Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. 18 MINUTES FOR HIS SAYS NEW CONSTITUTION JITNEYS MAY RUN, IF SONS TO PARADE BY MEN A CES S TA TE FORES TS NOT IN COMPETITION With All Voting, Conde Pnllea Geo,'S?e A- Lawyer, of Fish and (lame League, Attacks tHtatfl Vnnrd Makes Its eWs VAnvh nt New Wo- 1 "IB conservation A rue i. arm nnngs uui w,iuck kiini Killing on thr v EIGHTY foot cliff lit Atmahle Chasm. At the ton is the platform from which Arthur Jar vls, on horseback leaped. In the circle Jarvis Is ahown falling from the horse a it turned n somcr-suult. MAID'S SUIT SHOWS BROKER ACCUSED OF FEUD OYER BABY SWINDLING WOMEN ehelle Election. THEN THE FoYS APPEAR The notables who live M BW Rhchelle. whleh l dldly Inhabited bt notables, always believed tin' 11 yester day that the most tensely exciting tierlnd in nil New Rrii hpii pemtrkable history wan that February day MMIM yean ago when a railroad waehottl up Ihe line caiiMdt consternation Hum wae appalling. That wan the time, a New Rorhtlll well ftnM,vt"ra when five ol lohn Barry Rytn's ion ,-hlldien wi" tl-l'mg gUpreeae Court .tustlee Martin .1. Kc -all's 'li ven children, while the other live were visit ing Conde I! Pallatl'l nine children down the road from where riddle Poy'g ten children live And owing ! the wash out It wan almost a single milk Rochelle But ncrtvadats New Rocllelll h.i a more weighty topic to dlacuaa than u town crowded with children while a milk train la delayed or they had mire weighty thlnaa 10 itWUM SMI niaht. at leant. Any one standing In front of Freddy Pfennig's F.llte Tnnsnrlal Parlors In Main afreet near ihvir 'h. New Hochclle. laat niaht. where all the old line Boll tltfann -Augustus Thomae, Answer From Louis A. Marshall. A 'Vols sen of a pamphlet hearing the hMdtlnti Against the Constitution." "Pre- the Adirondack!," "Shall the Work Lifetime Me Mttrofed?" la being la noon 'hat day before train I MM aet int.. New I tie anil Frank laevetide. ker. Ilonn-r Kanens. Mar tin Keogh. Jr. i 'rami UOWetl, .Mare Klaw's sin .Lie and the rest nattier of an evening for glee club practice and dleeuaslnn, might have sensed whit w in the air w hen political parade paaatd llke aa TWO I'eaa. The parade took eighteen minutes to pace a give:, point, laid point hcir-g Freddy Pfennig"! t mortal parlors. It wae made up Wholly Of stalwart young men, alike aa two peas A parties larly broad ' Ii ed youth at the head of the parade earned a banner which waa Inscribed CONDI nrvilST PAIjUCM'S Ol.t'KST .' INS A "'HTI'iN wk B8 For i it rm M A Vi HI i 'r Nl'.tt Hi" IIKI.l.E fori'. KAItl.Y nn.l .it'en. At that particular moment the younger none -f Condc Pallon- booh mai. lecturer, editor, magazine writer, candidate for Mayor of New Rochelle and father -were holding a lOfchllRht mm meetir.g over along the waterfront at Hudson 1'ark. which is New llo chellc'e only bit of waterfront. Qua Tkornas and I Ira ni Lowell and Frank and lie Leyendecker and Homer and Martin. Jr . and Joe K'aw 'had Cai -dldate Fallen'! older entis pass by for the full eighteen mil utes. end then everybody tiled back Into Freddy Pfen nig's barber ghop to d SCUSS the situa tion How weighty the su'.J., I .It I. and was oonaldrfed by Otis ard Joe and Martin, Jr., and the rest of the wd Which gath. nightly i:; F'r'- l i - bar isi abi p may be grasped whi tt o e ntoM to thtnk that before the een atrtlck I chord In the buck room of the barber loop laat night Ihey started to argue over the possibilities of swinging Hddle l-v s aona into li;ie. Uaually 'ins Thomas drops his work m the C nrlea Frohwan fflces. Ma' hatturi. ati.l i ... os wa- 1 the 'irand Central with only one thought In mind to meet Martin Keueh, Jr. Alec Keogh and the real of the lada, Jump onto a train for New RochellO, grab off a tasty ana. k i:mI then race over to Freddy Wet nlg'i barber sh p to rehearse g! ub stuff Rut grhlM Ihey were all headed wr New Uochelle at duek last night, word piead through the lr.;n thai Conde Falb'tt, assured of li s ei,- ton hecatlje not only his own children, ill voter, outwardly seemed to favoi l is andtdaci. but because he also htil the protntaea of all of justi e Keog s children, had become all worked up fot feat ha Wi uld lose so. id vote of Eddie Foy'e chll-dren. dlttrltrated throuah the State, it addretted "to the igortamer and voters" and is signed ' v trie ige A l.iuvver Of Water. own at'd of the Hlate Kish, tlatne grid Fori-et fstague it charfet that the conaervatton Mtlcle wag put into the is1 I'onrtitutl .n for the benefit of lum ber and water power interests arid will aii. w them to wreck the state foragl reei The pamphiet caused leMlg Marshall to say esterda., "Tins is the most ea- traoedllhgf) eghlbltton of mallgrdtti rnhv repteaentatlon and falgifkatkin of facte; that it is possible to conceive.1 Mr Maisha'd polnte I out thai the con serva'ion article was passed in the con vention hy a Vgte of 121 to II, only one Dem iCTal voting In the negntle His statement continues; "Men of national reptltgtlon advised the conaervatlon committee, and It delib erated for months on the adoption of t)n heel methods for protecting ttie pub lic interests It was re.ngn.ied that In thi subject of conaervatlon was Included no; only the p'es. rvatlon of the forests, t ut that of husbanding tne water m tne Slate for 01 i avlgation. munti i pal water supply and agriculture, end its tish and game, all being Intimately Intel related If was believed that these great ob jects hud been materially advanced hv i the action of the convention. Yet It is now voclferougty and vehemently pro- I claimed, regardlegl of the Implied re flex on on the integrity of the members of the convention, that the proposed amendment waa i:. fact Intended to en able the lumbermen to seize and destroy the foieati for their own advantage. ijnoies I 'ruin rllelr. I "How this la )ioaslhla In view of the ' prohibitory langugge ol section 2 of the art. cle Is not .Indicated Raid assertion Is deemed more important thar a refer nci lo hc language of the Constitution. It cxpress v declares " The lands of the State, now owned or hereafter acquired, cotistltuting the forest preketvl ai tow fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands Thev shall not be leased, ao'.d or exchanged, or be taken b) any cor- poratlon, public nr private, nor shall the trees anil timber Ibereon he sold, re moved or destroyed.' "In spite of the efforts made by the lumbermen to cnrMheroleJltge :he forests. to permit the cutting of timber and to divide the preserve Into gones. every effort in that direction made ri the con vention waa voted Jown peremptorily, and there wa added ! the sec tion 2 th. following "The department is. however, rnpow eted to reforest lands in the forMI pre aerve, to construe, tire trails thereon and to remove dead ireei and dead nm ber therefrom tor purposes .f teforista lion and flie protection soleI. but ihgll Mai sell 'be same.' "My thi clause there Mas removed ever) incentive lor destroying the for -ela Not even de id trera or dead tliu her can be taken away ex ep: for the sole purpose, of reforeetgtion and lire protectloni and even In am h event t'tev ma not be sold. Mow then call am honeel men confgnd thai under eoch a ronetltutlonal provlelot it is within the range . poaeHtutty for th, lumbermen to encroach upon t tie forests? "It tuav be Intereeting to call atten tion to the fact Oaecloeed by Byrgcgee newapapera that at the meeiing of the New York State Flgh, llxuie and FOTf al League, called by him oti short notice, at which but tew members were pres ent. Mr. Lawyer said 'hit from a single source tie had been ensured of a fund of 110,000 to defeat the f01MtltUtlon. Why so Urge a sum of money from a single Source? lie was asked to speerfv tun declined t do so why tnte h rj 1 May it not he possible after all. that the lumber Interests, against which he so violently inveighs, may lay claim of patefntt) lo this fund?" romer. 1 N VM ROfHEM.E LINKS I tuck U0 I.j IM-iehot. Amos rtnchol atta -ked the I'onstttu- tion in a speeeti at til. Broadway Tabernacle last nlghi lie was espe- dally shocked by tins provision of the Plate budg't article: "The Legislature may not alter an appropriation b II submitted b-. the liov ernor except t.. strike out or reduce items therein " Mr PlnchOI said Ihtg ffeuld give ib llovemor "g coercive, re strictive and persuasive power over the Legislature ghd p regit lea I y 'b,- Wl lie s- stem of Mate government which ta allium without a limit" "If this Constitution should pass," addeil Mr PlncnOt, it would mean the selling of the public Into bondage for ttie benefit of both out arid out corrUp tlonleta and well meaning political alssos lunsta who rail to underatand the most simpb principles of democrac) Take the purs. Str ugs out of tne people's hands ami you tike away democracy." policemen and firemen who arc op pos.'Hc tin- Constitution because they think It takes away their right of court review wen. reassured resterdsy b Meier Itelnbrlnk of Brooklyn, csndi- date for Attnrnev -tjeneral in ItlJ and a tlelegiite to trip Constitutional con vention He s ud no right now enjoyed I hy these men had been Withdrawn and that nothing ol the sort was Intended by the frameis of th. home tule . Inch. I'oii." Cp to yesterday Candidate Palle'n, fseling that lie had ins own and the Keogli offspring , inched, knew thai th election was h!1 over bur the formality of voting for him still to make cer talnty a rlnch he I I Instructed a l the i'allens and the sKoghS to scatter along th, stree's of Sew Itochelle eaeii morning so that thei could shake bis hand during his triumphal progress In his train and tell him In ! ' rl voices how glid the) were thai his eleirtlnn was a certainty. Candidate Pallen had delegated an especial!) large ui 'Up of his sons to stand Jtl-t outs .le the ",n windows of his ipp inent for tl ni of Mavor. the present Mayor of c.v Rochelle. F.dward Htetson drifting, at 17 1'oplar pla e ,fVei, pop, 'here's nothing to It toil vou. what?" Candidate Conde Patten's s.ns would say in a loud voire. "Thanks, fellow eltlgana," toe iindi- dle tot Mayot of New Kochclle v". I esy to his sons. "Oood luek and on your WSy, Candi date," the strongest Voiced son would csll out from the tenth row, loud et Ig I to send bis Words int.. ths breakfast room of the worried Mayor drifting "And." ope of the t'nl'.eri voters would add for unod measure, "all of Judge KeotfYs hois are going to vote for you." "Which makes the town unanimous." Csndldgts Conde would say apprecla. lively, going smilingly then on hli way while Msinr lirlfflng, his Republican op. genenti burled bli fgee n hi.- soft boiled eggf But yeslerdaj something happened Opponent 'irinini hsd stood enough. Wherefore when all Poole place in front of Mayor Qrlfltng's bouse wae jammed solidly wim Cnndldat Pgllen'e eons gpd Just ce Ki : i s lops Iq the morning at train tune, down I ,p street enme Bddlf F"V and all nta sons The Foys had lien invited to breakfast bj Mayot drilling The Mayoi so timed tha arrival of th Foj voters fiat Just as ths majority of Votars f'f New Uochelle came eiotig in the prsaence ,,f the Pulleni and Keijgha, Mayor Opponent Orlfflng stepped oUI on to his front slepl 10 dsilvei the following succinct reniarks "doog morning. Mr Koy I sec vou have all youf sons i'1i you, cry good Rdd) I" Small talk ir, an undertone followed ths The Ballon and Keogli volets tried to catch what " bring said, bit couldn't gel the whispered stuff. Bvon Candidate Pallsn so fa' forgot his dig nity a.-, to stop and look and listen. "Incidentally, hot do vou do, Mr pallsn," oppnnrni drifting h'markrU plsssantly to fandelgie i'?onde. "Now, as I was saying. Rddy." Mayor ilriftng wetd on in a loud voire to Ihe great gctor wtnie nil the Pallene and Keoghs to tb,. number "f several ilogen deject ritlt . "When New llo. beli i el. -brated last June tie- "JTlti anr iv i'sary of the founding ol Sen rtochidls w th a laud ami waler pageant you Watiteil t plgy the pur ..f th,. gn.ii jesn duttoii, the Huguenot anosstoi .r you .""l all the K' vs i said yes t ihtst, bui who said you must play in., pan ,,t an In dian chl'-f ,ti th,. Jjn.g ;,,,( so "C unde I 'alien.' Lddk with hitter remembrance. "Conde'g a highbrow, nl so ha said I couldn't play in v thu g but an Indian " "Well," cried Mayor Orlfflng, as be lookked over all of Bddli s sons who could ' . r.wd into view iuni mentally counted f elr i . tal vote, "we'll celebrate the 22Mh annlveraar) ot the foundhui of New lu lle w.'li a much bigger .ami and water pageant Oft June .'., Islit If 1 am Mayo; of New RcxhellO on that data i you, Hie steatest actor tltlr. city ever has produred long applause), will play the part of the great Jean Rapt let if' thai was his middle name Out ton, if Ij remember his last name correctly if Conde Pallen i Mayot the beat you get is b'lljg an Indian, some plot e UV leMir the backdrop, "let me.' I Arrd I wish to say furthermore, fel low . it. zone." Mayor drilling began, with ; a new .as of life as tie SWuni aliout ami raced the crestfallen Patient and Keogh". "1 wish to say, II you will hear with tne a moment, that If I am elected Mayor of this great city of New Itn . iei.. t hat Hf.N I Mill Sleeted, I mean. I promise vou -" I lie (topped them. Mayor Uriftlnu did. because he hut no audience except the I'ov VOtetS, and they had already begun to pile ind org toward the breakfast table T'e Pa I lent ind Keoghe had shuffled off dlegruntedl) do an Poplar place, whepievir that Is. All these things happened s.. early geeterda) that b) ttie time a reporter for TttS Bt'w ent up 'o New ito. heiie nothing iv.- happening e.x-ept the nightly barber shop chords and political discussions in Freddj I'fi'aaig's barbel Fr in the old line pnlMleleni aatbereil there only to tpinte Dolphin Oelmgg s "rrue facts" listed above could l.e gath ered Now it's possible that the Crowd In Freddy Pfennig's ma not hive got, I hi details 'lth ev ntiiess. but. despite p. at tin Icirber htp chorlftlsrs said, all Mew Bochetlt ad i Itted last night that Candidate (onde Pallen, assured of nia election be iu-e ill hit ow n family and ait of Juttres Keogh't ehiloren were with bin. has lost s one of Iris assurance since candidate di lUng hat won the Foy family over. I' rs said ftiat et'iteient will run sepeclally high in New Rochelle to-night It will be Saturday night, wherefore shg ilutely all New Rochelle will go to Freddj i fennlg't t" set khaved for sun- dav. FIREMEN ESCAPE CITY PAY PRUNERS rnlforoipd Men. Including Chief Krnlon. Will Not Hftvt flalarlei Out V'Mvr, m , -Th np-Htfltf Vnh 1 sv-vtnr f'omiti'iktlrtT- tm'lr if plfi'n In If H tlcr'falon nn thp jltny bun thxt Ir Krintfn or NkfuBlflg rertlflcritrfi of cnnvrMitrm-p lh iirottlon of tilrfnrly Mtnbllahttl utilltlf will be -i primary 0' r!'1pr:tt!or Th opinion hy fVnimlf.n"r Km met of tti up-Sttti Pub 1 to Hrvlte Com ftni on fl pi nlni on tho flrt nppll-t-Htion for ' . vrttflr it of I'onvnlfn"' aii'1 ntcMlty for n .Htnv bUi iln IrtV doWfl in lirotul lltMl prtn'lplM which ) OV0rfl the t'nnimljtfflon In thM Thr i,nmtnllfn ttrrt tit rrrt ;fVvr to four of nix rout imkerl for In Nw Rochtllt unrl rf two OtlMrA The plinclplM whh h fnldi thin tltielon t theee Tho duty of the rommlpplon to pro twt BlrMdy ePtnhllfhH utll!tlen unrlsr ttn urifVloTi from unnoriiirv t'otnpetltion in rr Item I'M. It i? hM tht thf rornmmii'on'li duty t" th pibll. ontlttMl lPt to Ami indtvMuftl lit-rty in th!r eholr f tiiPiriP of trunpportsttion, nhouM Home hnforr Its duty tu prote'l vPtt-fl rAfiitMl Mrt1 where Purh rholre won ;l lnrt to Pomuttltlofl purely nilnoUi to intrBtsi whlrh the puhllt rpurrfp to regTulnte li is roerlnfMl I nut h to rp i t-ent ImpfUlrMnVtltM 'i in- .olille -r-j ftru-tlftti nnd maintenance of pu' - ' I htuhwtyi the mottir bup line rut rev i thin the trollpy w'll h 'h relief oinrriT by perPon- r' Unp nwny from Mlttlnfl trollry Knee who dVniie tmni port n ton fnfllitlep. The four routip (ntho'ii!Pt1 run m th vtrfftf with pxl5t;njr tFOlUy i nRonly furih phort dlutftnrM n A- v f (i i e 1 1 ' 1 i the ew H i ven f 'iil roHrl Million, wh eh. ilue tn the rVfft mutltlgt Mlturt Of New Roehell popu'nt'i'n. 'he heflrt of tinnp't vftem , wi'h fh'p lhy run on other trorlp thrm fi-t pit. He! to nnd mi pome riiitnn h wh from exietinu trilttf !ipeti The two rf,.tre. for whleh rerti'VMfp ;ire refuw(1 wmiM hnve run rtnrr.Ue. i'. md on the enme j-tre,iP with Ntlt4 :mk trolley linen throunh their en..' lou'e, nnd thourh tei ritor pips lt el 'n't mi hv perpofip of WMlth. miny of whom mlnt.ln their own pflVfttP niciii of trioptortnt(on 1r ;t I held that the enntentlon fipplio'int that the inrepeii f irllltlM I mvMed hy h' hue jlfl woulo heltt dveloji thle territory rr i-l.l to the .N.rven'.enre of lie In h$btttntH ml-Tht hve been PUPtnine-V tio proof w.ip nilflueetl of the "nr'M ' " of r hee tinep an-l the I r ant Vr!itrtlon WU refuee! The entn mlMlol re'uxep -o pnffe iron the vntldHy nf the fnnehlpe jm It mnv be qfTe. fr. the .-ontention of the trol- lev rorpofntlon that It wn IrreruUrly a'lvr n!eerl ot ;ip to I he m inner In wtu.'h the BOtlon of the ronm!eplon in i approving ponie an. I dlMppfOVlllS "ther routei niety nffet.rf the vnHdity of the fmi m T't ;tn',on mnflnep the 1ei m in getjflUswIly to the Tueeitlon of t 'it- puhlt nvrr ne and nfs ep of the r.'Mte propoot nnd lenvee oiirr .fie! onn to "other trtluint.p The r-"i'i m fr which certlfi ite- were r-f : 'I T.m thfOUgftl the Wlny.ih ant! North RVenu KerHloim, nnd w-re for the itp nrbt eseeption mnvy of gg je X Be tHgaBTtQigggga V ' fL I Copyright. Underwood Uaderw t Mr. Brief, Who Aldi Nnrtt'i Action fr W,000, Objected tn Revell Baby. Frederiek Adatni Rnatell Chanred With I'alns; thf Mii (In tn Defraitd. MtHTRKSfi KKMKs ATTACK HAIL is PIXKI) AT 10,000 ! MOVIE ACTOR INJURED IN AN 80 FOOT LEAP The lull or Mir Dell Crnnln. nn aged nursemaid, nam nst Mrs Marlon BeVSlI, IVlfe of riemlng II Revell, ,lr. for tfi.iuin dsmnges for assault was lotuludert he fore guprefne Couri Justice Devendorf end a Jurv yesterdav V sealed verdict, Whlefl Bill be opened on Monday, vi'iis ordered III the '-use. The trial HtClOeed an Hiirtrti.nt !i nse feud between Mfg Itevel! and tf Aglgh bor, M's Catherine M Brlcei who is gidini Miss rrontn tn the sum Mrs. Itrlee is the widow of Stewart M Brlce, Srtn of t'slvin H Itrl.-e who was I'nlted States Senator from Ohio She was S - rot ced from Henri ia Mount of in signs when she married nnee in immh Her son. who was adopted by BrlCg and toOS Ihe name of Stewart M Brlfe, ,lr , mid his voting wife occupied an apsrt- rnenl with Mrs. Brlce, adjoining tint of the Bevella, m the time Miss rmnln sllees thnt Mrs Hevell bent and Ul.-ked her on Ma frill 2t. 1114. Mis fronln I eat I fled on Thursday that airs. Itrlee hesrd her serpam vvher. she was IttgUlted gnd put out of the llevell apartment, nnd said thnt Mrs. tlrlee made her eontforlsMg in tb. Brlce nr iri- menf. .ailed a PollceSlgn nnd then sent her to a hOtpltal. I o 111 i I n I ii ,1 Vlnitll llevell llnlir. M's Brlce on th. witness st irul ves tetdgy OOrroborgted the nurses testi mony. S' e wa asked "ii eroeavggantlna iron if she had complained 1 autg ttip llevell baby rled "I did.'' she replied, "liecnuse the hahv rled lery much nnd of rourte s n- noylhg " Mrs Hrlee d-nled with some Indigna tion thai "be wiote an anonymous letter complaining nbout tne baby, When the letter was shown to her she s.iirt .t was not in pr handwriting She denied ihnt there hnd been rmy tin- pleaasntneee between hei nnd the Bevella Whin asked if she didn't bsve words With Mrs llevell tn the elevator Pile said : "No Indeed. I sm very sure." Mrs Ellen Brlce, her young daughter, n -law. corroborated Mis. Brlee's testi mony nnd said that Miss l 'mum's eon dltlon alter ttie alleged assault Wns aomelb i eg p't iful " A negro hill boy nnd n maid em ployed h Mrs. Ilrl.e gave testimony for M'ss t'ronln In line with that ..f the ..ther witnesses tlrs. llevell DssHOS IttStsh. I Mrs Be veil's story of the gffiiir wns that on tn.. ,ij,y m Queetlftn she returned ' home Isle with her busband and upon Frederick Adam" Bussell, a broker of 11 BrOtdWSy. was arrested hy PgSI (lithe Inspectors Wllllsnt l Ssnin Hnd Mow ir.i Li Mayh w yesterday en l charge of asms the mailt to defraud persons for whom he pr.t.nde.l to be ipeculatini is war sim-Ks gnd othst tecurltiet Mosi ol Butsell't customerg Were (Iderly w .men who had lie n irn- hressed ,b the defendant's rlolmt tn in- snie knowledge 't would determine lbs rise (he storks lie handled Blond Freddie Russell, known ai Harvard, was genius of McNeill Adams tr snd call" lookers of 10 went Into bankruplo) UP TO YOU If wc achieve ideal result on building operations, it i not because we pos ebt attv secret formulas for iUCCCSS, hut toih.-r, that lon; study ol building problems an-! actual practice in solving ihem haw given us a gold mine of cxrv rience vthich we can apply Ic each ne building Operation as it cornel along. IHOMPSON-STARREl COMPANY Building C'onttructi ustiim it loirs and which fall of as he wns th,. guiding !o the "put Will siieet who OH Marrh II) lia, with aboul 1150,1 Ilabllltlel ami few visible nsscts lo salisfv Ihe OlSlnH of the cuatomersi who in thnt case ni were women from every singe of life. RueoeU'i tlleni partner in thHi venture was Sarah Mi Belli an n. -trees The rumors of fraud Unit grew Up around the failure eii. t d th" statement from Bussell Hint th post office Inspectori couldn't get him When he learned a few days ago that Ihe inspectors Were ho' on the trail of Ins new v. t.ture it is said Itussell railed a meeting of his customers nnd shout twenty women gathered in his Office on Thursdl nighi He told them. it is alleged, thai he was ready t" ps Ihem bach at the rie of one twenty, fourth of their claims each month in the meantime Ii It said he idvissd them not to have anything to do with the in inoctort According to the complaint drawn up lv Aeelatant United stut.-s District At torney .lullan T Hart ridge, the defend ant hebi out to bis cuatomert prom I set of handsome pmiits. tilling them that Some of U s clients hnd made as high as itlSn per rent on tbetr tr.-insartlotis He did actually pay ihem profits, it is sud. as long as he COUld ge' more money out of them, but when the In- teatmenta ceased lie usiiall; managed to convince riie customers lhai their Srofltl and principal had been wiped out h a SUbeet00nt deal Which lie bad mi Sertalten on his own Initiative but In keeping with t hi contract between Ihem. The deals, nithough conducted In theory on the put ir, d coll" system, existed mainly In Bussell's mind, according to the insnectore An Illustration of Russell's method of sent out b Itussell to hit May i'1. tf i" ".I. IV Morgan Is now on Ihi bound for New Tor He will tier. Monday, May i". .1 i- m d ("n. have Just been given full .1 g of the placing of nil orders in the I'l -. I Ktnt.M for ill in eiiunts of Ureal Hi France ami Bussla, well other nations which we shall not here This statement bns nevet i published, but when It Is know. In public It Is likely to create n r-cr.-n-"(in May 1 tills Office Issued a I'll advising Ihe purchase of good on the next setback, This week wi i .' the reaction. Now we urge all -. .... ready to buy the slocks of Ihe eont panics which sn- going lo lectin lh laigesi billing orders through I I' M -gun AV Co" one of Bueeeil't customers, Mrt Mar v Mohni of .11" Hast str. . vested $1,000 with him itlldgtl k' ' per own record of market fluetual 'he should have realised i"i bm Stead she WHS wiped OUt. and In Spltt of her Ml yenrs bad to g" back 10 Wi as a designer so she and hi i Ihvn I hUSOand would not starve p Ihl IS us in all othera, Mr Hart rid g' - -t itusscii refused to give the narnt of the persons With whom he dealt on lis account and also failed to rendei hei statement of her account Am.-ng his other clistomeri wer, M Mary Price "f KOI West MTttt .i st M'ss Bllgabeth Hiiieintut of the ssi I dress Miss Rllsabeth Boven of i Wal nut street. III. h'iinn.1 Hills and Ml Weber till' Baal 1"Hd s'reet Itus.ell lives nt Bay Shore I, I hit wife and Child He was arc before tfhtted H'a'e Pom ml Houghton, who fixed his ball a' ft circulating "war news feet the stock market Ir thai would conta ined. ef- the Pliinui's With Horse Irondaek Cliff, bnl mnl Rscapfs, off Ad ni- inn- and then r . .1 v our For moat part Is Ins troll. the same streets With ex-lines. ii ippeal No member of the uniformed fi.ree in ilo- 1 lepartm. tit is going to have Ins pav reduced by. the Board of Balls mate. This applies to Phlef Kenton i POPUty i"vicf Lilly, as well as lo thi thousand subordlnntet for whom redui for lie ii llehenrlna Will Made. lions ler. sugg Hi standards, Th.. bureau ihot loti snoukf be put fenu a year, and leputies and d bv tl. bureau ight that tic low ri from 1 " SOU that Lally, oldest now In charge F.X-00V. F0S HELD FOR LIBEL. UfUM gfVVI 10 '' 1 linmtM (if f Inn l.iihor I riiil'T. BolrfONi Orl J2 I'x 'lov Pok wh! h- 'ii i hit ggfttriioon for thi Orand Jury tin hurKHi- df rrnnumlly ItbolllnS (Vnnll D Orloroll, a Iftboi union man Hml Was, p a ' '1 a i llf a iiIIt'K' 'I tn hava hargad rtiirlni hia rfoam ranvaaa ffi iiiv Kanttbtli an Mailnattfift f"r flnvamor lhal Drlacoll lttamptad t- nerurc appolfltOiailt fruin him :ih thair- man of t in- I'rlaon notntnlaalon by pruititalnfl lo i all off h atrlka in ; Ko.-s plant. 'ill, it tint atatmanl waa mail i Mi Poav lias not been den lad," aald Brooklyn lieadouarlers, fiw.iiM i from f7..vo t.. $n,fMM Th budsei nub "iiniiiti referrad iheaa ravomntencla ttonH. which aatonlahad Commiaatonai1 A'Uin. o'i, t tha main niiiigit t Lomtnlttea nf the Hoard of Batlmate, This commit tOe ronHiilere'il them iTtt-fty atai "lay, tnit .'!.'rrMl action until naxl week 1: was jir'i prtvataly, howaver, thai then waanM h ohanca in tin- world thai elthar man n salary would ba charifvd Tha ui commltt e had recomtm ndad that L'nt .apt nJni be rill from ll'.'.'io i i It.ltO a year, ill lieutenants irorn 13,100 t 11,100 and (t" fourth Krifir nrafnan from to ion ii wan SUAVasted the ftoani of Kat mnte had violated the charter in ralsinjf these mii w.thln tin- pn:-i five year. Thi' i 'ornorftttejn Counsel, however, r:i vn n n Opinion yeaterda) that thr Board .f Km. ninitr an1 the It ird t'i Bfh! to ralae Kit arlvh t.' wut n hn the matter cama before thai maiti pommtttee yeaterday Mayoyl Mitch I Hunt: "Personally think thai ths saiarnH of ihaae officers and men ! are hot exceaalve, and reduction would lie neltlirr advisable nor Junl The I Hoard of Kstlmate preceding tin- Hfs. n board r.iiiHM th,. fourth r;id" fireman from '0 tu 11,000, ard I h no raa I on f.r putting Ihem back." Th other msmbers of ihr eommlttaal rt d with Mr. Mttchel. snt RociiBi.t.B, -r fi Tha Publte s f lommlSSlon refusal to grant a certificate of cfinwnlin,e and nrisilty for of th n:x Jitney pin- SppHad f n- P William l 'iray will ba f'l lowed by ai appeal hy Mr iray for rehear nr He w II lo hacked up by t ::. rest dan tK of the ftett!nnf that bava 'i- beet f t i red nnd by the mer hanta f New HOi-helle. TWO 0IRLS HURT IN AUTO. moving pa tore production of Carmen" with an ending revised lo sat isfy demands of Arthur .larvls of Igg Blglynlnth street Rath Boa h. Brooklyn, Thoraday afiemndd lumped on borsebm k off an slghty foot rttll t Ausable Chaem, in the Adlrondarks into Hfieeti feet .if water The leap beeamO rdav When lie was brought -,'V on a train aria ISKen 'o r Hospital with a broken leg . an obi c'r.-us animal whirs used for feature pictures fir by the Willi int K rnmpany, known vest Into this ol ihe Mower Tb.- horse, hsa ben some linn- which produced me mm, was i brought. Me was unhurt According to 'be ohanged pic which the picture will present, fDoN lose fol low .ns ihe do tii ..r rarmrs tides off Into tb.- mountains on boreebark at"l oommlta sub Ids by leaping over a . hit Jarvis. Who bus done some otht t n ivtng ii i tun- stunts volunteered for the s. rue llrt v r sin inn Hear of Machine itnliist Mnlor Truck. f Aid. rmei Drparimei lav t sal Andrlan Duffle, .1. of Water street West New Brighton1, drove an automo bile containing two ciru ta.iinst the r. r f a auto truck, operated bv deorgr Bngetl of Ms. md T trn road, llrairltevlllt Staler. Island, on the 'l i Town road late laat nlghi Mist Until Booth, I'l. "f it t'tlloti street. West N'i Brighton, had her left arm broken -md Mies BlSlr Uless. It, of 72 Mir r rosd, i-st New Brighton, had three rlabt ribs fractured Ttie red ce say lniiT disappeared after the ,-cei-det i The) had not found him up to n late hour. in the early part of ttie summer Duffle rsmmed the same car aaal1 st a tele- phors p-ie m fruit of the Moravian remetery, New porp. and seven pers h-,.1 if. i a s. ii- I, AUtan i settled on as tin- best place Late Thursday afternoon he horse, five phOtograp -is and ef the Ko picture ,,ssen . : , The horee '...kei ai tb" leui measure- shoesd II i - os si:i;nri over hree fe in height- pul after attempts the rldei was ile ;o Tile two turned one ui eie.iult snd ihe it.ler. sun in tn.. seams, sent head tirst into the water, the horse Ins on is hsck. 'es In the an f gaconds after th- iptaeh Ihe horte i ime mi and begun to awlm toward sh ire, and then ihe rider, pate and somewhat veak appeared lit wae dragged Into trait" Ina boat. whet, hie injur) was dis covered After treatment ai rori Kent he was pla id on the nlghi tram aid prOUghl to New Vork It was said ai tin hgepllal ktsi night thai he would be hml up probably f'U a month lie is uui ' n -1 n.. I Hfl finding 'be nursery m at unti.iy ! dition she "corrected" the nurse ' discharged her She aald It..' nurse : became violent and abusive, and hysterically! "I hope to God ! baby dies." I Mr. llevell snid the nurse tried lo I fore, tier way into the nursery Peering I tio.i she intended to harm the child. Mrs. I It. veil pushed tier from the apartment. Shi didn't strike her. sh.. .aid. but the 1 nurse screamed hyeterically, Mrs Uevell said that Mrs Hrice was unfr.endly t.. her I ause when Mrs. Hrice first called to see her she con ! eluded she didn't care to know Mis Brlce and avoided her afterward, She ti .fled that the on upimts of the' BflOt ( apartment were noisy. Occasionally there w.-re bright lights in tin- apart ' nient as Int.- as 4 A M . she said, and members --f the Brlce faraibj walked about scsnllly lad I u Josephine Waller, a physician. who mad. an exalnli.ntlon f Miss I'ronin under a court order two month! after the alleged aeaaull, said she found no marks of any kind on the woman DIRECTORS PLEAD IGNORANCE. aveln lwiueat Hkowa Thai Know Noiliinu nf I mi I r hi 1 1 nn Inspectors say, In the f illowintr notlr ARTIST FALLS TO HIS DEATH If red K linker Hflrod lo Mate Daad in v I at alow Heal, Alfred Kllnkar, l1. an :irttt fell the WlftdoW ""eat on the third floor (el bla homa, 1147 Park avonue, yest ntnl waa .netantly killed Hi t irentl Pelleve the youns tnan WAS aateep I d 1 hat the wlndowpane gave way Henry KUnker, fatinr f tin- . t man. eald wan on Ihf tlit floor w he heard .in ohje- t f.ill Wlu-n he sent OUl he foiimt hla son l ir g unenns PULPIT TOPICS AND MUSIC IN CHURCHES TO-MORROW' roLLKiMATK ' lll lt OLAg Fifth svenue ttretl Tti Itev Mai I.e.. 1 mlnltter I'r M morales anil evening It ! -T M' II st Party-eighth lire Janie. St a 1 .i.t trill preaek wi'h h "ll- il 1ST y. iRK It A St Si Mori-n..-r l'i rlrt .t mi rid Tri ll l i 1 1 BM Mi" TEHIAN I'HI'HI II I i -rrs..t i, 1 Me Buhlei t. ' Tn.. l l'e Karth ' . P M . sen lee st Itlth street Set en -h avenue. Sanje. t "nils atii.lislil " rHV'nCH "I' THS HRAt.tNCt ' HltlsT Hotel As'er II... ALoietiient" Will pt )r w .tolin Murrsy't subject at the I'hur. h r 'tie ii.-iiine chrlsti Laurel itnom. Hnttl vst-u. Sunday it gj gTRPBEN'S '11111.11 Braadway sr stvtt ninth ttrstt Ths kusieel "f the Itev Dr. ryrut Tonsend Brsdy'i sermon in ?t ttepnen's tthureh in ih. sftsrnoon 1.1 t.e v Usatlemen f' nn tiie rnrtsllea Stand point." eral line CAI.VARV METIlUb Hr ven-h ,oi, ,ie at . Ii I ism II HI"! s in Ii. pre PRESBT- service m wgJHT SND PKKMBVTKHI AN m Park West ' . Amtiardain tvsnus at Letih sire. .- r tio-1 ,t"v Enwm Ketgwtn i : ares III H llr Sot It Ths t. k. la'. 'Phi 1. I III I str. t M POfRTH West Bnd Tries Ball et tu. r in KsnvTun 1 v s itsniie t Ninety nsoel snlnlst, w .1 sens rsi tt.i'e III first ill s 11 r.-r ment eialit' levera 1 make it were hurt He was arrested, but the, tlrnnd Jury fsils.l to indi.-t him Me QN TRIAL AS NICHOLS SLAYER. promiaao t the tlnie lie would net ill' IIKHill. SELIGMAN NOT FOR MOSS. i ores. II i m I in pri'Mfeliin tor lllalrli', jiulRe i 'a rmtnter. attempted brllx i ) ihe aaaortlon that a salary fro i tn I Its, linns." ' Thnt would bi in addition, Ihe Mr I 'ris.-. ill re... brew, t That IV .1 ggggggggg special excursion sunday, oct. 24th tn. ROYAL BLUE LINE Nw Jersey Centrnl, Rea-lin & Baltlmora & Ohio R. R.s, ;lnw inn gbuUl 9 lnur- in the apital, 1 1 hours In Boltlrnofa, Other r0 Jtwi r' d J Kxctirsions, Nov January 9th. i aavi W, IMd m 1 1 ".r I iiM-riy Si,, 'J in. nitdnUtii lay nlshta 'In k-' uil ism idvanas LUierfv hi, w. .ii. t ier(v i "it v rernilagUf. Itndi st eta ; 7 v . 187ft, H4 llfoa4 wity. Nw iurk. 4 auti M Cour. St.. Uroitklyr.. 2Ut, IV M . Sni ir- jut eii tit- i ntlopaea 1 tor ite . laaac N Ballgsnan eent latter lo l-'ni n k Miae yaai erday aak nic him to I oorract an Impraaalon that he nt for Mr Mahsi tn The pfeaenl rampaign Tha Idler fulloas; "Front some friends I ledrn thai i.h'- rrji have bean eetn In (ha elrviitd rail t ond I'ar whh'h convey tha Impraaalon 1 t hut i endorse your oandldao) for tn j IMatrloi Attomeyahlp it is very likely I thai i approvad ( v.ur progpaotive i jin- 1 dldar) pgfora rha Rapubllcan prima rlag toni piaea( agaumlni ' r you might ba t)i party's standard hen rer. "I have always given ymi rtfadll for t ie tine and useful 'rv! which you I tin ve i in tiered in rlvir gnd pi IVgta I'aueeM, I .mi nf the opinion, however, j HiHt ynu hava acted unwlaaly in under taking to run on i sapgrgia tlcltal after I your daraat tne niUDiioAn prirnartea, The sfTset of fUOtl OOUrsS will only h t andgng?ar 'he alaotlon "t Mr rer- kins nnd to strengthen ihe Imiie of Turn, ntany's aueeagg al iha i i i h "Mi. Perkins h h t'att hfnt and nhie public larvgoti i ihsii oaat my vote for him, and irugl thg hg i'i ba elected," FAIRBANKS STARTS CAMPAIGN. ' V II lion nees SI,, Minis of III ,',111111- i lines for I.. Oi '. NogllSallONi Uopiavibbgi Ky.i Oet, -Mx-vics-I preildrnl Calrhanki made Ihe keynote siteeeh of ids campaign for the Kepubll i.-ui ei esidentiai nomination inoe to. I mah, Thtel nn- the slogans nf the l-'alr- bankt oendldec) Itettoratlon Sf the proiectlte latin', preparedness fur national defence, restoration of the Atueilean flng on the seas and a niitluual oiHunlsatlon tu sell Ainerluao wai sa in tly- mnrkett of the world. MISS NESHIT'S DRIVER FINED. I.nnilis I lull Member tlsn I'nte gli.t for speed Ina Into, i Pari Pltrfh, chauffeur fur Eveivn Ves t,:r, and John Bmerenn, a member of ! tne l.atnbs I'tub, were finer', ?r, eoh l Mag I euel In the .tefTereori : S, irUct i.iui: yesterday when they er found guilt J of hnvliia driven their BUI in P ies twenty-five miles nn hour. Until speeders were arrested by motor cycle pollotman Rlokert on Fifth svenue between Blghteentn and Twentieth - street, Pitch helnK ts.Ken Into eustudy VVedneaday night and Fmereon the fn i iou -ik' ri ah' givelyn Neshit wet in ti. i machine at the time her ehauffeur I was arreated, but did not appear in nil ri, .en jurors I'lrked l ull of llinil lulls R0FRAN0 S FRIEND INDICTED. Nriii Vceuseil uf I'm Inn Terjarers In Murder Trial. The April Orand lury, Rhleh indleted M I'liue Kofi ami and others In connec tion with "tie of n series of murders In ih. Second Assembly district, whs (lis charged by .tudge Wedhumt in rjenersll rSmtiions yeeterday after returning two more Indictment!, one of them agslnsi a man whose name hs not yet been i mi allowed puhlloy tn the case. The Indictment charges of perjury. It is said thnt the man Is i dost friend "f Rofrsno snd figured prominently In the perjury negotiations before the trial of Caetano Monttmiign.i. Who Wai convn'ted of killing Mirhele Clalmeri, a political henchman of Tom l-'o'.ey The newly Indicted man. It Is glto asse'ted. acted us paymaster tot I be men WhO were schooled to coininll perjury. The other tiullci ni"tit was a supcr siiPiik bill f"r- subornation of perjury agalnti Joseph Brondlnl. I ts HUM Merit Pllnie Win. AilteOates of twilight sleep props ganda through the motion picture have w their long tllit with the city ail- thorltlei and an agreemeiit was reached yeittrdey with License ( 'ommlssloper Hell Which w 11 penult the pictures to be shown piotuird no mlaed audloncee are pregeni. Kleven jurors were accepted before ,lude Malone in Oensrtl seaelont yes lerday lo try Onnl Talis, is. tccueed I I of the murder "f Mrs mitabeth nrlgga : Nichols ill her home, t Baal Seventy- I ninth stieet on ihe night of Septeipbef r K last. Three other men who were said I 1 to have been concerned 'n the killing , are fugitives from Justi, liobi.ery was j - the mot it e Talis ae a house bo in the home ! of Mr Nichols Is alleged la hate i opened the bggement SOOf at .1 allowed, I tb. other three men to enter In rob I Mng 'be house the) frightened Mrs . Mchds so badly 'hut she die t More I tha-i II" "o" worth of Jewelry w is stolen I gene, ii alarm for Arthur M'altonen, ddle Lehto and an unldentlfled Italian i was sent .-lit. but they hive never been found I Tilt trial will l.. relumed M-.iolit ('liasin was 1 Coroner felnberg aummoned the and 'tie twelve directors of the United states ' rectors I Realty and Improvement CompAny I" the cliff. 1 yesterday afternoon s sessn.n ,.f the in- OUest Into the eight deaths result ng i from ihe Seventh avenue tiibway ea vein . r September JJ. Only flv of them ap peared, but Alton it Parker( oout el fir the .oirpany. said that their ti.-t.-I mon' was the attine a. thai ..f tt. other I directors, which Wat that the) were i business men and knew little of techni cal construction, . S. Kinii'-at . preeldenl of the com pany, couldn't remember the dates of ins vi-. t t" the cut ai Twenty-fourth siie.-t lie rarlted bis t se t. hla present ' position from that -f rodmen, and speaking "f the precautions which the i compel!) took in all its w.uV said . ' Safety first has been slogan " t: ii Hal. biige. a director. Paul Starrrtt, eice.prealdent i Charlet n Herman a director, ami Byron l Pel b'Ws. treasurer, all test, lied that they either had no knowledge of the eon It ruction work or thai II was left to Ihl engineers. Who were selected by the chief engineer, and tun by th-- directore. The imiuoot was adjourned until Monda) at ii a m on i ii set t ii -s i ., f i, irros in., vening, sermon is ta ois Mi Bei htel Al ly speimi i Hear vou Me. CATHEDRA Li OP st JOHN Til i.K- Preachen to-marrowi 11 a Ihe Kisht Its, lir i-i. ills- s Burelt Ir.igaii lu-h.-p ot ... York i I' :., list in- Robert Johnston, re t'huri ti of no. r-Htiieir phli i : 11 tltHI.K Pi Il.tBOtATR Plfth tvenue .1 rwenty-nlnth Muriel Will pr -.i. It ar 1 I A tnemt I-"' t - tlel Tegethet . evening r K .n Kv u i III. e it 111 pres. h Subject, An . pected csti ' WKgT PARK PHKBBTTKBI AN i III Amsterdam even is t Klghi I stnei The IP t pr, Ant in I' a- III pr. ... hat ; ' A M T' B . Anthony II Evans iii pr. , ti s' on Itiibp. tn 1. 1 It . . . - (it. H rlltsT CHl'RCM Plfth si Eleventh -'rest, Thi tt. m it tiiiifie-.d mil eondu. i 1,.,'h isrvl It V M hs it ill nre.v h .; in Th.- subject for the home hour IIP M ail. he eharue " Th it, iphi a rl old to lleclile RliuAl'NVAl TABBBN'Ai'l.S Ai Kiev ivlh si reel The Itev i'l its i .letter -.a. past--, nil. ptei.o si tv.'h services Ir, the svenlnt It I r si hs Will have as his subjivl i 'ii' I.-' I ifil( v an I Bitslneit," Ths mens Iruns ,f the tlhsmacte will held a "lit. tier Thursday sventr.g .ir wllt.-h ii-rri ' I'li.rn i Persies gnd firs Com mtssloner Weeks titn si-esk NEW TMOt'OMT Academy Ball Mm Mads I hi.. I ihe til, nn Legis lature will hs 'tie subject -if lir Pranalln v irrsn heirs - le. ttire s' II o'clock in His New Thought Church. A. sdemy Hall. if. West Seventy ninth sti ' PIPTII AVBN't'R PREHHVTERI AN Clirill II At Plfty Itftlt street The Itev J ,, JOWett, pist..r. Mill presi ll .i- Ixith ervlees 't'tis '.Iter nr will ! t-.r Sy I- eel tl .no- Mission' Men's Bible class t la .t M The midweek service in the chapel on YVednesdey st t:j p, M will he enndncted it In. Jowett MA PI HON A VEX CM BAPTICT r'HfRf'H ai Thlriy-flrsl sireet The Rev Charles a Eaton ni l preach Pundit morning n U lit I II. list s Die Wai ' Be i Bllis lag." His topi in lo- evening ttili l.e A Site Ai. borage for e'.irm Swept koult." Tn- 'tst i- r uui up conduct the anion tub t Ian tl lilt v M ST. (iNKH CHAPRts TlttMTV PA It -is'tt West Nlneti ond stseel Ths itsi tu a tt p. ingr , i preach at ih- II ..' lo. k serve e i I MSTItiiPOt.IT AS TEMPI. B .snih PORT WASH I KOTO avenue at Pourleenth itreet Sundai ev I poiiMsP i'IICRch hlng David n' i Saul In motion pleturea Services .it 11 A. M sn.i itpii sermon t.v c i- Marshall "ii "i.rst- ihe ti. i Paul Ps sat Itude." Tn- Temp- quartet, together Mood) ts.s svanaslist lent- Be' NEW CHI Bi II Thirty nfih stter Sm) i h. pastor. big If o'i lock -i Judgment T" isv thi:. igoPHlcA But man i. tt tll-el of lh Tlieo. Hire st - I.-, n'clnek t'NITV BOCIBTV Mrs Van Msit-r , en tli. ' Henri ..r III. -1 to-t 1 1 tt 111 .tn g tu Karri lly it t.t talk "t Thought " BRi ' PW t V PREMB1 rBH I I S il II, (h sireei The Wet i ' l-ire .in 11a hah in M.t.,r. .' ., .11" Ha k en i nn spirit is Ki Ihe -vening his sul : I "til I t'aiear's iii-is.-i i Cnl.l.KHI ATK CHI'H ' in -nn. a gevent) sevet lir iirnr , Everti in 1 ! li'-IKTt sers. rial a Socle!) "Heln a' . Mad -p. ik ai i it r i - Sul. t'lrg "Tli II i CHARLTON VERDICT IS NEAR. I ImeeleSS Prisoner st I oiiio lag" pravet sad Trini t Beaaatedi. Com. i, i i.-t 29 A verdict in the trial .if porter Charlton, the toting ikmerloan . luirgeil Willi Ihe mur.ler of his wife. Is- exjiected t" t" reaohed neal Tueadai "r BEI II. IHI t Mil It EH. srvlces are he-. i in the follawlng Christian Science Churches Sunday. HA M .n I8P.M e.lw ItytSP M. Klr-r Sp. '1. Oils. I trial Hec n,l 1 Wedneeda) Th.- trial was returned t.- .1,-1 v The prisoner's physical condition tt as much better nnd no further Inter ruption is looked for Mis oh ef counsel. M colli Ploarttl, was In court, although he is et ill ind tpOOed. Twent) witnesses were Interrogated The) gave contradict. tit teottnion) con eernltig I'bai'llous inoile of life and his oitarroti with his wife rhlr-.l i 'loir. Ii I--. .ii t tn ' 'hurt rttth Churi a Mth S: i snt ii Church. Ei tV A Ian irk Weal a. 'ark Wesl A g Madison .ng- III V S ' llll ei 11.1, On . ' - tl SI A v i mis a iTeth II, Vt. - 1 Washlhtl 'a Ave . llrent Sun 1 it . 113.' M i l TuieUe)'. Kin 1 II til Admission 1 MiaaioN md l is Mi 1 II I.IK. I- Chrlsti Patch . da I .1 11 1,. I t I I I. Mretit ( W i,' .11 ron At apt 1 1 vi sm 11 1 1 i(tn i' m lit WIi RPIR1TI THE BRICK CHUKCH FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CH RC Mlntetert up. UBHRH-I Bible I Ml l"k Si " 1 William I'l' (son M-rri, t-'r-i nk l.tilmer Ja new, Will pre,.), ii II siel I I Hill RF.V J ,fna o hi ii . I I it 1 1 mi. jowett. nr. will IV id a i kd 1 Vhe 95th Street Market "To the upper Went Side houe msnitm, the opening of thr market w n rpoch." -,V. Y lltralJ. "Prnen were a afifll '"low th' average along riroaHway in the neighborhood." -A'. V TVnwj. "Inndr an'l out. it ii it beautiful i, a market rould well be." -fcre Sun, Food of Every Variety 95th Stieet at Bioadway Optralrd r VINCENT ASTOR Tho eii'' hiituin vent inn of 1 1"' 1 t 'httri'ti i I he I iCM mopl at ' In' 'at In I I hu l l so roii'Htnni nf New It'll nf s lllvltic, mtternnin vonm gtrpol Son Vork t'lt) at N'nvcmbi . i" i''i i uid ei in . I 1 iliiiial "I k Mill I .Inl. 11 1 ho nnd iimii II' Mm 1 uterna f.o gj 1 Mi a s BII1I1 Thi Mill Vt e. k I Wedneeda, al I t.v in Jowsk Si. Chcma$' Cburc I'll IK V flF.RMAN III III IUM lin r Its 1 It lr. lundil eel I Pi Ida . mii s-' put Ifkla. 1 1-1 I III R( II. 1 II' 111.01 I 1 pi e I , ti 10, Btbls Ynijitir, P r Meet Int I Minis' II llll 'Itasca IV iple'a Ho I- M I'll 1 r'.ltSKHT M X M Rot) 1 M arnlng He. . 1. Kvensong and St. ttcorqe's Church K It I 1(1 II VMi p, CENTRAL I'KI -lit II III t n I III 111 I, tl.ol be Hint Hlth t v ill. n Mi rle -Wmllh. ' I' I'm Bet . Ilnsli Itlaek ll ( aches at II t l ltet n'iltuit Merle siiiiiti t . I- m , i. Ml eject 1 "M J 1 tt loll III llll t 1111 11 . or tt nn. en " Hamilton Grange . , . I I'Al'l. SKIRRHT I HIM' ten n n Muksisi I II tl ll( lie, AR 1 H.I "V. JR., W I l.l 1 PHBAi '1 I p. It t 1 - VTHS l b' APPKAI. 1 s,T. MAT I'll SM s 1 III III 11,11 IVesI siih HI, Ret An h 11 II .1 Is. Rector, Hei t ier- I, 1 1 ami I. RUTGERS ' It I'ltl sltv II 1(1 V s ItroiOlv Bet. II I I I III I I I . 1 1 1 ve nr no lo . ich tl 1 1 ( lit ) mil Ii I III tl, III III II II, I II I I I It 1 1 I III ,t 1 I.t a sr. r. - Sunda) Scrvb-ei ' : . v v Hots Ktnplre, ltd ki n I 1 Selinii frulkshank n lubjei 1 -K.n. 1 1 hapel ill ilo- Inleri rssloii I rlnb - 1 1. lies, Ii V M 'I'l I.Alt ei ll. I.I VI. ir I' M IIS I Kit- tt. Kei. Nicholas Av. lis' Si an. I N 1,-h.i is A 1 Elliott W, Hrown, 11.11. ,Mlnlltl r, ll t s. ( . B M I. I III Rl II. 11. .....I- .0 .V int si. a TTKKt . p. a , a . . Bet Jamsa II M b. Bill' 1