Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. NUGENT DENOUNCED f i!i;ij!;,:';:f'L"'''"':'' WISS MARCARKT VALE, niece of President Wilson, who will " represent Alaska in the uiTrage parade to-day. ' AT SUFF GATHERING R. H.Maey Cea Attrsrliea! Are Their Lew Mm Malone Says Catholic Church Is Emphatically Not Against Votes for Women. B'way,lbtUtl9l. 14 sr; .' : f i t i l:lai: : i : ; : ' 1 i I.W! i I hi IM ' i : : : I ! i h : ; ; h : - b V TTT--1 t 'j: 'i. SSaJis . , . . i I ' ' . . , , i 1 1 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 I. .1 I ..- I SMI i I MITCHEL PLEDGES AID Mayor Mltohel and Dudley Field Malone, Collector of the Port of New York, wre on the- plittfurm lit the suf frajre rally In PaW tl Hull Inst nlirht to act the eral of approval on "thecauee." The Mayor illdn'l May long, hut loiia" enough to enable him to nay he would vote for the nuffrage amendment November 2 and to ure-e the men In the audience to do the same. Ho the women ware well eatlafled. Mr. Malone stayed thiouxh the meet ing and made an animated spei-ch, in Which he denoun'-ed Jim Nugent. priilaed President Wilson, prophesied euxess for suffrage Ui the coming election anil took occasion to assort that the Calhnlic Church Is emphatically not against woman auffrage. "In the cantons of Hwitaerlitml," he aid, "women and men together vote to decide who shall be partoh priest. Whan the Vatican w;is naked P change thJa custom the request was denied. If the Catholic Church will allow the wutnen to choose sjiirltual advisors by ballot, who can say that It refuses them the right to choose civil officers In the seme way?" Mr. Malone gave New Jersey politics ume hard raps. In whloh exercise Dr. Anna Howard Mhaw joined when she spoke later In the evening. Mr. Malone blamed part of the suffraire defeat over there to the atmosphere. "I live on Hlverslile Drive," he said, "and I smell the oflors that come from New Jersey. I cannot wonder that they have had power W stifle the Intelligence Of 180.000 of the cltliens who live where they are generated. "I have hail the satisfaction of cam paigning In twenty-one counties of New Jersey against the hoss who opposed the enfranchisement of somen. He Is strong, but don't force; that the man who sits In the President. al chair of this country bent that bOSfl three times ; and the women will lieat him yet. "New Jerseys problem, however. Is not our problem, ours Is a deeper, a broader, a wider problem. The one million women who go out to earn then bread in New York and who need the vote for their protection will get It. even though machine politics has withheld that protection from New Jersey women for a time ." Dr. Shaw ,sald Mi. Nugent was ex tremely ungrateful. "There are two women In New Jersey who left their homes one left her chil dren, the other her husband and went up and down the State of New Jersey helping him to defeat the woman suf frage amendment, and he has never men tioned them, never given them any oradlt." she said. "Nugent won this Ume with the help of the anti-suffrage women, but 1 would rather go down to defeat with President Wilson than win with Nugent. Hetter go without the vote till the Judgment day than get It with the aid of Jim Nugent." Dr. Shaw paid si glowing tribute to the WOmM who are waging the cam paign In New York. "The world has never seen a cam paign like it." she said. "As I have met them In my travels up ond down the State I have marvelled at their strength and patience." It was too bad, 1 r. Shaw said, that mud slinging was disflguriiig the last weeks of the campaign. "but our opponent! are driven to the last ditch, and the last ditch generally has mud In it. I am amazed at the names they call us. In one pamphlet I am called an old maid, a Mormon, a socialist, an anarchist and a peace at any p Hoist." Senator William II Itorah of Idaho made a 'speech telling how well woman suffrage works in the West Miss Mary Garrett May. chairman of the Woman Suffrage party, presided. Among the box holders were Mrs. Norman lie K. Wnltehouse, William J RchleSelln, Mrs I'hillp I.ydlg. Miss Lillian Rusaell, Miss Katharine Blake, Mrs Charles Titian) and Mis. Ogden Mills Held The hail was tilled from the front seat to tin top of the gallery and every seat on the platform was occupied) BUS ROUTES DURING PARADE. Prea-druf Mmdr i hanif ("ft for Thin .llrrnuun, WhU thl Kuffr.iRc pstmdt if 1m proR iefi to-day tht biMw of tilt ftfth -Avenue CMch Cotnpny will fttMndon their; uiuui routM Prwildntit RiobArd w. .Meu'i.' of th company lit ihkIU ilreu up the following itliirar( which will gO lilt') tfttOi HI fOou Ml t ho pafttdt HturtH at ;i o'clock and will htjt until i the MifTi agists are thrnUKh. Thf 0Mt Side lirnH, which Includi th Kifth HVeltU, BtVOtlth avr-nue and the Manhattan and H. NlcholM avenue lines, will lake a route leading from the Washington arch north to C'nlver Ity phu t, through t Fourteenth itreet, tbenoe to Broadway, djeventeenth trert, to Pourth avenue, to Twenty third itreet, to Mudlaon avfjnue. to Vhirtyelghth etreet( to I'ark avenue, to Portyaecond sti t-et, u Va mlei hilt a venue, to Port) -hf t h real to i ark avenue, to Wlxty fifth etreet, to Kifth Mveuui-, and continue from there n the regular route. The Weal Side line on itiverHidp PHvi win etarl from Waehlngton arch, going thrnuKh to Went Fourth etreet, tbenoe to Sixth avenue, to Ufgenwlch avnue, to Dlghth avenue, to Columbui (-Mrcle and then.v up Broadway on the reg- ular route. Ucfan ount Unit I 7 for Women In I In- Ml9leBi4 TOM I ItivKit. .V .! . Oet IS -The of I Aeial count of Ocean county in the euf ! frugt lection, with all the dlatliotfl in. howH that 1,480 oltlgenfl voted "yee," a agalnet l.IVl who V0te "No." Thus the proposition to amend the Constitution in New Jersey to allow WOmetl to participate in elections wan t cHineii in Ocean county by 1ST votee TheHe tiKM , however, ara niiothered Up in the big majority rolled up ggftn1 HUlTrage by the other 1 Wenly count h 4 ( of the State about in round numbera 5 YEARS FOR KILLING AT SEA. first Murilrr Trial In l-Vdt-ral I iiurl Here In Ten tears. lasonharfll Berklelns a Hrauian on the Cftydi inier Comanche, was lentencoil by Judge William n Hhefipard In the United st.ites instrn t Court yesterday to live yeara In Ilia vtiaita anllentlary for killlni Honry Heachla, another lireman. ahen tlx- ship was at gag and hound for tins pur, un July -"i lust- Uerklalii a convlotad of manilaugh ler in the iit-si murder trial held in the I'nltod states Ulctrlet Court in ten iurs vi'uordllia in his noutiael, Ur. Julius P, Hc Half r, lierklidn is the son of edu- oatsd weii to do Herman ixtreuta, ami having ISfelVed " KOOd W'hoollni liliu- islf came in thli nouitlr) ahortly befora t t outbreak i t the war to gel uusliiesi Mvuerien i His couiiael aald he Irled in get back to tighi for liii oourtry. Unable to ileal more monei from Jiis fotn il, Whose i-iioaie I, iVjin-ed hv im war, he look ilu Ural imptoymtitt . h! could get. aBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBBBBB Copyrifht Atrwrii M Pre Association 25,000 ARE TO PARADE TO DAY FOR suffrage; f'o h tt lined from h'irnt 'iioe. which marches uitrt Manhattan, form en fcast Ninth attest. id of University place. The Pstrolmeii'i Wives and Letter far riers Auxiliary fall In l.ehln.l this division. They form on Ka; Ninth street near Bros, In ur Brooklyn borough forma, like Manhat tan. In lettered .lHlstnna. Brooklyn borough it. --, and Assembly districts 1 Hil l : are division A It form" In North Washington Bqusrs Baal. Assembly .iirtriits 3. i. ;,. and are dl vision B. Ii forms In Kast Washington gusre. Assembly dlstrletl 7. ! ami 10 are di vision i- It forms In Kast Washington place. Assembly districts II and II are dl vision l 11 forms In the llrst block east. W aver . plsee nn-l Ureene street. Assembly district! It, II. 11 and II art division i: I; rorms In ih s, ond block !lst. Waverly plat e ami Mer er streel. The Scandinavian committee is division r I- form?, third block east. 44'er,y place Asen,b!y ibstrb ts IT and 1 are division Q, it forma al University place north of Waverly pim-.- Assembly .tistrl. Is IS. 2rl and dlvlal 01 M. I: forma o.i Green noriti "f Waver;-. Dlai I are street Assemol. districts J.'. .'1 ami Kings county won. m Rutlrage Association ate division i i; forma mi Mercer street north if Waverly place. Queens boro Woman Bulfrage party. Ass se,nb: dlstrli Is 1 through I. forms en BUM letiTb -i reel from l-'ifln avenuS to v nl.i- e Hl-lilii-.ri! Honaigli Woman Suffrage parrv forma -n Kssi T.-ntb fr... University piaie to Broadway. Tin- l.ain.r Women form on University place north ,.r Bs(l T.-nfh -iteei Tin- Rqual Pranehlst L.raVi- forma on Weal Bleventh it real The Collegia!! IsSSgUC forma on West leventh atreet. The o - upsttonal -in-l pr.ifessionai gtouro are ao nig thai they have hail tu '" divided The, nut form In general on West Blevontn street. Civil gervl women will form on West Thirteenth atreet near Fifth avenue Bualnesa a-omen mil form on Waal Thirteenth atreet mar sutb avenue. The Men'! League win form on Kast Thirteenth street. The automobiles will form on Knit stlevt nth si 1 1 e The Woman's Political I'nlon win fall la at Baal Twenty -second street It onle In alien. 1 of tin- automobile! Which will form on Km Kiel, nth street tint will boil up to -t -I,.- Woman's Political I'nlon enter a Twenty-ascend, The automobile- are the lgi brigade in line While the main body of the parade is wincing out from Washington Square the hosts of the Women'! Political Union, forming at Houaton atreet and Second avenue at ; :to ) M.. will star: up Sec ond avenue nt 11 :S0. This Is to give the Has) Hide, which has never leen a realty large suffrage parade, a tu-ie of the demonstration. Miss Leslie Johnson, mounted on a white horse, will lead a band of sixty cavalrywomen, of whom Miss Alberta Mill is the grand marshal. Next will coma Ihe executive board, headed b) Mra Stanton match, and the various Senatorial division! of tin- organizations The suffrage torch will have a place of honor, ami not least among the attraction! of this division will In- a grOUP of at'ih tit young Miff ra - gists, not on.- of whom is over 10 vears old The women who will repreaenl the enfranchised Slates, marching behind lfncle Sam and Miss Columbia, arc Mrs. Winston Churchill, Mis. Arthur Si-rili-ner, Mrs Drydcn Brewer, Mrs. l-idgt-r-ton Parsons. Miss Hoffman of Plaushurg. Mi-. Richard Fearing of Huston. Mrs Kdward Mct'loy, Mrs. A Hurrl!, Mrs Wells Rgleatnn, Mrs. Kverett Colby, Miss M.itmirei Vale -unt Miss Alm. Among tin- women w lio w ill march in the equal franchise division ar.- Mrs. : Archer Huntington, Mrs. Kgerton I.. Winlhrop. Jr., Mrs. Victor Horchan, Mrs. Amos R, R. PlnrhOt, Mrs. Philip Lydig, ' Mrs. Jessica Finch Coagrane. Mrs. Parr Van Anda, Mrs. John Blair, Mrs McOee Rllaworth, Mrs. V. Kverit Mac. Mrs A. I Barton Hepburn, Mrs Charlei Noel Rdge I and Miss i 'lar.-i B. Hpeiioe Mis. Leonard Thomas, Mrs. John Mills turn and Mis Malcolm Duncan will i head the parade, walking after that Sev- entysflrai Reglmenl band and the i mounted police Mrs. Thomas Is to carry the banner of the International ' Suffrage Alliance I truly one Moat Is to grace the parade. There will be tan women on the float. Knur of them will represent Victory, . Liberie, Bquallty, Justice. Six will , represent the continents, on all of which I women have Horn, form of suffrage. : The women in be on the float arc, be ! sides Mrs. BolleaUi Miss Theodora Bean, i.lrs. Crystal Rastman Benedict, Miss i Janet Travels. Mrs. Alice Hairows PVr- ngndcii Mlaa Eleanor Uawton, Mrs. Fior enoi Miulc L'pdegraffi Miss Marian 1 Pafkhurvti Mrs JullUI Frank and Miss Kathcrlne Twomy, Of course ill the leaders will he there Mis Carrie chapman ''an and Dr. Anna Howard sihaWi all who have Worked so many years to bring Ihe cause to what they prophesy is a tri- Umphanl conclualon. And not the Ir-asl honored w in he ninety-four-year-old Mrs. Rhodtl Qlover, who has been a Blanch suffragist all her lite. She will ride in an automobile near the end. Mayor Mltuhel and most of his official family will be among the 400 men who will watch the parade from the revlew- ' ing stand at l-'orly-second street. QUAKER CITY BOWS TO SUITS. Hull 4IIIIIIUI Turn Out tn 4 leer . rem loirs I'aeade. l'un.AWiU'iii, Oct. is WhotUer tney win or lose at the Novemlier election, the equal suffragists controlled lhll;i delph.a to-night, when they hehl one of the greatest political parades ever seen In the CltJ . Thousunds of women appeared In the pnx-esslon. which started fnr north of llrond street and marched south, more than two miles, through City Hall Square Two hours were required to past a given point. Kvery band In town appeared to have been engaged by the women, nnd there was an army of floats, including the suffrage liberty bell. It is estimated that no less than 'on, 000 people watched the review. There was little demonstration on the part of the spectators but It wna gen erally admitted that the suffragists had made a brnve Following the parade there was a great mass meeting in the Academy of Music, which was addressed by Dr. Catherine Itement Davis of New York and Senator Clapp. INQUIRY BY NEWARK SUFFB. Fraud huraet to Re rnnahlrrrd mt Noidif Mretlagr. ICrB. Mina C, Van Winkle, president of the WOfBen'l Political UnlOfl of New Jersey, aald yeaterday that a meeting of woman watotiere and workeri at the uf frage amendment election iat Tueeday WOVld take place at the Voung W0faeflfl Christian Association headQUsrters in Newark on .Monday, when IVpOftS would he received concerning alleged frauds and BUSplCtOmS Irregularities at the poll., i It in undemtfind that Mime of the wome-n propone to make affidavits as to alleged wrung dolrg on the part of cer tain men whee identities are knimn and an effort will be made to proaecute offenders wher' ver a prime facie cane can he established. In Its account of a meeting In Newark on WedneJKlay, at which woman suffra gists launchsd a brand new campaign to get the vote, Thk St s reported that M rs. .Mina t Van Winkle dlfSCl ly hargesi oolontaatlon 'f rotors in lllll burn, in districts below the Pennsylvania Railrobd in Newark ami hi the centre of th- ( ity. Ojaeen llnor merlean Hallor. ("apt. Arthur It .Mills of the American liner Philadelphia ami fourteen of his officers received yeMerday from the Net hei la nd h Consuls Jeneral at this port, A. Van de Sande ItHkhuyseii, medals and diplomas presented by Queen Wllhsbntna f'r thrlr gallardry in resi'ii Ing the cTew of the lutch tank etSSIII ' BhtpChSStSr, whh-h foundered in midseg iti February, As we weather approach colder Motor coats, double-breasted comfortable. ingle and roomy and "Scotch Mists" (t4i3it$&) rainproofed Scotch cheviot coats good, rain or shine. Scotch knitted jackets and waistcoats - for motoring, golfing or watching football games. Gloves for walking.dress, motoring, golfing. Golf stockings. Medium weight under wear, including our new union suit with raglan shoulders. Soft hats and Derbies. Shoes our new "Pedes trian" is mighty comfortable without looking ungainly. Everything men and boys wear. Sporting Goods in all stores. rooers peet company Broadway at 13th St. Broadway at Warren Broadway at 34th St. Fifth Ave. at 41t St. "The Four Corners'' Our 'indoor Sports" Department is Complete LAYING Cards - Poker Sets- Card Games Chess and Checker Outfits and other forms of amusement for the club, home or nursery, at Macy's "Lowest-in-the-city" prices. You can get almost every conceivable form of indoor amusement from the child's building blocks to roulette outfits at Macy's "Indoor Sports" department. Whether it's Poker or Chess that furnishes en tertainment to you. all of the paraphernalia may For the "youngsters" too the range is complete. Board games, dominoes, blocks and other forms of amusement, entertainment and instruction for chil dren at prices lower than elsewhere. Playing Cards, Poker Sets, Chips, etc. Playing Csrd!, Whiat, Poker, etc.. eta 34c Playing Carda. Pinocle. 10c to 37c Pliin Composition Poker Chips. Mctht 100 Numeral Composition Poker Chips, 89c the 100 Plain Paranoid Poker Clips. 9Hc the 100 L'nbreakable Paper Poker Chips. 49c the 100 Poker Sets complete. $1.66 to $24 75 Duplictte Whist Sets (without Cards) 8 tr!v 12 tray. 16 tray. Pit and Rook Bridge Score Pads. Five Hundred Scores $2.97 $V96 $4.96 each 49c 9c to 29c 9c Mart's R. H. Mary A Ce.'s 52 FFl 8 AM herald Niuare New Books Books for the children t "arown-ups" to read to the little bo or irl ;ik fnr ;i can find it ;tt Macys. The worth-while books for juveniles: Sonny Bunny Rabbit and his What We Saw at Madam World's friends -Cooee. $1.21' Fair (Jordan. $1.12 Bible Steps for Children Emerton .88 Plarrs Young Americans Want Little Verses and Big Names. 1.79 to Know Tomlinson. 1.34 Facts in Jingle-- Stonet. Jr.. .89 Indian Why Stories Linderman. 1.79 Picture noon oi wisdom in Psilims Psslrrs 1.34 Princess Golden Hair Sptiielterg. 1.12 Games for Playtime and Parties. with and without music 5. V. H itman. Half Holiday Pastimes fnr Children Crorier. Boys' Book of Pets, lust Girls - Thurston. 1.34 1.S8 1.58 .o 1.12 Child s Book of Amrnran Biography . . . f r ' If f j .Mother .oose r miana r. anion Mary 'I Hook llrpl.. HOTFI M AND HKaTACRAN'Ta SUNDAY EVENING CONCERTS THE DELIA ROBBIA ROOM GderbiltHoi VTEL Tap eertea of Kundai evenltsi wsweru mil begin on o tobi r it, m I mm i- rut i rmn at ihe inae Dumino Company will eln at tha first eonoerlj isi.t by Miss MAKV It 4 1 I.. Ilu. list; VIM'IH NT lK MARTINI. VIoiId Bol,i anil JOHKI' H.IIK si ! hla llunarlaa oreasalras ThroiiaJiout lha win. at thsas run asrif win furnish Idral ralaiatten for Hunda avanlnaa. Dinner De Luxe 5svcn lo Vine Tiro Dollar) and Fifty Cents OR RB81CRVATION8 I'HUNE MURKAY HlUs 7100 DINE AT W HOLLAND HOUSE Fifth Avenue at 30th St. (J.Charlton Rivers, Prop.) TABLE D'HOTE DINNER FINE ORCHESTRA MUSIC UNEXCELLED SERVICE 14th Mreet, arar Ith Ave. STRAND ROOF SARDEN I'Zfjg. I ulrlvrla I nn. hi I .1114 M lo'.M' M Aflernssn Trs liiso to t:MI. hi minus H P.AI. Is VI P. 41. ,Tu-nlht Lucky Mi fun teat, MATH Al KMT llth St. a I'nlr. V RVIaaMHai , block waat tt B'way Kates at up. rsetawaat and rates isr $150 be obtained at this de partment which special izes on "Indoor Sports," and at prices lower than elsewhere. We can sup ply you with a deck of cards or furnish your club with poker" or duplicate whist sets with equal satisfaction to you. For the Children. Deck Ring Toss. Messenger Boy. Uncle Sam's Mail, Ring My Nose. Phoebe Snow. 44c 59c 74c 69c Vk Fish Ponds. I9c, )9c Battledore and Shuttlecock. $119 tV $1.24 Co-Banc. 59c Pretty Village. A. B C. Blocks Building Blocks. Mind Builder Blocks I9C to 74c 24c to 44c 49c 94c Games for Young and Old Chessmen wood. Chessmen - bone. Checkers. Checker Boards Lotto. $2 74 to$?.l9 $1 49 to $2.97 19c to $1.19 19c to $4 89 19c to 39, Dominoes. 34c to $1 3o Crokinole Boards. 9tk to $14. Fifth Floor. Atlrachons Are Their Lew Prices i ro . d wi. .34thlo3Sth Si. for Juveniles read: and for the :hildren. Whenevw tw mvcuiI hildren's book vou followina are a few of the i Boys and Uirls Ask-at-homc- Questions. Railpu 1.12 1.12 1.12 Testing of Janice Day on, C inder Pond Hanhn Life of Robt. Louis Stevenson for Boys and Girls -Oierfon. In Camp on Bass Island .89 1.12 Boy With the U. S. Life Savers ii neeier. Torn Strong lunior Mason .98 1.12 .89 1.79 Slimp Main ll,.r. Hear A AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE NEW lli Hi-.ii Par Htutr Rsudsirr tun Kimlihlshl; vlsctrlt'slli i til i.j.s-.i . m,,, anti-il tu ilu s ii mil,. p,.r hour: onll .lrlvn l,M mllai; apply at once .1 1. WOODWORTH HONS. Shi. kshliiny, P) AITOMOUII.K AND 4IOTOB Tit lea IN. MTHICTION. TEWART Buoklct sspbUns WHY Al ro our Mima Is BBIT, lnapn-t .K,sllI?.,J'L of Plant and be .wnvtncsvi. ttA 44 . 57lh NT. Uaillas' rlasasa. tlTlls FOR IIIHH WISH t. rsnt by tli.. mnntii m, fin llmoiialne -ur with onsutTeur, to eome ileih nli!s rllent Ans,-r Hux 111 1). Sun ,irrl.. AITOMOUII.K Nl'fl'I.IES. -nr.AHiNua- KewpeparlurrvlrrHa, ThsOWIIUaaaOO Us W. bs Hi. lam way I, Tel. IMI lolumbu A4II SEMKNTa MAMMON MILAM QARDEM, 4IOMI44 nil nr. or I Mill. WOHI.DS WKKSTI.INIi I II AM I'lON Sll 1 1' TO A rTMNII. B000 SKATS I ItKS'O SKATS I NOW ON a' 100. l 1" f:i. SAI.K rnlral I'ark Wnit. iliftui A Mrd Strivts Kvn. S 1.1 Mats. Tin-s , Thura A Sal. 2 I . MATINKK TO-IIA1 At! I,. ! Ml HIMIIAV CONCERT -slriKi'n.. Mluat'l. ; ssai nunii llway & I'll. BURLESQUE VOL : PsfRIIR .'...! --w I l lit U TUP Rftlll IHO RCAIITICE i ' " w""" ""MHi MVINI PL THEATRE .r,HV.Mal tota tojae Uudnrt ; lo-oiabv Inar Wtf iteuM. wmm Ifcj , Sensation dKKi CAageatMX Wjji9 u i snn r ffl tiff 'ng success- These hats rival fawy pint, at $8.50. KaJII & EzriK any $12.00 and $15.00 hats in the City. 200 of these chic M 1 1 i i. as. i- II - . ' i . ,' . 'i . . .!'!. - -I' .-'-' ' ..'!- 1 A .Ml SEMF.VTS. NEW 1IHK'S IttlllVi; EMPIRE M:,w!ayoiVedKTA:.-i WM. GILLETTE 1. 1 II. IINI IM ilKIIIMri' SHERLOCK HOLMES MV. -III. KET M'.llsH r - I VTFIIM Wea4nl Bvea at a SO, ETHEL BARRYMORE in IIK.H ICl I rUMKIII Mil KMX. OUR MRS. McCHESNEY ' V COHAN'S Efftftt I Mats Totlay isi It. Cl CIC IIVIC in " vlISS i ".vlISS LLOI L JMI1IO INFORMATION' ACTHR " ",v Wth "t Bryant JT. Miwn i ... h jo Mi,is Tnila) A Wrtl B&oC0HANvS6RHT All AMERICAN FARCE Luhin. X T nh I in. Ii Min i aa - mi i i nv r'iK LIBERTY.", tfW rvv U K i Mil In. Mumlayi Kv ,lsai M it j-.. ,(i.; ,-(l ij i ith. r Mst- '' I l D. W GRIFFITH'S lllll Wi ll' sl't.i TAC'I.K HyiaiHiuoi tiriiiisstra of -in BELA8C0 Waal 14th ft Kvs s Mala To .In. Thura ! THE BOOMERANG Gl nor ii ii4 nil ii awl inn to mi a hiii. mvis NOITtOMCRV a stone im TUB lundsi 'urn BRIHnFCC "ll '" Kv - in no 4i4iik or I III: bkaVt. BOOTH I .tli W hi II unv K s 1,4. M-.. in. .-- Tii flro A V nd '- I ' THE TWO VIRTUES UaiinaClliAtl'e I" -o Kva.Hilfl maainc lo in s Mat Tu dayAWud.ll la Frwli-rli'li ll.. it -1 utnpnti) in DHiclauall vntlsaental un. i witty. CASIbKI ')' -4 : l st. K- at s 1-'.. WN9IHW Sim HTiMlai aV Wnt 1.4 Mill t I III I I 4 N nciiir i'omiiaiii .hi llrnaiwav ll l ll SI . I III 4. A 4I4NII AI I AM OI. HO. rontlnunu! 1 1 M Ui ti ( M am s,.,,is -j-,,- i in. ion rr.ous.ij win n IPTIIBre THIBUNK'I uinmrn nan iibiunio 4 n 'say a ii st I 44H t: I O II44... iiilAa in. Kvenlng Prlcea -V. MM'. 7V. tl and Mallins. PrU-iss. 2.'-. ADD A Si HPKI I AI. I Ills 4IOHN INI. 41 11 II I I Oi k. SI 1 1 O III I llll lllll A K fMATINfCK. Ss-Ul i-rl.-i iin n., ttts". ; HaiiMiiv. 2.'.. . II. f. KKITH'S FVFI VM Ml vol r PALACE JA' K C ikpord H 44 44 17 tlT FALL FASHION SHOW Dally Ml. Slot! I oi'llKlts. PARK ',,'"h Hl "1 ' In'li'- pally 'lni-1 I BBB Z-A aaaW a aMBJ BBT nuii.j j. .i in, .1,1,1, , .hi & ti TWILIGHT SLEEP HAmL 4 tUte rrtiiifi run onli, i f -i ..i Small uhile ttltet hat with ancv face- Continues with ever increas- rtli jrapeJ huh at the tk with tm ing success. These hats rival f"v t8 S0 any $12.00 and $15.00 hats in the City. 200 of these chic Chapeaux continuously on display, each one exploiting a different style. Whenever there is a new creation in the world of women's hats desirable for women of taste, you will find it among our Chapeaux La Marquise at $8.50. Other modelt at $12.89, S16.89 and $19.89, very attractive in style, quality and value. AMI SEMBNTS. IHKIHK M Ht'fCRMM, U ADDIS u - " ' - ii i- nssani w Mats To-cU) A tv.-ii i it 3 UllnOnii 4ih Mr Kvs at M-I.V llU UOUH M it. I . .1;. . A : l "III MIIMVIMKII' Or igiA." Times nti M I lit HI IN IV. COHAN 4 HAREM BELIEVE YOUNG AMERICA llrltfi "Trs ' ll.-.irt " ami a KiMid .is "llui klrherr Klnn." I III- -I'ltl v - I hut -lrt krs -1 on -lliiiis Vt BlICTV B w A 0 T llryanl all) nil MICH Ki- ."i MataTixdai Aft. the Hla i i. in i in i ii a. 7ircmn pqp.ii,' ::v"'"a .'.mill Nil. Ill I nualH mi. ii r ri.f a of Viii-lrnUni I'll. I In- l III I it BCDI1B1 IP u - i -" Kt Mats Tod!) A Weil. COMMON CLAY with JlHIN M siiv suit .1 K rowL Ml IIS si l l IV), s, HKI.kM IIIKIII. rillTnU 46Ht, W. of B'wsy, Rves. a 2'. riiLiun ii,.. Mat,,,,,. Today a :a SOME BABY! I i i - in I . I is I I I Ml II Ml II I . 14V, IM I . s I I s Mill SHERMAN WAS RIGHT i w Kar'.' h, i ha , i in-.r PAlini CD ladai Kva HIS sharp. bArlULtn Mst, To-d A Wed. il.lA. rrrTTTTTa "Rfst III I M st . TV. r- THE SEASON" ulttl II 4IIV 111 IN anil THK i. hk v r M l- IMBKK'AN r M-p ORCHESTRA $1.50 and $2.00 500:,' FIRST BALC. 50c,75c,$l COMEDY tV; ,1,,. .. TO NIGHT MRS. BOLTAY'S DAUGHTERS M.RVf LYRIC Pbeatre Wn tu ,.ru wni Kva s 13 k,n,vMi. To-ilai ,v -j i . ABE and MAWRUSS eonjinuatliin saf ihii aiiarv ill "POTAall 4NO I I III Ml I I l it " PLAYHOUSE B&TW&V.:." UATINKK Itllill . iv GRACE GEORGE fjffi. SHIIBERTf,l,::"....!:,.Vll,;"lv',':.'; m ri i,i its top noti'h -K 39TH ST r'"'" 'v K Mall - Tiwlaj t w . iMiifflffl urn itmi Mi. s MI IKS IN 4114 4NI I sV',',y:"lleftlieTlieatre.- f vtj. j j JiiwiRWarrnR Ma - . I'M iimm if;, iti : i.i's aiva. a; isupiiri una i in 4 I,,.,, al Ml Hum inn. WOrid'M li"MlnliSknrs i A.iin ui ii Htauurant. direction of pleere & Canionu TRIAN W "Hit P TRIANGLE PLAYS THIS WEEK Tuny mmLuII in rii.. -' MTllii Hull' U llnlll . .,, fl! Hit I'Hintittl H, n, v.' 1 1 1 1 u I set Iti W I MM I ilV Kmmihu-s n( , m , , s, at I nrt'N. Kvi'iihu If.V ftOc, 7 V $Lan Mauni w -j ..- Hint .Mr KN CKK H Hi u 'M-.ic THK VTUK.II'wy ;isv EDEN World In Wu KlAfCMMftp War HifOIN XlrK A tt frtl t im.. MUSEE OPEN EVEIIV 1AV 1 Hi tit SI -l(J l0 .j, CIRUOR'j V Nhil Wit. lll wayA47St i " Till: f IIOKI'H .iMintoi 1 ju. , I nil" sisi i uhi 1U to 50e. iStraud On h. A HolulaLa aat 44 'k. Ulaudie HiuK. "The saiikiw Uirl," QJIIal RRIllafMi ti &1 Hi New York AMI REM EXT! HIPPODROhS Manisgeniint i ham mi l ist.ii m'iini.i. ru-lsA1 nun nvi. HIP-lilP HOORAY OI i and in- I' imi 100 Kuveltl jii ret ty i in is on mk - e. IN Till. l V- NO IL It E II I I 1.1 'laireil by K. II llurtwi'l Rvai :m Mat il ,. ,:',:$1.50 ,. - il l. Mm Kl si l ii sis ,n, ViutlF SO USA ; llll -nil' mi. hi vi ii: Indudlni KM ruth - iiai.i.i T W . .! Is Ml - - PRINCESS PAT r RT'EI l mill r. 1 ll N ;;Ai:;fw,N bed. Neat 44 is - THK N I I : u , , STANDARD 'V,,; , ,, Mai in-day 2Ac lo "V in "i.lll 411 i n, t iiv 'THK HHuW slli ro-morrsn CREATORS. VflDK 1 '' "r lseoo v lr. da, 3'ctoTV 'k PAIR Of SIXES' N. i . it THK LA 44 i . 10NGACRE l arneile Uslli rbla Ifiermii IN A 1 1 1 i . I Polish Victims' Reliol u PADEREWSKI will iIi'Hmt .in Hfldrr I'lil .Ml I'tsl MI ltl.l N I I ullownl In KM II VI OI tll'MN s Ml M SYMPHONY WALTER DAMROSCH, Cuidudor I n-mnr m (HundalX (fieri 11 ELM A I Nrais in as! Otnce, seuiiiiii It ' MANHATTAN OPI K HOI SE .' wrrk, lit' tt tn ntni Ni I lini BOSTON GRAND OPERA COMPANY with PAVLOWA BALLET Ripisflolre r 'Duml t Un is Pun del in Ke irlth "Orfen " M Mini ii..w ttuki-s." 'Osrnnn 1 ii "Ilotaetur.," "Othellii 1 1 SI. 4 I N NII4t ON HAI.K, Hll Peterson it'Kli V COMlol I ' till SONI. Ill lllll. I Inn -I Aeolian Hall, o I . ."- - ACMILLEN I Mil IN 111 I I I kl II OX II 41 III I 4N lllll in .41 lioi until ii l 4. . .11. in Hull. I til's. I : mini. DARNULS Ill I I I 41. i-llts lit I :. x int.. A dlr'n l.illi.- 1. 1. 1 Im- A. In trnli in 11.11 'I'linrs Kvr Hi" Ss, SONI. II I I II II FREDERIC MARTIN Basso in, i ii i . its v , O A DS Kl 4rtill.ui 11.11 I Sunk Hei ii ..i t. 4liiii- Aim 1. 1 ! m n.iuiliiiit, 47ftHdAv. I'IiujixIJ To "i i o (D WASHING! Oil SQ. PLAYc