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THE SUN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. TOI. Ilolii Mis 'ruin Holds Out for Yale Star sum! Companions. REVIEWS RESULTS OF WW VOBK CONFERENCE FOL WELL WITHDRAWS HIS CORNELL WON'T LET CANDIDACY FOR COACH Announces His Intention to Stick With W. & J. "Because I Feel I Would Not Have the Proper Support Back of Me" at Penn Calls Present System Antiquated. v M"V, fnnn., Pee. t. Prof It. r chairman of th Yale tth , Isatir,! a ttstrment to rn i h rMuitfl Nimd by me etnt ilirt.iitiy commuipf irnm iie. irvarit Vi N. C Mil night PtttLAUtmtA) Dec. 6 Itntiert C. Folwe.l, captain of PennsUvsaa.' foot Is.. I team In 1907. created another en action last tilght In the foothiill altua- Uon nt POBfl when lie iia'ponrvd at a Meeting of llM Sphinx Senkr S.lety, the bio honor orir. inlratiiin nf tn lint. Wralty, aivl reito; uted III fftiitonient of m4 wood thai tho gogoMafj ayetem at Penn is danMatlsi wrorur. in itia coll!; Polw It'lT t) nt, 111 ; flint poiat OOl mapiH'i out ilo not vrBgtg our neaanna km bMfl failure. Wo have to Rot a man In rruu-fre hero who wt.l produce a winning combination. To do thin he RMM have up U date foot ball, and thcirr must bo comldeno ami harmony tietween players and conches. "J wmfhl ormalcter It a a nut honor to bo naked to coach tlio team, but I have withdrawn my oamlldwry and win algn aoTiuin with Waotilnorton and JenVreon brt'iuis I Xeol that, oven tf ha raaajtlon talk to the p4ok of the Quaker yrg offered me. 1 would not havo the 1 I'nnreton. which concluded hi tin- Yale Club in New , i M ghl Several new potalblU record to the future control of chief m t the three universities are adlemtod m the statement, aftir ro 'nit the fact that a pro. (Monal .t of runs was adopted, which win p" abmlttod tu in.- board of .on- rcl in athletic, at the thru: Institutions, Trof CorWIn bii that It will take sev- i . .. before the athletic aaaacla ...... Tale, Ranrard end Prlnoaton HI ; iai upon he rules and that some liglit change In them may he necea imry hefere tlnal adoption, That the .. committee may hold annual fneet.:.i ln futllr8 "d I'ecpme a Mg factor ln the control of athletics In the three Institutions It Indicated In the following extract from Prof. Corwln's U lenient : "t Is to be horwd that provision will be nude for carrying out the announced 'Mention of the representative attend i the eem- one to hold a similar ineet- -e eech ,-ar " WIUl ngard to the pooalbta reinstate ment of Harry l.Kore. Spinier I'um psliy, William KiiHton, Itohert Illicit . d Artl ir Mtlburn. Prof. COfWill In nested tlia one ruling will ho adopted corttfng their oaaa. Aaoordlngj to the rar.ersl llllllftUhMI on the Yale campus prof ei'ts for the reinstatement of th t.: Lht. Prof, Corwln laid re filling their esse : "In connection with the revision of tho miei and dlacuaston concerning tha at- Mlude t' he taken by tha three unlverel .en w.:h 'eK-ird l iuiiuuer hasehiill. the kw Of tho II V" Yale plaera who althdraw from participation in In tar Hastate athlatlca ihle fall upon dla tvarlng that they had violated the Tala rule covering Hits matter, was Donald rd Informally. This tubject fell out .de the purpose of the moating and the gnuaittaa did not, of oouraa. feel oom :ten. to paai on the case There was, bowtvar, a very' full discussion of the nattar In ail its boarlnga. it is ea rs "i that following furthar discussion f the naw regulations as provlalonally ptad for the iwlvaralty a dupll ; ruling will be made with regard e the athlotld status of the live Yale II declared that the innch I'cnn la UrUQtWstad and hea have a plaji of actln or th.- whole, senaon and practically the who aea- son in oxparlmontlng, as has been done lor the laet few yearn at PontV Me Mid. as hundreto of others have said, that this year tftam allowed hatrdly a aemblanoa of team pl;i" until no ery lust g-inio of ti e year. "Ami i me men iiave been worked t. death," he w. at ,.n. -ivntra coaohai havo stuck to the BOOtOn! of excessive oiThntnngo for the laat amen y.mrs, dexplte the fact that all other mod. m couch ee are tmlng to perfect their teams less ich yeai. d y."inn lil,ni on our coach The pres nt board of concluo In i liaigv of fiootball here, ' indirectly, for the Ust llf- ai-.rlnimag. lillll less a "We nei Ing staff ha h.-n dlractly o tefii yeara. and except for a period of lie years, Wlieii about hajf of the tiwin was composed of all Anierloan material. proper aupport back of ma 1 do not want to crltlcJmj Brooke or Dlckaon. Iut I do feHl that they liewo any erotate to c.rlitlclTO Hie mat. -rial TTSe w-hnle. fault Bos ln the aywiem now Mng taught here, at" I W cannot be blamed on ojiv one thing. The old ooanliee and old arvobam have had a Kmg enough trj-lnat out and It Is time Wa raw the younger htood a chniu o and brought In an up to late ayntenu" l-Vdwelfa atfttenient tlait ha has wlth drnwn hl mralidacy benvuae he feale ho wouM not g.nt The prots.r mipport even If olioeon Is Thought to refer to Oie time he waa cataln ln 11107. when he had trouble with Dr. Williams and the other coach ee. fUWd that Mom relations lerwen Fol w'U iml tlie Isxml of .xxiohes theti ami S , "LSBSF" "" hRW '",''n atnilnnd. I mentl li..t!i MrWaM nrsl WKUWun M. Hollen- . b.-u. two of Oi mot i:.f.,i aiacta Disqualified Yale Athletes May Be Reinstated as Result of triangular Conference, Says Prof Corwm LEGORE MAY BE RESTORED TO ELIGIBILITY ALEXANDER ALLOWS YALE HAYE SHARPE LEAST RUNS OF ALL Any Attempt to Got Him Away From Ithaca Will Meet Strong Opposition. SFCCESS TH TOO SWEET of tho pre Ithaca, N. T. Pee. I. Should Tnle aak Cornell to release rr. Al Sharpe from his contract to coach t'ornell teams, which has four more yeara to run, the request would not ba granted, Judg ing by the present state of mind of the men ln charge of football at Ithaoa. A careful aoundlng of aentlment flnda I unanimous opinion on this point. It has taken Cornell fifteen yeara to work out her football aalvatton and any at tempt to disrupt the ayatnm would meet arlth strong opposition. It la not be lieved here that the contingency will arise. The football team will elect a cup- I tain next week at a banquet to be given 1 1n Its honor by the at-hletlo association j All of the "C" men will take part In the election. The discussion of candidates 'so far has not developed any great fa vorites, although a number of nom are ned for Iht honor. If a man who will he g senior next National League' Best Also in Haines Won, According to Official Averages. TOXEY AND MAMAUX NEXT O rover Alexander, fhe National Leagues best pitcher last season, not only won the moat games, but has the best nverngo of earned runs par game. The pitchers are rated according to runs earned per game by opponents, and to arrive at this percentage tha total i arned runs are divided by the total Innings pitched: the quotient then mul t iplied by mnu to give tho average eumod runs pwr nine Inntng game. Rarned runs Include all those except such as wero helped by fielding errors and passed balls or those made after chances had leen offered to the fleldere to retire tha side. Ton ay of rhe Iteda end Uanuyux of the Pirates stand second and th.rd re spectively. The work of these throe men stood out clearly above that of any other pitchers. Jeff Tesreau of the Qlanta, also a high olass t wirier, ranks seventh. The official averages of those who weru in fifteen or mors gnmea follow I la'ga.w, U h KEEPING ABREAST OF THE SPORTING TREND NO STRAIGHT SCORES AT TRAVERS ISLAND ervt day. Ignored by choae Hi control of football at Penn as fit man to take ohatw. have been totaUy I yrT- a"d th." Probably WlU be fl Mill ll of foorh-u ! cJ'olr" will He betwen Mueller. 1 he done, tile, CHAJES IS DEFEATED BY COLLEGE PLAYER Korkna of ColumMa Scores in expected Victory in Team Match. ftOCTH FORDHAM TO HAVE NEW GVM. Poottuill I Ie, i ohm rue . .I ls. Soon. Mn He Six tejinis took part In the third round 1 of the annual championship aeries of the Metropolitan Cheat1 league, the games of whh h were not finished until an early hour yesterday morning. The feature of the round was the defeat of Oscar : M'hajes. the International player and i secretary of the rrnureswive I'hess I'lub. ; nt the hamls of K. F. Korkus of ColllnV , . bla University, Korkus succeeded ln ! ! winning a pawn In the opening. A little 1 I later Chajes sacrificed a piece In a com- blnatlon which proved unsound, and nl I though the game was protracted until I A. M , the varsity player had no dlrn- ! rulty In maintaining his advantage to. the end. If was the only game to the credit I of Columbles the match being won by tha Progressiva club by 7 to l. City College: SUOCUmhed to Ocean 1 1 til by 4 to I, although with one game unfinished, there may jet be a tie Th Manhattan P P. team ohta'ned the vardlcl against ! Staten Island by i t to 1 v.... with two games adjourned The Brooklyn Cheae I Tha summaries : LEHIGH FIVE BEGINS WORK. roar Vetems. Omt rag Baakofbejl art South Bathlehess. KCTH LRHKM I'm ru. S iininy-T.nroe oaiidldatea, four of whom are hint roar's varmtv Players and two orhers first string substitute, ore try M for tlie Iehlgili Kisketliall tsutL Harry ilerring. wiho will coaoh the team, arrived txs-eiitij- and leaTan work at ojue. Herring has had six teams nt work ever sin. e he urrtved In order to s.ze u;i the material. Forwards Hrwwster and Klrkpatrlok. '.'entre CrtahtOn arsl iluar.l Green are back, wlUi ;itiford and Dynan auh stltutes. K.rlcpatnck had an ankle broken during the football season and m. i) tsjt be B serious cm. tender for Jus old place. There has been a general rush of footiial! mui to try for the tea in. among them being Oahail. Mc Donald, H.gelow. Ilnaletlne. Hlhards. Barrett and Ket.-hein. The aiihedule 1 as folkms. Mors vim hVne, 1J, Unf- I Collage St lull had ST NICKS GETTIXG READY. fegln Week of Herd lrMc'tlce for erle With Moatrosll Stars. V! ho las A C. hoikey 'I be -flight fo 1 Art f. ss t am saturdu1 a we.-k of hard praoUoa lie t'rst of lis aeries of sfontreaj Stars for the The men will laava V lay frig hi to pluy tin tha Montreal Arena s-.d tl ! r.uoo of the seriea n 11 he - III tha St. Nicholas Illnk ths tUfht of December i. This 11 : sen tha New York hockey i leagon ttiat protnsaas v be ' - ara. In the . vent of a i series, ths decid iaeo ere oft I Ns-ember im. rriniv- , tiece, practising at ths t several weeks, plgjr st. N ' o rVoambar "-. and from i will ba plentv of hockey 11 f . ths New York foHoweesj of gams Itl ' It Nicholas holding the Ioagtla oham plona hip a ding the itoag trophy, of ne cha.mplonship of is da, tiie series for the fa - rea promlga Of beirig the c- 1 between American tunatatir teagna Th k ' i tha wltiner of the I . I I J 7 B M n.i It WSJ announced yesterday that at I r a meet ol the r'ordham nlumni l be i ''d di.-'ig th early part of this week p!a' would he made public for the " ' K of the largest eollege g inna- York City, The cnrntrslone I to bi b d on next oommencament day, Pordl sni Is also to have a new foot !! Bald hcsales Its pnaent althlctic Held, During the past yesr ten to twenty a - of low ground on the cid- 1st I hai bean filled In until the once I stretel praaaptg a level suiface Iftd extendi from tho Third Avenue derated tracks al Bronx Park station - ' K jiii Hospital. The Held h m i i otanii tl Qardana and is big I for a gridiron. Athletic Director Utah would not make any statement ntll after thi alumni meeting. Proat mi Mulry Intimated that hs would a- t portanl statement to read on tlilft and t!ie student body anxiously ire awaiting III report. PROG RES Chalet lain iwky Menkes IVnenwursal ller'lea. . . lnke Rostle li Hago.... byi 1VE T"ts1 olnmbla had hoard OLl'MBIA f Korku ,f Mandsll W Krmpf.. Itsraiaa 11 Nun. son James Island R bull , Tol i Ilerember It iKMtie; g, VtMeerove, versiiy or lie, h,-str. ar sWi .'n".',' ! Mr""klyn: if. UjroU College, at altlmar! 3e tVe.tlnshouse riub. t ttlkli.burg: II, Marietta College, at il.inrtta. Ohhi January 1. WlltaabSTg College , Springfield, Ohio; . Army, at Wast Point II, Muhlenberg, at h.iiiin; If,, ljufavette at; 1, Tample I'nlvaraltv, at hem-: :i, liartruouth. at honn, 19. Catho lie I nlveralty. ut Washington. T'ebruary t nlveralty of Koehmer. at home; , Vnlveraltv of PKtahnrs ai horns i , rathoii: Uatvsrsttr. at bams -' ' " 1 awari It, L'nveraiTv .( If 'uk. t Pittsburg; ::. Carnegie Tach. . 111'u.ici . . . rwinnniwu. si home i t Lafsyett a' bmi t. penn ale, st home fuUhsck Anderson, right guard ; Tilley, guard and tackle, and Kckley, right end. Tilley and Anderson have played for two years, Dckley and Mueller wore subs last year and played varsity football for the Drat time this year. The other varsity men who will bs available neat fall Include Shlverick. OlUles and Miller, all soph omores. It Is not thought probable any of these three will be chosen captain. Although I'ornell suffers heavily In the lews of Barrett, Cool, Shelton. Collins and Jameson. he outlook for next yea I Is not bud In addition t . the men men tioned above Khurpe can call on 1 1 man atid Benedict, two capablo substi tute halfbacks ; Hard and Dixon, sub stitute linemen . Brown, a substitute cen tre, and RyofSOn and Zander, two. prom ising ends, and also on lln tz, w ho played a good game at quarter on the fresh man eleven this faJ Brets probably will sue-d Barrett Talk of next year's chedull Is of games with Harvard, I'cnn atid Mich igan, the last In Ithaca, and probably a g.uns with Colgate. Most of the smaller ti an..- on the schedule th's year will be retained. PENN S CHANCES DOUBTFUL Suoad .ot ava It Seemed Tno Weeks P''Kt.rMU , Dec f - Ism Aleaandsr. rhii . T.eie, I'll: -tin .tl rnell ' xl'naux. Pitts. .. SfC i ii' ne. . imiimij ii. . ssi limbo. Boston ... -so KsnUeliner. IV : Teareau. N. Y Bumpulaa chlo.. lrj It B k , Ho. 4J1 DelT. UrooUyn.... aia Msyer, Phil g! Hii.lolph. noeton.. 141 Riser. Phil m Rucker. Brooklyn, U :ln uugiMSner. Pa, J Iiale. Cirs-lnnaU.. tt Itobtneon. ht I... Mi schnMder. ( In.)... H7I ChshniTS, Phil.... 1Q fAsrmon, una in Lavender, Chic .. iu (toombl br Mikjyn lia stint h, ft., Ilrook . ni M.-Ouillan PI Pa HI 1', ff ! 1'erriti oosjcb of the Pennaytv a n la team, has found after two praAt.ce tluit t!ie proapaotft of team are not nearly a br.jrht gfo. Jourdct, b.u-k. ub.u: we.-k of X. Y X Y ' l.ntier, St, letina .i St leu.l Tyler Ikson i Vaughn, chic Adams, Ch,i . PI Meltenry, Cine . Mea.lows. St I- . ' lar Of DC : Bern area, Phil . I bent. m. c;., N Y - KaTMd. C7ucro Ames C.n . St. I.. 1S1 , Ihiujtlss. C ,B'k Ch ! Cheney ch . B k Cooper, ttttsburg 1 lier.-e Ohleago t Apptaton, UriKia Consebnan Pitta 1 ftehsuer, X Y . ,. Mathewaoni N Y j ftt nlrulKe. chic 1 llavle, Boaton. . , Slehsus st 1. ... Marqtierd X Y . , Pardus, St. I. Hitter. X Y x nt, Kir! Oil S N T CM n ti: !4 ltil . fX . cot ri 1T0 -i . 1M m Tf, 1 IN 1M 4T Ha 73 s m u 10C io M tun I in 14 -' 14 'JO Vt IX i m 13 Id 13 211 is sat It 1M 4 IM :4; ts im W j 76 S4 IS 1T1 M to Tl 17 n 7 U m H H Us S4 1T g WIMMH B. IU.VXA. The achievements of Alfred De Oro at three cushion caroms last week again called attention to this wonderful x-ot-eran of the cue. The records go as far back as 1117 In tabulating ths per formances of the Cuban, though that waa long before he took up three cushion. He was a pool expert at that time, and here he Is twenty-eight yenra later aa good as he ever was. He was a fifteen ball pool star when John I.. .Sullivan was a ring champion, when Maud J4. was a champion trotter and when Ty Cobb and William Hoppe were Just beginning their terrestrial careers. , However, the performance of llftv I points at three cushions In thtrty-fWe ' Innings made by De Oro Isst week will1 not be accepted as n record. The rea son Is that It waa part of a gome, not a whole game. It was the middle MO points of a contest of ICO points, and under those conditions cannot be con sidered a record. Hoppe onco axeraged ox-er 100 points for the mlddlo 600 points of a match of 1.6'in. but this perform ance waa not listed as a record. handy , Schneider. McHonry and collection of slab workmen Anyway, the Beds, like the Qlsnts. will finish somewhere In the league. Apropos of fhe extreme of shrivelled attitude, that which regards Yale's foot ball vlcttiry over the Tigers as sll luck and Prlnoeton mlsplays rather than a fine achievement wins. It Is stife to say that no Prlncetonlan looks at It 1n anr such ungenerous way. Poor Condltfoiii Mnkc Good Sliootinar Difficult, nt . V. A. C. Trnp. "Mr. MoDoughlln tnT asked the Granger who knocked at the door of the house wherein dwells the tennis Player who ranks number one ln the official pronouncement. "Just stepped out." was the answer, "but he'll be back ln a minute." We main week end l raps est her of not a a Stia ther conditions continued poor for th second day shoot at the Travers of Min or th Island the Nenv York Athletic Club y. and although the usual nutn vents wre oti the programme, nul gunner tnnuaced 10 return lit score. D S. MeMahon was M I tl i? Man tot Jxa n 104 1M ic to 17 B 3 W Mil fJll in :ss x 169 11 : 1 "1 la '."-i !! 1!M tl 1117 r y. 1S3 i: ;4 14 r?s f 04 II "I J 10 ' 11 Vel 10 134 7 ITS 11 174 ft 1J 1 is) f 1H 10 1.3 1 41 lftl 14 1"t 1 11X1 .1 1 4X io ai7 v: i ii i ft, T IK. .. i- m IS VI nr. n e, 4 1.7 1 M r 77 144 ,S4 i 11 17 se IM g. fj m 7 1"! s4 m ia 7 47 110 7i 7 r.i LN S 1 67 07 t.K a :.oti at ua 41 LSI ti E9 44 tJO . nM tu un 7 : tn !4t U 3 44 n i4s 2 46 W S .4H 47 Z.4I 71V 2 Co 3 :7 H iw Ml : its II M) (KM sf, lie 87 l.7 47 3JT. 1 7 .. I ST. as ; an fl . 71 '-' 4 11 '- j ty. j no ! 71 304 4 ?.14 as s M 1 .' II tl '.'4 r,7 l.5 is r j? 1 sr. : t. One of ths queerest freaks of ax-er-ages developed In a long tlmo Is to be found In the strike outs and bases on balls of the National League hatters, printed this morning Arthur Fletcher of the tilnnts drew only six walks ihe whole sea. in, yet tisik part In 149 gamer. In that respect thero Is a wide gap be tween him and the general run of bet ters. If tlie Wliiie Sox are weak st third and cannot get Kaker there Is another remedy. Havo tha rule makers abolish third bsse. What with a Rocky Kansas. Nero Chink. Zulu Kid, tha Dixie Kid. Louisi ana, Egghead Batty and London Smoke ln pugltsm. It la high time somebody ln that game organised ths Society for the Promulgation of Kantaatlo Nomenclature. It 1s suggested to (he various olleges that tjiey award tho varsity letter only to those players Who make an "all' team. This not only would be concrete and conclusive evidence whether a player had attained success or failure for the season, but would sax'e money In cloth. liaaebnll 1s the biggest and moert popular sport we hax'e and the confer ence colleges wtll b bigger losers than the game If they aholleh It. A quarterback 1s to a football team w-htit gnaolene Is to an automobile. His principal duty Is to make the team go. end to do That requires nice Judgment In the selection of plays. Wateon of Har- ard was the gasolenest quarterback that f.-li under our observation tlvia fall. The chief trouble with a majorltv of sll American or all Kaatern elevens Is that the selections for thorn are made ut terly wlttiout regard aa to whether the component part would form a well rounded combination, ftor Instance, most of them ara wonderfully pro Solent hack of the Una In fast swinging off tackle runners, but ara without a Una ahaaher, and therefore without vareetlllty on of. fence. In abort, elavan individuals are chosen, not a team. T" seems there were delegates with .ins- similarity of names at tha Har vard -Yale-Princeton conference. At least 1 accounts have a Mr i;tn aim a .xir. Btlll If pitching prospects co mt for ! Pine there, a Mr. Moors and a Mr Moor anything, the Ileds will make th and a Dean M. Lanahan, a Dean MoUen t thera watch their step. Toner. Dale, I ahan and a Dean McClenahon. December la wall under way. but Strang though It b not a manager has declared that he'll win next year's pen- 1 nant. If Cincinnati doesn't hurry, s jtnc-! body, for once, will beat her to It, th Iws-t shot of th day. taking th scratch prize with th excellent total of !ij out of a possible ion targets. Tha tilth handicap prUe went to Z Rogers, who had a to'al of ;i7 to his credit. Th same gunner tisik on of the club spe cials after a shoufoff nxalnst O. J. Cot bett. For th Travers Island trophy D. H. Mo.Mahot!, W. It. Delehanty. . rtoaer and It. M Owen all had full scores, and in the shoo: off MoMahon and Delehant&f Tied again. It then was too dark and late to decide the event Tlie same Male of affairs CTOPPad up In tha other club special. At tho end of the shoot D MeMahon, W H. Delehanty, H. 1. Sjaitts, Korers and S LutghtOn all had full scores. The shOO toff gat postiained on aoOOUnt of the lack of light. Twenty-one gunners cams to tlie A ring line for the monthly cun. ti e Hist exenl, and D. S MeMahon, W. It iig.Jeu and S. IyightOtl all had full S.oies Ka. i therefor a captured a lag on tn prut. The tournament cup had only two gun ners with full scores They were W. .1 Stnith and J. I. Brandenlstrg. Thoy also were craned with legs. On the econnuie latlon cup, wins were oored by Z. Rogara and K. 1L Locatelll. Thoy each bad full Icor of 213 targets). CHANCES FOR TRAP SHOOTERS. I.sUexxi.od and Plannlna; Plneharet Tournejs. Ar NOT AN ERROR BY ALMEIDA Montreal Fielder BskTg Thronah 42 t.anir With tvrraur of l.OOO. H II ON Bill- j n i ? 44 aa r, 41 f w i t 7 74 S (.4 M 4: 48 ." 'tl 11 ;i m ." f. D : 1 tMi 4 '"7 17 H S Ml '". If :r. an a as 4.7 T7 14 71 r '. st s ir IIKI OH1I. Baxea Pet The heal fielder nf the Ir.t.rt tiSagua in Itll were, uccordlng ottii iai gveragea, aa follows ; base. Judge. Buffalo, now with ton ; seconil has. , Truesdale. city: ohortatop, Rtevenson. Hoc pi 1 MUST MASTER MATCH PLAY. 1 rbltl on tho odd nunihered II. I a 1- A. i it i-U. 1 -1. f,-41. . - X 7-J S M A Nil TT AN Xupehik - Smith ... 4 II S, hoenleld It Mrver 1 KoehVr 1 l.arn.k 1 f. Clark 1 K Uvy 1 st.xtkn island I Sinionwti a gehrasdsr xv t Rran ii. Kbnrfiior C S Tats-r. I c Broughton. . 1 1 Stevens, Jr 1 xv Lttaanoargar.. 1 Tot al fltaien liland had bsrad boardl 41, Total white on the odd Il.t 1- .1 It, 4 .1 !. It . A 7-1, - X OCEAN mt.r J Curilii McXesny K Sinia j MeNsany... x on During, V Taylor w Jennings. . 11 Barker CITY COI.r.EOB Muldofiky, .. Wechsler QrnssRian S..luwill . Rsrkowtti..' . Kuafinanri Jovitz 4ilf Pool Tonrsry at Doyle' Pre. Sents Mew Problem. The reallv serious part of tlie news paper mens golf tssd tournament t Doyks'l will begin this week, for after to-morrow the losers will he eliminated from the Competition. The matches played last week were qualifying matches, so the toeeri suffered nothing more than an oci ismnal shock to thalr PI ide. -Match play will be the i.rosrumm Bltgltl uvm now on, so that th. a who had such a Job in m.istering the Intricacies "TT7 1 Of medal play lsst week will find some minv i ""fig new to learn, which In some caes may prove to he u prettv difficult taefa to be Conducted on The tournament la a handicap bas s. The standing in the Bngllah conducted at tropin follows: as they appeared before pnu started. With I but two of Inst year's regulars as a 1 nucleus ho expected to gal three iirst I class nsin from last year's freal mai 1 five. Howavsr, two of tbetn. Welch and hare boon declared Ineligible i th f.ouity oommlttee, and the other. I Bums, was unable ret nter colli Ihli year lavause of conditions. Gordon Hardwlck, prealdanl of the Senior class, seen.s 10 be the best man to pair with Cape McNohol at guard, altcfnarh !.; and VandcHbei k may tlg'tf hard for tie pnerltlon. At centio Webb, guhgtltltt centre two years ago. appear! to have tltst 1 all. Tie:,, ar. two man flghttng hard to ie M'Uluvm son's running mate at forward. 'riie are Mc.Kitiea, a lubsttrtuto of la.rt yea., gild Metim. a sophomoro. Th. schedule aa announce. 1 h' Man- ager Latuiaill calls for snventeen gamea. f these will bo played nt hom The ee:s.c xvi"! opto il ' '',11111.. n 'i Urak i on Deoetnjbar 11, Tlie s.- ledule : lseern,'er II. Ifrslntla, II, Muhlenberg, nt Phi nl st Annsoolla, I y . I "rnei st Phl.adelphtix. U '. : ! a 1. Vhc. Mill, at I'h'l ..lei Boston i" . o.hla st Louli Ptttihurg I 'In earn . Cm Innatl. BrookJn New Vera I II H "THIhKIII Cincinnati Brooklyn New York Philadelphia noeton. . Chl ain SI Louis... Pitttburi Ne'e National 1, less ha sea on bulla m m: .1 i'l more lU-iUrouta X ou t Onmea Bsllf Osine ., ii? la) i H l.'sl 41 it 11 .. 1S7 4.'.7 7 11 ,. Ill 414 '.'14 "i ; ian TtM z 2 .. U4 St' l"S : I T H BTOItll. No Pet. Ne Strike to tiimii ou' Usme . iw Hi' KM .. m 4: 3 2: .. la. t47 153 , IM .t 42 .. i.M : 3 ., til .! 4 10 .. i.m mix 4 ii . ISH Ml 4 21 pitehert allowed vi than ln III! and i mi hum i. BAM tirsf r.i 1. 1. M STMIKFOt T IlKCOlin. nt Phllsdslphla ; Iphlai 30. n... tourney being for the Dewar billiard Doyla'i Total City CollsgS brrpd board. Total had whit on tlie odd ... .. 0 ... I ... e ...V nam J. .1. .1 F V T. Kplcer . . . S' A'ood... If "n-ard . , , l rxMl Pye A ndarsoa Butler. . . . .t . : Prli. New Haven i -' - l phi.i . . .'. sw srthm Psbl i irv 4, l,i Criicsnt . c., iii at Sew lurk: li. hla. I'rin I M tool Ith. st r. ti it I'll 1 . .1-1- tmouth. at Hanovsri r Brooklyn: 12, Columbia Columhta, t i . . ITU. 'r'.ni, , :tf rhllaileinhla. 3, Byrrus, t lyrsaoMi F, at BoehsitSr . Corral!, PARRY GIVES STATISTICS ON STRIDE OF GOULDING champion are playing I ' 11 1 '. although the.- have -a im yet this scaon, and ' fins condition for their fi nadian trophy holds go to Mont-ea!. While tiie regist riitlon coniniittee Is making up Its mind whether or not to .barge Qeorga H Onuldlng with pro feaalonallam followers nf the game have ig game will I been dis issing t! parfornuuicag of ' ne I annul, in win' ll eauseu woouei at the ohamplonahlp moating at New Brunswick. William H. Tarry, the vet eran Judy of walking, gave some sta tistics to Titr. Bun recontly of Qouldlnti Ntrida and the same has excited com ment. In elaborating on his statemonfH Mr I'arry sends the following letter: To THI BPOgTIWO KOITOI or The BfM -Mr: In TRB Pcnoat Sin of October 11, 1B15, you quota tno as making the statement that Qaorga Uouldlng, th Qraat Canadian walker, while rompeting for the seven miles championship st New Brunswick, N. J , on October 113 of this year used strides "fifty or Bfty.flvs inches, ex- copt When sprinting, snd that he takes about l"u St spa to the minute." This statement has brought forth much comment from Ihe athletic ex perts mot-t of It unfavorable In attempting to Justify the length OLD CROW A r Pat. ne?. RYE America's Finest Rye WHISKEY HAND MADE SOUR MASH STRAIGHT PURE RYE MADE IN KENTUCKY, U. S. A. CO., New York. H. B. KIRK & N. Y.I of the itrlde and the nutnher of them taken on that day we must first un derstand What a stride means. The popular conception ,.f a walker's stride Is that It Is measured from the tno of or.e foot Just as It leaves ths ground to the heel ,,f the other ss It hits the earth; 1n olher words, from loe to heel. Anybody capable of thought will reallgg that this cannot he, ns the length of one foot would have to be tacked on to every slngla strido or It would rnh the xvalker of that much mound that he had covered hy plac ing his heel down and rolling off from the toe. This then proves that a walker's stride must ba measured from toe to toe, and as the average length of a walker's .-hoe Is 11 Inches It can bo seen where the ullcg. d walking experts xvhn deride the "fifty or flftv five Inch atrld." full down A few llgures will easily provs to any Intelligent person not suffering from "exaggerated ego" that, not onlv Is a "fifty to flfty-rlva inch stride" possible, but that the figures show that ,',x -I Inches Is neurer to the 1 ruth. doubling averaged 1 mlnut. 41 ti isconda inr ivory quarter mil ho walked at New llrutiswlck, atid my guess wss that ho was taking shout 150 strides to the minute, which would make L'70 strides for a quarter ml In. 270 divided Into 16, MO Inches giving the result of 3-3 Inches as th average of Ins strld on that day. Again let us suppose that my guess was a bad one, and that doubling used I7r strides a minute, which nt a pace of 1 :4S ' for the quarter makes him do 116 strides for that distance, or BO I lnch.s apiece. Let iih assume that my guess waa a very bad one and that the Cana dian xvslked HOO strides tn the min ute faster than most folks ran count and enunclatn th words clearly or 310 strides to ths quarter mile : then his stride was 44 Inches long which Is at leait R Inches longer than th walking experts Insist that any man should take when walking in a race. Thia otatsmint I. of course absurd, aa any on. with a modicum of com mon ssns. will realise when tha strld. Is measured from toe to toe, as It IP USf he. W. H I'ansr. Uiiuoui.Tb, December t. Greenpolnt l-7leven llnsy Victor. A IQOOnd division New York State League guma played at Taft'a Oval yes terday between tile UroeilDOim and Longfellow elevens resulted in favor of the former by a sere of 1 goals to 1 Campion, playing al outnldl left far Qroonpolnt, xvus the first to esire. his giail being tin. result of a penalty, liar nngt4.11 tin-, niads li..- s. ore 8 nil for tha winners. Soon after the retnrt Loflftan, th Longfallowa' Inside right, .hot the tally for Ms team, and tlMn Moran scored twice for QPeoTipolnjt. Yale 1 ngnges Naw lllg to by w Hockey 1 a.a. h. Havpn, Conn., Doo, B. Accord an announcement made to-nlghl Capt, UUrgesl and Manager litis of th Vale hookey team. J. Homfeck, who coached Hobey linkers team at Prince ton to chttmplonahlp honors, will be Vale's new hockey coach, lie will suc ceed Tom Howard, Who drilled the Vale hockey team last yir. JUAREZ BACENO HESU1TB. to 7 lo ... U )Jim mul n v-n. Uiiril. 'i lui". l;ou BIBh May, Ha. Krain" llnf t '. mi run win. up; one intlu anl in Mi Kitiiui. atntry) out. won; Klllu.wty, 1 1 'J Jvrii Utd OllTi rn-miiM SrIHngT; thrtt' vrHr-o.if utul 1. 3 t I, 2 tu I. dH iNin i, t llitrtw'.!;. 6 to I, L' t i. 4 l. tHurtwriti, 0 tptrtdVft Mnti no t)n-yvr ,Um 1rhth i ),.ti : , T. to 2, i to f., (jNroij, ?l lf J, Mini Hill. JOT (tfofyi)i " tbiM. 'nun t :ti 16, Nniiii' Mi'ivit unto ra ii TWM IIacb- tlwMIni; tshrt-y,r ni.i n.i up, ll v ' furliitik'rv- Hoygtl lm.rrvt, 10 f, i.Mou. 2 tn ft, i to ;i, i to ti, nron: rUio Mlnu. 11- i I 'nlrj'i, 8 tu 1, 8 tn 1, tMi, rt'onl ; 11u.h fWinO. 11. '-' -r:t i, . 4 to 1. :t f u. S to i, tlrtr-l. TllAj itCJ, CiMtoin lfoufif. M(M Id uslt ami 4'Hnn,tuglu tUrm run Pntirl h T(it'f IPUftt) I wn-yfnr -olriii , flvi furluiifc" - Mr.roUn. 10 .' (Quy), ( to 1 , u fi, 4 t woni Bitby OA), HO ilt. fihlMlngi, 7 to if, to i 1 to r. ooivt ; sjikii Du, IM rriokni to 1, 8 to &, 3 to thin) Tim, 1 00 2u4orft lMUitr7, .ttiu- rlnn (Hid I 'OVM ''It h ran. rtftti iUnv --Sftttiiir . thrt-yar-olda nn.i urpi flvi' IVHJ hMif rurtotiKf --Muriy BdltJl 110 (MoCdih), tiVMi, to b, 1 t.. B. won' .ink' rVrfnt. UB (Cy3rin), 5 to i, a to ., 3 to 3, moo lid : rlnal ti, 107 1 Mnti 1, ;s j 4 to r, 1 to ., ultra. Time, 1:07 3-r.. Kit?.. 4tfPK'M, V s' ' Ynilnjr. hho ram. fllltJ. ItrJtMs RtlHnCi thrfp-,vi.(r-nllM tn. tm; on mill I .(' I nn-wje-nfii , 1 M ifltearne. to 1, 2 tn l, tVMIi inon; Lmjv Yotmg, Briin 1, wen, 1 to v, l to ;t r.'f-xh.i. Trfmnpurr-nt, in (O'llrlnn), fi to 1. t to t,. iltlnl Tlmu, l;t: JIuiK-.- tirv II Itunnlm run , Uy, Knlrly. Mloomfn pMi . I- MADISON SQUARE GARDEN SIX-DAY RACE 414. HKF.k. Telepbea Madisoa aguare UN, ' Oroh. Cm -tunsti fir; Cfith. t'liieiunsK Smith Jersey City n.ntmi . Ilinehmsn rut.buri Main, i Boston Wagner, John, Plllsburi .. Burns, OeQ New York. ... Hsrsoir, Cui, Innail Kllllfer. Wade, Cincinnati. .. Cutahaw. Brapklrn - Ilan. roll, I'luladrlphts Mollwtti Cinctmiatl xt-.eia 11 11 Rrooklyn S. hulle. Cin.'tnnatl XVilhsnia. V Cht.airn Crat ith, rtniudcinina I Daubert. Brookhrn ports, New Vork I Miller, John. St. bouts Vlox, Ptttiburgo yletchsr Ken York M o no ills Boston, P'Msra, iii. , KlehoB, Phllsdslphla 1'iatirr. Cblearc Johnston, Pltlsburg, , Wheat. Brooklyn Itnird. lhtttiiiri ' Balar. ciui-.tun Snyder. St I... .i Idlderui riiil.t4li.lphi Kobsrtson New York Cany, Ihtt.btiri ' Long St Looll . Msrkll. NVw York Blmmarnian, cnieaio . Pbelsn, Chicago I itearel, Brooklyn Beachsr, st l.o.ut ; ntuler, Until Ben Brooklyn Moran, J Hoitnn flOOll, CllleAKO Whltted, I'hiiiiileiphla gchmtdl, Boiton , lilt.,., in. I'lttpleirs . winyo, Clnelnnati ' Qowdy, liiiHtnu , 1 BatiaT. St 1.0111a I he. krr, Philadelphia. D.'iaii. Hi l.inna ,, ! M. er. New York 1 i'ui.kert. Pbiiadsipnia ' nurvlnv. si Louis I Lsa.'h, Cincinnati I Wilson, ti . st Louli Colllna Plttiburg'Boiton llyati. St Louli.. Lobirl, New York Byrne, Philaoalphla Pitspalriek, Uontnn Kiiiiier Win. Philadelphia.. i Connolly. Boilon ; gnodfrasa, n y.-lloil ' Archer. Chicaio Clarke. Clnclnnitl M orrar 1 n. y.-cuic Bpainard, New x'ork ill ant. New York Bl in. Hr-'ikivn II. .Hon Mi I'ai ty. sttrooUivn Miller, nt' Hronkiyn Kvera. He- Olsiin. Cun Mronk Ureanahan. t'hleiiao..,. Waansr, Joi . Cincinnati llo.U'era. I'llieluiiatl Whaling, Boston mti Costeljo, Ptttshtirg. W'lihania. K Clnelnnatt.M., Ileek, SI. I.ollla . ' sio. k. Philadelphia M. Larry, ChlcSfO aohang, Pitta M, Y...., I Biirna. Rd., I'hilailelphla.... KnissTy, Cblesgo s. 'hulls. Ilrook Chle Ho Cine N Y flerber, IMiahiiry Hiunm.1. Bfooklyn i.onxali'a, st laitua 1 Hughes, Boston Yen Kolnltl, Clueiiinstt I Alexander Philadelphia 1 Dal.! Cincinnati i s- to, .-I.1.T. Cincinnati . Roche, st Louia ... , lllli SI l.nuia Twumhly. rineinnstl Benton, cine N y Gilbert. Boston Btidolph, lioamn Tylsp, hoainn McCarthy. Pills. Chle Mayer. Philadelphia Teereall, New York .mm Vaughn. Chicsyo lei.e Philadelphia rlarniou, Ihuahurg Chicaio i. p n s o tan M 1 gj 41 i 1X7 H M I A 44 Ti '4 II 1 M :a 14 ill ;.n 1; li-. M SI Ut 714 M I 11 lag 17 1.1 IS 4 r.a tl ii im 44 ax 1.11 M 41 IM HI 7; IM f.7 41 111 s2 rx Ql 41 44 IM M II 1 : w I4 '. M 144 40 144 H 3 147 .HI 11 !47 114 40 I f.: ii If. J7 N hi m r.: Ill a-. 44 111 .2 f 141 -j: f.r 140 M b 141 111 M 1411 fM IP l 1.1 Dj it t 1.XJ tl4 4f, ii Q 1.1 n 4- 4 i.m x 14 Ml r.t 41 t: 714 IS t7 :v 47 Iff P A4 III ill 5 (fl 1.1 1.1 114 41 14 117 'x 44 US i'.l 41 HI .11 17 110 11 mi ... n 1"7 '.I M 1"7 la! .44 107 I'l 43 IM fH l' 711 :i l" 1", -4 10. J P 1 3(1 P 14 14 101 41 p in.i 42 01 II .14 fai ?i B M I , t j l ll 44 7 4 ill as 74 11 7 :i Ut II it 41 II IS 1 II II 77 U 71 71 II '3 It !'J " I Mi tl 7 B 71 SO I 70 I.' Jl I P t: W M ti 31! 14 S7 , H ?i i; M R is U 10 20 ' H I so M J lb II 1 1 Id 4 ., ' I t7 M 7 H 44 k i 1. ;t 0 S7 P I I P I Of 44 I I 4.i I l n 11 ii 4u 11 H 41 4 11 44 14 17 S 4 !4 41 a if, 4it 1 V fl t I B 4 M 41 X tl atlonal to the Kirst Waah Joraoy fleeter : third base. Bu. Jersey Cltyi left Held. .Smith. Kooh eater and Montreal, centre I field. Demmltt. Toronto end Jersey City: i risrht field, almelda, M nitraal, with a percentJuue of 1 600 for fortytwo gamoa ; I pitcher. Cru toher i Joraay t'sty; Pottrell, Richmond, and MeaAows, Richmond . I catcher. II. xxley. Mo' 'res, Walter i Ho Ike. who b.-lonrs to the Olaittg nnd j who played with Ho-hea'.er ihe whole season, was amend itift a 'he firs' base, men xcith ..ij to Judge otu The Bufst" cluh l. i in team Balding a.TMtrws of Richmond with three i won and t.on l"st rat k flet in pitching Uveragoa, hut tlie re.i leader la Bee be ,.f . Huff al... who won twenty ev.n gantoa I and loot goven. Olthoploy, tho otitflaldar j who bus rejoined the Yanks, had a Bald ing aifnii'. nf ?7'i sn l stood eighth, lie had twntv-flxe assists fpo'n tl." oiiffleld, which doesn't Indloatl thnt he haa a weak throwma arm. FULTON CAM2R0NS KEEP LEAD XI a I it In I it If by DoiTiitiiu Xtartan Their liluhtll atralKht r,4, Defeating the smrtsn h 4 goala tn ii at V .io1slde. L, I . yoKterxhiy the Kuiton l ameroro notched their eighth j win in sui'.'essio'n nnd maintained I .. j lead In tn Yietroi'oll'nn b icniv i ! f:xm :i pass by Marahall, twenty inin , ut. from th start, was th first j to tally and th half rd1 at I to 0 fur the laadera, ! Bhortlv after the chare o' endu J Bruce ran through and shot t! ,. ruui goal. Tlie saTiio player t .ok a tine pass bv Raid, th centra half, and noon nfter. Near tha e:,, Ol! 'k scored Htf.iii, T i UNDERGROUND ELEVEN NIPS OVERHEAD TEAM Trip Hhvof rn in itnl abfMit Nw Yortt arf irffltly 1 1 1 1 p r t 1 in th unnoui.C'- :nent of Ulfl lAUrtl HOUM Gun lu1 of ! lafiik'voi).!. n ,i, ..f ;i nrrfdwlntw1 t-trnt 1 hootfnir nt T-'ikvood on ! nft inttr 27. II mrl C!'. Thr afTatr I Wtll be Atl invttntJoti ono rd Um pro- L'riimmfi h m nttr bVOtlVt oua Itiprht on , tho hlt f HM Isok-'woorj Hnno(iTwmPTit I OOTTrM oriM from PlnvhUMt, N. C. Th ninth annufil m I .vim.-r h tntiloHp tar ; tr snoot of thfl Hlnohiirst Gun Club will ! -(rin fiTi Ja.TiUary 17 ati'i run to the 20th. j ri the opnln day of lilt Lgtwood I Lhrrn will 1 a 100 ttircat 1 rrnrtl-' match ami OH nnT,dlnn' thara wiU ba tht iika.ti hajidtaaii ! otiaffnplonvblp wttI th I kworni ;ham- et.K..-.. o Tl-a CaxiiAt plonjth'p hot .ha tht OMIoil wpf im ta k a OUUf'Jl """Ifor Which 1500 In atlraillva pnzea will From T. I?. T. Strollors bv Score of 2 to 1. A larne crowd of sneve- et.'.hue.asta wag nttrac'.cd to rvx-al jgglortlgy to ae th seoond division New York Stat lnr'.ie atn between elexens rep-res-'nt't.K the overhead and Underground sajlwaya of th otty- 4luhwjyi and I. li T Strollera. Ilcth olutsx had their atrongoat taama in ti" fiald ntui on acxuint of the g.-e.Tt rivalry on of the !"f paTnea seen this season look Place, resulting In the Strollers ineet-'..-. with their flret defenl tu the com petition bv : to l The Stibays fotxed tiie s.i'ne fc .m th.. kdokoff and so on had the defence of the I. . T.'s In trouble Ten mtntltO from tlie atart IMinondei n opened the coring for the Bubwaye xv:th a fine shot, which he rxie:ited diteclly after ward With a splendid gogl, tfi bail en tering the net Just under the oroaahga", , penalty awarded the strollers through I' hand ring, but th I hot was aaved hrtUlantlg by O'Connor. After th Interval the I it t s got In thatr real strld a, and from ati exciting si rlmntaga In front of the is iba'aya goal Btuart banged tho ball into '! net The St .. let s made . ff rts to drgar level, but always fntird the defence of ihslr opnonenta tia. good. 0'Con and Bnnii being In inlendld lineup I'.e I . lie awarded. The llrehut9t shoot Is well known he a use It has attracted the !et ahota i of the country for a number of yeatw ! and Is one of the moat popular carnivals i tn the South, vft.'r each ohooter banca I .iwav at .IO" targets the Held will be di ! vlded into four equal aectiona for th ohamfptonahlp ilMiots of the finsi day Tret re will te four neclaJ trophtess for tha PlnohuM prallmtnajry midwinter tut tld leap and four mor for the I'lne hufM midwinter handlcan. and no .hooter can ixm two trophies. Th first ! djx-, January If, will ba dovotod to practice .hooting ami the . ti ers to th preliminaries and flnali N prsio tnatohai Will ha ehot on the days of the competition, Tha will be hand i- I capped according lo the bore "f the guns uoad, with No. 12 a fhe itandard ior CLUB HOLDS RUN AND WALK lint Leads Head. The Ten nan walk ovi r ijuartar nil being open and the walk 'V Julius K the Raanora and .xinrtia glower iiixtwtun. A C hi '.d a run srd a same tiiree and three nirae v esterit.iy, the run members of other clubs Jose i t., the IVm.ant A i ol the homo oluh wen the run. . s I "... '., . t. g ;09 He was pushed hard by .1. Mitchell, an unat- r, Prlal in. The . Mrs '.'l n nor h.'. .re. 1 ajjfii'e of th gvitns lineup : Catnaron ' Itatier MlKK xit. basts Rkls, Il.ll. I Marshal Krte len-h'.! . Puff Bruos oilok . Kllfa .'liar. Heure Kill lroa Olli'k lr..f. Llf. Time of ha4 Oi Km Krie.. ... Ma. klsy, T gtn rVixOtna . . Oenl . . ,,R1ght M. k .. . latf. Inik . . . . .. . Klirh half . . ,4?.atri h.i :f . . . ...Left half.... .OllfdC rti'ir. . .laslda Hast . . . t'en t ra . . . . . InSld. lef' . . . ,47U.Ps left. , n rtaniarona 4: Urine : 11 amsn- .Wilson a -4.' mla. nea Bp. ' uia Taylor' rpinttm n;hs nt Maiheite M.rrla ...Mi 1 1. inn: 1 Robinson rates ' 'he- .1 i....l-..n ' link.". IK.vxio spartana " i . .Right baok ...Left bsck .. ...itisht half... , . . . Centra .... ...laifl half.... .tThttsld. rishl. . Insldi right.. Centre .... . . . tnal t.. left . Outside left . . re- S'lhwnva. 1 . t tl T , a Xxl mondaott :. Bttswl ttsfarss -tx' llywotst. Mnsainsn .1. Oraham an.i t Ison. Tinie pf haivsa to itvinmas. II. Ilinl glads i . i kuy .... IM mondaoa K. in. la li i . str . . Uai ler . Dahlll . illbh W i 'tin II Bat irda . Durney . .J'orter . JlclllV .. Duffy . . Voung Kl aart .li.ete. I tached a'hlete seconds behind Tlie walker who won in 32 . hla heels Were final . V. 411 Ik 1 who flnlehed Juat 4 led he x Martin, r.o. with .1. iiotz right both exenta the flid A .1. Alblrle Dies. I ' a . I ler, 6.. .Charlai F. sibM.iuta on P. rost. blgaji of ' 'lit IV the u iKhington and Jofforaon fixitbali team and a mambei of the senior class, died eirl thll morn tin after n two daya lllnoaa Pneumonia was ti- oauaa of his dca'h. ON THE FIR ING LINE. CONTINENTALS HARD PRESSED PENN NOW IS FAR AHEAD. t'olleae Porrff ' linm plons ee fare tn ll. ialji Title. eoieMririK bi XV Team. pennsy lxansa Vale I Princeton , . . ? t' Hsvarford i ..i n,-: i Harvard 0 Pennsylvania, the of the Intamollsfiati sumed unnueHt '..l.eil race last week. Defeat a 0 tl'l Vala Hounded tho BR BTANDINO n. Tied, laxei. . 'ol ii in 1,1a alter In Dial .'I In '. Second Half. bat SKW ROrHGIaLK, Ds . arrli i off t he hvnoi , llf tlie NOV Roi rtsl X win Islsttd. .' in addltl iUe III III,. Ill ., pi da fu -gtuart .".-eti at th- imna ' JD ell Hut'! la wlnntna n.a .'it. il e eil With ' ' ':. Ill l.lrg ihonteR with F I: 1 high " i il 'li man pri So, ne: the Columbia al.veti. van la and Yule only one. of a completed gohedul. lUTJrhlg and Cornell nil ant champion r Uaaguo. f:- t to lead tho hy Haverford lentil note of Pennsyl game hort and with Co tlirough, tlie trophy sctna daatlnad to remain lu I'liiladelplila. Harvard nnd Haverford each have two tno-c gamei to play. Haverford has a chance to tie Penn for the chnmplon.shtp, but it', n. atlfn ohanca Indeed. Ti. Continantali barakr won out h;. " to i' against the Columbia Oval t. un In the flint division State Leavu. irarne at llurlein Oval yesterday afternoon The winners had nil the batter of it In the BlWt pariod and led by L' t.i fi at half time. 1'or half an hour honors 7 w.ra even, when Coopor took a paaa rjfr.itti Meyardlrka on the rusht witis- and s piaoan tno uontinentau in the lead. I i',, .... - repeated tin, same play ten in'.n u ut.a later, The lineup : tumble Oval. Poslttona Continentals, I ooal w a in . .ftiaiit baek M Vandi t ih . .Left hack xi, u i Bight half . . . . Matheas .C.ntra hilf.Vanden ISyndan Left half II eeh 1 Outsld. Hfbt. . . Uayerdlrki ! . llwld right . . t ,,.li :e 1 . Caatr lis yes I . (lislda left '.M.p, r I ,Ol4Sd left I'ux'.y ; i 'oliilnMa l iv'4,1. I I ilrko, Centln.ntakti .i.m.' gtewart K Haskell.., n,. Holbrook T. Blatahford. , Wlltard, . . . Hl.l Psersea. . Mrnra Dm Ith scire Conttnaat r.,. 4' i. Mr Pearson C. E and M !-., V.'lllnrd, I'relgh'on. I line iluuititi vl Itef.-r, e Ltn smart .lainchursi ! of h uvea 4& mulUtMi llalnn an,i I.. R 1lr,iTn Win C W. S ups. Malon. nnd Pr. W, s Brown won a four bull Inindlca match play competition st the Oakland Oolf Club yesterday when they defeated Harry M. Popham nnd it m lalttlejohn in the final on the nineteenth green, Tho wln- nera. who conceded their opponsfltl two strokes, won their way Into tho final hy defeating 1 r. Morrm Carpenter and II. Arkell In the .llll.flnal. OTHER SOCCER RESULTS. I Tii Olaii M 1 'ioiipM, aontlnuad 1 1 ifiMfioup iurr tv aaraarins tha itoirnnr, ' ! ijra tm th grounds of th intttr tn Uoni tiian4 City t th ii'orrt of . Koad t o! ' Attar huif fw-ur play( UuChvaihja t.'.-k aaaa from ii II in oantf Raht, i ti up ana .-'r4i ths tirm fott Thirty in4nuti irl p-oai Th" MVfvpo!lt.r, Hay Rtdffe Fooi ball .le-fflt 0 Mil" iSt. V aontb1 Dam t rk, b Uint t at'itra vm f Whn oratring say Burke's Guinness. Moil pUcM Itrvf li xcluiivgly ottlBd by-E. A J. BURKE tol f h ' t wn of t )i 11 t v k 1 1 1 1 otl I 'lt fr Thotiiwin iIIIm) r-tr th I h$ Uariiiani, I iwink Laaatia ttam of th t'luh ml in nils: i u ttr.- alavan at m. 'ri 4 to I. At half ii n' on koii anlti .HI. llll. I I, p. Hay Rid, hi; l.r.iim on ii MH -.f M t fit i lit rt . . hi. M1i gf-nu. dfautad "t. Waal IliU iuuu n in ... in i iivirora ii ii ii i .p. hi Hitara Oval yaatanlav, pofaattng th. ftminarlaiia by o Ht Viiu Onpttainli I'trk tin Wandaratii madi1 Itaadwav in thi m i raaati itardii . tiui ti loon -l in i ha tin i ball A hur t fouKht fain it-t w - n (hi !yi taUoa ;''tti vonkara m in hi-n plan nf th vt.rk ataip i. u Uartiuatt Oval In Brooklyn j":rrf.i lilted In i io .it v ... i to ;' Clraam i'ic bttai u - .. i iilinl In i mi h dlay field Ai h f Mi new w m . , -n i ,1 h a. I. h 11 ! IK III HH fli" : aoali to i " man Naw v.. -I. i pari ti ntafh Hri t Ht odd ard, in i hi um vi Him nay n u o t i: or I. a RCIIMONT N La I - K. M Wilaoni chairman of I in itooouaa com iiiitt.' .r Mo- Uirrhmnnl Tacnt juh. rip lurad tht k i' i. ophy In thf waatiT h.o 1 1- ! raturntni r j 1 1 m jret of i on hi ..I t : i tl" ,1so t nj'tiirrtd till high I. 1 1 prill wl'ii total 1 nt If on hi- hllldl j. of it Th-' high i 'i mun a T, J. UcCahlll, arfio r- (urn ii i -iii faf 1 1 . POHT W.VHHIN'JTON 1. l . ne. f. Tn in- o f i. h.i th t r p of I hi Mom hiimi Ha) Vacht Cluh to-day and Traey . Uwa, ihootlng fro'n itrittrtl in ml a . rioord f"r tiif union by killing bird ulralght, In tha hoot for tha month ' nip, a hi oh .' won, im mllttd nig ataviti h hlrd, hut hf iii. i. la up for tha In t h hail niatabi for tha yaall) rtip, in nhi h In riurn. full f orm lui h In tht ihootoff a Inning 'ha k Pol iwltig thu raMrnony of hoisting l1 1 r i th-- opining f Ita naw HubhOUaa ,i ii.ti -ti- yntiraay lh Saponin Vi ht Mnd liin CMuh had Ita fira nhnot iin-lar ma ti a rag I mo Pr o hanca girova-l tin- a -itu-r -t 'ii iurt bird handicap match Hm tll I ad Pi blrdi n hli h in 't ..p .f ? t hooting from aci i tvi I" v jio u kmnr.n i lamnnd 1 ' h . PATHPINPER I iALrty-ri9i3 The In'ardn What' un drr thf hood rnvnts most; jttxt a. a ftronrj Btomttch mah?& a strong won. You're imtr mm doctor win a you bin a car. Rr mzy tiiiiitit tlir insidfH. W III 1' e i: M'ul' Hi 4 Mllll hi ,: Ihir, ii rii SIX," HH Run? y.rluil Hfllguul say siisliggi SmwlBnis CATCRN ITt'TRIBiLrrogl 1575 DR0APWAY NEW YORK i hUNE -( Ll MBUS 9BSi