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8 TOt BWf, MOtfSAT, DECEMBER 0, WIS. ONION BANK TANGLE AT INQUIRY TO-DAY Wrecked Institution Will Play Law Part in Stat- In vestigation. MOVED WHITMAN TO ACT Tho beginning to-day of the luvostlan Won of tho Htatn Itunkltitr I 'opai-lns-nt, with particular reference to the methods employer! In tlio ll'iulriatlnir of hanks that have fnilcd. again bring tho 111 tUUA I'nlon Hank of IlrooVlyn to the front. It m largely nt the request of ilrnonltora of thiit trrocked institution tlwt Oov. Whit man appointed Krwlorlek .1. QfMM commissioner tO hear charge. In ono form or Knottier the affairs of the Union Mank hare been before the public for more than tlr yenre. Its two presidents. Pavld A. Sullivan und n-city OoinptiDltor MnN M. Jrout, have iM'en convicted of felonies 'Ommltted WtlllO officers of the InOtl ntloti. Sulllvmi hM served time In King King. Th. bank'H trouble have Involved D'strict Attorney t'ropeey In i bitter controversy with half a dosen WOfMbOfa of UlO Kings county Judici ary. Throe OoverMfa hive hod soino thlnic to do wttll tho Umk's affaire. Tho original Institution wee formoil it March, IfOT, ly Thivlrt A. Sulli van through merger Of tht old Mechan ics, and Traders Bank of Manhattan aid tho old ITlltOB Hank of llrook. I)n. Thil inst tutlon hWHtWI thirteen branches, eight ..f thorn lti HrookUn. On January : i(o, it hum to urief tln.msli Combination of untoward clr attutetancea, chtof of which wns tho panto of t "7 and Huiuvan'o ambitious themes to make .1 uront fortune in lail Mtato sieouliitlon. oulllvsn Hid tho The otlapaa ol il estate roeUs. though i. t lof; tho bank un smllloan, thmuKh a Muuuutod to keep th time. In the end jingling of assetr. fact hidden for a It mode mutters Worse for film, however. HO wits lu tllCtod for utroeny und convicted; Ho m.ih .,11c, the , vil genius of th" Insti tution. Wlion he was force! out of the bank It n e thought that tho hank might be oponod aaalu. Jut whi. f responelhle for the rr opeinng ha I never been definitely an- oaruiaod. At the trial of TMwaid M. riout for iierjnry in connection with the aoooad collapsM- Of tlM bank the proaouuUon hold that Urout u mninly lo blame. Mr. )rout laid the blame on the state Bankltu) riapailinonl. in- aioUruj ibut he had been ut'Ked to head the Institution u the only acceptable person nnd Annlly had accepted u a lint. I., duty. (tiMut. who had been vice-president of the institution for a fOW WOoVb under Sullivan, fulled in h!a effort to ave the bunk. It reopened on AukuM 17, lfO. as a Brooklyn Institution, the branches n Manhattan having been uboiishad. in April .". 1110, it eloped a SOCOfld time. .wiuK :. depositors morn thiui 14,000,000. Itli the closing of tho bank came many ohares. Active among tho nc. ouaara was Lou Is v. Qoldatoln, then an obscure Brownsville lnwyr, .lust out of law school. One of the larger branehea of the bunk was sltuatsd In ltrtwna1lle and friends of thfl young lowyer lost their money. Me d added that there should bo an investigation and ran for Aawenibly with that eiid in view. Ciroot, 1 IWe oillltvan, l onilrtrd Its v.1. elected January ! 1011. ind t.ok oflsM Oh Powerful influences wars brought to boar to dof at Gold- :.tein's bin for n Union Hunk Invootlga tlou. It wan not until Qov. Ilx Inter cited himself In the matter that Gold stein's efforts succeeded. Goldstein secured tho aaslstanof of James C. Cropaey, afterward lnetrict Attorney, and tlilnss began to happen with startling swiftness. The most ur rlslng of tho Ch urges was that Grout had sworn falsely bank statement, of the bank by oventdating th sOtH 19,000,000, Crout'.-' took pluce only a short time ggo. it lasted nine weetcs. A .1ur. uTtor deliberating llfty-thrae houra, found lnni xullty of perjury and ho waa OMIton I t" Hlnit Slnic for a minimum term of one year. He is now out on bail ponding appeal 11. waa never charged with profiting through an Ir regularity at the bank but merely with making a false statement for th,c pur pose of keeping the bark going GIFTS TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Holies Include For- H'volatlonary traits of the Soaeyler Pamlly Wa portraits of members of the old ' .Vew York Schuyler family and reverul SOTOl jtlonary BOUVOnlra of tier.. Philip gOhUyler are Included In a bequest to the j New York Historical Society from Mrs. 1 Philip Bebuyler, widow of len. Philip j Bchttyler, WllO waa killed In a railroad 1 iiocident in Virginia In HOT. The most Interesting portrait Is one by fjoorga Trumbull "f tlen. Philip Schuyler of Revolutionary fatn niiH i lilcture wae Bglntad In 1 7!":', the ram -ear In which the artist d.d the military I lwrtrult of Washington now at Tale Ativan lt The earliest of the six portrait ia 1 hat of Cap! Johannes Schuyler, a son of phiivp Plep raon Bchuylsr, th.. orig-1 iai Bchuyler, whu came t. this country ! from Hollan early In the seventeenth cutury Th" in xt two canvoaes In the series are portraits of two sons of o'apt. Schuyler. Col, Philip Schuyler, who was allied during the Prsnch and Indian rainpaign atrains! Albany In 1 7 4 " . and Johannes Bchuyler, tha father of the Kevoluthmary Oenoral, The iinai por- rait of the series is that o' tlen. tiuliuyler's wife, Catharine Van iietisse. luer, whom he married in 1T6B line ..f the BOUVOnlra of ClOn, Schuyler which Is of unusual interest ts the camp chest used by blin during the campaign igalnst Burgoyne, a numispr of silver p..-ce- of historical value are also n luded 11 th.. bequest. The portraits now hang In 'he Aniorlcan portrait room of 'lie society. HUNTING FOR DINOSAURS. II... 1.0 10 Hronn Arrives tn the awaof tiritss Realon. Ii. que of r'.'.ni dinosaurs il.ooO.noti or more yearn old. Itanium Brown, ufter ooinpietjiifc' his axploratlona In the itsi tjeoi' Rtvor OOUinryi baa arrived at the sweet Grass region, on the bouiukU'y lino between Montana and Alberta, Canada, Tidings have just iMon received tit tin. kinertoaii Muaeuw of Natural iflatory from the fossil hunter announcing bis arrival in rbe gwoul Onsas country, tv-iiure ua nopes proapc t rot tiie groat omatursi of tha prablatorlc past until eatromo cold weather aata In, a aarioad or ffgiBlla. Ipoluding savor a important epci imen. , tfophloa of the Brown ea peon Ion m ic rte1 noer alli-j' la d eirranier, .irt.vtsl ri-ientl'. t the museum llll 1 and will he clsi-sitb-d by the ixploi ma retuia TO TAKE N. Y. IDEAS TO MEXICO SCHOOLS 81 Teachers Sent Here by Car ranza. to Visit City Classes To-day. TO 00 HOME WEDNESDAY Hfht)roM Mexican nch.i teechsra, part of I.r.O touchers that QOI . i.'nrrtinsa sent to thin eottlttn to Htudy American methods, are u anil on Wednesday on I the vtird liner Moiloo for Vara Orua, Forty-eight of thotn lire woman. Tiny ar the nrM to return, but fen. :ir ranta hope to haw many hundred visit the Cnlted Htate. These fOOChOfO were OOnl here I little over a year ai by Felix P. Palavtelnt, an Italian who has held high ikjhIs under Plaa, Madero, Huerta and who Is now , Minister of PuMkj lnslructlon In the C'arraniK Cabinet Honor i'alavlclnl M i noted for not carlug who rules Mexico if i only the ruler Helps nun to aavawss me education of the Mexican people. The touchers wno are to Rail are gath ering at the BmglrO Motel from Hostoti, Philadelphia and Washington, whore they have ts'en observing Aniorlcan schools. In Washington they were re ceived by President Wilson. !ome of them have been busy at Oilumbla. All of them will devote to-day wild to-morrow (0 visiting Now York schools, from wh'.oh they expect to get more points than from any Others, because this city more nearly approaches the Mexican condition of heterogeneous populateM, Sennr Palmielnl and 'ten iVirrani are anxious to set up night schOCOB, In dustrtil schools nnd all the other kinds of schools that can bo iiiliipe,l to Mexi can needs as s.xt. us possible, and they have a programme which calls for the starting of 1,000 mo-e schools than ex Isted under Dtag, wl"h more to he estah llshed later. As fully Tl per tent, of the Mexican people arr Illiterate, reudinn and writing wall form the chief part of the teach Ola' task. aKhOUgh Heiwir Palavicini insists that Instruction la eiicn matters a isr sonal hygiene and household cleanliness are every btf ti- important for th-- Meal Can iruisses. It Is his Idea to OOBtblnO instruction In reading and writing with such Intimate matters as bnislilrur the teeth, bathing nd so on Wkon tna elghty-om t cachet sail on Wednesday It la rxpcisl that from twelve to fifteen AlBOIieaa teachers trill gi with them to help tnein start tiieir schools. These American Will not do the feiw-hlng, but will act as a kind of principals, teaching the teachers While the teachers teach the people. One .f the Important things to he undertaken la a series of travailing sctKsyls OOndUCted by apaclal trains after tho Manner ue,i in VTIaconain nnd MssssA-husetts. In this way the taadhora will bo aVle to cover the hi distances lietw.stn the s"re;it landed OOtatOQ of Mexico. LITTLE CHANCE SEEN OF CORNERING ROBBER George B. Horlfnnnn Saj'H lo meatlc Demand Not War. Sent Prieei Up. 'k.rse D Hodg Hodgrmaii Rubber the hert Informed ran. protBkV a' Conipany ond men on rubbar I'nltoil State f th.. ne f mar- . licit In :v ket conditions In tl ftiTLiv 't 't'ftsfui V. I'.-i.f: t rhe-e was any movement on f'o- to oognor I . rubber market, Tlie lAHe! HI gtatiol Of No! n.o-r 2h ill a-i uvtloBs riie ItM roused Twice of rub- I lier state Itrai a ii)ei on Ihe avatiaMo I oupply of rubber would enaiblie a ixim- Intie f ex . -I Its ,.!, p. I . as a reCUn f the war, and BUggaBta tnat the n- nreaOfi In price n ori than 50 ir wtH. eln.N' January i. at it ay be due o an attempt of thlH kind Wfran the article woo called " tlic attention Mr. Hodgmatl he oald he tiiought the advatVce was due to In- j irreased demntid and tsi.r that tlio sup- ply of raw i utle-r wouhl be cut off. i oont nun ; . at 'i:i pronaimo that rho rubber aiaHtOt OOUtd be cor- norad," Mr. Ilodgmiut aaid. "I th'.nit tlio recent rise In price is due red only bi a greater demand for nrbher but ais. to aanatmanbal renaons. For in Btanoaj (ho news bna.1 a ship carrying I rubber lr.m the Hlittah Par liistern ! iolonlo to New Vork n.i1 lsen tor- ; poioed in the Mediterranean Hoa last j mc.ntli cx-iteHl a good deal of OOmment i 1n the rubber in.iT-kitt ptid rauiaod ii rise through uncertainty aonoongng the dlffl cuUy of g-ttir.MT pktnpatloil C'lbberr front tlte Km by that route. I "Tlie -.var bus caused I Krsitee .le. i mand for nfhJbor of mrse, but 1 dnutd whether thi wag demand la largo enough to havo iuiy eff'1 or, prteiti . Tti, . nier KaCtor in UlO !inhei ;i I-1 g I rubber In t.o lust vo.- rtas bean the 1 grogit Inoroago In tho number of auto- ' tTwibllSH and mileage bete in the I'nltod : (statf.." JEWISH FARMERS MEET HERE. . hlff Adtises lurnliia of Xeii- liners to agrrtealtare, Th-- Fedoiot.011 of Jewlal Pasmeee ,.1' ' Amen -a, will, n inoludes among its con stituent eoolottee the Plrai Parmera1 Bav- I risTH Ijoan Aaaodlstlon or this st.,te, opened Its seventh annual convention at the Educational Alliance Building, 107 Hiaal Broadway, last evening. There ant Ofty-aevsn delegates from New York, - New Jeraey and tin. New linghuid j States. ; The keynote of all tie- speeches was j that in faming lay 1 i.e eatvatton of tiie .lowish rac. in this country, I "With this terrible war.'' said Jaib 1 II. S-hlff, In a Plea to ihe Jew" to j turn to farming and on tho farm fo . ding tu religion, 'it is very likely I that then' Is coining to us a greatly increased number of Immigrants. 1 do ! not see how this 1 My can absorb fheni i either for our own good or for iholr ! (d, but America la bl? enough for them all and we must tlnd work Joe them, which shall be on farms." Other speakers won: Alfred Jarctzkl, president of the Jawtah Agricultural and 1 Imiustrtal Aid Society ; Harry Culler of i providence, Ii. I , chairman of th.. Im migration committee f B'nal B'rltfh, and It. Jacob il. lAptimn, director of the New Jersey Agricultural Kxp&rimout gUtttOtV A BPOClsJ feature of this scs aton will be an open moating In the isdu nation al Alliance to-morrow ovenlng to enooiirage farming lor the city born .lews of the Hiss u ni generation. ACTOR TRIES TO DIE. Merlin Paller spools Himself In Hotel Mooiu. Martin Pallor, an actor, 2 years old, attomptod to commit . ni in.- with n volver yeatenfhvj afterno in In his room ,,t tha Hotel Kolundi Baal Wfty ninth atroat. ih' sfuo taken to nnor HoapltaJ i" 11 sortoua (omution. He nad lli'd at the hotel for ahOUl H month. His ahot was heard by Arthur gtovaiiaon, a bollboy, who aappened to be In the hull. Patler was operated "n at the hospital and .1 bullet wns removed from hit. head. He refused any tube am. tlon ahuut ulnuaaf, STATE AIDS PORT IN WAR DISEASE FIGHT Health Officer May Use Fees to Ward Off Infections Carried by Ships. CITY MIGHT BE IN PERIL Albavt. Dec. I, To ward atom of dlneoeo, the plaioie off Inva other and Infections carried on eeagotna vessels the Health OfllOir of the IVirt of New Vork, with the approval of the ov arnor, mav Kionl the feeii COtiOOtOd b' his offlot nnd apply any other additional mcimuree deemed necessary. Attorney-1 Oeneral Woodbury advised OOVi Whit-1 man to-day In . formal opinion. The Importance of aafeguardlng the; health of New York's millions against aiseaee transmitted through Now York harbor Is omphaaixed In the puMid health )aWi W)t, .i provides for such expendl- tUPP of ttl(W Un and tllc option of any means, heroic or otherwise, to sup-' press epidemics at Quarantine, Attorney-: Goneral Woodbury pointe-i out. I Th" i rrrployment of larife numbers f 1 SSSSll for tho tren-nortarlon of trootw. horses, cattle and other nocesearles of StefHAS Tlie asOatM'ja'fd nille war will result. It Is expected. In the ans, tnedr by K.ilsrr and Cainrrim in contamination of Tiany of the carriers i at fliu w wl. t .1. 1 1. .,i ... .. K.,t. I NOW York and Rurnpean ports. To eafe Ruard New York city aptalns'1 Infection from theae carriers the Health ofllcor Is given a wide discretion The public health law which vests him with this poa-er wan originally drafted to meet lUCh situations a- will grow out of the resumption of commerce with BuTopo after the close of the war The irenoriU oommanil In section a? of the Sti.te finance law that th" Health iifflcer of the rott of Ne-.v York turn Into the State Treasury by the nth of each month tho fees isceived by him gives way In oaso.s of Immediate d.inger to his DOWOr to use them In tho protec tion of the public health, " the opinion aaya. Attorney-Clonoral Woodbury held that the -.-vision of the State ttnence law irtadfl by the last Legislature, Which com els the monthly deposit of fs by de partment heads with the State Troas. titer, does not -.ffset the provlslors of the public health law under Which the Health tifUcer Is allowed wide discretion in coping with epldemkv. even to the extent Of S spending directly, with Exec utive approval, foes collected i hie office, The public health law la neither 00n Iradictory nor InoaoaloMnt with tho ooro- ntand of the finance law In .s-. far a It relates to emergencies, (he Attorney vlet, oral de. Tared. "Tlie power of the Health 'MTlcer of the Port of .New Vork to act poretnp- I torlly In cases of Immediate danger . evtst.l in the statutes l.itiu 1.,-fnr- soc Hon 37 of the State Hnance law waa I roncolvod," the Attorney-ileneral says. 'Willi...,. pyi.rrln- ... th.. i.upIIm- I st .tu'.e.s from I'olor.ial times to date, It in iu be ihai etsaatae &f. I of Ihe I ! laws of 1101 commanded the Health iftlc 'in the presence of Immediate danger, of which ho shall be tlie Judge, to ako the responsibility of applying such additional measures as may be deemed Indispensable for the protection of the public health.' "The same provision still appars In section IC1 of the public health law. And I cannot believe that the amend ment of lilt to the finance law at- 1 tempted to naiTow or obstruct this t nower. .n th" furtherance which sec tion 1"- of the public bcMltn law author lies htm to expend the fees lti his hands aa they may bo needed to put Into operation those additional meas ures. "in other words, the Legislature nf tfi". did rot intend by reen acting aec Hon ;it of the state Bnanoe Uw to Inter fore with the state : sovereign power Mid duty to protect the public lo aph in Instances ..f urgent neceaalty, or with any means already taken to assist in the performance .f that duty." STUYVESANT BUST UNVEILED. old Bt, Mark's t'hnrrh Holland. teeepls 1. lit r Old Bt. Mark'a Churoh-ln-the-Boujwerlo was crowded yeeterday afternoon at ex ercises marking tha praaontatloni ac coptance and dedication of a bust of Patrua Btuyveeant, the last Governor of New Amsterdam, tho gift of e OoVOm- mont 01 ti e Netherlaisla Chevalier Van Rhppard, the Minister of Holland, wl... presented th- bus; in the name of his Quean and ituvernment, praised the sturdy 1 haraoter t the old patrl it, Th-- Mlaaos Cafheralno and v. gtuyveaanti doocendants of Oov. Btuyveaanti unveiled tiie bust, which stood In tile chancel, covered by the Natherlan is flag. Tho Hov. William Norman Outhrlo ncspted tho gift In he half "f tl." parish. Buthop ilreer In lie-Is.'-' of the church In Now York and 1 Jen. Leonard Wood In Isdiiilf of the American people. ah the speakers praised the character of the Outeh putrU.t and most of them declared that his sturdv imtrlotlstn laid hud .1 large pint in the iiuiltlns- of politi cal New ..."k. Its government and its people, lien. Wood Insisted that tlie spirit of (toy. Stuyvcsuot is the eplrit of Aniei lea. "The gtar Spangled Banner" waaoung and in a procession which formed tc convey tii bust to the outside porch were n.a.iy persons prominent I'o New York olVli . soi lal at d flre . , jif,.. The buei was piace'i on a temporary pedoatal ocyolnl mo tine "i ine easi puron, EDISON TO UNVEIL STATUE. 1 lu n re of Joan of Are 4lten to Ihe PoMtO To-da. An equestrian status of Joan of Arc In armor will be unveiled to-day nt RlverapJo Drive ami Ninety-third street. under the auspices of the Joan of Arc statue Committee, Among the speakers win be Ambassador J usee rand .f France, Qeorge Predertch Kuua, 'lie Very Rov. Thauphllu Wucher, pastoi ..f tho Prench Church of st. Vincent ds Paul, and Prof. Louis Dvlamarre Thomas A. ICdlson will unveil the statlBJ and a battery of the Fhst Meld Ar- tlltery, N fl. N. v. will Mr.. :, uin,. The statue Is by Miss Anna Vaughn Hyatt, and the b) Prof. John ll! Van Pelt. The pedes tal Is particu larly Interesting because It contains eighteen ton- of stone front the prison at Rouen, from which Joan was led out to the stake In 1411. MILADY MUST WIDEN SKIRTS. grMtora ' Mtplo Hells nod Derni. Rulfons, Poekels. fsj.auai.Asm. pec The latest otvl were ahown at the clnolng aoaatoii of the Rational Cioaki suit anu gklri Maiiufaos tureis Assoc lat Ion hero. Fuller .-.nil more voluminous lines characterise th new spparsl. Tin style teiidenclci allow luiitude in trimmtnga cut of 1 011 11. ul styts of sleeve, but gklrts IllUal be at least three ards iu width. Polls rn must be high, Buttons must be 1 se.i. pooketa should be aeon. Metal and jot buttons UN gOOd, also bruhiing on oollar and overia) collars of contraailng color, Mich as ivaioda Kri n, roac und vdd. Kuokjas .ne proper under invert 1 oil cuffs and on belts ond bolts an, everywhere. They are made ot' th" sum. material -s the coat. pill ellt ilber oven metal rltiffsi form- trig 11 01 'i Willi flow silks and unllued. n effect. Suit .oats ure lined red moire, alrisl ami pie In satins. ileal) tiip.HiMa are Six Day Bicycle Race Gets BIG CROWD PRESENT TO SEE RACE START i I Annual Bike Grind Begin Garden With 17 Teams Competing. rSl Al. INTEREST SHOWN Oeopc at Fnil of First Hoar. Miles I,ai. II; at:.l (trvtnla ! Mcnaraara and 0 peers Km BM Uupuy ' Matin and Lawrence Tie.m.n and Hyan lUtiM-n aial Mitten Konsay and wobjrab Siilllviiis no Aislrson I Moran and Waltliour Plenty and Wrlker.. t MJjnacu ana cony PJ"" ffSy rosier ami Csrassti Rudbftuaad oul Vnndorrturft . H Sal ST nnil HSlMSSd 1 t t 1 t 1 and IMS M A (( ID mutes after midnight th'.s lrKirrins- seventeen bicycle liderp, reprc sentiitlve of all nuartsrr of the gloiie. faced the ImrriiT In the twenty-third I annual all day bicyotl rac. at Ma.lliii Square fJaHfon, Ono RIOIBhOr of each 1 team was on the mark at the start, the opening brigade being made up of Orenda. M-N.iii.ara, Kgg. lAWfWMOt I Myan, Mlttalh Wohlrab, Anderson, I'ro- oach, Paithour, Baton, Madonna, I Ver ier, Kuddl-Ujs-. i, Hanley, Llnart and Piercoy OTOtlda led at tho end of the first mile Time, 2:17 1-5. Huring tho first three-riuafcrs of nn hour the riders maintained a steady clip, with now mill then an intereuittent sprint. None of the speed burets, was I sustained, however Hilt) Seres. Pogier and l'.gg .pencil up every once In a while to lriosen the kinks, hut none of the sprints lasted for mora than a lap. Although several of the European 'stars are not In tho rare on aoooum o I tho wsr. .- ri i some of the ..ther well known ride-s are out for other pea eons, ' the interest iii the event Boomed to h lust as ke. a eves . I The crowd looked pr. tty much the same a., that el has been attending file start of the six day race tn-er-tlon. The gallery g'ls hand en-ly, well fortified to stl. since Its Were on ilk to their ll ers who Tmsts us Ion.' is poss.l.i. no Maof Utaa .ift. r :! I OUC0 tllO,V ;aw emaiiilng tor many n In irt changed their mirstut aw the nien ghlrltai around and there was no notloeable .f the throne. Tiie candy 15 'hCh iiunnins esringors. the hot fi inkfurtor nun, the aingers and in the other llotle side shows that go to make i: the r ,ti old faahtonod six day race were anion,-' lino- preset t The race this year is leiiii; rut. simi larly to that of Inst ;.' Tiie ttyle of flnh known as the Merlin fintoh, seen I New Vork for tin- A rat time in the IBM race, will (.'-tain again tils year, 'flu: eyatom of aHndlng up the grind the teams tied at tho end or the 141st hour, or : '.i o'clook next Saturday night. 10 sprlr. continual! for the list hour, the teams receiving credit for pointe according to their poeitlons a, the end of each mile. Another feature which helped o make the race last year mre gpeotai ular than moot of If predeees-Ku-s, the awardina of priaei from lime to time, Is m order aK.itn this .s ". COLLEGE ATHLETES AND THE PROBLEM OF PROFESSIONALISM Sol metfger. The story is in no sense an of depravity. It has much of the Yale" of course. This series fairly whole athletic problem In fully as interesting a way. And one of the best qualified men in college athletic has dug up the facts and has vfTltten about them, a mail who does his work con .more, whose object is to show, the good of things as they exist, and the faultn to be remedied, all that college sport may be bettered. These articles will be written by Sol Metiger, known fur years as a writer on collude athletics, a graduate of Phillips Amlover Acad emy and the University of Pennsylvania, a former track athlete, col lege football raptalti and coach of the Inst intercollegiate cham pionship eleven Pennsylvania boasts of, the 190S team. Mr. Metzger also managed the Pennsylvania crew and this past year was coach of the West Virginia I'niversity elevei , which won the championship of that State. He has had to deal with eligibility mattra from all sidoa and Is eminently fitted to handle the case of the college athlete. The articles will cover nil the principal institutions in tho Now Kngland district, New York Slato, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michi gan ami the South. Numerous incidents concerning individual casea will be told, and- -the moral nf it all the inner workings of tho whole system of athletic proselyting in preparatory schools something that will Interest every parent nf an athletic boy about to go to collegw will be put under the light. Get THr Spn next Sunday for the find of this series. the humanitarian Cult Invites you to attend the next meeting ami concert at Leslie Hall, 83d Street and Broadway, at 8.10 P. M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1915. SPEAKERS AltTHtm TARPIELD HATS. Chslrmaa. AMUBL I.NTF;r:JTBT:. On NatlonO Frjblemi KK1IA R, AtTKhBAUM, irouudur sug Leader fir Ceminoreiallsin sa. idaaMaai. COM OVMLiON MOTLI... BaH toot CUiRENcr DgVAl'X ROTKNi Vloltnis: IfM. M. LingU Admission Free -Collections lf'4,V, YuV ST. ANDREWS DESERTED BY ALL BUT OLD MEN " aaSBBBBBBJ mm MSJ Scotland's Famous Links No Longer Are Throneed With Young Golfers And the Older Ones Don't Plav as Often as Before the War. H Jltll ;. tMH-.H. St. ANPnKWs. Si-otland, Nov. 13. The : golfer boy to tin. war ha (foi.o. No j need for one n repent thle to a visitor at St. Andren-s. As the train rolled aiOHI from uardbrldRe and tho links came IMO view instead of -he almost coun less players strld Bg bl 1 k y o er the link- but three couples COUW be Mn pVarlne;. ami 0 these but one s. emed of wnrting ago. Ye- It was a flue day, the sun ihlalng brightly and the llnkrt In perfect condition, the turf fairly green und luxuriant, duo perhaps to Hie chance It has had for steady growth alnce the outbreak of the war. Tho pretty sur- ! faooH were still a vivid green and from I a distance looked true and sound. Tho . wavoii were breaking on the shore In I those tempe8tuoa i rollers which are ' present when there Is force und a long '.-r.f . ... Sull-te MAS If wns ir.s" old St. Andrews, It seem desolate and a Is tme. but It did woe bit forlorn. I arrtvcn at ist. Andres iu tscm :mih i pioyer s suiess. Of course the thought wont as usual to the tlrand Hotel, the j of a half crown extra may have some front rooms of which No. Is the best thing to do with It, but not when the face on the .course nnd the home battle lu sharp. My helper saw that green. After being shown to rry room i Kirkoahiy wav keen to give mc a drub I started to wash and 111 the mtdr,' blng. so he rooted all the harder, glanced out of the windows. Bhadaa of I It wtls :ny own good fortune to geit old Tibii Morris' Throe hundred tpoop- Into the sjpIrK cr jr.vlng aivl win Uio ers, a enmpany of nn utited dragoons. next flvo 1 .:. in a rvjw In one etroae a number of pieoei or artillery eeiiiuea to bo tramping over the links, A closer Inspection showed, however, that tho marchers worn keeping faithfully to the one narrow road Which forms a hazard for the e. cond shot on the last hole. After the artillery hail crossed to tho beach the UMfl returned and suuattl down rear the clubhouse of the Royal and Ancient and there ale luncheon. In the aiornRi thag .-jrocrtiaeV. ulgglng . Irenehoa near the beach and triad their , skill at Mpld dre gun shooting. If St. Andrew! bad needed any more bunkers, 1 Mud- BS "Heir' butikeiM or the "i'rtncl- pal s Koec, they could nave neon rur- ntoOied ' tbo quickest swsibis tkno. v visit some of the historic land mar kg, old Tom', and Voung Tom's grave, Tom BtewnltV, several photug raphero who nave old ptinte, . couple .f old bookstore, a pilgrimage I which I always make when tho oppor I tunlt) preoents Itself, diecloged some I vary Intareatlng facta. Ahnool every letlglblfl dub maker, profeaalonal and I raddle, had heedad tho call to arms. At i th.. very star' almost or tlie war. V. L I Korgan the young owner of the Kobert I Vorgan' works, called his thirty-eight employees together, said that he was ' will :ig h. BttC IflCO his "hare In a bugl I nee v..,;.. ever, tf rum cam of It. that ; there . iuld not ow tinue to bo work for ; all and that he wished a-' many ! possible to ennst With htm. Twenty rooiM ed at onoa and the example set d the en lis tiie nt of a hundred others. Not a shop has one-third tin original f ire-. The call to the colors was needed In Rt. Andre are, an Indloa llon not f ir fetched to show that the lEHtt'i trains for courage and true man hoodi 1 would have been "fslr onory" t'. havo .on,, away from the shrine of in. If Wlthoul having a round .Ilk Mi.l worthy character th one and only Andre" RlrkcakST, th champion run- ..... : Ing mate and rival of w So in iii.. morning of the t Hon Saver." i! sg day I ha T HERE'S more to the Lcgore incident than Iesgore or summer baseball; there's more to tiie Hriekley ca.-e than has lieen debateil at Trinity or Colum Ida. They are symptoms only and there arc other Legores and other Hriekleys at other tillages. In short there's a situation and a problem In college athletic circles that will bo thrashed out this win ter by the authorities. The Si n has dug: into this inter esting problem and beginning next Sunday will print a moat Interest ing and important i-eries of articles that will interrt every lover of college sport. expus that la, it is not a revelation cheerful side You read "Stover at and dispassionately considers the EP.T; CORA biia rrjtiilui- ANNA AUATOi Pltnlet 1G, Aneenipsnls' and Contributions Not Permitted i(.'J YOL'H M0SBY Under Way la round win. a galfbr Who in lis J, a couple of years Iwforo I was born, made j a memorable name for hknself aa a soldier In battle in the Sudan and after I hating tied for tho championship in IBT again tied In 189 and IBM. If Wtta almost a, month sln- l hail , ,. i. j i . . . . . .... . . . m,, WM , , ' fl -; Heo. ! ond ,nd tne ,n th,rd. T.ndlng tho : ,)0, ,,0 tho 8wiloan ,Jurn, Klr"-aldy ' hltd no m ,.he hoIed Q f(;oU.r lor a 4 a, tho second und bocamo i up at the third after a fin-run tin shot. Sly caddie, keen John Huddo, only years or age, as.surud ma It was bocauao I was) trying "gey" hurd to hit the ball I and "luftlng ylr held." "Tak It eaey, noo.'' lie entreated. Tie member It Is u rare caddie at St. Andrewa waa isn i your ralUiTul mentor all tiie way round, no matter whether your opponent Is a good friend of his or not. itni -your' lame: t la the game j you .an both dvtre. A St. Andrews carrier does his best for his em- I club I unuer Par. I kt tiito wtmrnt nineii e Curnnd ono hole to tlio good. The next tw hob were haflved. I won tlie two i.iirowing and kt tho nex pair. Hut u nno i .Lt tihv tsne:itont!!. the roasl hole, eel tied It, atsl my oaddlo was o TT r " wia expisit from an an of .o .-ig.xr woo had aeon hUMraOa' iiikmih a.-w nam never let one. Theai, too, !,e B Intuteet In l 'hrieejje.nTy atvilia Kirks -1 on me result with M- . amy s raddle, whose Hri-ont;e. ok" waa In the Ti e gt Andrews -' ,.r Mm -nt Oag are worthy of much nkentkm. .At no time were they DO body young, j"" Mo war haa taken tray nsse. m sho aiijfiUc men from tho towii loa an h0anoe may be manfJonod the SL A drews UnhrOWlty, i.., o,M two :oany who had gone !:. other a.e-k u.l rSLTJS If "' '-' filled b -k to h l!:iks. T tera 1 Adam H;.,k. wl.o lOWaw oir although yM wciid '7' : do.-ii,,., un.i. St:a,wn. . un . and ethers w.loe WOUki bo well over slxt .' rajre age -live. Ttie 'Z r." . only no arsl six JIO -atsl. but t.o 0U0 Klve-s le tjian ..a f ,i crown und in rwso day of auf. ertng wHh iittie work, four ghllBtari to I - wwusiiniMD, r:.e unless s.veial me take tuma s wanted - as I a one To give alj a .-.l,ar..-e ttrnvmn o: t:io severa hundred a day " ar.u now courses, - y"0" oom 'Ift.v a week, ;Vri the 1 learned, had Bona in America a,:1 JjJJ htSl hJ"1 JfJfc. Hut It is 1 nar-d, hard year for them ntt. Vt'd-ree!".'' !n fni-rr .Owait St. ... ' J ha -VlWO-a struck in,- as helng iuivb supem. ,vsr .1 . . ... I rare!." 1 - Miura i wv.e.1 ... " ' "ii'll trus hat'.s for It . 1 1 nni vtakr bad ahat make up an .-n of :. --p,., to 'to. .siogar.. t: h-eee R .v ,ro,,. mod shot yni make -!' raise, f .vj'inso. are only praise- - effect-i-mc No Od luck. 1 have : in:,.; hafuro r ipnroaps even batter, . and you amount of wwwj to Die rah , a si ceod ng bad 1 j ally u'l thought 01 ahot ".-IU k;; rf -lie goad nan," ., I mck, ,. 1 01 1 cjuip," whi m ;, America 1 surely Bonut is ow mean! in..-1 overa me aa ti Uloss !t,.r mm cal N. rookoned or taikci about un. game is over. t . ,lL NI Is -1... tro redundancy of Ufa." ' It 'is":h'i.. l.o.ete St. j,. ; ore famoua idrowa ADVERTISING GAINS tgkt Bwhljjti Ba Wants. 56,772 WAS THE INCREASE FOR NOVEMBER In Display Advertising Over the Corresponding Month l ast Year WAS THE INCREASE FOR OCTOBER Over the Corresponding Month Last Year Increased Advertising in The Brooklyn Times Means Increased Business to the Advertiser IU readers comprise a clientele with necessities in every mercan tile line, and with the purchasing ability to satisfy every need. Riley Victor ROTH HAS SOME HARD LUCK. Weak Shovetrlac Delays Him la Mohawk Ron. A sliooHtrlng. wh'ah mapped twice, ' SDolled what chances Arthur lloth, nin- I from ,,1,1.11, )a(l to Win tllO last Muhawk Athlotlo Club MtttrdftT. The tin 7,0 wer.t 10 a win vwrv i who finished ninth In -2 ll with lloth llnlsh- h.g fifteenth In 22 It. Frntik Murphy (8:46) ltd the pack' home, taking tho lead ot the turn for homo. Jack Don oh uo 3 :00 was u close eecoi:d, With William BOOM (4:15) I". third place. .Pni BalhfOle (1:15) in I fifth pla. captured tlio nOVtOO prize. SEVERAL CLUBS SEEK GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS Metropolitan AwioHatioti to Jfeeeive Offers at Annual Meeting Iftlt Week. As tho annual meeting of the Metro poiitan Qolf Aaodatlon is only about work away- -It will Is' hold on I uesuay. December 14. at Sherry's -those olubH which have not yet decided wl. other or not to offer their COUraOJ for all or any of the three AI. ropolitan championanipa have (lily n sfnrt lime loft within deed ion. . In ac Itom of the aeso y Will be called Which to tnake their cordanoo with the cu elation, offara probal for at th" :, tit, jal iiicetlnif a. id the; oluha which are both ready and anxluu IU nolo rwmm,a .-..m n..-.wu courses will bo most likely when th-thr. hamplon - to offer their to bo favor"l I shin toilrnev . are awarded , Tlcro arc -ure to be enough couraai Offered next v.eek, tor of late y.-ar- B0V- eral clubs have put thele couraoa at. the disposal of the aaaoclatlon and have ! said that they were willing t.. accept I any tourney that might bo assigned to i them. Four clttba Apairamia. Poa I Hll'n, Harden City and BlOepy Hollow- maile I uch blank, t olfers last year, and . the chances arc that the list will be i Increased rather than diminished this j year. There nlso hive bo, n rumors Uiat n least two clttba Which l i ve not hold Champloi ships In many years may apply ' for tltlO court . j s Bl the M S. A. meet-j lng. Ileal, down on the Jersey shore, und Ardsley, on the bank of the Hud son, are both . old to be ailKlOUa to sub- , mil their courses to the toot which only j the playing of a championship can pro vide. Ardsley especially is likely to ho an a.-tlve applicant, for the club has been Improving Ha course In a quiet manner for the last couple of years, and now feels that It ranks among the best hi the district. Bven If Ardsley does not ob tain a ehamplonehlp It probably will hold ..ti invitation tournament next sea- son Tears ago many Import nt matches I ann lournoys wore played at Ardsley i and It looks now SI I hough the Ardsley of the days had boon revived by present efficient officers of the club. Morris I'lret In Harlem Hun. A. Mollis of tiie St. Christopher A. ". ' won tho Bvo mile noad r.m of the Harlem ' Athlotlo League 'i-sterd.i- afternoon Hie time was SS minutes 1- seconds. l.ouis Heydet of the Uornlngalde a C. and his CrubmatO, T. Hal;. In, tlntshod In I second slid third planes .Morris's club mates "also made a BtPOng bid for the team laurels, but the Meruit. aside A. C. 1 won with ;;s isiints. St. Chrlatonhae Club was credited with II pciinls and too Salem Creacent A. C. with 51 points. f amrrons Defeat Hn I RldKO. 1 The camorona wo:, m State League .name from Hay Kldgi from Hay Ktiijp ,; Itaisloe 1 val esterdai by the score of . sals P. 0. About the middle ,,f the first half Rains ley took .1 fine corner kick, from which iioo.iman headed Into ti. Dav ltiiicc not. Midway Ir the second half Kay raced throuuh. bent tho Hay Hidije backs and shot the second and las' ffoa!. iOATK LINES 44,306 vi IATR LINKS in Hoi Match RILEY HAS TO WORK TO WIN AT SQUASH Finds Liberally HanrlituippiMl Opponent Hard to Beat in Yale Club Tourney. Bl 1,1 DEFEAT! fTKR Play i.i UtO first and second four i el tlie fall hut .Heap squa 'h tennis ei, . ., mailt at the Valo club court' waa coin plated yesterday and tho Original III Mx'y-ono slartots was cut doa. t.. r v totn survivor:. a. v. Rllcy if the Prlnooton 1 1 ib, who shares the back mark, niii.'ir I, t i ha r lea IL Hull, Jr., of ;! ll 5 , Caalno, oxpetiencod a rattier atormy ses sion In climbing Into the third ri ; The Princeton man oppo ei b ('. K BnOWn of toe Athl t club, Who had an allowance ... o:.e "... tj . had to work hard to win a tin., rat match at I -IS, 11 IB, 17 M. After a p-Nir showing in the one: - fgmO IlilOy A nol:;g hi the ni .' tw a i j,ni in ouch noeed out hit rl I afti t-y h;ui lo-n set. Hi ll v,Tt '. mate. i in straight yam OS from K, it Mr'. . c;,. Princeton Club .it 1810, I! 11, , I though the Princeton man id thi .... ,l(r,. ,. ,-, uoei and :. hand . bo. the games, i ne auminanos; National aquash Taaala As. e let lee, An llLal Fs" lliinll .in Tor;,' , 1':-?' .i - ) C Temllnsen Vale Club, plus II hnr 1. dofeatod I". M. M v fit i. Hrvs Plan, eereteh, is -. 10- 1 1, t: ll j. p 11.1111111, la 1 1 ' .11". 'i in i , i Hudolph pel, llelg h., l-i lllman, .-i'i 1 .no. pin i itui.d, - . ll t It. :t . Y . iTyl, . n tl. i. Vila i'I. I' u 1 In.t s It. I; J B rn ill, tal hand, defeaieo '. p'"S 1 ItUIl'i. I See ,nd It... IT 1 . u. tv li, It r.i A W tSU VI VI' mill is i. dei-Hi.... ( c'.alr Athletic Clttb, 1- is i la if. It JOi J. t' Athtetls Club, plus 1.1 : in instlvla- .ir . Phei M l' it w. t. Mill . ll leu.- Club, Bcrstcb. defi itsi Y.v Club, plus t l hand. . i. rl t. It'll. r . II- dl O.lleo K. I S oril. I'i plus t.t nsedV l 1, i s.'tt. rals . in'., r n ' 1,. I. Urmatll Harvard i : u is. Is IS, ii l lumbla 'iui. n.tico 4. v. in ft ti .i r lb Hied. f isa -i.i rsalti I. i" " fssted . u. Iiaads, :j p a. a , Yale Chi ttew rt, . t.-.- ii. : . lion: .. r- III- I '01 I Ati.l- !. o. sfeati 11 i HrJ,.1get-.rt ri Ivsrsity . ll ii. It :: K. e. Keeier, i :iiinu i. detested a. .'t. Wi i".. ib. nlus ' Mud. 15 0. C I". 1 il I Poole, Bnelewend Iteld Clu defeated P. K. Pink, 1 ' i u ti, sera: 'h. 1C !H. - i. plus i i. iftl 11 t: A I a'orillrr. Heights Casino, mi u- i rea-eil il. V. Richards, Han irii : i l hand, II- 10. It. 15 Hi . - i.'ro.'ker. ilreenrlch Kleel ' .ii1. v 1 i and, defeat U w 11. Van ! Pesl - . I Club, scrsteb, II t, 17 111 C ren iImmmi Ti,:.. lilub. eta, .'. : hand. ..-..f 1 .1. .1 Otlilman. Vale Club, Plus Ms 14, 14--1H. io41 J it- corne l, 1 'lnt, plus 1.1 hand, defestsd ii B son. Tsle Club, plus 1 hand, 151. i Is- it. CHANCE FOR HOTEL DOGS 1 ti, trlti Minn at Rllllliore Mill Have a Mierlol lass for Theni The don show to Is- ij.icn by the Special Relief Society a' tie Hotel I' It. more on Monday. December 13, I Bl assured success. Ther. will I e 1 st Interesting features. 1 'lassos lu.. nr. vlded for dOgO owned by men 1 id b" .' the theatrical proresnon drcn. A cup has been offered by management f the Blltmore f - I mmi A..m lli-iti - ll! a hotel lti No' V- The don show Is t" bo eti' for benefit of the society and the fat toward furnishing aid aial empl ' 10 the needy bote 1.11.I for role : ah- I Union llefealk hllds l l Lie Witt Cimton defeated E i Clillda it- their opemni: game championship baakotb ill tour a score of if to