Newspaper Page Text
CUT RATE TICKET KILLS MANY PLAYS sinajrr Polli Tolls of Kffert v in tin1 Oilier Cities. of FT POET is DEFENDED pffectl ..f the .ut rate thes- ticket In Net York Is now ONMVI klr In ethef plniM Mot than ntif play vh h Itad a kn run km Inst winter has shut "I' hnp SftOT a liripf rarecr , ,hP rltlel OtltsldS Of N V.n k The ,tol of lltetS was "The Natural Lr" whlci mil '"r MWl months nt llM He mUK ThtStre, This was plnynl for Inst turn1 a low munis ago Its OH ded by tin- ibsndon ! Wi- !! 'ted 1 mint "f TIM I..IW Ml 1 IH MNWI for brll p1 1 1 tain. il llic Wert It is g,,l rt cennin, uui ............ dad heie lasi rear wnn ins nionnumi. of i "I . .r. '.ik-t I'M new-ril tii.iiuns p-nl.amv frnni their travail Will liter Mturdey nig" t. Tiif ml rate i cket," a imihih sttd :. pl.i . ill"-' I'n r blinded the thea tre manage ri as to the value of a play ....',.. ell lei Kven if It were kept on Slew here for several ni.inlhs it mmitl dle In a week it n wan luuinaim in me, Idd test "f regular II thsatfs prima. I It t not possible to discover (lie value I ine er i I " " "' """'i- " I Vrlt tint I it WSS trie. i. in ine lew fjtlei that . beginning to enjoy the J vantage! of tins clvtllglng Influence the pltyi could "till he given with sue fSts, but once I regular theatre-prices Mrs asked I !.i. nsvet having posse?-.! the qualities to Stand up under eormtl plrcumstgnrrf, promptly had to Br withdrawn. Already there have been Instances ..f tins pseudo proa p. nt In . fork, loading lo disaster elsewhere, and llioro ars destined to be pf ,. a before tne season ends." J.i k Maxsard has been engag. d by Bltabeth Marburj for "Very Oood Bd Us." Will Mr HaStard tell his funny stories hoiit little Little Deerfoot, the wurst queen of Frankfort, or has thai eri.' passed pernuutently into tlte dia- CfM of The Lllae t'omino".' Aunt er . iig i-etnent has been made for nv.seva! comedy, Frank! n Ardle, who WSI i varlet) a--tor and made a enwess playing himself In "The Family Cupboard.'1 Will tie seen In "Katlnka." whirh Heuerbach and Frlml wrote and Aitnur Hammersteln will produce. r. II Bothern'a fa: p et 1ft "The Two V:r:u.s'' has found a: U-as: one defender, as ih.. following letter received at Tun 8i s ofH . yesterday i-h wa : "I hue noticed with surprise that ail the critics, of i, s town. Including your own. have taken B. H. Soth. rn w task for having east a fat person and dressed biT. up prettily for the ioet In Mr. Mro'i comedy "The Two Virtues." now st ihs Booth Theatre. "ll is svidint that our critics are un scqualnted with the fact that poeta are tavtrlsbly fat and persistently dandy la. I: teemt t . me that Mr Sothern h done for poets what Wilkle Colllnt dii for vlllalna In Dlcktnaonlan times all Prench Counts were villains on th Enxlh slag.. These countl were uri ateasarll) emarlsted looking parties. In r.ler to call a hall to thll absurdity WllMe Colli M in "The Woman in White" pjade Coual fosoo fat and honest. YViUie Collins. like Mr. Sothern, was for Bash nt theatrical traditions "Ail poets are not emaciate 1 looking Vsfplrktrs, nor a:, all French counts lb:!. r,d r .ue. 'The late Alfred vVuran impersonated Petal f on tne English stage as a fs: man and made a great success in the ti.. Mr Kothem'a fai poet deserves an enu.u renown. Very truly y..urs, "CttABUM 1". Hahris." The letter comsa from the Hotel c w h is only half .an bureau a block of puu- tr n Uct;. till VYilst.ui Wh. :-.r or nr.: l.ou:s ilraveure is the Ml breathed barytone th.u Andreas Dlppel brought lo tins country under the twine ol V.;f!... Ii lUthltt, the singer has Just mei with routing welcome at the Maine ft nival He tang In the place of Emilio tie ilogorta, win. was laid low Wit! a Ph til jus) in fore the festival ii Fugitive" from Mas D.K.. "Vl s. "Hero I wha h he niadi though the ui." w,i the number in ! tilt grs ileal success, al enthuauaim which he ol - onflned to this telec- tr lUssd I Hon. Tht mi gomnai y en i h. it of "T.i. I. ear who met to Domino" M. (Jraveute greeted h.m w rmly only lo meet with Ih old '.are of str.irg.-r. r- 1 ir iv inter, . ..w ..t "The Pr.tic.-ss Pat. " who knew Mr. Douthltt, has ahso- bjtel) r- fuse i lu be Intetvlewed. Mrs. Antu la Kuwyer, who is acting as man- lor m ilraveure. Is but llttls more (ommittal. I "' no( .bulre M. ilraveure to tell ft - hood," Mrs. Sawyer said to Tio Hi N reporter, "I have run there. t" ttked in if he i" Mr. Huuthitt or tot " Then there is always the interesting, Wttl :,. "Who sent to the newspapers! tht ar.i luncemenl thai Wilfred Douthltt, I Iht m. g an barytone, wat fighting In be. I Mil ..f hit country?" , But the audiences al Ihe Maine Fes-1 tb..I . lently don'l . are whether It Is WH. ! 4,r iJoutliitt. since h "g , eaoi i ; namt well enough to daligjhl CHARITY WORKERS TO MEET. yir"t Wrstcbretee ronferenae lira w t Hnm Ipogkera. v 'hi-. Oct, IS, The first annual w'l !! 'ounty i 'onfereneo of i 'har Jle. tnd ' tl.-. ion will be held In tl." J Institute lu re next Thursday. J,;' H "I of Mount Kisco, president of 'i ho ird "f man igers of Bedford Reformatory, will preside. Al Ihi morning session Ralley B. Hur '' ' I nkert, dlreotOf of the New ' A ociation for Improving the J ' "f the Poor, will speak on ' n ..f Family Relief." Herbert A Hruwii ..f Kast View, deputy super. ihll ' ill ,- i.f th, !.....,- ,.f ..d.-lnla. ' ' ipeak on "The Opportunity ' ' Itlt) in I level'. long Its New ' '', iiospituiH ami workhouse -td Porter Uee of New Roehelle, Ohairman "f ihe newly appointed County Board ..f Child Welfare, will give an tddretr ,, The Widow Pension I .aw." "An Id.-al County I'liiiiraiiimc for Child '' i the subject at the after noon session for Miss H, Ida Curry, ku- p. I nl ...t,.,t ,,f chihlreii's nuenele of lh Kt liaritleS Al,l A uriel u I Inn CI. ,.Uu ll Warn.-r of Vonkert, tuperintendent M :li. Weatchuater County Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Children, 'll i-le ak on "Cooperation Betweon the '' c A und other agendo. " W. Swart Hountsney of tronkera, the new ehlef probttion officer of Weetohetter county, "II ill-. miss "The Possibilities for Pro bation Work In the County." MIsh Car- o nt m wood of Bedford mils will prtatnt "Problem! of Unemployment in Rural Dlttrlcta." ttelr for Mr. and Mrs, Kaufman. Cutvg,AND, 'b't. bday lo Mr. and 15.--A son was born Mrs. Many L, Kauf- man Mrs Kaufiioin woim mi IIooi Hamilton of New York, and was married "i January last In that city. Mr. Kauf JJM U a brother of Mra. K. N. Hrel "' v and Louis Ii. Kaufman, president 'J the Chatham and Phenls National tHUlk Ot Now York. WHITE RATS IN LIME FOR ANOTHER STRIKE Hurry Mountford RpcaUod to Take Charge of Campaign Apninst Agents. WILL FORCE AN ISSUE The Whit Hals Actor Union, with s. membership of 2,000 actors. Is nhout to revlv Its old rimralm nenltmt the van (levltle honking agencies. Hnrry Mount ford, who conducted a campalun for the Hata In 1900, which resulted In a gen eral strike of vaudeville actors In Greater New York, hat been relnatated In Ml oid position of orfanlier. Acmrrlin to Jnnl Mi'CVe a nut. a , . ,r,IIB,u "i MPS t-iuo, ine new campaitn is aimed at more than 200 "small time' vaudeville managers, who. It Is alleged, have been cancelling acta wholsesale and throwlne actors out of work without no tice. There la no controversy with the 1'nltetl Hooking- Offices or with Marcus I. new The fight concerns only the minor a art: c Ira who control theatres playing pictures and vaudeville. In such num- that their actions have severelv af- reeled the members of the White sHats. The trouble came to a climax this week and It waa decided to plsce Mount rort In . harse of another campalun Kvvr since Mountford waa forced to resign as business manager of the White llats four yearr ago, through pressure brought to besr by Important vaude- vllle Interests, the feud between the organisation and the managers hao alum be red. "ur campalun this time,'' Mr. ntcCfse told a HrN reporter yesterdsy, "will have none of the unpleasant festures ejeMen characterised other controversies There will be no mud slinging, and as far tl possible we shall try and keep out the coiris. "For a long time we have had to stand for conditions which were absolutely un fair to the vaudeville actor. The tac tics practised by little houses supported by little agents have been such as to make it almost Imvossible for sn actor to be sure of hie job for more than a lay at a stretch. We are determined to remedy the situation. We have no differences with ihe big time' men. but if it comes to a ahowdown with these little fellows we'll forbid our members working for them In other words, a strike may be called, although nothing Ui proMrtion to those of former years." At a special meeting next Tuesidsy night Mr. Mountford will outline a plan to Increase the membership of the club, and also will present a plan to obtain Justice from the managers. Frank Fog arty, present head of the organisation: Junle Mcf'ree. Fred Nlblo Alf f.rant and ieorge E. Delmore will be other speak ers. CHARGES FOREIGN ACTORS' BAN t Urged Yawdevlll Trwst Rrjerta Them, ym Independent (ami. Testifying for the plaintiff In the 1300,000 Sherman law damage suit brought by Clifford Fischer against the United llooklng offices of America and other concerns and Individuals said to make up the vaudeville trust. Willie Kilelsteln, an Independent txok!ng agent, f told Judge Hand and a Jury in the United 8tate District Tourt yesterday t of unsuccessful attempts to obtain em ; ployment III vaudeville houses In the trust circuits for foreign performers. The testimony of K. K. Albee, geneial ' booking agent of the United Hooking ititflces. consumed most of yesterday's j session. I'nder examination by Max I Steuer he admitted that the vaudeville j actors engaged by his Company were not 1 permitted to enter Into contracts with other booking concerns during the pend ency of their contracts with the I'nlted Hooking Offices. "Is that stipulated In the contract?" asked .ludge Hand. "Yes," replied the witness. "It is mu tually agreed between the actors and the company that such a provision Is for the best interests of all concerned " Albee, who Is one of the defendants, made emphatic denial of the allegation that performers who played In Independ ent the.itres or booked through independ ent agencies were blacklisted. RANKERS TO GIVE AMBULANCE More Aid Pledged for the ISrosd Street Hospital. Subscriptions for the Hroad street hospital iimtinue to pome In from brokers and financial houses. A promi nent banking bouse promised yesterday to give an automobile ambulance cost ing 12. ".00 provided that two other am bulances be given by other hunkers The following names have been added to the 2.',0 subscribers announced a few days tgO I Plnley Ilarrell Co. H. P. 0oM sohniidt & i'a, Hankers "Trust Com pany, Trippe & 00., Hamberger Bros.. Vernon C, Itrown & Co , Tate ai Hays, Freeman A Co. K. F Hutton & Co. Mllletl. Hie. & llagen, Kd win H. Hooley A Co, Livingston ft Co. t'nlled States Mortgage and Trust Company. W. H. Pssklns William I- Henedl.-t. William A. Salomon A Co., I.. 1.. BiglOW A Co.. Iigan & Bryan, H. K. Whitney ft Sons and Jon.s A Maker. Ilouson'a 'holer" 'resented. POUOR gggyiUI, M, T.i Oct. IS. "Hoh son's Choice," a comedy by Harold Itrighouse, had Its first performance on any stage at the Colllngwood Opera House here to-nlgnt. Arier perioroi ! ances in Albany the piece will be shown In New York. The cast Includes Molly Pearson, Whltford Kane, Viola .loach. OlIV Wllmot, Marie Hudspeth and others. I'm v Iowa at (he Manhattan. The noston Opera Company and the Pavlowa Pallet Russe will begin their engagement on October 55 at the Man hattan Opera Houae Instead of the Lex ington Avenue Theatre, the change being made necessary by the magnitude of the productions. Plays and Plat-era. "Alone at Iwisi ,.n.rlla will be s nsw Krsnx Ihnr given si the Khubert Theslre Tuesday night nrvllle llsrrold will tie ime of tlie solo i... .,i Hi.. Bnuaa Hsno ranssri in e ... .o.,., i- l-morrow night James K BaOfeett, after a production r "Hanilet" Aft season will m in ii !.. by hinnieif ta i "Maeneiii of .11! V ft!" a romantic play, with i new Mac .'Hill laid In Scotland. The nvs riorkta beauty oaattet win- JS w ho are .pending I ' 'tfW,, nee ine nirin m a Tbruire last night. TOURISTS BY AUTOMOBILE. WATKItHt'HY. Conn. Ocl 16. I.l. srrlvlng at (be '"" Motor lO-.lHV Boton in. iuo. ion - --Ku. M,. I Pierre ) ; sir sna mrm. l A Parsons, Mrs A. r. 'suss. J. o. Harrison and Joseph '"'n- "h V5 0 i ( puree-Arrow) ; Mr. snd Mrs iiwslay t'hlrsgo (Pleres-Arrow); Mr. and Mr. John J illl.on. Ms.ter John ill I son HI ." u .in.,,,. H.v Hhor.. I.. I- (Pank- ZZl, u, ami Mr.. B. Bachman, PfelMI Illp. fr.. T:.:. v .I , smiUbuker), Mr. anil V. T , -' u..ihpi. utnm and Benjaisln'of. . "-IL t ------ MANAGERS AND OPERA I STARS ARRIVE TO-DAY Gfttti-CfHMUusrv, Campaninli Ca ruso ihhI PolafCO Art' Italian Liner. on aiuiio natti-Cn easts of lbs Metro. )pera House and Cleofonte p.lltin Cmiianin! of the ChicaKo llpeia I mil- I pnny. with a donen operatlo stars, are j dm- to arrive In New York I -day on Ihe steamship Dante Allghlerl from nenoa. Among Ihi most notable of the artists accompanying the rival managers are KJnrloo Caruso, isiuise Bdvlna and Maria KousnezofT. Qaetano Bavagnoll, a nea Metropolitan conduct' r. and Olurglo Eo la ceo. With the arrival of Mr Oattl-Casstta rehearsals will Immediately begin at the Metropolitan Opera House in preparation for the season which opens on Novem ber 15. Mr Campanlnl after sir rl s:ay In New York will leave for Chicago to assemble his company, He hat per suaded loncavailo. who wr'-:. "Pairll arcl,' to come to America again and conduct Ihe first performance of hi.s new - pern "Zaxa" In Chicago. Among the novelties which he will present are "Pejanlre" by Balnt-Baens, Haoul i.unsbourg-s opera "l.i Vlel Algle" I new In this country) and Mas senet's posthuu.ous work "Cleopalre." which will have an American premiere with Hodoifo Ferrari, Harcel Charller and Kgon Pollak as conductors Cam pantnl will have a company of nearly ion for the Western venture. The season at the Metropolitan has ben largely forecast by previous an nouncements, a. except for assembling, the Russian ballet laler in the scasor Mr. QattlCaeagga Will concern himself chiefly with attending to many routine matters. EAGER TO TESTIFY FOR HILLIS. Friends llrny t lliire Made Fertfosoii's Iflldnvll. in Neither the Rev, Newell Iiwiphl mi lls, pastor of Plymoiitli Church, Brook lvn, nor his former business agent and advisor, Frank L. Ferguson, who wat president of the Hoard of Trusieis of Plymouth Church until lie fell out with I iir Hiiiis last tprlng, had anything to , add yesterday to the '. rbal broadsides fired the day before. Mr. Ferguson said ' he wis Donttrving hit ammunition for the Sunday papers. Counsel for !r Ilillls were gathering theirs for use on Tuesday wtc n I-'cikh-son's motion to vacate an order for his preliminary examination comes before Supreme Court Justice Kelly for argu ment, and It appears that I hey were not UngUCOtlgfUli at leas! along one line of quest. Several of Pi-. Hlllis's friends denied Indignantly that they had been I victlmiied by the clergyman, as charged i by Ferguson in his fifteen page affidavit, ! and some of them are willing even eager, to testify for him. In this con nection Amos P. Carer, 123 Blghth avenue, said : "Ferguson hasn't stated Ihe facts. ! There Is absolutely no reason why he i should have Introduced my name Into an affidavit In a way that seems to re flect on Iir Ilillls. 1 am entirely in sympathy with Or. Hlllls. I should he glad lo lesiify for Dr. Ilillls to set the matter straight " The Kev. N MoOee Wat rs said he would gladly testify for Or. Ilillls, and the RtV, S. Parkes Cadnian denied that he had purchased any stock or limber lands, as alleged by Ferguson. He had bought stocks, he said, but not through Dr. Hlllls. Counsel for Or Hlllls hold that Fer guson slandered their client In charging that he traded on his reputation and afliii itions as a clergyman lo bootl his privaie butlnegg venture, end they are busy seeking affidavits lo that rffeot Mra. Leslie's llortor Wonts 111,(110 Pr. John R, Welch of lit West Sev entleth street hied a petition In 111.- Sur rogate's court ywterday to compel the etecutors of the will of Mrs. Frank Leidie, to muke an acounllng. He has a clafm of 112,550 against the estate for medical attendance on Mrs. Leslie. He wanta the aocnunting filed so that tbe Surrogate can paat on bla claim. THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. ass ixr? . r m a s I m WSk . J . The message. MISS HELOISE MEYER TO MARCH FOR VOTES Lphvcn Lenox for Boston, Scone nf pHmdi1 Ktitfrtnining Contiuiifs. I.FVoX, I let II.- M at lleloise Meyer, ual Fran. .his. League h .s gone to Boston in a suffrage p trade chalrman of ihe 'i. of the Berkthiree, and will take part there. Mr. and Mrs Dirnud Poster and Mr an.l Mrs. Samuel Krothlngham were hot ot dinner parties lo-nlght, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Godwin and M tt lnve OodWln of New York have ai - riied at tlreyhouae. Benjamin O. Weill is visiting Mr. and Mrs Newhold Morris. Mai... ii. and Mrs Will la n P nid. Inn. ii the f a re af: er- die, who have been BtarkbrldgWi have k Mrs Anson Phelp Red Uli to Phllai Hlokee It city for n few days i Mrs. Bnrlro .1 Connlll g well tea at the L. . Clut tide noon for twenty g"e.-'s. I Mitt Henrietta W aandert and the .Misses Audi M. and Rstelle O Banders, i who have been at Heaton 11.11. Btock- bridge, have gone to I'll ladelphlg. Mrs Oeorge B. Pe tleradorff will ar i rive to-morrow on a vlelt to Mi. and Mrs Joseph ll i ho lie Mrs. John K Alex iMiteet M ClVllIt and grid re, who have been have returned to Siinng in. If' Ann . and Hie ll Al.v- .it Clettyebufg. Law fi. i Mr and Mis .1 K Wi'.l Slav .11 the laenol d. ric Kernochan Club for the rc- m inder of October. Mrs Warren Pel mo, w ho I I with Mrs. IV B. A!'' ! of I c, i, ft tlie Manlew I i I. urmg rocnwl 'h, Pltttfleld i to.dav for New York Pruncli ii Peabody, M I .rtrude Psabody and Mrs. Charles Rlinl of Rot I ton were luncheon guesis t Curtle Hotel to-da) Daniel Appletoni Miss Appleton i M'ss Pierce of Boeton Inn.- arrived the Curtis i.i ART EXHIBITIONS. inl I. v. u !' i ie I iilon WAMIllN'tiTON IRVIN'O BUILD1NH Primitive American textiles loaned to' Muneum "' Nai IINtorv To MOV I ;..ii St a ml fifth Ave ll S HAAB rf painting. I . Bulnaga purchased by llr, and Mra Wlllard P Hiralnhi ... 37th si and fifth Ave. ft Int. goal Modern stags settings by John Wengi r To i Nil j.iih st i K .. KKPPKI, Etching. ami drawing! b ICrneal Ii Roth. To Oct. :s 1 0 1 Ii SI and M oil-. .a Ave, i v . 1 1 . tlll.l SfiTi iv iviiintnga by Abbey, Belchers, Hetcalf, Bleratadt, polph nil. I otller. 4",i st and Plflh Ive . I'l'm If LIBRARY Bthlbltlon llluatratlng the urikinx of an engriivlng. An. null exhibition of new I etch Ins-, lithographs. e ,4,1, si . i i vv i UUHKNSINfl Bxhl billon Pf water . .'liir. hv Aniert. all anil foreign artists. Ilth St and yifth Ave fsttl MONTROgg. AiiHimn ethlhlllen of new Anierletn palntlnga hy Imi Bnls, Stella, sp.-li her iin-l othtrs. color ikstcnti or Mil., i Podge bi Mturlct Sterne. To flcl :"l 4.-.II1 St. mi. I M oil-. -II Ave AIM ON 11 Autumn exhibition "f tntlqutt, art objects and rltttlu fin tiltnre 4. ,11. f 1111. 1 Plfth Ave I67), RAl. sTi) Mettotlntt by -s Arlenl Kd wards To Hi t. S" t n t ti st niid I'lfth Ave. (IK), KN'OISPLRII p. 1 luting - nid por traits by Aifr.-l Phillips Roll, Bti Ii i.v I., troi Hinds to-dv. 4r.11. si 11:1 w.i. Hit A 1 N KT CIK Modioli In.t.h palnlliigs from tlo" Qrupps relleetloni Itrneiti Poggen hevli an. 1 others T I. 'i 47th si .: iv 1 PA N IHI. I'rellm. Intry tthlbltlon of a group of mod. em pslllti'ls Itlh Si and fifth Ave. i7H7'. CKltli'lt Bthlbltlon "I palming! I.v ohl iimslers. r,;ili si 1 i w 1 l l N K ARTH jfCHtXlL Art Utsgue'l evhllilt le- i at ing to women1 work. jVlli St mill Kirih AV.., PI.AZ.V Paintings tiy old end modern mus ters 7 4 1 ) si (101 W 1, KATI Hxhlhltlnn i.f pslntlnit by llarrv L.llh Ko. mill Jehn K. Kollinsliee. Ili.eli ,)dV. in. I Monday evsnlngt To Oct. If, HOMER WATERCOLORS TO BE ON VIEW TO-DAY Mm n,i Work at Brooklyn Museum Will Be Exhibited fur KlrMl Time. The Uri iklyn Muaeum opent to the i.'-.liy an eghlbltlon of s.'Venty dors by the American old mas- inslow Homer, and performs a putii w itc 1.-. U (In., tmhl.. service by so dolt i if tlie three moat fatuous American p.t ntert Homer, Sargent and Whistler Homer is by long nddt the most na tlve. Rargem and Whlatler developed their talents abroad and lived most (f their liv-s abroad, and ll Is not loo murh t.. egy thai their distinguishing qualltloe have a Ruropaan flavor Hui Wlnalow Homer wai In no way hyphenated Hie contribution lo art history ould never have been made by a frenchman or German, He not only persistently h Id fast to our rooks and shorts, living In comparative isolation on the ble.ik .0 1st of Maine and coping more successfully than any other artist with the majeettee and terrors -f the sea. but in lived through oar greatest national crisis, the civil war, and re corded tu. my pit des In it from first h ind oh: ervation. Loft) as were 11. unci's aspirations as an artist, and Irtmendout as were his themnn, his most tupreme technical Achievement!, u wrote Kenyon Cos re cently, were bis watercolor paintings. "I". s opinion may or may not receive wide acceptance, but it is a cleat enough indication of the Interest that thes,. a.iua rellet nave always excited gmoi g artists The present collection Is fortunate In being ihle to show many early pictures ih it ttudentt rarely have tlie opportu nity of seeing. These are simple ai d unpretending worka on homely themes, tn 1 although the eontemporary critics of Homer vvho could prophesy his future K tl'alliesi from them must have been fow, :l ll c imparatlVtly easy now to see the germt of lit. laler pow r In any of them. Among the collections that have been drawn upon by the Brooklyn Museum for thlt exhibition those loaned by Charles s Homer, brother of the artist, will awaken p clal Interest. Mr. and Mrs N T Ptlltlfer have loaned group of works formerly owned by Lawaon Valentin-, among which aie sixteen Watei 'Olorl pnlnted at Houghton Farm, Orange county. In l7s. jiwentj tplendid watarcolora that have never been shown lu public before ate the property of Charles W (iould Among these is a watercolor study f..r the famous painting "The Quit Stream," iii the Metropolitan Museum, and an "After tlio Tornado. Hah i mas." w hich ma) only lie deacrlbrd as a mlraole in Its ft.r r of snggestl: g the terriiving if nature m primeval disturb' an Among 1 bltlon ure and W alte tthr OOntrlbUtOi'S t" th cxhl- Hidney Curtis, v, a lutnam i ii Crittenden The pictures will remain view until novemusr Inclusive, during ths ufual hours of the muMMiin. THE SEAGOEBS. latum l 1,v. 1 I for Livernool j Mr snd Mri John r Mr nd Mri Fred ' rU k 1 iinkr louls ' CoJAa. Mr Btld Sirs. KirUe Lsthrop A H Oleolt py the PoriO Hio Ju.iti : I Roy Chamberun Br anil Mr TbORISS i' m Psrtsn Mr snd Mri H M Horter T f Rysn Mr snd Mr M H S 01 t'le S Aineriiaii liner St. Mr and Mm OslVlU lrriee m sjor R P Pntnsst f. it Van tnren Mr snd Mr II T Whlghtm The Rev. 3 N Iws iner hner t'urnlina for Man Mr and Mra Q M Ksssbey. sludse uud Mra K II Wileos Mr snd Mra Q, I Qrsvsi Senator und Mra .hi into R de CSStrO ii k Kicbsrdson. tiy tlie I iiiifl Fruit tSSfntbtp CalamarcA for the Caribbean) fteorie RurnitdSi Mrs W J Morssti Mr and Mr Thorn u ) Marritulou. M r n nd 9n P R Wslssr Mra W T. Kellots w ( nenusrson Wluio Star liner Lapland USUI F H Do VSSS W Ksley Miller Arthur V TaibsU. Aim , la by ths 1 iron Mvtrpooi 0 II Alllt lii--i M KiBkins y l). liunuiiifion. I M. F. PLANTS GOING ON CRUISE. Will Leave To-ilny Aboard Vanadls fit Htt BtBMSM U . - Tlie steam yncbt Vanndl", which haa been lying In the Hudson Hiver off the New York Y'acht Club station at the foot of Weat Klghty-Hixth street, will start to-day on a six weeks cruise In southern waters. The Vsuadls is now owned by former Commodore Morton F. I Plnnt, having been purshased recently from 0. K. O. Hillings, for whom the j yacht was built. I The VanniUg left New London on Tuesday ami arriveo nere Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. 1'lant motored from New Ixmdon on Wednesday and have spent three days In this city. Their guests on the yachting trip will he Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Plant's mother; Mr. and Mrs. F. de C. Sullivan and Henry Plant, the commodore's son. It had been planned to make a trip through the Panama Canal, hut this will have to be abandoned for the present. The yacht will touch nt .la.'ksonvllle. Kgy West. Miami and different ports In the West Indies. OBITUARY. Hiram I., Spencer. St John, N. R, Oct. 15. Hiram I I.add Spencer, 'l years old, a poet and Journalist of New Kngland and New Ttriinswlck. died to-da. In his early I Journalistic days he Contributed 10 the Pf ntrfrprbocg'er and (rrnJegnVe afgjHtsfncg of New York, and for several years w..s editor of the Rutland. Vt . Ilnald. Ihe pen name of Enylla Allyne. He had lived here tlnct 1 N0 and six years ago published a hook of xieins. Wh.le' a student at Castleton Seminary in Vet-I rront he llrsi began writing, and It was; there that Mr wrote "A Hun-' dred Years lo Come," which II con. Idered one of his liest lyrics. Mrs. Marie V. WyoUoff. Mrs. Marl.- V Wyckoff. sn. widow of Henry Lotl Wy.knff. died yesterday at her home, si;. Clinton uvenue. Brooklyn She was the daughter of Charles Van derveer, a descendant of Cornelius Jans sen Vanderveer, wiio settled In Flat bush In till and was thirteenth In de seent from Isird Van der 'eer of Hol land. Her husband belonged to the Wy. knff family of New Uits. She leaves a son, Abraham V. Wyckoff of Hay Shore, L, I. Daniel W. Smith. HaokbnmoKi n. j . Oct. 16. Daniel W. Smith died this morning after a nfUJ Illness, aged 71! He was a member of the famous Twenty-se. ond New Jer sey Volunteers, a member of ilnhrlcl It Paul Post. O. A. R . was a Mason and a member of the First Reformed Church. He Is survived by his wife and three daughters, the oldest the wife of the Rev. Charles A Jones; Mrs. Arthur Ia-c Of Forest Hills and Mist Klla Smi h. tlesanriVr . Itlehmond. Pkkkskii i,. N. V.. Oct. 15. Alexander A. Richmond, for many years connected with Hie Metropolitan Savings Hank of New York, died to-day at his home here at the age of 7:i years. He was born In New lb-lford. Mass He was a member of the Free Masons and the Royal Ar canum He married Miss Omnia daughter of Miles Frost of Peeksklll. who survives him. Frederick I. Ilnmnirl. Krederiek P. Hiuiunell, lawver and formerly Aatssmbtyntan from the Twent -second district, died yesterday at bis home. 22 Marble HIM avenue He was :.:i years oM. For man) years he had been active in real estate develop in". it .f the Yorkville section He leave his wife an. I three daughtera. Mrs. I.. II. handler. iconn, N. H, Oct. I.". Mis. Lucy 'handler, wife ,.f ex-s.-n- i handler of New HaTnp Waterloo, tlie chandler Lambert Hale i alor William shire, died al summer home, near here, to-dav Mre, lllchnrd eon, ,lr. Mis. fjrace Clarke Newton wife of Hlchard Newton. Jr.. an artist, died yes tcrda) at iter home. H Th.rty-rtfth street. She was a daughter of Fanny Ii and Thomas B, Clarke llr. Wlibeiiu Oevtnstoe. KnaNKFttRTi via London, Oct. IS Dr, of S. hoi of j:'. nwlnner, fnen.i and biographer oihauor. died at the age leather glH van's Pnneral Togoy. Police Commissioner Woods, Charles F Murphy. Dudley Field Malone, Thomas F Bmrth. Cabot Ward, hktward s Hrogan and Joseph Holwell, it was an nounced yesterday, w-iu be the honorary pallbettrSrs at the funeral of the Bev Kiuncll J Sullivan, a porlct chaplain and rector of the St Aloystut Roman embolic i.Tiurcb. this morning Cardinal Farley and Bishop Haves will also at tend. WILLS AND APPRAISALS. ELLEN J THKITMAN. wh 1! last. !ft I.'IS.IIIIT to he Kills T Wllllsmt PUglR A lili.l. left an en JOJ, of Which III.SOO en. h tinteis, t' and Llllle Kerr, pine. -It ant Kate M Dodge br s. He Laneey ToWntend t .lie, I .Puis dtughttr, "f 17l nt to hi r I ly oils I 1 .1 p- Tli- llev ot ii ooo lie i Dsceni' JULIL'S 'I MUjLBK, her 11 1.11. blot all Sttal f IStt.tit, of lit h 1115,006 'van Ihi I one iths ree al tha aSlatroDOlltaii Tobai um pa it i The tits to went (- the wtdoe snd chlV tlren s a it A ll R WHITK. w h- died In Brook lyn in March, 100ft. wt sn estuts f toi. js.r.7 mid yaaterdsy the truateei t ! an sc court tin ahowim Inst ihey hsvs nn hand lltJ.MTOT and hsvs paid "ut ltd g?0 k 'i from th Income to the heirs, PRRDKRfO H i: ans. invsntor and manufacturer, who died in ?. ikin. Oe tebr ' Isstt sad whoss win was flie.i -(ardsy, lesvei hi entire eatste, vslustl at "mora than ".oon in p. rnal ami mere than I ' 000 in real property to hi wife, annli tl si lll M' r.N .1 ACOBS If ft no eitata of f f Which f.'ll (00 wan In real relets ami $ 1 2-' :;ti in mortgsgei ll save I28T.8TI t' hi wife, Ssrah Jacoha, und 150,000 to hi daughter. Kannli Ie v. und lK.,00-1 to h srsnddaughter un.i inv oo a tsch to two frsndsoni, WILdsIAM U saxton. a prsdui'n com mission hit' hsntt ho died i ii tohcr I al Riitiiinlt Si .1 . Iel intirH than S05,000 Ht- widow , A usual t F Snxt i ui, it.-' i ho Income from snd on her desth ins prlnidpsl os tn ihrss sons snd a daugh tr The in! divide Ihs retlduery e- tata. pHLOH O. WICK HAM, who died pe cember o iat at the Waldorf Astoria, left an eatste of 74t.s4T. He gave 1441,038 to hie wife. Mary K Wlckham, ami it.'. -TTI to hlo son-tn ii. .yman H. Tread nHv Th remainder of 1 1 estats went to grandchildren He had i3i:..aT in cash a n. t iiscurltlei worth 1414.315, nf which 1140,151 w (he v,i !u of ii i i inarei of Csnsdlan I'aritic oto k CORRECT MOURNING SILK WARP HENRIETTA TRIMMED WITH BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE SPRY MR. CARNEGIE BACK FROM OUTING Views on Worlfl Topics Re Borvpfi for BOth Hirthday Npi Month. FINK BAR HARBOR VISIT The Iiird walked In the garden of Ms Fifth avenue castle yesterday after noon, bis bleu eyes still keen for all of his to years, twinkling with happiness aa ha surveyed his lawns and their flower bordered paths. Mr. Carnegie, as he says himself. Is a great home body, and It was delightful for Mm to be back In his New Y.-irk home after four months and a half at Bar Harlior. No iiersuaslon could take his mind from the quiet enjoyment of Ms home coming. Ills Vial tore And many rang the liell of the great house at Fifth aventfe and Nlnety-llrst street sought fnr Ids opinions alsoit Ihe war. about the revival of business, aliout the fluctua tions of the stock market, hut he would not be drawn loiter. pngglMy on tht annlversaiy of his birthday, November I'a. at which time he will have reached four-score years, he may have some thing to say on topics of world news. Mr. Camegle appeared to lie In Im proved health and he moved a.hout his garden with vigor of step and brisk ness of manner. His eye was clear and bright and hi; needed the sumort of no servant's arm. It was easy to see that he had enjoyed his visit to liar Harbor, where he had spent the summer at golf, deep j..h fishing and alltoinoblllng. His atuy at the seaside bad been of the ijiiietest and had proved to be extremely btnoflclaj to his health. Mr. Carnegie is a keen and enthiist antic fisherman. There Is Utile of the art of rod and reel that the I .ami hasn't at hia fingers' end. In the summer Just pawed he went tUhlng every day or so In Ills steam yacht Kl Placita, angling for OOd and haddock mostly and usually en Joying big catches There were several daya when he hwked and landed fnm twenty to forty Mg tlah. At other times ho took long rtdes in his aulomobllo or played over his private golf n mrse. With Mrn. Carnegie lie left the Mount I'e.ort railroad station nt Si.tO P. M. on Thursday and arrived at the i Irani! Central Station at 1:81 P. M. yestorday, travailing in Charles M. Schwab's pri vate car Ijoretto. He expects to spend the winter quietly at his Fifth avenue home. "I am very glail to be home again and I thank my friends for their Inter est In my health snd happiness. That Is all I will say to-day." Wag Mr. Carnegie's only comment as be strolled atsut the gari'.en. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mrs WlUium AnnnlmiiB: of 1 1 Wrrt Fort.v-fMpVith trfi has aniiouni'r'M the riraipfinftit of her 'tauirhti'r, .Ml Klira heth Stillman Ktilall. t( irorpre Iewl Kcitiihu. fofi of Mn ( orK K. K' or this city. MIm KefrdftU! fa.tlwr was the lato WtlHam B Ken-lal!. No nt lists ben set for the welltn(T. Mr Campbell t'lark of Klberon. N. J.. han announoed th enffatxatntnt of hnr dauirhter, Miw Kftclle Campbll "'lark, to V (Jill i . Jr. vomiaTtst won of Tr ml Mm V. i'.'W V i.f of 2H Wfst Porttcth nir' t. T!io wedding Hill t.ike pi. iff m.Ti, NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. Baron Reading of London gav ; luncheon yeeiertay at the Rita. aritnn f..r Mr. and Mrs MartMi VOfftl. Mr,-', s CHmmtnii Jannlngi h;iH t:kfn an apartment at tin- Marquand. Sixty- eight n stnt't ami Madieon avenue! wttere phe will be f"r the winrr-r. Mis- tSritth M Provost and Monroe jtffdTson lcn. Jr. of Catonavllle, Md., will ba itiarru'ti tn-day in All Balnta Churchi Ureal Neck, L l The wedding f Miss Ine teelandi dnughter f late W. VV. inland, to Brhuyler A rvis will takf place this afternoon In Saratoga spring.-. Mi- and Mrs Hherwood Aldrlch are at their country place in .Ireat Nock. L I , and will no return to '.ts Fifth ave nue until the muhilt of November. Mlej Si'phif Cabot Brewster, daughter f Mr. and .Mrs. KendtTtnn S HrwMter. will he married to Henry 0 Hirhr to day in ""hri"! Church, Klirabeth, N. J. The wedding ol Miss ESmlty Markie. daughter f Mr. and Mrs Alvan Markie, to William N. Hainuu d. Jr., nf thla city, will take place to-day tn the Pres byterian Churchi Hash ton, pg, Miss Florence Anna Thompson) daugh ter "f Mr and Mrs Wllmol I' Thomp son, will he marrnd tn Christopher H. Pope to-day in St. James's. 'hurch, ( ioshen. N. Y. Miss Mary Kingsbury M tcKay. daugh ter "f Mi ami Mrs. Henry MacKay, win he married to Lieut ISdwIn C, Mo Neil, V her pat S. A . tits on to lay at I he home of Head, JJay the ghor Ridge. Joseph E. met t to-day 4 ountry place tin meet Mr. x dinner dan Widencr w;ll lud at Uy une wood l at tvUkln I 'ark, I and Mrs, Wldener oe and smong til i a race inn, hi ft, After win give r auests will he several friends from New Ynrk. Mrs. John St a r Tanner an ve a dinner last night at the I lit z a 'arlton for her itSter-in-laWi Miss RhOdS Tan ner, who will he married to Felix I. Poubleday hi the Churt'h of the As cension on Tuesday The guestl in cluded those who will form the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs KrederlO Foster win give n the dannant on the nft of December I at their home, B Eightieth street, when they will t a rev srnoon I Fast Intro duce to society ttieir daughter. Miss si ado le I no Uswls t arey, and their ntece MlSH Marion i an y 1 Mnsmore, t n le- cember -V Richard I lelsheld will give a dlnnei at plhei i 's followed by n theatre party for Miss Oarey ami Mtss Plnsmoro, who are ins grandaughters, Dr. Iliiiiler'n I ii ne nil I "Minrrioi. The funeral of Ir. president emeritus nf who died on Thursday! to-morrow .if let noon at Thom Hunt. Hunter, lege will take place 30 O'olOok from t he t 'athodnti i st. John I he Dlvliu Mcinhers of the Tltom ts Hunter Ahho (dation of Public School ."( will attend In a body i ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Home of the Latest nnic Placed OH the Itettlslers. Astor Mr snrt Mrs T 11 T Mrlnn-e, I'srle; K. okstskl Toklo Oeorgtt B. Bam eerger, W'bm . J H Clarhe, I'arls. Mr. ml Mrs. K. I. McUuire, New I.oniloa. Conn. McAlpIn -Miss C M Alexander. ny tona. KIs ; Mrs. Vlrtor Sp. n. er. Mtss Nun itpenrer. Vancouver. H "'. , A A Dieterle, rialtiniort: Mr. snd Mrs c .1 Kimnierer, ftuffalu; Mrs c II Stewart, Suet J. W. cott. Ht. Davids, I'a. Knickerbocker -Mr. an.l Mrs I. H Oethrnpe snd Mr. an.l Mrs 11. Roblhl, Buffalo. Aib..rt--c v. Meynell, Phlladelphall John .i Bvefsen, Bottpn. Prime (leorse A. B. lb 11. Toronto; l. Shsy. Chicago, Hsv ov- Mr. nni Mrs How ar.i Mann. St. I.ouls. Mr an.l Mrs ll.orge Illllsnn, Brownsville, Te.. Mr. sn.l Mrs. C. T. llalnen. Ohleogfo, St Hsgls Mr ami Mrs W H l.ellh, Brtdgeporl ; v. C, (Iratwlrb, Bafftlo. In w York To dsy. New York BSUthera gOCltty, smoker, Waldorf-Astoria, lite p. m city Club, .list lUtelon of t.ury ssteni in New York erhoole. 2 IV M. Home lOconoml.s Assoel.itlnn. sntTfnge lllsriOMllon, I 1 Bael I .o ill. flltll til Stleet. a v K Mother Earth Autumn Festival, report by Kmma Irol.llnan, llarletn Casino, t 1'. M. New York Wellesley College Club, nn-et-ins. Hotel Astor. Ii P. M 1)1 KI). bitt lit ltKK - joae-phine praaees Bather t dsuehtcr of the ;.it PedSf gathSTi wifa of the late KmU- A HrusulAis. Inat at ea on the Artihlc Atisust 19, 1911. Fun-ral In Grace Church Tr.eedsy. Oe- tober iSi ii a, m. later rase I in aae Fr it nc I m n. Han Fran ! m o paSSfS plSSSf copy. Klnrlly omit RsWSfS. CANNING 1 1. OSOrge, a" 3S Chapel BtSphan Merrlt I BStfte- and ' 'remit Ion 'nmpmij , Mghl h a. venue snd Htghteenth atreet. Vtaturday. Z n elork. CRA WF )KIV On cetober 13. 1916. at his late realdenee. 269 NSW York avenue, Brooklyn, Gilbert Holmea rrawford, Sid est inn of t he lata llev. Morris 4 anip and Charlotte HolraOl Crawford. Member of claea 'OS, CotlSgS of City ol HSW York; member of NSW York Bar. VsterSS of Second Company. Movent h Bea-lment. N. Q. N. Y. ; member of Rockland IOdse. F. and A, M , SgSd Fnnerat eereleeo at Ms lata restdegeSk flaturdsy. October 1. 1016. at 11 A. M. Inlerment Woodlawn Cernetrry. It is requated that no flowera be aent At n fperlal meetins Of the Beard 0 Truteei of the Herald htl dren'a Home, held Frhlny. OctObST 1 . 1 9 1 Ti . the foiit.wtns rssoVutien An ths death of Mr. Gilbert Holmea CSSrWferg was adopted : "It la with deep resret ths we lesrn ef the death of our friend and seSOOtatSi Gilbert Holmes ('rawforl, who has bes-n from the beglBJltng Of 1f work S friend. eupp'rter ami a-lvlaer of the Christian Herald Children's Home, in hi cooperation with ua a a meiwsef nf th Hoard of Trustees he had won our estseen ami s97eetton by hia gealali hnr''. earneat and sfttoloat eounssl and help. We deplore t hie nrvera See of our cordial and happy companion ship and etprens our heartfelt sym pathy to the wldoa and family whs mourn. We commend them to the om fort of Him who la the ResurrectMM and the Islfe. and In whoss name 'ha worh for little children, In whl h brother has o ably seeteted us, t eae rled on." For rhe bosrd. ARTHUR H li"viwn, Peeretury Kiw.AR Dsnlel, ion of its t h M. ami .Tiida Lotillerd satgar, si t.reen- port. U I . on Oetobl r 1 1. 1913 Funeral private, rowi.EH --Thsmso Powell 9owler fl I a brief UlSSSS St hi oummer real tenOe, Beisir." Warwick. N V. OR Moi .i . October ii. in th olsty fourth yeso of his asr Serviced will be held Si Si Jumet Church, Madison svenu n: I S Hrl atret. 8al nrdav, O tobei t at 12 noon Interment st convenience of family. QAUlsAOHRR -Mrs. m irs tn ia her OlKty-gfth sfter s Ions I tedious Illness st her home tn Osslnlngi Thursdsy. October n he hid been for s number of years i de voted and faithful fCtvnnt In the fam ily of oen K a McAlpIn Funeral ssrvloes at St. Augustln Churei) Saturday af i" A M, Intfrment In st. august In Cemetery. KUNTBJV dctober 14, lis. at hi r. l dSnce, -f,T9 Fifth avenue, Thomas Hunter. IA D.( president emeritus of Kuater (Normal) Collsge, tn hto eighty fourth yesr Funeral Service at th Cathedral of John tha Divine. Amsterdam avetu.a and 113th street, on Hunday at 2:?0 P. M. The ffSduatSS of t'.rammar School 16 and of Hunter (Normal) College sre lovingly invited. At a meetins of the executive commlttrs of the Thomas Hunter Anorrai.n held thla day the following minute won un inlmouely adopted: Whsresi it has pieus.ii Almighty ood to remove from our mldel I he great educator and honorary member of this sssoetstlont Thomso Hunter, whose person"! tralta of character have ever Won our slneers admiration and rev frnt acknowledgment sf their vnlue and pOWer( therefore be It Resolved, That In the death Of Th-mas Hunter we realise a great looi te edu cat tonal latsreetO an I f a man nrd ctttren of thli grest common weal tli. whoae t hara ter wai beyond reproach snd of the hishent Integrity; wh eetlee Ills wss pointed towards 'ha noblest ideal h snd ths posseaaton of k r- m. for i ii upbulldlm ,if man honi in truthful nsso and honor Members of th Thomas Hunter aiaoels Hon of Qfamntsr School No o .ira Invited to attend the funsrsl of our late beloved Ir. Thomas Hunter f ro n Cathedral S' John the PI vine, Am aterdam STsnUS nl lllth Otreot, Sun day afternoon, October IT St 2:10 eeloeki Plenae ftbSSmblf. S not !!- 1. Amater- item avenue .ind 1 10th street. at o'clock. TH DO DORR H FRED R FORTJdKYi; Mdt'T Presld Sc re(ar) sfBWT. IN I tn Kr In ilil iMiv. Urtus Rlahtrd Mewton u 16, IMS, vf inhter 'f ,rke, Clarke, and ris K.muv H an i Thnmot 11 "un.-rsl pi v.i r. newtiiN A i Sherburne, v on Ues rtsy nior-ilnt. Octnber It, 1915 H""1S tt Niv li.ii. Mi P Kl'fSKIil. - Krecl I., Mtd IS Serving "T1IK Kr.Sl'.llAI. I lll'IK'll i: Weal Twsnly-lhlH M'eet (1'twplisll BulH ine. aaturilay niornlns. 11 ... ..k. Auenteet A tort ITun.l WKK1 -HabsrtS Ui eelovi I wlft nt Bt wnnt ii, M'ee4. ss Thuridi ucteber il. mi:., nfnT .1 plef lllses. Krlrn l art Invltsd in sttsnil ihe funeral I .rvi en ealurilr. u . i.. r is, tt j:s I1. M tl her luts resldtntt, flrans svenut, Ktwburfh. V V Trim lesvei nr. in. 1 .'( T,rtnli al lit 10 A V. ! p, an. ..inn Rowen WHITE at alt ri'iluence, stuy ant avenue, Broeklvn, Thursdsy. O. -toner tl, II4, Kdaard l Wh l, Is hi. ntni-tv fourl li "tsr Funsret ssrvii'ei st Qrti'r Preibvlerlstl OhUfSh. Wuyvfsaal snd .left r.en sve. nues, arsokiyn, aaturilsi-, " t.iber is, st S P. M toelsl) .f nM Prsek. lyalles sad. 1 Wlthulsi kuilntr la. lt..l :n SltSBd I'KKNIIS tl IVK.tltMATH IX I. whrr.-iioiii at llnr l to K Klinor.. ton. nf It' 111 i I? PHII4F HTHHI.INU, Nu MrtC, I'hli.i I. ..iU. .i.f.