Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lo, 116. STORM HAVOC WILL j NEW HAVEN IS JUST early American history is shown in series of TAKP.n4YSTflMF.Nn BRTTINf, IINTiNfilin! CHARMING LIVING PICTURES AT WALDORF-ASTORIA ST. MARK'S BAZAAR BREAD DEPOT OPENS OPENS BRILLIANTLY i TO HELP THE HUNGRY BallroaiN. Telppliono. Tp1 irraph and Trolley Llnrx Bcrtrvly CrlppMst Mmikinar of KiMtrr FewdCTl Carried Down Signal Sys tems for Miles. Many Notable Help to Kake Malty Old Men Wild hit,, a SurcPNH of Fair to AM Hospital. If air. sirk mihI lXacnnrairr1, Spon in tha l,in. WEsT( HKSTF-R WORST HIT WORST IN ROAD'S HISTORY ITOPK TO RAISE 8100,000 MISKKV SHOWN IN , 16 F'M 11 Qid r" F Tie fi.rrcat for to-daj asd to-mor-pew Is I Psrtly cloudy and rnntlBBed Mil. Tbarsday. Increasing rtnadlBess bet warmer, with fresh westerly wlsds. fceeemlag terlable. Tlie two bk ttOflM which visited this dnlty on MOnday lapsartal early ycs ergs v. leaving 11 badly disorganised atty ard suburban district lehlnd them. . The railroads, the telephone and tola- j graph companies and tha trolley lines . lit the outlying districts have miiny days J work ahead of them to repair the dam- , age caused by the storm, hut lint night j II the railroads except the N-w ..ik. Maw Haven and Hartford predicted that i normal sen ice would begin aoofi, and Ihe city's Streets were beoomlio. itct.crally naeanhlc. even thOUgh UtlCOmfOrtgDW A ihortagc of laholrrs lm'drd the Work of the Street Cleaning Department Three Inches of snow fell .it the Mattery and eight Inches In The Hronx. The a,yeraga for the greater city waa alx Inchea. Commlealoner Krtherston rtg Urea that snow removal costa about I3f. 4)00 an Inch, ao unless Ihere la an un expected thaw to-dny the coat of the removal will M wall over II00.OUO, Only 14.10"! wan are enrolled on the Htreet Cleaning CoMBtlaalOttWi emer gercv Lata, while a ) car ago he hud 41,000 men available The Commission plana call for 14,W0 men on earn of three ahlfta. On hla tlrat shift Mon day night ha had only 6,000 men, and en the second 4.690 men. or fewer than half the men he needed. By nightfall yesterday ltroadway. from Yeeey street to 167th atreet, and Fifth Yenue, from Washington Square to 110th street, had been made passable, although those main avenue." were not romnletelv cleared of anow Forty snow ploughs were In action Monday night and twenty yesterday. Commission! r Fetherstoti said thai the scarcity of men la due to better induatrliil condition and Mm fact that many Italian laborers have aj,,ne home a reservists. The New Harm w i hit harder fhna ! ay of the railroad, although the New Tork Central Through trains arrived from four to twelve hour late The Twentieth Century Limited came through ' eleven hour late. Aa rhi train's arrival j la guaranteed, the Central had to pay Ml many dollar to It passenger Tne MeW Haven waa forced to euspend i throwf-h traffic completely for more then aitM hour he a liee the road's telegraph, telephone and signal control wires were carried down. The New Haven will put Into effect an emergen. . schedule to-day. i The telephone company and the tele graph companies reported that they were fi fair condition except In the Hudson and Mohewk ratter, and along the Jersey coaat. Iiespatrhea to Boston and Albany were Wing sent by way of Buffalo: the telephone company reported , that 1.80 stations were out of service In Westchester, up the Hudson and on ; Uhe Jersey coast. Weetchester wis the hardest Ml of the suburbs. Shade and fruit t:ce w re ruined to the extent of thousand! of dollars, the trolley line between White Plains. Tarrytown and Mam aroneck, Larchmont and Tonkere, as well aa the ears to Tort Cheater were stalled for , hour. The electric light ut Mount Klaro were out of service Wickers people failed to get their milk deliveries except in a few taetlona and Tarrytowti was almost completely Isolated. The etiowfall wis 15 inches in many parts ef West, heater. Long Branch. Atlantic Highland-. S. i-grlg-ht and other points alon. the Jersey roast as far as Asbury Park reported light damage. Hloomlngdale. N .1. waa Isolated. The Jitney sled made Its ppenranoe In Atlantic City when buses found going too heavy. Ralph Veeland, civil war veteran of Hloomlngdale. died from exhaustion la the enow, nnd ao did Alexander 'irt. a driver of Long Island City. MILK FAMINE BRIEF ONE. Deliveries a to 10 Honra I. ate, Rnl supply la tmple. What was heralded aa a serious milk famine In the city due to the storm faded Into merely an inconvenient and hrlef shortage with the arrival of many f the milk trains on the lehlgh Valley, Lackawanna. Pennsylvania and New v,.,i, c.ntFi,i Hues vesterdav noon. The Borden Company reported thai by i nightfall it nnd been able to dispense about 10 per cent, of Its usual amount. h generous quantlt) of it in Brooklyn, and the Blawson-Daokar icarn es timated that It had sent out 90 per cent. The deliveries, hOWOWi 'r" f rout olghl to ten hours late. .The fear a famini had been en gendered by 'he Inability to locate anv of the milk supply trains becauM of the lack of tilegraph faollltlae. The est dllilculty yesterday from the storm, according to the BlaWsOn-Dackar com pany, was the failure of 'he supply o' gra.le A certified milk. All the trains bringing thl - trad were bald up be tween twelve and twenty-four hours. The mills companies hope to-day to de liver mi'lt In foil quantities and on regu lar schedule. TACT ON STORMBOUND TRAIN. BpeadB Honra Trlna to i.ei Hack 10 IV a s? Harea, Forme- President Taft after talking a the Congress Club dinner at ihe Ho tel Manhattan took tin- 2 o'clock train for New Haven yesterda.. morning, curled up In a seat. If so venrrahle a personage may tie said to curl, and woke up at 7 to find that tie was only a few miles nearer New Haven than he had i Imbcd at 2. Whether his train reached New Haven In time for Prof Tuft'l firsl lecture is not recorded in New York because of the interruption ot communication owing to the iitorm it is rumored, however, tint, the ex-l'reeldent ohscr.,i the sign that all trains were subject to daisy and fortified himself with several sandwiches I befor i ertihai king V, a. Sara I. una Island Hoiid. Suit against the Ixng Island Railroad Company for $,5"0 was lietun III the Vnitcd States District I'ouri in Brooklyn . yesterday by Federal Attorney Melville, j. France, t being alleged thai the rail road violated the full ,-rew Ian b) work ing men overtime and by cutting down I on the tine between "swings." Thirteen i gpsolflc instances are cited, and Iftoo, thu muxlinum tine, is demanded In Bach : MM. $1,000,000 TO EASTMAN 8TAFF. Kodak Mskrrt Mill liet Honu for I.mmi PIto ears. Ito .iii. f il l:. N. V.. I leu 4,. The ilirec. tors of ihe Bastman Kodak have voted to distribute appr 11,000,000 amoiiu employees i i ompsny uctmeteiy s an au- liual w ii' ,ilM,ielul. Bach employee will receive u per SJlt. of his annual w.iges up lo hve er. The money will l, Uii ti ibuted on Ju.y 1, I til), The prostration of the New York. New i Haven end Hartford Railroad In one of the worar storm tleupa It haa ever expe rienced, rave New Tork and the NewKng land States yeaterdny n taate of some UHnf 'if the transportation conditions of the country's early di.vs. With transmls elon. signal control, telegraph and tele phone wlrea swept down by the atorm of Monday night hardly a New Haven train left the Urand Central Station to reach pointa eaat of Stamford from 6 o'clock Monday until the regular 6 .30 train pulled out for Boston on time laat night. I Then- waa a cortailete reaeatlon of .r..URtt in' for nine h"ira BUM or ten locnls were w out he-' ginning Willi I til O'clock yesterday ! afternoon, as were the a :30 train, a.) later train lo Boston via Spt ingftcld, and 'the mlilnlKht anl 1 0 clock Boat op eg presses. All emergency schedule will he placed In effect to-day. How long ll will take to readjust matters to normal is unknown Freight traffic as well aa paaaenger had entirely ceased, and this will add to a very serious congestion In the yards. Ki-om Boston communications were In little la tter shape. The Merch mta Lim ited. Which left ihere at ." Monday afternoon! due hen- ,,: 10:04, arrived 'here Shortly aftet yesterday mornlna after crawling In short stretches be hind 1eain trom Stamford. Coffee waa Served to the passengers In the parlor cars at Intervals all nigh'. The midnight and 1 o'clock train from Boston were lost for several hour and finally came Into the Station at t 3 and 1 o'clock yesterday afernoon respect Ivaly. All morning traffic out of Boston was an nulled line to Overhead Peedera. The peculiar completer of the New ' Haven's block must he laid to the fad that It Is the only trunk line running out ot New York on overhead electric power Both the New York Central and West Bhofe lliies running north through the centM of the storm district suffered de- j I lays and p.ntlyalt of telegraph conitnunl cation: but both were, able to continue i somewhere near regular eervice. The , Jetsey line were handicapped to ii lesser) i degree After the annulment of all trains from 1 the Qrand Central station yeaterday ; morning the order came from A. J. W ha ley. Vice-president, in charge of I operation, that no further through trains WOUld run until the signal ayatem was reestablished. Howard Elliott, president of the road.' who was 1m New S'ork when the storm struck and has been working with Mr. j Whaley restoring service, explained the situation in a statement given out yce terday. saving that the primary Idea of; the officials to safeguard the movements I of all trains resultsd In their alow progress, Krelghi llemanris I nuaaal. The problem of transferring from elec tric to steam power, it was explained. was particularly complicated at present because ,,f tiie tremendous movements of freight which have not oni used up all the regular ho. .motive equipment of the' rad, but haw also required the reaiing , of engines from other roada, Further than this It Is very difficult to supply coaling facilities at short notice. AU trains now running are carried by steatu beyond Mott Haven. The crowd stormbound in commuters and through trains an-i waiting about .the bulletin bojrd at the Urand Central either for a train to carry them out or for friends were for the moat part pleasant, realizing t'iat the pltuatloa was unavoidable, in many of the local trains Monday night if was uncom fortably cold after the electric power went off. Many passengerg who weni out Ofl the ' midnight and 1 o'clock Jr.ilns for Boston yesterday morning and found themselves j atill this side of Stamford when they wok'- up Straggled hack to the city . iunng the da .ii'd asked for refunds. LINER WAITS FOR STORMBOUND B lHnl rnaatnitr-ra Hold Mean mi4-rdn in tven Hoar. i The HollsUldAnivrtekl Um r Niruw Am Hterriatn, Hciichiled lo h&i at noon VH ; ttrd&y fur Falmouth ft&d UottMam, WM h-M up ifVtn rtOiiri to await th ar- ! rlvitl of puMtlgtri from remote 'ltlii Uili country and ( amuia who nu tiean d lay-fi by tiit- hi if itortn. AnHing th MiyaifiTw wire Dr. anii Mrs. WUfrd Orerrfrll, Ht Newfoundland mlaaionarlM j Mtai K. van Dyke, dauffh ter of the American Mlnliior to Holland, and Mr. and Mra. Raymond Hltohoock. The actor win play in London In drajna tapoolally written for him. He aahl h was Koine ovor to "Htop Kurd from noytni the Rvhtlns armlai in Europe." JUDICIAL CHANGES DISCUSSED. I elloM .InrlstB Hani cott Warned mm lreldlna .luatler. fi bl OaRll known yesterday tbsi the Justices of the Supreme court of the First District l,.fl'e been dlncusslng thu proapsottve retirement of presiding Juf riiv Qaoags i- In graham of the Apel late Division and have agreed among themselves that it would he a gfaolOUS ilili-g on the pari of fjov, W ltmaii to deslgnats Justice rrancls M- ?coti, a ctassinats of Justice Ingraham at Co lumbla, to sucosed Justice Ingraham. Justice Hcott is now ii" years ol,l gnd he. will Is- retired on December Si, III. I.e. aline of the iige limitation. Ills fellow Justices have pointed -nit that Justice John I'r-icior I'larke, wno wa r selected last -ear, will have r-lKht years to k'Iv after Justice Scott retires before he him self reaches tiie age limit, thus affording ample opportunity for Hie gru tlfloat Ion BUCh Wlgh as lie may have to be designated a Presiding justice. line of the gpeculatlom that toucheil ii responstvs chord yesterday was that oil. Wbltllian loigh' name Phoenix In graham a huh of Uie Justice, to till the vacancy to he made in the Bupreme Court after January 1. Should Mr In- graliam reoalvs the a.)poiutment the family tradition leapecting the bench would be carried out. The fahlier of the present Justice waa for many years on the uimoh, having been I'reeldlng Judge ,,f the old QensrSl Term Hie report that his f-llow JuBtices favored 'he Slsvatlon of Justice Scott, who is a Democrat, led to the surmise thai llov, Whitman may change bis re polled Intentions and Ingtead ol naming h Democrat to BUCOBed Judge Swaun In ihe Court of Qensral Sesnlons and a lie. pUbllltan to BUcOsed Justice Ingraham as Prssldlng Justice might offset the nam ing of JUBtlCS Scott by putting a lle publloan In Judg iwaaa'l place. In this OonnSOtlOn 'he name of MaglKtrate joeaph M, Dsusl waa mentioned. For gHIIO.nillt CamVl llouae ItcnalrB. 'Pre conn house ommlttei of the Su prsms C Justices v ester. la nn t in Brooklyn, composed of Kappsr, Benodtot and Kslby, issued a stataoiani favoring tin proposed plan of expending tiinil.oou to repair lbs present structure it is painted out that the work can be Hulohed wskhtu Qve nivntiis. ruder th- auspice of the N Chapter of the National Organisation of Catholic Women of America, a jiagtatit was given last night in the grand hall room of the Waldorf-Astoria. There were depleted In tableaux vlvants epl M de Horn Mrly American history. The scenario was written by Charles K. Slay, ler, groups being arranged under his aunarvtalon as well u that Wlnthrou Phanler. The various tableau enlisted sboul two lumdred young per- atat!". and after tacti tableau th- ie into ihe atldlence uiutse iro-ii ne .nid retrai ng their miiis returned lo the e-:ie Tiie ftrsi tableau, 'Coluatbus at the Court of gerdlnand and Isabella." was arran-ed by Miss I-eary. Mrs. ilerald M, BordM waa the yen, Ralph M. Johnston the Kin.7, and Maurice Roche t'nltiMbu. fMheis posing In this tableau a tc Mrs. PlfWellen Chambers, Mra. (lib on Maupln, Mrs. lAiralne Raskin, the Missc- Aih lalde BedgWlelt, May Vogel, Isabel Stctilnlnf. Adelaide Flint, Adelu Prlndle, Madslauis Dshlgrsn, Juii lB tllhon. tiara PrlCS Collier. Dorothy Height and May Williams; I.uclen smith. Hoffman Nlcksrson, Theodore Von iiraese, Sidney IHllon Ripley, c.eorice K. Tunture, Jr., JohngtOII L. Redmond. New. ton ltae and William B. Shejiherd. Jr. Thla was followed by uji American Indian group, arranged by Mrs V. Bur- AUTO MOTORS RUN GREENWICH PAPER' Iuii' to Take Plaop Klfplrioity Cut Off by florin Damajre. of QggBNWICH, Conn. Per. 14 -This I rroperty owners snd representatives place io-nlght is beginning to recover I of civic organizations In Brooklyn np from yesterday s storm and to accustom I peered yesterday 'fore the Public Ser lUelf to the disadvantages It brought. I vice Commission to oppose approval of a ThS Chief trouble is In lack Of light The , contract for third tracking the F i lm electric current is unavailable except In ( street elevated between NoStrSnti avenUS a few small sections, and candles snd i and Court street. The Brooklyn Rtpld 'amps, have to do for the rest. Transit Company urged Immediate ac- The lark of electricity caused the I tlon on the ground that an option wh, h Neics nnd OrapMc. a local newspaper, to j It has on Weed n'esnary for the sfuc take an unusual method of getting power ! ture expires to-day and upon the fur'her to get out Its edition An autnmo-j ground tba.t the decision of Hef'ree ui. mi, i,e,l hv helts to the llnotyne i llrown In the Joseph. Kaplan case dls- k,.,.. n,i oresses and the miner was run off. The Ingenlou method of getting j nower attracted wide attention and other I nlanth using electric current to-night began rlgglnir gUtomobtlBS an substitutes. The I own is also short on perishable foodstuffs, particularly milk, anil mere n- little chance of better conditions to morrow. No trolleys are running, Many of ihe cars of the SI unford line are still stuck out In the country In deep drifts Without power, and women and children are staying In them while they wait for other means of transportation. . . M ...ll..., ,.nti,m,it,ri, ar , , L , Hiv Soma who I laving of a decision until Ncar S Straus WWtK morn.nrnsd't'oMake, oftlce bes-ause. he said, Mr Straus Iv It hotals near the station after was connected with one of llu- big In . , trains, for even I -rests that will he lo the Im- he '! inev tuTshs" were not runnjng. No . .'. , svau ihroi.irh Maw York, and only three steam trains Bl'riveu I Many of ihe travellers told harrowing tales of their experiences through the night wilh no lights or food. In one train stalled near Woodlawn a boy ollmbed aboard w"11 eight sandwiches, offering them for ilu cents each. One I hungry passenger hought the entire hup I ply and was nearly rnohhed by tha rest, 'who demanded I hat the eight bei divided squally, LOFT ACTS TO VINDICATE SON. Will Sue Two I'nllrrmen for !. noil for Arrral ol Voeth. Congressman Oeorge Wi Ift wss sp- polnted guardian of hla sun. Oeorge lon I.oft. 20 yenrs old, b) Hupreme Court Justice Whltaker yesterday, to bring two suits for I1D.100 damages for false ar rest against Itlchard QrlfflU snd Hen- iasplii King, polloomen, Ml. Uoft I petition stated that young I.oft wits arrested on November ll In ColUmbUS Circle, on' a charge of dis orderly conduct and held in the night court for examination on the following morning, when he was discharged tt 18 alleged the arrest was made without warrant. rork W1 f CZVt'wBlBF' prigh tiy Cautebell atud'a BOVE to left, Theodore von Graesse, Misx Madelaine DahlgTen, Miss Julie Lentilhon and Hoffman Nickerson; to right, Mrs. Albert H. Kly as Pocahontas. Below, Mrs. Gerald M. Borden as Queen Isabella, attended by her two pages, Maude Kand and Michele Bouvier. rail Hoffman, which lep early American life. Wit ing and dancing snd tha' made up the rfe. .ted a cei of i hunting. Ran other pastimes of the Indian. Thomas Roosevelt I'unnett WSJ the Chief and Mrs. Albert II. Kly poscl a. I'oci hnntu Next came the tableau of Will" Ism l'enn signing the treaty with the Indians. TliUt scene wa arrsngel by Mrs. Jacob Phillips and the chief llgure of the tableau, ryilMsm Peas, whs im personated by i.ouis Haggerty A tab" leau thst appealed directly to many families whose members were gathered in the audience was a Dutch wedding scene. The scene showed the fsstlvltlsg following the marriage of Jaagvreaie snm Norion, Impersonated by Miss Ksther Tiers, to Dr. linn- Kierslc,,-, who was Impersonated by John M. Porhse, Jr Some of those laUuig part In th's tab DELAYS FULTON ST. THIRD TRACKING JOB ( ram Holds l'p Approval of i Arms Himself and Sr-ok Von Contraot Until Straus (joani'f When DlfOlplined Takes P. S. IMnep. in School. i poews. finally of the onjectlons of Fulion MltOtn Street sjtreet realty owners Kaplan brought an ac'lon lo work now progressing In Fulton I on the ground that consents were Im properly obtained and that the third tracking would Injure property by shut-ti-ig out light and air. Referee Brown decided ajfalnsl Kaplan, hut the answer to this argument of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit yesterday was 'hat the Kaplan ,-ase will lie appealed and that the com nilaslon ought to lake no action until the matter has heMi settled by the courts, I Joseph It Allee. a real state dealer I of Tfib Fulton atreei. oblgBtM to the ' prr.voment. Commissioner Cram as Ing chaliniaii had suggested a d ,ct- I lay I until nexl Tuesday w lien Mr. S ana will , have assumed his duties as chairman ! Rohert Alfred Shaw. Chairman of Ihe Committee of One Hundred, and Alder- man Stpilers plrudnd for delay on he j ground that several alternate plans had I heen suggested, in hers w-hu asked fori delay were Woodruff Deeming, represent- Ing the Municipal Art HOOletyi Mrs. I d ward A. Quln of the Civltas Club, Her bert I Carpenter of the Fulton Street Protective Deague and William H. Will cox. President Williams of the It. It. T. said thst the third tracking proposition had ' been fully considered and that a Violent ' proieM had been raised against It only , after nil plans had heen made und the railroad was ready to proceed. Commissioner Cram held to his In cision to delay action until nert Tues I day, getting applause when he said he had always heen opposed to thn exten sion of eleva-ted structures. Traas Telegraphers Oet Increase, liAI.l.As. Tex., Iec. 14 According to Ihe terms of an ugreement between the Texas and I'aclflc Railroad and Us tel egraphers, announced here to-day, the latter will receive u minimum wage of 70 a month, with better working con ditions. I ' V; rup' leau are directly d-'ecended from the original Dutch settlers of New Ametar dam. Atnoai them were Mrs, Robert Nellaon, Mrs. Haridd IsatheWS, Mra. Christopher Wyatt. Mies Muriel Conk llng, Dunbar Adams and K. 1.. Satteriep A picturesque scene arranged by Mrs Harry Sedgwick p.ertrayed the tlrst Presidential inaugural hall in New Tork Th cential figures, rn and .Wrs. Walk laglOU, were impersonated by OrlSWOld A Thompson gad Mrs Irwin .. Powell A minuet was introduced into ihls scene and it wait danced by the Misses Bllas Rice, Bymphorogs Brlsted, Marion Tif llany and Lillian Palmer i Frederick Cunningham, Janus M Reck. Jr., r"iavel Hubbard and Herman Le Oendra, In the group Of guests were the Misses Aileen Sedgwick. Katherins Dahlgren, Dorothy and Owynne Karanagh and 1 BOY, SLAPPED, POINTS REVOLVER AT TEACHER Mecause Tsjidore Ooldhammer, 111 years -old. of 135 Norfolk street, was rcpii Im.uided by his teacher. Howard W Zar nltg, In Public Schmd 100, Suffolk and Htvlncton stre,ts. on Monday morning, ' he returned to the school In the after noon and Bghlbltsd a revolver, threaten I ing to shoot the Instructor The hoy ! a arraigned In the Children's Court before Justice Collins yesterday and n.ahdt-d ror Investigation u to Ills sanity by Dr. fti hlapp of the Post Graduate Hospital, Karnltl testified that he chided the Ihi for le-tng Inattentive,. As the hoy became Insolent, the teacher slapped him lightly on the cheek and ordered him to return lo his class room. The Isjy went lo the basement however He remained there until noon and then went home. Shortly after 1 o'clock Zarnltx. while sealed at his desk engrossed In work glanced up and saw the muzzle of a .11 calibre revolver pointing at his forehead. Startled, the teacher slaried to rise, hut the boy ordered him to remain seated. "You bit me tills morning and said I wouldn't graduate," said the boy. "Now you move and I am going to use this," Bgralta, after trying to reason with the boy, leaped from his seat and darte.l for the door, a few feet from bis desk. This alarmed Ooldhammor. who run through 'be rear door of the room and disappeared. Patrolman Hramworth found the boy hiding In the hasement of his home. The testimony showed that Ooldham mer found the revolver two weeks ano In the cellar of a house. The boy said thai the weapon was not loaded, al though he admitted that be told the isdlcetnan that It was loaded. PROTEST NEW STEEL MERGER. ; IIhs) VaasotoitB Stockholders He fuse lip I Ions at g.'IOO. Yoi NiisTowN, Ohio, Deo. 14. OppOsI tlon developed to-day at the meeting of the stockholders of the Voungstown Sheet and Tula) Company to the pro posed merger with the t'auibrla Sieel Company of Johnstown and the Lacka wanna Steel Company of Buffalo. Presi dent James A. Campbell of the Youngs town company announced that only about 76 per cent, of the stockholders hud sgresd to give the Vapderlip-Stoleshury inn i cms options on their stock at luih) a share. Another effort will be made. I'ersoni: In close touch with the Bltua 0n said that tint proposed plan will k through and thst President Campbell will head the new corporation. Mr. Campbell Is quoted as saying that the Cambria Steel Company Is tha only Pennsylvania concern Included In the deal. Louise Whltoni Frederic c MacDonell Richard Emmet Frederick Bellinger. Alexander Stew irt, Th Humes of ths ladles were -hades of pink end Ills men wore black court dn III There w as a patriotic tableau arranged by Mrs. Michael .1 Mulqueen showing "The Part the Lad I el Played In 'T. This wtis ii pretty Colonial c tie. The III tableau, entitled "America." Intto luced Mlsi Rdlth M Ivlns, who sn-ig The star Bpangled llanner." The o s tiums ir. nil the tableaux were artlsilc and carefully . I f.o-n old ptlnts. At the dose there wai dancing lo music of Conrad's orchestra. "e Among those Interested In the talnmenl were Mrs John 0 Aira cieorglne Isetln, Mrs Harold O dsrson, M's. Charles Astor Brlstel ut, r M SI Hen M re. Charles M Harris, ttiglie, Mrs. Alfred villi Bmmet, Mr. Mrs. Prances P i Phllbln, Mrs John David McClure Mi ran. Mrs. Predsrli Mlsi Marls La Mon Chspln, Mrs. ilren J. Henry Haggerty, srvan, Mrs Rugenc Beverley Doer. Mrs. - n Bourke Cook k Nelson. Mrs .1 Waiter Wood. M.-s Elisabeth Btewart Hamilton, M-s Beton Henry, Mrs Arthur Kavanagh, Mrs .1 Herbert Johnston. Mrs I Townsend Burden, Jr. Mr.- An drew Dougherty, Mrs T Charles Par leiiy. Mrs Lyttleton l-'ox, m,.-s Mary Crlmmlns, Mr.-. William m Lummis, Mrs. A. Masters MacDonel Mri Charles De Loose y Oelrlchs, Mrs William V. ' Bheehan, Miss Elisabeth Marbury and Mrs Bchuylsr N. Warren, STEAL ELECTRIC BULBS TO TRADE FOR DRINKS Km ploy ops In Loft Buildings Adopt Now SpIipiiip to Quench Thoir Thirst. i new scheme Is he' worked tv which a drink is obtained for nothing - Cat is. to the drinker, Rleotrte light lamps or bulbs are the reOUlsltl to oh tain a cheap drink n some ,,f th,. Fa. toons in t , down town districts, In main 01 thl I'll building! where there ale lactones these bulbs have of lata been stolen by ihe employees, who take them lo saloons, and the bartender in exchange for the bulb, gives a drink, either a glass of beer or a cheap whis key. The bartender can usually make about 1" cent,, on a bulh He may sell them ic wine one who ,s willing to buy bulbs at cut rates and s.,,. perhaps i- or 14 cents, or he may use them in 'he saloon and then trad, them In to the Kdlson comian) for renewals -4 ml get the cus tomary rebate, At Ha- Bdlaon company's office -w. tarday II was aald thai nothing had been heard yet of th.s new operation Tin representative of ti e company In charge of uhe lamp department said that In buying bulbs in this way the purchassrs might he hitteu rather severely thrv would, it was admitted, vet a lamp at cm rates, but the lamp might not he suitable to their current snd use twice as much current as a lamp purchased In the regular way through the company or through regular dealers. I RUB The Best That Money Can Buy for Men, Women and Children at "Lowest-in-the-City" Prices. lrxirx R. H. Msey A lSJT. ' A A W. 1 JIM (na hundred thousand dollai is Ihe mark set by the managers of the basaar and pageant for Ht. Matt I Hospital building fund, which Ma for Mttchsl opener at the Cranil Cential PalgOS hie' , evening, of this SM0 has already I been received In donations The coin mlttga aXDOatS that when the doors close next Haturdsy nlg'il they will have enough to ere," the larger building !t. Mark's Hospital ho sorely needs. Every exhibit In each of Ihe alxty booths waa In place and every one of the pretty flower girls. Chinese maiden! In 1 funny blue trousers. Coney Island bark ers and other necessary parts of 11 basaar were on duty when a Utile after; s o'clock Mayor Mltgkel arrived. Ri was accompanied by Donn Bar ber and was met it IBS door b Dr. li,,l'.,oi,, t Till. ,11. 1 1 resident of the ho" pltul Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dins I inore'imd others of th uninittee. wh i tiwk him Into thu theatre, which lia- lieen flt'ed up at one side of the palace i He stroke very brleily. mtrrly polntin out the greflf aetv'.ce to the Ity per ' formed b 8t. Mark' Hospital and its ! need of mote room and better equipment He hoped, he aald, that the wishes of the committal aamM hi realised by th- ' raising of .1 large sum of money. The M.ivor returned to the baaaar later with ! Mrs.' Borden Harriman and hr daugti Iter. Miss Ethel Harriman for whom he gave . theatre Daftl la evening In I honor of her birthday. Mm. Morrla Miken I'lrwl Sele. j The very first sak of th bssaar waa made vy Mrs c,oueriieur Morris, wno ilstsisesl or a picture for 1150. Ar oilier saie was that Of Spot, Ihe leopard, who w-ent for laO". The name Of his pin chaser wa-s not disclosed. Anybody with a taate for animals can still gratify II at th baaaar, even If SH,t Is gone, for a tine young lion, captured by Lad) Urace M tckensle, Is offere! there for T0 The ),et h.Hith aisi Includss mice, monkeys, birds of various kinds and g ,mli Of WOOtley white dogs The most IUOCOSgfu1 flower seller was Mls Anita gtSWSrt, the moving picture ctresi Dressed in a fetching costume Of blue tulle and pink rOSebU !s s'o WOl rll of a trsyful of pinks in ! than half an hour The theatre was a most profitable part Ol the show, for v lUdl -vllle arid moving pictures were o-erel there after the Mayor spoke, and tickets brought large prices Those on the i ro" igtamme last night were i.yu.i ix.po. kowa, naaton Hargsant, rtennetn t iai and Ruby Jarrell. There are to h" vaudeville and movies avefy afternoon and , -veiling till thl baaaar doses, with the exception f Friday night, when the great nffa'r ii the week, the pageant by John Murray Anderson, will be given It ll called "Terpsichore," and John K ndrl 1 Hangs haa written the prologue, whtfil Will be spoken by Mrs Langtry La ' de liuthei. A hundred dancers will an near in the dances of antiquity, the ' dances of the Middle igea. or me ri n- and of the Nineteenth Cen 1 naiBsanca tury, The settlnga for each period snd the musical Instruments were choet 1 to give an air of historical verity, Mr Anderson will lead the dancet of ii" Nineteenth Century wHh Miss Emm) Wehlen. Tlw captains of the various I tin. as follows: Suffrage, Mrs Charles A. BplVSOki; Hungarian, Mrs. Prank 1. Horn; oatldy, Mrs. E. tt rburg . ladies' auxiliary, Mrs. Ctvirlen Van der Brurk, Mre. U K. I'ogenherg and Mrs B, Mnl leri miscellaneous article. Mrs li. Welcke and Mrs. L Bents; wheel i( for tune, Mis. C. Wermlnghoff, Mrs. it 0, Plecher and Mra. M. m. Apfel; utility, Mrs. J. Simon. rhslrmen of I ommtlter. Th- chairmen of the committees ar. ; invitation. Donn Barber; pageant, Mlsi Kllsabeth Perkins; entertainment, M:" John Kendrick Hangs; vaudeville, Mr-. Thomas T. Haunt ; dressing room. A. Moon: Coney Island. Oswald C Hertngi properties. Henry Wli Miller; uoving pictures, Frederick r utiiver: illroom. III hard M Hurd tc, ro m Mrs. Joiui Kendrick Hani; Mr Pang by the way. Ih in Cincinnati, run ne -"it 11 telegram 01 gorst wishes to th, baaaar last night. Among those who hail boxes at the baaaar theatre last night were Mrs Vin cent Astor, Mrs. William Dinsmore and Vis. Charles O. Hurllngume Mrs. Fred erick Vandsrblll has taken bos f r tiie pageant. Mrs. Oren Ho .vas there last night and helped receive the Mayor, St Mark s Hospital, its president, l'r Tllion, pointed out, ll Situated in one of the most crowded parts of the ''ity. 177 Second avenue, and takes patients uf every creed, nationality anil color It performs a peculiar service in that 11 re OSlVOa unfortunate women who are barred from many Institutions but who in the social service wards of this hos pital ate given ihe care they need, it is specially for this social service work that the hospital needs more mone I umre room In ltll-1915 It a red for "J.'J" Indoor patients and s.S'is- outd pal !nta. CHICAGO TRAINMEN STRIKE I'rrlaht Tlenp Pallnni Tronlile on Hell Line. CatOAOO, Dec. II -Six hundred train men and yard operatives .,! the Melt Line Hallway went on strike to-day, llelng up traffic on thirteen trunk roads, which use ih, Hell I.Uie lor BVltchllls purpose More that, f,,nno cars ,e handled by the toad every day. The walkout was OS Used hj (hi al leged refusal of the company 10 main tain pass, tig.-r service for it- employees tr. the new terminal yards it i':.;, bevond the aouthwsei boundary of tne ottr. BER 1 I i i I 1 J I i ml ! i Ce.'s Ajtrsrtisni Are Their Lew Pries a. Herald Vwi,, 14lh llh U Tt is not SO much the rtothei . men, ragged, 10m and tin, ... nor yet the broken and slouching ner of their Walking 'tut!, , Tii in and gaunl faces, scan trace of misspent snd lui Kli Pi 1. s that a 1 " ilr.i a 11 - ...n : . irter of pain, from It" iff sell 1 poor health; fUOM thai mobility left Such facet- cams througl ' f- ti,..r , of TUB si n fin. brtati Prince atreet yesterday And There wer' young men 10 be . 1 lll-ru. I'll! mere graS I not OVS " In their syi Inkling ol 1 or In ihe it. la ll sdl 1.. th. Ii eli-ns. If on- Wslks In Plflh ;,, douia that ihere n,is.T Xi 1 i"i ne eneuia go 10 x rTinci 11 see Hie ,1 line of abject ami ,. . men walking oui of ihe doer gieat hiit'ke from loaves 01 smiling them into then- mouth, move SWay, And see snothi , line of iu srltlg, l-lii 1 . ping In. mep. Most of them yesterda) rrrs qm Ml of 'hem had whim hall Rt , Olle Of litem looked sk ltl ... or spirit US U) -ick N.t i, rnun , .. who bad spunk , nouab In 1 . erei-t ; not a man ol thl . w .. ., , home ' Hut look hi re," said . spry . t 'wenilem:. who had drooped in -r,... on, 1 m a New- Bttef you 1 Wgg born tiere. you know ; f'm ,,. the soil as 11 Were, and I had no of thl tn it I want to ' . .... do these men sleep " He w is tohl ,,f ihe Bowery r. '. rant where a man cm sleep In ' for four hours 1 . a nickel cup of roffei of the various m sstons where the) sleeti sl'tlng up on u bench o,- 'lyln down on Ihi fioo, of the dxrk . ,.,.' where a wink may he had . t:. 1 , of helng poked by a hlghl Mh k tors, of the hard sidewalks ct.r. man van walk nil n'aht lo keen a i.nd of th Mm. nil Lodging II -1.. 'Ilnmon " gild hi "prett) lough!" Ii ! pre'ty lOUgh Most f,e '. w ho go breed yesterday looked catty laeapsbts of hard work 4 them had undouhtedlv been 00. .. ,.. so long gnd deir clothes hail into n eOmptcie state of ruin 1 n 11 Would he impossible for lhen -., gm anything l'ke a good uh 'h, irsrl ro men vestefdsv of the ',a-- lent p Tim Si n s brand llm ,. n stalwart )'OUPB fi Ion 11 V o' the is very I'ksiy lonkine, hi f tlei u good material In them ii".-i would - of llrr: rate Wott If the rh.r Rot eterdav was the Brsl day of iis b'ead line and news r,r ligd trtiV' id'. ii far rilor e th- l: ,'. v. ... day or so." said an ifflcer, . plenty of them the kind whe otdy m a hand to get started :,.i .! I '.tie rood In their BtomsChi When tiie bre-,, 0. ,t Bill ' last wlnf r Dr. John P, Enl'r.n , in,. Brsl person to send his rhrei the oiace a, i'i,t !m. contlntMHl 1 ' for 1100. Vaaln th's vear Dr 1. -c, was the flral contributor 11 . foi the sani. amount, it w Kt000 loaves of brenj. Reprieve for Mnrderer, 1 that yher'ff white 1 does not Intel"' to , Hon of F'ston gcott, to hang Dec mber 1 wilh ''ecentv and de. Btfftln reprieved the January Jl PMC t .la kSOt endue! ' a nssro. f at Mat. .rum.' 1 101 legro to-. If yesterday madi yov realize what a tough climb you're goins td havi gettii through the Winter without a new Winter overcoat Let's hlp you out 1 Every good sort of warm Winter overcoat, including our snow proof Scotch Mists." For men and boys "My Kingdom of high arctu s" 1 Why this st;Ht paredness? tor ot bui 'Lie I .',11 luliben i Warm Winter unden union suits a spt cii ll Keywlrras I U R0OBR8 PEET "' 'Mp ' ' f it' Broadway ut 13th St . Broadway a' Warren Tie r'oui Conic STARWOOD MCN OF GOOD TASTE AND RtriHtntNi .-1 V'LL WEAK tsis srw st sAk WL "i r-rr , J