Newspaper Page Text
8 THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. DRY GOODS MEN FIND BUSINESS EXPANDING CROPS SPUR BUYING Trade hv Improvement H.-ported Wholesaler in Many I-arire Cities. MOKK ( ASH NOW TO SPEND I ho idays. lry tiood.s A itttitkcd Improvement In huslne morally li BvHanesal by DM opinions of wholes lets all over the country who have been . atiwisscd hy the Dry flood nTeshteABeBf, The croiie have hII been good. tl' dealers report, anil the ten dency to is-ininnilse I" less than a few IMMtlM g" lBbOf Is mor fully em loed, and even the South report an era nf grent prosperity In sight. Home of the opinion follow: allfurala. I.os Angeles- Our volume nf sale Bine July show a marked Improve ment. Throughout the great Southwest II retailers will experience a Wfl bus iness hetWft n now and the Cooper. ('onto and t'aaey Company. Han Kranrlaco Fundamental con dition on the Pacific coeat are sound Crop have been abundant and the peasl mlain whlrh ha resulted from the war la rapidly giving way to a spirit of optimism and confidence. Moore-VVat-on Dry tiooda Company. (rorals. Atlanta In Ihe seven State which We cover condition are excellent. He yond a douht the South standi facing an era of prosperity which Is unequalled In her history. A. M. Koblneon Com pany. Illinois. Chicago Itetall merchant In agrl eilltursl dlatrkta have had a satisfac tory business for the last twelve month, and the farmer I In a comfortable state of mind, with greater cropa than ever before In the hlgtory of thl country to be told at war prl"e. There la a vigor ous renewal of activity In our Indus trial centre. Hutler Itrother Indiana. Indianapolis That business Is grow ing; better. Industrial conditions are Im proving and the general outlook In grow ng brighter ronHtuntly I our view, ai d that we are entering upon a period of prosperity that promises unu- nil devel opments. Haven A Oeddee Company. Msriland. Baltimore I hare great faith In the present situation and believe the same will strengthen from day to day. 1 look forward to the beat spring season In thl territory that we have had since 107. Panlel Miller Company. MtUHklMttl, BOMM The country' trade and In dustrial condition, we believe, are now on the upgrade. The month of July aeemed to be the turning point. Since trend has become much W- all deplore the a boom, yet. In sp'te or may have one. Karley. AT QUICKENING PACE Tnd Heviews Tell of Biting Tide of Commereial Prosperity. THIRD AVENUE ROAD DECLARES A DIVIDEND AMCBBMENTfl. AMI HIM F.N Tg. currents of btlOt' pace ty 1 then the Who! more optlmlsl poaglblltt of ourselves. Harvey & 1 Mlrblann. reiroit Busln began to Improve rapidly In thia gactiort In .he latter part of August. Merchants are buying a little more liberally than I unual. Ed OOn Mo irg at 'O The weekly trade review miort qUl kenlng advance in btiaktSBB, DfflVf say: "With jrosi diminishing In force, the tid lies I rlsltn: nt an accelerated ami an era of w i. leapt cud activ In prog pact, "t.'sually during a transition period gain nre recorded slowly, but strictly mercantile condition have pawed the stage where progress Is difficult of dis cernment, and of late Industrial expan sion has been phetiorni-nally rapid He port from nearly all ectlon of the country tell of the unchecked growth of new enterprise, which, while manifest In varying degrees in different lines and Iocs lit la-, Is everywhere stimulated by the exceptional strength of the funda ment! situation. "Assurance of apt l 'u'.lui al ucce. together with almost unlimited finan cial has given the commercial world the OOflMOMO essential to th de velopment of national prosperity, and the notable improvement In sentiment and change of spirit 1 now more clearly reflected in the volume of current trans action The latter, w ifli few excep tion, are steadily enlarging, as Is evi denced by the comparison of bank clinrltms. railroad earnings, commodity prteea, urfllleil steel tonnage. Idle freight cars and other stnllelical barometers. ''It Is Hot mere Speculation or hope that starts many wheels revolving In iron and steel after an Idleness of sev eral yeans, hut a rush of actum ord rs that J taxing the capacity of mills and furnaces to the utmost With ooeiatlons In the great basic Industry on a seal seldom If ever equalled, addition to working forces nre Imperative and the Increase In the number of men at work Direetors Announce Initial Payment of 1 Per Cent, on the Stock. The director nf the Third Avenue ! Railroad Company yesterday declarad an Initial dividend of 1 per cent, on the stock of the company, payable Janu ary 1 to stock of record Pucember IB. It was further announced by the direc tors that it had been decided to place ' tha stock permanently un a dividend ! bans of 4 per cent, per annum. Although the action of the director ha been expected for some time Wall I Street rOCOiVOd the news with consider-, able satisfaction. It has been felt that a divide- d was due on Third Avenue slock and an element among the security hold ers has bOOfl waging a strenuous cam paign to that end for Pt total months. Not long ago tile fflattaf waa referred to a special committee, and it wa uism the approval of that body thit the direc tOfl took tlie dUnlend action. The Control Truat Company ha pur chased from the Third Avenue Hallway Company at i and accrued Intarest the I S,fg,gB refunding 4 per cent, bond recently authorised by the l'ubllc orVtOO Commission. The company reserves the right to repurchase the binds at a later , date when funds ara available if It o Wishes. Since the reorganisation of the prop- erty the management has been setting ! aside from current earnings about ISuti.. utui annually for depreciatam. It is oltt cially slat d that this policy will tie con- . tinued for the present at least. WABNINO ON COTTON FUTURES. Pending Appeal, Hi I, Will As sume l.a I 4 oiiltlllonnl. Kx Judge A W. tlraham. special . "-'"0 v. .oomjoM.i.v.- re- UnllfJ s.ate, Attorney, yesterday gave .lu remenis. mis pitta more money in ctiimu-n.ia'.ion which he lecelved circulation and ultimately MnollM all fnm Washington regarding the decision branches of busln..-. causing dealers 10 pf j,ige. CharlOl M Hough holding the replenish depleted stock, making col- Untt.,( ,-,,tton future act U be lection more prompt and thus lowering unconstitutional. The communication the eomittorclnl death rate." was as followai Hrntlttrrrf savs: "Trade expand "p. tiding an appeal to the uproRM at a speedier pace, sr.. I repors, OOPO I Court Of the United States, the Treasury cially fri-m the eastern half of the CO tilt Depart mint and the liepartment of Ag try. are more satisfactory than for three riculture will enforce strictly the pro year past visions of the Tinted Slates cotton fu- "Actlvtty In Industrie, many of whl'h tures act. Slniuld the Supreme Court are sold far ahead, is acc nipanied b sustain the constitutionality of the stifTer Com modify prices, broodof dis- incisure violators then of would be sub trtbution by Jobber. gil sales by re- J-.-ct to pros-cution an I to the tax pre tall dealers. OfUaMOd tool oplets, in- scribed thereunder. Interested persona railway traffic. Improved com- are reminded that the law is at. ill In force MKW YORK'S i riDIMl THCATRES AND MVCCmr.. EMPIRF "' knd 40tb Ht. Kvr at H. E.inrmb UgM To-DAYAWed I Oharn. WM. GILLETTE - Pfttt Mi4NCr;n or SHERLOCK HOLMES IX FINAL Pt nt" great success I YmiM w'asi.lst Mat.Ta-Oay.ttlA. LI ttllM,.,,,, TlmeTa-nlghl t!4. MARIE TEMPEST ETHEL BARRYMORE "Our Mr. McQi-ney" MltlivTI Krt. f.aVtl .11 fat tl av V JU Ml f LUVHH Mn.Tn.lfVS.MVwl 2 Irt ELSIE JANIS !M VIEWS; HISS IMFHRMUtnON 4th at Bryi H Mat. TO- OA YWatl. ,i.l)iol'iu! with FKF.IIMII.flu IIU.I HOIXIDAT" "An AaMrkaa Faro with HWarkoa rVnatk." foil AN HARRIS! ADVISE ALL AMERICANS OF ALL AGES. TO SEE 4 S t I Rill i a t i in .1 atTaiiii rmr (THEJ PLAY. THAT-MAKES- MEN-BOYS) Ml I' HitiTODATtWED. Tircrrii . snntt stinr none i 'Meetlus Place f After Ihe Play Visit DANgP. DP. MM. I IKS NIOHT Atop New Arustflrdsm Theatre The Wertd. IJABBItt WKT ltd nT. tve. at HtlH, IlllnnIO Mm. Tii nY i 2 15. HUDSON STi "Oil War Plaf REMAINS at. Rva. at H IS. HAY a Wed 1 IV Oily Oil with WM. t'OVRTHlNAT. TwIi'K Dally. Inc Hundaya Ev asai Mn j,i.ji)-;:,-ti u tlther Mats. (-., Tie. A l D. W. fillFFITH'S OIUANTIC HPKCTACLK Cymphooy iirebratra of 40. REPUBLIC M 4TN Ni l I 1X1 West 4Kil M l.i ss at H 2U. Maw. TO-DAY Wed 2.30. with JtiHM MASON and JtNICIlWI. WPPKS 4HKAD. 4A St. W of It way. Kes wen Mais. TO-DAY , FUUM SOME BABY! hlng 1." American. OLOBE M0NT60MEBY R'wav a 4Mh at. E Mats. TO-DAY a Wed. Js II. ft STOIE cBIn nperiAL - a su A thrilling photo drama rosaaaea I'ommen In "THE WHI XOTK Mont I Inn every unlUy Night. I 90. su. or un, In acts Every afternoon ex cW Wad. A Hat. al 2 .00 d in. A Sundajr Mat. k Nlaht at 2 In A r. u tgoi ilgi 2Sr, mo t 2 o p m. at visht at 2 so I SOr. 7v a fi rv m atone In ht A Wad ft Sat. Mala. Chin RFl ir n f.m 44,h rvt . l,i1wVlU Mots Tf)-DAY A Thurs.2 ) THE BOOMERANG CANDLER v 42dst harp Mats I o - f A VA 1 I is BIGGEST HIT OF THE YEAR.' with Mint lit iv and THE GKKAT ALL AMEItlCAN CAST ORCHESTRA $1.50 and $2.00 HK5TBALC.50c,7Sc,$l CMA Oorsl WW Sean AMCSKMRNTP. swssasssswassj aAI UOORia P war RpmirtRRC Mat HWWWHHWtaia 4rth Pwt,tjna To-dy mm audiM Bjtf ttM g BJ Ltt FRENCH LINE Sailings for BORDEAUX CHICAGO Oat. 18. 9 P. M. LA TOURAINE. . . Oat. 23. I P. M. ESPACNE Oat. BO, S P. M. , ROCHAMBEAU Nov. 6, S P. M. THE NEW QUADRUPLE SCREW ! S. S. LAFAYETTE Maitiw Trkj fnm N. T. Nan. 13 POR INFORMATION APPLY CUNARD atahllehed 1040 ! EUROPE VIA LIVERPOOL ! uhcapJa Fri.. Oct 29, 5 P. M CAMBHOIVIA FRI., NOV. 0,4 P. M at. DELIGHTFUL FALL OUTING the a Ear trip nt r of m.w vokk Via OLD DOMINION LINE mmBSL NEW YORK la OLD POINT COMFORT. TA.i and return. ( otnhlnlng Hie drit(i,i, at a Araclng wesan rayage with a pleasant I days' stay ashore at the lamooi numL i mm miles of hnA aa Hlalarlr sit water !f121I,UU " "ate, tratel p0f Virginia Including all expenses sflnst and 04haro, An mean swim linloiir. in ttie i , ,,,, herlln's great sunlit roniiieljn Pnnf Other Trips OIA.isi and I p ward. Evert' nook day at P. M, fnmi Pin 1 N. K.. New York Bend fur III itratitl paniiihli't No If. Phone :i'i'ni Frankl W. I.. Wawlrnw. t. t. Hrnwn. Trsffli: Manager. OflB. Pass SPEND YW SVtiOA MIUNG the HVD5 $ aye tUtViGA Tn NEWttRCH or rHXallXIEPSlE It Ratnrn JJCO THE man a Loovo Pior 32 N. R.. foe Canal St., 0:30 A. M . : y, 132d 6t. IB: 00 A. M. NtVCR 19 oTT ITS BEST. I ORDDNA. BAT. NOT. to. 10 A. En Ronta to Olaagow NEW YORK to LONDON PANNONIA. Bat.. Nov Cabta I'lningu U. 10 A. U. . K i Mlaannpli City Bpltndld erops at high nrlc clvo inbgianUaJ itiis for grm.i Itusiieiii Future progpectg are highly favorable.- BurnhAm-MunEer.Root Dry Goo 'a Contpany, LoulO The liiisiness outlook In thll OOrtlon ie very eneouruglng. tlcularly in the Snuth. where the high prlivs for fitton nnd the good crops of feedstuff.' havo greutly .stimulated Irado, Ely & Dry OrOOdO Company. rtaaaeil merelal demand f OT m-tney. pleth-irle suptlies of f'jn.. lirgelv Iti.-re.ise.l hsnk e e.i rings, hett. r OOllectkm H:id reports that many houses h.ive Increased their trayelllng fnni on. "Stork of staple wearing a;parel at practli-ally all ints are light, the re sult of - ng practised IVMI0orBllH0 buy ing, and the upilft in trade seems to have developed a rush to oOVvf rwiulre ments. Miet of the goodg are wimtml I ntmi di.itely. thus pfowdlflg tiianuf.ii' turer. The New KngUnd, thii Middle States, the tent nil Wontarn, the s.uith e n and S-'Uthwesern eit;.ins all Join In the chom of givd roDOftAj niunlfef tation tn those notion being the Wt witnessed sim-e October, IBIS, or Just its the tlrst llakan war h'gir. "War orders, making for large pay rolls, high quotation! for eotton an.l pr-niu.-ts md profitable price for wheat, provide the vahrCUM for ; move ments 111 the BOOtlOM Just nam ad, Labor eonditlona are inflnittiy bettor than for years past Oottonaaad eom record pi n es, top quotation re eclvid. tlgui.-d on n p.jut.1 basis, exceed !ng the price of wheat " and that the statute of limitations would not afford violators uny protection for a period of three year , hent o the only afe couroo of procedure for ovorp one to fo'.- li w Is to obey the law pending de cs;, m by the Supreme Court." Mr. Orahain said he did not know whether a motion would Do made before the fii, ted Stated Supreme Court to ad vuncc the case for hearing owing to Ita great public importance, but added that tie suptiiised that such course Would b taken. UNCLE SAM A FISHMONGER. win DU PON'TS AFTER NEW PLANT Gafl opt ton on P rnllii New Y'orL. Buffalo The factories are busiy generally is fully employed at wages, the farmeis have had good rroiis, for which they are setting Hon l prices, and every conditloji seems Just rlgl t to make huatnOM good. Claw-son ft Wilson Company. obtained. Id Nggr York During the laat thirty day ! font company the demand for good has hern notice- j llngton plant Obly strong, and not only for immediate pyraltn and m 4 rl i du Ion Work. Romero that tha du Pont do Hanovri Pogrdar Company was t.egotlatitig for the purohaoe of the Arlington Company, manufactu:er. of pyralln, at Arlington, N J . were oonfirmod yootorday by of- tleirils of botli I'llllMtfis Pranoli a. autbjar, vlooirooldoM of the Arlington Company, has had OhargO labor nf the negotiatkm. He aaid yaatarday good i mat an offer nan com- from the powder that it was tn'.t:g and manuf.o t in r i oonaldotod, Irenes du I'ottt said latr that an OP lion mi the Arlington plant had befi A4d a .Ho planned to that use t he du pmisor it rv Variety for MOW York Appetite. nele S.ttn bag g"pe into the fish ta buolnooa. Bom time next WOBH the flsh at, ii. g achoonor Stranger from Olouoaotor l will arrive In New York with a iiirgo of j JO.I 00 pOUnAg of tile ttsh whlrh the Hureau of PHahorlOO wants to IntrodUCO ! to New York rs as a cheap, abundant, a id above all a palutable addition to : their menu A ohoii time ago the bureau chartered tti.- Stranger, whioh Is one of the Gloucester fishing fleet, and told Capt. , Young to load up. W hen he crimes here ; next we.-k his cargo will be distributed i to the various city market, and with I it will go a placard aaaurtng the public ' that the new arrival has the I'.overn- mont'g official t K Tin-re win be clr- culara also settitiv forth the tile fish i many good qualltle. According to T, M. Pouthart, the local Sabf rial arert. ttla tile fish has been ' grievously alighted. The m-ai of the ci- fish, us naya, is firm and white ami toothsome, and above ail then are fow bones. Tin- fish is a diep sea habitue It weigh from live to fifty and , its color Is an irrldescent blue, gpooglad with black and yellow. The principal r.asoti Mr iioiitnart gives ror unci Bam' belief that the til hah will t. U'lKTTCD f .ADriLTaJ n war a rt 111 I l-iv s-rai-ii Evening al s tno A WORLD OP PLEASURE SHUBERT Tf1", Matinee I iwtay. 44th. W TA UIPUT a wa l- ll..j I U'n BR I L . . new lenniwe uperet la. i Uy trie com- ALONE AT LAST ! KZi'WJ:. All the New Ulnter Harden Olar. ov: u. rway MAXINE ELLIOTT'S.. Fr-tlert'-i, llsrriaon' nillHMCVttl from I h. y Win ! ket The London PLAYHOUSE baMtl! In Iflth ST Theatre twin Uuirnt MATfNRE T WHAT MONEY E of It v n Dn stlncfw T.. He h. . . i 'wi M1IIMI fll.O.II t tf:o. CAN T BUY Cumpauy naymar- Seat Bale. sih E. Mats. To day ft ' nt B'way. Ev. 0 la. i-dav A Wed 1 18. M1IIM.I TO-IIAt at 114. GRACE GEORGE THE NEW YORK IDEA Oraoo lieorge'a gown were the last word " fiacn fupfrf. COMEDY V,". r "lnz" iitf uuaiLUI MatnswTred a Tuesday is Made a iremendrsit t appeal Herald. LYRIC 43d nf Rbgap, tvs BUI Mais. To day ft Wad 2 li. .iiirKtrurTBi By thi SMtho TjOTII T I in a . near B'wat K w I " Matinee A Eva. s i.i Wed '.' 1.-, CASINO It 'way ft 1, Mi nees I Bl f vs. at s 1 1 iiny a wad km ul. Atop 4 4 III Mi. Thiwirr AFTER the THEATRE Nightly at in .10 IX. Hun I Supper Dwactngtl Adm. WORLD'S CHAMPION ICE SKATfcRS Tea 4 to Wed. ft Ptttnor (noi Adtn Frs Directum of Plarr ft CaulolH). witn 4 I I II. I RAN sn.l flew' Hinging 0 'Huri nn Itroidwsv I .' '. Men II iiv Evs. hHil -day sH " no OOTH ORIcaJy THE TWO VIRTUES not Sfl THA WORLD TOCRa. Through booftioa to all pet wa pal port of th COMFASf T g OFTIC?!? 1 -t 1 gt.tegt.. IS. T. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flac N. Y.-Uterpeel, Pier 62. N. R., Neon 81. LmIi Oct. IBM. Paad. Oct M White Star Line N.Y.-LlTcnsMl.PlerM.N.K., Neea RalU net. AaXatla N. i Agereg - Gleraltar Naaloa-Ccnoa tutlc Out,), 10 A. M.ICanvple No. t OPVICK, B R'WAT, N. ff. Tai. WMW Ractar. Up the Hudson By Daylight HeVTtee Daily Kieept nndy Ilrot Hall Connection! to all potn'S tn th i Kk'i:,. t.ii,,ga. the Adirondack. tli Wet Mtid North All thsauwh rsll . tlekets bltween New Ynrk nnd Aihsny BO ' eapted. Music Restaurant. St., ;4( a M . W ltd St . ! A '' "'lb t.. A. Il.l V I ! A. M . larding at We-t Point, N burgh Piughkenfi.. Ko.gston IVdnt. Cat. kilt. Iludsnn and Albany. buVTS ZmftGJt -B-R- New- , Di obraaaot m Ptr. ti mi lawu v The 111 lilt'- lie Jile.v-" 1 BOSTON $2.65 I' '. In $1.60 Colonial Line rtrM - invm MRftj cbj, ratt-r'n t th- bni l'ir v.t, n n . Wi-i llnuMtnfi mi Illf Kooni. HI 'Ml III H 'HP Miff t a nuiiineni. Uptown (mica, Urt4Vttiri , Md Ht ('h'irit IpHllf ul'tl Mm i'. i' nnil I.. l(H mi PROVIDENCE ftSl nut mi i mi' ai.isi voreester.07.tiO:l'riiildeiieeillrei, 111 SI HI Sill I HI 111 MS ( l Oally . Iniliidtna bundai. .:.l i p, t. Frmn I'ier IB, K K. Pnooa 27iki lleeknua l ily Ticket Otto, 2UO llr..iw I ptOWB Ticket Offtee. It'wsy in i t I gTKAMHRir T1CRF.T0 m aav par. ii naea. . BU Uft A.. N. paiclal Agint alt Haw. m w, Diu stw tw , RVKRV HIIIR ONE MNU DRI.ItiHTi low fars to all point BOL'TH OCEAN OTEAMBJUr CO., Ml Bth Av., N. V. ATLANTIC, OILP AND WEST INDIES 0TEAMSHIP LINES Clyde Mal.nry Ward Parte Rico Lines !I0 B'way. tf. T. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 ft Kultoa Bt, Usui l.i I bit li N l B on P. al, Milalc. New London Hi laindon. I t Pier t . work day only K K . ft. H Bid Bt i Lino, i i s it r ti mi P M Pier P. M TROJAN' 'RENSSELAER' HARTFORD LINE From MW Pier K it Klter. I n- .- i B.lo .til l grpt Bui lay. at 5 P M CONNECTICUT RIVRR LANUI.N s California Eipealtloa Tour Co.. 1480 R'w N' T 1,lterlure. eatlmate. Information free Uu TO BERML'DA BT "g. A BCRML'DlA.N" BOOklsl EHtC S 0 ti' Ul l I. I OH lllreel. Ili'tii een M. loKh A RedueedPari - il r,lm. ttm mti t" alAl.NK BTKAMslllP LIN ft PORTLAND S!l" nrt. Mil' I IM HIPPODROME ',::-'. i.' CUAI I M 4TIN FF Ttl-HAY lll. 1. IM. HAM tvn f.vf.hv HAT. delivery but alo for spring. I am Rl optimistic u to tlie prosperity of this country than I have been in over two year. Jooiph H. Emery of Lord A Taylor. -ie tile Al - , ,i, ,, I for the manufacture of '. for the making of ex- wartn an be 'tin- in Nf tienp w York i DKY GOODS TRADE ACTIVE. esErunomlat' Heea Menace of Too Sadtlrn Inerraae In Haying. Tha Wry f7ood Koonomfiit sas: "In ghe Now York markul aetiv.ty is the rule. Jn fart, sitn the expansion In run. gumption w hich apiieura to be Imminent I and which will load distributers to loosen up. the probability of n too cud nen una tisi utianiinouH tiu.ving move mentt In rertaan line 1 the only ground for disquietude. "In cotton grod. In particular, it is becoming recognized that otoCKB In ull tiantls are low and that many mills line ptin-.vew tor war pUPpOOQO, Tukntmn, Oct IS. The H 1 du ROW de N.-inuura Powdoi Company applied to the Department of Commerce and Navl. gallon to-d. tor riparian Irani of five I miius of RAtorfpon! along the Data Ware Hiver in the Vlelnity of Im plan s at Ponna Qrove ami Olggatown. Theael plant have boon worked to their ea- I pacify manufacturing ogploolvoo for th Allies. The giant, if made, would ! th largest in New Jersey it would enable the company to more effectively protect it. propel ty. SALE OF ROAD CONFIRMED. AMI KIHTS. SYMPHONY III I a I y of Nets York WALTER lnMltusi II. t'vnduttor. Eight Friday Aft. Sixteen Sunday Aft. I HIP-HIP-HOORAY site, Pwuiil and l.OOO Wonders HOI 04 and his HAND 100 Nnvoltle -Ml Pretty ill'l nu Skue Flirting al St Monti PtAgisi by 11- Ituniside. K v as s I o A Mat dally lo Mat. CI an est seam El K i Bat i..vio Kt:ni:H4 r.i h.atn..oi hi nSaT SOUSA an" ",h Ml.llis. awua Mrginla Root, nrx.ile Hariri. Martini, t N'at Willi. llelle Stores HKST OR TS l DO, sS 9 CORT W est 4 s EV s I 1 II B Phone I In int 4A To-ll) Wed 1 PRINCESS PAT , L.inir 'iblQl-; IV- "WWW VMH 1 hw Darntuti Kv Worl I Av K J '.c 1. 1 tt d-ir. w A sue lnV" THE SHOW SHOP" Ketl Woe- "lHi.x RKOg," ifiiicTn ! ' lltliniiiiiMit To nWVb.S. aBTHRv "-e Pier J2 N. K.. Foot VCV c nil St . 5 3n P M . Sundays 9-M P M ; VY Q H KV ld St., 6 P.M.: Sun- aw j a Y RwR gtaeFR mmmV . mZRRV im. 10.0(1 P. M. f . itlr it wow m . tote vv tt M MkN,,l,V.'lN . ..i . ,V inaV."! Mn." tfwBV 1 ' Kin m. Hi.h Grade 7l IVSSFll ,'"'Pi" 32 N CnV FOKK' ' ,,M leejnosl of nil nm'i 1 ours. i u'.'s B'way. NY R., 7:00 P. M.; W. llw " i 132d St., 7.30 P. M. CV 1 . '.''.';' ' ;',' Ni A ' ' :1" ''" AlTtMN RRKORTS. il-Sj O j) tsawFlV 'V . - . -. . g t 4y . k. M H ItlKki Hr.trhr.ter I utility. L. Vjum ' ' Tel i:- f iiny ''Jrel lrge' P.: . -t ....... v, tRJjI $1.00 TO ALBANY SI. Ml. I . I II III III II tt STANDARD it B'wv -vi s. f;, 2Se to SI Mai fo-dai iv to VrKt"A FULL HOUSE") it Week l t It" .1 41 ill. in i.ruinpy ?2TS CREA'iORh J ZQedney-Farm Hotel YORK Hi. g nr la IheergTligvi'ent.l'k.W gsgggljlvj IB uCBIUHIm.. t ThiirwAHai l it MATINEI III UO lie lo SI AO NEDWAYBURN3 TOWN 70PCS ull H1t Pi M ifi III Atlur. v i'hMnt ISM M.irn. kr.SfctotI Mm Ttvday.tSto7e. VZg "TWIN BEDS" Nen W,ek "4 PAIK lit BIXJCR" Mr, int ?t Kves S:2 I day .1; u wj 2 id IIONGACRE " ,' I IKE GIRL WHO SMILES I MtM cal Kit i autbi A cood mount a tiny nip in the air acre upon acre of wooded and open country ah! a week of this makes life worth living. Kvery refined iport may be Indulge! In. nor will thoin who seek to loll and lounge In trun comfort Iw disap pointed, l'rtvau' Motor i iiu hervlcr. Howling, H ill lard, all form of refined recreation. ! CEDNEY FARM HOTEL ; White Plains, N. V. Baaaaaaaaaanaaf Ill'l f ) L ' A SIGHT-SEEING YACHTS To SAN Hi BOOK and Ike CK g n i , TRIANGLE PLAYS I'wi.v Dmtim inrl uni1r 3 ftlP M. IU vnionrlllirrhrirfRtln HlolenM MiC iH-lllrldellKTH wUh Dnn.thy QWk. Kfl.iltt Fuv In A K.n it. P. mi!. r-,nh Kr.'iiin in 'The Coward .' ISO nod waU. i:' 3o0 I iMti. 'i'" uthtft at 7 Sc. Iittsr BfMBH Ht II .." 1 KNICKERBOCKER TtiMtrt( B' tl 38th St. Mi-' Im I I in. -in arrlffla II'II.m llnrulil It.nn-f l.siuUr MfniH-r iv r . i tlnaM Mr. fvRBl.tgkv Mi-rlr Air i k Jirf lliifni inn rrllA krrlR.rr S hiimiann-llelnt. I'iMii Julia ul eltilin I iiMrii ' at K i mm I20t, Afniiini II a.I. WOMAN SUFFRAGE RALLIES EUGENE V. DEBS, .peakbr TO-MOA'W it 2:30 CARKEGIE HAIL lit M ltt Ml SI 1 IV ge lo .tor. mi on M4I.K ti nux ornck. DH Hgrld In Wax K.uropean War llaroe.' .ira Attrsctlom. It P KF.I TU B raiJ. t II I ill im 4HIIION I it. 4tMlws A SHOW I I. I 111, OH Iks 'A 47 HT hste rtltiore Ssui V4 III- I'sili Mi !!' to SI isn.s. Il'isiej' a Hole. Ae. It F KRITH airj PALACE U B'WAl 47 fT h OPEN tVBKV DAT KRU1I 10 u TO lu Jl MUSEE s1 11 way 47 SIM 1MB nilHti la Noon to 11 30 "The H Idle fearl." lo to 6ik Btrandi lech aoioiet WL.. Tie' i-'li"" : Lady ! -r i i,: To He Knoiin Hereafter a 0Bf gfOklle A Northern. Tlie sale of tlie New Origans, Mobile iiiii Chicago Railroad to the bondholders1 renrg.iiilzut.on rommittee tin been not covered their raw material require firmed by Podoral Jtidgs Cpulmln al Mo ment. Added to this Is the s,.,ir,.;' of dyeriuffs, for whleti no remedy Is in sight. A prominent cotton good com mission house report a larger percent, ege of increase In its business than at any time lr.ce the busy year of 1 ! f 1 6 . Another lig concern representing a number of Southern mills reports a tlo-id cf telegrams from wholesaler urging shipment uhead of the time set for de livery. ' STERLING RATES ADVANCE. Franc 1-lachUllge I oil I I II ilea to De- ell in I rai t lonn 1 1 1 . bile. Ala. The road. Whlrh rur. from Mobil Hi Mlddleton, Tei.ii . srenl into tin- bands of n receiver in May, 1(11, of the 111,. Ill, tOO bonds outstanding all have been deposited with the 1'nited States Mort- g.ige and Trust Company, the depositary of th bondholders' committee, with the exception of 15(1,100. Joim W. Platten of New York .s of the com mittee. The mime .,1' the rSO ggnlgsd road Will be Oulfi .Mobil,- nnd Northern, SMALXER WHEAT ACREAGE. To-day and all Next Week WEBER'S PI inn Mint us. oJJIATE uf SEW vol MsTHl' T In tlie M .t uf NEW VORK MU.MCIpXl vuiiryosiiua Ivr Ihe miiiinw.i i,, Ur 1,,,. Edward H. Crandll S "00 00') of u n l. e, urea by the Kirn Tor Municipal Hal Central Trim Cempa I rule, Hate 1 .1 .,!j j rwBniiiw none r Ht- r;r li r. i r. H h K I H i P.1II1.1 ' fHK- rat E i i . : - r it tie P, tltlon t Al I. W 1 V on. en: ..f tha ti , . named, n.u sell si public auell n Kachaage Balesrooms, No tt-ls fiii"-:. in tii Horougta of uanhattai f New Yorg. on tin- 1st day of N 1916, .it 111 -I'e'oi-it noon --n that HBNRT BRAOT. Auotloa -. th pi dlreeted by said lodgment to ei therein described Collowa: A l.i. certain p ot -.f land a building thereon, situate, lying as I m tb Borough of Manhattan, ii I Y'-rg iwiund.'i and lewerll .1 a lo BEUINNl.Vtl st the c rnr f -r. the Intersection "f the southerly - :-t afreet wltii the eaaterl side ef t ts Dtive an i running theni along th- soj'herly si-is of sli Bti feet o a p-dnt dlataal feet from th-- w-eeterly '! ' West End inencs southerly parlil with tin ran end C5' utldr and M irtgag of of S', can N i Ir UIYKN o I... N'ew n to V.rk. .0.1. p e 3 fe w -h f. : . 1,1 trtet under 11 MS HKHORTrt. JKRSKY Atlantic Al ri MM lil. -nit I B, MMW JHRHY Atlantic City. 1)41 , rl-llli1 1 nic Hi Itmidai A and llrondss) 25c, 15c. el eOfdui1 Tpnlftif llfnnan Kldftrr. 'ri riiynl Paaaea Thca HoiiOwrn' 3'r 411 N il W L MRR HU da li .lr.l ISe.lOc Atlantic CitHN J ; ( The intzst holal occcrnjnodauoi3 iXie yrj NEW JtRsf.V-Atlantic City. 1 0pc tiviOUKout tiu Tfion fel F.W.Memsletj & Son.jfj p ir. on 11,4! 7.': ffl St. tiing exi bange rates oontlnued to gdvance yeaterday, brokers sa ing there v.i. ronjlderable demand for ogchango on London ffom stn' k Bgchang houses to make remittances for Knglish held American securities which had been sold recently. 'Modern villler" Tell of I'ronilalna Maml of tirnln. I CHICA0O, l crop outlook a sharp redu last year and I reported The n. is Th Vodara Miller I "Winter wheat will show lion from the birge acreage i in many i i till Sterling closed at 4.11 H for demand I lnB bs usual, and I.BIH for cables, mm compared with ! lu"' BBedlng t 4 1s and I.IBVj) mi Thursday. Franca I "Tin n is oontlnued lo decline fractionally, closing Quality wheat al 5. is 4 for checks and l.ll for cable, offerlngg and They were tuioted Thursday at 5.s6 and , through wmte r, :, rtsoectively Italian lira drooned 1 Reports ei not ions fly Is as promts rain due to delayed i avo.d the fly i keen demand for good ehlch readily absorbs nil it's condition is general and spring wheat States. Iloate ii lnrer movement. Ae.iiisn Han, t-t RaeMal Mas) Ki oet.ts.8 u I I 4 It 4 4M U4VIII I ANNES Hrfttiuvril and I in it i rl II Sun iltw mil Hrahriifi Horn rno. Ticket Ht 1 1 k iiflict hi i llut'ti-fl JonH, W 42 Hi, Ht4lnay linu AKOIIW 1141,1.. lu-morruH htinitat Artrrnoon at 3. 1 PIANO A K ( I I A Ii I GODOWSKY ?-ttU ti 12 lit II. ix CMsMtt Knala- IMaim MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE DECIINNINU MONO AY, OCT, as HUM UN 4IH4MI Oi l 111 I'll. 441111 I-4YI.4I44 4 IMPKItlAI. 1141 I KI ROUE is KKPKH TOIRf i ik KOVRl.Tlii. BE VT.-1 cue Tn $;, -ON BAI.K. MONDAY at tiik mix orrTOM. from I.ISM to U ll and rubles were un- bUI one much III ex. ess of current th.icgi d at it i requlronv nt .Main checks were unchanged nt K2H anil murk cables declined from II -t lo fe. !i-14. Austrian kronen advanced 14.60 in 14, Bt. HOTEL AND REKTAI7RANTH. Blnillson I iiniil) UsaVlgtl HrvMiilsril The Madison County Socleiy of New York wan organlasd yoBterday gftornoon i" i a mooting In the office nf John A. gtewart, ISI llrondway, and the fol- lowlng officers were elected: Honor ary president. Thomas L, James i hon orary vice-president, rharles H KHir child ; honorary secretary, Iianlnl F. Kellogg; honorary treasurer. Jerre T. Durham ; president, harlea W Btaple. ion: vtce-prosldent. Frederick W. M'orri triMBurer, Frank i, klhatlunk l secretary, K. H. Stone; assistant BOorStary, Janie ! Biewart. PALDING t nil. IN III i I I Al. Al LI UN II4I.I. Ticket in Bos i mice or 1 inn ltt I. .'I. it IV li, snllan Hill. To Quote Wall Known l. lobe Trotter, whoso testimony Is well worth heeding, "And for luxurv. comfort and absolute thoroughness the hotels of Atlantic Tty stand unrivaled. I in. the Fait aaaaon by the slortou ocean. seaslnsn attrai-tlona. Magnincent golf links. The Leading Houses Are Always Open snd will furnish full Information, rate, etc.. pg application (Hotel are aU American lus. umm mnwrwiws iiuo.n Woodorfui Marlborough-Blanliaim On the Besi-u rroni American and European Plan Juslab White A Bona Company Galen Hall lintel and Hanatoiium K. 1.. Youug. Mkt Hotel Dannie tin the Beach front Walter J. Outby Saaaido House tin the llrv-h front K. P. Cook's Hons The Wiltshire Central; Near the Ueach ManiuU EUla Hotel Chelsea On the lieacb Kront J. B Thompson A Co. Tha Shelburne On the 1 leach Prool European Plan i. Wellcal. Mgr. Hotel St. Charles On th li.-cli Front NewUa Usui., Co. Tha Holmhurst Central; Near the Ueach Henry Darnell Strand Hotel Ob th Ueach front V 11. UIT and II. C. Edwards Only three hour from New Tork Ctt it. it. ei ni. j.. or rtv.HNA. k'r CENTRAL lllli Mtreet, nenr Ith Ave. s TRAND ROOF 6.RDEK B'way 'I'" nlgbl .4 I7lh II'.., I.. sfetertalainrh li in i inSpM House IftLTIlOUnTe I tU Pl toll .SO PM Kthihl- Rvenlnm h p m to u p m t, ,,, I I 4111. It's ay A 44 SI. I 44 II H I 11 II 4 .' ill) A K 111 Mats, tsguenj Hut I. 2aC .MS and SI isi It vs. A Mat Mats lAa Dllc, 7 Ac SI (Ml A 12 DO silt III lilts MIMIN INI. 41 II II I I III K -i limn i mi ti ltt N'si II 4 I INKY: Bmelal mees. tirrh.. .vie ; Balcony, av HOTEL ALBERT llth fit. A Unlv. P blocs weie ,r ii'k.i tun s si up, 1. 1. . lie nt reitsnrsnt aud ale. moderate ptrtite. Npeclal rstei for liietuausul iiiiiU. Modern. fUeorwuI. IRVING PI. THEATRE rf"f! I Nctilo-wA lii Pulvili Tu- I l.i hniuiiiiA Kinder B jilhi..r7A 3d 1 v WASHINGTON asaaia. Kn 4.-i.Nt.Mt SQ PLAYERS V&. Tta TWr i.46imu kf50.t riotrl 6r M wniiil ODarnwrousn-inMiffl ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. owasaaMis issaaaswsav JORIBH V.MITEA ROW COasiNY Mtltlea of the New V. rk M . ,' , ,. " Jipor.itlon fur . . order i.f th p. trlee CemmlsBles f . r m p.-.- t... lutnarlalng i.i rompani lsu ltt first ttinrtni. I Ut lt . I r , til I ' . 7. r, pus: 1 " "g u., 1 Vm aivnsrg .r fs obUgation to sntrlhut t... wst j euat of , t . i .., th.- PI. 1.. e 1 ti- ... , . , traet :i T.mard th- east nl ani'iin ment uf rspu transit rwii -reads i Toward 'h asl ef'feren truetlnn of rilltll g r ii I ''. ,. .' ' ' rk ' onsulWsted l i I ill To want setual .-: sf t aal llruetur and luinn.-i.t nf addltletl ,1 tr i -k. r. vated rallroadi j nw tnrk I Censulldutel llwilruad Com pany . . . i 151 Tom .,r.f ., tual . -..t . r , nnd llruetur and equipment of extension f lines of raled railroad; nf Ksw tork sniaselldated Railroad rmn. psn i 1 1 M it, .-,.r th debt discount is the amount r.iLlz1 upon the nale tn pel no- leas than j; per eeal al nnr on the. bes la a. .1.1 fir the i.lintoaoa ,.S,...A laeciiod (eel . .1.1 f the distaaes tin. t 4 Inches; thenca said sautberly si I. th-nre sou hrly at , ester y i;.i .f Wi jh s pa easterly thence wests! southerly si ie i" In : . . thrM - i the west-Tie al ! t he 1..' I p End weti 1.410 : i o is the southerly sld of list Btr cf the glstancs Ihi ugb in f- t :v Inches t. nr or east, rly sld a of KI srsl b Dr northerly --ng ant .,.-.r.i' . Rlverald inv 3' t-e . in li aa to the got ,.r I- . .f . , DMed, Oetober 7 Wfl BL'lt i. vil li", dtn EA8RISK1B MfltltAY BAtll Attorney fur 1" . itlff, i Berotign of Itsnhattan N The follosjelng is i diagram ertv to be aoM li- a- set t. . I- Hlieral le irlv. Rl TRAYMORE Iwrgeal la iHsnlle Cll NEW JRHelRY Lakeweasg, 40.1.1)0 In all . . age SAO -in. as set forth In suit petition will be hsard hv the I otntnlaalon .,: t nfflc So I I Nassau Street. Iloreugh of M,nh it.n jf Nan y ..rk tn ti" 1 Ith day .-f n im. at li on oclo.g In ihe ,,r,.. The aiic i Il.l -ge I - a.-rll.. .1 LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, N. J. NOW UPK.1" Fal, Winler snd Sprint. Resort III HI k LET A.J. Murphy. Mgr. C.V. Murphy. Asst Mgr. Oil t"har i. a -in nstsd New t"ork o tnhep is ii i"iin in Nll-lfAl, n VII. .IT I.. T- .. .':.r,l.','.!,.T'o'. in ... aaaaaaia. .. i" I i iv ra.-re'ury It -li w ! I.AKBWOOD, N. J. Now open for fall sad winter season. E E. BPANCiH.NBEHq. Mgr 111 M.NKOH CHANCKB. ItAHE (iPPOItTlNITY Two dOllStOUfl, untqus readied! unlimited prospects, want to meet enterprising man wltb capital. Ad dress in mnfldrnre. A. HEER, 204 Monro Avs Mlildletown, Ohio. Am Am PuNHora i mi rat 4NDMU)vU OH UNbtUIafffUfBI I ItiOgSTMlTTn) VlCn Of MJCHaJV MUKWALX , AND IS A IBC0CNUZ0 STAMDaMI) Of LAf'tU. tsktL iefwwc tiy g4jy WJUJJUl XfUZBY. MT nnrDI AKS HU MEN UNMJ IHI SI,M MaJUHf PR NT BrtMMOWIfrmfBfASTE l!IIA5A5UKBoi AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE AITOMOH11.E A.N II MOTOR IBttM IN. BTRLtTlON. BTEWART ACTO M'lltMIL, BBS W. S7lh BT. uklst etnleJna our courts la HUM' WHY Inanwot p.wnt sua o convinveu. uaoi AUTOMOBILE NtPI I.iaa. -REAJUNOg. Ntw DptrturBrirlo tv Th Owtiiism Ce, III W. II Ol. (aB'war. Tel. IlltCsJumbua Atlill BY A I t I ll IN SAMIKl. T. ERE EM. IN roYIPINY At I HUM Hits, i nn -1 .i ' i C'liesiniit Street, I'hliadeiphiw. .a gAIaE EOM ACCOt'XT uF VViiUal ll M vv CONCBRN. Logan Trust Company, of Phi adelnhta wlil. on the .-th .l.i) ot Oonuber, 1.-1S, .a !' p'oleofe seen, exp,..!- r ,r public taie to th highest bidder at th An.' 1; ... nt or lAUUBU r ruiiuM .v ik i n i ..-i Chestnut Btrest, Philadelphia. Hi-- fu .ior property i All ihs right, title and Interest which Bugens RubTno sn-i AbbU P Itui-ino had at tne d.its of the ataignn.ent hereinafter ntenilened, now h.ive or mat hsreafier quire. In sn-l t-. the eslste of giipitict KUllINO BPBYKR. i.f of Erankforl on Main. Oermany; .ill th.. right. nnd in- letest which tugene ItUbltltl and Atobi 1' Kubtno hid at th- .tits of the assignment hsrelrssfter nientlonedi n.m hue, aeresdMer aequlrs in snd to the eat ,te ,-f gYD.N'EY MMivHit. Ists of r-.nkt.. . Main, OeentanVl ull the riglit, tit e and In te.iei a ht- h Eugens nVubtfio ant) ibbl p Rublr.o had st tha gets ol 'h- est gnin ml berslno-fter m-ni l.itie.l, t.o hav ma hereafter inquire tn gnd i" th wt.n .-r fJUBTAy gPEYEIt. late ..r sVimsf.irt-oii Main, OerRiahy, and all tha rinnt ;i . ,n i Interest wnlcn Kugene Kubinu and v v P Hublnn had at 'h. rfate of th.- nsa gn mem nerelnsfler tnentloned. now h.v may hereafter aeauirs in an.l to th. - its of Jaciih Rt'UINO, 1st of 'he eii) nf New TwrgT, sa.t-1 ails being under ind in piirsusnc of tha terms ,.f .i certain la.-I of trust nr assignment or Uugen llubtnu i,.i Ahbls 1' Riibtne io laigat- Trut Poin. rsny. of Phtiait-.lphla, datsu ubei ni : Poc further pnrtlciiltira spp.y to jyilNMON a uII.ICtBOV, Cuornsyi, mo tl.tumonweslth RtUlUIng, 1101 Chest nut Mt . Phlladtiphls, Pa. nronert) la t nunureq .m.t . Ii-llra -f S re-el.' - - . itt 1 al as u.- hundred forty.) Ii - lit, i lih Inter. 1-,-r ind i US. ti.g.'ilier i. Ph of li- - Th i. ppr tttn ,t t tges, 'i.' lament an-1 w iter r tie ll M Which ire '.. be glloWl 1 eh ,s.-r .- , the pnr.-h.i-. I the Referee Is Tun thousand mil I lift i Bv and lt'100 if. Sold le s t M.l - . l fr.on thi gel r - rest. i !.er I 'i PKOI'Os vi gBAtUEO B1UH i-1 i . Board of w it r s... twsnt) e olid flo M unu I Park Itew. fJeQtrv .' I - lit Sew Voik City, untl i I Oi tober lth. Ii:-. ' iNl the erection of t -.- a' a. rr galvanlBdstee i - I. ' vh.iutbra. at Hltafts II ,i ; tutine. of i' . - - : .- 1 t ity Hotii :. , I th earn nit fast by 4 1 ' i tur or foul I 1 1 i belt s t-ut t ' At tha shot t I wl i be i - ;' ut. ront-i il g ml ' spntrat art ' ;s tn n nu ( gbol e .i ! ha-- it Ihe ..eft e 1 tl. by dap.-all I '... . -1 1 1 1 .i iii rash o: . i . tnuivii ' aamphli t P further i . I to tht "Mi - al 'he I': -.. In .' - u ,eer 0' e I I . ars. r one l.i f lit of -hea. - Ul.-r - -lit lie uu I eili I a-. I . rtn st t - ti rv' - UBOHi 'li vl 1 R Pit ARI HI .im in r N en mwi 141 VIN' i. I'M Vi lli;., - ' IN pROpXYllAtal POH Pejo: Qusrterntastsr. Sa.i I prop ... . will i.. II III o'clo. k A. M . furnithlns al this rt hit.i. bed Dushi V-i on applls -non.