Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1915. 11 A COPPER OUTPUT OFF 10,000,000 POUNDS p.nol'lHOUl Buying for Donics ti' Consumption Feature f November Market. MI i II TTN ON WAY HERE i-i-fl tha fh output nt re- I r in November HI lHo.OOO.- !.-. or about 10.000.000 pound 1 i i tha reionl lirr iklnx output In I Tha miivmm into omneatic in urn estltnal I at i:o,ni0, oiil la, pTObaMy the heaviest ver and tho WKinrtt mrm m- iv pounds, or total r of 170.000.000 pound. Thin I ;i ilrorensa of about 5,000,000 In surplus stork carried fcy th I unrests at the end of the! iw"' ' -t prn-mirent feature, hoer- fv, mf November xa th enor- . i lng I'm- domwtlc oonsunisttlon : 4 pr cent, of tlie iwix'Iuih, rf mad to satisfy foreign Is Hales for direct export were : rat proportions. The advance i .-ulndnatMl early last sweat. t -'i I me thor lias been a l.;irp r. i i ii (h open market, due to r to coll by deab-rs and pe"u . who are arixlou to realise prutlls. s ll OOMUtUlnC Interests wan decors h.-ind were etlll offerinti t. tic at the cloee of th week . bUI prOdtMlM Interests, stroti . ,., on, were qnotlnfr 19 to 20 ,t any del 'very over the neat ss at four months. Th ' -iilt of tlw fluctuation at Isxn araa a ret dri'P of 2 16. on spot sj it ircl mmtaH metal, but Amert . eetroljrtlC after iulv.nclnx to t 1 . . , Bed at fj 10a. the earn a a ,w' ruder present conditions the market Is not much of a factor, pui 'i intereatlnn to note that thero is of a MfforttlC of nearly 20 be t. . electrolytic and elandard copper pr: - ! M exports of c opier In Vwember. ac- i; to CUBtom HOIS return, which It thirty tlayn late, sen I9.39il ions, ..f which 7,Si toil waa shipped t hVance, 4.'si tons to Italy. 3.127 to ' flitted Kingdom and 2.471 ton to ejaeden. Small BhiptnentJ aero alo to Ruaala and Holland. Since i 1 rAjiorls have lieen 2,025 Tl ' Si Bhlpment! however, were Bi elf iri the ppsjoodlnfj tnonth. . orded sines Pecembof l have .'.'.In tons of coppef, 115 tons of i I -.xty-tle tons of pres. Ti-' NotSHnboT pl( tin statist ! re , ..' i very heavy supply of metal , r r oonshmptton. The visible .s III i I sasOll over 1.000 tcai during . month and the total sutply to-day 4 nearly ...ono long lancer than at th tK responding time a year a?o. Over DO ton Is now afloat for T'nlted Blares Porta, Tin Is etlll coming by aay of the Suez Canal, tiullcatlTif that Ihs rr''v:ous reports were merely given 'or speculative purposes. The e r ss Into Ixith American and Kuro- paan oonauinptlon f.u off sharpiv. as h result of these developments the mar i, bar and was mibjeo-t to OttOttiattetlSi but the net result .i decline of only .about Uo, a pound D t; it tin tit New York, while at leui leli in. I the Straits th net decline a r- latlvsly less. Last V' k spot tin sold In New York th u 40c. and as low as 38Hc, M r on Friday, but the close was , . er at M 1 1 to 38f'.c Future posl. tve been Offsrsd more froety. hut I t v has bSSl'J reiMjrte'l. Bine leceniber 1 155 totis has arrived at New I'ork and l.lTTi ton In due to-day tha strait by way f Boston i .i! arrivals this month will be : r heavy. S Strait tin at Ixndnn. after sell :; to il7ti, closed tit 171, which i net decline of only 10s. for tho The standard market was quiet, nations within a range of 3 resulUng In a net decline of only " i pot and .'is on finure. l spelter was Utile less than .cd nt the close of the week, ftei , bresk of 2". a pound on spot nd in -by positions. The high price recorded hivught out large :' domestic delivery, as the li was temporarily checked ' . ., vessel r"Om. At the close . Seek spot in New Turk was diffl-.- ii uvs I6il,c. : whereas sales : be le a 1 1 s-h ss lttc th before Dsosmbsr wut held . January 15 Ho., first quarter ' I9H at 144c The lxndon market - ..i, spot and ln on futures weak, spot belli; held at 93 I future at 30 at the close. Iad was well sustained during most f the week, with moderate demand for delivery. There was also some Uteri M )n future export shipments, but t iportaiil sales were reported. At i .. i ir.-,. 0f in week spot and Deeem- 1 was aaatar at &.20 to 5140., Lfl !, helns; the quotation of the ntereata Ilesale lots were offered a 5.20 to K.22Vjc. New York. CARXEGrE BONDS ON SALE. Urlglasl SS lloldlnv Sfr Be fore on the Market. I 000,000 of I'nlted Htates Steel art 10 bg Sold by the trus ' ' Carnegi Hero Fund, the Trust for tlie 1'nlversitleM of '? ' I the Carnegie Lhimfermline ii tlt1r prooasdg may be ln ' : British Qovarnmant bond, ac ng I 1 London 'Mble, are part of I il steal holdings of Mr. Car- ' of which has ever before 1 put on tha open market. When Mr Carnegi geld hla company Blee 1 uiporatlon he received 000 of Hrat mortg-ago 6 per ' I boi Is, an laeue put out solely 1 di manda. About fll,009, them have been given by him time to support hie vari- eus fo tndgUong, d by one who Is closely Mr, CuinoRi that It la prob e not Know of the proposed bonds, but that the Kngllsh e mi 1 .11 whom he has the itesl 'iitldence. lasitiWMKNTg OF MOKTOAOE. Ustihstlsn, " ur in Isnoey st. ll.3xiT.a . irui to Harry Usstorf, - stty, T 11 Co, 1H Ilr'jsil- 152.500 1 - Wwisrgarat u nuhup to ' Mts Co pn, tireat Klver, 1. 1: : :.; Bwair 11 ;t w h sfsrrsd mis .,orim to Tltls g I ' !o, 1 80 liwi, v . . 30 Ono 1. 1 . 14 ie) ii Rosenblatt, 1 I .. Tno-t r 0. 141 Rroaowsy, tty, T (i Co. 176 llrosd- . 1 " nun 1 I aii i in in havlnvs Bank to 'c li (i, it 4 th v. Ally N' Y I3t Bwav tin, 010 ! MsrlS I'itPler l J.ip Hijt '' fsntrsl Park w. m, y y. U ' . .111 si ii Ta Iv- Mlnnlt s ji,rier to Ottlnger, 1 V 0 Hsy, address " way II no 102 i.-1 iiii gllserbern A unn, 1 pass! Wainler. lit w a r th n W llv.le. 41 Park haw. , .111.01 'i i. -Kate ghatti ano, tir, - ' & Triiht Co, 174 Rrosd- 110,001 rnr llronx. ro to Lawyers Tit: t Trust l:m niei ns 40,nno "1 tsms 4.t,ooo 1 1 niKi i n :iu,ooi 1 ( '1 I., f'lty Ml rfo 11 II 1; A TU'T 10 l lltnrv Hie 17.000 11 ryyjhTN CO " lrerrl-llli'ert. ao . 11.000 iN.NA H. to l.uuls Siirut II F. to North County I'm,' 111 10 1100 MEETING TO DISCUSS TRADE. National Association of Msssfsr- l"'t Open Sessions To-day. Discussions of steps nei-essary to be taken to oNercoine the troubles now faced by tlie eommerclal Intargstg of all lands will be th" featuro of the In ternational trade onres which opens at the Hotel Astor to-day. to remain In session three days. Th conference will lie held under the auspice of the National Association of Manufacturers, In cooperation with the financial and transportation Interests of the United States. The United States Government will be represented by Dr B, F,. Fratt. chief of ihs bureau of foreign and domestic commerce), who will apeak Vn "The Making of an Export Policy " John Hassett Moore, former Counsellor of the State Depart ment, wlil discuss the com mercial treaties between the United States and foreign Uovemments, snd 1'rof. Emory II. Johnson, of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania will consider th transportstlon problem. Among bankers who ars expected to attend are Mortimer I. Schlff, W. 8. Kles, J. 8antilhano, Charles H. Hnbln and David H. O. Penny, New York; J. J. Arnold. Chicago; John Clausen, San Frsjn-lsni ; F. Abott Oodhus and Ben jamin Joy, Boston, and V. linnsales, member of the International lllsh Com mission from Braador. Transportation Interests will be rep resented by (ienrge D. Dixon, A. K Smith. Fairfax Harrison. Julius Krutt. schnltt and P. J. Flytm. The Brailllan Amtiasaador and th Peruvian Minister, Piof. Jeremlsli W. Jenk and James A. Emery will be among the speakers at the dinner to morrow night. RAILROAD EARNINGS. Canadian Northern I 19U. OlAnttes. Fouelh wk Nev. n.iin.oos tne 4: ""o From Oet, 1 I.UtJ.tM Ina !.:. ?oo Denver and Rio Oninde: Fourth weak Nov Itr.a.noo tse Itjs ins Month .;i 1.700 Inc 35.700 Krmi July 1 11.372,000 Inc. I?.7u0 ORKAT N'ORTHKRN. na Oreat Northern Mutlsrav reports ro th Tnterstss Commerce CUmlaoa for o-.tober: rjii i ),i,a.- Total opsr. raw . .,Hi,;40 Inc. l.lli:,070 Total ojier. esp 3.709.SS4 Inc. 444 111 -Net opr. rev.. Il.l7s.nn Ine. IT4l.ltl Oper Income 4. 101. 117 I no. 710.100 Kr.m July t : Total oper rv , IM,ffMU Deo. ITtMII Total oper. eips. 11.341. 443 Dsr 10 4.75 Net oper. rev IU.0.: Oea l4.i'l oper Inoom 13.110.011 Dee. I4VI.4I3 ST. IlOPU ANT) PAN PRANTIItM. The St. bouifl and San frm leoo Kail road reports to the Interstate Oomtneri cVjutmleven for October . 1 915. (Tians. It ! Inc. !4o.44 I, Ml. 411 Inc 53.SJ1 ToSaI ever. rev. Tola! oper. expa. Net oper. rev. Oper, Income .... Krorn July 1 : Total oper. rev Tota. exps 1.4II.03I Inc 1 30S.C6 Inc. 7"t. 143.413 14.714. r, Inr 9.70l.4,3 In,-. 1147 115 11,1ft Vet oper rev ... IH.10. tne. tltl.111 Ojer Ineom 4.294.033 Inc. 3 0 MIS.-4CTD1U. KANSAS AND TEXAS. The Msteourt. Kansas and Tetsa Ittie re. port for October: 111.". h ttpsr. revwiue. . . i,ii. f, Den. IIIIIK? Opar. eicpetieee. . . . I,ilt,t Dec. Jo.liii Net eper re. . tl.049.19T Dec 113:, 131 Oper Income 904 71 Pec i:..14 Net Income.. . ., gl4),Ht DSC gltf,l4 From July I: Oper rsvenu 110.741.393 Dee. 1404. ill Oper. eipense. ... T,tM,tfl Dac 311, u47 Vet oper rev Opar lncswie. . . Net Inwn tl t'7.341 Dec IM1.44T tttl.tfj Dee. 3s:. 114 . .. .".3 Dec. tTt.TM JeOO" Ttie Mtnnaapoila m. Paul and ftault f4t Maris Railway Company report for Oc- looer; 111. (tbaovea Total opsr. rss... II.tt7.743 Inc. leon' Exp. ii i.O tax ss 1.22. 01 Inc M.Sgl Oper income . 11 i T4l Ino 140. 70: Frotn July Ii Total Doer, rev . IT.T1I.I7I Inc ties Esp 4111I taves 4. soft 74 rc tt.itt Opsr, Income M.ii",; Its- 1474 OT'i ChV a ii D Prist in Total oper. rev.. 1.014.4".7 Ine 174.71:, lOxy sn,1 taxes... 627.33 Dsr IT.TII Opr. In.-om . S9.r,i: Inc. ttS.eti rVotn .Inly 1 Total ..per. rV.., t.H.n14 Ire- IT.t3 Eap Stal taxas . 7.440 311 DC. s;.34 Oper It - 'iia . 11.411,701 In,- 1304.170 VI) IlIO iHAVlrB. The Ieiner at i uio arawd iiartrsad for fhtobsr. 141 t'ht'ipi 13.. II.IM line 1:44.14' H77.417 Ino. ,tlLIII inc. 141, til 411,141 Ine. 14)0,31 Cumpajvy rrKirta Total rne- fo4 Buri Kr. Tote: Oper. Total Surplt eper r 'neonie . ncoJms . a July 1 oper PSV, Income . . Income. . 9 3 43.14a Inc t,Mi,ftj Ino -. JV'.ml Ino 1.143.733 Inc HI. 311 773.717 741.304 77I.7JI TEXAS The Texas anil te the Intsmtat, f,r Octwb'r: A.VIi I'ACIFlt-ra-'inc Hallway reperts Conwnaro Coaantlaasan 1 9 1 o Ohnree 1.73,3iH Inc. 4S 37 1.144,314 Inc. l,TTd Total ever rev . Total oper. expen. Met ever rev Oper tnoome. From July 1 : lM,47 Ine 1,89.1::, Inc 14. 11, 043 Inr. 4.447.944 Do. . 40 f 44 33.113 To! .,. opsr. rev 1101 347 I, til I,.' oper. expet. Mat oper. rev.. 11.74 7,404 Tar 1110.332 Oper tnoome ... IL44H.340 Ine. I6.17S 0171.F. CntjTfUkDO AND SANTA FE. The Onlf, focorado snd Banta F Rssl. teay resorts to the Toterstat Otsnnisn's I'onitntillon for iHtixber: 1914 Ctltuige Total opsr rsv 11.337,51 Itxj f0.094 N4 opsr. rev. 206. Hi Da. 12:. ?7", Oper tnoome., , 144,21: Dec. IH,4tt Preen July t Totil opar. rev IS.32I.4S3 Dec. 14. 7. 49. ! Net oper. rsv. s.l.iiSS Dec 1.os:.4u7 Cper. wico-ne, lilt, 473 Dec. l,Sti,141 NAftHVII.IJC. ' IIATT'VOi niA AND PT uouia The NesSwi'.J. rtiiaitanoogsi and St. leejWi Rall-wsy Oosnpany rapor: s for lc tirber: :6'. ' ithajtra OPOT rvvsnuas... tl. 1-at. 133 Ino. 1142.446 'par sspanaWo. in- nii Net opsr. raw. Oper. Incom... from July 1 : Opsr. revenue. Opeff. expctieee. Net eiper rev. Oper. Income. . 1324.344 Inc. itilii ine two.tlut 141.3:: gin. 433 197. 01 131030 3:n,70 14. 041. 314 Inc I.O04.341 Dec tl. 011,333 Inc. 114.410 Ino. MWHAWICiS' I.IRNS. Manhatlan. 71TI! 4iT 191 W Jonas W!er agt N T Real Eiaite Ssoirrlty 'o, owner ire newal) 1193. SI IteTH KT. A3 W DMO"ltl, Inc. al N Y Re: Betate HerurrVI y Qi owner. Mc. Vlekwr foulard ltoaJty Co. (xttrUSAielei (reneovmli lift BT NK'HOI.Att AV, 1493 -Paura llooAni Works agt Douglas lloHlnson, ssmsri Ijlfo Amuesmmit Oorpn. f'rtv rviriilcs glcyllght xN and andard Ar. h Co. eon- tr4Mtmrs , ,tt 43 Bronx. OilDBN AV li?7 'Drank K (tlaaaaea sst WIlltAsn V Dunrough, owner ml ton tractor CS 'j3 1.1 H PENDENS. Manhattan. TH AV. n w c 84th at, 11.4x110 John KAMon l al at ,'rnlalc Itenlty Co el al itorocloauro of mig) i "t'y, d g Myers 142D HT. n s, 370 w LenoK sv, Manhattan Bye, sjar Throat Hospital act llargarel wetn et ai tmendd foreclosure of tntgi. tt)H. cury A Cir MADIhon ht. 2 fix glagfrted Ksiadgil xf Annie I.evy et al (fer03Ura f nitfi . ally. Bohmsr A tjonnenthal. ID AV. 401 to 412. ami 1MB At, III ami 1S6 17 Troy flavins Hank agt Annla R CI, ins st al (foreolotur of three n 4ty, II Cwaln. WKST BHOADWAT, S41 to 349- Fitl'h It Thorn agt r'sriner1 Ixian Trust Co, er, et a! tparl II Ion ) otly. tl' lier, Itol alon A Koran. Hrnni. OlifNTON av, w , Jll.t n 1 D i h i : i ill. 3 --tlolonwui i I'osell agt tiorlle 1 1 1.: -pin l fore, loaure of rAOPtgag! , atl., Powell 4V BNVWr LOT 8f, nwp "f 130 lots, property of MarlinlliAii Morseii'thau. IM 4'ur,l--Vew York ami nubuebaii CoperKtilv.. liulldlng 4 Ixan AaeoiiiJbtlon art Joseph A Pow rs e4 wl (forewjlosur of mortgage): alt y R H Berg roan NOVEMBER A BIG BUILDING MONTH 3!) Structuros Plan tied at a Cost of $3.RH, r00 Ahead of November, 1014. November Miow a b's (ntin in hutld Ing opcrntion In Manhattan over th rorrespnndins month last year. Plana were tllod for thirty-nine new structures, costlnji. M,Hll4t4)l durlns: the month, sa itgantar eleven, costing 1, 505,800, a year ago, thus slionlng n gain of twenty clKht In number nnd tI.7ISS.t00 In capital Involve!. The statist ;il report as compiled by HtH.tletlil.m James W. Fpeficer shows that phins were hied for 3 dwelling houses, costing fni.XOO; II tenement house, costing f2.R3j.no0: 1 hotel, cost ing II,M : 2 ollb e bulldlng.i, roaUm ItlttMO) 2 factories, costing fl.'l.r.OO: 2 phicea of amusement, costing f 300.000 ; a stables arid garages, costing 1212.000, and 2 oths-r structures, costing il.-00. Tii most Important building planned during the month were an eleven story apartment bouse mi the nOPthwtgst cor ner of Lexington avail U and Sixty-ninth strest, costing t60,000i a fourto n story ajiartment on the souih side of Neventy nlnth st reel tuist of LSSjnaTtOtl avenu. costing 1 4IH1.0HII, a twelve story apart ment on the south side of Klghty-elghth street east of Amsterdam avoinie. coet Ing ItOOiOM ; a pina ftnry atiartitutnt on the south side of Fifty-eighth street east of Seventh u nue, costing tloO. Oini. t rlv slot .iiKirtments on the northeast Pomer of Haven svenue and 170th gtraet, ixistim: UI((M a twelve story stone and OfRca building oji the south side of Firty-elKhth street erest di Finn avenue, costing ti2..uoo; an eiuiit. glory mercantile building on the north side of Twanty-llfUl street west of Tenth atssnu, costing f 111), 000 ; a Mix story storage warehouse gat th south Btda of lk 1st street east of An. lu tein gvonua, costuig I1"0,000: a ela story automobile building on the north side uf Sixty-seventh street east of West Knd avenue, costing fl.'iO.noO: a nine story gpartntanl on the eouth sidrt of I llirhty-llftli street east of Dark avenu. costing 1170,000 ; -..x Ay story' flat on Ihe aouthtaaal ,orner of Dost avenue and Hawthorne 3trt, costing 1220,000; a ntna story aisrtinsn1 on the north side oi Kighty-sscond streel nist of t'olumhu avenue Ating ItOO.OOt ; three five story flats nt 11 to If Weal I loth street, cost ing $11 S.000 ; a seven story et tJaangfll hou or hotel, on the south side of Thlrty-slath street eaxt of Nliith attanua, troatlng ffl.oagj a twelve story gpartmanl 1 n the outiiist comer of W k 1: . aventta and Klghty-nlnth street, ttlng t5t,0O0, and a even stor' bulldingl for the Young- Women's Christian Association on the southeast corner of Lenox . i venue an I 124th atTeet, costing 11(0,000. I1IOIMI' Il I.IMMi KORK4-1.Ogl.1tE. John Kareon h-is started foreclosure suit against tin Crolslc Realty ("oitr Iniriv, owners of tlie property at the northsntat corner of Klfth avenue and TWnty-iXth sIreH This Is the CTOtSTC Muihllng, n IWgnty story comments) structure fronting (1,4 feet on the sve nue opposite Madison SipiHre and 100 feet on Twenty-sixth street. TASUM IHIPPAH PT. PUra, Pas A BtlHttan have sold a plac at Bhtppatl Point, near Stamford, Conn., for T H. Oraham to Francis tluerrlloh. SO A ( 111". MltHHia PL AIN DRAL. II C, Raynohl has fiM the Atno farm of fifty aitrea, on Littleton road near Die Laehawanna Railroad statin" .it Morris Plains, N 1 . to Arthur S Pleraon Mr. p s in will eubdlvlde the proparty Into acre and half acr plots, make .t lake and follow leotttour line in shaping Intersecting street and roads. The troperty WW held at (15,000, vatWBag kptt k njfWTKu. Qaorga B. rorsa and Carsteln A 1 .1 ii - neain nave teajieti nvs nonrs comprising (0,000 sipiare fee) In k4 to 30 fifth avenue, northwest '-orner of avturtasntn street, la J. Kiener ii- Co . manufacturers of men's clothing, tor many years at l West fourth street, for a term if c.ire. M, A I. Mese hsve leased the fourth floor at 104-101 Sixth avenue to the Northern Knitting Mills; ninth floor at D4-t2 Twenty-first street, to Max Sha piro ninth floor at 1(1.1(1 West Nin taatith street, to lliilpern A (itnsman. spine on the seventh (1 ",r at 2R-32 West Thlrty-aixth street to I'ox & PreUV ksl; and. with th Dlnkstaplal Rowan-ire,- Company i the twelfth floor at (054 West gevenleenth street to t idiom 4t C. .M'.ept .1, Moore has lejised the store at '-I West Eoorty -second street, corner of i'lith avenue, formarty ooouplad by th M. A. QunM Company, to Henry Schondel for sesen years The store was held at a ratltal of f 1 R.OOO a year. Tho Mutual Ue lnsuranco Compaivy hus rented the storo and basement at 47-40 Liberty etreot to Carl llergmann fur restaurant ptiriiosea. .1. Arthur naohar Oias ilessod for J ante Dwryer the basement store at the northeast corner .r Sixth avenue snd Thirty-eighth atreel tu v. Willi. -unson f..r .i barber shop ind the Arst loft in mi tfrand street to tha gyaonby social Club Th, i D' Dompany has leased the building Hi ll'.rst ir.-et to the RiUer Hageman Drug HI ores for storage pur poeei and the s at Iff N'lnth ave nue and 1(8 Bight li avenue U th tlreitt Atlantic .net i'aclfla Tea Com pany. Daniel Btrdaall A Co have leased a lofi In 21 Walker streel to Horowrttg A Cohen; u floor In t1! franklin street to LipniM Co. ; a lofi in loil Fifth nve- rue m the Magee i 'ann t i 'ompany ; ottlcee in s7t Broadway to i. Hargog a Hro, aisfl ottiees iii 3(4 flfili avanua to I K. Palmer a Co. eh. tries H '.ni V.ilen hns leased a lofi iii i J Waal Heventeenth street to Benjamin wales, lot'i in 3k West Btgh teenth aiis'et to JjniaiHU A Mora its. of in (t W illiam street to Qaorga V, Kramer, Frank II. Adam and 1 leorgt I,. Heron, and ft l"f' In 41 West Seven teenth si n i t to Borden Raiaar. M forman a fo have leased a loft In tha Kam Building to the Continental Printing Company for a term of five years, a loft to tlm gpear Walat Com pany la 114-120 Waal Twenty-alxth street, afllc In the Wilson Huildlng to Hchulman, Malgal A Hauptman and a loft to i Brannar in 127-1:1:1 Waal lotf antaanth atraet. Ames It Co. have rented n store and offiua apaoa at 111 Fifth avanua to 1 11 lesple, Itlmporta A Beard, tours, who have been located t.'r a tiuinlier of years in tha Metropolitan Mfa Building, and tin store and bagemanl at 25 West Thirtieth atrael to David Shaw for ugg as a lunchroom ami dslusttaaaan, John J. Kttvanaglt lias Iraaad a store In Hlfi I'aik avenue in Charles Setitpfn. Douglas I,. Klllnian A ('h have leased the stole ll '-'I UllSl I 'Tl J -II lilt 11 street 10 1 '. I. Snow, ait dialet II A. PoUglu A Co have leased the building at 1(08 UrtUld lloulevard, near lklth si i, ei. for a long term to the Quality Markei L'ontpanyi wir suit: inn sk iikv't ti.a. Miss llsnrlslta f. iiruiio has Ion ed tho dWIlllInU at 27 1 W est F.igliD fourth Itreel 111 i Mlaa Malkus. The Houghton Company nnd a. n. (illterman hae leased the four aiory dwelling at 111 West Sev, nty-so ind street to OhaHattg I llendec. gtawaog & llohbs hnvo rented to J. Van Horn tha four story dwelling st 2,",a West flevsnty-firtb treet for a term of years. Passe nilman have leased tor Mrs. E. A. Underbill to Mr Isabella Mere dith tha three story and basement dwelling st 120 Bast Fortieth street. II It OK ft tit KKOtmt DaVU.S. Julius Rcott negotiated four of th five Bales Involving tha two (lata at Ilia t:,1 West lttd street. Charles Buermann 4 Co. negotiated th recently recorded aata of tha Ave story flat at 264 East 131th street for Charles Kugter to tha Maaeba Really Company. I SidoM Bros negotiated th recant aale of tha six story flat at Iff -117 West Tenth street for Mattle Blogg to Pas quale Real. AUCTION SALES THJB WEEK. t olaatarr aad POreeg Offerlnaa la Maahattan sag The (real, MOKDAT, DRcnMBDR 3. (AT 14 VgJSBY flTRBBTT.) Br etmud atari. TU AV. 41 n e cor 16th at, 13.1x100 1 s-v inr ami atr -Title OAT Co agt A ' M Asov, tr. An, et wl ; Harold fta al'i. ally. Myivtn Pulahergar, ref; due, 04, '.axes, Ac, it, (it, TV (M DAT, DBCBMBaTtl 7. (AT 14 VKSEY STREET By Joseph V. Day. I4TH ST, Ii E. n a, 43 3 w Madison av. 31 1x100.1. 4 v dwlg. tasee. Ac. .", alo 147TB M 33S W. n . 103 Brosdwsy. I '' it 3 sty uwlg. mtg 11.000: tales. A.. 1434 n.'i K 1 Have et al gt K II Hint et al. Hassett. t A T. attya. W P Maloney, ref. partlltoh Sl HT. Ill K, a a 70 e l,ei!nton av. J 10x100 . I ety A F Randoipb et al agt M A Thornton et al . Hsrvcl SAaln, atty; c W Dayton, rsf, duet I I 1.004. 04. tax. Ac, 1 13.'BN ARM IT. 44. a a IM Church st :3x93 ',. ; sty loft Wat-re n Crulkshank ti. Ac. nr. M J French et al. Isird. D I.. sll). y W Polllo. raf. due. 33 113. nil. laxea. Ac 1:71.11. IIP ST. 4.1 K. a a, 144 e Ma. I lean a 70a I0M, 4 sty da-.a -II S ugllvle a(l K A I'emarenl et al. H M He'itnger. Jr. atly. J D (Mataon, ref. du.; tsx.s, Ac. By Henry Brady OIUMfAUD gT, ti3. a 45. Brswm at tl :.. 3 ft) front and rear bjdg a - K M Illak al agt Hopkins See , ., et al. It Wlftthrop, atty. J i Kelly, ref. dje. (It,lt.l4: taxes. Ac. 1113. S7. 1!tii st. ii w, n a, it 4 AmatardAm iv, 37 '' " II. .". atory Oat- V K Mar! t al. Ira, x . agt Levy a- Welnsteln if. A Con Co al a', gttye, Iavlson A F. A W Ptuntp, ref. due. Mt.ttt.ttl taxes. A,. fgg,att IMTH gT, IK W, n a. 173 w Amsteolam av. It, ( story flat Edw Rim agt The. Mhlrlaw et al , atty. A II Alter hurj. J V Mitchell, ref; due. 17.3. .'I. taxes. Ac, 1(04 IS; pr mtg I IttD HT. Ill W. s s. 10 W , AV, lx 100 11 4 atory dalg H H Hat- ' agt J O Babay et a:, attya. Tag or. K a II. J D K;ty. rf. due. ftt.ftt.4tl laxe-. Ao 1474.44. H' BntB I.. Kcnnelly MI7Ri"Elt ST. U3-11S. a a. ISO n 8p ru st. 30H0O. tWO i story left Clt) H F. Co agt Belleniore Boldlng Co et a': attv. Harold Swuln; Tliui I. Hurlev. ref. WO, I74.3S0 71. taxes. A'. By Samuel cloldallcker. ItTH ST 34 W, a a. 400 w 4th av. 33iti : lo story ioft .1 A Slrewart at al. truti agt W tl l'lguaron at al. attya tieekniui M A (3. A I It rke ref; due. ftl.ttl II; tasea Ac, II. 743 70. AT S:iO TIHIID AVEcVFE 1 Hi Juacph IV Day llgp HT. :.:i YV. n a. 39 w orand a. lex Itt, 3 story tirk d'.vif - chaa le!tz agt Jsrpol a wvraer tVin c, et o. ittys, Unit a D F I M'.ran raf. .Inc. 7 I ii laaaa, tot PROgroCT AV. 3H43, a 317 4 a 13Hli! at. 33x160. Btery frama dsilg linar.l ant aad Ilia ., agt O liallana l al. atlva. Carrlnaton A I'. K H K- ref i due. fl.Mt.41i laX, Ac. 40I tPttOMaBlOAT, PEiTMRBR I AT 14 VMB1 STREET ! By Henry BrAdy BROADWAY n c c 144th st. M.(lt413 4xl Irrag, vaeaati Jim Waalea, exr, A., agt i F II Burgess Con Co el al: K A gmlth, i H . J II Regan, ref. due. Ilt.4lt.34 , a. -. AC. I...J . 147TU ST. i.: . li a. t: It'll ' 17 x 73, i ati dwlg Cttlsani aav Mat.. I. A O'i '.'t.nor et a:. J A Hea'.l. a y Wagner, rf. aotiot, t nue. ft,llt taxes, Ac. I'. 14 I II ST, :,,:7 w. n a. Al e 1 1th av. 17 tx It, 1 at dWlgi aatna ugt aame aatni Btt) and rf; du. I4.s;i 44. I By Joseph P Day USD ST. 313 W. n a. 21, 7th n ::.x 3 11. .' sty flat. Jennie Currier e: a exra. A.-, agt Barltt Byman e: .., Prilngr A v, anva. K D Dowllng ref. due, 114,114.11; too, Ac. 14.11 It. I AT S:o TI!1RI AVENCI ) H Jams J Is,r,ovan AST!,!. IIII. I. AV, n c llraaon in I", frame bldga; OttlU Ei.gler agt K-',:. At al; I. n Marttn, atty; Mcfiiirh, rif. partition, inci. a.., B Oearg Price H4TH ft, ;ia e. a a ill i Unaeia a xioix trrra. 3 ali fran front a:i,i bldga; Henry RUohtra .,gt M R c, i. t it Blldrth, aii. L j con:.,:, 70x A I' M 11 1. 37, 3 rfar k el ref. partition, THFRSPAY. DK "FMBBR t AT 14 VfMBY ST11FET By Joph 1' Iia MANHATTA.N ST. 7. a. 117 4 n B : t-.n st. tl.tgtl.i, 4 sty term. Keuwen hoven Kate- , a agt Bealrl. e Hen at al ; l.each A W. attya, ii n cnnalan. raf; due. 114.340 41; laxea. A . 4t4.34 MANHATTAN- AV. 8. h b, ) 0 f luOth at 87 i94 i. 'i aty aparttnt Kaat River Sav 11 .' k agt w ctr r eigh tain I A DV Co at ai. i F Hlbbardi tiy. J 0 Lv1 raf; action 3, dua. 143.333 31. lairs Ac 144110. By Henry Brady. MANHATTAN AV. 4, a. 38.11 n lOtth at. 17.1134. 1, C sty ar.rtmt -East River Sav Instn agt xjua,ltit,ernugh laind A Dav Go at al; ii F lllhbard. atty: ft T t'hllltpe. ref. a Hon 1, du. 141.34111 taxes. Ac, 1X97.60. AT Mil THIRD AVENUE By Jsap P Day. tntgrTCKRgTRR AV. n e rer Hos av 4! 4x Irreg. .- llt -Fredk Kollender agt Adolph Hiiosklii'l el al: Kurtman. F A tl. attya. J O Fsrrell. ref. du. 13 ffT Of,; taxsa. A' , fit!) pr mtg 14". 00". Uy Charles A. lierrlan. Pl.TMfTON AV. 1844. s a. ,,o n ITOth at, 3rx60.Sx ineg. 3 sly frame dwlg ii s t i.ning agt Plympton con Ca et ai BloOmAeld I.lttall. atty. Erneat Hull, ref' due, I4.114H If; laxea. Ac. .4t. Tly Jamaa J liono an. KEt.LT HT. 744. a a 37S n IStth at, 3lx 10", 8 sty brg d-: Anna Unldbrrg agt Job Furago et ai; Harry RobHBSki ally E J llealy, raf; dua, I6CI t; u,m ge. li 83. CHUUEtt AV. 1141. w a. r.95 n Morrta Park ay, 'JcxOB. dwlg Hans Knileier at al agt Kllaa l.utz at al, .1 li Merrlant. attv M J Eaan. ref, dua, 1 1,443 lfl taxes. A 1471.41 114TB NT. 341 E. n a, 103 w Hrwnnroivl sv, 28 4x108 4, dwlg JohantiA Baupt' niAon art Jacob Wusaaiier. exr et al. J I' Harren. atty; Jehn Davla. ref: dua, 12 taxes, 'l 14.71. PTtMlAV, liRiT'.MHER 10 AT 14 VESF.Y STREET I By Joseph I". nay. 7(lTIl ST. 80 to 14 W. s s, HO. I w Central I'k W, Tt.lXlOO.f, four 4 ety darlg w H llonllton el al B' nben lioodvvln'et al ; Hi, ml U on. ll A F. .b!t. A S N..elon. ref. lianlilon. luxes. Ac. Il.flf.ttl miga. SO. 0011 AV A. 3011, w a. di t : at. 7S 8x100. 4 aiy fr and rear innits 1 A Isw et al. BXTB. o, uat Anrahain Salkin et al; Man A M. attya: J II ltoan. raf; due. tlfV" 'il A3; taxe. Ac. 11.374 44. ItTH ht. f..t b. n a, ;so w Park av, Jix 100.11. R at y flat ' A Sleven et 1. exra, A'', agt Iteaalv (iraenberg at a . W P Vtnlng. atly; S A Parrell. ref, dua, 121 481 MS, taxsa. Ao, 11 I t,, no 110TH NT. 434-12 B. s , 347, 1st av, 110x100 11, leaaohold ; staMe and shopa J J HnhnurniAoher egt Ituhlii I.iakln at al. Samuel Barxlrk, ally; It A SeMgmann. ref: due. .',.734.84, lull, Ao, 17,44.911 By Herbert A athernian ItTH HT, 334 K, a a. 300 2d av. 31x98 8. sty ting irailllni Mrs at al agt Mary riavery as al ; W 0 cirr, atty. It .1 II Poww, ref; dut. 110.431 3S; taxes, a, 1409.07. aATisvriBn MORTnAoga. iVilih name and aridr of landar'a at- torny. ) 10TII HT, 7 K. n a. 360 w 1st aT, .',(t 10, known atao aa ftt, map eataia of N'lch olaa Htiiyvaaunt, called Ihe Rewery farm February 11. 1 12 Sophia Hl.yer ta Heny Kern, attys. Craasfardi Harris A liiindman, 32 ldberty at 11,1(10 HAT1NFIKI MaKOHANIC'll MEN. Maltha I Un 44TH HT. 0 32 WUsmo VUnk1t4u ag-t EhurMiVh Amnrloaan Batmlty 'o M ). Ort . 1U6 Ml .It TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFERS. 'With name and address of ndr ami eiromev Tf attorney's name la omitted ad'lreit pan i of first part. I Downtown. Mouth of Fourteenth t.) . PINE ST. St. a s. 7.l w Water et. Jo.tx 40. Water Bt, 133. n w s. 40.7 e w Pine si, 3.1 .xu xx38x8 --Aletta It Miller, F Miller ai. Newark. N J, lo Arthur H O'Malley, irgen al, Bklyn. ml i.'.Olm. h and s. Deo ll address, 44 Court st. Bk:vn II VA VDKWATIJH Mr, 40 a A, 31.138.1x3l.7,x 14,8. a a -Simon P Flannery to Auxuaia I' Fowlar. 3100 Mass av, Wash, D C, '-t 34, alt). It Us Hann, Haveeatraw. N Y 1 MtlFTH ST. 1071. n s. 60 e Oliver st, 2&XX0 Mlmon I Klanntry to Augusta I" Fowler. 3100 Maaa av. Waah. D C, all llena, iiity. Harry Us Bnn. Haveretraw. NT ft CHKRRY ST. in. n w c Maminl et. 2t.x 100 3; also Interior lot adj about :'.", w fci,mmi.t x o n fhorpy at run n :: x w 20 x s Jo x e 30 to beg Eugenie lordou to e fSoedon ttxt Madlaen av. ' r t and I. all llena Dec 3 nun WAIaKBA HT. 11-1114,, s a. lis Oertlaadl al. 34x100 Iforeeloa Nov 15) Arthur H Friend, ref. t,i Amerh-sn Mio-tg Co, 44 ,ur st, De 3; attya. Bowers A Hand. 'edar al 147., 000 LUDLOW gT, n w s. 17,7. II w Hetelsr BI. 11x17- Itosella Tsnser i elabergi to Hnml Wslasbera. 40 v llklyn. mtg 7.0011. all lens Nov 24; ally, Matol Mttermen, '"'i Ha ioo QRAND HT, -87. s w c r, ulcere at. 11.(1 itxtaxlf.t, tofaelo max Ileal Ja ii (Melson, ref. la the Gfty of New York. Nov fOj al , Corporation Counsel city H Y I1,00 RRierjVi: HT, 304. n a. 77, s Norfolk et. ".'xlnii -Isadora M LBVy te Broome Mt Raaiiy, lae, 233 Bwag, mig Dee I; add ream, 111 Rway 1100 III lsti- gT, w a, II 9x No 14 Ablng don flsjuag Co, Ipr. lo Elian Donnelly. 7.73 Mdlacc.i at, n I alio, Dec I: tte, lt".- A P. Itt PVwrc It BANK ST 11 a. Ill W Waverlay pi, lit too. Huh '. 11 a. 1'U e 1l av, 3SD4 8 -II y Warssr ,,f llig'ands. N J. aoi Ol Mart.. Wagner, nasi win ii. ;r,t lint i road, Bklyn, mta i".0'o. an llena, lis. 71, acx. Wataon a k. 100 Wn at tl '".TII AV. V e. 43 3 n lltll et. 30x0 Mam SAC Conetr '' 'a Klnjsm Realtv co in. 141 tv 3flih mtg lis, ooo. raft liens. Dec 3, at '.-..a Q Hix, lfl Rwav 110" I'.VtVBatMITY PL, a I" I l!-h st. l.lx ,'.s : oi f iex ma t,, geasnaa s Back for Having. 74 Wall St. 1 1, I 26. mts I pi n.i. i attya Cadwakwlar, w A T. i" Wall at tloo ItTH HT. .. 341 llh av. 31x79 9 -OaW mac C.nair I"., t., Kittson Iteally Co, 14'.' 30th al, tii. r 17 0"'i. Dec 3, alty, Jsawe I ' Roe. 134 H.Miv I1O0 Kgal Hide. ' East of Fifth IV, between Fourteenth ami i i ih ita.i AV H. e ., 3' 3 n lllh at. 40 4x1 7t F d'Onofrln In.-. ,. Ia""tia llo'dlng 1',-rpn. 4:i Park !". uv I. aiiv, .1 A Bteaer, at Park Haw . .tit laKXIXUTUN AV, w a. 6. 4 u Slat rims w 7.4 x a 7 x w 44 x n I.'. t i Oo p, av x s . . ', i . '.sa 17:;. i tttr kenprove nielli c, t,, Ren a neon Raalty Oo, 401 E 1.1 . mtg 124,000, all llena. Dee Atty. I. T A T I'.,. Isu Bwav II IIDiiT, til K i, 140.1 w Id av, Tioxioo Paullaa Ootien t Rksurv a Byhi IS:: Pacific at. Hkir. q e, : .Una. Nov 2'.'. at: T 'i V, 174 Bway 11 sun: PlUJPERTY iBnMna a Mayhew io Uisyen Mart c. l.",rty et. a l lleew, Dee (; atty, seme ft Met bide Fifth av, l.etwecn Fourteenth and 1 10th bib i 34TII gT - a Tilt e tb av. ItXll.t Mar ma. ConBtn Co 1,, Kltiaon Realty "'!. 3ii' W :0th at. mtg 1171.000, all lleti lie .1 atty, .lease ll R,,e, l.'X Rway 11"" ITTH s'T s s. 100 e 7th av, 9xh?x Irrei; Marmsi t.eattn Ca to Klnsen Realty Co. Ill W :th at, mtg 1341.000, all llena, Dei 3. atty. Jaaae ci Itoe, 129 Hwey 1100 tlHT sr. -.1 w. a a. fit w 7,th av. 25 3 Warmai ''onatn Co t Klnsun ilea t ',. Ill IV ttth st. ni'B ftt.tlO all llena. Dec :' at:.. Jeaae (I Rot I2x iiw ,y,,i so ItTH gT, 14 W, -. Itt w 4ih av, 2lx :x fleraon Borde et al la Bva Icewen aiein. '.'i w llltk st. rata Mttt, aJl lena Dei i alty, Arnold M, haells, 320 llway II i 1st ht. ii . lit w AnxBtBrdara av, 27x I".: (Vohlfarth Realt) Co to Adam t'rbaebi 141 7lh av. He. 7t, mig 111.091 .'tis. lis I. a Male A M, :iil Nassau alreet 180 IITB ST .' "7 . i 14s Amsterdam av. Ifxltt.t Wohlfartli Realty Co I,. AUm tr'a h, 71 1 ' Ith av, part, intr 26. 1 RO a I. lie .1, attya l'e t.a Bars . llnrrl eon, 7 -5 Rsan st lis R1VERMIDR DRIVE eer tlsi -t, 7t.". x Wilbur La r rem or, rsf. to N Y Tiust re, .4 Bread at, Dec r, attv, gabrlskle, 31 - a K : Wall si IO.tO TH ht. 123 w. - ."t" e Amsttrdan ... 30xin,i 9xit Islet Litre ': Murphy, Haglnaw Mlcrt in Job i DagfBlt lir. n tnont laaiier. N nits 111 itt inn,, Nov lliatty, I. T t bo, Itt iii. aj tloo I plown. 'Manhattan fola. 1. r..,r:h of ltoth st i 111 I'll HT. 47i W. ii a. Itf !an"X av. lax ISO. 1 1 if, .re,!,, a. Nov ;.i T W An thony, ref Rew-burgh, H V, to .1 Hla k t.iirn Ml', sr. N,i. tVindsor, N V. Nov A, atty. tRVLhsvjn Wltsehles?, ll smith et. Mewburgb, s Mt. IITiTH ht. n s. :oo w laenoi ay, 4010 1 1 The l.en.ix Rathe io iiuia Klnkeletein, lxs Malison sv, Nov 11 pr mtg 14" tag; an.. Otto gaenuels II Nassau si t 1I9TII HT 7. R, s . 11 . v Park V, 27.x o.i in .saui'l St arl In .lax Powers Mt Hope, H v, mtg -'' Deo 1, tt. Paul 4 M tlelrl k. Ill Bxeai tie I ItTH HT. s , II a v, ligxJs it l.ouis and Barri Jartualswalir, itnu f .lar'i.aa.wsk) . 1" AtsSrl Jar li u. i.w aky. 14 E sld Mover '.icnulow-sky, :io;, Fort R'ashingeoa a. laxulfl j4trtnulowaky, 111 I7th at. A- Max Mirke. 1334 Madlsen aV, exra ,,f 4ISlsr fkx . N".1 11'. attx-a. H'o.Mar.l A M. 1.4 Rway tl f Oil: HROPBHTl Albert .tarmuhvweky el al, asra sWtldSf to Itfth gtrst Carpn, III Rwsy, m s ftl.4tt.a4i Dee l: attv. aa-mc ft!.08 IStstT s'T. i . 2." . Aii luban av. .'axllc Xain'l H Moor : i Ft,., h h Moore A ano, 44 DeaaAvr . Flushlns n y, Roy , sttv. louts Wndl, .77 Bway II Braax, Rorough "f I hs Bronx ST ANNS AV, w cor 147th st. 2 x97i 4- -7"7ih jt Rlty Cxirp lo ttebx-c .1 r-id-nian. Ill Mansfield p. tiklgn, org l.s. eno Deo B, atty. .1 A H ldman. 61 Park Row 1 1 Oil LOTH 33 and 34. blk 64. man Morris Park tie. ar Bsfler to nero r shoe , in.-, 1 ;,4 Nuawau at. Her 1. ntt.. 1 a-aaer llcoa, 2S.' Bway 1 rORBMT AV, -1. w a 72 6: lv,r- leaa Boldlng CO, Ine, lo lea.,. Hall, lift Union i. mtg Ml,!, D . att.s. tiodftln A W. lie Hway fl ANTHliS'V AV. w a. 73 a I 7 .Mb at, 11x100. 1 - -Ella V Hhltilis , ano to v, in F I le vin.. 101 Cumberland st Bklyn, Nov 17., a'tya Cadwaiader. U .x T 4" Wall st ... 1103 Tl N'T! IN AV. s, . .f., at. 11.3a I :i2 :.- -Mary IC Doyle Indlx a ,-xtr. to Chaa F Feel. 1174 Tlnlen a. DsT ti atly. W H Suiltti, 462 i; l7th at . 1100 CONCORD AV. II a cot I "Ml , 40','4 David laley io Morlt; ilruensteln, 4o W 86th -t. mtg 138.110" May k) part, atly. Borttl QrUoatelU, 2.0) liretid at ft da Ci.N'MltD AV, i.93. s - 41X81 Monti Qrusnaneta lo Nathan Kormai Hi Jen nlng st. la part, ratg - io, Nov ally, same I lull CONCORD AV. 484. a Icxll aaros lo BSAllt, 'j isirt, nil I 8.00t Nov 17, atty, came lit CONCORD AV. f, 1 4. a a I x90--Ha4ne to same. 'j 1'iirl, HUB ..""0. Nov 1 ." , NKW tlKRMKV kk.i imati, hik mil ATTHAPT1VI iAROAINI oiTrrtM hi BAN KINti PKPAK I'M K NT STATIC NKW MUK, i hullamt, InvetUiti nnd unib ptftivi' h'iin,,Wt'rk' V litrifr nunihfr ur mi c tut Ut t t rBiit wtioq, MiT-iviupre. iM !.!, Ilitittfllflil intii Tttatntu'lt. N .iirvi s. unm half of formtM- oWQffat prlOM AUt a law i iiitmtMr vf t x 1 1 f.ini ii x hotMM tt KilNvwiiii'r i Hn -I - n li. i.-lr- t .tint I'AlUauitv Turk I New .U'riM'j, ui fthoul nlW littlf tt ft.rniw prlrvi All of tin bov propariUM urr hhihm n flve rfiil fart- lOIW Mid wtthln thirty minutit. uf j Mmili:tUn. Tin unweruM must w Rujq , i.iiriiv to riiwf iiii- luiKuiiih or two narpufit 1 nuns iitm hfltiti riflUUtM by t ho Hankltitf : 1 h p.o I mt-tit . aWfarlall ItMllH i'imintal to pott trui'ton Hti l biiiUItrs who Mill pUfi ha a t on , aldfrahlr. numltfr of tot. ITor furtber nar-tlt-uUrs att-in-rt HKNJ l tl A K i MT. Hpoaial I Di'uuiy Hupt oi' UuiMi ckre of HaiiUum j lh'parliui-nt , - I HritalwH, New urk t n KEAI. ENTATE. A REAL PERMANENT INVESTMENT. J i nlOA(t) I mprtivtad I'rtiperty. than VM nl-l Si T A WAR H A BT. I A :o PKR eB NT. MT in vkwmknt Hie-ii ynulr i nr. a pa ri ineiit hulKtliif. 1 ! apart iint1 of rin. an1 tatli MO , ktrlrtly Viodtm tnd I't pprreet coiuJlt on . Olt to ''' '',Kt tpOll4'i ail room light. I Annual fjTOtM ftllltt approxlmatrly, MtMt.tO. Annua, (trot it-nf iipproxlniattmiy, &40 00. lv.tvlnK approiltnatlif n.-t rnta:, 400.00 lb.OOO oaah will huy this tqultv r. . I- r-t , win tie aoia Mini - ri ta is c nittfe. $A i'n rt A a,rrll1 m at :.,',.'-nn worih T 1. 1 ft. Owner ini1a ino-noy, no Irailt i onait1-rai. K. E. HAI.ntflN ro 34. 'i In.liuiia AttoitiA. ''lili'Hli-, Mllnol I NK! HMMIKI- ATAHTMENTH TO LET. BRONX. FOX 9rT.. T0 tn 7; 0 hltvUf Prwa pant Ava INAaVtlon; 4ft room a, ataam, hot Hrr, 111 to 24. Janliora. Telaphona MflroM I0BI. atty, aame 100 GRAND HOI'LTOVARD AND C"N"ryHRHF W S. 441.7, n llSlh et. 18 10x204 7 to 'ronton av x gf.ffjtOl lo Martha A b'.'hn io AJay llity corp. 261 llway. mtg 11.000, Nov 19. atly, THAT ',.. 176 Hway lion i.iit "oi, map -"ti arapartr River RRy Co to Josephine Fond. 1419 Parker i July ti. 1014. all.. C II Itaex'bler. 1120 Walker a. 100 l,lli PT, n s, 44 2 e College av, t? 9x7,. elso flhsrinan sv, s w o lAAih si, 103. llx 100 Isaac Hall lo Pearlers Holding Co. Inc. 46 Cedar al. mtg flt.ttfi Die ll sttys. I.lnd A I', 4A Cedar at fl 7A KHSTKH AV, a s, 808 1 a lttd al, also Wchslsr av, e a 2B a Hit at, 40 10x90 -Lottie T Hill lo Hatnuel tlordon, 27,3 Orand at, mtg 127,000, Ino 2, atty, Jo seph 8 Weinberger, 220 llway ,,.fl R ELI .Y HT, 8 a 0 117th St. 11.4s Irreg llenenaon Realty Co to Ham Mlnskoff. 191 Fox st. mtg 14.000, Deo 8; atly, I. TAT Co, 160 Bway ln BKA'Tf AV. e a. Ill a Lrnmb av, 46x100 Pstr Unnnan to 1 1ix Doll, 203A Ryer av. mts 14.300. Dec 1: atly. T ll A T CO, 1 74 Hway 1100 KITH HT, 710 K, a s, 14 0x13.4 Henry F 0 nrlen to William Ollendorff. 001 W 110th st, mtg 11.000, Deo , atty, T c, A T Co, 1.6 Bway lion OMR HT. ss. 91 a w Prospect av, 4" Ix Irreg Levi M geovlll to Dslly Itealt. Co, Inc. 401 F. H!d St. mtg 110.000. Nov f atty, Itenrnson Realty t.'o, 401 K lttd at lit'O LOTS i and A, l,lk 473, map part Pol Katate--Abraham Hchnelder to Julia Hilineldar. 120 w nth at. Oet 20. III! (correction dead l ; atty, T O A T Co. 176 Hsay II 1I3H HT. n a. 144 8 s Rallrosd av. :;.'. - -Martha Ceaner to Mny K Miller, 6?.'. 170th st, n" 120. ooo. July 3: att.s Klfers A A, 377 Hway tl Fl: .ski. IN AV. a a, 111. I a Jefferson pi, 31 itxltf- John b Uookaaaa et si to Charlra F Althaua, I ".7,0 Inr : av. nilB 11 SO. DO 1, alt.. THAT Co, 176 llway g I n i, A1.KXANH7R AV, a. 76 a 134th st, Ji.x ioo -union Heigh ta Realty Co to Thorn r Roehford, tt Idvlagatoji at. Rkivta mta 117.400. Dec 3; atly, A 11 Wstermati. ix', Montsrue at, Bklyn II VALsNTIRR W, e s. .100 s I'Urk st. mux 327, f. ta TlsbOUt av 100x33a ' har e, itoa Rtiat t" North Coanty pvlopmeiit 1 n. Inc, 4 U tl Bt, mtg 118.000. Nov 22, gtly, F Dashler. 986 Intervale av . i pin JF.NNTNHH HT, a s. 13A w ftoiithern RlVd, 6!xl24 -I'harlea H line Kalata North County Iieviiopmant rex 81 William st. mtg tin. "00. Nov 32. attv. ? F liexhler 914 Inter, ale av ... lid" MORT4.At.KH. twi'h nam and artdrese. of lender and lender'a attorney, i Downtown. l45otH7h of Kourtseneh st i RAMll.TixN .wr n a. 344 2 a ixathsrlna si It.tSOI.lti Monroe tn. n, a a.; Hamilton at. 23, n a. x - fgg Torra to Oandolfo DI Martlno. 17.19 Ful ten e:. Bklyn, July IS, pr mtg 327. 600, du lire In, 1911, 8 , r; astv Chaa I. Fuaullo. 24 Court at, Bklyn It, MO MBRa'RR sr. w a. i oo s Houston st. oox if" attat Realty Co to h n.xweii ,i,,ne, Nowttrk, .1, De 3, 3 vrs, ,', p , ,fl 000 10TH HT. n r. 184 e la' av. 3SxS4 x LlBBle Wlrth io Henry tVagtsBr, Hirhianda. N J. Dec 3, 3 ra 4 p el tv, I . V Kherl 111 JJway 11(1,000 Kael Hide. i East of Fif'b av, btwa Pourteanth and lloth six i 3D AV. 474-74. w a. 09x100 474 Id Ax il i ling Co io Abet King et al. :tx B 6",tb at. Dec 3 pr RVtg gf,ft .) per Ootid, altys. A C, li N'teaau t I' ;, MADIRON AV. . e i-or 40th st. Maallaon A Ileal BataAa Co ta Bowar) exavlnss Hank. Ill llow.ry. rie.- 2. equal llsn mig I2OU.O0O. f, yrw, 5 p c; attv. 1, T Co. 1-0 llway . .,0"" HA Ml" I'ROI'KHTY -ism,- to l'rel. ria.1 Mtg tVtrpn. ; "Ti B 61a' ', Dee 3. pr mts 310 fins, J ,Pa. 8 p ,:, atty, 1. T c... 1, " Rwa 26 """ I'OTII HT, a a, l. J w Park a.. 17.1x108 4 August il Trauhe et a' lo c tWaaohlag. 16 Riverside Hr,v. Nov tt, I yr p e: atty, L T Co. 140 Jtroad way l3..',oo Weat Hide. 'Went f Fiftii av, between Pettft Bssxth and I .0:1, six. i 31HT T, a e. 140 w loth av 3St3 Friers Hart to Caaually Co of Amencs. sx William el. Nov .:'. demand. 6 p c. ally, Chester Ra'ex. t.x Wtlllum at ... 120,11. Ml LXJLVMRVg AV, w a. 76 : a XS.1 t. It.llx 100; klal st, s s 144 w- (Xolumhiis a. 18x100.4 chaa at Wllilamaon to John Kaydoek, lr 'i Ri.erst'ia Drive, du May 24. 1S14 p c. Nov 24: all. a Hall A P. HI Hway ll.ttO I plown. iManbaitan Island, north of no-h at I 117TH gT, n a. IIS 4 a Auux'sroam av, IB 4x Me, 11 inka .n H Doachkxei -.. Title a T Co. 176 Hwa.. lbs- l. due .,- aer laxnd 113.0,10 :37'1TI HT. a. .". ill, a. liSxti 11 l:i7;h H'rax, I:-, -. c.rpn ',, Sxm'i Wacht, 7" H'.xrrsl.l D-lve. D 2. die a- per bond. ativ. T ,; A r ,',.. :7,, Bway Ills ttt 146TII HT. n s. 47-0 w OllUt Britain a, 7"'x Do ou kii"x Park Row? 'i Would the People See a Sign 114 Feet Long They could nt miss it? That makes us think the ectui nr third floors in The Sun's new building nr about tho Km in this town t- Iv m it ytu want t te!! tho people da and night the kind of things you have tr sale. n.Kh floor contains 4.450 ft, Rent fl.vOOO. The building stands nt the corner ff P.irk Row and brankfort Street. UNUSUAL Best Advertising Point on Manhattan Two upper floors, ;ill glass 114 feel froni 8,400 feet of floor pacr .-ind a re;tt advertising sign 25 feet high and im feet l na total rent fis.ono 1 CITY HALL PARK j'jiSaJ 77 ' a evoaio bloc j L 1 1 V Z C lhJ liK- NEW THREE STORY BUILDING ON THE OLD SUN PLOT 170 NASSAU STREET Corner l-'raiikf ort Full view of Park Row, Post Office, City Hall, City Hall Parlt, and the entrance to Brooklyn Bridge. Close to Municipal Buildingi., Courts, etc. Building now being constructed, r ire proof and up to date. MORE PERSONS PASS HERE DAY AND NIGHT THAN ANY OTHER POINT IN GREATER NEW YORK. Charles F. Noyes Company, 92 William St. TELEPHONE 2000 JOHN Agents NEW YORK HJCAL FAT ATE AT AUCTION. THE GERMANS settW in New York between 1780-1860. They bcoght lots. largely on the direct line of the City's growth. Among the largest and wealthiest owners of real estate to-day are their descendants ASTORS, WENDELS HIKERS, SCHIEFFELINS and others. 241 LOTS At Elevated Stations On Main Avenues On 100 Foot Streets on Westchester Ave., White Plains Ave. and Leland Ave., on and near Jerome Ave.. I62d to 170th Sta., Bronx. Including Hubrr's Casino and Road Home of SCHRENKEISEN HUBER Have Got To Be Sold For Whatever They Will Bring AT AUCTION. You will be able to buy these lots at your own price regardless of their value. YOU ARE SURE TO MAKE MONEY. REMEMBER The 14th of December 14 Vesey St. 70",, tan rrnv-in on mortgage. Title? insured free. Send for the Book to Jonrpli P. Day. il Naixau Street J, ( lareni- t)air. H9tb Street & Third A.. Agrnts and Auctioneers. tt.1t 44ehr-OrnShr H- -y CVansl i,. jwrob axsneer, 112:1 w itn si. v. 1 11:10 uno. ,iu i.a par bond, Dm Ii ajtys MM X. 27 soar at.. 14 50 loi.sT ST. n e. 12." Amsterdam a. 1 84 x ... t- ax, i,-' era Ilea :v A I'.-nal Oo " Hixheer, 173 W loth t. 1'e.t 1. t-r mtl I'"' I " l'r bond . attya ftraue a .-. -7 Cedar a- It tt Urea 8. . HoroiiBli ,r Tl." Bronx i HnUKST AV, W B. I"0 a 1 811 a: IttBltt laase It 'll to Perles Holdlna Co, In 4i'. Cedar pri'.t mta l7 , le Install I i' (?: Hti. a. land a I'. 14 i'elar ,. I4.4;.t RAMK PROI'IJKTT exams to Chas Mt-. 74 Itth at, llklyn. prior mig 111 leeo .'. Instatsa, p -. tt-s. lloldhln M Itt Wear t7 WKBarrnn w. . it ntcit at, n it " xxixx.' x io Worth s' x II 4xt7. u iijxv A Claary to jaa Ralllr, 2.:77 H"..iii ax prior mta It ""1. Das x. due aa per hood; atty, Win I. Oamsson, IMI j.i ,.v I4i AlaBXANOBR W. W .-. 7 7. a U4lli :. Ita lea also land in BStsxeeBhrn ntxxa W has ii r. ixt io t'nlon Hetshta Rill tSo, Itt llontBsTUS st. Ilk .n lie, 1. demand. ,, . i8ti A II tVaterman, III Montaau et. Bklj-n M.llt Kttl't.Y HT, a "'..' n 117th at. 7."x Irrsaj -XX r:.-n. : te ,',,natr Co, Ine, I" .lae 11 xVenta, Itt IVel I7nd a'. Kav 2s. ne PAand, 4 p Pi all:-. T ' T 'o. 174 llu .11. I,, IT I Inxn XX'e.Mn II n ' -lilra ,xatate-- FOR RENT Is it en NXxied? 'ii RENTAL OPPORTUNITY! REAL ESTATE AT AfJCTIOK. leXtayelta ax I'.klvn. ive I, 't . rs r.t 1' - atty, I' x Pollork. Ml Beat 8!u '111 t.ND lltd LEVARP A VI i , '' ittrritit, l r. ii iNtn et, :. I'isjiiI.i to ' rxxlnti av x 51 3x207.10 ( liv Itllv ' in Mart be A Kobn. IJ2', Madison av. ;t tu t r I3.0H0. lias ii. dun .i ,jr i.ond; it . THAT 'o. 17 . line. 47 '.0 TINTON W. s e. 184.10 s Ht'l, st. 14. Ix :.' ... aim Tinten av, a. 144 : - I Itth al, Sllllt.t xhas y I'eel tn llarrv 14 Purdy, 219 XV 11 0Tb at ,4 H'. iliusi. !' : 1 vr, 7. p e. attv, V S r-nitth. 4421 r. 187th Bt t:.ta HA THUATH AV. 1780-2. a a. 41x11(1--I'hliti l.ev ta Morrta Kiolpar alA I 7 3.1 a', pr mt 134 OHO tie. 1. 3 VT. 4 p i Ki.eii o secure. prforntjica of : :iih ,.r leae . att.. Louts XX'endei. J- 27 7 B.xay tlW RF. (IKIiri) I.RARK. Mnhattan. n il AV. 2713. a half at ire floor and paf e. ,r Hertlni Rimi'.er t" t'barl rvnea. 2733 S'.li a.. jra frotn Mav I. I til tl. 11. TH ht, is:.. 'n- xx ., -tasnla rinkel ateln to 115:h St Ila:hx. I' . .' x ra from to, i. u: atty, Otto aamuBls, II mi sail Bt .... .14 see Hrniit. BATMOATB av 1710 2. s : Phllla l.vsr i. M irrta .tolper, n 173.1 a. 3 yr from He.- t. it,!.',, a".. Louis XVends:. .1', . "7 llix.iv say i?