Newspaper Page Text
11 THE SUN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. ARCH SELWYN GETS WORD HE IS TO GIVE A PARTY Expensive News Is Broken to Prospective Host Over Long Distance Telephone Hudson Theatre the Place, and December 19 the Time. When evcr boily who In anybody on Broadway from the Square to the Clr 1 limped streetward about mldsfteT noon yesterday to meet tle air and, In ridetitiilli , to breakfa'.t at the Porty eroml Street I'oimtry Club, the flrtu thing Hint (in ittd the clubmen, all aglow now with the red eyes and blue Hpa of jxrntli nftcr their almple pleasures of the, night tratora, una a notice on the bulle tin board In the (frill to the effect that "That PrlHOt of Kntertninnra Mr. Aroh A. Ptl'iwn" hnd completed all arrange ment tOr hi i nu ll party, to which all Br.aid.vny always la lnvllxl. In fact, all the preliminaries of the (unction such a mmM for the time nd place, llgl of truest. Ac . had been ttUnded to In-fore 4 HO .Vclock yesterdax aftert'o hi thing except the annual AIM tOfTI alwav pill off until the last moment at these affairs of aelectltig I com mi 1 1 e, to wait upon Mr Helen n and break the news to him tha ho la to Attve the party. Bv S 0 'doea P M.. hoTOVW, a (com mittee headed bv Hoi Cooper Megrue. n playwright, and C. PtlMtH Hayea. a well known man about Broadway and Korty- second atreat, bail been (jot together f"r the purNUe of trying, to find Mr Bel Ml'l home addreae In trie city directory Thereupon toward dunk the committee started out In four rhxlcabs to look up Mr. Hepe-yn lo let him know that he wa attain to be a hoot. I-'or at least three seasons it haa been rt.e ballet of the Broadway gentueee, Whoee presence at the yearly uffalra ilven by Mr. Selwyn go far toward mak ing the parties the one really Important function of the eoclal season, that the thoroujfhly Impromptu nature of the Sel wyn affaire Is the chief cause of their evert at lo suocass Mr. Meirnie, Mr. Hayes. Douglas Fairbanks, Ilaymond Hitchcock. James Forties, playwright . Irvln S Cobb. Churls Helmont Pavla. Mlaa Margaret Mam. Vies Margaret Illlngton. Oeorge Doran, publisher ; Croaty Oalge, Mlaa Madge Kennedy. Mi Ma ry Plcklord, William Oourtenay, Charlea liar. son To'.vuie, Beumaa 0 Built van, Frank Crown Inahleld and many, many others too numerous to Hat. once a year Just net together a they did yeeterday on the ejiur of the moment, agree on a night lor the party, engage the Hud eon The atre In cauee the U nison haa a foer big enough fur a Mirth tent number of (Upper t.ibi'-s and a cood sized It egg for danc Inif. hire an orchestra, luhmlt fo il ai d wl'ie list- to a caterer and send out the Inflations. Trouble la anted for Hunt. Therefore by the time the comtnlt'e annually calls upon Mr. Selwyn to lei him know that he la to five the parti all of the preliminary details, uauatl) eo Irritating to a busy man of nffn 'r have heeti attended to for the host. All Mr. Selwyn has to do then Is to make a mental note of where and when he Is in give his function and. when the dual has settled the next day. to pa the bills Tvast vcar'v affair. Which sagacd ever an slightly because .if the fact tha' Hilly Hunrt opened against the Selwyn fun. tlon that night and thus drew many potential gueete to Pateraon. set Mr Helwyn back 11.10. so the boat con feesed with a touch of bitterness while weeping In hi oyater patty between dances that night. By a unanimous wis of the Important part of Broadway yesterday the evening of Sunday. December if. eras selected as the date for Mr Sslwyn to Open Wine end otherwise entertain his many friends. The Hudson Theatre also was chosen again as the Bcene of the gay function The Messrs Megrue und Hayes, before leading the way to the Caxlcabs to hunt up Mr Selwvn and ac quaint him with the fact that It had been decided that he was to revive his annual custom, announced in no uncer tain tones that this year they will ar range an affair which for costliness and elaborate splendor Will so far outshine anything Mr Selwyn has done In the past that he will have reason to he proud of their efforts. In faoti the more or less Important item of letting the host know about the ?srty he Is to give wai 'he only de tell which was not arranged wlih n rush yeatoitlajf Before the committee could get In touch with Mr Selwyn tax1 cab bills had been run up which will play no email part In the general ex pense account to be turned over to the hoar for payment on the e'age of the Hudson Theatre on the night of the party Arch A Relwyn. the bust, better known to Broadway aa Al. the abbrevia tion of bttf inlihlle name. Alnyslus. who lc the head of the theatrical producing firm of Selwyn & Co. Whenever his brother Edgar goes out to luncheon. In pant seasons had been formally told on u weekday that he whs to give a party Testerday the committeemen In their lorpetuoueneei forgot that the gelwyn ifli-'ee arere I loeed on Sunday. The March through the city dlrciorv thereupon arse begun for me Belwyn res rdence "rWlwyn Arch A nree Helwyn A rv ti Rowayton Ot," said the dJlreotory, To the Broadway oonunrttaemen that Mn..wa-ton Ot" meant only an nart rnen houae on Home side street be'weei: the Square and tha Cimle n.uu.-d the 2 twa tor. 'ourt. I rnl.e of the Tsilcsb. Thereupon two of the taxis, once the omini ttee had been unable to And any Aowaytotl Court address in the dlrec toi-y, oruleed steadily through cross at petite from Broadway wegt while the orlier two taxicahs enlisted the moss streets aaai of Broadway In eeaivh ol or. Ripartmerd house with artlBcM palms in the lobbyt a doorman In a frock ooot of scarlet and g"'il and "Kowayton Oourt" In letters of bronze over the re VOlvIng ilisirs. Nut a thing doing. The wistful oookftaH hour of eyen Ude had ooma aral gone and. Urad but doggodly de term I nod, the eotntitrttee'a parable of lagttalHj had ro'urnl the oomiuittae lo the trophy room of. the Vtarty-aecond Street Country Club when jdr, Megrue who ,s a oolloge man, eug- gestl I thai perhaps the "Cf nier ltova ton in the directory W'aa a nick name for ConneoUcut. Sure enough, a gazetteer in the club 1 i revealed these faoM "Kowavtoii, a post village of 1'airfieid nounty, ConneolloUU 3 m'les from South N'.fiaalk. las lot liking lajlnt Pop about T80. Chief output lobsters" Three plaiywillaa. aaven gctora n t . 1 and four magaslne men became eloggf i ni a long dlatunoe talaphone b-s- ii a moment later. H brute Htrength M" Mearua tinaiiy wreeted the receiver from Clubman HSrneal Truen and at hast li .' en Mr. Selwyn iii the Kowayton Watercreaa No I iisk and Uadder'i An liuuav, the oompany of which Mr fkOwyn recently was made chief in reoogn i on of ins work In Inatttutlng th s. . al delivery letter systom of a ling oul rlre alarms Which .ris ently ri i i the old eyatem or notifying the II ' i, in it by pari card ahen a ui '. " currad. lire utii'er way out near K li Iturkin'i farm laal nlghi ami Chlei Relwyn onl) begun In (it hit uhl fu 111 4,t bis locker in tne lire lions nr. found lilmaelf urtabln to give mora nve hi s mlnutea in the furmalb nu uvar the ti lephona ire man ;" the fire chief hollered over the telephone from KowUytyn to Hroadway. Chairman Megrue cot f erred briefly With the committee m,,l ii, t...u.M..i i back In Mr Selwvn that ...e HiMelM i he had lo make concerning his party i would be received and nlanad on flu hv the OommlrMg and conslderetl f.-r what ever the comm.ttee thought It worth. "I merely wish to any before going U the tire." thereupon said the chief, "that I think Ihls year s isirty you eay I'm giving should have ua Its chief guests the cast of 'Under Fire.' inasmuch aa that a I he company now at the Hud son." "Tha seems perfectly fair." replied Hi aulhur of "Under Kire," Chairman Megrue "Canned." ' And then there are the itisia of our Bd'l 'Hulling Smiles.' and of 'The Eter nal Magdalene1 ami 'Fair Mid Warmer.' The party will be In honor of all of them, 'lair and Warmer,1 by the way, ml I da me Of thll fire 1 must hurry oft to. S lung and pare no expense. " The committee ufter carefully count ing the seats and measuring Hie standing room spaces in the Hudson Ti.eatr last night decided that II will be .ossible to get at leaei I. MOO of Mr. Selwyna friends to the party. It Is likely, how ever. that the completed lists, which will be oui to-day, will Includl less than hall this number, thus allowing more than twice 'as much as Mr Selwyna llcker and Mctu.ils per capita. I'ance muatC will be played by an orchestra made up of musicians eelected (rem the orchestras of the Hudson, Har ris. Forty-slghth Stret and I'ltlng theatres. Onrrfuge should be ordered In time to clear the theatre for the "Under Kire" performance on the night of December 20. MIS. HEATH TO MEET CRITICS Will Egplatn HauaeerlTea Coaatl tatlon to Jeraer Woaaeo. sirs. Julian Heath, president of the National House wivee League, win meet ! delegates from the New Jersey House- Wives League nt national headquarters. ' West Kiirty-lifth street, to-day to 1 explain the Workings of the national' league's constitution. A request for this Information was made at a recent con vention of the New Jersey organisation, i which Is planning to adopt rt constitu tion of Its own. Be i iso of attacks mad en th na- ! tlonal body by a few New Jersey women 1 Mrs Heath said last night she Is anxious to meet ail Issues raised by her critics and wishes to take ihe public into ner ronndence concemtni every thing In relation to th league or its onduct, Lara Hterr if m. i,. , a stem t William street, said no dale has been fixed fur ihe preliminary Investigation ordered by the Attorney-Oeneral'a office into matters pertaining t.. the National Housewives r igus as the result of an UDD.lcation llled bv Kranl. (' UnVImn I attorney for Indlvldusl members of league bran hes In New Jersey and New York. TO PLEAD FOR GIRL'S SLAYER. GIFTS (or the HOME Mahogany tea wagon, with rt motabk glass serving (ray, $W.50. Mahogany lable With cleclrir lamp attachment, $10. Mahogany muffin stand, with shaped shelves. $6. The John Wanamaker Store presents a distinguished collection of the small furniture so much in favor for Christmas giv ing. It has been selected with the greatest care. It was bought in suffi cient quantities to per mit of very reasonable pricing. The exquisite beauty of the woods and designs, the variety, comprehensiveness and usefulness of the pieces are very unusual. In Brief Pedestals begin at iS: tilting tables at $8.50; tabourcttcs at J; muffin utnnrts at $6: feni stands and boxes at $12; smoker stands at S4.2S; sew ing tables at $12; candle .ticks at $1.50; magazine stands end racks at $11.50; dinner gongs at $6.50; book blocks at $4. SO; gate leg tables at $10; nest tables at $12; loot rests at $5; desk chairs at $10; hall clocks at $39; desk i hairs at $4.25; leather upholstered chsirs at $25; serving trays at $5.25; lazy Susans at $9.50; tea wagons at $12. Fifth Gallery. New Building. ": p i Drop-leaf tea table in blacky and enamel, hand-decorated, $20. Mahogany pic crust tilting table, antique brown finish. $32. Mahogany drop-leaf lablt, $23.50. 7 U sr? UB mi Imported chair for the baby. Mahogany or brown oak nest of mahogany, rich satin-like brown tables, the smallest of the tables Mahogany gate leg table, $12.50. finish, green celtet cushion seat, $44 fitted with a drawer, $12. JOHN WANAMAKER Broadway at Ninth, New York Porto Itleana Take Mr to in,,. I'onton from I hair, About M) represent Itlves of 'he 11,400 :".irto Means In New York met at the II. tel At sonia yesterday after noon to a committee to plead with OOV. Whitman fOt a stay of the exeiutlnn of Ajlton la ronton, who has been sentom ed lo die In tne electric chair on December :o for tha murder of his sweetheart more than a year aito in Albany Ponton Is - ears oid and a native of Porto RI?o Whiii he was a law st,ri,.r.t in Albany be fell In love with a school teacher thort Mies Bessie Kromei Thev were engaged to be married, but aftei h return ftom a triii horn" he found that the air! no iomer loved him and is engaged to another In a t Jen ous riiitc Ponton stabbed her t.. de th a oommlttes from Porto Klco :ii ar- rlc In NV.v Y irk to-day with evidence to prove that I'onton suffers from heredi tary insanity. .Mrs Lucrctla Rnberts. rrheriff of San'a Crui county, Arizona, will head the 'nni mlttee. Those who win go with her lo sec Oov. Whitman are Dr J H Henna, A. Veley Alvereda. Manuel Arguasjo and M J, Qjavan. GALLS BIBLE BOARDS $500,000 ADDITION CHARGES POLICE AID FOESOFTHEGOSPEL FOR MT. SINAI GROUP HER FOE'S REVENGE Dr. (iiiti-N riiarffos Tiint Parts if nipired WrltlngH rc Bappressed. New Hospital Bnildlng t Bo Woman, ronictfri, Asserts Known 1 1 1 " Onggen- . Another Woman Caused , hoim Memorial. Arrest. HE WANTS All PRINTED oh i I liotlfii'StlOII lhal be is ,, give h : nv at th Hudsnn Theatfa on 1 ' nil r It. ncM. i ... I uftef a suggestion, Mr. Chair- N.Y. STREET RAILWAYS SHOW BIG DECREASES Nearly 9,000.000 Fewer Car ried in Year Ended June BO Than Previous Year. A. '. Weber, chief statist!' Ian of tha Public Service Commission, has issue. i .1 report covering traffic, revenues and expenditures of street rallwas com. panics operating In New York. The ngUres are given as of June 3". 1916. The total number of paasengers paying fares during the pr ding period uf twelve months was 1,107, 632, T26, a de r. as." of li.TIt, 838 over the our endet' June 10, l&H. uf these Ills SUbwa) and elevated divisions Of the Inter borough Rapid Transit Company carried 34M8B,749 and 101,709,017 respectively, an Increase of 5,172,049 for tho subways and a decrease of 1,(91.0(1 for the els vated lines. The Hrookh-n ltapld Transit com panies carried ((0,(04,(1( paasengers i the Manhatlan surface roads. 415, . .".l.i Hi. a decrsase of n.r,,!i:. for tn.. it it. t oompanlea ami of 9,254,921 for the Manhattan surface Unas, Bur face rtijuls in Tha Hronx carried 91, 50?,90( passengers, an increase of i 850,970, and the Quesns surface roads. carrying BS.68g.10i passsngers, also in reased traffic by 2,712.412 fares Th tolal carried by eompiinles In the lor i. ugh of Richmond and tour companies in Brooklyn was ll.04S.101, an increase nf 8(9,291, The Hudson and Manhattan tlallroad, which means IhQ .Tersey tubes, carried B(,9(9,414, a decrease of I,. 0(5,479. The total Ope raiting revenue for the twelve months was 191.044,412.41, a de- Tease of 921.SI7 01 The total of opo aiina; expenses was $ r,u, 32.473. 1 B, an lu . t ease of 1197,014.79 over the corre- tinnilitia period i mled June 3n. i;i: The net corporate Income of nil the com panies was 111,(34,809.99, a decrease of II77.02B.B9 f this amount the lnler linroliaTh look in 18,099,4(4, ((, an m crease of 141,(04.01. tlra. India tirts Her (iema Back. Mrs 1'hlllp M. Lydlg said lust nieht "it site lad recovered the Jeweln K'hloh she lost on Sat unlay. Hh- left h.-r home, al 14 .ishlnaton (Jquars s'.rtii, early In ihe aftemnon to go t ''.incite Hall. Bhe oarrled a black vel .i handbag with a large Oriental pear: clasp, coht.ri.iiiK a vanity box studded .vim diamonds, a platinum rouge etick ndmiied with diatnondj and some monS(', She missed the Isia; when ehe got home at 1:90, and advcrllsed for Us return, offering a liberal u-ea-anL The Key Pr Mllo H Oatea made in attack en the Bible societies of this country and lit, gland in an address yes t. rday at the popular vesper Service In the Chapel of the Intercession, Trinity parish. "The lime lias come, snld Ir Hates, when all real Protestants should de mand from the Bible societies the whole Bible. One of the greatest libraries of sacnil writings Is contained In what is known as the 'Apocrypha ' In that Is contained such wonderful books as The Wisdom ,.f Sol, .n. mi.' 'Beeleelaetlcus' and 'The Song of the " r "h Idren' from which i onics the li . . n called 'The Benedlclte,' sung each Sunday by mill ions of i ihrlstlans. "The Bibls societies each year Hood ministers with their appeals, ysl it is ihe fault id the Bible societies that this wonderful part has heen stolen from he Bible, If these so. iel It s were truly Protestant they would not commit such i grievous theft. They would not keep the Bible from the common people alls Them BaSSSlee of Bible. "it was not until 1929 thai the Proles, .ant churches refused to print these hooks as pari of the Bible. Today, therefore, the societies stand before the iThTlatlan world as the great enemies "f tiie Bibb Thev are nil largely oubsl- Iliad. It Is difficult I'm- any private publishsr t" compete with them As a result the Bibles ill general circulation ire null dinted Bibles, in another aspect 'icy stand as b mical to the Blbls Their bonks are liar 1 1st lc ami as a general Hung badly printed, In the worst possible taste. "What we need to-day Is either a re form or retirement of the socalled Bible societies if they are permitted 10 so on I f. ar that they will Continue nine SSrlOUSly to hinder the trse of he Holy Seffipturae, What we need Is a new Luther to arouse us and to lead a a -iv reform itloti fur the freedom of the Bible, He will Hnd his must powerful neiny not at Rome, but in the 'Bible 'louses' ..r ihe United Slabs and Kn- land." The I lev. Henry o. Owlghl secretary if in,. American Bible Society, replied to the chniffc of lr tiales with the assertion 'bat 'The Apocrypha" was never considered t.. have divine Hasplrs mm. as had the other books of Ihe Bible, l In Hebrew Testament. "Ir. tiates probably chose ysstordsQ as the Uui, for his attack laausuaa I' '.'s iti iii,- gunday' In tha United states , mi rjanada, Bervleos for the exaltation . tin- Bible "ere held In all Pp. ttant ohurchea "The Apocrypha did nut appear In Hlii Hebrew original ,.f (he bisilut of the till n'cstiimeiit and has neVBr been re- gardsd (B pari of 'he carton loaj Wbla. 'I Is for tlsjs reason thai tha Ancricati llible Hoi'lety does mit luiUudo thes. books In Its Hibles. Another renson is that Ihey deal for the mnst lairt with rivlal history. Tha ApiH'ryphii, al ihoiigh It oonosrng 'ho .lews, was Ill's! Written In tireek. "In answer to Ir. Hatens swond ohsrgS, that we publish cheap Hlblea I can say that wc publish Bibles of vari ous kinds. Snune have line leather blnd unrs and are real by artistic A large number are cloth bound in order that tha lsxik may ho available even to tho poorest jawfile." Hl'XDHEP PRIVATE ItooMs MV BE A JTRY NQFIRY Designed tor what may ultimately be come the largest hospital In the world, the Mount Sinai Hospital Is to be en larged by the erection of a new bulld Ing on Fifth avenue This building will be a memorial to the late Mr a. id Mrs Meyer Quggenhelm and will be known as the Quggenhelm Memorial The en tire expense of construction will be de frayed by the six fluggenhelm brothers Its estimated cost will be (500,000 The new building, plana for which will be submitted to the director" at their iiieeiltig; this mo nth. Will occupy half a city block and will complete the two sijuare blocks on which the sixteen build ings of the hospital stand The Mount Blnal group extends from Ninety-ninth o Inlst street and from Fifth to Madison St enue. The QUggSjnhetra Memoruil will follow in deeirti the senernl construction of I the main building fronting on Fifth nve. nue, It will be a complete hospital In itself Installed Iii It will be kitchens, laboratories and operating rooms, The only thing In oomMve with the cither buildings win he ihe archway connect ing It with the main building. A sepa rate staff of d OOtorS will lake care of Ihe patients. Ten ears of study Tiy the directors Slid hospital staff will make this 1ms liltal the most perfsatly .equipped In this country, it is said One hundred private rooms will be arranged in corridors "i .he four upper floor .. Tic en' ire lust It.-.r will be given Over t" r, ptlOII looms and ofllees The rOOf will be titled up as a ward for outdoor treatment. line of Ihe features of the budding ivill be a children's corridor. This will be cut off from the others so Hie noise of convalescent children win not .nun.'. oilier sufferers iiiuv.t rodmS will be an innovation ami a patten) may have a friend constantly near If he so desires in addition io 'he Huggenhelm Memorial, Mounl Blnal Hospital has re- elved 150,000 from Murry ttuggouhelm and (5,000 from each of his brothers to any on the work of completing and quipping the Ave other buildings now in course of construction, that occupy the remaining half block in the rear of the site for the new hospital Meyer Uuggcnhstm wiu. s trustee of Mount .Slnal during the later years of his life and one of Us most constant lie 1 1 (factors KILLED BY BROTHER'S DEATH. llk of fHftiMt luillMii rlh a Mfjil ilrn Deiiilat Tnti Much fur !lrr. Two tirotticiH, botti apparent!) tn fQOll hftlth Wtlf Mt rii Utn with apo ilcity ycMienlay tfld Hied within u few in nrx of each other. Bamuel QuttV rtcrtth, IT yar old, of R'J .lohniton av DUfti 111lt iiiIiu rs-, wiiH fiiuial dead In li. d by ti:tt wife .Slit- ran out to ilnd his brother, llarrv luthweith, 'J4 ywiiH nld. who lived a few doon away. He rufhpd up the HtepH .ind when lie flt hi brother's, forchoad ho dropptil dead. Policeman Martin of th S; hkh street station callod an ainbulaucA. Dr. i Ntiiitrfi frim Ht. Catherltip'r Honpital ih-clarfl tiiat death in both ciimbm had beon ltm to Hpopiexv ami thnt Hanmel had prohubly beu dad for ttwverul A 'Irand Jury !ti ver!raTt'in urtl by tin if of th ppenluent rep!d?nt nf Queen fl will be hrun thta wek Into th" m utTis'.i!icep of Th" .irrvHt and ronvl f!ii tf Mrn Bllu AUcnklrch fr kfep IriR a cHNOnleHy report gileen V uV v.trd. Jama1 a Mrf . Alb nktt rh. for w )u - food rhar.trter many personn have vouched. .perti that hor arreMT wa- rautved by a woman of doubtful character whom ph forced from apart ment over her hUSband'l raf, and whiisc relations wt.h the police were BUch that nlit was able b br!ii(t about Mrs AJtenklrch! arreMt ti it-vriiK. Th AHcnktrch place consists, of park and a large bultdlns, Ths ground floor of the building lfl divided into a caf and hall for dinner Tho apart ment gbOVSj a iv occupied by M r and MrH eMtenktrch and other famlllea Mrs. AMetikln h sayi thai on June 19 Detectives Oeorge Blllafer ami Patrtch Pttaglbbon and a .Mrs Mildred Martin persuaded her to .irtih to prepare a dinner for four on June The was served on the ground floor, in full sijiht of all who might enter, she, but on June she was arrested i "i September II Mho was convicted of keep ing disorderly resort. Thief Just i. Russell rtnd Justtcet Keniiiian ninl (Jarvan of the Court f special sension.-. who heard the a8t. postponed sentence from time to time because if letter, went to them on behalf of Mrs Alten- klrohi i'Ht Tui-sdav sentence w;is pus- pt fulfil. aii appeal t- the Appellate Division for a new trial p now being prepared by Mrs AttenkJrch'fl otbu-ney, Herbert a O'Brien. Many men of At audi ug. Including tergymen, physicians, business men and lawyers of Qmenp, rallied to Mrs. altenklrch's support and presented a pe tition to the (3 rand Jury sscommendlng that tt-tlon bo taken by that body. Dis trict attorney ivni.s O'Leary and Jmimt iiumpbrcy. after a lengthy consultation, decided that tin- clroumstancesj made a Urand Jury Inquiry nct'essary. "The trouble," said Mrs. Altenklr. h setsrday( "was because Information came to me that a young woman board ing In one of the remwi apartments was leading a bad UtA I Had her put out. and i have certain knowledge that she Said She would Kt even hy 'franiltuf' me Being friendly with police officers and having acted as a etOOl plgOOII for them, she was ahln to fulfil her threat." WIFE AND CHILD HE SHOT DIE. Mnrdrrrr h . Hp Cunlg Snt l.l.c Without Twit Hp KIHpiI. Marfaral Sherer, t purs old, died in Kiower Hospital yestsrday morning from a liullrt BOIind In tlir brain rccelvcn when bar father, Michael stirrer, a Hun garian tailor, shot the girl and her mother in the flat at con Baal loid mi-eel on gaturday nlghi after the woman hail rejected his written propo sition for ihe mil. nf of a separation of three months Susanna, tba wife, dieii in piowei Hospital a short lime before the child In the Harlem Hospital, where Sherer waa taken after he had fractured hi,, kneecap In attempting to escape, lie told the police that lie killed lila wife and daughter because he could not live with out theas. TKe Wanamaher Jewelry Store Radiant with the Christmas Spirit It is an all-the-year-round Jewelry Storecomplete, dis tinctive and specialized yet with certain advantages which come to this business as a whole. These advantages show both in the character of the jewelry and silver and in the prices at which they are sold. It is a store universal in its helpfulness. Its doors are open to all; and its safeguards protect all. It has some things not to be found in the same completeness in any New York Jewelry Store notably the old English silverware; it has every thing that a good Jewelry Store should have. Enter by Grace Church and one sees first the DIAMONDS A large specially acquired collection from two importing and mounting houses re tiring from the mounting end of the Quild enables the quotation of prices 20 to 30 per cent, under current figures an oppor tunity much appreciated at Christmas Rings, bar brooches, bar pins, pendsnts, lavallieres, necklaces, bracelets, earrings. OLD ENGLISH SILVER holds the centre of the Silver Courts and 46 new pieces are just off the steamer, greatly enriching the group; all old Geor gian pieces, of the best designs of the period. CLOCKS Hall clocks, mantel clocks, desk clocks, traveling clocks all are represented by standard makes and classic designs. Par ticular attention has been paid to their time-keeping qualities. STERLING SILVERWARE for the table Is complete In its variety and ere are making a specialty of tea ser vices in Colonial styles and of chests of silver. The selection of email individual silver Is quite extraordinary. WATCHES are always a center of interest these holiday times, and one is assured here of getting watches of accuracy and pedigree. Some diamond bracelet watches just over from Swltserland are regal in both design and workmanship. NOVELTY SILVER includes charming gifts for the boudoir, and for a man's needs as welt; with addi tional novelties such as smoking sets, desk seta, miniature frames and tiigoutenc. GOLD JEWELRY is just a step across the aisle a specially arranged Christmas collection at moderate prices both 14k. and 10k. pieces. Rana pearls, the nearest artificial approach to the natural; Fleurigny opera glasses from Paris; accurate sun-dials, faithful copies from Italian models; field glasses and other optical appli ances from Europe; exquisitely fashioned enamels frames, boxes and trinkets; English and personal greeting cards and social engraving; these are some of the additional specialties of the Jewelry Store which makes it distinctive and especially helpful at this time of year. The honor of your visit is invited any day or any hour of the day. JOHN WANAMAKER Tenlh and Broadway New York I : I E iiiiHlilliiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii 17HTn i H Mil WIFE, CHANGING MIND, ' SEEKS DIVORCE AGAIN Sirs. Ben ner, Who Left One Wooer nt the Altnr. Trios Anew for Decree, An order of the Strir, !ii Court of Nebraska directing the tain c of testi mony in NV York In a divorce suit brought si Nebraska City, Neb, by Mrs Happy Theodora Van W'yck BotUaV .ts;it!mt Kernnndo wall Bermar, presi dent .f Hi f W. Ben ner h-h Batata company cf i Church atrc, itHci?ee that Mt Bonner, Whn MUI ch:tna:e1 hr mini several time In the past, hast done a,, again. I Mrs li. liter i ti ni daugMar f j ths late United st.. tea Senator Van WyeK of Nebraska, who left her half a million dollars, she aroa one of tha belles "f the younger act In VVaahing. ion fight years ago, when sh. baoanss engaged to Prank Mitchell, a young ftouthftrner. Tho two were at the iLltar of Hi- Klfth Avenue Church smlttnR for the jnutor to per form iha arresnony when M!h Van Wyek suddsnly changed her mind, Sh then Invited the olergytnan "nd Mitchell to Mgo down t -w ii and have n rothI suppse iml forge! all this foolthlineas." A few weeks later she married Heiinr it the Little Church Around th Cor ner Mis. Heni.r went to chr;uksi In 1901 u i i,i brought Butt for a dlvgi OS, alleging that her husband whs nu longer devoted to her ami that he hail aiont a I irRe part of her Income. She askel for t lie Custody of their son, now lo yeara old Noi long afterword h. wasi seriously Injured in an automobile uc eldenl "n1 surprised her husband by disoontinulllg the divorce action. The order Juat ecnt Ivere for Ihe tak ing of testimony ahowa that Mrs. Ben 'l,..' tins iiectdl again that all,, watlta :i divorce. Charles of 203 Broadway has been appointed to take the testimony of Banner and CMIberl l. or- OUtt, U'tiry .1 Robert, Thomas if, charry, vale b Bannar and John Mors rig. Overcoats comfort. that radiate AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE "Scotch Mists" (WlTs) in Winter weights- rain proofed Scotch cheviots. Motor coats, single and double breasted, with an ex tra protection for the throat Ulsters. Dress overcoats. Raglans, with shapely shoulders and roomy lines. Fur lined and fur outside coats. Every good sort of Winter overcoat. I Suits for business wear. Suits for afternoon and evening dress, made of the identical fabrics used by the best custom tailors- at about half the price. Dress requisites from silk hat to patent leathers. Rogers peet company NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS f H . MIA '.Mi lint - afr.CABJ'KNTtCR'M 1 UOUI loi i.,i 310-312 est I ll.l Ave 'I.I I The loth year begins Octobei Outdoor sssrelsei I SO to 4 h II IRVIX. M IIOOI. I ti It.T 3.-, IV ar Tel 4t H - r Moys fr..m ,. to 20 All t- No lo. io,. stud, for aeys under IS. "it UIHI.M SMI tin . in. i am n , ihxii. i mi . v. rat t mi gva a mmii at. t. i hi n Ivrgarten, Klen tan i . and College lrsp Uoii I . IIAMII ION INSI I I I I t I oil I tag Wesl Knd a..- I i III. I.K.I I III l ii; l I Mo 24lh ,'r Ilea D Se . i7V I ,1 s M4MII i iwai 1 1 1 1 1 i iii, ( Doth at A Rlvsrslde flrlvi i i 'allege i 'ertlflcatM Honu Ki Ktilnr gpecliil i 1 . . I int. linn i i nu i si'i'i.aiia A M Mi 1 l; . I i - us l: i ii I lit S III,, II I III I I l.l MI l HI m:i . V. I. M N III IV I 111 1 I KIN. DANCINO. MBW IIIKK, Ne I'art CM S H00L The "EXCmiONAI Mr. G. Ilefirairn Wilson, V 1 Asierlesn Authority , i I II I II 111 M 1 borlei in n m . in a T.-lc t. ii a nit o - I tur lull i. n line. sti'lis It Abititi A leuii. itost Iteesi m.i '1" U. wtQUtituity illui nt in ,...." X rite for Inf c Tearhert' Nerinel I 1 f AlTIIMIIIIIl I. l 1'1'I.IU. Broad wsy st 13th St I Brosdwsy st Warren "The Four Comers" liroadway at 34th St Fifth Ave. t 'list St. -BEAMNUS- Naw Depart ur Her vies Sl Ths OWllltaSSCe 91 W. II SH. (at 9'siil, TsL 1911 Oelussbus JETWOOD A SrlaHTCPU uoth A T V ABLE L0' ' TeUrr- fMUt' K JLMK'i