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THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1916. Harvard-Cornell and Princeton-Dartmouth Struggles Promise Fine Football Columbia Makes Bo 10 w KIYIAT AND SMITH SAY NOTHING; IRISH GLOB ALSO SILENT Statement RHnar Prepared by Lawyer, According to Seeretary. A. A. I . INPECJPED AS TO ITS FURTHER ACTION T.ittle was talked of In nllilettc circle yesterday eirept the, ruling of the regls tnatlon committee of the Metropolitan Association on Thursduy night which placed Abel It Klvlat. IMk American A. O , and Harry J. Smith, Brom Church House, outride the pule of ama teurism for demanding expense money. Wot the laet ten yrnrs the "appearance moiiay" vil has been recoirnied as u detrimental factor ly the ofhctalB wlio have the welfare of amateur trax-k and field sport at heart. There was therefore a feeling of elation In nttletal quarts- that at laet two men had been "caught with the goods." Xeither Klvlat nor Smith had any thing to nay yesterday on the finding of the committee, and the prtrniisod state mem of the truth American A. C. was not forthcoming. John F. Conway, sec retary of the club, said that the coun ts! of the SlMb wnn preparing a state ment and that it would be ready to-day Or to-morrow. The many exceptions lo the order of proceedings at the Investi gation and tho protest against tlte con tinuance of the cHe on Thursday nignt In the absence of John T. Pooling leads to the belief that the Irish American A. C. Is prewired Vi appeal the case to tlie board of managers of the Metropolitan Association of the A. A. V Notice of such appeal had not been give n to Pres ident Rulilen up to the time the A. A. I", offices closed last irlgtit. In case of an appeal the affair would drag along for several months until the ntombers of the Isiard voted by mail or decided the Issue at the first of the quarterly meetings, which sOttM fall on x date In DtOMBbsr, The actual charges against Klvlat and Smith relating to tho demand for SXpsnOS money to the game hold last September, In which they did not compete and therefore received no actual cash, is considered by the rank and file of athletes as of less S FISTS. Im portance than the COndltlOttl disclosed by the corroborative evidence relating to the doings In 1912. The positive testimony of Campbell snd Livingston t.. the effect that lltl was paid to the coach of the Irish Amer ican A. C. for the appearance of the club team in the relay race at the games Of Company P. Pecotd Infantry, at Troy has not been contradicted. A man prom inently Identified with amateur sport Sid last night that Irrespective of the justice of the verdict against Klvlat snd Smith this matter should be cleared UP and that In his opinion only one of two courses was open to the Irish Ainer. lean A C. a atatsmeni from the roach that he did not receive the money or that If he did he did not hand It over fro the athletes named by Campbell as running on the team. Failing this method of ahsoU Ing the men and the club, the only other course is for the Irish American A. . to issue a state ment that the competition in question was not countenanced by the officers of the Organisation and that the club re gretted the Incident. As a result of the testimony presented Chairman Mathews of the registration ecmnr.ttee bald yesterday that as soon as poaflbls he wculd call the committee p-get-her to OOnsldSf the cases of Harry GMaslns; und Draw Valentine, both of WhOtn were named as competing on the 1116 relay team. Tic se men have not COtnpstad for some time arid it Is rumored that they are through with gmateur athletics, yet both hold rogh. Ira t Ion cards entitling tbem to oompetg If they so desire. Valentine s rani ex tends until January f and the date lor the expiration of (itssing Is January :') nrxt. it eras Hated last night that the i.ffl elals of the Irish American A. C, were tn possession of a statement from Father Oaltantl of Troy that contradicted the atatemrnt re. id at the investigation that he had essn -" handed over to Klvlat for running In the mile race at the Mount Carniel ggmss of September H, 1912. This, it Hill said, might be used as grounds for m appeal to the hoard of managers of the Metropolitan Asso ciation. W at action Would he taken in regard to Hie offlelull of the up-State district who admitted knowledge of the pecca dilloes of the Mew York athletes, could not le learned yesterday. President Ruhien of the Metropolitan Association stated that he would take no action at present. He. said that Livingston still is a commissioner, and that, though Eaton hud ei.r in n resignation, It had ot boon acted on. Chairman Mat-ew of the registration omralttea expressed Ms personal opinion that the men who had COfOa forward even at a late date 'o cKe the appearance money graft should he retained in office r they de ilreO to May, This would indicate that .up. no- P. Srhleh ran the meet in IMS I n'hloh t e costly relay nice was run, would receive, a sanctioti for further u imes when applied for. HUELSENBACK FINISHES FIRST. Hat Van tnrlssr Hun la Hon by Mc 'rnckea o n Handicap. Although ai lluelesirties s Wnlshatl first In the initial run over the .South Pletd soil rWVSfdaiS Drive COW yesterday afternoon for Oie van Amringe trophy, he was rated seventh by CogOD Ilernle Wofers, as a result of a Mind handicap srransjsmanl when the bookkeeplngj as roumpleted M was announced tliat ft C, stoCraokan, a freshman. led for the trophy tin. late dean fan Am rings donated for .'omeiltlon yearly by the Columbia oroas country "nuntl we. fen decided to make the number of runs live, Instated of tour i 'apt .1 c, Liang- rliorne pressed If lielssnhgfjk gild fin Ished s close saoond In the ajetuaj rare. TtlS course cover.! a 14 miles, wlm-h llueleenbogk nn'otiatd in 'i': minutes n eaoondg. Twenty men of of tod, and by tho time tho paok lea. hod Morning slde avertue Huelea iibn. k had a leal it' twenty yards. Ismgltiorne Onallenged as the squad turned Into Hs versldc Hrlve .n Uranrfg Tomb and rlKM st H iielsenl.aok s heels down to Nlnet. seventh street and hack u, lioih street. Tire cross country naptaln proved a sior hill . Iiinlier and lluolsenliuck drew away to finish on tho traok a leader by twent) yards The Hist ten: Cor'e'd M cult time. Class. MS Ml . 19IH 2 oo :D 3r) . IUt 1 Si) -1 10 . 1017 I SO il 11 I ill t fiu ;i h X 117 t oo ;i 41 , 1KI7 I 31 HI 41 . 11"! Rcrsteh r 03 1!I7 0 1 1"! 20 .. 191 s I VI M 90 ,. till .' 00 H 33 Nsme. r. M,fra.Uc C. Caldwell. I.. Hunt 0, Lsrson.. . end M Look "A. L. HiielMnhaek. J. C. Isnstbome S. O. K. tllenn K F Kom Prsspert r.rt. Football Result. WOMd A. -'.. 11; l'arknay 1'. o, I. Iff An n nm ni unn HUR& D1U UAECO 1U"UAI 1HAI, ANY OTHER DAY THIS SEASON Harvard-Cornell and Princeton-Dartmouth Combats Will Have Strong Bearing on Final Rating Yale Meets W. and J. Again. PENN WILL HAVE ITS To-day's Football Isehedula Hsrvsrd vs. Cornsll at Cambrldsa Vols va Wssblnstos and JeSsrsnn at HI HttVID. rrlmeton vs. Dsrtmouth at Prtneston. Ponn va Plttsburf at Philadelphia. Army vs. Ueorsetown at West Point. Navy vs. Virginia p. I., at Annapoll. Brown ve. Myracuas at Providence. Amherst va wsslsraa at Amherst. Williams va Trinity st Rprlngfteld. Columbia vs. St. Lawrence at Mouth Flald. Knrdham va. Holy Cross at Fordham. Havsrford va N. T. U., at Haverord. Carllala va Hu. knell at Carllale. Lafayette vs. Albright at Easton. I.eblfb vs. Muhlenberg st Houtb Beth lehem. Penn Stats vs. West Virginia Wesleyan at state College. Xwarthniore va. K. and M., at Hwarth more. Tufts vs. Boston College at Medford. L'nlon vs. Btevena at Hchenactady. Colgate vs. Rensselaer st Hamilton. Dickinson va Lebanon Valley at Car 1 Male. Hetlysburg v. St. John's at Oettysburt. liauilltnn va Hobart, at Clinton. Johns Hopkins va Washington at Bal timore. Springfield vs. Vermont at Springfield. Chicago va Purdue at Chicago Illinois va Northwestern at I'rhana Michigan vs. Michigan Agglea at Ann Arbor. Minnesota Vg, lows at Minneapolis. Nebraska va. Notre Dame at Lincoln. West Virginia va. Washington and Lea at Charleetowa. y WlaVaUAS B. sfietfftTA. Ttils Is a hlg day In fbotball. There won't he another this season huvlug ee many games of Importance The elevens of half a dosen or more Institutions of leading football prestiint are fa to f.u-e with sturdy opposition. More : li ui any Maturday so far will to-day have games hearing strongly on the final rating:. l,,urthermore. the football played by numerous contenders this aftenicron will give a nearer to definite Idea of In trinsic and comparative strength than anything they've done up to now To-day Is the halfway tint of a seaaon which Is rapidly reaching its climax. Several of Its battles will be as violent as If they were the cllmox Of the season, thoutrh with none of the -ontenders In end of the season form, and It is possible that there won't be any later games as hard fought as those of this afternoon. Several nomlng Barnes will have more glamour arid will be bigger affairs In the public eye, but they may not bring as hard football. The principal games are Harvard VI Cornell, Princeton va Iartmouth. l'enn vs. 11 1 1. Yale vs. Washington and Jef ferson. Army vs. ijeorgetown and Hrown vs. Syracuse. The llrst two named will uttract the most attention snd the hla gtn crowds, but all the others are fully as momentous to those directly inter eatcd In them. The Haxvurd-f ornell game is a topnotchor because Isith havtt shown flashes of front milk streng- h and both are scoring teams They are -on-s.dered two of the liest In the country and ('ornell's chsuces of lowering the Crimson from it! place on the topmost rung of the football ladder are con sidered better than they ve ever been. The drop kicking and punting of this game, with Barrett on one itde and Mahan and Robinson on the other, will be a rare treat The annual rrinceton-Darlmoiu h game has come to have a piece all its own and to take place among the lew leal big games of the year. The Tigers liave had an Impressive season to date ; many of their followers think they are on their way to a championship, and Dartmouth is the biggest handful they will 1mv tackled up Ui the present under the coaching of Hush. It means a lot to them, tlii game, whether It Is going to send thsm along on the rood to Hurvard and Vale with increased belief In their eventual supremacy or whether there'll be a cheek to bring out that the team Isn't Invincible. Moat l'rlnveton-1 art mouth games urc close; the lireen wins now and then, but with new material here and there, untried material in big game. and without having had any gruelling fast as yet. is of uncertain quantity for a tussle of this Importance Numerous Princeton-Dartmouth battles have been played cautiously ; that is, as to chance taking, plugging affairs, close und stubbornly fought, but With only a mall percentage of the flee, the wide osn and the spectacular. Princeton's campaign thus for has had little of the spectacular or of the dashing, but maybe t.c Tigers are ready to cut loose a bit and maybe tlieie'Il be a (thee on the field always ready to stl: things up With un exciting play. There's been more a boop and action In the campaigns of both Harvard and Cornell, and the lutter game promises to be a wallop ping, aide flung, swirling affair The Washington and Jefferson ele n isn't as strung as the Washington and Jefferson team that bflt Vale g yesi ago, but it's still a strong combination and a sober prospect for any opponent Following Immediately as it does the culmination of v;ciesltudes which have beset the Bill all season, this game is of peculiar Interest to Yale men and, to a lesser extent, to all others interested p football and interested also In a game effort to overcome adversity. Washington and Jefferson come co incident with an important moment ' Vale, at the end of a critical week In the nine's gridiron affairs. They've beginning to recover their poise at New Haven, and in order to be reassured on that point would like to vanquish W. and J., to say nothing of getting even for last year's defest. There's more of sentiment and human Interest in connection with the Bulldog's fight to-'lay than attends any of the other games The canine won't have his full strength out several big linemen grs still hors de combat but he'll be out there with his faog to the foe No game on the list promises a more vigorous scrap than the Penn-Pltt con test in Philadelphia, although It nay be One Sided " Is too bad that one cannot see all of the day's gsmes, but those who select the matlnss to he presented on Pranklln Field sren't llkelj to re gret having chosen that one. The I "It t eleven, coached by Warner and with slashing, sell executed formations, Is going to Philadelphia to uphold a reputa tion It has made for being as strong as an) team in the Kast, and Penn must he tieaten to retain this reputation. The QuakSfl are fighting harder and going belter than earlier in the season, and despite a poor showing against the Navy as compared to Pitt's, think they're Just getting together and will turn on con siderably more football this afternoon than heretofors. The Army learn, which hasn't per formed up to the mark this fall and hasn't realised nearly what the material Is capable, of. Is likely to get going In the right direction to-day. The West Pointers, however, look on Georgetown us tough picking, arid will have to improve a great deal this week to heat the visiting players. A quickening all along the line will he needed. ' bsrgo town, said lo have an excepilonal back fleld, trounced tho Navy handily. The score was I to 0. This performance and a close game with Princeton make them respected by the soldiers. The aim of the letter to win is accentuated by mn ii ir mi i i n HANDS FULL WITH PITT the fact Uiat the Navy wns beaten by George-town. The llrst thing friends of the two academies will do will be to compare the ecoree. From the New York standpoint Colum bia's first football game In ton years Is ImportanL An enthiislastic throng prob ably will see the contest with St. Law rence on South Field. The following Is from a Dartmouth source and as showing how to-day's game la regarded from that side has an official touch; hOwing to the unusually large num ber of Injuries sustained by Dartmouth's varsity players, the Green this year has been held back In lis development to an unprecedented extent. At the close of last season, when an extraordinarily big number of men were awarded let ters. It was figured that Coach Cava naugh would h ive plenty of material thlo year, seasoned If nothing; else. But when the f .otball season opened this fall It was found that euch was not the case. The only result of the ex traordinary efforts which had to be to uncover good material was the putting of nearly every man on the Squad on the hoxpitul list. "The arlv date that Princeton ap poiirs on Dartmouth's schedule snd the fact tliat the Green team has to lie prepared to play guineas of first 1m Portance later In the season make rt extremely probable that t'avanaugh has adapted no unusual means to whip his team togi-ther for this game, but con siders It rather as a big incident in the course of the team s development. "Princeton says Ihirtmouth knows nothing of the plavs the former will use to tnorrOW, and the reverse also is true Not only has I'avanaugh been forced to formulate some ties- plays but he has had to formulate a new football machine to guide them. The enils who played ednday on the varsity were not even considered second team substitutes at the of the season, or even as late as two weeks ago. In addition to bis plans concerning the enils being broken up the hack-field Is disrupted. "Mo Do no Ugh, although plucky mid fast, is extremely light and susceptible to Injuries aid cannot possible be in first class shape by Saturday. Worths mgton, the 1 11) mplc broad Jumper, looks now as if his only claim to fame was not pi this event, for he has ooine ex ceedlngiy 'sst al quarterback With this speed In' may lie one of the Qrasn'l most VgUiabie assets before the end of the season Uerrlsn, Thlalscher and Dtlhamel, left half, right half and full back respectively, hok like the ba.K tleld trio .it the prSSQoC rioWOVOr, the coaches are not sure that they like Duhamsl -is first strinu fullback, as he is rather slow, and moreover ids sub st.tutc. Barrows, is valuable as a drop klcket Th. 'attcr s foot is sure to hav a tryoul on Saturday. "It is probable that the T.gers have not met two halfbacks with faster and iiuvre sffectlVS attack than ThtSlSOhOf and Qerrlsn have The tackling of Gerrlsh is especially hard. BagtOf, the veteran centre, has been our of tlic g-aniH so muon this year that he ih hardly to be classed as a veteran. He is a g.rod centre and more than makes up for h:s lack of Weight With AghtlfSJ qualities and speed, His understudy. G.le. is an aggressive youngster, who had little experience prior to this year "' )ti the guards arid tackles rest the main hop- of the Hanoverians on Sat urday. In this tackle to tackle com bination it is believed that there utv Just the right men to st.ip the attack of the Tigers. Bpssfg, all American guard last yenr, 1s the best man playing the position to-day, and Merrill, tho otuer guard, is Just as hard a scrapper. Capt, sfcAuliffe and Cotton are aggros tackles, but gllowanoc has to be made for the fact that neither Weight 1 so pounds, "Pudritli and Soutar a week ago looked like the first selections at ends, but the developments of the last few days will not bear this out. At present hlmerj and DUSOSSOit, the latter of last veu's freshman team, are tile end Ohol rSS." BROWN TO REFEREE AGAIN; MAY RENDER A DECISION Tn' Sla. AihlftUc omii.lii.on fciv r.-junced .v.-Hier.lay the ap(Miitmnt nt William Hrown in reOir-e in Madison SMluar; QUfdm nX1 Tut K.tay nlicht, whnn Willi Rttfht in) Johnny itnni mm 111 t hi- mn in bout rVlthouirh ii it tiif intciKlon of .i Hints Athletic Contmi-wlon t" vary it choicea whan failed upon to name ref erMi ContnilslMneri Dixon and Wttick .it , meeting yostrnlay dr.Mded t unit-.. nt Brown ajraln for next Tuesday. hoWi .i an evidence f their iitir ap- proval of 111! work in the Vfly-Mir..t. boul ItUtf Tuesday niiflit Dundee'! manager, Mnntteth. h ask oil the 'onnnishionerb to a-lopi the rule Allowing refereea' decleloni and do it ROOn eiMiUKli to have Hi own Rive one in the tlliohle bOUti tit the Commission erg would not ay yenle-nlay what ao tton they will lake on the request Sam ROSS, a left handed pitcher drafted by the Yankees from the Chat tanooga club of the Southern Associa tion, Is the latest rSOTUM to sign a con . tract. Iloss first gt tract ed attention at .laok ! sou, Tsnni where he was pitching seiul- pro ball. The Phaitanooga club then i got him. only to farm him out to the OttaWS club of the Panadlan l-agu. i whSPS Sam showed signs of being a go.xl I i. Holier. He was recalled by Pliatla- noogtt, pltoltlng four games at the chwic oi i he Southern Assis-iation season and winning three of Uiem. I uba Not Only I tub for "sale. CHICAOO, "el. 22. "The I 'ubs are for sale to any tins who has enough money I to buy them, as always has been the case for forty years," declared Presl ! dsn) Thomas of the club to-day. He said he wauled to set st rest rumors H al the Cttbs are t he sold, i "I might add." said Thomas, "thai any 'one Willi enough money can quickly buy the American, National and Kederal leagues. " ! PRINCETON FRESHMEN FA8T. I Mostly Win Fall Handicap Track II so Prom Seniors. I HglNOgTUNi X. J., Oct. 22. The fresh man class run off with the annual fall I handicap track meei here to-day. celtlns; till points lo the SSnlorS 15 The Juniors I and gopbumoros were third (end fourth. I with 111 and l points respectively. There were no high Individual scores Kidman and Vernor. Isitii irishmen, made nood showings Krdmnn was first In the low and third In the high hurdles, while VcrtK-r took final honors In the inilo i in. and third In the half. The lieshiucn won first in all but two events. WIN OR LOSE TO-DAYj COLUMBIA IS HAPPY Football Back After 10 Years, j So Result of Game Is Trifle. ST 1' DENTS ENTHUSIASTIC I . . """in "T lose." said Robert . tVatt, chairman of the Columbia student board. St a football mass meeting held yester day on South Field, "we are going to make to-morrom- the biggest day In the history of the Blue snd White athletics. It might look odd to eee us march around If we lose to St Lawrence, hut the game is only Incidental. We have football back and we have It after ten years of constant struggle. That's the Important thing to us the return of the greatest American college sport. "We have some surprises for you. A',1 the dormitories and campus buildings will be decorated with bac-rs. A big football banner will swing between Hartley and Livingston halls. Kvery undcrgraduats will wear an arm band and the university band will be decked out In new uniforms to lead us. The alumni from everywhere will be hfre. 1'rexy Butler. Mayor Mltchel. Mwln ciould and Jacob Ruppert. all loyal flolumbla men, will be among the guests of honor. We are ready for the Hap piest day of our lives. Let st Law rence come: Columbia's spirit has re turned snd that can lick snytlilng In the world." It was a short speech, but spirit run so high that at the end he had to shout against a burst of unorganised cheering. The campus Is football mad. The prodi gal eon of Biblical tlmee had no greater welcome than awalte Columbia's prodi galfootball. The teum which fscee St. Lawrence will not be the best eleven In the lils torv of Columbia. It Is no 190" team. I which Albert W. Putnam. '99. said in I this week's Issue of the Columbia I Alumni .Veira, was th greatest of all I the Blue and White teams, but It is one I any coach might be proud to call his 1 own when he had only four weeks time I to build It. T. Nelson Metcalf will not have five of his best men In the game. I but h Wis s team full of fight and the I loyal backing of the undergraduates and I alumni. 1 There was only light practice yes terday i 'apt. rfanOtl M. Slmords whs ' In uniform for the drat time In a weelt. i His Infected foot Is still In danger or blood poUvnlng. so lie will no: play The only changes In the lineup, Mstcsif an nounced, will be Wadelton nt rljfhl half back instead of DoOOh . and Cleveland and Kennedy, left and right tSCkleS re spectively. wl!l change places. Miller win start at quarterback ami continue In :i g-ime unless his ankle jfives way. Kekey Calder. the basket ball wllard. has been working as qtSsrterback for tlio last few days and if necessary lie will take Miller's place. While to-day's fsMlvitlSf w il take up nne time the enme will start at ? o'clock Hvery llcltSI is sold The Stand will ho d 4,0l'0. The athletic ,ie sooiati n wanted lo build larger stand-', but the trustees would not permit It. More than 1.000 seats in tin- north stand have been reserve.1 for the un dergraduate cheering; section, which eUl ' lie led by Robert W Watt, cnptnin of tne baseball team ; Ilex Benson, captain of last veal's basketball team. . rtnd S. Qmnt Stone, manager -X the baseball men lr has not bee. decided who will kick out the ball W'hen the team 111 .- n;i The Choice is between Preside', t Nico las Murray Butler and Mayor Mltchel. F0RDHAM EXPECTS TROUBLE. Huh rroM UfTfn Oatweli h i,ovm I I mm Tw rnl I'ninii. j i'oaf h Vatjghn 'nlered n fiecfel drill for the Kordham peeterdfty, tin first this season. The final WorkOUl for ! the Holy .'rop-a ffame to-day Included forward pasH and punting formation, j with Yule doing tin booting, i apt Tunn sa:d the beckfleld is in Iplendtd i form, but the line II weak in spotr-. KaneV pofitluTi at guarl. titled by Hen son. i5 a source of wori to Vaughn, for ' Holy t'ross outweighs Kordhatn twenty ; pounds on the ruKh line, tfraf1 will play end in pi me of Coriiden, hut u i: a toflsup between the end men, although (Jraoe ttai fhoWTi surprising Btrenffth (W . pa.-s.s format tone duiinf the last week. ' A blackboard talk of an hour elide. i th" practice Yule remained until dark wtth Coaoh Cuaaok and his puuemeut kicks from all anflei mu cauee trouble for Holy i 'rowi. I Holy Cross oomeH to Nov York f r j the Hrt time sinte 19it wl-h one of iln 1 beat tt'HniH in ytars. A Holy ( 'ros vie ; tor is not by an means unlikely. go cording to CoHt'h Vaughn, but he expo ts I ii hard battle l!a will tM-ifin H i -1 o'clock. New York LTlllverelt) Will meet .lie j Haver ford -'oiiegt? eleven tins afternoon ut Haverforrt. last aeaaon the local team defeated the Quaker playcis, IS to 7. Thin year, however, the Violet rooter . : believe that the satire will b a larger one In the afternoon the Mount Vernon Htlili School toain wll mrt the acrubfl ' on Ohit) Field FRESHMEN PERFORM WELL. t olumnia t aaagateri Score Once I un Horner Mann Klevcn. Columbia's fresh iiuvii football loam playsd a practice ganne with Horace I Mann on South Klsid yeeterday after I noon and ui.iiiag.Hl to s.xre one touch j down while blanking tts oirjs.neiit. H I Dunn carried the I. all over the line after i nearly an hour of sorimmags In which the ball moved rapidly up and down the Held Kumhles prevented Severn I touchdowns, two by Horace Mann and four by Columbia. On one occasion Hor ace Mann fumbled on Columbia's in j yard line a.nd waa allowed lo keep the . hall Hud Culkyton starred for the Columbia OUOS, carrying the ball for ten and ' twenty yards on nearly every trial. He ripped off twenty five yards to (he 2 yard line and made the opening through win h Dunn shot for a touchdown It. I AtWatSf and Livingston played best far I Horace Mann I RYAN SCORES FROM SCRATCH. Takes Hash and Hurdle Itai-e In St. John's I'rep (.Slurs. .1. Kyan. the Metropolitan Junior chain- j I pion huidler. was the cynosure rif all ; I eyes at the fall athletic games held by the students of St. John's College l'rep at the Institution's Held, Uewll and Wil loughby avenues, Brooklyn, yesterday. I He won both the 100 yard dash and 0 ! y ard low hurdle handicap rgOSI from scratch, and In each case displayed good speed and form. In the dash he made I 10 11-6 seconds eased up. and In the hurdle finished In IK 1-5 secondu, which establishes a new school record. Ryan Is a freshman al St. John's. Another boy who attracted consider" able attention was M. IJuededo, a Cuban, who Is In the fourth year class Krom ' handicap minks he llnlslcd first in he ' 50 ygrd dash and second to Hyan In tl.o 100 yard dssh, but he needed no handl .ap to win the 220 ysrd spilnl. I How Columbia Mourned Ten Years Ago Colum bia ABOLISHED plrSaS- - sssgjs tee eeesss thsss et est Wm Me MM sUstk MbsWbbbbbbssMbssbssb "H esse, .sgj le f esssg S (s Ska University Dlsregsros StuOent Sen- SSJT: '-' - tlmaM and Prohibits Foothell ggfty gagagSBBassasssssssssssssssssBBBBBBBk SsBgaal te sksassi 1Sj MSssajsasl asset SPSesese tSsMS saggssSgggSa, estrsl et e ?" . -ZflZ,X2Z JS f iClT.'L. gTminrilnii'''''1'1'' 'f!'avlTi m - r... HPsaaSSS01ggSSl fJaCS S ?l-t-"?S" Snmnm tMBtWW a. as, .. iiim ms ms esssa atei eases ass. sss sssa s-s. wmk sjS Iltl '-rl 1 - sasss e.eassssaseaes !. 1 1 sj r,isii., 1 C 1 asM swos .. ws .. aSSSF ' Ti- l' "ilir-" """ ' u - "0 ssssssg LifTcax flaggrT WALLACE TO BE AT CENTRE FOR FIRST TIME THIS YEAR Veteran Just Declared Eligible at Harvard Will Face Cornell, and Parson Will Be at Tackle Every Princeton Regular in Condition. Camsdidue. Mass , Oct. II. Harvard's tlnal workout to-day for the tlornell game was harder than that which the coaches usuully give their players on the eve of a big match. There was no scrlmmaKe. but several shifts were made ill the llneuu, so that it eag necessary to rehearse all the pfcsjtt and to do not R little work on the defensive. The most Important change made to-day whs that of placing Wallace buck at centre. iast year's regular snap beck has not played In a game all fall, his eligibility having Iieen decided only last night. Tay lor will remain as substitute centre for the time being and doubtless will play for a g od part of tO-fnorrow'l game. At the last moment It was decided to put I'stson. who also played on Die llt team, hack nt tackle He will play on tne right wins Instead of on the left. Oilman gong ov r to the left side between Boucy- and Dedmun on the de fensive. Watsnn will he st jua-ter at the beginning of the frame Instead of Wllleox The heavy backfleld men. Horween. Mnwnght and McKlnloek, will not h able to get Into tl- game at ill. so that Harvard, with Whitney, Maban and King, will have rhe same baekflsld It us. ,i l.i sy Virginia. There was a long kicking practice tii.- sfternoun, hut it was n .t partlcu Inrly good. Mahsn missed a pine kick goal f om the middle of the field and Itoblnson failed from the 'i yard line. The Harvard team : ronfldsnl that it w ll heat Cornell lo-morrow, but is mnii- lllg no predictions as lo tin score, Tlie team will bl better than any yet put ofl r he field, sure y. The Cornell team arrned fr nti Ithacs ibis morning. p. ..dinjr tin- -nor i nK ,,t its hotel, hu; th, early sfternoon d lying owl to the stadium and invest Ing an hour m HkIu practice), Bsrrett and the othe backs did a lot f kicking, trying the effects of allthe win. I flurries Inside th- stadium, while the ends, backs ar 1 qusrters all took a hand lr catching U:e kicks. Coach Kharpe of Cornsll feels that his eleven will give a mighty good account of Itself to-morrow against Harvard, but lie will not j redl ! a victory. PlrlKCSTON, X J.. Vt. 22 -Poach itu.-h of Princeton evidently expects th.' Attach of Dartmouth I o-morrow to is- made up largely of forw ird passes and open Plays, for he had the Titters work ing a full hour to-, lay on formations ! enisled to put a crimp in the passing game. No tackling was glolwed, bill ca-'h man Was held responsible for a:t opponent and before th" session was con cluded the scruns found t well nigh lm POSSlble to complete a (slsS. II11.7. Law and Tlbbolt practised dr kicking from sorimmags and tne former spent some time kicking .'ia front touchdown, iiw showed to good, ads vantage and probably win gjt into me game to-morrow, The whole t am is is the best of physical condition. The Dartmouth contest will be the flrsi reel test of Princeton's recently developed offense. The line 1.-- improved u) tii, presence of Halsey and the ends and buekflsld men should aork more .tie, lively, The liartnuuih looib-.ll Uuiiii ti met. In w Yt.rk Mrly ytfluy anil kHop,id IT fur a little Alllslhlni plUCtlOfl .ii i ,tiM, f flald, Tbi workout cou visiUij ui i.irht pr.u'tit's in puntlnii for Ward piiMlini VUd thn Ilk With thl:ti:ny Htvjinni.igt .iK.unst KrliiC9ton pl.t . Aiirr .iltput tw hoitri tlw tl UI hi- ntn ruturntd to thf Cumbtrlund iiotr'i uiiii Will Itava thli inornini on tin 9:fl piClftl lr rc.ncttin. Mi-DonoUtth nd Kaxtt r who were out if thv Vt'iniout game .'ant Sii'.'sirdsi)1 on ftoooui t i-f injur Ittl will b buck to-dny al nuailerbaok and t-cntr roSpOOtlvely, Sout.ii. who pi t e I loft t-.:il lat werk, htia boon rolecoted to the Moond team and ii pluuf w.ii lie taken by Duno- Olt. l.inory will bo on th1 other nu of the Un? in ptAca of Pudrltbi who in out oi' it brt-.iusf of injuria! received in ti. i mout Kaine. Sum Havin. Oct, -Tala w undergo a t.-nt tonprrow when w.isu Ing ton and Jaftaraona teani of veterans plays In tin- Vale bowl V. and .1. boat V ale bunt yoar by turning 'ooHe a brand of football wli lob took the Hint playora off tholr fot. Thli yea r tint vala OOachM do not fxnvt to In ciukIi: n:tp- iniiir. for W ami j atraa4y bas un- iooaad it" forward phsm-n and rt dofanoa han boon ovolvoil which Will r.ttp thoni, it la ht'lli-vod. Akf i nf the t 1 ninth t IIha plunvee tho Valo forward! ure expected ! to l obi. It will br sroUhd tlW andl that thorn ure poailbllUlca of biK Kiiinf. for Mpse ley and Phurch are wImri that have not stu rtod a Kama yot. U If 111 now, hOW- avart thos are tho ptck of the Tala ondn. Capt. wllaon will run thM toani at quUrtarbaok aaaln. Harry i-eore will bo nilstiod in tho backfleld. which will be th lightoM uc4od thla ataaon a! a result Of bin HbstMioo icovll will be at full briolt. where he haM played all week, and Neville ; nd Smith will tal.e tho halve!. Both mn ar lighter than Ijognro. I'hii APKi.t itiA Pg Oct, II. With the Strictest secret praotli e of the cnr IVnn SyWsnlS finished Its preparation this afternoon for the Pittsburg game to morrow. Dsgplle the fact that things look very blaek for the Bed and Blue hoth playera and undetgradiiateH have aoqulrsd such confltlsncf in the team that they gpsc It to pull through with l leait a VSfy close score. The men arc in almost perfect physlogl condition raildj the learn looka in" per COtlt. Letter than it any other time thla ssason. The practice oonslstod of a Higna' drill. The VSrSlt)' lined up SS il will Itgrl the game to. in. in ow. Rocksfellsr, who wns expected t.. start at halfback, waa replaced by TlgbS, as he has nol been able to master the signals well enough. Fiu-hell was tackle, in Mat thews': position, mill Miller af rlftht end m nisce of I 'rqunhgiti A.KNAroLi, Md , Od -lfjery Spectator friend of the Nav) team, painculaily those who have watched the practice this week, is confident that the turning point of the season Wll come to-morrow when the midshipmen meet the eleven of the Virginia I'olyteohnlc Institute.. While the line has sh-rnn steady Im provement In charging and defensive play the greatest advance has been In the backfleld, Harrison, the regular end last season, will return to the game to morrow. W'BST PoiNV, N. T.i Oct. 4i:. Another tardy drill was tield on the gridiron thit evening, tie men reporting late because of the military formation. The final workout U-fore the Army lines up against Jeorgetowu to-morrow ess of the lightest nature The cadets fear an other defeat to-morrow, as the team la In a badly crippled condition. Mesuhan. !"a:ker and ColTln are out of the play. SOLON IS INELIGIBLE, MINNESOTA DECIDES L'oiiimitttH .against Football Captain, Although Ho De nie "Pro"" ('har',''. VtlNNKAPOLIS, Minn. Oct. 22. Ixiren .Solon, Wlnneaota's captain and all Wsst I em fullback, has be. n declared lucllgl ' le Ills case came before the 1'tii verslty of Minnesota committee this af r'"nin and the mentis r-s voted unani mously against him. TIlS charge was that Solon had playsd profsaslonal baseball in Mon i Inns dur.r g the summci. Prof, Hard ! Ing took a triti to see what he could learn, Solon had denied he hail played j in Montane, stating he had merely re turned !, the sa;n train with some of 'lie hall players. The verdict will he a blow at the chances of the Qophayg for the cham pionship of the conference Solon la oi of the greatest line plutsyors In the IrVest and was oonstdl red the s:ar of the Minnesota squad Charges of profess lonsllsm have been mads also airalnH lie-irc. Blmpson, WIs ronsln tackle. He coached HJau rial re High last fall and referesd several out side games, it is slleged He was at.- ' Is.lnteJ a member Of the Bau Plalre High faculty, It Is said, on the strength ol .us athletic ability. He attended wis onelti in 112 and 1111, but dropped "ill las) fall Last summer he attended s'i n ner hoot and made up his aches losth work it is ssssrted he officiated ir some of Rktu Claire's games and al,. referesd R.imes for money for Rive: Kails Normal and l.a Prosse Xormal. UPHEAVAL IN MIDDLE WEST. Illinois end Northwestern s,lMra Now Molag lutrstlB-nted. Ciiicaoo, Oct The threatened swop pi clean nm tin aeml-prufes. slonals from the football ranks of the middle West began to-day Th,- lati charges Involve I'oltsy ':.-rk. Illinois 1 nlverslty'a Mashv quurterhark. and Butch Scant . rir. axn's star guard. it wns rumored on the campus at Northwestern lotlaj that every effort would ! m-tde to kp -;aik out of tin game with Illinois at lTrbsng t inorron Roooi'ts were that Coauti RUUPki kept I'larU .lit of th" I lii.. Htale nan., InSI tnturdftl hecause it was known thai Ctark'a snutteur stsndini would he Investigated There la nothing dertmte against tin star, hut Illinois preferred noi to take chance on ha, , inn that Ohio s-.atc pime protested the event i 'lark's amaur skirts were r M fotsnd clean t'lark, It is s;,,(. plsjred summet bsseball last summer at Carthagre, Bowen and tSamp Point, OhaUtauqUS Whether- lie received anv- thlng foi playing i- not remains to ie proved. Scanioi. coached Hyde Park High gohool last fail. Tin. Chicago t'nlvoi's Slty authorities promised f.vday to aet tle posltlVSly hefurc ilie season ih much uldsr whether .n 101 he got sny money "Ut of Ii rending settlement of the question, Butch may i.e kept out c, tlte un to-morrow with Purdue to prevent .inpiicationr. WILLIAMS CANCELS ALL RELATIONS WITH TRINITY IVl t.1.1 A si STO W 14 , Mass.. I Id. The Williams College a'.ljctic council all ium. iced mis evening thai it has decided deftulielj i i abandon, after tne . iams-Trlnlty football game to-morrow, a.i athletic relations with the Hartford ciienc. Th,- decision will mean the cancelling of Hie baseball game which was scheduled to he played botween the iwo Institutions mt spring as well as the tennis match which was dated for sonu nine i'i April or Muy. The action oi ilie athletic council has caused no surprise in Willis un circles. Burly this fai; Willlnuis tutliorHlei at tempted to protest quietly t.. t io Trinity authorities ..gainst several men playing on Hie Trinity v. n who were ad mittedly professionals, This endeavor : placate matters with little if any publicity waa met with almost rebuff by 'he Hartford Institution. The fact thai Trlnllj has refused to bscoine a membsr of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association and thai its acknowledged sole requirement f..- rllgiblllty is iiiai a man he a member of the college iii good 'landing was also a reason which told heavily in the decision of the Williams council, I'achV t onal I mane. sn rr.e.lsee I: Oakland, . Salt Lake. I ; !.,, Angeles, I Vernon, :. t orlland. 1. YAMADA BETTER IN FINAL NIGHT'S PLAY Scores 4-88 to lToppe's 500. but Loses Title Mteh by 1.500 to 1.281. BOTH ARE VERY CAREFUL llnsnoN, Ot. 32 William F. Hoppc. Iht billiard champion, defeated KoJI Ya inadu, his Japanese ohAllenger, l.iOO to I. 131, In their match for the 14.1 balk line billiard championship of the world, the flnnl Nock of .".00 points being com pleted after midnight to-night. It was an insurmountable task wblcrh fnced the challenger when play bigan to-night. To win It was necessary for Yamada to malte a goial of 757 points bctorc Hoppe counted li"", the score after the second night's play standing 1 . to 743. The Japanesu did well this evening, hut had practically no chaiico of win ning. At one time he led Hoppe by more than 10" iiolnta for the night's play, but while that furnished enter tainment for the spectators, the ulti mate result was always In sight. Ya mada si'oresj 4s of the lyccssary points liefore Hopp completed hi toird block. Hoth men played very carefully. Hoppe requiring thlrty-elx Innings to Otlrty-flve for Yamadn Hopiw's lsst run was 47. made late In the game, while Yamada's best was :-9 points, made early In the evening. Trie snore: Hoppe It, , 3. 10. 2. 0. a, 1 I 1. t. "Jl. II, :. i. 16. is. :a. . I, It, o. ii, :3, j, til, 10. . 10, II, I. 47. !i. .in, 3 Total, 000. Ai-ersge. 13 ;i. .o ;rsnd total, I, ICS. fJrand average. 15 41-11. remade I, it, u. a, 14, o. st n. 17, i. . 1, :. 0, 4. 40. 21. 3. S. 25. 3. 1. 2. It, 47, II, t S. I. ::. 0, 7. i. 0. Total. 4"is. Average, II ., Urand total, 1231. Orans sesrsgs, mfii-9i Hone tsnqnlahea KalthosT. Pi Nr-i nn ATf, Oct 2? Joseph Htone of New York, making his first appearance here In the Interstate Three Cushion Billiard la-ague to-r.ight. defeated Will lam Kaltlioff, Cincinnati representative, 50 to 34. Stone's high run was five and Kalthoff s four The winner played 9 innings, the loser 95. I STUYVESANT-MORRIS CONTEST READS CARD Chief of F.Ioycii (iiiincs To-day Haa Rearing on Manlinttnii school Supremacy. M HOI TK r. UNTs TO-II.II. KO' IT HALL stui essst Iterrla at Lenos Oval, lommi r. i ej t'onn., itM iv t. Stamford a' Itamferd, WLt Clinton rs, Yonlier.. ar fenkera ; IV M Pluahlns s Si John' I Prp. at lit, hers yield, lr"0 l. Al Manua: Training v. Adelphl al Bbbets Field. : III P. M, Pel) Prep va Hey. Utah Washington Park. Ittl P Yi Rrssmua llsll vs. 'ornmerr(a'. at Com merclal Kit '. .' P U, Bar Ktdga v Brooklyn I'r.p Haw. ri.orne plsld, :l R M st Paul". Morrlatown. it Merrbrtewn. X I Sill I' M St Krenela I'rep , . h, is i nigh, i RldgewotHl, v J.. :ll p. M. ttutgern Prep llamllton Institute, at wesbihgtee Park. 11 A al NOCCBR. ilsnusl Tr.. nlng ri PemmerelaL at. Commert lei Fit Id : i .'. p m Boya High . Da Wit I Clinton, at ro tons l'.rk. 10 P if, raamui Hall Curtli at Parade aroUBd. 2:45 I' M Rvsnder ''h.;..- - Tewnsend Harris, at 'retona Park. in nu a m M.irn- v. . emmeree, a' Pornm'rre, 2:31 P M I HULP. Urestei Nca orw tnterschelsstll in-i dlvldusl Championship Tournament a' Van Park, a A M dtOgg-COL'XTIlT. commerce va Boya High, it Cemmerce. : t- no am Tie Si iiyv. ,.,,.! -Morr.s High amne at Usnog "il features the scholastic 'iH'duie of eleven football games to. flu) Htuyveaant must win to keep In the i inning tor the championship ji Muhllultntl Isle I' has boon defeated already by Ctommsrce and another de. feel will eliminate all possibility of tts! ettrryini the honors The gams should pi ive one of the most gruelling ..f the leason 'iti.- elevens an- o about ei,uai footing, with Morris perhaps having (fie shade advantage as they slse up l. as1 year Morris won by a score ,.f ji to o, hut If s doubtful if it can toll up g (cure as l.,r. this year Tlie scholastic slsvsng Biooktyii also nffor good cards, with tour of th, in .; important games of (he season ov. T e quartet of games having a chain-i P'OIU .; end to thern ai.- Adelphi Acad emy s. Manual Training, Bay Itidge Vs Brooklyn Prep, Poly Prep . Boya Hlgli Commercial i- ICrasmui HalL The hit; game of the day nil ,.. t. M,ulUMi. Aalelphl contest, t.. he played as the' siar attraction of a double headei a BbbetS Field. In the tlrt same Klush-1 in g will line up again-1 St. John's Prop Neither team has been defeated far. and as muUh depends usn tne out Come the players are sure to battle fo' all that Is in them.. Adelphl Won last year by a scorn of 7 i ., t, Incidentally aiding it in winning th.- title of oham pion of Brooklyn To dale Manual ha aliowp bettei form, although MoClave'a .liaises have boon oomlni along rapldl) Bssldes foolbull other attraction an offered m oroas-oountry running, soccer md kolf. The ilreater New fork Inter scholastic Individual golf otuttnplonstlip will he decided over the links ,u Vu i CorUundt Park, beginning ai I a ,i Pour championship soccer games arc scheduled, while Commerce snd Boya High will hold a dual cioss-country chase over the former's course NEWARK GETS SCHOOL MEET. Nnttnnal ( bninplonalilna in He Held al V4 eraaahli. Park Xeal tear. .'s'ewarl will gel i. principal 0u. door event of the Public Schools Mhlelic League in 1 '.) 1 1 to aid In the gjoth an- : niversary of the ssttlemsiii of the ,n At a ineeiing of the high school gaineg committee ..f Hie r s . i, sanction was granled in (hg celebration com- ' niittee t.i hold the national Inters scholastic track and Held championships at Wsequahlc Park on June lo. These games w ll pr de Hie cliamplolislllpN of the Amateur Athletic Union, ailiuh also have been awarded lo Newark for HUH Pur Hie indoor season sanction grani.d io the following organisations lo hold scholastic events : st. John' College A January . John Wana maker Institute March is. Irloli Anieri. can A. i ' . Ntivember 57. The high school cross-country chnm plnui hip w ill h. nm over the Jamaica llign School coqrsi on iJoceniher I ami Ihe clemcuiai y acl I indoor (rack and1 field Championship "ill be held III I Madison Bqutirr ctarden on December I 15. ! DE 0R0 PROYES HIS ! RIGHT TO OWN TITLE PUjri ureal Rilliflrdx in If Mafeli With Slosson und Winn, 250 to 108. ' FJXA L BLOCK IS 50 To Alfredo He Oro played MlllSrdfl o' thg most entertaining variety lag) nkj il a the final block of his three cush H match at Iloyle's with (Icorge I" Blnsson, whom he defeated by a total score of 250 to 206 He tnsde ,"1 to his nppo nent's 14 In the closing session of pla;. De Oro regained the. chaiiiplotisnlg during the week without playing a t , when William II. Huey of ChtOSgO fcileil the title, but he prov-d his rig!i to the crown In the great panic he .lit. plaed all through the BloSSon matc'ts Some billiard followers will lls'latsl something about gg follows : 'The oiit rase of a man being beaten at the othe fellow's game ! BlOSSOn Is a star s balkllne, but a man ,'an't cluuige trorn that game and make good SgalnSt x first class three cushion expert.' Bucll an explanation would be unfa'r to Is.tli men. Sloason really played high grade threg cuslilon, hut TV Oro was great. Johfj T. Doyle and other velfran students w ie saw the match declare De tiro's comblnaa Hon of conception and execution to have, beep almost remarkable. On each of the five nights the chants plon made the designated (0 points-- even In the second Mock, when BloaSOg outseored him by all to SO, mainly be autr of a run of 1". De Oro Iv fpi plny last nirrht with a lead of :'o to T2, needing only to make ,M before . u versary couhl get T. I'nder these rem dltions he was able to take extre ne chances on difficult ShotB without ens danger'.m; his position. Slosson Itrugglsd along as host hg could acainst De tiro's Safety plsy -hlch lie managed to keep in worMng order despite his seekinu to suf slmola taneously. The student continued te play w, 11, thoutrti bis hlsth run ..f Me riliit was only 3--De Oro ran I -but 'e was still sixteen points further behind, when the seventy-two Ittnlngi were over, PACKARD SURPLUS LARGER .Net Increase of fl(MS(BM for th Vtur la sho st n . DsTaotT, Oct. U2. Greatly irc-eaa'd manufacturinB facilities nt the I'm. I.artj Motor t.'ar Company ate shown ifi tho ans nual report of Henry H. Joy, preM.isr.( of the company. Just submitted to t'..S stockholders. Wiiiie ti.e company's revenues front all sources for the year ended August 1 showed a total of 1(,SSS,TI3, the total disbursement! wure lll.llt.ATO, Ineluds ItJIg heavy expenditures on the j.i.n! : self, Pash on hand Angus', "t nmountrd tS ll.t 11,111, against L',4tlS,44 a eei ago. The -urplus "us S,?tt,?4?, a tisl Increase of 11,110,921 for the year Smith Sues N.wnrk for nlsri. XbwarKi X, J Oct 112. Harry mi. th. former ma ,aK'-'i "1 te Newark tram ol the International league, startei ui to-day i.. the Circuit Court for tig damsges against thi club. The money rspressnts unpaid balances unties Smith's salary for I;4 and his . vpe'.ae accounts for mm and lull, Thi ark Baseball ar i vn is- item Cornpans is named as defendant. No answer hsg been tiled by the club. LAUREL RACING RESULTS Kit-' rta. i Balden ts'e-eer-e,sgi pa.- -,10. the and i hslf fur1.ngs4 ijixuin Corn, IIS igchuttlns re stm jag II. 10, else, sh. I J. I ... rir.-i 't nH-Uec, il-' iBUrei. p. a. IS. In, ho 14 IS aeconU. Blsh tsonero, ii; iBustont rio itl.TS, third Tine. 1.11. MuOlotuSSl Vldet's Brother, Smoothbore tlmilc Miss Phllbln and IHs L also ran S, o. 1 Itac Itantlh.ip, t - a : esJ . ,a pur-.' IHS; six furloilga la-t .' ' r. aa lie (Burling amel, atralgbt, :o .s. Is. -how Hrsi . Disturber, ' H. , piece t4.!o. sh.ov &.ie, second, I trla. II! tMcAteel, ahon 11.10, hi'i rme, '.:.e. Malfuu. Uold. n and ' ilty ai-.. rsn. Third Race Per ell age. . .--a lieu, .nu inllc an. I twentl 'tp.n- w . leu "'aupcri. arraisht It. 7... p. . K s -h..w j.a. nrsi Bamboo, i .a . pla.e big. TO, saw. Ii :.o. lecand, .....14 ..mi. tor. fklnk), shos j s. third i . lr.'.i t-;. .Mis Mctllggle. tValloon, Uv ' Rlebards, Bavans an.i Cotton T ' run Fourth Race Thr resr-oldi .rae 1116; on. mile Noureddln, '."7 Pafrlri ton., straight !! te. pises in. out io sh nrsi . lie win. io; i BiCahcy i ; .. I- ' uut to slew, ascend i Ragle, IS! leiudalh out to .-how. third. flm . II II- . T. inf..- ana lialk.. also ran It. I. ' s Shed third, hut via- iltaqusllHe.1 t- . Plfth Race Pet all ago; selling . r,oa; ene ntHe and twenty mh- h.i. town, io', (Turner!, atratght II e ahon S. v. Bnjtl l.olv l.otld. '1 i Mlnki, place I;: , i t. ti -lioo.t CouiiKet, is tlouder. -' 1.14, tnlr.i. Time, 1:41. Itoasli. lrm. Mil ret Revelry Jams-, inn 1. and Urmead -al run. sisth Us. . rhree-yesr-sidi .. . sard; sefllngi purse laOOi una nv I a alaseentk aleteor. i- -xi . straight li.19. lrie a. l- lirst; star nf Uove, t"l (Furell. I" 10, abo ...ii. aeeondi Blck'a I 4 il'in.. .-a.... 11.10, third. Ttm ' I i h t. on Boron, Utsr Bleu, ivrtii .si Belfron also ran LAT0NIA RACING RESULTS I.ATOMA. ffy.. ii. c .1 ,. . S ale the rsSUltS "f la .i.iv . r Plrst Bscs- M ini, ni : , vi ., .. ril ing! purse IHOMl one mil" -lie. 1 ls sou. InT I Pool I, straight a. 10, pla i- show IS. llrst: Jan. ink:.' I I ' bun). Disc. It. 10, ihow II ft. -. r , 0 a. k. in; .Metcalf.. ihow I:, third I'I . Iil.l-i Rinily It. .lennie Smal -. a Hoy, Uueiti o in. Miai. Innovation I Trout Pl al-.. rjn. Hoeond Kai e Threesyeer-eldj 41 purse I'.uo; one oule and a '' ' l.'hrlatlc, ill ittentryl, atralgbi l ' plaoe II. sine, ; nr.-'.. I.itt I. IS! (Pool), piece 14.10, ahoa I wnd . syri.m, in iconnellri, ' third Tlair, I 4T I 5. . Mill Plrlder, HI ok Thorn, Broom Bnuey Maker, Hhyneaa an I I . if t an. i ii Is-, i Rae Twa-i esr-eidi l purse 1000; mil.. Isinlsa .- I illoblnaonl stralghl 1st. no, pla ' ' lien II I. II, nret; Vei. it io. .ii. i e IllflO, -U,.n 11.40. . on,l ; II-,-.-' V" i Ml 'Mutt i. -how 1 0, ratio i ll ... Infidel li . Bat par--. . " llna. Uipai Blair, llai i ilardnei is at., I old Charter a'-., . ,i fourth ii... a Handl i i h ": olda and upward! bursa suoo ens ini a 4 a furlong -In-. Samuel I' siralgut 110.10, piuei . ... ho I ' Water Blo-..t i I ' I . M-.nn I, nisei ' lips l-'.;o. arcoiiil! l.a IP' I Henri anon II 10, Ihlr.l I line ' Kinbrulderr, Hronseslng, Haul ' and lue sirp ,,:-o tun Plfth llgl I - Thro ve ir ol.l- war. I; selling, par- 10001 ' A mason, 111 . pool .. at rail it I It. snow ;., flrat ; t'ouiiiiii r- ' ' i Bel ibs), pla, e in in -ii . . . l'r i 'iir'nen, 114 t ,a I'alllci 1 ihlr.l. Time. 1 1 1 l 5 t,.i i Mal l ' UOOSby und Silver ,i,...' SIM,, 'i.,e Knur .eo otdl 'J sarq; aeliiug. puree I is I - Afllt) ('urdl .. krese 1ST " ' (iifidv alrsighi III. In nu e f i ' ill, Ural Transom I 101 i: ' plaoe bow no io iSJ it'unticllyi hnv I H I line, 1 11 -...1 lira,. . nor, i.o.u li Handel, n tumha, Bud eld. soli r. sini Aelresa md llei . a.. . nevonth llaca una idle I aids . tin fom . ear e. lolling; pur-.s inm jsnu' .. ( Hon in .. s p. in, ., III, n'arl,-l. , , i I 1. ,10: s irpaaalng, in. iMm nl.; third Time. Phi tj.j i..,., 0 !SM' ',rnae. I .uuiae, II Mis- Thorpe, stanlar s. and i i ii " man also ran.