Newspaper Page Text
r TALL APARTMENT FOR 57TH STREET JfVj Syndleata Bays 61 Foot site Opposite Cftl?fta Hall. A MM V N OA I.T.KRY LEAKED T'ii- BrM QoOd OOlRfMliy ha "old (; i .., four ftory t rn .v n-' , ffogjf, tttlllflfl 't III to 1S! Went M fly ejrenttl ntrret. on I'M RS.KxIOft.R, fur llgpfOtffl I "ith a thirteen story airt- ma.,t lious. Tlio hultig synilirate In liraiVI by Edgar A. tatty, who him I fed In hlh ClaM apartment em it ruction for many years, both In the ner I'atU gttntjg section and on tho upper West Si'le. The property In re folded ! nTnd by the ttAtl of Hen rt.l'i Si.tei'Serpr, Klrhiril Pl.len- b. r . d i : -i t-i t a. Brown, gitd in Wctttri diagonally nppotit the t gat trip ejid of i'.ini'H:e Mill. The brokgn re port thai the irlllnf pri.e oai about tl,AoO On t:ie property at 16.1 and !$; 1 1 ti at (null .i DVfl story building, mO ,,f ghlcn will he ttudloi for the tuchlux of Claatlcal and t;illroom danr Uif Uld klltdrtd artn Thin hull. Una; II I , ba erected by Lotlll H Chat If, the KlMlan dancing leachtr, As It In sep anti'l hy in 1 f t dwelling from the lite nf the propone.! apartment, the latter gtructuri li Miwtd unoba true tad light from Hut i- If. : the cunt ar dwi-li-!ni two . gi il licit, ami bi t tVKST I4TH BTRB8T The l,uwyer Mortgaga Company has eoM to the Sanderson Conatruotlon Company 111 Went tilth etpxd. a six story apart ir-nt house, on plot, e- twtan Broadway and AVmitardam avo-au-' The buyar limnadlataly raaotd 0M property to an unnam.'.l realty roaipatij AMnTRRDAM AVBNUB Tha Haven Coral ru "ti Company h.ia raaold to the Adnine i 'onstnirtlon t'ompany. gdotptl In, Blmon ptenldent, the plot, IT.IltOa, at the northwest rorner of Ajpjtefdam avenue and -14th ntre'V The -it., will ba improved with a five itory aparunanl houne. VALENTINE AVKSCK Tha Rnslgu lmpriAetnent, Company, Joaaph a. Dirnaey, prtaldent, hai nouaht from tlje irttfua Corporation fotif lota on t"e treat ide of Valantlna avanua, "'.'. feet south of 114th n'reet. The com- pany haa procured from "he New York T:i. Ipanranca Company a huildina loan of TO000 for the ere. t ion of two I ft .ii.-'. five story aptrtmentn on t site. IIOHKIS AVENt'K W K W 1 Brown have aol , for the J. vv. OornMi Conat ract ion Company to an Invaator the tar new five atory ainntioetit bMj!t at ti.e n.rtlie.iat ixirner uf Mor ne avanua ami Mount Hop plaoa. The romar houne otx'upien a plot on the 11 1 . 1 avanua houne waavrlnB la the two having a total frontaca of 1 2." feet The banana e now oeinu oomplatnd by the a'iera. 'Wing two of a row of four on the Morrin avenue front batwaan Mount Hoi-.' pl.u arid 177th atreet. BAKNUs AVENUE Joaaph A Waa atrman haa aotd for a BcbntbM Hia o . family daratUnB ,n plot 31 2 14 T '.-i tha eaal n..le of ltirr ea ivf ane. II '. feet noutii of USth street, to an investor gETi.N AVKXVB Joaaph A nn haa aotd for Q, llalpni the plot 60x: 10,' OA ti e e-int aide of Baton ave nue, 10(1 fe..' norfh of ;j:i.l street (Nataoc aventie for improveuient. Pit; DBMAVO POR II ivt N I.OTti A pkt of thirty lo'j fronting if1" faat n the eat r.!e of Hohvanaotady avanua at 2n feet t, t r.ion .nd Hraantant'a MftaU haa lner. .nod for Cacllta H I'ohl it M. C. O'Brien to :i builder, w ho will -ran n-x'een family apartment on the tile The name broker VOW for llyman Karp 1 lot 100x100 fet on the weet side of "lilt lallll avenue, ao'lth tf l'resi lent atraat aa a nlte for ten th-ee ntory bttitd I gi Another btllMar hue Ixi'ii.".: tna northaagt corner of Baataro Parkway tad Albany avenue, a plot 10.1 by 11 11 'at. a a i te for three atory dwelling Mtn atorea from IWhan?d aVhaffnar. The wrr.e broker sold for Abraham Kaplan to a bull ler 11 plot ISOllkO feet on the noutii aide of st Joima plaoa for Im provement with three Itfty foot aimrt-nert.-. fther n.Uen by St. C. O'Brien ire Kor A K. Ie Jiiun iilot 100x140 et ao'j .1 'le of St. John s pl.we, eaat "f K'i aenue, for I Caroline Wilnon "lot 40k 1 00 fool no: in aide Avenue J leur Kant Fourteenth ntreot : for John I. Kllcouraa two aton datnohad atone iHretting aoutn tide Carrotl ntre t nr Rogan ivenue; for Horman .1. Bhooka :"o tf dwellirtg at 101 St. John a ;'. for Keahtn-Blltatatn Company grea atory double tut 7! St. Johna ' for Joaephina K. Bro-ne four atory double Hal :.! Cambridge plara : rr ,fI q Bpien three atory more M dwelling N not rand avnua to Hai 1 . . K'-: r and In conjunct ton with N" I r i .itii.. II ollnier four partment ai l.'in Cnlon atreet. M. later Btilldara hae gold 1137 NWeiily.flftl .; , and o-ie-half lorjr el I ollon tlla dwelhng Charli i M ll) r ha nold 3?4, 3S ind ' irvit k avenue, hear Clntafl ave W, tin .. ihri fan ly dwalllngg, aaeh -l Jot 15x100 feet Tha purrhaeer ! an tivntur I va'g in Tin- Bronx. h' ' ' :.i I 11 half atory find baae " ' fi ant dwelling at 4r.A hi been Mid hy Charles o- I: to . a for a client, tu Mi 1 Do gherty, Tn 111 11 i) i, VVOODMBHR LOTO, '' 1 II Mandonald haw sold or it- en 1 Conatructton Company ' Hln n v 1 1 by two plota on Bur avi . W mdmei , L I., containing ,r loti t Immadlata Improvement 'J t i' ymeni the purchaaer gave a C'rei ent stn-et. Long Inland AWt u BRIOHTWATMM) The I' 11 Jneltaon Company haa nod 0 . II Fenherg the nmtheaat corner n dear p .. e atul Wlndnor avenue, Wlglilwatera, Hay Shote, I, 1., a three aory ' . residence with varait r" Mhei h i l l nan on plot lBOxtOO, I h rough to' the Hrlghtwatern " l The lelleri acquired thla-prop- "v ' Judge William A. Aach lag! tprll UN mi un i him. DWRiibura. Ti tateH have nold an oere a tu m ,rr,,.. Hill utUi .. rjlwur.) Oi I. In ... l. I. ll. L..IIJ 1 Nil ' 1 " Will IIIOII1 U '"'' ' lal ratldanca on th site from mat by Patteraon Dula. 1'VS BdOtOOO HI DION KHTATK. l'lxli .1, Mervln huve nold for the Mtati "' Hei rivtta C. BrlnclaerhoS Hn property : a irhorough, oonalatlng of ten aorta, wdenea and outbulldlnga. XWl plncc MJo 1 t,r entate of Walter W. Law, . KVerll Ma. y mid Mm. fi, H. A' hellK and ii miderad one of tha Anaal proti Mtaat ti ,. Hudaon River gentian, The Jyliaei Chiirlea P. Rnmnoti of thin CRT The priaierty waa held at 140.000. DEALERS IK AXTMAN GALLERY. 1 Flam TaUea l.eaar of Home of Th. finn nf -anpgMa of iiHri,, art v-iaicri, have leuaed foi a long term of , it o former rt gallery of the late' SJS n"t of ritth avenue. The re. Idle fort"rlv ndJoHed the AttMBtl i.-'ien.',. rifln avanua corner, l-lnim a Co. The xallerv wo n.ory struoture and I, UlZ ,,;,"' r"' ,p" yn at a rental ,.r 11,1. Itaaiaa am ' Af'"r Mat " " '"''"I'V the entire btttld Vni ;.",'"" or '"'''. It In H e , a S i. " !lL,n b "" W-Wblllon of os.,1 Je r'"'" ,,v " . Amiri T .".hlbl " lan Ami rh ati Bxpoa tlon. The gallara otmpg a ptoi liiioo, Ptiwry RENTING IN DOWNTOWN ZONES. Hle . T,k Hrn.O,r R.IU. n for a In., Term. 1"'"""t n'ttirgrg Bupply It" h' il m;",y v",r" " '-""i wraat, haa leaeed from roluMMa ciiene I X Itory huildina- at 101 Mnd 50 -. ,,,. agtandlng through ,,, m,., , ' "r ':':" "'" " 'hnual rantJaJ of $J...nno Thg ntrurture orru- 2u (t' "n, 4:" r" Broa.1 ay witi, a depth of 2110 feat between alt'.'r In . "fwrtB! '""" KNtennive he made ' " rtly W,.l,a,r, A White A BOM have rented 1'h ' " "4 BrdWy to the Homa 1 Ponograph Company 1 nrt lofl tLXlm. VI' Wh"- ". "I'imb" ( ompun) . aaeond loft at 14a SSh 5 '.'''"." Is"'"r and with J ., Uln.e A . (ha neeond loft' pany to com- Tim Charlaa k. N-pye, cmrany hnn w '! "i on the nventh floor of 1(0 Mdway to Marahall Bnyder and ai- " t A. Sarafan; offlcaa . :t7 and Ubarty street to Fenton V Crart, audi a portion ,.f the leventaanth tior of the Mason,,. HuildinK. 71 Went Twenty-thlrd s: to 'he PamotM Playen exchange lOUla Kemiitit'r A- Ommb ... a mi . - ....or. .0 .iinyern Tiatur have leaned the atore at iltx Broadway to Adolph Hir.-h. menu fur nlaher, for a term nf four vear Th- nrm of Uonard .1. Carpenter han leaed for the estate of William C rVhermarhorn the more ,,,) baaamanl at .. 37s and 3D Lafayette street, corner of creat Jonea street, to the RUhop-Babcoek-Becker Company for a lerm or yearn. atannlng & Tmrk and William B. May r,, nave leaned the busement atore In ".s Weal Fortieth ntreet to the Mlaaai Doroth) Bteala and Louise Coi- well for a tea room. Clarence IUne. who reeentlv houirht the building projected for the touth- aaai corner of rirth avenue and Vvrty third atrect, han taken office! In the building adjoining nt rifth avenue so an to wat. h the conntrurtion of hln I". 1 litix. which he liouith! from the plans. Spear A Co. have leaned the fourth loft In L'S nnd 30 nt Twentv-thlrd street, the former Stern ntore. to lra ham . Matlaek for a term of eara. The Cnnn Brown Company han leaked the ntore nnd baaamanl at II Went Seventeenth ntreet to r N Fletcher and -: I" the building nt ! Kant Fifty. ninth ntreet to lieotse s Hirst and M. K Button JullUI Friend. BdWgrd M I.ewl Com pany has laaaad to Hermcd Ievlne a Boor nt al-lol Madlaon avenue, to the Caring S.cmw Company, a floor at Kant Tenth ntreet. and n floor at IIS Prlnoa street to the laurel Waist House. T e Lot on 11. Blawaon Company han based npn -e in the Arena Building. 40 Went Thirty-second ntreet. to lieorK" Rykea, builder and contractor; In the Pullman Building, 17 Madiaon avenue, for C. l. Crater the panthouaa to w. Harmon Heere. archltaotl In the Burr-ll Butldmg, 171 Madison venue, addi tional space to Col. tleorge Harvey, editor and publlaher of the .Vorfn itmeri ran Bevteir, and In the Flatlron Build to the stone Van Dreaaaf Company, art- lata and llluatratora, who have been lo- itad for t-'ii worn on Went Twenty I it:ith ntreet. Thlg pnce corryirlnen two-thlrdl "f the flfteen'h floor. Baatlna A Co, an aaentn of TS Fifth an ue have leased the flr-t loft to tla Bellpae Button Company and the nlvth loft to lnalor Braunateln. Hit; ISTH sr. SAglAOa Hi:TFn. M A T. TIenn ha e lenned from the plam for Jamee J, Hlordon to Mnrrln Regall a two ntor' flreproof garage to he built at 4tl to 4T.4 Went Kiehtecnth street. It will cover ft plot IlllxtS, af fordlng apace for the n'oraite of about SS0 commercial automobllax. Plana hava been prepared by Jamee s Maher. ar hltect, and conntruction work will he beitun noon. The building will hn ready for occupancy by April 1, 10U. Tha leaae In for a term of ten yearn and In volves a rental of 1100,000, PI CK" TO MOVE Mllll II. I'u' k. it comic weekly owned by NU than Straus, haa taken a long term lease of the nixth floor In the old Mark Crns.n Building, nt 210 Fifth avenue, opposite Madison Square The publication haa uplad Its preneiv home at Lafavette and Houston street- since 1 8 77. at which 1 time It was founded by Keppler A Bchwartgmann. Mr. Btraui became lta owner about two yearn afro. TAKKS A ASTOB IV1 FII.I.LVO, F.d ward Wargollee haa leaned from William Waldorf A-tor the four atory; dwelling at C". Madison avenue, adjoin-' Ing the northwest corner of Thtrty-flfih j treed. The Louse is le;L,.ri for a long term of years Mr Maraollen will re ' ncdel the huildina Into bachelor sullen of two rooms and bath. The lessee now haa elRht of the Astor hounen on that blooh under leaae, the combined proper ties meagurlng r.s'-'"0. RmmfoTo irmi i- iioBOKK.v. Tha Remington Anns Company of ' Bridgeport Conni one of tha largest munition manufai-turern In the country, :s Mud to have secured under a long term lease the twelve atory bulkllng, , h rn a Unit D, in the Hobokan Ter-1 n rial factory group, put up by the Hti vena estate Tic building contains .: nquare fael of space. The Ru- land A WhHIng Company and Floyd H. Corbln were the brokers. I ITV nUKIJJXil H H -N TED. Worthtngton RThitahoua baa eubiet ' for ' Kverit Mm v to Walter D. Pen- egra of Mancheatar, Mass , 37 wx I F fiv-sixth street, a five story dwelling belonging to Bllaha Dyar. Tha houno w 1- held nt a rental of !7i00. The Durona Company han leaeed to Al bln Cha.ntanler and Jean Corrnge the four Htorv and baaement house at 32!' 1 West Fourteenth street for a term of vear 1 111 BO ti ft Taylor have leaned for the estate of Louie Hlel the brownntone 1 front dwelling at 500 Went 14th atreet ton Mra. Spit. I Penac ft Killman have rented furnlehert for Chailea W. Romeyn the five itory American baaement dwelling at 63 Kaet sixty-fourth atreet, adjoining the north west comer of Park avenue, to Charlee a. Frank. ... 1 Hhaw ft Co. have leaned for Kathleen K. Ilonahue the three ntory and baae ment dwelling at 2 Mount Morrla 1'ark Weat to Charb-a A. Doelaer. I.KIHKH WKaTt llKXTKB IIOWR. i I Kish ft Marvin have rented for a term - . . , , -w- - - ,.t 1 ' 11 ni hi r Win!- rumuineq 100 new - na at Lawrence Park, Bronxvllle, to Mra. Paul lirvla of thia city. ! 1.. n.woonwoHTii roMisra 11r.1t 1: I M Morxentbnu Jr. Company an , nounoaa that U t. Woodworth of Roch 1 ester ha been ele.ted a director and I vice-president of llm company. Mr. woodworth I p ran Ulant of the ram k- tute AaaiM'iaiion 01 - --- Turk. TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. Tg,AsiarrK. 'WI1I1 name and addr.R ef lender and I attorney, if attarnaFa nami la amtttad i addraat party of ear end rant 1 Downtown 'Smith nf Paarieanta n 1 WATBH st i.i.i. t, tv ,H,r BcamraeJ -t II leva 'va Annie Martin, Vew llrlleln. conn, tn n 1. Chatftetd, llarifard. Conn, mtg 114,110, June 21. allye, IVeeke Mr..-. 41 Wni nt II nATKB sr. 410, n a mr Bcamfflfl t till 94.lttlXl4.4i4- Them 1, A Mnr .1 hatn. i,i. Hirtford, conn, to Alter Rneenberg, Hartford, '''11111. mtg ln.c.o. Jim- IS; utlyn. Weeks llro-. r. William t II TH sr. 1117 K. 11 , Mi.S; 4lh et. I"i' B, II e s. ;-.xH8;; 4th nt 111 K. n e s. DDI :; 4t, r(, 112-14 E. i . Ie0 w 1 nt 11 ,1.'.. ' mil lltlAti nt Jll IV n n. ":,u Went Kml av, te I tntg ;-,:.0 Jo- K ."i age, true I "III Hy Knet.el to ntatr of Henry! Kn. l.el. Inc. Walt it, Oct II. I'll ST. u: v. a n. 40H 4 w 4th av. , '"'ivIOlJ Bllen C MrManiii to Helen Norrle. iTemdent nt. Helyn. all 1 llenn. o t : Bt t . T (4 Co, 17 Hroi.l '"' 1100 I4TH ST. n n. 7ii s w 2d av. ll.lttOt l ' Herman w Hoop 10 Bill Anger sts Bl I4(h nt. mtg III 000. .1 t. all lleni. Ool atty, It Hn, leaning. Jr. Ui Hruad ' 1 100 Kant side. 'Kant of Fifth nv between fourteenth and limn Ma) 1 siT ST HO 1:. n a, ;.o . M (. - . M.0 Carl a Raaeob, 111 Ftllmori pi. vv eel new l ark, n j. to (Telle Ooeper. c 1 - ITalen m. Bronx, mtg at: llena, Oct II; atly, Herman Arum c. ill W lid at po AV. w . 24 1 n 4int et. J4.iii' daa L Mortg c.. 10 11 M .'..netr ''o. ; I I0M -t, mtg l:o. ooo. a ft e "et I Htt. t i; ce, i7i; sway 1100 LBXIXOTON AV, n n mr r..'.tn it. 2r,7it 1:1 ..' mtg I " "", :.;,i -t l w, ai title, mtg- ilia all property, real ft peraonat. mtg-, nt.e-kn. monevn. ; e. rill" grantor muter the term" of the ' lael will of Phllln letter, deeeaned- An- 1 Ola J ilruner ta H s. ha. f. r. Hreenwl.-h. I "'.n. ft Frederic J Mlddlebrnnk. .".J I ctn 1 v. n truiteea .luring life ,f grantor I -'. Ideed of tru'i, nil llenn, li.-t .. . I .'!.V.V'" ari s. 4 ceder i. ...II 40TII ST CI, B. 11 - 111 w 2d at. 20t 10 1 Mmnle T Brown to Amelia O, Oi at hi i Wentnehi. N .1. mtg ill 000 Oct la att, a M Leelne, : Rector. 0 1 ST ST n .. Il w ,t ,,, ;Si :, -B.i . nam Mehthaueer " Jacon .Mercj. 271 armln- ... 1, r t and I, nil lie,,.. l 1 fail. I Oeelherxee. Ht.ty It 1 "" rH T. 1 K. a -. in e .V-h av. lev 100 11 M it 11 fjf ni 1 , to Helen, "ire jaeon Koenlgeherg, 1 B IMUl ' mjg 427 1100. 11,. t II a'tv N Y T I ro, 1 I Hi ay . 1100 lOTTH T. .:: R n - 110 d jfa ! I"" II Bmmi A Mathew to lirtvtn Hnrrv of Maplewood, S J. all ll-na, Oct I attja. Paraone. C ft Mot, J2 Wm l I c side 'Went of fifth av. between fourteenth; mi l 1 10th nta 1 ITTR st :i vv. n a. tal s-h aa, atgll 1 (foreeloe, Oct 1-Mitchell Mav ref. to I geooklyn Kav Bank, iti Plerrepont at. I Ba rn, tvt :n. aevn. nlnhenck hun nett. 14 Wm al .,, I "I'M sT u. ,, . w K,,,l u. II 4 1044 Jlinnle T Brown to Amelia Bam a M , ot WeetfleM S J. mtg in into. te4j 20i atty, A M l.etmn, : lie. 1 at a) ST. n " H' ' Went Knd av. 'l ! I tt. I Milan Mult Koeeell t.. Kran-.i f MacUermoit. 121 w Mtn t. o r. Julv '4: at4y, 1. tattling, .14 I'm et. 11 ; I plow n. 'Manhattan lilano, north of 110th It I 1 1 1TH ST. Itl-lll W. n a .Jill w gl Klchotal it. lltilll.U- II4U) St ar t jth Av Canetn ' 1 1 laldor Tieia. i l.enoa av. m-g 1I0,0, 1 . t 21 att' aemuel 1 OoMnerg, S7 UberUr nt'..iii" IUTH sr. no R, , a. Ill e 24 av. Ill 100 11 Man Solomon ref to lwla vj Janen. at Newport. It I. tvt II. atty, L T Co. Ino Hway. . f 1 3 nan RAMH PROPKRTT Ie-l- g Jenei to An tonio Maetromaaaeo, 312 K 1 1 lta at. Oct IS. attyn. Baker ft 11. Ill K Itlet t 111,101 IUTH ST. int K. n . 2S Park v. i!7 3 100 1!. tlth nt. Ill V7 a a. If. I e Pork av. - Ketnteg laeome R-nit -Carpn to net MrKee, J24 Bedford av Itrooklvn. mtg 111,114) June 21, attv- Jno J Robtnaon, III Hwav i ItID ST. B, n a. :ln e Id av. l-nl00 11 fforeelea Oct III Hi W Pall., k. ref la leahel 11 Woodford, 11 w llttj it .! .2. aityi. Woodford, H ft B 1 Madleon av, 17.400 TTH AV. e .. s n i:th t. :ilh -The Tflimun Co ta taloaa Holding Corpe. CI Park Row, m'g 127 inn'. .s,-ji S; a'.t,. J II Zi-ner. 41 Park It 41 IUTH ST. - lit 3 e av. I li ft 11 has Realty c to Bernard Rat kowiky. Sa v' lioth nt, mtg Izt.uoo, s part Oct 2: att... Hen! M Levy. ...' Liberty at MM 141ST ST. (II W. n a. IS'.' I St Niche' an v. 14 4t 11 Peter K Tallman 10 The, a I. Davie, at Atlantic Highland, N J. mtg I' . "0. ii. t 21 II Rroni. i Borough of The Rrnnt WAkHINOTON av. I 111, a. x1ll - Marie RohHieoa to Thomas Freatoa, Jr. Ill Alexander av, mtg lll.ftll, Oct .a. ally, T yreaton, Jr. :i:i Aleaander av 1100 PROSPECT AV - n. 244 in 11 e Huiii st J7'ivl00 Arthur N (lelgerlch, ref. t-. I .aw vet n Mtg c... r. Liberty et, Oct III Itty, Cary ft C. '.i Wall t Iioo I. '''IS 2 ',.i ;i blk 2. mail nee 1 Bathgate Hei -John II Ham-. "i. ref, to lle-ier J M..irln.m. 43f. K li th st. mtg ll.ono A'lg 24. atty, W T Matihlea. 10 K 17".th it g 1 00 IUTH ST n a II n w Hiona Bout. iTR x iTeg. rontalni 4 .V7i aTen- Jan K Wab ter to BroBX Parkway Commlaalon. 100 Hway, lie:, altv. Broni Parkway Com mlaelnn 4.2I ITITH ST. n a, 111 vt Prospect av, 7:9'. Jacob Bloom Rltv Corpn to Ja. oh Hl.,..m, Ikll Clinton av. mtg I4S. "0". Oct 11, uttv, M,.rii Berkowlta, "4 Hway lion JA' KHUN AV. w e. 114 2 11 lllll at. tlx v'. Heiui 111 KtCkmiinn to Henry J Tuerlpel, Freeport, I. I. mtg 4,lll, o I '.. uttv. Chan Hrandt, Ss NaaikU il II Ft'tTON av. a w c UTth at. Ilxl;. I - I Herald J Barrv ft ano, earn, to John Byrne, 111! Franklin av. m'g 111,11, Ocl 21. atty, A ImmeriTinn. Hit av 119,1011 , CROMWRLL AV. w ". 40k n M'.th et. I 111.2x121.11- Harriet a Ver Planch '" Idlllun gtlmit, T4i Trlnltv av. Oct 1 1 a'ty. THAT (Jo, 170 Hway Iti LOTn 14 ft 57. map Metropolitan Ben! r-t Aa-n- Jan Werlhelmer to Alice W ' lirvfooa 1 ''. W 7th at ft ano, Oct 1 '. ; 1 atty. Kitrlruan. f A it. II Broad - lion . SAlVBHIDnn AV, n i. v 10 a Trnvn at. 21 11X117 4. to Werthelmer 10 Allen w Dryfeoi 111 Wllih it ano. net 111 atty, Kuriman, F ft Q, 2.". nr.... 1 , et Ill l.i TS :.'.' to II, 00 to a. map Wm Conper ulao lot- 34l ft ll. map Hnlght Bat ' 1. Bapoleon Levy to Aar.m vvo'tr, 11 w t, Dec 31. late : atty. Aaron Wolff, I 1 3 w th et it l.nTS 111, II" 111 and 114. nap Mori; Slirn. lv Bllot -Melville Co to Volae, lar kin ft Kenny ('"iin'.n Co, 173 W 231a nt. mtg 11 111, o-t II; erty. B itoiph. ss-. f 1 77th nt MoTT AV. e II. I n 150th nt, 17 7alHn Julia A f ita-44ltiinnn to Jane T Pit-; Plmoni et ai. Mott av; atty. Julia A Ftla-glmone, .'.'.'2 Matt av oif, leiTS 1:11 ta 134, map Koch homestea.l , viarv s huh lo W gehuh. 1011 HI Paul'i av, ""t 21; atty. 1, II Mapea. ill 1 V'lilge rd p IS'TS 11. li M.v. name n,op ,1tm, I., Margl K liver. 2032 St PauJ'a p'. Oct It nam., atty j lt4TH ST. e ti r.74. mail .Melr.we So, I.VglOO Dor I'rank to Wm Horn. iu ft 1'lth at. July I, mtg 1.1. 000, am T c, ft T C". 11 Bway l 12TH sr. n , at ill:, iiiilp trnktaaort, lolslll-- Alex Karlla. ref, to petr fun- ean. 1011 KHth nt, Oct 21; atty, T 'I ft T ' '", 1 Til 11 fay 1100 IIOHRflAN AV. n w a, lot map Beet Trenmnl. It n a 1 To; alao Crotona Parkway, a e n. part lot 1V aame nvap latrlp'i. 230 utao Crotena Parkway, e a, 84 1 n isoih -t, roiin e 1,1 x ii 76 1 a w O.S a n to hag - Joe Cohen to II P ft S ( Cfyatal, Inc. 47 Went at, Oct t; attv, I rntermeyer. 37 Wail et... 1 HTTH ST. n a, !" w Fulton av, 14 11x00- Clenald J ajarrj and ano, exra, to Brneal Wagner, till l-'rankiln av, Oct 22; gtty. I. T ft T Co. 100 Bway 4.1, lio MORTOAIlP.g. iWI'h nima un.l avldrena of leudar and lemler'n nttnrniv.l llownttiwo. (South of Fourteenth at. I 4TH ST. 107 E. n a. 110 lat av. Ill II, 1 Batati "f Henry Rnahel to Tit " i; ft T en. 170 Hroadwiy. Oct 21. due. Ac, per bond It), noil 4TII FT. 109 K. n :i-jr. w it Ham to unit, (rt CI, dug, . , ooo i n ii, S00 a 1st v. 2; a trine, t si. hi. a i no iti i ns (! tumil . . 4TH HT, 111 K. , -Heiiun to pr hii( JA-NK HT, fl i". 9 . 10 lliiflson M, 11. fix 1lny Our DOW to Hum I KMltP, HiAg ftld. f'unn. Oct 1. rUrtiHrid. fun: it ni r M N;i inn ii t $1,010 ISTH HT, 111 Wi n I, 409. w t h sv, infliclOIS Hln Ncrrln to Phlltp V HtMiworth. hi Siirlng valltjr, N Y. Oot 21, dun. u per lmnd ; atty, T CI Co, 17 Bway 10.000 Rut Mid f. ( Ktt of Fifth av, bt win Fou r t n th ana lioth ats. 21BT HT, n s. ir.o w Id hv. 2) nmii. Malvern Ilulty 'o tfl Katt KederriiMn 24 lnoi hv, Oct 21, pr tnla $!4.000, 1 yr. fi pr; atty, I.T Oo. 10 21 AV, '..'. w n, 34 n n 4lm st. 24.9i.ii0 If M Cnnstn t'o to I.Hwyorii M ro. l.'J I Arrt V Mt, Uei 21. ilui, A h pi honl; atty, T ' CO, 1 7 4J Bwy. ;0,ll0 10fTII HT. n . 10 flth av, 40x100.11 -li)a KoalDafbtrs lo Mutual UU ins THE SUN, SATURDAY, Co, si Cedar it, Oct II. due ae per bond 127,0.11 Went Side. (WOM ef fifth gv, between fourteen"!! hd 1 10'h Bin i I ITR st n -. .'19 e 0th IV, t7x 9 ja i. Corning hi Itntoa Dim Bav ilk. 701 6th av. Hit 22. due, ('. (in pet bond: ntlva. Woodford, H ft B, 1 Mall Ion av 111,000 IITH ST. n n. ;:.'. vv Mb a v. tl.OalOO.a - Morrl- Mlxel to I''k II Coerr, ' I. Hal r'. (n t ?'.', pr mtg II" ooo. due laly Ii, p r; attvn. BletO H. Iti Hw-av M.lll S4TH ST 141 VV. a Michael J Sc.'. ion to Franklin Brewing Co, 414 flunk ing a". Hkivn. demand 0 p c, October ill till- I ptnwn. 1 Manhattan Inland, north of lioth et ) IUTH st. n a, IM B 2.1 Antonio Maatramonaco to Lewi w Jonea. Newport. 11 I, Oct 11, i rn, i. P ". atty, I. T Co. 100 Bwgf 19. "00 VBRMILTBA AV. a a 201 e 204th it. .'.Oa III Beiker Hull Mug ' orp'n lo Nellie Warnar, ituffaio. v. 3 vra, t p . t; tt atty. T (I Co. 174 Hway. 142, OiO Bronx. 'Borough of The Bronx 1 VALBNTINK AV. n w e iMh et. r lxi n m rvmatn rn to Bagrem Buy Oa, 1 1 f Ba-av, pr mtg 4H.ono 3 yta 0 p 0 atty. T ii t Co. its Bway ll.oon V A I. UN TIN K AV, .417, vt . r.olon -Same to an me. pr mtg ll' .OOO. Oct 21. 3 yr- I P e, altv. anme 14.000 LOT III, map Varlan Bit John Miller io Mi. haei Drlaeolh III "h ay, Qel II, 3 irn. 0 p e. attv. Brown ft F. 1" Wall nt II. iti I "is lo 110. Ill A lit. mep Mvrln Shr.tdy Voir.. I.arkln ft Kennv I'onCil (" inc. to Bllot-Melrltle Co. Maahaeset, I. I. 'lit 21. 3 rn ;. p c; atty. I: M S'r.oig II R 1 1 t)i -t 11,141 NPoffORO av. n n- , Barrett! it, In 100 11 . Bantone to W Medd.nigh Pim mug. lint Clinton av. Oct It. .hie ae per l and, atty, c:. ke, K ft It. Ill B llflh t 41.110 l.'T 4 map Thompiaja-Roee Bit Lulgl Magnotta to Celeitl Smith, 429 U IPall t. ("t 21. I via i, p 01 att), N V Tll'e tna . o. a Hwnt 12 PROPHBCT av. 2112, a a. Iltlll Carmel (ialella to John Stive, ter. II King at, pel 14, Inatalg Interest, atty. flea J RutiO, : Bway II. If. UTTH ST. n a. 014.2 r Willi av, 1 fl a a l no - John Mernaga to Model B ft i. An of Mott Haven, III! Ha av. pr mtg 14.111, oei II; atly, t ; ft t Co, 17' nway r,B'i litTTII ST. ii a. .'70 Wl a- il ;".al'"l i"h Kiein to Bmlgram Induatrlal sav Hank. M rhamben ai Oei '. yri I attv. M J s.-anlan. ;t Chamber! it 114.000 IBBIONMRRTg OF NORTCAaBB, vim. toil tell 17TH ST Ml W Tlt'e (1 A T 'o to Michael Ue Vrteg, 40. W .I'.ih nt uttv. T '1 Co. I7C Huav :. 0U0 I0TH st, 2:11 vv 1 'hai II Henner. .1'. (" Lewln ft Kempner. Iti Broadway : ally, T 1'. CO 170 Hwav It Olio SAMi: PROPKRTT same to nam-, attv name Il.oo'l ALLRN st II- Sophia vi.j.., to Bernhar.1 Meyer; atty, a Rommel, -in H-n. 1 1 ALLKX HT, 02 Same to aine. utt aafne , , i UST ST. n n, SOI i e Id V, ll.lllll.l- Andrew C Zahrl-kle. trun. to LaWyeTf Mtg oa, :9 Liberty et n.ono A' it, :',,'. Rmmi achwarer et a; -a. r, to .inch 11 miveratiln, I III Waihtag ton av; attv. Oneaf Rnglaader, 3c- Hron.l w a f . . II awl ItOTH st. Clio K Annli Bamuele to Abr f4Mnuete, far Ho.-ka.vav. attv, BenJ V Isancn. . 4 K i lrh it . 11.400 1-IST ST. ::,0 W- Tit'- (luar ft T: Cllv It..,. Hntate Coi attv. T fl Co. 17ii Broadway t IUTH sr. a a. in 7th av. It.4x71.ll rnlled s-atea CaeuaRy Co to laxwyera I'g '"o. S i I.ll.-rtv at ft"".. 13.11 ST. n a. ss a av, 2ao il Koe 1. Carrell . Bdw a hi.ii.-v. Parmwood N J. attorn. v. Rowetn AS 4. 'edur t I IS. 000 Beoox. MTV MORTflAOM COMPA7VT lo InVW- rera vita V IH.llO BAMH lo a 1 me 1 1 , in N V TBPlTT OoxipANT te OHy M'g Co WnRTIIBIMBR, iea"('gdaL' to joy W mpaehurger ft ano 11 DOOLTNO Bill K I l.awvera T.ti. ft Trual Co It" 00" N Y TTTLR IN'RCRANCR COMPA.VV 1.. Kv g m . 'bambera ,t:. leg BCIINl.'l HKIt. ''hua 1.1 I'at'k lterr. I.'lnil'i .MANHATTAN MOHTOAQM COMPANl 10 Oeo B Wagner .. ... 1 r. 1 . L I ft T COMPANY to B T leademr or Mclne lit-000 MKVROPOTJTaN THIST COMPANY to Manhattan Vtlg C Ui.i sms I 1 1 11 VUlKTIilliri 'With name and ad drill of lendaPl It toraey 1 CLINTON AV. 1, v .-or lll'h a 19" "a llt.t. pet I o Hamuli and Hannah Schwab t., frail e. j Ferhhelmer: attva Kuraman ft F, N Hr..,i . . I 100 PONVRNT A V . 11 e . ,,r 14-th ii 10, pr 17. 190. V in s D-lver la fet. TVhlteheod Pari-. Prance, tr utna. ru,r .mroiig ft whitehead 41 Bxchange pi 4; 3 ono 103i st. n Ke it rvolumbui av M't li" II. f.h 1. 1111 Mi l,,.; McABley , Arthur c Boetwick, admri atiyi Mac Donald ft Boetwlrb IS William it 11, 111 BATHOATB AV 1114, en .- '74th at 11. tall.1, Julv 11. Carcia to Johanna Froehllch. 117 K nth ai atty T ! t'o. III Bway i2.nno lT III, map 11.14. Ifarlan Bta4 14ih w ard. Nov I tin a -jna in. I Martha Mi er lo B'idget ,'onlan. aita. Broan ft I'olkliit.iiig lo Wall at 1 n'M RAWTHORNR sr. n e a. 12:. n p 1 way ..r K Inarm, ridge 1 aa 1 f.atn.i. Mar i. 1011 114th st Corpn. v;:.'. VV .--t. heater av. to Max Marx. 4ts Convent a' an. I. en la S M irt. ! 21 Hwav III.""" SAME PROPBBTY un.l date cam.. :. game: atty. mine 142,114 14TH ST 3'.7 W. inert n jae, ft.. Apr 1913 -frank Trowbnblg 1. Oenla M Renderj a'ty. BenJ ri ;re er, . Hwnv a ... It " SITU ST. 11 . ?ll e 4th IV, !7'.-'.. Jan 21. 1914 .in I. an l JuIR ' Corning la I aura Apfe;. atca. Lord, I' ft I II Wall it 111,111 CI. AY AV. 1339. - Oil 11 lOith it, 27a i. Julv .e. lill-ajKhw Plahrr t- I. lrrle Van Itlpei Set lllih Bti attv-. Theall A II. 47. Wall at ... I.. 1ST IV. e a. 74 . 17th at '.'t.7v7: 4g II. 1X71.1, Oef IS, 1KI3 lUlla 'I l.'-wi. tn M Loretta fallen; attva yi Laugn iin as. 11 wrum st Itlfl IUTH ST. 3 I". 11 a. S3 e k av, 17x411, Mav 3. 11 Mollli Sltner to A .... lot loo far the lte;lef of Reepoctable Aged I" tlgent Female In the city "f N attv-. .1 ... n .. a. 1. o....... ., 11 i" , 1 1. 1.1... 1 . . jit HT ?" t, . t5M.tf8lt5l.4j H.M ton st. SI. K n :'. lt" !?:. 7. F' - mi; Rubin Hn'. h isi- HUH man to ftsfbrcca eprU, b K UTih nt . atty. V April. i Bway ii. 'o.i TH KM 'N'T AV, f W i. - W 1 " I ti ton n v. sr.x I j ii ti 31, )& ICHan H a iu m ; l to Frank Ramttaeki utty, Tfeto H PrUnd, ': Naaaaa t fi"l(i ln .TH s i, iT4 Marlon ' . r: i , t "Ax ITS 140 1 Mav 1!11 Thoi F Minm '. to l'mma 1 Bv:-. 11 F. IKlh M ratty, V Y T I 13". HftHV ItilM RBCOHDKU I.Khks. Muiihattati. IITH ht. 44 w. all "' W Pt unlit tt tn Ulcnatl J Han:on. Ill W 4T;h It, rm from i -'t 2. 1113; ."Hy. l'r inkiiii Hv M Plushlng . Wyn ... ti sstii iT. s-,s M ' parti atr, b sn-i :'i Oonrft Rathl .'a v 'o Arm Turro tl cinautmanl, ins i: Mth it, I I6ta its from July . IM! STH AV. n eOf 1 4th it, "tr i)J i' ' PlOW Tlaltv 'o 10 An;l Nataltli I Hlili si. 1 r fr.nn Nov 1, IUi n it . 11 KosUUr Co, MM l t nun t"ftft to M.M '.TH HT, 31U-M1 W. all -Maurli.' Cohen m ni to Hwrry Khnnff. 19 R 1 0 1 v. 3 yrs from net 1, 113; atty, hn IM Una, 1R2 Ntijaii at I'" "rt ma uiaON av. lilt, all wtta frakow to llarrv KlihsnnfT arut ano, 61 R 10it tt, :i rn front on ll, iitl: attv, Chai llh Ilrir, III N' nX 4.3i0 iTH T, 6WI k. hat na eaal priviig - Himrrk Raataufant A oafa ' tn Hnn y It lilMhinjtrr. 4S K Mth st. 1 yr from Hapt 1. Iffll ll.oon ll AX'. "14. "'or- floor "OlUVtppt lAb rtOta fo tlf" I iti-rker. 1184 Frinldln v, vrs from May 1, Ittl fttty. I'h'm A k ft imh. o Wall t ii.:oo ROADWAY. 1141, "ton- 'ltv ltf. Bstate Imp! ''orpn to t'liflin Krflmim, 1117 'g i i i" i' av, B vrs from Nov 16. 111 , ttvs r!t Bltaa, r.i rhftim.-!. trrt H.TM Mawlutt . . . . CANNON T. 102 Anna Mux Low Hltv Virp -t of mortiaaT) i attyii Bai-k'r art I. al ' forTi.rtmra Iea-kolta A- if tllM TITH T Wi and inferior pani!. bf- ilnnitii t point in contra lint of bio k iwtwarn Tttll niol Tttp 34 l fi w rnlumtiui av, t fiilftit 9 'itv fti-u Kxtiifi 'o net RUOlfl H W04d ,T ' 'fori- i-ijsiir of mortaago) j atty. li twain. VlfTT HT, III F Wt It' I Batati o agt iwrt a Proamap at ! ( foraalaaiiri of mortaaco) ; arty, h swain lH-iTH HT, 227 W Koh-rt V tavlori aat MIPUOl U Con w-ll t nl i forerloeuri' of mortaafo)) atty, w J Vraata-nd. 221 HT. 11 n 1 1 I'll W --W"(iinni Hit for ""frtv In th City of N V ast A imp I, i loMamHh t al forf loanri- of mort Vnigi ; uttya, Cxiilft aiailT, Vli-krham & Taft. 111. HT. a a. 100 t w lrh av, 7Rxtt!; anil 121 U n a, 20 4 ft W th av. 1 ft. I -Simni Hk for Hv In tha 4'lty of N V at .loaf ph M tiorton at al ( foralour' of mortffatO)j altya. Carl- wwMifi wlcaarahani A- Taft s.vrH ht. :s4 and H did no y niHmant uat Amelia H! Ik Oorp et a) fornnloaura of mortfaaei, atty( I I Itoaerigam. Hrum. 17IT!IJfT, ttt V ; Hror: rt av, r.7: Count- Und idf av, wu--i,.:o Jiilntr aft Fraucan OCTOBER 23, 1915. Melnar taction to procure judgment 1 atty. K ('"hn LAYTON AV. n cor riaati av. 27it0 Simon Sollownv agt Francesco Manta- mareno et at lacTlon to foreciceae ma- hiinPn tlen 1 ; nttv, M Crosnmnn I77TII ST, n a. I3j w Moriln av . 20x100- j John lonjener e: al agt Annie Rllroh-lh Baraati at ai (forerloaar of mortgagee 1 nttV-. niklll. (ileinr.n A Pronkauer NKHANIIW Manhattan. BARTHOLDI ST. n n. so 1 ft 1 Haeearood av. 11x14 -Jl Martlneill ngt I' S Caagt ''o owner ir-n-aiili 111! AV li. ,"c. -Adolph Shapiro agt Joa I. Bit' tenwelger, ownei Ivlwln I. Brown ft Nathan Mark, rant. 410114 IITH ST. Ill K A1I0. I'll Shapiro ag ''ha. Bublnger, owner; Bdwln 1. nrowr, ft. Nathan Maik-. cntn 411 14 1 1TH AV 124 Adolph Shapiro agt Theo r Marciau, aarnir; Bdwln 1, Brown fti Nathan Mark, con-, 1322 72 1 AV H, 291 Adolph Shapiro Jon 1. But- lenwelllr nwne- Rlwln I. Brown A Nil han Marks, rnnta 1111.11 IfflTH ST. n ear Mt Morrin Park W. -1 - Joa M Mullnteln agt Bernard RK'hnirnkv, owner ft runt; Mn ion Sam row. cent Id AV. 191-Alnn RooHng ft Cornice Co,' lnc, agt llyman Sehw arta, owner ft ront ; I. aula vv i' 1 , ont 1100 aATinnf.n MrcllAI'a mkns. Manhattan. 72f ST. 42 A 111 W. 73d it. 114 W--J I II John-on Co agt E.lw W Browning it 1 al, Mav 24. 19U Iby bond).. .19. 44S 77 SAMF prtot'KHTT Sargnt A Co agt; -ame, Sept 14. Illl 1 tiv bond) . . .ll.lfiO . BAMB PROPBRTY White Merbli ft Ter. ratio i'o agt mine. Sept 10. 19IR (hvi ban. I II 740 90 I SAM I' PROPBRTY -.Ino W Coonev ' o ax: -ante Mav 21. 11 ( hv bomli . K.i.O 84TH ST. S4 W--Lawrenc S Hrrle agt Jeanle Qtllendlf I' al. Mir 17. till 12.'. llroni. C7T7 VFRSTTT Al. w a. lll ft e Boa- cote-l pi. 117 9vl 7S- -Lenai Sand ft (Yravel ('0 agt Bovne Prlftge Hltv t'o. Tlio. et il. o-t 0. 1111 instil PHY ANT AV. Illt-llll -Webber Supp'y 1 o. lnc nil Slmeall Kltv Corp et ai. I gegt 4 191.-. I1S4.74 MBW BKtl.TV ConPOYt 41-lOiia. At.HANY. Oev raal'v corporal totin -The following chartered here l.eUV ' Huraman Boly corpnratien. Ilanhat in rapltal, I'ooo, directore. Joseph Kurxman 'leorg- Kuriman and Jacob Kronennoiwer New i..rk rlly. rreeco Reelt) Corporation Manhattan, rapltal, Mil; dlre,n:ora Henlnmln L Blauvelt, Ira J. nttina.r aid Samuel Km hliiiller. New York City gtertlaa operating Ceawpony, Brook ivn; oanltali II.OOOi directors, Benjamin Wollgon, gamuel Hran.l nod Anna llv man. New York city. s. a. tig Bill ding '"ompanv. Breoklvr cardial. 11.000; director, Philip Silver. Jjla St'ver and Joseph MMMi Brooklyn. RESULTS AT AUCTION. Public (ifTerl ti an an,' eaterday In Moo- i hattaa nnd Bronx la 1 earoo tne. AT 14 VI-7SKT STRKR5T 1 By Joieph p Day, 1 370 ST 7 1 W, a n 111 w ith av, Sx Ilx20x4i.ll, 3 it .r- tat DavtO weaaeo, i aali :rue. itgt Petin ane R'.tv '"o et w, Pie l"0i: 74. lava ft. i.i:t0; to I th. p. ilntlfl far 120. 00 I By Bamaal Man 3TTII ST. t.7 W. n n. 221 e 4tb it, r x I 1', .'. .- 1wt Hn e-orn -J c Ji et al. true, agt Mllll 1-aecn et al . due. 144, Itl.tti tuaea. Ac. 1717,40. to the p llntllt for . . Ill 101 Hy J. H. Mayer. 120TH T. 339 I, I I 72". w let av. 1 la 'V" ;o. 3 ntorv dwlg Frea Home for I Young olri- agt Ixvuln le-ne et al. due I ". 1- Usee, ft.-, 1300 .3. adlouraed to October -'s I VT 31" THTRD A VlBNT7f9 1 Hv J H Mayers. leOCYnOT A v. ;o a a 22;, n llltb et. 20a XtSxtllglll, nhope Mutual Life Inn 'o I agt It '' l'llier et al. due. 1740 000 taxes, Ac. !,t!!.!!i adjourned to Oc tober II, P.v Oeorgs Price. I CAt'LOWELL AV, 71. s a II s HSth et, 14x101, 2 iterv dwlg T C Camp at a', ti'in agt .-lam'l (d-nnnian ei ai; due. I7.lll.7lj -aiea. ftc. 1217.21; to the t.awvern Mtg , o. a party In latnreart. for 17.10 Hv Jama J. Donovan, s.l.' v A V. e n. 471 n 1 704h nt. I0gtll.ta 10x111 It. vaeaal Jaa-ob Jshrmi,rin ag. Merwla iUty Co ei at; one. 44410-: 1 "Vi, Ac, 37i sv. S'lvturned te Oc tober 70 BIG ASSESSMENT PROPOSED. r 11 liRjRh - I' I f lRn rK Tfrmlnal Plnn R rortli. p.iniii H i.i, rhftlaiatn commit' te-,- ..f Hf'..'Khoi.l.-1-n ..f thi W.Ua.ih-fMtfd-bttfgV T'Hniri;i Itu'.lwfiy. whl. h In I'Tipn trK th-1 TOIWaUitMtlon plan advo. atl by tli" ' Hilar ''orrirr.i!t. y"HrT(lu hgabUlatlnn f !)i property. Mr lOty'fl plan pri.v -lf-.-- f.r an a.-4-!niai-msni OH th Ursl m'-rtKagt' bondfl an-I u!!n o!i tlie Rtocll f th WnOOtltlf Mid i.akf FSrii BuMctent t ruii botwoon $16,000,000 ami $17,000,000, Thnm fundi arp to hp dtVOtod tn UiO Upbuilding of th road ftnil rr'paym'-nt nf th r p!vprs' i m i ill. "it 4 ami nthr pprnRai in. ijrrtl duftnf th vn years of iho roftd! I-p: VPfhip Th pomoni pa-tng thi ftHsPRffrnn; will hold prir llenn on ih morfguiisod ompany anU $10,000,000 addh lonal bond l will U pott to n imh irf-e thern for tht ttJcisPs-mont. !tw arx too to llnnolnlai. Thi Nortbern Stoamahlp Company an noun coi i hat th vtaamahlp i rose Northern will ho takan from tha Kan Franc I aco-Port land ar ic and, hor;n- 'iltiK tverrthr Sfi, will hf plftred In thfl S if Ktum 'I ICO-Honolulu -eri.-o. atopplnjr at Ioa AnpTOldi n rmite and raturnlnf iMro-H f. Han Kranria . Rail triK" will h continued nhout ai ry twont) A,y from San Franotoco, BUSINESS TROUBLES Waakly Failure Rrpni-t. Hi i.i't'fgt'(i" re7v.-a 3? . bii! !, '.i i; '.-e- In h Fn tod Suites 'luring :h- u-lt aaainot .! for th- pravfaua RRk ind asa. Hi, HI an-1 231 for pio pniT0aiondlni v-.kii of 1114 t. inn. The mtddJ H-at. ha. I Is, KtW Fr; n-l 31, HoMihert. 7t;. w.g,trrn , Kortnweotorn II ami tar WenfiTii ii Oanadi tiej.l 34. aaulnat M fir ch arotpadlnB ak. Awdut II ar --nt of ronrcrna f.ii ln h ul :m tlitui V. 00 capital anil i eer int hai from li o-'O to ?0,000 napltaj, Havnkrnptn MlttatN rtiK MVRPHY nooit urn rxJitPANY a potttlon in banaruptcj haa botn n x.i Matnot 'he uurplty I r Het Cmnpaitv ,.r v Y'jrk. Tn r.impauv aoui u uht a fold I "P Into th Wat or J.,,r prtnel pally f u apart m-nt hiasea, tad a h(ti aau oomo ia4a in Oallforala Tfco ptimpanj ii latNgrparatod un ler hv Vrlt awt ti or Ith c.Lpiai atoctt oi 4t) ton waa not ruieil m fira ar -1 I Tin- liahihtica are auhl to b onl M -v B1CHMAN A pefltlon In bankruptrv nil ti-i-it in. i .tfi.ifet Max Barman doalOl In tr ink an.l ' aaje ml Rovonth avoniio Th lloailltlai are t Kii anl th ituvi J.t.ouu. li.- ihh-I a aaKla-Tiiiiiint on Thurodai, UilMH III ItHH IniBR A petition In bank rup1 V boa bien nloq asra1nt l,oula Hirahler, ii nt.'if't. tMrer of uulsts at a nt TWontS fifth atreet. Tha lUbill '' are h.'mi nnl t hn u '. 1 000. Ha nuMio an un Tnuro ia-. 8CIIWAHTSS BKIRT HOUHK, INC ne lltlon In bankruptcy huo hnon ft if 1 Haint tha Hchwartg Mklrl tioaie. jne., Ilianufoi'turor of xklrta at 1J Went plight oantR strt Tha ('ompaiiy whn li, orpniati'd on Julv Q list wlrh rMp- li .1 stuok of 6,000 ind on Ootobor 7 a i Ivor was u ppalntiot In dls- oiutlon i r i 'rod Into, JOHUFH WIIKATriEIoD of 3 Kaat Twontyoavontn street haa fiia-i a pa- tUlon in bankrupt' . wUh llut.llltlea of 141.111 nil. I l HNfOtn. Tin: CALK DON i an KMCcTRIC com PANY. INC., of 140 Wool Thlrty-olahth it real hat tiled iiiHlgninent a hoduloa hnwtnf lit bllt loo 'f $ ,407. nominal ii-i'H of llO.i' 1 nii.l a i' 1 1 1 it I H.n 'tg ,,r KHANK Kl nTRK ' . .loiibr in trimming at 7 ll'ter at root, haa A lad annianiniii h horiitloa show i no llonllttloo af 11,101, nominal a i i,90l nn.i aotual ao aata "f IT 10 OMN MOHHR- ruiioa Olln ami wtr lam .Mons. immufa. i urera of rlnakl anil aulta in )i Wool Twontlith ilfoat h-ive ii 1. 1. in ii n iiilanmont tn Ltanol i Krt- tellar. Thay In' (t an bualne-m In March. 1!' 14 KAi.l.K WtiDUWURK CUM FAN V -Isaac lsumlren nnd llartmin Cnoper iiuillrigi an t hi Katie Wood work Company, manu fncturor f offlci ftsturaa ai ill K.tst Ninth atreet, h.iv tnid an asntfnmeni to M ix flreenherer. MAX KAHH, WROloaaiO -loaler tn niHIInery at ifl Ryaadwov, hai Mie.i bankrupt. -v acboduli ahou Ina Ugbtltlii of It. 171 and aasvta ut t, RK.M. f.STATB AT A474TION, To Savings Bank Depositors Yonr money in the Savings Bank is part of your Capital. t Capital is accumulated labor. Your accumulated labor is fairly safe but not working hart! when it only pays you 4C,. per year. Long experienre has shown that a few hundred dollars Invested in Iota earn 10 to 50 per year If the lots are bought at low prices at auction sales i On or near Broadway, where it's just starting lo build up, Particularly at or near Subway Stations. These Lots Have Got To Be Sold No Matter What Price They Bring You may be able to buy a lot for $700 ($210 Cash) or $600 ($180 cash) or $500 ($150 cash) Or Less We Don't Know. Right Off Broadway, W ithin a Few Hundred Feet of a Subway Station Don't yon see yon can't make a mistake Yon must make money If you pick up lots in this location At any such prices? Yon take no risk You run no chances You have your money working hard for you if it's invested around 238th Street and Broadway, where it's just starting to build up. GO TO THE ABSOLUTE AUCTION sale of 329 Lots For Whatever They Will Bring at Broadway, 236th, 237th, 238th and 240th Sti. and adjacent avenues and streets. Including 47 Lots on Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, 244th Street and adjacent streets, adjoining the beautiful Fieldston Development, b.w. th. Bowie Dash Estate TUESDAY, OCT. 26TH, AT 10 A. M. 70' on mortgage. Savings bank books taken as deposit on the purchase of lots. To Reach Property Take Broadway Subwaii to 238th St, For maps nnd particulars apply to J. Clarence Davies. 149th St. & 3d Ave. Joseph P. Day. 31 Nassau APPELLATE COURT DECISIONS. Complrfe I. lat Handed Do WW ty F I Ptrf Department DlTiatan. Tho fullowtnf dt?l"lon4i ware han Vd alown yoitirday by tho Appallufo D'- Vlfton, ft Pal Department i Injrra ham. V J , Mcu,;i In. !-if f. :i n ' riarka, H"ott. JJ. Th I'eop e, Ac, t. a Ahra.' I Wandol, r"iponnt, .Ti.flfrineT.t revera!. 1 atnurror illaa.:oavl. ail tha 'aaa raniltted t th Court of lapwla' Hai:oiia for f ir thor pr. eaJInaa I'p'.nloa pr c irlain. I Hot ill or.ler on nortra. Amanda Henaut, mpondont. va tha City of NOW V-k, li.plat1, A' app.'ant .1 .1'lrm'-nt afnrm'l a Ith rof n op.nluti ) I trdir Rlode Mary Raver aa Aflmi do raapanent. I V, ' et- A JUt ' Oil. I'evl. . Villi 'HI' I A' , h ti- Judarnent and ordOr af firmed with roats No opinion, Ordi-r , Rlad. In tha matter axf Kcbert B eWrnxn, ; i!-(f,uMi. TNtorea affirm! a lta xMa. No ' -inmti. Ordr flla'l tl-nrv 7 Ttrclt, reopen1nt a K'n-'ia-. :or Company of Amerlra. a.p.lant. tidgtnant anl ovAtt af rlrmM with out a. No opinion. Ordar filed In the mattar of tha Otv of n-w Tcrk. 1 . fn s.'huol atte at Hamilton plaoa, bet woe a MOM. and 141at a-r - Ofdr aff.mie.1 ' : Ith 110 Cfaia fin't dlabureement. No i opinion. Onlar flleci t The I'eopla. A-., repon,rit, vs Wl 'lam ' i T tlerow. appi;ant. JudgTmtnt afttrmad ! No opinion. tirdr filed. UtUfO Ki I'la-en, nee pond .mt, va E'h' M Mttoholl et al. appfilan'. Judgmont ! afflriuod wlttl ooota, No opinion urdar , ba d. I Ham v '-i - J-.idfrment affirmed With i i'SLa. No opinion. Order filed. i.osr .V'-yiaad, roapondaat, t s vi;itam h Ktronhnor, appal fan t. J udkmint an.. r.rder ravcrsed with rog-ta and lomplalnt I iiiismiaae-l with coata. ip1nlun per curl un. i -rjr dlod. Ktnll WoyidWdi n-apondant, va. Wll.iam I . H Klrchner. appellant efUdjmOBt and I nnler i et aad with rnatA and romplalnt oiainlaae.1 with ooeta OpTalM por o.trlam 1 irl-r filed ' , Philip rhllUpa. t pondant, tb. Hosen I thai lt'.mnhr.oll Company, InaN, appellant. I Drdar r ova rood with io coata and dta burOORlontO and mot Ion gru n tfd with I Hi j foata, with leave to p.tiintlff to aar art , antandad oumpla4ot on paymoiit or coata In thla court und In tht: court below. j tiplnlon per curiam. Order fllad. Chalm Witt. raapondMii. n Auatro- , Amorloana Hteamahip Company Iaa , ap Valiant. JudsTment and order revr-d Ivtlth cot and nnplalnt cllnmlaami a ith I foata Opinion per mrta m. irder fllau. John tleorge, respondent, va Andrew il KelloirR ''ompatiy. at al, appellant Jud J inetit and order ufflrcnad with uiti. No i opinion Order filed. j Thoinua A. Nexlna. respondent, va. Ait BUat Him ka her et al., appalwintn Judg 1 ment ufTlrnied with coata. on the opinion of tho roforaa, 'ingrabum, F ,i, dlaaont I lug i Order fllail. Patftd Hmidreau, raapondent. Oeorga I . lelm'h na raealvar appe.iitnt I .Hnlgment and order afflrmrl with i'o-(n. No opinion. i truer fllad. H. C. 1'osner, lnc , Appellant, va. Fman- 1 , uel A- Jackson et al , reipondanta. Ju ig I men' affirmed with OOltl On the avithnlt I of I'oaner va. Jackson, un Appellate Dlvl glut) 1120. Order fllad. i ia fi napiro. reaponnant, va. Fred i. mine-, ji . r ,n gj ppgj 1 1 mti v jungment gnd order reeriad with coata and coin - ! plaint dismissed with coata Opinion par curiam. mler filed. Kmma .Miahal, an Infant, c, raapnn- i dant, VI, llyman Mlahal, appellant. Ju lg inent affltmed with coata. No opinion Order filed. Mary Fltsglbbon, reapondant. va QaarM 1 W Idnch, ao racatvar. c, nppellaut Judgment and order sfftrmad alth coata No opinion. Ordar fllad. Henry Kanier aa admlnlatrator, Ac. re I apondant, va. Frtdorlctc Vogeg, appallant. RKAI. KHTATB AT At f TIO . At Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St., St.. N. Y. Judgment anl or1r AfTlpmad with cos's, i No opinion, era i hied. Frn e. o I'niip'ai, raapondent, va radio) Contra ig rTipanr. appellant Judfmant nnd .r ur afftrmod with ' '.( no ..pintua (initrohom, F J.. and M c ; Uautnlln. J-. dlaai um.g Or lr Slad, I i- i Sa ! i;g-, roapondont, va. Moyai yv. ha sohn, Kppollant, Jj-igment uffirvned -'n v. opinion. )rder flld Kalan nttpln ae n Imlnlat .trtat, vo In cob Ituppon Mot tn to dlamtsa appoal fraatod vnin :o rusta u. -, appunt omp:.' w.;h tern. a stated In ordar. Order filed Hum a is ."afiia. Motlnn granted and app'i ati. allowad until ti-t. 7th attbln whi ii fll and aat ve brtOgf, Order tiled. A.t'rt Priam va Bortiena Condonoof Mi:k Company gipplloatian denied withi 111 coat! ' Tder , - Newport . i ompaaty va, Alfred C Ba Applleatlon daniei itb i oi'i 'Tder a.gnad. Mrtnr Brtltbarl al v, n-mplra ' (lt Kubway Co., Ltd. Application with t : 0 roota order sfgng-d. Her tha K ffir Fidelity a Ppoait Company or Maryland Applration d-! nltd Hh 110 .outs Order sign. Turkey Knob robard 4'o, a Mx Man nf' gipplloatlOQ denied, wlh 10' . n. i Tder vgr.-.t. J.ini'i s Harrman va. France !.. bo lan I A pp.i. : ion dei.'.Hi. a lib l 0 coats. Order "la jomog F alr.Nanoe. a truatea, va. Hir ben H-a at al. Applh-atlon granted. Ordn signod or m.w ihhk, ta qutok.i - th hus. is n i a . . i nta it R. ' o. v Pamna: Br- nM of tw porporatlono, - a thai : - Phftr 1 . pp: 4a tln dn'ed, wl - h ' 0 fos!s iftlog at abo .t li of fo rao Oi lal vgr.ed. , Thay are lo--ated ' (Irani lads f'-'g; , ) Intmann. Jr.. vs Atlafttti ' Mo-aemara and Ionla. N a -op-Amusemont Application donled, with ; Bijalti Qrant'a Tomb), Within iw t) : a I to m iir.i' ilfnod I mlautog of Manhattan, N Icholgg Utrratt, ao exoeutor va Thonias 1 An lnnct ion "f thoia r arMag srlll K .. -.i t g, A pplloat Ion g ranted r - ' oon you that t h v , -- nuaua bs dor good gain T. literal tt-rma Pit ' ' "a " Willi am B. MrCrea vs. 'tf II. Tlent'ev j fey fr Art !"it!"n danUd, with 111 rrt, Ordor For further detatln and tMHi, a ireaa algi id, ( rrnj n hakiht tr",-i iput) aupi John Jamaaon d fon. T.tiV, va John MphIi. pgro of H:mli 111. . App.lcaMon granted upon ! f ' . Ltit filing atlb i.aMon aa prouad o: dOI I IrdOf signed. pgvld 11 1 racii va. Abraham fchl'.. .r. q Appll latlon denied, with fll coata. order : e.gii-! Will la m E. McCraa va. I. aster II BaMlO) ,Tu:. n ftn..l, ftlth t'n (og iirn-r fl lank Oramer et a', vs Marry Held. Ap pll.a tioti dan leu, with $30 coa a. Or It ! algiifi I Msttar of Alfted w. Vartan, re BiOtOtO I FruncaUa dai K.iina, Ac. See msmorn ilum pi r i u'tam BdWard .vtkoln Vf, Duncan I. Robarta aa ' prini.Hiit. do, AppiPatiou ionlodi wltl $10 coata 1 irdof eigne. I. Oeorg E Fa nan va. Prank C Arm atrong. Applloatloa de-iled, with $10 oiotg rdei alg ,. i . Jatne Irlng-la vs. Henry L, C'onversa et al, app i ttton drilled, w)h 10 goati j irdOV i pned. Iria hWiftl va Ivoula A RiblO Ap- 1 pllogtlon .l-iiied, with $10 coatN Or ier I eigne. I. Rohlnaon Clay Prodttol Co vs John i Thatohor & Bop AppUoattan donlod. with $10 coma. tnter Signed, JaoOb flchvchtef et a I. va. fltiaale Man. kin. Applloatlon denied, with ( ooato. "ot - I a " 1- J.-hn T. l.oew va. A'.hett I). Alllaanla Application glinted. nnjer .-Ign.ol Matter f Joaaph W. Ha at n Kradarhk .1. H Kracka et a), Mm Ion dantOd, wit !i 1 10 r-otta " rder n'.ed. Timothy J Murphy vs Rarrlinn Oran la f?0 Motion denied. With ftlQ .fc'n Ot ' tl'ed. .- una Ta Same Melon diMod alth t co-tf-. Order tiled. Aahiey o, I. Ulttlof va Bonlomln Jolfi t al. Motion gritnted on gppa k 1 v ng n undortalilng to bay a ny itionages Mined by POOpOadOnt l" rea. i. ( . . n the nun of $1.rt"" ler notloa. Ilea Mekkt va Hnlbrgok '.'' A It Una Corporation. Motion gtrn-ei oi : Blad. A I e under Kla h' 1 v M at I 'i s ' et al Motion denied, with $ . ' rootfl Hrdwi filed s. me vg Bama Motion denied aid $1" c.inta Order Hied Maraoroi Fleischouor iho citj of New York. i .leu;. ,i. v, t)i f i COgtd order wignad. 11 RKAt 4TAT47 T API THIN. N. Y. Titles insured free. Agents and Auctioneer Bids Executed for th(v.o who cannot attend personally at the DASH EST. SALE Tuesday, Oct. 26 Sa GOLDSTICKER 37 Pine Street jfhsfv rrai. rnrr i on MkUL ATTHAOTIVE JIaHOa. i . lionataiM ' n aaJnlly lv's and t . ! $ I lota at prr.H'e aula a larai '-i f un I wb !' ' r . pANKIVO DaaFAltTVl T BTA1 I , l Mr ag,iM ., nt T -rli Kl VI 1 I I I Mortgage Money hava large amount i atlahta ill' - .-I iss coi . , v uMg1 t. CHAPLEo F. NOYES COMPANY A V ItTM F M TO II l" IVItM-HKIl vnrvi marrlod having hittdOsMnajh 0'-' rtrnla)te large bedr i I ti'itliio eu l ap rt maul : r tel. . botl r uf hbtola; . a vera got ITO fv. U-'.t e n I". It f'-r I tuoi. hi aouiti iM L III i I- tVANTI l.-FKM Al t u (.VTrtU 1 ln en a -n mil f thll a - rk HI I V W l t- 1 ' htKiargntod in guratiaalni ie;, h sutiruiohiia manufgotnrari inual he . t p. .i,t IflfcY httnUlg dlViaiianj ctate expert IP - . n l mi. lit . and enliry evnactM, "i I ATlUVa, J j J.nk.u Av, ia