Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915. 8 I i j-dgV tnt. WJlNKHl.vv. (JUTOBBB 2', 1015. - . -. - - I - Blared ai 'iw Part Mm a Ne Torn Ml Itl nd ClaM Mull Millfi Naheerliitlans bj Mall, roetpatd PAILY, r Month DAILY, I'er Vrar SUNDAY, Per Mnmh all N PAY t to Canada I, Par Month, Sl'NDAY, lr Vaar DAILY ANI SUNDAY, I'er Vear DAILY and hi ndav, Per Month Ki.amnN Kati. DAIIjY, Per Month SUNDAY, Pei M.nth DAILY NI HI.- DAY Per Montr, SO M a no t M ll 7.1 I 1.1 SA I IMI l t w I 01 Ml aa M Til B Kvbnin.i sr.v Ptr Meats THI BVBN1NU rx. I'er Year thic bvkximi BUNtrorrtgal.rei All one, k. tnuney ortlera, Ar . aadr aayabla ko Tua si n h,.n PrlatTai Tn.i pSllahiAiisoatToa aJ ir." .Mli Pirri. in trip ifwrnupiii wi ia.- ur-r. 11 itarn t ' Reich. I vice 1 , i."i Bowsed Na-jiau -Ire.. St.-rrtar nhm i straat. bMSmmb, kit Laajdoa rHRet KMsgk lease, I Aran - lal street, Strand p,.n. alnr. Ra. ,iP : Mlahodlera. fl hu .iu Mptambre. i w 'aaalngtoa office. Hti.ts. TiutMinx . MroSSif io Uvlagst at A rest if nur fntnd ko fa, or -mA trrirtH dPjrf itlHttmtion fur puftijaUon rih 1 to An,- r,,rct,i mrUelf r,inrn.i M, muil la aB urn nal iliaiai nr laal aurisne tonrernlng ertaln Mori at Ante Klerllon Promise. The New York I imm of BaptettlbW 1 COOtalDOd this report of mi lUCltMNll si h hjeiiriiiB hefora tlie MlHMIinilttW of the Tax Budfal Ooninlttao on the day previous : "I'nder Sheriff Kiink K Mowkkb, win. Is a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Sheriff, was present, and Mi. liiLUKST Icounsel for t,..ria naiw. iiaoenI saul that if Mr ll'.WEKS II..WKHS was e.ecle.1 be would turn the 110004 fees litis a oaMClaAM fund and later have It raOaii to aome city fundi providing the legislature did not abolieh the fee ays- tern altogether. II Mr. Howers Is -lected.' said MtT. I OiLSKHT. bis lOi.OOQ tees w ill go lo tlie county, but then Mr. DuWBM must be! I ,a 1 .'.1 against Iimis by suits. Mr. 1 Bowers will not accept th.e fees even , If the law ah.dlehitix them is not passed "Mr Bowaaf sisike irp and said that. tlo -riffs salary of 11 MM BUa enouKh for Mm' ,. ... Ihe New tork InUunr of !eptein ner J. pniiteil tne following version of the same mite-elec. km prniulse: I nde, S ieriff Frank K Howrtts sal., I ior o uae are ciT-an, en ihi. graphical S.s iety. pilM IVlioti on yoetarday thai if elected sheriff, for , This apaelal Japaneae "cop." which lie is the Kepuhllcan cand date. I a, a,'eronir Becrnlt. ' ta-bo wore u white drill suit and cot he would turn all the fees, eat una ted all .lnvM ,.),. f,,r gtgnl and car lOOiOOO a year, over to the county. Not only does the Sheriff under the present Igsj get th.-se lets, bul also a aalary of Hi. an, i a year The salary would be quite enough for lum." Tim Penal Law with regard i the elective franchise provldaa aa followa Iu Meetlon "" i "Any person wis. dire, tly or IndtMola by himself ! through any othe: prsoi I. i lection ules, o, offers or contribute i paya, lends ..r oontrtb n promises to pay, lend iij ne ne.. or other valu- ab,e ootviideratlon, for an) other pur pose than the following matters and sen cea at liieir reasoiui.blt-. boim tide end OUatofMkPy value la gutity of a mis- demeanor." ability of the manufacturere to turn .lie lis. of purpoaea, I oul ail tbe ammunition needed, pro iini rompeoMtlon of teatad tbal to add j.s men t., tlie Then follow .cut of halls apoakaMi printing, tireworka, ami en, for winch ii is legal to pay, lend contribute, or io prouilM to pay, lend or contribute. The promt ee i.y a can- ill, lull' lo COntrlbUtOi ill case of elec tion. Ilia salary, or eniolunietits. or any part of the nillfl in order to re lnce taxation is not covered by tbia list of legitimate purpoMa, 111 Section 7'H of the Penal Ijtw there is it still broader nnd Mverar . ion of ppomlaM deaignad to Ht t met by the offer ,,f foneidora ti.m for ihe francblw : ""Any person who dire. ,ti oi lndlreotl'i by himself or Ihrough an) other person: "1. Pays, leiitls or contributes, or of fers or promises to nay, lend ntrtu- ute any money or ,,i:ier valuable con- ejdaratloo to or for any voter or to or for any other person, to induce euch person or other pei sou to vote or re frain from voting at any election', or to IndUOS any voter or other person to vote or refrain from voting at auoh eloction for any particular person or penyofui or "it. cues, offers or promises any tea Valuable thing as an inducement for any voter or oOlier pertsut to procure '" Id in pioeuringa Utrge or a small vole, fully edited for publication Hal rere plurality or majority at any elaction ; Muting 'only III.' coi iespo.nlence be d strut in- otlu'r piSitical division of the 1 (Wean Attatliutl diptomatdk throw coii Staie for it candtdaM or wiudidates to Alterable ItgUi upon the ruiber vaguely b. vot.-.l for at an elts-tlon : 'known terms of the ngreetueUl of "la guilty of a felony, pumshable by I Italy with Ihe Other BJeniUer of Ihe lllllll lei II I HlWtst for not more titan Dye y-.irs, and In addition forfeits any offi. i to wbtCB lu- may have la-en elected ai t c .hs tlon with reference ti Vhtch such offence wiut uotiwiltted, ami be , nies incaraii.le of holding any public ofllve lUtder tlie OonatHVUtMai and laave ,,r 111, Slate for a period of rive years after suoli coirvertliai " The proliiiMe lo puy Valuable con (deration in the form of a return iu ii'bole or in pgr) ot' sjii my of fese, for IUP llgbbNlOi "f the hunlfii of ggg lion In general, and in particular Ihe burden uiii Ihe voter .influenced l Ihe promise, clearly conies within Ihe ingllugV of the i'eiiul Imw rega .'ding Illegal Inducement! to tbe votara Whelln-r tins form of id'lla'ry K'OUlll lal held by ihe courts ns COnatJtUtlng :, mladameiiiior under kartlou 7H7 il feloU)' llluler Sec. ion Tib is a ijiics I. on for ihe lawyers Thai such i s,.s nr.. criminal not merely iiguiuai pubij,. policy hm actually criminal even under ti oui tuon law was declared; i,y tha su- Iireme I'ourt of thin Slntc ii bunt iih 1HM In the Mga. if Tin' 1ViI" W rvl Hi n ii ve. TiioBfiToM. vHii(wl ' n nun. mm. Tiiogjrro ne a CimdldtW f"r often f conmv Judge, nwi "' iltirenwnt In Ml fellow citiseii to vole for hint he nimle tlie following offer: "I here repeat that II eari'ted to tho office nf Count Judae I Bill pledse my elf to tnke only l.20ft for my ser vices ; that I will pay out of my own iMK - kel for the cistl necessary lo MM m law office ; lhl I will pay for all sta Honery ami letter heads, anil will see that those persoi needing blank shall pay f'tr them themselves." Trim ii ton having btjn elected ID') (lie seliiry of his office Mug 11,600, Ik liirueil over llaBOQ to the crodll of me roor rami iu iiciiniiin. e WW mm nBHMllO promise. Tbt djtfMtBd ,11, Int.. tbereuMin hroughl a suit to ousi ""' ,Mi"it - i wil in it I HTH lit IOWPT ,,r"1 Tm m the Third iH-partnieiit on :' .."-..... uw ; utite election pliilges. Of the promise I I . . ... ..7. ... . il..t. ..9 il,.. I ii. . ... ill ii... .. i.t . 10 M,ru "a,' ,"llr 1,IM saliiry. ir elected i... ,.,.,irr hmIiI 'ur m"a- "In view of the numerous ciaen. It, " " n umi BVIM17. m warn 1 ihe nuhjet't of Bttling OfBoM ami of theli . T . " .. bidding for omees I sua been under die- cusalon, we must hold such promises and pledges its were made by the de- fendant to the electors of the county In jthia case to be reprohenethle In Mm ex- twana, lielng ngaitao public policy and lii fact cr.miiial. being no less than an offer in tnc nature of an intonxled brtb to ihe electors to whom they were made. 1 The COM then clteil' various opin ions by the FOUTta uf other Slules. us well n Kngllsh decisiorss, beiirttn.' i,,ii the MIBB siibjei'l of intent to hrlla hv the iiroitilac to work for les I .. .... . luati whs Hllonexi' by the law. I lie - OttTI then suid : "These cases, we think, warrant rh '.inclusion that the promises made by the defendant to the electors were In violation of public policy. Btid lisleed ertflMBali even py the common law" It Is conceit able 11 study of ihe foregoing provisions of law uuik Judicial decisions ml.'ht save soiue- lasly from IndlCttDanti I ve skc tue otner ilay or lUe amy ! nroinlses altrjhiitc.l to ruder sin i IT haajaj K. BoWBJM by Ills friends and culled tlicui i.uiiioiiil. In 7 t . the view of the Supreme t oOft nsex-j pressed In tne opinion in t tie lllor.tlon, icaae. quotexl ubove. such luimoriil bids Committee on Military Affaire is . valuable actpilaltion to the mnka of nntJonal .lefeinc. Mr. Wnso.v in .,) Ik' coiikTutulnteil If he has convinced Itepreaeiitntlve RaV thill preparedness on n Comprebenaive nnd sliding ICUle is nw eMaij in the Mo uae on .Tan-: uary ji Cbalrmuu Hav look tbe floor to flatten out Mr. Haiipmr of Mass.i Cutlsettg who ll It I lliade :l t rolllilesoine I lim itation! of the regular army. Mr, I Hav gave notice tluil he wna opK,se. I j io ihe a.i.i i of a tingle man lo the forces. s.s.iTih ui Mr. liABDRca'a feura tbul the rulted states mlgbl beituue Involved in a war with any Baatern or Wesiern Power, vouched for ihe 1 nrinv would cosi the country tUT.UUO.. nni ii year, aud wound up by saving: "I do not see why we should lt tlarmed at the situation when the Pres.. ; dent Is not alarmed, and has not even increased the standing army to Km, null, j as he Is empowered to do." But the President is no longer Com piucent. lie is concerned, if not ulfll'ined. As bead of the party he has converted Chairman Jambb Hay, who i now suvs t Im t Mr, Wilson a army programme win r.svivo his "heurty tupport," inn I thut every effort will be made "to put II tbrougb." There la no doubt of Mr. May's Hin.erity. of of Ills ability I" .Ket results. He has Ylsen to the occasion, and the ad VOCatM of pptpandnees have gained a powerful ally. Italy end Austria. "Tlie Diplomatic Documents Con cerning the Rakttlona of Aliatrla -Hungary with Italy," jiMt pubflabad, Ik a peculiarly Intereailrtg contribution t i ti- orti. in! literature f the war. The do. iiiuents. alllioiigh eviiiciitly care Triple Alliance unil also ti j h n i lite in coiutillons thai may l.uve in DUOIIcod Italy tU Mpuuab Ihe ci. use of I ; Hp. Allies. A treaty, own one so carefully pro , pared is thill which billies Italy with the Central Powers, It apparently aub loot lo iwo verv iliffeieiii jtiicrnretii ' lions, 'iu.. AustrliuiN ieogulied from ihe Orel Hi. i. iiic tvurllke I'otiipliciitluii with Harbin would bring fortli nclulm for cmupenaatlon from Italy and nit uouncBd I bul ihe comlillnna of tip. treaty applied only in "Turkish lorrl lory iii the Blllkgna," Italy held Unit they applied I'1 lb'' whole of .lie Itnl . km. peninsula in tlie eurreaiaiiideiice iiuti reaultcd upon t ii is. iini liuiy'i I COUraC was detioiui. e I as "a policy u( I black. nail" ninl rears wet gpreasad orlof Italy's utteuipl "Iu misuse iip. .igiu I p coinpeiis i.l.ui for .he puraiat exioi'lioii." I'lils long ilriiw.i ...ii on- trovaray raaultod in ihe liumuulty Ki'i'liii. fmiu Tltm U fur inorv limn h im hi t Iik am in lUa Mh. 1 1 uiTcr to Italy of lUe port of Vuloua nud "the com Austria lluiik'nry In Allniuln." The Internal otitlllloiis In linly. 110 cortllng tn the eorres-sthdoiioe. were MM by MfM Honhijiii gg n IMI Austria should HiipiKirt the BllBt 1 ing order hi Italy nnil not BSpOB) herself "lo the ntlvprsllie tbnt Ibo , mltnnn llf .. republican country" oil ' her bofOOf wonld implv. The "gen , Ml altimtlon" In Italv whs then IBM ' i -.1 II 1 1 1 1 III I I I.I I I . .Ult IWIniereHleilnrm of "Tin. profound Irritation, the Inability uulrkly. Rut It Is of good omen for of the dynasty to maintain lis throne ill" Kepuhllcan party that the aaplr .. . ... ants arc ao nume oua. If President naiv win. i.iii run tit nni-i r, mr r 11 ..nil I , - w .......... advanlagea from the general conflagra- tlon, and the nnteuuent necessity of making preparntiona for war." The negolitiflons regit rtliuic the ces sion of parts of Ami riii ti territory In ,,,. tyro) ,,,, Tmi,ll(, to uiive I tJCatM mm evenly. They 0RPf i h . . Ika . ,,, ,. llXpiCMd anil agree In the most part with the I tn I In n statements, riie j,,,,,, , ',,,., if Italian nationality wPatlrH lsink of the laotUn Of Italian MllonaJltT. lBrtBdUll tira.llscii an- repn-senteil as the ex . .. .. - ,. .. tri'ine limit of the oonivsslon offere.1 in im ternrcHT it iimij. in imIwiii.iov Of thin offer , the dtUttld of 1 the popttlttlorl of "rnretlet'inil llnlv" , - ... .... ... . .l. f(r InroriHirilt lOD 111 lUllff UN IM 10 - ., Q fM, I fa I fan peolilo for tht r "" I ....!.,..,,.,.. ..e i, I I, tuna 1 . M to IM PajOCllOll Of AOatria a PPOPO ! Bltlon, an. I Bnally 10 llM aMgWIIOBl Of I . , ,.' ... .1... .in ... ,. , An llluininatlliir port of th irre pondonca is tin loeiiiltch of fount ' BochtolDi .'.itNi Attgnai rj. 1914, In which he says ; "We hsd. It la true, received the as surance from tiermsny hal she would stand by our side If Itussia shoul I Inter vene." The existence of nil such innler m ., ii.tittLr lu,t,. ,m..i i , ii . i i in. I Ana Ilia has Issui fMUMIt)y il.'tiie.l. The ttltnde taken was thai Austria con sulted no one In MOdtlMJ her BltlBMt tum to Marhla. If any atMltknial evi dence of the complicity of Oomanj in liriiicini; abOUl the war is tusslcl il seems to la elven here. The Japanese Policeman. Tin- civility. nelpfulMM and ay d ' nathjr of the Japanese policeman in Ilia relations wi.h foreigners are e-e Soil. ..kl, h i I ,t eU Il'oii I 1 travellers, but an experletn e reponea b h(i ,!(iy trVaLTKh Wision. who ... , . ... i i...... recently lectured upon the northern I JapaDOM Alpa baforO the ROjral GPO lie.l a iwo him. led aword, altached I hlutaeif to Mr. Wkston. probably un der Ins. rue ions, ami w as IndefatlKB M l,ls ','vl'',' rhls is the story tho Roglhsb monntaln cUmber talla: in our little shelter shed it the bath bouse of the Henge Onsen (5,000 feet up the north tlank ..f ii Rah gal be made his bed on the bar. board Moor, but when my hammock nave way above, and 1 landed on him somewhat heavily as he lay snoring peaceful!) I.eiow. Ins Old) refer ance to tn- miomani inierrupiion was a polite apology, u i Jama w.. Itashlma sin, a.' I 1 enrrv to nave been in i our aonorab Lotar, whether in tOUaetUtnce of this little pollcemau'a report to his uperlor or not. Mr. WsiaTO.t (who whs accompaaicd by his erifei does not Know, the Governor of the prov. line issuisl the following notice to the public; "No criticism should be made, either by gesture or words, regarding the lar gu.ige, action or attire of foreigners. "Foreigners are most sensitive regard Inn cruelty to animals, therefore ape. lal attention should be given to this matter "It should be remembered that ladles, will not take off tli ir hats, even In pub- lie places, nnd tlial It is the usual cus tom for a man and wife to walk the ti . ets' hand In hand. "When a foreigner pulls out his Watch and looks al il, yon should think that he has huelnaaa elsewhere, and that it 'a time fi.r you lo leave "It is a mlatake to suppose that foreigner,-, will always respond to an appli cation for a loan of money," Betwetn Ihe lines nut) be read , on Ideration not only for foreigners hut f,,r ihe native people. The at rangers DlUal nol la' stared at or talked alio. il audibly r annoyed in any way by curioaity, Beggari must keep I bell' distance. I niiersal friendliness pjual lie Ihe rule. Ill such a Country la il urprialng .hut ihe policemen vie with ea.-ii oilier in mttklng the foreigner feel a. home and impressing lum will, a bUIUlllly iinless he is BbtUse, In- will regard as avldeu f 'he nioai disiinguisiieii Donaldaratton bul by no Dienna an adiulaalon of the visitor's an narlorttyl The bombs dropped from tlie Aus trian aeroplanes upon Venice in the last raid fortunately did iiitie damage to the greater treasures of the city. una fell on the chlean degll Boalal, the church of tlie barefoot monks, damag ing 1 he celling and frescoes of another dropped iu PUUUM dl Sun Marco it, tit did no damage to San Marco or any other of the building! around the i'iaxza. The eril to priceless works ,,f art Is so great from these Ha rolds and their military value so n algnlAoanl that Ismib dropping In Venice seems nol war hut merely v a ii dalle m. riie "two Brora an enemy aub marine" which sunk the Oertnaii ar mored cruiser I'rll 'e Adalbert in (lie Baltic, acoordlng to un official state menl issued at H rlin on Monday, were preruraaoiy lorpeonee, ror tne shell uf tile 1 Ik I gun mounted on the submarine oou.d inn. ly have pierced Hie Prince Adalbert' armor and sent oflher to the lottom. Bhe was a mod art) oruiaar (1901) -f h.h'iu tons dla plaofment, v ih batterlei of ij inch anil fell inch mills and ii f 691 olllcere and men Germany has now lost both emitters of this type; the sister ahlp. the Frledrloh Karl, w. blown up by a mine In the Haiti. mi December 12, 1114. The Qovern- I meni riiinu Ml arrora to lose ineae ftne ship wot, . - . iift.. Btataa .. I aentlne "favorite sons,'' anything I 1 likely to happen.--t'Ao.rmon "the prernclal stats before their final ,nr P"" mmnwwm vomm. manv "f "" ;K"d,,,H.l6".,a!r''any l,r,iuMl urn .,. t .,f Paaalflafllt lal rn I- lire something is likely to happen .. .. ... .. wiijutki wr n,u Mi. "irrnnv n nf West, as itinerant politicians of the T " " " " - - i Democratic faith assert, there would be a scarcity of candidates for the Ilepublican nomination. IN JAPAN. . An Amerlran Traveller Keporis nip-;.... pnntse Interest In This Country. a awaej ,.... aas SJHasi Btra s., a, ?W2S-1 32si l read the announcement of the loss of the Tliant.- from a bulletin board In ".".:. lLTJIT liTwZ, f r.r.i.i. of the IaiiItinla . . . - u mterentin to nute the nentiment of the busliievi men of that untrv With whom I eame In nmtHrt eoiwtrnlm. the dinanterN. Probably from Ileitis a murltime nation they """""" '"' " 'o.e.w ... .n.... -" .- hlle not ulven to etTuslveness iiiey. uipinvra ,iee. ir. una. Alter aa ,.um- tanial destruction they greatly ap-1 planted America's indignation, and that ihev have ksoi In touch with the altuu- iron is snown ny me mwwau taass; ' frn, nerinal letter lust received personal letter which I give as written : la It not pity , ...,.. I. n..l ...le.' another steamer equally sunk t the Uerman submarine boat and I suppose the public opinion tbla responsibility upon our own 1111- i along the brandy lines, and Mr Mclioi of your Ottlaana is getting sharper and illative, altd it Is iitisolutc. We Iihvc son will take heart again and also an sliaiper and 1 a-onder no reaton why solemnly resolved before Cod and the other drink. Hearken: I'liole Jim does not get angry over MM) I natrtWM of earth that we shall do our , Mow, whs: do ,.u kn,. ai,ut thatr natter. I dare that he may send ultl-',.. , MacUtn na It la kriven us to w" '"", think tbnt fn,k ihjt lived malum tn the creator of the 'Yellow I Parlf thia lime The result will teu"" "' , v u . still at large an, I sensalional feeling! oer the world wide " , The writer of this letter Is a graduite of an American university and lived I eight years in this count rv Bach time , 1 have een him 1 have noted the Tallinn i ,ff of his KngllOli. as he baa but llltle I chance to uae It In his home cllv. Ilia l'"r' " u'ul '; 1 ' ' ,, . 14 cheered, fr.nn clill,lh....d ap mi thni in. I letters used to be remarkable for gram- They are. however, seriously alauneo K ,vr,l10 ahtn thowa Ihe r.le.v. mar and Oonatl-aethm. regarding the delay in tne perform- j , i,Bmi n, f olir ,,,, Mendi fr ,m Another Incident along this line im-lanoe of their duty to Mexico. Nine- , ,,, ,r ,,n (lenamt .'roek lays, "Well, he pressed me greatly. Some yeara ago 1 1 veh must he regenerated no matter geek t h'llsva I'll get me tome tine was entertained by tlie largest concert! what becomes of Jonah: the while PM I tuba ami some blue mud :o -taut. thm in their line in Japan at a dinner. The host wa the venerable managltis direc-l tor. only one of tne parly besides my- self spoke Kngllsh. and my Japanese -a hardly enough lo call a ricksha, so con-' V Creation langulahed Tow ard the end of the entertainment i ' sswn 01 I ne auc.ts a mo , Il mJW I M) venerable host examined it and then fished out a roll of paper from the Con ...... .n.rtiT.i, v.-n ent i ket of his kimono and wr speaking member of the party, who handed it back with some comment In , Japanese, My host then passed It to me and 1 found, to my surprise, that it 1 wa mcsage n perfect fcnghsh. 1 repueu io ms uueeuon ana rrom men n we were not helpless. latter I asked the interpreter how It Was that niv hoat spoke not a word of Kngllsh. yet wrote It perfectly. He replied: "More than forty year" ago Mr n was a teacher of Kngllsh In . i Japanese schoi.l but since then !e has not used it and has forgotten ihe sounds of the words. although he wrltM It easllv " S!uce that time manv letters have paaed 1- tween us written in his own hand. While ,t Inn. I, with the writer of the let'er ou. .ted, in June, he snokr of hav- lug a number of Indian merchant-, wit him tlie week before and commented on tbeli language ' nd ihel, writing, w'ly. it bs.ks like Ihorthand. yei they read ( J1M ,,v. ThP ,, f Jtpa I nese being Impreaaed with the helpless 1 l.e- of the l.idian written word ve- not seeing anything stiange in his own n.eioirn .ni.s irucK me as ve v lunnv I Bul then all te world Is strange nen we look st the other r. How. VYkkpspohv, f ictober ?" PACtrtoo CONVENTION MOTIVES. Mr. M . i onstltullonal Hetlew t hallengcd In (hie Particular. To Tin: K...T..I. or thk Bug-air.. I notl in fanator Boot'. .pMoh de- livered befor tne Rapublloan lub Oc tober lv. a synopsis of Which was printed III Tut: Son. the following We hate taken sway the ta trade Itl m the .einptatinn In h.tid il,. rnor of tit. S:a,e to Mil sorts o( , baraalnlng. B) rsqulrlna the appoint , menu t. t.e eonnrmeu s) tn.. senate I deny ti'at it was the object of the I convention to accomplish this result. I was a delegate in tlie convention and , I beard the debate on litis proposition. ' I know who first tUBeeeted removing I from the repor : of the Committee on i lev. rnor and State Uttlcera the pro vision requtrlna the oonflrmatlaa1 of the genate The suggestion was made by I the Hon Alfred K. Smic., tlie present Tnmtnati) oandldate for BheiilT, ami the amendmenl wat offered l.y tit,. Hon John B Stan. "alii id and accepted by the, leaders of tlie convention, known as ihe "K.-.l. .nil crowd." The object of Ihe amendment is clear and l's purpose plain. Mr. Smith It a wise politician, lie had Ihe forealBht to see thai aomi da. t e Democratic ptrty mlght elect a Qovernor and that the Sen ate might le Republican. In order to remove any handicap that a Democratic i Inventor might have under such ctr he proposed to strike out th.- confirming power of the senate. The provision w ,s In the original report of th.. Committee on itovernor ami state . .III. els. but tbe Smith aUggeSttOfl Wat accepted Willi the hope of MOUrlng volts for the Constitution. i was a humble and helpless delegate in the convention and witnessed the per formance with tbe tame lutenae interest and fascination that a child witnesses a moving picture show. ClIABLM II lti:rrs. Kditoi the figoaa HtpuMivan, UvobBi 1 Ictober -' Kaelatlva TrHiisporlntlon Sen Ice De sired. To thk HniTOR Thk Si m- Sir- We have at present three kind of trans- portal. on m NOW . ork : tha live cent kind street cai-s. tlie ten cent kind or stages ,n,l the mure expensive cabs. We need more of the ten cent kind. Manx penpla would rather nay ten cents and have a uomfortBbbj aud irood quality conveyance than pay live cents1 and liel all Inferior quality, Now that the question or new moUir bus routes is before the Hoard of Mali- male let ua hope that whatever they do Ibey Will give ua ten rein ousrg, ami not mark down the price aud the quallt) to ihe live cent level. The demand for quallt) i entitled 10 be heard. An UNWIM.IN0 Hanoi nk, Nkw Yoiik. October II .liiridn and To Tin: llnrr.ui or Tn I BPN Nil . What' ever subje t Mr IPtoscvett ma)' datOUBe, tie Invariably reaoMi the ootM-'lualon that we have had only two satUfsctorv 1 h-es l.lelil a. and that the mhiap i.e. ,. , . I i mm I ' Bostom, oetober M "MY BROTHER'S KSKPERr Remarks on Dr. Wyeths Letter by it MM Who Know Meileo. To tbb Kpitor or Thi Hi-n -lr: Tho Intermixing of the Altec, the Indian 'and the Caucasian races In the recent centuries has created the Mexican people. The Mexicans are to-day In solidarity as an Integral race If fate had decreed that they should develop their own logical civilisation j ii i. I.. m.una .iifHfiiH in ennrp vp ! i. m i," I that that civilisation would have become eventually of a very superior ..r,ie riohi m develoii a clvlli- ! - . i . ...r. xuiion cooroinaiina won aam n-m'i . ,, . : ... , . i. ....... .. . . i , characteristics cannot be denied. BHtlBanoa knew that the pupaw urew M this right has been rorcinty laaen irom them by the Caucasians. Their nat- 1 ural nationallxatlon must remain for all time a . mystery. Th i 11111, - I lie, 11,11a elans, with their advanced and more 1 forceful civilisation, have dominated from the beginning. The respnnslhll- j nr the Aztec and the Indian ceased through their destruction by the Cau- culm races. By this act. tho Call- - 5, hav m-np h,r;-,f T r-' sponsible for the guidance of 'nese children in their development among I the older races of men 1 imut travel the road of CMMMHMft ' , . . iW . i t tut Hn whether their ntu tlon re- heln or not Thoae wlio have lived in Mexico keenly reuHe that the Mexi (.an pflopfti do protent rHOM emphatl- ...n.. ttaiint thir Inevitable fate. Can any one doubt the UIISI I RNU ...,,,.. thM, Mexico forces upon . r . . t The I'nlted States has a Monroe, Toctrlne which declares before all the nell ii,i an are and shall he aolelv 1 resiiotis i e for tie good nenavior aim '. . . ... uh.. ..... 1 . a?ople Into an orderly civilisation as .. ... . we understand It. e have assumed , ,. StoaJOO ia a imn kmwtw Have neara tne cominunu to save i The storm Is raging while our Chief j Executive calmly sleeps. We wonder I i iPn on until the casting . . .. ,. The people are not I ., . , . . ... v, vx' are chafing tinder Kxeeutlve Imle- ,wi mMkanaliMi i ha ' ' . ,!. tV,i , nngei Ul iuie Hanesa, " '' " " j Administration win r ",,..., i Ojltany for Its remarkable persistence,,,,,, .,,.(, w ,v,r p,, IO Kr. rl, In continually committing the sin 01 1 omiSatOn it He. ins increoioie inai nni with his tlngers on the pulse f Hie: nations cannot read tinderstan.llngly ' the oMma of the timm alealoo proa i trate. because its guardian refuses lo do his duty. A world at war. because ttv,, of the great nations professing rhrif.tianlt' have struyed toward 1, .... ,.-.,h accent mir the Vol- ' , . . k ... t. ,i..r,,.w ha '"lnJ" pin"l".i Ureal: The State is DOWer, An Is- lamltlc atheism In Its influence and governmental function. The Turk, itifted with the wisdom of the ages has studied the Voltairian tendency of , ,,,,, rai Kuropean nutlons. He has , , . ,,, ,.,,.i,,,. riaateue. lnn f-'-eseeii the in pcnditn, '" ' lelamlam and has dcoyed t.u Teuton to Ills aid Future general ions 1 muy read of the Turco-Teuton Alll- un.-.. ansrtnai red I v the Turk. Which dent roved the last Vestige of tern - IMir.,i IH,wer In Islamisni. Tins like - . , ,,,,....,, monarchies. I . . . ...... i Mtoiianina a araai " . democracy In tin :r stead nnd turning their people again to tlie teachings of l.uther Is H anv woll.lcr tnai io ;,, his letter. An imDeacnnieui. pnn- Hahed In Tus Son on October 1. has i . . .,, ,,i . .vamnarated bv tin fallacy "watchful Walling K 1. October I gUk i M i'lTTSBI KU. Pa. THE MULETEER AFFIDA VI TS. ' eminent oil the Question ot Their , Probative alue. ..,, L-,-., t tti-s- ii in an editorial article thia mortllna you refer lo affidavits transmilteil recently by the aetmet Bmbeas) to our st.,t. l lap artment oontalnlna . barges that , "Herman sailors of a submarine 1 were ahol down by the British afte. thev ';S.i surrclldeie'l 1.11,1 heln lip llieir hands." The reference of course is t,. I the attldsvlle en ernms tlie NloOslan and the so- ailed ltaralmia They were made, el parte, in New- Orleans ' three or four negro muleteers who were the Nicosia'. It to be liopao I a thoet of your reader-, win. have read these statements will not furBOt certain facta which have a not unimportant Mar ina on their probative value 1. The fjerntan war Beaulatlont I If rlaaabrauch im I .a n.l k : lege I . Issued Qaneral stair, In Chapter by I lie tie man Ii.. Bubhead H. contains 'he following International law t In no way en poesd ... the exploitation of the crltiie. of third partial (aatattiojatiea. incendiarism, rebbery, and the iikei t th.. prejudice f the enemy. Ifanlfeetl) "perJun ' ma) falrl) M covered by the words "the like." .'. When ;t was being contended tha' the l.usltania was an ' armed cruiser" ii,,. German Hmbaaay Ltanamltted t.. our state Department the ani.iuvii of one SI .till, which stated that be h.d been on bond of ihe steamer Just before the sailed and had seen lour guns HMMItlled there ready for action. Upon Ming tried on an Indict ment for perjury It" admitted thai these statement of Ins Were absolutely false, and , lea, led guilty; he is now doing tunc To hi c edit be it said that not oven th'' temptation el a lighter sentence induced bint lo tell who hired him, nor how much was paid for the exploitation of bis perjury. E H I. Nkw VOBK, OctoM. :". l ace lo face With mi: Kniroii ok Thk Si n Nil It seems that I he. null of tag. Httlu ironies of lite and death, Ihe house life and ,1 which Miss Kdlth Cavell t... and worketl In llruaacls facea the Hue de la Culture, "Kuitur" iu UMinwu. I3t4 MA WHITa, Nkw Yoiik, ictober , Ilk 'the Toel's l.raniniar. it: Hi, IT.. a "l' Tin. St in l ,s 1 1 ,i i make a tuggsallon In rsfsrenct to -I s tralllntsr, wltkh ha beeh ..Is lh "Utssd hi Tin. s, v Y nt "ltd I" toundt .. l., mar her. Ki iiiniiieillt n" Hal Iff 1 1 as piuM r,t 1 1 V ; fce-riiLri iih If tOtDt MpleVn.Mlon litlffht bt mill tf Ii hu tl I" I'ouliln'i ties in tirprM'll il p.-Mih ll'l 111 tile Na 11 1 tti i e, ii nonilmtttvc AMKllUtt With t lit prttulpl Jrf OUt t M C. A. MlM'l.K H0ei, OttuUf Tun More Alli ullnnt. I IW,. To Tin hpii 1 ii Tai ai s Mit, Munday'i Hand taauindry piialbU t niiht'.' L'omrort tho unilert.tkf-r nilgrlit au an appltcanti w. F, u KaNiai Citt, Me., October 54. i MORE LIGHT ON THE PAPAW IDENTIFY THE PLAYERS. Colonel Lampton on Ms Relation tOjl'onder the Nnpportera of Football the Brandy ana Pie Inanatrtea. ana Number the Teama. To tub Kditiib nr Tur. BtW" ttf; TtMl To thk Kiutoh OP Thf Hi n Nlr: It BBMrmnea In Tim Si n t".o other day of la time for football ooarhw of the well a letter over my Hanatura involving , Known coneg ream.- umi o ran the H.etlr iind rMtorkml oration of Mr. lug numbers on the back of their plav Merefllth Nicholson, the well known era, for the purpose of Ideivtlnaalion , Imllana novelist, on the auhject of the they will make thr Knme of fimtbull P in. aw aa Intenaely developed In that 1 popular won tarn miurii " State hsa oauaed in two aperlal won-' clnases. The put.ll.- ahould be foijsld ilera. one being that so many persons of! gj. ""d In wing th word public I do the snperlor "V Tub Si m dldn t know anthlnir about M K-l tltuf mi papaws, and the other being that so many of the Inferior inMllMnmoa WDISSi r even heard does not read Tmk Pt'.v neve . t i.' .' .... i..i-.i : w m ' "I'"-- . ."u "......, .r..a.. r- mat every naiive American an imwiii . . .. . . . , i , ciousiy in cenain sections or me 1"'"-u Stales, even ir he did not nave an eating "'"n" ''fh, ' ifs Matllth I x- TV" v ...... 1 .....i u....- ........... ai v... .1,. """i.i i,i ... '" Yni kers hod he Vear.l whnt 1 did When 1 ,,)KP ,,t sn) sometimes read aloud j his famous oration on papaws. Hut Mr. Nicholson's bosom will be more sadly rent when he hears what the PoMnrr-Joiirsnl of I-oulsvllle. Ky . Just -"sr tz K . auirlet aaa about a supposedly well known by-pniduct of the papa w Listen to Marse Henry'e con- On a i won, Mini f thr tearalty ol tpplM IWi dam Rr-WM, who nprpaVtiMj a rrtlM fJlntltUr near Canpbf lltbttPfft In w itfhiiminn rouniVi annonnnf :ntt tif L JJ ' . PI iittmpt to fllntU w brnmly from a kti'wii tin- iininufiir t ii r of mi n. i w nppr h.m n'fn t tmnted, but Mr BrtWef nellri that nalatahta ilouaat aaa he made from ihfl ; , might make I few incongruvlal re-' marks nt this point, but 1 yield my time to ihe editor of t ia Baattyrlllt Kaler- of 1 "oinity. Ky., of dale lie- toMl lier 1. In that -e, linn of the State Where tM p., paw c know n as i he moun- . 1R1,-., nrr ,.,.,, ,. kin to nni thltl lams the btargraaji editor ,lan In the !.;," knew about .-vr. thing. In fact wh.t th' don't kn,v "was t'.rf ou: " Put the innrs we read Ihe n,r, tra . ronvlnred that tn-y don't know Mans ahool .-.m. iblna. After ihe enterprtttaa Roeattr altcavtrt haw ta make papaw iirsn.iy. if he would nnly eomi up "' 'aa, r tatur In showing htm tnsny who linvt hee-i nnu,lhe.l and lageiner witn ana a tew otner meat up aan ,orK nvuow I in'.i, hi Slni lliol "enu evar and no-ate It around anions H l-r. I eo.iid run moonlight ,r,0, foP , m ,..K r . Brt bat, ay. ,i of 'era In order that New York nd ol,,r uninformed reader! may not confuse ihe "Hooelare" referred lo in the text with Mr. Nicholson or any other Indlanlan. it may he sta'ed that t s term MHooater" is ued In Kentucky to deaciibe any per son not ut to the recognise, I Kentuekv st. in. lard, regardless of where he may hall from. As tins communication of mine l largely and widely edtl Itlon I. 1 may Ugaeal th:it the e.l.tor ,,f tin Fntcri.ritr has evidently never heaid of papaW pie When he has ttUck a tooth into that. properly prepared and wathad down with libations .,f papaw brandv. he will Onder W hy the habitues of the t ilvmnaa restaurant made piece ,le i (., yvi -e of nectar and ambrosia TBI Bt s shines for nil w ,t t. Naw VoBK. Ck lobar 1 1 LABOR IN THE SCHOOLS. 1 lines the I duration HyatOBI Dltcoar. , ,. Raaaeakla TW i..tiii: i-,!iitiip. ..r Tmk Srv- How did it coma about ih.t foe.i.e. -.u. in danae us numbers art present m tins i count rv" The top and bottom of tne whole j trouble is our .iiool tyatem Prom one end of the land to the other w. .... md I hear of lehoola, 1 1. schools. Ko child is so poor but "It" must la- sent I to school and kepi there 1.. the hope of I discovering, perhaps, some latent spark ot intelligence worth Mowlni into flame, Kind folks arlth hiahhrow tend.-ne-es S'un ifi "' ir 'tertaUwye old.' nni the) Jlapsrage "blind alley" Jobs for any pupil. A, I ibamual rally, at least. . Vhe .eh.'iid '-'v -em ..,'.tv takes anv thought ,.r ii,,-r-. ... .ir.,...i,, of pupils' headt They won't work when the) liave bend only disparagement f work all then lives; w. siv.iii.i they? if. then, th mmon, everyday w..rk of the country is there to be don. , ami our own young folk r t raised la he "o.n.-in. -,e.i.. eiiiui' one .is' 1I1US1 OC hrnuahl in hi' nnlllo . 1( goes the round or the papers at times that Italians here send 1100,000 into vealiv to Italv thai great labor SI pur Una .unity N. one en l.sik at then, aud think they arc in any way a weak and decadent race m t tie height .f Dumba's aallatlon $la0,oao,aao was reported as the annual tribute paid by th. I'nited Btatea m Austria for latmr. Is ii nol wonderful to consider that In a uottv rOUIIOed for tit.- common neo- every- effort Is made to render work io,, s,c,iii nnj.i. - i ;i,i menially no horrent t,, ihoee same commons? Tlie city school tyatenw ar.- a., good ("l and affective in Ibis way thai all the world throUBS cityward to learn lo be t.o g 1 t.. w .rk. W. have with a vengeance cured what was had with what was worse, Hut a rained) I- ,.i hand, simple ami effective. Iu r Schools leach nothit g ac curately. Teachers in the upper elemen tary classes spend their time on matters nominally taugni Mlow . promoi .ns ... made oil 10 per . l.t of attainment, es and n per cent . iplile as readily a on any other. I' is tHllclall) idmltted page II of Mc.Vnilrew't Bohool It -port of July I. I'M", i he Hanus Investl gating eommlttM said "graduation from Ml . lass s no proof thai the pupil Knows anything accurately." Vet accuracy lathe most yajuabl, part of education, ami pupils ah lundtng In lliaecurac) regarding all subjects ate mis to.. p. litlful 111 all tin- up i lasses. I lie "high" schools, the colleges Wc actually hav.- truant nglcert ,i a'ork In MUr "high" schisds, I edible as , me) seem Tttis fact may Interest Stew art Browne, that Inqulaitiva laapayer who wants lo Know so much Hut hack to our muttons, tn,. remedy for ihe refusal of "the child" lo work By any and every means, whether con stitutional provision, legislative net . home rule aeti the teaching "profeaalon" should be required In b hunesl They I should pi, ,, note no pupil nol well titled 'with '."i par cut ot more regularly ii talued in all subjects. rJomparatlvel) few are capable or IU par colli , even iii spurts, anil fewer iu bug ootitlnued effort They will then not be de elver into tlie belief that tiny are "edm ited 1 IheCll have uuile as much us ts uoi.,1 tn I ham and as much in fad aa thev I. . . .. now. Then w r.ti.iii have uui worU done bj native labor, umi kadfi the nnnual (ii.uitr tf a billion dolltira right here i.t i uh tiava honatty in Pi'hoolv. itt'HKHT r. QmcRif, Nkw VuitK . i ictober rit Batovlrtjl Qaeal lea I T.i mo HUITOM "i" Tiir Siv tl i'(J- si s of &t tober i readt "i ) whitened a t ui ihe blood Me.i from ii heart " Dm- tin- Diooq leava i ne in mi of dyhifcl tin n J L. U. Paaai Coaai Ovteaer Id W b. c Th X' M M t. W of .. ... 1 ,,f I'II1U,IIP ailU Mlftr 1 .1 III 1 1 ITS. The "erudite" football coaches appar- either do mo care to consider tin- wishes of the public or ek- or ek-e they have h, .r,-h, , r,.allf,. ,hat man ' , , ,,. ,. ..,,.,.,h to who uraduiited from I m. ...I,,.... kiiow hv sight the various players on ,h( f((,tlinM tPa ,n vivw r thp fat thX " "" " hl" nrM t1u ',,f ,h" leaun. nie raor tn.11 ne is an aiuio . ...... ... .. . does not clothe nun with excetnionai , .r .1.. .... () ...... , t.... il,t,.,,K h, ,in.rin, .. as muah dlrftcultv as . strnna-ei tn Idantlrvina Hie olsyers anksta he h some maans to assist him 1 m doing ao. The number on the player's back supplies the means. "Zzr eli. rhi. i.m ......r.ntlv most of them J Judrng from the small number of team.-. that uae the number sywteni . have not (st -t tl'ii li A t isiil I . ifw lioeKlbilltlef. It In iihvlous that many of them iiaree with the views expressed a couple of years ago by Captain Ket.ham of the Yal team, who said : Football la not bein conductad here for IM neWapaoen, but f..r the colleae. and the players are not w-orkins 10 win reeratnltlon l the public. but arc playtnit for themselves and the By com Hy , onset una t ibe niMnMrlnB of the .n. . ... ixei. oHin .u mpda no concession to the newspapers. tr tn(, . Ilf ,. ,,row, ,., alarayt be rallad apon t I if I the accurate detail". ,1)t ),. would have onceue.i smwanni t,, th.wc local college supporters wll endure KM antld arid CO10 to Ml the team ..f then- alma mate- i..rf..rm Certain!' win. travel many nillee and chee pa .v. . :... . u..- titled to some eonaldapattoa If anr of ... .. . Vm.. Ketcham they mUM not overlook the fact that those who would be benefited by the numbering of t.e players are the same p, reoi.e wii., help lo kesp the gam.. alive in the CO lieges by doing their parti In defraying the axpanaaa Pr Mhert II Sharps, head coach n' Ihe Cornell football team. Is one of the tending football coaches who la not op posed to the 'luinlwring of the players. nd lr Sharps did not only express hs Idea but put hie t!uorv Into prac tice and had numbers placed on the backs of his players for the enlighten ment of spectators who went tn see h,s men play. The fact that the Cornell players were nuiirtered assisted materi ally In drawing a large crowd to tho Polo ti rounds last year for the Brown fame, nell p The announcement that the Cor- I tnoniew to aneneion ot Amen an r yen. Would he numbered caused elan trade American capital has bun many foeball enthusiasts In the city not eonneoted With either university o go to the gam.-. flays made by th- numbered Cornell Players could he fol- low.d liitelligntly, while those made by trie uiinutni.ere.i iirown players count i" 1 ". "" ..orisn snipe. m , . e not, 1 poet, After .:grees paMed the amend' Some ...aches object to the plan on 1 I" BtW permitting foreign buttt ps the plea that the needs of their tearne 10 be admitted to Cn.ted Slates registry ire best se-ve.l In k.-uina the identic susinding other oner us mi..- ..rid of their players concealed from their op ponent, tin this point a captain of a former Washington and Jefferson teajn said "The Washington and Jefferao-i team has worn numbers for the hurt two Seasons and has at all times found tie tchemi io be very tucceaef ul, Weeh- Ihgtoh and Jefferson hag a very open st'le "f attack and h..s found this plan .,t Ume Interferes with the play." Saw Yoga, October go, RaraaaB, Are American PoMMBlea eedles,, r Withholding DUIdends? To THB BptTOB OP TMB BPB Sir. Con- Meeable Irritation is being caused in Ihla country b) Hie continued withhold- Ing of dividend- b American pub'.,, ser- vice companies since the war began, without . t: v adeouate reaaon. The private investor who distributes ins investn ts impartially over the world lias been heavily hit by the war. Inveatmenta, moatly t rno.ian American companlee, have been at a atandatlll for the last two years Tln- Braatllan ttovemntent has defaulted and tlielr constituent Slates and clues have .. ...... I...... ....I , -I.O.. i...... ' "''ii. ...... nii pleaded adverse txonangt as an excuse not remitting, wn la nothing .s to he got from i lie dleturhed .stuntries of Bu t..;a The unkllldest cut of all, how ever. Is when America, which la proe pwrlng eaceedtngly by her Increased trade With belligerents, withholds dlvt ' ,1c: Is alreed) earned, and instead hetspe up alread) plethoric reeerveo. The private investor Iu tlreot BrlMIn I sees hai Incom, reduced to tlie vanishing point, while a4 the same time he Is I called upon to pay heavy extra taxation, a -tel. led in.ome '.as i ltd. to ltd. In the pound) and innumerable deroanda fur' s-ihsi ripttone, We on this side of tite Atlantic have' been buoyed up in our troubles by the I gene rail) expressed Ameriown oympathy, I but that tympaeh) take, a very pectitlar form w-li.-n it proceeds to diminish our. Htrewd) etralned private resources. Catinot the Aulel ican press do a-ciie- ! thing for us by bringing public opinion , t,, beat II )0n companies which are hold ing up dividends, v. t much to our detriment ? I .1 1 eUPpOM the companies gen orally have eoiieldered the matter from the Bridall Investors point of view, hu: I feel sur.. the) woui.i i.e aehamed w l fuii to continue what mUjht almost he oajlcd an unfriend!) action when once II has In en brought to their notice. A SrnEiiiNu Investor. oaroaPi Bngland( .'.tober n, Life III Hob la toilette's Slate. lea. ' 'res. s serf o as I utfr oi j ITfeeea o, 6eslaest n..o 1 h.. aMal abatidotte.t the idea uf a rat atioti. i b.i.t planned lo Imvs for mm Wednesday night, bit hav. t. served wiih a netlot ot hearing on Wednesday before Uie Railroad Commlaeetn, a bMrlag Thursde) before lbs industrial ttom ttilsspiO, and am to be e,,tnlne-1 under the itlteOVSr) statute lief, ,1 court collimls- sion in another mMter on ggturday. Too many fool iawt ami oomtalaaloM hi this State. t Brussels. . . iclober, II1B ) Noi under the Hghl of the datvn w a.s the deed of horror done, Nor .-i in lh. blaze f the boon, under ihe gase of the sun. Su-'h Bul in the stealth of the night i he way of I he 1 lun ' What aalth i ..' Word? Vs ye sow thus shall ye also reap ! I luce, we read, there wa- one, a dastard who murdered sleep, An.i summoned the furioa of heii from tin- vasis of the outer deep. i tui of ihe nether gloom again ehall the brood not come. And gather aboul his bed, vengeful, de monlac, dumb, Who Wrought for i woman a crown, the cr. .ti n of merit) r.l..,n' a khara la writ rapine and tHck in the 1 1, nt- of tt'ii i will v ' bloti pur) and lual and mvei plot, ! Crualti .''"i f'.. I Ut nruil ! lul naua'lu mora WHIltoil than Un dot iiir el aa oi tin- laord : u:i- Kauvht l" oe more deeplaed, na-Ufht i Im- inure A'h i i hI ! What eh. tii thi auardon baT What h? litis Jum raward T t.'LINTu.N St'Ota.AMi). ASKS SUSPENSION OF SEAMAN'S ACT Foretell Trade Council Also AfrniiiHt Oovernnieiit Owner ship of Vessels. SHIPPING HOARD UBHKI) government ownership of 'i IIH saga 1 vesaeis and tne provisions di ins mens act are condemned In a report of I the National Foreign Trade C0U ell, . .., . minta nnht 1. vesterdav In w li'. 1 - ' recommended that I ongress atltnnrlM the Prealdent to suspend such pans ,f the seaman's act as he may consider detrimental to American Ihlpplhl HI III a (iovernment shipping board Is created Cnited States. The report says foeetin impetltinf , wl ww, kprr ,hiin ,.v,., (M war. when foreign exporters wll lurtl j to the development of their tru de n l , n Brdr o h) ..ft Hit ; " . V I enormous cost o war. and thai II Ilia fnlted Stale is not prepared t. pete with them Its commerce will MUfntf, The report was prepare.) by , atn mutes- campoaod of Jamai A Parreil, president of the IViiteil States tit el Corporation : P, A. S. Kranklin. vice president of the International M rcan tile Marine, ami Capt Robarl Dollar, Hi S.ui Francisco steamship unin. it V sdnnted nt a reiem meetbia ,,, ih. COUnoll. whlr-h le composeii of men . -. t-resled In foreign trade It attrlhutel the decline ..f I nlted Btattt shipping; i to early Kuropean advantages In 'r..n msti In sieamsnip I war taxsi mat ruction, he., rii war taxalirai. the Atnerlcan Wagi - lit j and the Investment of capital In Interna, development. Forced to Ony broad. The American Industry ehBMtfl n exis.rt commnce did invest in sr. .hoping, but was obliged beans, .r handl..i.a In nurehaas vssas'a abroad and operate them under fore sn flage," says the report. "Thv total fiir- elan ahlpping thus owned by Arm rei Intereata prior to the war we Bntl :o have been between L,e00,000 n i . -1 j ., n . eon gross tons. I'nder forelsn Haft t was not subject to the handicaps re ferred to and wider American i nagt ment efficiently served lt purpose in world comniei.e and materlall) con treely invested In the c...,'w. ! river trade, wnere all mci" t 'nrt are on th. same basis" The Kuro..ii war brought t ie Mi try face to face with the peril of Is- created the Bureau of War Inauranca. liiere was a etroog feellna of opl tm a to the pr.atiH.ts of America p , ping. This, however, was dashed by the QOVemment us lership propoaal, The report rjcntl nuos , "Any policy that, regardless of e 'normal operatio ot the law of nip 1 a-d demand, placet at te .lis,.,.-. Jary single , lass .,f pPOdUoert i ttetl of Qoveentneni ateajnera is u.ui.d i pro i dues prleiuged oiaaeee, fox the ;. 1 ment. preeunuably, will not pr - -f- '" 11 tm age to carry all ou and Imports, but wr.i operate wit - b ,.s it may sui.ply at I .: the market rates wherever II may be deemed neoeaaary :..r lis . P"el advantage of the United Statu , xpon trade. flow, under j wlli 11 ' determined In whoat 'bla necessity la unati pressing w '"' for th. North. Bouttl, Kas- .. rt It favor manufacturM oi rua I 'erlal . ' t" M seaman'a t.i ttlaeked. Tlie seam in's act Is called In the rea) the "cu.niiiiatton of u s r . t of me.i Whlcll have aflvasaalti -. tfe. ..... i liecls or A,,i..f - snipinna n toreigu trade," and th... t.;. rt . ul how the act brought to a s; -n reuse of the merchant fleet Ul del Hit registry act. Cp to Kebruar) .: ' .r had been tranaferretg in A n registry 133 foreign built ahlp it ITS. -i-t groas tons, but pt I t w ent y-eighl shlpa of 111,745 gl -have been transferred The report flndl that the expei altering III', saving equipll Id ..: dlMdvantagee of ihe "Isnguagi of tho seaman's act tall sltogeth American ships, and adds "These laws thai add t , i , r o.eiatlng Amen ai, slope arc ., t it apply equally Iu tertng our pons in detail thsre is foreign Vessel, el" With. .,11 argllthl ' I only Hi s I., It,, -.,.! appl) also t.. t hi tn If tn practice th .,- . Vessels 111,.,' tllTcasc out freight i f He v I. and handtl a. r 1 1 ad,. appl) P. foreign ships ii ' ships out of business , eecape from one or tin oil. It ce nni men da Holla Had. Thf rMMt niMki'N tin follow mendaltona for the deten buatneaellke nnd esnct mii "That OonaTeaa eetubl . Ihlpplnff bcNard, oumpoeed o! bara, who sh.til bi men ex i HhiilnK an.i fortMtfn t rat If 'I hail re'-umint-uil to Ponarei laton and wodernlaation "f Vlatet Ihw.- ratattna t dee tlU net -unary and n'lali i d.h.-h;irgf all th- function vi'ui Qovarnmant relattni then "That tlie board brti s; tlon of COfUcreai thf necen i ti aUoni of thf phm d i 1 1 i thf mull act of 1891 111 M" ho that tho eetebtlNhmont muntcattone with Houtli mi Africa .in-ir.tiuMa nnd may be ranaidered fro n i pomte of view of tht- t'tiat 1 of - ui 1 ' 1 ma s ami of (he -, I it ie daatrabli thai tin - u mined. "That tin- N.iunl ao - iuil l kfwiHe report upon th iir to render Inveetni n an ahtpptni Bafo and mi i ate taplial. anl It tui-r nt reaotircee of our ie 1 ai by tho aatabttehnifni bank, tu auppl) fundi ' induatr) t"r nnanriui i oi tonnaara and lo throw ptritl inortKaK HU' 'h prt remove any apprehi ni " if Inveatora regard inu t In ihlpplni proiMibilttonN, "That the preaideut ne uapand iha oparatton ot provtalonH f iha aaan. n Cable t' A nn rif.i n v i In, N ta . foreign veaaehi Mm ai he ma i oonatdar di u m Intaraal of Am n n, i Congraaa, havlnji !" of thi- Khtppiug hi a rd, ' 1 - modern taed i ha i-Tniti i tioii lawn ; r it IhN -deemed not eapedh nt ' -that aoi'ttoil I 'f tin- m nun amend d an to eitn nut guage leal and the mli nm ; nf gble iauieii nuioiiH ' 1 HUbatttut na lh refi 1 lent to tha raquirenn nt - of i uieronaut ehippinii a- atai ri qutftnenti uf 1 1 h regulatluna uom ri nil boat men, & be modtiled u with tin I ' 1 4 Hmeiiiltui i nii merchant vhlpptna act. f - .saaiii- '-.