Newspaper Page Text
4 THE SUN, SATURPAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. KRUTTSCHNITT DEFENDS SALE OF PACIFIC SHIPS; "QUIT, AS WE COULD NOT OBEY LAW AND LIVE McAdoo's Criticism of Tnuaiu lion Answered in Formal Statement. BAYS THE GOVJfiKKMENT HAD A FA IK WARNING Washington officials Now Trying i shin Respon .unity. He Asserts, SEAMEN'S BILL ALONE FORCED THE CLIMAX .)iliu Ki iittuclinltt. president of the Pad A( Mall Htennmhl Company. Fve out yesterday .i Btatemenl In IMMI to the attack made upon the company by I Heorrtsry of th Tnaaury McAdoo In an addraaa In Indlanapolli Wednesday. He reYlBWl at length the efforts made b) the PacldC Mull throunh miny yeiira to prevent legislation deettnsd to drive , American Shipping from the Pacific, and treat In detail the featurea of the La Knllette BCatlten'l lilll which forced the company t" aell Its live biggest vessels and retire from the ihlppllll trade "We quit simply because are could 1 Ml the law and live," auld Mr. , Kruttactuiitl In giving out hli state- j ment. Mr Krutachniti ehargua (hnwumtM OflMstl with an "attempt to shift rc- gcjnolblllty for . burden too grievous tu be borne from those who Imposed the burden to those who were unable to bear It." The criticism that the company failed to give adequate notice of its Inten tion to discontinue its service is refuted, in discussing this charge verbally while handing out his tatemenl the Pacific. Mail president s.ud : "We sent before Congreaaionsl oin nuttaaa aver) year for eleven consecu tive yens and told them thai the in artment of su.-h a law- as thia would force the discontinuance of American operations on the Pacific, We cited lads to show that thia would be the inevitable consequence of such legis lation." Letter tit White House. Mr Kruttschtiitt aaja he even wrote e letter to the aame effect to the Presi dent. Regarding tnc statement thai the company Should have waited to see In what manner the secretary of Com merce would enforce the law, which ttoea into effect Novembei I, Sdr Krutt sehnltl saya In ins signed document! it the Pacific Mail) had to ne suiiic thai lie would obey the law as, Written Kveri If n were In the power of the secretary to construe away the noxious provisions, what reason had the I'ai I tic Mail to believe that the liower behind the throne, which se cured the law, would permit a dlsre gsrtl of the verj provisoes which that , pSWer most x.ilued?'' The following statement In Mr. Mr- j .tdoo's address also cornea in for con- . gideratlon ! "I am told that the seamen's bill i was not the mainspring for the trans-1 fer of t'ne pacific Hall vessels, The Panama Canal act, which denied rail roads owning competitive Btoantahlp Uses the right to operate tiiem though the canal, anil the present abnormal rates for cargo space on tbo Atlantic, j WMt h made it possible for the Pacific Mall to sell its Ships for more than j thin' real value, was, i unqarstttno, the true,, of Ihelr sale.' To tins Mr Ki uttsclinitt replies; The same reasons which Increase' the value of ship., would have made the Pacific Mall unwilling t part with Its Vessels if the Intolerable provisions ol the Us Pollens bill had nol deprived It of any nholcs In the matter, Of the language leal ctnuae m the new law thi statement says: "Tiw practical effect is to Bttbject American ships, which must liave Atnerl ran offlcel . to the hopeless disadvantage of oompetlng on the Paclrlu with Jap-anc.-e shipa While i mploylng tnbnr at Wsges five oi sis times In exoaaa ol tbo paid Oriental seamen and at a dally coat of feeding font times. In excess of their competitors." Mr. Kruttschnltt said yesterday that prior p tli" sale of the Ave vessels to the Atlantic Transport Line H carried on negotiations with representatives of the Hiiti-h and Russian Clove rnmcnti end of a Chinese syndicate. .Slalrmeul In Pnlli Mr. Krutischultt's statement follows in full : "The newepuper reports of the speech of Reoretsr) or the Tiwaaun McAdoo tied, on the 1 3th uist. before the liuM rinss men of Indianapolis Mate thai the most remarkable feature of lite pooch was an uttacli insm the ottkiiala o( thi Paclfiu Mail steamship Company be cause of lbs sale of iia ships here totpre engaged In transpacific traffic, Mr. McAdoo I- reported as severely crltl c.slng the Pacific Mull lii cause it sold Its Ships suddenly and withdrew from the business of opsnttlng a line of steam ships across the Pacific without adequate notice and with Indifference to the in terests of this country. ''1 am told.' so reads the report of the address In Tin; 'i.w Von a Hi n of Ooto bar H. 'tliat the seamen s bill was not tin mainspring for the transfer of the Psolfie Mail vassals, The Panama Canal act, Which dulled railroads own ing competitive steamship lines th right to Operate them through the canal, and the present abnormal rale.- for cargo gpgci on tin Atlantic, winch made It pOfSlbls to roll Hie ships at more than thoir real value, was. i understand, the true Cause of their sail .' "Hvar since tin- deal rue rive effect upon American shipping, eapectally ii the Paclfiu Ooeaiii ot thi Uu Pslletta sea men's bill ta.' becomi manifest those likely to be held raaponalkle for thai ill considered legislation have hot n very reetntful against the victims of the law. Hegator La Pollella was ntpvad by ths diaooutlnuanca of tin- Pacific Mull and Polls r lines to in lalm for publication : "This oountry is being made the vic tim of a vicious gnd men. icing conspir acy. The shipping interest is putting forth aval') resource known lo un. SUflMlUtOUS business to discredit the asameu's law. "At limes the aotlon Of the steam ship lines iii withdrawing from a busi tiesa which the could not profitably continue under tin terms of the law is charged to be unpatriotic, or to evi dence a seilish disregard of the Inter ests of the public, or again as display ing a reprehensible want of oonfidsnoe in the ability ami willingness of those uli4l'ad Willi Ifae en on cement ol the law in construe uaaj its bad features, They ure blamed for nol appealing front Congress to the georetary of Commerce or lor not i tinning u losing business in inaj mlghJI luteii to tiie protests which were disregarded by the Congress which paaaad the t.a Pollette bill ami repeal he law. This view Of what the companies should have done is foro--h. flowed in the OUffaipOfHlaBOl which look place Inst July between Hecretary Red field and the Ban Prauolaoo Obainbaf of Commerce. ' to Keiineld "Oil June II the San l'raiiciaco Chamber of Commeroa wrote 4 letter to the Hecretary of Commerce and, re- ferrlng 10 the prospective withdrawal of the Pacific Mall's transpacific line as a result of the restrictions placed by the tiOVSmment upon American Shipping, said that our merchants will await with gieat Interest such assur ances as the Department of Commerce can give that the nrosnerttve shnrtaffe of tonnage win b remedied and why it waa found desirable for the Oovenu ment to eliminate American ships from! the trade in question,' Mr. RedfleM re plied that he had received no advice sa in the contemplated withdrawal of j the Pacific Mall steamers and referred I I hem in a copy attached of a letter Of I his to some merchants on the coast containing tin- following reference to ' the Pacific Mail Btearaehlp Company: "This Department his received no notice to the effect that the Pacific Mall Bteamanip Compan) Intends to with draw Its China line, nor has there come to us any re.iuest for assistance Or I aid from that compan) in any way I Whatever. The seamen's bill does not become a law until the tth of November, and between that time and the pres ent there is room for many things to happen "'With ocean freight rates at their! present high level, a greater demand for shipping than there are vessels to rappl) ami tin- Impractlcabiuu of sup-' plying further vessels, it would hardly seein time in which vessels could wisely be Withdrawn from service.' "The foregoing is sufficient to dis. cloae tin- attempt to shut responsibility lor a burden Iimi grievous to be borne fiotn those who imposed the burden to those who an- unable to bear a. and to show the grounds upon which the sponsors or ti. 1,., Pollette bin seek to avert from themselves to the steam ship companies the resentment of Ship para and the indignation of the public naturally consequent upon witnessing' the forced withdrawal of American steamships and the gift i, Japan of maritime control of the Pacific Ocean. "The causal connection between the seaman's bill ant the withdrawal of American ships from tin- trade moat directly effected b) the act 1 too ob vious an I the charges against the With drawing steamship line ph iMmoy and 1 the motive therefor loo trajisHtrent to deceive an) one. Hut as tin- Pacific Mad Steamship Company has ieen singli-l out for special attack a few Words in reply are Justifiable. "That COlnpjMI) Is i-ensured beoaUst It gave no adequate notice tliat u,e lai Pollette inn would .-tuse it to discontinue Its transpacific line That the inevitable consequence of the passage of the sea man's bill would Ih tiie forced discon tinuance of its steamships on the Pacific was vainly pointed out by the representa tives of tile Pacific Mail, with all ths ea 1 iiietnese and emphasis at their rtun mend, to Congressional comtntttsee at 1 time ro us hearings In tin- eleven years tiutt intervened between the data of the first Introduction of the MU and Its final passage. Ptnally the head of the Pa Ific Mall, on July 14, lull, as a list resort. I Wrote a formal tetter to the same effect to the President of the- I'nlted state. It Was shown at that tune that tii in ability of the Pacific Mall to operate Under the restrictions of the se 1 men's bill was not baaed on a rough estimate of the increased BXpsrsjoa, but was ac curately ascertained by an analyst) of cViti'''0 a - t Vxi !- i.ivTc:..i'.'risiZ uuuucy .mrA n Kiiuid i I XL T? jf.r-Stp '.A.-,.. . . 1.JJWIB V , 'II liulchen M. Km bibaum Delemsrre ea. Co, I II. ludss Nathan A. hislrr Spanish Table Delicacies foiepn Vielori fc- Co Salad Dressings Roaiattl (b Nejipel Flowers United I loral C o. Candies, Soda Fountain I lie Mirror the pa) rsille and the other cxiensee of operation w.itch w-oum be eltaoted t- the proved CHS of the bill. All these remon strances, warnings and notices were treated as a 'bluff' and now are regarded as never having been made. The claim of surprise at the effects of the seamen bill Is absurd. Withdrawal t'riini the I'arlfle. "Again it Is said that the Pacific Mail should have appealed for assistance to the 0 BUrOtsr y of Commerce and should have Waited BO see how he was going to enforce the law. It had to assume that he would obey the law as written. Kvon if it were In the swvr of the Secretary to construe away the noxious provisions, what reason had the Pacific Mall to be lieve that the power behind Die throne which secured t lie law would permit a disregard of the very provisions which that power most valued? There Is cer tainly no reoson to believe that organ lied lalsir Is less influential now than It was when the law was passnt. or that It Is any the leas interested now In securing the strict enforcement of the require ment that e cry ship must haVS on lioard a crew not less than ""1 jx-r cent, of which, in each deisirtmcnt thereof, are able to understand any order given by the Officers of such vessel. "Next we have it that the Secretary of the Treasury has been told that the sea men's bill was not the cause of the with drawal of Ihe Pacific Mail s boats, but the rial cause was the high price of ships brought about by the war. Hut long before the war WBI dreamed of the aflleara of the Pacific Mall had declared and demonstrated by facts and figures lu fore Congressional committees that the passage of the act would necessitate the withdrawal of its steamships on the Co die. The same reasons which in creased tin- value of snips would have made the Pacific Mail unwilling u part With its vessels and abandon a business which it bad been engaged in for years If tin- intolerable restrictions of the I.a Pollette hill had not deprived It uf any 1 hOtCB 1:. the matter. "The Secretary of the Treasury inti mates that the pnpVlelona of the Panama Canal act forbidding railroad owned ships from going through the canal was .1 contributing causa, it is up to him to explain what possible connection then cm lie between the Panama Canal Hit and a sale not of ships engaged in the Panama Canal trade but of a separate tiei-i always engaged In the transpacific trade. "It is claimed thai the Pacific Mali has not understood tin law, especially ihe language clause, and that If it had only waded until tin- Sccret.iry of com merce construed that clause all would have been well. Tiie Pacific Mail had no Interest in deceiving itself. The meaning of the law is too plain to be misunderstood. Hut if it had passed by a favorable chance to sell and had awaited the Secretary's instructions what assistance would it have received.' witness tin- secretary's circular of Sep. tember is. fl5, That circular gravely informs us that the law- does not require an Bngllsh speaking crew, but It ma) have Prsnch or tiermen epeaklng pfltcers and crew ' Also that when the law re. QUtreS that per cent, of the crew Q Bach department thereof must Is- able to understand '.my order' given by the officers of the vessel this means 'only such orders as may normally be given to members of tin- orew In each depart ment of the vessel In tiie course of the usual performance of their duties.' "Hut in- properly adds: 'Among tlrsse duties. hpWSVer, should be Included life boat Wora or emergency work for suih members of the crea as may be called upon to preform these classes of merxV unit applies this by declaring that as to any waiter, stoker, seaman or otii-j- em. ployce on t ! vesst 1 who was assigned tu 95th Street Public Market Opens Today Food of Every Variety Operated b) VINCENT ASTOR 95th Street at Broadway Dealers in 95th Street Public Market Hutter and Eggs Nuroa Untter Co. I ktvlin David Intrslor Manhattan Uuttrr Co. Sheffitld Hsrins Slaw son-Decker Co Illne KiUxm I arms Co. Fish C isisumrrs Pigh Co. Autliotizrd N. . Globe Fuh Ststion Nutlian A. biler Bayers Hansrom ttt Co. 1 he Mary Francii 1 lotM Made Cakca S. D. 1 homst do emergency or llfebont work the law requires him to understand orders for such emergency or lifeboat service. The practical effect of the language clause still is to subject American ships, which must have American officers, to the hope, less disadvantage of competing on the Paclllc with Japanese ships while em ploying labor at wagea five or six times In excess of those paid Oriental seamen and at a daily cost of feeding four tlmea In excess of thoir competitors. "Those affected by the dlscnntlnuanrs of the transpacific steamships of the Pa cific Mail are Its stockholders on the one hand and shippers and the public gen- r Blty on the other The stockholders of Die Pacific Mall, including a large num ber of minority stockholders, for the Southern Pacific owns but llttlo more than a majority of the shares, have unanimously concurred In the i-oncluslon of its managing officers that the require ments of the seamen's bill left the com pany no alternative than to withdraw Its ships from the Pacific Ocean, and ehls concurrence was given before this sale subsequently made had been thought of. 1 It remains to be seen whether the other parties Interested the shipper and the 1 public generally -can be persuaded to pass by the obvious cause and ascribe j tiie dlsapearatice of Americans ships and the monopoly of the Japanese on thi- Pa cific Ocean to the stupidity of the owners of American ships or to a self-destroying conspiracy formed by them for the purpose of discrediting the authors of the seamen's hill " LAUNDRY TRUST ALLEGED. t haraes Made In g2,IIOI utt Be tween nival Organisations. An allegation that 'Ireater New York j is 111 the grip of a laundry trust was made in the Supreme Court esterday when the oak Laundry, Inc. got an I onler from Justice Kurd directing the Brooklyn steam laMiialiTunon'a ciub, Inc. to show causa on October 10 why a ; Judgment for It.OCO cnun-d against the oak Laundry' on August 16 l ist should ! not 1 set aside The Petition, drawn by the law firm ' of Crank Moss, alleges that the Judg ment WSJ tiled on notes for 1500 and l,IOt executed on June 29 last Which were without i-onsideration. The peti tion slates that for a long time mere wen- only two large steam laundries In Greater New York which were not mem bers of the Brooklyn Organisation, atnl It w-ne then represented to the peti tioner's plaintiff, fiarauel Marnier, that tiie Oak latundry should Join. The peti tioner says that Instead of being a social organlaatlon, for which it was Incorporated, the alleged "oiutT" Is a subterfuge to cover its organisation for the purpose of stilling oomgetltkm, mak ing possible Increased rates and prevent, ing one laundry from taking trie trade of another, Tin- link Laundry was -oniiee,l to execute tin- two notes uion Joining the So-called club and with tiie notes the 1 tag Laundry signed a confession of Judgment for tin- amount of the notes. A dispute arose between the uak I-auti-dr) and the Brooklyn organisation In July, as a result of which the 11,000 confession of Judgment was tiled The ' ia k Laundry asks that the judgment be vacated on tin- ground that it re ceived no value for the notes Woman Killed li 10 loot Pall, A ten fit fall resulted in the death of Mrs Mary I.ytn-lv. a wntow, .In v.-ars old, ot ;.it West Kiff -e;xth street, yee terday. she was ataiut to leave her home, when she trppe.1 end fell down ' stall-. Fruits and Vegetable S:hwsrt; &i. Stern "I hr Sunshine P. fa, I. llerperiou Milton Ci Oeorjie Prter Messsthshc Prtrakos Bros. John Merolla B, Miliarems Heiity Meyer fei Sons Co., Inc. Teas, Coffees and Spices Lander Produce Co The. Teco Co. J. M. Greene. (Colombian CoSee Company The Canton Tea Co. MANVILLE AT HEAD OF NEW WRIGHT CO, AeioplMt Concern Tukni OVW by ThoinpNtm Bndtcat IHrt'ctnrs Named. WILL INCREASE CAPITAL Tiw Wright Aei-opiane Company passed Into the hands of the Syndicate headed by William B Thompnon yeatcr day. liOren Wright, younger brother of Orville und the late Wilbur Wright, handed over the stock at a meeting held In Mr. Thompson's unices, 14 Wall street At the same meeting T Frank Mini- vine of the Johns ManvlUt Company, C. S. Jennlsjon, Mr Thompson's attor ney: Harvey D. illbson, vice-president of the Liberty National Hank, and Henry It. Sutphen. vlce-i,reei lent of the Kloc triC Boat Company. Were elected direct ors of the new company other directors. It was said, will be added later. Mr. Mm villi- is the new president of the company lie is a manufacturer of wide reputation and will devote his energies to this part of the company's business. Mr Jennilson Is VlCO praaldont and Mr Oihson is the treasurer. The capitalisation of the OOfUpefi) is 11,000, DM, divided Into nhanst of linn ea. h. but It was hinted that this inpltal may be Increased. One of the most significant points of the deal is Orville Wright's statiu- with the i-ompajiy Although he was not elected to the directorate he will play an Important part In the OOmpany'a future. Unlike his brother Wilbur, Orville Wright his little patience for business He has been known to let otMtnoaa for making thousands of dollars jsiss by unheeded because he was more Interested In designing or Improving Ms machine then in exploiting It The change which makes It eislhle for him to give his entire attention to Improving and inventing astoplanaa without any business worries will be a Welcome one for htm. One of the affairs of the company's bnsitieas that Is to be taken up actively is the prosecution of mfrtngementi on the many Wright patents, one suit Is pending against the t'urtise company Pish, Richardson, Herrick At Seava are the attorneys fin the oaspativ, and under the new regime they Will begin steps Immediate!) in the osw-r rases where tin- Wright say their Ideas tgv been violated by other manufacturers N. Y. EGG DEALERS LOSE. Ir'iaiii llntre, nml it eg u In t inti of HimiU I BhM l I. ( . t . 1 Wahiiin -ton. Oct 5, t'OTlHtlttleoi nf j fifit In Nw York cltjf munt I'nntiJivie tu 1 rrH v1 nhliim-ii un-tor th! 4JTan1 rfKniat mi'-, ami r.i!e- prMCtibtd t h . r.iiirnji'l. Record! nf t ii dvcttloti fv , the In tc rin ate Comnirc CommtMlon lo- day. -ompleslnt Vm died tb Mrcn t:i Kxfh.tnif . which ft 11ted that the rate Oil 'uk in iitir itsiamMe ftOd that thf I refutation! co valine rtallverj' llac NJew York dtalara at a dlfladvantage with I ('nmLietitti.p. in OttMl1 CltlftA X iMifr in -t tit rafxtttationi, rratm of ( ' an? doUvarad to ronfttetnaaa in Kaw York in it.' Han', conditio!) tu raralvad; that i?, in ai',nfJi k I orl'r " No Inapactlon ih partnlttad at time of d 1 1 vrv. It kuk ;. 1 hat rurvf for t hp ettlamant of loap uni itanuMie clalnii work grent hardhli on iht New York 1 -lealer fhrM Pal fil ROBINS NEST BENEFIT ATTENDED BY MANY Entertainment nt trvlngton Yields $1,000 for Crippled Chtldren'1 Home. TAMTItlWN, Oct IT. - An entertain ment was given to-night in ihe Irvlngton Town Hall fur the betieflt of the Itoblns Nest, a home for CTlpPlad children More than ll.fTftn SB I realised Th hall was decorated with follBge ar.d palms and the stage was banked with autumn leaves and hydrangeas. The programme consisted of "living paintings' from legends nf King Arthur, arranged and gOted b)f Miss Klisahcth Plaher, Col, Franklin u Brown ap- peared as hint Arthur and l-'rank OOUldi son. of BdWIn 'lould, apiieared as the child Arthur. Miss Caramel Carroll IMised as Viernr, Mrs. 1-aluard si. ,Iaf fray as the Lmlv of Isdlstf, Mrs. Anson Flower Robinson ag the Usees and Miss Mariuii Baogaf as the .ndy 0 thr &oge, Othen who took part Were Mrs. Josses lleattie. Miss Alice Chambers, Miss jessamine Patterson, fctlia OIITord, Miss Katherine Mack, Mrs William N'eeley Cn tun. Miss M iry Mails. Miss Madg,. Rowan, Mrs. WoJston H. Brown, Mlse Helen Saylei-, Mrs Itufus Sew.ll, Mis. Italph Matthlesser. Miss ROSS I. like. Miss Katharine Browning, Miss dene v ieva Olendenln, Miss Bdytha .Miibken. Kenyon It. Conger, Thomas PUnnrtt, Thi-iidore Nesbit. Itandnlph l'l;swnrth. (ieorge McKlroy, 1 ieorge Panona and William Kurse. 1 hiring the entertainment Bowers and candy were sold b) tin- Misses Dorothy Black, Phyllis Brown, Natalie Browning, Hops Bush, Johanna Malm, Janet Lord, Katherine Patterson, Marlon Townaend aid Mrs Wood RuttCT, Following the entertainment there were B lucky : timber dunce ami a buffet supper. Naban Pranko'a orchestra fur n.shed tiie tnusic Tin- entertainment committee waa Mrs, Howard Carroll, Mrs. John It Arrhbold, Mrs. Edwin Oould, Mrs Reginald 11. Jaffray, Mrs. Kenyon B, Conger, Mrs Henry v. tx Hiack and Mrs .tun:, I" I'hiininer. Tin- patroneaaes included Mrs. William PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS Ml. PAUL' a uu hi Bee t Oafdea i'uy. iing isiaaa WALTER It MAK-ill. I mister nvitwitii Miiiini. rn Bid', Ksidson West MM st Hon may ,',",1 bO day, ineiudlaa (at'y atudy hour Tenow Courts Athteiir Field Kisd't to College, ihvimi ariiooi. P- ftKV 3 H S4tt, st Tel. 4slil schuvlnr. Eo)i mini a an ah Depsrttneaiai No' horae ttid fur h.i under I V- THIMI sTlHIOL laaZieT neat 111 si rest A I hurch lav V I'iik BUYS Mr. tltPI'M J K'SI aCHQOL for ltT 110412 West tint See Tel. t'ol IMJ Tss 1MB year Natoe October jot Oaaaosr eien-lss I an to 4 ali winter HAMILTON INSTtrrll' IOK IIS ina Vtrasl End Hr TS aaoj Rl COlXgtig PMrl'!!! ION. lata 'ar BegiBS Bept B0tb HI C KI FT M-IIOOI toil Roll BS Msaiaon AtS Ilea- sao Si .pens MimnSf ' lei I'll. PILa ONLY IN A MX Ft I HF HllOVt N IIOOI of I I I OUINO. 141 n sal Tftth Si Ti . t'nl ss'' Twu reara work m one, Abeolutety nn'y cue at a time witn a teacher, THI LA WKFNt F. SMI I 11 SCHOOL tti-iif-n in tebef t a III rl ISnh Mreet. After noun auoervtsloo. IMF Kom i i iiooi ton nor KiMTiUle ini lln U ai 3J K inehrllse A country dar and boarding school rouossr I Kin. I'l.VKKY I hi ! t'""i- IHVFHIIAI.F tot Mill M IIOOI.. 14 acie lieur Van I orllSndt I'll ' -'' t ?4t ' Da Boarding n p s 11 ickatl. Mi- t- Biaater luliiiiate teBCbllul ! S, hiilarly Men. I ILKH at liool 4!'- 1 I ast 01a Sireet. RswjaeBwl Beil .- :'i Or niary fHrt. tth Oynaaaiani und otitiiie laaasa trill Ml I I. Ht'HOOl, I nit not'', -.'ti .-I i . :;tii street t niieirr lriNiratprs sehoel niiii Mroni Primal and Junior tirades I oil tllRLa M tot Nil WOMM. I III in UN tit l HI II i Mil. I on I. lilt . KliidiTSarlen m I' llradustiw In lesd- Ing I'olTegea liyiniiaaliiin Mini Tsnnb I'st slugur ,-'1 x -' ttsih atrsrt II ll MtH St IIOIII III inn -I Mill l AHTK, CI W 7mh St Training Cor imms ii, ik-.r Drsssmsklag. dsetgnlng. mllll lier. i ik. kins- ivOOOUSli, Tel. gadg BHdlUy, HAMILTON IWRTITl TK for tllRLg Kith st Klsersids lirlve Tel 3S hit. College tsrtlfieatSS llcmeatie Science. ttegiiiar.v apasaalt numca Large uyniaas at, HF LAMCP.Y g iiooi. Foil niRLB B7aatKnd tu- -V null st .Tel 4110 Hirer kindergarten. Klsmsplsry, High s. I,il ami i i. .lege Prep, noys Klemsntsry OspL TlllTinoiVtN Bl HOOF of I F IORIM.. 2.111 Wrtjl 7.Mtl Strerl OMcsiei w r.-.tii at. Tel t'ol SS04 I.,. rar. ,ii one. Absolutely iQdlvtduel itm itaiHK at mini i;ii tVi,t Knd Ave ror. mid at KlDdeigsrlen i iisry lluth Sehoulsud College l'teiaratiiin Tel U4U Hirst mil ii i VKs. Illlll II I I I II III Bl IIOOI . Central Psrk snn -nit third sirosC FrDot Klnderasrien in t'ullcgi. Alhletle Held. mien Air Depart muDt I Ills III till IOKI VIII VIC II 411 V a si mi 4 1 nails, on HLUI'FBT. 1 III SI IIOOI , 4 III I I liK ANII I 4 1111 HI H 141. V V MV 1 I I 111 sH'SINgsa si iiooLs. k'UKKi Mas erl. 111 411 Himlne Snhjeeta. V V llai A h ii. i a n lain sessional -"ind eai lliilli t ill I iikt rui l loo. lun SCHOOL Upcu entire enr. t'stakig Kts Lssiofton Ay ai lad at, BRATT N IIIMII IV.' rl IMIi N. Im1i h1mI it.Ntriirtiiiti, ilitv. enltifl i shun liHii.i, i t.ii wui'- 1 l ' y . 111 ) Hlllii t ni4U)n injet. Uf A I UnPTM ' 1 IntHltuM, Bl a! war iinaaff viti ii d ' -'I S J'lllh 1, I'J.a hMpi'ig.Sei ti ttii i. iu'MtCivlHrvii SeaCat iloa OIRtCTORY OF NEW YORK'S LEADING VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL INSTRUCTORS 1I11F RIIPKHnilT 1 ' ' """ ' sniiran,.. u'rntrgl Park m-.. r BOGERT TUtlN ut rhlKlilK. IM . ilN'fl s. 8AM0IL0FF 1 Brl 4 mil NtiViu. I carseglt Uau, la r. c. The Equitable Building is more than new Newness may mean anything, but newness in the Equitable Building means everything, for it is not the mere superficial newness of time, but the newness of change, involving in every phase of its construction, its facilities, its conveniences and its comforts, a complete and radical improvement upon anything that has gone before it ! Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway Rockefeller, Mrs. Otto day smith, Mrs Jamea Bpeyer, Mrs. Henry Villard, Mrs Bdwln 11 Weatherbee, Mrs. Albert n Shaw, Mrs. W. I'sfoer Parsons, Mr. H. Kieweiiyn Chambera, Mrs Carroll iun- ham, Mrs Henry l Kstabrnok. Mrs. Maitland s. 'itigg:-1 Mrs. Henry Qravaa, Jr. Mrs John H. Hall. Mrs. William It Harris, Mrs LOUll Dupont Irving. Mrs. S. (' Mlllett ami neatly Hudson River colony ill of the W, t. 1 . Delsaata MlaolaB, Si tti.k. Wash , (nt. IB, Mrs Mabel IV Andrews of Portland, Me., a dele-gat- tu the National w c. t. r. con vention here, was missing to-day. As she had considerable money, it is feared that she may have met with foul play, PlSty t'athsllsa Oa Into Hetrrat, Sixty prominent CaUlOlfc laymen, moat of them members of the Cathedral Club, Brooklyn, went last night Into ai retreat at Mount Maurensa. Staten In land, until Monday. The retreat Is con- 1 din ted h) the Rev, Pather T, J. shorty, s .1 in tin- party wen- gupreme Court .in.--ice 1. uke p. Btapleton, Hridge Com missloner Arthur J. O'Keeffe, Dr Tin inn.-. J Ryan and John .1. CUItlfl. 1 LOR BOVd AND HUM, MEN. NF.tV VOKK, New York CHgi ACCOUNTANCY Business Administration .Xdditionn " Pr"t"" ( iriia groupi (3 fi knot Mff of r' "" Uv V JJ li'il.Krptng forming M trut'sti EVENING COURSES Kor Inlonnttion mi'l bookifM n .U r write tiffed I . Krjiill. 1 , Mfi-iiiu tu III. lUiMon im Brooklyn i .h a Par an t 'hurch at .rk. BERKELEY SCHOOL Itad Street mui r.i i.mi tie. Pregeree Bora fot ah (Mlsges and Teehsaeal goheela t'rimnry and Juticir Deoartmeata mVING SCHOOL L. D. RAY, .15 WEST 84TH ST. HoY PROM -. TO -i .;. DEPARTMENT! gei school Director in todar'i aun. i'.. Ina ' laaaea achool asya sad staturdapa Nsst Uay'a lessons ma) t,i aot.e m a. hoot 8m i-eaa In regenta unt ootlags entrance vsatnliiaiiona suarantaed; unsll c:aas; xpe: i tea l,--.-. 1.11 eeuhts In one ytar. Till: UHUPP-CLARK SCHOOL, Tel 7 44 Columbus, 1(9 west St. Mschanlcal, Civil, Archlteelnral Knaineerlnr New t otk hngmeering College 4i Weal lAnh. Aa tre, cataiofus AF.LABP.N. New Vara. THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL UuuttiaUlt rtttwit lrtrre i , . pr par at I . tMiU4lBfi lor 9 to ll out- ttnur alio Wtftltr gjpyi is DUluit liit trt- lUfaWI iiH AIT , 1 liaVplratt lull , f : aaKalOaf . kntitvldtlasl aelp, Charii4.ttT i'vrafuiiaV.lty Uevf ivpmeYtit. Unltiupi and ifi'iu nitib ...... ki.tppv .If 1.1 I ii. HRUV.N (A H. M !.). IHrerttir. Allahcn. N. . IIHOOkl.lN. New urk. RrooUlm College, Tha t 'nllaee nf ht . I ranrii .v-iM.r I ISA Carroll BL lltr hy Fattinra nf thi" sodsly in Ji-am. College, ciataical High gnd Oraauaar School, opensaept. ta si AMI OHII. 4 onneelleiit. BETTS TUTORING SCHOOL SI V Ml OKU, I I . The Mini, nt learns hoe in stud) tu ecsjess' irstn Ilia Bttootl n each subject a-, it enniss In Mini in iiunk things out to acni-lr -.,,1,1,1,' .m i Semi fur I'ircular anti refcrenciis road VVedoiiads) ml SOt 111 ORAM, E. New Jerasy. SKTON HA LI. Ctll.LCUK, Smith Orsnes N, J .Cnllege. HUH School Hayle Hall Oram car Scti, Nit for tinall bofl Itlgtit Uar. J r Mooasy. " uL. 1 I'rea, Hut II sy ks NM YORK. Dies terk lily. THE BROWN SCHOOL OF TI TORING Uy' HfhmU ft OAcs, I ,rW N. Iuh.1 ?-U U . m 7 ' " i 'trt-t J I Wrl St. I'liniit' t'nl MU Hintr (trffMltUltlnli Ml; nf enllstn nrul RfVlMlts' t'VaiinllWttolll tlAVfl Iiopii liHsMt'tl ummvtiM only on K m i ITH A TKAl'HKH iiftblco hrihiuin Int'ith' ctpit ti nivl bxitmi;.' tu itt n wjutt IVti 'trs' Murk hi ulir Ml h1 hui hi-h il)t tun"'' 'f ' 'il4 H'tUXJU, I Ml I flnlu' .if U -ii nit inn u-ivs it i'M.s t .ii r How To STl l . it... I h-.w to dii HiH 111 ntlP tioiir'-a tlmfJ Nit pWVf Mali atil.lV IA tf-ttlMTN rji.'h With Ml U'v twt'lvn yeftrt1 t'M"" I left ii k apt no, I tvsiiis nl vtn .t' 111 ill it1 i' dMirfvl II K si in M IN I I U S I lln Ml ok si llooi mi i t'OMCU, "A .Vnaiii ii'i't tin AtMU$ftktMfi of H'flrk," THE SAVAGE SCHOOL FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ckarlttt4 miller itir VHiffftitU Of thr Staip nf V1S lert Fermsrly i lie n v. Normal achool or phi aii ut Kducetion BECiN ITS YEAR SEPT. 20th. Bptnial t in4 tor Ualertlve avUdren, FRIl 4 i f. aTVUio M 44eM l.lth St., N. f, -. Dr. Wataon L. Savage, Pres. MAN tss.ts, Vlrsliua. Reafurn Col i'ge and inaarv. of M tialc Dour SCl lliiai . .rpein Hapt ill Rata lf , a,l,lrer4 rrsetdsol ltioti. Manaaa.ta, u. 41 TO si HOOFS. NHM OIIH 1 111, S'SU lurk. Largsgl and Heat H, honl in WKSTsMIK I' H, Sen, i f,.r H.k',-i and C, A, Pass te Vlelt genool Tsl, Tlil ig t . 5. Ill at, i t. I SjircUl claaa Inr women. HISTORIC HOUSE BURNED .Vlannlon In Thr Rrnm "nlil t Have Mirltered U'ashlnalon. The Old Colonial house at 114th Itret and Sheridsn avenue. The Bronx. What Cleorgfl Washington is said t" have rasdl his headttuarters for a while, was butnr 1 v eetetday. The hnu-e was vacated 011 Snturdm by John Troubert, who had lived tiier-i tot nineteen years, and it is believed ths; t tamps set tire 10 it. On one of IDs window panes Washington, the Matqgli de LafaysttBi Alesandar Hamilton am other BsVOlutlomtry notables were re puted 10 have scratched their nam. - Iii tin days of the Fleetwood race course, leas than a hundred yutij. awsy, the old house was a hostelry known the High Jinks, lwi Its barn was qust- tereri the fHtnous hHrtiesn racehorae Jar' Kye See. At another time the hou was occupied by Lady McMahon, tiie actrega, and her husband, Donhll Mc Mahon, a noted lawyer. The ,r..p- has been owned for thirty years I. Mrs. Anna Krey nf 2nH West 124lh strst . ACADEMIES rOK I.IKI.N AND lOLNO MOMBV.N. MW YORK t'lTY. New York. HAHXEM r.W. C. r f imi nrs i 'ourstM oppn 8pt. 7 Oct 4 ml Ntiv 1 Ntenoarranhv, ! r m in 1 1 sj, 1 1 n i, r'ptnnir ininnihip la; ( 'Ukt-cs $7 0f I'sraarv InoT 4 ' lauia i . i nonth H4 Wtt l'.'Hh t. THE SCOVILLE SCHOOLr-, J042 Fifth Ava ReaUeal and Dy nunlia. R'Su ar un.l .-tpecU! oeureea at rule jT ij.nnjnB"ii. paaelaa. Home i ..r. Social Ufa Mr.. Helen M. M'irila. Frlai Ipai. rjl iii RAYSON SCHOOL 'iViir For Girls We.t75thst GARDNER SCHOOL FIFTH tYENL'R. lOv md buaiJlnK ( h vaar) . tfglna OoC ith. fur arlrla MRt UOLDSMITH hss remVod h j Ter jmim l.- iii,fnt from , in 4! weat 97th street. Phone Rlvsrsldi -ii Mlaa Ransa Mlaa tt'hllon'a Nehool far fitrta. KleeMale Ave. A .--...I it . s- y c7 JA('KNON'tLI.E. Itorida. rroKlli OPP.N AIR 4nioni. ea ( Mlaa Hirer College Preparatory School (M i,lrla. Music, I. ant liases. Physleal Tralnlae gwlmmlng Pool single ro.nna opening aa airenlng porehee, i'tuapciuii on re, in.., MR LANOOON t ASKIV. PrloelpaL KX aonillle. Florida. mil i ouo. CeaaecUeot. Academy of Our laidy of Mercy, laviraitog Hall. Preparatory, Comniarclal A, a r-iss Art, A 1 .it eaa sisrt.Ho ot MERCY. Mllrord, Conn. DS( IN,.. lOBW YORK CITY, Nw Wrk. P8 an tKBKM t&muMuu&K. iff THF OSCAR DURYEA SCHOOLS E it sttsT nn bt, L .VVl-J 44 FN I I .-.Nil SI. ' CHILDREN'S, ADl'LTS' and I TBACHBRS' CLASSES t FRI4 1 1" I FNHONS f,- THE THREE STEP 4 New name We Recommend Telephones iiiiin Vildil The "IXCEPTI0NAL SCHOOL" Mr. G. Hepburn Wilien. M. K American Aulsnrtfj MuJrrn i - W '." ' St W "ItK I Irnrlei Rl N H .l 01 lei h i fell pHllIM Ii- i .'III! I All the Reason') Nevyeit Danrei Oil' I il.tioit ill" n nut in, ri ! . teach atriM Ii deveiin Dent eij at, ri , irnv... ,i -, leriu ii,,. i Keeaoiiable. Sena 'in lie Join. " ei.- bruuMuUv illMMiti . Write fur iiifiirni;,ii.,ii reei her a' Normal i nurn r-LOUISH.CHALIF Cratltvilf Human tstsfrtsl Uallsl t Pertonallv trarhea interprctiyr, rilhrtc racial. Iiallroom danrinr. Amalruri' eri rate eietMt, 9 rouriei lor leachrri ( ataln. 7 Heat I2d St., N. Y I ol lag sOHtiAN -Ti are no loi atad si III Weat I ii i v N'eiwr 7 1 St Private end ctHa Uiatruclloti In M Arti.ii- .a.i latersrstlve Pan - AUUltS .in-' O.lldri-ii Telephone Cot. 3HT Private Schools iHK bUN niuintains n most tAcidUt KUiiCttliuna1 buroiUi This complete service 14 abnolutc-ly flee of charge to you. Accurate und unbiassed Information gi'en to aU inquirers. This service wi'l prove o fglugbla nasistance in se lecting the proper .school for pliu'ing your boy or girl In writing glee auffu ient details to thai intelligent (darlee can he firen SCHOOL-COLLEGE and CAMP BUREAU ioO Nesssu St., Nsw Vurk irsa 1