Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. EL PASO HEARS NEW RUMOR OF VILLA'S DEATH gtn of Lden' AtMMiina Hon Not Confirmed Jbrm Officials Quit. IATOB AND POT.TCK CHIEFS FI.KE TO 1. s. PaOi Ocl IS A report was r-, ptred hrr HHdny lhal (Jen. Villa wai ejaeiriMtcd by om o( hli Oenerali , of CUM ttrandeft A similar report IH Ntelwd COtlOtrnlm Hinnllto Villa, the , Ori' brother, who was saiil to have INK kilt"l at Villa Ahuinada In a revolt ; of tin :irn ihcir. Official! at Juarea denied that RIpotIM , Villi was dcadi d ttfla ring that he had i yf ( . so !J ChlhUahM city They ad , Rjttrd that ho had to pav.i through Mils AtiumnJa ami that the garnson mere tit revolted. Ju.irei was left almost without nltlcrrs I .luthoritv to-day whan Major Lvli n. I in.f..rt i ,i , f of Pollca Ksaueil Morales nil Thief of the Secret Service Miguel j Foils! Had acn f the bonier anil took refufe la the foiled States, declaring j their Intention to stay there until Villa; b run out of Mexico. with the Ju irei officials' came nr. j Virtaraali ehlel surgeon of the Villa nry. Hestot Ramoe, chief of Vllla'a iecret serv:ce in the 1"; ited States, also suit th, cauaa, it i further sild that OM. .lu.m K Me. Una of Villa's staff Is in j El Taso. Tp-,Uy ordeti wor- r IClvad at the Ell custom house to hold all exports. Hon V ila territory long enough to g ve ' AnterioaD or native refugeai u chance to make .. claim agalnjt them. Under the order all cattle, ores, hi.ies. fotton and other product which Villa I is confiscated In the just and sold inly tie United States with Impunity may r m he claimed by their rightful owners pen proving title at the border. This j n il shut off the last source of revenue! to Villa e. e;n from his gambling con- j i isloni In Jo in and the money he can I l ure by forcing American con, ems to I j. bounty to prevent destruction of j t . pn psrty, ' Tarsal) csrei o( cannon powder In-) I led 'n Hie Villa army were selio.l II , -d railroad depot to-day and, tl n to Porl nils and stored." This' ! the Ip-t a ual -...ure by the t'nltedi states of an nunll Intended for the. Villi fsctloi a!'' ,.Blt all attempts of t' Villa Government or private In-1 dividual if itoiri house cle.v- -., mut om for Juarez have! nt trlth refusal. i Mi oa Lei her, American ronsui at Chihii i, the last representative I r tej Bti . state Department American side of the line) fro tit VllU lory, a tth the single ex- j I ,n if Consul T D, Kdwards. In j 0 1 .-night. Me b rough: i I in women to the border. Sf v-J trei A ngri on mei and a number of foreifti 'I xlso .nine on the sime pfilr Kil I American , men remain In CM ) ti' I'.. declared prapara ui ider a y to carry out the ' ' ,,:';.. . Wil.i o e.zc the OiiKgen-1 n smel - . .., nines. The Governor this I'eeh seised two hundred tons out of, s luppi) ,,f four hundred I tu on hand the Santa Kulalla s::irlttr for the J now, I purpose of using It to operate I'blhu hua plant of the Quggen I. lie added that there is no toki IB) where in Chihuahua. TELL OF PERSECUTION. Priest ii mi u roes smy l nrrnn let fire to CNWied fardal ( aoir PeaateA m The St s. Hw, Oct II. Nana and prleati wK arrived here to-day on the Bape hUlln f'um Prograaoi tleeing from the fmt,J:S! I persecution! In Yucatan. sa that Carranaiitas attacked and tried t bum a cathedral at Merlda during the sign mass. 'he pi .est s I reed o pay were put into jail ransom of $ i (..000, and CONSUL SHANKLIN OUT. ttrprr,ent.., l , ... tlrllrn CUt for I'll , enr. Washinoton, Oct. 15. Arnold H. banklin, foi years United Btatea Con-lul-Oeneral at Mexico it, announced all reaitnatlon lo-day. Ha will be aaao. ate, l with the Pierce Oil Corporation la general representative in Mexico. Mr Rhanklln hiif been an Important jclor In the Mexican situation during t - las! five viirv He wan relied upon y ih state Departetneni for complete Ind accurate Information regarding eon. tlot in Mexico generally, and was loganled ,.i, (,f the m,,nt competent " - .'i the , onaular service Cirrania'i attitude toward lives and I pertjr of ti.e Roman Catholic olergy wu dlM ,is, ,i to-d.iy by Secret.irv l.un- Hag and Mirr Rtiaaell, the to. ,ii prelate no accompanied Cardlnaj iiibton t,, 1 ' White H o use with the Pope's last irld ps , . s ineiis.'iKe. Mr Lanslni gave aaatiranoaa of eon li,iene in Carranaa'i pledge la permit reilgloui freedom and restoration of "nolle property. N'avy despatches to-day ,-onflrmed the Pture by Carrania of Quayamae, Villa's only seaport, on the Mexican I lee I rum Ilia In I . . Doi u.4s, Aiis . net. is. Three thou Mnd refugees arrived here to-day from agua, pi . : ,. Mexico, and declared the l"'1 .ii fear of an attaok by vmuitas Many ,ih,.r ivfuKe mads ui.- lo Naoo. Am. STATE PAYS $6,000,000 NOTES. Ksiate iiiit Kali .to ;rt ll,'lriiliiliiH tlrtlfr. n iitrollss Tr.ivia t,:,i,l MS. j l ; l 000 In notes for Ills loan " '" I I June to inert the riniiilnK 'X tnm ui hs Stalf. The iiK.tiey wits NW to ih,. Central Trust Companx, I'Wisii Itutce Trust Company, New fork "fTuni Company, Bankan Trut com. (any, CVrmsrs i.oii ami Trust Company Mm th Bsnk of UanhatUa I'nltad Heal KMtnte OWMia An oi'lati,.,, HU1.j , ,,revunt the noicotlu lloa. ol ihla lan, but Kureme Court utl, Ooebrans r-fiisMl an Injunction na ine appellate Division aftirnwd Mm rsiliif Aithouifii the nMWK-imion u ap. rlln to the c.,rt or 4pstsJ Htitt unq,irullr Travis deolded ynttwrluy to Ny the noti-H with nionny ftrehfrt in Mssj i i ut y Oompi roller Board man s'st tho rap raaenta fives of ihe hx nimn. fJ laatltUttOM at the Itank of Mmn- aMaa rsstarday, th ,ooo,o(in lad x:i ti-d the notes. MBreins Court Justlc Urlanser re H9 yestenley to Rrant an Injunction lor by the United Heal Estolu "nsrs Association to prevent the State UK irom psylrNj the ,000,000 dogs small and large j VrH f Demonitftttoa of Humane Ap plianco Is Given by S. P. C. A. Officials. A committee of the Pog Tivers Vro- f.rlk'n lu..,.'.,ll,.n ,.f 4 ..I. 1 1, witnessed n ,b monsnratlon of the appli-I cation of mtixzh's to different sizes and braada of dogs by the Hoard of Health and S. I. C. A. ortlcials at the Ilocpltal for Anlmaja, Avenue A ami Twenty fotirth shre, t. yesterday afternoon. Some time BJO l'r. S. S. Ooldwater CommlMrtoni r of Health, appointed a committee to look up a mussle for dogs that would be as humane as possible, ; and the demonstration VSJ the result : of the committee's investigations. The I muzzle used was of flexible wire that : can be bent to conform to Its wearer's J face, ar.d those who saw It were pleased. Hut there was not a sufficient number Of lsr to make things conclusive and i it was decided to have u further demon stration soon. General Manager Will iam K. Horton of the S. p. C. A. had a big assortment of doga for exiurlmen tal purposes. Among those present were James Gardner Hoss. president of the Dog Lovers Protective Association, and Dr. ONE KILLED, FOUR SHOT,1 IN S. C. PRIMARY RIOT Militia Called Out Again hi Charleston to Sobdtte the FacttonifltSd CtteiBtaaarosT, a. c. Oct M. 4Mdney J Cohsni a newspaper reporter, was killed .ind four Other men were chut hero to- Asy in a msles resulting iron the tsuse I Ituatlon over the Democratic municipal primary, The riot occurred outside ins I rooms uf the Democratic city sxtcutivs c mm ttss just ai tho committee wan 1 being called to order to eanvaaa the ie turns t,f Tues,ia's primary. Cohen, who was employed by the ' Charleston Eifniny Poafj was sliot through the lung. W. A Turner, an Itiaurancg .iKent. and w. B, Vi'lngate. auperintendenl of the city chain gang, were seriously hurt, and H. I. Wilen- eky, a city mater insjtertor. and Jere mi. ih u'Brian, inapactoff of walghta and measures and a member of the execu tive committee! received minor bullet wounds. ' The shooting Occurred during a Ken- I eral sruftle In a hallway .idjoiniog the committee room. Six arrests were made, but no epeclflc charge was pre ferred agalnat any of the prisoners. Cohen Is s,ii,l to have been shot while walking toward a window. Winn the shootinK was heard trou ble was threatened for a time in the crowd outside. The extra foroe of police held the crowd In cheek, while a hurry call was sent for the troops. a National Quard oonipany, with tix, bayonet', helped the police to re Store order, and to-night patrolled the Mreeta around the office hnihiing tn 1 which the trouble oocurrod. Preparatlona had been made on Mon day for dlfllcultlaa on 'he day of ballot ing. So hitler had the factional fight . become between the followers of M yor John P. (Irare and Tristam T Hyde who Is contesting the nomination for Mayor, that Oov, MinninK had ordered four companies of inilSlia and three dl- visions of nival militia held at their, armorial In reserve The Sheriff also swore ; ii fifty extra deputies, ready for Immediate action, These were all dls-l peraed on Wednesday mornlnir. when' everything seemed to have none off. quietly, When, however, lftl votes were con-j tested and the unofBotal count showed Hyde nominated hy only nineteen votes,! excitement ensued throughout the city.! A crowd collected outside of the exaou-l tlve committee rooms for the decision on the contested votes to-day. Just as the count IH about to bealn the brawl broke out, and durlnu the excitement the ballot boxes were seised and thrown to the stieet. (lov. Manning upon notice of the riot j at once called out several companies of, militia, including the entire Second Kesri- j ment of the National Ouird. to handle the situation. P0WER INSOLVENCY UPHELD. Mluher i nurl Alllrnie PW P polotliiK llecrlver, Thk.sTmN. N. J., Oct. 1 ft -The decree or Chancellor Walker dec la ring the In ternational Power Company Insolvent and appointing a receiver whh ufflrineil by ihe Court of Errors mid Appenls this afternoon. The inSOlreney proceedlnitii were broimht by Henry W, Bull, a broker of New York, and other atockholders of the company. The complalnanta Charged that Joseph 11. Hoadley and IiIh asHoclaUsH had stripped the Inter national I'ower Coninany and aevernl affiliated corporations of all their valu m.J ,n - j- nf I ahl asaels. aim, UlltoiK thousands of dollars, and that the chain ,.r wwnnanlM was being operated to further Hoadley s BnanOS rather than the stockholders. schemes of high In the Interests of DIVORCE AND $20,000 ALIMONY. Wife of I., ti. Ynuna, Ks-.clress, Creed of Former . Y. Broker. I Chicauo, Oct. If,. Mrs. LeOM Aron H0n Yout.if, wha obtained a divorce from Lewis (llnther Younjr of New York olty to-day. Is to receive $20,000 alimony by agreement. Mm. Young, wtho lives here, leatlAed t hut she was married to Young : In New York on Kebruury 27, 1909, nd that she lived with him until May SO, 1 West Hlxty -fourth street, saying hs was not coming baoa. I da(iflialiii 1 )TJ-m m IIE,W IVlULtll mMB U.W n ConyrUht I'.idtrwood A T'mWwooJ. rR. S. n. HUBBARD holding toy doR with new muzzle. Above, close view of new muz;:le. Hubbard pnrtment and Dr. Silkinan of Health. of the De- URGES TARIFF RESTORATION. I'rotrctli hi h lie- IMrttil Thnt I'rrnlilrnt Knror lill. Tho bNlfd f tniin.iKcrs, th rM. Mti QonunHtM tin' .'x.vuiivc ofAccri of the AnwrtcAti ProtMtlvt Tetrlit f rtiiim Adopted ajipfiil for thf atectloti '!" a rri-si'l-:,t f.i vM'li;!j a ppoti-t tlvc t:tnff at i a mvoUng 'Aterday u,t SSI Brondway. "Th .m'r;.(ti Protect (Tfl Til riff IjMCUc urst'p Upon Iti mombtri and its oonnfotloiM and upon ftll protectlontate I UOitod and effoCtlVt :i'!.ou to ward tin restoration. f tho jUnerlCMI poiify of protection a the result of the eitn-tirtn in Itlv. tho ftppeal reads. Buch a rtmiit proteotlonists can biinc about if th-:' sel aslds past differences.' lOrt ward ll Cllft oreslded. and he and Augustus i. Ps nc wore elected to nil vaoanciss m cue Doaro caused by Uie death of ;. Paine of x w Vork ,,: managi rs. .'ol. Augustus and W II a n The following 11 itherford of California were present! Coi I . man Ii. i toff of Kh William Harbour, ile Island. William Klnateln, A. at joy of Michigan, an 1 George It. M, Pgtterooni Henry H. Col Francis u Lektnd yenoord of tlHnokv. MORE LIGHT. BUT NO SAVING. Srn Ire Iliinrtl rtw tin Tu nit vl n II nr miiIh. I. II m ' Tii.- ubllc Service Commlmlon by a vote f .'i t '' yitrdfty rejected Com nlMlpner 1 1 iyward proposal that the New York tfidlBon Company be ordered to Bupply Iti cuetomeri Ithout extra charge tunfftten !!)iti o twenty cMmii. powi r In filament lampa, which f noi more than nt of carbon nuro twice an much electricity f,,r tin aame amount of llcht (natead the commlealon adopted an t orri-r offered hy Commlealoner VVHllnme. it aayi thai the company ehall lupply as rvnewalfl without extra fharne 60 watt tunaTBtena and the emaller lampa at an extra charge which Shall h no more than the renewal wt. it wai aald the lampa thai must be fumtahed under the vVUHami order five twice as much llahl ai thove favored bv HttWArd. lci( thai nmniiniM f will pay JuMt ai much fur current an he doeg at preaenl Cpmmlaalonera Cram and Hayward were outvoted by Com- mlaatonere MoCall, Wllllame and Wood. SAY SINGER'S SON EMBEZZLED. I'slrrnon plnlut u I burl ilea Kllllll II. Ilrtlrr Com I, Mrlllk. i. At it til. et- I'atkhhon. N J . Oct, IS, insr of the Fire ami Police Committee lo-nlghl chief of Polios John Blmaon was directed bi City Counaal Bltlward p. stern lo file a complaint churglnir, embesalsment agalnat Hanry s. Helnk, a son of Mine. BchumannHe4nk, the prima donna. Helnlt had lieen ilerk In llecordur James K. Carroll's court two years and was suspended a month ago when dis crepancies were said to have bean found in his aooounta, Kxpert aocountanta, it Is asserted, were unable to find any accounting In his hooks for nboui $t,- 100 whiih had been paid ill fines lo the OOUtt. Win n the report of the e- perts was submitted to ihe committee tO-nlght the complaint attains' llelnk was ordered and a notice sent to the bonding company In New York. Ileink was ordered to appear at the meeting this evening, but he did not obey the summons nor was any word received from him. about a year ago. He was married SHIP DRIFTS 1.166 MILES. ripple Wit bou I limit for Wireless ll Mo ii til. IIIoh n Tlie Norwegian tramp steamship Cl- rikeu, which anchored in Quarantine last night, hid a record drift of 1,1116 miles on her prolonged trip from Ciiris- tlahla, whence sh- departed for this . . IMirt on August 23. lien aha wiih eight days out alie struck a submerged wreeic and oal her progfller. She had no wire less and could imt lei tlie world afloat know her plight A tempoat waa raging and ie went along with it broadalda for many inlleK. 'I'lic hlaal did not let up for a month mid i.'apt. Petersen Hg- ureil that he had gone about 1,1 lit, miles in all sortH of dlrectlOM wiien lie cumo within sight of t lit; count of Ice land. Skipper and crew thought they were doomed to pile up on the ist, when there was a shift of wind and tho l.'l rlken Hturted offHhore. The weather moderated atid tlie skipper tilled the forward tanks of tlie steamship and thus raised the stern far enough out of the. sea to let him ship it spire propeller. Then hsiroceeded n 4ill his drift he nevsr na-ic.. vessel of any sort. HEW MOTOR BUSES J AU y MITE DATITUC Offifinls Rpcoiiimoiitl Fran ?IHsi to Start 100 Can Within Kljrht Months. SOME FIVE CENT FARES After three years of study the fran chise committee of the Itonrd of Esti mate, composed of Mayor Mitchel, Alder manlc President McAneny and President Mathewson of The Hronx. recommended e yesterday that a franchise be giant,,! to the New Yorlt Motorbus Company t ) operate double deck, side entrance cars over thirty-one mllesof Manhattan streets, fiom I'nton .Square on the south to Port George on the north. The company offers a ten cent fare for main lines, I five cent fare for crosstown and other short lines, including everything north of 125th street, and transfers which will keep the cost of a continuous tiip within the ten cent limit. The committee recommended rejection of the application of the Fifth Avenue 'Coach Company, which operates the only busea now running in Manhattan, for a fianchlse for new lineal and extensions totalling, according to the committee's figures, twenty-one miles. It also re jected offers from fJrlndley 4k Uiunner. other competitors, the Manhattan Motor Bus Company and the People's Five Cent Line, controlled by Cleorge W. lo:t, i dropped out several months ago. H. W. Meade, president of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, which is con trolled by the Intcrboiough company. ' charged last night that the iiimmittee had Ignored "the public demand for a 1 unfiled bus system ' and asserted that the public would have to pay 20 cents for j two company service which his company i offered for ten cents. He called for ; protests at two public hearings which i the Hoard of Estimate must hold. gOO.UOO Kepo.ll.d. The New Vork Motorbus Company has deposited with the city a eel titled check for IGO.nOu to guarantee perform ance if it gets the franchise. Its presi dent Is Howard Conklin of 1 Wall street, "her directors are Stanley M. Conklin and Maiold II. Weaver, the company's consulting engineer. The company agreee to have lOO buses running within eight months. Tw o main north and south routes are laid out in the proposed contract. .Start ing at Union Square a Want Side route would extend to Kort George by way of Seventh avenue, Ilroadway, Amsterdam avenue, Kighty-sixth street. West Kml Venue, Broadway and St. Nicholas ave nue. The I last Side route Would extend from Inion Square to Ninety-sixth street through Irving place. Lexington avenue, Twenty-third street. Madison BV nue, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets and Park avenue, From 110th street there Would he a bus line to Histh street h way of Man hattan avenue. Mornlngside I'ark, Conv, tit avenue and BrOadWBy, The fare on these lines would be 10 cents. The 5 cent lines Include three crossing Central l'ark on the transverse roads. others through Thirty Mrs t . Thirty-third. Thirty-ninth. Fortieth, Forty-sixth and Fo-1) -seventh streets, and two lines from I'nion Squ.ire to the Pennsylvania station. Prom each of the 5 cent lines a person could transfer to a 10 cent line by paying another nickel The Fifth Avenue company In one of its two proposals offered to share lot proflta equally with the city, but, the C immlttee points out. refused to give the city adequate control over operation and expend. turos. The New York Motor- bus Company gives such controL Both companies offered to pay the :: f, per cent, of the gross receipts. The Fifth Avenue company offered IS5, i and the Motorbus company Mo. .,s fli it pa) ment. mttte'i rwpoii puny 'iff'-roil fr m 115,000 t . .t.ii ot 7ft0 contract i wht AeeortliPS to tiu the Klftfa Avenue com the olty voarantee of to $H;,otMi a year, or a 000 for the term ot the tt i hfteen years, with ten years renewal privilese. Provision for e I Inn The MotorbUl company offered fr m 110,000 to 1(0,000 a year, or ITSB.000 for the fifteen yeara lint the Fifth Avenue cnp.iny Instated, as the Mot, r- hu company Mid not, that it paym ntg to the city tie deducted from any frati , iiise tax that might lie levied in the future. The most Important feature nf the Motorbus company's otter, according to the franchise cotrmilttee, Is that It agroea to extend its lines or to operate new ones whenever the city shall direct. This Is an innovation in transit c 'ii tracta In New York. It Is also pro vided that if there la a dsflcll on the new lines thus ordered the city s'lall pay It, but If the deficit amounts to 7.', ier cent, of the company's payment to the citv under the franchise, routes will he almndoncd as the city directs. "It iy tin1 most (lexl'hle transit eon tract 1 have ever seen, ' said Harry P, Nlcholls, chief eruilneer of tlu bursau of franchises. Willi im It WIIIOOS, ex-chairman of the Public Service Commissi,,!!, and Bainbrldgs Colby are the New York Motorbus Company! attorneys Mr. Willcox believes that the cit's profit under tha proposed contract ni be al least li'io.i a year. The preaenl rev, nue from the Fifth Avenue company Is about tso.niui a year. 3 CENT EGG HATCHES $5 FINE. (irorrr I'nye for Thronlnn l.onf of Rrend at ( ailiunrr. An egg which Henry Cordes. a grocer of IM Liberty avenue, Jamaica. Queens, refused lo exchange for a good egg pr even refund tin- price, which was three cents poll,. ost him a $." fine in the Jamaica nurl yesterday. Mrs. Camilla Hall of ::iis Remington avenue. Jamaica, was the complainant on a charge of disorderly conduct, She said she bought some eggs of Cordes and found one of them bad. She took it back and demanded a fresh egg or three cents. "Ho refused to give mo either, so 1 threw the bad egg on the floor," Mrs. Hall told Magistrate Miller. "What did ho do then'" asked the Judge. "He threw a loaf of bread at me," said Mrs. Hall. "Five dollar! fine," announced Magis trate Miller. BANKER URGES HIGHER TARIFF l'i epiire,liie .Also Indorsed at Illinois Convention. Joi.iKT, 111., Oct. 16. Attacking the Underwood "irlff law as a handicap tn the country 8, tt, llatings, ,reHlileut of the llltnoll Manufacturers AaaoClatlon, j told a thousand Illinois hankers al their I annual meeting here 1 0-day that tho i l'nllcd gtatOS Qovernmanl has not rev- j ciiue enough to build up or ups)rt an ' luieituate army and navy. National pre. paredneaa, both miuiury ami naval, was i enthusiastically and uiiaiilmosly lu- j riorsed by the oonvantlon, as were Mr. i llaHi.ngs's tariff remarks. "The only legislation tills country needs now Is a protective tariff law," continued Mr. Hastings. "Our Houthern friends never did have much use, for Northern Industries. They are In the I saddle tn Washington." I STACKPOLE LOSES UTP-UT AM AWTUDAY Physicians Itelieve Serum VVasi Efficacious, but Was In jected Too Late. EM) COMES SUDDENLY George F. staekpole of Itiverhead. I.. I. , whose case had been the centre of Interest at Hellevuc Hospital for six days, died at .1:37 o'clock yesterday morning as a result of the disease of anthrax. The Immediate cause of death was heart failure, brought on by the poison In bis system. The physicians who attended him nre Inclined to believe that the new serum, prepared by I r. Klohhnrn of the bu leau of animal Industry, and tried on Mr. Stackp,,!,. for the Hrst time on human being, was efficacious. Dr. M. II. Silver, the physician In charge, who has said confidently the last three days that the anthrax Itself was under con trol, reserves final dedal on until tests are completed on blood cultures removed j after treatment with the serum. The others. House l'hyslclan II. F. ' I'wyer. l'r. Robert I'. Wadhams, visit j ing physician at Hellevue, and George i F. O HanlOn, superintendent of the DOS , pital. think that it combated the bacilli ; of the disease successfully and was probably responsible for prolonging life. I but came too late. One thing has been settled, that once j the anthrax bacilli have spread In the system the preparation that will save lire Is still to be found, or. at least. If ' It has been found Its power Is Htlll to be demonstrated. "Ones the swelling from the Infection ( hns spread," said 1 r. buries Norrls, director of the pathological department i a BslleVUe, who has bail ebaige of the' blood tests, "the chances are about gone. I The course of Mr. Btackpole'S case is i similar to that observed in. cases else , where. Before the end the ravages of j tho disease seem to lessen and the signs arc more hopeful. But the heart Is weak and in perhaps twenty-four hours, possibly more, during Which the patient is continually weakening, it collapses." i There were no dying statements from the lawyer, whose courage in the face ol .an almost certain doom had been the ad I miration of all who came In contact with him. About ".:1I0 o'clock ho asked for a glass of water, and told his nurse lie felt he was growing weak. An hour la er he died. Only the nurse was with ' loin. I His wife and son and daughter, who had been living across the -drc-l, re turned to Biverhead yesterday after noon. The funeral services will be held to-morrow in the First congregational : Church of Bivi rhead. conducted by the 1 Rev. w. p, Harmon, rie pastor, who has been almost constant!) with the sick man and his family dining the l week. I , fourth death from anthrax In this region within the lust three weeks i? c.vme known yesterday with the tiling of i the death certificate of John B. iiurm, ja reined contractus of Madison, N. .1 , who died Tuesday at his home. Burns had a largS boil gst WSSk, No physi cian was called in until Sunday and 'ordinary treatment ptoved useless. No ' serum w is t rled, George F Staekpole was born In Leb anon, Me., November H, imj. He 1 a graduate of the first class of the State Normal School at Farmuiuton, Me., and oi Dartmouth, where he was a college matt ,,f I r Silver, Is physician du lug bis Inst Illness In 1st; ha went to Rlv srhead as principal of the high school, some eais Inter being admitted-to the bar and taking up the practice of law I For nineteen yeara, unnl sboul ten ago, he was a Justice of the peace. For many yeara he was president of t e Hoard of Education. He was a director ol tile Suffolk Count) National Hani; and a trustee of the Itiverhead Savings Bank, Mr Staekpole leaves hi- Wife, a daugh ter, gyrena, ami a son, l'hllip W who i- a senior at Dartmouth, Albany, N y . Oct. it The stat.- Health, end Industrial de- partmsnta ate watching for any .. of anthrax that may develop m tan neries and leather manufactories, Tit" Health Department in statement given out to-nii;ht advised the oconlc nnl lu i alarmed over the recent death- caused by tile disease LOW URGES CANAL BONDS. other Ipeakers Ilea tdvaeate 1ST ii Bare Isaae, Beth Low, president of tlie Chamber of Commerce : Frank M Williams, State Knglmer, and Henri w Hill, ex-state s, nator, joined yesterday afternoon in in ai, ie,il t., residents ,,f the cltj lo vote for tin- bora) issue of IS7.000.000 for the completion of the barge canal. Tin- pleas were made at a meeting of (he Produce tlx, lunge. Mr Loa said that approximately 111 ,ooo of the needed is for dsmaaes to properti already in flicted along tii,- canal. This, he add,, I. would otherwise hSVs to he paid by the State through taxation, no that only 10,000,000 for the actual construction of tin, canal is needed, state (engineer Williams said the canal, which is ,11, miles long. Is mure than nine-tvntha completed and thai if the bond provision passes and the leg islature acts promptl) the canal will i. finished in the spring ,,r A I, Her to the canal committee of the Produce Bxchanga from gecrelar) ,,f Commerce Ited Held stated iiiat then is a strong possibility thai the railroads will not be able to handle the enormous crops wit ii the necessary promptness this autumn "The national commerce needs tlie canal." Mr. ttedflsld said, James W Warner, president of the Produce Bxchange, and fi it Carhart, chairman of the canal Committee, also spoke The Merchants Association of New York pass,, a resolution yesterda) urging voters to support the bond pro posai. KEEP TO FIGHT GIRL'S CHARGE Later lay a Minister u r. er I Into glgalag I on fesslon. The Rev, Rlohard II Keep, charged wiiii assault by a Brooklyn schoolgirl, left a written statement wltli his law yer. Prancla Carmody, 11 Broadway, yeatsrday, saying thai Berglua M uii- had "double crossed" him. Mr. Itlls is the ii,. ui of the National Detective Agency and a representative of the Theatre Protective Association, with olllces at 21 l'ark Row, before whom Keep signed a confession thai he had "oommlttcd conduct tinbeoomlltg a man of honor and OOnsolono?," Mr. Carmody aald his client had been coerced into sinning this confession; that he was s an d. lie said Keep was a simple man, as simple as a child, and that llils should not have taken .ulvau- tags of a simple man, "Keep doesn't even know what he's charged with," the lawyer said. "What he considers, in his sensitive nature, as conduct unbecoming a man of oonaclence is nothing of the kind, lie is not guilty, wb.11 lie may have done is accldentullr to have touched Ihis girl while he was ' Kitting next lo her 111 Ihe street cap, I I Intend thai my client shall plead Dot , gullly wli n arraigned in Ihe Brooklyn I court on Wednesday." I Keep lives at 151 I'rospcct l'ark West, HrooUlyn. Ihe girl who had him ar rested Is Florence l.enaiin, a student at the Erasmus Hall H igff School. MRS. PEASE'S CHARGE FAILS. Driver of Cruelty fo Horse Is Arqnltteri, HrMPSTKAi), I.. I., Oct. II, Mrs. Walter Albert l'ease, Jr., who has a large country place nenr here, was un successful to-day ui an attempt to hnve S. V. J. Paulson, a mason and builder, fined for healing a hnrf he bought from Jacques Uebtudy, Bmperor of the Sa hara. Mrs. Prase, gesticulating with n heavy walking stick, before Justice Walter 11. .Tones charged that on September 1-V w hen she passed PaUlgOfl In her auto mobile, he was ,'iluusing the horse. "The poor horse was very old." she said. "His knees were itwnl'en Hid when 1 rubbed my hand over his body It Brag welted by the whlt. 1 offered Mr. Paul si n $10 for him, but be wanted tS, I ! I Founded 1826 I I 38th Street A JS f This is your Store. old store, now nearlv ninctv yean vounir. We want C W hether it be A Section, The Men's Ready Made Tailor Shop or in I Shop, you will find us ready and anxious to keep your C helpfulness. Make this your store. the Lord & Tavlor Store is h 9 These Three Qualities Characterize Lord & Taylor CLOTHING for MEN 1. Superiority of Fabrics 2. Thorough and Expert Tailoring 3. Unusual Smartness of Style i; i I In Mtnhliahino rhta I ! Men, we laid down J that 66 efficiency ' Ann:! rrl wnnlr, tu-ver mi. - i l II . . . . ....... ing to obtain a showing in the Lord & Taylor stocks. In man' clothing stores, fine fab rics and showy styles make a large effect for clothes that are very poorly tailored. In others, part wool fabrics arc given an artificial value by bein: well tailored in good styles. I I 5 i I i gain, still other stores gain re B I pute by reason of selling fabrics of f i excellent quality, thoroughly wel ..!l 1 1 . 1 t. . ' tailored, tun ansoiuieiy lacKing m I I smartness of Style. V TWO-THIRDS EFFICIENCY in each of these cases Such clothing cannot find a place in our stocks, at any price. In planning Lord i Taylor C'loth- ing, we give completes! consideration i. r .t.. mjrjpt' i.'itai I I in cat n oi t nc i i iir.r. v i i C OITAI.ITIRS of RJu-fu Clothintr: FABRICS, TAILORING, STYLE, V I . ana tins LiotninB Dusiness is erowine in lavor aain i I i: : i I viim I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 I 1 1 L. to unii.imi aS I Men's Sack Suits, $18.50 to $45.00. Overcoats, $17.50 to $50.00. Of special interest just now are the following groups: MEN'S IMPORTED OVERCOATS, $25.00 Sot Likely to lie Duplicated Made of those incomparable English and Scotch cheviots and tweeds so warm, so durable, so expressive "l "class" and distinction, which are n becoming scarcer by reason of wai demands on IJiitish looms. London-math I f I I j hand-tailored, fall-weight slip-ons, for motoring or f i MEN'S KNITTED OVERCO MEN'S KNITTED OVERCOATS, $17.50 I I '"W armth without mixtures; loose slip-on 1 1 o : -1 y 1 1 special rurcnase iyie1 cj iu 1 : I J To Be Offered To-morrow at $21.50 i 9 Smart new fall models, in two, three and tour button styles of ovei t 1 plaids, checks, stripes, plain oxford grays, and new shades of brown, in good f i V variety of sizes and proportions. j p M Fourth Float 2 a A ITTITHIM eilAUIXTr AD HaiVT'f X.TI?,l,' lilt? A I) I T i Choose vour Cravats from the Lord & Taylor assortments, complete with n C I Scarfs of rich imported and domestic Silks. Every new and corrcel shape in f H ! c n 1 exclusive patterns ami MEN'S SHOES SPECIALLY PRICED All that a man can details, will be found in hundreds of men to our conveniently located Men's prompt service and splendid assortments. Boots at $4.85 Usually ''.00 tu rXoo. Hnc selected leathers, tan, black call or patent leather, Clearance of $4.50 to $7.00 Boots at $2.95 (In AA and A widths only.) High Grade Shoes of c cry wanted cat tlt'l & stj If If II woMKWeasnea.wissiwe, i 0)4Ha()a()a) didn't have that much with me, and the horse wasn't Worth It, nnyway. Paulson ktPt on healing him and the horso died a few days later." Paulson said ths horse had been wtarved by I.eleiudy before he bought him. though the F.mperor said the horse bad been ridden by a French HrlKadier GOneral, The Jury found Paulson not guilty. Many summer residents were In the court room. A. J. ROSS ADJUDGED INSANE. .Inry Itrromniemls tslnii fur frr- CM? Man. Alexander J. Ross, formerly president of three large realty companies and a brother Of tin' lite Robert Boss, vice president of the Commercial Truw Com pany of New Jersey, yesterday was held to le incapable of HlgngBtng Ills nf- fmJ Lord & Taylor FIFTH AVENUE Word to Men We have anticipated ynur every want in this Brand neV- r ! in The Complete Men's Furnishing Shop, Command us, vc arc here Service. arv!tf f t r the principle in Men's ilifv Clntn- I. t ' 1 .s ..ii; ik.l. ,.i..,i..... ivjvj ( i imnini in nun v - weight," in dark oxford, gray, model, with regular or raglan r a i? xt' c eir ti smart colorings. 1 rices i ntl h'timr iioasi" demand of Footwear, style, these Lord & Taylor Shoes. I Hoots at $5.85 I "The Cordwaincr." The moi serviceable Shoe mflJCi Uu bUck or tail , leather. (I'ruuiii t'liHir falrs by Jury In the Court of Chancery nt Jersey CSay, which recommended that he he commuted to the State Asjlum for the Insane at .Morris Plains. Tlie complainant were Mis Anna Hoss, 21 Duncan aVeflUC, Jersey City, his mother: Bo-s Matthews, a tie;. hew, and Mrs. Isabella Gopsill. a sWter, of 707 Bergen avenue. Mr Matthews (Aid that his uncle had for several yeirs beei an habitual drunknrd He suffered from gild hallucinations. One night Mr. MnttheWI wide at his (dub was called on the tea phone by his uncle, who said there Were twenty ne grorw fighting In their house at L" Dun can avenue. Mr. Matthews sa.d he hur ried home and found thai it was only one or liosv" hn II uct tuitions. First Assistant I'roseculor George T. Vlekers, Dr. Kred l, Urny and Happy II. Stewart were the members ' the lunacy conitnis-oon appointed by Chan cellor' RdWln Hob, rt Walker. (Jreelcy 1900 39th Street v i vou to feel at home here The Special Men's Shoe f the fine white tiled Barber ? friendship through vrenuine I I to serve you. luillCB. ! I :j The Idea in r I ! h j ii Rl'M 1 if , n 1 1 :. . ; i mione men sufficient lv s n ! f t f 3 I I street wear blue, brown and sleeves; sizes 34 to 40 1 ii' ein nn oititl' QoC $5.00 i I civicc, Bupcrii 'i fini liing Values that should brine Shot- Shoj hi 'led fi : its Boots at $(i.85 l iiially rio,oo. Bench-made Slne, itylei In (lull, pateni S ni.i ii enther i or i. in. II I 9 -Trniff-"jy"-V .4