PICTURESQUE NEW YORK. 1 Beautiful new etching and drawings hy the Jtttt. THE WEATHER Fair to-day and to-mo uci nnicncm artists, p irst publication in THE CHRISTMAS SUN. Out Next Sunday. ge in temperature ; . nort Highest temperatura yestefday lowest. 25. Detailed weather, m.i.ll an r on page II. VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 97. NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. 1 tnmffti 1111, v s ". pmmiimii ammmnmi, PRICE TWO CENTS. pjeyestprias BRYAN AGAIN URGES WILSON TOMEDIATE Parian. That Neutral Na tions Wait for This foantry to ah. TIM K TO STOP MAD POLICY OF "DEFENCE' Sai liellijrpronts Should W k'l to (Jive Peace Tonus. IfiiMIMUTON. DOC. 5. K-8ecretary Wlllinm 1 Bryan in a publl state- tiled upon prsaldeni Wilson t.i rep- w his offer of medls- the natkma at war. Magly nnjunetkm with the executive ,f ether neutrul nations, Mr. Insisted, the Freeliletit should m tO"Iiv (ion : or hi In 4s Bryan III of th.' .. Iligerent Towers the terms j tim.ii which they will mike peace. Hu. 1 ii , and the lnjurel rights of neu :rj demand that such oierturee be i trj n the opinion or Mr. Hryan. Th- ex-gecretary also declared that . t v gtlon should desire the restora-1 pan 0f peawl I SUSS "the wnr It belnK ; .- .. reason for demanding a charifre in our national policy wmrn . .. Ideals and puts us Into a mad r valry with Buropa in the Incrsasi I i llltary and naval expenditurea" Mr. Hran' Slntrment. Mr Br) an reaehsd WashinKton this! in i from New York He did not: ft .- in) callers and spent the day at. his V ishlngton residence. Before leav- ! ;rr Ian In the afternoon for his winter' rjsldenee it M ami, Fla , he summoned a stenographer nnd dictated the fol Ifwing statement, which Mr. Bryan I dined and the stsnographei was i dbscted distribute: "I hoj.,- t: t the Cong i ssa which meets 1 Tj''" n 11 at once assure the Preei- 1 ilrrt Its readiness to support him in say effort arhlch he may see fit to tr, ,1c hasten the restoration of peace in Europe He offered mediation at Mm eilnnlni 'f the war. but that was . months ago, since that time - .', than j 000,000 men have leen It " 1 fti in than I.OM.000 hive lieen sui ' I' d more than 110,000,000,000 1 ai been expended. ' ! rr Ide detail and i xlent of suf string 'lie WMl Ti nT surpassed ancthtng k:n- to insteir: 'i r of media :sr is not only Justified on fhe ireaad of humaaUy, but it is demanded If, however, other reasons are desired th in he found In our obligations to rh. nther neutral nation- ".til of the neutral nations are suffer, big Im, ise of this war. which ohst nets t'. gharays of the world, interferes i ' trade and e, alters Injury S' where, The neutral nations ar. tw .-th' standere, whose people re r kiied. unintentionally of 0U- "It killed Hardens on enlrif1s. 'T. neutral nun ns are oompelled Is .-.o t ,r !en of taxation that would n eaaarj but for the war, and i ;n .ce in danger of lieliig In tin- conflict some of them r i most forced into it. . .i ci not only shares the suf ' 'h,r neutral nations, but i al reason for desiring " loratloi of peace, namely, that ii - . .iig useil .is a reason f i , lanae In our national i ', , our Ideals and puts i rivalry wun Europe j i n .-. el' military and naval s- pendltures, ', me ins of bringing the v it ,id w uld not only add to St nfluencs but 1! might save i all ti or more In taxes. ar I -ltd a'. o put an end to the HIS ifscl He icares Which are being IS' ' f: 'j t.', the public The other Seu'-.i natinni wait on us ' i ibundanl re.ison to heltece tr. , :. President, either alone or In conjunct i th the Bgeotttlvea 0 the SI - - neutral nations, can secure from ,v- die - war ,i statement of the I , "" which peace 1 possible, and . men! would he the begli r in rgchangs of views which Voilsl l.iil to ,1 Heat.:-. "Tin is must lg anno in, ed wis tin-" . trh) not now! T. .uk for a Ststenu .1 'Ins terms Is merely to - g. rem nations to say I or it tin it fighting K'l -h of ;h. Qo' i nts .it war certainly knows vhai . that it demands, othejrwtoo t ou .t justify a contlnuancs of the stsughtsr. "A- i i thi betllggram nations kno-S. ' in, are fighting, why not Isll ' a-c! I" In this day and ago n in afford to wage war for rossonsi especial!) when in doing ' essarlls brings Injury to neutral nstcc. laiportaal ttuesti s , , ,, t, which the nsu- tral nations certainly have a right to , are you lighting aboul'.' in I 1 d what Is that, being done. hi. i pan have peace.' Publicity am i . d sift out unworthy a'"1 un rea ii hie motives. the arorld knows what each t' ii lent ii Ii ., ,i condition precedent ts p raie.i in h. tin resnoi nihility can be lo -I moral pressure can he Druugni favor of ;. peace thai will ii reusun aim ii.- prvmias "i tienoa, .iv lhal this war must nscss ' '.. ie any length of time even i . i- equlvalei ' 'o saving that II tliiti which c,m he settled he --word, and to say that is to coming of the day when war - I o more. dei, tin- possibility of an era nf d upon line and brotherhood illengs Christian civilisation a HSVHgsry. To delay the coming era IS Inexcusable ' lent Wilson's original offer of in was made Individually to the nations at war within a day or th,- beginning of hostilities, ... h nation acknowledged re i the offer no other rsoponi has been made. tin form I" whl'di it WaS made the l urn 'T. f..s . ihsr only iht, . ef s . two Al" fsi - in Off i at . ss. Ol,;.' Kilt, Sr. - a standing one to be accepted ' i . after Its pi thui mlgkl n thsss nations or any of them "p. 1 Thnt it still standi the ; lie Allies and the Central I'owers ' e-P aware, and Prieldant Wilson I aonaJattliUlf taken the poeltloa iaioy Iii 1 matting ail kinds or pi ami to make him renew iha otter thet to da so with out knowing that It woul.l be iicceptiibln might niiik.' It ImpoHlbta tor thin rutin- try to net when till right time Oomat An a matter of fact, the President I known thai a renewal of the offer at this I time would hr resented hy lireat Britain I ami ner alllea, hut would he pleasing to Oertniinv The President will not make another move. It Ik understood, until he l satisfied that It wotilil he acceptable mi coin Hide. GIRL OF 12 KILLED IN OARAOE. i Child CmM Whin F.levntoe! Stfirts 4 a to Move. Fifteen firemen of Truck 14 antra ealtod vesterdac afternoon to extricate the body of t Ve ve-year-ohl Jennie Siegel (f 30H Weal Kortv-scventh sl.e.1 mtut was enlsned between a celling and an automobile when an elevator In the ! garage at '117 Went Forty-seventh street moved upward Juat an (he machine wns rolling from the elevator The child, i nnneen by any one. wan anting In the ear, She waa dead when the firemen I reached ner. WIRELESS DEFENCE FOR U. S.' Inventor (Uinta Machine will Del elmy InmnlnK Fleet. tasa Iwomuaf, tk-. r.. Charles r. Harrle. consulting engineer, an Inventor I of many devices, suvs he hag an ap paratus that by the use of anararful electric currents, riding the focused aero naves or the w ireh sa. will repel the fleet Invasion and annihilate the armies of the future, making the fulled itates absolutely impregnable, lie says the machine pnssed a rigid test last week at Point F'rmm. near here. "Ttie maohlnss can be built for tr..oon I each. They ran la- used w het ever 10,000 r fnore volts are available, " he said. I -. n : mk preparcnicas merely a mat- I um .i eirantf. ens invention revolution ! lies the usages of war It admire the 1 throwing of a wall of electric tlatne ' TV , ' new ur.n I in r- n U IO) .if t i .. abl . .. , .!. I. S - . M which n"n.,.a: live l ! makes gvttpoarde merely i memory. ns Snglns of destruction." FORD ARK STOWAWAY MADE MESSENGER BOY He Oets Aboard Through Fake Message to Mrs. Inez Mil holland Kojssevain. Again the inspiration that comes to great young souls to grab opportunity hy the rorelook has result ed in an aaptring man landing a Job. When Jacob Qreenberg heard that Henry Foil was going abroad to save Europe Jacob decided to go too He had ted lieen Invited, hut he decided to go. for would it no: be a aronderful opportunity to mix with ?rr se vho hvr Jds t.- tinnd out A ",,d Mr, Kotd It was Instance' It OUle Jp.Tih us.-d to he a messenger hoy, but his ambitions were of the kind that might be described .is v ault ng So when the srh of peace eras shout to pull out froni hei dock on Saturday who should trot up tne gangplank n th a messag. for Mis. lies Mtlh I land Pol see vain hut Jius.i, .ioi.ii had written the meaaage hlmaelf, but arhsn thai sraa dlaoovered the ship eras out in the bay and Jacob, a'lth another stowaway, a Dane, w-ho I bought it a rood we) to get lamie. Wet ,- .' I ' .'HI Iv hi'' I' l The ship was "r from land when the two were draegfd ml b iti irate mate. and Hi-en the -pu t thai dares and wins Sained up in Jacob of the .rass buttons, He appealed to Mr Pord, unboaomed himself of his desire to help save Europe or run an uutnm i dle factory, it didn't matter much which so long as he didn't have to pe.l potatoes And t e appeal won, for Jacob, in "hi reminder of Sew York in his messenger uniform, eras commissioned official msssenger of the rk. Xn oi,- on board c uld remen r whether Noah had a messenger. Put thai m n r, , w!.v this irk shou'dn't It was with relief and resignation 1 thai Mrs. Qreenberg, surrounded in her flat hi other Oreenberga, heard of her son's safety, res, he would be a good hoy, he would not do anything to lower the family dignity; Mr. Pord would find him a great help, she was sure. Ai d the Dane? Oh, he hHil no In spiration, ii.- i- peeling patotoei 600 TEACHERS IN REVOLT. llbjeel to Order I Med ten I lssu,d fit F x it in I lint Inn tin i a. 6. Ths tton Atlanta, !a.. Hie. women teachsra in Ihs Atlanta public schools aie threatening t" sjalke or rut their posit mis raiher than undergo physical examinations In ths manner pre. scribed b an order nf the hoard of eduoatlon. Mi W N AVdklns the medical director, has informed the loach trs that tic sxainlnatlons w-ill bs of the eyes, ears. nose, throat, lungs and heart and that the teachers will be required to strip to the waist. Iir. Adkins Is young and his order has aroused the teachers. They do not object I" being examined, but want their family physicians to do the work Adkins says this will not be allowed. The teachers will hold a m. so ing to morrow and will protest la ths hoard. ' if relief is nol granted Ihey w ill not allow Adkins to examine them, TIGHT SHOE CAUSED DEATH. i:x-lanni I vu ii In I'I-u-nIh ur I tin nf llhaotl Pfilniiiilim. hkawu, l'a.. Dec. r Blood puiMmnc i fiopf.i from aofa producwl b) a tiiTht nhif, ritumi the iteath thin vi- ning m RobMi u Nieniiiofi 10 ytwri oml former mombsr ,,on(.r resnlent lm uiv anl f (leaver onunty. Two weeke ur,' Mr. Bterllni n'ui un aiirHNion ins u-ft fMt atar wmu- IupT a t iiftit mMh I -It t It- jittftii ion wuh World 'iO it t Hrst, ami bvfort Un laiii r wm rfiiai blootl i'iinn had iipeared. iu'iiiiK ihHiriuiiK ff the (KMinty win- caMfol into OMMlttAtlOtli bill tin Hprt'Hfi a tii" i m 1 1 OOUU iit Ih ihivkt'tl. HOSPITAL SHIP CHARGE FAILS merli n 11, llHIllsh mid ln mi auls theolve RHIIsk, sprrtrtt f-i,. ariaajfrs is 'run gtrs. ondoNi Dsc, s Tii. Horretary to the Admiralty announeed ioday 'hut in view of the allegations mads in Qar mini wireless press desp iti lies Unit Ilrlt- ish hospital ships me being pul lo im orousr use the hospital ship Uaurelanla i",,rJ exiimined by American, Panlah and gw'ss oonsulM w in, anaoivad tne urn. ish of had faith a declaration to tits effect lhal there are neither combatants nor warlike stores anoara waa sign d by the lonsula. FORD PLANS TO DEFY GERMAN WAR RULES I'nsspnrt or No. Ho In Di'tor nit nod to Cross I'urt of kniscr's lloiiinin. PILO KIMS FEAR ARREST Calm Rolpns Aftor Storm in the I'eaee Headmiarters at Kilt more Hotel. rrtr,i Tnr Six'" rorrrTnnrlfnr Alio vhp PBACa Ship Ohcaii II 1a a-ire!es t., glaaconast, Stnsa . Pec. 5. Despite the regulations governing inms- nortn. Henry Ford la determined t- o ravi Qarman territory on hia way from Cop snhagan t,, Th" Hagus, where the peace conferetK'e Is to be Staged, Mr, F'rd s p,a!iKrt atithorisen him to visit only neutral isiuntrlee, not to atop at or pass i 1 I itiroiiKh any ..f the ne.llirenent coun trlee, and Bonn- of the paasotlgera are apprehensive lest he and hie party uc arrested If they attempt to set foot on German soil Already the peace pilgrims are or-fran-Isiintt for the work of pacifying Europe. Committees of the isi,saetiKer ; gen eral and separate OotnTAlttaei of cltvgy men. students and news-puper men have lieen organlaed to confer with similar I OOSAmltteai In the neutral tuitions when; the ship arrives. A peace Ha, the gift of Mayor Blank enburg "f Philadelphia and presented by Mrs. Joseph l-'e.- of Philadelphia, widow of til. soap manufacturar, who ; a pas Banger, will It) at the masthead of the Oacai ii. Many srireleas mess;iges of i;,Klspee,i have been received, and hundreds of teleirrams received Just bsfoTS Balling I are yet un tpened. 1 Seme of the isace pilgrims nnd the 1 roilinu sm unneutral and have alread retired to their cablna. The uninitiated mistook the gulls following the ship (or lows. CALM AFTER THE STORM. llt-ttCf Pit-, ii ili-s, Kuril Prjir nlt hi Itiltmurfl. Trio ahn afttT th? ftomi reigned xeeterday in Huit' 717 at the Blltmore Hotel, the ii al wht-i was hatched th peafp dove thai saiU-il with Mt-riry rord tm Baturdaj as pilot of the in'nr 11. VVh t for a weak had been turmoil IndeecrJbahlt' nr ttt lillar.tiiaa' K't tttrf toatiluM- w.t not h i ttpr hut still lift lnckt-ii doora, sw'pt Hoora, a lonely tetegTatn on a email table. The very air set mad to whlener. like Mr. Pm kitufT, "AH is inai ; a lmty ralm -r adts 1 me." i Actum will burst forth again toay. i however, for anothei though smaller and leaa diatlttaTtilahd inert f peace diet plea aall Wedneaday aboard tin- Kntl ciik v 1 1 1. to help Che original paw sh.p't company atop the war by Chriet maa The aecond i"t ' th-.s who mlaaed tin- ah v off dai iil loo late that they WottM " Silence almoal oppreaalve after tin- up roiiriou' acenea at the Hoboken ploff gripped few "f the aalfconatltuted arbltera of the wai who remained Mr rord( heff hii Bdael, now in charge of his father t buelneea oin n Theodore .i Delavtgtie, who wrltee Mr Porda ntate mvnts for him whether Mi- r"ord Itnowa it or noti wrapped ihemaelvea In a perfect cloak of llenoe. Perhape they hud rheiTi'd thffaslve vtiict'lfttn, hki moat othi ra at the pier Not sm Jamee L 'hwI-h, a benevolent, wh'ti hatred peace prophet, who came bre to aee Mr ford "tr ami Incidentally to tell hi in about hlfl si-heuin for the t'lined Rtatea "f the World. Mr Font took the plan voffj aerloualy. aald Mr Cowlee, wi; t b) the way. reminded th reporter that, hs he at th- end f,f hit .-)'! 1 ;:. "Who Who," tit la known an the "Kathir f the Pareala rout."' At ih it. itu, oil too waa young Bruce Davis a Yai fffeahmati who came to New York on the chance of being ln v 1 1 e i made known hie deelre on Friday ;n the hotel corridor t.i William J Bryan Hud throtiKh him got tb- precloua mvi tatlon. Then M i i Mtvla gave tip his place ir: line t. Mr A M "lark of I'nio Alt". l and mlaaed the ship. He will -a : on the Prede h VIII . him! . j l'", ' T ni atory K ! ClW f Nil HO) IS t 1 1 1 1 1 Ul' the FOffd p atf argoey. Kvt-o more dlaappolnteil than he, f a trunk can be dlaappolnted, the trunk or" I r. Chariot He aee languiehed on ii.f Hoboken pier yeaterday. The trunk wai girded f". the pilgrimage but 1r Peaae, where waa be" Ami AJinottc Haaelton, whin- waa she'.' "in. Charlea i ; Peaae, 110 Went Fifty -II rat ntrcet," read gwedlah bag gageman "Oht he' the fellow tome body Invited fuT a Joke " I r. Peuae --aid laal tilghl that would K t his trunk : '-day The peaae trunk wa nol the only one left at the pier, howovti There aan one belotiglng t" it. t v: Hudaon and anothei belonging a i r Kd wards, both -i parte unknown to t lu ll ne, who mimed the argoey. in the ama room were a fun doten new type jrrtter deeki ordered fr tb uh of t ti flft -odd peace correapondenta, which arrived too late, DANES WON'T INTERFERE Peaae 'sit ru lie aaaldered 1 noiiieiHi in Mwedea, 1 setrtsl pgafs Pssgslel t Tm. s. , CofiNAoaNi ii i London. Deo, r. The 1 fQlittkrn suys Henrj tord and his part) 'will not he Interfered with In Denmark ! if they nhstaln front am arMnn oon I 111. 'iing wuh Denmark's Intereeia Daapatohes from Pnrratlanla ijuote the Morwegtun Pnrelgn Mlnleter us esyl-ng: j "ir the oumu 1.1 Ohrlatlanki it win be useless Mi. Sehinedeiiiiin, tin Amor! pan Minister, will Introduce them Their vigil will he considered unofficial and they will I"- nil' wed Ul hold meetings. " Thi' .'ovelgn Minist l of Sweden sajs tint orncially in' knows nothing of the ; visll of tin- parly nnd consequently has nol . .insider, -d what attitude he w ill adopt SEES FORD A SOCIALIST. no ne l v it 1 1 e ppegeboa Kool IhIi ne nf III tniin-r. Tb- Rev. Bouck white. 1. bed on "Tlie rd " yestt iday avenui near i 11 Houiallat Koollnhneaa a.t Bryanl oriy-second m nintor, pn of Hi til I' 1 1 ill, HlXtli Hll . el Mi- -all I Mr. Km d Inlet vals I hfOUghOUl prophegtOd that t Ii ld4 hah 0d ''im to falsi a too a fffOqUOnl his si' r j 11011 and ery quality wbloh a QoVa'f tea tlier agalnal i bayonet will Mime day bring! llir. Fo-lnto the Hoclullt movemonU I WIDER P. S. C. POWER AFTER M'GALL GOES1 Whitman liptorininod to Have Mlf Armorpd Vossol ut Sluing Strit'tcr ltOpTiiliitioti nnd hnl nnd Train (inns on Ordors Knforced. Arsenal Also. FA VOHS CRIMINAL TRIALS1 Ha.vward BlpcetH t R Dm iirnated ns Chairman of the Commission. Al.nAN'T. Tee. S The remivnl from office of Chairman Bdward k. McCbJJ of the Fun; lilstrlct Pablle Service Coram laalon is expected loHnorrow night or by Tuesday at the latest (lov. Whitman spent the day Kolna over the record, and the OoVemOT'S friends Bald there seemed to be little nSMIeniT to ttie ahafaea. extent the one ...... .mi the that Chairman etcCall waa still tne I owner of .it snares of stock of the i Kmjra (Viunty lOlwtric UgM and I'.iwer j Company It if exiwcteil that William llayward win he dsalgnatsd by uov. Whitman to succeed Judge MeCall ns chairman of the commission and that by Febniary 1. when Commissioner Cram's term ex pires. Mr Hayward will have three If not four new Commissioner as his col leagues. The removal of Commissioner Wood Is taken for granted here and so was the removal of Commissioner Williams Until it was suggested that Commis sioner llai ward has taken a liking to him. If the Thompson committee has 'us way however, h will he removed, nothing has besn him of a serious deaplte the fact that brought out agalhat nature The changing "f the commiseton docs th membership of imaummate tin as the K.rt concerned, in s not Governor plana as f CHatrlci Oommleaion I fait thii dental t i- only preliminary or inci a programme ns nas msssn t.ut fr ntrlcter regulation of utility af- fall's iii th arater city. Tin- rivermr Is re-M.rto-it t. hav teeurhed the determination that hereafter th oedare .f the public gervtce tNnn- ntrl sin nuit Ik enfi -reed lmmlealoiiera will be "tit iiin now t-Ued. above all elae, t- enforce their ordet and t" pK-ute crirmnally corporatlona which iai in the lolatlon ol reauiations end onwra or the ..mnnytni.ii. The Thotnpaoi mitn. tee m primal ' purpoo ! t- oran legtaiaiion wmrn will . over the prv nt defe. t In the Pub ; U.- Ser trt Commlaalon law by plavma in the handu of the Mammtegftotl pjowava atumt wh h there ean in- no iUiniion. aAntV that more eigrid regUlO 11 1 tlon of public utlltt) corpora the snforsmenl of orders of poratlon and t ' 1 1 i om jdjs.1. r, wi 1 he 1'ie tW-. On el I'.'ll!" Ol the Inveetlgntlon by the Thompson com ndttees To acagompllth thla th commit (c will sho't. take etepa to :e.-utn-mend to the next Uegleialure the ohangea in the la a- amplify ma the poweffl of the commlaalon and mort harpl) tie Anlng its dutioi ti. reapeci t.- rogula- 1 1 rrat Th.- plans of d'v. Whitman are alOU Mi.d to Involve a big reduction in the anaim rina? staff The praoUoa-l cample tton of the engineering end 'i the sub way eon. met i.n project in reeponlblu for this proapectlve eMmlnatton of part of th engineering corpe This will in I'olfaWed b) the mcceaaion of many : the preoent employaaa f the oommla m b men picked by the Oovemor nefa hvmmleaionei a CELL IS REWARD FOR HONESTY. MolOVlal Held fter tceldritl for Tolling I r u t h Uo u i ie eil . I If Mr. I Mom-lien wire 'alive m-day lie I WOUld quit V"rk the in.: ite he heard of ' Harry K.iuim inn. 4 Hrathi r manufat -turer 01 Pennington vtreet. Newark, WtlO klia'-keifa mill (tOWn With hi ailtO- mobile yinterday and then talked hlmotlfl t into a fell. Mr Kuufmann w in driving in Hudeon 4tree, when at Cutrkaon sin-et he atrucl Thomaa Conroy, a la bo re r( of itt Waal Houston Btffeet, 11 picked the man up and tMek bun to the Hudaon street, hoa '. pii ti ami then ailed up the polloe ami told them about 11 The had beard of i the aceident. but had nol bean 'able to I earn anything about it tip to that time, When Policeman Bennett of the Charlea I atret t vtatlon gol lo llw hoepltal and ; Cpund that onroy was sliahtly hurt he naked Kaufmann liow fit tie u.ts going. M High teetl mllee an hour." was the Una War, and as that tn three mile mire I than the bunt. Mr Kaufiuanii waa taken 1 back 10 the atatlon 'and locked up un a charge of felonlou aeeaull BRITISH RECRUITS STILL LAG. Lord Deawi lelmlta hu rinn la N"t Halt I Pel gaaoaafwli Sprriilt f'a6l 'ixirA f., Tlir Si " LompoKi Doc, B .1 H ThotrutH, 1 Labor Membt-t of apeeoh at mooting evening "aid with r "l am exiiressum Parliament, in a of rallwa) nu n this aard to rerruHIng; Igord Derby'a onln ton when I tell ou that the BCheme has nol been ho aucceaaful ;w he u ni iripat, d and had a rlghl lo epist." Mr Thomaa urged vtgoroua recruiting effort tin- ooming wek in order t' avoid (be niM-easity trf OOm?fiptlon, Next kiturda) will be the htat day : the period Mxed for tbe trial of tin n - orultlng aoheme Initiated by Lord Derby. D ANNUNZI0 WANTS DUEL. I Imllenites l ivo ItMllnii Denolles t.,r t, tuck in Partlameali Itosta, !"'. a. Qabiiele d'Annunalo has ohallSllged tWO llallan deputies. Slg norl Maxr.oni and Uraziadei to duels The chuiiengs resulted from ru rks made by 'he two deputies In tin. I'ham- her ysatarday which the ism-i oonatrusd as un attaok upon hts honor. Oabrlsle d'Annunilo is a lieutenant In the Italian army. Me took un active pur' In urging his Qovommonl lo enter th" war on the side of the Allies and inter in supporting the Qovsrnmsnra rouras after II had lieen adopted lie Is to he up olllclal Italian chronicler of the war Uieut. d'Annunalo Raw UVer Trieste hist August us passenger In a military aeroplane, dropping messages on the city, In which the P 't promised 'In Italians of Trieste itiat Ihey soon would he fn iii from Austrian rule U here In Keui Ho Willi it. Ht...kit-t tail d Infermatlnn ren Hiiinp- r .. ani'Tll i.ili...i 11.. ,....11 L gOl'THRUN UAH. WAY. N. V. (Mee-lii rtfth Ave. a 49. CHINESE WARSHIPS SHELLED BY REBELS FOREIGN CONCESSIONS HIT ! Revolutionary Outbreak Re- lieved to Re Tart of Plan to Restore Moiiarehy. Iprriel Fabh ttttfttrh r.. Tun St is. it. I'ec .I. in a revolutionary outbreak hare early this morning rehe'.s Oelaod the warship I'hao-ho and Opened (Ire on other warships nnd the arsenal, Reveral sh ds fell in the t reign COOOSO" atone, Ahout : o'rlock this morning twenty men set forth from the foreign settle- ment In a launch and went alongside the Ohao-ho, whi.-h is lying opposite ti Klangnan arsenal. on the arrival of the launch th. .-re-of the rhaoho mutinied, apparently by prearrangement. Aboul o'clock the mutineers opened Mre on the arsenal, the cruiser Haldll and the gunboat Tung rhi'ig. The lliii-ehl and Tiing-.-hlng replied. end there whs lively cannonading "f llghi and heavy gun- for an hour.' At least half a doien three pound shots fell In the foreign concessions, The city and eountryside were thrown Into panic, Aftsr the Arlng .eased the Chaoho remained at anchor, keeping watch on the other warship- The arsen.,1 au thorities notified the set. im Consul of tile foreign settlement thai the i'hao-ho would lie slp lled and slink at d.i.vUre.ik Attempts to investigate the outbreak met with only partial sucvimh 1 . ii is Driven Back, newapaper launch endeavor..! to reach the arsenal, hut It was chal lenged by the Tung-chlng and ordered to turn about Notwlthatandlng Imme diate npllance with this order the gunboat opened Ore, damaging the laum h slightly. Thre' subsequsnl attempt, to reach , the arsenal by an automobile were tin- , availing On each occasion the outer pickets were parsed after a strict ex- , animation, hut the inner gusrds turned hack the automnhlle at the point of their rifles. Th, arsenal referred to In the fore going despctcti :s believed to be the big? Klangyan arsenal, near the foreign con cession Shanghai has keen the sostts of fre- qurtj. ,111 I Litter (evolutionary outbreaks Ir recenl years It Is the metropolis nf ti,,. province of Klang-gu nd a veit shipping centre being situated aboul twelve miles from the coast During th rebelttO'i Jul. Oil, shells fell into the Kren 11 iuarter The foreign con cession W.IS a so endanger. ,1 m N'ovem ber, 1011, when the rebels occuplsd the city and arsenal Tins l it. st reported may he connected wit against tits restoration monari nv recently di i ahel nu'ltre.iK the movement id the t'hlneM ded upon by Preel lent Yuan Shlh-k 'al surprise lo this Illy. The '.-port of a new rebellion at Shanghai occasioned no surprise yes lerdsy am. ng thoe in New Tork who a-e iioate.l on Chinees afters ir a re bellion has '.ciu.'.'i.y occurred, it waa aald, it is no doubt headed by Oen 'hen Chi mel. the i. uteris opponent of President i Yuan ghih-k'al iien. Chen recentls dls- pi d L- Sin, t il-sen at Hi. head of those iter) radicals who oppose Yuan apd the plan for the reeetahliehmrn: of a monarchy. Now li Is charged that Oen Chen is working mon or less in the interests of Japan, and this Is the thing that may defeat him The Chinese hatred of Japan 1- now BO great that if i' be come generally believed that Chen is helping Japanese ends he win certain!) be ruined and fUatl'B triumph will h. complete, Japaa Will He Hleaeed, A rebellion of any sort In China will please .tapan becaUSS Japan has been seeking II "III e powers 111 I'llllia lllld Will doubtless seize upon ,11. y sign of dls. order as a pretext for Stepping in and virtual!) governing china such a move i would mean serious International com- ' plications. ruder pres. -ni condltlono rfngland ami (Trance might feel obliged to support Japanese acts it China If not 100 overbearing. Ruasla's altitude j, less cei talt, How far her alliance with Prancs and Rngland in the preeenl war would predispose her lo agree to Japanese demands on china is not , known Wen- she nol at war ai.d allied With France and BngUMld It Is thought certain thai sin- would actlvel) oppoee an) further extension of Japanese power , or Interests in ' 'h I ti,. Pri f Jeremiah V Jei.ks. who is iri tou. h .vii.i Yum dhlh-k'ai'a (lovernmsnt, said lasl night that Hie repori of the Shanghai rehellloli was news to htm. li.- would make no comment. CHINA PL ASS REFORMS. ton ghlbk'al Idvaaales Ratew sloii of I .1 lien I Ion . I'kkin'. i'ec .'. President Yuan Shih k'Ul gave out lo-day the following state ment of hi- policy : "My policy In the future will be lii' sime as I" ths past ; that Is. progres sive reform. Prom the very beginning oi my official caresr I havs had three ob jects p. vli w the sdoptl -n nf .in efficient educational system in order to dlaaeml nate eduoUtlon throughoul the land, de velopmenl of the country's natural re sources and tie promotion "f industrial . nterprlsss and efficient reorganisation of the country's military forces "1 know only ton well that only hy the adoption ot an efficient educational sys tem wherebj uidversal education shall be Introduced into every npok and corner call we hasten the progress of the coun try I have also realized that if China Is Id recover from her present state of weakness it is necessary to develop the country's natural resources by the latest Scientific methods Heine we have spared no pains to snoournga different hi. inches of industrial enterprises with the view of developing our comm. rce. Hut iii order to enforce then, policies we musr llrsi of all maintain peace and order In the countrv and in order to maintain pence and order there must be. a reliable and well dlsolpllnsd army -at our service." lias's Hrllish Losses l.tiu. Mprefcil 1 11S0 , i' A ., Tm Hi n UlNpON, I lei" rh Hposj, I'ec .". 'I'ic- oihciai Hrilleh laaualty n laauod today Includea the larnae ot 4:. oftlcera( 01' afhiani II eert killed, and of I . r, 9 7 men. nf whom fill jwer. Killed. Bulgars Make Onslaught on Allied Line in Serbia French Check Two Attempts to Cross the Cerna Attacks Near Kosturino Defeated Southwest of Prizrend. TEUTON FORCES PRESS sseetleJ raOat Desgafrl aj Tut st LONMK, In.. The Serbian cam palggj proper having been brought to a conclusion, interest in the Balkan operations now centres upon the fate of the PrancO-Brltlsh forces In the south, eastern corner of Serbia and the strip of Bulgarian soil held by the Allies So rigid Is the censorship in galonlCS that the exact status of these opera tions Is veiled in myitsry. An official statement wsue,i by the Preneh War OfBos to-day, however, indicates that tip- allied troops are continuing to hold their own against the onrush of the Bulgarians -weeping to the southeast since the fall of Mot, astir. It Is als.. strident from the Mate tn.tit thai the operations In the south. ern theatre In tin it ikana have been reduced InetU to local lighting. The A llli are believed to be strongly In trenrhed along 'heir entire line. Two attsmpta 1 Hie llulgarlans lo cross th. Corns River were frustrated hy the Prench artlller lite and their Infantry, Determined attacks on the Anglo-French positions in the direction of Kosturino is., were repulsed. The fall of Monastir is officially admitted ii the French statement which fotlowi i The local actions of December :t, reported in the preceding communl iue. wire of considerable violence, notably in in,, direction nf Kosturino. where the Huigatu cannonaded and att o kisl ,.- t ,,iir p rations and we-- repul id. On the Cerna tw. acroots the river eei lire of our artlllers tttempts to get stopped by the ind our infim- try 'n.e Bsrblans having evacuated Monaatlr, nuxe.i Auatrian and Bulge rlan patrobj hale entered the did Further progress in tne Austro-rjer-man Invasion of Montenegro is reported by the Herman War Ofhcs t .-.lav ,t two pla es, the Herman statement - ows, in. remnants of the gerblan army, aided by Montenegrins, are still lighting on their own mii. This is northeastward of Ipck. whi.-h ihs on the aVrbo-Montene-. grin border, and in the Jama moun tains III southwestern Serbia. The Qer man War ''til., atatelBenl issued this afternoon say, ; Near PlevUJa, Montenegro, and .n tin- mountains northeastward of Ipck ion tne gerho&lontonegrln border we captured several hundred prisoners, aouthwestwsrd or I'rlarend the Bui gnrians defeated the retreating enemy and captured 100 guns and - large quantity of war material, Including tranepoB vehicles, in tne jama mountains, half way between KrooVS and Ochrlda and east ..I I'.laa Herbian tear guards were thrown back, Tin Hermans ami Bulgarians were cordially greeted by tne authorities ami the population ot Monaatlr. Tne official st;.. ment issued m Vienna to-night sns; There l as been heavy lighting m ar Cslegric, on 'in' Montenegrin '.order, the Montenegrins 'eing repulsed by troops operating from Ko -i. South or ri,- :je we repulsed countel atta -'s- .t i'levije w, captured .. million Infantrt cartridges and i hundred ar EXPLOSIONS WRECK GERMAN ARMS PLANT Bcverol Hiinilrril Killt'il in )pktriiction nf liiu Pat i. nit's at il. ill''. Sg, eiJ . i, BggfrJ) lo Tut Si N CopamtauaN, in. London. iJec A big German aintnunltlon factory In Halle I'l evince ol" gagony, was blown ni'. ktiimg several hundred persons, ac cording o teis.rts received here t-.-.ia- ilnli' meagre rep-.rls ha, lieen r--reived thus far as lo the egtenl of the disaster, imt u is Indicated that the dlaaetei is the woral of its kind that has lakeii place in anl of tha countries al war since tile present conflict begin. similar factory In lb.- town of Bojden, Koala, accord! ns lo I'sporis, was .iis igivered to be undermined preiatrator) to blowing ii ui I'l . oui. nte.i atrks both eases aid i mad. ar suspected In mil in in hale Is'C Halle if all Important Industrial city on the right bank "f the Saal. and Is about Iwent) miles northwest nf Leip sic. it is a historic .ni. among lis buildings lelng Hi. town hall dating from ti lift. -emu century, ihs Rote Tin m, an ancient clock tower and the chin, h of Our i.adi Within the city lines is als.. an tt) stronghold called the ttorltaburg, srwtcd al ths dose of the Mlddl- Agl S The I'nlverntl) of Halle, founded in 1004, numbers about 11,000 students in lime of peace. S ilt works form Ralls's chief Industry, and among tiie tnanu- fgclurss arc cupper wares, chemicals and dySStUffS Tiie ell) has gnat iron foundries and near by are im;.o riant mines of lignite. The population Is about 1 00,000, EXPECTS 7 YEARS' WAR. or nerl n" ggf tlllen I'tiee I. una I I u Ii 1 fur I' lie I r Term). Sprt ttil Cthlr o,fli A t Tint S' N 11 HTKiti. m . via iondou, l '' 'Pn Qertnan prewn, under tin- caption MKng Hah Poace Programmea," in print Ini e irncta from Kngllah newapapei article which are deacrlbt'd by the Herman paper are ihoa'lng the axial itcu of a vlgoroua pea re mo i-meni in Kn gland riie Merlin i oricio ft, the aUa'tallai or gan, referring to whal b deaiTlbea as i he "ei reme eonaerva 1 Ive progratnmo" outlined In Iha JVafaoul Ifrvlea. for No vember, nay : "If Hie Allies want In right tor thogg peace term they muet aoglgn thani' eelvea to at lnat a aeven yeera war' J Repulsed Serbs Are ON IN MONTENEGRO tiiiery calaaona We captured prlaonora aouth rf NovlBaga t NEW PROPOSALS MADE. RatOttfg MliiUterm Mn.r Interview With t.Pe-k I'remler. iiaeratf reaf hupnrrf fe Th Hi LfONDOJt, i ' Monday). The negotiation between tireete and the Entente i owera are etui uneetlled Hrlef teleitramn from the pOrrOipOndenl hed Ittle light on the situation. Dr. I". .T. Ulllon. the tmit 7r,ernp apaelal ?ot reepondent, now in Roine, teli arai'hio ; under date ol Kttday. hk be hae Information from Buchait-ai and Athena conrtrimng hla prevloual mbiefi v tdjiat the Aillaa nAttot ih! -xpeM tin rooperatlon of e'ther iire ,e ot ttumanln Dr. Dillon add-: "Thi- Keynote of the in lei natlona t Ituatlon as far ,ih Qrooct ii ooncernod tht tiierk conviction, arhleh im II rm m eourt and military clrclei and arow I ok tbrotiRhout the Uellenb- kinadn, thai t tie Allies' pi oapeoui of ultimate UCceei nave VanlOhod irrevocably. The keynote of (jieek domeotlc affair in tiie bltterneaa between the royal court and Vemxeitih and the lattori roilowera, u bitterneig whieh ) reti let ina fruitful cooperation Impoaalble New propoaal are aald t have iM'en BuidO to dree,'.' hy l-Yanei and Or at Britain In the nope ol PaM'hng an agreeeiMnts The inlet or of the Quadruple Bn tente in Athens Iwut a eonvo Mti-n with M Hkouloudla, tbe Qreek Irendir, at i o , b. k gaturda) afternoon, acoordlng to nw deepatchce f rorn the tii i-k rapltal. long cotiaultatton of the t a buiet enatlOdi after whu a M. Skou- loudla catlod on the Kma "circles which are informed, says a message lo Parla, "suts thai the envoyn ..I tiie Bntents Powsrs havs received nwuranvee mat in. reeg rep, to mi r.uten'e repreavniiuions win louna satisfactory." Like that of Greece, the amtude of Kiiii. ii.i.i letniiti- un.le. : i.d. Tne -eli- ernl belief hare is that the Rumanian Qovernmenl is waiting for the conoon i ration of a sufficient Russian force In j Bessarabia and a large enough Anglo. Preneh army In southern Serbia t. mike victor) uertaln before Joining the Allies. censor" PRO-GERMAS. Hateate rorresfodeil Vlake Pro leal tunlnst ii.liitiiieni. n- atl ' .i'l'' 0ragsws f.i Th, st s lylNPOK, fin- ' The Otaetfor states lhal Premier gkouloudls h:u Infonnad i.e foreign corresiaindsnts at Athens that ttie press bureau has lMeti sup presssd and ma' ;n futute they are to seek Information at the Ministry of Communications in addition, telegrams setit by the correspondents are to he Censor. si b .lean ParTen who. the Ob- server says, has been discovered to !- a tsii of Baron Bcbsncn, ' Oerman t'on- -..I ;.. ,t. ...1 . . . i mIm 1 Of the Central I'owers have arouse I comment, and a Bp) serving the Turkish legation Ths Entente correapondenta have protested to their legations The Obsercer snys tha owing to this change in the arrangements for sending out news it is hound to regard With sus- . ion the statement that the Allies and I Greece h ive reaohed a satisfactory . agret in nr. GERMAN SOCIALISTS SPLIT OVER PEACE Fort) Rolchfttair Momlii'm De mand Dropping ut' Terri torial Claim. I egreiaJ ' 9U tfptti ' f- TtU Si v. ' i n:s i Kfitu, via IdOndon, Pee. n . Tin So latiai lie we paper ffowtkargai ', ! aaya inda h Htiona minority oi th,- 'laltal repreaetUatlon In the Kelt haloid detn mda Immediate poaoa negotiatloiui on tha in ol furmal abaudonineni by Uermany of all claim to the ronquered terrttortea. Aivorttinii " Qertnan report received here 'he on, burgi r Wcho Accurately ilireaenta tha (ht.iion of the tloclallat lteielmtai minority, numuei niir .1 bout forty I epiiiien, who threaten to break from be ot1cin) goclatlat parly and form ;i ii m . cnltatlon. The mujorlty, no- .-oriinn t liiehe reports. dn-iporoVO of Abe minor i' "t- tu.b The thi Ely afgll'i Rottenlam tapondont itt- raporte coullriu;itt rumota ihn the Oerman on the w front are rtrcngthenlni then lnea "The tivrmana win 1 ik- more aitt liivo meueuftt in Klander thai pea 1- 11 ud n at very time anl in the anient It i hit a - aaya rr si;i-: i!;aci: talk TRICK. KnalUli I'll t 11 1 lo Haaae 1 I TO. 'rus)aln 11 I lie t lea. In si,,.,,, rf , London 1 Pec, nun to tlermany' Si Thi' Hine, reler- iloud of Inalncere , peafe talk." II U me thai tin olijei1! I to -ow iliatrual among the Allle ami I aii 1 .01 the aympath) or "eofl hearted neutral" as well a- to leaaen the dla content of thi Herman people under tin growing eeout.mie strain of war , The rimci ?a h it 1 eonvlncod lhat Merman) will nol eucceed in theae aims, I udilhiH lhal "the A lib have quite made up their mind on the only uondltioni on which peace can dlHcuaaed " The uVofiiinp Poal ay.-. I "Tbe rlghl aitawi 1 to 1 ho 1 larman pea e COliaplltM V i f"' t h Allien to ile tar mine tin tatad in tin meld OOlUe." Tin- fhilla lemu 1 utmi 01 1 lean when ihi 10 tie right Mutt iKgardi f the iu a 1 atf pi aie ,1 nawer t o the laauance agreement d text a g 1 imi e an prompt t ne 1 terma pnpef warn hug 1" o'e talk t.f the i lenne 11 ni mad lu do ni,! uo in re a le. lib I tO I eun illlM r Wan timed in IVfti e Par tltlH ot wagli a gal lUd,- -Hid dU lde the KreiC and aie I be Prua uh time to brim leenfoioemaiit j what over tha) mm aiited.M . LABOR COUNCIL IS ACCUSED AS GERMAN AGENT i r. s. Orders Grand Jury In I qnlry Into Organiiation of Peace Leaders. 'WALL STREET WOLF" NAMED CONSPIRATOR Kx-foiijrrt'ssinan Fowler of Illinois Likely to Figure in Investigation. i I ' RFRTTX 0'F W Vs - IM,M1, -f 1 ' fl BACK OF ACTIVITIES ('luujros in Boy-Fd ami Voa Papen Cases to Be sup pressed by Germany. I Federal authorities following the in Iqulry into activities of Oerman ugenta and pro-Oerman sympathizers in this country are to place before a Orand lury certain evidence against Mia Labor's National Peace Council, it m charged thai nil "!' wao financed by Qarman mono) oml that its bth. called pea.-'- efforts and Its attemptg t.. have the United States put an .in- I. ,, .. ..i. rgo the shipment ..f munltlona were meant really to embarrass th Qovernmenl and at th titn" j hamper the Aides. Kx- 'ongi cs-niaii Robert fowler Illinois. Representative Buchanan, also of Illinois; I 'avid Lamar, ' the Wolf ol Wall Htre. ". Herman Bchultels and 1' nr li Martin are named In the pea. e council utlegatlons Members of the peace council .11 New Yolk denied yesterday that the council had worked with a 1150,000 fund supplied hy lb-nun, i llx-con-grosaman Powler, who is in the ry whs especially emphatic in his den gi nts ..f the Qovernmenl who have worked ,.n the Boy-kM and oi. Papen cases predict that Oerman) not pr. ss the raUea1 for the facts ot pr. as i lie rein. t for the the affair They say that after l ho departure of the two Oerman Knibass) attaches tui aotlon Will be taken b th Rarlln Qovernmenl tv hav. th. actual charges against them mad' 1 PtlWI LABOR MFX NAMED AS GERMAN AGENTS Peaee l'wun4ll 1 i t Have Been Urn t.i i ii Herd ii Hone . WAHtKirfnN, Dee f. ge neat Ion al rb"irer- a to i ii" rela I Ion bet a een agents 'f 'he Qsrman Government and Labor's National Peaci Council, an oi - ! gunlaatfon whh h conducted an exten ive propaganda for a tniitt t i:,s etnbai go ..l other measures arhlch if carried ut would have embarrassed th. enemies of 1 !.-: i. at ire ejected !.;:. I,,- flepurtmsnl of Just I Invaatlgatlon O Is making. It is underal -1 that t .. the Cl. le- it, i . p ii tment Federal Grand c, Intended lo s organisation j soon will lay befol Jury in New Tork siipl'iirl a ol large I, tt t . was final! d by .,. . ... ng. nts ai d 1 1 bat its pr pagalida Was par: .111.1 parcel ol theae prouerman movotnent arnteg have had so i any ranilftcattona hi t.i' laal av ral m ntha It Itf natl that among Ihoee ti"e name are llkel) to Hgure in the hueet gat Ion ar ex-Conarreaatnan il htolwrt ..f IlllnoU, Kc-pt eM ntatlvu Bu phanan t lltli ui, 1 1 1 i Uinta . "tv Wolf ol War. Htreet" Hfnnan M hulteh aial Hon1 it Martin s liultela and Uartlll were aaaociuted wmu I.i r.,ir 1'. the inanagemoui of the antltrua league which w".ti ait!ve aev era I year ago L11 hrlnglng ahoui 'be Congre Inveatlga I ton Into lh t!nlUd Ktute gtoel 1 'ora poratlnn. anbMtnna tut a an repoi ted I III' -Is.. 1 , tMaua tonlghi tb it uhj lieen Isntted f o C . K. aframar HrotherhoiHj of ot' ChicagOs and f-r ilrt'udy bavi t a prlntei of th Internatloi Mi 1 u 1 dux both two other 'tb The ti"t ri tie of tb- ot'gunlaatlun. ent'fi 1 1) veal I R itlOtl of the orgaulaailoii haa lan 11 iinth r way alueg in,' autmtu p month, hen ;i aitemptrd aorloual) t,( emba rruaa Ihi AoVnlulatraa . tlon b creating public auutlmeiii ugnlnat It polti 1 of defending tin right of Ami n utii mAnufacturora uiiraatrlcted x poitatlon oi muntttoii to ti e bclllgeront j iounti leu It wag uialerxto. .1 tontghl 1 it the AtioriuyOenerg1 i well mitlafletl with I the evidence avliloti he haa Inatructed ITultgtl jitair-t Dial rlci Atturney M.h ' ahal) hi Mea Vorh t- u before the Orand iurj Thi evidence, ;.t wa aald, Intttcatea 'he preclaa un whioli way ad vaa ed ts tbe oMlclaN Of tin- 1'e.t . Council t" flnanc their propaganda T'.-iIiv'h dlacloaureoi of the teNui! of t u- i hvefnment'a Inveatlgai ion brougli pavld lam 1.- into tin- affair of tha ' peace Council for the Aral lima Lumni' tiiti not appi'.ir in iVaahlngton a hell rowlei and IVchuitala opened their haarlnga gl 'be Will aril Hotel and it never ighllaho! definitely thai be w.m ronnei'ted with the organisation. it wag prwdlole4l to night r .. O)overnmetrt will attempt to prove that 1. it n m waa tha actual a latg'een far rviine rjiamuera ,(f the LHMincll ami th Herman flnu-tKlal agent UaUir'a i' ioe Pouiu'H wua opganlgad iat Juno and its roiwfeaantal ive made Du ll tb si uppaarani n at tin tlomtl eapita) "Min thorogfter, Roaolutlona nihotlylng prondgiUa for Ititernatloug) Ikeaca w.t"1 used as Inatrumentalltlea for a propaganda which aeemed to bo in banal f of Oerman Intareata The aotlvltiea Uie oigaiiiMtaon gg j tandad over aboul thnt- monih la Jjul a - onveotwn Wgg hged bt tflijig-