Newspaper Page Text
T 3 THE SUN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1916. 4 TURKS FORGED BACK ON ROAD TO TREBIZOND jjctrcatinjr in Disorder on the Wholo Front, Says retro prrad Despatch. ! r a r nrk ji nn 4 ntr mk nnnurn LAST DOLLAR FOR EMPIRE YM.l OP MUSH OP VAST IMPORTANCE BRITISH CAN NOT AID BELGIAN TRADE LINCOLN IN SOLITARY JAPANESE SA VE INDIANS, CELL CONFINEMENT TOLD TO SAIL TO DOOM The Cold Wave Has No Effect sm 11(11(11 IIIIMr IIIMMM'H II' Cvartf r v M Step Into the Nearest Place and "Warm Up" An Tan t Reitnurants, Sutooiu, Un 13 P Oyster nnd Chop Houses Increase of the National Debt to $500,000,000 Is Borne Calmly Throughout the Dominion Recruit ing Is Steadily Maintained. ' Point Out That tho Imports Asked Por Would Ho Seized by Germans. Ottawa, Feb. !0. Not since the bat 11' of St. Jullen lart spring, when 10,000 Canadians paid the supreme sac rifice, has the war been so strongly brought home to the Dominion u In the past week. Sir Thomas White's budget calling for an expenditure of, 2i0, 000,000 dur- !iMlVablt lftptch IbTdiScm. Inr the coming year, showing that the ,x-ios, Fen. (-lie reports oem nan oeen increasea irom t;-j.-.aii t aucasus unity ten 01 mo ?jju,uoo,ooo at the outbreak of tlie wur , o ..f 'orty-slx officers and 1,500 to J.'50,000,0o0 at the present time, and I f n th x guns and n law- qunntlty ,,,osltig nn additional heavy tax on l ,..r materia. No dotal s. hKr. d c,irm,alm rclll,lc '"l ' J mtS ,,mt onljr at the beginning . .. u.h'.nB toward Trtb son , f ,he ftnltgl. ,, arf , )u. ,.aiied 1 ' ,,m ' i livMriS sacrifice everything In blood Tt-blrond ami lave idvi aiul tr,aeure ,(rfor(, , , , neiir. Mr.n ten aiHl twlve ille. estwd , wh h , dl,Kislllon In .., point of lauding. press and Parliament to criticise the . r n i 'i- 1 details of the Oovernmenfs latest tax (n mi,...., .v ........ proposals wlille It Is felt that the new . taxes nliould have fallen more heavily upon wealth and less heavily upon 'uipctlod the retreat of the Turks miing several shore batteries intlit base usilsted them and Win "P ronpuim ...u...... .......... .,. . bu,,!,,,, that ordinary business should . .o. .; iiosillnns. So clwc to the , navl ,wfn e(RrrK.lted from m,mltlon ,. i tv warhlp operate that the .manufacturer,, n tne ttuposltlon of the ,,, h,,-, reached by Turkish rltle tire. ,aNi aI, tl)a, thf retroactive clause , , ,v.i! gims, on the other hand, t if,atlon will work an Injus--, n.ivoc In the lines, tke. there Is on the whole a universal Dl,ir .e,r, south of hrzerum. is oe- i sentlnient from one end of the country to the other that Canada will sacrifice her Inst mln nnd her last dollar. objective of the i up their victory ; 1... the next I, i-. .r - following li.s T Tu k 1 troops Hot from Muli r. li - d.r. t(.in. IHarbekr l only tlf t if r-.itn thi' line of the Haudait rail- . t te only remaining T!no of retreat to . i-i ... - .I'.lien from the ('aucasus front im .1 brought an explanation of the , the Thirty-fourth Division of , T. Turkish Army Corps, which it t-. pi. ccs by the Russian. This 01 What linn the t'nnitda !. war means to strong public agltntlon fm a sharper fatten on tlermatis In Canada. The os of the Parliament buildings, the sus picion that the American Club In Toronto was set on tire by dormant, and n series of nres In munition factories have aroused the Cabinet to action and :i straight warning has ben Issued that treason, disloyalty and sedition wilt no longer be tolerated. During the past six months there had been signs that despite official assur ances things were not ns might be de sired In llerlln, Waterloo and other Oermnri localities In Ontario. AtteinptH at recruiting were mostly fallutes and while the majority of the ilerman Cana dians at least maintained silence a few of the bolder spirits were outrpokin In their defence of the Kaiser. Oerntnn Place Raided. On Tuesday night last a party of soldiers heaid that Hermans ere secretly meeting In n hall which they had reported to the authorities as closed at the beginning of the war. The place was raided, the Hermans dispersed and furniture and other Interior belongings smashed. Proof of sedition was found In tho framed picture, of King C.eorge draped with a Herman (lag. while Herman colors were everywhere displayed. This In furiated the soldiers: a bust of tho Kaiser was draggtd through the streets i and a generally dangerous situation was created. UKXY AMKMCAN AIM'KAL Federal Agents Cotnl ticl i nu lniiir.v Into Ksenpe Which May Lead to Arrests. LETT Kits IX II IS M'UGAGK Canada's id b en ordered by the Turk- i iLi'ide- 1 1 hasten from oltl to . i. rl. f Hardly hail It started ii.. r .i ulicii the Russians, by that partial po.!ou of the great in fortress, had cut all tele- eonunuiilcitlou out of Kriesum. ire of the fall or the stronghold t r- were to rttlevc. the Turks i), . I o" tlie'r way by forced Tin- iic surprised by Itus- ,ia r Or. id Puke Nicholas has lift Titlls for i rei jiii ' I'ririurnl loru-spondcnt of the i. .f sa s . upil.on o. the city of .Mush t l!u-. ans Is of the greitet Itu . t.ecially wiien .Mnffdercd In una our ."iiccixses In the gum. viiic tiveady we ire l,. i. I, enemy uvon licb.-l T iu we haw- the s'tuation well ll'lllks. uhjle from the Tur!. arc it , disorder. Armenia is lost i Tie .iptur' of Mu-'.i Is es- v.ilua'jh l.ecaue It Is an tm t r Mil Junction and al'o because s i. ii utely ui-ed by the Turks as e tin ot and tralnin; station The Incident convinced the C.overn- tlnances Is strikingly illustrated 1 the tuoitl that Its apathetic policy should be figures given the Mouse by Finance Minister White For the fiscal year 191."., which In Canada ends on March 31, revenue totalled 1133,000,000. Against this there was expenditure on cnpltal, ordinary and war account, of l23;,7:i.O0J, leaving a total deficit of ItOt.SK.uSO. For the fiscal jcar 1?1, which will end this coining March, the revenue will x, about tKO.nOo.floo. but ordinary capital and war expenditure wjll reach :D.",iiii0.00(i, leaving a deficit of JIJS.OOO.OOO. Forthe ear 1!1 Finance Minister While estimates rev enue at 5170.000.000, ordinary, capital jr(i'il CabU rnpttrh In Tar. Sl-v Ui.sooN. Feb. 'JO. The Foreign Olllcc Issued to-.lay a ineinoratidum forwarded to M. llymnns, the Hetgl.ui Minister to Hrltatn. on the subject of Import of raw material by Hclgluni for the pur pose of malntalnlug the latter country's Industries. The proposition was made four months ago by the American coin mission to the Herman aulhorltl", and the Hrltlsh Hovernm. nt through the llelglan Minister In London, wa In- I formed. It was accepted by Hroat llrit- aln provided Herman.v would ngree not to selie either the raw materials or the munufaotuir.l goods. Tl.e Cerman i.ov erntnent was asked to gle guarantee to that effect, but some time hin now (lapsed and no answer has been re ceived. Sir lMward Hre. the Foreign Secre tin v. states III n letter that the ques tion Is distinct from the Importation of foodstuffs In the American Coiiiinl" slon for Relief In Helglum. which the (Internment will continue to ra.llltate under neutral supervMnti and Indepen lent from i lei man control. The memorandum referred to ays: It Is understood there Is a strong feel inc among the Relglaiis that the Indus trial dlstres" of Helglum Is to be at tl United solelv to the action of the allied lioxernments'ln presenting Imports, and It Is often contended that this action docs not appreciably harm Hennaiiy. while It lnM'lvs a mot painful toss to the people of our ally." Mysterious Rescue of Refugees in Tokio Comes When Government, England's Ally, Orders Deportation on Ship Bound to British Port. ;i" 1 and war expenditure leaving an estimated .jOO.i.Oll. Thun t Ion to will be O.iO.OOO. end "f f.OO.oOO, at JllS.OOn.ono, ilclb it of lit:..- quickly abandoned and sterner measures adopted Itrlg.-Hen. Otter, a of the South African war and head of the Canadian Internment camp'. Is now In Herlln taking n teglMcr nnd a score of Internments will likely result. Herlln. which has a population of 20,. eon. H more than n per cent Her man and Is one of tin- nmt properou lowiw lii.liistrlally In (intuitu. Ii i the liea.l.iiiarte-s of the Lutheran Chur.1, In Canada and in my of Its Inhabitants Mteak Herman. .. . I...... 'verv ..,nrr': V.1?.., ..... ......:,u' t:,ii..iii- .i,emles and without imnlvl.ig Zee Mani" nf' , I USM..;; who n , .Memcm of llelglan In.le.K njl-nce . ....v. . .1,1 i ..... 1 1 l,v in.. Itrlllsli I Win ilw (lovcriinieut. II rajs, t Hill us T. T. Lincoln, who calls him self an International spy, rested In soli tary conllnenicnt yesterday In the Ray mond street Jail. Hrooklyn. thinking (iter the snappy things he had written prior to his capture twitting the Federal au thorities about his luslrnes. Orders erc glon by Fllst Deputy Marsha! I'arr.v and Joseph A. Ilaker, acting bead of the oltice of the investigators of the Department of .lu-tico. not to permit Lincoln to re ceive or (-end out any messages or to hold coin eric with .ttrtbud. Hut pris I'er was parti contilil. for the authorities had g.en him back his JT.S the amount hi had when grabbed by ic.icrai .gni irgiirewcn m " i on Saturday night and ho saw no need of facing a hunger strike, his thieat it , he could not hale his nionc back. While Lincoln, thus confined, w.m wMitlig he had not written the long letter to a newspaper excerpts of which wele found 111 his luggage- t. lllltg how he had foob.l his pursuers. Federal agents .Mr. H.ilier w.rc enntlnuliis their Imiulry alocg tlins that may bring further at rcsl In conn.rtlon with Lin coln's escape and ecluiii Hi various place;. to 111 tlnee fiscal ;eais the addl-1 the public debt owing to war I n the tielghlrhood of $r0.. i making a total drbt at the March. tOtT. of about J!5. whlch Is over 1100 for every man. woniar and eliild In the country Confronted with these eimrnwiis llg ure. the coi'irry i beginning to real ise Hint only the nirleto-t private and national conomy will suffice to bear the burdn without taxing the nation' re sources to ttu; breaking point. And while Government estimates have been :uthles.slv purged of everything not ab solutely ncefsar for tho carrying on of i lie ordinary business of the country thTe Ii strong agitation In the still greater economy Iter., II. and Inn alo pretloniiiiaii'l.v a population of about . Herman ,01111, Imperial Prrfrrc nee benefits Itxiiected, Amcig the will come to them i war .s an Intp. trail, object of all Cai.adlan past, 1 at l,i"t l.;.ecd aiiadialis speot a rouli of the p, efereii. The . in es for .. i h n "gilt. i Tin 1' s i d; Is tons ma i..t of :ii c id ..f They aie now b-lng furthe: ,p iv lili. rtcelng snut.1 in the hope lining the Twelfth Army Corps. ,s lcisiried to be marching from lor C.r ' Mr White hinted In the course of his vcie cut "ff I Imi c-t spevch that the Hovernmetit was Third army J yen prepared to cloee dow n work on .1 rt.-cated IiiiIIiiii ceeiai inn'oriaiu iiaii.'oai nun im , and It l altogether probable that the coming year will see the cessation of i oii'tructlon of the Hudson Hay R ill way, ar vell as several Important har bor work, cn the vttantlc and Pacific Meantime lecrultliig throughout th I country Is being steadily maintained Figures compiled by the repartition of lr niiiiilriiii Drop Bninlis .villtla and Defence show that since the l.glnning or ine new ear men inm been enll-ted at the rate of 1,000 a day. which h faster than they can be trained IAIBACH RAIDED BY FLIERS. Vu.frliiti llendiiinrter. cm MW' tmiiiuh to Thi Sen. F b. SO.--The Italian War sied !he follow, ng statement e C r ti li. t . . were artillery duels along fiont. with occutlonal re- 'or bolllKlI'dlllellt of tOWTIS. .piv in nu.iiberlcss cases of vio , t i iiiiernatlonal laws which i i ms perpetrated since the g o' ti war one of our a!r - n ile.l the town in Lai s' i if. siandiiig the fro of i in.- ba leries and attack by i -ri.i aeroin.iiies mir nuad r ,i ed l.i bach, on whlc i town a? .'ilea s.vcral doren .. i ii i.' our mac 'i'.ii ,-s of the i lie was attacked and sur- i rc s, Vust.ian w is aptuicl. The i lei. le- s-.lteuil 111 Said i. I VII. i Milley we 's UWo and one- VI 1 1 ...rghctloi. tl IO"ps Vtl' Thus during the last w ok the t,oy ei nnvtit rej.cted h L'i.eral t soliltlot, urging Put anient to tal.. advantage of the clause in the S'.iuiiions-l'n.lerwo.Ml tartIT which would make free the inter change of wheat between Canada and the l'i lle.1 Slat.. nn the ground (hat 3uc'j ariaugenieiit would uileifere ami pres" be Incompatible w tb all imperial pref erence aurr ine war. This desire for and hel rf m .vouoiinc union of Hie tinplrc wu fuither by Sir Henrge Foster. Minister i of Trad.- and 'oinin. ". In the Itoroen Caliillet. In ,111 address to the t omuiotls yesleiili. Sir Hemge. woo ha- held the ...rifollo of Finance In four i 'an nlla-'l .Mill! tries and win. went to I Ins-land m Ktoi to aid .M- i "lamlierlatii iti h.- tariff reform fight. - well ,n touch with Hrit th utnoi t I'im.n. and his untds tari; ,.,ii-d.,abl. 'Might lie ,inli "line lesion of .ual'-'llMl.!' value that has been liMine.l from this war Is the Its--. n of tin n.. for .nomti , o.irilt. liatiou and union of the Hrl-ish niuplro (in- of the tirst things iiu: will take place after the war al'l lie a revls-,,n of ticatiHs and taiilt winch govern trade. rhe old tle.tties h.-ne ttrit ij-Ii otlOllli- cally. "It will s(v that tis own ran mate ria!., tn nil part of the empire, are utilized and developed, tlist. for the pur poses nf the empire ami. afterward for the puiposes of Its allies mi i this wise it w.ll he isissihlt for the Hrit- Ifh l-.niplre t uiobnllzr it,s fnre good of nil t's i.irts, for the advantage and development " tlie ihautfeiir who. driving a seven pas sing! i- ii iiruig car. stepped in front of the Hotluaii ll.m, at ltro.1ilw.iy and i ieet S and was h.indl g Lin. oln several ...iggage checks wlit a Hie latter felt a revolver boring u. r , li s .ls Tint tne a: rest was made at a critical in. cn. i i is shewn 1ij Lincoln's own -tale. ill. "It flat le lull to leaVt til. cit.v within an o .ii' . siart lor tin l'ac.tlc oa-t a'ul go Hi. li. e to tne Far ISast "(U, e hour in. re and ou never would have got inc." he ,s lepnrt.d to have said 1. Agent .iigiirev'.ii "Well. 1 llll-eil Jim I -ltc, n in tllltes last w.ek.'" r-plle.l i irgiircvieh. "but tine time I was on the spot before you." The tlotlfll I o ir Uiiesllnn ( liniirTenr. named eh.iuttt nr W'.i i. qui .-- it lo-,la Lll.cwi-e, tur tuirv will .f .he per ms u. i 1. n oiii 1 t i an. I ..rl.ed. aiipcrtit . ,is i fa in hai 1. lie II 'ml enllltmed for Hie present. In ilw city of Toronto alone one day I l(st week over one tnnusano. mrn jo u'-.i ,Mss,,i aWl4. .he war. Til ine eoiors. .xnu n.n ... w"". nipire win kiiii tisoir togetiier . 1 recruiting lias not neen as raiuu as in .mat of the other provinces, little dlffl- j cutty Is being experienced In filling up French-Canadian battalions. Men are 'bring sent overseas at the rate of son h day and If tlie present level of recruit- ' lug Is maintained ihroughout the coming vear there will be little difficulty In se curing the 500,000 men reuulred. The Hovernment has bowed before adoplunes others rc- bombatded -half miles wli. re move- reported. An I.. i onl it : i- i ;,i i d 1 1 boiiilijrded Ala I a :t . limit e city, the mll V - Mm I'.in s on tlie tsoui'o . a begun, ng of the Aus . . th - Misirlau lieneial tipiat'ers have been located I'tiotfieial Meeting of Coiiferenee Is Held Stockholm. Peace nt ah'e, TEUTON FLIERS ATTACK RIGA. .. r m it liniise llinlrnjeH I I like snenlon District. es.jf.-A fn Tin: Si ' I'.- , Jo The follow inr Swiss V . ...i.pie w is issued ley the 0, II'' v . "tlce to-id.iil : .. ,,pi..ieP iniiuba: uetl liiua . - . In dl.-t: cl to the nnrth of I c T" Hie noiih i.r livvinsk i 1 ,.s il.n over Mlshtel In ' I . tkt Sun Ion w e .le- h a. li.tmaii bio. kiiouses. 'Hiister. mar Mlkh.illt.iie. ...led i mine. .Ielriilng tlie ' ,ii:it inent-. and d imagine es ll (lietllV .lllempt to hi ..f Hie crater was un- i -'it ., in. HepiiUe lliis.lans Near ni Itsehe-llereslim. l '.oilllotl, 1 l 'cb i'o - Arm isMieil Hi,- following state, .-aiding oi.eialloi In the tschc-Herieinn, isl of Russian , broke .lowu lines under the ili'iin.ill Tut sirs received vesterd.i.v arani from the press burcfu of the Ford Ctnferencc at Stockholm .immune Dig the election of the following twelve delegates, from Switzerland l th' con- fcieiir.?. , ,1. Sdierier Fulletiiaii president nt the -roup "f the luierpiiriiameniar Dr. Frltr. Sludor. president of Hie lss s.,,',1 leinocrauc ni... t,,tliiili. Judge of th ; lliull Hoelteshelni I . . . I I Art, is. Ill, l.l.lit of the -.illien ..i.ii.....i-... V lam IUipp:ird. professor of political econo. v In he Fnlv.-rslty f Hen.-va. ,? professor for two years at liar- val d V Marguerite Hohat. a well k inwn 1 ne. ee ivorker: Dr. Horel. professor of In Ter law In the University of ' . n.ineieii Sc herrer. president of LTV .'...Vnatlonal Committee for tin- Pro lertlon of uanor pieslilvit of the Hon: Mrs. Cluia executive board ' : atlonat Peace, and Otto The line nf lniulr. The 1'iie of imiulry is dlrecttd in four different .is; First, Into the ih tails of his esiap. . second, the persons who gave .a. 1 dglng or Ii. Iped hint during hi" fro .loin : third, whether he had any . ,. .direct coimiiuuicitloii with the news- Menem H t.rrnmio. ,,,,..- that lecelvtd Utters from him Tae memorandum then explains t i it .mil whether he nielved nion. from llic tli Hi itl.-b Hovernimtit camml agr. i(ior . tourth, whether any money from tint Itclgion In.lusli .an l" mnlntalnetl the publishers got uto his hands aftei in the p-esotK .ircu'niet.incfs without a I tils e.c.ipc. conl.t.'i.iblc benefit tw Lincoln, w no n.'1'ii " ...... .itnoil I oi cu.tgnn e-((ioa n i' Marshal Parry, i .. nti. .um I that lie f,.tu i,,,. I Is ready to l.ll all. u na- no. linen ... ii, i one it ine a rr...i i i. ..., i,"t. in, -.-,, .,- . ..... i.... Tt .. nf V'jt..rt.k, uhl. tl .tlliolll.s ' It,., Itelcl.m lhlllUl.ltlOtl. l oi this reason it nas upi'on..i " Comnnss,.,r for Reh, f ,n H. Iglum '.ml permltttil exilt trade fiom Helglum under certain conditions. Al-t fn. t'd-r.-ason. the tncinot.iii.lnni add" ihe Hnv ertiinent somt iiiolith" asn a-s.rted its willingness to consider foi the importation of raw in.iteiiuls nto Hti glum through the ag.-n.y and it d't the guaiaiitet- of the -ellef comml-s on. "Tne in dt-rtaklng- .blll.ill.b d Iron th. Henn. lis m nnicutinu "'th thts s.-lleme.'' the tne iioraii.lum conl'Mles. "were simple Tl'.-.v e."i to p. rmit the free imis.rt.ition of raw nial'Vlals and tb. .xpor: of maniit fir.d g I" 1'rnin -iich nateiiiiN tlnnugh tlw tele f cnminls-lon. They wen to ic.piet ind make free fi ill embargo or ie.iilsl- In. ii an st, 'is of similar nu m it. ruil" ,, .. lur. ,1 ltiii.U still t-.mitilng m ihe i-.tinitrv. Tiie w !n m " i iher to treat an fadorv thus sii.,'tol l the eoiimiisioii a- t :ijnv tig the same privileges and Inruuniti. s as one of the loiniiils-lon's waiehou-. The iiiciiioiaii.liini. after exph.lnii'g that H had be. n ll.... d the vl.ili woll'd tedn. ui'fint.toi ni-nt lid nlitve tie i..,i,il..-,oii oi mil. h of i. illtr.-s wli.-p ii ir.-eimi-able from Itclkluu. s in.ft.r-1 from lunale 1" ."llh n sav- l "is siilini ' led ; n I by the i-rmaii aullmi ."es at llru-e. Is b the Relief I nil in'.--"11 tout l'e- I hut although iniUliie were i I. no lepl of ah MIIU "as ICtei. 1 limn th. licrmatu-. The memorandum then accuses the Hoi mans nt a tit '.bt ra.e plan not to fillet Into nil agiieiiieiu of the km I until ihtv luive take, "fn last ounce nf native stn. ks nf i w rials or m.inufactiiie.l goods u.i.h in l oi nn use to them and iiu'il t i y have 1 en able to create Mien destitution as to foi.. .. t'.illsite ainniint nf Helglan lab.'i em, grate to lii'i inatiy or take .-nip!... me nt .li He. Kian wnrks cnntinlltd by Hi. tu for their own put p."ts. "When th.-c objects, hive '.eon gnned so far a- the firmness and p.itr'i.tlsin nf II. Uian manufacturers aim ,"rh'" " I Ins ir edani t:.. i. va- ., v." ,lal will ever permit sue! m i- t.,,.tf., Ih,. gained." contlinies tlie ineiii..r..'..l'ltn ,....,:, .ignr. vi "I MtH Mill (Kill... lee.s .-,,,.-.- . - , , , , make an arrangement '"n "i"' smtUr. on. e It Is tui:y n-.tin.u oi li re.. mav no ie-nics.-.i i.. ... I that time has arrived this p"l!i -hnlll.l. Ihetef be flllly exposed" ,, , ,,. , The nitiiioratiduni then .-Ives llguita llllllllllHIKl. i ll'V. I. H til fit' .,)ring p, stow that In one lnonili 111, .III I'll :e Welt exp.oted r-inll II. I. .11111 l i ilenniiin 71.' tons of .I.lo'i t.eis ,. p'losp'iates, to" tons ..f le.iil, 1,:i:..i t t'i nf nre, :'. I" t .ns nf p't prop-, l.'.'no t ins of guano and t.i'.'U' oils of I to lunettes. The pi ceding innnt.i Is ile- lis 1 ctari .1 to show, he-hies Luge . xpnrt.s ... ... .. . ... i.a.. ... , ... ... ... ...... i is ii"..' ,i -, ' i,. i-rice, pasior oi ine ii asmngion I : i .,,,,.,,i,ii Heights Meilmdlst Rplsenpil Church. - t ' J." . i. nil. I. r and l.'.'l.l street and Amsterdam iviinie.' I: i- 'veil knnuti, t .. M- roil II ( IIINO, "The "iiin'a" Japaneee Corre pnndent. Tukki, Jan. 15. Some of the Indian revolutionists who recently attempted to overthrow the Hrltlsh Hovernmetit of, India sought refuge In Japan after their plan .liiled abortive. Among them wete most distinguished two Indian ot the names of Thakur mid Gupta, both re puted to be the leaders of the t evolu tionary cnmpaliin. They came In fact trusting to the magnanimity and the chivalrous spirit 'f the Japanese Hov mmelit to afford them , safe protection from the persecution of the I the Hrltl-h authorities. Also the special Hciitment grunted to the crime, by the International law, not to speak I nf the .ilni.ce of extradition treaty be- Hroidway ! tween Jap in and (treat llrlUln, seems to have led them tn the belief that Japan, the country of Ituahldo spirit, would not perpetrate tlie mercllessnoss of deliver ing them to the Hrltlsh Hovenmient even tf the. latter should come to demand It. That they had no Intention to act for the Heruvili Interests appear to be in atly certain III view of the fact that shoitl after tlielr arrival here they put an adVftttsemi nt m the .upuit .tdiir (.ft i to tlie effect that they wanted a .1. and a translator to help Hi. m III their various actlvitit s. It tuei had bad .my malicious llitetifln i against the Japanese Interests they could not have proposed to hire a Japanese to. thill private secretary and trans I ito,' Sitae their arrival here, however, tlie .liipaneee Hiivvriimeiit was nn! so lenient to ttiten as tlie at lift expected, Police di teethes were to kiep a vigilant uatch nvor their evety move ment. They wele followed everyw livlu the in t livery visitor to their risi di licit, had his name not. si down In the pockeitsmk of the watching official. On til. utile! hand, such a policy pursued by the Japanese authorities, aroused the healed sympathy of the public for their lnlpless- situation. Some of Hit papers and olit.cit in m.izlties scveretv took Ihe liuveniini in to task for uselessly annoy ing tin- patrlnts, who are unite harmless to pie scsieti. with bewilderment, not knowing what to do, facing such all Impossible tiling The police now bad to explain with all their might that they tiad never noted III concert, as might Vet) llkel bt sun pected, ami thai the would do then- ut most to arrest them, although they l lleved It not ipilli ill"), as the two exiles app'ar to lie under tlie slhp.i thetlc protection of mlliientliil person, ages. Nothing Is known about them since then. Mow- they escaped nnd wheie they are to be found no one but Uod knows. Hut It is not dllhrult to "Urmlse wha" has become of them when one considers the pii"t careers and the personal char acter" of that Toyamii In whose bouse the final disposition look place, not withstanding tho hawk i .veil vigil. inc. of the officials nn watch. In Fukuoka, Kyushu (the southern large island where Nagasaki Is), there Is ii association (not a political party) known as Hen-Yn-Sha. The very name would be h great curse to Count Okuma. It Is composed of men Jingo istic, patriotic, courageous, heroic, toady to defy dentil and State laws If only there needs lie. In every political agi tation of the past In Japan It has played such nn lmportunt role that man however influential, could ever safely overlook It Its activities have not been limited to Japan alone. Many of the members of the association have taken an active part 111 the recent Chi nese revolution, rpholdlng the tradi tional s-jlrlt (lf Hu-hldo as their guiding prlncple, they have alwas stood and fought for the taue of the weak and tlie helpless. A member or this asso laHon nn. e ' Frrmlor saved Japan from a serious hum llatlon. ,aflrr th VANDERVELDE IN NEW POST. flelulnn "iiclnllsl Lender Vim Ml" I'H-r if Munition, ;.ti( ' nl h irfmfeA lo Tor fli-"'. Il.vvi.s., Feb 'Jo. Hnillo Vandervclite has l.ein named Helguin Minister of Munition. llmlle im.lei veltle. leader nf Ibe He. glim s-.i.'i.i t piny and a proiiiltient fiBiirc in the S... I .p -' muveiuenl through out lllltopc, l... iiui.le a member of the Relglnu nnverioiieii: is Minister nf State hnrl!y ii fi. t i' iithie.ik of Hie war. In the earl month- of the fighting he was at Ihe flout, distinguishing himself througli Ihe pan he lonk In eticnuiaglug no states-1 the H-lgliui to light lo the last. In September, States as a sloti to Pie With tlx V'elde all . now- hav Hons wnii. I '.'I I. he came In the t lilted inember of the Helglan mis- i. lent Wilson. appointment of M Vander- if the lltitonlo Hovel nmenta a -p. il minister for muni- The Hist .Munition Minister Twenty-seven '.irs ago, when Japan began her attempt" to secure the revi sion of her treaties and to regain the rights of sovereignty which she had been forced to sign away. Just like the ores, out China, a premature disclosure of the dlaft of the treaties tllscloed the fact that provision had been made for Hi appo'nttnent nf forden .fudges in the Supieme Court lltsi'k nn Okamn. was Albei t I nomas, i-reticn i tmer Secretin y fm War. ppolnlt-d to Hint ..111..- wli.oi the Coalition Cabinet under Vivlaiil was form, it shortly outbreak of the war, Rug- elfare of th.' Japanese I Red H ,'. I m id ' to Thirtieth 1 '! l I pi.. S.O , N the tie i1' . -d' t tllol-t ' 11.11 lor Hi. mutual . SWISS DELEGATES TO WORLD'S PEACE COURT ! FORD COUNCIL CHOSEN'. OUTLINES ITS OBJECTS:1. .1 A. I i,. I ! I. .-It Hill Is' iMoin'ng holt-.- ' ' i West Liuco'ii iiv.,1 to. r , In- c.,p ii , I 't oui i. -.I i it nf I. '" oh, -' s ,, h i'. ,-d ami I ill. J..-" Che, (. ,1 ,.t th. tiln Stit.'.n iii.tre el.c.'iss aid j'sM.n.iellCe a.'O .lllL "lit. 1 1 pirltno-c .," .Iiisi hum. ill"-! a'loUt Lincoln ii. 'I .e .ih -.Is i t in , I n ho.islfu p l is l'" n iii.i ' A'--. nr.tiug In .nfnr.ii itlon ohi.ilt-id .veslcf. day i In- l-'e. Ic.i! iirlli.i i:i - do not place ' much cn dec in l.incol' .. nn Ifort to hold .inn up .oi J..o lor lu iruteetl..ii a.iB tiu.L It a ceruiln Jei-se;. ' man, but a-sen mat Hie cap ire of I.. -' colli was due to . l' .'a.tflll ill.. I .ersisteiit d.'lec'.l'. e w.ili j In ilw isiutsc .1 w u.j and nights of I s,..,r, h iv Fede o .is.i.i- 'opt unto, i un mall of L.ll.o I V fl lends, vv.u litVeo J have b en li.iiii.'.l n pul.lls r v 1m u. no. known, ex.cpt ..c. ..r n p. -sons, to have hid an dialings uit'i Im .o So thorough wa. ihi- e-p.onag. I 1. 1 it ,ui.:is ill. . is; foul ot live .l.ivn ., I Ins r edaiii ll.ei. v.i- a ve'.l.ibie .in I i !...!, and - ek Intwee'i the F.-ilt-. .. r d Sov.ial tui. t- the ag. nls .nit f -u iiiliiii.s I.i:. in git: ng to .' at.p'.n iiiKi..'- inao. I. L..i It was then Count Okuma. the Minister, who handled the negotiation with foreign Powers. The national in dignation over such a spiritless attitude of tlie Hovernment reached Its bo'llrg point tuie day as nkuma was rld ng out of tho sate of the Foreign Dop.i'l lent a man with determinate a,.,e.ii--anee suddenly sprang from behind the iIihii-s of the entrance anil hurled a Immb at him a loud shout of "Trait-. Then tl.e assassin, with a.biilrablt s, u collection, seated himself down on the untied Ills gi.rmeut. took out a and dlsenibowled lumst-if as a title should. The bo i;b i,il. mber ?. This w is to them pr.u t tcally "i en oie o: i.Kiiinas itgs s,, i.rni.i a sent'li-.e of capital punishment, for the - that It was subsequently ampiit-iiel two si. -amors that leave Jap in on or. The assassin was aflerwaul f.m ,d tn before the nppointnl .lit. are bound for i. ,,,. KurtisMma Tsunekl. .1 iii. ino,-r -iharghal and Hongkong, where It le a ,,f th,. Cen-Vu-Sha Assisiallon. uln.-h niatti r of aJcsnliite certal.ity for them to i was then siipi rlnteiid. .1 by none oiln r fall in the hand- nf the Hrltlsh officers than Toyama himself. He Ins alv is Deportation llrtlereil. Dn November 2? a terrible thur der u.!t struck them, (in the s tine day Mr. Nishlkulsi. .-jponiitend.-nt nf the Central1 grnuinl M.tronoltt.iii Pol i ifflce. served them d.i.'ger tn have Japan mi or before De limit soon followed the Pi ctuli example I and LI. .id was chosen for the p..-' iiu-" m and Italy also have treated "i posls In Hi" cabinet llllllllg tll past cat, ' SERBIAN RELIEF WORK ENDED. ' A merlon M I nmiii Issimi "..ih llefn gee" in I iirfii mill llrlnill!. .l'r,nl C j.f.' ir.stfcA to Tnr MX R-tvir. Feb. J" The wnik of the Ann ri-'iiti i '..tnnii-sion for R'tlef In Ser bia, which Int. 1 has ilatisfert'cd Its ne. tlvitl.s t Mbaina. has now In n sue-'ces-fll! coll. '.u I. .1. The last 1 itch of t.r.i.o Sell. inn i.riige.s was aided In the lllEht fiom Albiiii.a. now for the greater pit' oviiii'i In il" Xustiian and Hut garl.iii anno . (if tins b.ilili. '.mil were s. nt to .'otfu . nil Ii"1 to Hrln.lKI. T' .1 it, mid, r-oni Albania l tlui! the Hiee'. rip-er lb III ha." ar lived' I .iii.i.... lot ih. tvtiitual pro- te. -Ii.ii "f ll ' I- eltlrt .I' It s tint likely i - pi ..u i I ion will be noctli d as It Is .impi ai1" b il" iillltil warships oft I'm.'.:..' JEWEL THIEVES SENTENCED. l.'lltVl.' ml a p.lli t s Cltill. Fl and Hill Spi'iik in Wtpshiii" ton lli'ioil Clniicli. The annoir.ic. in.-nt by the Rev. .1 Islleil Ills llrnllicr "lifnl Ul.ltloll g V . n it 1 -telle ! at In -bid i.-.ii.l ..: t. I. .1 l.ic III limne s llg I i .xp..rt of pyrllts, lion. M. Win- High Court : Dr. Judge of the Federal liroullch, twice presl. Il r Dr F Huctier Holler. Swiss Peace Assntia Itiigaz. niomber of thu if the Woman's Inter- Committee mi i.-i t,... ...... V ilkart, presiiieni oi un- rincn .r'ai-k!! on at Tarnopol l.ogoschin (a.illela). n.OSINR IN ON DURAZZ0. nlrliin" Tnkr Piislllnn Mne Mllca lliinl nf I'nrl, n fit.lf !, A tn Tlir. His lb .....-..I ...Hum Win TtV. 1 The despatch mbh.l that utiottlclal meeting of the I'.i'U i-eii..- ' ..,.- . . .- Oiei I. lis. " ..i.. I,, I.. sltr...l.biihn Malum ij no.... cliHlnnanship oi itu, " nf the I 'diversity C.lelevik. prnfe's .r nf Interna tional Jurisprudence ti th" I'mvers ty ni "h i, , legal adviser nu Inter- natln. .1 lw lo tl.e Nobel l.istltule. ad dressed the conference on the causes of the war. " GREEKS ATTACK BULGARS. ' was hem I under the Larssoti Nikola us disliiigiilsli. il ypi akirs would m ikt .id dresses Hieie last night at ,i s.. cial p-ace i sen Ice leMilied in the i liur, h being crow. I'd to the doors The Rev. Dr. Price pr. solid at the meeting ami when In had oiitl n.d the objects nf Hie new World's Court ot Peace, an ot g inlz.illon which Imp"- !. Judicial until. "I.- to settle futiln .IllT.'r eines among Ihe nations, Dr Prie, in trodu.e.l tho speakc is of tin- oveiilng, Iletuy Clews. Dr. William II. Huthrle, professor nf l.iu in the i'.ii lege nf the City nl New York . J.din Wes ley Hill of the I'eaei) Forum and John I lauimotnl, ptesl-ilr-ut of the World's Court oi Peace. Mr Clews dwelt upon tho im'iorlanoe nl pulili, I'isoii.sloii at this p irtb I for Hint, ubeii c!v I . 1 1 ii hi Is tn nl.llng In I Hi the li.ll.Uicc. Thi v orl.I M I Oll't will not bf Iliad.' UP ot oi -.ini"s, s.i'il Mi liew-s, lull uracil. 'nl in. n wlm lmie in have a Judicial m.iiiilni In winking tinier h Hie time ihe war u on Dr. Hitthrle .'aid thai Hi. I'liueil States ."III liest serve the u mill Jan now liv I lining "Judicial tilings," such as l he Wm Id's Court hnp.-s lo biing nh.nit In In-) illsputes. Jnlin llav s Ham-, liiunil siitl I lii.isiiiii.'.i as- liiplnmacy bus u'lorl t'.illel a" an arbiter of In d I ff e i o in es diplomacy must be -ucec'lcd l .Ind'. ' ll ..'lint.- John Wesle.v Hill brought ilio peaking to n c(ie wltli n talk pill Ills lioirers In rmlllnv Bo.l hi'inor, whereupon lie look up Hie more serious miller of American standards of i 'ilreusiiip It. lui in llolic.) ' t'ldtnn 'ial at l.-.-t half Hi" luo.I.iois nf It xtlle nulls h ive lie- n mi'.i- Hatiut-r nf s-elnre the gt at indte-l.' n nf lb. ii rim. li- . ii in.l b. Pel I I Hated than In tin guar inlet um ii l.v theni i. ..ctiincn1 ht, In, ss men, inn I, 1 1 tl.iug lo i. s t in metals, " a- ' el oinl I p.. In e Plus cd mil Itelgian eel . . r . nppel. wele esscnllal lo Hi. ' i u. 1 1 1 1 ilil. ' ii ' nl one nf 111.' all'.. Il.'glatl Hl.lll-11 1-. Il.,.i III.- plodll. IL I. i.l plool that these ,ii tiilos lia.l I.e. n iiiip.-i led Tin- In fill I was nliviniis Hull nuv llelglan nf such .lltl- It's wnlllll be se?eil." Alter explaining :hat If the Hilt'sh n.ivirnin.-ul nttemi'lcl tn pinvlde nilof the llelglan Indus', lies. Ill ..pile nf relief 'nptii i iii . i , ami even iiinli r the snl'i guards ,on I. it would ic. mlt In boiiellt to the iler n.aus, tlie nu in -r i'i-luiii .tciilnucs: "The 'in man .inioorUii's must In- pie Minieil fro'i. In. -it sil.-ii. e to have 10 fied to consent t,, the solieme put tor w.ii.l lo Hi. Holier i 'n i mission. Their Used pdl-v of linp.iv. shiim Hi mi ni and ilrlilng the woikuiin 'ntn their 1 . ni,"'n i in. ut nun stands i-.eale.l, Ills ' M.Icsi.v'h t ii.voriinieiit tnu-t 1 1 sx I inn ail ot sio.siidll toward the lleljlan pi o ie for Hii ovil.s which the eneni both I 'i. is cut ill nnd toftiKd in roinnvo." ! OFFERS CORN TO GERMANY. (i The foil tulng Aus-1 (iillic staieuicnt with rcgnid 'limns In Albanl'i was rerolvetl i ma to-night . iptiirf.l IMxrir Slnjak (nine I of Ihnawil and lite closely g the hostile lines south. I f Dura.o, The Albanians ng with us have occupied VVe iioriipled JJushlila Peklnye, g "'ni of Krsad Pasha's gen- I, alter ro llorder and Are Driven Unci. Two Killed. ' r ns-r,.-,..'. Feb. :o. - A sharp engage- Iment between Hreek nnd Hulguiian patrulH In Ihe region of Lake IVilran. In vi,.,innlii. is reported from Salonlca ti.m t4htlnc was caused by th" Hulgnr I " '.is . . .. .. . I. .1... Itntuiimnsler Mux Ml III Held, ' , .',, ; "i r pondent ' It 111 I.- neuter's Amsler says Unit It has been i (port that Adolpho 'ormer Hurgnmuster if HrusselH. .ui., th., b.inler. the iiesp.noiioa tsi. Thcv were force-l to retire, leaving two I mm killed. One Urctk soldl-r wad I wounded, , ,. . I ,n audience for Hen, sarrail, the French icmmnmlcr In chiel In the nisi, with King Constant I ne of Hieeoe, la re ported In have been hi ranged- " tsarrall already has left for Athens, dee patchea say. Tlie interview is .-. by i-orreapondents lo mark slgnlflcunt M0RGENTHAU SEES TEUTONS. Has ( (inference Willi Lender", sill?" lenilll Desialcli, .ipn til t'alilt tinimtcli (nTiir. its. Pvilis, l-'cli .'('. Tin l.iiiMiimn im- tespuuilent o , raiiriiiirini rep. tils Vienna despatch Mmgenthau, the to Turkey, hid with the chiefs Hilling 1' lleiii' A I net it-au Amhiissiidni lenglh consiiltalliins f Un i Ii i v cm luetit s n M h i'- n rei.astil by Ilio Hermans and i developments In Ihe relation "m to Suiizerland Is unfounded. jtirccce (ind (lie Allies). Hie Liupiieh and Willi he i i. KUCnlllllves of sunn liellMM 'lllUllleh ami Hint he had dt ', oil to would ,c turn to Rlirope '.It the end of April. According to the despatch, Vienna appears to attach significance In Am I bassudor .Morgciithau's "negotiations." II il m III il ( iimnilsslnn Wan " Hull, rioiil Itolllnu ".lock In lledirn. "Itsefii; ,.',' Ir.l tlft A In Till. !s. , I,-.mi..s, Feb "0 The i Moss, t enrre. spoi. dent of Ilio Dulli Wuil telegraphs: "Tin. Ruin.H'iiin Corn i 'nnunisslon has t-1 1 to sell to Hcrmany Inn, nun wagons of grain on the condition that Hcrmany execute the unfulfilled enntraot tn supply Rumania with looumullves and ' cars." , -The Huoharest . orreppnnitont of tlie , funis idegraplis. i "The lliimanlaii i lovenimont has asked 1 I'ailiniiietit I" pass u law forbidding th exportation of nit cereals In i suit- Hie limne neeilx, Ihigland's purcliasc nt' Mio.noo tons and Herman V purchase nl tcia will not be uffciicd by the law If It Is pissed," I li. nlu : avv.i.v tl-.-in ili Kin. 1 nl Hotel, fl.- subway and rod. up town t . of hl broth. I. Joseph .-'chics- 11 All. lull ni av. nil.-. Lincoln It 111- '- lo s.( WO. Hi I 1. I'- 'll.llt llici'. an lioui oi a d.i VI nn rat., i w.i- I- inii.l that he ail i lie .'i- in- bad III his tonus ,n iipi" i Man' itt hi prior to his Illicit ill"! tblt ;" p' one suit ,.t a .tutislnti n oi i .'il.i.u aviinii, ii.ii- lt.s.n s.i-t.-., lor . that In had .aids i-i-i ' i- I bo.ittig .in- tiaine o .lain, s I. nti oiiel . i'hit Is 111' II. line III Is lllili"-i d to hat. ll '! ll' .1' Is. 1,111. oh. Weill in III.' farm 111 .lelsei j ami tin it lilcli ltd' ) to work I .at i lid . ng ii- ii hud .x.-'cis. is shown hi Hie tact Hill los girth has I'.etl gie.ttl' .llni'liisbi il ; Ins I nc s thinner in. I i.iiic'i In,"'. 'I tw. "alls ,im rough .ind-i-ctothi.ig win f..i...l in his uiip, It ua that wln-i Lincoln mad. a trp in Soiilii vmbo. X. .1, in mall .. lo.r in a ncc-papci I"- gave a clue to the Federal agnits In that I ... : 1 1 it lotto' In I'm "islicil iiil'.ir'ii itlon H at I'tl tn hi" t Ip III"'. lie liNn 's .aid to ii.vo us-d the n tine of iiscar Ho. bet Demit VI H sb ll 'I'll I' -.1 ill .Vesldilay he has leasoii to bell. v.- that Lincoln's s aii-ni. nt about osi.ip'iig from the KiinioT'.".. k"l' ll"t.i sal-slat be trip loluis-c. li" t. 'liner tleputi tn on whom Lincoln gnt M'D, s' .,. hoi-e-. lo tin- stori of the g.-iawai from I,,, -s ii-siaiii-int In lli-niikl.vii .I,, in I ,'n. olu's c,t .i ro.t t In wh.'illi I lie -HUM go bind in s and tn "I for foigei i l.'ct.ll t" be 'icnil'll il'"!'! llfdlll I'liltc.l -ni n .in, Curt i A Hrooklyn d l cl'v i .ifelici s.-ud i os. Krd.i that .me "I' is ui' ii bad to tied Lincoln on Fchru.ii.i I ivlnn ,n was liv ing Uliiler an asstlilinl naiui nt UM I'.ast Fourteenth strrn' and. .leslilng tu make some iiioni, of. 'oil to 'land over Lin coin to III"' Department nf Justice Tlie 'agency was nff. r. 1 tl'1" 'or tlie Inforuia Hon. Then the he .1 "f tin ng lie wtiil to the H'ltlsh Cnsillale. tl.-n i.i inl I lie lloiiii. but was told thai Hie lirulsli t inv i l i mcl't wnlllll ot p.l $.'"" fur I, u. n'n "dcail nr llllct GEN. LECKIE WOUNDED. s I ( iiiiniHiiii Ciininiiiiiiler In- tureil W 1 1 ti I ll n Weel., i irrvw.i i hit . Fob " Wnril was re. tonight Hull llrlg -Hill l.eckle of ,ii . i nmmi.i'.l'l' nf ilio Sei'iinil Cauioliao llrlg'ide. wa- iniundeil n I lie I'ulliuig mill- Vpit" es, lil.lj Till inalii'N ihe coo ml Cilia. II in Hrig. atllt i-Hi'ti"iii hi be wuuii.ltil within a week, luillontlng that the lighting. Is of a 1 In nvy character. .tint men their tlti-il destiny They bewailed their III luck and en treated special favor 011 the Part of the Hot eminent to allow Hu m a few dajs of grace, for then liny would be able lo go over tn Atm-iiea, the land of liberty and fue.l- oi. chore tlierc would be nu more embarrassing Interference, no 111011 ..ppiessioti. tin more danger to be tleliviretl 10 Hie cruel oxoeuHoiiers, The iiithoi 'M, s. however, were as haul as ron in their attitude. They replied It w-.-ild onipromlse the prestige of the 1.. .-h.mee Ibe oril' r otic- i.-u.-i. which is .ihsoltit.' and irrevocable. II the Indians should not act III strict , .-,1 t ti nb-r I"'- pol.. e would b. nailv mi use fore ami take them on hoard th" steamer lions nn the'r ivr's!.- I leu upon a x intent storm of un was amused throughout the .l.....iie-c public. leading papers of Tot '.. one and all attacked Ibe Htivern on nt im staining tlie honor bv tb. ll .li-i.giiiil of th- -.H It of Htlshldo. V gioiip ot Tokio .ie,.s,,oi t.l i us o vleil the two utifnrtuiiatc exit- s tn 11 b.ii,.ii.i 11 1 - l i'l'i'l-ia'. Hoi I d 0 -I'll Rom if tin- wire le.nly to make an . ,th -11 the loiiot ot a gentloin.ii nit Ihev never noted for th" b. tl. lit of the Herman interests. T '. a. le 11,1, til . .1 ' - " -'! 0 ' tlou of bniniiig s.vni.alb and solemniy .wore in the name of Hod Iliat they were pure ami -Imple Indian rcvohltinnisis. sad. 1 intent upon f li--ving Hn-lr inotln r land' fiom the op siVc nke ef lb" Hrltisli Hove'iuuent. that they liave not. n nl done .111 Hilng to Injure the Japanese Inti tests, but Impllcitlv relit .1 nn tin- clilvalinils .,rlt of 1I1.. lmpetlnl 1 iovei iilii.ul nl .lap.n In tak" Hum Ulidel plolec'l.ili Inl'.owmg III. llsagis ..I" Hie ireriiallniial l..w wh .Ii places the sti-'.ilii-.l political crime niilsnle Hie ap pli.atlon nl Ihe extradition treaty that. 1111. louver, do not exist between RiiBland and -l.ipaii Having scoured 'heit oaths, the gnmp nf the ttlitnls Weill to Ihe t Inllio I '-p.n l incut 1111. 1 Hi. .Moll. .... III. ill Police 1 Utl. e in obtain then- permission lor .1 few da" il. I: Th"' ailihor.tio.s u rc as inti-'Xibi. .I- iv.r, '..nt. mi. ling Unit the w.e III of posittvi t V lllellt t - Hint Hie two Hull. ins -ntn! as Herman ;Sp. keeping secret . Illll . I 111 1 1 ll. II t lull Willi certain ibrtn.,11 nilicials slalng 111 some llilid I'nw.r. m. ilio .I nn Itnpoitant figure In tin sin-. cisslM- pot I Hi ,H agitation" of Shi- .011:1- tr. In the past the Henroes I ..Iln-r bt.reaucratl. slat.-suieu more ili." .1 e rellnl nn Ills powt-rtul "tipiorl when tne situations p'rmltli.l mliher the u-c of public force nor other legal mean- Il. wiirm friendship -ind Infinite broad nliul. e.lness, is il.irlng ntrvt -iml ilit-i-nl-tint" mind have enahtnl hit- to t. .. -.. the lord of a croUt of men who w.iild willingly obi y his command .-mil s:i -r'H. e themselves tn the greater li.tfr.sis ot the ll.lllfitl. in d. flaee ot th ',.! I. e. g. U1. ll oil" ,,r IM. 1 11, if. .11. ii ohilgfitini-s 'i hi. h some im. s 111 .k. an .itii.trc'itl.i merciless ,i'i.l old Id ltd poll t .1 i.t- tioiinl iiectsiiy laud a mi;- .1. pl-.r.tble II lty it i-l. ll lias It. en t "i is- To.i.una win. Ii. ve privately and publicly siipportetl Sun Yat-sen and utile Cnuit.e It .ob who arc now rt'kl-sg sln ltt r ill Jap in. .ind aga'-i It seen,,, to be tins Ti'i .ili'il "ill" In.'', up Ml. -largo nils l.isl, el .rote '1 -if t ic e',i'. - 1. I f-. III. persi I' ,11, .i t,i, .1 i. 1 1 nient. li oh. It Is i g'o'.l .' j ici the precepts of llu-hld i to th. . i-. . ' '.e Hrit sh - tm-t Tlllrleeil ("( Ittllllier . ell i 'I' i Pints. I'e. . oti I ot 10. . .."'. W "I'l ll t.ln- st. aiiiship "It i.tsit were s tlin. -Clitel .lull I i-rni. for Pearl nu llocliiiniliciiu. In .ii.Hi I. In Tl't J-LX " lini-ii cp per- ins con- i: re s- nt r il -t t I foin ii i ho inert or . .ii s f .-oui th( French . i iiuceati on October n. ed at Rnr.le.iux- to " .lefciul.tii'. ricetved e.l s t 1. T it- pi was -lis , I'Hi' 'I ti t mill. I. p,,-'is lit I g SO.I.l'llill.' tit' Jt w cl- ind Oi I ..ii ll'.!.'.-. w.ii. I n : ,.g- i w n-iiPu ng. ii i i i sor's -i . i.nt.t'i'.-il in. . . -.ii t '. sl..' ... Il l I.., I, l.ll ' - .mug ..' i ...ii the :- ; p- ,ti ts and II s Uppi d h.N imhe.iii i lie ves.el it.mtt.-r 3 , r i loose T'lf parcel .cn oilier p. Amerl- I'-e lite I - t 't"iiiaio . flirt 's f 01 - for .leu tl tis i ml for oi Jt in lit r- nit) oi ter fo--hot . T " lux 'i '.Id. hud n-.i'is i. -.s tu in i nvor to - iii:,i,i t". ,.ri N'.tv tuber ,il .i.tis ot so . b lid -o. Vllllin , Ii . ... I ' l- V Icllnis. Ti. -it It. ..I hsi i i - -l nt tho vi ' 'oadwav at J-th Sir - W ill .. Hi".-. Is ex b the VI s.'lloll llesi'lle. ti,, tie ,-linr h-iiitl tin Icidots ol tiic tii.,i .1 ion p.n li. s, liiukai nl tb.' I'"l, ll ii. nil., pa't.'. Mr Tokouanu nl' the S.iii-I kai Mi- To. una and ni iu others , O.'lie.l ,t in got 1 II ton Willi Ilio Depart i ,-nt nl tin Fine .'ti Minns, asking .Minister Ishliloltki a ui-it -v mpatlielic Men f the sitiitll-tn and not to oolli an iici ol uti le, ss.ii) trti lti lty di. hv ring t le.n in i It I Iriitsli. whit an I ...Illy t,i c.oil. Inclil .is ...ll as Hie learners airlietl at Slianghai nr Hong, knng. Tu tills tho Foreign Minister lo pped that ""' twn liull.ins were '. vulvliig a sc ions Iniiigtie against I'-e i lovei iiint in of out all, whose interests mil. I Po Idclitlthd wltli those ol, In is. If. and ho approorati tl none tl,. , ss Hloy did tint .lltllll. In til notll llljllle Hie ll.ll'iill.ll OMStelne if .l.ll'.lll. , III the altenioon of Is-ninher I Htipti i.i lis pillule reslddic' In Sii.i-ok.iue Saul oclin, Tiikio, In all iiulomolill -. ciM.-d on his rrl'inl Thakur, living in As.ibu ICogalclio, m the same cliv, and llioii Hie two together el'-eded tu the' mansion of Mr. Tuyamii. The detectives ' followed them on their liools After the had entered Tovama'r tesldeut'o tlie tie.' tectlves ttiejvhoned the fact to tin Cen tral Metinpolltan Police IMlli-t, whioli thereupon sent a large roeiiforoomont lo surrmmd the place, as the prestige nr the police nutlnrllles must lie coiuprulnlsod ir Hie Indian" successfully slipped out of t'leir hands Vigilant watch bad l'en lupt .luting tne 'iliole tr ting iilg-'it. Next morning in . o'clock, the apiHilnleil moment for the Indians In leave, the detective.., knocking on the dour of the house, de manded To.iam.i to tlellvi-i ilin men in stantly 'I'.o nlil.i, with li c.vnlcal smile 'wti.lo stn. Itig lila white hoard, asked Hie ileti'i Huh whom they wanted lu have it liven il, hen Hie anuiilv teferied , ,n tin IiiiIiiiiik ToMiniii I -1 u 1 1 1 1 i . .1 1 . I ' "Tlie I-fl last uislil. I don't menu lo ontieea I Ii .'ii. If .v on cannot believe inn evoi nook and enrner of my bouse In inn- heuH's itinletil." The detectives toei, open moulhrd Concluding today at 6 P. .. The Sale of Saks Mixture Suits i $21 Former prices S2S i -S'M IVesent values $2S to !5:r Mighty liberal ri'ductiuns. hvi niurc lib eral still when i'(in.-i(UM'c(l in conjunction with tho present unpiecefK utcii .-careity and cost of line woo'ens. These Suits are of the liner woolens vaiiety. and we are hittiny; the tariret clean and true when we tell you that these same grades of Suits are jroinir to eost more next Fall. Thus, the man who buys his next Kali's Suits in this sale leaps a splendid advantage now and has a further advan tage in store. (A xinitll rhtt'iit "' "'((''"'".' 1- O PER MONTH ON PLEDGE Xo0F PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK XltMltl I XV " IIIIHW I i i.iirtl.uidt V', .'... t i-.ii Kourlli Avenue, cor. J 'Hi sin-ei. niiiiokl v ' Kltlrldse Hlroel cor lie, iiutoii n Hiiilih -i ,., u ,,'ir.i ,11 -i Sevontli Ave., bet, sth nml l"ili " tirthuo V " I n h i ni.e -It Uzlngton Ave., ror I'Jilli "tr-o, I'tik- t v I... k.m lira ml hi reel, cor. ( linion Mic.-t mi i'i I (INI ill us Fsat "id St.. I'd. M-tlnglim .X. II to- inVt- HPPMIl MIMILS ! i;t IMistun 1,1.. u Lssexs; 2 iMi I lllii. I'ltdM DA Hi