Newspaper Page Text
THE 8UN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER T, IMS. 53 IS REALTY MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Variety In Day's Trading professionals Chief Buyers . IJlff Day for Leasing. BIO DEMAND FOR ESTATES f-ie-a -a mora variety to trad inc !'''''"!'' than has boen noticed far 0 long cm It irae a represent a Ure market, there belrar a little of a-oj-ttuaf, thonrh not much of any-thl-af. ci.-ptln- buaineaa leaalnn, which m vo'umlnoua for a Monday'a mar ket. aWIHH wm spread over many eec tlon and lndl -ated an Interest In real awls' rather than In a particular eectl'.n of class "f realty. A rate was recorded from ttio lower I ".oat Hide waterfront, the old ilraiid street foiry belna" affected. Thfn tradltie Jumped Into Harl-rn. r',r.' sex-etnl properties, passed to new 9717 Waahlnffton Heights ni usuul fnjur.l In the. btqriltf market, protss tlnniil trad an tloliiK the buying. As a mnttc- of fact trail in-; In fee ns In the Of professionals. HI tlilnxs ,rc promised from The Bronx A water front property sold at audition recently la tu b developed Into an Indus trial terminal, tluylna: In the auhurba coi.tlnur. to he a feature of the mar ket OPF.n tTOItS BI T BLOCK FRONT. Lc,i A Kenipner are the latest rrnt .r- to tin. i attraction! In the Wml hall road section of The Broni. They bo'iirht yesterday the property n the rerth lUe of ISMh street from the Grand Boulevard and ConoottfM to ('res ton tvtnaa on the speculation that they will fel conildarabla more for the prop fir than the pal. I yesterday to H. F. K.ll Tha realty fronts ISO feet on lMth .tre.-t. 10 feet on the Uraml Houlevard n1 M feet on Oreston avenue In the rear of the property are the tax payers wM recently by the Oalnan Roborti Company to an Investor at a price roar--.1 to he l"0.noo. II. II. Wrleker ne gotiated yesterday's deal. TVER l'K KERRY PROPKRTV. The SatarfrOnl property at the foot of Grand si reet useil by the ferry company o- -: batWOan Manhattan and Will lamaburV, has baan sold, or rather will latinos hands, alnot iwntm.ta have been ex. langad. Claranoa T. Btrkett is thai btiyi- farmody, Blattvolt a Keiioe-ar Pjaraaantad the buyer, Tim contaact of aaie affect i property fronting on Hast stre.t ,,t the OOntrO of o. d pier jfi, run. rung norttteaat. 144.11 to the WlUuwne bllfg BrldgOi and thence oulshore 2ti6.S ltd t.. the Fulled States pierhead line; also oM plar " at the foot of Hrootne street, and another pier near the north boundary of the property, together with land under water. easeTnents, wharfatee, 4r. TI..- prive inentiuned In the contract is IM.OOO, SIiim; in oi'eii itorv hands. m:r IITH BTR8BT. M. M. IJay ard Co. have sold for Roslna Vollhart the plot 10X101 at 243 and itl West Htxty-ntnth atreet to a builder who will lmprovo It with nn apartment house oontavlntng small etlltea fORT WAHHINCJTON AVENIE Uarrll and Maurice Mandclhaum have loughl from Mra. Mary Wright, through the J Romaine Brown Cam. pit-), a plot of Ave and three-quarter I its al t" southeast corner of Fort Washlhgtoi avenut and 173d atre.-t, front t,g 11,3 foot on the avenue id l.'.i.l feet on ts streel. Tho slatKtolbaUma now conitrol the entire Slock front on Fort WashlinrTon ave PUO, lartween 17Jd and 173d streotg n-1 adjoining etrcet lots, all pur i tsed from the same estate wlthlti a r :i fSagotlatltmg are practically r ated, tin- operators pay. for the resale of the lots to builders for i rtntoni Improvement Kast 10 1ST STRKKT. William s Raker his sold for the T. N S. Realty Company, Samuel Wacht treasurer, HI and 543 Eaai lOlat street, a ll itopt tenement on lot 40x1"" 11. f!ST ISSTH STRKKT --The MaaOlM Healty Company has bought 254 Kast 12.1th !. t. a five atory twenty fam lly -.-ement house, with two stores, II foot west of Second avenue, char lei Ruermonn A Co. were the ,..rij,'e,s. CPHTER 8TRBET The Dayton Rulld "g Company, Harris and Kly Moran. l is resold to an Investor for cash Itl ;,nd 830 Coster atreet, two two Story houaaa, each on lot ".oxluO. be twean Randall and Bpofford avenues. The selling company recently acquired t proporty, together with 24 Rut I - place, from Kmlly H Wheeler part payment for the new apart hem h lUae at 111 and 185 West 171st street. ) JVLIAN'NA gTHMWl'. (Hugo Wabal I sold for William C. Appleton the iwei .K- on plot 3ixioo on Jullanna street, about 4" feet eaat of Iun- eomi, avenue. I INOTHKR ll'KI.VN II'AHTMKNT. Ill '. 'Id has bought the northeast Avenui U and Kast Fifteenth street, upon which ho will erect four tn ... i - store and apartment buildings. T - Kllliey estate his ttolil the two i;-i baaomonl dwelling at 278 iventh street to Elisabeth Barber!, i Hauler was the broker. I'BWAYg 4iRKT IMHNTKR. ' .- 'loll Isjught on Saturday tha per"M,-t .-oriier (f Fifth aid Hay R Ifl .-nu. s from H. Nolan for a PP sod o be 130,000. In 1906 Mr. 1 l ' "i l.t that corner from Mr Gold '"r It is a 100 foot plot and h- Improved with live three sloty tin's with stores. "I a, I. I IT V I'MM. P' I, k,nnellv bus sol, I la tha i: rmer Comnanv. music nuiilisheiH ..f in Knity. third street for the Oourtnrv valoi . id Company the two story n- ' rote building on the block ' led ., tjoaman avenue, Addlaon I Annuls avenue, Thomson Hill, Island city, adjoining the new - "treel atallon of the dual subway stem The building '-overs a plot of did the prioa was IV10.00H. property was leased by Mr Kcn- I' Hchlrmer Building Company months hk" foi twentysoni yeais II 116,000 a year net, with a prlvi ''' ' Inlying The Hchlrmer enmpany I plea the premleea with about 100 inployooR Hi: III VlNIi IN VONKIHtN. M Hroderlok has sold for A1I0I41I1 1 ltd tho Vamuel Philllpa Real - - 1 - npany eight lots at the south- nmer of l'ark OVenUO and Con- , and Laowli atreet, North Von In Arthur Land; thirty lots at rtheaii corner of l'ark ami Con al ' n 'el uei and leiwis street to the al Realty Company; for Mrs. Mary "' ' 1 William J. Ilealy, as atecu '! 'ao family house at 111 Mulfoid In Antonla Saltano, and the C0t 1 bo ft'arini piais- for Peter and fel I'd-1 to Bllen and Julia Pin. ' I I II riah Ai I 'H OHIK'NTA PTi SITK. Marvin have sold for I lie Cor- I" 1 ite Inv sting Company too u-res on the Phplanada. Orlenla Point. Mammro tlts'k, to II. H. Young, Who will Improve the proiwrty with a dWaUIng (mil out bulldltvaa. Tlw property adjoins thai ea. late of John R, liegeman, R If. Weatherbee and the late Henry M Flaa ler. . WOMAM TAKKB In la KSTATK. The Webb estate property M the Height of Onuglas Manor hM been sold by Herbert K. William and the Wood Poison Company to Mrs. Mary A. Hoi den. IiAWYKR PARK AVE. RI1KR. Henry A. .lames, lawyer, la the buyer of the property at the northeast corner Of l'ark avenue and Seventy-Prat street, the sale of which was reported In Sun day's KfN. Mr James nought the cor ner through William H. Muy ft Co. from the 735. l'ark Avenue Company, represented by the Iougla Koblnson, Charlea 8. Brown Company. Practically a new building will lo erected on the corner by Mr. James, who now Uvea on Weot Twelfth street. He expects to spend about ir.o.OUO on the Improve, menta. MBW KAST BIIIF. EtfTORV. On the aotithweet corner of Mont gomery and Water street a six story fireproof factor)- la to be erected for tho Hutwell Building Corporation. David Horoe president It will have a front age Of IS.V10 feet am I depih of 70 feet and .lames A. fltxpatrlck, tho architect, has estimated the cost at 111 NKU DNOat TEH M I A I.. C. D. Jackson, who recently pur chnaed it auction the Robert ('. Fisher marble plant on the Kast Itlver nt Port Morris. Mronx. plana the development of the property Into a trrmlnal. The plant co.ors an area fronting .i::, from LOOnai avenue to the FaAt River; -1 feet along the river, with rlparlMti rights Mr. Jnekaon has organlaed the Port Morris Industrial Terminal t'oin panv for the purpose of developing tlje property, the central fe.-itnre of which Is to bo a large nforcod concrete structure directly on tho nralorfroni and OMMtaotlng with new plena to bo built This structure, plans for which are under advisement, will contain an ag gregate Poor area of more than .".on 000 qtWro fOOt, The new company has been Incorporated at Albany and look title to the property yantarday. it has sidings connecting with the freight sys tems of both the NOW Haven and New torn i entrnl railroads and a mean depth Of water between 30 and 40 feet directly In front of the land. Rt ILDIVI. I'LWMX. IV BRUNT. Maximilian Blpkog, nrchlle.-t. has 'lied plans for a six atopy tenement to go up on a plot 97."x;i'7 on the cast side of HteLbins gyonue III south of 167th atreet at n ooal of S0.SS0. ljouls Klo ban Is the owner. William U Pholail will erect one and two story dWOlllngg L'lxTo.i mi L'lHxi"! reopactlvoly on the south aide Of Burnglde avenue 1,1 1 1 feet went of Hj.-r avenue at a cost of 111,000, Moure A Landolodol are the architect". mi. 1. 1 it c. T. HIDIOHH IIIIMK. Riielliati In & Haas have been civen the general coAtraol for the construc tion of a largo agtenalon to the resi dence of f t. Bedford at Oroona Parma, onn. Harry Allan Jacobs is the archi tect. BUSINESS ZONE LEASES. onaltlerahlr Anmnnl of s,,, ,. Belnrj Taken Oat of Market. S. Osgood Pel A Co. have leased the three BtOfy building (it ill West Ftfty aecoiid street for a term of -ears for t r. ii-ynoids to Pavla Outtreund, lata of l"aris. The Talking Doll and Novelty Com pany has loaned two floors, covering 20. v, siiuare feet. In the Thermos Build ing, 24.1 to 247 West Seventeenth street. running through to 232 and SS4 Weal Eighteenth atreet, at an annual rental of IT.OOO Cammann, Voorheea A Floyd have leased the first and second lofts at 10 7- io Lafayette atreet, northaaai comer of Walker street, to the Western Clock Manufactur'ng Company, now located at 37". Broadway, and tha store and base- , mem at toil Walker street to Carpenter' A; Baylea. William H. Whiting & Co. and F K C Pflontm have rented the store and basement at 140 Broailway f"t' a term of years to Benjamin ll. Kaufman, the store, basement and sub-cellar at lii Spru.-e street to the (iutman Leather Company of Chicago; the store and basement at 14 John street to v w. Hutchinson, and space In Bookman street to the Dental and Toilet TToduotl ( 'orporatlon. K. TSnonbaum Realty Corporation and M. H I.. Hess have leased the ninth floor In .10 to f.4 West Seventeenth street for a term of years to the Herald Novelty, Company. Loula gchfag has leased the third lnf: at 3(1 West Twenty-eighth street to ' Rubinstein A Mocheneen 1 the twelfth loft in th building Went Twentieth , street to Morns Jacobs, and a loft at ltl-91! Seventh avenue to Jltomlr ,t Ptiatop. reuse jy Plllman have leaaed to the ctlUlta Cigar Company the small build ing at I2SH Hroadway. A branch will be opened. William Hobaon has lease.1 to the Rlker-Hageman Corporation tho store at tin- northeast comer of 14.rth street and Alttgtordam;ue for fourteen years at nn aggregate rental of about 11 0'J.000, Anthony I.o Forte has leased nfll-es In 79 to S3 Fifth avenue, corner of 8lg teenth atreet, to the John Hancock Mutual Life Inaurance Company of Roe top for a long term. Van N order A Wilson have leaaed lofts at nun glxth avenue 'or a. Oor- don to M. Hard: 't 511 West Twenty. Unrd slieet to IMwu.l Kile-, ami the store at 3!8 Fourth avenue to BlWln 1 Weiss. I Uoton H. BlaWaon Company has leased for John I 1' Bristol, general agent of the N'ort llW estern MUtUOl Life Inaurance Companyi Iila rcaldenoo at 41 West Seventy-fourth street to Myrtle Bowan, gowna and milliner) ivpe Uro hive leaaed to Anglo Regglanl the store and basement at 15 Carmine atreet and to William Han gar the store and baaemeni at sou Wnst Houston etteet. peaao a Blllmkn have leaned a loft In js-ii! Baal Thirtieth street to the .1 Hen gel Company, manufacturer! of dresses. 1 laHASHS 1 01-111:11 mil m;, ' I'ease A HUlRten hae loaOOd for Mis Robert .1 ('oilier her live story American baaomonl dwelling at 7r,2 Park avenue, furnished, for the winter Li Joseph It. Hi. lie of Will; 1111 It. (irace A Co. The 1.1. uis Becker Company hsa lagged fr F M HlUler lor ti term of years the dwelllnu at 7.40 West ISIttl street, to lira, Cathsvrine Oraham, liouglaa I,. Kllltmin A Co, have laaied ' furnished for the season for Mrs. Ander- ( on Fowler. H7K 1'aik avenue, southwest I corner of sixty-eighth stieet. tive atory Amorioan baaomonl dwelling, to oor nellUS M' Kdss, Jr. of Pllaa, Kabyau A Co. PaaSO Klllinun hSVO rented fur nished for Rdward Janaon to Henry T, Heymuur the three story and basomenl dwelling at 141 West Seventy-ninth street. TUN INT rOt. DsMssTOSf I.tlKT. The POgnoil R-ally and Terminal Compuny, which Is erecting a throat .ui-1 four atory reonfoyood concrete iofi bulld mg 400 feet In length ami 100 feel in , depth In. the rear of the l,oosn-Wll Hulldlng In Long Island City, has leas, d It to the Rome .Metallic, lied Company I for twenty-one yeara at I!. 000 per year from October 1, till, M. ft I,.1 llosa negotiated the lease itrcvri st ni hbs. S. Osgood Hall ft Co. have leased at Oreenwleh. Conn., the Wabb place to Albert C Cunning for a term of yeans. I. A. Warner Haltaail has leaaed for Mrs. t'h.irles (J. Peters her home at Kaet Wllllston, U I., to fttewart Kngle. hart, vlce-prfsident of the W. R. Orace Oompany, Klsh ft Marvin have lenaed for a long term tho Dayton cottage at Rrlarcllff Manor to Harold D. Hinckley of Man hattan. O. Tana A Son have rented for Mrs. A. B. Obarbook tho Bella Ayre, a forty-Hve room house, on South Holland avenue Hockaway Heach. to Mrs Fannie Rtigle for a term. COURTS UPHOLD BROKERS. Say They eed 1WM Be Preaea at lnla of Oaatiael. The Appellate Dlvlalon of tha Supreme Court, First Department, has affirmed, with costs, a judgment for fl,lll.2 ob tallied by U Tanenhaum, Ptrauaa A Co., against the Wilson estate for brokerage commissions In procuring aa tenant the """' Munot nrporation In the Wil son Hulldlng. H roadway and Thirty-third atreet. Although another broker received a commission and 1,. TanenVium. Btrauas ft Co were not present at the signing of , the lease, the rourt. by Its decision, aigaln j enunciated the doctrine thnt all thai a broker has to do Is to show that he was the procuring cause In making the agree ment, and that It Is not neeessarv for him to be present when the lease Is nnal ly concluded, i itkij owvKRg- MMrrnro A special meeting of the foiled Kent Matt owners Association will hs held at the Motel AatO, this evening ? ? " rsanoin Proporty owners' Aaoo-I """"" win meet on Tiimsdav evening at 14. r-ast ItBth street. TN Bin 4I7TII PT. MaAtt. K. A. Treadwell nea- .tlaie.t tb aaie or 4. to 6n e Staty-seventh street .o me , imperative Hulldlng Construction Company, to erect an apartment house Tor artlsta and musicians, .letalls of which uroro given In THg Hr.s- several da a ago. RafW RKALTY PORPOHATIO.M. AI.HANT, Per. -The foliow-lna realtv ror,H,ra,o, were ,-hanereil tSJSv" li'',n"'o'"',,"H,,"" Manhattan, i-apltal. Iio.. . ,, directors Robert Mlntura. Ue-i..- Ilie,,, stokes and Henrv gedgwlek Re "rk city ' r.I,o''!us.H "T" '"-roratlrn. Manhattan; es .l ., 110 no. dlre-ier.. H K Uockw.r. wii lam rsrgueon, New Vork elty. Alva N uamb. Bast Orange. N. J. saTiilli1 alSaiyVSS Comaaay, Brook.,,: rapl ' in o: dire-tors. Samuel A Rudd. Minnie Bud, I, breoklya, N. v.. Albert r uii.i 1. pyoaaet, L. I Rorough Ball Head- Corporation. Hrook lyn. capital, 110.001; dlrertors, laaar Ir-.-dmaii V holes Hulssnstaln an I Hward i. Roaanblum. Brooklyn, N T SUb-B I Dsvslopment Company, Brooklyn, raplia-. Il.ii, '0. dlreotora. John V Meek., in Dor. thy geekamp. Qus-ns. (leorge W Dredge, Raymeadvtlle, N. v. Caatla Land Corporation. Mount Klseo espit;. 110 ,1000, dlroetors, itoi.ert s. Bre.i.tsr. Moses Taylor, Mount Kis,-.. Ra Y.; J Henry llammond. New rfc elty SATIS PTBD MIIRTt.AURN. .. With name and addresa of lenders st- torney i RORPOLK ST 111. e s ISJ n Rlvlng'on t. ISHI4), May IT, till Lena Wetea arg to Marks Klrehbeum, ill K Mat atty. I. T A T Co. 1ml Bway. ". 000 117TH ST. Ut K. 11 s. 51 w Pleasant av, II 11x15.7, May l. IMS Bdw and Annie Renegel 10 Aurelie Poenteler; tt. Ouggenhelmer, 0 A M. J7 Wall t II coo Hp ST III K, n s. ll. w ;. ,v. Illlli.J, J in- :. 1 so;. - 1 ,. .., i Kaufmann to Amerli an Mort Co: attys. Bowers A s Cedar st 117 000 U7TH s r. r. w :,th av. Illxlt.ll an I '. I:.!.,',. 1.' 11,. t. e- . Albert and U.ula jarmulowaky and Mas I a.,,-se, ..-a at- irua swnoer jarmmow. Iky; afy, M c..irk. 1 1 canal st 7n 01.1, rta ;oi . i iti , ci-.u 1 -i AOS :s, 1?0 . Bsrnar K a -ni.-e t,, .ul .Urrnu'oaskv I'' V ?lh i Harry Jaroiulewshy. Ill trr.-il I'lirk Individ .. crlviit l. . nkera. ntv of S .'arm ulna aiiy, ( anal st; atty, Walter T Kuhr.. H ay ISIyT ST. m i.-. K. n . 4a w 1s- av. 4f li'" 11 Ap 1. till Meyer Solomon to atnuel Wa.-ht no w i;;d t atti. 1. 'I' at T Co. Ill Hway I ;o0 I ItlTH XT. r. R, n .. Ill e 6th . run. n I 110 x a c t.i . I I.Ik Let I llth A llitlil .' ifl 5 x a ico 1 1 to n . list:i rt t.-a June It HOC Wn. and Vli 'rla ll..fatatter to ("arl Slum, I 11 r. 1.3.1 st: atty. T (I (.'o. i: ftr.....i- sres 11,000 , IIX'T, 11 K, ti .. 10 S s- Id av, IOiIOO.I Mar is, nil Adolph Cehea, er and Iru.tee. a.n.1 ano, to Hophle Klein; attv. I. T at T Ce, 110 Tlaav , 11TTII ST. ii f. 11.14 Aamel av. il4i in". li ii. It IT Bmrna C and lies HeesramaiMi t.. Max r Aril, ettve. Naah ti f -p"., 6.1 v.i; .t $:o 110 Wm KfKii st. i .: !... . (it Houston .. Hal 00 Mar J. HM Jo. li snd cisra I: iinaiiiie to th rjreenwloti lav link; attv. J, is It Urav, 71 Wall ita . 170.0 ill 1T0TII ST. Ill W, -. US . f-orn aee Aii-l-it.on S'luare. i'.(, Nov 70 Ittl Jnthanrva Meyer Hattls ll Hnin, ill IV lW st; atty. 1" V Traufnann. Ill Haaaas si , ta ooo I IITH ST, 117 B, li i". 14 10 o Park av St lalS0.II, lie.- 1, Il4--Herman and K--el- llranrl t . MleAael Krlelwald. I0k0 rin.ll.y av. Bronx; atty. Mark Aar..u : Oodaf at Il.soo ucosobo mm lanhaltan. atr fl Slnwl Lilt.- h Co, U3 xth av. yr. fr.atii Lie 1 i'..i.'.; atty, By M Plateau, II ''hain- l.en. rtt 10,000 ttlTH BT, 411 W, .tr and pt b Thoa la-i to Jo. K Hull, 401 IV 124th pt, 4 t'-IJ yra from lte- 1. IMS; attys. ulvott. ( ll M M, IT'i Hway 11,111 PI.EAHANT iv. ;?. ? and "IS. ell Louisa Oarofarlo t" dlu-epps Paocdo "05 K 107(11 t. .". v-r. fr.ani He.- 1. mr. 1100 AV it. Slal ; llth at, f.47-.'.4 St. all Bllen V Pollard to Fanny O older, el n, III Av H. :, iti tioin pee i. isir,; mty. Ham i it I' .link. S Park How 1 000 AV 0. r.i : Ith at. -us B. HI jani'l Oeubsr ... Rebaeoa Arttotd. II Av D ', . yra fr.Mu Nov l, lite; atty. Harris Kt.ppe! in. an, l (4 mvn'irton s: It roils 12. 1'n BATECIATE av, mi, all Henry fMiroldt to Loretla Sletert. J.fl Ituahe. av. lit ra. alld 1 mlb from No 71. til! atty ll Frey, ll'.-y 3d av . II .0 o 11,100 114(11,11 li PBNDBMS, Manhattan, 140TH ST. n s. I4 a TtB Itetrooolltan Life In. Co aat Waldsmar p Tiiiiine al a' (foreojoa of mlg. .. atl., W.olford How Hutrh.r 14:11 sr. 1J W City Heal Hstafe Po agt M oh. I Levi et al I fore.-io. of nitgpi, II Swain. ITH AY 11 w i..r :oth al, ll.4lt!T,l - John Furson et 11 1 agt Crolalo Healtv Co el ..1 (forecloa of ntttfeii any, h s MX r. II rum. LfiNOFIUaLOW AV, 1 4 4 7 Matilda d 'linker agt Chai I' Mehnrlder et al iforselni of rfltfeli atty, W c wolf, DAVIPBON AV. 11 vv .or Fordhiim r.l. IS :. x 1 I 4 ; Pa v-ldi.'.n av, w s, 23.2 n Fordham rd. 60x11. T: Davldaan av. .. S4I.4 a HI JBRIM st. (,.!'. '. BOjItk It Thorn list Bmma A .lark eon et al (pgr tlllnn sulti, atty., (lell.r, Hol.ton at llor ... WKHHTKH AV e .. 220 . I3d .1. 4Hx'..0 -I' 11,1,1. p.. da. list Inland lfoldlna Co fore. d... ..r nitgei. nfv. n p Qtrdlne, L('T (.in 131. map of Wakefield Thomas I .1 Byrns agt I. Josephine Moae. taction I to r..r. panafrr of tax Hem utty , l, y Uoyoahan, ; I , YIK4 HANK S' I.IKNS llanhaltan. MAU1SOH AV, 12211 William agt' NatbHti Blraoh, owner i renews) i . lit-, in i-n B', j aa .in nun .tr! laiul. Stern, owner. LoUU Korn Adjuslinriit CBN I'll AL PARK W. -Ill William HoUOer I.,..-. iv , ... r,r .r.'i cwa , ,, ...' u .... ..a-., .anil, ixorn At- Adjust in. nt llrnlty Co, lesssa (re new a! i .... COLUMHUfl av, Itl Iron Soeolaity Co. In.-, agl Bllan A A.hiuan, owner; Metro' polltau Wiring Co, In.:, eontrctnr...2 .13 lO'.TII ST. 14(1 and 144 W Alsian.W .Hitter ngl Haiiv c Hurdlck, owner May Wetneteln, eontraetor 140 AV H. 27- Jacob Fein agt Maurice I, Nadler, owner: Joseph Puknr ami Morris Pelni ' ontrav lor. aitpn UTH ST, 441 I" 44.-. K Louis Potllnger apt Loula Boilnakv, owner and con "... t"i- 27 ItlviNdTON IT, III American liar 1,01k Co apt Israel Fuuhman, owner. .I miner jusn ab Uuttheif, contruetors 1:00 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFERS.. 'With name and addfeM of len.ler sn.l attornev. if attorney ' name Is omitted ndlreo party of rtrst part.) Oawntewa. igmith of fourteenth M.1 FKUItV HT, It, n r a, 2J.i!li la2J.9S J Dunbar Wright and ami. er Jno H "'right, t.i Hlihlantl naltv Co. 41 Park How. mlg 112.000. nil liens. lee ll att). T l Co, I7 Hwav ft WEST BROADWAY. a, SO n Worth st. lgS Kmma A Msvhew to luilse H Cornell. S71 Mailleon av. all Hens. Dee Ij stty, I, T T Co. ISO Baray . . . . 1100 RIVlVdTON ST. til, n s, 104 e Suffolk at. i'SxlOO -Jno H Itogan, ref, to MtlgeM I. Itlchar.lN as Irua A.lolph M in. lei. Iwinkrupt. - I'roafpert av. New Brighton, htnten Island, mtg 119, noa. Pee 8 . atty, T ll Co, T nav I VAIIICK HT. .! Charlton at, Sl2x Irreg- Annie Aaron :.i Louis Aaron, 211 Itftth St. pun. ni'.a IT.OOO. all liens, Sent 14 1100 10TH AT. n . 154 e Pnlverslty 01, 2410 04.0 Htrathcona Consul CO to l M .ta.-keon Co. 3:, st. mtg MJ.SS all Mens. Dee S; attys. tlnldaudth, K. at A B. IS Nassau st II Raat Hide. (East of rtfth av. between Fourteenth and lioth Ita i 10IST ST. Ill S K, n s. 4S w 1st bv. 40x loo. 11 T A K Realtv Co to lSTth at Healty Corpn. 1JH Hwav. mtg S0. "00. Ie: 2; atly, T li Co, ITS Us ay 1100 t'ptown. i Manhattan Island, north of lioth at ) ID AV. 2111. a s. 14.3 s 1 13th st 41 xtlOO, icept tors on rear Rorr s ver to Thoa Jones. I3 Bt Nlrho:a iv, " t IS; atty. Jno M Jonea, 267 Hwa SI 00 lllTfl ST. 119-141 K, n a. Ml '.st av, JJ 4sl00.ll -Oluseppe leranc. to Win BO" B'lsn. till Walnut st. B of y. b slid . IJe. 4: attya. De Forest Bros. 3" Br ad st . . ISO ITU AV, a s. 23 11 a llMh St. 17.:I00--Mlrheln Healty Co, Inf. 10 lsruel at Kink". stein. M K 9th st. mtg I1.1.O00, all llenl. Isac 3; a: I v. laaa- Coiien, 141 Bway fl 1HTII HT, 10 E, s t. 140 e Mad av. 30x 100.11 Leopold Brand to l.verutn Hold ing tXK Ine. 44 Cedar t. all Hens. Ue" 4. atty. A 11 Mlttelmann. 44 Cedar st . .11 I.KXINUTON AV, 1942-1944. s w ' l:0th t. to live. Henry llln. k to Bertha, h a wife. ;il Concord av. 1 -r. pari Apr 3". Lf 14 1 attys, Tuompeon, r ' , "' - ,- Mtoi 5- xV Hue, ref. in Ms- m Roattllller, III R "tll St. and Clement Houtlliter. Hign '.ridge, N J. ears. Aa- of Kill 1- BOUIII- ler. Nov so, amy. Wm H AUfcen, 1 Hwav ic.aeo 1421) ST. 1S W, n a, 310 lnox av. 40 00. 11 Wilbur Larren.a-re. ref. to laaw-i-sra Mtg Co. ".I Uberty st. Dec 1. attya. "Til . 2tt. e s. 99 it n I4.M at. .'Stioo arv A ( arro.l, II wail at vvyv H,- lllr.ek to Itsrtha. his wife. Ml Concord av. 1-r. part, mtg 11.000, Apr 10. 1914. attys. Thonvpaon. F 4a Ca I Wall 14TH BT, g s, ;17 0 Bway, H.ll ii llannab Mendes to lAMtts C Baks-. lalverm-irs Kslls. Me, mtg I7.IO0, July aal.lresa. 1 ST 4 Bway H DIXIBCIUMBK AV, w a, from HJd to KIM at, Mt.lalllg Irreg 111 11; llld st, n a 111 11 W Kdgecnaaibs av. SOXl.lM. Hid st. n s, 27& e Anister.lam a , 71x113 1; llld st. n s. S:: Amsterdam av. Box I U.I Mt Vincent's M.aniltal to st Iiuw reme Hospital. 4'7 W IlSd at. Reg Ml (,tt. H I. Peek. : Liberty st court order RRAMAN AV, see aV'ademy st, IOiuU'O--Mary A Bense,. White r'nlna. N V. to Jno M Sutphen. Ill ft 7!il st. Nov 73; ativ. I. T A T Co. 110 Bway ... 1100 BROAOWAT, e s. IS" s J07th at. r;,M41 T except psrt for Has A4ired C itadet st al to Max Mara. 41S Convent av. mtg II. 11 03. all llena. De. I; attv. T i Co, 17a Hway K.toe Hront. 1 Borough of Th" Bronx Iai'T 4J. hk 4K. map Morris Pork Mary l Crary 10 Jas lunnlgan. 1214 Simpson It, A ano. Dad 4. atty '"has H Raeihler. 113 Walker av 1100 Li er 41. b'.k 4C. same map -Lis Dunnlgan et al to Mary I Crary. lfid Bogart av. tn t ic I3.0"0. lie.: 4, same atty 1100 CLAY AV, 10.' I. w . Halle -Edmund grhnabel to wm ftrhnalial. Ill Id at, c. aarq I'osnt. L I. A ano, mtg iT.aOS, '-..'.sirs potni. L I A ano. mtg IT.r.oo. Dei 1; attv. Wm Brisnner. rfo Hwav 1100 .111,1 AN N A MT. n a. e Ilun. snl. ar, S)l 1"" Win O Appleton lain to Iodegar Blebert, 174 74th st. Rklyn. mtg 11.400, He.- 4. atty. L T A T Co. Ill Bway : 000 147TH MT. n s. 400 e Prospe.-t st. .'4 ;xl00 - Kdna K:fln to Herman Welneleln, 17$ 147th St. Dee 4; atty, Herman YYetn steln. 175 E 147th st It RAII.KT AV. w s. 100.4 s Salst si. 43x I I I. 1 Bdw H Kel.y to John T Smith. Ill West Cnd ar, mtg M.3",0. Nov .: atty. John T Smith. (J Cedar t 103 PAItK AY', a s. ;7S s Flefehsr st, MglSS Wm J Ihiaaan to Mary Ducaali A Anns PI Lens. 1J0 W i7th st. Nov 3D; atty. t .1 S'Cdvnn. .7 ( edar si at T,'"t,.T.Bn, AV- ' ' ! sstle ill.' . s 4 7 s ine tsre a MeCormlch 1'avld Fajti. tl'ltl ll'"Ultea1 10 oca 13.7"". Us ''-. atty. T ii A T Co. !7 Bwrns -. it-. lA ,T" , 4 ' mar Tremor1 Terrs, e os IrtX.J. ."'r."",!"' "."t" ''- '' ' al! i: I '-' Hera - lioo MOWfOAOM (Willi name and sd trass of lender and lender', attorney.) laoii ntoaa n. i South of Knurteenth st l FKRHV HT. II, n e s. Sj lx It h and lieaiiy c. t., j Duntar rialu A ano. ears. Join. II Wright, 41 K ".t t Us- 1. '. vre. 4 s P ' . attya K.ler A- T. 141 Be av .Ill ooo IJTH ST. n ir.a a Ith av, 1S5 ciiur. :i of s: Bernard to Bnttorani In 1 e.v liank, I i".i . mt. er. et, f yr., .' p e. ii,-- . atty, M .1 SeaftlaVA, II Chambari at aa, ... I! "O.OOi) Kast IMo. (Eaat of Fifth ajv, between Fourteenth an-1 1 Kith sta i 70TH HT. n s 100 ' 7d Oaiiii Loot to jeaai SVa Vnv I demand, ti p , Mayer, B Beekman .: . av. Ixl,in 4 :. :'. K lid St. attvs. Well t.'.Odo Meal alale. (West of Fifth av, between Fourteenth and liutli st. .-9TII ST, n a. 3.',i s bth av. l:v9i. 9. U at -IaOrSnao F Trlriler to Herbert I' W hll lo.-k, 1S CSsatnut .t. Albany, N V. a-t al, due Jan 1. 1117. F.4 p .. pac 4, ..tty. T O Co, 176 lta-ay t.-.OOO t'ptown. 'Manhattan I. '.and, north ef 111th at.) UTH AV, w s. at - ) ISTth st. 11 nbout 130 to e 1 h"t ir,7th and tilth it. x to c a Hudson Itlver H K Co x Irreg with n titi. i. lenda under va at.-r. a. . ad J Emma I, Adams to Booosvelt Ho. pltaJ, Mill at ana nh av, pr mtg &o,lli pee tl, due Keti 10, lKla. .1 j. , . atty. T ii Co. 174 Hva-ay ln 06. 1 I70TH ST. loll V, s s. l::, e Audubon ski, Mall Jnhunna Meyer to Brnlptaint In dustrlal Savlnos Bank. :i .t. Dec 3 yrs. p v. atty, Wm c orr, M (" st 14. ooo SHAM N XV. . e eor Arademy rt. liOxlo.i John S Sutphen to Mary , Renael, wniia Plains. i, p.- , 3 vr, -, 1, c L t co. io Bway Itl, ISO llroni. . ltorough of The llronx . Jl'IalANA sr. n .. 47. s Duncnrnb av 30x I",, Laedegar Blsbert to Wm Apple ton .exiri, efrwDO r erry. n t, lie,- 2, Instate, , p -, attv, L T at T Co, tie Bway . 11.400 aai.-1 1, : iv-1, -1.' AV' ii . i ,.-r. it, ninger to flahstte Moller, 201JS Orand B:vd a Coraecur... lie.- 4. S vrs. B!4j p c; attys. Wsa.e.niiati A K IB Lib I ' v st II 7. J00 WHITE PLAINS HP, nee 232. 1 :, 114 lOx 1.10 .North Side InveetltiK Co to M-irle i.rrl,'. to I-: KOth .i. pea- 3. i i. nor bond ;atty, t a a t c... 1 74 n ., . no 100 KASTCHWTUIt UP. ., 213 w Hlondel! av. ISglOItl- Kdw to Wm K Bui ler, inn iia.t Traoneat sv, p..- 4 3 yr. I P ; ally, T H A- T Oo, I7 Bwav I: OOn DLIalS AV a a. loll from Hnvrmever iiv SSgloi Jean Staseen to Hanni Ualllard, I :.rt .Maiibiittnn sv, per '.' 3 yr. ., j, cj mty. .1 MaBOan. ? a I ilea..m av., .12,0 UOT 11. map Wakefield, 100x114 .taabella M i.'hrl.ti.- 10 ceo (Tiri.ti.. Bayonna N ,1, Nov 2. 1U07, 1 yr. 11 , ; attvs' S'rong T. I court st, WBIta Plains, N Y 11,40.1 , Fn.V HT, w s, M s Hil.l t, 40gi0l.. 1 .Hwitatlka lev ('" ... Haiti. . A s.avw-art Htarmfora. conni prior mtg ii,oio, p.,. I, I yrs. 4 p ej attv. Ilattte a strw-art 4.1 Bouth st. Stamford. Conn.. ooii 32aTII HT. , being part lot 4.'. map Uakellild I.III1I4 Kmll Ilrlego! (0 John Klppetli I32 Her. .-bell at. per I ,t yr, I f. p 01 la 1 1 y. F W lei Hway .v.v. Sl.oe "' """u l1 wuiiama "big Cornn to Lawyers Mia Co, !.t Lib. rrty .(. Dae o. .ins as per bead atty, Lawyers Mtg Co. It Libert. al..3nnoo IXtTH 41 A 41., nisp 14 lot. at Tremiait Sarah Jncohs to Lawyer- nil. a Trust ' . "i" ''" ay. uaa a, a i ra o p oi attv. I. T A T Co, 1(10 BWI 1 " 1 aa.. WHITE PLAINS HI), e .. : , a.17Ih 4s 1UIO0 mi. Pltchati to L'harwyn Itlty Co, III Hway, prior mtg li .. Pe.- rt, 1 yr. ii p ; atly, Churwyu It'tv LANK 'issdlng froin' Alhiinv ' Pn.l' n ISS Hway 11.000 r.l (.. ' llud.on River H ll station at Hlver.lals. nanira no. mi s vv c 1.1 .xirs patrultn run. n e VOOx e 41.0s a x w to beg a,lao Wetistsr av, . a a, at a w s s, ..ti sv' llglSol also lota fill to 47, inajp Waldo ilutrhlns est; also lots 10 to 22 A 9! A til. map Sstnler e.tat.; also lots 10 to 61 map an Corllaudt altatOI also land In Manhattan. Queen. A "v' l-' 1 d. rnvv Co to International Trust Co, Hoatoti ..laaa. 1 ... a. uua .. una -'. .IIB, ., ax r ; attv., Hounds, 11 A P. III.IN AHNIONMBVTN OF MORTflACIBn. Mftnhatlan. 03 1 HT, 111 IJ- Hbii.1 Kin tn Hnp), m , ivii n einrn av, urouKiyn; atty, T i; Co. Ifl Bway II -'t AV, s ti oor .t:d st, 24 nxioo -carnalla 1 Chopin 10 Cornelia Van A Chapln. II W 4 1 1 1 st , ally, John It Judge. :H Bwav 1 711) HT. I. 15(1.1 o Amsterdam iiv, IS.TI Kt.l Same to Kath (1 Chapln. 11 W 49th st; atty. same II 1I9TH ST. 701 W Herman A Breeher to Walter (1 Butlar. 1S1 W lid at; attys. Towns A g. 115 Bwav 1100 MADISON AV, 149-151 Frederic de P Foster and ano. ears, to Bowerv Havs Hank. 12s Bowerv; atty. I. T Co. 110 Bway 1200. ooo AMOTgRDAM AV, 541 Title (luar A T Co to Astor Trust Co. 149 8th av: atty, T (1 Co. 171 Bway 111.000 MANHATTAN AV. J4 Dame to Manhat tan Trust Ce, Inc; atty, same 115.000 1I7TH ST. I to 30 TT gaml Wseht to N V Trust t o, 34 Hroad st ; atty. T 0 Co. 171 Bway II IB7TH ST. S47 W EiTgar Holding Co. Inc. to lopold K Blmon. 141 F. sMh st ; attvs, l,te A c. 15 Nasaau at II 1S7TII BT. 647 W lopol.l K Stmon to Abel King st al. 141 r. eith st ; attya. I.ese A c. IS Nsssau st II 12ITH ST. n s, 135 e Lenox av. 6s.ltl9.ll Ernestine Mallno to stebblns Realty A const Co, 171 Bway; atty, K (Kritehsn. 271 Bway II 0TH ST, 10 E Wm Knoepke. Jr. to Frsrtk 0 Nlssc.hlag, 601 Itlvertlds Drive; atty fa T Co. no Bway llO.ooe ID AV, w a. 40.1 a 70th st. x Lawyers Mtg Co to Wm A Sherman and ano. trus, 641 Riverside Drive; atty. I, Mtg Co. 50 Uheetv wt 111.000 TITLE OI'AB A TKCBT CO to N T In vestors Corpn ll.2:.o SAME to aams 12.100 SAME to same 11.000 CENTRAL TRCHT CO to American Heal Est ni, assigns, I mtgs 110 LECVTLBR, Alphonalna N. to Fifth Av Bank II BOH AND, Aurella, to Chas L Hoff- man 14.000 FLOOD. R, to Ells Flood ISJI SEEDER. John W. to Kalh A Fox . II 600 FRANKLIN. Chas. to Ethel Ptekard .11,101 N V T ls CO to Columbia Trust Co (tso asstt) Iloo Z1CK, llrace , to Antonio liegeman, gdn 14.000 LAWYERS TITLE A TRCHT ( to Walter S liurnee st al, trus 15,000 N T TRI'ST CO to City Mtg Co 110 CITV MTU CO to Andrew Wilson, tnis 145.000 aATlSFIRD MICfllANIt a1 l.IF.Ng. Manhattan. HID st, i:t w pbtiip Bebledevekf agt Albert Beboefar et a. Nov is mi ti 1 44TII ST. 3 and .'. K Saelisrv 1 Kunbera aat Klla llauk rt a' il-t 33. 111 . II. 0 ,SAVK PROPRRTT Pslnhera relnberg. Inc. sat same, oet 51, ill.", IIIS.II Hroax. utebbins, av. s. 101 r n of iii st. 75x117 Harby, Abrons A Msllus. Inr. aat slnsl Congregation of The Bronx, owners and contractors IS. 125. 15 RESULTS AT AUCTION. PatiHe ORertnara Yeetwralair In the Manhaattaxn gales room. AT 14 VB8EV PTRKET. I By gajnusl Mara. TH AY-. 6. n e eor llth st. IS.StlSS. 3 st lot and str Tills OAT Co agt A 0 M A eey, trua Ac at al; due. Ill lot on. ia.- as.. asaaa, at a, , , , ,, . I tenant 112 350 BUSINESS TROUBLES. Haankruptry relltton. fXVIBlBtaH PAI .'OMFANV A petition In ti.nkrupt. y has heen t.le.l aealn.t (he lovtalMa Pad Company. In- . manufac turer of ("cat fronta. at lf ind 117 Mar , er atreet, by laeaa eradftora David Aarottsa.n. I30 snd Mo... Phl'.lps. Itll The business ivaa aterteS an no and in- forporate.l ..n July I, 1S14. ulth aptt it .t.e-k : -..a Liabilities are I. 000 and eoeeti AMI 'Bala fll' IIMAV a -.MMnn In hank ruptey ha. heen died again.', flamusl Rlehman, totaber In woollen, and .Ire-, good, at IS.' Kilrldg. street, by th-' creditor: Fetn.tsiii A (iiobus. :.o. Aba Mmlthllne flSIl A. Strsu.a, 144. st I Solomon DufT, IIS. SOLOMON I'HAI.AWIiKT-A petition In bankruptcy has been filed Oafelnat Sol omon i '' dealer In WOOtlOBa at i4l. He.ter street, by the.,, eradltors: Nathan Handera. I:l. Pan' Flnkel.tetn Son 113 5, snd Arthur Wa ker A ( '" . in.- . Itll Llablllttaa are MiOSf and ... set. 11,000. AtlRL I.AN.iFIt -A petition tn hanknip'- baa been filed against A1... Lenger, dOelar in OlotMa" snd fiirtii.blng go-.t.-at Port "'henter. N Y.t by these , redltor. Ilarrv Fetnaod, I40O; Hriiiin Zlnnner ll.I'i", ,i 1 Max lair.ger. 1401. all for money loaned EL! AS MOCKOWITS, menu far tursr OUlltS et " Allesi .tree. ha., ft."-1 s pe- in ti..nkriap'.t"y teltS llaM llleo li.s.4 sr.. i eaeeta 1141 jamks PARKMRi aalaeinaa or i v..t lOOtk Mreo. loan ft'ed o peifiion In hank ruptey with llaVbllltlea H.I3S and no a. Ttie de,t. sere ,.- -t v le.! :n New York. New Haven and Hslon an 1 were for tel. oiing. donllatry, gar,iga and liv ery hire and money leaned. TSAN ORnrpiN, beerdlnt hoai.. keeper of 140 Wee! Ntneti foulth .treat, lias fli.d n petition in banaruptey to g.t rid ia Ju.ltfllient r l-13'l She has ho ee . Winmrn( MrhiMlule. B1.KCTHIO Ci S' h t M t TtON and hi t IM.Y COMPANY "f a or'lunit miri hit chttiuli nhiw:nf lUbl 111 Lm I II Ij II, notUlQAl M9tl $''.2' tsn 1 ac- j tUftl Milll. OKA SOI N rite MS. IXC . tuition pi- tuM fllni of iiiiral Irk WfCt, h Qltd Mbdttti fhnwlnjt ItabHltli!! I M4, tn-ni In) wfi" I17.IT7 anJ ftctual nifttl I3.a::. PARK 19 DAN.ntifl A KnTKPM N. iv . mum pjbllihr ft M. Weil Forty. fif 't hit',, )ia tiiti whadtiltt nhowlnc li'i- Mtttfta IiI4Ii nornttiui aBetM f,ill an! aMual Mr-i-fa 1.410 W IHHMAN HKn.s, tPtx.n In tmnka nn I ptht r irii'-l at t.M Si?h avnu. hn ti arhn4.u uliowinv MftbUltlH 92 351. nominal tMtti it. tOt unl artti'tl Hcs''t4 IBM Han k ni it r Ar HmI ii Im. JA'-OIt nilATKIt, Jobber In mup.ln un1r tti'ir ni ;'S Alt'fl ftrt 'inn flid ahft . - thowlns .!.(-!. ' - 4 - . : and lb- - M.lll, ponsfftln-f "f tpok, , fl t ui-i. IfOOj aro-unt n. TT4 1 notM 1 1. -IIB, and MM Max Koluai Nank. Mil Itl DOR -IRlel.KK. nianiifar'urer of flrmil A II Wo: llftih M-ro-t. Iim fV-l f-h-'l Ul ah" wing l!ati:ttlM 1 4 f an Ml ft 11,711. loualrttnc of atoek, ll 4M Asturfi I'-OO; atT-untt, I cJf , and ph In Lank. MM A- LAITIN, IX' . etfi Ml Brotd wy h m (Ud vuhwutM bowlni llitbllltlo ll,llf n"l ": dtpOtlt tor rlo irlflty. HOOSL A KI.AM.W, tVa.lris In ry food I ,i 1 i ". lHLh(rut a t'nu-, have BUd chffdutM ihowlnf llabllltli t f 4 n1 Ha4i Mil, 'ii.,- of MoolL " fl turo. Ill 1 on lMi llO; Wlh In 1m nk. ll" . raa'.lt! by a-alicna-. W Mid account! I : 4 omnalt1an ( nnflrnifHl. MnHUlC I ROMAN Iu-Iki- Han.l ha poii'lrmil n COtnPMrttlOl) of Virrla I . Kd 'nan. mumift -Mir r of Niya hloii' PuttC 101 Franklin Ptrt. on app:i rat''n f H Howard BabP'H-k. who aalt thnt Mr tMnun hatt maU wuii crcdltnri 3 ecnti aetl lemen- 'he do.lar s. II. I. Fell A t o a fflra. i, ii r PFisIs A CO. Judge A. Rand f-lgnitl an nnir rclMtlni ftnd dts rhaffflng t i'laram y Trut CoillMny M ittbrfltUtCd trui- in ntftrc of John w Jay "f H H F Poll a Co., cotton nnd at i .. k hrokfit f 4 Rsmonfi pi not, nml ftp proving U nocounta Tin- trimt pom rccolvcd 11,101,111 fni vnrloui t In r nycpofi v an-i cuiitlM nnd dlc huriod 11, 1 II. 4 01. Llftbllttloi of iho ftrm wort if.lli.Hl, ni nit thaa ctal'nn tia vp bti notUlrod by 'nl Ilobf-rt M Thompson. Tlia truai toinpitny wa mImo ordered lo py tn TbftnpMn Hf. 401 a pclluen in bankruptcy wa fl .i .t R.itnt fhf frn. on AUffUCI . lllli Olid tny eubeetjuently mad" a ootnpneltion , Aaalgnmrnt. HMIli wit A k ah v BR, ompened of ,1'Hiaph imltaWlll and .oi,Hph KahiiT. s holfaala dalf r In 1 ton anil dretl koo.Im at 0 4 Kllrldi' gtrt et, hgva inn. la ii n aaal until "'in to IjMpold Mnrkowltft They hve been In buiineci (iftp'n yearn ! llachorail From llMikrupti . THKODORiB a i.iKHt.Rit and iJ-.-rn- Tylr. ho tonipoaad tlir firm "f Lit bier I A I "o , tii-ii'M m produt-ri at (II Fourth VCnuti WrC grant a1 a d lirburc from hnnkruptf-y yttter-lny hv .Tudna I.onma.l Hnnd Tlo- Hhutiert Thfatrhjil Coinptny mid Ag Hhiibfrt withdraw thoir eppoef1 I don to tha dlrhargt. A petition In bankruptcy tiled agaltmt i ha flrni of l,l-lilr A Co. gnd alao aHlnttt tha rr poratlon of lal t: r ('uinpiiiy hy rr-dlt.T on December 4, 1114, Mr Meblefi Hi Mlltlra wire 70,!4lt and arnit 1,T0B. Mr T,pr, llftbltftlei wore III, Ml and Judge learned Hand In tha Vol ted Btatia Platrltt 'nurt )ilrday granted j (ii-cti i rif "H to m-na nanKriiptk: 1IWI.KN Mll.I.KU, fi.i Irvlna piece, for a. llalirittfea II7.M5 marly hoardlnit hmisis, whjI.iam ipitIi iim Flint avenue KKHNBR HHkM . an Vtw V-irk Tyu writer Mai'hltH- Repair ''onipany, v3.l i'f arl trtt. HAVVOVlTs A nOTHMAV. LOI'lH 11 llQAla hookkaaptr, 1 20 Honeywell avenue, formerly manufoc- t urir nf art novel Han. FI.OHIN A M I I i ION i ll Ail 4 BHOi.1 cloake, f.n Went Twruty-nrt atrart. Ml REAL ESTATE AT Al .HON. THE FRENCH Mostly Huguenots, settled in New York between 1700-1780. They bought Real Estate. tU incretue in value made their descendant wealthy. Among these families are THE ENOS, GOELETS, RHINEL ANDERS, KORTWRIGHTS. 241 LOTS At Elevated Stations On Main Avenues On 100 Foot Streets on Weitcheiter Ave., White Plains Ave. and Iceland Ave., on and near Jerome Ave.. I62d to 170th Sts Bronx. Including Huber'i Caiino an l Road House of SCHRENKEISEN HUBER Have Got To Be Sold For Whatever They Will Bring AT AUCTION. You will be able to buy these lots at your own price regardless of their value. YOU ARE SURE TO MAKE MONEY. REMEMBER The 14th of December 14 Vesey St. 70",, can remain on mortgage. Title imured free. Send lor the Book to Joarph P. Day. 31 Naiiau Street; J. Clarence Deviri. 149th Street & Third Ave., Acenti and Auctioneer!. KRAI. FSTATK. A RK ! . I'EHM W I.NT INVKHTMICNT. t'lileago Improi.d l'ropert Less 'han I vrs Bid, V'T A WAH UAIIV A JO PBH i'KNT NKT I N V BOTM F.NTaV iiisb s- . eor. apartment bui.-nng. n apartmente of 4 nn.. and bath ea.-.h. strlntly modern and in porroci condition; liutli and raat saVMUra all r-Mim. light. Koneetly hunt under pnva'e lupervlolon. Annua: t' rer,t Lpproilmatsly, II, 141.01 Annua: aro.. exi-en.e. approalmately, II,. :.40 c'. Ie-avlng oi'pr ixitn at.-ly to-t rent.-.:, 11 400 00 125. aon .at.h a-111 buy thl. enulti rroperty will be sold subject to IIO.OOO mtgt. at IV' -a. rltl,-.- a' .'.;.,0001i air'h Itl.dSe. Owner needs money; no tri.i--. considered R. F. BALDWIN CO., J450 Indian., Avenue, ' lib ." l".',nol. CITV KRAI. RMTATB. HoraceSoEly&Co. REAL ESTATE 21 liberty St 489 Fifth At. IN t l HNINIIKII AFAKTMKNTH TO I.RT. BRONX. FOX BT . 7C0 to 741 5 bloek. eta: I'ro. pac Ave Btatlon, 4-1. room., .te.m. hot water. 1 1 1 174. Janitor Telephone Melr-'.e tx: , WILL SELL INTERB0R0 BONDS. I Ranlaltie mil. -me in filter Issue af HH,OOOfOOOa A 0)ndlcato hoadod by Lao, Hlgglnaoii A '". Harrla, lorbei & Co and Klaeel, I KlnnlCUtt 4 t'.v will offer tn ihe puhll.' In a sh.rt time ItStOOOaOOO IntSVborouah o per cetit. first hi..i refunding mortcace bonds. Tina will leave to l.e .iffeteil les than I4i.noo.oo o( tic original amount f 110". .""i, tn t... Laaued by the Inter taorough for conatriictlon and equipment ..f new elevated and oubway ! it is ospoctod that Iho offering price .f the tS,000,000 Issue will lie i.'ji... The lyndloata told 110,000.098 of the in llilS nt II , and 110,000,000 In lull at 99. CUSTOMS DECISIONS. Folding fa na Imported by Martin l 1 I.-. y A xo , -rTe h'- uJe-,. of a deotel n rendered eatrdiy by tht BoofU of I'nlted Ht n t -! Uenerai Appralatri Duty a . fttaao'l on thli np - hai lite ' toe rate of id p-r rtnt. h1 valorem und'-r paragraph Ml i-f tti urift get of 113 )i rum I'll" Importer! contended tht duty abould be aageaaad nn lh- artlrie-i a a toyn, a: t h rat ( J per ctnt.i under pgrokftpn -I--Tbe imptr;er toatlfled before Ine boiri t hat t h- merchandJaa wji toy a and irere at uh d by ihu dren Aleo that he bad teaii Importing tht iamt for h number "f isin and hud p il l duty alwaya t i.yv Dtntra Appraleer He Anda the t. a t inony of th ImpAntr that he bad 1 way lut upon thtt urtlt'le nn t mi Incorrect The prottat ia overculed. Th F W. W'-oiworth 'onipan or Bal timore ntid K. K -1 Harper a (o. of Heat tie were uneui'Ctttful yea tarda y before h itnar i of General Appraleere in .i t-at .ana involving til rred rlaaelflcatlon inder The trlff f of Itll "f Imported t in ted or colored candle The cuatoma ffii! iia ft att at d iluty und r para-graph III aa a nonenumerate i manufbetured trtu ia nt tiie ratM of i tr tent, mi valorem, and the protectant lalRled - 10 per -ent ad valoram rate if ilnt under par.iarFtph II 7 whuh provtdet fot manufacturee of u variety of artlctea, Including n The board de. Idtl thU uUt IB properly taxi'd at the II pr Dtnt. .id valorem rate In a reajepfgjegmtnt opinion ii i- i dow n by J udg-- Kl". her tht f "relan nuir - Ui t value of tleel wire rode. Imported from Carl Better well a Co. of gtnofcholm and tntered t Mew Vork. i- aAvanced from IITsM rrown to r e o crowne P"'r ton t the wnr,. Tbeaa rodi which rt round in re I It, "pro taportfil from 1 1 foreign pori on .eptemher 9, TjIj, mil tntered her- mi tetobor II, 1 1 1 .. Stlk ne-flna, "1(11.7115, ICI Inch b.aok nd white el lb Bruete " rnp'-ntsi fr..m Frederick Ludewig Co, tf Nottingham, KngiHti i. and entered hr- at It J, per yard, fthould Nave hen fiiterel at t4d p. r ygpdi ecenrdthg tn no her reapprniae nient At rialon banded n t' .ImiIk.- Howell In ! hln tm. ruling I lie i;-n. r 1 1 Appral tee tind th t' "141 in. h ditto white.'1 eitt. re,! r .t t j, i per yard, fthould h.if Ise.Mi entered (, per ard, "Ml. rountH 10 pi r .ant it nl U ppr cn.; aa freight; udd oatte, i kihk and nalle.' Merohandlee known pituitary glande, t nW-n from iiH f irt nailed t hp brain pan of the h-ff and uetd In the manufacture of -fttain mtdlclneai which in turn ore uNe.i in obattlrlot, Imported by u Knanhfeld A r.i , le he'd to have ben properly H-.fe-el tor duty hy the ratleotor aa a nonenume ratetl manufactured urtH-lt mvlcr tht jir" vlalont of naru graph III of th tariff act ,f 1 f 1 rt free entry waft t-lalmed l-y tht prottetante undtr pe racruph 1 1 The board aleo decided yesterday that int i' v and nate, ti orebtd and I lotted, im air te.) hy Iho 1 ul l ( Ira I n Com pa ny of Puluth '-"'i it. Paul, wer. correct afy fitxe.i for duty undtr i h aneclflr provlaiona IherefOf In p.irifri-Hphit und g tariff art or 11 x a peoteel f-r free entry of peoM of opal mhlrh hil'' had one aurfarf poll-he.l, Imported by Welle Pargo a t,i., t over ru s by Judge HuMiwtn. who bolda thai i tits mefohamftee m properly iteeaetd for htt v uf precloua atoni-M i-ut , ii t tlu r.i I of nt ppr cent- ! valorem under pefa Kraph 441' of the tatlff act of lto it m Joaaelyn "'. inc. of Kan Frn- ptgOO Slelmed free entry of ",".o fmmn i hip ahea thing felt, aaon ten rollg, on. h twenty "Hve raffle. 1 ut y uhh levied thereon " I the rMa nf r. per rent. h1 vwloreni mider tha provlnlou In par.sarapM ;tft of the art of l!'IS f-r "rnoflng flt " whereaa the Importer! clalnted elaavlltua i ion under Utg provltlon in paraaraph 4 1 i of slid gi or "foil alhetlve, for aAtathlng veanala " .Tudgf Ft eh or wrlt.n th.-t the i-iaIiii for fre entry la fully eutittanttaied by the uBOonlrgdlrted letllmony mihuiittrd on hi'iwiif of tho Import era, from whloh it appeara that ui t houirh hnporte1 in miia the meroband'iae la ntvtptholaei an ad heiive felt uaod for thisitJilng vespl. REAL EBTATE AT AUCTION. TO I.RT for nt sivr.aa pt-RroaES. FACTORY SITES On Deep Water with Railroad Facilities Property oea-1 rnldwty berwewn Newark and Ji raey "My. N. J.. .1 Mills fttOM N T. f ITT M4IX. frnntina nn tho I'aaaair and Hark enaark Khen; In tho hart of tha World's Greatest Labor Market ctosainI hy FOUR RAILROADS sn.l fheir t.rsn.-hes slitlnas trnna whlrn MaS I-- .'hlstneat. Pennsylvania R. R. Central R. R. of N. J. D., L. & W. R. R. Erie Railroad Newark Raj ami Passslr niTsr chsmiel. up to lbs pruperty M WH st Uisr tide. Property suitable for any kind of manufacturinf or commercial enterprise re quiring tide water and rail road facilities. ni Nsassn at.. I N. V. city. It.diiKtrlal I e:i;irtmiMit. NI.M RKAI. K'TATK KlH MALE. ATTHAfTHK PAR(iAIN8 Fftsfod i nANKINU DKI'ARTMKNT, BTATIC OI Naw V4IRK. " huUders. Lnveattira and prxx parttvs huanesea-kers htrs-- nureber ." . c:.iu lots i.i 4 . r-.t. i .... .. t . Moras'inare,, lilitax-duld ..mi Teenncki Nee ira--, ai dis halt ( furwef uwrters prices , , lar. nmiiher of i-. Fantlli huueoa at Kd8ewat4xi ll. ul... n ll. lebts I'llff.lde and raUaMaa Pari s.. Jeraejr ai .'""K one-halt "f f..rn...r prlcav. All .'( tit.- alaiva propartUai sr.- vaithin a tiv cent fur-- ,,n,' and etthln ilurty minutes nf .MsnliS't.xn i'lii-x.- i,r.ui.-rtl.-H mtial I.i BOtil nutrkl) i.. cioas tti nitalnsaa of t.. rearpara ' Ions nun Initial li.iui.lsi.l by lha Hank in at l lepan in. in aDertal Induremanta t eon trffartors and bnllaara vah.. . 111 uurx-haaa con alderabls miiiii-.-r ..f i.,t. wSr furthar par n.'iiinrs addresa iiks.i i IIAIOHT, apecls peputi 8upl "f Hanks, .-sic of llankltM liepartmonl Broadway. N.w 'lk i n.. rm. and NgV9 Onlera. WAlHlNQTi n. re a Theee armv ordere were todgyi Capt. M It Hltgard, Kioirt-anth In rantry, t- ft I vat tin y In g m o MftJurQen Arthur Murray to tha ret ir- I llat .'apt. C, i'lrnr, M'xth Inftntrv. to fld vacancy in y w rite navy ordere r-r latuadi i 'omm.tiid. r f I. Rldfely, from the Kanaai to the Pennsylvania, Commander W. II Turpm. from Wer rge, Newport, Puget Hound vont ii K Kayt, from the Maryland ' War Collage, Newport, Ldeut, y Kortchai i . from tht rhiraaro t Uoeton ard. Mi ll W, C I. from tha Ma Hampahlre to she Culgog, UtUt 1. T. li.t.-h. from the Marylan I : o the Print tfop, Lieut Mi Ml v. fron, tht"-l tn com man 1 th'- ' Meut R, Monte, from the romnmnrt or t he K - ? to old on Mil ft comma iol r nut. RMrtne Hot 11 la, a; .nt;. l4l -it- I. P. Imlth, from the I!1 I t he Net oJ Meut k v Clement, from th Culgoa to gemma nd the Chicago, Tileut. Q. A Hoed, from command the i' to work a Hltctrlu no it company, ta)utnc) . Moot. Llettt Cochfnn, from th-- Cohtmblo to iho Nevada. Lieut, I V VI.:itn, fri-i romman i tho -'-2 to cumniand the K-l I I ll t: i nialey, front i lie Trippa t i th- i iklaboma, Lltul Broeheb, from tv- Haiumbte tn ti Iklehnma Ueu. H - in oil, from n 1. 1 tn Mg, mander aubmurim flotilla itigntle fleat. to viorka NOW Ion lot, Hhlp and Bngtna Company i tiroion, Conn. Rnalgn R, llendtrtun, n-f-lunation ac ctptedi KMtign K Wl from reoelving Mp nt Norfolk to th- Ark. me la Rnalgna it .i Jondreati, a i iitteh, D t Uaon. from th Meri land to tti lluffa Rnvlgn H ' 11 'er. fr.nn th1 TU la to the Nevada, Knalgn i' N Vlneon, from 'h Maryland to the Alert. Umrmi'tits of Sumi ggggfi WAHHlVOTON, lee n Tha deetroper a i in ) i .'in arrived ut nw vork ram t'oiiier Cieear ai Alesandria, tug Cheyenne h i ifi tuhinarinei M i, ll j, if a kt sHn pudro aijbmarlnea K rt, K 4, K-: and K el peitr Hirhnr, rruUer New nrltnna mi Top. ibe mpo The irui-er Brooklyn hai aalted from I'olnmbo for Manlhi, auppty hlp cfeltlo rr,.m I'ort au Prince for vera rrut vl i iiuantanamo. collier Cyelapt from Quai ! itiumo for Hii in). tun Ho tile, iuK n fr,t Sin tlega for uuaymai, collier Proteua from v' teabl, ileal ro)frs Paul Jon -Perry. Preble and st wirt from pan Diego f..r (tuaymaat rrp;itr Rtdp VuN-an from Tumplru for Ouantnngmo, gunboat Wil mington from kwatow for Ho i K l ulled Mtntra Supreme f ourt I aUndar u ash i i, ri T)oc t. The day tali tin- giipreme Court for Tueadayi Not iti 1 1 1, US. tie, 117, 1 1 X i .in i ;tti an I !; IP.', fO, 111 nnd r.t mirt of ApiiPHU 4 nlrndar. l.H AN V, Hoc Couri of ApptalR calendar for to morrow I Not ls.ll, 6ii IT2 Hi, III, Ml, 111 and 6l;l. WEATHER FORECAST Washinc-ton Predictions for To-day and To-morrow. Per .outliers New Knalanri and seal "HI New Vork, fair lo-dar earl pretaMj la morrowi nn, mkeh . haxaf e In temperaeara; fresh and strona aorthwaet srtnda. For New Jersey and sastsrn Perrne-'l -vante. fsJe to-dsy and prha,bly tonaetenw ; neat murh ehanffe In l.mnsTatura; -ssh northwest wl nils For western New Tor, fair tw-Aay; e'. iii.iv anal wermar to -mol (law , modeeats x-arlshls winda. VKW YORK, Deeemli.r 7. T'lfh prsa srirs esntrsl ox-sr ths upper laha rafttvna and eoverina all Um eeewrn haW ef the ewuntry, ssespt (ha eeaat of N.w Bnelan V caused oontlnusd low te-ieaiwtree yaeter day ov.r the take i-aemne and eaat aad son ttxeaat ward. flnraw fan at eaattered pelMa tn the lairs rontons and Atlsntlo dtatea aod ram In tha Outf ntaisa and In Montana aad ths north Parlfle Ftatee. Tha prssaura wae low tn tha satf aids Northwaxat and Tiaaa, M hlah elaewharw. It wea esnsrally wsrmsr threuek-sal Ike west and lampsratursa ware aaewe the frssslnv point ovsr most of tha JUx-ky Mountain districts avnd wset-ward. In thla elty tha day waa cleudr and sn-nwwhat colder; wind, frsah north aal; avsraars humidity. II psr rsnLi haremetar, corrected to road to eaa level, at I A. M.. 10 1C. I P. M , I0DI. Ths temperature In thla rlly rseorded hy ths offldal thermometnr, la I In tha aanaasat tahle: IPIA. 1014 I tfitd. 1014. A.M... an SB-Id P.M. 4 M UM ...S4- HH P. M....3S Wt 8 P.M... .IJ 3VI8Mld 8f H lllahsst temperstues. 87. al 4 P. M. Lowest t arm perm tu re. If, at 8:80 aV. M. EUROPEAN MAIIaS. Tlis ftraanlnh liner BuenoN Avrse aaflhxa? to-morrow for r'aallr snd Bsrcaiona, -irltl lev. meal, .M.-xine ni 7 a. m., for Bp a pain, rortuirail sn.l lilhraltsr The While .-(ar liner Adriatic, aarin to-morrow f.r taleerueel. will tales meM. el.xaalna at A. M, fair Kuropax, sscapt O'fm.11.-, Au.trts. Hunar.rv 1 ,u a.mbu(,, Hules(i. Turkey, ths Netherlanda. Nor way, Rwcalen, Henmark an.l Itussls: also far Afrtoa. ay est Asia and Heat Indtee, The -'anf I ii.rlaii-American liner Jfrad ertk VII . SHilintr to-morrow for Chris tladla snd ("liri.tlansaivd, will take mali. .-I.ielne st 10 A. M.. for Nearway, flwedan. T.nmiirk. Hu.sIa, (lermoay, Austria, Hun ffary, T.utenahura, Bulearla and Turkey. Th. (Ire.k liner Themlatracilos. amlllne; to nvxrTow for rirs-ixs, will take mall, closing at 1 P. M . for (Irseee. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MIM.VTL'KF. ALMANAC AMI PM, AM aim rises .Tin .quo seta, i Mi Moan rtaaa 8:21 HKlll WATER TIIIA DAT. AM AM, AM Sandytl'k 7 4.1 (lov 1.1. s on Hell Oataj U Mi LOW WATER TtllH IAV. AM AMI AM j sandvll'k ..i 23 Oor I.I ... 1 SO' Hell Oate SM Arrtred - MONDAY, lii-t-eniber . Ss Oacneronia. 9 3u V M . IJx-axrpool. Nor. S7 Ks Lafayelle, l:M A. M . Rnrdraui. tier 2x i Ms Alkald. IiH A M . Rotterdam. Not em tier :'l Ms I'omua. 1:4.'. A M , New Orleans. Decern 1st : Ms Loch Tsy, 9:4,', A M . Bermuda, Norem tier M. M-Unla. 1 1 .11 A M . Newport News. I Ms Arrvll. II:H A M . Hampton Roads, No x-enilwr M. BusDOa Aire.. :M A M . Hax'ana. Decern tier 1 . Ilrasos. 1:18 A M . San Juan. December 1 Ms Mlmer. x , a. m . Maianiaa. Norem- ir M ii.irswa.1i. II A It.. Flo.ion. Decemher I - M. ( airnhlll 10 A M . ll.-avre. November 13 ! S. Northmounl, 1:11 A M . Port Hawk. tniry s. lrnquoia. :r, A M . Turks Island. De- 1 ivili tier 1 I Ss El vail. tilJ A M flalreston. Noram - Ixrr .1.1 8s Iljron. :S0 I M . Vi. torla. November 14 ARRIVEII FROM NEW YORK. Ma Glendos. st Hor.lraua I Ms Guiana, at M Thomas Ss Ran.-e. at B.irdeaui AttaSD FOR M1W YORK . Berni-idisn. from K'riiiudi. I s. Kansaa (Aly, from Brlitol I s- Kdrona. rroni Demarara OCPooiHa -TEAMSRIPS I i! To dav Mails Vessels I Close Sail Roma. Arores S00PM Berrnlntua Monterlaleo . (. no A M IIMM Zent. Puario Colombia I n A M IIMM Mohawk, Jarksonrllle .. 1 oo p M Cny ol St liuis, Ss vannah i-opm Jefferson, Nnrfniii 300PM Tutuurrow Adrian- Liverpool .... IMAM U no M Pre la r : U III t'hrle tlsii.aml . . :o w A M ' I' t Raeon M.uiar. h. Lo ml. m -J & b Zacapa. Jamaica IMAM is M 1 Maracatbo Ban Juan . . IMAM II 8v M Mayaro Grenada ... im ah a M n it Or. fontan, Argentina m M - i-x p t Arapahoe, J.-i. keonvtll . j ap p 11 Concbo Oalvea on i or. p M Anttllea. Ne- oiii-ans i; oo m 11. im .nn,. Norfolk 3 ( p xt Mail Thursday , erona, Naples ... a M I no y . Sam nr. e. Santo Domlnco W AM i ... v Meslm, llsvutia . I m A M IJMM Alliance Colon l 1 1 A M 'z or. p U ( Ei Die. O-alvoaton .. IMPM IMCOMINfl Hue 1.111. S Sirallinr.l Dp, lira vlsssopoulai Tsnnyaoo 4'olhert Taii.-liee Drome Bio Boroceba Hoaelantla Eo. en.- no. soroii Pei ban. Oenr-rloa . . . Kris.. a Vir, i : u an Wsarpool It'liasehtll . i llax'sna r.inma. Melius M I'a.o STEAM (HIPI To day Har.elona . Havre Marseilles Or an Bin ile .l-tiifiro I. a Palllca . . lAitl.tilu Bonteauk . . Telle Gibraltar Neu Orleans . ... Havre Gibraltar (Iran . Patras . 81 N .Faire . . .. Naples . .I.iers . ... Havana Niv :s Nov 1 Nov ,:i Nov Nov : Nov 1. Nov 1 Nov i Nov :-, Nov '. -Nov ti Nov 14 Nov 1, Mas . Nov : Nov :i Nov i ; Nov u lie.- 4 Dec lie. 1 He- l Nov M Nov :-7 Nov .' Nov IT, Nov :i ivec , He- l Nov rx II... 1 Dee Dec J Nov i Nov Nov . lie- : He '1 l.e- I St iii. mi .. li.ali ...ton . . alveston Mobile Tn morrow, . i. ni, j. in , . Barry bcrvsn (Irern.i-k llermuda Cristobal Barbados Jacksonsills . . . (,nlv..t on . Bebttii . . If ssah i Hue Con. una Lysanflord Waltham, ... llrrtniiilisn Criatobaj . homio la -.,'.' El Snd.. Kl Mar Hue Ni. ju- Amsterdam Viiie ii i Han s Southerner i'iiv nf Montromery Huron M.iliii.. (.lire. I on . Thursday Falmouth . Havre London Savannah k. .inv ill,. .New Orleans loeomlnu a-sselia Tlx Wireless. I -k i i'r il ii i, AMefixe-asta, jm mi' outllaesl "I Batsly Hook at I' M vrxtr. du s. ttaTina Havana, in mil-, emit of Hi on. .i.l su.ia'a ,1 iiooii -. Northwestern port Anluir tor rtarniine i mile, sotithwaal of ln.anion.1 MioaJ. noon " lie Mobile nu'.-. .ou'li of pi,. nn.n.1 BhOfall ,'ll noon ss Comal. Galveston. . "' mllea eaat of ("al i . ston 1 .at i.t noon R e nam Port Artliur I, mile. noMh a-.'s-i f T-i'i-ir is al noon, S M,,n,,,. N- va- lh!a.,,ua, nut., auth of JIHilter al noon a Vesta, Pori Arthuri ' niile waal of Jiil'ti.'r at noon Plortds Pori Arthur, mtlea north of J ii.alt.-f- ul noon S. lasnapi Jn i.oiirllle, lap mile, north of t li ari.-.ioii at : I' M 'l iia Krne, Briinsaii'M w nuie. southwesi ot planiorsi Bhoala nt 1 p m s- Ll Hud Galvawluii 140 miles oinhwex ol Dlamorul Bhoala m I' M s. polsrlne, Coieiihsen "an miles east of Ambrose Ityhishlp ix' p M Till Aacrai pari An ho, j'.o mtle. seat of Si'., ne pay at noun, ni M. in. (aiUvaslqn. M ktUas s.uuh of imly Honk n' 1 I' M B ' flrantls Brunswick an miles aoutn ,,i ann.i) Hook in : p M I'hll-slelliliia. tail il isvc. U mile, aauth nl Handy Hook a( noon s. Perteotlon, Port Anhur. M miles wt of Tojriiuras at noon s. El Sol. tlaleeeton. IV mil-, nnnbwaxsy -I Tnntisiu. ai I P M limits Work nf I'oll.-e Snreoo in BooordAnoe with th auntMtlon offered u few daya nuo by commis sioner of Accounts Wallateln. Police rom. inlaAloner Woods laaue.1 an order xcm-trrii.ix- prohibiting police 8tirfeoni from BttendlnB or offerlrtB profeaelonBl scrv k'es to Buy relatives of inembera of tho fori e. J