Newspaper Page Text
T to THE SUN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915. BOY SCOUT TANGLES STIR WAR OF WORDS! T'!t Aecnwi m'Ih of Danm inir folHltfJ While Hni-inii- Its Sons. OTHER JOIS SOVABBLI Statement followed statement yeeter- guy in On controversy -tlrri-l by ItM ftmioiiticfiwtit "!' Mfttesl Tlrompson Mawi thai ha had severed oabmamIrki with the Ho) BCOUtS Of AlMrlcg bWMMMN the Organisation had drifted gWSJ from the orlglnM mil "lit .if doof Moll Into n 'Igwagglngi .i-n-nr buid under tlia guidance of Jam"" i". gblef koui esecutlvs, The flrst statement In lb liny- battls of Muti incut" mi timt 'if tUatRSg H West tit reply to Mr Si ton. Tlie- lb I'tilted Mute. Hoy S.s.ut.-.. tlie rtVM of Mr. Wift'n SOOUta. Ibku'mI :i statement OtMMtT iiik tiit Hm Boy Hooutn 'if Amertoa were attempting to rnl-- rJOO.000 by relying on ptihlli- Sentiment 111 fn-or of prepnri-d- gass, although tin' ITMtstt sihu-m Boy Boouta formtd the only miiimry organ isation, NVgt Mr, Baton out an- uttier Rt:xtmont in irhjch bo rvltofBitfld iimt t!io Boy Boouta of AiMrion bad pc uoma mora and more r. military otgAvna laatlon. ri I'lr.-. Unthrr llr..lld. . Mr. Wi sf (ban Issued a not bar st;ite bm nt. pointing out tno fun that tba ubargoa madi by the United Rtstes Boy gCOUts that tba Boy 8 outH of America OOtlld not bo called a military nrguntzi- loti rgfutett tbr charge of Mr. svton Ibnl the Hoy Sroiitn were military. Mr. West at tha lima reiterated that tic Hoy Boouta "f Am.rlca formed a "nonmtlltary, no; rii'U-inillt.iry, non polltlnal orgsnlAutlon." Ua also denied thai tba I'nlted states Scouts antadated .he Hoy scouts of AtneHca. Then tba combatant reused Sring, In iii fl:t atatamanl Mr. West said .a part: "Whan it whs disco veied that Air. Seton It. harmony with tha rlawi of atiurohlau and radical social. at on the question aa to tvhethor the Hoy Scouif of Amarlca should atand for patriotism and good rltlsenshlp, no time wart lost n dsvstogdRg tha Issue, "Mr. At ton true it!iv:i a rogsonnlils. (t.i ! ortunlty to maka himself dear on tbll aabjaet, but he hedged Hnl stated ha a uld not make a daflntti promise tint ha WOUld over broom.- a cltiaan i f tha Cnltad Htataa. "lAdaad ho want further and rapaatad ; i.ih objatitlou to tha Boy S.vmt Hand Doob Including a choptar on patriotism and oootandad i hat the Hoy t.-outn of Amaraso ahoutd not undertake to haa uoya pladia allegiaiioa to thalr oountry, but ibould leava them frvo to support our country whan they thought our country was ripht and to damn It n-hn MM) thought It wiih wron. salon Daninvd 4'uantry. "Ho peractuUly made olear that he du.t ned our country for moat of it paal hlatory. This i tha real and only reason that Mr. Baton i not now chief Bcout "Any other cauaa alleejed or laaua falaed by Mr. Baton has no foundation tn tact, There has been no aaaetttlal chance in the proBramma ninoo its beBinnlnBi hi abowa by the handbook published in 1110, It is exactly aa It wa.i In all tho yearn in which Mr. Betoti aertfed in hii Bomlnal relation a.i .-hief aoout" Tho reply of Mr. Baton said: "You no tice that Went doe-' not repiy i. any .if my Matementa but contents himself with a!li;iK mo an anarohNt and SoclallaL it i. quite tin- first time In my life that any one has taken HUCh a view of me. Not long ago West uoouaed mc of ) u monarchUt' and aald 1 waa 'too auto, cratlc' "if the Hoy Bcout board will look Up thy lottor they will find that In the eamo paragraph in which l criticise America, for the Mexican wars i eag till more :--r. on Knxland for the Cbtneoe opium war. I waa denouncing all agvreaalve wnrfkre. "The Boy Bcottta are certainly bo coming more and mor- a military or ganisation. I do not critic lee them for that, because I believe in national pre- p&redneas, u i do object to their ros ing money t'o.- my Ideula as axpreaaed ii my contrlliutloni to the Hoy Scut handbook and then applying ' to a eyboll) different turpoae. The n very clear. First, i am no in sympathy with tho present trend of thi- Hoy Booul movement. Becond( I think that I have a nationul message to deliver. Third, I can deliver that incasago beet through tho Woodcraft League. Henceforth 1 shall focus my tuition on that work In the Ittttement of the United States Boy Bcouts whosa president la Uen, R, A. McAlpIn, Ma.lor-tlon. Thomas K. Jackson quoted aa satylng that hit or ganlgatton, flrat known aw the American Hoy BcontSa "thought it wise to change its name rather than be compelled by Inferenoe in the public mind to vtand for the pea. i at any price propaganda at the other organlgatlon" owing to the similarity of the names, Dun Heard, author und National svout ' 'ommlasloner of tin- Buy Boouta of AmaHca, said yesterday vtitliout nu ntlontng an) names : "When a man s bi "ii pushed aside and plaood on the abelf and gets tired of It nere's generally only one thing for him to no, and that Im get tan k into tin spotlight somehow," BOY SCOUTS GET $14,707. tart I Ivi- lia l'aaiial(a for fBOO,0O0 tuail-iuaal. fine hOurfl work by twenty-s.Y teams of enthusiastic polleotora in thoiflvi day e.mpulgn of the Hoy .Scouts of America to raise S0O,000 to finance lis activities for the next three yeare in Ctrobtor New York pesulted yesterday In aubaorip tlons of 114,707.1111, Ilrooklyn led the five boroughs, having $11,808 to Ha credit, of which $ft,000 was from (leorge 1. Pratt, president of Pratt Institute. Tho subscriptions were reported at i he luncheon for workers ut the temporary headquartsre, r. 7 Uham bars street, yeeterday. Two.thlrda of 'he teams reported that they wore Just, starting and would make their first re port of money pledged at the luncheon 10-dny. More than 100 workers are en- Bsgod in the campaign. a demonstration of acout activities In City Hall I'ark about noon attracted much attention, Aotlnta Mayor Mo. Ato ny sent congratulations to the scout headquarters on Chambers street, and bis message was wigwagged from tall building to akyaoraper all the way to the regular headquarters at in pjfth avenue, at Twenty-third .street, by aoout elgnalmeti Among tho largo subscriptions re telved yesterda' WOS ono of S,000 from lohn Stewart Hoyt. and subacrlptlona or 1,000 earii from t'loveland H. f lodge. Pruobj I'. Uodga and Mortimer I. Schlff. BoOUl workers predicted yewt.-rday thai tha totsl to-day will exceed t!)0,- t'Ot. Ilaj I'.inlMlrarM la HnUed. At want, l'ei'. ii. The embargo on hay for the port of ow York w.m lified to night and vhlpmonta ii" raw iioing re KOlggd 'by t.10 New Yor! Central ami t:.e- roevda for uba jders at Thirty-third anani!i-tj . ixtii streets NEW TRIAL GRANTED ON JUDGE'S CONDUCT lantlrf Lynch Absent Iiir1ii Hnlf of Four Hour Offer ing of KxhlbitH. LosKR TAKES AX APPEAL Tlie Appellate Term of t'ne BupfalM Court yesterday ordered a new trial In a rase heard before City COWt -tustl.e Richard T. Lynch nnd a Jury on tho ground that during the four hours oc cupied by the trial Justice Lynch wn oul of the courtroom at least half the time, during which the proceedings were under the direction of 11 court officer. The Appellate Term, composed of Jus tices Guy, l'aga and PMIMfl, acted after Justice Lynch had refused to set aside the verdict on the same state of fn, lg presented to tin Appellate Term. The motion before the Appellate Tortn wa mail" by Edward 11 Wilson, at torney fop the L. m. Booth Company, Which sued the People's Ice and I'u.l fompaiUf to peOOVer -i balance due on 11. water softener. Tlie Jury returned a verdict for the defendant and Justice Lynch refused to disturb It. The facts of th" case, as presented In lbs plalnthYg papers lieforo tha Ap pellate Term were that on October i lust, when t: age was tried Iti the I'lty Court, it waa railed just before tin- noon r"-eas and the trial .lodge admitted about fifty exhibits offered by the do fend on! an bloc, without Inuulrtng Into tin- pertinency of iha various exhibits. As soon as the reading of the exhibits began JttSt lei I, Mich retired from the courtroom, Mr. Wilson said, and shortly afterward it waa discovered that ono of the Jurora knew an attorney for the plaintiff. This fact wits oommuntoatod to Justice Lynch, who sent bis court of ficer In to tell the Juror be waa eSCUSad. lien the trial was resumed Just.ce Lynch failed to appear, but the reading of tho exhibits went on. He arrived ;.t about 3 o'clock ihortly before the read ing was t oneltided. and heard a few of them. When tin- attorneys began outl ining up about lllO o'clock Justin Lynch aga.n withdrew ami remained away until I o'clock, after counsel had finished. He then entered the court room and charged the Jury. Mr. WllBOn said that Juatice Lynch had no knowledge of tin- contents of the exhibits lie added, "during the sum inlng up there was great disorder in the courtroom, a curt officer w:i the principal offender. He and ti kirk talked la such loud tones that they In terrupted couneel for the plaintiff In summing up. tine of she pla.ntlff I attorneys went to th court OfAccr and protested, wii'io defendant's attorne) wan address. ng tie- Jury It.,- e.iurt OfHcei peremptorily called him to ..rder in the middle of a sentence and told him his time wits UP." The plaintiff's attorney said that the court's absence was not with the consent of tho counsel, and pointed out that the facts aa stated In h.s pepsra Wert not denied by the defendant's attorneys on apieal. When asked concerning the ease yes terday JuatlCS Lynch said : "At the trial a motion waa pet. ling and I attended to it in chambers wit'i the consent of counsel. 1 was always within reaa.'h in a noni across the hall My officer was in tin- courtroom all th time and could have been sent for nio Thla ts an unusual occun nee. It Wouldn't happen twice In a .'.ear. I lid this m ordei to expedite business, I could have sent the other litigants away. This i-i a ca-e where a beaten party tri-s to obtain a new trial." FUNDS NEEDED FOR NEW JAIL Mra. .1. B. Ilitrrlinnii's ( QSSSattte In i ounliler I'robl.-iu I u-iIhi, s .T Borden Harrimun, heading a otimmlttee appointed six years ago 10 promote the er,-. tlon of 1 women's prison and detention house in West Thirtieth street, has called her coworkers for a this morning to divide what ne tlon to take In the fact, of tin facta 47,llt f the original nppropr.atlon of $460,000 nas been spent and tae lowest bid for electing the building Is about j7.lll.lMll! Commissioner of Correction Katha rlne H Davis siiid yesterday that there appeared to b ! three solutions ot the problem to abandon the whole plan, to 1 nt the proposed building In half or to ask to H-..trd of Ratlmate for mors tuoltey. Tlie ereion .if tin- building ia mandatory under an ho. of tin- Legla lature, Commissioner Pavls Lope?, tbai the watchdogs of the city treasury naiy see their way clear to moke ui tic sum rerpi red. The meeting will bo held at 11 o'clock in the office of Commis sioner Davis, PROMOTION FOR DR. BILLINGS 1 Heeoniea llepnly Health 1 ommfls atoner I tores for 1 11 spe,- tors. lir. John s Hillings was appointed I Deputy Health Commissions!' yesterday ! He has beet' bead of the Bureau oft I preventable, ulneanes, und though he ie i now to rill the place f vacant when I Dr. Haven Bmerson becaina Cominte! slonsr he will continue the direction of I the work of this department. He will; 1 also take charge jf the work of dividing : the oily Into health districts, Dr. Bmoraon announced that 11 course ! 1 of lectin. -a for deportment Inspectoral , will be given during tin- winter under I tile direction of Dr. Lucius Brown, di I rector of tin- bureau of food and drugs. I Most week Inspector Huntington, In I .barge of Fulton Market, w.ll give a, lecture on ftah, oysters, birds, vegetables, i CLEVELAND S CIGAR FOUND. Wtirkman nn nrr lluutr l-;nio rtftyO mr-oiri Imalce, i 0eitsPWgS4i N. J. i dh. . The work oi I tearing ilnwn the Jror hous., otlS I time thrt home of 'irover Cleveland' father, was completed to-Uay. AUgUltUH Berger, who hmi chargs --f the work i of raging the huiidhiK. agsarts that in j tearing down ins structure s (iur was I picked "ut from iehiiu) one of tin- par 1 ti ii vii U a duP marked on It show - Inia it to h more than fifty ears ohl. laotilH t iurter, ops of tho lahorers, smoked thS Cigar and enjoyed it, al- though he declared that It whn a "little i strong." ! Tha wood of which the (Jrowr house ' whh cotifftrueted was found to b,i U ox- oellsnt oondltlon, The witd in to he .taken to Dsnvllls, wtu re it will he used j t ronFtrurt ft two story dwelling. BOY SCOUTS PLAN OPPOSED. A. -Una -Mayor Aakrd Snt t A point omuilttrr. it b scams known yesterday that on Saturday a committee consisting of Man ifeldlaborg, a poclailst! Mrs, Am oh pin ohot and Dr Jamas v. Warbaass oallad on Acting Mayor McAneny und atkad ' him not to appoint a comtnHtsa of twenty CltltSnB tO .'et with UlS Hoy SroutH of j AiiuTii i ciiisoris wmininas, i ney an ;4erted that tho :oijtH wero H military organisation! Mr. MoAjieny daeldSd to hold the mat ter for aotlon by Mayor Mltchcl Mr. M'-Anony Hhowad Ills Sf rttluieutS In -(Turd t the movement by SOndlllg to tin scouts yesterday a latter of oungratula tlon of tho pronpTtH for suoecs fi the mojigy raising campaign STUDENT'S DEATH EXPLAINED. inert I'ei-k of Weelerwn Wot llnaeil. tssert rather. Titn Si n hue received a letter from Carr . l'cck, whoso son Mtuart, a freshman at Woeleyan OoHaffej, naa re potted to bave died as a reeult of a hazing at the college. He died In the MlddletOWn Hospital, but Ills death waa due to natural OMSgfl and not, as waa cltVUlgtodi to Injuries. The letter fob lows : To Tits VblTOfl or Thk Sun Sir: 1 renjuett Correction of an article rela tive to the death of my sop Stuart. A moat thorough and scrutinizing jhm--aonal investigation proved the hating story to Is- abaolutely grouudleea. Kvery member of thn fraternity volun tarily swore that not a thing had been done toward hasting, tin the contrary. Very young man In tho fraternity house wis anXtOUl for bta welfare, knowing that he had been aerbmsly 111 during tin- gummer, in consequence of wbicn In- was five weeks late entering col lege, He waa not a member of Chi I'si, but only bod been pledged, nnd the sympathetic nature of these young men waa plainly evident when they took htm lu the fraternity bouse, wh-re he COQld have their personal caire and encouragement. He was tenderly cared for Instead of abuser) fey the Chi Hal fraternity, as Well aa by the faculty of Wesleyan College, and I feel that It Is a disgrace and unfair to all concerned to publish anything so ghgolutoiy un true In every respect. 1 Signed) Cash W. PffOK, ON SO MY A. N. V, Dec. . RILEY REFUSES PAY FOR OSBORNE MAN Will Nut Reoojrnizt' r. B, Alnii-y as Sin Sinn I rtustrit's Headi OsstNtwii, n t, Dec, 1 -John tt. Riley, Superintendent of I'rtaonB, it waa announced at Sing Sing to-day, refuse to confirm the appointment of ('. K. Al mey. the new superintendent of Indue tries, and lias held Ufl hla pay. Aliney, who ci tnes from Aubum. !a Thomas Mott iabi.rn- s appoi' tee, and holda the most lucrative post In the prison, outside ,,f tn,. wardenshlp Itself, receiving ts.aao a year, Tids is $ino more than Mr. i isborne's pay, but the latter la allowed ? l.oo a yoga fur keep. Almey had six -weeks pay due when in. formed t.v the prison paymaster to-day that there was nothing for t.'.m. the superintendent having passed the pay. roll eave for the requisition for Almey, Which waa marked "disapproved ' Another tight among prisoners was re-irb-d to the grievance committee, merly the Inmate ixiurt, of the Mutual Welfare l-agu- toaday, Joseph I'artet. janitor of tin- deutth house, suffered a stall wound In a llvetg mill witn I'etor Lanto, an SX-hlghW ayman, The kilter alleges Carter walked up f him while h.- was at bis worhtand Invited him out- side igtit. uonto nays he struck first not known. ig might do. what bis antagonist LEE CASE CHANGES COURT. I'm ther lig ht t Hmii r Mtn In Tnk-n t HriMiklyn. Thf Htort by WIU!&ni .Mills. Jr. to oul Thomiti K, ! of lei Sfutii Broftda Wuy, White I'lrtlns. :i rh.'ikIIrh of Mill'H lOlli William ''roHMinitn Jsm. II .warn old came Iwforfl ttio AppttllAtC Olvlftlon f tlu Supreme 'iurt u Flrooklyil -.-ttrxl;iy oti Appeal from an order by Sumtai' w ulker of Weat chejiter William Cr of oman !' Ii the eon of William Mills, jr.. and Ueonrta I'roM nun Ullle-Iee, Tin boy recently In herited M.000,000 from liln mother, who tiled laot May. At that time Hh wae the Wife of Loo, having marrier Mm n iniy. two yeara aft-r divorcing Mllla Her eetate ft Inherited from bar ft her. t 'tforki W. t 'i'ojsmitn, a coffee iverohant When Mllll learnfld that his wife hnl died leaving a lane4 ettat he immo d lately look-M up Uielr non, ahom he had not hh-!i in HfVrral y-arH. H 'earned that his former wife! Mtoond huHhstmi hmi hot only obtained letters of guardianship hut hud adopted the lad and that tho hoy ha.l assumed hlw tarmv M Ills moved promptl) to 101 aalde both adoption and guardianship SurroRate Walker refuHftl 10 settle the motion paramptortly. Instead ho signed an onir to show use renin i- ahte December 21. and indued citations to Mills, his father, William Mills, and his mother, Sarah. It wan from this action that .itiis appealed His coun sel argued emM-day that, he was ru t It led to Immediate relief InaH-nurh as he nvvr had he!, served with notices either Iti tho adoption or t)i gUafdlail ship proceedings. Decision was re ervetl, U. S. CAMPHOR TO GO TO CHINA. - I unpaar In lbllnilelhln Hrrnka JuiMii'a liuii,il . I'mi.AiiK. i in . boo, 8, Tin- American Camphor Corporation uf tids i-ity re reived from Hongkong, China, i-duy an orclsr for three t'ina -.f oamptgar, thereb) earning for Philadelphia the double In dustrial distinction of driving Die enter ing wedge Into the rumpivir monopoly japan heretofore bus had and of bejng t u- tirst ,-:ty in tin- United mates to manufacture oamphor. t'be eorporaUon recently completed a lur.- plant hero. Ti1..- oonvpany was organised last rar to Oosnpets for tba mark. i in lids country, u-iiMi bad been supplied by fur.-iun mad-' camphor. SWIOERT LEADS TIN WHISTLES. Wlna I'lral Trier In SetsOtSg soorr CaSSge Hllog nl I'lnrherat. 'INBRl'SST, Ni C.i Deo, . It. A. Si- gert. Palmetto, playing wiih ati allow ance of -'i strokes, won first prize In ilia weekly tin whistle tournament to day, l-'oi second Plige there was g tie between T, a Keitey and R, H, Hunt, The event whs medal play, best asleoted twelve linleH, six In eaeli nine. The prizes wars presented by K. M, Taft and the eiub. The scores: n a. Hwisrt, palmetto, ltMi 13; t. a Keo.- . southern Pines, a 4 --i 0. n, it 11. Hunt. Worcester. II. i. Mi j. M. jtoUlnsan, Harbor Bsseh, 71 -l. ,Ij j. t. Newton, Brooklyn, i!. the Rev, T. A. I'beatlisni, Pittsburg, lu ; II. . waidron, 4gawami II II, i1. f, o. Aube, Betliltlim, II It, Hi Domum Parson, Iroungstown, It, ill j it. oowker. Woodland, II II, "0; Ur. A. M riuru. Vounsstuwn. 71 Jb b 0 : Hpen.-i-r Waters, National, II II, 10 j c, I.. Ifeoger, Wood luiei. 10 I, SI; .1. I;. Ctoodali, Bsllerlve. US - -1 a. r.i; lr. M. W. Marr. WoodllBd, in - ii, t-:, gtuyvessnt Usroy, Newport, ;.i io, Hi t ii. Boyd, -st Uouls, 1111 :4; .?, i. i. Rumsey, Brooklyn, 72 is, i,j P. R liOUStoni MOUOt Tain, ill' sa, D6. I'. K. Api.lel., l.weee Mrl Alnteh. In the first ifiitiie of tlie ainateur CIu.hh B, ii: bslkllne btlllard tournament t ThUtn'l 'liilrty-ttrm wreet riioinn lust tilKli' ' P. t'onway defeiuc.I r. s. AiailoUy, id- won iii twsntyagig Inning, Uy ,i aeon of 2T, to 1 tj 2. III., high ruiiH wir.- HI iinii Ho. ami lu- gt'SHMied !' llla6, Tii" loner'H lieHt nun. grorg 2h i.ud Hie avai age eras I ll-M. ENO HEIRS ANXIOUS TO FIND PRIOR WILL' Ak Hnrrogtto for Ofrlrr i Senri'ii Papers in Hirlil on Col 11 m inn LftrH.v. W ANT FEES REIT LOW TOO An Important move lu behalf of the heirs Ht law of Amos K. BftOi who left the bulk of Ids estate of from 110,000,000 to 111,990,000 t.i Columbia CnlVeralry, was made before Surrogate Kowler yes terday when 1 x-Surrngato Charles H. Beckett asked that they be permitted to Inspect all the papers left by Mr. Kno. Mr. Ileckett said tbul Mr. Btto left a large number of papers. Including two diaries for 191fi and others of an earlier date and the heirs arc convinced that be made entries Indicating that he had no Intention of giving the residue to Co lumbia They My they have definite In formation that in nut. just before the death of his brother. Pr. Henry Clay Eno. and Ids sister, Mrs. Mary E. i'lnchot. he made a will In whic h he gave the bulk of his estnte1 to them und alao remembered hla surviving broth. -r. William 1'. Eno. and sister. Mrs. Antoinette B, Wood, who are au'ng. Mr. Beoketl says that the contestants are anxious to And this prior will and If It tUrilS up they Intend to offer It for pro hate Surrogate Fowler reserved decision, although he said I "No one has any more right to go through the entire papers than the relatives. " Another question on which tin Surro gate ale.: reserved decision was the amount of t'eef. to be paid to the execu tors. Lucius if. Beers and William Mitchell, who are acting aa temporary s. William I'. Eno. a brother, was also appointed temporary administrator, fait he will serve without fee. Undef the law Messrs. Mitchell and Bases would bo entitled to about I1B0.. OVd commissions each as administrators and an equal sum aa executors, but the contestants believe they should deposit the $1, 000 '"at of liquid assets In a tfttat company and receive commissions only on the 1200,000 annual rents. BARBER ESTATE TO WIDOW. shlmilnu linn l-rlirn Million PBS eg I Ii I III re 11 Hirvlff. HA0KBNSAOK, .V J.. Dec. (.The win of Herber- Barber Of KngtSWOOd, hrad of several steamship Mnee, wag probat d , tbia morning by Hurrogate Robert A. I Mbhald. The .etat.-. valued at serai millions, i.- bequeathed to bis widow. Sural, It Parts-:. Mr. Barber died in th-- Presbyterian Hospital, N'i York. Ion November i' last. Tie' win iis ! dutsd Mareii 11, till, Mr. Barber was president of Barber i & Co, in -., shipping agents. He .tu i also a director of .be Atlantic steve.ii.r-1 lint: Company, the l,h Plata Btsamshlp I I Company, the New York and Oriental! I gteamshlp Compsuy and Oriental 1 erating Company and the Vlrgttital gteamshlp Company. i 1 Mr Barber was the father of eighteen I children, twelve of whom an- living. I Three sons, Philip, Hubert and Arthur, , are In the tlrtn. The other children are . Mrs. Ah .- t'ershouse of Liverpool, Bng hind ; Mrs. Msbel P. rahouM of Chatham, England i st. Qeorge Barber of Cheeter-I field. Md . Mrs Beatrice Cook of Peter. I son, Mri- Constance M Proaaer, Mrs.; Sarah P. Hallalny, Mra Ana,- T. Chltds, Miss Bdlth gterllnj Barber and Mi-s Kllsabeth Wright Barber f Bngle wood WOMAN GETS $12,000 INCOME. 1 j Mra. i:M-n M i-mln-r,-il In V4III l ' titriH lilehteaetelaa Hankrr. I Alfred l.lohteneteln, a member nf the 1 banking firm ! Heldelbach, Ickelhelraer j Co., who died October last, left an estate sstlmated at it, lid made many charitable bequeets and b-ft 110,000 outright and u trust fund of $1511,000 to provide lt, :, year for Ins friend, Mrs Julia Hsaeil, ; formerly of 163 Weal r'lghty-tlfth street and now of Stockholm, Sweden He gave th.- residue to his son. Oscar 11. I Llchtenateln of i,.. Went Knd avenue Kls sister, Anna von l.-yen. and sister In-law, Mathilda l.lchl nstetn, both of Qermany, got ln&,oou each, MONTCLAIR ARRANGES GAMES. ii. .in gaspa' ami Olrla' tinskeinnii Tesuna win ii, Raay, MoNTct.ts, N J . Dee. ". -The Mont-1 . :air iiigii gohool arranged Its basketball schedule, the opening ga t to is- played with Cooper f'nion instl I ' ttite on PVidn; . Th other gamos sched-' Uled are : j Pteember it. Perdhaia freebeaeo atj ham,-; Alumni st homej ,'n, Petersuu llia'i a, bool at bome. j January ;. PIslnileld Blgh School I bom; ii, Basel la High avbool ,t hair.". I '.'l, Rutherford High el si bam.-; I Baal Orange High School it Baal Pehruary t. gtevena pr.p at hntnc: it. ' ri: km Hucii x-1,.,, homo; u. Kaat i i .iii.- His 'i s in i i,. . , stsveii- Prau ..: Holioksn. March . II a k.-n-1. h iiisb Sehool st hoine. it. WaalNalU Hisii Scnool a: home I The girls' basketball si bedul, tlsesniber Is, Knglewood iiikIi gc-hoo si homei i. oii-n . ;7, Aiuniiiui st home. Jsnuary 7. open :' Sou ti i ie s- High at sou'h Drengaj si, Mlea n .: i - gchool ' .at hams: , nglewooil .-t Rnglewoo.1. ) iruerr t. iTraags Htea gubooi m litr:ins's 11. Miss Hear-:-i Sehool ..t liranga: ; J, South i ir on;- High 1 1 n: Uontolalr, B0THNER AND LIN0W DRAW j print Unit nu llonr mi tin IfWti but NrHhi r lit. (laorgs Hoihnar and Tvin Uinow, thf Russian 1 'ossaok, ranewed their rivalry I at tho Manhattan 1 'pors House lasi 1 night, ;(ui wrestled for thirty minutes, neither being able to throw tin other. LI now outwelghetl l-tothnsr by ai-out I lift y pounds but th,' match waa ft catoh I aaoatchitan alfali ""i Nothner's vlevor ' lag work enabled htm to iwep from be j ng pinned dowtl The t iowfl I'tiioyed I tin- bOUt ami flu , rod Bothner ev I j time hs wriKKioti out f .1 precurlous i posit Ion i ! sU rangier Uewls and Hjahner Lundln 'of Hwsdeti itiH tried the outch-ascatch" can style, and foaa'ls won tu iirwK. Tit res ' it'i'i'o-Koiuau httuiH were on tho prograntiua, Plsne re i-olosse threa I WUhslm Wmst in . w ir. Holler and : Hulo He von pan wrestled 30 minute draw i T"' Wladalt x i o threw Wll helm Berner tn j i :0S, OTBLS ANI RESTAVBANTS 14th Mreet. eeor 4th A .a. AMI sKAIENTia. gHHU f, llinv Theatre, 40ib. e or ii rlln jH Bi JUUI R.i k :io MaU.Pri.ASsl :' So "GAVE A GREAT D2AI -1 n i im AC TION AS WELL AS JOY." Ett. WmU. :i wlrea now KMillaiilc i:iiw, inn, urns circle. Baudho.,1 7A i.l v InasaHIS Bi H IB Mat WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS,? ' ,, Al-i COMBB1 RIM m m NIUHTi Riley and Ball BACK MARK SQUASH MEN FINISH AHEAD Rllej and null if 11 v.. Hard Tlnw AdVuelng to Third Hound. FORCED TO EXTRA oAMF.s tii- baas mwfi mag in the fall handi cap BSjjtMMll t-nnls t'iurnamnt at th" Yah- i 'hit). A. W. Iltly of thr PHlWOtOn Club and ('htirlrn M. Hull. .Tr . nf the Heights CaslnOt had a html t'mr yrs ttfdgy advancing through tho thlprl roUlldi Hoth 'f thHo nion woro BsfMd to play an ratfg nam bgfofs wlnnlrux ami In Ptrh agge th" w Inn- . flropii tho opanlng game. Ill lay eittnlnatad j. r. Carter of tho 'olutnbta ClUtta ut is, in is, 16- h, and Hull downod i. M. Brodfttl of ti,.- Tale ''iui. m s is, i( tn, 1511. Th.- winners Wfro hHTiOlrapp'-tl at mlnuH while (Tartar hud an advantage nf G upph huu S handa, and H!dtfrtt aces and 1 hand. of the eight men till In the running the Vale Club has threfl rirenPTita:iV(r. tho IContclalr Athletic Club tw and tha KtiKh-woi.d Field Club, Helghta Casino and Princeton elUhs one ra'h. T"-day'K winner will advatioe to the Foml-flnat round. Tin- summaries If Sttooal gqUSSb Teiinln Ao. IaMtii Randleap Tournaifteat, Th-ird R-tiuid a, w. Riley, Prlneetea Club, mirm de fittint J. I. '.-liter, ColQflillte Clllbi ntun ft. S handft. tt -IS, KV-12, 1&- V J. i) Waidron, Moatelalr athletle Clan, plus r.. 1 han.t drwieii w T MIJIi, tfontetatr Athi'-th Club, scratch, ir. -, s : : u. Chart f Bull. Jr.. Heights ''Htm-, rniiiun Ir-fwit-'d I M. HlodgrM', Talr Oltfh, plun ... i hand, if-i:-. tt-io, ir, n, U Piatt, Vni' Nut', piu , i hand, defeated 11. i. Bulkley, rofumtrta Club, niimm t. o ir. II -t. lj P. A. HrHr.r, Montnlsli Athletic Club, plus l bend, drratrwi J, t?, Appel, Hi'tirhtii t,'.iHi?H. ptnH . t hand, Ii -i;. : B, Poole, Kneirwo,t rleM Olubi phi i hand. iWeafvi k s Kee!er, Columbia Clubi ndnus 4. 1 5o. i , a .i Derdler, Tale Club, ininnK t, dr-rmi.'.i i: 0 Cfacber. i Ireenwtab Plel4 i iut, plus I hand, ir, ti. IS ft) j. r. TomJIaeon, Tste Muh, alUS i-. 1 hand, d'-fej.t?'! .1. H. ,r-ro-rrl TS l Club, p'.un ft, 1 hfin.l. 1 II - -1 s 1 in, IS S. Smith Koere to Wftgfci AlllS Na.k had mu-h the better f Harry Smith yeMenlay Sfternoon In a ten round bout at the Dft SUlNeo) Sport Intf Club, AMrsBMBNTg. Mat Tre lav Mr. tit. II .'.'I kVsQTrT1THlJalf'V1'l: COMEDY ,! IM F. of ll'wav. Kv R IS. i ,vi Metises To-dy .' IS. I Oh. I Seal... ."'IS-. ,."c. nr:r OMKBI in r.w'. Kv. World I be Hla nmerit lilt nf the low ll. SHUBERT Rl enlBsTN R 1 .' Mat - Ttvm . Rt, J i v Tii in w M.'i IMBM M-ist ti r v. i i of D'wsr. hi irnnp-w (ipaTHtiA at tM top notch, Run. nptra Matinw T imtrniw S'fcw fnmi 'he Ml-trup ih'HIl M'ri, (I. .lis.' Mill l- pft I VRIP Theatre, 42 w. nf D'wey. F.vs a hi nils ,i Sistusw Tonurrua 9 BJ . continuation ot 'h rut mi rt hi mi m ,mi , r i UITIUCFC Mil V 13 l. lb 2 NN .-ek-. msniifcfcw wiibi i. Daily at a Lb Saturday at 2 prktaa JSC in inc BLUE Binw Rests im -V 'ttla" After the Theatre;' ,1 Mainly i , t.v stln Ms LftlpMir A TNI llotiUfil A Bui UsiiHliiK, Unrhl 4 hunt ptiHi It r k n t it lni fit'.- to lal'l, it hole tilnn.r ft :n .mil a It, otvrti ittov ka' Inni Tum i MtiiM"rJi rAipper. TitUvRcnccvntlom Din Hup. 'ri ftWW ir:iii MAXINE ELLIOTT'S New York has put rum. who is attracting the most fashionable audiences of any theatre in New York in dLNi "I.ou-I cIleRen's acting in this play is superb." MAIL: "Novel trial scene. Good play-writing, feverishly intense." EVE, WORLD: "Intensely dramatic Lou-Tellrgen was superb." EVE. TELEGRAMi "Its effect on the audience was electrifying." A MURDER MYSTERY THAT CLUTCHES THE HEART 44TH ST. Thcfttrtt, Jii-.f Wm K ITS S Laht Ht N Mu wi rit I lutiilrr llrmiisith I hiiimii Bcmutlful prodiictlon of siiiiiu.'ri'ii ptmy puke it well "ith mHlnB S rUH, tti btWuilfuj JJlc luvmiiiur uf Honien hi- i'il.' K'ritthti IrifiiTtin, MtiutNonu) proilin'tloii Mrri--i tt'iiir" v perfeiM pwfoniuintW lk,tttchtM 7iuimI "n admlTftnle cm! " nolewcirtbl r.'i;il PHobrrKU i ndrr mihm i hn h Camsgts Ball. Thli Atteeassg at nao, PADEREWSKI I'm I, r the tiMplife of ihc Mia iciy f..r Lgii Pre. MUM loll ami Id In! nt Till'iT, illo-l- Ticket. Si -'ii gl.All ami 15.00, Now .hi Mile in Hoi mill" inni Hotel SI Keel. Direction V, Kin.. stelnssy Plsno, larnrtie Hall. Sat. Alt- Dec. II, it 2:3J l tiiiiii kciii.ii y.i.i ,ia M.iiui Beet t, I Aiiai ua ELWIAN ... t.r J K H INI, AA Alt ail' I I HI l(. Si Ills. ill Sill. Ill Hon 1 lllti'i' or olfsohll MiiajcaJ Btireeti. i VV vi St (jilWivwaj! rtann PHILHARMONIC aOCIKTV i' NKW VORK .I.ISI I SIHtNNkA. I.N III . l.tll. Ni ( . Inira It, i 111:1a Ni-vl Frldu i All , : : U A riiuru.i. lie. - I'd I nil I. In ORCHESTRAL MUSIC . .1.1. Tlikii-.o HniTlffliv. Punch A Ji.dv I l.ea. I Inn. Af..lec.ii, at I IobuHWiTai tom DOBSON Mt. i of hurlion .MiiNiTi IImiiiMii IMhn trull Hi Hull. I flora. Aft., llgS, I.l. ill I. i, . avfl, i9Vt i it. hi i, TOWNSEND Sen- BI TH Recital . llrkeia M lo (I gt Bog (inirw. Squash Winners Haver ford Undefeated POULTRY SHOW B DO INS TO-DAY. I.h.I, Kglantlwe Will Be Main trni-tlim a the Palaee. ISA? Kglantlna. tho 1i0,o00 hnn. will resell tha QfgMI Oblrtfal lnlua to-ilay tW a Hw rla' fii:y gl thn aiiiiual I'iilara I'miltry IhtiWi whii b will opati Iti dOOfl at Hi O'cktOh In tha niornlrg. lUy Dglantlne was lbs guvat of Potior .it PnllartelphlS hotel yratrnlay and rx- paen to occupy th samr egalted ioab tlott at drand OantfgJ Pslaos for tho remalndsr of ilia week. That iaeh win t t th-i Palace during thn dayllgl'l houra gild during tbr rvenlngw will ba at tl' Hotel Imperial. It la only the poultry aectlon of th Palnos r now whlon eta under way to day nnd tin' poultry win monopolise Saturday as well, On io-morro , Thufa. day iitul Vrldnjr a boat of Oat will cupj part of tlie Halaer und will divide tin- Interest with the ehlegsns, dueka, -'. -urkcyp, pigeons, aong blrda and other featnered i reatunw. Th Ktnplrr I 'at rthow la tbr offlclul tltlg of the three day exhibition of fellneg, :nd over 1104) gntfiSS have been reeeivwl Tbr bluan and tha allvera will I tha blggeit iiaa.i and thi' pink IVr alan elaaa will be the smallest, A rabbit eat la to be ahown by a Brooklyn woman. Among (he prominent eghlMtofi win be Mra. C, K. Agtamtllli Mrs. Clifford H. Harmon. Mra. Ueorge H. Harrnan. MlM Ava Pollnrd, MIhh Alba Judge, Mrs. I. J. K.t. ben. Mra. Van Fleet Kyeraoti and Mr. Kelt i K. fonnolly. Tlie Judges will be Mr llurriet V. l-irtie and Mra. Walter MaeCamnion. YACHTDtO NOTES. T'au flrrt- of tha new 40 fotre but .line by Iferrsshoil far nienit.eri of the New A.,rk Vnc-hl flub la nearly plankeo. It h. w been bUtll In the north nhop ot Bristol ipeldr down and 'hl week l he turned OVer and ln-ltivl on to thrt lead keel. Twelve if tbeee hOatS hve been Ordered already an. I ua thev arr llnlehed they Mill te BtOMd i. iav until n.xt aprlng, when thy WlU - rigged a;al h niede to turn nwr .. their owi.era. Ii.-h boat l numhere.1 ... It In bultt and thniie who have agreed a build Will draw lotJ. A. the flret hull ...k:. tumed upaldu down It e-etr.e to be almost BS :.,rcr a., a 1-0 footer. Th l.e.i keel for tha a, hoonr hulldlng r-.r .1. gTad Brown of Boston ha. been run. Meut orj tons were run Into the mould. which was trimmed the end of it week u id now the fratnea are belr.a: aet up on the keel plate. The Iteeolttte, Which waa launched two weeks ago to make rem, will he hauled aa soon hi a new concrete. hd ni.w hutMtng Is fliilKhed. Th- yjirht will he completely . nrered tn this new hinine and theroushly protected from thi weather. Juat bow : ua "he will remi.!n there no one known. At preacnt no-bins ha' been decided about llttmg 'he vaeht for next .iMWn, but aorre think t bu. ehnse. whould be mule on th" VSBttlS t.) Improve that ve.aei and another eerlea ef ra called with the Hew. ate kept In the lame tr'.-n a. the waa ut He' en 1 of ''' ' AMI SgMI'NTs PL1YM0USE Begin THURS. EVEmw GRACE GE0R6E IM hf Tla5 -hfiiM 'onmviv In ( IH'H Mil) MAJOR IARIMA snnru ssth. W or n way Bva a is. ww in si ll ;n Mtlmv t-momw j S oSS&&. LORD DUNDREARY i WILL BE CHIN TIN UK P INDKFINITKLY. ! HON. JOSII'M II. t'HOTK HtTH ,lr,. par Hgrn. ini-i tncNon n.w nunni the .pirlt nf hi- dlatjoguiamd mniedji with unforgettable Bdelky father . ttTU T Thea. near H ay RVS. s is eeln el. si SO Matinee Tn-nva-ro 2 l I i rm mm immiLm gEATP s HlfKS l M1VNK. casino ra A :ih St. Km-. I IS. if Nlnttncv Tu-morrow V 10, M;liaJ1;nilMl CgCIL rai-hiis inaslc on Mr a.'.s Theatre K of B'WU'. By. S 20 ww i n lavi,, ri r s -hi -' I Ht ETERNAL MAGDALENE Willi Jill. AKIIII R MANHATTAN WXttiX ft!;: DR. ROLLER vs. ABERG ZBYSZKO vs. POSPISIL TO A FINISH Cutler s. "Stringier Lewis" :;;::? Thmtrfi Bfttb W nnr D vtm Rty I II Stat. To-in a Ht 'j i '.. To-ra'n Mut. $ IIS seal of approval on ot it frny Nh.irif I' l'hon. 7LV-2 llrjwii IXST? " ' I IMI a 8Hitrn. Wed Mm Umm lanu BI iifin - u M initltti rut lrodiii'tlon of hav- irvni' point. Mum and Juliet' aver In iir'nti. l AmeHcati j qurb roiKi arTimeil Inrlilntal MunlO ami old IttilUn lHIH-Pel METROPOLITAN OPKHei W I'll . I, l.latl Kill I h i.:"'l .KIIK.MbWM) RtlltluM-ll, Mru'.ui. i,orit U. ins I'll KudMUk)'. ThlAM. if- B MBi K ipimiIiI. Mliliteniiuer; Marttnelll, mn-n. Bvotf l oud u.- .hh..m Krl, AI H HnrU t.iMttiiMm. Ober. It-lniuit)U Dlilur VlthnitMi itothirr .Brtfurule i roiHt-i'o Hut, liii. h J Miirtai. MfnitiH. nu-r Cttt'UMi 1-' LucR M.tUii'tit. Pntid Iii Aitnoll Hat,KVitle1 IA Simh- I rf 1 1 HulterAt . Vil lain l'i niii M.irtitit'lli.s, tl Coin ct'o ri Mun l s I'nmilori'. Kpinhl,olit r . Mart Un'lli, Xmihio HorlutT i fond Pchboou ll UiuMAN PIANt UBICD Arullau Hall, I rl Eve., Dec. III. at ill, VIOLIN RBi l l -M-EMILY GRESSER 'OLfgOHN BUREAU MANAUKMBKT WOLItOHN BUREAU Aeolian 1111, Weil. I'lano It. .-linl f GRAINGER li. PI II4 Aigl AntOMla Hewyer. Stelnway Piano Under SlUplOM of n. V. Maiiaj-.-ais At.-ll. I t ItM .11 Hil l,, huii. Hi., net . IV. hi , i TicketJ it eta, o KREISLER RUIg, Hielnws) I'tenn i i. t, ii. .... i; No ut Box Oft let PlrerilAn . n. '-. Hitflnw) I'lBnn i Kl OI 1 A M It A I. I. id i 'enrerl lo-nigiit at sits, NEISEL QUARTET .-.IstiiiK 4DNK.P KOVARIk. I'lolll. I Artist... lUtU Mllll... ATiAnneeihi Icul . i: and Ileleu Love, i .itu HAVERFORD SOCCER MEM BEAT HARVARD tFttdcfeetet Eleven Ailvrniees to Secontl Place In Inter t ollesTiate Title Haee. VICTOR! COMES LATE! . J 1'itiLADKi.PHtA, Dec. 6. llaverforil'a undefeated soccer eleven edvanoexl to aeeond plare tn tho Intercollegiate league chaiiiplonahlp raco by defeating Har vard at Hevarford yeatenlay In a atuh. hornly contealod match. Tha score was Haverford. 2 ; Harvard, 1 Woody t'rueman's aucceaa in handling I penalty kick awarded Haverford for Illegal charging on the part of Daly, tha Crlmaon right fullback, within ten mlnutea of tho Hnal whistle, gave Haver ford thn victory. Midway through tha nret half the rltokea tn W, froaman to Capt Cary forward line combination gave Haverford the nret goal. L'ttikea gut tha hall after a acrlinniage near mldfleld, carried it down tha wing and paaaed to Croaman. The latter gave It a outfit kick to Cary. who nhot thn goal. Harvard scored five minutes after the Interval. Cooke netting the hall after receiving a paee from Wood. Tlie line up: Hvarford J SUllpley i iardlnor W Shipley. . . lbi t Mteere H Buaby si.ikw J. M. I'namati Voaitlona. .... Ooel flight fullbav-.k. .. . I.aft fullback... Bight fullbeek. .. Centre halfback T,eft halfback... . rlsM.. flarrd. , .ISmmona Imiy .rrewlmwi . . Harwell Moffat .Bean . . . . Koilett Wool Ineloe rlgnt. W. itroaman. a'entre rorwara a ooae rvrv inaioo ier: nn-e in. Bushy Outet-ie left .......Weld jinore Haverford. : ; Harvwrd. 1. ioan W. Croaman ipanslty), ry. Cooke. I Heforee Allen. Philadelphia, lilneemen -Roblnaon. llarvar.1. and Thorp-. Hever fSfd, Tlma of helves N minute- (anallan l aaoh for Yale. Niw llavtCN, Conn., Ier. . J. . Otis. Jr.. manager of the Tale hookey team, announced to-night that A. .'. Crowe, a we. I luiown Canadian player, has been selected to act gg assistant coach of the New Haven team. He will hava oharge on the daya J. H. Horn sack, the head coach, la unable to he here. Crowe formerly was a memlier of tha Winnipeg team. AMrsEMBMTg. NKW TURK M LKADINC. linrini Mat MftllfM- Totit'w A Hat. at 2 JO. JOHN DREW in nu fonia1 romiy ill "TheChiet" triumph VfCIIM Weat ..'.th Mi Km at 2(1. lIVKUm Mai. rbur- K.I 12'i LTHEL BARRYMORE V5ZT "urs mhh Mrf Hijixirr." HARRIS Weat 43ii St F.renlnea at N IS. Mats. Ti-morruw 3l Mat. till. HllfKAN wt t K.i. at a If- " - Mi Tii-miirrow Sat 1 ll a AT I IRCgTYW ,an NT TWICg Pallv Im-HuiMlajn. M Ml JS-."0-75-Sl-S2 llthrr Mat. l!Sr, SOc. ,1 Limited ID.W ORIFPITH'S Kuaaic'nit tliealitirpectarlH synipnnoy t.ri-iietra of 40. fllMDI tM w KT i HT llliVAST 144. VHHVMH M. l ai I i .-r . 'I', - in. .rr. .a Jk Sat J IS THE HOUSE OF GLASS W ith Mar Ryan s tlie Oreal All Amer n Cast.OitKMafi .aO.toO seat, it FITIMSF Wt 81 K.veninn g:6. 'a Maia To-morrow g Sat. S:lA. rtASB Bwav. 4i)Ht. lea. HIS. ULVBB MMaTogrwg fat i ii M0NTI0MERY i STONE l-aat 2 CHIN HIN FULTON THEATRE 4Sth S.reer W. ef l'r. 4'ontlDUoa. 11 A. M. Io II P. M. These are the (INLY FILMS esfUblted at the rreot-h biubassy at w a.hinat.-ii. FIGHTING IN FRANCE The French iiovemment oflii-ial Mmlon Ili-tiirea taken fur the NATIONAL AHCHIVKS and loaned to through E ALKXANDER POWELL, tM War ('orrefctHindent. fart of rapolpt go to the French Red Oo. Full Or. lie. I ra Price. 2Ar A AOr. I I.TfKl'M TIIF4TRK. .SihSt.. m-ar Bway . ! appVaVance This Afternoon it 3. 1 Yvette Guilbert AMUCed by TRIO DE I I TH I, ProfTam Eight Centuries of Song Othrr ler. 10th, 14th. I7tt. Aft, at A. date. lie.-. 17th A 19th. Kg. at H :lo TIcLeta on aala at Rot i iflice. Knaiie llano 1 Mr t n Uan l A ( ath A Haaimau TEA AND (HBIHTMAH SALE Arranged M Madame Paderew.kl and Mr. I Krne.1 Hchelllna for the Renetlt of (he j POLISH VICTIVS' RELIEF FUND ai the Hotel loJthaiu, WedoetdS . December s, , from .1 Io 7 o clock. Ml IIKLKN (". MOLLER Kancing nu. HAnwAN. demonetretlun of Payrho . Sngget.tlin Dancing Refreahmcnta Hale oi Import.! i. .uiim and tllouawi: alao Madam.- PajHewaskl'a PaHsa Hefugea DoiU. IH V A DOLL AN 1. HAVE A I.tKE " PQULTRTfHOWr HAND CENTRAL PAI.ACI., 4(li ami ilnaton Av . Ile- to 11. Ill A M to 1(1 M . lllggeat, Moat i:,im. Mete "how In America gee led) Kglantlne ronitry. IMgtaiiu.. Pel Hiiak. Mong lllrda. t at. neo. i aura,, m AtunisiHaiKic:aniiiiren8a Brooklyn Inititute of Arts and Science SYMPHONY HtM'IF.TY OI" MKW YORK WALTER 11 AM HOSt II. ( undue. or ATI'BUAI, P. AI. ssHTK1 HV i IIIMR KRt.AI THK ( AIIIT.DRAI. OF AT. JOHN THE IHVINF.. Special Christmas Program At A IIP All OP All Hi. . Tllkel. AOr, gl.OO, SI.'.'A. Sl.iMI t'HHIHTAIAH roNURRT aroegle Hall. UIICIPaI A0T ' .e. ! SOCIETY OF N. V. i l li-aeia at llog OBlog and i Mimical Art I 8i-ety ;.;i w. i all gt., RiHim WtiL' I rank Uamroach. ( 'on'tor. AKOUAM HALL. Thur..ETe..Dec., at Sits. Isabel Hauser Pianist Saslavsky String Quartet Tl. keia :.Oots 10 ft, Mgnicnt liaon.ael JggM IRVING PLACE THEATRE Every Eva. gid, '-Hehrl. laorl Weiaee." PLAN NEW CLASS OF YACHTS. IHichnr? flnh Mill Hull,, mKy I raft fnr Members' DSHS, Tha Dnbury Tachl can membM who own three one design rlasscg of yachts end two hBfldloap irs . sfg to have another one design class bu It for next season. There will .e from l were, to fifteen of theao boats, which i i, small and rigged with Jil. ami llnsatl Ths dimensions will be IT feel H Imrhs, over all. l.". fast s Inches nn I In line, I feet II Inches beam it ! wallr C I.I draught, or :i feet d laugh I nil centrebonnl down. Thej nn h, sgnooth planked with bar' mi !f pint over fiak frainei 1 Inch S ,. pgCed eight Inches. Th, 1,,.. , ib-ck beams, oant re hoard and rud i be f oak. They will spread feet of Ognvggi 13: feet in the mala, anil and 17 feet In tlie Jib. Tin , ., will ls ill fret, boom K f".-t ii'. iticaes and gaff I feel. The boats Wen is signed by William II. i'Im.i i , f Marhlehoad, who will build then: This club now races a Me. t of f ur 1, foot knoekabouta, twelve stieclai -ia. sign t r. foot kntMkaboutgi four it font oatboats In addition to the h:, -..ii ;lp yachts. The new class has been adopts! for sons of tha members and will b the kindergarten In which the youngstin will learn. Nome clubs In this vicinity are looking for ii similar class. I BASKETBALL SQUAD GROWS Colaanhta'a Prospects Impnrr, When .NfWi-oiner. ReSaSH, Four new men for the Varsity aiig eight for the, freshman basket ba leanai brought the Columbia. Squad up to ."-Itty men yeeterday. the Largest !n miuts, Rowland Honaldsin, tackle of i , foot, ball eleven, and Haaren, aubsttt e og last year's live, were two valuable n-w comers. Calder, Hsaly and Wllber vsvs not yet Joined tlie squad. Calder 'n Jurcd hln anklo In the flt.itl t ball and nvav not mt Into liaakstbsal toge until the Christmas holiday. The file of the freshman squad hag encouraged Benson, who Is rose Ing tag yearlings, to predict a. k --afg. For the varsity team lw- ;.. ga eligible. He is a student at is. lege of I'hyaiclans nnd Murgeons, 'nil has not yet received any degree f-om Columbia, with Capt, Dwyer, Rurg. bard, Wegener, Kornsand, Calder, Wga bar, Hsaly ami Ibck, Ktshr hiu- . -amag of wterans who promise to develop Into a team not lar below tn. old Columbia standard. AMtsF-MKNTS. THL4TRLS (Ml HVi VSVH NEW AMSTERDAM w . ii gt, Bi a ii I'll, Mil- lll-H 111 l ,lil laflnee. To-liliim,'i A Snt at lilA. KI.4W h.l (M.lll I'HI .M r:i;Tiiiiiiina Ifcmk iiyi si sM,-i., iiaii Mi. ii, rmeDFIaeli (.at N.-111.W h weaas i" Advance AfTtw th t stay vni 1 1 w wnssTOifai EITglVWH .l.'ii ev I 8AIETY nsaTow s Sal i rumani i ! SADIE LOVE M ,l(.liillll KAM.ll kl , A trim 11 "' ' fit- K Itrvaot no tun Matinee, To-morrow h Sai 31.'.. ORO, M. I'OBAN'B nn-ut American i rw, HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY with Kred Mhl., a. "Billy llellUal " bf.i a sco 7 THE BOOMERANG I nMRARRF " 4S"' Hn-aatga ilv -Lunonunc MatlaeeiTo-miirrow&Set j i COHAN ft HARRIS pn .. n tn lu TRII'MPH "THE GREAT LOVER" REPUBLIC Wm 4 i st gt Matinee-. Tn morni' f-i::M:reiyv4i w Mfmi rbsrtea ii''ti,h.Mn. Mt.DaUi lilA . Real Minll M K . s 1 : .V Sat Ma- t.-t Ma l .ery lliina ON M glSSOtlfl geaje, Mm i in- priua HIP NIP HOORAY V smisi g hi 'n Die s Senaailnnal Seal, ,e I. In Ha II - 1911 ataged I') R H Ilumaldf lilMI BRgTISiM unit MM 44 st n,r WHERE THE CBO. OnUIUiP The. CROWD GOES tre, n ..! . i. .t. rformani,- lunr :i. r :to . r M m. uuriRn o, ; 7 :: "" lal l"riii h (,titirninriM itir SEATS 50i AnnT" mth Ht Phnne Rry 4A Ki. . I III! I M'" ''"'' - 3k PRINCESS PA1 BIOOEST HI 1 1.. I. ll i A.N U.I I'AIMI I; STANDARD B w' "' " " 1 MtTo-Dj ISoASOi "ItllWeinlngtunSouar ' LEXIH6T0H'-Jfr,tlMlN.i Mat-To-dA) asAsOe, 111 -. .11 i 111 i ' THEATRE FRANC AIS SVf I'hou.i llryanl I - I LILLIAN GRE UZ E in ll.l K. Uterftry Mm in m Kavii PARK r-'-mliu Aviv , ."Oth rtvntw ConttnUOUl fivnt ' l . r VI GERMANY ft FIRING LIM "rniin Mtaff Motion PlUliref. Under Auspices S.-w v.irk ... - Admlaalui. Sr, A AO) ll" K K ITH 'H Irene t run kiln A H Palace iah 1 B WAY a 4. m Kloremw RoNn I liaili Mats Knncli Norif.Al I J.IAN Mllll II Van A aVhrin-l, I1 s-liou.-.VCo HuaM vAli I nu. iiaily. ?.rn IITAGRAPH 41 Si 11 .' I OlltllM'-' I 1C, Ue IVai.k Mr A Ml N A &Oc. Banirla Mgurlci ' - COLUMBIA !i,T,-; VsV " "" m STAR & GARTER SHOW nTBAB,,.r,T,.,:.',l?:',,.!:.:r" 'A LiiivlN A RUES In "I'lie Hi " 1 1 Aagaiioud" ami lirsenaosd -v "'' W lu TJaue." Rtrsnrillrcli A So Nrit Weak Kannle Haul In TI I 25c & i anH 1 pSEEBa ll