Newspaper Page Text
10 THE SUN, MONDAY, DECEMBER (J, 1915. 50,000 RAILROAD CARS TO BE BUILT initiations for New Work Going On Tompunics Now Less I'rgont. HOT ENOUGH CRUDE STEEL Tiic most Interest Ing datralopiiiaiii In lira ateel tt.ii laal 681 r.inu on Baturdav, u-lien Ilia Panil) lvittiln Kitllrniiil qglatly dtatflbutad oontraat for 1,600 an among th Pullman, llaakel t li.ukcr mid tha American Car mi'l Fiuinilrv I'-imput v .nop it i iindepstooe that Km our tiuilders have already eis-uirrl Option on bout .iO,f"jci tons of tool raqulrad In tin building, of thM cars, man ly from Clil- ifo miiiK. iin moat of tin can win built in thai taction. It u alno PtgntA carvt that OOntnacti for fully 10,000 eani are (tut undr latgotlailoiii although tha rrirrf-: . iias gona abroad that trm tnuuifKirttitlon - aiiitnuH are Umi mi- gemt for motlv nucr and rolling stock, which baUal a (ortlAad by ilia witn dr ii of tin- PtmnayWanla Railroad of Inquiries f-ir about 11. M0 ear, mil tho nmuii'T ear order ttiat haaa boon pUond Mtii the narahant bnlldora iiur- Jng the last two weeks. Tha Btail ttlllla would aralOdlWa tuiy nls-na of 1 Ii aw racing, but with anadncaUona again! ntiicta win ovararhclmlnf amitll rollof I in aigM. sonm of tho Indapandant tal oompar. loo hne rOpOTtOd the rt -lelaM of ' mailer Ordorl during tlw last mjo weeks, but thli Mjama to ie duo to tho ft that oapawtty la aoM through tha ftrjt live to fix tnOntha 'f ncx: year, not to lack of lU-manrl. That the supply of cniile Meel la nruch more Inadequate to meet the tie rum ri is Indicated by tti higher prtaaa '--amg rld f "r ovml-ftnlohod steel aval' aefg for dallvory Iti.ldu of six month Tlaere lu a'ao a ry wide r.ina" In 0Hco. hlch follows al a natural cor --square-- of Big f-eoullur conditions that arts In audi t'.mea aa tho praiailt Worglnga billet ounttiitte to ranire from 6 to l0. and rolling- bllleia from 830 to $41 a ton In the centr-il Woat Some of tho Raatern mills pre oMulnlna higher prices on special analyses. Among tho sign of continued activity Inst week wore advance of tl to It ton In the prices of steel bars, plates and shape, boiler tulxs: J" a ton on wire r.i. -ducts and $1 to 52 a fan In the pried of pin Iron. The fabricating ghopa reported con tracts for build-. k and bridges and manufacturing plants calling for uhout 30.000 tons of steel shHH-a and bids ware submitted on about 50 000 tons additional. The two Inr-gent contracts tlooed were B.000 tons for br'dae work on the Chicago and Northwestern and 8,000 tons for an extension to the Lakers Iron and Pteel Company plant. Tho contract for a Power house to be -Wistruoted on Ward's Island calling for 100 tons of steel has been awarded 0 M'lllken Bros . Inc and the contract far 400 tons of steel for the AJax-Orleb Rubber Company plant at Trenton. N 3., haa gone to another Independent fab ricator. One feature of the structural ttuatlon Is the pressing demand for quick deliveries on small lots of fab ricated shapes, either from mill or ware house. Tha Oeorgta Southern and Florida Railroad haa placed orders for S73 ateel tinderframe boxcars and 130 ,-ondnlB flgn with the Lenoir Car Company alaa far two combination passenper and baa gag oara with the Praaaad Steel Car Company The Rutland Kallroad Is ask ing prices on from 1 000 to 5 ono frelaht oars. The I'tah Copper Company has plaoed an order for sevei,ty-tlve more ore care with the pressed Steel Car Company. The Delaware and Hudson 1b aaklnR for prices on 1.000 under frames for hopper coal cars The high Valley In still In the market for BOO automobile cars and the Iflaaouii. TCansaa and Ti xaa for 1.100 stock cars and twenty-one cars for pafwn;r ser rlce. Contracts for pig Iron placed last wef k lujrgrea-nted 110,600 tons In all distribut ing dlstrt- tH. of which about 30 1 tons Mere placed In the Kastern territory. 110,000 tons In the South for .Northem tr.d Western sblpmei.t. and ab--ut 36,000 -r-nji at BulTalo. In the Pittsburg dli trlct sales of foundry and sie-l n-.akinn-(trades ni--rrated between IS, 000 and tons.- Prices were advanced abnat. BO cant! a t--n In the South. $1 a ton In Virginia. 51 a ton at Buffalo on coke Iron and 111 a ton on charooal iron. lt sl.MI.M-s. Triangle Plays I HIS WEEg Tattv an-t rm Beo adwa? Stan." W.k.r a FlaKa ail BaaaM Saakla. "The Corner" sv-tt. Wll larS Mask an-1 Oaaoja rawaan. "Let K! 1K If wih Jmmm ray artl Talla Msrahall. Ifsbneet at 2. EveilngaatR. PRICKS -Daily Matinee, it eta. and 16 sta. ETsninca. ti eta.. 60ctt.. Ti eta., tl and 62. Knickerbocker Theatre r.,..., s( jath sesjat FULTON THEATRE U:,'.r;;"s . Con:IPunti, II 4. M tu il V Turn 'f 'li-- UNLV KIJlXIR ctiiii-neii at thp Pr nt'h Kihlw-,v at W.vihlnetnn. FIGHTING IN FRANCE The Krsneli Cloverunieni OtBelal Motion Ploturss '.iken for ihJ NATIONAL ARI iBIVKfe and lamed to Gin through; I BAANDRN i-owell, ii 1 "i- Corri spondsDI Part of rrcelp' ? t-n to the i orh tied Cross, Full Orvhestra. Hrlcas Mc a 60s, ftrtPTvv Ulh Hi Phoni Bry 4'1 Kva.H l." I U ' "rl Pop.) tfgst. 8:ja ii L kii kV:t si PRINCESS Pfll HlOliEsT HITalth EUtASOB r4lfLH. STANDARD " ""' ,;:,h ' Metogi IMBeulW n i it w I in Mt.Tusa66esto0e, 'a sshlngtaa aguare" I rYlMr.TflW Msi "t a 1-, av, ---'"- a vt i ' h-ine til in piaxa. PRICES: LVS Wt.t.K Kl.l.l sninas, 60C, l,re, r.Oe. 7ae A SI lata Tim-. 'I'll ill s A sal UAe Jb.'.ile hm.k BM.n-s' r-.a'iiHT 66O1 julian ELTINGE hi the Musical Comedy "I UL'gIN l,tn . TEA tvii HKiariH hai.l Arranseil tj Madame Paderewakl and Mr. I 1 nest Krhellliig for the lleneflt of the POLISH VICTIN S RELIEF FUND a; the Bote! liotharu. v ediitdsy, Decemtier S f. om il to 7 oVlooa, Miss RELJCN 1 MOI.LKR. c.reek Dancing iteinontration of Pheln, MB. RADWAN', HUggastloa lliinelnx. Relreahiuenta. Male of i-norie'i 1 own and lilouse al-o Mad.nn- Paosrawslcl s I'ollau nsnigat imu. 'BWV A DOLL AND 6AVI A MFIC 1 a m hi'.irii s Palace Irene I rankllli A llm-.u, linen. La Roy-Talma Boaco, Marls Koraatrcini, Floranos Hob, rls, Kiu A Ii I . I 0 Fn ni h. Mortons l,ua, oih- iOLOKUL jii gAWVI It. nn A krhenek. Heainlitn llan J sin, nt Al u 1 1 it.,.. A Uciy U- tlKHIAN1 on ln iiuiM. LINK B.ooote i or ilirlllltia bi.iury iif tba maiest iuibiIih thi a -rid lis evir kimsn i'ni, i in-. i . alunibual Irrlag ntiihat cnMMrNfikir, "'Mm ii. I ne i ,,iiie. Ha v wn ... a-.a aj II1H AMtSKMENTa. Mat To il - Ma- O II Ml fiflMCnV ist K of H'wav Etr a 11 Hood HeaU. Mh-. TIC. nr.HT COMKIT IN TOWN. -Ere. World. The nii fomedv Hit nf iie Town. IBTH ST theatre K ..tltlt bvs s JO THE tTERNAL MAGDALENE j With Jill Mil III It SHUBERT RroBlnai i I " .Mats. Wei Sat i-ft. Wed. Mat isM seals SI .Ml tuh. Weal or H su. HT1 M ' i H-nnem- -MHretia at Its pip notch l. sua lll-HM STIK HI I.M S-.H IVDIP Theatre 42 W, of II war Ks a20 , MatUMM Uedneaday K Sat -.' 20 A eotitlnuatlon of the story of 'Pnt M PF.HI.Mt TTF.H.' 4A6fc6T-Thea..Joai W -'it '. h. in Wl -. a. 'v.-Va at 2. - ROMEO ft JULIET gSFtSSr V-l 4 Nat 2 MANHATTAN 8R9 ffl -use. 2 v- to 62. II I AT V BOTHNER vs. LINOW JiU 1 atch -As-t an-h an ' other iiik Bouts. I MAXINE ELLIOTT'S If You Would be Thrilled. in a play which bursts on Sun: "Lou-Tellcgen's acting in thit play is superb." Mail: "Novel trial scene. Good playwriting. feverishly intense." Eve. World: "Intensely dramatic Lou-Tellegen waa superb." Eve. Telegram: "Its effect on the audience was electrifying." MAN ON TRIAL FOR MURDER. YOU ARE THE JURY ! PUNCH fc JUDY Rft isitftTfe TREASURE ISLAND "ONE OF THE SENSAuoNS OF THE SEASON." Ere. Sun. fITACRAPH Vonun'VN1 Te&?Afu?AV PICTURESQUE NEW YORK A brand new series of etchings and drawings by the best American Artists. First publication in Wht Christmas Jumtier THE Out Next Sunday, December 12 These wonderful pictures will be beautifully reproduced by THE SUN S new Lithogravure process, and have been drawn by JOSEPH PENNELL LOUIS RUYL EARL HORTER and CARTON M30REFARK The Penncll etchings alone will make the CHRISTMAS SUN the most notable Christmas Number ever printed. They are, however, only part of the artistic feast n store for SUN readers. The Pictorial Magazine will be devoted largely to great paintings of Christmas subjects, adequately repro duced in photogravure. In the list will be: The Annunciation, by Bastien-Le Page. Christ Comforting the Wounded, by The First Christmas Night, by M. Ferdinand Pouwels, a sensation of Pierrey, the Paris Salon. A Double Page of Photographs of the Holy Land as it is To-day. Order From Your Newsdealer To-day. Don't Risk Waiting to Buy it on the Newsstands THE CHRISTMAS SUN 5jg AMVaBMRNTg. PL'YHOU E THURS. EVE. GRACE 6E0RQE MAJOR BIRIIRA BOOTH ' " of H'wair. Kvs. a-18, Win m.i , wsd. Sat 1:16, K,errt5ifh7n'LORD DUNDREARY TniatNr.: "An exquisite portrayal. Audience In storms of Inuahter pnn-tlrally every minute Mr Sothern was on the stage. BHBBaaBMaBWBBBH AWwlffl MATINEES ONLY R3 13 W:y'r,.3, THE BLUE BIRD I'rlosi 66r to 61.00. Mean now on sale 34TH $T rhea near H way Kvs a is lHinees Wed A- Ms at.T a hi i ks mi i GlSmf) II say & :ituh St Bvn I I! wnwinw MaUneas Wed ,v sat i.i etcti LEAN an I ihiisi raitsiunv mustr AtOD44ltl IN., Ik. TkaateaAdm tl N'lahtli sr. rnea ins iHsausin 60(BI sun .- hS3iS-g Tableneaorvstlottt.Dlo.aup. TeiAoas Bryaot. liWXtJ"; hbtt Shocked. Startled. C o to See one like an explosion, ikfOLUMBIV VR STAR & GARTER SHOW HoinES OF SUNDAY This Beautiful Christmas Number of THE SUN will make a splendid remembrance to out of town friends AMI nHMKNTft. Maim i-narlea Dlllloabani. Ml.Wallv -Jtl-V Henaestaai .60 ar.-SIO) MiAlst.2f.c to 61.50. "Rsillates III 4nT of f l'i-n'l hi-er ' NIP NIP HOORAY ,'X HOt'SA i Sensaoi'iial i Hmu nn HAM) I Ice llallet I to WIS I Nt....l l,w II II ll,.r.l., ' SI NIUT-HMMV BRNTIMM with MOt'gA ' iTo-mnow Tuesday) Afternoon at 3 1 Yvette Guilbert Assisted bylHIO DE LI' TEC C Eight Centuries of Songs other Dec. tilth, Itth, Uth. Aria, al 3. dales Dee. Ulh A loth. E. at a .30. Tickets ou sale at Hox ofll,- Knals- I'uuio. Ulr'l'a nan l Krohmau A Catli. A llamman. t3f-60 WHERE THE CROWD 60ES t ro nnuiyic " rtir.t'ri It wftV, 4 a Ht m. uunnn o,' 4 rerroruisni m DmIt ao, a, 7 rto i p. m OfllrUI Krfnrh iirritiiiut Itrtum. SEAYS 25o i 60. Symphony AA Oi-rhastra .-r ondueted hy DAMIEL HORI rsiidbei, 67A.M AT,1aialt. K 6146. Mat. D W ASI IINCTON SQ. PLAYERS ,& AUtOMLUI llll l. Ml.lll Aeolian Hall. ;id Kerllal. lo-nUht al h:I l I. A I. I Nil 'IA VIII MAN N ES ST.3UBS B ARRERE Tickets at llo noire and Haens.- a Jonea. Aeolian Hall. Tel llrysnt 02T. Hteinear Flano srneale Hall. TuM. Aft.i IK-r. 7. at V ::. ' PADEREVYSK! t'nrter the Auairl'" of the HoriHv for the Pre- i entlon .and Rellf of Tunrruloiin. Tlrkfit. ! 3 (Ml. 92 AO and f A 00. Now on wl at lint OfTtrfl nntj Motel At. Renin Direction C. A. Kih Htrtnwnv 11 um AeelUa IUII We I. rt I'lnno Hoc It I by PKRCT GRAINGER MV Anton1 Nwvrr Undaf umpire of N. Stelnway Mai.asvis Plan As. n. 4f.II.IAM II ALL. This trtrrnnnn al 1. -..-li.T imereatlns I'lAMI KEClrAL hy -iirnHi.i: Niift .of laflUUwll 'li&rlton M nwuuv Munillnt O I" K It A Seals fori AHI'SO In IUIHKMK TICKBTg JACtOlM TICKET OFFICE I 41tf t.reeley Norniandle Hotel. B'waj .cor 3 Am nm Mm I a JBS tirORfiK aja. I COPELAND artlfa. "Tr""T'Tfni Mill Mil lllll llTTTTTtTTTWrTlTTTTTTTTlTTiiTri lllll ifa.s.ii 6xXN AMt aKMRNTa. METRoVoLITAN JjrA'if. Tu-nlght 6:16, Holiemr. Alda, OaJattll caruno. Ie biica. seeumla. ( ond tajfnal Wed .at S. Maftio Flute. Hempel. Kurt. Mason: Henibach. nraun. Oorllit, Hstaa. I'd Bodanky Thiira. at P. AMa. Ilsppold, Mat7ena ier: Martltielll. Atnato. goott, l ond. llavaanull. Fri. at a norls (lodunew. ober. tlrlauinila; Oldiir. Althiiuse. Rothler -lesurola CM. FtHaeen. Sal. Mat. at 1. Mart. Hempel. oit Caruso, lie Luca, Malateata. sioJ Daraanoll. am ajaaa, at a. irmature. apBoiu.iir-r, Martlnelll, Amalo. Rothler. Cond. Polaoco. II.VttllMAV PIANO L6ID, CARNEGIE HALL, Wad. Eve., Dae. BJ Bosai's ThrilliriT Joan of arc oratorio : 80CIK.TY OF KBW VOKK. Founded IH73. loula Koeamietilch. Conductor. I N. Y. 6VMPIIONY OBCHEHTttA DIStlDgillshnd H iloUta. noy Choir Klrat Time In America Fsmou Choir Heata Ta of no to 6a oo nnj PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OF NEW YoltK JOSEF STRAN6KY. (OMlll TOR. stThura.Es all :IVitFr1da vfl..-! 10. I Orche r I Concerts No 5o!6t 1 CAHXHOtE llll. Tickets at llos Ofllre. CAsWBOn tIAl.t.. nn Ift. 'ee. I. si I. Ticksti. 7icts.te KREISLER 12 Boios Jl :AfH ! New si Boi Offlc I i Dlrertivn '.'. A. -;l;ia. gMiaaai nasal i e.i KA I oil N II A L I. '.d (otieeri I ues. fi - . Her .7. si I NEISEL QUARTET Assuiuax joat'.i' kovhik. Vkda Artlsia LEO M lit l.l. VloVjnpallo. gaais a and si .vi Fieteu lws t W I4tn Cnmfnif Hall. St AH, D. tl, at 2:40 1 inlli) liri M il HIWalR ELW'M lolln KfilMI Mi'. ,u - Cja l" All Ml nn am jewirh v , H AR Mi l. u niraoho Hureau s , - I'l.Wn I'lKM 4RNII.H lllll. :io ai. and 7th tte. TO-DAY I M I aor riir.HM itai.t ' Prlrea MN ', . el .tai and -1 .AO. ST "tun nroadwav and 47th "tree; N-jnn I . 1 J r 1 1 :) toe to Me KUWIN ABDBN In "Tha Belo.-d asahnnd" and l.reenwaod A In - Jaiie." Neit Wei s -rannls Ward to ' The Caeal ' IIoTH.s AMI REsiTAl'RANTS Mil Street, near Fourtt vraajg I J! I BB Bfg6MBBBB66MI f Bnarf f II ELMENDORF TO-DAY ....!;.Vraia, .ra. SUN AMI ARMKNTa. Nf" TOHK'A LKABIWtl rHBATBKB. C6JBIVB M wav A 4ilth Ht. Kra. 8:20 .1 wrIHi. a at . 2 30. JOHN DREW in hi fjpai "S eomed, iTUC PUICF' in "" lYCFUII KaM 4Mh gt. I via. at a -jo LIUCWPJ Mat,. Thura A Sal 2 20 E1HLL BARRYN.ORE V.SSjf" "ovh mha. Mf'llrarr.' NLV ANiS'l LhL AM kht Rva. 6:16, Mat. Wed A Mat. 3.13. A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER!" Tha ugl, duckling wit translaraset) inls tha lotely twin. Plain little Tsotii berime tha Intsrnatianal Vtmu. She had all nan at her (sat and the tar mast famous Parisian mdists at her back. Woman can profit at well at take pkstur in KLA W A I HLASf I.KR'M FmiLrm riiotucTioN BOOK IIY . M. M McLKl.LAN. MlMlf II V IIKRMAV I'INCK JT OUT-FASH ONS ALL FASHION SHOWS! prHtN w t ilini. tft Mulldat , iiiihi dnu ,ir ' .11 .iuiinet R1IFTV " "' ii fv. at a jo . tiau .si rop S sat 2 2ii rosro pfsatntt a new rOTaaittH fares SADIE LOVE - with MARJOntR KAMUKAl UlinftnM u "' 4th at. Bam st s i.-,. nUUOUH Mats W ed. A hat. etf .13. m7iiraji:i- FI TIMRF Ht. Kvt R i.v aiaa. lWa , W9n ? IS UARQIQ i1hi KTralngpatattA nRllllia , Wad. (Pop BBat. 8:16 3 KUBm,Vi..5S r M r. pall Ii"-' Muqilav1 tt Aiat.Mai.S -60-75-61-61 i. her Mats.. 66C, ftOT, l , united II. W. l.rlinih'a Rng ml i llgsnta! apoetade syni ibooi Orrheaira of to ACTflD n 4:- S1 Kvs K 2n Bryanl :sr HOlUn M t pop .V Mat 2:20 i s 1 1 1 PRBI hum ETO-NldHT. l,ro. M. I oti. in . I refl l Amerlean Farre. HIT-THL-TRAIL HOLLIDAY xitii tri-d Ntbl m "Him HaltMajr.' CANDLER WrSFWwS4 I 1 HE HOUSE OF GLASS 'ni Mrv Ryan a ill'- rirMj am-m ()rch.S2., -.o 00 IWnU Itl 10N6ACRE t;.?nnT5'SKi.-; f-ollAV ii H"s PBK6RNT I 1,11 Mill fEIASCO ST, "! Kv riirs s SO THE BOOMERANG DC PI I Bl IP West 42d si Er'OfS at 6:60 IILI VUblV ' 1 , l -I Pop A Sat GLOBE 1 In l Kv " .- 1 A Sa 13 tsl -.-I SI.I.KK. MONTGOMERY k STtJE ! ",12 ' nw i-ii mc , pieas- I BOSTON $2.65 IS no anil Kail lllll Ml ll(ll .. I- PROVIDENCE $1.60 BOVNB HHP 63.00. Colonial Line rlrst-elaas, to the ;esi penpis Heek daj-i anJ 6undas at 6 P i. rro-n "ler 3t. N. !.. loot West llmiaton at. til m llnunii. fl.lHl in tl . Mir. las. union jniem I Mown iimoa. droadwu aot 1'boiltt Mnring v49l. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.0 J La I'IKU 14. N K.. Ik i Slttta Aka aj-j i 00 P. 66. Music. ' .New l.anden ' Norwloai Una. ale Sew I oadoa L Pier 40. V. R.. rj. Houatoa hi., week dara onta. s.30 P. M.. l'tar .-a fc. k ii t 20 6tT. t on p. M. n !!", ft ' f) I Vm Itlfnt dlrri-i l . & OlTMIlK STA1ICK4MMN, fl.Ot Iil. lurludlns Mi rid. 5;00 IV From l in i . r- K 'Pbont STOO mi mlm. City Ttcbg, Ciffln. tlO M-OBfi . v y JjllJlJLLJLll. ilj!llTjj v b n ti ld t New York-Albany-Troy s s "ft 01 SM .t I:e tea al tar " One wm tl: round trip. 61.66, i.e.i.e par 1: ,: ' ISi p m' Tl aakn pft "'' 13-d Ht . HUDSON NAVIGATION CO. I Ulllte. I MAIM SIKOIsllll' I lag , I KtSWk a PORTLAND ' I IrNnTrr.?TKT::' i UAR..A1TAN 6,100 ro ALBANY 1.4,1 Mi I KIP 11. an 1. noil lu HAT, tire. I.i. dsdy, Pier . N.u . W. ileutloa u. :tl I' 61. -V ISIs- 11 i I .'I 1 I ,- u TOURS i0UTHERN,,rsll lines. Idea. acauona. ,.DI ,c, , sal prevallliui raiea.naud.or J LKLIOLu aiarttera. lito u'aay. .s j orjuialia IIP, Bermuda;! nayi, inc, hot! arrommodfl. tlnns, Ul LIB, FRANK TO I H 1st coi a BroftdwH v, v. ran If. LOST, POI ND AND Kill WHIN. $10.00 REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED, FOR THE RETURN OF OVERCOAT AND PAPERS TAKEN FROM SECOND FLOOR. SUN BLDG.. 150 NASSAU ST., SATURDAY AFTERNOON. I TO 1:30. F. McLOUGHLIN. i Winter Trips and Cruises Sepsrsss aad aosnbinad toara 10 tm 23 rJsy horn New York 6a ties Ancncfto sMsVaaksteFTsUMaUsV HAVANA AND m CUBA lUttluL becawse ot tuag chrass of tropical life EaealsMit aaadani NASSAU (BAHAMAS) af bsawBrvl lloaiii etiei eol-af -doer waaita. aw laSaa al as paaaaaa awassaali era anJ tnrjudtrjs I sil l salaWa BaaiwalUsaavIM awioas delaslral Igjggggl WARD LINE Paw 14. C R New Ya CUNARD Cttahllsrunl Im40 EUROPE VIA LIVERPOOL Cameronia . . .Fri.. Dec. 10, 4 P. M. 8AXONIA MAT. JAN. 1,10A M. CAMKROMIA ... PBI.. JAN. 7. 4P.M. OBDUKa 6AT , MN, 16. 10 A.M. En lioiiie to i.lasaow itorii Tin riirat. Throush las att t-. all principal purti or tha to -rid OMPANT ailPFIl IB, gt.t4 Stat at..lJ.Y. FRENCH LINE C umpaaule Onerate Tranaatlantlqua PUS 141. M let II L Sailinga for BORDEAUX LAFAYETTE D-c. 11, 3 P. M. ESP ACNE Dae. 18, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE Dac. 25. 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU . . Jan. 1,1P.M. KOH INFORMATION APPLY finUPAUV'S llFFICf W atal at-b. t. I'hone Hraag 4 BOO. American Line AJ..LKlCAi a t EAJVtEKa Under the American Flac - V. LiTarpaa , Pier 62, N. .., No j i -I . JBM a .an I I ll.a.l . ta .1 a la. . 1st White Star Line N.I . L.fterpooi.fiaTbJ, ..... ton Aititatic -ee. .filinl l f t A-wmwm Aflftasaaaleaa. r- I f rPilr 'r . I M ( mtnplr J I iirrirr. a h'way. m. T . Tat. I0O0 teetar. OU DOMINION LINK. To Ssl points gUtk an1 West Every week lay p M. I'ter 15. North Ktvor Tel. SUM Franklin TO A tNNAM, KOI Nil TRIP. 6sS.aa. Iiv. f .f... 1 1 11 o:lier goUthem point, OCEAN MTBAHHHll X., Mil 6th A., B, Y a6&Aftilir lltkaTK la aaa aawa, Oflcle! Afant all llaaa. Bat aaea a H aitrsaak t'a.. 86 31 a Af .. t. WW BERMfDA BY "9 S I1ERM t.'DIA M " Booklet i Quebei- si. a). Co.. Ltd.. I. B'wst. N Y gl'MMONsBs. rttTitr-MK vii-ic OP THB - :' ' TF 1 NEW YoRK, NEM YORK COL'NTY. Otll W, Sn-ler". plintth, against Nanla M, Handars, defsiulant, Trial deelred in the Oounty of N-w y..rk Action for abaoluta divorce. gnmmons. Ta the ui,.,.- named dsfetidatvt t You art herebt tummouod to aaar tl.a maigiaint in this aatlun and t ,p your a-iswer , ii the plaintiff's at. lurtisy, within twenty da.'s after tho o:--v..,- ,,f this unin.oT i -- r.e ,(,,. ,ihv -6 of srvtoe, and In ca-, of yi-ur failure tot appai r i.r anawar iadgmnt -.n he tahen against you . default for :lie re 111 Je-. mandsd in th- comglalnt. Ia,-,i. Ncv York November tint:. 10;; C. v Attorney ro.- PUIntlft, Offlct a lv o addreaa. No. : lirekma. atreat, Borough of Manhattan, city of nv.- York. To the defendant Bant 1: gaadantl the foreaatng lummena 1- lervsd upt.n you by publleatTon, nurauanl un ord.-r of Hon. Leonard a. tllagartoh, u Juatlos of iie gUprema i ourt 01 :e Mts'.e of N'ev Y irk dted th lad day "f Cieoember, itr and rtle.l wt-.-i th.. oomplatnt, Ht tl til. s r-f the i lrru of th County of New York at tha County Court Houai Beroniii ul Ma1.11.1t -an, tRy i.f Ns v Yor. en iha ;rd -iaj , TK smber, 1115. New York. December urj. I61S. Tour v. C W MeUOfOALD, Attorney f.-r Plaintiff ofll-. a V o. u.idreaa, s, ;. Beekmaii Ktrs: Borough of Man -. -, 0 Nrw v ,rk. Hl'PRBMB COURT or fill STATE of NEW YORK- A Yot'NOHLOOD INe Plaintiff, ugalnari RAN1 v mi-:h' 1 ai'k JT a I.i N . ne'e, let rrlal ,; New York C -.- SIMMON To TIli: ABOVi: S'AMKU tall NtlAVT YOU KHK HBRKB1 Hf MM ON ED la answer the eamvlalnl m ihla aetlan and to rg ,i B yi 11 anawer on the b .il-i-iff .v-.- i.ii-! - n. .in n.onty t-ViT 5syt kftar th wvlca 01 rummena saoluslv 0! ih day 61 lorvlce, and In oast of von- f. ,u. e I . app. ,.r ,r anawar, luda msnl . In lakes against you by default fo- the re 1st deman II 1 111 ih comDlaJit Da-eJ New York. f lobar IS. til? HKi s a COVINUTO irnevi Plaintiff, on,.- a Pom om ... , : -.a Wall e-r-.-- llero..u cf Mn liattan. No York CJtir. TO THE ABOVE NAMED In CVVHn 1 vi t BANCA 1 oMMint MALI. ITAIIANa! Tl.a t.-ej-ng ummone tsrved upon ;ou by publication, pureuaut -. ,n or'u '! of 11 in. Eugene a phiibl 1 a Ju t- . tl." Hu:-r'-Mie ooiir of -!,.i sts-s ,,f"v. . k. -i" e i lltti day of Navamhl? 1116, sod nid -,tii tna oompialni In the oBoe t'10 iOnrk of tha County af ttZ at tn ' oj.i- iv.-jrt Itou.a. iii,,, 1 of Manaattaa, 1 Ity and Coun.y oTnJw I Hatsd Now York. Nevembef II 1111 I BEY N COVIN.. TON. A 1 1 ornej a r '.ilnt:ff ' 6ALB6 14 Y At t Y ion. TAJcn Ni ile '11 'TI'" tlltl dtfft'J : hu . !t:r kabaa 1)0! ir.tnt r,i . ni-raT. , not. dntil Kaptnibr la. xA tV Ur-lyn Kt Ufa. In i)rpor'..!. j Z . I I'nion Mori i.i4; CompMy for Iti.i.oOd jH h t-!mop. . per 4.nn:jir., th -in jHricMii U V i ld .- the tern.t, rtf R..i purfaUttni to tn provtalaMii of Am.-, iv f LUn of the ,,f (.. vJJy' win nii to th i.trht bidder . Dublt ui'tion on ih lih t1.t of j into o'-iook, (ii tho EvftornooiL t th HK. 1 H;4. . Ni. 14 .j,.,! Z KHrttl H.r.viKh tr ManhftttAli Kn Tork City throufb a. h Uu , i ... titl tn,.er-, v .s lon'r.e; dmiibtM - .tru 1 plodfed with tho uiiurtlgad to Mntrti rTetnrd i... mortMaTi i r(trtti tr luortr gold j 1 1,0 Ot), gri t H. il of tVhloli ;?! -ourod h n ti nioit -....., i,, ontrul Trv;it iMinpaii ..f Vv Vorl datod M.u ri.. Jim r-t'orili'l :;i tm otll --6 it rk o Kl J COltltty on Mtorcii j f the l'.-. ,ii laiovr ti ranfuoi 1 11. wnicp -a.ui UOM.1B i-ioiii to fceVdw aVrd Lyon bv., ptrniBiioni ronvivtr n r t- :tit. inoorpormud, nd ivhloY uonds an now lu Ih OOSOrMlon of ui. e-i.a . TNION MORTQAOS OOlfPaiKT Py WIUL1AM Cri!TT15Mn:v (VDAM0 WUMVM (hv(i BRBW8RY AOKNCy Am . ciraBe- cont-fltr, r,.r a-'csiun' ..i tlto laootl prwnuntni Munich hii i;ri..i,Ko;, ,,, vt. -" o.' otvlt if;ur Hi wur, n.. y flrt ohiM 1alni w b0 OV ii ti iXitltl'Ol v i 6qutpi rofrlffraiot pioniai nhould p oottltnunleOrti w n It n.r by iv ii , hi MAX WTMIX. 11 vp. Vi . . kijw s ri:i mi r BsVOltAVlBR ud Dontgrn i,prii i motion tnii buruui n.'B M'opIi . ... oxpftd rind flVO .-cVeriM . tn nr. bitiKi inn n pro Correal i . ri I : Kiuni couwVkv, iiv..u, rjL wisitbii aeauRTM. BBW JEBMKY Atlaatls CB. vkSToCU. 3 a g1 ssaa. Superior location with an 1 urvflructBd v jew of heac I and! ir r reroonirv. I I standard of excel lrr Si cm 0O JMJJCRJ glim Tltf HADING KfSONI IIOTfi 01 THI a in ODarU)orouflai5Knnim a i i.asi i it i;iti la,, d owatasma siaitisiai 6QBIAH WHITCa 6QNt COMHa. TRAYMORE 1 tSSJ ', New VorU Booking llt.lrs 410 Times nidg rhana Brraai 6166 MHM IA Aunuta, Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA, GA. Ctn Pc!mbcr 16. h t. . nrv mil 9ur holtdnys thtfff To Hnt llhOlaivf tMiimti, b dutiful ftlttbhrtutd, ieci)i UrivlnB nJ motor lt,f, l&OditlnJ $mA Si Address C. C. TRUSSELL. Msosgtr roRBCLONl'RB HA LEA. NEW YORK RUPBBMB Corns- . T-lti COUNTY JOHN A sTBWaSt BDMUNB f RANDOLPH jr t tv- rPk C IM HHARD. aa Trustaat !n Maw Torha The Liverpool and Land at 1 0 I . t uranes 'empany. Limited, p-aint; aftlnat WILLIAM G. P1UVBROM aaa others. Datendam ' In pjrain-e of a JodgmMI sr. elosure anJ .a;a duly mad n s In the ah vaantltld a - u -1 . da-s tha Uth -lay ef October lu"l 'iba unueralgned. the , aa : naine-J. will e- I P-jMt- .., . .. , Lavheng galearoom. No 1 -1 a v... -street. In tl.a Borough of Mi hitti County and Hta-s uf Nsr: Yor on tha tl lay of De.-emSer. lsif. at u .. Hock no-i on that day, t y tmiMl Oo dallcker Ao lloneer. tl.a preir.lsea dire ! by tail J-jJsment to 6a aoid und then,:.. dKrlbiid as roilowa: ALL that rsrtaln 1st, pMc n, parist' land. toethr with the feulldlnga ai d im provemente theraan eracled. a!t...'s ' . tag and belr.a In tha Borouth of iltnhatia Cl-.y of Near York, In Fa--tlon t, B on th lat.J nag Ibareof. us i scribed aa ratio: "Al.I. that srtln I'-:. p:a.-s o part 1 I lent altuate !n the city of New fork, known 0,1 a maj, of props- . n t , Twelfth Wir.l of th Clti of Na Trb belonging to 'ha eela-e ef TS tat R : t made by Edward Doughty, City I dated New York, January Ith, I'.- tit's filed In tha ot'lee of -.he Register "f , city and County of Naw Tj-k. as t bounded and centair.lng aa foil wa 4 Is to aa; Northerly in fr in! .- . If Ktr-t. iwenty.flvt illi f. - ' .---. tha r-h- by gratind norr sr Isti - nlng to ths estate -.f Henry Hprtnglsr, dasetej Iwtnty.flv im feet tlghi and ! -' S si In- hs; Westerly by lo' oti Mud map ninety. nine 18II fet , 6hfpur(h - 2 ta 1 lachesi sr.. Eaaterl '.it Bo to on rail map t.' ... fee; four M) In-: bra. b . -. dimensions more 01 ;esa. I It trail of said pf Smites r--1r.r .1 par , and aald r-remlB-s neltia; :.- kl wi 11 N-imber s W1 Plftntn 61 " Borongl of Manhattan. City of NS V 'k SUBJECT to party wall agreement erdld in the om -a of the Htrti er af tha County of New York In liber 't )f Cl asysn, a1, page i?i tncroi tcedlng nr.- 111 Inon tp at-ovt dHod pr.-mli-es hv th-- V t ra e' Ih bul. 0I1. g sd.'olnlng r.n the . att D.iie!, New ork Bovmbtr Itltl ALEXANDER 1. RORKE I. r.n BEEKMAN, MuXKIN 1. CRI." I tern-ys for Plaintiff., "t v s.reot. Uorougli of Manhsltan. Cly. The following Is a dlagrs.o of p art. to he o:d TUt Street number 1. : v.'. Btr Wen 16th r : 1 4 -i 1 : '. ' Th ApptTOXltuoto om . b churg . tatl-Jy h t OOrtbod p.'pT-rty ht ,u b t o th'va-.,i,:i on !. ,11 thrto R4d I$-tO0 $-.,:: : - , tntorool thi--n from tho 1; tobr, togeiliOf !d'ttn is- sn.fnir..:isT T . md Mvontyolptit it. .d 1 d-i'.rr. Ult lrrr-vr ! 11 . '.uf ;..-. tritb tl.e e , MlOi ThO at . oioui6nti ond rattu Wblch .- .o bo 'rwj to tb i pu: purohR! : $u i;et.-: lo fft.70S.7A 0 Mr Dastedj Jffgv i .rai. Novn 1 I AL8XAKDrt 1 UOKK rPRKME COL RT, C YOUKH,... Mod'- e fOlnt B.iooboUi A. : Dt t- ndant III . t:i- . f . U' f onil .mil i- ' . :! . In thr obovc ottUtlod rtR' the litn di of pr t h urn ' -ulitn... rh f tiamoot will r;. .. th BiottAngo ChaVlm u T'Pt. in t': Hr V or Mow YoTg, on !,- ru , ui j at i: lock i Titph r P-'t V . tKl dtroetod i-y .:'. udg i' h'T-Mti rloocrrbod foil" Ail that eonoJn ; utart, n!;h lbs tj; ting u . Thfrtn i rr:ci. lti 1.: th- Borough of v.. and stat of N i j r- ribOil U fOtltfeeO! Boglntilng -t i poini tdjo of S'- intvtmi hand i"t.l tin I ir'.it i- ' rroni tbO cornr for-.: - . l-s-f th poutborly -- Ptrt w;h tba On t AYonuOj rini rupi Ing th p.iriiM1 -tth Wodtoon -Vvom th dli;aii e thfoug . a bundrod ut.o ui noJ. fot to tho fntro t: of of i BovontyoMond on I Rtv thonoo OBeOtorip, olong of th h v.-R. w;",. nortliA: ;: . .vgjir ggroUs A.onuo arol purt of tho !tO' aririThcr p,rty k ,t' I o- ! iioi fool two ii Inch oo to 0M of tOVOflty thir-1 fitroo',y otong th oouthsi onty-:hlr.i St;- . -point or p)a .f I en: IU; J no V ..-V i ' ' - H BN W v Hi laMVCiR . . Plglntltf. til Di 1 Mo n hot ton, S'oi i Th fo lowing i s -o OHv to bO 'o' , t ' " Kt ftd Btroot i iff r " : i ! a- WldU t.::i of P 1740 bwprosltiu gmount of harj, to oglUfy tt OOnbOQl puprty 'H i e a . 1th tn tor Otii lehotoot. froi go p torn idi . tog .hi .nd gUowon ' 1 Ing : In .:ot f : ' :ti goptoi fcpth- v'!t1i t.t oxpon o tipproKtmoto oti 9udi l ptouU gnd wotor rotoooi'i 1 Maff to ho gllowoil t" tbo n ' h pur -hif o mono) . w t- - ta 1,8( i. 4" ontl tn oi si ' litatej New Y'Vr.. juBlsiPii u idi;i ' Th iu I.i t' obo - tlOrobV H "ijti ir::( d td I U l lt5, . tho tut 'ii I0 lu:o.l V"" - m " jogurn i. r.i)itii' rir SOlO III horob! fuoibor o irn (to VOnoor 9t), l;.., .i :.'.o sai.: Jilel DotOd N.'ft V .la. N o . f losr.iMi iv . nnii Th b no I i t:-. ol ovo t itli h'-.-' h.-' furtbor U "r-- I muof bi . gi -he . ,i no, iVg'od Now York. Kovoiobo' JWo49lU -' KPCL i