Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY'S STYLES FROM THE SOCIETY ISLANDS Baroness discovers startling similarity be tween J916 modes and savage dress. See the story and pictures IN NEXT SUNDAY'S SUN. THE WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy, cold wave to-night; to-morrow fair and cold ; strong northwest ' Highest temperature yesterday, 3JT Udalled weather, mull and marine repoYts VOL LXXXIII. NO. 139. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916. (Wi'lffif. 19l. by the Sun mntino ami l'liblUhlmj MiotUlfm. PRICE wtndV oweHl. OBOLLY ' DEATH DECREE PUT ON BANDITS BY CARRANZA AMo Anici'iciins t Be IV I ticiit. He'll ruiiish Villn's TIIAIX WITH FLKKlXii rmzKXs is "i.osr P,ihI hi' On. Uodrijrut' Kails to Arrive Nine KxcciiIhI. Is Report. Cuirm..! lm put n ele-crce eif death to Villi iiinl ill'. Ill" "1.1111111." Hp tvm epee'dv execution of the ,. Mrr "if Anitncnn. The- I "list Chief iiIko neks that American 1'" patient nnd give lilm t.nif 1 1 avenge tin- iiiiimsiuto. A warm debate 1 expected In t'on ftf when Secretary I.iinltisT turn ever tin1 iMinTspntniotico on tho Me.xl ni situation anil tin- list of Anitrlcinis k.,iei. A train with l."u Americans which suited from I'artal. Mex.lco. to tho Isintrr I "lost " Nothing has been It-nrd from It since yesterday aflor lonn. The train which wa supposed to YtU the body of tlen. Jos.. Ito.lrl ru, Villa lender, ti prove that ho Was executed, arrived. l'"t there was po body on It. A bandit (lenenil and eight followers rcr reported executed al Cut-n Orandcs. SO WORD RECEIVED FROM THE REFUGEES Tiilk of Semilog; Heller Trnln From 111 I'llsn. V ' so, .l.iu t'l A u.sctiger mini .i Ann rlcin aboard I l'"t on t r l.x ;hi eleseit between llll'l (' i-i.i Tile Alllerte.MIH .'ire tl'tlllg i- bandit lit't .1 teriltury. ne -- -.-i" Lansing warned !. i j. .ire ti 'lie safe-'v of the Amct leans. 1 . ' -I ir '."s! train from Chum ilui.i -, -.-. I Lit. tn-ilaht. but ini.t-.ol Vn rl.ail.- It lulltll'lieil I. lit hw - .l-iltl't c Ulie. ' I -mi in to Madei.i i.r'.'ic'i' ( ' e Mm IlintlS It wos - ip, " ! .. '.,.iv . i Uen. lose It I'lgue.v iO ' at l ie Villa leader was . e- i :.! w is no Ii.hU ahoir.l ii a ill -I i roil w-i j'k ' i- ii. Willi, a Villa hadei. and e- . s mil ,ptuiel and ixe- fj i ''is. is Jnilnlo-. I I.tlKIIlK Ol sclllllllg do' 1 ef train fnmi .lu.iri?. unless i an- are lieu til fioiu lu a few , the aleiiie of Miessages tor 'he past thlity 'I'l-.'igti inaiiv messages have ft beie to Americans In . .i ill nt view of the fact that hi i tll. l.ils held up for many - in. ss.ia-s mit of I'hiliiiahiia -lav tellliiL- nf the Simla s .nr.-. Z I. Cobb, I'olieiiorof I I.I 'M. Oil IIISII Ill-tlllllS fll, 111 "i, -lart'd an luvi silgatlon in i t -ei nun nf the telegraph I.I P t'.at 7'inies. It -gllez illseilssliig the is thail. said it.- t .1.1 thai .loe !odllgil"Z. the i. inn .i in l.-i- who is alleged to n .-inMble for the wanton f Mi" Aineiieaiis at Santa ' i been i.ipttircil and l-NI'l-llled. ,il llllisllilu ex mole tangible 1 'h pri'.nluie should be forth ' hi Hie mere announcement u i. in i. -la Perhnfw .- .lead, le oil the other ' ip he is not Who knows-.'" fnmi iind llrrn'.d s.-venly li, ,,inm of the fulled States -"ig tii"ii an liniueillate ex. t ,- ,.f the bandit baud which 1 1' Allielle.lliK ll'.uhl ins'M that the f nlted ..I mi' 'anaira ten da.vs in n l i. e the baudilH. dead or , .i oinply being met by I lie ile.pntih of American " Mexico to diploic the ban. VII Jits IrieUinu Ibi Iliii-Uliolle. I, '."i nun' in whli h the -, lias given I'arianzn to n, in .lit the ''mi calls A .i 11,1 walling of I'lesnleiit iii, iite 7 'mi i a-iHcrl. "lilvu 1, - iv. ill, ml t e hai lilione neic. "i ,.M tin- lives of eighteen .zii.s liav been il.i i tn.-.l by ' ""Wi I H of the irstwliile leader i tin Villa, the American ilov 1 in ipo.-as granting the tie tacto - i unlimited time lu whli h to ' am) capture them," mijh the " 'le facto government fun en " Villa was they would not ' i live to even go In that ill- i , Ii less to make an effort to n iiinl Ills followers The Idea ranisUH running the Vllllst.iH ibsiird lilvlng the lie facto ' i .1 -in, re Hum In which to re. in Mexico Is equally prepoH. I-1. , Onlered In Stay III I'. S, SI leichei. f nlted Slate Consul "' ' li ' i. inn. i city, orelered by IiIh fiov- ie i' to return to IiIh station from I teii.,,.,r;iry lesldene-e In HI Paso, 1 'te In Ikih been teshtlng since all ' ''-.llli- wen iideed out of Villa ter ' '"r w is. stopped Inst night by a Htnte ''flMii'tient inesa.igii after he had ' .-').ei the iinpnt In Juarez to hoard an ' idling iinin Into .Mexico and In Hril. leel In leiiinin III Ml Paso. H''ieep Hurst aked the Mexican Con- il to-i(,n in Nent enough lroo)H to Ciish ' -.i.i'b-- t-. protect Ih" Moriivm colonist ' ere wi that they can slay nnd gather ' "' rops I'oner Painter of fhlcago an lied here In- tati mght in Join J, S, llollls, man " "g ilireetor of the Cusl Company, In l"vemig.iing the killing- of the com pan;' employeeH last Monday and a Coaibiiirti on Fourth Page. wilson seeks harmony WITH party leaders President Decides to Consult Them on All Important Matters in an Effort to Prevent Serious Antag onism MeAdoo Wahiii.vutok, Jan. Hi. President Wilson and IiIh ndi'lscr how a dlsposl tion ti( "(-it together" with their party leader lu Oiiisreii.v It was slow com tin., hut It Ih here. Thin ha been eVIdrnced not only by tan family dinner given by See lef.iry MeAdoo last night to talk over leM'iiuu h Kinlatwn, but the I'reoldelit albo h.i. let It be known that he desires tonrerenteM with hi leader). In CoiiKrem and that they will be railed In. It may be that an Incident of the holi days hantem-d' this pohe. Member of the l-'orelKn ltelatloii!. Committee of the Semite were In open revolt at that time bt-cauiie tile I'tcclilent had none forwaid ullh Austrian negotiations In rt-K.-ird to the Aik-oii.i affair without een eoimult liid hU party In the Senate commltti-u and In fact the aihlce of Chair man Stone of that committee adilce that wan volunteend. not aiko. for It waj about that time that an Infor mal conferetue wan held and word sent out that neveral members of tho I'rcsl detil'a own party In the Committee on l-'orelsn Iterations were saylnK openly that tho I'ri-sldent did not have the sup port of his party leaders In the Senate In his Austrian lolicy. t Tl to (he I'rrKlilrul. The l'reldi'iit was then on his lione moon at Hot Sprliuts. Before his re turn hU elosest advisers were K-eklr.R eiI.intitlous of tho cause of the party sclnni and they learned that many Senator felt that the President should consult more freely with his leaders on matters lu which they felt they had a risK)nlblllty almost 'as Kre.n 'as Ins own. Asur.Uice- were Kiven that liereaftei party leaders would be called In ."-i-sulfation. Co: fereiices have been fre Muent since Secretary linltiK took the lead by tisstirtni; Sen tlor Stone that Ills advice was not only desired but would be s'licht. It Is a fact that Senator Stmie lias since been an almot dally viltor at the White lloue or the Statu lieparttnetit He l.'as been consulted on the policy and on nearly every other phae if dipt iinatlc relation". President Wilson probably felt the ni-,.a:ty of appeallm; siieclally to party l.aders In Com;res for unlteil supjKirt lie will not be able to command It. but w ll need all that he c.i'i t Then, are pen b,..its that the Administration de fence pionraiiuuo will never itet through tl e lloue In th' Senate more than one of the Democrats say that the President will brain a sub-danllal inciease for th na. ii-U all he .-el5, but at Increase, but be.ioiul that he will not net far with ADMITS PLOT TO RILL PARENTS, POLICE SAY f'liicnuo Youth's stor ol' Mur- ih'r 1'liniN Kccordcil hv Hiftiii:riitli. Chichi... .Ian ph to murder his father, niolhei and siler while the sb-pl to-night vi as i onfesn il. according to the police. b a twent.v-otii-eiil-obl son who net used Ins brothel, eleven .veins older, of leading in the eoiispiiaev. A ilii-tagiaph told Ihe sioiv to n llslenlng steiingraihei', who. Willi ill lei lives, was hiihlen hi a ilntkened garage. The motive was ascribed lo the nniioiiiu einent Ihat the fathet, a tetllc.l grain broke! of Oak Paik, was nboul to draw a new will dls intierllitii; both sons The father Is fiiiiuaii D. f fi'llke voiuigei son Is llerbeit fpdlke. inolhel Is Irvlllg flidlke Thev The His Im III lived with their parent In ak Park, West Side suliuih Iloth hrothets wete urn-sled lo-nlght hv the p.'lhe living flidlke Is n mem bet of Hie Hoard ol Trade. i:ei detail, the police MS, hid been llanniil bv the two brothers. The. had prepiivil to lift a ladder to the up-o.i'ts window opening ml" the bedroom wln-ie their parent slept The had bought masks to hide their faces, tiiey hid ropes lo bind the enupic, a silencer had i OII...1 1,. ill,, eon Willi which thev had expected to shoot their victim and , all nutoniolille was leany io o.isn .t. Willi the two boys o the drainage canal near l.ockport, where thei had planned to throw their weapon ln'o the water. The father was told nf the plot a Meek ago h the .ninger son A dlciauiaph w is installed In Hie basement. wh"ie the two brothers mi ni disdiss their plan' Ii was connected r.vilh the gniage. This evening the two veiling men nut in the basement to mike th.-ir final pinj. The two brother, ae .oidillg 'o the lecoid mad" b the sieiiiLMiiphei. .-oinp'.etel.v retold their lilinis for the murder, the older one tell. Ins the lounger of the larious step ami pes tloiis thev would lake iind of ill" mot. ii triii to the canal. GZMS WORTH $10,000 STOLEN. Vlr. (.eorge lllrd's Hie liolliiiio Aiiiirtiiienl llolilieil, Mr and Mr. Henrge lllrd lost Jin.OfiO urn tli of Jewelry from their iipariinent nt tlm Hold Ootham, 2 West Flfl-llflh stieet. while they wore iibseiil from their apartment Saturday afternoon, according to detective who wete work ing on the case last night. Their trunk were laiisackeil until Ihe thieves found a ca said lo contain a necklace, rings, hiacelets and other ornament. There ale no clues, Mr. Hlrd graduated from Columbia In 1. so. He I a member of the fnlon Club, Tuxeelo Club nnd llni Itnoquet and Tennis Cluli. Mr. anil Mr. Hlrd make their home at the lint ham permanently. A full list of the Jewel wn obtained by Ihe po ll. e and acnt to the pawnbroker BALKAN 'EXPRESS STARTS, Trnln I'rniii llrrlln Due In Con- ulnnlliioiile To-dnr. Sprcial Cable Itetpateh lo Tim Si x via Amsterdam. .Inn 11. The IPHt llalknn expies left Herlin for Con itantlnople eterday morning, via Dn--den Vienna, lldgrndn and .Sotln Tim train I dun nt the Ottoman capital early o-moirow morning, Plneburst, N, C, centre of outdoor tpnrt. Iol!.Crol(n, Holly inn, Utrsmhlr. Now Dinner r irst Step. 111" pivposuls fur Increasln nnnnine tit. On other iUestlons there Is a wide lireach In the party In Connress. There are serious differences over the tariff. The pioposcd ta. on gasolene Is ills lasluful to many leaders, letters hav been publtsned within a week In Western newspapers lu which temncratlo Con Kiesmiya Ihm- Kinn a'sur.inces that no tax will be put on gasolene or autos, Other suuKesilons of the President for a ta on Iron nnd steel fabrlcatiuns and pig lion are also discredited In letters to the folk "hack honii " lust as Congress was on the point of taking up the President's rccummend.Hluu for the repeal of the free sugar provision of the t'tiiterwood'Hlmmons bill u tpinr rel developed In Congre among Ueino crals. .Man of them object to the re peal. One of the tnol disturbing of the proposals emanating from Administra tion sources Is the plan to build up the dyestuff uiliiitr b high protec tion. Ill the face of I he lloiirboti opposi tion on the Democrat lo side of the house a protective measure for the die stuff Industry bids filr to one drawn by that w neclhort-e of protec tion. Hbeneier Hill of Connecticut. Knnugh Democrat,, are already pledged to It to assure Its leport l3 the Ways and Means Committee with the aid of Itipiiblhau Mill's, i 'ne argument undo for the nieisuro Is that a ilyestufTs plant could easll be converted 111 time of war to a mlhtari aseet. The appeal to Congress for legisla tion for the ilyesiulT Industry comes not only from the manufacturers of dyes aloii" but from manufacturers who use the die They my that !f the call be assiued of a continuous supply of the article they would be wiling to ny tho added cost that might be lieces,it.v to place a protec tive tariff on the article. Th. Me iIimi lllnner. Tn Democratic leadcis who d.nei! with Secietar.v .MeAdoo last night ad mit that thev had a cihiiI tittle, bin were not enlightened verv much as to the Admlnletratlon' revenue pollov If there has been any complaint expressed by the Presldi lit against the opposl- ' Hon within the patty It was not ills- "t-oei last n'ght. i Sectetarv McAdon did ay while lp- tillli tl'.H ilrtllt.t.'iss.. Ih.if .ii. ....-I. .id. ' Journmi-iit of Coiigicss was desirable, This was met b a prompt repl- that such a hojie would not be ri allied Theie !. hope among those w ho at tended the MeAdoo illnner that It was I but a preliminary to friendly relations and that conferences upon the serious questions of legislation wll fallow DUEL WITH GERMS, DOCTOR'SCHALLENGE liii'imo's llctilili t'oiiiiuissiiui. cr Mcficd lit l-Yllow I'rofcs. sioiiiil to Such ii Tcs), fllicviio. .Ian K - "ilrnllemen. choose otir germs'' t s ;, ,ue with dlse.c-e lode'l 1 terla as tile u canons The I challenge was given to-inglit. To.. ,ru. oipals are Dr .loin, Dill ltol.itsuii. j Health Conuiiissiiiner. ami Dr I'harlea I K. M flsi-liei Time, place and seconds I have- not be. n ag ti t .rit et ' iiuesilon or lu-. honor and of, public health Is at slake The dial, h'tige call fr a scttlvm lit of the HUestlnn b a lest or bacteriological kliowleilge, with vindication f. r !... win. in r and disease and posstbli death for the loser. There has neon a war between Dr. l-'lsch.-r ana Dr. Ilol.erison for i-cveral wei ks. "Th" ollhe nf Health C.iiiinilssloiu r Is ai-iiiire.l thioiigli politic." saui Dr. l-'ist-hi i in talking nver ih- proposc-d duel to-ila "Pelsoii.illy 1 cjo not be lieve that Dr would know- the llilfclellce between a staph oi llii-us Mild an elephant " following tin- exchange f ver. bal volle.v s. Di. Fischer Issued to-night the following proposal for a "dud with K''r"lh" : I'liU we will loth pi rsonally pie- pare Hie eiilliiies of g.-t m. all of coln. inon t.vpe. three of them non-pathogenic and two of f ii-iii pathogenic. 'Second, through a lef. ree mutually selected, we will exchange tile pri-jian-il culture "Third, each of us will personally examine and diagnose the culture and pick out the time harmless ones. "Fouiili, to show- our faith In our ability lo plik out the harmless germ troin th, il o ji 2 1-in i.n one we wll) 1 1 1 1 c-1 1 -lale ourselves with tluoe cultures we sc. lect as the safe ones." .Sow It is up to Dr ltohertoii PAPEN'S CLOTHES IN PERIL. Iti-lnliieil 'I'liem Oul b the l.rnee of Hie llrltlsli Xnvj. ?,ccni table hekpfitcft tit Tnr Si v. l.oNi'OX. Jan. 17 Winn I'-ipt, von Papen. the lecilb-d iie-iiit,i, mil I 11 nttache at Washlngloii, was hehl up al faliiinuth he Hutu. shed llii: safe con duct which had glieu lo him by the llrltlsli iiovirnitieni at Ihe request nf the fulled Stites Stale Dei arlnieiit nud demanded Hint he lie nllawcd to ptoceed umnolcsteil. The fniincr nltache was ml teb In formed that the safe conduct only con lemed his body nnd Ihat the fict that lie win. allowed to retain hi clothes was entirely an act of grace nf the llrltlsli navy At Ihat Cnpt von Pnp"ii used very uncoinpUuien'iir' I'imcirigc lu I'lngllHi and sin rendered with bad grace Ihe document; lie INFANTICIDE IN BEAR PEN. Wicked Mother llmtni) llrnln llnbles In llreini no. The beam lu the llronx Zon have been killing otT their young so lasl that the kef-pei fear there will not he any little bearH for the louugHters to laugh al next spring, l-'iulek, n hi grizzly, tint had three 1 1 1 1 to grizzlies a few day ago, killed (wo of Iheui on Saturday nnd yesterd ty held the thlnl under water with her big paw until II drowned, Olga, the Russian brown benr, Ims developed cannibalistic lendenclen. Yen. tcrday ohe ate her two offsprings. NAVY KNEW DEFECTS'first picture OF EDISON BATTERY! I'uitIiiisc by the PppnHinoiiti for I'se on the K-2 AVns Only Conditionnl. IT KKLEASKD HY 1)110(1 ex; Hutchison. Inventor's Aid, Visits Wreck on Hunt for Ciiiisc f Explosion. WAsiitNiiTON, .Ian. II. llecoinnienda Hon by experts of the navy for the purchase of Hie Kdlson battery which n Installed on the submarine IM'. it was 'authoritatively learned to night, was only conditional. Iballr.lim that the battery contained certain more or less f.-rlous defects, the bureau of ftenm eiiKlnefring, II was said, ieivim- mended that It should be Inst'alled on the K-'.' and l.-S with the understanding that the purchase should not be con summated until these defect had been remedied. It Is further stated tlat Mr Kdloi' was having certain alteration tried it the time the explosion occurred yetrday. Cntitniry to statements made but night It was learned from oftlcitils of the bu teau that one of the problem still to be met at the time the accident occurred wn overcoming the danger of explosion due to escaping hdrogen gas at the. time the battery was being discharged In the statement Issued by Assistant Secre tin of the Nnvy Roosevelt It was .-ud that expel Intent had shown that this ga is. i,ed to an :ii,ireclahle extent mil when the battel was being eh treed iiflliei of the bun au said to-night, In, never, that the greatest escape of this g-as nlvvav mem ml when the battery' was b.-lt.g illschatged. a matter of par tlctllat concern in view .if the f.cct that in cruising the batterv illscha-Rcil on' when the was rutin. ng un.b-r W.'Ct" I To iiverionn- this it was vm the f-2 was provided w Itli twice the unial num ber nf ventilator, which operated under i for I system when the veel wa mid"! water With these ventilators It was possible to remove tin- escaping hdnen rap.dlv a to prevent Its accumulation While the gas Is not of the s. is., mni .io'rties c li.r..ct-rltl of the chlorine fume given olf fiom the older t.vpe of silt water ulphuil- add electro! to. It i" highly explosive audi could lie set nff In a spark fiom an exisised iiMtor nr the blowing out of a ' fuve ..r fiom a lighted In the I-Mi'iin battel fie hilro-en gas was create i! by elect i ol te, the prlnc-lpcl reagent of vvlilch ale nlckeldioti idatv, flesh water and a potassium salt. Secretary Daub-Is returned to-day from New York and to-nlglit lsuect till statement ; "I legret the pllb'ha; Hon of a statement quoting me as glvl ng an n- to t'l" cailt-e ..f the evplosiiin mi i ,. l.ntn. dlatelv llpoii lieinng of t.i, .,.',, I. hi 1 1 1 1 n ti i ii u i en I ei 1 w Ih lb ir V.lmiral I'sltcr, . ottiiiiainhiiil if the New Vork Nav.v Vnid He has appoillteil ,i'i niiw In s ssi. .ii to investigate ttie metier I aiti nut ' t in possession of In'.irm.ition which wntibl!.' 'Ill In state the call" of the ii-'lili'iil and I snail let l- able t. n.iKe MI'-li a statement until the i.lllcial repeirt-- are before nie ' uurcmsos at wreck. lldlsieii's Defends WeelUInu eef ll-'J llnlleri. lie fi is! tin. ruing until dark ves- tenia the board of investigation nppolntid 1. It. ar diii tal Nalli.iinel It fslier. of Hie Brooklyn navy .v.itd. woikid to get al Ihe fll"t l.ltlse of the explosion which wteckeil the Intel leu- of the' I'lllliil Slates Mibmar'ne I !'.', killed one rultMcd man nnd tluee ,ird vvorkiiieti and s-rn.us1y Injured leu olio r working on Hie sub n i.i 1 1 li" hi ill dock early Satiinlay after noon. Admiral fslier. ace i.nip.nilcd b) Miller Hefsi. Hlltdllson. e Illef eliglliec'i of tile Kdlsoii plant at Orange and personal le presentatlve of Mr. IMIson. i liiiibid down among Hie toin ami twlstnl lulling ami inadiliier nf Ihe during the morning to look over the wreckage Mr. Hutchison was pat denial ly lnter.-lei in the sllblll.irllie beialle it was Ihe only undersea lioat in the navy iqu pped with Hie new K.lisoii storage halter Tile Old llleol as to the aiise of the an i, I, 'tit offi-rcil on Saturday wa that probably h)ilrog'ii Ills-rated from Ihe IMisnii nickel bitteiy while the bat. tei.v was being discharged had ex lilniled. A brief statiinent Issued by Mr. lliilihiM.n last night i oncltiih d vv it ti the' assertl'iu that his investigation of lite ' Intel lor of the submarine sboneil that "the batle-iy lu the i;.; doi not nipear to have been Injuied In the least " 1 "1 have niaile as couiiilele an Inspec Hon eif ihe Interior of the as inndl tlnns will nduill." Mr llulchlson ai 1 In the liitenieut he gave inn at his home In l.levi ell n Fam. N" J. "This liifpcctlnu was inaile a Mr IMlt-ou chief engineer nnd personal lepn i-eiitn-tlve, and I have foiiued a tentative opinion "This I have 1 1 .i tisin! 1 1 ei (,, ihe com nrindatii of Hie New Vork Nai.i Yard, Uhiler whose Jin siictlnu I lie bon'wa on Saturday It Is subject lo levlKlnn when all the facts an- In might forth bv the boat. I or liiquliy vv huh Admiral fslier has ordered. I'nllb In IlilUoii llnller.v. 1 "Having been in cent at ihe in.lini,- u. try iiisiiection I innsiilei I am bound by the same tubs and regulations as Is i a naval officer hi iii.itiern of i-oullib'iitlal ' nnluie and must infer nu lo Admiral . fsl.ei for such Infni inallnn as he m.i he ' In a 'loMtlnii and liicliiie.l to give. "Ah lo the IMImoii battery, with the faciH and i ninlltloiis before me, tee no reason lo leconiuieiul to Mr. IMIson anv changes or alleratlotm In the ilifor.i, i-onslriictlon or nielho-1 o Install, itlnu nf 'the IMIson ubin,ii'ine type storage hat i leiy. The batleiy In the IJ.2 dors not appear to have been Injuieil In Hie leat-t." Although Mr Hutchison would not leny delliillely that Hie now lype nf bat jlery wa not rci-pnhielhle In any way for the explosion, bin insuiTr in further nuesf oil miiile II plain that he believed the en iim of Hie accident la somewheie else. When asked If It cniilil have hem po'sible for lb" cells, lu charging in iliw. chaivuig. to have given off enough liyelrogeti ga lo have explode-l with seilou lesullii he said . "In Ihe lest lo which the new bit terli'H wi'ic Niibje.led miller actual working conilllioii It was found that at (hict mi iippieclahlc amount of hydrogen gas wioc given off but Hie amount sleadlly diminished until after nine hour It was only I .."! cubic feet a minute "Suppose, for an Illustration, thai In- Conlliiticif on Mfrif I'wr. llFEP!F.Fl CRCS--Jxm S csKi -EBm , '-4MiHB?u':.Tr ,"x 'PHIS is tlte tirst photograph of the (lurmnn and IJiiltrariatt military chiefs, ttikcn shortly after the Teuton ami Hulpar forces joined hands at Hwa Pakinliu, in the bend of the Dnnulie. on October '7 last, preparatory to the onslaught against Serbia which resulted in the complete subjugation of that country. The photogrnph was taken nt I'arauhin, Serbia, on November lt. In the picture, from left to right, are I'ield AUSTRIANS ISOLATE ALL OF MONTENEGRO Kuh (inn to Ml. I.ovrpii.i .Mine Cut turn llm hor null luiM'isoii Miiny Cifieiis. e, i ,i le o.;-, (c. in Tnr Si ll.iMH, Jan ei It i eticmev dlf-tlc-ti.t to forecast el ve ,.p'i,' nl n Moil-; tcni-gio. wb 'h an- expected t,. he esn s.nce the Autr!alis now 'nn pletelv dniiiiil.ite the 'Ituation Hewnlcs ... clipping I.1. Itmje. IM" thev IlllVe 1 .1.1 II I . -1 mine fields Hillside Allt'- varl and San iilovaiuu di Medil.i. thll" cluing conimunlcatloii b sea. cut eel the w'rcles nit-1 pra. tlcally Isolated Moiltetieuro I'll.- Aiislrlan- nave firo-laiineil ,i state of snge .1 ii'tt.njo and m e ar r.eie.l inntn mil citizen on suspicion. Meanwhile guns an b.-ing nioii'i'- ' ni Mount l.oicen and irinchc ale b.-Ing dag .iioiinil Ti.ree divisions of infanir.v with h.-aiy nrtlllei have been s,.-it to S.uiin and rienfoice ni. nt ale being com "titrated at Cet. tinj. In c-ise the an- needed to te. p.iise en alt ick on S' ut.irl. The w heiealiouls ..I King N'lhola b unknown to the puhle There Is an mi, onlirni'-il r. p-ii' 1I..1'. In I o" lu wai to Iti!. I'l.wn Prince D indo is ill ill health and 1: I sil-pictcd thai lie has tiil'ciciilo s. He : In ItoiiW as lb" guest of King Victor uel The- Seibian Cabinet Mlnlsiei. In clmbng Premier P.i.hitdi, arrived at Hilndisi to-il.e Tin- Premier is citn ng to I'oiue. but It Is llllllki 1 that the Sitblali iii.verntnent nil' be trans fi rred permanentl to Hal The Mln Isiry w ill probibly go to Frame MAY SPLIT CABINET. Vlooli-oeurlii Inibroullo lias serious llrlecl III Hole. rc-il' '.iMV lt"ixiti It Tar Six lioMi:. Jan. l'i -A a result of t'e Monteni'gl 'ti In btogllo changes in the Italian Cabinet an- leported as possi bilities It 1 lion' known that King Victor Uirnanuel came 1" Home from the Italian-Austrian front as a result of Ihe ib-vi lopnients In Montenegro The fallute of Hal to send help to the Montenegrin Is blannsl b.v the prc for the fall nf Mount ami the entry of the Aus. trlahs Into fettlnje. SERHS TO RAISE 100.000. Wnr Minister llles Will !et rio In Tcvo Vloolbs. I'aiiis. Jan le". A cbspatcli to the 7 ci.ip' final ahum dated Frlil.-i, a) s "fol Heimlich. Ihe Seibian Mlulsier of Win. b-lore stalling from heie foi llrlnriiel on Hi lireek destro.ier Veins, said Serbia would oflcr the Allies in two months a completel reorgauliccd aim of ifto.einn men. "The .Minister isiikl the llulgiirlans vvi-ie adi an. lug In Albania under tlie gieales! ilillliullles, owing lo the lack of He added that despite the lt'ilian dlsemliai katton In Albania It will be necrMir.i for the Serbs to leave the i ounlr.v " NAVAL EXPERT ASSAILS GREY. Sufm Hi'llUli fleet f iilinliiperi-il Could llliM'Unile Heriiiiui . I.ox'pon, Jan II'.. -An attack via made on Sir Kdward Uiey, the. Hrlllsli Foreign Secretin. In n icecli lien lo eh, by Thomas Ullison llowltti, noted as a naval expert. In which he said. "Sir IMunrl Ure.v lui held Ih opln l(n thil Herman' niut not lie stnived. l'or li decade lie ha Hied to mil tender our inn i it line tight He went In The Hague III I il 'ni vicp.ucd to ahimlnii the rights of coiilralnind search ami capture In irtiiin for Hie lllusoiy piomlse of universal illt..irni.inieut And even to da he Is hampering the light iiinl duly of the licet to Inflict Ins on the enemy" The Foreign Dllice, Mr Howie added, fenred the neutral. A Hr!tlh blockade of Herman', he ald, would be completely effectual If the ravy were allowod to make It effectual. of conquerors of SERBiAlgygp FORCE Marshal von Mnekensen, commander in chief of the Austro-Germun armies of invasion; Dulgnriau Staff Olllcer Stantchetr, (Jen. Jenkow, commander of the Hulgarian right wing; Col. (Jantselieff, Bulgarian Military Attache at Herlin; Major-(!en. Tappen of the (ierrnun army. .Miijor-Cien. von Secckt of the tJerman army, Crown 1'iince Horis of liulgariu and 'ion. von Kulkenhayn, Chief of the (icrman General Staff. U. S. WILL NOT RECOGNIZE ANY PAPER BLOCKADE Britain's Proposed Proclamation Against Teutons Must Include Baltic in Proscribed Zone German Embassy Scoffs at Intended iMove. W" IslllMIToS. Jan 1! T e fifed Slab Hill not 1 e-c -'S-ll.e the p. opus, el i new'kail" ef bv Hicit Mrltaln unliss It Is made absolutely en.stlv. To be .al to the c.v.-s of the f tilted I Males sui tl a bhs-kade mlit not only giiille tin- shores of Herman on the North S.a but mint extend lulo the l.iltl S.a ,111,1 be able ..rfi-.-tlv.-ly to toe. I vent all .tit.-r oure across this body of 1 water betw.Mii the S.-andlti.iv 1,111 conn- ' trie and 1 !ermany I Information of tills aMlunlc of the fulled Stnte wa obtained to-night' from highest oftl. ml sou'.-cs in Hie Mate Dipaitincit The stand which tills coutitrv will take. It wa .b-dareil. it will I..- able 10 forth mi Ii i- Tlie f nitid Slates will insist that the bio k.l'le to be elTeCllie intlsl operate against trade between all iieinra1 coini- tiles and e ic rm. 111 ami that It will not, so opctatc utile- Neirwa S.veilcn and -Deiiinaik are n 1 ems tivd shut oft ftmn c-omnu-rclal lull rco'ioe with Herinany a the fnlte.i Stau-c, Holland and other neutral countries Tbrenl h Ibe l.ermnii. llC'll S U IS s.lhl In lb rm. in Ihnbas.s that if Ureal llllt.llll .Ctempts to petie irate the lla'.tic foi ihe iur f o tablisl nig a l.loikail" she veil have to under! ike the ino-t 'i i.'.ardous naval enott o. in.- wai v ess,... sen- into i ne l.iiiio..cS"'l re... i is .-..i.i, . ji .-.ei io S'l n viii'.ioiis iiiLiini 1 1 - in im-.-. bi s.dis belns foi ted topis thiouuh mlfe fields, a to cause tre- ; mend -u- 1 ( Herman l.mbi otllcia.s believe that Hie it llrlta.n date no' make udi an attempt and knows that she dees not Tin refine, the- declare thet utile- the .1 .. ...o.l . 1 ..u ii, ortr, li.-rii lo,..n... ' will 1. siiphielv content to peim't ipe.u ' Hritaln to blockii le iibopitel tln-ir , Noi'h Sea co.i-ts. all Hi. tall; of i new ' black ije s nothing more than t ilk f nolllclally the State Department ha been advleeil to (he inntrary. The De pariment lias been given to understand that a lilockiob will soon be fr ocl. timed ami that probably llittain will seek to avoid the necessity of ibterti'g Hi. Haiti-. That is why il ,s Indicated it Is mad to suggest the line of protest which the fulled States may make. Hi (he' other hand It is said Ihat an effective blockade, omi that would be operated in 1 the way the fluted States would bold pecessar.v lo be effective, would In man lespe.t linpiove the situation from the st.imlsilnt of the fnlted Slate Never I'roeliilineel llloeliiiele, Vthough Ureal lit 1 1 .i In has In several i-omnioiilcatlotis to ihe fnlted S'atc. referied to her piescnt expedient as a blockade, she has never asserted 'liat It Is technically a hlodtade, and the fnlted Slates has conslsientlv contended that It not one llilla'ii iid.ipleil Hie expedient of ind"r in Council, vvh.-rehv she pris'lnlnied her light to detain and hold up f"i' ex uulnailoii and ptle court (irooreillngs all caigoe of a contraband ilnractci bound for or Iniended for tiermany lu Ibis coniieetlon he Mist set forth what slie reganled as contialiand and then expanded the list of article so much a lo include virtually everv enm tniMlit of ordinary trade. A she hi '.I...I Us, 1.,... nc.e eh.t iirnti.sts fiuiu the fnlted State and other lieu- countlte have grown sharper nud li .roee until Hie sltualloii ha been reached wliere ( llilt.iiii must either boldly repudiate all the rubrics of In ternational law with respect to whet I contrail ind or adopt another expe.l'eiii Willi Ilia fnlted State at the point of forwarding wlmt libs been he'rahbil a Hie hnrpet note of protest ct sent against theHc contraband list exteulnno It I iinw understood that Ureal Hritaln ha under consideration the proclaiming I of vi leiSular blocKadi- Under a blockade system. State De . h m - i pen -1.1 ..p. ,; ' i'.V . I .llne-i! u oil!. I ixpl.i to .in many f m.- thing!- bl en ilm 111- 1 1 . . nibs In-ten, I f .Kcvs ..,,1.1,,,. t.. 1 ne .ei,. pieo lii of 11 mil articles never I,, fore "d I htlll advane log s.i b r...l i . i i b i n, hi. could then' According to an aunouiie e mem .c,,.',Ki,v,-,!:,,1r:t,::anvn'o',M' or -'. .... ,, MM ,.. .Ventral s' ipj. suking to ..titer i i r- j Turks above Utah line.- d.i ago ,-uid man irts c.u!, be , .uiM-.'iteil .is ,l ck- forced them to ntieat further. At last'!'.,','r",'V''1 l,,o,l,0'.'"' " ""ral'iccouiit the llritih w.-ie .1.11 In pin- i Otihtlic. cunt L'lli'lls lo wtol.l I h ive their cargo-. subjected t- the test ill ! m.i tc d'-st nation" am! "conlimi-' of mis vo.vage" Tint .. i say. Itrm-b ' , liner, in conitnaiid or the lellef ex-crins.-is I'm i1 I l,d, up siith sin, ,s take. ., . the,,, in.. ',..,. porl . there be ' Jll1"1111""' "s "", ''''"" ','' !'" I.n?..- co-nts ibtenmne fr. the ' Tl"rk1' "r"'-v '"'''""'" ' " ''' abi.erd vv enter Hi,, cargo. though com. ""' Turks had haiiipi-ie d .011- , t . neim 1! . ou'itr e. ar.. Im..,i.i..,l 1 ""' Piosns of the . xp. .lition lien fo, Ull III. lie I" st,. i.'eiinan .!.-.(, 11.111 a, ses i.tll. ial lie. 1,1'e.l (,,. w u''l ie ! ot, lis meilt. me leirueii ni aiisoltii" proof resting on tin- Ib-li.sii nu-.hoiii, to -how tlini the cugoes ,nri' fo,- u fm lie ibllver;. In lieltlllll l'i the Ame.-nxili -U ! K was 1 oked the il-,. 'a. 1 In , .lime. tit. t a- State in-'r'n- of uliiin-.ite ibstina- mil w.i.i n- its i i-arifom csuliid to Mataniolos Mexico. Inn' suspected .. tni i i,i.. nine-it of Ii.ivIiil- tin- Confederal Slate, which were 1 - lllg blockaded by fntoii tlects. ;l. (lll-.r lii'ima.e .i-s:,,i!itlon ' Vk""r I slein I I led, Iiilen-,i;li,i,a' Ian expets of the li... ia:t ne t.t though the f S'ate sal.l ....-right thai al- fluted Stales Supreme Court , .i,h"il the . ontenil.vo of Ureal llr lam , urn i,,r sel.ll'.s of these clt'gnes w e r. I l.iegill t.le- lie. islol w as il'recleil ngauist i Ihe pro irs of ultlmiite deslinatiou .lib., in. fed rutin r than against tne tight to .l.vtilic tile doctrine of Ultllll.lle ileslln:,. llni' ; In' g i ho. hade it was s,li;. Uieat Hritaln .nud not without lU.'tes. afetnp: ., ge-lei,! b'.i.-',.,de of net.'ial c-oiiutnes In tci-he-n furope 'n iich a no as to piohlhlt a. I trade be-, ''' i U c .untries and otln r u-utrel. sue, as ni. i n ted Mates Mc- abs du'e ' P' oln'i.i on oi Had, .titeivour-e. I. was -iiinl. i.uil.l lie on! against trade with i id man and in to c ttelnt le r Ii th el end .-he would have ..-kail, to the llaltlc, FRENCH TRUST WILSON. Ill peel No I . s. Mine for llloekmle He-la volloii. ( ' I'll 1 -f.'e lltkimtrf. lo Tin Si Pi. Jan ti! i 'oituiieiitinu ,u, the I repotted plans nf Herlin in attempt to Induce the Pn'ted State to press Ureal ' lliltaln for a relaxation of the bio hade I of Herman' the 7 mini "Uer-iun.v consi iita to make a ..t.-ctt.-.- to Pieslduit W'llson-s hum iiiltari.inlsm in order to exploit Ho sacrifice fur her own pos :iiv adv tillage mh.iss,,ior I von Heiiist.nff i unediali asked Wash- iiiglon lo insist thai London slmuM niax the blocll.lil,. of Uirminv, tlteieb) i-lapp. , liig ii seiihe cqu.vibni to niillifying 1 the Ail'.V n.iial superlorlt in reium I for tc.sti i.-tions on her sub marine pira,- i "liK'li led In becoinim.- nierelv an lin-oiii 11111, i ,. lo the communications ..r , , Allies without linceilitit. this i . "It Is Inconceivable th! r W'll,ort doe not leillr.c. (hat the Ueruian siig. g. siloiis form the ban. of ., lamentable birg.un which perforce would lesuli In Nnierl.-i'p ali.indnnlng hi r mniirellic ..,.1 '"rough whn-li II i i Americi take aitlon I "m vvbldi Ainerlcin laipeil to make The elioiM ms ' hnlty has eon. of Ihe lidim "ee rated lo tho rdlcf ot leulon aggresston vain, svmpathy of the the Allie s de-tnoiistrate the fmieil Slates for fount von lleriistot ff is iinst.ii.en f lie thinks tint Herman A i en 'an inilu ence will Induce Presldciil WlUoti to show a less conclllalni y attitude toward Uieat llillalu on a question of material liiteiet than lie slioived toward Her. many on a iiirstlou of wholesale maiis.i. .res Involving American victims." noiuPQ tudic BACK ON TIGRIS JJritisli foliuun l)ravinr Nciir Releauered Troops al Kut-el-Ainara. nTOJiAx.srArtJUT IJKTWKKX TWO FIIIKS IJeMiiiiption of a;.(iad Drive, lo Follow Ul'liup; of Kilt sieye. RUSSIAXS PKKSS 0: CAPTTIIK KKXd'AVAR Czar's Army in Caucasus Also Victorious Over Sultan's .Men. im iill itMe lrlintrli tit 'I'lir. M Iinini.. Jan, i;. on each of tho Hire.- principal theatre- in the Near fast, widely separated but mil (depend ent, the Turk hale sulfered st.ou set. backs within the last two ila.i- In Meso potamia the Hrltlh lelle f for. .. inarching lo the aid of the army lo, lied up nt Kut-el-Ainara has elilven th" Turk twenty-five miles t.oithiv.ini along the Tigris lu Pel pin the llllssl.llls lino liceiltlv took the cit.v of Hamad 111 hive cap tuiesl the town of Ketig.iv 11, Inlf wa between Hamad. in and Kermaiihhah, which Is in the hand of Hi" Turks Iloth plans lie 011 1I1. tool to Itiirlail This Itu-Man sin . ess nil eilouly -iffeci the Tiltkisli c.i 1 11 1 .. 1 c-t 1 'ii Meso potamia In the Ceu. asiis the t . .t.t . .t-. ... I tu. hUiis have launched 11 new offensive, on h lfln mile front. A five el iv battle re sulted 111 a ib-feat of th" Turk In the K. iv aril 1-,- icglcii Tile llrittsj'.i force whic.i iieeulli atarleel from lann-Ali-i lln i'l. 10 the n 11 1 oe Itntish ,,r,f "r ,-"'-""" Hrl'is'i Isitlb-d tlie- legal right I tip at Kut-rl-Aluaia. ixl-iu.. mlle.s w'llch lie ha i further up "he Tigris, have n,. lied iirah. . t ent IIV e mills fl-oill K 'II -el-Aui ir.l. """' An ollkinl lenoit leceivrd t . cjiii Urn .xylinei s aimv ll.-i Aylinei's aimv (b troops to i neat t t . .1 I In- 1 1II0111.111 .mini stwanl along I tile Tigris Those operation show Ihet the mln. f fence, l.fler being die. Im ,I b ,r Tllrk'l al Slielk Sai-l on J. mi, iiv- ij iiinl about lift mile I w Kut-el'Amura, lias covere-il Inor. than half tin- distance between that vollit .111.1 the lllltt.-h lib- Jc.-tlve Il tlie defen-l.-l s of Kut-d-Aiiiaia ni-i.iagc- I.) sin i ii- en in is.. ,. break 1 "'""'Sb tin- Tutltish in.s n... Siihnn '"""1 Will be in ixtn-ne pen! ' 1 .,, Drive on lltimln.l ,Uflv. j ,;v f ,;f. T..w ,,sh. n.l i ,.. I Ivut-e l-Aiii.ira only sip i-one- n lioldlee Ut until ( Ii--t .oui. wr, mil, i;,,,, A liner's louv. be n ,, p.. -it p, ini,. i "" ottetislve ag iuus' l'i, rn i,. . ., llritish Hive on ll.igd.i.i .I mid In lli uigiia! coiisi ,iien, Th" text of til. was a follows W' ill. i (,, lenient After tin ,r ileii at on Jat uai i x nnil li tin- Ttiikisli ion.- .. noosing icn A lin.-r ntii.'d to .. pos in, ii astride tin- Tigris at nrali, iw ettl v -tl inile. downstieam fn,m Kut l-Aiii.ira. ..'li Winn i atta. lied tin- position on Jamjar) 1!!. hard lighting , ,,ntln. ulitg till nightfall Dm mg Hi" eion,ng ,.r .lanuar.v 1,1 and II the- enem i. g.n, in ivtlte, and Is chisel) pies.., oi Hi., cist and north b tlie HritlNli foni It is apparent fnnu tms t,ieini!iil that the icpori g ven out at Constan tinople that in. mm m. ii had been left at Kut-el-Atnara while in., -i.aln part of tin- garilson had begun i mncat soulh waid Is gioiindlis Win il tine, some thing c.-italnl) would In ii". ml of en- gag. -me lit between the Ha.llOl) Hlltlrll. supposed to he Just ..null of Kut-d-Amain, and Ihe Tinks tew ret tea Hug befoie liie teiief luri e Sluillllillieollsl) With till illlliouuce inellt of tilts llrltlsli sip ,s Ihe Pelro War nftlcc Issued a lepoit sa.vlng thai Hie liusstan folic- in Persia have oci upied the p. un of Kenga it, a Utile mote than thlrt miles of the Persian ell of I lam id. in. wlinti in In thill hand- Hussion tube It en ml v ie l Till places the ltllH.l!i- about sl'Itv two miles iiutlbeasl of He' uiausbab. lai" week taken bv Hie Tin kith force- op erating lu Persia Iloth pla.ew lie i,n the .III c- t road Irom llam.idiii to llag dad Tlie 11111.111 oil I. tal l pol l fol low s III I'eisia on the mail in Kiiman slinh. wi occupied the town of Ken gavar in Ihe llglii al l.cng.iVi.1 . uhiih Is half Wll) between I l.illiail.iu ami Ivel uiansliah. vu- tool some prisoners 'I he i ueiiiy left' niltneroils on the Held of battle I mr losn-.-i wele In. slgnillcant SolltllcaslWiild nf Hamad. in . i wa dniV" liai k a Tiii. o-Ueii an ib-llich-tiient 4 A Turco-lliissiiii i lash hciwii ii Keu- B.ivar ami Ixeiinansnnii' is cxin'i led as lhi' next big ib-vi lopiiicht in .Peisla The 1 outcome of tills clash will have 'an Im ' porl.inl bearing upoiJlie Kitulitloii li i Mesopotamia, where Ihe llrltlsli nnd I Turk are' lighting If the' ItiiHslan aro I xlctorlous and pujli ilicir advance c utn