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7 " - rvr- GERMAN EXECUTION OF MISS CA VELL CA USES INDIGNA TION IN THE U. S. the woman' legs. The officer then shot her through the head with hie revolver "The miih thing happtmd in the rise nf Miss Cavell.' Mln the Tele grnnf. "She n Hred mi by a party of t wel ve and only one bullet touched hfr. Inn did hdl kill her li was after this that the nfTlrer of the firing partv drew Mm revolver anit putting It to the man s ear nreii a priest who w present at the enectitinn. wan overcome by horror and la now suffering from a nervous breakdown." The Trtrrtrnnf'a correspondent add thm ha hai hn h.aluiin.. i that the execution roused consternation nmnn the people of Holland and will '"probably do more to damage iterman sympathies, wherever they exist In Hol land than any hapfienlnaa Of the war." He xntlnues : "The pinnacle of honor arnorded to Womankind In Holland approaches more nearly tha accorded tn woman In Britain and In America than anywhere clue. "You tnwv violate neutrality, batter home and churches and tear up agree ment, and Holland may shrug her shoul der and say : 'Well, perhaps It ll war, but butcher a woman In cold blood, and Holland will say, as tbe people are eay lnff to-.tay ; "This Is savaaery!'" The writer quotes some horrified com ments from the Netherlands newspaper Which, he nays, show the temerity to which the Incident has nrouscd the Tutoh editors, otic of whom Is await . ng trial for describing the Hermans as conscienceless rascals." The .Vfrmt-rs VimrtVn Tug, which hitherto has heen observing a rather colorless neutrality, voices a vehement condemnation. declaring that the Ger mans lack the most elementary con ception of tho psychology of other peoples and of the effect of such acta upon the minds of nnn -Hermans. The Trlcaron, commenting on nu merous recent Instances of Herman at tempts to terrorlie the Belgians, says: "Under the fatherly government of Von Hissing the Belgians have cause to envy the Parisians of 17911 during the reign of terror. Not a persoi is aure of his life, certainly not an honest and brave person, for the Herman reign of terror seeks hy frightful examples to make the whole of Helglum a nation of traitors and cowards. "Love of country, which the Hermans themselves claim to be the highest vir tue, they punish In the enemy as the moat frightful crime. During the last fortnight ten death sentences and thirty two sentences to penal servitude for from ten to fifteen years were passed Among those sentenced to death were four women." U. S. WON'T PROTEST. Silent on fate uf Ml.s ( arell No Parallel Case In America. Wash inuton, Oct. 22 The State De partment does not Contemptatf, any rep resentations to i lei-many as a result of the execution of Miss Kdlth Cavell. OAlcfalg here were shocked hy the re ports showing the manner In which Miss Cavell was sent -n her death. No offi cial would talk for publication, but sev eral expressed the opinion that the i ier man authorities had violated the com mon laws of humanity for the sake of maintaining the supremacy and rigidity of military law. KAISER -CAN T FORGET." Germans a World Will Always l.a War tn Knglsnil, tptriml Caots l)rvat. i,i Tin. Si s. Amutprwm. via London, Oct. 22 The Ho- lui... In VolktlUUH$ In the course of an ar;lcle headed "The Hypocrite Urey ' Sa s : "Nothing can ever wash out of the Mnaclanca of the English Oovernment this ar. wilh all its horrora, It may be that Sir Kdward Qray and many other Bnillshmen with h'.m hope that the world will forget the blood guilt of i he English Qoverntnenti that even the Gorman people msy forget the guilt of Knsland The Kaiser not long ago wrote i. words I will never for get' on tin margin of a diplomatic report which e.oke all. ml forgetting the deeds of Kng I and " 'I will never forget' must to-day he thought and sat i by every Uertnan." KAISER FREES 2 WOMEN. NotlHea King tlfonen or Pardons tn Condemned llelulans. l.oNoos, Ort. 22 The Kaiser has no. titled Klnn Alfonso of Spain that he has pardoned ihe Countess da Belleville, Mile. Thuller and the other Belgians condemned to death in Belgium for aid ing In the sjeapa "f prisoner soldiers A deepalch 10 this ettiei comes from Madrid Tiip i'nuntn Johanna 4t MUvlIU, Mil LOU lit ThuIitT. a prhnol tear htr Philip Mm ucq. an Brchlttct. and Louis fef rin, a chtmlit. iftrc Mntvnced to df-Hth hy the sun.- COUtt martial whlrh pronount'4 '1 I lit- 'Icath (ietitihH upon 4aa Bdlth Cavell Twanty-thraa thr paraoni a?ar men tlonad in t)i couftmartla1 proclamation aa having uaan Rantancad to term uf Imprlionmant at hard labor, Joint rfforts in behalf of thtaa penoni at tatd to navt- oean i Pope Benedict, Kin Alfonao and President Wltaon SHOCKS GERMANS HERE. 1 Miss l at ell's Rgaoatloa n niumler. gays Mapsaaa m.ider. Harman Rlddar, editor of the Itofllt. MtUHg, many prominent (Semans and others In this city expiessed deep regret yesterday at the execution .if Miss Kdlth Cavell. the Bngltah nurse, in Belgium. "It is a terrible thing.'' said Mr. Bid der. ' It ei mis too awful that gUCh tbltlgl should have to hgppan. There gbould never le it neeessity for the exe cution of a woman under any clrcum sian tai Had Mlaa Cavolti case baan taken before the Kaiser she would prob ably hie baan pardoned. '.rhere are times sheil (Jarntan commanders may do thing! in war in whici even their own ptopla w.ll not support them'' IIS' ar Straus also was uravely stirred by the Incident "It ir one of the most shocking and atrocious incidents that any war in modem times has Unclosed " he said. "It Is so awful." said Miss Florence riuerneey, prealdant "f the t'lty l-Vdera lion of Woman's clubs, "that I don't know what lo su) ll Ik the moat In- bumaii. the most monatroua thing that has happened sinee Ihe outbreak of the war " Mixs Maty Ware liennett. suffragist and ehamplon Of woman's rights, look a mora phllnaophjoal view of the sltun t ion. She said I "It Is all of a pleee with warfare I annoi see thai It la rr li worse lo kill an individual Ihun to kill off an army. Jt seems more degplegblei however, when We view II III hold blood." Mrs t dive Houtl i in lirlel. president of the Woman Uawyara Aaaoolatloiii said i "Fi'om Hhnt 1 h'avo read it appears to me that it sai perfectly just llulile for ihe fjarmana to kill this woman, but I have read many conflicting ataternentg ol t tie tgaeutlon 'if Miss Cavell." Miss Ollva i'aipenter. a piiuninent mamber or the Wom-n Huffrags party, ggVt bet opinion as follow! "The execution ,,f M leg I'avill is a niost outrageous thing No word can be loo sting in condemning it li shows the attitude toward w en which de velops in a militarist nation." Uapraa pylvasier Vlareck, editor of the Fataariaadi said i "In Helglum a He, u ,A I i.. Who had been conspli uous for tier work )sW B BJpjPBw Mr fill I HjplXjiWA,.- ' -F iwa-w,lwWP Ixf:'-'. .... . '-V v fi Copyright Brown Da Wein, from 1 n1 or General von Bissing, Germany's Military Governor of Belgium, who ordered the execution of Miss Edith Cavell, the English nurae. NURSES FATE IS THE aerial Cahlt Pupatrfi to Thi Srs. Lonpon, Oct. 22. The first Herman version of the trial of Mi.s Cavell. shot j to death by a Herman firing eqtwid be- cause she helped Belgian prisoner eol dlers to escape, was received here to ' night by way of AmsterdHtn. It was contributed by Hen W crthciiner, the Brussels correspondent of the urnl-ofT) ial WnifT Bureau to the Herinan press ThU version asserts that the evidence In Mise Cavell's trial showed that there was an "tganlied plan to etiab'o men of military age to leave Belgium, the leuders being a Helgian and eoine French arietiM-rals The plot was pro moteil by thirty-five prisoners, tvo t birds of whom were wooien, Including the Princess Maria de Croix, the Count. In bthalf of the Allies was tried, con fessed of her own accord and w-as duly executed. It has been a long recognized rule of warfare that when caught the spy or war traitor must be exe cuted This was the case with Cavell. Brand Whltlocn knows this as well us anybody else Hut he in the incident an opportunity to spring Into the limelight and to aid the Allies. Ho he wrote a lachrymose ami maudlin account of the affair to the Ep reign Office in London. The Her mans haw in this war more than once been the victims of Krgllsh nurses. 'The whole matter shows to what ex tent our Anglophiles will go Doubt less spies of both sexes are executed In all the belligerent 'armies almost every day. But we shall wait a very long time before Brnnd WhltlocR will protest to any one because a lierinan spy has been executed " GERMAN PAPERS' VIEWS. Wiilt fnr Hi'ilin's, ralon nf Kir rnlliin. anya Hp riild.' Kxtracts froin editorial opinions ex- j Dfaaaad in i it r man newepaporfl of nw York on h eaactttlon of M aa Oavell , tn Bfuaaetl follow. New Yorker Ueilda--Thi mei ita of thf Cavell oaaa may hf diacuaaed whrn tin- Herman Oovarnmenl pubHahaa it a varalon. Mlaa Cavatti occupying an of fl'iai poaltlon oii account of hr eon naotton With lh Rod Cl oaa , wan In (Jertnan .m hi a far worse pnMtlon I than the other defend ante, becauaa eha Uaed ih preittge and the Influence of hM office for the herieflt of the enemies of derma nr it e probablai tot, thAt ahe nent aefref Informal on to Knaland 'or Kranre We are ame that the execu tion would not have bean ordered unless there were weighty reason. (irrman He mid. - Bflgland sees the i necpsntty of whipping up public opinion In the United Statea ana nwt Jennany The Ajiglo American papera and the lo leal Briton worahlppera are no longer i enargatlc enough in t heir antlQerman agitation to itlenae London Therefore, the hnily Mnit elves the tune, expecting the New York papers to follow suit obe diently Mis Cavell undoubtedly waa guilty of grave violation! of the laws of war. OthafWlaa she would not have hern sentenced to death. JUSTIFIED. SAY WOMEN. isn'l lira., leg Line ob ftples. SoMa In I hli'nito onlenil. CMIOAOO, Oct . With pity for the fate of the woman, regret for her death,' hut holding that. If guilty, she Should , he dealt with Sgactly as a man would be in the same clreiimstai.ces. many Chi cago women expresei theriie!"es to-d iy, regarding the execution of Mlaa Kdith Cavell in Helglum "if Miss Cavell was convicted of help. . lug prisoners to escape she uUght to ! dealt with exaetlv as a man would be undei similar conditional" aald Mis. (.Trace Wilbur Trout, prealdant of the Illlnoll I'aiual SufTrage Association. "We. as women, regret her death eg. , ceerlinglv, hut ll she was guill.v slo was engaged In dnngerous work, and . ghg ahould pay the penalty agaetly as would a man If caught Hill my heart a- he for a pom- lrl who Is put to ; death in this manner Hlie was a victim , I cf clrenmstancea i she bad no voice in' .bringing on the filghlful war. hut. as j I has always baen the rase In this world, i i the woman must pay the price Just Ihe 'mine as th. man. who is responsible for' ! the oondltlona." "A cruel and unnet'Saaary taking out of this world of a wonderful spirit," j mid Mrs Union Ward t'ooley, prealdant 1 'of tha Chleagu Woman's Club. I "Uarmani prnhabli felt tint she had I her Justifiable lessons for doing this," gald Mrs PoolaVi "but it milal have he.n 'that there warn no alleviating circuit i stances If Miss Cavell w as i (insldi red an ; enemv hy them She has given aid to! I Helgians. Bngllal and liennans alike - i hei work was r i rally merciful. ' Mra. rioberi w Kohlhumrr, who was one of tin. ilelegnlea m the International Woman's Peace fJonferencs at The Hague w Indignant on reading of ihe I i shooting 'if Mlas 'av eii "it is a barbarism," declared Mra i Kohlhamsr "Thuss sw wickedly ex-! trema ineaaurea lo tnio ihe vxioids history." in I his age of pplc Tree lllooii,. In I'loslilnu An apple Iran la ,ltt full bl i in the yard oi tha home of atra Joeeph 1 Bouhgmpa an Hiuie slreeti Duahlng, The bloaaomi aie as Lixui'liiiil rr. they ever utrc in tne Dpi lug. wind I ndsre-ooit "WARNS," GERMAN VIEW j can de Hellevllle and Miss Kdlth favel! I It Is asserted that the husband of the Princess de CrOtX, Prince Reginald, was 1 the chief conspirator. He has not yet been arrested. The headquarters of the I organisation. It le asserted, was the Erafllsh Women's lloepltal. Miss Cavells chief aselstant. It la said, was the Kelglan architect M , Baucq The evidence, It Is de lared, InOWOd that the scheme was operated I for many months Alter a further j record of the proceedings. In whioh e- phinage Is not ineniloned, the ciernian t version saya: "Hitherto the courts dealt very mildly ! with these offences, but this time It was advisable that greater severity be em ployed as a warning to the Belgians to obey the orders of the Herman (Jov- 1 amor." BULGAR COAST BOMBARDED BY I ALLIED FLEET fOrifiM?M frfm First Payf. observers here Its only hope. It is Renernlly roneiled, lies in the rhance that the French troops might be able t wreat the railway from the Bulgarians TE V TONS A D VANCE. VIOMfj Tell nf lrsrreM nt Two Army III visions. Spfii' Ci'.le pasggles fn Tin Sis VlgNMAi via London. Oct : --The Austrian War Office gave out the fol lowing; atatemei.1 to. night We entered 8ahae and expelled the enemy from the plain of Maowa Tin- Qertnana an- advancing on both sides of the river, keeping In close contact with th Ssve region. The Austro-Hungarian right ad varioed on the plateau of Kolohara and Ourga. while the left crossed the ltoijH itiver southwards of uuveha. The Billgsrlaris have reached the Tlmok Valley below Bgltohar and I'njasevals and are advancing west from Pi rot Their advatoe guard entered the basin of KumanoVO and the Vardar plain SEIZURE URGED AS REPRISAL. London Paper Woalil Havre Her man' Properly Taken. ggaefgl t tttnt DegpgatCg tn Tllk 8t'K London, ct It. Tha Duiiy Mail calls attention to the ease with which Britain can undertake reprisals against Uermany by seising property here. In complete official nguies published In April showed that ilerman property tu Kngland is worth 114.000. 000 ( f 410,000,. I. hut the .Hoi itself tlgures that the value is CIISiOOO.OOO (1118,000,000), in eludlng debts due, hank balances and BUeh like Tin' paper oontendg that ihe Auatiian property amounts to about t30.ooa.iMin ( tOO, 0,000) and gdds that this should be exempted fiom the reprisals because Austria "lias tint treated the Mr, tiah barbarously." SW0B0DA CAN'T LEAVE FRANCE I'reed uf I sploiiHU" I hsrgr, Amer ican Must Knee Iminlry. I'AI'.IS. Oct ft. Although discharged from prison, the charge of espionage on which he wis held having been dropped, Raymond wobodg cannot leave ihe city or country until the prefecture has mm. pleted Its Investigation of his nation ality. Hwoboda, who claims American oltN senship, was arreetml In Juris on the Charge of having set fire to the Krench liner l.a Touralne This charge was dropped upon Investigation, but one of espionage was substituted The French military authorities announced on Octo ber 11 that theic was no evidence on Which 10 hold him. WOMEN WAR NURSES HONORED. Tilled trench Heroines Amona Those Who liel llecoru lions. I'vhih. Oct I'li Many women nurses have received the Military Cross, with commendation In army orders, for re. malnlng at their posts hi Pomplegne, Senlls mid Vlllers-Cottercts during the bombardment of these towns by the 'ler mans Slnine of them ivniainid during German ungtlon, The HiironesM V'tln. one of those thus honored, Is described in an army order as remaining at Complegne when Ihe I'lermnng occupied It, ami "having faced d)trn'Ult le of every kind with cslmnes. dignity and fit unless ready for all eventualities and conatantly encourag ing Ihe staff " The countess 'ict-WIII nod Mm i 'hi rel-Hilllard are recipients of tbe Mill tgry Cross. h Is Mme de Wt Martin who, according lo an army order, "ran about the streets at Henlia In peril of her life, looking for a doctor lo ailed Ihe wuunued. THE jJUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. RUSSIANS PRESS ON; HURL TEUTONS BACK, Takp 1.5 BR Prisoners in the Upper Sara fiejrton and 7.500 in ftnUeia. BERLIN CLAIMS VICTORY Spn-iat f'nhtt Is.iiteA fa Tnr Si x Iivnox, Oct 21 The Russian of fensive southeast nf Barnnowitschl. be tween Brest-l,ltovsk and Minsk, which was mentioned In the Russian official re port of yesterday, gained a further suc cess yesterday, in the crossing of the upper Sara and the capture of the hels;hts opposite the village of Masourkl The Russians b'ok 1,111 prisoners and three machine guns In the assault In eastern Qallota, also, the Oar's troops captured important parts of the Austro-iierman positions in the region of Novo Olaglneti, north of Tamopnl, and In the course of the dsv made over 7.&00 prUioners In this section The booty included two howitgan The Herman oftlcial st Itamanl issued to-ilay says that the Kus.v in attacks in the Har onowitS'dil sector were repu'seit and that 1,14s prlsotiers were taken in a liermati counter attack A despatch from I'eirograd announces that tlen Kennenkanipf. who led Ihe first invasion of Mast 1'russla and who was reported to have been superseded because he was late in taking up a posi tion when the Ruaslan forces weie at tempting to hem in the Hermans ad vancing on Warsaw, has been placed on the retire.) list The Russian War Office gave out the follow ing offlc i statement in Pttrograd to-night Near the village of Zalav and west of Olat. on the Mitau road, yaatardai we repulsed a violent Herman attack. South of Lake Rogmsko.c we pro grossed at some pointa tow ird the west liermati counter attacks were launched, but in most rases the;, were repulsed with heavy losses Near the village of Dotlkl a Mer. e tight ended in the lakina of the v llage bv our troops. Southeast of Branovichl we 1 roaasd Ihe upper Sll'ii and 01 cll'.oed the heighte oliposite t'i Village of Ma sourkl We took twenty offlcara, 1,111 men and thtee machine guns. tin the left bank of the St v 1 right. ng continues. Later Information shows that the number of prlaonara made in trie dif ferent districts In this ration has In creased to sixtv -seven offlCOfg and 1,011 men. Fighting continues neat Novo Alex an ec and to tbe north The Herman War Office Statement fol lows : Army group of Field Marshal von Hlndet burg - Strong Russian attacks against our positions at Sa.iewe. west of Kaablany, were repulaad Army group of Prlnca Leopold of Bavaria The Ruaalana attackad northeast, east and sautVaM "( Ha runovltrhl. They were I dur ing a tucoeaaful counter at'aik Kast of Uatanov.ti tji eight ottl ers and 1.140 men weie taken proeonera, Army group of oen, von Ulnsingen Our counter attack, begun on an , x tenslve scslt west of I'xarrorvsk. was successful, the Ruaalana being repulsed Wa httva begun pursuit of them lm-lng the bafies or the last few days nineteen Ru'alan offlcera, 3. ."no men. one cannon and eight ma chine guns were capturtd. The loss of soma of our cannon w-ao-h w,. rap tured yeaterday was due t4i an at tack by Russian divisions to the rear of our artillery hue six cannon have bed, lust GERMANS BUILD NEW FRONT. sold to Hr rrrpnrllia line In Bel. aliini l I'rovlile for Itetreat. Amstkhiaxi. net. 22 The Teltgtan has received the following from Ant werp . "ah reports from various dlatrlota iof Belgium) agree 1h.1t workman are building a new (ronl behind the Hcheldi to provide for the eventuality of the Germans being obliged to ntr Phal they already aie preparing foi suoh a poeelbtllty is garhf red from a proclama. Mop issued at Druaaela, acoordlng to which all ex -so1. Let s. former members of the Civil Ouard and a'.l men .f mili tary age weie summoned to report them selves. Hundreds who obeyed the sum mons were at reeled and sent to an un known destination " NEW YORKER KILLED DEFYING GERMANS Herman Hall Wouldn't "Hide From Any 'Dutchman' " Rulloi Ended Life. rec,t rath) petpefcl In Thi Si v TxRls. Oct 1 Soiiblran. nng of the Americans recentl) transferted from the Foreign Legion to a French regiment, writes to Thk Urn's correspondent, undtr date of October 10, aa follows "Just a few lines to inform vim that Dennis nowd ami myself were wounded yesterday while in a trench preparing for an attack We w,re undoubtedly Seen Blight inch shells started burst ing around Suddenlv Dowd khoutod, I'm hit.' 1 quickly bandaged Ms hand, which was struck full in the buck by a shell splinter, and he was quickly re moved lo the rear "Meanwhile the bombardment in- , creased In Intensity and vve were ordered to evacuate the Irehrh Si anion and 1 Capdevlelte were following me when' suddenly three heavy calibre shells fell within a radius of leu yards Luckily Rob and Capdyvlelli foil quick enough to miss ihe flying debris "I was not so fortunate a gpliuter struck tne In the knee I was In a motor ambulance Within un hour and whs operated on The wound was not serious, but I shall he unable lo walk for some time Dowd'g wound was not quite so serious While w, wci e being taken from Ihe trench we passed out quarters, which bail been si ruck squarely by n shell and shattered Into fragments, " Pr DgVld K Wheeler, who was wounded while lighting with the Foreign Legion, li' progressing favorably He told Thu st n correepondeni to. day that the mltrnllleos gunner killed north of Arras on June id and reported to have been ICdwln II ill of Chicago was Her man Hall of llori ell. N. Y . who showed reckless hruver) with the leglon, The l.eslon had curried a In h and th m i 1 1 a II leu se section followed and In trenched Itself In ihe new Mston, Hall kept looking met me parapet of tha ! trench until bis ier gaunt reprimanded htm, because of the danger. Hall declared. "I won't hide for any' nutehman," and a moment later a ttillet I went through his heud. I ASQUITH'S ILLNESS j HALTING AGITATORS Answers to Pointofl Questions and Disaster to British foal it ion Averted. CRISIS IS ALMOST OVER l .ipedn' 1 nblt fe.;ife fg Tas St" tONnoN. 'let. 21 The illness of Pre mier Agqtlltri Is apparently n blessing, Inasmuch as his absence from Parlia ment Is preventing the agitators from raising some carefully prepared dura tions Intended to force the Onvernment to make an embarrassing explanation which might have resulted In disaster to tho coalition. Th prevailing opinion In political circles is that the crisis has been averted by Sir F.dwsrd r.irson s dignified speech explaining fill resignation. The 1 ippo MtlOfl bad expected to use 1 'arson aa a tool for the disintegration nf the Cabi net, hut Ihe s heme failed Through Sir Kdwatd s determination to make his resignation unaggressive and unlnjurloua to the Government it la evident now thnt the crisis has practi cally pagaed despite tht clamor of some lectloni I f Ihe press, whereas a few ilnys ago the fall nf the entire Coalition Cabi net had been oonfhb ritlv expected. Many leaders of the Opposition are pressing to the Until their demands for a change In several of the chief Cabinet offices and for a drastic reduction in the number of Cshlnet members It Is believed in political circles that several members of the present Govern ment mgy drop out H Is generally agreed that dlgecnitoni ate unavoidable under the existing conditions and there is a lendenc lo the belief that an alter native for Hie present Government can not lie found. vf',r many etlggeettoni have been made as to candidates to succeed Sir Kdward Caraon as Attorney-General the latest report Is that the office may he ahollahedi as it proved auperfluoui Thia post has beep mott often vacant In re 1 fill veais than any other Cabinet olTlce. TURKS HAVE 300,000 FOR BALKAN CAMPAIGN Armenian Obwrvor (4y Half if A rni v ('tin Ho Mparcd to lltii the Bulffant. gaecfef fereejgseeVaes tn T'ir 5' x London, Oct. ll That Turkey will hsve men to spate t (operate with her old enemy, Bulgaria. B'etrs certain A curious eldellght has been thtnwn upon ti e number of troops at the Turk.- dis posal In Ala Minor and the number actus lv engaged in the ifen. e ol Hal ilpoli '.v 111 Armenian a ho waa wounded while acting as interprater for an Aua irallan i-attniion This man had a miiious experience IP I lie war against Turkey, f.r he lnn it us .i m tmber of the American Red Croas brlsada, which accompanied the Turks of Smyrna and Paniascus In their attack upon the Su ( Canal He has (bus had tic- unusual experience of serv ing on both subs. "When the Turks Red serosa the ,ieert af'e- their sepulas this man accompanied them for some dlatancei but he had al I ready good reason to know that the ; Armenians were not exactly level by i Turkllh soldiers At this permd. how ever, they had enough to do to make I good their 001 ape. which they did with ' mai'V a sneer at the compunction of ! the Brltteh, who they iiiouah could 'easily have nunlhlla.ed them T' i Armenian, who, by the wax. was trained al 'be American College at Hei ruti had aomc surprising adventures m hta Journey througn Jerusalem and Da- mascua, where he raw much of the Turkish army of Asm Eventually he made his way to Cairo and Joined up as Interpreter with the Australians, only tn I., wounded on the day uftet he land d Hta own estimate wae that quite half the Turklah army, or aotne H"0. i men. we , free from the necessity of protect ing Qalllpoll end are ready to cooperate with Ihe Hulnars and Hermans NO FORD LOAN TO CANADA. 4 ii to Mnnnfnrtnrrr n Hr w nn ill ir i l.enrl n 4 nt. Has KRAN-'iPrfi, fv.M ?: .-Henry Kord. the eaUtotnoblli manufoctuiw, when .u-i'.:4-(l 1 1 - I h wln'thtr the it-jHirt was IrUt thtl hl hml .iicrt'i ii (o t i Kf 11.000,' nnn rf the CanriMtan loiin rtftIM ! "I hH? no Mh where the tiry OrlgflTAttd ! I WOtlM like to fln l out M COMtl'ibuti lo h lOAfl?' an'l h: r en napped w ii h .inner I would Kpt'nd $1,000,000 to prtvont Cnnadi e. urtnn ,i vr luttn 'tie et of ni mone-y t till 1 h-ive to nay ami that fhouid w luAlclanl ' JAMAICA AIDS RED CROSS. XI ii ii . Hecr nits anil XI one. t,,r an trruplane Also Itnlaed, Rpecfel raft's flssgafea t' Tai at x. KlNUgTON, Jamaica. Oct, It. A suli ta tial -urn was raised h-rc to-day for the Red cross Many recruits were ob tained foi lb. contingent being raised for the war and sumclent lands were also raised to present a military aero plane io rjreal Hrltain OBI 'a llrlllsh asiinllles ll.'Jllo. vpedaf ' gals fieeMfc4 tn Xu$ i8' s. UONPOM, i)t 8'.' -To-days official casualty list covering all Hrltish fronts Kiv.s the number Of officers al lux, of Whdm were killed, ami the enlisted men 1,111, of whom gd were killed ThU makes lo-day's total casualties I,. IIU, of wh im ( were killed RECEIVER FOR MANCHESTER. Mnallsh Dak Who MdrPled Vmrr. lean Hint Money Trimbles Here. BptetMl Cggfa Desaafal to Tar sLs UONPON, i 'ct. -The London Ootelfl prints the following announcement : "A recelvlna order has been Issued agslnst Hie lnke of Manchester." The dninelal dlftleulttes of Ihe Uuke of Manrhnter, who married miss iieien Rlmmirman, daughter o:' the late K11 upue Zimmerman of Clncllldatl, hsve received muel publicity in the last few years. Creditors have been nuinernuH and pressing . collection of furnlturi and antlquel belonging to the Luke was sold at auc tion hrie a .ve.i ago, hut i!ie risulls wen- discouraging Th,- imke already had gone into huglneis lv conniet'un wiih the inanufarturi of moving ricture Minis to recoup his fortune! When Ihe will of Mr Zimtnerm in, fa'.hci -'u-law of Ihe Imke. was ndmlt'ed to probate last January it was ton id that no mention was made In It of 'he Uuke, a 11 hough t-e Uuchess ecelved 11 life Interest and provision was made for her children. GERMANS FAIL IN GIVENCHY ATTACK French Silence Enemies (Inns in Lone: Artillery Duel in rhnmpatrne. AIRMEN RAID NEAR MEI'SE Spuria! 'ablr tirnpatrh tn Tor Its I'asis, Oct. 2!. The Hermans at tempted an atts-'k sgalnel the Fren, h lines east and southwest of OlVtnchy last night, but were repulsed Another attempt was made by them with no more success In tbe valley of the gOUChel stream To-day they prepared foi nn attack In the environs of Lombaertiy le. Hel glum, with the usual preliminary artil lery fire tin this occasion the French artillery dispersed the enemy before he had completed the assembling of his troops lor the attack. in s ptotiaotc! artillery duel ir, Champagne the French guns succeeded to-day In silencing a violent cannonade directed against the French lines in Ihe vl. lnlly of Tshure. MagalgM, l.a Hara see and I Font de Pari! Kflh ient work of the French guns also is noted In repressing Herman artillery attacks to the east of the Hutte de Mesnll and In the vicinity of Vllle-eur-Tourbe The Uertnan aviation ground at mine!, between the Atgonne and the .feiiee. has been liombarded by a French aero plane auundron. The afternoon communiuu follows The enemy undertook yeaterday evening, hut quite without success tin atlaik against the salients ;r, the east and to the spulhwest of the fort at Olvenchy. They were also very easily repulsed In the valley of MoUCheg, where they endeavored lo advance. In tbe CMmpagne district the Her man bombardment has been going on with great violence to the west of Ta hure, t.. the east of Hutte de Meanll and in the vicinity of Ville SUr Tourbe Bverywhera we anlwered this bom bardment by a fire of repreairion di rest, d against the Qerman batteries and trenches which apparently wis very efficacious The explosion of nn of iir mines In the ArgOnna resulted in the com plete destruction ,,f a post of the enemy A group of French aeroplanes has bombarded the Herman aviation park at Ounel, between the Argonna and the M-uee The night communlrpie was as fol lows . In Helglum, In Ihe environs of Lotnhaerta.v de, while the Herman ar tillery was tiring on our tranches we stopped the preparation! for an in fantrj attack by dispersing by our lire the enemy forces which were as sembling near the front. Out artillerv, moreover, very ef fectively bombarded In the course of the day the Herman trenches and cantonments between tile Avrc and the lose In Champagne and in the Argonne we overcame b the lire of our bat teries the cannonade dire, ted by the gnemy against our positions In trie en virons of Tahute, Massiges, l.a llara see and l.e Fmir de Paris. No action of importun e has been reported on the rut of the front. ALIAS COSTS $5 IN ENGLAND. Man tt lni xvnifl., Krnm i . a. lined fnr ( hanaliiK Ills Name. I pert at t aes Dfsjssn r,, Tm s n Uonoon, Ocl Kearhlrg Plymouth ! tin ihe Ruaalan burk Lawhtll from Purt , itind. ore. Herman tlrauet was hi rested on h charge of giving th- name of dieen Inatead of hie nam name He ' explained that he had uaed the nam. of 01nen for the laet three xenr. In the United states, as Americana had diffi culty in pronouncing Qrauera lie waa i fined ." 'ihe Lawhill, on vxhnh ilrausri ' shipped, Bailed from Portland on June ' SALE OF FOREIGN STOCK UBGED lierinan I'npers I i nr Xirrlal lex tit t nniprl I nlomllnu. gssirfaJ ' ante jiessMifea Tas si - AMartMPAM, via London, et The Uertnan neieepapofi are urging the exportation of ti,r foreign gtoctta, of whioh I' Is estimated near:. 17,100,000,000 worth an- held In tier- many, Tin y rt mmend h special tax to compel the holdera to send the storks to neutral banke as aecurttv for rredlta thus relieving the rate of exc.iange. BRITISH LOSSES 2.500 DAILY ilea test nt the War, the October Kluure Hrlnit .VJ..1.-.7. lixtrvoN, (let 12 iitl!i oaaualtlgg since October l have average l nea i 2.ri0n r day, the tnt.ils for the twenty, tm day! of the month being L'.i'x-, off). eers anil fin.ii t a non-commissioned , in cert and men This average losn, the beavleat of the war, results from the des perate liabtniK in Belgium Inn Inn Ihe summer ihe dall) average was 1,100 111 April an. I May. dUI ' i. the Partlanelles activities, the average sai 2,n0ii dally. ZEPPELINS MAKE CLOUDS. Thus Dtsnppenr When I niter Klre, hlrnsii Mnn gaye, H B Ko.xter of t'hlcago, who arrived yeaterday by the white star liner Baltic from Liverpool, gald that a shell from a Beppelln burst about idol .yards from bis London home on the ntffhl nf Sep. tember Ii knockuiR him down anil shat tering all the windows, and that before this happened he bad noted one of the Zeppelins al which the utltt-alr craft guns were tiring disappear in a cloud of her own making Mr. Kosler says that this is one nf th,. ways the ding, hies dodge the London defenders BATTALION OF EX-AMERICANS Canada tn Itnlee force nf Kurnirr Iteslitrnls of I . ... Unix . Ottawa, ocl .':' iii Ham Hushes. Cnnadlnn Minister of Mllltla, nnnoumeil lo-nlghl that the Oomlnlon tlovernmini had decided I" raise .1 battalion mm posed exclusively of former fllldrntl of Ihe United Stat' h now living in Pallida Mince Ihe oUtbragk of the wat thousands ol Americans have enlisted In Canad an peglmenti and have itciuitted thim selves with cotliplCUOUl bravery at the front. Now, tor ihe Hist tune, a llgullr pgttgllon "f formir Americans Is I,, he raised and lo have dlltlllctlve ricngnl Hon. TT.IS brand of tire and all of the other styles of Taney Tread Tires require the same size Anti-Skid Chains as do plain tread tires. Weed arp tfip only roal safeguard against skiddind and. therefore, experienced motorists always use thorn whenever pavements are wet.rr-iiird loss of the brand or type of tiri?s Ihpy buy. W:KD CHAINS do not injure tires because Ihey "creep""or continually shift their position Around the tires. Relative to "Safety First tor Motorists", one of the bui New York Evening Newspaper publish ed the following editorial that was written by its Sporting Editor: "r it nrre not so serious a matter might feci incinod to smile whenever see an automobile tire advertisement that claims "non-skid"qttelities for nny rub her auto tire . There's no such thmd as : "nor i-skill "tire. It seems tome tilmos,' criminal to pretend there is. and to induce people to depend on an alleged factor of safety that doesn't exst. To state that it is a prevention is only to invite reckless driving .accident and death . " Weed Chains are recommended and sold for all sizes, brands and types of tires by dealers everywhere . Weed Chain Tire Grip Co., BridtfeDori.Conii. SAY GERMANS FIRED AND THEN INQUIRED Mwtlt' Pencrtbe Attack mi Submarine Mistaken fr Kiitislt VeM4l. Sto. :ft HOLM, net 2.' "tn1.irTut.on xprwMd by lh swcimh riwnpapit , OVtr tlie llttick ()'n th. vvfTVfh wb n:;inn- Hvalftfl by . Clrmsii tmk1l tmwttl off Vtd 'trdftl) The ex- fiif tht tn tihmarlnc uh nilttftktn for a Hr'.tlnh i t aft t i jfir,i. by h? ntWBpam, whlrh point tu tho fact t at tho WMthtf w i t lar ii'.tl thl Mvatltn'i fi'tK Wtti Mslly dlftlnvultheiblt. Additional rorti "jy titat ;hi irawitr fl-M Itvornl hi tn upon in' HUbmnr M and thon hulsttd a flic of njntiv an to th tubmarint'i identity VVhn h iMrnod hi trror th CAptMln "f t Qormftn vmmI iT;t ufflcera ab-j.irl the iubtnarlni npologiiod vnd tjfrol ootnpanMtion. Poui more Uernmn tMmthlpi foil ri to BrltUh Kubtnktrlnoi In t!e Ra'.ts dutiiiu tn in at twntyfoUf noun They were the Herticrpand, l.llttono; riautn, 4.i' toni; Rendsburfi 4.II9 tonti ami Elertra. 1.:'! toni. S GERMAN SHIPS HIT. lAdltlonnl Vlrtlma ol Brit lab ab- inn r I tic I m i.i ltiiriail. p( ftti f ih t Ofsfmlfh t" Tnr 4 LoMOONi 01 ?3 i Saturday). Th pail it M'lU's iorrviiondonl t Chrtattinl foporti during tti last t ii- th' 1 H.itisn puhmarlnai off Oeland oi man atoamiihl$i (orpaduod it- i -tin tu tha the already reportod nunk. j Thrr- Oar man teamehlpi vhleHi alted H'ujt ward have not baan i from end ate auppoted lo have lunk. Thf- ihiiiij Tt leffruph's rorreipondent , at Tllrhora g ij Brltleh f UbmjtrllUM I wr' hiiny there yeaterday SAY FOE USED F. S. FLAG. tierniHiis ltluae llrlllsh tine Rasllah gklu gaali in n Week, gpeefet l aafi DftpQU k i - Thi si London, Oct. The Official I'tees fiureati gnnouncea that one Hru:s.: mer chgntmgn afUa sunk or ratuured in ihe w.ek ended October 10 and Hint in that period MO fishing v ess Is were sunk or captured. The total number of at rivals ' gnd sailings from porta of the United Kingdom In Ihe mini w.ek was i.jfj, The Foreign Office Issued a statement oday laying 'hat the tiermun ftovern men! his complained lo the I'mieii States ggalnal the alleged misuse of the American dag by the sleamer Huena Venturat described as .1 it-;tisi, vessel sailing from BaitUi Rosalia, Mexico, lo Bnglgnd .ft ih xx .tu a . itgoivt muni linns ari'l cupper despite Ihe fail that the vessel wis transferred tu American! registry In 1814 Llnyd'l arive out the following slale- nteni today 1 "The Btltlah steamers City nf Berlin,' Auk I'd Iris, which were detained at Hamburg al Ihr uutbrealt r tha wnr, h.,ve been .link by the enemy " The penaor permitted tin detalla to in- pub 1 llslted 'rin Allan Line steamahlp lomeranlar has teo-hed por s-ifely. haviig freed' he laalf . t ..nt maiatanca after running ' Modest prolits and greater demand, backed by a specialized production, nc count in great measure fur the continued popularity of our clothes We know of no policy better than oui own of fostering the growth of a business that of giving our customers at all times even better clothes than they expect. Brokaw Brothers Astor Place & hn.rth Avrnur R SulJW.1 SllltltMl ill lif R an Chains aground In .1 'ng pear Havre v.-- , ."ii,, aim- from Montreal. The Mgf Wgglan bark t'les e tons, bonnd for Hon Arthut has I 11 : ei-erl ir 11 collision off the Isle t W tl u Seven of tne opew ar" mlasltig n- en bsxitiv been land 'i Tin- Hr;i:e!i steamahlp Klder Hi frnni Phllndelphla, ftctober - f 1 Frame, run aground . the Of Oett. The Argentine barh Kdiili Jones aground off I'ayaandu, I'ruguny BOTHA WLNS IN SOUTH AFRICA Kirrtimi flleea Premier gafe liar gin 1 Free tsti- in Watloaaiui. Caps Town, Oct 12 Th 1 election in the Union i f Son:- V . up peara to have resulted in for den. Lottie B dhg, the Pren his follower!, a safe majority heh 1 sure I the-n in the House of - 'tiiy taenty seat. moatly in 1 1 Hlate hue been obtained ' .'' Ilonallsta, who an oppoied 1 1 pilgn agalnit Oirman South ' 1 t" a military expedition to 1 . Contests for fort.v-iwo seat. undi Med, but ritums fi m 1 ii districts are overwhelming! m i' Ho; ha Prof, lies Fremantte, 1 ' (len Hlrtaog, the Prem er's . rt upponent, whs defeated at vitt 1 bi 1,141 to 1 oil, K irn i Marrlani of cape Colony, .1 - . Botha, was elected at pearl : . centre, by two to una The Premier received I.4S1 1 let ag 1 lust Tlx at L si g : -, , Kt.ce tl'e Mgtlonalliti ippea won all hut one of t' ..o teet - The collapse n: the Lai : les lane urban ronitltuinries is I most nm. hi,- features of tin - SEAMEN 1 ACT rONDE.MNKD Nntinnni Mnnnfnrtnrrra nhj 1 (oiiftilnw 1 111 ro n-1 I'rov Isloiix Aiaoclatli n 1" Mnntifn tun reaolutlon yeiterda) iendi men's act ami urging f niigiesn ildei 11. Ti . resnUil -i - new law contain! Impropei nd i ptxvvMoni, wh i-h ni t onlj ho tease the roil a d r sk. 11 - Under the Amen, at. fing hut - ami threaten tii deatructlmi -' 1 ' clpllne a hlch Is eaenl 1 f-il se 1 vi a The "'.I'tifa Mil .-' tf-r. particular except, 01, in rerla ; the net The resolution level c:ses the latlg'iaee est. thi ' ' '' thai g per 1 Hit nf the d. ' able seamen, the minlmiltllg " ' fence of daaertlnn md the abrogating Interi ,t mal irei convention! which conflict u Vlelona of en- :-i-.v st ittite The preamble to the , ' that although t le lew :, t Ilfully f"r ihe gafet) proper ianltar 'mi lets for Ho- crew and I In some abuses, business and in general feej th n th harmful t)nerlea itl ltnr In Tttg S' s s S.iv die. I. 1 em sent the fullowtllg rpier.v "Sav ville had to.diiy t.. . , Hacotl on the sir- el tile p. ll at what Mulser said and "t H ni' ail were fed. on pol and red " n . si A ! . xJ xl ajBa Kfl Ii