Newspaper Page Text
12 THE SUN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. Will Utty Will lull BO Ingirtoil Rand 25 Strip Irm 40 Inditn Ref. Pfd 25 Cmt. Oil 25 li'n Eipl. 25 Vacuum Oil 30 El Bl.4Sh.Pfd. '100Sludtbiktf R'lt 3 WlnckitlT 25 S. 0. Colrl. 100 Pic.6 4 Elie. 10Q Pae. GatAEtte. Cm. 1ttPM.(lMi Gude, Winmlll & Co. Werner r S'nt Ytk Stoei Etchtnp 20 Broad St., N. Y. Tel. Rector 8880 Babcock & Wilcox American Brass FREDERICK. HATCH & CO. PbuM Broad SIM. :n Braed At., New Trt. Private telephone to DoMon nd Philadelphia December Bond Circular We will br pleued to Mnd copy of our December General Bond Circular to inveator. on request. This circular describe, a compre hen.ive lilt of carefully .elected municipal, railroad and public utility corporation bond., which we recommend for invert ment. Send for General Circular 91 Harris, Forbes & Co Ptmm Street, Ciraw WltUem NEW YORK Amer. Gas & Electric Co. Amer. Power & Light Co. Cities Service Co. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Standard Gas & Elec. Co. Utah Securities Corp. Lamarche & Coady Phom- 9970 Rector 14 Wall St. I'niltdSUlf tGoTfTiWrCilfcwitrirti on hand $6,642,000 Lake Torpedo Boat Co. Earnings on the above should (how at least 50co on stock. Th, is mil tnt Ikt ftmr$ Ml with in tut i inula! Bluett & Holllns li Braaa St. Ma Vaeta Winchester Arms American International Corp. CLINTON GILBERT a Wall nt. Tel aaao Rartor. gjgejssjv - '. ,T?w'rTa'5,N bankcrs trust company Act. a. Truatee and Agent for Per.ona and Corporatiorui. BUSINESS TROUBLES It, LONDON .t- BON Petition In bank ruptcy flis.1 iy creditors agalnat I.ev.n. md Benjamin London. composing tha irm Of I. ',, ndon A Hon. manufactur er, of fur hat., Baal itishth etrset. Tn. firm mad. an aeatgnnient on No emlier B. J 'VVAVAOH. managar, Ml 1'av 174th nirce'. n1 a patltlan In bankruptcy llabllitt., l-'.sili ait. I:. BXAVTOS C MRISWOLD, merchant. Hurt a.m V v . tli.Mi a p. iitton In bankruptcy ' llabllltle., f!,0l; aim-in. IMI. Ilerelier In Bankruptcy. 2citir. r.i BNOVRAVINO co.-judga Hand hai appointed Danlal u TomUn eon re. . r for rt.. I nti-rtiori) Enxravln,; I'oinpaiiy, lev K.dton street, vlih u thorfti in irry un for twant) uu Ha Wtt. tha assignee. Haakraptey sa-heduie. flC(. a NHIUI.HR, cloak mauufacturwa. IB i l.xiu.,th atreet. ....... in... ' lUbllitl.., Ill.lOtl asset. 110,141 Bh IN Pal AN .v HENBOUjT, OfC., manu faeiurer nf fltwm, 1.1 Wast Seventeent h trt, I'litMlul. .how llabflltl, 17, Hi ...a,..., IK! ' rlAimv OOODMAW, men' fiiml.hln ,,' '''"'"''."s avenue. ohlulb mow llabtlttl. :i.7.n: aaaota, tun. --.'. ureaa r mni hi. :. t.ii'l.,r, aehadviaa ohuwin ae1. of unknown u-abiiiti.-, i value Wh.i.m M V BRWT. woman', furnteh- boa llablllllra, 1I,.U; aawta, . ni Aaalyninanta. IAMVBIi RK'HMA.N. lry aoo,la and mM , to skunual C, laviu. .l ? ",,V''"-U-OWKT, woolon., I4H Hjataf atrial, aaOduuaut ta Morrta la- FINANCIAL REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK War Order BurincM No Lonjjor Sole stimulus n Pros perous Activity. OUTLOOK FOR RAILROADS Trmlltlona of DamnW Mock market Irraculartty. hnlt Wnd alar.knei, which have not always bean maintained and which have to contend now aralnst the operation of powerful constructive forces In the money market and general buM neaa, have held WiUI Rtreet rrtlll In the state of check adffllndetarad laet month. Peace talk and political dlecuaalon have helped to keep speculation quiet. The enrce salvo conareetlon of axport frelaht on the raltmada, whlcth haa required aome thtnej In the way of an embargo, haa di rected attention to aome of the dimcul tlea of prosperity, hut aside from specu lative Inertia there hUa been plenty of continued activity In various fields which atiowa that intrinsic values are twiner enhanced. Investment demand for securities out standing Is not no exteiwlve as It was Imply because new securities nf ap pealing attrnctlvenees tire now coming out. The brilliant succeas of the Balti more and Ohio refunding bond trans action Is of vastly greater significance for the financial and business future than in Interval of deeult'iry dealing and surface uncertainty of pries move inentH In the stock market, do also Is the buoyant actlvtty of trade and In dustry. There ta no letup tn the for ward buying of Iron, steel and other nietajK, of lumber and of textiles. Rail road earnings are rolling up new records In gross and net and banking conditions still gain strength and ease from the steady Inflow of gold from abroad to augment banking reserves. So far as the war Is concerned the financial community Is Inclined to at tach a good deal of meaning to the growing weakm-ss of German arid Aus trlVin exchange, while British and French exchange have hern recovering with aome flrmnesu. These are the tokens of a fltuatton which does not conduce to a great prolongation of the European struggle. The thoughts of wui' banker and business men are. however, less oc cupied with the war factor In our corn menial and financial prospect than they were. They are turning to the possibili ties of achieving a more stable pros perity In the period of peace, using the enormous Increase of our resources as a result of the war to establish founda tions tt permanence for our structure of values raised In the prosecution of do mestic and foreign enterprise. There can be no (Uestion that the groundwork of our prosperity Is helng broadened Mr. Vanderllp's well ad vised direction of attention lBKt week to the certain and not distant curtailment of war created trade was hut an Indi cation of the extent to Whfch plans and projects for the future are now taking Into consideration the inducements to enterprise offered by our perpetual op portunity for domestic expansion and hy the enduring International commercial relations which our greJU store of wealth and our splendid productive equipment will enable us to cultivate. Already the lift of donMstlO enterprise has begun to he of more consequence than the ex istence of war orders In our markets and one of the things which Wall Ktreet has undoubtedly been reflecting In It. stock market halt bus been the shifting of our businesa conditions to a wider baste. Ther Is no doubt that thS stock mar ket has been marking time, for one rcu sun. bet-ause of the transition from wur influences exc.uslvely to OOndKlonl n-hers the factors which ar to fc-ovevn In the future will be more operative Nexerthe Wall Street huH given a stubborn if somewhat Inert vote of stock mar ket confidence In the outlo.ilt for vnlucu. even when dOTnSStlc political culitl luxu ries have been ndvertlsed as containing portantj of disturbance In the ConaTaa lonal session which begins tils week. I'tiquestlonably some line on political purposes has been awnlted, espe.inlly with respect to Administration policies, for the Administration should have a good deal of control over the purty In power, whose chances for a return to Vower depend on the favor In which tl.e Admlnlstriit ion a held by the electorate next year. Although It Is likely that the politician will not he able to damage very much the prospect for prolonged prosperity which has been vouchwf.'d Wall Street reallxes how much politics can do to hinder or assist the country's buslneea progress A great chance will be lost If Con gress merely avolda tha enactment of obstructive and destructive legislation. Constructive enactment can do mudi to promote our prosperity at a time when financial and business confidence has recovered so strongly as la evinced by the activity and strength of the Investment market, for Investment le the main spring of enterprise In the modern busi ness world The whole situation In re lation to poMMcs Is Illustrated by refer ence to the extraordinary opportunity which offers to encourage railroad de velopment by relieving the railroads from the crippling restraints of oppres sive regulation. The railroads have always contributed enormously to our era of business ex pansion through their expenditures for extension and lurprovement of trunarsir tatlon facilities. They can be Just as great a ftictor tn the immediate business future If Investors are once more encour aged by public policy expressed In rail road regulation to venture capita! largely Into the railroad Industry. Oood news and bad news about the railroads continue to go together. The carriers are making larger earnings than ever before and their position and credit are being helped to that extent, but they have been hurt no much In the past that they huk capacity to handle pres ent and piVMjpectlve traffic and the v)un try's business Interests have already be gun to suffer from the congestion of freight. At the montent when theee facts onnwnand recognition Washington despatches announce that a movement Is on foot, championed by Senator I'n derwood of Alabajua, for an Investiga tion of the condition of the railroads under Federal regulation. At the same time polmt Is given to the argument of necessity for such an Inquiry by the an nouncement of the Interstate Commerce Commission's refusal to reverse Its rul ing compelling the Eastern trunk lines to give up their steamship service on the Ureat Istkee. It can be predicted safely that the public will not find Its welfare ad vanced by the divorce which has been decreed between the rallrools and the steamship lines which they have been OpanaUni on the i ireat Lakes. Prob ably the commission Is as helpless In the matter as it seems to lie luid has been obliged by tho applications of the l'anama Canal act to decree thlH dl. vorce. Nevertheless the provisions of the liw In question are an expression of a theory of legislation which has alwavs made trouble for the people and has not conduced to the general wel fare. It Is the kind of enactment which seeks to mulntaln nn Irreconcilable con flict between Government regulation of private properly devoted exclusively to public service and a barbarous con certtfn of the banafloles uses of com pulsory competition. Tho Interstate Commerce Commission haa alroady had a hard time trying to preserve a bal ance between llm requirements of rail roads for remunerative freight rates and tho oaargea (or water trtuiaejwrtetMta through the Panama Canal. It will have no easier time In adjusting lake and rallwwy rates under the circumstances of transportation now created. The rail roads will have even a harder time and the public will gain not bins; In the long run from the emlxrrassment which will be Itiflhied on the carrier. There Is no reason why in the In stance of lake and rail routes Congress should not leave It to the Intsrstnte Commerce Commission to protect the public lntert through the Intelligent exercise of authority to regulate rntos end service, Irut Congtess. as the Su preme Court has Inferentlally Intimated In some nf the great railroad decisions of rc-ent years, has not been altogether mindful of Its responsibilities toward the capital Invested In railroad enter. Irlse and toward the general business of the country which Is dependent on the ixintlnulng provision of capital for the Increase of railroad facilities. It Is this which makes the Investigation proosed by Henutor l'lnlet-wood one of the most hopeful developments of great practical moment In the Immedi ate political situation. A few weeks ago Clifford Thome, chairman iif tho Iowa Stale llallroad Commission and ofla of the miatt Inde fatigable crusaders any scheme of specific relief for the railroads from tlie severities of oppressive regulation, said before the railroad valuation con ference at 1'hlbulelphlu that "!o long as private ownership continues the haxards of the business should i... borne by privule comiwinlea. However. if i regulation exists li must grant adequate rewurd to Investment." This formula for reward Is meaningless unless It rec ognises tihe extent to which rhe hasards of the railroad business have leen po litically augmented. Henwtor rrdenveod'e proposed Inquiry Into railway regulation should he bnsid- I ened to ,wer the whole Hold of regula- lion lo- tho States .is well lis by the na- tlon. The Supreme Court has made It reasonably clear that Federal authority I over the rallrocds Is potentially extiu I slve and all that Congress has 10 do to mtike Federal regulation actually exclu sive Is to extend the scope of Federal i Jurisdiction hy legislation. It Is not the Interstate Commerce Commission alone j which has Imposed a burden on railroad capital. Indeed the greater burden has I probata!1 been Inflicted hy the States. Newman F.rb, spcMklng last month before I the Toledo Transportation Club, said: "Ivallroad systems to-day generally traverse two or more Slates and are sub ject to isurflhi ing legislative and govern mental control. sikI for the past ten yi'.irs have been the subject of harassing, til considered and In most OMfge unres sonablo restrictive legislation. During the last winter session of the Legislatures of the several Strttes 1,091 bills were in- troduaed affecting railroad operation and management, of which in? wero Shaded Into law Moat pf these bills resulted, and were perhaps so Intended. In adding burdens ami exiswisee unneeeiHjti v for the saf.-ty or imfort of passengers T i for the agpedltlotai movement of traffic, j This was done at a time when It was ! recognised by the President, by commer cial bod lee and by the public generally I tl,,, th.. r, l... .1. ...-A .Im..Iv bttPdaibld. The c.overnmemt Itself set an example of unf.iln.ess, calculated to ag gravate the conditions which brought the railroads of the country to the verge Of financial disaster, a little more tnsti a year ago. by Its treatment of the mat ter of the parrel post. Think of our great QoVemmeM sending ,!'9.0U0. ono of gold as mail matter to avoid pal ing for Its tratisis'rtatton." It le highly gratifying of course to have so encouraging an event to oon- ! aider as the Baltimore and Ohio refund ing bond transaction Apparently some thing ilki 1190,000,000 of subscription was received last week for this 900,000,. 000 issue of ,, per cents, which bosun to I be quoted at once nt g stiff premium lover tho public offering price. It ws evinced that investment confidence bad j derlvisi enough Insplrailon from the posl 1 tlon of the money market ami from the I recovery in railroad oernlngi to make li ioeelh!. to finance moderate railroad re quirements of Capital with issues of , 1 orss" time bonds and that recourse to the .vicious expedient of ahort time note i flnar.c'ng vas approaching its end. This Is excellent as far as II goes, jbut how much more the Investment situation would mean if railroad regalia. tlon litered scope to private itntlntlve and enterprise to build for the future in leintlclpatlon of remunerative profits. It I has often been said of la'e year that ; railroad expansion is no longer limitless. but wh'le great additions to railroad , mileage may not i,e required i,n Immense i provision of improved transportation I facilities r.,n vet be supplied. For ' example, what could the railroads tic I do to forward the country's business in terests If It were poaolbla for them to raise the capital necessary to sulvst'.tute eiecjric traction for steam power, what atimulus 10 Industry In every I'ne would ' be furnished by the engagement of the railroads lr such a tratisionns'lon of I their equipment. LAST WEEK'S BOND MARKET. High Ixw-fToa wt. "'. 1ng Its 4tt0 -ith High lvw. M MM 70i a IM 117 tIM M 10 7 AdamaEx as. MH MM Alaska Q M rv M I!"' 4 114 111 M AlbAOu IM. I7H Mt MM t AmAgrlcCti CVM IM 10IM IM 10 AmAgrtc Cb deb ta 7H MM MM 4 Amt'oiu . :': MH MH l!H MM 7M M -MM 91 M IMM IM 1IIH IMM - I lMti M II Am H(4I. M. 104H IM IM 134 AKinser 4a 114 1131,114 .44 Aw T A 'I CV4MS. .. IST'4 107 107 1 A TAT eve ,M0M I00M "" 37 Aui i A . clt la. . 0l SftT,' M IMM MM 01 i 44 - i MM M 70 MM M'4 -lH 'l 9S M 07 SO H :iM MM I A Thread 44. SI U7 7 17 Au ril I' (.- 44't 44 M 39 Anglo-FrH. 07;, 47', 7H AnnAr lt 4 49 M .', 9.1 Argliov M. . MM 2H MM inj o.-uoar, ,- N M' MM SJ) A I A I ; cv ia 10U, 1014 10IH e M 101 IMM , t TO I 1 CVM lis", 10'.', iw.', IM lit MM 1 IM A IAS' CV M IMC. IMM IM 104 rt 110't' MM I 1 A TANK East Ok 4a M M M -flM M 12 33 A 4 AS I (DM MH l4 4 4 -M 04', M, I ATAHFSbL. 444, MM 44't la M MM I S'lASK ad4. 47 117 b7 H 4 M 11 i a t an 4a.nI I7'i tl MM Mt MM 41 A 1 1 1 I.ltie 4. MI4J 0'a VHa t M '4 M 34 All l i.10 col tr , I', lM MM 4 M 40 9 Bald wlnl. .-."'i1', IMM I""1. IMM IMM 311 ... (Uid 1 '1 " 1 MM 3144 iKkO rv 4M" !"', 941, 94'. - H 921, U r M MH 91 M UAO PL . WVata. .. "i '7 Ml. M atAOIMa.... (Ul, MM MM 431 BA08W 93, III, Ml, -1 BAOPJen A IM 9M 77M I. 99M MM ' "1 I'lM M M D IM. . 101, MM II UtlUOli 4a. ..IM 1031, 101H I'J. ,111, Ml IU4 m a 101 i 101 itl ( 7 BRT I. ... IM 101 IM 44 BUT ta II.. IMM 100H 100M . UkntlKI 1st . IMI4 10014 IMM z ll kill 'HI lai aid 1 i, 10 1 1, ioom 9 IlknVlias 1 .i.ap- MM!IMM 3 UruuiAlV 4a MM MM MH 10 Uualiiar In. s7'a 471, 17', 44 vs. litu A 1. -MM MM MM M 103 MM M mi'4 MM M laiM IM 4 101 MM H HUM 7 H -1 Ml 1. M M IMM ioj 1, I'I'j 44 Jt I"! MM 97 91 -I 104', I mi 441, MM M 102H 94 i4 ioih 97 H "I1 MM -IV, MM 90 MH M 97M MM It 117 111-4 H 104M IOIH s . MH, 401, MH 1 tlanSr p, ., IHM IMltJ 103, 2 CarthAAdts an, .hi. sail a 1 i.i.a 1 1, . -. 101 1, 101 101 321 c Litarl . ion', iixni iooi( 147 CrntPae tat. MM ' . M i CPacBLIa.. r iMi, MM IH I aid'ar llej hvl,' 491, 9414 51 0 R A B Jo Oa U 97M 97 0T II CHHofNJ 94117 II.',', 114 9 -AO la IM 103't H'.V, 3 Choa A 0 fd a MH " M 1 M M'i Ml. -IH 94 43 IM 90M ;j M Ml, 01 - M MM M MM MM MM M. 34 l AOIM. ... 93 911, 192 CAD ev 4 Hi 44 41', 4 OA Alt I.... tWM 4u , M CAAIIIM-. MM M M C'BAg Jot 4a MM M I OBatQ gm m MM KM 92 MM MM M MM MM High- Lsvw-Oos- rt 11 Sales est. an. lag. Ch. High Low. iBAQIeai.iMH I MM lewf h iuH 11 LMQHat.. NH MH MM NH I'MQI I Ha MVt MM MM Ml t CMQNeb 4 MM WM TM - M '' IMIII it IH coats KM IM IM -MM m .1 II m c t e i ... . M TtM MM M : ( hie A It III setts MM TM M MM tVt K IJB, . gj aa m -ft It li 70 Chi A T. Ill etts M MM M i MM II I Ctu MM 1st. IMM IMM I MM IMM I01M in oasLaao M IMM ittM IMM M in i" im cw tn w ex. N9fJ 7M MH m MM HM t (Ml noal M. MH -v M f mn n s CLMCiHa MH MM MM NH MH CbMIMPiaj Sound 4... MM MM MM M MM MM II i (VIPW M .KUM IMM IMM - M IMM IMM . C M it It P WIsValMM IM MS in I C M A nt P V A MB. 101 IMM IM J- M IM IMM i to a n r Lekeflup IMM IMM IMM !' IMM IMM I I S HI H W AM ... IMM ICIM IMM - H 1MH IMH 103 I MAMP cv M I0TM IMM I0T - si ISTM"iM IM i mmr cv M. 191 101 M IM -MM 105H MM 44 114m I gm 4 He. . . IM N c M A at 1 imh IMM M IMM M fd 4VM MM S CIIAStPtt. M xi i it) a at v deb 4a M 40 CSMStPlHa M M M -IM MM MM - M Mlt MM MM M M MM H MM XI 78 II ..w deh ISM..., IMM IMM IMM -fl 10-14 101 1 t A N V Mil MpntN M. M M M i In UtNW gm M M M M 4 (Vtftw gm aimpd M M M M 4 r,Nv deb IMI IM 104 IM 13 lilNWHs fU M ' 1 as M t bPya 1st at MM MH Vi H MM MM MM M IM 100H M 70 IfM M' IS CRl P Ry M IMH i'ii' 1 loi M ion; I01H M CHMPRy M 0M MH 47H IH if . au 'hi R I P HyMctfs .MM 4, MM - H C'( 40 41 ( RIAI'Ry 4a MH 1-1 MM -IH MH f. M t'RMPrfa MH 47 MH IH flfrj ei 1 C OtL A NO M IM IM IM IMH IM 1174 II4M I C (UP MAO en. .117 lit lit 44 C atP MU M IM IMH 101H 41 CAW Ind u. MH MM MM 174 hllel on : 1MO, ,.i.m, Ilt( 1 .' (inUrstN M to M 7 I 1 LSAIU . 101 H s9N H 141 H N MH 74 111 MM I 70 14 74'. I u MM MM 1M-M M liH 4 101 M 7H -IH so 104 lievfl 4 v 101 100 2 I'rlln elt la 11 ' "I Mbl 4. .. 10 4 uta a MH H Col So 4a . M 14 CoiiiTbHM MM 7.M 10 . HH M no M lLj II 17 MM MS -IH -t HI ' oa v.a. ' IMM U.M IM 1 Cona (las of Cbi 9a IM IM IM IMM IM el IM MM fi ( orn I rod ta 1M. MH MM MM - M : Corn Prod 9a IMI MM M MH M II Cuban la 04. M 47H 17', H 1C t ubas M '14. MM M MH -10 Cubs A Sua M I0IH 10IM IMS 41 rnmhTtta.. mh " s9M - ' I CabaalVM.. ,ui f-ui Ui 1 : n a Mud 9 rrte f paid I07i; IMM IMH -1 IT M MM 1 M 04 M HUM MM IMM 101H I)eltll CI .1MH 100M I00M I0OH M Hdllrefi. MM 44 M M S7H rati DataOr la. u wi si -flM M o iktmiiv ii'i MM mm - ' HM 7iM IbSKlirU II 74H 7H -2 i 04 IWIK or ret a 44 aav; MM M J .". DetTun ',. ! M 4 I N ' UMt IM 4M4 TtM 74M 74'i IM 7i 494, l)iSe-l'or 1 7Jt.j 71 71 -IH 7 41 in .Ton 41., I01H IMM I0IM t h sMM M T V 0 con a . los ioi loa 109 loo', i.rle utcn7 It(i4t noH IKH, "4 111 IMM . He Ul to. 44 17 UM M - '4,17', 77 rrie rv aerlea A . . . MM 7JM MM M 101 krle cv 4- erlea n. MM MM H ' MM 10 hne n 4a Irle-Pa Coal 74'. 741, col 4a - FUFC l'v" 47U 41-, MM ". 4'J IMM IM KUAIli' ltu'i loa", 104', - I 1 KUAKO IM ' i MM 1M I UaJ HarASA MAP IM. .IM IM 1M -ft Ion lore is 109 , 10' i tMl, '4 It tiraabf Ilia N 90 104 IM IMH IMM rv 4a gat A IMH 9M IM U llranhy M cv 4. er A 'd I .' 1 , 1M4 IMM 10 utFsllal' it Ml-j MH MM - M in M im - H loo IMM 07 K4 t: .it .Nor 4-,- MM llHAWdb II 11H i Has n By en M. .... , 07 3 ns;kina im 4 Ha . MM MH HM MM IH oi MM - M 14 V $ l 144 MM -IM MM 7'1 9 IIKAW Tex laiguartd.ioii IMM I0IM M 103 M 9 HA Tea i latIM t loH IMH -MM ,0H l UudCUsata.lM 101 IM I03M 1014 lit liuu A aiai, Mg Matt A :th 49f HudAU adi MM 74 M IM 7IM -IM M 70 34 M II I IIC Cbi Jen M IMM IH III Ceo rC 4 IM M to.H MM IMI M I llirwl. im.. MM 1 IIK'enMI.91 47i, I iucn 44 :4i MM 14 in l-en M 143. MI4 3.1 lllbteei (Ms . MM I M M MM MM M MM 174, MM 4M MM SAM SOM M MM Mi MM M 7H ot M - M MM M MM M 7.M KM 43 iDdsteel M. 101 42 inaCona COP c? M 1 an i7 101M IMM M I01H I77H IMM 4M lo IT 391 uilerb ll 4 rof 41 iM. ov, inter Met MM (M MM MM 1 01 ir 444 77. mm 97', M M H 101 M , 103M rM M 37 ImAfitN 1st 4' 97H 4 lutisusr m 1 0 j , IMM IMM pi Intl'aper t ov1-, ta MH 2 let Nat at ta. IT'. 11 labiPrsp Us tactfi 7 I low.Cen l.l MM Pi lowaCen MM 3 lames FA I M 91H 4 Jap 4M MM in Jap 4Ma td.. MM 244 jap 4MaUer aian atd.. . 74 1 KaA M 3d ta 9M 2 kC'riAM talOt 19 kC KU A M M M 93 HCSorf M. . Ol 11 441, 74H 71, Mlrj MM 13 7M 74M 91' , MM M 441, -4 7iM el MM - M 12 M MM - M 11 7.M 74M -I MM -- H I3M MM 7M O't M M 44M 74. 1. M II MH MM 71H 70 93 1941, IM MM IM 79 79M 94l U I e M no TO - M MM M -f M MM M 49 MM -fl iM T 94 I kanC ter 4a so 00 9 King. Co M. S9H MM I i.a steel M IIM MM M MM - H 30. -k Btael 9a IMS MM N MM H 7 M llMlt i LacIO M..I01H luHa 101 v M mi j 17 led Ota or OtL rfg 9s 101 IMM IMM - M IMM I LKAW 141. MM MM MM M I LKAW 3d. . M M M -fl 47 LSA MS laM M MM MM H 30 i-bA MB 31 MM MM MM - M I LM Ma I Ms MM u It M MM MM MM 71 MM II 9 LebVal IHa 10IH IMM bH ' 101 1 3 LV of Pa cn ta 9IM IM IMM t'M MM I LuAvAPev Kerry 1st.. 99 M M MM mi 111 Llg A M 7..134 I23M 121 -ft 13. UIM .17 LI A M 44. 103 I0I1H 10IM M IMM MH 3 L lal coo ta. lolM IMii IMM M IMH IM II Hilda 1,7 M MM MM IIM MM I L Ml gen 4.. MM MM MM -MM MM M 1 LAN gn ta. 1 1.114 IIIM HtM M HI II0M I LAN Pea. A Al ta IMH IMM IMH -MM IMM IMM I LAN col tr Is IMM IMM IMM M IMM IMM I LA N A MA Moot tMstM 170 LA M ta.... 13 3 L A N All K A tin ta. . M 1 LA NOIL I. .2 1 L A N So- M col M II I Maobtat. i II JaaakMMd. M II Marin, clt IMS N IM 101 -ftM 191 M MM MM M OS MM MM M 90 13 M 11 1 M MM aM MM II TIM 13 M - M MM M MM MM - M N M M N -IM MM MM lxnv eL ioe lag. Net -101 r L'h.IHgh.lsiw. 4 aiarlaa Highest. a eMk II MM M y M MM MM M Ms Pet la Striae A . 110 IMM I0IM -IM HO M I Mag Pet la Merle. C...N9M IMM loAH IM 91 I Miehl'tall I04H nan, IMM AIM IMM IMM I Mich C M SI reg IM IM IM , 104 IM I Mien Slate Tel M 44) M M M St. 97'i It MUOaalM 4 MM MM 9214 ', 92H 90 I MA St Lis. MM II 41. M . :l II tiei' a as j, 4a MM MM MM N MM M'ij 1 MoKAE 1st. 13 .1 93 M'MM 49 I 3 MKATexta44M '" MM -fllj n so I III HohAl 44. . II 77 71', -I1, 41 MM I 117 MoKATld. fl 13 M 3 M MM I 14 l K A T af IMS M 41 M -2 71 40'S I M MoKATfd. M 12 12 3 M'i MM tl UoPaccno. 10014 IMH ioom 'a '"', 9.' 3 MoPectalT. M M M 114 94', MM 2 MoPac ta to. som M' i MM tii 49 34oPC ey I MM 41 44 , I, 44 I 29 17 MPCvAactf 43'4 413 MM 9M 44 3 MPrvMctf taroped . l 41 43 1 j i 40 II Motar mm 41', 441; i MM 3 Mo Pae I 17 ctfa . 47H M'i MM 47 , I7, I MAO Nil. A (' gtd 4s 31 4i4 'Ma l,14 '"'i M ! 123 lliniil' " 93 M', 90 M 93 MM I 1 MorrlaA Co 4',. 4P a Ml 4 H M M I N labiL 3s UIM HIM liM e h . . . ... IMM ! fii Tub Is. 101 100', 1011', , IMM MM n N Y Air Brak era I03H 103M 103M M i"1'' 00 Mt hy ( lib . .maa nni, iph, i, mi, mm j NY Canal MM MM... Ml im 104 1 ifl IM I II SYC ej 4h4 1911. ,..IMM IMM IMM IMM IMM 74 V 1 I i 1 , MM 91', 9.11, ', '.'4', M'J i III NYC'Jebfc. i 9: 9.1, ', MM 4 71 hVOaaiis sjm ajr aH M 44 to 1 7 RYOMMtli 11H MM MM . , MM M ftVOU IM MM 74'i, 79', '1 V't 79,', II NYCLS) IH reg 7IM 74M 7IM 19! , 71 4 N C LS3 .- ctfa S4 44 wi - n S7 TT I nvcasLi.. ,4 , im MM M MM " i NYU A Nt I. d.b4 , . N M 1 tH MM ;J 10 N Y U li ' .. 70 74 T - M MM W I N V 0 M 0 lltareg.... MM MM MM MM 74', MM 1 Met ... lor.', mi', iw, 4 M 104', MiM 14 NY (ill 4 , 1.17 Mav 101 I03H IM ' j IM 101", I NY City IM 1917 Nov ioi lot ioi MOM ton , i 147 S I llty a M tor. , Id W. l IMH ioi M 1 M NYClly Ik, 110 WIM IMM 1011. 'ti 101 M ?'a ' I M 1 CR 4 . IIM IMM IMM I01H J '4 I0IM 97', M NYL'4al9 941, 07 , MM H Sat, m', 14 NY'I'4S 19.34 '.l. ", 4.4 -I- ', 941, 4-4 i M NVt'talii c, 07', MM ', 4'", 94 0 RYC 4. i-4 reg 97 H 971, o-i , 97'i 93 M NY lily IM IIM Nov.. MM 47H MM MM MM MM 11 N Y Connect . inaHy IM. 91 97 M M MM ' 1 NYIuck44. II 9 II -M MM 7i , to NYl.e. b. II A r i. ROM I'JM iU' l IM lot', j It N Yina hi i H t P 4- 43', 49', 4', t, .,, 4 , 94 Nt Nil A ' rata. tH IMM IH 14 IC'4 101 I NY Nil A li MMM, ... -''t M 42 M ;' e1 It si Nil A . i4 - 72 HM 72 M 71 MM 3 N1ANJ Tl to lo"1, ion 10014 IM MIM K1 ! I N Y AUna la. lui III I'd . , , at . T4 h Y llya I. 4- T4M 714, 741, 14 74', 1 703 N Y Rya ad) ta... . M 32 .'.1 44 i , ,: HIV a im. HIM 11' HtM Hfi i"i , IM N Y le. 4'M .. 99 M j 94'v 'j M '4 I N Y lVe,lr ABn.4-,4 MM -". MM ' '4 - i tM j I NorfKo .'m4. . . Ml 7y M . f . . M' 79 0 NorA B 4.I'V i IIIM I I-"' lit I IT ft A W 4ta. - 117 1 17' H7M -1 IMM IM 107 Nor A W 4- Kfii ' , on, M ', 14 .SAW ipv s. II MM 01 U , 1 KAWPoe 1 v'i M' MM '' "' ' 'i 1 NT' t4M' ,t l I Jd ml 103 lot -M IM MOM 244 1 .rl'a. ,. 91-'. n' , , - , M, "', j .VSJ I', ja. Mil M-, , ' . ',.' , I IOni Tr94 40 h n , MM tM i i I VIA Iw I 1 M It'i ictH Jit e H 'i 1 ' I It nrliyA N 4 '. , I I OrSbortL 4.1" , 1 '. II . - . i . ui I i lr 4.raLf4tg4. 93 lit'. M'i , Ml I7M 13 DrVTah K II A V,T r'f 4. 7C ,7 47 M flj j 12 Pa.-Coast I .3 MM ' '" i M I Pae af Mo MM vw v9 mm m ii 71 fat la 1 . 991., wo MM M MM 01', ! 101 PS 4i. n, .loll, in."-, lOMi ' I"', 101 , ' I I'B4H1MI II, I'd', lolM ', I.1H 91, I I 337 la a tn temctra 101 na', 1004 H Hi', 07 ' 1 is Pa M IMI 10.' 1M4 im eiM i"H mm 1 I'a 4. 1 . 94', MM MM MM 91 1 1 ptiasAc on. ill in 114 111 no '2 IsuAr t.t .. IIM 73 73H 4-21, 7'2M it I i'CC A It i. 4Maerll I0IM IIIM ,ol -I'M ' t " 1 I PLaVtJId 7a. 1244 123k, I.JI4 f 131, ill ' M PLorll ' . 101't 1 1', 10IH 102 94', 1 13 P !.orlllard tang . 93 M 99M 'MM MM 99 , I PocCousCol IfM... . MM M M V ( 49M MM II Port Ry ta so 9414 .4H '9IH 99., 93 1 I'ttljik A.r. Corp NJ 1 90H MM MM - S fl m,i, I RyStapr II. 04M M MM M 9.'M i M Kay( Copaa ISO i?9 137 -11, 141 103 I 111 I'd. .en 4- 93 94'. 91 MM H I a iiu.-ji roi M MM mm 93 M M MM MM II a I As MMM MS 9.U) MM M "71, 94 I Klcllll u 7SM MM flM 'i 711, 0.1 I I Hlo 11 W CO. tr ta tun, 4.11, MM -MH MM M I KWAO 4D1I IM , lot, IMM IMM '"2 13 lllakl ...4 , IMM Ml Ml - ' I0IM I -11.4 1 M' I. 71 7') 70 IM II 41 I 14 MlsXiron M RIvAOlf 14 7t'j 71 ;i -1 71 si I OtLASK rn ta 110 110 110 t 110 103', 1 blLAsr ta IMM im imm M eiM "i I ItUt-F Mg, .1 73 73 72'a 4 72 SIU4.1 F HI rlf4td MM I"1, Mi. IH 70 99M I St 1.4 si gm ta 1127 ;a : m 37 r,s 74 Sll.ASK .l 9a27rtfa. 94'. MM ,U4 M MM 321,' II NtLAHt gen .9 37 rf Ktd MH 931 1 33 M M MM MM 3 BKANP ta. . II IM IM '"IM e- M "4 "'4 41 au.sll Ui M'4 ho ROM M 41 MM lOSlLMWId. . 43 41 41 -I 03 I 7 ill. ow con In MM 40 41k, ih ill M'i j I 81 l M A M M It- ,110 114 11. -I 111 1174 I 14 bi i' M IHa I02M 102 I07M M lf-"a 99M ! 10 St I' MA M ex IS M'i 9A o H 041, 94', I IStPANP. (MM IM B'MM IBM 1"9M 47 .-AaAI'4- 77'-, 73 73'v '-, 40 61 I I Bbd Air U I AtlABlr 4a M'n MM MH H 00 41 1 srabdAL 44 atanped... H M M '4 444 7114 U sbdAI. raf4. MM MM 714 - 'a MM I UlsabALadJ 71 70 :o',- ', flV, 59', I 114 SO Bell IA 1 M Miv 94i; MM MM M'i I OCAOa 1st. .HI 11 HI 111, 103 109 I tl HAS Ale la IMS 13. 103 103', 'j IMM Ml, Ml 4,oPeerv9, 107', IMM 104 14 u, i"i uu ! 303 SoPac rv 4 . 90', 49 , Ml l'i N 11 Sol'acl, . S7', 17 T -M 474 7li'4 377 Hol'ec ref 41 9e"a MM 9"i - '4 MM MM 71 .40 Par .4 1 far to 40 MM MM - M 4", 77 179 south Kv ' Iliac, 103', lost, . 4, ju 0 MoRyMplstlMH IW, IMM 1, ion, ja;, 4 Mli .-.ii. - 4, m', 4M - H MM MM 111 -nil " 771, 71 71. - 14 U U 1 Mpokaue int Ry IS 1993 M fi 93 14 01 90 i I Blend Haa 4a. .9 M M -fl M MM I I Siaiid Win .l 97 97 117 id ten, U TCAI lt rl 102 1U3 101 1031411, ,,' I TC1AI lat T.MIM MIM 1014 H H13 101 0 'Una Coal I A RRgnto. I03M ic;'. IMM M IMM IOJ : TennCopCo 0a rrt full pill 30 IM 120 III 7 10 T4gAtO, to . 101 IM 101 fl 104 M'i I 1 TarraAsStL gj - Of n MJ MM mmJ FREIGHT JAM CUTS FLOUR SUPPLY HERE Dcalcri' FHlntorlnosi AIM Is BlAlllHl for Hand to Mouth Conditions. RELIEF IS NOT IN SIGHT TYoig'it -'oturesthm at th" port of Nsjw Vork has leached a point st which the trunk Inn- ftUlrYMttl In 1111 sfTofl to hieet the sit nation and prevent It from grow ing steadily worse have agreed upon cutting the free MoraO time on export freight from thirty to fifteen dnys. Km bargoes have been snitOttnOOd also on cei tain material on Ave of the roads -one currier declaring a complete MR Largo -ami there 1s no Immediate re lief In sight. A short supply "f flour in New York is also tho result of the tletip. Primarily the lack of merchant bot toms caused hy the Kuropenn war is said by tho railroad to be the reason for the general Congestion, while, there lire many tther causes. Tho SIRMIROtM I III' I .SBS in export business N one, a fci lurc of this being that many of the munitions manufacturer, a. cording to their contracts, have only to deliver Iheir pnalticts f o. b, New York. Then many shippers send their exports to New Y'ork under a domestic bill of lading When these shipments lire loaded they ai4. cn-igned to forward ing .gents In tlii-" o;ty or are billed to Me York for 4'Msni. Shipping interest- have protested salnsi the time Until reduction, and In addition have .hnrged Hint an Inade quate supply of Hgiiterngc facilities has been op,, of the principal causes of the fr ghl lleup, The rati roe Is Insist that i ides the lacs of enough bottoms the local Hi vedores are not familiar with the holds of the nondescript vessels making this port and have to study them before quick loading can bo effected. Western nallroaiht are raow unloading rheir cats a! middle West joints anil re fuse to allow their equipment to leave their own rails far eitoURh to tMOOlM :i4l up in the rkuvtecn f.-eidht Jiun. The general condition is so Uol that New York is 1l nig almost iMilyd b mouth to fat as flour Is cm t..l This Is due to a peri. 1:11 extent 1" :! slow Height movement, but not so milch us to the sct on of the Hour Interests in waiting until lorig past the usual season to do their buying. As far as the danger of flour famine tn New York Is OORCOrnod the I S 111 fSsfle' ropresert.itivfi wy ihat should such a condlthei thratn lh-y Mould go to any lengths to Itrlug 1n tho barrels. The itMtJoMty of the trs.-ks rtttUllntf Into M inh itt.1.1. Tlie Hronx, Staten IslatHl atel ,lers,'v I'ity hold long lines f hsuled cars At spurs which have been pt t,-t ally umiaer for the laat three and tour years every available bit Of tracK- aga is ,.-cup',ai. F41ouLs are tied Up at almost nil piers ot. the m iterfront with loadstd freight cars als.ard and the sh'pplng iors ate pills! high with fre ght waiting for ves-e-o'.s. CertAhi Boot Ion of the wnterfmnt strtstrt ore congested bexiaitgo of the crates, burrela c;uses atnl 1mxos ii g so pmenl and In sutw IntMJtoai im'rit pile) of attnMurail Steel and Iron are , standing. j 041411 f tgh rates have shotvn un- procMlvlitasl IncieiLs,... and almost tatty thli .: thai floats and has ys.wer tjn prois' It Is in di-muml. The . .tnmittee of railroad exper'a faces a hanl task in deslding upon meas urea to clear im tin. ii.turestlon. As vex the members have not had sufficient t'me to digest thoroughly the m.ise of details oontftfontlni them. I'obsi'eo lloresii Opens To-day. Th- Tbacco Mer.-liants Association if the fnite.1 States will open Its lie- ' is.nal headQUarters at .". Heekman -tree t-4la Arrangements have been! made to supply Information regarding all phases Of the tobacco industry to tobacco nen and to the g... .n; public. High v Clea Ve- u 4 Bale . -t mg. Cth High. Los 33 i''rl lu.', 14 1 113 10., - 14 luj., ;,, TsAOtl va Ms) M eo -e , tn , 11 IB. ... M 41 " "4 - I, 14 U S3 I lord Al rrl -'4 M 4 -1 4.414 74 13 rbled A 1 . tij 7it :. - 14 43 :j ; TAoceni.ti 1 ii ul 1 ,n M M TolOOWdMIM 101 IM IM im 419 1 -.1.. ... 31 J4 3714 4314 3) 4ji. II I .11 I. ,4 H 4S 4.1, M 43 47 7.'', I 1 t . I .14 lUJ ' 414 Ikl, 41', 44lj Ml, 1 tJlaADai lai IM 112 103 4-1W 103 gn, g t HssAP 4s -0 74 7. i .g 7J 1 USagAPatd 74 74 74 7. Ill . . " 9t f7l e 14 ..4 .;., II I lair, f 4- 41 IU4 SKI. -I ffU 141 82 1 PaC CV 4, W3I4 ',.k, M'I .4 j,' 44 Ul) tilt-,' 47o, M .(j, J4 J.I., ,,j 3 t'SSsreg 1011, tnii, mil, ,04 111,,., t:: I s.sreg . an, i, tan, us , to US Pan M rglM IM 102 144 103 .n, 4 I I buy , , la 74', 734 731, 4. 1 s Hub - Itl". in", IMHJ 711 1 sstl .f ia 104 , U ' a I'M' t pi I s Mi .! . re . 104', UM 21 I t M III o 2 174 I0J lot ' I 10.3 j, I 4 10414 ,', br -vi '4 '' , '..', 'i n m 4 IMIf M 'a 0V Ml 7" I ai ans ' 1 , 1 v 1 , , pi..:, 44 . a -1 ar l a .4, 44 .4i IIIUIUM M ') '4 , -II, nnej ft 2, o Krk g-. 114 Ml ', M 1)2', 4. vanrtaPM as, .4 wVi 1 1104, ,, I V a . .- W on M NH '3', SHtj -4H, k, II l.uaabl 1014 ioj., piiij ., 1 , w I '' ' ' " I''. 'IV', Ml j I ,1 , I WbqpM NH Wt Ml 4'4 MkJ MM l'i I t shPTrl oi I II I -III tn, .1 II II -t't 4 4 i'rctffp 13 II 4. I Ol I Otf I M bal.l' 1 K , I. I oi l' rl' I, ri en I - I 44 Wab I' T Rr :d4self . I 2", WabKitOao 14 14 -IM 1 ., U it - '4 l'i 1, Tr ctf f p ,HM IM IM 71 O.1.0 g 1 1 ,. full pd . 11.114 inj'4 M M I ui r cis Sia loSkl IOJ ' lil ..Ul fUll I'd .. 103 M4 ', -I IDTH g, I WsshCca M. IIM mi, on, am, tf 4 tABSb'l 114. 43 Mia) M 1 43 : 1 W'ebsML la . iklH KOH 103 4 IMM ill P) ) 44,41, I lo 1S2l IH 1031,' - U 10-314 loO , SMtkldM 74 ;-,', MM M 74 vt 1 ' N V A Pa IM IM HI 4- 1 j I'M IMt. n WMISSM.. So', MM M4' IH MH 44 II WntSSMr, 441, M 4', 3', ,, . hoi 1 in., no tm 1,11 n 10) 01 ., o a 1 11 a' . 1114 '13 M M " MtftlOUa rlvrrl f 1 ,1 It "o ulo , I' le rv .'- 103' j nn u 12 iVmidoum ' Hi', 44 , ') llH lotn, 1031 SB', noiai .1 ' , , o4 loj.j 1 a Hi 0 W 11,41. K lit I0 1 1 1 1 101 u 0 1 Win--.,loi) SI. Iillll 14. IS 44 II 10 o I- I 1 in ,. K4 i7? 17 ig .43 II 0 Ills I en sun 4V Dill I . Ill , hi , ar.) ... I ai Bond Snlra. Fuoal eki 4 oOl.OOii. Prevloii seel,, ISU.aJUT.OOt), Jan. ilo date, IM 4 II. 4 11 N O O 0. baine period Inn, I I a el.H , Hl.O II O. 1 Heller 20 dam Oat. 1 seller 9 days flat, lasher 10 da Hal. Hsiktr a day. oat. PROSPERITY LOOMS AGAIN IN ARGENTINA Johtl H, AHon Writos of Ton ditioiis to flip National City Bank. rroBperrty Is returning to the Argen tine, according to a letter received by tho National City nanli from aTottll II Allen, manager of Its Buenos Ayres liTHtll h. The balance of trade for the first nine months of the year wis ISiin.nnn.nnn j the problem of unemployment, which was so pressing last year, has been relieved by the emlerntlon of MO.nnii men to the war. and confidence Is slowly building tip, with the promise Of a reasonable restraint which shall prevent any such wild booming as precipitated the crisis Of 19in-14. It Is too early to Judge yet of the condition of the coming season's crojis. on which the welfnre of the -otin-try Is largely dependent, but so far all lnilU-atioiis are favorable. Thai Is a brief review of Mr. Allen'a analysis of the situation. He closes with warning to American business to meot the people of the country half way I In dealings of credit The otie great thing to 1 feared, ho says, is BpOCUln tfon tn land. There are 1,900,090,000 pesos of paper money In circulation In 1 addition to Tnn.oOO.onn pesos In cash BhOWn in the bank statement, nn 111 - , tiei-easary nmount of currency, and agii- j cultural land prl oej are low. til this Is I practically the only form of speculation Indulged in in the country the DOBal bill try Of n wild rush thct will sweep nway the restraint taught by the lost crrlsls la ' evident. .Mr. Allen explains that the e-rpo-'a-tlon of moat and hide I the chief' pmfltable .-itnmeroe of the country, due 10 the est of preparation of cereals and grain stuffs and the lock of adequate homestead laws In farming. Herauso of the speculative tendency the large land owners will red tlo up their farms In leases of over two or three years, and the result Is thst the tenants have little incentive to develop them. I'Vr the nrst time. Mr. Allen OOnOludM, the eX4'ess of exports is lNg'nu!ng to build up 11 favorable exchange, which has been running at from 1 17 to 109 on the dollar. "There Is nothing In th Argeti'lne business situation," Is his final state ment, "thai makes it necessary for the 1 tot.d State, cxporer to be anv more cnutlou In extending cred.ts now than heretofore. In fact, mist L'nltad State I alt porter, have been too exacting 111 this respect They are making a great nils-1 take In refusing to extend credit Srhre J credit is warranted "' THE CURB MARKET. TPsMlMctloiM in dttsUI !n th market I la: .voi'k ' t f'Ii'iv; iNirrHiAi S 4le. cos Am-Britiah 01 2. MM Am M ar. OOJ t 4 33JM Am .lis T", 9M At Quit A W I... Ilk MS ISM A li A W I pf.,.. 'v - IM Ani Int COrp s- 1 lax 1 041 lint Am Ton new. 1 u, sun Cn Gar .t- Kdv . . a 1143 Can Cai A t pi l - : ''' I'ar laibl .... T'a 4', 4-1-44. I'iui Nai Saf G3 Carts, n Sleel ... vn 47, 1 4& 43am are Fa-sor.. : .'t, "). Cliandfer Motor .', - ;, 1 IM Chevrolet Mot . .... Ill M Coaden Ref " , " Chalmers tf.l IA 1 ' 1 eni r ound pf 42f. Dri.--s-Sea .. Is. " IM ;'' IM o Knier-on Phono ., lei, II tttn ouaMaitatato 7114 a a .'. ..i MO Hall -14 n il ,,, SI SI :' rdfi llsislee Mrg n U ti m 4M llotikin. Aiien ... ''. K". '; '". iTwo HouaSon int. .. 34 ,114 Ion Houston im pf tstt, Uj Ml '', It.'.C. HOW Solllsl ..4 4 .'4W 4 s.o.i Int Mi r M .r, ne n 1"S 1" 17', tMUO I'll Mir Mar pf. . C Mst Ml. :''. Inter Motor . fl Ml ;3l 7':"' luler Petroleum . 14k, 1,, l.k, ''. Int M Pump w t, M Us r.i Int s Pump pf B M M M M "'Int Rubier. 114 134 l-'i IS'i v.- ,'4'i Tee w 1. 4- Ml Ma ...l. .lea..: Tea w 1 pf lo, .... , f-.i j k k. Hy s raring T 3.' 14., 1 EM KellyApr T pf... f.-. H ck, H.4. K. Snr T w t . 74 - . 71', I r-.' Kath sl.on 11 nf 4 . i, o l.n ie Tor Bo it . MI14 pt i. i, M Chilian Trana '. '.el ' . IMS. Maxim Mutitt Ion 11 ' ". I a, icjii Mt'ltral Meal '" TtsUj i , : ', .1" M.dseat Ret I a ."' N v Trailer in 1714 1 1..4, 41" Ptrleaa Bfi at :i,'. Mlne 4.' II... py-ne :;. k a if Corp . 17', . t.l. ;s J: I3U 1 .' Humeiy 71 ."' Rumely pf wl 47 4'.4 lavoy Oil 12 201 Steel A Radiation 17 Mtal S'ibinarllie Hoit 43 1 1 1" Tobacco Prod . .it 's :a' Tiiaiurl Film IXTfai fniled IVoflt Shr "4 !Mfl I' s ll a Heat 4S ' r U A nt pt -a, ttfrJO Ventura 13 44 114) 4 44. f' 71. r. Ittaj 1 .1 Ml 3071 I'tah Securities. 1' n Vii toria IMn World Film II MA 4' '-'W 15 'S 417:1 rn Frt rta 7 MIHIHll i-n Atlanta a f M Nd 110.41 "Alt:, u 12 ui in Miuu Rrsden t opper Ilia , 11 -t SMI 'Booth ..4;", 42'. fi :;i 00 Uuft.ilo Mines .... 1 1 i Ial If. ldf Lev ,', v 44, az 1 14XU Unit, t A Zinc 1 , rata.' Butts New York. 4 1 to, ;, ijuu Cerra ds Paaao., 14., 3414 r,.i4 , 1Mb acaledonla Mm k 1. t. a ISstoCanada lopper. .', u uj MVCdna i'op M .... . ", it'. it, ,. ' pteai Coin Anion iv, i, , ,1, I'lo'l'Mutt Re., rve , '., 7.44. 1 Kmms 4 upper 7.1.1 K-rat N'.it Cop '.', Ali ,', "... 4)401 Hold Con. .. 1 I S-U 1 T l a- ' 'Hold Hew ana .. M SI .1 -i i.old '.' IS t. 14 I 41 Hold Hill 24 l'i -.3 ,i v;o, 1 Klor 37 tl 5 ., U4UJ 'liolll O-o .1 . Hold f4.Iv li.-k . ', ;u -i, L',.,.,1 Infer Mine. .... 2 ts ":i .4.1 Iron llloaaoni ... N M ' lunit'O tjtlxtsn itl IV, H I n iiu flj .11 14 r S II i, JtJ NO N . " m " "H 4' 1 4 lV U i . J'. I1'.:'; Keniieeotl Cop . i 100 Kerr l.ake . .4' SMM l.i Roar t Ml .1 -vi, Kiilley liar 41 15441 Mssiiis Conner .'.' Ma .-.lie Mine4 . . I'- 'Marsh Mm MSI Mines of Am RU 37iS) .hie St r,,l li' Niptawing 4', 4, a' 'Nort Ii ir ,,.,,l aw North Rtitta ex . , S4V4I Ray Hercules .441 . I nn. ,,, X -.v.. shut lick Arlr . 1771. I AMI 'Sim Tor 114 II"' M .1 nn lead . 1444 i. Mm, I Sliver , ! . "! Hies art S 11 aSiioiwa. Mm ... 4J1; 0: " Tet'iewii iMmont i", .0 Tonop ih Merger ' i.i' Tbnopah Mm . .. , liixi 4 ponopsli Mont moo To ih .41 11, nm 1 1, 134 Tllliopah Kit. 11 ..', f.i':'.'. Verne .... t, 70.1 r c,,n Mt ila), . 1 1 ' . W'nle kneii of ', 'Writ Rnd 43 iiom li & 0 :.. v. 1 100S4 : jam) cmi de I' iu. .Ian 1.44, r. ft 1"1. 11X14. loot, ill' it: c Ki iua4'ott c .ii 3:", "i, .'44' Rune ly del. I. at 41 44 UTANUARLI mi. si inu i it 1 i:s 1 ' Anglo Am '.! At I UIM"1 Rellinn. 11.. Biiekey hips 1. In CimllitsiitsJ ihi j Crsftcsri pins 1. tun 1 li, le 11.4 SlansJ Oil 31.. llllllOlI 1 M ,l. 3 Indians I'ms- 1. tax". Transit K'l Ohio Oil .Dl."" lier.e I el in.. Hrtirl. oil itffl I'raine 1' I, w 1 Kr Penn Me in south Perm Oil : 41 stun,! Hi! of CJ T, siami ml of ind Uk Siaul (HI ot N .1 4 Maud fill of X Y to I'raon Tank Line SI H. WUtll Oil . Waahiniion oil. It N 17', Itl is. ..." i::,i ,i,,i tlx U0 I1 7 : .'74 .7, . 4' 4.'. 47, I. ItW 17.' IOI l 141 l't 110 11 113 II'.' 113 ,i. ili HH -'41 M lo 177 U17 171 . in li 1.14 i 44" IM 4.1' l.l 1X71 V... ;l'l Si . ill To M M JM 7t;.. in. 117m 111 .hi; 137 .mi .fill Me Mg 14X1 tm 74" lar. jSJ u. ;ll sil . M a, ,7 fs .tn 3. Ml 2sl M M ID Sail ote pr atv. J. K Ftice, Jr. mi o.Will Sell fS Amer ( lo, I, pf,. mi,,,.- 41 Amer. Orsphnphiitie Cm,, Slot-It I'M) Amer. I.aa A l.l. I em. A I'M sik li". Mil, . rn. to. Pfd. StiM-k tot hllda iRest.i t'eta, a Pfd -i.i, iihi ( etitiiieniAi Insemnee hi. in. UHl l.mplre at. A lr. I em. A Pfd Ml) lift K It. Illlsa I ,011. Stork i 1.3 Milellt -Phenlv In.iirtinre Steel III t rillikllti Insiinanre sleek IIHI (.real Nortlli-rn Paper M.m U ' inn I., rural I hrmlral Com Stoell '3.3 Herman American stork Iihi Interbnrntigh Rapid Tran.u sil HHI Mllllken lire. ( om. A I'ld slnt L lull New Vork shipbuilding Shark tisi Nile, item, on 1 ,,,,, 1 (em sloelj IIHI Co lli, I en. 1 t nm. Mm k .'"" Ho, ill linking PWlter Pfd stnrl, ItHIRoanl llaklna Ponder I nnt. stntk IA s,.,i, II I lliiniifartiirln Stock '2.3 slnser 'I nMifm tuiin, -tn. u its. safeti ( ar in a Mg. stark 9 W'lneneateff Repeallni irm. -, 1 Ion H bile Rock torn. Mark U 3 ale A Towne Mfg. Mm k J. K. itlCt, Jr. & Co. Will Buy .W rnrr t hl If I uiil. A I'hl. tirk ,'.' AJm lrlli liiihhoT I nm. (,,, i, "nt Ini-t.f il UMrlRri Hlifhta ' 'n t mi 1 1 tw 11 1 11 1 IntsiimiH t mill Nliirli IA tlVlai lark, ot Uod-rn (on) ItnJ, Ill Opo, Mi l nn' f 11m. A I'fil. mm k 1IHMr4fj)t Northi-rn fapPf sim k '.''"H.MI Niitl TMMtOtraith Nfnrph lltMi nit - INmtlrr ( otn A l" i sn .'. Ilntnr Inntriitirt' Mnok Id lii. r.i.l llii.i'l V IIHI liiRrrMill-ICiitiil Cum, A I'fil atnrk IS 1 11 it runt i'linii Kl?tatlni Mock .V Miiiuni lit-iininii tiH-k IIHI NatMltM llnnk of Initio stork '. Nuth.nnl Turk Hnnk IMark IIHI IVii'HIr I iihrI ( mil. A I'fil. Mtarh IMI I'rarlltP Hunk 4fnrk Kin I'm itti I nil WA (all i lna)rsi tfrk mmi rn. ii. iiixUr a (i Marl IIM HvhI llnkhiR I'ontlfr I'M. M It Mailt 'MM'lirltll I'fil. 4-efk ul Kli- i .nioHinter A lriil sffirk ?" I'hnmi-4n tnrr-M I ttm Mm l, AO HrimMii llriitnii I nm. A I'M Mlt. AO M iirthlnttiin I'unip I'fil. i.. k J.K.Rice.Jr.&Co. Phones 1001 to 4410 John II Wa V ' Ajnericui Bran Co. Du Pont-Httrculeo-Atlas Nilct-Bcrnent-Pond Com Singer MMufactwing Co. Yale 4 Towne Lamarche & Coady Phono 9970 Rector. 14 Wall St. s-xk-:xk-x-:-x-:-:x-X4.:-xk-j Benjamin r ran (in saj: ) "They that tvoi t he ciun e'ti, ttin't h ht.'ffj." THE tftrpcr:nce gained by thi Company duruip the pa' twenty -eight year- enaKes u to render etlicicn: and inter:g-r. service Truitee, Regiitrar and Tranifer Agent, whiie the !oc,r:nr of our New York Office, in the cen ter ot' the financial diitrict, provi.i-i v a rottveiiicnt place tor the receipt tr.c! X delivery of itoilt cenificatei ind V bondl, Officers ot corpora'ioni who y are contemplating the isfj.nce o! .. new lecuri'iei are invited to conn::; t 11" in regard to our If rvicot, ,4, - aaasiaiwa ism a li franitfi'n TruSl Company X tftn re Officii 46 Wal'. Stre- f X BmMyn ) i"0 MonMgui S'ree j Ofi,-ri tho 1 niton Street 4 x-x-:x-x-4-:4-44' Cuaranty Trust C ompanv 140 Broad wsv Fifth Ave. Brmcli Fifth Ave A 4 lid S t Till Wabash Railroad Co. KKDKi. Wl TION T11 Multti r of I frltM. iit- nf tpntiH isa-ip ) h Tho KiititliaMi l riit t .mi pun -f N ork ur I aiiirtl rnir ntnpai" if nrk rat 1 alunbta Trul (oai im n ipt it prrriiif aannff rrprrwol Int I ' r sat lift Mini I I k. Mill) I ltIUlttt MffFI a: UK ItuliiN. I'rrlt-rri tM U .in. I I 11UI Minn -iiMk nf Tha U'AsHaah Rallnw iiiiiini : NUTK'K IS Hr.HEHY tT)0.N that ul. ' raUrmWl. vrirt PM4 rrt nior:v tfloHniTm Th W.-aa Comiiaiis aaW a ff-rnr. m 't"fi gr. ilr ty V fiVituih K . ,. ' i'i Ion rfDnli'M un) . in "i of th st9 f iTi.iiant. ibrlnjj ih N pany ooniainptetad by iJi Plan h 1 'int of It't funlaVfiMor. w?.: ill !t : i'x(tt. efrii.n .'f nn1 l ip:it .. mi - 1 maoj ;.pn(ip- ii Ti.1 frBf'rh)isi. rth! --.eiA. . thff no-w A'urltlvV uiirifr t.i I'lan fr ."I of RMrpUI 'at 'in-tfr Ka PWfl tc hnl-lr-ra of 1 h r'irlrjt4! -t.f !'. who h fit '-' MymatVta nd il.-.'Tihariw,! th ,n'lfT Mid P' an atn", AiT-- I f rV 'Tu.lRitlon Tin nw i3ris,irlt1 Will Ha - ' for i Hvar) on or atuHit pfcambaff iv '"V holdera "f nirtmt ..f i p Inrg nr. Vrr-.t and ortmniin -t v ma4a lha pf!n r'i!ro.i o '.r th Plan An! ti 4r i ht'.'V i rtpri4 ft i .' I itiif uii'l l.xtt n!"n9 Mor'k. . t- ! i rt hav Itrioh.xrgad .hlr -"ia 'tm. in fuli in ordar t- fn.-ri'nta i I.-- ss.Miritsi, holoiara of t" i. p... mdv aurranrdar rti' -.f Tin- mnltabla rr v.-w V..rk. t: Wall Slraat 1 ;it any tlmt ft - t); .1.(4 f t! ' acootttfMnlad by atatamai i of Htid addraaaaa of the n ii.iinM i Ii .ifa.rf.i thai 1 -- ia n " -m ahall ba hlauaiS, and dallvafif ot MPitiitlra will bi rtMiritt ..ii op 1 iiiiirr i., IMt, nii'i, " fai i In tha ontar in whlab au u i pMMiati ;nt lurrandarfHj Rokra nf fuUpaJil rmin - of P'fir 1 1 j 1 1 s i . i' Klral Ri I Ralaitalona Mortis H ' to racalva, nt tlm r llvrry of th- i. -a n. ijr' is-s If itiivdin c-1. tna Mim of 31 7ft I'- lha aiiMuni of Hi rotipon ilua .tHiiixirv t. IVtSi In ilirr''r tn Iifat-MMtbt-r t ." ' of s. pmf crtii pr MTiinir. HT9ldtff 'f 9'eTt! " ' r- antlns ii nf Rafunlli c . . n$ M"r,ir,iif Bondl actio imvt ,,n pff ciotit of t'lr 'iri'l"! i'" will no- lit) ant ft lad . i rta nrltlt un! I : t hv ti . fl1 Mii'iiiti! of .lifli .): iv 1 li In i lie tlnta l!9r - if I fi. rip i Vrt in .'ii tfg fur fra -iiari aill Km laaua Troal inhiHni of . JOINT REORGANIZATION COMMITTEE. Fix l ll ii s rn Ki I i o Stock .rape Krusss ATTENTION " ii n t to RMuotata iv'':i .t .-. I raiiraavietail on tii floora York Mock in l Cottftfi Kvrtiai.rai ,i tli'iPoiigh kni'vv advc af . pattorn mni a '.it't pffffaonn ' uth. will only iffanafat my h 1 p tonr non api . u 1 1 - firm . .r pllM to A. P . bi-i 1?" H in nlhpa The ! a Fayette Funi Wlahai la Htinoiinrt thai H hai t Itor-i in iti . 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 for (In i'ollt, UbapHptionti i' 'if Kind mi l .a Kftyatta Pund mid wnt to rBANlil Mot nt:. Iwrt Koom ItS, Valldftfhllt Hftta Jkaw York City itl i tlii