Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, IMS. IMMM to guard our novrrrlitnty, protect our own pfeOpli nnd ...Mid up for our nattoiiul lntnHtn without nacrlflcin that neutrality which wu recofnlM an our only ulvtllon. "America Is protects! from Irnmr-dlnte danK r by the distance which MptfttM her from the bjttltlHld. We too thoustht that once. Hut the hattlcfielr) nhlft d and may shift .urim Whit n happen ing In Oroere to-dfiy may hppe:i In Amrritri, Holland or any Other IWUtffJ Country lo-murrow if the pre' d nt nu I eoua;ht to t ettatllfihed in Die . of Uraecn la once tixtd. What Won Id mrr1rn Dn f JUf1 ItippOM the W itMM wtr In a Lxmition to ilnmniitl tliat your couiiuy cncedp the Ufe of BofltOtl r Seattle . the DM, for an att.iek on Canada. What would you say? And if all your military Mtprltnc and the ndvloi of your Qfon nil Staff tOtd y-u that nurh i I Midi It wan dOORIod to fatlute N"auae made with .in inadi iptnt force, and ou ized thai th Urltlah troops m Cord do would porOue th rvtrootloi Qtrmona ocfooi n w Bnjrlandi dMtrbytng 01 tlioy ml, woulil vou arvpl the i-n iMiwci Wlthngt A struggle "Hut had no your Majesty ctermen gAAUrsglAg that ;hf intesrit. of QrAek territory win" be leApeetedT th King lil Usked. ' i if course. . nl KnleMo iiteoirnnco, tc " "And slinilas AAAUrellOg from Hul -(Alia " iernm'iv. PAW the King. "Mum given Aes'iraiue 001 here,' f A0d her hIIi but thai doe! not prevent the Oerman-Hul KHriH'i gffflteg, ns n tnatier of military necessity, fffirrt pursulhfl tit retiring From ii And British tutu Clfe lighting tn Greece and turning Own pa into Second Poland. I hAVf tlutt AAAlirAfl Akto." "That the r"-k frontiers Will be re- noted After in, ar ,ioe nol rebuild towns- or compensate my people for montre, p rh ps years, spent tit living In mlAAD .is fugitives from IhAlf own land Mrhtfi their country is not aI war Ami huH nothing iu gatti i rloklns devastation "Why, (he Kritenle Powers treat me an If I wrc the Km of a r'itril African tribe, in Whom the stiffeiitigs of h.s own people wet.- ii matter of indifference. I nave been through three ware, r know what war is, 1 ilo not want any mors if it eAn be honofebly Avoided. My People ionot want an moir. an'l If thry anil I ran h"lp It we rbell nol Buvt' Any tnori." rnlel Tollrj ot Pi.ile' Tin "i - ttr MaJ'sty doe not hflii vc i that tip Intervention policy of thn for mer Premier, m. VeeJaeiOA. really i-x-j prvH .1 the trill i f the Oreek people?" -I know It iltil not.'' riitil tin- King lAroefull) Wa n tit people reelect II Vonlaeloa :' elected him. not hi - pot-1 Iry. Tin- K'i-h! mai" of the profit of. tlr.-eco ilM ".t. sni-l wilt not. umlrrvtand I ArrytklAe about th- Venlaalni forekja poih y. Thej like aim ami the elected I him, hut !-. would he the RWdaost folly tri AAAunv thai becauee the- voter) fori a Rtari pi awnatly popular they th. rr tor- i :-i tlirow the COUfltry Into the i Wklrlpsol of t ho European war. Tn.'y j Olil iii. AUch thing. Wat Is the last, thine he) it' Ask them! thev will tell toil AO. "It n -'i il that I h.v rHre!".! th i AUftetltutloti what i hu done ie to AHt'ly the conettltutlon. The constitution alvi tne til- puwt I 10 dluoorvA thr ihum her to prevent .I'ist Alton ilhUMMuri AA fol bAWlnp lit Venlseluu polici would have proved t thin Junoture. M) duty un.lcr th iietltutlon was to exopeise that jtmver I t;il ..xr-eiiH it anil, will con tinue to exer-sn.. tt AA Hang ne .1 II ACUA Aary o save my peo.e front doetruc- Mon." Thinks Mile, doomed In Balkans. "Another 1 want to make clear: It Is sa.l tlutt M VottlgatOg, wltli my gggant, invited tht alliisl IrUOpA to I'Oine to Salonica. Nothing COttld be furth.T fr m the trtith M Veniselos may have AS pressed the personal opinion that If the allied troops IfitMle.l at Salonica OfAUCO Would hot resist How could she resist .' Hut that M. VaniAelOA as the responsible head of 'he Qreek Uov emme .: formally invited foreign tr .ops to enter Creek territory Is wholly un true " it our M ij believe that th allli 1 Balkan '; edition "corntlnly it in knderiAken with i Is doomed to failure?" d s tried to fa. hire If no mofA men than are the way. d"es not s.em dtgpOted n'v . :. r. or on 'ilea' Britain to s od .ii. i leutiate f- rce. and r ggnnot do th Job alone. The minimum army tii it .m. h tie t.i a-'C .tn.d. ail any- J tiling in the Balkans .a 400, ono men. As I t.'at numb, r is not belt g sent that Is i try pr" f that it is OrsACA Ilia! ntUAt; suffer : lire that muAt pay for the la in i ol i i a! led Bilk. in venture. j "If tin- Kntente will assure me that xvh i' thej ir driven back into Qrak tgrrltory tiu-y win consider the Balkan' game end -l. ris-nibarit and leave QrsACA, I will guaruntAA with my who's army to protect their retreat against the iir matis. Bulgarians or anybody else and give them tune to Atnbark without be'ng endangered. Then 1 would be legiti ma ely protecting my frontiers, and it would not involve Greece in further r;-.s. More I gnnOI do. 'lilitente's Ileum ml Too Much." "The Kntentes demtfld Is too much. They Iry to drive Clrstcc out of neu tral. t'-. they come into 'Ireek territory and WAters as though they were theirs. At Nautili they destroyed tanks of pe tf oleum in'o nded to kill locusts on the ground thai they might be used by Qr. man submarines. They stop Qrsok ehitis, they rum Greek commerce, is the,; hAVA dons with American shitis t"i Thry w 'lit to s ir. our rallw-cs And nou th"' demand Unit Wt lake gway th'' IrooPi guard tig the tlreek front'SrA, Isivlng my country "pen to InvAAlon or any lawless Incuroion. "I will not do It I Am willing to die- I Cuss reAAonabl) any fair proposals Hut' two thing! I Will not conced : QrAACA ghall : "t bs forged or cajoled out of her neutr.'lity ; Qretce will rnlntaln her Sovereignty and her sovereign right to. protect herself at need." "And If that Is not satisfactory If! coercive measures are u-ed by the Rnj tr nte POWerA?' the King was asked. j "We s all protest to the whole world that our sovereign lights are violated ! We Ahall ics st pAAaiVSty kg lonx as we. can bolng forcod by ally measures what- ' AoeVAT Into a course which We kn W Mil he prejudicial to the llheitles and AAtpplnssA Of our pAOplg." "And whi-n you cgnnol hold out i longer?" i 'Wa shall hgvg to de rOhtllgg our Armies gnd await the march of events Whgl AlAA OAt) we do VENIZELOS HITTER. rtrftniOktOt 1,1 llfll In Mini' ii 'tT)ll of PlllH'r." 1'AniH, I ii. nrk mi tht 1 Irwl t htrloi Vh1m1qm, , w mndi l - n- i t- ti'xi or iiinfiniii'i fornitr I public hr I hit i ity Kl i am la i in ii ii lA joMfiti KaltiiMsh, tbc inUltnry Illt0rtt4ll Tli" rtlstlllfeMa w a.- Mtll '-' injiil t nil too iiiriiidft-H oi' Uie UltMtr&iJ ( it I'l . iht Uov i nmeni refualng u kIIow it to L., ni by iK Hiti Tiif tin nif to fit) h ' Attn l i c h i M tiJo.vci t oim: nu llonal frtnlom for rtfty wtn hit utt'ii lit t" iH i'i'ivH Ihottfl whu foughl t U..u.i iii 'i Kllkli f Umtr fjo.ltlcitl lliwr- iur. 1i liini Ki'liiuaiyV ttCtiOfl III' pt-o- t'lc u.wc r vieai Mini unnilttuifcabii vi- dlt-t, bill " aV-ll U- HfSr" ThCNafl wbii f'Hif Utnai .ii t 1 1. a il v yearn, bftVI liMeri h"' in.n i'a!l. U- H.e tu t J'M.iy ; th,. potia htVij mqIA lHKn thi - of prove inrnt- til into then handii. "Oui r'onmuution hM .worm nothing Hi' t l :.n .i m t;ii Of P0JH T. "AH oppovltlon and oonoNilom have bono unbb i.i dno tha Qovommmt atp-m U lv.ii.' ik-u-i ruination to Uli- RUMANIA BARS TEUTONS FROM A BLOW AT RUSSIA Closing of Danube Blocks Plan to Send Monitors Against Bessarabian Port AJlies Rush Troops to Salonica Czar Promises Aid to Serbs. Sprrial Crthlr PtAPafM li TllA URi London, DUCi 6 Kumanla'H attitude was AgUlfl in the foreground to-day In the ipueulatloA Tegardlng developmente In the Balaam Huchareet deepatchea ussert Ihnt the Kumauian t iovernmrnt, to want oft a threatened Austrian attack on the HusKlnn fOTCUA wralttered in Itensata- hi. i. has dee, iled to i'l(se all foreign navl gntkm on the Kumnnlan rt of the Dnnubn Th;s action, one NgJUtt to a Part paper sas. Is baaud UPOfl the fact Ihnt four Au trlB'i RlOUttOlt are ready to tcMve RgAtcMlh) " MUlgMtiM port on the 1 Danubu. to bontbarfl rhu Btuagfgliuin i I Danube port of Ronli the chief point of I concentration of th. RttAAlan army that is Agpaatad to croua RumunkM territory for a RulgUf 'ii IUV uNon. I glmultaneoully with theae raportl anie to.- Announce man! of a renewed I promlAe by the t'r.iu' to Serbia of t her in. ndWAi "Ruaaia AlreAdy has a plan to ve . AJerbla' 'be ''Air is qu otad a de ' rkttipg in a tclAgjam to I're rotor Pach I tlch oi Serbia. - Iti no CUM will Russia tolerate tin doipiearani'e of Herbla'A ijnltei,unix.'- IWll Iteenforred. Me.itiwh.le new allied reenfore. gMntg are pugrllAJ in at Halonica. evidently with the vo w 10 blingUtl the number of troop in tile It ilkan to the point ile ni.knded by Kiimatim ae a COfldltlOU for , her raMl TOnthM on the Kntente Powers' , ild. Pari! rerelved word to-day that the Sethlan forces which evacuated Mon I ajffr escaped over the ilreek frontier, i hurried eaatwurd And joined the Aiiiee i at OhcTghAH without 0 eek trterferenee The milgari attaeglng the stronly Intrenched Kreneh In the south have been unable so far to crora the t'erna. The former Serbian Minister at Parle, lr. M. R Vesnltch. In an Interview In the Temps to-da . predicted that "tietter .lays for Se blA are mmlng soon." de clartng that a BurblM army ill". 000 At pong, which eaCaped the Invaders, Is intact and ready to roope-ate with the Allies as soon as a general offensive ag.i'tvet the Hulgaro-Tcuton armies can be launched. over he, Balkan operations by the cen sors it Athens nnd Batonlcg. the present wher about! of Field Marshal von Mack- etisen's AuAt m-OertnAn army remains a mystery. The general presumption Is, however, that this army, which at last accounts "cbangud its direction' and inarched northeaAtwa'd. Is prepared to 1 throw Itself Agalnat the expected Rus sian onrush Some military experts be lleve that the lar"r pari of the Austro- . I Oerman forcA held In raadlneAA to r . nforee Hie BulgarA The Rotterdsro correapondant of the P'tHy Vetrs says he has private Informa ; lion from Herlln to the effei t that large Gent an f.-irces have DC AH detached from the Rglkan armies n attack the Franco British front in the south. It la tie-, lieved that these .ornpose the I army of Oen von Oallwitg. Active! operation avri'.nst this front are ex-1 pectttd shortly. la lief.n.l Rnlleear l.lne. This Drill probably be done If the allied forces begin a serious offensive with the object of wresting the Salor.ica Nlth railway gnd ultimately the Orient line from the Invaders. In the south Turkish and Bulgarian Ir Agulart are reportAd to be hatasslng the Ft en. li at Kadavar, The Bulgarian pursuit of the remnants of the Serbian army In western Serbia I the protection of the clil population continues, as does the Austrian Invasion i Agalnat Bulgarian atrocities, of Montenegro The Bulgarian War "The path Ming of the city wan ate Uttee In lis official statement to-day I tlUAtAd to g Hungarian cavalry regiment quotes Serbian prlsonsrs as saying that composed principally of men having racs King Peter of Setbla has to be cairled I atllliatlona with the Serbians The Bul on a stretcher because the road along the gailans. unable to restrain their natural Iirina Is Impassable even for horses. I fsrocltv, disregarded the orders and I.. - 'I'o- 'av's o'lici il Bulgarian statement 'OllOU - : After Monday the defeat 'f near Prlxrend the Serbs last the remains if solve the Chamber of Deputies and hold a neUJ election at a time When the army (A mobilized and v. hen IhA malrila. nance , of the country on a war footing shows that the i lov eminent fears that. In spite of all it may do, it will lie necessary 10 : make war to defend our territorial In- j fegl ity. "Hut the rjovgrnrnant decided to con- far the right to vote on mobilized men who ate their pgrtlogne, excluding op ponents from the same right Tlss oh Joel of this political farce is to obtain a falsified vote of the peoplA for ap proval "f the shameful non-execution o the treaty, which would nave enabled iireece to extend her frontiers. It la the duty of the Liberal paity to refuse to! tako part In this fare! in order not to i give It the Appearance of legality. Our party most try to avoid other dangers which ndeht follow an Internal struggle In tho midst of an exterior crisis '' , JCFFRE HEADS WAR COUNCIL OF ALLIES General Staffs of All Entente Poweri Represented at Paris Meeting:. Bjewt VuM D0p4$ck to Tur. Sis. PA Rlf i DOC. i (Jen. Joffre, tha French OtlUnOIlt.011 In 0hl f In the 'et. pre ftlrleil nt the Arm aaajiton of thi a:refier ii;,.-l war council hOft t"-day, at whlrh todl f the allied ( lenrj ul St. iff h w:m gpfi ntod The name of the Hrltinh rei)renentatl vo it tha council ineMn not mule ptt-bUOi RttSIll leprenented by Gen. Oil trm ttli Italy by Oon. Porro and ttrtolft ' 1 1 . n HtefanovltL-h i ipartytloni tin wootorn frnt oon- tltiuad to If marked by violent art II- 1 I i"" comLats. ,iocotdhin to the nijfbt mi i til one. l-'i eii' li haltei ten botO een I tii.- bti:inite and th" Ulae miuxm eded In Mttinn tils- MfflllAA nf I t-Aflfafl In fnfmiillim i tuthlnrl Ilia II. uron llnm at I In t : fu'imn j und lejoucourt. i Th taal Of thn ntlht run:' I'ln 'I'll1 waa na I'dhiwn . I mi Ing the day there yum Intenat urtillbrj activity In Ariols ufounU Looi -tiii Vouches. ,,M Wi'" m bviwoon tin Si inio'' and tha dlaa, phara our but tel. .'M honrbardad convoya at Kay and troopw which woro btlni dlaplacad bt hi ui tho lermuii from near I lot ton court and IdOUCOUft. ISfiually inteo'-e cnnnonadtni tool plaoa In Champ Vno, between the rc flon of Saint BOUplOU to M.iHHlffeM and In the Argonna at Haute Che- auohoa, In the afternoon tha War OfHcu la Hued ihlH brief bulletin : Thera la nothlnac to add to th ora- edjn oommumque. the Serbian army eetrea'e.1 toward Jakovu and along the llalidrlnl toward I libra and Scutari, pursued u. our troops. Friday our column following the Serbian along tile tlalldrlnl Overtook them In positions on the left bank of the LJuma and energetically attacked and dispersed the Snrtis. who Hod pre cipitately The s.-tre. lost here 100 field guns and huwltieis. dg motor caie, a great nuantlty of wa: mutorl il, 150 iranspoit wagons and lar-e qugn titles of uniforms and AnUlrNAMtnl The ruAd klgkl the Ba'ldrlnl 10 Kularjuina was blocked with the hooty. Sertio-Miintcnesrlu troops retreating toward lJ-nto evacuated thlg plaie at the sight of our troop, leaving behind six howitiers. Our avalr continues the pursuit. According to statements of prison rs. King Peter of Serbia had to he car ried on a stretcher beCAUAS the march along the Dtlna Rier wa.s even lm passnMe for horse tuatrlan Ogtcliil glatOABPgtli The following OfTtOtn state i ent was Issued by the Vienna War tlfltCA tilay : In the Bnlkans we are prrsaing for ward west of Novi-ttaxir on the Mltrirvlca-ipsk road, In Montenegrin territory. Tho rugged country Is hindering the MoiltAnagfln AdvaJtog, The Montenigrln iTUDpi wtr- driven back n their main pOAlttOQA We defeale.l Serbian rearguards east of lis i. Our gdWUAM guards are app roackl ng the town. e captured 2.1O0 prisoners yesterday PLANS AID FOR SERBIA. Italian t'awtnet Hrvlena Problem i 4'oaAtilara Allies' Iteporls. IxjNnow, Pec. Forthcoming aid for Serbia on the part of Italy is Indicated 1 In the following news agency despatch received to-day from Home : "The Italian Cabinet to-day discussed ways and means of aiding Serbia In ac cord with the Allied Powers, and re- CetVAd reports as to the attitude of both I Ore At A and Rumania that wire COtlgld ; ered favorable. "A cons.derable part of the Cabinet j session grgg devoted to the cxatnlna- ' tlon of the military and political s.tua- ; tlon. particularly In regard to the Hal- ; i kans. The Foreign M. tester .-otnmunl- cate1 rtie viewpoint of the Ailler cm- ; eerning the progress of the latest com- i munlcatlons betweii the i ireek Premier and the Athet-s Ministers of the Kn tente Powers. There w te also presented gtlgfgOtory notes from Bucharest ex- ' preAAing the beller that the policy o hellef that the I i Itratiano will shortly b satls- fai.torli- ch ar "After discussing these items, the Cabinet turned to the QUAAtlon ol pro- j vldlng ways and means for aiding Serbia ! on lite lines sugg"std by Uie BntAtii .Mips. "ilen. Xupelll gave an ACCOttnl of the military situation and pointed out that continued progress had been made, , thanks to the valor of Italy s patriotic j troupe " VICTORS CLASH AT SISH. llnnanrlan Troop. Kill Disorderly Unlgsr Soldiers. Sparta) i IMAggicA Is Tag Hi. 1inuon. Iv t The fiailv AgTstU'g Athene siTi-siioislent tslaflOflhA I "A serious clash between Hungarian and Bulgarinn Iroopg iwcurresl at Nlsh following the Austro-Germau for sail to aosault women. This I 1 to hand liand llgliting with serious lss of maintained the life The Hungarians appef hand." BRITISH CABINET IS AGAINST SALARY CUT Members Object to Redaction l'nless Business Men Are Treated Similarly. ggiegjl i"M Meggies' to Tns St s. LOttOON, rec. 6. The proposal which has been voiced in several newspapers that the salaries, of the Cabinet Minis ters he reduced does not appear to commend its, if to a ttigJorRy of the Cabinet. Some of the Ministers hold that it would tie a good Arrangement If all salaries of (5.000 ($15,000) and Upward were reduced during the war. the Ministers' salaries Included, hut they nek why the Ministers, who are hard working men, should suffer while business men who are m iking big In comes e cape. It Is apparent that any proposal to reduce the salar'e of Member! of Par liament Would be Atrongl) oppoged be cause UtbOrltAA and ngtlongllstA, for ex ample, would not tie able to their respective representations were not paid. continue if they The pernonnel of the Mrltlnh Cihinet nnd the buUilen of the members are aft follows : Prime Minister, Kerberl Hnry Apquith .unpaid IVml Hlrrh Ohaneollor. Ivonl Bui k mdetter &0.t00 Igord Prtaldaat of toa Oounatl. arl Beauchomp to. non Isord Privy stui, Barl cunou., . .Unpaid Klret Uard f 'hi- Tremury. i he I'rtmt MlniKtr-r Klrsti lr(l f 'hi- Admiralty. Ar thur J. It i f 1 1 r 2 Mil - i f Uunltlona, David Uoyd 0"re t ; a ore tnr lei 'f sn.t. Kama AffilrN. sir John Hlmon ...2; K't.icn A If a Ira. allr nVlward Qrey ; 'oJinilpii, A. Hi in rt r teOW 2 ' War, rc.iri Kltchanar India i a ut. n thambarlaln . j: ,000 .1100 .ooo mill .0110 .01111 .HOO Cbanoallor uf lha Richeiiuefi itfui na li Mr K anna IT.. 000 io oho IH.126 it ; 10,101 10,000 10.000 10.000 is, ooo Ht-rrt i Hry fur Mrklhnnn W Seiltllllld, rhoinas A UKllH- Ml t; t Ret re'ary t Ir. .oi Una HlrreM. ... I'ri-jilinti nt th th'- ITouDrll I ttonrd of Tra-lf. W i'-ui aavarnmi ni i."nf dommlttei h ,f sf tluni'lm! Dosrd, tv.iiter Board Of AKrlrultur'. te ma it'.:u-.i f Bdueatlon. demnit , . . . rirp i 'nintuiaalnhl r t JBarl of H. I - Arthur Ken Works, i.ouiii V llnre't irt Lull- cimtrr, Herbert Samuel. . , . i ... 1 1. itifj i, .i. p radertov H in 1 1 ll K lias's Hrltlsh Losses 11511. AgsAsfl lirrial' i hi Tne Si n. IsiNiKiN. Dec. I, To-day'A ofllclal rns UAlty list tovering all Hrltlsh fronts gives the number of officers at eighteen, of whom live were killed, gnd that of men At Ml, of whom 111 were killed. This makei the day's total casualties 660, of whom tit were killed. WAR MUST GO ON, IlinULllDURU On 10 Allies Not ItntN'rod Kiioiijrli to Want Ptiet, Yet. He Pit In res. "Ri ssi v DEMORALIZED' Viinna. via Amsterdam, Tec. The Vsgji t'nir i'n MA publishes an Inter view with Field Marshal von llindeii burg. obtained at Ills quarters, which are described as being "In one of the most Impoilnnt points of tho line of defence, which llussla had established against trerniatiy." "At present the enemy won't make peace," said the Field Marshal. "Th y are nol yet AUiffl lently battered. We must, therefore, keep on." lien, von Hlndenburg criticised the French demands, particularly that re Igtlng to Alsai-e-ljorralne. "If they want It." he said, "they I hi uld come and get it. The British apiitir also to ha'e decided to continue th war. It It Hue that reports have come com lid. a that ought to dgpjipan the But si, lust lot war somewhat, hut one must wail And s whether these fe ports ire corrOborsted, Qr at Britain has bST Achilles tendon . 1 am not refer ring alone to India Pence ot In Alight." "In RltSSla, also, the Kmpcror and over emsnt plainly tfslr the oon- tlnuation of the war The most re mark iblc thing is that all these na tions do nut sea that they are only sin Hill ing thsTOS Ives tor Ufugt Britain. II doAA not look like peace, and so Utrt mgn) cannot sheathe lier swoixl " PhA Mars . 1 1 o. .ared that every i ier nvall would r' jolie if 'an end Were )iilt t th terrtbis bloodletting, but that UsMtlMUiy must carry i. the War which was forced on her. (,'m st med concerning the inllltnry slt Uatlon the F.i Id Marshal said: "Our ta iieal position Is excellent. Kapeclully ,n tin- cist th' tie I Mhsu army Hag reac ad tic most fivorabl. strategic tsieltion concslvabta." The Field Marshal Asserted tint the Russian human material was much poorer than In the first year Of the war, nd that RuaaIa oould flu the gap- with the reserves now mustered, but could not form IIAW The lack f offices was alAo a hindrance aya llussla la Badly Off. Ths RuAgtan AgAgrtksno that their d.- feais lii July and August w. re due to lack of ammunition were only ratpr ex cuses, said the Marshal who added : "ThAN are no signs that the d-:isjral-ISAtlon of the Itus.-lnn army observed then lias been " The Fie Marshal said he did not expe t Another RuAAlan onTsluiIvs, but wits r.-ac "lie The nature of the arkrfare and inodt the war one of am munlton. Tn. extension of warfare all OVAr Europe was a d.mgir for Napoleon and the reason of his fall, said the Uerman OOnV.Tandsr, hut It played no pots m th present inflict, in view of modern railroad facilities. He concluded by saying : "I should be Aipsohtlly pleased at the dSAtrUCl VA defeat of the lighting This war must nol end without the three principal sinners Great Britain. Serbia and Italy rscslvlng Just punishment." DW1NSK OFFENSIVE RENEWED BY GERMANS Attacks Reported Repulsed RtUalana Rcsntue Fight in Risra Reirion. LONDON, Ik 1 Field Marshal von Hind nburg s forces hAV! resumed a vlg- oroui offensive in Hi" Dwingk region. while the RuAAlAna have renewed their Attacks on the derma ri troops righting for the app' i AOl AA of ins seaport of Blgn. Tn' otllcial reports from Berlin and Petrograd assert that all attacks on tiu-s' two fronts wars pepuleed The derm in War Office admit! the capture by the RuSAlgni ' f a Qermgfl aeroplane with Its occupants on the CourlAnd coast The official Oerrosn Atati tnent fol lows: At As y break yesterda) a Russlsn Attack Aouthwesl "f Lake Bablt, west of Riga, broke down b fore our lines, w 'th scv re losseti to the ,'iiemy. A Qerman AeronlAne, which hal lsen hit by H use Ian artillery lire, coming from the direction tne !ea, w is raptured wit!i its occupants near Markgraten, on the Courtgjld coast. The RuaslAn War Office issued the following statement to-day: In t'n' Dwingk region last night the QgrmAnA vigorously bombarded our ttenchei from Borekoy village, on the western Dwine, to iiluxt, without re sult. South of Rafalovka, on the Styr. the Celtll. ns took the offAnglVA against tin- cemetery neer KoAllnltchl, but were itopped The situation on the nst . c the front is unchanged. RUSSIA CALLS YOUTHS. ClftOI of 1 IU 7 in II- Enrolled Voeiv li t-1 .1 tt 'rime, paTKOORAD, via London, Dac. 6. An I moor la I ukaae IhhuihI to-day oniers the enrolmoni next year of the in 1 11 t rv elnai of H'lT Presume id i t heee nlneteen4 oarold youths Are t take the phoe of re serve regiment! who are tn participate in Ituoaiu a eXpectod nffenaivc. SPANISH CABINET RESI3NS. Ministers It sen. Move .,. soborill tn.e ttlllliirt l'HK.r.. spr inl f thtr fteeggfeg to Tnr Hi Mapaid, Deo I. The Bpgnlgh Cgblnel rAAlgPAd to-il.i. The OppOAltlOn, sllp- porleil bj t. umir Pramlsr KomAnonsA, AArVAd mule of :i proposed motion to gi' e . oi omlP qUSAtlOlll priority over military meAAureg, Premier Halo deollnAd t" Accept the motion .mil I It the rli.imhci, later prAAentlng the llgblngt'A rgAtgiiatlon to King AlfonAO, Ra grt! reeohed London on November Is thai there wis a crlAll In th.' Hpanlgn I' 'i n i I grid Hi it "ii th day previous LlAUt.-QAn. BtOhgfflie, Minister of Wiir. b.iil present, 'd a measure to Parlla ni t.t for reform In the military system, saying tlijt In sflnlatry would resign Utile s the inc isure was pgg.ed Premier 1'ato's Cabinet, formed on October II. 111, lo take the place of lhAt head d by Count de Romanones, w il in follows : nor QUArrgi MlnlAtOf of the Interior. tenor Bugillal MlnlAter of Kinanee. Ma muis ii. Lomfti I'lnlsttr "f rorAlgn Affalis. Oen RcbggU Minister of War. MarqUll Vgdlllo, Minister of Justice. agllUr I'k arte, Minirtt'l' of Publlo W'oi ks. Admiral Miranda, Minister of the Navy. henor Rgrgamln, Minister of Publlo Instruction. CJ' I A lensible I I Gaiette SUBMARINE SINKS 6 SHIPS IN TWO DAYS Turkish Dentroypr anil 5 Sup ply Vessels Torpedoed by Itritihh Itoat. SHELLS MILITARY TRAIX 9 pee Aft t'-lK'r fJripnirh tn Tnr StrPi UoNgOWi Pec 6. An extraordinary list of achievements of a British submarine In the course of three days Is given In an Admiralty announcement made to day. The undersea craft, Operating In the Sea of Marmora, sank a Turkish destroyer, damsged a adlltary train and sank a supply steamer and four sailing vessels. The official PreAs Bureau's ststement follows : The Admiralty Issued tn-day the following repot t from a Brttlah sub marine pi'iat.tig In the Sen of Mar mora : i hi Hecomber 1! she fired Into and damaged a train on the lamld railway. On the followlna day she toriicdoed and sank the Turkish destroyer Yar Ilissar OUtaldt of the Oulf of Ismld. The subiarlne picked up two officers, while forty of the crew were placed Aboard a sailing xesael. on lec..mlsr t the same submarine sank a supply steamer of 3.000 tons off Pandemia by gunfire, and nlso destroyed four sailing vessels carrying supplies. The Turkish torpedo Imat destroyer Yar-lllssar was built In 1907. She was! I of the newest t pe of destroyers In the I , Sultan's nav. She carried one Hi I pOUndef, six 3 iioumlers and had two It Inch torpedo tubes. Her displace ment was 3"."i tons and her speed twenty- I 'eight knots. The normal complement of! 1 the Yar-Hissar was eighty-three, so that. lot i -one sailors are oe.ievaa to have lieen lost when the Var-Hlasar was sunk. SHIP ESCAPES U BOAT. British steamer, hhelled for Five Hours, Safe In Port. Ioniu m, Dec. A Following Is an ac count roe d4 public to-day regarding a recent attack and shelling of the British steamship Japanese prince by a Uerman suhmai lag : "The steamer Japanese Prince of the Prince l.lne. New.astle-on-Tyne. with a large ere . and a considerable number of pgggelMjeri, recently encountered a Her man submarine. Kor live and a half hours she rtmgglH to get clear, being heavily ghellad during the greater por tion of th 1' time The . . plain kept plucklly at Ma post and handled the vessel with conspicuous ability an Judgment. As it rOAUU of his efforts, .vtih the hearty cooperation of Ids crew, th, Japanese Prince ultimately was able to elude the submarine and was brought ,-ito port with all aboard safe. "As an evidence of their Appreciation of hll gallantry and gblllt) the dlictorA of the Pi .i c. l.lne awarded ".'apt. Jen kins the s.'ni of f'.On (,SoO) and have directed mat a rimilar sum be divided among f.. vessel's crew." The I 11 atese Prince Is a ship of t.STii tons And was built In 1911 Nothing is stated :is to where the attack took piece, TOWN NEAR 00RITZ SHELLED. Iriinai IteiHirf I In I In n Ham tn ref luent of nn I'letro. fjNMeoJ C6 frepprtch to Tub 8lv Vikvva. VtS London, DOC. . The fol. lowing offlctal etatement recrariing or t at!nn In the Italian theatre 07 OJ 1ft autil by the War OfAce to-day: On tN- lrtonxo front the ejieiny ' artillery wan active. On the QoVttl actor the Vlluue of lan 1'ietro vraa bombarded by aheiin of ul) oallbrfa, (Oi the DobortlO htahltind ae'tor Ital ian infantry nltack were repulfted On tin Tyrol front there was artillery action. FRENCH SHELL TURKS' CAMPS. Iteporl ti-tlllery At-. It I. at .he llnrdanelles. fgerlel Cggl! ' ;ir-A to Tnr Si v. 1'aiiih, Keo. K. The French War Of II e i-sueil the following is3iiitiiiiiili4ue to nlgl t with rrgtini to the exndltionurv I corps at the I n rdaneltes : 1'urlng tse day of llefeniber 4 there j A A! artillery aetlvlty on both ! sides We Mred upon enemy suppers in the reglpn of the mouth of the KerevAA River. Wg threw a grtitt j number of shells Into the Turkish en- camptnentA, TURKS DRIVE BRITISH ANEW. Alliance on liul-rl- tmars, ite por.ed ii t'os.nn.luo.le. ffAeetel t'at.te OoAasfeA ri Tne 8t . ('oNSTASTiNori.K. vlg London, lie,'. i. The olflolAl Turkish itstement Issued to-day regerdlng the retreel of the Brit- lAh expedition Hi Mesopotamia sie: The enem' has lieen coneentratlng near Hut-el-Amerg in their previously fortified positions. On Prhluy ' ap ' e I I.' ut -el - ma ra after a match of two hours, prggOlni the enemy from tic ei-t gnd north and foiling the Itrlt'sh troops on the bank of ihe Tigris RlVer Opposite the lake to take rgflsft gbogrd vessels. Hetwcen Kut-el-A nun a and ltechela we cupturisl a vessel of the enemy Igden with ammunition, and ggvgrg! ju isoners. RnPHtlgg on .-n Pled. Any Tarks. I Serial fgefi potr, , tha tog, Conatantimopuii via London, Pea I. The Tnrklgb ofTlclgl itgtArhent regarding Ihe Ikirdanellea front saya : There was u violent artillery action on Saturday. At Ail Burntl a hostile torpedo laatt fired upon several points. Two enemy transports fled. At Bedd-el-Hahr the enemy's artillery, monitors and an Armored cruiser hoiiihaidnl our posi tions for two hours. A Turkish air man dropped bombs utioti a monitor and It ceased to lire. POPE URGES PEACE OH LIBERAL TERMS Shvh All RelliufprentN Must Yield on Some Point; to Knd Conflict. CARDINALS PESSIMISTIC IgOgM Cablr iptfeA lo Tns tttS IIomk, Dee. A. PupA Benedict In b!A allocution to hla 11: at secret Conslsjry to-day voiced a strong plea for an early peace. The pontiff Created seven Cardi nals. Only Alx namet. srere made.uub. lie, however, the sevetr.n being rcfl.aved "In tsftto." The opt.mlsm that reigned In Vatican Circles Incident to the Consistory whs considerably dampened when It liecame known that Curdlna.1 von llartinann. Archbishop of Cologne, confided to a f rl ml that puai e was impossible for another year. Ttils announcement da poses of the theory that the Cologne Cardinal, who Is known to enjoy the confidence of the Herman BnipgNf, had been entrusted by the Kaiser with a peace mleslon to the Pope, owing to Cnrdlnal von llartmann's close rela tions with Rmpgfor William the view expressed hy him here Is believed to be thgi of the Herman lovernment. In his allocution the Pope said: "In this grave and historic moment before the assembly, notwithstanding the ruin accumulating during th' last six teen months, notwithstanding that the desire for peace grows dally In many hearts, and that numberless families Iu their sorrow long for It, notwithstanding that I have tried every means that mirhi hasten pea r alloy discord, neverthe- le: s the fatal wsr still grows In fury by land and sen and threatens unfortunate Armenia with extreme ruin. "The letter which on the annlversiiry of the tssgiiuiing of the war we addressed to the belligerent peoples and their rulers, though It received a reverent hearing. It by no means produced the iHsneflcellt efTeiHs t'lwit were expected. "Pence must be Just, lasting and not favorable to any one group of belliger ents. It must la? a peace that can really lead to a happy result, such ns has al ready hoi n tried and found to Is' good under similar ctrctomgtgnCgA, "As we suggested iu our original letter to the Powers, It must onslst of an exchange of Ideas, both direct And In direct, accompanied by a voluntary spirit and serene OongolOUgneAA, setting forth with completeness gnd clearness the full extent of UtA aspirations of each. It must eliminate those which are unjust and Imisisslble and retain with equi table recompense, when necessary, those whh'h are Just mid possible. "it is absolutely necessary, as in ail human controversies where th' contend ing parties seek a settlement, that each group of belligerents should cede on some points, and renounce sonie of the advantages hoped for. it is also ngogg sar that each should mnke these con cessions With good grace, even If It costs some, escriflce, "This must be done In order not to assume before God and man the enor mous responsibility lor the terrt!o slaughter which is without previous ex umple in history and which If cot. tinned iiihi prOVA to be th beginning of a de cline from that degree of prosperous civilisation to which Christianity has lifted tile World" FRANCE wTlL FIGHT ON. Manl.lnns Minis. er .lives gallons Terms ,,r Peace. OgeciAl 'a',e OtHjMtch to Til! Sr. Paris, Dec (, Albert Thomas. French Minister of Munitions and one of the leaders of th Socialist party, in a siieH-h at Cbamplgtiy at lbs celebration yester day of tin anniversary of the battle of Champlgny in is?", enumerated "the only terms on which France will make pegeg." lb' said lii part: "There will be no peace as far as France Is concerned until our Alsace lxirrame is doftnltel) reestablished as pur: of the French unity, none before the Belgiam- and Serbians have been re stored to Independence, none before Qer man imperialism and Prussian militar ism have been rend red incapable of doing harm . before the regime of right, based ,,n the victorious union of the Allies -itul reenforced by the free adher ence of Ihe neutrals, h is abolished for ever the violence of war." The Minister 0f Munitions inter preted reports of peace propa ganda as indicating Ihal dermany is weary of the war and fears ultimate de feat. "li. spite the advantages gained hv them," he Agld, "the Qermgns ata try ing to propagate peac, T i Offer peace is to demand it. Thug Qermgny betrays dlgqUlgtUdA nnd fears. Justice rind liberty have to-day only one road that which out nation In arms opens to them. With Ihe machine guns and cannon." Maurice Barrea, president of the League of Patriots, another speaker at the Oglebrgllon, said the reason of France's determination to curry the war to the end w a.s "the rc-estithlishnietit of the Kunipean "equilibrium." He declared that "no peace will be made until AlAACA ami Lorraine ore returned and we ore guaranteed security against Ihe Her mans." TEUTON TROOPS RUSH WEST. Batch w Uness Marked letlTlty ami Rg t Heavy Operations. prnal f'ahlt t'evfatrn ,, Tns Si s London, pee, t. The Pmiu Mail's Rotterdam correspondent telegraphs: "There are numerous signs and ru mors of a lot battle shortly expected on the western front Whether Her. many will take the initiative, or whether her Heneral Staff Is taking precautions against an allied offensive, is difficult to say. "Troops ami guns have been pouring Into Franco and Belgium for more than A week. All niessa es from the frontier agree on the main fact that large re- enforoementA huve. reached the Qermgn western army, while reports of heavy Artillery actions and great Aeroplane nc llVlty are increasing, Uonu lines of troops are continuing to arrive at CMlgnt "NcwspHpcrs from the south and weAt if llrrmen) arrived here to-dav. nearly a fortnight late. This may mean that the aonosntrgtlon of traopg is nnisheii Among leading Uermani in Holland there Is a feeling of krrn expectation combined With an air of mystery The Dutch Admiralty has forbidden lights In houses on the coast overlooking the gvneia. aim me iNortn .sea. BRITISH NEED NO LOAN NOW, eil In Krbrunri rMggRggg gsgRRdj, Naa London Writer. Sprnnl fable Htsntitrh tu Tns Si n LOMDON, Dsd 6 The Jnllj JuiC. political Correspondent writes: "There Is no likelihood of n new loan for a considerable time, probably not un til February. Ample money for current wur expenses Is now being obtained by Ihe fi per cent, treasury bills Issued at three, six and nine months "The recent talk of a possible forced loan Is baseless Bnglgnd Is still In it magnificent financial position. Rank balances which were depleted for the subscription of the last loan are now revived. Bnglgnd remalni the worlds banker. The gehemo of the State's bor rowing American securities Is not yet complete. It Is probable that Canadian securities will bo include 1 In the nr. rgngemont." Broadway at 34th Street. Special attention is directed to An extraordinary offering of Men's Fur-lined Coats at very special prices FUR-LINED COATS, muskrat fur lined, with beaver collar; fine black Kersey shell. FUR-LINED COATS, of imported black broadcloth, with beaver, otter, or Persian lamb collars; lined with selected muskrat. FUR-LINED COATS.of black broad cloth, with collars of beaver, otter, or Persian lamb; lined with dark, lus trous muskrat. Sixth floor. CHINESE REBELLION A FLASH IN THE PAN Mc n Who spIzpiI h Cruiser Quit Attnfk or tho Arsenal Reported RepnlMd. FOREIGNERS FACE PERIL tgSflAl ttmiiltrh to Tnr. Six. PgRtlt, Pee. i - The Chinese Covern ment received to-lay a telegram from den. Vang at Shanghai saying that the cruiser chao-llo. on which there was a mutiny yesterda , had been eap- ; tured, the shore attack on the arsenal I repulsed and peace restored, FOREIGNERS IN PERIL. Shot, Klreil In Rattle With Itrbrla III. ShssAksl fpeciel CgM "-i n to Tut sis LoMpON, UeC Details regarding the mutiny on .t Chinese cruiser early yesterdaa niornlng were learned here to-day from Shanghai despatched, whhh state that the crew of the cruiser Ciiao ho mutinied and tired Upon the arse nal. The erulser Hal-chen and the gun boat Tung-shlng watched the snelllug. hut did not attack the Chao-ho lest damage might be done to Uie European settlement. A party of rebels gqUlpPOd with guns oooperatgd it the attack from the ioo. tung shore, but dlstiersed when the snienal replied to the tire. No one In the European settlement was hurt. Th corresHndetit In Shanghai says that the crew of the mutinied immediately after tiie cruiser had been boarded by revolutionaries suddenly, an i thut the cruiser pi ned Are upon the arsenal. Two other cruisers were lying near the arsenal and they replied. Plrlng continued for alsiut half an hour, u few shells falling in the foreign Aettlement, ne shell penetrated a foreign boarding liouse and an International set' lenient . another st ashed two bedrooms in a private house In the French eettlemenl The damage was ronglddrgble, but thete were no casualties The Chao-ho was still In the hands of the revolutionaries at nightfall Other cruisers were waiting for dgyllffht befor. takinc any action. It Is Impossible to ascertain yet the seriousness of the outbreak Manv con flicting reports are In circulation, one stating that Nankin has declared its Independence REBELS KILL GOVERNOR. Roinh, Thrnnn In Kt,'U on I'nl- arr, Knds Life of ShahKlml "m. lsl. Jung Toe lieck. Oovernor of Shanghai, was killed by a bomb In the i tack made by Chinese revolutionists i the ijov ernot's iglace and arsenal, ooordlng to a cable dated Shanghai. l. mbet ... ro ot Ived hy .Ihii ffrv. a Cones, weekly publlAhed at 11 Bower' Th.- message ssild that KtiO rgVolutlonlgtA band, si to gether under the name of "Degdy tu Dig TnSJgMI1 took isirt in tile altacs. Th, y were led b) Han W hai. an officer .if the flist revolution. The .vim iii) correspondent also igtd thii.t two cruisers, the ChAO Ho and the Hal Stung, fell Into the hands of the n volut'.otiiets The latter, he added, took poaseseioti of the arsenal. APPEALS TO BRITAIN. loan hlh-k'al ald . Have sked llrr .0 Rrrimsllr Mnnarehy. Van Hrv. 11 Chinese w-eekly published here, has received a cablegram from Shanghai, dated December saving Ihat President Yum Hhih-k'ul has made a secret proposal to ISnglgnd .tsk'ng for recognition of a reestAbllAhed mon archy in China and promising the friendship of China and her ggAlAtgncA in return for the favor rSing Kwai-Cheung Minister of War, and I.I Yuan-hong. Vice-President of the Founded Two Thousand Men's and Young Men s Sack Suits Reduced to 25 Two-thirds were $38, $35 & $3.'. The balance were $30 & $j8. Tweeds, cheviots anil worsteds. Dark, medium and light colors. Two. three and four button Models. Brokaw BR( others Astor Place & Fourth Avimuic Vilwa Station si Dsi 'Phoni: Oraeley 2628, $49.50 69.50 89.50 II Puncture-Proof! Guaranteed Crggtest pneumatic tire improvement of all time. Wipes out road trouble. No punctures, no blow-outs. Real tire service for the first time. Positively Astounding mileage. Lee Tire Sales Co . 1966 Broadway, N. Y S iilliiiliilljiiliiiHimiiiHiii'iiiiiiii" P you want photogrnihn for Christians come this wrck. 576 FIFTH AV (t CjOK. 17, ST' 1 'h imef HpUhllc, . 1 npp irvotlai iohl caI foi tn ot govvr Vi r.I'n l nt wished tn wan furcd b) IU ! ' V hie jioMition. I MEAT AMPLE. GERJiAXS SA l ive Stock ,., Shows h I.i Plus, ttoalA nnd st, spiciot tfgeff flesj ifeA fi i s Huh'. in, via AtnAterdAm. I nswspaperA g.v th- ret ill stcs'k census of October l whli Mi i.illy declnn l la be ihom igl fylng und to show Ih it ti .;. gupply or Qermgny :.s 1 !-. The gggfegote increase - r , i ber of pigs is lit tier rs ni April ran sua, that of Onls i and of s-,' p I pee , ent T' decrease In the number ol rxtent is not stated, run 1 hot to he gg lolli- 'I'll, t decrease 10 the number ol one of netuiv '.i p. i ci ' ' I of chlckang The ,Vi Frrlr I'n - Vienna, uuoled Count gai lan i'n mler, as , deputation why tiie ... . rlgpn so gregtly in n n Tisgg de 1 1 red that the f harvest ho, I greetl) oven I m l ual v!i i'l .iinl th it : Iter, A age of ghttf I 'I.I people I working In ihe count rj ileni t.inl WfttfCA liini t li pr . had lltlli or no work, I it is ens ihg much to feed I "No prov .slims can be n Premlei roncluded, "Is i scrtipulo'i ' toe is holding 11 m the ngUt i 1 Is i re getting n M H I E if ii I Hi 1 " OMBBlMlMlfl HUB I LE E y res I CTffE Mm OffcTAtilE WJOOT