiv wkpimii ,. 3 THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. NEW HAVEN CASE DEFENCE IS OUTLINED Benefit to Commerce, Hints Xlcoll in Examination of Talesmen. iruY 18 COMPLETED; s. OPENS .MONDAY t r. e MlllA ivrll UP A D JLKUKS WHU w ill ncniv THE NEW HAVEN CASE TRAINED ARMY OF 1,000,000 IS PLANNED BY GARRISON Continurd from Firtt I'aiir. MACHINES TO FIGHT j ARREST FOR FRAUD (TWO FRAMERS LAUD NRXT WAR-EDISON ! IN MOSS PETITION NEW CONSTITUTION I) III ksi'HMAN. oa.lw.iy ; liotnt, IS liTi:rili:N r.-.ii ..-(.it., -i"1 Hr Wm ItfVth troet. I ' I1AKTMAN, lress roods ., ikfi home, Hotel Wellington. w.Hi'KT ll WELOON, vault ,eV builder, IISI BalnbHSgg avi sos Tha Hiotix. i rHi 'M vs N v:.. Pine Itrset ; home. 112 mtytemtid street, . t'CANK H IJOtTtll man. loso Melson avsntte il PRKO in 'N NY mo Bi Had i . hornti Itttk street, I- JAMUS H CARTON, horns. 1 II vt Mlnetjrlgtli street. v ioKIj Kftol'S, real estate. 414 tn:mi Pars VVeet, PETKH WAO-NBR. retired balMer, Hi West IStth utrcet. 10 C. A. FLINT, etectrlc lieHtln? eaftneer; home. 4:' Fordhsm roa'1. ftu Bront. 11 HBNRY c DATRR, real es tate home West I37trl street II AKDRBW l. RACK '!- tit.'ian. so:: West 1 1 Mil it reel st-rretarr . West Bev- .AJ4, Milss- The Hronx secret my, ?49 West eatlmatlni; the latter at It 4, too eaeh, Would make a total of 1,290,000 men. the total forre availnhle for service after fix years." Mr. Harrison's plan Is to have his new. or continental forts, to he created at the rate of IM,MI me.i each year for three years, usaemhled at the various army posts In the I'nited Mutes for two months of Intensive training eaeh year. Hurlng till period of service the men would receive the same Bay and allow ances as the soldier in the reirular army At other times they would receive' no pay. The force would In- orgunlS'M Into companies, regiments, brigades ami divis ions. Kach man would he tii-staned to a definite place In a particular organ lUtlOtl, so that on a call to the colors he would know In advance Just where he was to report nnd what his duties. nflliere for this force Mr. (iarrlson experts to ohtain from the National i.uard and from seinl-inllltary eiluca tional institutions, lie proKises to Rive Captain of the National tluard. for example, the opportunity to accept a Captaincy In the continental soldiery if he prefers the latter service. No 4'iimmlsalona Vat, It Is not the plan at present to alve commissions to these ofTWrs, but war rants instead. Hy cooperation with the military schools Mr. Harrison helleves many more officers can be obtained , that the courses at these schools could he standardized to suit the army re quirement! by offering oltlcers war-I the President had plete infantry divisions In continental t 'nited States. Three of these regi ments are to be of war strength for service overseas, in which service all organisations are now kept at war strength. The Increase of four regiments of field artillery is to supplement the tac tical divisions and make up a detlciency now existing In the proportion of field artillery to other troops In the I'nlted States army. More l.ap to He Filled. The fifty-two companies of coast ar tillery are needed to make up for the losses sustained In the defences of the Continental I'nited States hy assignment of companies to the- defences In the Philippines. Hawaii and the Panama Canal .one. They will permit the man ning of the coast defences of Continental 1'iilspd States at half strength, the Na tional (.nurd being counted on to supply the other half. The engineer companies are a neces sary accompaniment of the other In creases, while the four aero squadions will be a brand new adjunct 10 the I'nited States army. The plans far the aero squa Irons cull for twelve machines to each squadron, with a personnel of at least twenty-four otllcers and about -60 enlisted men. All of these Increases arc to be ipread over a period of two years. The bill for the tlrst year in Mr. Harrisons scheme will be tlS4,000,0n0. Secretary iliirrlson returned to Wash ington this morning from Mot Spnngs. in, having been notified ypsterd.iv that Warns r. s. to Gel Ready to Turn Out. Im I Not Slock. Mil nil ions. FAITH IN VOM'NTEKHS km use, Vitnoxs Against Beck er nnd Election officer, Accused of Trick. Wickcrshnm. Republican, and O'Brien, Democrat, Call Stop Progressive. OTHERS UNDER INQUIRY LABOB FIGHT TO-MORROW CTNlCAOO, country of let I '.. V'Aniet a. i Is a ideas and the greatest nui- OMm nation in the world. " said Thomas A lOdlson, chairman of the L'nKtd States Naval Advisory Hoard. In his private car at the Northwestern Station to-night. ir i.miu..., Mftiwi uiiti tils iohv nessed terns y In the belief that evidence had been! Kx-Attorney-tienersI tienrge W. Wick found of conspiracy to improperly ersham, Itepubllcan leader In the foil use names of voters to non inate Prank ! stltutlonal Convention, and ex-.lustice Mess as a candidate for District Attor-' Morgan J. O'Brien, the Iiemocratlc ... .i, ri.iif leaner, arioressing the ijuccns . mmni liey I l,n .1a. , ... 1.,,,. .,. Utorncv-s office caused the arrest es-, .aTi-aH nmnnaad iouim Kratut tan 1 Buperlntendent of BlMtloni and i ants to the ranking men of each gradu ating final The increases in the regular urmy are designed to give a balanced tactical or ganization to the regular military est ah lllhment, to till up the gaps In the forces In the I'nited States caused by the gar risoning of Insular possesions, and, finally, to provide a nucleus and In struction force for the National liuard and the new body of soldiery to lie called into being The Increase of ten regiments of in fancy will make a total of three coni- apir e. his He spent practically i an ,,tti, recommendations. the entire day In conference with of the Department, putting on the final touches to the estimates for carrying his plans Into effect. It is expected that a complete statement of the details of his pronofali win be given out officially within tlfe next few days. The estimates of the War Department total llS4.000.n0n. which Is about 7.'. COO.OOti more than the cost of the army last year. The Increase represents the CORl of Mr Qarflaon'l proposed enlarge-niente. throtmh Chicago on the way to Kran.lseo. gave a glowing v.slon of the! mlssloner of Heeds. He was accused part he expects the I'nited States to play when the nation Is next called BpOfl to defend Itself "Our next war will iai the machine war the war of brains rather than blood." Mid the Inventor. "It is my opinion that we should sulistitute ma ch.ncs for men, so that the efficiency of each man in time of war could be mul llplbd by twenty IhrOUBtl the aid of machinery. "Hut the country must be prepared for the ordeal. The two largest fac tors in bring. ng about this pn parat the newspapers' and Confi eai franhlin Simon & Co. Fifth Avenue, New York Tlafs Iurm6hw Shop Pfen'n Shoe Shop 16 West 38th St. 4 West -.Sth St. SEPARATE SHOP SEPARATE SHOP . A Sttp From Fifth Attnut A Slrp rem Ftflh 4$tm Men's carfs Men's Newest weaves and color effects In ( SfftmStA ,nd flgures' Banister 7.00 .50 Shoes taking a false acknowledgment. He was locked up m Police Headquarters, but was later released In 11.000 bail for j examination by Magistrate Ten Kyck, ! who issued tin warrant. Krause is a well known Criminal Cunts BtllMMlB. ' witness against Chattel police lieutenant, who was ; hiring murderers to kill lb ' thai, tlic gambler figure in the H( wis a1 llecker. the! executed for Mnan Floeen of The the pH,ple so i the tight di- There were merit In the C first the in the qtlee I Af'er three days careful examination ! ef s xt-to tateiman t'ie Jury to try the esse of the .leven New Haven directors' and former directors was completed late yesterday afternoon in the fn ted states rent. ;,. tlgtv.ftcant develops ise during the day. The itllllnlni of the defence i lonlni of talesmen by It. Laneey Nicoii for tie defendanta, ills' attitude. Indicated tha: Instead of being! n unlawful romblnatlon, harmful t the , n!Tllllec, "f New lOng'.md and other H.itrs mentioned, the New Haven con j " s uer. not unlawful under t-'e Baertnan act and were benaftetal to com- j , mere-. .1 a.s t .i.i ; of the i estctday . men in ..f life, more thnr. I i, , l ired themaalvet opera tl $500,000,000 FOR THE NAVY IN FIVE YEARS IS ASKED Tlie second f. atur talesmen examined . ry walk tlic . alniest ev ere-half of flstly oppoi Sbernuin t'"'e'n; Tse.le aos a ben -ee'aii yest irrlied fur both .bi. ntts peremptory challenges apiece. Ail the defendants -ete n court, every oe ef ibem Keiniy intereaisd. Tbe-i special Assistant AttorneyClan i ju ie n i, ... ' Morse it Supplies the Tic ratio three days. ;., Jurors WC lud(e Hunt day in r. ,,ig waaitiKoroN, tut 15, Secretary Daniels'! plan for a five vear building i programme for the navy was approved i by President Wilson to-day The Complete estimates embody itlg the new plan and the regular recommenda- : tlona for appropriation win not go to the President until to-niorrow. Mr Daniels and the beads of bureaus of the Navy Department spent practically the entire day in Conference making the final revision, and it was said to-mghi to. i' some features still remained t, b, j decided Mr. Daniels five year plan calli I the expenditure of approximately t ' 000.000 fir new construction In navy during the next rtve years, or about $ I 0(1,1 i a year. Thts is about double the annual appropriation of f the i .. ' navy. tallied n wus asserted late to-day that it ' ha not vet been finally deeded exactly ., the I how the construction during ascended the and I its time sides to exercise i nowapapon must arouse that Congress will act i i rection." "Mr. Bdlaotti will you sive your opin ion on preparedness T he was asked, "KverybiHly has opinions on prepared" i ness," he repl.ed "KortAinalely. we are I n nation of Ideas. Many of these 1 opinions are goisl. Since the formation of the Advisory Hoard, suggestions and i Ideas have been flooding in Uoh me from all walks of life. There are many I good ones among them, I am try lug I to classify them now. I was surprised I to 'earn now many bank presidents car i l ied in their heads ideas of marvelous 1 improvements that could be made on aeroplanes and submarines Tit Sill,, the Ponder 4 llesl loll . "line illustration will my op i of preparedness better than anything else. There Is a certain amount of pow der that is shot up in BuroBO every day None of the nations has enough All of them OSSd more than they have, Hut we know how much they are US ng "It would be economy for us to erect factories with capacity for turning on; daily Just twice as much powder as Is being shot up in KUrope .very day These factories would not be so ex pensive Hut don't turn out any powdar. Just keep the factories ready t" do r, When II Is needed "inst. sol or making the Indlv stalls on lathes, as they are being for on,, the I'.l.itt lu mend t M Est O lilt K" lit Kred K Waters, a cotton nanti on his way, and then the ij niet.t followed with a challenge t.i to ,i dealer Port) -sc. A little N :i mason s and street, later the that he defci met has frl . i. Bccles, a meat marki t man. whs beet issociatsd with Jcim d. Hocks r, Jr., :n church and social aork. Bgeased ' PstisscttttOB. In the pluce of No K cairn (1. Wheat. ey of lltij Franklin avenue, Br.c . .. Moor manage- for a lsrg (oodi establlshmeni Mr. w bsatley scuepted pr vis onally. and later ll" lit I. t linn go .lame II. -rce T'ne dry was the Cat - mporariiy the Hotel ii tempo to a me He went ' the i kef's uo'ei Ion : isn paaat 1 for fid Crsncla J. Rue, retired, of wuodward was a. so accept! rarily. but he was opposed pi. if.- of lie Sherman act. On- llso. Tin lawyers then concentrated on v. ll. which became known as Bankers .it because so many t a: i Drogers -at in ,i for a few minutes ; ic'il the) were uhsllengsd William K. Taylor Kupsrlntsndeni of agsnclaa of! lb Bqultalde I. If. . had an opinion about 1 h, Sherman act. Albert S Major, an 1 "fti. of the American Band Note' Company, had an opinion Otla j -tdaine, an advertising mar. also had) n opinion. Frederick H. Bennett, born hi Massachusetts, three years a resident I : Texas nnd now manufacturing tits- ' York, added a little to I ,-f all In his answers. Dmea from Texas, where cuts In N'ew the diversion 'A Mr Itlatts he s-,,s Attorn jstrtner, Mi. x tn., be ; I ship hiscull Bennett- "dog h t It'll- later - he fanilh ij -i leneral Orsgory's law coll alway s asked a tales new about Texas there now.'' answered S. llltS " Mr HsnnMI said that the live year psriod la t" us apportion,.!. it has be.ji found impossible to make both the expenditure and the number of vessels authorized equal in each of the the rtve years, owing to the fact thai in the construction of new ships a larg r part of the cost of building has to be met during the rtrst year than in rjuh- eetiuenl years. For the five year period the present 1 plan calls for: Blxtet n capital ships, probably four , battle cruisers and twelve battleships sixty-four destroyers. line hundred Submarines, abOUl one fOUIth of whl.-h will be of the so OBlted fleet keeping type and the re mainder of the coast defence type. Fifteen scut ships Fifteen vessels of other typos, fuel ships, guiihoats, transports. &c. in addition, it is planned to ask Con gresa for additional nlucjackcis and I, imn murines This year's budge: is to total at least 2lS,000,000 and may run up scleral iinllh.ns higher. The appropriation last year totalled only about lt0,000.000. As present plana of the Department call for the creation of only a division of battle cruisers. It is ggpsetad that UbstqUtnl years would provide for only one battle cruiser and three or more battleships, and finally. When four battle . ruisers have been authorised the enure, capital ship programme could be devoted to battleships Tlie programme for tins year is alio expected to -ail for twenty-flve aub marines, at least fifteen destroyers and pr.'bal.H two scou: amps i iomplei "in bv U31 tl tal ships: Four battle . ruis. rs . I well I y - nine battleships of the first line, thirteen battleships of the second line, nine battleship of the third line The battle , rulser is a new feature In the United States fleet, t ne tWVy for the tlrst time having decided this year some of tins type or vessel, be reckoned as capital ships hereafter, though they have not the strength or resisting power of battle-; ships of tin tlrst line. ConSOQUsntly the real first hue of de I fence in the battle fleet ivi'.l consist of tile I twenty-nine battleships, or dreadnoughts. Tills strength will be supplemented by 1 thirteen of the hat t ! shiis of the present fleel. Which b) I Oil Will he at least1 ten y ears old The i;ule has been to , place battleships in the second line of battle after they res h the age ..r ten years. The nine battleships designated in the third line will be made up of battle- ! ships of the present tleet which in I9SU will be more than i.Mi years old, tin- age at WIIICO It has previously neeli con si, lered battloShlrpg should bf regarded as obsolete and reaily lor the scrap heap Tlic Department now holds, however. that BUC-h Vessels .should not be crossed off the list altogether, as Ureal Britain has shown In the war that use can often be found for the ancient battleships a number of effd Britten battleships have part tot pa tsd i'i the Dardanelles bombardments. Kxpcrt opinion, how ever, Inclnes to the belief that baittle- ships more than M vciine old might aell be counted off the list of those tit for active engagement and that further more. It is not g,ssl economy to sp ml mnnav for uokeeo on vessels not canal, la of Inlnlnw either the hist or sworn! Una Capacity, but don't put It In of defence. BurOpe to-day, pe ui, i i- etmstructed ,f making then.- s as great as that , lined In chines ah I be capabl i rale t c shells ale Used elefy day imly limit make any sbell the machinery greased up s be put to work any day the snells "Then start storing up stc per toilets. They won't hm an enormous supply of tin in. ammunition factories could b work at an) tune and kept dual pi o- ma- Hill fevt that tells at a at which iti Burope, .lust keep , Hint it can turning out -1 and cop 11, Amass so th. I.! tile e started to going tor i From Information in the hand AeelStStll District Attorney Wollor, Krause was an active worker In the campilgn to get signers to the Moss petitions. His Commissioner of Deeds numlKi' Is 112s and it appears fre quently in ill,- record of names examined in the District Attorney s office, It was said that at least XII per cent of the p isotis called to l,w k at the;r supposed ores have sworn they did not sign .. Moss petition. In the comidaiut Krause is accused of having taken a talse acknowledgment.. ..,,, should be given to th on a Itepubll an petition t.. which was . ,.n.,ents The final draft was sign, ,! a name llmllar to that of Rein- a. .,.,, i k a matorlt of both the lie hold Fred d. Jr. of 2i Fast Fight) - ninth street Fredel says that he did - ot sign his name to the petition and ll: it he never sua- Krause to his knowl edge, im the petition PTedet'l name j appears ai fredel Relnhardi Jr. Three other men whose names appear "i the uanie petition have swotn that tia ' did hot gtl it. The are .lames rarreu or in i.ast Mnetietn street, i York Aa: n Oreenbaum of 32 Fast Ninetieth street and I lent QfosnbSttBI of 3nS Bast Blnetleth street. There Were more than I.00S n lines on the Moss petitions, hut only about loo have been eaantintNl. 'if tins num- ber it was said in the District Attor ney's otlice yesterday at least 12.", are fraudulent ilgnstures. Warrants will be asked for III, rrest ,,f eight or ten notaries public and i 'o i miss1 mere of Deeds. Mr. Moss was ve: active ill the prose cution of Becker ai the first trial He war not ui tlie District Attorney's otSci when Becgei was tried the s.s ond time lle'tn in II Hlittder. a notary public of 139 Fist IJtth street, was held lii Il.tN ball by Maglstrat! Ten Kyck in the Tombs jiolice ,-ourt yes'etday for exam i. ition on Tuesda) charged with taking an a, know . '(lament of a signature on a p,t. lion designating John .1 u'Con llell, whom Frank Miss Uoceodod, as candidate for the Progressive nomina tion for District Attoniei. Qned of Employers, Brewe Assorts. Ciiiiscs Workmen to Resort to Drink, onsid- ,rt Ion- State's la is ;i.x24.- State of 1 long time hand I "In ofhei rather tha on mater. al Immed ately words, have the p the thing lls.-ir tin- tun,- arrives I am sort I great military eatabf ahmet item ality have the use unt,l down on it'i ADMIRAL LITTLE TO BE TRIED FOR K-2 DEFECTS tlH BRYAN TO FIGHT PLAN, nil I' n- ' i ll iii'Bisi tl HfilM Mrt'iinr UefOM l. of this plan would following strength of pi vf to liUl They WASHINOTOKi Oct. I"' William .1 Bryan Mrved nutirp conlfth1 f lii In tention to tiutiT Ktffalntt bin ttpproprla tions by ill noxl tongrM for the in .1 ttotigg. dofonctf. a itAtcinoni Imuo4 i Mr. Bryan in itply i Quoatloni on tin- h ubjcci wan Intorprotod horc an nottco thai h i iMtartHi t oii".se Praatdtnt VVHaon 011 thin important issue. Mr Bryan docltVeftd that the polio of i lrj,a!'pi1rifr;.H ontoniplAttd the Mtting up of fa la itatidardn "f honor and of lower 11 Ing the moral ptandarda of the country, Hr naid h1 would be both HurDrtaed 1" ! dlaappotnted if the Democratic part) Mjrrendereil to the tnercernry Rfoup' i ha! la promoting Ihe cry for prapj red iichj- "undar I he covar of pat riot Ism. "1 have travelled over a considerable part of tlie country' Hi'iil Mr, Hran. "and I find thai ?he t ixpayern ate not as badly loarad aa the people who man- ufactura munltlona, and 1 batlava the JuiKoes will And it dllflcult to raise 1 enough mona) t cover the eapsndltures 1 which thty favoi. "This policy f preparedness uontem plates not mrei the appropriation of I large sums of money to get the country read) for war, hut the fet tint? up of false standards of Imnnr. tlie encourage ment of a military spirit and the culti vation of international hatreds the 1 very things thai have caussd the agr I in RuropSt 't contsmplateii lowering of 1 ihs moral standards f "Ui country ami ! a return to the nwasu?er of the pistol totsr ami the sham honor of the duel list." storing up r snort nous amounts r pro pared ammunition! "I don', tit Ink thai we used an enor mous standing army, but we do need .: l.t rgs numb of t rained nthVei a. We should taK th. great sal pains In the education "f them oltlcsrs so that they will ba ahle to take hold of training tin voluntsar forcss, which 1 .1111 still Inclined t. a,;nii on. Thtn liini'N Orlr of Rotlrod IllNiM't-trt ISSC lould Mi rs afti red coini ate in' educ duet in I 'll 1 1 ll III ,.lo n leers. "I pla e my falt'i m the volunteer! because the light. ng forces of the future, a. ordlng to my opinion, will t.- made up in, 1 e .f machinists th in soldiers in the present sense. Mere and in .re their work is he, ,ming apei'lallaed down t" the manipulation "f machines Tins will l.e the natural result of the machine Wat- the war of hrains Instead "f lllood. "It is our function to advise, and not tn take the Initiative In our "i k We Will la- called upon to do our heel in hue- selected b) the Nay Department. The board I o m posed or seiet lists front that include about t'li. ""a mem ber in the I'nited States. "NO specitl, problem have heen suh initted I" us n't "thcr lean Iwo ,,r three minor ones, act .'tie rather petty Tlie, navy is Interested :t press hi in tl r- rectlon of certain defects in mo: ,rs for ubmntlnea ami aeroplanes and hua the advi f the accumulated ot the aclsntlsts, and the) w 111 Washington. ' William N l. ttle, he tried hy curt nogilgsnoe and for ma nee ,,f Ins machinery on the nnnouni'smeni wa , Se.-retarv Daniels, This action Is aim ISl u in the navy b) reason of I . Admiral Utile l now on th The order for Ids tiial 1 of tWO years ago w is Navy l'.'pal i deuce ,,f lerdav afternoon, nralseil the Deputy State I na Constitution us marking a great Com-1 forward step in protecting the Interests of properly holders and citizens gen erally. Mr. li'Hrlen said that ex-Chief Judge Kdgnr M Cnllen of the Court of Ap peals Was unduly alarming til labor element by hla attitude. "1 presented to the convention a reso lution drawn by Judge I'arker provid ing that the civil courts should always be above the military courts." he said "it was the Judgment of the majority In the convention tint! no State had a provision of this kind In Its Constitu tion, nnd hence It was not necessary for New York State to have It To reject the Constitution fur this provision iii.niu would be like being invited to altera a I dinner and refusing to eat because some sweetmeat that you liked was not pro- i VI, led " Mr WlCksrSham said the new Con lltltUtlon was a Strictly non-partisan I yg H I HI T I ON KAILS 1 measure. "The Republican majority was sol great. ' he said, "that the men 01 111.11 i party could have swept asine an sro I slderation of the proposals frnm the Democrats, but because of our big ma- win- ..... ituMHrii! that more careful at- i i..,,tl..n shnuld he aiven to the claims of ! our opii'Uients. adrmteil hv a mniurltV of I publicans and the Democrats.' Mr Wickerslian, gaVS the vote on the budget and several other provisions, showing that they were supported hy a majority of delegates of both parties. Kx-l'ongressmati William M Calder a . .,.,uioe.lai' i 11 rpftl V ,HSU."1 . sineniem y ' ' ";' ' ' ,, . w drink cv.l-the abuse .,f alcoholic I rnnstltullon discriminate! against New city in leglaiativa apponionmnu, The new ConstltUtlOf provides tnal omy ,i. ..itireii aonulatlon shall oe ered in making a legislative apportion r.,i Hv the late.-t census th Sllun n.,niilatlon OUtSldS this city 1 1711 SAfl vvhilB that "f the city ins an excess in favor of th I4( 3 The basis ,or Assembly appor tionment is ej.tll, and for Senate ap portionment 1(9, ttO. ...... VI- .'.1,1. r 'Tntitk-H tie mis, awn - 1 Virginia coal mines, ' ' """!"' "f ', . "I 0wnsr ,.r which were .ii memo.-rs "t i " .es.-i .', ---- Bronx S Senators and V members of Assenibl) . Klints. i' Senators and 7 A--vmblymen; New York. : Senators and ; Assemblymen: Queens), - Bsnators and '. Assemblymen, and Richmond, 1 As,. , iniiii man, It will be leen from the figures that an actual working discrimination aaalnaj the' city does not exist, nor would it if the new Constitution was adopted, and the growth ,.f citiZ' ti population of the whole State puts the actual op-ration of any discrimination far uit" the future." a campaign against the Constitution will he Inaugurated among the 700,000 trade unionists of the State to-niuirow 'file .:. inn. lilin committee ,,f tlie Cent nil Federated Union, which In clung.' of I Hi. Ilitht in the metropolitan district and! lite trrrltor) bet tins city and At" l.anv. save llnal instruct ions yesterday I to .a" labor leaders, who win act as apeakera CoT(reapondlng Secretary I nil i t - l M l i i 1 Kmesl Hohm estpresaed the belief that i inn i .!iiii mil., BBmuel ,,omperi', , .ition to the fon , stitution will give much Impetus to the I campaign, President James P Holland of the State Kederat loll "f dieted Constitution's defeat I laraesl vote that has ever been Hie working Decuple of any Stat, Cnhyn." T uographical 1'nl.iti Nn '.. at Ing in Bnengerbund Hull Builday. adopted re-,,,, nd", nan of three of the pi posed amend I ui-m t - to the constitution. These ar,- the amen, line: ts headed, "Revised ''olistitu-i lion." "Legislative Apportionment" and I "Ta aatiuii." PABST LAYS LIQUOR SIX WARSHIPS HERE ABUSES TO SPEED1 AFTER BATTLE GAME Kpporl Hrpal Hhccpss ot Ma noPUVrcs in Actual Trim fur Sorvlcp. BHUNOPlBtB, Mass., Oct. 1". Col.. OUSta VS I'abst of Milwaukee, who was to-day elected president of the United Slates Hrewers Association, In conven tion here, gave it as bis opinion that the solution of the liquor question rests mainly with a readjustment "f our in dustrial system rather than at the hands of antlsaloon reformers, lie said: "In the light of modern sociology and economics we know positively that drink is not responsible for all th" evils ot life, im the contrary, we see that the v- rages 1 to a very large Degree a prpu- uct of modem Industrial methods "We are living al high speed In every department of life the cry is speed. Peed and yet greater speed. Tin- easy going life of our forefathers has de Darted, apparently forever. The (Euro pean immigrant, accustomed III tlie country to the leisurely life of the six battleships of in srrlved ..ft' Sandy Hook morolnfl from Newport completed war games. Atlantic fleet earl) yestei dav and t'ie lately The Arkansas went at o'clock i in dry Tlie til. once to the navy yard, i'.y I n the alte: noon the vessel was dock i"i it neral overhauling, others tin id N.-w fork, Teaag, florlda anchored St. ilen Island, wheni lr turn for berths st Wyoming, Utah ai off Tompklnsvllle, t'.ev will uwnlt the the navy yard. four hundred jackiea from the Arkan sas gol last nlghl their tiis: overnight shoie leave since til" battleship! de parted for the southern drill -rounds off Hampton It Is early in June Ti e war games, according, t Copt, William it wl Shoe maker of the Arkansas, were sat Isfactory from sver) standpoint, it wns tile first tittle, he sail, that tile fie, t had eier maineuvtcl In actual Wat trim. Not .inu had ma: re. I the entoothllOSI Of tt tn Id caught uti to excesses tlnellt. is and go.-s home. "Take conditions In in th.- whirlpi undreamed of STRIKERS- WIVES PELT POLICE. an4 W i III behalf tight Then hours a day conceit abi. oms "f our for exampli . I he extremely active hibitioii in th,- recent i labor tune, even len, under hardships almost ni ls It to he wondered at trri'ilril In Pined si strike of I It r, ,ol. I ii Kncb. f pr,, wiien the -training i ing foul n dust, seek: miner, after spending a day -1 cramped conditions, breath r and half choked with coal the only solace he knows for crui iiy tortured nerves ami muscles of course if, when emerging from the shaft, he could step into a well ordered home, , tak,- a ,-old hath and then an autumn- bile rub, the miner might have nol excuse to drink to excess. Us WHKes But tin truth is, wages and the pa. Drlt is, h to r.i .'. Offlt'pr win) I uliiiiiii-iiii'. ,or pre "By the cast by in the is driven by low of the system to surely he is not us put the blame put It lei ll d ng , ; ir. - lt f. 8. X.. martial on relesaiiesa dUt) as i sub ma i ii-e aia. Ie lie! Vdmlral Irsd, w .li i liarges ,,f the per- tstclor of Tins to-da) a meet Brooklyn, on I opposing the b: iprecedented in fact Dial retired list, involving acts i ni, si to by officials lo-day us st I t niiiiatl Hat St. , ' ll.,!, I ,i l .. ., New Knglander and his had known so uuiny widows and i IV I Hi had been hurt by the New i iiatgnt he had a prejudice tin defendants ,, la mied Mr N'looll. "We ibli lo show t: at it Was the opinion against the a Sidney A, Lawton wi know Kredsriok r'. j McMillan, Kaateri i :u,,i went awa nit out because he Brewster, Samuel reuresentatlva "f .slid t iie s to imp tlie sps asked minds liit it for II." "Do United Use of called Mr Kd "Wh Without I, i pa a you think it probable thai states will ever reiori t" asphyxiating gases nnd ihi liquid tire' in defending 11 I Son was asked. n ., man s culled upon i" t he the I. -. pel lievu 1. lie It Kr, So i fr Fis ft u... , Isc U III . eoni' gnul ftndii k ll I' Itll a us in) . w this Mi ,i 's accepted the Intern: it l"'l I Iro hoih sides, ' K, Ki.-k. i Ctsk Son Til f time III - .it the nit! "ic against I the hurl." this point remained si next. He Is tlonal Klav dway. in com-Ren- tointMiny, nau testimony in )pttlOh. 'I 'n Juror Howe- atlsttclan of llar hond dealers, snt hair No. 11 Mr 'luii. knows many i Urand Rapid! funilturs ' read i.'harlea s. Mellen'i Washington and had ai, ,i udgi exoused hint Tlien came Charles W right, a car i.e, ner it waa anuarenl that Mr. Wright did not want to be a Juror, lie -.. ,l,.l not think he had til- POWer of renlratlon sultloleni to n't i nice Htyil was Inclined t 1 lien Mr W i iKlil began ,1 he eon the case. I ml, I this to s.-i lorin au- an invader of hi own home. I that In- lias the right to use any means at hand to dsfeud himself ami hi- home If thai same man were th. invader claimed t have am just reason for ios invasion, il would hardly seem right for. him t" use as extreme means as those employed by the defender of hit home In other words. I believe that th. use of g a-', or any means i- justifiable for defence but ""t for aggression When shown reports that : Woman dltlonal came tc p; ejjudlf ' ISOIta U Weill a question by f'e e for or against the ooiiio i Head Mbb Ib JbIIi uneeteil with the ease, was of V Nlooli's brother nt "I kites the late J. I' Mor- aid that he underslorsl hail no prejudices agalnsl . tiforceuinnl of the fher- 'iiniler It - nil,- of reason." iverni 't would have to es- llltll the New Havai OOUntr) I would pause 'cn unlawful before hsltlroe before I would vote t n verdi.-t agalnsl the 4s I Jail." Wright was excused lovsrnmeul later iln-ughi i - ihollt Mr r'lsl: II until it JUllgil about defendant. had kissed him li New Jersey, said I gtiei I I'll have I,,- making a Hob i:iti. woman thai I daughter. Mrs .1 Ml li train left a town Is, ,n laughed and ' U . II, sir, looking at M i 1 gets to be at'OU ' spent his life ii answered ins carpenter, Rockefeller, "when a man I yens old sun nas helping to develop llli- an iiivnii ions to scud 111 1 1 to N""ii I mill's lea Defence, i ,, inc. si- rut "li ,M eh i I W. I hppcl. i - Nat i 1 1 Ribbon ! 'oini Ml Itlversids Drive, Ni it I al Mr. NIcoll made his ii i" the defenos Mr. Dip iiiniisi rvedl) In favor of the ' 1 - ai'Plh 1 i ' nd he en id so. w.i- explaining the charge lefeu lam- al the time. (lovernrnent's contention here," ii,it lies was a conspiracy unlawful , siinblnatlon whieii iful to tin- nommerce of the New Kl lies Now tlie dele-ire Is to ' these combination! were lawful in the tiist pluce and not l"it bsneSclal to . the States Mr Dlppel understood, but ha unsolentlously say he bad not I "i' nion ihoul the Kiiernian act. II mi mil the deciding qtieallon f Dlppel was through. li s A I. it. alio- :. . I, .el.- hpnkAr l-ves at l Lssxitigton avenus, bad an i M g , i - ; "Tin he . , to err. Bit) 1 1, Mliim., not l: tisrinf ligmeil Kim. i v ,, ISdge l"l M ''I,, i Sol New mask, mulsrWI maker, had a lirejuuice ' H but Thomas N. Pell, ir and corset inst railroads, who la sac ret a I ) oi upon ng.ige.l in insiiiiiu't brokerage, wei Bol V I ictus, a mai of lll'lh St reel and nroao out by cons, nt. and H, W, architect of 4 ; Klflh ave the chair vacated by I :i I lor nearly inrge oaya, Mr. Koehlcr served the Importance of this case. Judge, who stool on on,, ot leading i the bench, "I want upon you thai you must conduct your selves wiih exceed Ing circumspection. Votl must not talk about this case among yourselves or with others. Vmi must nol permit any person lo approach you for the purpose of discussing tins case. You must refrain from opinion until tin evidence is all presented, the lawyers have aildiessed y Hid the Judge has delivered his charge YOU must keep your minds open and free until the case comes to you for decision," Tlie court then a'l.ioui tied until Mondu) morning ,'t ill ;30 o'clock it was Impossible to Obtain any ex pression of opinion from the defsndnnts ascent that It was a strong. Intelligent looking Jury. All remained In the court I York room tltroughoul i lie day m Rocke feller paid particular attention and so Mr Lesiyard. wiiosil by Inn Hanked BALLAST CONTRACT APPROVED hv Robert w. Tn ft . H, D, Robbing siis 1.1ns- little group Oil in,- limn "I me ,- ...-...-1 ill.,- I I Vol., r men are s'at - i (lOSe l" their "s Ms! I mil Ie Hoard H'lallSS, A contraci anvanled by the Public Hei lis case for the ' ui null uum ami he Jay and a hail'. railroad's If 00. lie n, ' the tiel Daniels 'inn Inspects under , msl rud loh foi be ootlductsil with the thorough n ss, The trial oolirt will Boston N.ivv Yard or Will be cotul" .sed "f Ite I I'iske. J M. He n. W. Worthing! on. A i ile. ivc ; Pay master-' leneral T, Ideu tenant! Tomnuindei ; the last named as Judgi ; The charges again. are th" result of ll. ; during the last t wo ye ng,- battsrlss of Ihe i i K class, purtlculari annual "ll of the I faUltS Were due lo ' j lo design ' Admiral Utile s :.i' ui live as Inspector "f machinery at River Khlpbulldlni Company Quincy, line, where the K--st ru, 'te.i Th. Admiral saW called Ihe attention "f 'he COIItflUn) lo the faults in Ihe storage batteries of the !.' 'Pi nnpaiiy assured lilin he said, thai if trouble developed with the batteries ll would make the matter right. f Secretary i of the ships Ihe navy shall Utmost care and convene at the , i let. .her 1 1 and r Admirals It M Parke, w c and ii O, Dunn . J Coa ie and ) w Johnson, advocate. Admiral UtlS loubls expei lenced i ears wit h t ho st.u - iilmiarlnes of the 1 with the K-5. Kx liU r showed that irktuaushlp and not to look out or on nut of m. kissed ms w: ihn Sloan of ey I' The my Nuts PROGRESSIVES orf'OSh'. i;riillr t'onHNlltOV iiiiliit tl in 1 1 1 lit Inn. Ths fxt.'ut.' oommlttcs of t!.' Pro frMsivs county commlttoe dorldcd at a meeting in t!i Portyesscond street head UUHrters Isst mirlit t oprxvu.- the sdop Hon of the new Constitution. This action wss t;tkvt despite the writ len ycnue-n of Wltllutn H. HoUJikiH. te state fiinirniaii. tint tl committee B)hOUld nol so on looorrl ami ths o ir!ii iittir nf Ktsnley Isnnos. chsr men of conMltuUonft) ooinmlttse of thf pnrty. I County Chalrmsn John J. (VConnell l hau I that UthOUeffh thfl pnriii.rt. Constl" tutlon coiUs-tned horis ko'I provisions ll was largely a ins-fs -tn i a noluslon. a gouth fmerlun rspubllc would be muds nf Mew ovU stati. h givldi were power vests) -tt ihe lovsrnor such as hs v been proposed mai ih Oovernor he nut subject t recall Its dsclsred thut under LlilS provision a (iiirty in power wouM renttvln m power until those wns a lut) wai 1 politics l revolution' th Kitraj - wucotl- TO MAKE POWDER FROM KELP. ho had 1 He scutes i w in Onm UcenH it-si fur Put-sfc Plant. fur win. h wholly ti blame, bet ui mainly where it ImI"Iik on the 'system.' "Ami so m tho other indust t continued I '"i Pabst, Mw are epi up ii the breaking point, 'tSfllcieti which ih merely another name fr sp has become the isan of ths mod Industrial w!rhi. and it hen been no l and persistently harped tipon n tn seem ths sum total if human desires. w, while with legitimate eitlclency we have no quarrel, thtn- Im a specie of sfltclency which herv')- tn be branded with Ite t rue uanie, which ie Kretd Ihe jrreed nf a certain .la-- . employer that sets all his machined on Impossibly high Kears and then telle lib men that the reason they cannot meet hli requirements is bocause they take a kImn of beer. -Ml drink, he declarea, even used In moderation, lessem elll ctsncy, "Certain great industrial concerns in thia ctnintry have te.'.inie mi enthueed over the possibilities of Increasing the eftlcienc) uf their help by Inducing ab stlnence that t iej have adopted strln geni rules againit drinking. v ii I UeesasiMi Bo Bffjlele 'if, a? some f thcs 'efltcieucy I porta' cialtni even the moderate drinking !i light alcoholic hevcr.mef destructive 4if efficiency, why is u that Germany hue brought real efficiency ti nuch ierfec" thtn .' ,s everybody knows( the ctermaue are a nation nf drlnktrs, largely of the milder alcoholic kcrni;o Beer tn the nat lonal drink. "Auain, I have had in) attention called to the altitude nf tin- 1 mi j'onl powdsr Company, it would eeem that tne ia-t place on earth that could attord t' tolerate eareles or InslUclont WO k mstt wmihl he a powder faetoi ) Vet in at sasl one uf itn plants tin- 1 u I'ollt peopls have established a canteen wheie beer Is served to the workmen M man H't a certain number of check" The strike of longshoremen nnd freight handlers of the New York Dock Company on the Mrooklyn watcrrVont wa enlivened yesterday morning when more than too w.e of the striker. Horn1 of them with bnblee in IliPtr arms, congregated at front and Adams -treet. ;itii started a battle with three k1Ios men and three strlkcbn tl hom they were "eort!hu The eVomen Jeered a: the policeman and strikebreakers and i" pii i f m-dcr to disperse they startetl to throw atones and other missiles, one of which t ruck Policeman Pa wick the Poplar troet station, lacerating his hand hurry i rail to th- station brought ihe reserves j and ten of the women were arn sted and taken m the Ad.ittis itrcel court. ! Magistrate Nash n i eah It, with f the alternative of goh u in a i f.t tho rest of tin- day Onlj Ihrci. ..r them , paid their flneH Most of the women who look part In I the rioting wen Poles ii ml Lithuanians, aX 'kl are gopS 1 1 ' iwer. Kvldentl ar 11 Itecl . v. tf a few wl.ic" InqulrV hi brought 'oi t h pany thut an) llHi) heen enti-l Admiral lUltlle' mil the vt I the t:ilh entnte iuhh way. w ciil Koehler, ai nue, sat In M KlaniKan. No tnlv .1 faw minute court room tered about counsel, Mr. Watts i luverunisnt o exoocts to sis outlining the history of the va rlous conaol Ututions since will illustrate hla point with map.s. will open m Monday ilc for a SEVENTH NEW SHIP ORDERED. Jury I net month m tne thought lie hud uhout I sixteen days on s State courts and enough, St., il u',.it down the list, arter talesman being called only lo lie excused on the ground tlSsi he had an opinion about the Bhsrmsn Sw ,,u SVentlMsIll IbS OhSllsngSS were exhausted II... Inrv hoi was filled ttlerk i.r..iiiH then administered tli ,l .ti. -i- Thomas 'I'hacher the defendants, had I'l'Scineo a oiu, sltoiisl hy all Ins associalos to dismiss the Indldtmentg, Judge Hunt aroao and admlniatered a solemn warning to the jurors, who will not be segregated or . . . ji . "I want to Impress upon you solemnly nous tdropetltlon, talesman oath on Is-half of Hut Federal l!n nershlii l eiie I auses 4 'ogStWlSS 4 Hall. Huston, Oct. ir,. --The Coastwise Traiisportat loii I'oiupany of Itnston lias ordered a 1 1,000 ton steamer from th New York HhiiihuihithK Company Camden, with wlilcn It already has con tracted for six lionls This cargo car rier will he the largest of all. Another con I t act for a H.OOII Ion steamer is contemplated, bill Ihe mutler is held In abeyance because of Ihe re vival oL the agitation for i lovernment ownership, which the coa.stvvlso peopls aay would mean dangerous If not illsns- oiillaci ar vice Commission to the Upper Hudson Stone Cotnpntl) for ballast for HUbtVS) traclvs was appinvcd tu- the it, 'aid of KMthniite yesterday. This is II n- traci held tip last week because Presi dent Marks said It "looked pretty raw on its face." 'riie lowest bidder tu the original ront petition was Calvin Tomklns, '''"' noin mission changed the specifications ami rendveri Ised for bidders. In the H mil compel it inn T kms as not repre sented and the Upper Hudson Stone Compgny wo In a repot LeWlSi chief Board, sani iie a v I " pa ft mint denial from the COW such arrsngenieni sver I Intn It ai'peir'S that understanding was en itrsiy oral The fore River eotniwn) therefore ennnot be held responsible, as the United states ilnvernmetil has nr. . soled and paid for Hi Admiral Little was her 91, 191 1. and ll.'H QlllNOV, Mass.. i I'uwell "f tbe Vote CuimoraUon Issued nlghl regarding ih "I'he storage Installod under ' k't, 16. Iii oi der to j potaeh null wir. cii to of t iie largest niaiiti- I in the I'nltl d Stales harvest the kelp crop in, II was said here found slong the Cal eb In this Ingredleut, cetn - gel retired on lie Y lives III Itostoll l.t 1.". President lllver Hhlibulld k Hits etfttemenit to ubtnartne Uual i battery on the K J was ihe suisyt'vlslon of Ihs apt I !-... f 1 firs read yeslcrdiiy Nelson 1'. englnser nf the I3stlmnle thai "specifications tu Ihe ontract were pretty crude that l ihe second contract was more scletitlllc 'and that It should be approved ! President Murks said that the ohange 'of tpeolSogtlons was mads t" exclude Cglvlll TnmkuiH Ihe Mayor said he didn't like the commission's, action, but lie and the oilier members of the board. excepting Borough Presidents Marks and Vim Name, vnted te approve the contract. senile: l VCl I lie e due to causes recent!) been thor and I has rslUlfed g search to dlstiover isolis lor l in- ej-oiliins in Hoi .me batteries, which can now he prevented "My personal knowledge "I Admiral Little's close attention to iltit v . and to the iiIk'Ii standard of Mrformanco thail in- uniformly exacted, leads me to be lieve that the nourt-murtlal proceeding! in. i nut. id in ci s battery troubles which haic only ought) undersl i tin- most palnstakl tin S S KltAM ISi'o obtain chloride "f till war orders on facturara of powd wi'.i underegke to of Ihe Pacts ' '' to-day, The i.eiti Ifornla coast is i according i" ixperts, Oeorge II Marked, serretaiy and gen erai mangfei uf the Hercules Powder Compsny, who is now in San Kranelsco, h.,s designed a submarine reaper which will cut the kelp in six Inch lengths. The pieces are to be drawn into a wire basket by suction The pi. ces of kelp are placed in a roasting vat, the needed chemical substances I g afterward extracted. trial off Monterey Ha), it i an nounced, win be made undei tlovern nicnt supervision as soon as the sub marine reaper is eomplotod, I III) When those .'lie. I man can act no tnor, i the I hi Punts do not f In a nowder factor y , of Is'er j "Prohibition Utterly ignores an ancient land deep grounded instinct ,,f the race, I it call never succeed foi that Very tea -on, if for no other. Man is a drinking itiitnal. Ile Is also a free animal To uttempt the complete represion of this instinct strikes at ,.ne .,f r e a'eflsprings I of hi social life I "Coincident with a mine equitable - ! del and economic system there tnusi t" sensible laws regulating the liquor traf Sc, accompanied by systematic educa- Hon of the Individual to thoughts ami habits of nn,, temperance, 1 1 these methods, and not by prohibition, shall settle the so-called liquor que.tliiu." STRIKERS MAY GIVE IN are founded will spoedil; court.' a in . clei rstandlng that up before tho J. E. KELLY STILL MISSING. I'llthcr uf American t'luhli-r lor I en in-,' Hears l-'riim I OHtyftdSi .lames K, Kelly of 15 Broadway, father of Itussell Kelly of Ihe American Corps of the. foreign Legion, peci ived a postal card yesterday from Lawrence Scan ion of Cedarhurst, L I, another uiem- lieneral rlleclrli' Workers i. peeled lo ccepl , ,..' lin. r. Si iiknki rnv, ,V. V, fJol, 15. - A a heated conference of four hours lust I until past midnight, the executive cm inittee or the Metal Trades Allium resenting inc. twenty-sin unions i i ested III tlie strike of 11,000 rlliplo) at the local plant of the I Jem ml Kli'C- tric 1'ompuny, nnnouuceil thul it would call on llenerul Manager ileorgo K. Kui inons of the company to-morrow morn- LHorrors! Syiv-e steir is tHat you? Mother as angry I Sylvester has lifen acting lor the movies. Mother is a snon doesn t approve of "that movie actress". Now slic sees Svlvesl-f ut! tlie d.: My! .1, uctt languaR triR si reen, fur, my ron i uou Dors Sylvester vvnrry ? Not much I I Ie s making a movio In in s salary, and Natalie North,' actress". calli him now. by h .fame Something might y happens in I lorence son s story Sylveatei . Ryer i hat ( 'irl and Get your evenini; papt py with your i tonight. OTIS KWrsW:-?S96ISS liniii ii I I ii rriiMiiiM't I'll rK I.hI.1'. The bod) oran unldftiitlfltd mati, who is Hupposod to iiMM' uuiiunlttttd nutolUei wmh found yMtrdajv morning in Pn-iiim-i c.ti k lukis i irooklyn. it Umi b$on in tln wain ab'Hit tWtilVO llOUrH. Th man w.k flv Il0h1 IllwUeB t it 1 1 , nbou. 10 fins old and waHned UO pound. H wnri' a hlatk i nit and shirt with a gf$0fl MokMfl A Dft Hli hta linw thf ujini' of jThnrlen 1 ah'y. a imnnhrr of PrMIHIelWlQ I'nlon No I50i wan fouiMl In hl i"M kel. her f the foreign no word had y Kfll,', who Wftl mi June 16 and lakt-ii prison?! Bcanlont who wri h'K Rtld hat'k in th het-n in a ho-p tal that 1 1 in. ItlOMt ui' Ih tast. Mi l'rani'als Leg Ion, Haying that hpcn raotV9d from woundod al Houohov bellevod t havt beon wnunth'd in tlir sanit tlnl". has tt Orloana sint'e Lima tn t planter has baen rt'inovtMi to Hoapltal if i-w Vorit. Hgaay par vrmn, Yonnt', wliara tha ioi-tor and nurse arc Am'TitaiiM. Mr wiits to Mr. Kolly thut ho in ot ling along flnr." ing Tha committee refused to divulge ll purpose, hut ulnoe Air. Kmmuns has -i d that a ! j hour day with .'- f ionti Increasa in wages was the ben the company would offer and thai tins offer would bold a 1 for limited time only, it is believed thai the rommtuee will geoepl th otter and the man will iouim to work Monday morning, Pee ml ps viuii tn 10 liDemburg a m sTggpAii . . I ft, Premier !: chen of Uusemburg, who iit.-ii TupmUuv, h it hla entire fortune to the Ktato hi j promote educgtlon in podtleiil ecouoitiy, Mis will was mads pubHe to-da) plgee win ho tantporitrlly nih-i hPi' roulor-Uoncral MongonoMt, ES sr'.-.v jsra .. V f Sf y f'-ilts Tie fir.. Illuttratgd ,vcMy ttx Amertct Every Newsstand "jnE KINu OF "i sH3if:W,,iTKR.' illl