Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1916. 2 utiil the piiIW'O men imw or hstcafter authorized by law fur othnr branches of the military service shall In- provided I. ml maintained wlllioiit any Impairment of tin- enlisted strength prescribed for iny of aald arm!)." AlthoiMh the icsolullon patscd liy (ho House to-day provides lht the Pres.1 ilciit.'inay raise the force-of till 4rnohtM of ilia arms lo full (strength, the pres ent Intention, accoidllig to an announce, men! made this nfternoon by Secretan ItikVr, l lo limit tin- Ineiease to the mobile rones consisting or the Infantrv. rnvult.v .md Hold artillery In continental Vnltrd StnJis, Tin' finer of the coast nitllleiy. It Is sulil, will not l enlarged it present Officials.. the War Department have, tin fcurs, fin the teore of Their ability to raise the mm. Several monthii ago en ncceiunt -of heavy enlistments, and In orrler to keep the army at peace strength, the recruiting depots amuni the rounli' had to be iioed, III antlcl ixvllnn of favorable notion by th Sen ate to-inotrow the Adjutiititideneral's oftlco hn.s alioady Kent out Inductions to reopen tlie-so depots, the orders going nut wtthlp an hour after the Hoiim had noted, At the present time the Infantry.- nt peace strength. In about .48 per cent, of Its full strength, the cavalry per cent, and the field nrUUciy "7 per cent. The Increases lo' be provided for will add 1 fi.OfiO men to the Infantry. 1.100 to the field artillery and 2,900 to the cavalry. Tho difference between the peaco and wnr strengths of the various branches bv regiments Is is follows: Infantry. MT 1.83B: cavalry. 9361.200. and artillery, 877 1.12ft. It was the expectation of members of the Jtules Committee, which held a meet 1as to-dav, that a way would bo found to brine ttio Hay army bill up for con nlderatlon and pass It liefore the week nded. The movement In the House met with an obstacle In the form of an agree ment to call uti the Immigration bill. The Itules Committee npjwilntid a sub committee to lonfer with Speaker riant In making an arrangement for side traeklnu all nendlmr measure". The Ppcakcr said, however, lie had ngrccd to recognize Chairman Murneti to urnm In the. Immigration bill as noon at the free sucar repeal bill was out of the wav. Mr. Hurnett will not return to Wash ington until to-morrow. Kfforts will be made to Induce lilm to give way. but (here In some, doubt that be will concent m there Is strong sentiment In the JIoue In favor of prompt action on the Immigration measure. When the, army bill Is leached night esalons will bo held by the House to lush It through. A rule allowing twenty four hours of general debate ha leen agreed to. Intimations were forthcom Ing from the minority tide to-day that the Democrats must keep a majority present while the bill Is under consideration. Representative Padgett In the confer ence at the White House aas unable to report rapid nrogrcs to the President, or even to say definitely when the naval bill will lie framed by the House com mittee. He told the President he waa ure there was uffldent support In the committee to make certain the reporting of a bill that would be satisfactory to tho Administration. Much of the de lay, lie explained, was due to certain members of the committee who. Inad vertently or otherwise, prolong the hear ings with numerous miction", many of which have little or nothing to do titli naval building programme. There Is a pronounced feeling of pro test In naval circles against the time be I IK taken up by hearings before the Naval Committee and the consequent de lay In getting the naval bill under way. Naval otTlcers complain of "uncless tltlutis of the same questions" and a ten dency on the part of certain members of the committee to belittle the value of battleships and to scoff at the entile pre paredness programme to far us the navy Is concerned. Admiral llenson, chief of opt rations; Secretary Daniels and Admiral Klske of the Naval War College are among those till to be heard, and It U pointed out that If the tactics of delay continue the naval bill will be not much further ad vanced at the end of spring. In a bill introduced to-day Hepresenta tlo Ililttvn proposed that the troops In tho Philippines be now withdrawn In view of tho apparent purpose of tht Ad ministration to turn the government of the Islands oer to the natives within a ihort time, Representative Cany of Wis consin introduced it bill authorizing the President to moblllie the Industrial re ouices of the country. NEW YORK GUARD FULLY U. S. BUYS 54 AUTOS ' WAITER HELD AS VILLA EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE TO AID VILLA CHASE SPY IN COLUMBUS, N. M. Ready to Take Field, if Call Comes, With 719 Wagons and Complete Medical Department Outfit Includes Horses, Mules and Autos. The National of New York, in point of equipment for its l,s!U officers and men, could takc.tho Held in short order If the call came It has a complete wagon train of 719 wagon, n complete department. comprising field hospitals and ambulance oomuanlis. ambulancea and medical and surgical aupplka. It p-essca a com- i "viation section has a number or trained n us tt-ll n tin nefnnl.'ine. pifir iieiu uitnriji mum t-un ui'mvi 15,000 two pound loaves of bread a day. rvu'iil.v-M'v RiiMors on Trucks Will Divert Foreign Ship ments if Necessary. Loot Taken During Haid on Town Found in Mexi can's Room. ment and tools. Automatic plstulti of jr. x.ililim 1-itit t)iti ni.iu.lrim roll 'mining s'Acn roumls of cartridges each, 1 have been given to all enlisted men en titled to carry llieiu. Khaki tents wilt be lited nit fast lis the nM ones wear out. The c.UJliy iirg.inliatlons own a limit 7(n horss. Several armored motor cats have been contracted for and will eoon be III service, ami the .I0I5S FOH 2I CIVILIANS Thiie Is a complete pack train, with many mules. New equipment recently received from the I'nlted Slates Oo eminent Includes an aluminum canteen with a cup that fits over the bottom and a folding handle. This Is much lighter than the lis well n one aeroplane. Snuidron A has Just been mustered Into the State service as a depot troop of ninety men under command of ('apt. Latham (I. Held. This i the first re serve body to be mustered into the National (luard of this State. t.letit -Pol. Henry H. Slemberger of the uuarterniastcr Corps has been ap pointed Chief Quartermaster with the lank of Colonel to fill the vacancy I llftllic-l i,ui Hiv i ' .... ni.i nnnii.u Tn.r,. uti- iii.w i rt itht i cuusiii hy the resigns tlon Of t 01 Artiiiir wnrHa fur the r.iv.ilrv with bladen thlr- i V. Townscild. who has gone on the u.fli.. l.nH. nni. In,. M nil .reserve I l. k.ui. rirriu-i Kri im" i-.-n ...i,i-a v,.u- 11..I.1 ijiiiri.s have heeti 1 member or tne guani lor nimosi Issued, of lighter weight than the old twenxy-seven years, aim iiurina uie r rh mtniuuv nf lnfanirf will with Spain he serveri ns a Lieutenant u.. k.,1,. .I..I , iL-1 m ..,m..rj ih 'in the Twenty-second New York olun former to be used In cutting brush or ' teem. He was nppolnted on the division flahtlng at close quarters. staff commissary by Mfijor-i.en. T ineliule, whbitles. com- , Charles 1 Hoe In 1912. and Major-den. passes, signal flags, engineers' equip- John F. O'ltyan reappointed lilm COL. GLENN CALLS ! EX-SENATOR CHILDS ARMY "PATHETIC" Spliinv Club Gasiis as (ien. Wood's Aid Tells of Its Needs. YEARS TO CATCH VILLA TRUCKS OFF IN 2 HOURS. 4 .Motors am W'my ia t'.l I'aso, lear Track Ahead. The llfty-foiir auto trucks ordeied here for the I'nlted States army by the tcrma of the contracts, must be shipped Immediately to HI I'aso, Tex. Two cntnpanlPH receiving the orders, the White Motor Car Company of Cleveland lid the T, It. Jeffers Company of Ke. noiha, Wis , had their consignments of tu'entytoven trucks ach loaded onto long freight trains and rolling toward the border within two hours, of the no tification. Tho trains have the complete right of ay on the mute, everything being held anldo to let them pass. Jameji W. Fnrlow of the quartermastcr'a office In Chicago, has been ordered to HI Paso to take command. The bodies, which are the same tjpe as those nscd'on the armv niulo wagons, were started Kiuthward (roiii Jtlfersonvllle, Ind.. das ago. The trucks uro of two distinct types. The Whltn machines arc shaft drive, T.itll KiWer oniKi'.tioiiH at the rear whecln. The Jeffers trucks are of the four wheel drive sort. The Intention It to teht both tj ih'.h and adopt the su perlor In future contracts. The Wiitte eara cost each and the Jeffers earn tS.tiSu. The two wrecking cara for mjialrs, which are part of the con- tiacts, cost J-J,500 each. Tweiity-Nlx companies, offered bids, the lowest being $1,1110 a cur. The bids tirought forth the fact that thero are liundreila of trucks In the hands of th various manufacturers, ull of which will be turned over to the liovermnent In case of need. The White company ha- HO trucks similar to the hhh ordered, nd other firms have almost iih many. The Army Hulldlng In this city has rwen llllcd with chauffeurs eager to vol tinleer for army service with the trucks As noon as the Intention to ecalo known men came to seek serre. They weio told that the drivers for 'the fifty-four cars will b drawn from th legular companlcH at the lMirdr when tho earn arrive, PEACE WITH VILLA'S CAPTURE. tar ratlin's Adviser Sujn He I Only lIUtnrliliisT lllemeiit, Los, fal.. Manli 1 4, ltlch- rd 11, (Ui, iiersonul udvler of tlcn, Ciuramnv whoso labors In Witehlngton lant year lis tho First Chief's personal iMirtentiutlv htlpcd to bring recxiifiil tlon, ald Kwlay that the elimination of Villa -would brlmr peaiv to Mexluu. Mr. Cole 'u In oonsultotlon with Cirransv only it week or two and Is In smses. t-lon of full kuowledg,. of nil the Inllu enc' making for continuance of unrurt In Mexico. "Humiliation f Villa from Mexico will If.ivo (leu. Carrauia and the Coiiotltii tiinalll government of the rroiiiiry without a slnglo serious dlnturblng ele mnt. "Intenentlon in MhjiIca, on both Vies Ident Wilson and ilen, Canania know, l houifht by many, not for the benellt of tho Mexicans nor tho ptuce of our outheni border, but that there may bo Middled more Hcure on tho Imckx of the poor Mexli-anH thoe inivllegex and con. i es&lons obt.'ilnivl dining th dictator ship if tho elder Ulaz, whloli havo lm-isiverlahi-d tho peoplo and which under Oarranw will 1m revoked." ; !. ?.L TELLS OF VILLA RAID Nniins Roftle Shot From Child's Mouth in Colum bus, lie Says. TOWN RRAVE FN PER FIRE Col. Kdwanl F. Olcnn. Chief of Staff under (Ien. Wood In the Department of the Hast, discussed armv conditions last night with .1 frankness that caused mem bers of the Sphinx Club and their gueetn to gasp. The ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria was so quiet that the low voice of the apeaker curried per fectly to all parts of It as he bluntly told them of the military situation, Conditions In this country are such, he said, that after the Columbus ral.l the ipiestlon was not asked If the soldiers had kept In pursuit of the ban dits, but If they had crossed the bound ary line. The pursuit of the Mexican bandits will be a piatter of a long time, perhaps ears, as every one knows who haa tried to follow a bandit over a country where he knows every cow trail, said Col. aienn evidently the speaker viects onnosltlon from the Mexican fioveriiment a,d asked If Mexico would not forfeit her self-respect If hu did not oppose the Invasion of uu ann or 10.000. 15,000 or SO.nim. Finally, he said, we are In commercial conum mm a couniry on the west anil it ever we become Involved on the Atlantic i we will he atruck from the west by 3,000,000 men. Wood ami O'ltjan n?. Vrestnn V Lynn, president of the club, could not be pi cent last night owing to lUncs and after a telephone had been arrango.1 so be could He 1" bed and hear the speeches at Mi.-ps-head llay. It. K. It. Hunuman, toast master, annoiinied that Hen. Wood, who waa to havo been a speakei. anil Major (Sen. O'llvan. head of the State guard, could not be present. Later home one said they were kept away by the Me can situation. Karller In the day It was said that Hen. Wood's engagement had been crossed. Col iSlenii was In troduced as the nrst opcaker. The Culled States army has had two thirds of Its entire force. JJ.umi men, down on the Mexican bord. r for four years, ha said, watching the situation. Following the recent raid on Columbus the first question asked was not "Hid they follow the bandits, did they keep In contact with themV but "lnd the eross tho border-" The Colonel did not sav who asked the question, but added . "We did not pursue them and now the, country Is asking why." The Colonel said he could tell why and that was because the border Is so gieat, so wide that we have not enough men to go In. It would l possible to t only t.flOD more men over the iH.rder out of the regular army and theie Is a i'.uuu tulle border line to guani. "As a matUr of tai l," Col. (ileiiii con tinned, "the American army would be farcical If It were not p.ithetl ' Tho American army Is the most pathetic iMni- tliiit ..ver rami' along III history and other nations know It better than f , ruvn ,,(,, Ml, nun fr .term l we no: VI course It all right, he ex plained, to receive pats, on th back and heai- talk about "man for man, Fi.osai. 1'AhK, L. I., March 1 1 John Lewis Chllds, a former Slate Senator, who bus just returned from the South west, tellr .if his experiences at Coluin bu N. M , Just aftet Villa made Ins attack. "Our tia'n was approaching Colum bus." tald Mr. Chllds, "when w-e heard the firing and saw the smoke from the burning village. The engineer brousht It to a -top and we waited In the train Not a person had a gun and u number nf women and children were nbo.ud. ttV! hail been soinewnal fearful of a nild fr a number of inll, whl'e we vveie going through that iximim." Ml Chllds vial they i ould ills tlnctly he.u the imshtag of the mai lime gun anil then it suddenly sto;e,ied. and he later learned that It had jammed "Later on we :iw the bandits leav ing," he said. "First a few appeared and these rode away In flight, followed by tver Incieaslng numbers, nnd we then realized that they were retruiting. and I ran te'.l you there was a general s.nh of relief when we saw the Vllllstas fleeing and ;ilout a mile behind them .i mere handful of our own troopers. "There was little tiring from our men, they i ode with grim determination, hut the' bandits constantly turned and tired. thlr ulioti were occasionally answered by our men. who rode In good order, like a well ol.ed piece of machinery, I thought r-vvetal limes what would hap pen if the bandits should turn and give light to our troops, who Mcmrd to be ti bom sixty In number. Hut tho Mexi cans were evidently oly to-) anxious lo Ket aw.i. and llitilly we saw tl.xu disappear with m bov in e!osc puisult. "When we finally pulled Into Co1twn but. I saw at lean fifty boflles l.vlng about and went at once and saw Col, Slocum He said that his men numlK-red about Il.'o men. while those of the ban dits weie at least 2.U0O "As mioii a the tiring le'iran the! bandits rode through the town aim shot to kill whenever they saw an one ap pear at a window or door A general attack seeiuid directed at the home of I'mted Stales Customs Colleetoi lligas. He had hla house barricaded, however, but there were thousands of sliot.i all over the building. ".Mrs. Itlggs hail her bahy In her anni. A mirMng bottle was shot fiom Its mouth, but the child was uninjured, Mr. Foreign contracts were forgotten yea- tord.iy when the bids of twenty-sl auto truck manufacturers were read In the ottlce of Col. A. L. Smith, Depot Quartermaster, for supplying fifty-four tracks for scrvire In the pursuit of Villa, Almost without exception the manufac turers declnred that they would divert any piopnseil foreign shipments In favor of the I'nlted States. Hellverlr In many cases, It was said, could be begun In one minute" provided tho freight cars can bo obtained. The contract will be awarded nt the Wnr Department, Washington, thll morning. Col, Smith liming forwarded all data. Tho bids, which are for the chassis only, the Covernment supplying Ihe body part, range, from JI.I60 to $:,:;o. Among those bidding were llrock way Motor Truck Company. (Seneral Mo tors Company, Motor Ttuck nnd Tractor Coiupiny. Larrabee-Pego Motor Truck Company. International Motor Truck Comtuny. Auto Hale Company, Thomas Jelferv Company. I'art Motor Truck Company, IHiiinond T Motor Truck Com P.iiiy, Locomobile Comtuny, Wichita l'al.s Motor Truck Compiny. Iienby Mo tor Truck Company, Federal Motor Truck Company. H. II. Hlce Corporation lrlTertf-Strwart Motor Company. Head A Head, Packard Company. Ilessemer Motor Truck Company. H. H. Taylor, (Jramm-llernsteiii Company, Kelly. Springfield Company and Chicago Com Pany Two contracts nf twenty-seven ma chines each will probably be awarded, and with each vuiitnut must, come one master mechanic, whom tho (ioveninicnt will pay S ISO u month: a mechanic for each machine at 1 115. and a chauffeur at J10O a month. That means jobs for about IIS men from civilian rank, who will not have to enlist They will have all tinkeen sunnlled them, free transpor tntlon to and from the border and none of tho fighting, but they will have some hard work to do. It was said at the Army Building vesterdav that this opixirtunlty has been snrend broadcast In automobile circles and there were more than LOOfl appll ct'iona for places yesterday from young men The companies win nave me nir Ing. It was said. Bv thf Spteial Corrttpcnitnt'o! Tin Sen. CoM.'.Mtius. N. M.. March 14. In the ipture of Alfredo Aregon. a waiter formerly employed "by the- Columbus Hotel, It is believed that the authorities have the man who advised Villa an to the tactics to lie pursued to make hla attack upon this town. Aregon waa arrested this morning by Capt. Krlan of the Thirteenth Cavalry, ho has been on the scent for splea em ployed by Villa since the night of '.ho lohratetl raid. He waa turned over to the local authorities lor aafokeeplng. It has been established that Aregon START NEARFUNSTOX. Telle Why Urn. IVrshlna: Seised Telearaph Matlon. Han Antonio. Tex.. March 14 Oen Funston announced to. day that Oen Pershing aelied tho telegraph station at C.iltiiiihus Funston t-a.d "Tho seizure of the station was mane ner.iuiao beciiui! correspondents were mti! in: ul information about trooi movement! nnd concentration, me number of field pieces oetng ascemuiwi and other facts icganllng plans ior ex pedltlon. This activity waa proving ruinous to our efforts." Fiinston declares he will give out no more news until after the forces cross the line, lie ald : "The start I- so close ,tt hand that to keen telling about movements would rave the effect of keeping: Villa formed." It Is believed It will ! only a matter of hours until the troons will enter .Meiico. Il-.ig -He u (ieorgo I tell, J rw, commander of the Fifth llrlg.ule headquarters .sail Ant mlo, departed for 13 I'aso this afii r..onii under onler irom wen. run stun to comm:i tid the garrison LI Pao. ien Hell waa accompanied bv two aids. I.l'-uts. Pratt nnd Moore. 'Major WILIam C Hennett. Adjutant of the Fifth Ilricnile. remains nere charge. Itemoval of the Fifth llrigade headqinrters from Sun Antonio Is not cometnp'aied number of officers of the Corps were ordered to Fort Sam Houston "'"b instructlo-." to report to t!,e comm Hiding ollker. Others were or dered t 11 Paso Tho Medical Hescrv officers al-o weio m.led out. TROOPS HERE READY TO GO. Kite Coast rllllrr Conipanlr .Now ttall Orilera, While oiile:s have not been Issued, five companies of coast aitlllery, an nmbu put the baby and Its mother on j lane e corps and a hospital staff stationed Itlg our train and joined the troopers in their pursuit for the bandits. The people of the tow n were cer tainly brave in their predicament, and liol one of them thovved the slightest terror. When we left every man ami boy In the.- town lars-'e enough to hold cam lo Columbus alMvt three months ago and obtained work M a waiter In the Columbus olel. He disappeared shortly before midnight the night of the raid, A search of his rooms revealed that he had secreted under tha mattress copies ot a map of the city, army blankets, a part of the uniform of a sergeant of the United States army and other loot Identified aj the property of some of those robbed by the raiders. BILLPOSTERS MUST DISSOLVE. florfriarst Win !, bat Appeal Will Folios. Chicaoo, March 14. Judge Indui of the United States Dlatrlot Court held to day that the Associated Billposters of the United States and Canada is a com bination In restraint of trade. Suit lo compel dissolution was bwun by the Government In August, 1912. Tho court ruled that the Injunction asked by the Government to restrain the Mil posters from carrying on their bust ne o-s an organisation would not got Into effect for ly dnys to permit an appeal to the Supreme Court. AMERICAN WOMAN DEPORTED BY BRITAIN Mrs. 11. M. Srott .Often Mnde Trips to Austria F. S. Em bassy Suspected Her. !ndon, March 14. A nutation nsked by ijawrenee Jmnll, Irish Nationalist member. In the House of Commons this afternoon revealed that Mrs. Harriet M. Hoott, an American, formerly known a Mrs. Viola Kay Scott, had been ordered deported two weeks ago following a com munication received by the Foreign Office from the American Embassy throwing suspicion on the nature of the woman's frequent visits to Uermany and Austria. Mr. Olnnell asked If Mrs. Scott had been employed by the Foreign Hill n enrty letters lo the finance Miniier if liuoiniry iiihkiii(e no ouri u Huni;;, t would secede from Austria Sir IMuan (Jrey denied that the woman li.i l w employed on such a mission. The Itjiiis. chllds also dcnle-d a renrt that they Mij employed her for that purpose Mrs. Scott, Sir Cdward iire a il, had been connected with an Americas' relief committee. After Joining thl committee e.irle ,n the war, It was leaniesl to-day, Mr. Scott made many trips to (Irrmanv and Austel for tho alleged purpo of bringing out TJrltlsh or American wemtn anil children. Heeently she Innnlreil ,it the American Kmbasy If there was , packet for her In the illplom ih pn . from Austria, nnd tho embassy notlnfd the police of lis Misplelnn.s. Perm a! Smith, a young man said to come frnm IViston, nlso tho home of Mrs. .Sentt wn, deported at the same time. A woman of tho name of Mr. Vli)j Itay Scott was1 rxtmdltcd from llnglanl to (iermnny In 1911 on a charge of frH u. nnd was convicted In Rerlln In .Innunrv 1912, and Kentcnccl to eighteen inon'hs Imprisonment. at I on Hamilton, nte preparing to go to Mexico They expect order" to ar rive- at any tlim The men have been supplied with riiiiimer cinthlug and other n i essltlea fur the xiiithern climate A few ilajs ago a hospital corps In a gun weie forming a company lo tepel, charge of Cipt. rt Holey left for any other attack that against tln-m." might be madci HAWLEY WIRES TO PRESIDENT. but that uvalled nothing. When the Llinei States went to war with Spain In IM1H she assumed certain International obli gations an a world Power and ono of Uioeo obligations rallH for forcw. "Vou'vo got to have- force behind the poti'S our President may send," he de clared, "or anything el he may do." .No War Material In ndie lie The speaker looked over his aiidieiini of about .HHi ndvei Using men nnd told them they would be useless in n'lsc of "You eoilldn'l go to war.1 lie said. "Most nf you an' ton "hi and all o( you aie untrained, You would be n nuisance ill war, in the way of men who had work to do." Their duly, he i ontiiiued, whs lo help prepaid other men for lighting Fight ing lines in ei made up of bos liom It jenrs I" 25 ears or age The nidi I men must tench tbesci men theli duly to their eountrj. atora ".Not .Needed." Alan 11. llawley, president of the Aeio Club.of America, haa sent tele-giains to j Mextio Tliele ,'ile UP" soldiers at the fori and it is experte'd that about 10 will be left behind to serve as a guard. The ni tilb i. v eoinpanles .ere the Third. Illnlit) -fourth, Miiity-elKhth, 12:d and the 12."d. An iOU troops are held leady at Fort .Slocum and Fort Hchu.v ler. LOS ANGELES FEARS VILLISTAS. 1 1, ilit..tit W'llunn. Kitriit:irv of Wnr ilaker. Cuucrnrn.m John J. Fitzgerald. ' Threat to llloiv t p I'nlillr lliilld- you have been liniiilllng Ihe Mexican ',;.,,.i uallon for nbnul live veins," he said. ",,., chairman of the House Appropriations Committee; Representative Jameje May, cnalnuan of the ("oinmltteo on'Mllltary Affalis, Senator (lisrge U. Clnunberlaln, chalriuaii of the Committee on Mllltiuy Affair of Hie Senale, unci other Wash- I lugton ainliorltli-. urging the linnnillate apliiopllatloii of 1,00'',iiW1 to cipup four in lo hipncilions. Mr. Ilcwlcv In tin-re tflegrams s.ivv tln! ann h'iiadron at the Mexican boi- , dee has only six low powered t'outiug aei'opla lies and that lilgh poweic ami. planes m.i have tho I'ves of liiiiiiu Aiiierliaii Kililleis He sas there should 1 be ihi eo aeroplanes available for every I ; 1 , 1 1 . i now at the Ixircler ami that a high powcieM aeroplane would make it ; pussihle to rouinl up Villa In a ver short i time ' .Mr llawley said veslerdny that Ihe; Aero Club e-i ul n lelegrain lo the Chief ' ol Slnft oft eiing the mm vices of rlvillicn aviators and aeroplane n and much lime Arouses I'll). los A.MiKi.ns, March II. rollowlng threat by Villa syiiin.ithizers to blow lip IVeleril Inn dings mid newspaper plints hue. C" ef of Po'u e HlllV'ely Issued a fill lo il.iy t v 2, Hon volunleer pnliceinen to lii le.nlv ,il a iiio'iii'i I's notice. The tlir-al was I veil In a letter to ili.i.-U.i:.. s.iviiib that Ihe VII I . mi ii- tie we I i i' and plan to ihu.unit.' .ill IVdi'ial buildings, the court house, ele i ii ic power plants and news piper plains As a result of Ihe cell fur vnluntens huniireils oi men ,ire nfiertng their mt- VCIH to tho lllllllilitl,lllt In CISO of env rgency. WOMAN SPENT $1,500,000. Well, it's about time you dictated to the Dictaphone There's no call for you to pat yourself on the back for doing the obvious thing. You are not a pioneer; a good many thousands of other keen business brains figured out the efficiency of the Dictaphone years before you ever got around to it. Every single day more men realize how contrary to efficient business shorthand is. Business men who give even a second thought to this letter writing question realize the waste and extravagance of having letters written twice once in shorthand and once on the typewriter. And re alizing it they dictate to the Dictaphone and have their letters written once, on the typewriter; have them written better; get more of them and at least a third less in cost. So it's about time you dictated to the Dictaphone. And let your typist do what she's paid for produce finished typewriting, instead of wasting a big part of every day taking shorthand dictation. Besides, there's your own convenience and comfort. You don't know what real dic tation is until you dictate to the Dictaphone. Always ready, it never tires, it's accurate, and is on the job day and night, before and after hours, Sundays and holidays. Yes, it is about time you dictated to the Dictaphone. TME Hire eilicr I'li'ie for Iti'leiK,. wills Her na i till I li r I tl . lb" situation "You have wen the homes of peaceful peons ti uniformed Into niimd iamp wlieic each man is now aimed wllh 11 ride mauilfuclured In the I'nlted Watts "Thev sav we nte not golni; to inter vene, but only capliiin Villa. Some of uh have had cxpcitenre trucking n man through n countij In wiiii h he knows everv cow trull and path nod we know nothing. We know the Job It will he. Il is not n matter of a dav, but maybe jears," Speaking from estimites, Cot. (ilenn said that It would lalce about live vears to establish a stable govirnmi'tit In Mexico and mil foi 'loin llin.liilil to rinn.fiOO men. Then he swltilieil to other Inlet national inmplhnllous. i Col, (ilenn mid there must be some system of universal mllitaiy service, Oilier nations have It and are not dom inated by-mllitarMs, The country must have the voutlis of 12 to train ami they will liecoino better eitUiiiH. Other rpenkera were Admiral Peary, ox-Congressman William M. Ciilder, Mujor-CJcn. Edward C, Toung and others. . , d to ii-i elvii a reply that the pisltlion whliih Ik gulng Into .Mi-vlco will I' thcici oul.v for n Mhort lime Mini that It has all the aeioplanes uevesnar)." It thanked the i;Iij1 for Us patriotic offer. GOES TO AID TYPHUS VICTIMS. MOTWIE RCOISTCRCD 83 Chambers Street j P.ivriiltKAi'. I- I , M.n. ii 1 1 - An ap plication befeii e Slirio, He StioiiK of Suffolk ioiiiiiv bv William li ma Ship haid lo be pi minted p resign us exec- ' illor of the r-1 ile ot 1 1 1m iiiotliei, Mrs Ktl'ii liana Slieph.ird, In ought t . light i vesteid.iv that ,i-h Slii'pniid died owing , ii" re tli, in J.'.ini mm st WilH tj,,,! Hi..itei! '1,1 IIUllI i I or Williillll S. iMna, llr, I, Ionian of Mount Mnul will 1 publislier of a ll'iaiifuii new sinner in Tereel llrc.lh.r Ufa. M.inh.ilian. who left her Ihe bulk of Ills! ' I i.immi.ijii" eet ile. )r Kinanuet l.lpnian of Mount Nlnal When Mrs SliiMib.nd elled n-r estate ( Hnspltnl Htarte-el ror l.nreilo, Tex , jeslei - was valued nl i:'."i"). It Is claimed In , d.i to treat Drs. Carlos Husk and Pclei- the papcis Mrs siiephfird lived Kolllk,v, mi'inbi'in of the Itm-kefeller re- bcond In r incms nnd bought many ,ir- llr expedition, who were' stricken wllh l .les em ciedli. laief i.ilsing mone'v bv lphiis whllo combating the dlseai-c in pi o nu lniie nii.itK.iges on some of Mexico, I lie si- unities vinous her ciedlt.'is are I Dr. lapman Ih chief of the dlvioii at Mild to be Manhattan Jewellers, clothing .Mount Sinai Hospital In whMi Ins. iJe.aleiN and olhei ir idesnieu. iici.-o, lino ioiurie hi'mi niieriies, ,n i MiriOr'nie Mront: aai'iuineii me i-j.q nr twn wieks anil kiiiI he would re- Remember this: The genuine bears the name The Dictaphone and anything else is an imitation. soon as lie 1,-anie-ei in. el thev had con tiacied the fever he packi'd his grip and caught tine Hist tinln going to Tox,i. I'rom cleepateiifri II waa le.irntsl that tho exiicilltlou had been working in Agua.s cllonlc when Iho phislclann were trlckcn. They were taken to Laredo. Hiiro Mr Mifpliiinl a piennio at that time Attoinevs lor cii'ilitorH opposed his ilchlro to tcsigii suing thai If he were relieved no ciedltor would ever receive a ce'iit fioin tho route, jjj, Bhephnrd is culd to be In nermutfa. HiniitwrM Call up Worth 3043, or, tear off this little call card, pin it to your letterhead and mail it to us. We'll have the Dictaphone man come to you. Do it now, while you think of it. 7'ccir (7n',s off, pin lo tour Ictlerhrnd, ''' "' The Dictaphone, 83 Chan'l'cit 'r I'lcusc .sou u- partiatlo'-f-. Name Adclros.s ,1c(it.s, personally .1V. TbuMtoiiremait kt didatcii lb tAe Dictaphone