Newspaper Page Text
1 rattan u&v, WITH HIGHER CLOSE THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. nia. ,l he vtrld nnn.nno Iproi i r Cfllltfd Partlj bj I ti -rrpnopd Demand From i rn tic Interaataa IT.uiTirs or si pim.v outlet, " Tit I " h - ll tlre.h', r thi UK aln.t lui.he'. rr'.vlatnna una Bheui toed .1 n. Hut I . x - the auk. In "'TP r-pnr(, T,, UIu, , ry famrahle An nfrlrlsl ,e.,r, h,lhl. . ' ,. -JI p., ,.d wirusis ni. Th. n.trk.i Ll to the hula.. , flBtly drnpp,,, .,,,. , st the . , ,,,, Bfcelpt ra 1 wpek intiii ft.;nonnn t,, abata ine.ooa leal With n( nn ''.. Ti Spsrl basin. s v. nr. "TiT-"'".'. .? '''-. In h Mat .Uk " 'pnlM. i OlhtlM ,.. hoi murk. ,, , n boh Mrlrp of fhr lit GREAT EXPORTS BRING RECORD FLOW OF GOLD 18 mil ian prlceai Open as mtS . in pars Ineil ll f IhO iindcrlylne butl- sontnnent cotton OfetOTtlM I I deal of Houidntinn. esulied from ovcfnlffbl martin fil i "l -i.ti on -e l ;lniii In immtn sf 't in or'"!" brcik of in punt A Oownwird reaction toward the rin.r re. diit4 tin- idvSnce to .iiioni hall the e. IfMIM tlll of Mir da a l lt(l prices I boa I 1 pnlms tin hieher IIahi of ih buying ftaiardiy ranM from ihortl nnl Irad lnlretr RTdn- ilii ! i food daal of cotton and ,pot brokero srere "in re.-eipt f StlT'r n- re ; i: t H f r nplnl ms US tO the idvissblltty ol Haiti! prleai around pr--level Msnuferturers have Mm so no mi ouragrd bj the :.irs business aw i laaint that tooling throughout trad' plrelia Is less naarlan tlMn It bus bfn TlM ! .! ol nni-ly I ornta a f-oui.'i lot tii- mill tlutnant iiy anr jrTlaaj fnt man) irall poatad mahulactttfan ro Cfini 'it 'il tl'at ha Pfop ll liort r d thpy r '1-1 Braallj Imprataad by tha vol. urn oi buiin n ti 11 boma nltarad to ijnm ;it fairly aatlilactory pru-an. Am intrrMtini analyalf of tin- itnifa. flm! tlluatlon pranarad by K. L Hun Ml an laauad yaati rday by Bprlnij A i Po It foraeaata 'ho linortacc in the! arld'i production ol cotton at T.100,001 ! bib- .i r.'l i " !! "f : pi .xlm iti'ljr urin. third from last naaon'a a'orld ylald. It aatlmatai probabla nior!t nt h, M0.0M balri Tb datalta arr ajrall bai-in-d and conaarvatiaaty dlatributad. Th' rattmatad rrip. .n. 'ml nr !ttiti-j. h Maoad a I 1 1. "i'o ix, ii b)tp. Tha flriiron n r it taka i itp calculation poaalbla i tak ' by th Tautonle tlllaa, Which I vault) bt i !. butllah fi-tor if lhay i kattld davali p In troluma. In s'.i.'" of tti. fr.ot t'nt tiii atttatna I krak from Hip rn-nit lira I. vl h bffa a mattar of about TB polntai South ! trn wot markata ahow no waaknaaa. An a nu"'r of fact anrno ontharn quota i b-ori lavp'y a ' id anil I the buylni baa!i I :. tu hiahoat of j the ataaofl Tha rfi irkal la wall llqul ' datd and in a p lUlon lo raapond aorablj to a bultlah ranaui raport nn flnnlnf m ' . i la mornnt. Tb- into j'it f r lh k Wa nlaop.l at ITt.aoo bait acmtnai ITS, I Inst ftur The total for tha .1 placad at j 'Ci in n iaie. atalnai :.n.0"n but ; ' r Harkal rloaad irtaady Oikmi Kith Iyw- Clot nt Ml r -, ' IJ1 t! 1 '.' rn : l f ir-n: - 11 1: ti 1: 1: . A i. Ml M 1 -1 1 H I; "'o ;i ll t; :. :. u (. rj .-1 lor 'not ottOtl 1. Mtiti 1 iranra Via- m - Kc .o-nh-jn markata pfftcialty rarortad nrr iv I in hvijii S. ttrta- r 1 ". Inteata una.; Hnuaton '..; urwana marart srrnail .ten 'v and a"-! alaadj ' t 'I III !. m Ctot !!'.' ! .it mi im Wkaai Ii" antbar Nay Com psrambar Hay Oala : O 1,.'.. r Ma. Pork Oi"nK r Januari Lanl Optobat Iniiiinr ,. nn Rlbt 0 lolwr 11 x January -in: New York wheat fSi hie niah ent tats if .11 I I hul na 1 . ke the -'nre 4 l Pre 0U1 -lie II pi IH S7 11 te la in Loa Pel inn 11 37 l Woi'klv TrMle Wpvirs Toll tf Must Favorable Trade Conditions. IIKil, I".", Peipniher a n; K 1 n? prii" Opan ina !i : n were : Mich pt M 13 i: 1 3; 17 Prev 1 Inep laitt M ; Ml 3as j 13 tO l N I.N I in Low eM Clou in THF. BOSTON MARKET MpTDM o.i Cannae atradi ,n,.,i ma.i '. nnie u' a,1. Al lam to irrn rtn pnmtnuad Indira n. v P-ev Daaam .1. Mir -. lay Julv The ale. fi 1 Advent ura . , umaak 'al M i 1 M AtaomaTt 1 Alton- ''."' Am Zinr 1:'' Ana.-nn-la US Art omnil Ronanai B Hi! lll' ill Tn HiiiIp A ., X Cal a Aril 1 i'ai t Recfa w Centenn nl m china . 31' roinier Rinte 111 Itnet Inlle Franklin frnnb . , . S M lirppnp Can . . . lft Indiana .' Inaniration IM ll f'niv'e l Kerr Lake irl Lake m 1.1 na . m ... con VK.nn . Ill M obak '. N-vm'a Cn,t -1 m Irpadtan M Vi ni . lint T" Xortb Butta 71 011 Dominion M 1 n!i .. Mil. PnN pit ibv ' Pond "r-ek Raj- Ton W." 'mi Kp 1 ai mpon , . . " Miamtrk rm lootti I'tab Mi-'. Land taa anp Barton 1 n iurarlor fop i. i Ti mara. k . 7" Trlmur V- Tiloliinirp I a ampi 1 I- 1 S-.'t pf 1 vi fllS P, . flab fit 1 m u v prp prlcaa kim Aptlrlta ami The rtmimary: oin it' ih Laa Cloa na pi WJt l U n.liH ""a :.i ifa M T rju ini, 5 'S '"a fl ItM 41 1" aT JJ MH .' i. 4-11 11 .1 as 7:.i 7't .'.a IV, M M Ml KS IS N I7'a a 't N)4 Wta 7vi$ :s -.1. :. in M f.'., B4 Ufa Ma UtJ lH Mil .It IS SI ei 7SH "S M ! I 17 1 US 1 1 IS 1; in 1 '.fi. Ii. sa IMt IS 171 .'S d I 11 SI Iff in It -u The weekly trade reviews report that I buaintaa fonditloni ihrouthoul the roun- ti. are nion favorable than for aoine lima pail, export havlna rl'en lo Iff- ; prscandttad figures mid th" aenernl tradr b iik on a more aptltrf arnle than for aotne Hire On a ' aaya: "ftven the thanae to milder o ither did no) mnterln'ly 1-saen retail damanda, and iharwara a-iii many more (ininta of gnin tn,r nj n ,n . tin' trnaral altuntlon Thia Incl la made plant in ra porta from the principal can. 'i- a, at nKi ne by the various Itttkttlcal rr. Hires that no naurv bnipess niovenvnls and volmne- "Hnnk ctcnrlnga oukMda of Haw York, lararly aurpaai those of re"ent ears. cross railroad earnlnti are atpadlly ria-, ma. tha- upward trend of commodity pr eai uncha Ued and the Ir.rreaae in rommarclal borrow'na cive Mdltlnnal pr .or ,.f trad" PSpaMlOfl. 'Rvidancc of widening ictlalty ia ap- par'nt 11 nearly everv 'mrortant depait n'nt and In locnlltlai where rn Itfti of it n-aa manlfaat 1 dhorl time aao "rot rata in mn-t rapid, na it should ba, in the induatrlal than in the trading tti 1. 1, -a ra, if, moat pronnUHfad nt rltlaa where ibe manitfactura of war iuppllaa I now the lea ling occupation. Aa a n-fl - Hon of (ba pnortlWttS foreltn re- qulramanta marchnndlaa hipmen's are reaching unpracadpntad mtnla nnd the e.-eM ,,f rxtmrta over Importa 'a moifft ItiK o fas' mat aoltl Is rlowlna her.- at nn Mttpat-.a i-:.t rat,' The boom In Iron and atrel eoea lapaca; conditions in lenther are more ani'af.i r,.r It-tin at any tlm- In over la yaar, with most lannaiici running t" capaally, nnd the teatlln nillls nre , huay, proai acta bring bnaht for tbi 1 malntananca of oparaMoua on the pres. : ant arala during th wlbbar and earlv p. k nion-lis With the .irndurtlve f. no standll) anlarglng 'he distribution o waea .iff. r.- an ,11 reHslne fund Executor Trustee CTiaitererl 182? The Farmers' loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Offlco, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. 10ND0N. 15 Cochapur St., f. W,j 20 Old Broad Stinat, ii a PAfilS, 41 Bnnleaard Hansamaan BERLIN, 68 Unt-r den Linden, N. W, 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian RAILROADS CALLING NOW FOR 40,000 CARS ul Mtron, uhln. for the Ooodyogy and it'll bet Comnana. a hiahwa tour aii ana for wood county, require! 27", tone of -true- 1 whlih will be fnrn'shed b ' T;r i Im m ,.r I Wiaconain, I Ufa I steel I Foreign Lines Wnni 11000 (00,000 Tons nf Rteel NppiIpiI fur Work, mi viauaau fro,, cnn..,,.. STERLING RATES DROP AGAIN. Wc have prepared a circular in regard to some of the bonds of the following Companies, which should be of value to all investors interested in the present rail road situation: Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R. Co. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. Denver A Rio Grande R. R. Co. Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Pere Marquette R. R. Co. St. Louis A San Franciaco R. R. Co. Toledo, St. Louia & Western R. R. Co. Wabaah R. R. Co. Circular furnished on application Kean, Taylor & Co. 5 Nassau Street New York 134 Sn. La Salle St. Chicago WEATHER FORECAST Wnsliinefon Predictions for To-diiy and To-morrow. ! Mr.-iil. eerl, Tn tenia nn I Mapfcl I ni'hnnaril. 'on nd I for will ultimately lo-nerv bUSInaai In all parts of .rTer ire VI I a of fuii smploy. Ibe In the broad. tn-inds for rloth avher neceaeltlea, onv of the Hast. and South Pon action ar notably IS ri al I era 1! t! It I. M IJ.W t: ;. Inoil ni-r lrei Pamlie: t; jo , - Piatt Copp"r aati. i ,r aaais i 'n Wolverine SJ RAH RiAli i nnsnn a Arbant im ! I i'i -no P'evalei i - I'ft.i.1 a I nvpl 135 i" n.- too i Maine S3 - PtlfljbttM ff N , Main r'-n,-i im I ' Me fl lit U s Y V It A R 1 Old Colon ,.Ml tin I at Hv purchaaes thm nil brnin has of the country, "Already trip mpvt of 'nt "IS "i.iini.'tive Ing, foodatuffa nod and thin la t un pot top also ,.f ii,,- Waal ditlons in the latter i mproven, nicior cotton pm-ev mora than compensating fr the reduced prop, while the unauall) auccafttl agricultural season in the We: is a factor of far ri aohTs Importanc " amifafreef'a says: "Save fnr a prnh. sbl) temporary seihark to retail d'a. trlbutlon caused bj a spell ,.f warm weather '..aie-s r trade nnd induatry eon'inilns of POnaOlCUOlia l.rir.nrl'n, even areater Bains apaiently Ini Steel n-mpanles are now ednfrontad with demands for 100,000 lonl of steel bars, idatpa nntl shapes t . lie lined In the eons-rin" .. ti ? railroad are Tliia mens that full 10,000 para a" U negotiation, tt,6oo ours of which are for foreign roads in the laai few days domeetlc railroad, ha v placed conlrac! for about a. pa PI ant pressing in quirlea ar now bafoi ths builders for all sorts of equipment Tha i ingestion on the various transportation lines la not being relieved in lad, the dlffl puity to move freight is in Teasing with paaslng w-eeka Tn Baatern par ehop-. nre alteadly well employed on oontrnets ire and the impreeaion s thit a part of the new business will so sh ips the central west This t ! me, when ordinary freight rat,s llercgarded and contract arc iw ina: f.r la ri" sterling enchsnge again declined i.irpiv yeatarnay breaking nearly nn- on tiie pound. Iiomand sterling -o., .,- ,n,..,, woih ,,ihles ai tcriiA. I Tin.-- compares with 1.00V) nnd I.Sl on Thin ids) Prancs were lower in avm- 'J d - "a nt I a: for ,-heoka 'nnd 'I f"i- cables The previous close was I "ol an restiei i-v.-lv nroppeq to nil. aaalnst re day ami rubles declined I Mark- woro unchanged at S2i, fori ghl drnfts and It t for rabies Aua- ! trlan Kronen advanced from it no to i Ian exchange brokers said last In .1 the) expeotrd the m.irkei i lei-line lurther and estimated that for demand sterling would K" aa t il" w Ithln a f" w davs THE CHICAGO MARKET t'HIPAOO Oct I! Tradins hmad and anPe were ssneratls sirnnr Pmnn carbtd rhiraan pt'Piini.ati,- Tool an. I Sips irt Warner wprp the prnminetll l-alurei Thrre WS a aond dmsn t for Lindsay Lithl onnimnn at ,.o oi...., pnoes iion.l tnaik-i unohsntad The .iimmary: Dpen Saies lnl It! Am Shinbuildina ?. Phi Pnpii Toot Republic of Panama npiaired ainklna lunil Ihlrn tear wld Hnnds One Nnirmher I. 1044, f.M.l.Bt, BOND. hereb) rnr esslern New Utk and Men Rnsland. rnir In da, and In ninrrxu : nindrrste noethwesl to nnrth wtnda. I' If Voi .tereio and eastern Penn.vl- rania, f,r ,,MV ,,n,, t.morrn , mod- ei .t.. nortkweal la north wlnila Ftet waatarn Van York, rnir to dav and to ,,,--., ntadarat northnest md. b ' aaiina trhihlp sibw Y , n K Oct II small arpa nf tnonarsta depreaalon was ,-enirat over northern Plnrlda and aouthern Ornraia aratprdai eaualni run In ih. smith At intl m. i .. ia Qull sin ip. Riaewhara ihroiiahoui the country iha ppinher aaa ,nni!;i fair ami hleh pre J" re '''ii 're. I nil other spi'tlnn east nf the nneSV M uint litis .r. rpl nnrlhern Vpw EnSland fenm I onlr, nv.t Illinois Temperaturea sera n,n rr In tha lake -esi"n uhln Vsllev, England ant thp ml I 1 p ttlantle fO'tirs. hut ti waa oo,pm hai warmer in -hp ipntrai stalta Freaslns temperaturea oppurrad In parta "f ihe anuth western ytatps and Hip mirth prn Isg asglnna In Ihl. rlt lh, ,a,- u fair an-1 PaOlO n in I rre.ii aorthweal average humidliv. 3. per '"if barnmelar rnrrepted in read p, level at m loot; 3PM i :s aa Thp tpmnpra,iir, in thta rtt vesterdav, aa rOrorded by the oOVIaJ thermosaat is showa In the niltieaeft faille Notice Italian lire 1 Ms on Krl- I ! from 114 to fore night would prions la a are THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET. tin Rr. Com K llinn in IMamnnd Maleh 11 Ii no Rriek I" K I' Ry A I.t pf M5 l.lndMj Lltnt m I. mom nil tea If Nat Parhon pf II People. Ga- ." Pubiir Rervtc PI Public ! rvio,. . Ousker Osti I Vuak"r iat ,ni III Raara Roebuck 7.V3 siewari W'srupr 1 01 Swifl A CO. IM Union Carbidi Iff P a Steal ITag Hi lfl.'i IS 7:t, .in Iiai- ft'ili eat yi e.l Pl.i. Ins I ITU t3H ln, 71 U IS 7!'k 174 1114 1:1, ls lem 71 "is m m ii 'y.' at a , ts aa Ins tn, f IM n; IM US S IS itaaj it nj ian IMU 171 13 i:h 71 pA 7'. 1. 1 nn III 3a plains) for vi nrteld Thete w h i nia v bjap or a year, Among the are 1,000 Sddltl Central, Ti hip th dlstrlbu iOUl s'ee! prodttcta fan ire llouoi) predictions of en In the next sis. nt -ntha ontraets for earl placed lonal for the New York win reported yeeterday, a no' et ivallable, I I '3 73 71 pa 7S : i aa 11 l 1 3" T in l"i, Mir-a ' ll The l.o ll :.' i " t: r 1 N i: a 1 Tie I a (J :i J; a. :: '7 is n :; ' i Ml M :i 'i t: -' t "' i: iwts s Ml" KI.I.ANKIH ' ten w th mldrfl ni irk 1 1 1m, en id nm" There n ,rot ,-oi Una st 7 7d. American. ;is F-n M - h Arrl J ina .'l1 1 . (ha 1 sap 1. v. t il . Ov g V III r, , w Kir . Imp Oal- ,. New Oris Bkporti thn- to la.! tea.' Op-, ina M. 1 LOW 'ri M , 17: bid to Llvet , Marcp. HTSi The no,- i-r- , '. e llt paint. 'vio n'e and (teeka Re eel pi - I : : 17 Mil - ! 1 at) I.SB I slots k H. Clo. ira p. ! i'i P,PV 1,1.1 Hf?f May - doe t. 1 S .tin- - : open l-'ist LsM ' a- S'o'k. ,.. ,e f7 -''I .".J. 1S5 l.kM ., m Sal 1471 1 . 3 tu 7. .10 1741121 ;; 1 11 it 7e i-lpls il -look, LaM year Ksttntated sort receipts to ! 'o. Its Last v aak '.' "77 I. sat ..r S -n. IJI 17.11 ai f Laat rear '. m reatsrday art- at inu i.'in 1 17a ia : 1.. 1 hal, - hales hale. T'.'.U Total m Ai" Phem TH 777 Am tr Chm pf M am ''n't Sara I Am Surar. n Am Snesr f la Am T ' T"l 11 1 Am 'ir.'.3 . 3'-i Am Wool,,, ,f "- Amnak' sn i": tllWI n i 1 11 I IV 1 of ' nh ' m. I t'ow '' Psat rt-i.tnn I. an I ff -, ; I It, Rise I rn' alsctrtl U, Ilia - Maea fll pf MeRlwaln pi -1 " il'man ' I wifl 1 1 Terrier' nn . . I" I ":-'"1 Prutt f:,Hr I Vo . Mai'h 13', ' I'nltad Shea M nf atu II-7 I e SOeel Vamura od i Wi -t.-ni L'nlon BONDS 7:aiv m TAT i. - ini t t ma lU " A ii A W I Is .77 R C M A -Ms-, flsa IH ' v ai po - nu no N R P01 Yarn 71 im 1 N a Tl H in N V Ml II I 7'' 1 Swifl "s T - fn( 1 pr.nt u i, p.i r A T .' . v ll'S lis 1'S . IT af . a . 73 Ii7i, So, aa 11 iil4 SI', aa t ItlH . mil ":4 a. si IH 7', s 1414 lis IMa M4 l Ml im 3 0 li, 11 ian 1! It'i 1311, mi, 14 I'l'L, o' TP, l'H ,-.,s ITTH aj U a 3 It", ", 1331, ID'. .'', K 112 m faUj 71 111 11SS SH,. ! "I 1?3 I? TI lei Ml l 11 ' l"V I IS 7 PI I'll-. K lam 119 IP 1.31 131, ! M as 7IS' mi as' ; With ! store In the laraer lines Pumulsllve alpan sion la the niuef charactertslie ; retsll mei h into ;,. a ttrongar propensity to to buy ahead: th steel trade aoes on miking around mines on some finished product have beep advanced, partly to k-np buying w:tliiii certain hounds, the long predicted scarcity of railway cars la 11 ai-tual fact ; a paucity of l.ihor en Ists . pay rolls are enlaralne. Weekly imnk clearing me .,' un pa rail lag pro portion ; demand for money, the aup ply of whlih la plethorle At eaay rates. I- in -reisina. exports of wheat and flour reduoed to wheat for the current week es tablish 1 new luah rn. o. d; expir' trad o ntlnuea unpracadentad 1 meritortoua new e- lerprlaaa are being launched more readily real estnte. I na dormint, is r -vlvlng: farmer :; Ih Mouth, hav'ne h.ot tlieir f rcn dlngi dtapetled bv good prlPaa fot c dton and paying iff "id debts. lumbal nrodt; lng so 't west 1 outside of th yrowth is ei i,b need " ' 1 proUUCta, are 'X ept 'n the "lis of the N01 ths mil .na regional, Of the 2,! rdered b tin Phllndelpl 1 anil Reading, prevloualj aport 1 1 000 I hopper curs era to be l,u;:- h 'ho I presar. 1 sin : 1'ar Company, t.ono iox I cars b ine American Car and Foundry I Company, and loo gond da car by the 1 gtandard steel cor Companj Th- nii- nois Central, In addlt on to the thou- j refrigerator can ordered ftotn the American t'ar and Poundrj Company, la havine 500 box ctp h ull f r the Central of tleorgl U) the Pullman Corn, pony md .".mi fruit cars by th Amert- I can Car -md poundry Companj Tha Atl.antio 1 met lane has ordered 100 flat caia from The tame shops. The L ti Cypreaa LAtmber Compan) of Loula mi , n.-is ordered ti- skeleton logging cam from ihe Rettamlorl Axi- ivimpany The Cincinnati, New Orlaana and Texas pit. cute has contracteif) with the American I far nnd Poun Iry Company for eteel centre construction for i.' ears, The him of Phetpa, Dode Ca has or dered 10 ore cars fioni the PiasaaU 8teei far Companj Th- Waetern 1 Maryland has ordeiiM S.OOO hop;., cars from the Pullman Company, and the .Ml hlgan Alkali Company Ins ordered ,Mi ate! hopper oars from thi pressed Httel Car Company, The Mlsaoui . Kan-1 sa and Texas ha Ivmich Im hnllaat no Roger Halts i'ai Com ' i". I14H l'l iiev IDS II th el j y, U'a "3S litu in,'. Low est 4 1 l'g -' 13'. I "il.At.KPPMIA o-i a Str-naih and "" ty Philadelphia Ranld wo 1- " el the atoek maekei here Pnlon Ti leaion waa alao hiaber with am all ,-bsnees sawnera Bonda wen I miwi snd firm ; Inn The . immar. . Open Sale. ,. ." Al!'. i'iinim-rs I imer His ll Altnona A Lot v - a ,,, Hide A Lea ' Ani l.o's-mot in. pa Anaconda :, O Hs'.lwtn I.e., ' ti, i.i Lsca of . : it . ri a On i o !ja lint A sua nf at Rah A iihm 7., Cambria sieei i antral Leather - ' in It l A Pae f. p..i K it-1 A Iron 7- y. It or an Hat '" Hen A-Pball 7" oen A.;. hall pf 77 kl Nn fi i fa 3 H .1 fj Hn ' .1 ii Ii-1; p , ,i revirion' Tel i ' Labs sun Carp is t -hi r h Navn Lehlih Vallev ' ' 1 hlh Yal Tr, l-ehltli Taj TV pi ' Lit Hroa l ' Miami Cnpia-r Northern Pemrsl a Penna R R i.- Penna Si.i Mti " Ppiiiis Steel IM r.;. lJ PI 'a Ra; ol Trail '" i am t MOO Chn aao Rr la W Pity Ryi fl . . mne Pom Rdlaon MM PiiMip Vprvlc. Ii I Trlephom la BONDS s m 104 Ma lIU lti I- Mil 17 My - mil, Hs, in III 11 fiii 7 mti, vi, 1000 , VI,..,, in int..... not, i in- i, nn. ,,r ine int.' indenture made in 'the , iifpiinio of Panama in Tha Farmers' i.oan ami i Trust I 'unman, ami William NMSOn Cromwell a Trustee. datel November I Inn thai the lollop In secured sMkin Plinil Tlllrt , 1 car i,o'd Ronda. tlateii November '-. 101. , hsio tieeti drawn for redemption, at a prloe ,.r i iosh and acprued r, i to tke date of .nob redemption to aba irb a. newrl) a mav lie. n money nor, p smklua riind ,lr ., ir an sir, oti p.'ar la ana r,nn saq pan efa TH ami hot ;,n I it i.i 1 2ii I m jsi i;os -rs mail ism inn 2n ,,2'i an-, man tlii Ills 2'1S (177 (Hi? 1112 Mill l ;i7t. 070 (in I im Mid inn .i7u rts 0U 12:10 I4r.s snri ,n i. redeemed through tin- -ahi sinkltM rune at :,id prlpeof lOjii ami accrued Interns! to the ,1. r ." ,.. Ti.. . larttipp i.on and Teuat t'ompany Trrustee. al l ,,m,-,. No- iio'j.' William sirce' New ora ' at, in Nnvemhrr isi iota from and arior which date In, iiotnt. n itrawn shall Peaae to bear Imprest, anvihimr In .neh l.tml. or noupona iMTtai-'itia thereto to the contrary n. .t p it natanntna 1 Hi: FARMERS LO IN AND TRI ST COM I ' X N Y !!'..t!'u.IN " MAttSTyN. Prwidjmv wil l. MM NKLSON 1 idiMWF.I I. n t I? t a P M Hishea OI I'M , ! Ti ll' 7.T temnerafiire r. n n 0 at 10 Mid ill .11 .12' st 7 1 01 a a' as M P 1 M 1(11 1 .a' 1' I opct temper atttrs EUROPEAN MATLS. Th. fta'lan lltipr America salllna 10 tu for Napjeji nil' t ,a,. nisi rloalns st in i m . fnr itan Km,, , - serwa i-pp. p t, i itaer .m.i The American Miit Fin nnd. salllna tn Inioro.w for Fulmnnth nn l t.oti ton Will tnke nil! leacept tterniani Auetrla emburs Nuisarla Tutin" Ceil aol fl-ti-nprk i. Afrl' the Ra -' ti ip. Th It lllan :lnr iMtit. Ini! Monds) for Ninv rtnstna al 1 1 :.n 1 M maul ,, s. r bis Pa Itserland f.r Rurnas H'oiBin. Lot Vorwai RWO nnl 1-ln an, I f.o lahiPt l.ik tl.,1 l Urea at' nail, ft a Ti-p Prem h llnei t n Touealna -l ine Tn"-. In '..i Nnrdeaiia, will t.ikp mall. '".ina ai noon tor Frit p numanta, H ,hla P r: Mil It,', Spain. Pn,toll. Rai ic. . British I- ' British R ist Ifrb i Strait -la." V itta -niet fllbr iltai Imth En Ce t'.llpa. Da'ct Now ork i ptemhet I 'a i " 'S l-"a 3 ' . -. 17 re 1.'. if, ISM lit, I.H, III, sa 71a i . a f'loa in S ii" noi 171, tad S3 rVTS 1 1 17S M MX a DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET. I'll III! Nils I HI M isll llt-l lltt'e i-nn .1 H cars fr piny THE GRAIK MARKET. Px ilivide ,1 DRY GOOES TRADE IMPROVES. "I 'ciiniimlot" I ' I In ii f I nrroH r d Itrxfr' In Pro V I lie fur I'liluro. Th fft n n'i Weoomti hh i "Th trade eonttnuM to bntl.i th niM-ke.. Impivvrnctit in yvnaral condltloni Tfier :ri fvi 4n4?vM o( nrnn-Hy In .'T (ft!n lire! o m ''ii ndltf and m.inv din trlbuttrfs ire hIiowIhk km 1'-: willir -nt-HH - mi h hip eafi Vffn utisltty to pr !'! f-ir tlifir pirpipprt.vr wmtw It iw mat ei iii prlcM pont inuc hinh utr nu .t.irt ttllf) :ire m.itiy rndlca ttonn that tltockt In h 11 hHMfn at, urnal;." THE PITTSBURG MARKET. THE BOSTON CURB MARKET Peeaawre -I cud Ire on 11 bent ill IIphi'I Tl tfe tn r'v dealii jjs in wheat crnH,, aalon thai th market Intended the Immense farm movement "ntinuance of erfecl weather Thero was more or les ins and reference waa made : itlve atrenpth of the Liver. i: w ..- paid, however, that led - gnlllcanca use t,e:nu at- t malntaua ine of , t n.-- i ing ; 'hi- undartoi e at la predicted, as arrivals ..r n , ' ' atead I) ln easing, Th tpatujp ,,f the seasl n was ths oh- ' 'kiiea a, -ho Chicago December r-' Tk's poaltlon alumned about lontha down, it Uvei p , w den , Hon hm, Ma; VI l hi pTI the ill 1 u rli u- So I ik. and corned other was i ot siinirialns m ire act re, na It hud ' il .i t'sslnn that evi- f ipt w I I omtng ,i ly nun furt e i.-n altua- ll ol Iii December den - centa C.'IR Th. ri ii wi nnoi un'. 'I'le n..:, a, ,), i I'f I tlie prlhg Mlin-.t to thui msrltsl ii i Hint winter sending on their receipt! el all do in ., h liberal yeai iga Cnder I " advices ,,r in. selling ware roadlly ee me . arsllei i h p II a- TI ra mors ths sported a natances ii iga i' la ",ir di ma ud. irl biislass in ila e,l at 100.004 iverp of th " sa .,r ratbei !. i ! iv .,' tn,. a-,, BOSTON Dot It Tha Boaton turn pro ea follow Rid AUe.l Alvarade an i on Bey stale ,.. so 71 Btnihaai s hnb-mia . : liego p vi ,J Hoati n Kir jj II BUM A London Jt .11 Calavvrs . II I'. Phi, f Coneolidaled 9 .an Conaoltdstad Arizona ,, . it ll CorlPE 50 TO Pron Reaerva J7- Pnl Corblu 01 .of. barla Hal,- IS IS K12I0 A IlluehPlI IB I 0 in Pirai Rational Popnrr 1, laa QotdSeld IS 18 11. iiahlon H 1 Iron RloAsom 7 n I.i Rnae 40 .4 Maieatio TO T5 Meglnlay Itarratb H N Meati an Metal !t 14 Mm of America !S TH Nm Baltl, .3 H New Cornelia -'a 'S Nevada Doulaa to .an in.' Dominion receipt to t. ohto t opper "... .13 , Oaeco I IU Sottthweal Miami wi 1 01 Stewart M nine si -7 'lull Mel il. SI, Ver.le IS a Tooopah ri-lnaanl a Tonopah M.tiina ti'a n Yukon Shi i PITTSBPRf! Qlaaa sained I t'eilo Ir nt waa To, Mttllttl ' outiuneil it 11. between -'' and 71 cant Open Hales 111 T" Am Win (il pf M 3 ;p' Am Win (il M"h 77 Ipl Am W iii M n nf ni', ,7, Paney It'ier ll-ts 7-n, Columbia ii A I Itldspl Un a in. knt Brea pi l.a Roll.' I", 'i I.. 1 Belie Iron ni 1 St'if lo:s lap lit A II Firopronf Plreprool pi Fin I ml Nat (,as Brawl ni Rr- Mint nf Coal ... Coal p( 1! SI7C 4:1 M It 4" Nat r.r, Nat 7.'" Ohio 10 llkla MS Pitts , ran I Pitt p. IS 1st - no . iii. i" I'm - Poiio illasa :...i P.M. S'l Penk 375 Pure (III 11400 Ian Toy 7" fnlon N n It. I'll A SI ; i n s A sit pi l,;e I' S Spp 71 WV-111 rh A R j Weatlnth Rlec 0. Weatlnrh FN"' pf noNPS I' .. Mon Rn Co il I III ;.....i Pol Rrev S Oct tt. Amariean Window points on heai. 1 iradtni l.a im llian 14 t'oint hlahei San rami activity, soil The aumniary llmli I. on C o. el est Ins 1st '.SI pi Ijni, 1 1"., ijni, git Sit Ml 13'. I.T. 13'. is c is nil tk ti. Mil lis 4 , M M 43 43V, en, tUS IIS IP, IIS 7.3 na M n P' ia ta .a 711 1 flit ai, at I li, 1,1, in, ID Id 40 in im in ' 'H m I III 104 pi j in .10 10 104 isi, in, 53 M -2 1 ISMa Ii', I33i,i I7'. I?l'. I!', 1.11 131 131 7 17 M st; I III 1131, IIP, ta, 73 7it 73 I :. . as III 111 I) ai i-' s 1 '3', It ' Iik, I'S nt 1 40 If '4 in i . a 1311, 1.'-', Ill THE COPPER MARKET 1 iw) Dihfra 1 :t1l i.iKii" i'i 'ill ' iM M . ilnul -I 1,1 n U vrt h fort If .1 i.i 1r.. mi quart art Mtiaal "tin lann f-MU'.f. .1 nit a B 01 of Hi.fl 1 1- tilt lor t 'li r, , n in thf iv Km thi. condUUn, ll '"ii na 1 1 ! fitly Will t.. P- TTo Willi at W i(ln ra.T'' 1 . . . t ef ij.axt mi Pifi or m f k u im Tht po la t 1 k whaai fii u ia rcotailnna i v I', it 11 t Un it t u ' 1 1 I nw ' . t 4 l 'I Fill H I 1 ' III ' "I"pi M (On tjuihi f t I hiH trand "f um l am r irttu ailnittta ' -I 1 Iie-I , rill lha "Modarn llUli ' 1 mui h 1 nia It ' 'na "Tiiliru pa" 1 ,-, jrg uan Dial t h Um (-x-u 'i f tt-yih-i i',i ad 11. raeam 1 laa r a ncaa nnl t'i th Ml i"" lnHir p'l m uitfj VI iHr'l fi if ft . a il 1 1 btri un'i, .f ih ii, trkri dua f- th- Rupn .rr from I im 1 h ' i 1 r.iin nhin 1 i'i rnlMnl ti a dart, w ha i i k I I1 ffVi't 1. II 1 , mi,." '' ' "-I' ll A ni fi.pi tf nn of further . ipori uul ' nit- MtUhl priBura fof u 'i'" ihip 'iPHi-p.t- a .iiiiinii.! f pir .ni" 1 1, 1 in k in- 1 1 1 it 1 k s r mi ITnlHrulim of rin it tn I'rnmlii-a (tPfl t Ful 11 re I on mini pi I tin. Tliprn aM n ano'l niti IncjUtrf fflf I''"" Ijfilo eoi 'r raatarday. arlth aubatoiitial ton :ica MMhM lOf IKP'Ht af'Mtnt ijr1I.V .f ipa-u'iit room ponltnuM Ibi dowinoiitiii iM'-t'ii t" mllllotlni '4?-'ii!iil .i fr movf maul Ol 'f'p rpi mI fi-om Ihil fniiotry lo Kuior.r Thm I'oiidilinn firnniiMri o MniltlU ovar thf and Dnmattt' iM'inirtaoi wpr fftir A itmn m n oisinifri' i iirr arr hikI have btn for wonif I : nn pflaf anlftffrtni i hStr piani i a nd ,-:v oil for lha foiiaumntfon nf roppar hy ilio nd f 1 ha aanr 'iH n'lriiaiia hy any Rlillloni t j m miik tha moa1 opi I in I at w ir''tll'-lHin 1 avtr hld hy ooppai iHtOMlli m nHrd 1 o i lif ful ii- of th- induairv A firm i j. 'in hi ul for laid VM notd Hurl - ilaa war afloi iaM at t ha utu ti nnf i mad hy i AinpMi-aii fmtli i ind fi'iit Coninony ' 1 1 ; in th wi'k Canadfgi Ruaata iii i Italy Mra t ho prtDftpiJ buirari n ininroylni dam and aii Mn.nti notad in a: "I- i uhif-h tiif',nii in pfjaa aunt balm QUOtad at Ui to ea)ntl a pound. I THE BALTIMORE MARKET. BALTIMORR Ort Hnuaton on RI horn Kin I CoadPti ami Pi.ieluv and Deposit wen feBturea ol lbs Iradina her Houston nil rtosed tr-i, tionalW Inilip- nrl ptdsllty III, .1. It -in, '111-t'.l I I'omlr Tiler- war Ppe ;lb Inquiries are ef,, the oar builder for IS.Odu freight csra, Includ ing 1,500 for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, made up of i. steel hopper carp. ,000 bos oars nod Jill Ice car. The tialttmore and Ohio is nakli.K for prices on 1,000 hoppei curs and for steel underframes for 100 boa at. The chli ago and Northwestern Is about to place an -oiler tor I. gon dola cars The Nashville IThlttanooga and Bt, Louis is Inquiring f .r centre constructions for 1, nr. and the Minneapolis and st Louis f,,r ' -' underframes fot box csrs. The Louis. ville and Nashv lie wants prices on I 000 ho cars .nnl inn gondola PITS The Missouri Pacific is in ih market for 7ill box car The lieollo, .,,, ,H;p Krle is lakiiiB pi ! c I nu ISO gondola i ars The Ko.-h uiand i in the markei for 500 steel car undsrfrsmes The Prenclt Qovernmohi wonts price on i 500 hos ars The Ruesian Inqulrj for n,000 additional cars has not i et been sat'., tied The Cincinnati, Hamilton and liait. m Railroad is in Ihe .nrirket for f.nn steal ear underframea ami the LoulSVll) ami Nathvlllf f. r I. Ion steel oar underframei Tim Rantn i"e . re. ported to bo preparing specification fur 100 freight ars ... Locomotive hu lders are also experl riu'lna s reilvil in the demand for motive powei Tin Baldwin L mo. tle Works report orders for two lnen mottves for thp Interstste Railroad, one Mnllrt locomotive f'r the Hal 1 1 more and bio. one sonsotldsted engins for the Rarltan River Railroad md four Mikado type locomotive for th V'lck. burg, Rhreviporl and Paetfie, nrdered be the Hew Orleans ami Nnrtheaetern The Lehigh V.illei la haling Ihe Its Id win works Ins ill superheater on twenty engines, as well as build 'en Mikado locomotives prevlouBl) reported The Illinois Central, as noted reeterday, ha ordered Bfty locomotivaa, forty-aeven of which are Mikado typs and will bp built by the Lima Locomotive Corpora tion, and three Santa I'.- type by Ihe American Locomotive Company. :t Ph. la I Phil , Ti a It . i Pun, 3- Readme Stiidebaker '.. . Tonop Uelmom i nah kllmni -' i ' tin, i. Traction I. Ml tint. .1 i,. I ii, ..'. p s SI..-1 .; '-' t'i h t npper W Warwti k ir A i ; Iinviis in- flaa A Rl F.I,.' A Pen ila n IS b v.lone Tel ' .ten i h Nai eon i1 la yh Pal inn l ' I h I'sl ,r ti I, ion M irket Si RI la Pa R H n i ,. ' I'i II I Co OOtll a I-' Can. i Ft,.,, i. Phil Ei" i- I . I'lul RI rold I i o Re IlltOJ sen la Bp oi Am Iron I oiled It In ". tl 14 14 14 S ?S s i is a i ta 7-S 7S T 74 1' 7i, 7'k THI, ' HU 1' lS l'i I 3T 3, 3-, 3, is i ii i 7P, SI' M4 34' Ml MS 4i, 441 "S S H sH int.4, in! 100 )aai a, aa aa .''. 77S 77i. 77 i '' t in, lH !IS 17 lis 140 143 40 III. ftlTTlin Thp iiirk-i ru.e.l ., nrmer under morn favorabt uralh, ''Itlnn. Hlrb ava ls ,1.., k Idvsnn 'n .art eppflaa Rperulatlre demand ws belter ipnriin aapport -n th market Mr Hum a-a.l. s . Iraned un mrv eloaely tte-Pip-. continued .ish' prior, rream- pr. Mtrae a; nre. :t, , . hlhrr .inr- Ins tl gtl 11 . Srst. 4 :.l - u . . ship. . ,irv. luha IIiip.i. 24. ' H"1 .T-K'.""' -'"' "' -T'' common to fHlr llallUl -rn, , lie. Ilrata, lltiall Imltatlan creamer fir. la lletlc. la. Ins o.ttr.i m.k. n,.,. -70 2.'l,r m, ccn4r 21 n 21 I,. p k . orr.oit tusk-, lit,.- Ilkall. gredea liatsue, ' HEESR Markei . -.t nui I erv Brm on apeculatlTe ami export burins Re ..ipt. ,.r gp, t,.r withdraw ina -'tis.' fr.-:v Ira, tl.-alll fin fresh f.r, i... l.o . ''in advance turned epo-t trade for thp llr.t Hma In m.M weeks state, whn.r milk. frh. nm "'" a VI rp rnrv to Al MARINE rNTET.LIGENCE Pun . kins Th- I Pr apeplal tate aklm held ape-. ISH-ailr 119 ItUl -hole 1 I S u i i ina tat . wi..-,,., S I ' . ilnuhlp Jlplra. frsh aparlals HSr fir i.. In twin. 1 1 " i 1 1 U Haa- iiish rr.ip ,,n,.w .. ..... .,.w iitlnii.d "rm market M.o .,'. r nn aoc.njti- nf bIaw i. ,.t.,... r,e a I. dup I.. to hi. .,., Prrilil ni i twsr araoea .lui1 i. I'trtlr. and . h k B. "n'ln.ied .1. s Iv iti RENTON PUT I Lit 1 1. in. Trent n. V I . u 1. II, till blVIDK.NO NO t mpetiPB or -o. i-. .r i ..r m,Mipi ; np. i in.. d,i. ., dividend of (NB PKR i l.nt :t'r .14, declan i ..n lha Nan I I Cumulative Preferred sr.,.k at ths com. I , pain, parable n tni,,.- tr.. ,.. . . k holdara ..r rp. nrd it ) ... k P M ( mber I IL P'l" Tranafet bo k. do n..t oloaa C R law ro.N, Secretary A Tie.. NATION 11. LEAD IIMPANV, ' 111 Br-ads ay .- ,i (fork The regular auartarlt dividend of ns i an i three-quarters per - on th" Pr ' 'prrp.i St.. a of thta Compan) h,,- been de I elrd, payable n. it it) I Tranafer I" ' ke . is Nov llh sn l re-npsn Nov .ith isii PBBP R PORTMRYRR, Tressurtl AMRRICAN RINK NOTR COMPANY. a dividend nf one prr rem on hi. Com men Stork baa t.n le.iired payahta N I I Ith. HU ,n h .llers ef record at I ; me t :n.p ..f bualnesa November 1st. I mOCk T'an.for Ronk. ul" not hp . ln,pd i i pap It DAN Pi iH I II. ., retari New lork. October ."th ISII Ml vi STPltl: M MAR Ac t pat Mjea r, in Sunsets. 1 I Moo- d mi. ti WATER THIS HM 44 !' Sandy II k T .H flov t.i a n . Hell i ,tite LOW WATRR Til l RAY " A'L SandyH k i IS 11 i If Retl iiaie FRIDAY o-i.ti., P1 nt I reived s. Baltle ;, pi a M S. N on ;,c Os. t ', 1 s- Tronta iM P ' s Ro, Late t P O.I 1 Ranlrian ! P M . Communtnsw. ti a Tortuauero. i" M ti. (ic :f. s. Vauban I Sa Robert M to'WO- 11,1 4 , Bulla A M . .(In, - i V I s. ideanrs - c P s. F" Sort- OalVPSlon a. cttv of sa innah Op s. lefferarin Norfolk 0 Sa Kivo. ooi Baltimore s Vsmie Newport New s. salmonnool Newport Ltieil-oot Oct ' A M 1 0 0 London no, t. M Thureda) Mar. iiuncpo 14 A M P M T' I P M Rath rhomnaon 17 alay, not t a 'i'lea. t T mle f PlPn Mav 1: it", cos M O.I 1 II Crlatohal Of tl Ort : Oct Ke mo, p.-t weather Ordinal ind m accuma ai ilrtner Storage 0111 inquiry n. TELLS OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES. s. Mayaro Neamort Rew Oct ;j IRRIVRD PROM NEW YORK . Dues il-ifh Abrusal nt itoiio;, s. Noordam al Palmonth 1 1 here ! Ita I3t'l IS!'. 1 11-14 I II I I l-l In. " S H MM 7S .'. tli 12 tju -S TO 0I. 11'. ;. ia 11 wa 70 10', 11' i', H lin IM Si. lit, 42 lit 1 '13'. np, " 'V, tl) MS i'i no . '. .'., .' Hi IMvi fS'. IM ri 4 ria MH lei nn 31 ..I, 2 iivi in ;.as ,'r.i, M-ir -r' fi 3-'' . first. 7 O tie . . . Nn I dtrllP.. rrleerator apeclaj murk., r ilrata, :, -, :-,ti, hrnnery uhltps rlne t i ron na, - n n , , , f". ven .-ars wprp unleaded nam auepitea the mar apeelall nn .hi ken.. . staph -m i , a ,.rp. ontlnued in trp. ippt, .m l aeeae 'ea h 11 ' -1 1 .. , M, hens. IT do' k. l..-a r pair. .So. . plaenn,. pi. THE COFFEE MARKET. tic- Put urea Reactionary friers citiie 7 ii, u Raima, Ti'o o.iffrp future markei dsral oped a re a linnar) tandene yetrday and pma-a da 'I'fjcd ' 'o '.' nufuia un transaction of 'a-- Progl l,k a wo in evidence ' ' 'ft in. I thouttl Ihero riioujh ar attei ' buyina to abaorb ogertni for a I'S. ytPtfled m Hi- afternoon tradina The nablea iniiad Hrm reportlni further - 1 1 -; i" nu"i 'it inn- irj. Were firm on Ttiur.tnv rn- to M37. and Sarin rujher 11 kw r ,.., lot ailed ro.oes haa San Jttndlahy ir.aoo ha- Prl - Frr.l- ITr .. n 37' .fin1, 1 1 'i g 7Ji,o ?' ; frfrlB .md 73 ft 2 lance, .12 11 olora, : ife, Llie Poultry V raaterday and nn k. ' 1, ,. atronaer whlrh were ahori 1 mtum Foe I Rnesters dui ks Prleea: F'.w: r 1 kl- . trn.l.f, 10c,; aulnea. m 2n,i7r. fiRBSarr, rtipt.TRT Rr. rip.. . .- ion. .1P.1 ,, h.f.., p . 1 ket with in aseeedingly du ir ho,t, fo, ,n,j rhirkena 'h- 11. Blow P. H.I kPnllPH Bbaui thp only active kind r... ,.. tiiskina ennieaslnns lo mnt, .to, k Ra 'ti!" 'r" " P and lonaidai aaia aurp us will . to thp iippjp.. rhla will t. m latly medium -a but iherr win alao Sp aom r..p.tpr. Rooatera t, ateaeyi mrkn, Irragular In quallt) and 1 slue Puck .'p.,nins up fr , up t'ri p. Preah fawl xYaatirn hop.i t - and over. 14. a'eateen .raided laree l a?-1 ''t'' ratern In poked ,i, ,nt I 'V ' 11 ' , . in,, rhlrkena fre.h np.irm. .1 and 4 II" t" pair 3 ., 21c. Yirainia. milk fed, ;i and lb to pair 73 Weatern milk f-b 3 and 4 h 770 23, . dr.- p, kPd onm fed 3 Slid !i. t i .- . n;.i rooster tlc.i squab, primp, white, in Iba i. doaen Ii '. iha Is '.n. a if. . 13 Prosen Turkevs dry nl, kr.l sale, ted. .2 i.'.'U W e-.m. -'0.7 tlrs ol The Met II., r It I 11,'rt'hii ntS ll,,.--. Ictlvlp 1 -.... h, lion. ban's ''k. al: witie the ncr f ti ganll itlnn dm It contain report of Its activities inst vt i committees and a list . a brief editress by thi i A Marble, in which h "As a result of the the operation of tin if new I Iss ted Sis,. H, .'t'B 'lie v.r oni Rereenel Metapan OPT' s ill FH POg NFW VfiRK I "ii 0- from ii ,, ana lOINft STP- S ol Tn , nl', rs. with nt. William o,i. I ays : win in Rurope, Pans i a i 'anal. i enactment f new leaislatlon ami various tuner cause,, new methods must developed lo meei new conditions manufacturing, in distribution ami foreign trade i ha nuns are In progres i : e ar t iii re w aa a I me h Sara'. rnmi How II iv , San .". res f r- i .lama i 1 1 Im In In demand msrket IP f . nerg) th- full ooperatlon should be operation ,.f the pi ,,,i nnd o. ordlnstlon of secured it la now "Tina glton "f tup importsnci nt,.t need for tin. inoreassd association ae a i ni .iiuiiia mi corrmunit) mora eniiy to bene up hare of ihe new burdens, to s .he ih,. fresh pr bletr at.. I to eraap th,- stent opportunities Iwlng presented." CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. ,fTa;rs emphasise demonatrstea ibe sctlvitlas of this : igem-y in en- s ntttah Prinea Rin i.'.m m inula Ri w' Orlsan coy of gavannah sa i sun ah Va hea Oateestan Comancbe Iseksonellta . ... Alamo Mob le .gsesnn Norfotk pi p. i-.tpp'r tl .'.p.tnn Oamlsln Pr"".- '- Sad Tn mnt-n Finland PalmoiPh - m .mi Monde Qante Alisbieri Naples lg) Hamilton NorfO1 T i-silm M, I, Pi ia I sa A M ' a a ai 4 m M 1 a Toiiraine Rnr' Rurona Natdas liw "i -U At h "I'-.' Onsterdyk Rotlerd m ,,i sro Grenada ni t? i 3t, M , Mob i w k .1 bps aonvtll in, nf Montsomerit s.i i annah prliireaa Antss, Norfolk M l M M V M 1 M M 1 paela Sail '' M M 11 no A M ,. , I v on M ' .m M - P M 17 f-. M I "i P M I M p W 1 P M 1 ...i p m 3 ii p M r o y M P M 17 nn M 12 fm M P M 3 nn p II SO M n P M i; " M u " M l P M I a P M t. p " P in i in in market Rio ad, aiiced 7 i. were hi ganloa reo. had ll . rr Tn. sn h and ths , 11 1 ,1 I 14 1, ... ver to d. . (il. I Fowl. fen ! 7 l,, n ,,prs 13c box tu 15 1 h- hie hr-' pro . ,. ii ho h eemotlva s.u.i i :,., atraei eat prire , hit 1: Chicago, snn fie in. .... i ,.r. th. Conaoi Isis is . da Balda In, a hi I, wi fepturi on th- hu .i, i i l.n FINANCIAL NOTES s-aiel . f- ly, rhanaed hand tlam rail the i ath, tnr tin . wa eaabla at ft i. ii rh Loa Cloa Prev est n ,,, a hi .f ."I a at ! : :.i im m a 3 a i.3 t If a a a 7: ,: M a aa i.ea Tt " a fi7 (T, 1 78 fl 4 -t a ai a tt 4 a 47 a 3j t a or, j,; . Opt .her No,-.-ml,. , Deo ntber Januarir Sybruary. Mar. ti April M ,i June . . .. July Ausitat September THE STEEL MARKET. Mills, Raid Ihpnil. 1 oaldr in 11 re I i on nemaatlo nf t'oaaamero, I iradV The Trenton p. .ft.. tip. rlar-1 ii dlil I. ii. t ,.f 1 fl in -cumulative preferred innpr in atnekb Transfer t" Pampas per . en o. k ( k- t e.-tlnn of A'l-ln Equitable Trua a member of nt tn.. Natln The Chi.-aeo Junction Itnils ordered an sddltlonsl awltchln making a latal of Hire,- urderi th-- American I omotivs Amona the new inqulrla are thitt. lie Mlksdo type for Ihe Santa K. whl road, however, is espected to pttrchaae seventy locomotives, The Mi 'higsii Central is havlna ssven passopger loco. mollies built bi' the Ant, in an l.oonio- il' ll a a i engine, 1 I from mpany if b A III ll lam.. I a till' llt'l: nh. he I.omi.I 11 ll a. 11 were a. I'i dr. line p and Hi F.lkhorn Fin rlie -uuiaiary llon,. Open Sail in Rill Fo pi .... 13 ' ' Con Pnnl ST1 i Cm- Power mi Poti. Prtwer nf m a Pi. l n l i.'. Bikhorn Purl ll 11 . Fsiratoiinl ila. ? lit Ptdellty A Ii. p . . 13 jf Houaton oil ins, : , Md Cai tiiiltj -!i COTTONSEED OIL. M Mi renla Trun p. , Ropt nn u Cent . l ' i , Penna v iter Pow i p s Pldetlty is:. Hu Nits Ma0 P Line cv '. "i fi A 1 1 ant a A Ch ;.' c iiali si P 1. a c Hal. 111 . v. Cniis C'-il re I I M I.i ' F.'lihnr Fuel '- Ml 14 ii ii s i iv scrip K pai . o iBlon (l div t'a flu .liinuso't I A- ( ' . ..'. I', (.in, KM The undertone waa .trnux ngarlaga t, -pile I t,v the de, line III lurd Here well itipurtted l.llr.r. liner! i. nnd rsp In Ihe . . 111 in it '. ksl en, ni nit n.l. .ninny I .V fy I fi spin I ir . pinlisr . . laniiat'i . . . March Mai .'i.t.l of .i Let ' . iiioni I .ir, iin,i trud nn u,, Th" BI lion or the mill one Bpai'tllatlV de- Prv ' in pi, i T vfl I-' ;n I, Maty! m l Ua tor , Norfolk Itv - Palopsburi 1 Iparroa Pi o.a i nlleil Hv r. f '. Unlleil Ri ri I is w A A Ml III i'. ias I .'!', 'H nun l ow cios- eal est lo 13 13 13 17', t7lt 7I 0lt lev inn 111 til lit S S fS I'". IIS HV, : 74 III IS. Ill il '., iU S'l -ll 43 7"" M 200 MtU 41, 'P TIS TP, I'll.. I'd, pi-.ij a 4 t 1 e, aou pa , MM MM I ' MtJ ..'i, H ! an Mt so, By 1 so i MVi TIV Til p aa Km 110 ii mu Mu Mia l(i(5 rgS logu Mj 1.3 II3S si n h v. i:. 7:, hein- im.Im .. man it. alee hr null lor i nan ate ao,l out for Hears) t'o i.t and un m,i ....... ... nm ,t ina:".- ,,i .oit.tuner. Bbrspnel t.Mra are nt ,e,v i,,Ur demand nd rr hrlneliur PI Bar in pouim! " 1 Tlnii i. a I .re fnrnitn drtnand Inr ataol I for .'ominer.ial na-s Knrnpr inuuirin hpr. tn,- ihoill m.Ote ton. ol .,,.,1 K ami ii i eapertad ihat eonlrseta wm i. placed in ibe m u (mure Ruaalo is aeekiua additnnal Innnaie The Norfolk and Weal '111 It II, u i, lots 111. ,1.1.1 I . live Cotnpan) and Is ni In th. tnarket I ami will place an ur.ler for i.ono mu. more for six of the Mikado type The Central " 'res Trait -ay. Advance an Railroad of rieorsln u havlna slahl ' ns miiia i , uher 21 The recenl s. pr. sldenl nf thi .f New York i I ll P i .nil 111 liter i nmpany waa approved h, dlre. tnrs nf that i otiinanv Thp plan prepared hv William for ihe reorganisation "f the atra way and electrlo llahl Bystania at city ha, been declared operatlvs a , per renl of il the mat and notes etnlir deposit l The National Sp, irl' nmti in each atockhelda 4 a Warrant BhoWlnS th'' tn Which be I entitled tit BUthorlBed In, rease ha- d on It payable rr.ord ,.f nni rlnae. w Krerh t'onip i tiv tin. rxpo.i Surety f prl, in of 132 latton . he ds) Raldwl ' and th. to, It... k laland Ih rr orded nn i hanee yeatei the tt ,d i,b nil, he, I 11 or -pp. : ,i there aa arkei dla a dsre, the elo.e IMliMl.M, l uAMSHU'S 1 n nay ill pared with -. 'i Itt.-h n i. i Tbure lai ll'i,. r II- i- Mnrs I l.oo I. In the plan b 1 1 e i.e., I i nnipani ll alter November of ahai a n aubaprlbe unite of from , 100,000 o . . nnn.,, on Puberlp h-n. win I peyabl on December 22 in New York eschanee, a tniuinird by tha warrant ai-pi that date iruiii.-nt,. ,r tecs wip i.e ,ued snl warranta nni re. iiimed with Bubacrlptlon nil he void ' hlle l: Sot'ne.. ear l.u as 'l p ayed stret nf 1 roan ar Ih' Iw 111 e lilBh npenlns quota 1 Ii ll. I'ln.itig ny. flnsl p f. r ,u tin in, tnn. m,4.u. ,w the adv. .ti,', WeatlnahmiM Rlertrl an e.,r', fesmre. openins al 71 S an niabt Improvement if ..r ,, notm reactln t.. Ti u n advam i I to Ms !" at fla. Amariean Can early s to, i i- -, ixiiti- t opeti,,B B3M 'Ion i -,. hut. ia i.e. i, it. .. nlshl i.f,..., i : ,ier rsaelsd d. led i endina lha I y i Its opening n,,,,-, llllera Sicurltte American I motlri American Llnsred and anndrlrh Ruhh. were n!i,..r itoeka th' roaa aharoli Th ralimad .t.. ks atrensthened for a 11,11, I' I' H I II"' ' "-r at Ihrlr I'..,. Steel Inclined 'nnt l re, .too ppll -t'i- ,'t, I h ,1 o,e . ' '.' ... i ,ii . . ra,, '. totwlle, .hair. oaiiPi Af f lo dd i p-', I I' S a In PrlSOS i a a. Sebaaiiano INilermo .. Prograeo Ardniaaan Europa . . Oent, Samiand London Acre Uarbadofl . La Toursin Hordeaus ... pwinak Arehsnaal l.ur HI in- a . London Cm Im . . (lalvi lnn . . Allanton orin Oriai aim Cardiff Nolinl Siinilerl.-nil Justin Barbed, J I. uuokanhaeh tSslatiihal Mnhawk Jankaonvilla line Tu morrow a Paul l.ii ,-i pool Tu.- ants (ii-. . w Baron manure pran Km de Janeiro gai tt idea Morro Caalla Havana rati ..i M nntaomeri Sai innah RI ctd . rtalveainn Poeeldon jbon line Monday Caaerla ilmerla liankdaic . . . BordeaUS Tseabridse London Brasoe san Juan RortiHiuen ... Ban Juan Proteij New oris ina Arapahoe Jai ill. -Sept 71 Sepl .1 Oct Oct f r , b it i i f i uct r i II n i j let g) o t l o a del not 'I I Oct Ort, Oei IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE. i p. mo i ot i easel s. cm ,. M Hi Mil. I... ,rchndtaa a p week and th in. -ni Una pre ll,.- Btaeh Market, inn. i Closing prli p. 7 lOg 1 a i T I it 7 114 T nai, s on fl 1(1 '.I 4 II aitj i, 7 .1 T 'Jtl ll I ll-lol.l. llcCI'IplM The total rsoelpts for Custom House yesterday a DOS "H. "! w lili h 1114,570 la merchandise Withdrawn from w a t e houses Iniiioilatlonn i pstepda 3 . ' tl'llies ill ie I6S,. was for bonded and 1111,111.11 for recent Mlksdo and four PScinc type Int'nmn ttvss built hy ih.- Lima Lopoittntlv Cor poratlun Ths Aiiimr iron Millini Com puny of st. Paul is ingulrlng for slshl locomoilvea, snd tin Cemsni and Toleiia and Tklewstsr Railrosd for one m ksdo An already notsd, the Cincln llStl, Imllitnn.iotiis and Westsrn I iii the markei for fnrtyelghi locomotives, In cludUig eialn Mikado lyje, -i Pacific type, ten Consolidation, in wheel snd savsn fl wheal switching engines a a The Btsal fain (ratine shops n!S havlna areot difficulty in securing sn sdeqtints 1 Hiiiniini or plain Bt i iici ursl material bs- j cause of tin- prsssurs "ti the mills. I some of which SI'S from six to ts weeks i behind In shlpmsnl Beveral adilltlonal j bulldins contracts wore reported yes i.iday including an sdtlltlon to l he ProvMencs Bsvlng and Trust Compony . building nt cinalnnstl, veiling for mo j tons, nnd ait addition to the Psii build ing ut Chicago, calling for loo tona Which w'lll be furnished in th gniith Related Btreel Iron iN'orks, too tun for , the Title 'o Miiolune and Ton; Cnmpsni' halm be fabrh a toil by th American Brldg ClompBfl) . I'm Inns for the , W Maur eight gliry loft buiiiiina nn Lsgingtgg itvenin, New York oily, which will be furnished by the Hodden Iron Construc tion Company, and 100 tons fur u build six vcir tn nine ait- now null, ref tike w i n all in nail- an. I lukhe.l years on nc wire wire rod held ai )7: ptiMburf, bill mnt is., in aell Promni Connellavllle or- , -' own. Will K,.r -'. n. pip - ..r neevaa wet,, i .sl ,,, ,n eluding ..o .ars for ihe ma-k.". of which H ears were ateer. II I to .hi. Ire ateera ,-rie in tatr oemsnn a ti i ntni, othera al ami no more than atead) There wai iirm msrasi ror nu;:.. nm row were i.,,t and -t.oi. Common to ehnlri lerr soil 11.710 II 40 ner mo i,.. 14 I04; . ..ii . ,,i ,,i ,,. .-, .... . ,. w . a : . 'ti , ll 1 1, 2 Total l !0,sl,T0 Prom Januari 1 1 ill, Pre I. 1 in of Ne IH. l and foil .V t r. .. V. ok 1 a i i IS Ml I 14,111,04 I. P. 71 I 7 1 1 7 7 I '. ,v I 1. 1 In. ,"! 1.'. pltmb nni more ovant are it'llitllted PI odluHoti prr 111 MONEY AND EXCHANGE Tie New York Pederal rale- were p,.r rnl fnr Ihlrlv t day and fi prr epnl for InnBer dpen market dlacnunta, prim,. a lo e. mi, i il, ma up 1 o HIS 2', per tent Commercis! paper nee per f. II' for six I , In fin four in six months heal i per pent, for other i an money mi the floor Rki hansr yesterday ruled 1:1' n. I per oiMii , low , I s lime ni. . in v urn 'banned it., I" i ' "in (or slxtv days, 14,1 : " .on. , .,, - Blasts ion asm n ,iith. an 1 3',, i- , 1 ,.,, e ft. ik . nlnaty hill a ' rent 'III,. 2 1, ,, w : e 3 'o 1, 'lav tdll Hit, I namea , 3 1, ,, t the pet P' -nt r a - ti Sterling a 1 w w , ft p. mu int. 'all mosey in 1 short lillla, IS 1 hills. I 11 l4V k tina' quelattons ' "': ' able. 1 11 1, ondon. a ', 0 i pr-r i rnt t r rem three months "'l 1 em : in . utile , atra h... f .en 1 liecripie o, rolvaa wer. 1104 ,a,, I ' I" Una 7: f .1 thf mark, t Ve ,t- In a I .leninnd atoi pri.e log hiahsr greeeera In liberal aupplj and .wet Conn j limn to t lmlie 1 -,, i . M,, , H 11 1 73 ner 'h. . 11 few at Its. rulla al f; f- !! 1 Bt 14.11 ' fi 1 1 Is l,.e. , !,, firm si titi-c fnr ,-ltv dreaed veala" l 17', a is, for country dreaed; U6 11. for , drrra, ,i araaasra n.t fed ralvea j Hp. elpls of aheep nd lainbl were 1 Hi head. Ito oi lit, ft rarI fr ,rltr Sh. ep were in modfrat Btippl aiol -t. tify , lalnh In on,l demand ami hiahsr Common to rhnlc aheap sold at ti ., a , per intl hs . Pul'a at 13 1,13 Ml ,.li... , Stn, k I pr"." Mn""- ".' " ' l culla at 7 ... ... i toio i "it ai ea, v , - n r-llillB Up t at t. V I I ",. Iiittih at ft ner Reeelpta nf In.- were . n 1 7 In I ', ear fnr the mark- t loner than Wodnasdsi 11 WSlehta sntd at 7 40; rouah. I ai 4lo. Country drssaed hog, ln.ii:,'.; roBsllns pi, at 1 1 gfll in ilnod. ten. nnl p.. Total. SH, nun. nun A denial that r-tnhor 1 .:i 11 si Ptsi In a r, I, I'.l .'.st " 1 14,1(1,414 ' Sand outlines! o tarda, s- Radi mi weet of linn - RI Cl.1 nl ti. nm. nil s s- VI, h, 1111 nl Sand Ke, . s Proteus nl JupltPr at Be Piillnll Ol Jnniti r .,1 s. R Rm Oalveal nl flntveaton ''it at Un..- San Jti nnicl 1 11,1011. 1 Pun ,Mhi I noon New Orleam noon Port Arthur no 1 i mil., -o'lth it mile nor,,, mile. aouthesM 11 11 r Oeileea 'nlled si le ,. II. ll Bund) 11. S. Mob ol 1 ie 1 1 aim.. 1 ...1,, nun neat 1 nrpor Itlnn Ii "li h.iml tn . 000,000 in war orders .,.- mads tester, day by .1 Allan Sin Hi. resident nf the rnmpsny lie al.. dented thai Ihe a. tivity in siiiire or nm cnmpsni was due to buyina on lha pan ,.f ihnsa win. are Identified With I lie uener. ,i Motor ami im 1'. .nt movements sir Bmiih ..... impnity's busiiies'. im . xcellent Hut would feel bun-elf oulnshl. ,r 1 while mlsststementa l"l.-:n ent. With salhav. 1 1 ' c : dreaaed lamb ataadv ; count n- dreaaed hoihnu th i that h he remained 1 of the cnm made .k .11 noon ta T11' 1111 I k at noon wk .Lo kaonvil ln.ii If it P M ' s, ,1 1. Lip aenharli, i j ..mi h oi Sand Hook mi i . Brilliant, Pun Art hi , of Jupiter at noon 1 s. HuantSnSlUn New eoiitli nl Sand) Hook a' s, Arapshor Jackaopvi id st. John bar al P I s. Comet, labine, . m bar at noon s. iledina, Oalvealon 1 . P M south .out h Sllo iny ' 1. : n' nnd Nm, tirdera Dnnieatb 1 1 linns I.011I. oat, San Fra Minn. I pull, 311. pr lo.oim' . t'ln, Innntl. Iti silver in London Mad.l New 4i at 1 New fork Claarlna 11.. ,. -1 ,t ,.,,, , Exchssge, itl,l4,l(l; balanree. Ill 075 utt-Trsaaur) .iehii aalaaos, li.lla in, oil New York: Si risen, 3.1e premium; un. un. Chicago, loo, pat . .MolilteHI. pr York. I'nlted Stole supreine Ciiurt Calendar WAISM. N.JT..N. "ft II The d, . In llie Supreme Coin for Ifotldm ' " 1 aim 4,0. 1 ;:. land II 1 II I.',. 31. 17 and 3. Irm ad In el nd - j nr. l.u i, pi e I, -up i rrp le riril ,,,,, w ' D 11 11 relleveil 11 M Plea ,1.0, ten t ..... ... ! i." .i.iB't.ltem to ,,., Major c i- i"atk. Infantri Uiiariai in.isier I'nrpH and tu Chi al.tani in dep 11 iiuirterinaeier Cap) 1 M W'oril, I Beoon 1 I 1er. detailed n. uuartsrmaatar c,pt II H Pratt, tl M 1 ' , re ., I... idy II .1 lis 'run Trti ri W ll la Vi I ceiillii'ni pan wai pit I I u ion t Willi. mi PergiiHon no M , I .'tulle 1 . 1 ' I o of III. - tiled Ri tio.1 , I Knrati 1. Prank 111 II . ..t l.n Ho 'll.. II Hul lib " . - Trust Com 1 1 : inking 1 'e- 1 1 1 1. a h tor a re Masklns, A l' 1 Hoberi Hnett- 1 T' tin line I nut I it 0 ,-. 1 1 .11 I lo e 11111 court of Appeals Calender. ALBANY. N 1 . 'ct II The t',,rt ... Appeals .'Hiendsr for Moti.lHy .. Ktp. Ill, 3.1. 427. It. 470, 471, 47i. .1. 01 ler S. K mi Ul 11 II ill j tiilngi Lfai 1 0 111. Bai "on, I llnslsn I It sit III. 01, Newpult, It 1 1, ere I. .tie 1 1 Mo.'-, from Hi. I lie Sai . , i,,g , .ri. from ih p, na. from trelnlni '" llie Ksusaa I I. .: 11 pel sta ll. 1 i: I'lUlllll special in ui 'I or. In 111 sleet I fc H III ei i f befn i" 11 in 1 la I il !' .1.1 t ri - anil ee0s 1 issular mi Mary Kliiala a J .