Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1916. VWNTfclt ItfcsllHT. BROOKLYN TRAFFIC MUST WAIT DECADE BAY RIDGE GAY AS NEW SUBWAY OPENS WILLIAMS A TARGET SAYS TRANSFUSION WILL RESTORE DEAD NOT GRIP AFTER ALL THAT WORRIES CITY WINTER REHORTH. WINTER REftORT. .SOUTH CAROLINA. MIRTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA. 12 4 So Relief in Sijrht fur Ten Venrs, Whitney Heiiorts lo Strnns. HONEY AVAlhAIlM TUBS Travl I!. Whitney, seetctiiry, mid Leroy T. HarkncH, nimlstuiit entinsel, of' the Public Hervlce ('ommlwtnti, have flltrt with Chairman Mtrnm n long otilr. lon reviewing the whole ctirtlnn of the third tracking of the Fulton ntreet elc- I ll I I.. It. t.l I .. I I .. .. I irn milium! iii iHWMjii, uMl,,IH out what should be done for tent nil Brooklyn In the way of further transit facilities and the Impossibility because of the lack of funds of dolus these things now, and finally sugncitlnK a plan for Immediate relief. Taey arrive nt the eoiiotuvnii tint only after ten ears. when the I!. It. T. , n.rt nt Ih. .lull h.i. u. ,. ., .. . , In llfteen inliiutex. although or course come self-supporting. theieli iiIIowIiik ' 1 . the exemption of M.lO.ouO.OO.. In rapid W nfri ma,K'- ..av bonds, will funds be available, Tie Fourth avenue .ba a, been for further transit Improvements. Their "I f,,r ,,,c lfl'" ' , . " opinion Is that these Improvements ' station nit summer, but yesterday oc should consist of "a proper extension ' marked the openlns of three new of the Livingston street line by tun- stations, at Sixty-ninth. Seenty-ev-nl under the Mast Itivn" lo Manhat- euth ami Klghty-slxth streets. Trains tan and theme aero. M mh.ittan ami hac liceii rum''"K "''pmv.nlnnV t"ret northwaid to .1 connection with the , Fourteenth sttert-K.istcrn line. "With It nnd as a complementary part should be constructed a eiosstotvti , line under Franklin or Bedford avn nue. crossing the main Brookljn lines and Joining Brooklu and CJticene ma they should be Joined. This Is the only ndrnuatc way of nlfordhiK central Brookljn the transit relief that It de. acrre and It Is necessary to a pioper . coordination of the BrooMn transit yatem. The eoiiMiiiiiiiiitloii of l.truer i.lans must be left until the city Is able lo ' speeches nbout Hay W secuic a further substantial exemption growth, now that the wft of ni.ld transit bonds. Two things. P" of town Is all actua I t . inert however, can and should lw done now ere several edenl.i) to "" to give some present incisure of re- ! the opening, the nwl lmior '"'J " lltf and to clear the way for the future, which was In the Bay ltldge nign "One Is the Immediate, construction of School, where a serle of tableaux tie the Ashland pl.iec and l.Ulngston plctlng the past. reseiit and future .ir street lines ;is eAtcnsli.ns. These should i Bay Htdge was given by 300 school tmi- Involve a line conni cling with the Fourth avenue subway at Fulton street and Ash. land place, and extending under Fulton Mrcet and private property to a lolnt near Cumberland street, where n con nection can be made with the Fulton street elevated, As p.nt of this line .an adequate station should be constructed at Lafayette axenue. ro designed as to' fit In with the l.lvlngtnn stieet line "The Livingston street line should aNo and should be laid out so as to carry It, under Lafayette avenue and Livingston street to a point In lower Brooklxn. from ' which It should subsequently be carried In tunnel under the Fast lllver and across Manhattan ami northward, con necting with the Fourteenth street-Fast-! Monthku.. ytie.. Jan 1.1. Ifoe W.itci rn line. Tills should be so divided as to I i,ur. '.,':,'s Jules Smith, alias Itoblnson. Permit of the construction with the Ash-! " KIlrki nlm W11H iirrcC.l by He Im. ,.P . ;?u"e,c,,l" ,"f 'V'1""" " ! tectlve Joe (ionnan and Lepage ester. h iHlVV. building .-ni.ti.'i nin.'e line .11111 me por- 1 tlon of the MMtiRsUm street line In crami laioei y. aiiege,. ... .... -r.. Brooklyn should be bull, as soon as th" ''"""lit"''' N- Vork city two ers preliminary steps can be cmnpb-te.1 fmm "K"- Hr "'"l'l extradition j.rncecdlngs funds raled bv ascssment ii..mi pi. .p. and raid he wo tea.ry lo go back ami rty benefited, as suggesled In eircct bv f'"'e hta accusprs. th Committee of One Hundred, The' Joseph Kauxmann. an attorney, repre commlsslon from time to time has lieeu ' "fitting the Illinois Asourlty Company of Informed by Individual members of the 1 New York city, who arrived In town Roan! of Kstlmate and Apportionment this morning, was piesent and Identified that they we:e willing to nuke available N'atcrbuiy. He said that Waterhury for this general situation the estimated bad been bonded to t lie extent of .1,ono coat of turning the Fulton street tracks by bis company, which had Iwen looking Into Adatna street about Sinio.iiOii. If for him for moie than two eors. this amount be made available by the' Detect lie McConvllle of the New York Board of Estimate and Apportionment i cltv police Depot tment was alo present the comml-slon will approie the appll-1 anil statt.l that Waterbuiy wanted cation towatd lhe Ashland or Llv. 1 n ,w Vorlt on a charge of having Ingston stieet line n, as in reduce Hit , fleeced a well known New York ph.mjolan burden of the assessment. ut u( fmt In a confidence game, II "Tlie provision of thfe exIensloiiH will ,,.cl.irii that Waterburv was alsj render unnecessary the third 'racking , wanted In San Francis.o 'for theft of the Fulton street elevated line below ". ., Jones." who ,u-siinpanleil Wa Cumlierlaml meet. If the railway cor- terburv from New Voik lo Montieal and poratlon In.lsts upon carrying out lts nl, ,Vas held on a charge of being a legal right to third track that part of vagabond, icle.iscd l.nt night by th the line the commission may not be able i i(,.:i police. A there was no serlou to pieient it I'n.ler the changed cir- ' Hi.irge against hi ll be left on the first ci.o.n.HiK'rs, imnrM'r, in. inirii would be a wasle of inone and a need less injury to proper! " "L"' EXPRESS TO-MORROW. Third Track Sen Ire Will lieu I o llrookl ii Scrilce Too. Kxpiess senlce over the icienlly com pleted third tiack" of the eleiatcd rail roads In Manhattan and The llionx will begin to-monow. Passengers from The i Bronx for downtown will find available ' express trains at Bronx Park on the Third avu.ue line and al Freeman street , on the Westchester blanch on the Second aicnuellne. These trains, running 133,1 .ir m cm- ii .n i.. ir,iv.i.n minutes, Itlver street Itleet line will leave lBith street between 7:10 ml l(.:(i" A. M. for .low mow.. n.l will leave Hector street for the northward ' run between 4 .4C and 1 :II P. M from Iti'onx 'p'aVkXon ,he -.e will leave Bronx Park The exiretses Third avenue line between 6 .Sfi and !i;.m A. M. and will have City Hall noilhlHiimd between 3 and 7 P. M, Will leave Ficeman st.eet southbound hetwteu r, ,iti ,in,l s t4 A M and will leave Bronx Path between i".;!!3 ami s::ts A, M. Northbound Second avenue trains inr uroux rara win icaie nan - tween 4 :j! and tii'Jl p. .M nn. bound for l'"reeniaii stieet will leave be tween I ;3S and ! ;3o P M. The New York Consolidated Company will Inaugurate express service to-morrow on the centre track of the l.rui.'li.) e. .!' .no' in m,,mi o nun. Myrtle aieiuie the Wlllliiinsbiiig Bildge to the tVntin street subwa iu Manhattan. This will affoid an express service from the Cunarsle line and the Cypress Hills Hues In the morning rush hours to New York. Ill the evening there thero will be an express mnice fur trains running to M.-tiopolltan avenue, , the terminus of the Lutheran ( emeier elevated line, and to Cypress Hills, the terminus of the Ix-xlngton avenue line. ! " ! DOWLDJO OFF COMMITTEES. 2ot Chose., for Places Held h, I ! l. ..e..j. The Board of Kstlmate. contemplating ' the approaching resignation of President McAncny of the Boaid of Aldermen, has; leorganlzed without feeing lit to put Alderman Frank L. Howling, who will succeed Mr. McAneiiy and become a I member of the board with three votes, on some of the Important committees, i wher.i Mr. McAncny served. I Vice-chairman Howling does not, for example, get the chali manshlp of the 1 transit and city plan committees, unr s I he made a member of the committee on nrrunization. to which all fiu. stlons of I policy at refened, Noi does Mr.1 Dowllne get a place on the committee mi , alary and grades. He was made chair man of the committee on social welfare and a member of the committees op transit, corporate stock, lax budget and franchisee. , win stop south of the Harlem . . . ,' .,. only at 125th street. Illghty-slxth : mo".r J": . . "i TV " , Forty-sccpnd street. Fourteenth "u n,"T.. . V ' and Chatham Square. "rldi...., Club for then, T he Kxpiess trains on the Sixth menue:1'"" "V ' . Itcgfiilnr Service Heffim fo JWth Street on Fourth Avenue liine Extension. SKA BKACH EXPRESSES The I'otirth n chile mibway wan opened yestcrdny to i:ightynlxtli clreet, Brook lyn, with the Rayed fedleltles that llay Itlilge has peon In many yearn. At 2:12 In the afternoon a mibway ........ pf .i C.TH mta out of the " . ... Chambers dieet dfttiott, .Maiiiiaiin, under the proud hand of Motorman Wil bur Lewis. About BOO RUestn, Including HorouRh Pirsldetit Lewis H. Pounds of Brooklyn nnd Commissioner Huyward of the Public Service Commission, were un the train. , record run was made to Klrhty-slxth ' , j w milit ; Sirrn, IUI III. 4 ' J, (u,n fong over ,llc sen Beach route ... n..n. iu unw i ,l..u From now on tne tea tmni n..i..r nt h(1 PXT,ref,M, with few stops on Fourth avenue; the nay iur 'uu , which began to operate estcrday. will be a local service straight down Fourth avenue. Itegular service began yester day after the special miu occn rim ''' n" thrntmli. t.!.t tilcin tin- euests of the B. H. T. dlne.f at the ltldge Club. Second avenue and eenty-eoiiii Mreei. ...... dren of the locality. "DOC" WATERBURY WAIVES EXTRADITION 1 f JlllllV AHllM'S IMt'llll.s Not (iuilty at Montreal To Return Monday. .the Fxtradltleui Court this morning ami entered a idea of not guilty to a chaise . . .... ... . ... .. . .. train for New York, D. tecliie jici olivine ami Kiiur,ni.inn will leaie on the New York Central train with Waterhury n Momla.i .tiTiisril of Xollrlilmr Siiltserlpllniia for firlillrim (In It. In- lleiuy II. Janeway of 101 Kan Fortieth street, w'.m was one of the In tended victims of Doe" Waterbury, wli.i"" latest game has U-eu soliciting ;ubscrlptlon" t the .Irl.llro,, Club of " axhliiKton. admitted ycMerday that he .TV . ... V. . . ,,,u V1'1 ,h"t the latter got no subscrlp. Bon from mm. W "terhmy s ope.ailons ecently have '"vn chiefly among ! lcla ns and sur- rrri",""m . " , . . ""oney. ! said, was to be used for the construction of a new club houae Waterburv had cards stating that he ' """J"''"1 "V h '"?h ,r'?r ""..,,,rl'',m!L "m Ills position he Is said to have shown n certificate supposed to have been signed by the treasurer of the club. Watei'.iury escapco capture in ,fiv Y.or!i ,c , "J .CP JZ .?"L' 1 " ntes at the bank where pasment op n check from one of his victims was de Died to him. Among others appmished for suli uii nu n - .. ... n f.,ar. f r. West Fifty-fourth stieet, Dr. Start gave Waterhury a check, hut Mopped Ply incut on It. SUNSHINE GETS HER BREAD. Ton. llrrrj sen. la l.oaies In Ills Little McU I'rlend. The standing ariny of Prince stieet is now composed of 200 women and "HO 1 men. . Tin: Sr.v free bread depot at Prince street lepurts lively recruiting ,1V (.m,nlHRary-(!eneral Tom Merry nnd ,;1.m. 1(.k ,,riBt TIC Mjlndlng arm ,H , mwh ,m loo)(, l)n(l lt,Mlll new ,mfrtnll, Two policemen from ilie Mul- berry stieet station arc acting as rirl'l masters, Drill Is every flay at S o'clock ami lasts as lout) as the bread holds out. ' ine to each 'is the rule, but w nere the old soldier links as If he could use two loaves to advantage Dick Blight usually slips him an extra loaf, The bread line was not half so chenr- fill a.s usual yesterday h uise the lltlln seven- ear-old blue eyed girl whom Tom Merry calls Sunshine was missing. She lives witli her mother, who Is almost blind, In a house in the reiv of an Uldrldgn street 'tenement, Due of the neighbors told Metry that lhe, little girl Is sick 111 bed and could not cmi-o for the loaf of bread which helps lo keep them both alive. Merry made a bundle of several loaves and sent It id tho child and her mother. "Cold weather helps recrultl'ig." Dick Hilfciit says. So a thousand loaves will he iflven hh' each iluy thU eel to the Prince Hlrcet iirmy of uruinplnyeil, A contrllmlor to the free bread fund who aliens himself "Athletic" mtenUy Kent 12. ,.A,.r fmtti trhnm 11. hnu it. f nmtitil In Herbert h. Carpenter (lives New Version of Meeting With Commissioner. WJIITHIDGE IS CACSTIG Herbert L. Carpenter, president of the Fulton Street Property Owners Associa tion, who has been accusing Secretary Whitney of the Public Service Commis sion of working contrary to the public Interest In the mutter of the third track ing of lhe Fulton street elevated rail road In Brooklyn, added Commissioner Williams yesterday to the string of offi cials with whom he Is at odds. Com missioner Williams appeared before the Thompson legislative committee on Fri day as a "character witness" for Mr. Whitney. Mr. Carpenter took the stand again .icnierday to reply to lhe charge of Com missioner Williams that Mr. Carpenter had given a wrong Impression of what took place In the olllcc of the Public Service Commission when he went there on Thursday to serve an Injunction. Yesterday Mr. Carpenter added another version of the affair, a version which he did not give when he appeared before the Thompson committee on Thursday. "Commissioner Williams said to me." he declared, " '1 am going to retire from the commission on February I. I can not say very much to you now, but when I retire I will give bu some Im portant Information. This matter has been fixed for a long time.'" Mr. Carpenter did not undcistand that Commissioner Williams had anything to tell hltn that was not complimentary to Mr. Carpenter. He said the, statement indicated to him "that forces were work. Ing against us, for the B. II. T In the commission." "It conveyed to me," be continued "that the forces opposing U" had over ridden us; that the Fulton street matter, as Commissioner Williams said, had been fixed for a long time and that our efforts were to go for naught unless we could get better results." Senator Thompson outlined again cs terday his scheme for a reorganization of the Public Service Commissions. His Idea Is that there should be a single commission of eien members, three chosen from up Slate, three from New York nnd a chairman a! large. He would haie the full commission meet to consider any matters affecting the entire State or to consider appeals from either division of the commission Fnderlclt V. Whltrldge, president of the Thliri Avenue Railway system, re plied ester,lay to the request of Sena tor Thompson for Information from the scleral companies composing the s teni The refpiest called for the names of officers and other persons holding positions of tins! and for detailed In formation respecting the attorneys In the employ of the . ompaules. In his letter Mr. Whltrldge says: "1 beg to say that the resolution under which ou are acting does not authorize any such Inquiries as nu make, nor has the Legislature Itself, as I view II any right to ask In respect to mot of the things contenting which ou ask A refusal, however, to answer your In quiries, merely because they relate to matters which are none of your business, would probably be mlseonstriied and might subject u to further attacks or this kind which some public authorities and a poitlon of the press 'feel at liberty to launch at street rallwnjs." Mr Whltrldge then proceeds to give the Senator the information desired. STINGY HUSBANDF0UND BY NAVY'S WIRELESS' Itnttlcxliip Officer Forced In Send Money to Wife Who Sues Him. 1 The use of the Navy Department wlie-1 less to Instruct an officer on a battleship to support his wife Is disclosed In paints submitted to Supreme Court .lutl.e Plotzek by Mis, Nellie tl. Shlppee on an application to compel Carl W Shlppee, chief nlectrlclaii on the liatt e. ship Wyoming, to pay alimony pending I a suit for "epilation, Shlppee receives) $lon a month and the court directed h'm to pay his wife half of this sum. .Mrs. Shlppee, who Hies nt 201 West I 109th street, told the court that she mar- I rled the electrlclon at Kas Millstone, N .1.. on .Inly .". 1912. They Hied to-, gether until last .lanuaiy, when Shlppee negHii io let ins wire Know mat lie no longer cared for her She finally got a letter written on February 11, when the W.ioinlug was at target practice off Cuantanamo Bay, Cuba, in which he sold . "There l one thing nii must under., stand. That Is, f will absolutely neiei I live with you again No doubt If you wish io you can cause nie a great ileal of tumble, but If you care for me In the way you say you do you won't Tills will be the leal tot. We are totally different, have (Terent views of life nnd different Interests, mid certainly there can be no happiness for us Iu liv ing together, and the sooner we sep. arate the better." Mrs. Shlppee snld that this letter caused a nervous bieakdown and she was Heated by a physician. Her bus baud failed to send her any money for a month, and when a dispossess notice had been served on her she notified the Navy Department authorities that she was III and Iu want. A wileless message -was then ent fioin the Brooklyn navy yard to the W.iornlng staling that Shlppee had deserted his wife and that she was III ami without funds. Shlppee sent a postal money order lo his wife for 120 on March 1.1, stating lliat the exccntlie officer of the Wyo ming had notified him to remit enough so she would not lie Iu want, He told her he didn't want to hear from her In an nay and that all he wanted from hei was her address written on a slip of paper. Mis. Shipper said her husband wrote ci in April that the Navy Department had notified lilm that he must send his wife $4 a month, and not less (ban $.1." ii. ..In, unv,11 tnu. .. ,,rak 11 "I am very sorry (u hear you weie not well, but I am not coming homo to live with ou again. Our married life has ceased, I am perfectly willing lo he ' friends with you and help you to get along, but I do not care for ,iour affec. lion, and I do not wish you to try to force It on me. If you do 1 shall cei tainly keep as far away fiom you as I possibly can. 1 do not wish to be un necessarily cruel or hurt your feelings, , If 1 can help It, so I hope you will under- 1 stand what I am telling you without fur ther words." IMHTBUC1ION. IIAN( IN(i. NK.W VIHIK, New York Dir. FmmM by VERNON CASTLE raiin Normal Co.jri.eA Trtitte t. Rant- Rtiaiiin Folk, Haller, '1'ihi in1 I'tntmur Kipnl Inilnirlinn in ill iteirtanta. Trnna rranombla. Ctla lofiM on requrat. ii Rawt -tfllh At. Murray HUI-U. Clilcnsro Doctor Claims Suc cessful Experiments on hojis anil Rabbits. . EXTlHEIiY NEW METHOD CutiVfi", Jan. IT. Dr W II. Bur melster. Coroner's physician, performed a numlier of experiments to-diy In a new nnd remarkable ue of blood trans fusion. He believe that it Is possible lo restore petsons killed by asphyxi ation, drowning or other icrldcnls which cut off the supply of oyigeii. Dr. Burmelster has brought to life scleral rabbits and dogs afler they hud been asphyxiated, and after all other artificial means failed. The operation consisted In the transfusion of blood, ac companied by the regular of aitlllclal respiration Fxplalnlng his expel linent iu in ar ticle In the -IniTlroH MrtUrnl .foiiriint, Dr. Bunnelsler advocates "the establish ment of emergency stations where hu man red corpuscles tan obtained. Just as piilmotnr stitlmis ate now established for human lieltigs who ale ilrtlms of llliimlnatliu gi -isphj xlailon." Dr. Burmelstcr's experiments i .insisted In nsph xlating his subjects lo a point where heart :nasage, hemt stimulants and oxygen administrations failed lo brill!; signs of life. The rabbits or dogs I then were hung up by their hind legs and Ilalisfiisiou was made Into a Icln In !be e ir "Th.' I'Mclloti In most cases was al umni Inst.intaiH oils," 1 . Mid, "Tin. ,m. ma 1 would bevln to breathe and the heart to contr.i 't and expind In a few se.omls, despite the fact that aitlllclal tesplra lor - means had be.-n Ineffective" Six of twelie i ibl.'ts treated b.i trans, fusion were n-stoied to a t.ortnil state within a few inlnu'es Thirteen of lif. teei. dogs ..ver . short lime, one deuth being Cause I hi blood ikiIpoii Dr. Burmelstet stimates that Irausfuslon would prove .ir esful in about 7.". per cent of all cise " I NT Kit III-XIIIT-. I I OltlllA. Feel that impulse to join the birds on the FloridaEastCoast It't Ine only placm to tptnJ (A winter. It's nature callingt Answer it and GOI JVoirii the time. These are Florida's mo.t glorious days. The real Fountain of Youth in a Garden of F.den awaits you at ST. AUGUSTINE. The most perfect winter resort hotels in the world: PONCE DE LEON Mr. Robert Murray, Manager ALCAZAR Mr. William McAulifle, Manager More alluring and delightful than ever before. St. Aufuitine is one of the most picturesque old cities in America bracinf climate warm and delightful. GOLF, TENNIS, BATHING, the principal sports. Two excellent golf courses, splendid automobile reads. Your ticket agent will arrange through transportation for you. FLORIDA EAST COAST Flagler System 243 Fifth Aenue, New York 155 West Madison Street, Chicege FLORIDA SEASON JAN. 4th HOTEL CLARENDON SEABRLtZC, RAILROAD ! Ideally liMaled illreelly on the (Venn nnd 1 Mieetlwny ,Miie nine i,nn i nur'.e, eni.irirrii huh iinproteri inee lnt Keonn. .Sen llnMiinc Kiohinir, lenni", Motorinc, llorvtiark Itnlins, Daiieintr. Turkhh DAth. New Brick Molnr Itoadwny rerenlly completed from Jackoni"' to Scntireeie. Kirerrnof fiurnrc. Ilnoklel on npiilli a 1 1 ii 1 1 , IIHO llniuilnni, Nrn iirk ...ri mm in.iminiitin.1 1 ii'imiin nimwmiui im,i:y. :rii,i imuiitiu t, Aitr .sai.k.s si t:iininiiiNn .In Ku vpl innallH Mtractlrv till French. Dutch. Ilalinn Will Be Offered at M' Br ll avx a.laTB The AitRreRntr Collection Comprises CHOICE PAINTINGS l rluliiliiK In mhitiiI rll l.ininn Kldtn, nnd Iiifluden 1 1 order of lhe Kvceutom) Admirably clisracleritlic Canvases lathered by the lale connaiutur George A. Dowden, Esq., of Newark, New Jersey I.Mrlleut exnniiileii l dnliili hihreter. Ilnulilmn . . laral, Martin Him. I. I'.. t'hiinfi, lell lem, lujettl nod oilier.. ' One ol Alfred Birrttadl's Most Beautiful and Impreiiire Psintinfi, "77ir Mmipma Crtm Ciilllntiila " (.v lltlris, I.SO The Property of Louis A. Bidclle, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Interesting Woika by l)iiubii;ny, jyii ure'v, iy sir .roantia iteynoida) and Nattier' Dnughter and Grandchild, by DeTrty. 1 Ml llll I KIN lIIA I HUM ll .M. I VI Scientists Fail to Find lteul (lenn of Influenza in Studying Cases. The total numlsr of deaths from res piratory diseases last week was less than In the week,precedlng, being 442, as against o.'.l. Though the number of fa talities from Influenza Increased from s.T to 90, there was a large decrease In the deaths from bronchitis and pneu monia, Health Commissioner Huven Kmeraon said last night that the decrease In deaths from these diseases was attribu table to the marked Improvement In weather conditions. It was possible also, he added, that people had heeded the warnings not to spit on sidewalks and In public places, thus causing a less extensive distribution of disease germs. There Is belief that this pal t o' the country has been visited by an old fash loned epidemic of Influenza or grip, but Dr, Ilniersoii said that practically no ph.islclan will agree to this theory, lb ports of bacteriological tests made In larlous parts of the country, whete folks hale been sneezing and coughing, Mil to show evidences of the Influenza germ to any great degree, 'I'lie .fiiiirnnl of tlir A iiirrfum MrtHeal AmnrUtllnn says 111 Us current number" "Willie It Is prokibli- that the Influenza bacillus ma be found In some cases, lui.'stlgatlou Indicates that a constri ct able proportion of sulTerers In the pneent epidemic may charge their woes to other organisms than tlie Influenza bacillus, nnd that streptococcus Is prob ably largely concerned In the .Urease." Dr. Hmerson aareed Ihat the prcent epfrieinl." Is not the "real grip." It was said jesterday that many physicians attributed the breaking of the backbone of the epidemic to the ue of a new anti-grip serum. Dr. Kmerson explained that for the last ten ear" ph.islelans have been using this special vaccine, made of organisms com mon to several different diseases. In the i. resent epidemic this vaccine has been used to a large degree when doc tors were not me exactly with which particular disease their patients were .a filleted. WINTER RESORTS. t'l.OKIIt.t. vvv On the Famous East Coast" TO APR. 10th STATION, DAVTONA nterlnoklnr the Great Motor ii.ri "rum ni'irifniTfnitii.'ir.iitnHmitj 'l'-"ll, AltT s.KS AMI KMIimi'lONS. Knuemtih- of Oil Pointing and American Matter" Public Diane ratal ft XT M I IN SILO'S FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES Silo Hulking, Mn Fifth ,V. .mil 1-5 Wev. .5lh St. MR. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer On Thursday and Friday Evenings, Jan. 20 and 21, from 8:15 Each Evening. Boucher, Coy pel, Rico, Dupre, ll,lili.M. t'UO.IIIIIIt.H tl lli;i.. )M 'LAND OF "AMERICA'S BEAUTY SPOT" Mt. Mitchell, highest peak east or tne iiocKien. Come to Asheville and revel in the tonic of this wonderful climate; it htlnp to all the rich red glow of Joyous, vigorous health. Asheville, 2,250 ft. ahovc sea level, has the sunshine of Dixie with the bracinjr, invicoratinir air of the mountains. Government reports show climate dryest east of the Rockies. Sportiest 18-hole all-turf coif course South: situated on lower slops of Sunset Mountain, with a wonderful stretch of mountain panorama to the west. Thirty-eight miles paved streets and hundreds of miles of good roads and scenic highways for motoring and driving. Three highways connect Asheville with the National Highway to the east at Charlotte, Spartanburg and Greenville. Horseback riding, mountain climbing, tennis, bowling; fine churches, schools, theatres, etc. Ashevillc's water supply is abundant, pure nnd clear as crystal. It comes from a 17,600 acre city-owned forest covered watershed on the slopes of Mt. Mitchell and the Craggy Mountains. Special tourist R. R. rates from all points to Asheville. all points South may be routed via Asheville, with stopover hotel rates and information, write BOARD OF TRADE N. Buckner, Secretary, ASHEVILLE, N. C. m;iv kikk. She GLEN SPRINGS A Mineral Sprints I1L.ALTII KESORT and HOTEL known as THE AMERICAN NAUHEIM HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE MINERAL SPRINGS a k from v .t Itln-illfii Till? DiTUC .irMJitiKi'Ti.v i'iinm:i"ti:i with Tin iiiiini.Hiiti I fl n. tjA 1 113 ntlipMe III ,i ' aiinin invii a uu rm Hydrotherapy, Eltctrotherapvand Meehanothrrapv. K Natural Hrlh' Till". MUST IIK1II1.Y ItWHliMTIVK IS Mt:U. f, " N'mitfliii llith- Mul linn Hmh fur I. n, i ,n tviNTi:it roMimosx nut ihis. nir: "crur." nit inn HK-T AMI HKtll":il VI HIS A III! t.ri.('l.I.IA III.MIt tlll.l; Our Illustrated Bookltts and Lattst Reports on our Mineral .Sprints tall t: Mailed on A'tiji.i, CANADA. SWITZERLAND IN AMERICA A winter port nt tli funmui' t hhH-an Kromf nue Qu br, I'rtit.ula Tohoititrtii Siltlf Mini knt it. K IlinK m h luttl lln. kv ( urllnic, Clinic . i, Hh SlciKlit'iK IXnupr nun" Omp tiiKht fmin N V thrnuh lpiri' iliu. Vnt w Inter itpnrti l'ondit tltlro th M.m-inr wlntfr rHt u In 1ntv t'AI.IKOKMA Iniailrna, HOTEL GREEN I'ASADENA. CALIFORNIA ilMiihury I'lmhlnir, lien Mur V llriirr nltlv, 389 5th Av Hptir Tm IIAIIAMA ISLANDS. Ideal Tropic Winter Haven Write for Ituuklet. Htihiiii.t iiovfn inrnt Agent, h0 fourth Aenu Nfv York Clly ' "HtFrHI.S .VNI RKTAl'B.NTSr DANCING TODAY: :i:,ininiiiv M. in t j. r. m. ALWAYS NEW AND NOVEL CHANGE OF EVENTS NIGHTLY Coming Friday, Jan. 28 SPECIAL CARNIVAL NIGHT Ki'ill) 'afeterla l.iim hi, II :ll In!! I" M. "Thej're (IiiikI " Mm. erale Price AfierniKm Tea, 4 in il .11) Supper s in I J I'.lXIAItS de Will, l'i;, Hen Mur A HOTEL f m 1 lberT I llh 11 A Unit entity t'l tee line iiim'K ttem or h hhv Thoroughly Modern and Fireproof RATES $1 AND UP ery rnntenlent for iiermanent and trnleni irueM who deifrn iiarlen helow !Md tti. Excellent Restaurant and Cafe. . . Moii:itAtr: fitit r.N. bprilal Kale, fur I'eriiianeiil t.tiealt. H HMHIIKK IIIHMIH Til l.t:i'. ISTll ST, t ..0 W l.nlKc, tlitlu nnvly fill iil.lied from ruutn rinnitni; u.itfi , ituli.i limine, tiltiilile ttiti veiltliMni'll in ,'iiliple. pel- lrnmih li.WIHSON IIO.MUIKKH WANTKII. TWU large t oniict tlnu lunni" Improve. ifieiiK, ttlth or without bndiil. j:. Rait lS7th ft. i THE SKY" THE LAND OF HEALTH AND PLEASURE For thofe rest or recreation, a chance of scene and environment, no place if more ideal thnn Asheville, "Land of the Sky," in the "Heart of the Blue Kidge Mountains" of Western North Carolina. Within a 100-mile radius of Asheville are located 04 mountain peaks t?,000 feet altitude nnd over, the list includini: GROVE PARK INN. BATTERY PARK, THE MANOR, THE LANGREN, MARGO TERRACE and Glen Rock. For railroad rates and Pullman reservations apply f SOUTHERN RY. A. S. Thweatt, Eastern Pass. AgL, 264 Fifth Ave., New York. For souvenir booklet of Asheville and general M information, writ XK1V IIIHh, , n.u kin-, . v.. on KN Et'A I.AKK jWrti K U'tlliikWill l're Open All tlo- Year. mai era.lft lk for OertM hlh llnit.lui: ric-ni'f mry ilolf ronre Tni..ici:.inlii8 .!, nmr. Muh im KW .IKICMIV Lakeiinml. Laurel-inthe-Pines UKEWOOD, N. J. A hlshly mtrnctke nnd hnlf.if,il -xi-, Irr fll ni winter tnlon-n. n liunlo: rr llclile Tiilk am) ilrlvn. PrUate lentil idikk putting rnm th-hole coif couriie. Ually onlntrl oji. cerln. Telegraph and long dlHaocJ uij. liboDes. 'lindler llrm. Vn lirnkerv Frank F. Shute, Mgr. i,Mti;itiin. s i Null' illlt'll nil Alitor!.... .. Wrlta for lilmlral.a Uookl.t nd Yt 1 itk ! ii ,l piihiti- hi t h run'. l.rfki'Hiio t. N I ;to siiKim with luth. tt.ill. rtmm. hillt.irtiM, ilallv nntcfrtt lakettnod, N. .1. NoiaJ far lt haiiimlka ntnioph:. llolf Mule Uanetns: K. K.-SfAMlKNIIUUU. liir Palmer J'1 furnl.hnl, roonn, cin. . . , ,rf' location, runnlna it.rj rnvate tiatln, Hetator llooUle". T T tlolbex NKU IKIti: Alhllllle (il). AT I. AWTIC CITTV1 rtset a nev.&ta,rt4ard c7 surviue. ccim ort i.- Dctotv IAR0E9T TIHtPROOr M.EfOn,T IIOTtL PI mbWOHLD wwubkboojUku .orricr.ioTintiriLiio Tilt HADING RIS0RT fiOltl i)t Hit W0H10 DDdritoiougnBuniiJini ATLANTIC CITY. ."', J. ewMSMSHie Maniaoi M bnt QIAH WHITI 4 SONS COMPANY tlltUi.MA. HOTEL CHAM BERLIN OLD POINT COMFORT COMFORT M l,ilffc.M " "ftn Hatha ami . jF MS. Manager w7 lertroa. Va, wt HwimTT.nRrooMJoli t'uifint l.urnitfan I 'IrcfttmtntF rortPrmt, OEO. r. ADAM&. ro'ir Monro), va. ft Co" bpfli.le'ia, dilrrn t'ooW luumi Mar.ter. I Jl 'Offpfit (Wrtlm HulTmr Hml Huron, HVMnin llott'; l:..C'3 tiftb Ave,; Officer, U.U.iJ. B, U. RARTLETT INN MM i,mi;uiiii. s ,, 1 Nltlt- illlt'll (ill Aiitfrli-ui. 1 I .HHIt- I FLORENCE CC7saWK IkAYMORk R. R. tickets to privileges. For NEW VOIIK t.laml. The Mnl ttrell fnitnlrr Motel IJaient lit ,d Vork dir. Garden City notel l. A R DEN CITY, LONG ISLAND M'FCIAI It Ills. t M i.r the Ulnit rxrhlvo t'ljuiur ll l i AtnerUa. A eoinbliMlltm of cmiiir li rnil tiirtri.tMillian ontel luxury "illin Jiund ('iimliiin-U mi the Ameri04ii I'Ui JLiri tluturtl!i'ioiii'uiviu't.iil nm. rn A Handsome a la Cade Reslaufan. t.'iiiiillikmiiii .S'.V.rreimnit elei r' f-r 1'enna. aiatiun. J. J. LAN NIX I'D.. Pro.ii MIC "'' " 1 " 1 i i" k..' ...... "i' '' nm I I -u. ' i i 1 V iaMf 1 1" ep i hi ii., ' m S. i f,, 11,1,4,, ll,k In I Iff "III I II ( MIOI IN ( Willi. N M.i ll'1 till' !'. 'In I'me l.etf II il 'iillMl I .noun , THE KIRKWOOi) ill I .iimlrii lli'ltlil. NOW OPEN 1 iiiniileieb ,iiinlni I 1 oll.iii- ,iuuei.u. i null tlt. I Gulf, Coin, Tennis. Riilint. Mumi' x ll'U r. i. ii r i 'in lisr M'liHSIM, MiiTI I IillMl Mt Kill tllllllll.. iiiudeii, !! i Ii I .irullii t ln;i hit mi i ftm-tiiii il , 1 1 uruii'i s i ii't "01 1 It I Alllll IS Alkn - Highland Park Hotel iki:s. i Mn oriiN. ,mi:i." ts . t Nevt hut , .t.l mn.trrti 'ii tfnnl. pul... ,lri iiik .' I I, . j k c'lmim .I..I. sv M,si: , Mi ih. . Mimitlrr tthllefuie Inn Luke I'lm 1,1 lll I II I Utfll IN . THE CAROLINA, fii'lem It..-.. ii II. . hiili'lni; t IiiiiiiiikIi,! p. . . , i- i nniliiie Win. i. . k . i I 11 1 1 M t . I . Mi M MM.. WINTliK M'ORTS UM) R IDEAL SOCIAL CONDITIONS M Bethel Inn BETHEL, MA1.E ni l S t r I- I I. UN 1 ) Matittf.' New IVrffViU iiintii Hot. I Hot x . lltMl upt'ij I ircpl it (. I Hunt. I urn) -hi I'.ll't llflll 'llllnt' UlMthhdi'Mlif Mt'UhiMW I'tilMtirUaltlllltf. hk-ttliikf Miilnc n i' i'vr,l K.itf. .in llonklfi Ini U h',ttill 14)1 lit ni:itMiiA. HAMILTON HOTEL Wilt tiin n foi tlin iie.i.iin Jitnu.irr th ttrt. 8pinil the Winter Iu iwlui) IIKHMLilA al Iht liaillua botaL Now Vork olllra. Ill tik Ato. stAAIlLlUN. UUfKI. CO., I'KOrs. i I