Newspaper Page Text
12 THE SUN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1910. who Keek dries to how thej ran use their fund prorltb1 tnd with ronserratlnin I furnished, h the Iw Insurance companies, who iw known la be Miotic the most careful lnTCttor. Our cnrrrnt ll.t of seenrttlet contain, many bonds, with their prices, that hare been purchased sttenalrrjT by Insur ance companies nrt also by bank and trust rompanlM. A copy (rat no re qtirat for LIU No. D-172. A. B. Leach & Co. Inrettment SeeurttUt 149 Broadway, New York A Gride for Investors FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT Chicago Boston Philadelphia Ilaltlmore IlufTslo tendon I AMERICAN SURETY CO. STOCK CLINTON GILBERT 2 Wall St. Tel. 4848 Rector. St. Louis, Rocky Mt. & Pacific COMMON Bought Sold Quoted full Information on requnt C. H. HENSEL 111 Tlroadway, T.-lephoris ;'rw Vorlc, 117: Hector. Prttatr Wire to Fhlladtlplla and I'nuburgh Wanted Offerings E. W. BLISS J.K.Rice, Jr.& Co. I'lienr- 400 ;to toiojnhn. S Wall Ht :? T Slocks TiTPfrnlar, With Sonic Pressure on Wnr Order SlmreB. TRADING PROFESSIONAL KIDDER, PEABODY & CO tlSDavonahlr St. 17 Wall tt. lloalon. New Terk. Correspondents nt IIRINQ BROS, k CO.,, LTD,, London BINGHAM MINES The Company U rot dependent for K earning, upon one pro or one mine. It owns and operates tbreo mlo-s and mntrnls through Mock ownership two othcrt. Ores mined are lead. sllrer. cupper and cold. Karnlng. are greater than w; per annum on selling prlre uf tilt ftO'k, Mk for Special Letter Writ, mil nr plnrr 4.;,T, nrnad, in Wall gtrest's: Increasing disposition to mHlntaln u trailing attitude pending the development of something conclusive In the field of foreign uncertalntlcB wat mors sharply ilellned In yesterday's Mock market. Trading made a respectable ag gregate, but the market was much tnore lifeless than was Indicated by the volume of transactions. It wan totally without any significant tendency, although It did not lack tiegattvt nlf-nlftcance In the failure of any trend toward weakness to disclose Itself. Professional operations obviously ac counted for the bulk of the day's busi ness. Attempts mere made to provoke diversion of Interest to the railroad department, but evoked only a languid response. Speculative theories about the posture of tho war munition shares In relation to the contingencies of peace In Kurope were responsible for a continua tion of pressure In tills group of volatile specialties and numerous declines were forced, but resistance was encountered at limited reactions. In the main quoted values displayed underlying; firmness and only irregular price changes were eg lilbted at the dote, although the, rtnal tone was somewhat heavy. Advice from Kurope did not lend any particular plausibility to the surmises of early peace In which Wall Street baa In dulged of late. However, Information alKiut the Kuropean war or about the military operations Which tie, are carry ing on In Mexico did not make much con tribution toward Wall .Street's desires for a clue to the riddle of Immediate future of foreign affairs. Accordingly It nan not news but the want of It whlclh was the chief Influence In the Stock ITx change session and the obvious factor of restraint on the dealings. In tli foreign exchange market the weakness of francs was the leading fea ture. The public offering of the new Ca nadian ilovernmenl $75,000,000 loan was the chief event of the financial day. It was the Mrtrt Important undertaking In the form of foreign Investment to which our bankers liave committed themselves this year. A brilliant statement of earn ings wait made by th Union Pacific for IVbruarr. gross Increasing about $2.. 441,000 and n"t gaining about 13.3M, 00. Announcement was tnado of a plan of khe American Zinc Comixiny to create an l-Mtej of prefened stock, which, ac cording to report, will permit the dis tribution of a tin per cent, dividend tn pieferred shares to the holders of pres ent share capitalization. .CIIAIUI.Ill.'H IHH4. Union Trust Co. of Naw You hi) HKOADVAY Plflh Av 31'h ,-t Vlfth Av A GOth ,t. ACTS iS EXECUTOR.GDARDUH.TRUSTEE.Etc. A) Ion at InlrrrM fin lftn-l, THE COFFEE MARKET. Scare It j- Hnlhi'r Titan LncL uf in round Cnn.r of l.lultt Trinllnu. Th volume nl bium-.. n tli" . nftVo ,n.,r feet jr.t.-ritav u-i , Mini-titu- nf i.ut. Win lit.-, bill thr '.lit tfu.Ie ff.Milnl lu Imj Oil- iiiiirc lu .t Mirnt ot mft than Hi . lack ,il '!'IMII .i.timeli :ip i-ireil lo le.ui lo Hie bull Mile mill at the i In-e nl tli' ! lina wiic.i In M l 'f n lit - iit lucher ira lor- Iirre line leniiif niti,--ei h tit-- tinn n In ulnre tliiiprr.i .nr nut i'i lo'il to make I'diiif s-inn-, uiiil thi llimuht tn ictlcct a iron! tmatiii.... u il i I'.m rm.i' well K- u TOWHI.- inipp lull tll.ll I.Tt -f.l.nn'- ci-iip i filing n (i,. ;i Hiiml: rf. ri ill the ttfl aiwl frrimt urirkfl e lr ,-rc irr,'. but a ,1 rule irn- c-i Ulsher. and Jtin enld Inn at mrrcan ireilil Mneki arc innle IiUthI snd Hiere nre more tlnn fin.oW b.iii. nl Ilri till . i . offie allnot liir the Tinted Male" at present, nhlih i raiiniir r-sarcl,iii.- (n turn .uppliea, but till" n nflK't tn .ime ei tent by a lillmir nil tn the nimuiient In iirtII. where HivUh are ili-i-reum? II h.i I, i, flj-ureil tint the stitietlcal inltlnu will uin' tnnre hulli-!i prnimrtioii l-'orc the c!nn. nf the prrent ",'ni The ntfliial cable reports! a c'e. ellne nl i r.'d In Km exehume nn l.n'; milrels prln-s In Itin uere r. iris lii.lier and S.ititi4 wa nn. liarceil lteiflfite at llic tn port" were ),ii bait. nrain't 1S." last jear. ri-ltT" Iii!!o . Open-Hull I.nw. 'n- "rev iiiv ei , i it. -i cjii-. MELON FOR AMERICAN ZINC. Holders My r,e m no Per t'ent. Dividend In Stork. Vy directors of the American Zinc, Ia.1 arid Smelting Company have voted to ask the atitliorizatioti nt the annunl ilieetlnc of stockholders April 12 of a new lue of lnfi.000 shares of preferred Mock, which will permit the declaration of ii .'i0 pr cent, t-took dividend. Tlieie are at present 19.1,10 shares of American, .Ino outstanding of an au thorlred capital of Snf.i.Onn hares. Over 00.000 shureH are held in the tteastiry, which If the profiosed change is ap proel vi 111 lie dIMrihuted among stock- liolders as a preferred Issue. The com pany will then have IfXi.OOO Hhares In common aim iiu,"vu snares m preierrea rtock aiitiorized instead of the present np.iHi snares in one cidss fiock. i ne inn- issue iv ill lia a "i per cent, per an num dividend rate. The reiiort if the company for 115 ai presented to the directors fho net I'j.oiaMiip proiltr for trie of JJ.S'j.- ii'm Karr'.pgs for the last iiuar'.er wer'. at Hi" animal ra'e of lJ.50ii.OAft, ,,r .1 'iste. WINTER WHEAT IS BACKWARD. Ilrnngbt anil Winter Kill Kepnrted In the Hell. 'llU'.VJO, March "I. Tiie Modern Millrr says "I'heie is alinnt a total absence of tTKul teiri.- from the wilder wiieat l-elt. T!ie crop Is L'lln and backward due to l in- sw ling. Ilepi coiiilitions prevail In .N brasi-a and K.iiis,s, but these are lu.itltled by mifavorabln couiparlson with luetcdlng yi-ius. Oklahoma in sonic fin .clpal districts shows the effeet nf tin fAiri-me droMirlit, there b-lng no tain for lilty-tlvn iin '. Jleavy sandstorins this e,-K r-meded llslit rains IIk- .ivnicc of re."drts show damage f-oiii ilromrht :in r i -lit. Tlieie ar-sa-iitti-reil reports of winter kill, The crop in poor and lias deteriorated Ihe I.I-.I two WM-kS. Ilalnx aio i-eeded tn Missouri, lilt nn.s. lndlina and ohlo. Keports- ol liiavv winter kill peislst. romlltlons ca.i b" inoie in-iiiap Iv Judgwi after w, 1 1 in ruins." MONEY AND EXCHANGE. la: -h APiil :iav ,'illie .llllv AU-U't r-etitetllber tMnlier oeinlier Iiecf niber .'ainurr Vibruiiry ; f is S "7 k" v fi; VI. 1 i. ".I M t.r: tfi-., k.l7 11.1 t .r. . it i.'. S.p. k;li I ."il t-1 .11 . II .son II k.4u I" s "-' k.tTH-- ! h3l I. -I THE SUGAR MARKET. Trlcea Adtniirr nn HiljillK t'loae -I in 10 I'olnta lllulirr. The "iisar mnrket Brain linnl ruileire rt bavins deveoied a firmer technical poi linn lit a result of Hie reii lit lllii At anj lale prices advanced cally nn liiljlnr b tmnr intereau and at ihe Hn or tin- ilaj nrr I tn 10 polnl. net IiikIh r Total al- nrrii Ion. hentiiiient In Hie ni.-okct a aomeulint iliviileil. but th" HM rau-e trader wa nnl riiMinwd bi lake an arirreue taud on the rellmz side in Hie ficr nl iinnil Inijlni b Irailint hou-. tin new buiiiei. a reiinrleil in raw m.-ar en Ihe sunt, and In the nbi uci nl sale" puce, ieni'1101-.t iiiiminall)' iiiicliaiiiii il al I 11 ta co,l niid fisliht. eiiual In f, 71c Inr ii-ntrll ntal list dutv panl llnliler" eie kln V" '"I ami Irciiiht. hni-vir and a l"w uisll Int. were mid In have ih-tiiiii-d liand nt lliln lljun- for April May .luium-nt tn i peralorK. IteHiii'il untar iiulel but vriy linn H M to 7c Inr line craiiiilaKil ainl ie fliier were mill behind In tln-lr niilern Kit turu price, tnlluwi Olien Illgli-Iaiv liii: esl (ft Marrb April Mar .'tine .Ill I. I AIICII'I ... Si liteintter . O-totier , . Voveintier llernil-er. .Unuarr. , r.braary.,. 4 71 t.7v 1 7! 1 M 4 Si. (.71 4 ;n 4l 4 7 4 l 4 7! 4 VI 4 VI 1 I 4 1 rin Prev nn.' in-e 4 71.(17:. 4r' 4 74i4 7'i 111 1 77 K I 1 1 ; 4 7'Hl 4-1 I 71 4 71 IVI'iIX." I 4 VI 4v,ivr, 4 vi t v.ii 1 tV'n'.l I I..C.I4 i, , 4 Ii 4 lull " 4 :..'!( I a-i I 7i NEW YORK 8T00K EXCHANGE TRICES. Rallronrt and Other Mhares, I'lllPAT, MAItCI! 24, 1016. -Cleilnc. IDIt.i Bid. Ask. I Itt. I I Onen. Hlrh- la) w Clot-1 Net I Inr. I est. I fit. Inc. I Chanr. 140 :). '!i 78 !; Tl',4 li'U SH! 1V.14 i;.9'i,ioo S4i 1014 51 2a 14 23 ' ititu 4 tn Th New Vni( I'e I era I Itfserve 11-inV in i-re I pi r I'-nt for thirty tn n'nt i.i v iii-l ir (lil fur inlls-er PUN. i i.-n math! .us "nil iirinie if i , in ..turliiK up tn iilin'i) ii.ii ;ijn:, tei I ('Uiiuiir ihi pac-r rates er J'lii'j pr (nt rm Hixi) in uliii-t .l.i ' j Mile niid Inr ftcir tn sl innlitlis t- t nallies. Tlni'- iiiinoj- was iiii'-h.itii.'iit. Ititei i.r. :'j1i. P-r fe'ii fur sixty iae, St. it 3 ki- cent, inr ninety ilaya and lip 3', per c-ni (ur ftoir. tlv- ainl six month Call liimifj nil tin tbior "f the SUnck r,. rhtinse ruled at S per lent . It lac 11. S .-r tout , 1". tier cent. Hter.lng ri h.iiifn w-i .r:ii II. .iliv tin-clialiKi-d. I'liiat ntl-itiiti'itis were, llfiiiand, 4.T1 . i allies. I "(! rail money In I.11111I011. 4 'u 4 ' 3 per rent ; hurt bills. I-. 1 4, per coin liiitne-ilc ei lia titer 011 New York M. I.ntil. Sin rnim-lsco, 30c. premiums MliuiMiilli. lac premium : I'lilcnitn, in illsi mini : CHv Inn HI, p-ir, .Mmitieal, f n 9370 tn ..l7.'.. Hi- sliver In laiitdou Sv tb-Kul.t Nen Ynik, sin a 1 Nin lurk rie.irliiR House piaemnit' I. v llliligre, Jl" I.VI7.I.I, I, il.lttcr. flJ.i'iro, ."ii; Tre,isiiry 1 rt-.Jli nuiaine, ir.HI.S71 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT WAMIINiiTW Man-It Si. -The ..tatrment ol the -re. etpts and ilisbtirsementN of the Tiva my shows' This month, 1 1 "'a I year It-. ei.t v". ii'ii.v.-; r,'"..t;t. II, -vlnirMiin ills l.' ii..V.t,ie.iT Surplu ll.7;:,ll lief isi.SK.iiSI Itecrlpt" Irnm I'tolimn tn-'tiy. t71.ivij; m lernul revenue orilin.oy, tl,.il.M1i iiicumc Int. PX.ii7j nn-'vll.iucutis, I'liiy.l. bank imiei ri-ccnni Inr rcili-mp-tlmi. 1l.iill.vw The cum nl Hiiteiriint nl the 1'iiiinl Mntc TieiiNUiir lui M'trch -.4 siiriwt: liliNKHAI, KUNIt f ait iblc enhi Available slim- I'lllliil Stales imK-v National built imle and Krdetal re.erte nnlrs 4'erllhi-it rhiiliN ott banks bu'isl'liai'i silter, 111 1 in ir mill ami lltrr bullion l liclas'ltlnl iiihuirli-l iiiriencjl l, m ImiiKs and l'liiliiune Treaui , -til ibis cmirtii y in 'lr(a.iry and banks , II. 4 1 uncut llalillltl'r Nil li.ilan.i- In Kt-iK-i al luiul IIKxKltVK. IMINII, rinl'l ruin .111 1 liMllinu . . Till VI PL Ml To redeem nutslaii'liiu (YriHl'tilcs 11.P"l.;it,9t4 Urand tolal cadi attcta in Treiiur :.r3l,no,4M Nf, I 20H "U 72 t2'& 11S i.i ; -i Hi! .. fi2 ' .. 2!4 .. 23'. .. 1 "' 141 lni',;,iii lin; 78 71 C71, , il7,i 1 (13 I I-.3 112 U Ii2 H 11114:111 IHH "Hi o ni4 r.'.i mt ',t 1t;i nil ;i.v.'H-'l."'.'4 "1 1 11a ii.i I , U".a, lu Va ip is 1 30,. 7S 73 Ul in !l 301, 78 !' 72',, B.I. 4 I 103 101 3a 3:.i.4i 10114 101 "A 112 114 1 86 S7I41 f.'.i4 f,3 110, 111 lLMj no I 130 (4, i:io; l!)2 l'JU , 10ti4 107 4 filU 99 SS-Hi 8li'4 103 103 ioo-,noiu 104 i 105 SS4 SS'4 T(il.l TT M4 91'! galea. 1000'Atlams Uxp. 360U Alnskii II M 100 Allls-Oli.tlinurs 400 Allls-CliiiltiiiTH pf f.Ou Alaska .Inncmi 12011, Am llw-t .Sugar .Tin Am Ai? t'lu ni 2t00 Am fall lOu Am Can pf fiiio Am 'r ft my 3iio Am Coal IT vx tllv 200 Am Cot Oil SW Am Hide & I .oath Hum Am lliilc a. I. pf 200 Am Ice Am I.liiM-cil Co Am Unseed Co pf Am Locomotive Am l.iiciimnllvo pf SO" AID .Mllll pr 4200 Am Smelt 110 Am Smelt pf 25 Am Smelt Sec Ii '.'uo Am Steel I'dy turn Am Sugar lOo Am Suimr nf ' SOO'Am Tel & Tel hlldU t30 130 100 Am Tobacco il'JI I '.'I 1!U 100 Am Tobacco pf s 10 100H lui'.'i Iml's 33100 Am .Hit: I !H 1 91 U ST4 200'Am Woolen ' f.1'-l :!&.' :W 300 Am Woolen pf ' 9!'n, 99-1.' 9H 111 20 u! 30 ',4 J 78 I ll- It, 2100 . 2900,, C200 , r,r. 107, 53 a4 2i", ! 13 ' ' 7r.i4i 104 3.1 lTs, r,i', 2!"', , 23I4I 41'0i 7t! 101 28-!4 22s, 42'4 71V H)4 . Wo 031; J414 75 101 3.1 ut) I itO 1 1014 10I&. 10074 1014 1 1 1 -B i 1 1 1 Ti . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 - ; 8 ! 8ll s st; 1 .13 - fi3 ! iS .13 I 111 ill I 1 4 I UI'll I Ill's tl.1V11.1,,(ll.V IK.', 1 "", I!' I i lot! 4 874 51, I'M J ' ISU 864' ft. '. 2 4 -.ill 480 498 734 734 804 83 4 90a 8.14 1 84 4 i 91 '4. 234 ,13 I 1084' 5.1 1 H44 93 4 127U 1341 384' 9JI 51 H 1674 r.4f'i 64 93 1274 134 34 .I1-4 l'a'4 12S?4 1294 174 18 21 21 Tt 2 ( mm 72 . 77 451, 16 49 .13 136 'IS? 21V 21N,' 961, 98 88 4 S4 ii4,."ii5; 45 49 I 47K 18 1044 10iJ 1 247,' nr,!, 53 1 45 I 17 4 184 86t, S6-V ln34 101 I1114 lf1 4 10.11, 1064 8S4 SS( 76 n t 2 1. 49:. 103 884 767, . '.t '495 73 85". S341 91 224 f.2". 52 "t 514 I684 1694 161 ; 544, 547. 5l'v 64S. 64r'i 64 ! I 9314' 934 ' 934 ' 934 1274 1274 1274 1274 ' 134 134' 134i 134 39 4 39 4 . 3S4, 3St, 94 a, 9". '91' .1495 j 73 8.1; 844 , 93'. 2334 73 R34 84 4 934 23, , 52-". 129 4 129 4 129 174 100 IS , l)4 22 U. I 2IN1 541 537, 7H , 76 76 164' 16 46 I9 I9-1, 49 1364 1364 1364 136 , 214 22 j 214 211 97 , :i7 1 224' 54-', 76 ' 464 19, . 89-"-, ' 904 38 53 4 16 r.4 1674 1144 8S.i 122 168 115 , ; !'ii ' 1221-1 I t .V JIT.' 46 ' 46; 204' 21 1TI4 110 71 ' 127 ' 474' 194 7 464 ll3, '! 714' M'l 264' 61 13.1 20 ' . - - 464, 12 ;.o 171 ;64 62 564' 563, . I . I . vi;-V s4 '1154 1154 1154 1154 ...14 41 II It ' ...I I w l-, 7' 474 . .. 11144 101 HH.I4 10S, ... I - 37-. 524 4.11, M4 .3",' 53-4' 454 51 ' It. -.7 7. ' 51 ii'j. '115 115 I 894 89 '122 122 , 444 44 164' ' 21 :iio 7t.4 1129 tv ' 194 5s. 4 1 tin,; 12 4' 50 174 164 714 81" 4 17 21 110 71 129 48-4 194 5S4 16 1, 124 167, 129 774 77 214 67 1 12S " 164 0 ' 7S 78 23 4 6 '4 131 164 , ti4 264' 61 564' 'It 10' 69 ( 5 54 5.1 1074 108 95 K 264 10O 16 143 ' 1064' 67 ' 2.v li ' I64 1 12 106 66 274 1214 122-1. 1134 114 8', 24'. 564 10 1 271 H'34 53 4 1174 1614 3, 14 234 40 "514 II 4! 36'. 94 2.1"- :.67, loj 2S ' till 1 54 114' 162 34 54 234' 114 514 v71t' 454 N 364 34 54 I 99 'A ' 190 ! 214 60 l'it. 54 34 99 4 Wl 21 .19 96 14 V84 434 114 1 4 , 1954 197 74 77 62 621. 93 Hi:: 4 824 9-', H4 143 40 I S 5 6 12 in I., 1 55 41 14 684 51 52 110 814 ,! 9.14 1 134 ' 83 ' 91-' 15 "I 144 234 ir.54! 45 ' 24 517, 52 4; illl 1 s 1 1 ti a 1 1 1 7 81 l"'-4, 1.14 15 15 liV) lin 1 14. ,.'-IV '.'i.4 ...ITS IS.II'i -T.-TI.1TS 4ii Ml 7,'.,7i;,m :ii'.9iM"i ai.sw.stt IIS.ICI.IWI sii.'.!i;i.o.-j 811,4 184 46 J 151.' 1 5 4 1 . -"I 1311 I 66", ' ; 79 1 1 3114 16 18 897,' 904 0 H144. l: mi 4 "11 270'i Am Wrll Paper pf 6700 Atincomla 1400 A, T ft S IV 100 A, T A S IV pf 21ii0o Hnldwln I.oco TOO Bait & Olilo 200, Bait Ohio pf 73011 lliitopllas 100'Bftli Steel 300 U V lloodrlch 200 II 11 T 40ii Hums Hims S100 Hutto .v Sup Cop Hot 600 Cnl Hot pf 2800 Call I'.ii'tflr 1000 Cent (.outlier IilOOClici-n , nhlo 100'Cliiimllcf Mln 30o Chi & X W 100 Chi lit Wtvt 1200 Chi c;t West pf 1100 C. M St 1 200 1 M .8 St H pf 800 Chi, I! I K 1' 3900 Chile Copper lino CI1I1111 Copper loo C, C, ' A. Si 1. pf 300'Col Fuel A- 1 100 Col A. Eolith 1st pf. ..v., 2jn Con 3500Vorn Hrodticts 11") Com Product.-! pf 48700 Crucible Steel lOO.i 'ruclbli' Steel pf rJiCrev i..irp't 1200' Distillers Scour. 200 Diamond Match 800' Dome Mln 9n0ii'l-:rio Sou'Krlo lit pf Hmi Krie 2d pr 4080O Krio rts M & S pf.... 7.1i'ltii-n lileo Co 300 tl(.i Motor pf loo ilrntiby Con 2O0'c,t Nor pf Too lit Nor 4.irc clfst 700 Greene Copper loo (itiggenltelit 100 Harvfslnr N .1 e tllv 200 Harvester Corp loO llomc-tuke 14 loo In-pinitloti t 'on 4no int Asr Corp 40o'lm Aur '-orp pf 12u0 hit Nickel 40ii lnt Haper f.Oo Itit Paper pf 1000 IntfrlKro Cm 100 Illtrr-Met 4O0 .IcweSl Tea 1 no J Kay.-er 300 Kim t 'I'y So 1 26 I 100 Knit City So pf j 61 6900 Keutii'cott Copper 564' 900 Kelly. Sprint' Tire I 75 ! 20 Kings Co I. ft H 130 130 9700 Lack Stod T84 784' 100 l.ohicii Valley e tllv....! 78 78 I 300 Long IMami 22 22' 100 Mackay 'os pf I 68 I 68 60 Manhattan 1.'' ,128 128 2100 Marine elf- 16 167;, 18700 Marine pf ctfn ' 73 73 1 ftthiii Maxwell Motor 6S 70-4 l.lOO'Mnx Motor 1st pf 8.11,1 ssu 4700 Max Motor 2d pf I 524 51"-. 100 M.'tvs. Dept Stores ! 56 ' 16 37000 Mpx Pet '1074 104 300 Mex PC pf Ton Miami Copper. 300 Montnn i Powt r. . 100 Nut t' , Suit. 206O0 Nevada 'on 7.1 Hi N V Air Brake. .. 13200 N V Centra! 1100 N V. N II .v 11 1 .100 N V. 4 1 ai W 1200 Norl ,v West 200 Nor Pacltle 1 2800 Cut Siiv.-r 4ini'!lc Mall lino IVnn II l: 2011 People tin- ono 1'ilts Coal 200 Pitte Coal 'f 3o0 IT Steel Car HMJ Public Son loo. . . . 2ou Pullman P 200 Quicksilver 200 11, ilcks. her pf . . . . 130i. 1J ,y Coll I'oj 100 Hv Stl el SpU 2300 Iiepuhllc Steel. . . . 2530.1 lieaillng lno lidding lt pf. .. Hm liocl. Islam) pf. . . '.'no Sli-Httick 1 ' . 1720 St 1. ft S 1' lu.i Si 1. ft S 1' Is! pt. 300 St 1. ft S I' 2tl pf. 31O0 SouPi p.icllU- 251' So P I! Stiuar. . . . i...t South Hal' 1 'ii. . . . 400 South H1.1l Co pf. 500 Stand Mill lim Stand Mill 1 '11 3200 Stmlcli.iker' . . 4200 Tcilll 1 'upper. 21oo Texas Co Too TVvis, P.ii-lllc. Ii'" Third Ave... ltm Twin City Ii lni I'llloil Paclllf. 200 I'nlon I'.tclllc 300 I'ni CIk.ii- Sloif- l.'.o I'ni Ity Inv 1 ll' ion I'ni l-'riilt ex tllv '141 S C I Pino 23 S I Alcohol 1554 S It ft lllll 1 414 " , - - 'a S Slll'-lt ft lief 611 i',.,i S Smelt ft li.-t" pf .' .13 .13 S I 52 4 524 S Itillib.T 1st pf 1104 II04 S Steel 854 8.1 U S Sit el Pf 1167. hut. l.V'll riah Copper '82 82 3ini I'tali Copier secur 1.8 8 loo V.i.i'iiio Clieni 111... I5i '..on Wii'i.isIi 1.1 114 Mii'O Wnb.isli pf A 114 1,14 5'joo Wnbiish pf II 27', 2s 4 lim'WVllei l-'urait K 128 4 '12.84 63U0 Wot lClecllb' I 66 -,, 66", 100 West l-Ilei-lrlc 1st if ' 77 TT 2100 West Mni l.iinl 3ti ' 3117, lino West Muryl.iliil pf IT4 48 Ton Wi'mi i'liioii Tel 911 " ;in 300 Yl,i.( lc- pi yets 1014 lll 174 864 1034' 1034 101 4 1014 1017 8S4 76Ti 24 1 495 73 I 854, 834' 9i ; 221 4 14 "4 U 4 1; THE CU&l MARKET. Mlnck Jlnll but Jttrong Iitre Itt f.nte Trndlnc. SloeUs In Ihe oulslde market were dull bat i.rnerll elruiitf yi'.lrrday and In the late iradiitti prlc? imiiroved. Mining shares were - Ihe leaturc nl the list nn a retttll ot Hit Urniti iin.ltinii ot the metal markets. rnltctl Vtrdn I: x icttet on. which sold up to .I'v. a net tain nl 31, point, and the lilgtiest I at which Hie slnck had ever enhl. was the llll ' iiie"tinneil leader. .Mplsslnir Mine, rctpuntled to Hm iiilr.inivt In silver tintal and alter a nionlli or so ol tutlect figured prominently In Ihe dc.-iliriff Miutna C'iinier. Keneflek Zinc 1 slid Mt. .lovpli la.iid each bellert-d IU price 1 irieiinti.tiiy, wniic term tie iiecuneii H 1 pniiii 1 The clnliic of Hie Cuba Cane Piliar tyndl round Hie stock selling al a recension nl I', puiiit, A sharp 1 ally ensued. In the cunt si- of uhli h the Issue renalneil Its lost anil I', pnlnl. mote. Mhlvale Steel was quiet mid ruled fractlnnallr lower llirniit hollt the liv Car I.liltt and Power waa active on re- pons n sttii'itiiaty hail rei-eitpii larite nr tier, for patent brake, and other equipment , The stock sold nl ,. having tire at ' I.VItn I'hnltniiratiTi tnto-tieil 9 I i"-w- hull lev cl al Vi, bul reacletl In the lale H-aillliK i Other Indti.lrlal. that Imprnred lumewhal were Aetna Klpln'lve. new stm k, American , Writing- I'ai-r, Carwen Meel, Drifts Neabury, i Kltlernu PhnnnAraiili. f.imn IHvtnniu Kmersoit I'hiiiintraiih, Lima laieomntlve when "when lsued," Manhattan, Pools Kn- (ineermr. ra.tiiia itillnnu, Totweea Trotl tut. and Submarine Ilnal, Iidtid. rhowdt a faiily food lurnoter, with !nic mausei tinimnvitant. INIIISTRIALS. Open- lllrh- Low. Clos in;, est. eat. lng 1 .e .7'. S7 ?jls, li"i Aetna Lxnlo. w I S3 : "I Aeolian Weber... .'7', ."I Am Ilrltlsh !.no Am Wrii Parler ! 1" AMi llttb Tire.. ti jvi Am Msrrnnl r.S p) Am Zinc pf w j.. ;t vi Harnett O A 0,... 84 S.1"o Carwrti Meel..., lot, 1.101 Ches Ohio rta . 4 r.ioafar I.Uht I', ' .in.Tllin at (lat lt S3 t 168 I 514' 64 , 4 1 . 14 1 " - 14 - 14 f 129 174 214 537, 4 t 4- 1 14 1 I.14 51 167 '11.1 894 122 114 I 164 21 110 707, '129 ' 174 194 2.14 3T4 534: 45U 41 167 4 I15 ' 894 1122 " 444' 464 21 llll) 71 129 48 194 J. 1 ... 14 4h4 12 I 50 17 167; 74U 8114 26 61 564 164 12 ' 50 ' 17 I 164! 7I i 804' 26.l 61 j f.tH.I 130 1311 771,1 77U 78 j 7S j 68 I 68 "j I2S 128 16V H,'i 714 8.1 4 1 56 106 ! .94' -4 854 4 .11 J 56 I - 10T7;! J 1 1 1'. ' 11.; i'l 364 Si'.',' .164' 367 . Tr., ' 1.11 ,1421 1057 11224 1131, I 8.1. 2.11- 1034. 51 118 in 1 4 34 T2U 164 1424 Inn'. ii. 284 122 4. 113a, !' 25 4 214 56, ,i67 ,16 , I044 04 ll'li 2T 28 al 27 " i'3i.j 51 118 162 34 1- ' 154 1424 1057, 1 t,57, ' 28 122 1134 n:tu 534' 118 161 4 :iu T2';' 16-', ' 1424 106, S I 122 ' 1134 !' I 214 104is 14 11. 14 ..70 Chevrolet Motors !V ;;n co.iien iiefliiliij si 1 l o-dsit Oil 1 41 sK I'm lo'ilen (llll pf. 4i, 'i t urn, ero. ..... ,i '- Cuba C Slltar . . . til i Cuba C Mirar pf X't Iinss r-eabtiry l.v not Kmersoti Phnttn.. U. ,...i lisivral Astihalt.. Si', I lbckeM II Car 41', o Inter Itnbber . 14 Kathodinii llr pf 1 1 IM lama tan-o w I . 4 l.iii lama l.tso tif w I t. 4 l.ynn Phono . '.'4 -.1 0 Manhattan Trait. IS f. Matlm .Munitlnna 'v 1 ai Mnlv tie vise) . . e, ,.o .Midnr't lief . . '""i Mnnte Tung - 1 .Muskogee ll-f. . irt.i OUla ITri K hf -,t, - I'onle Kntln . tit t,..t II 1 II Corp . ' r..i Heil Top Kleitrie. t.1. .1.. atuilp IteMnlnt, It 1 axnn Motors . ttk o st U II M 4r Tao rt m.i ubtnarlne boat tat, . . Cntted 1-otit Miar 1A ,- t' Motor 7'. r . I.Uht Heat .to 1 t.ljlit II pf 4', ;f.i Vi.-torla . . I Whits Motor t tllv M Watiand O At!. 1'4 ... Worltl l'llm 1', o zin- Con Co I MININI. vvi ttlanta 1.4'i ... -Booth 1., Untie t'np Zlne 1 Ititlte .Sew York.. . ', i-i Cerro il- Paco .- 7' 01 c.ina.1 1 4.'opi'r.. . It lt.A. 4,.u Nev T'tah. 4...1 Con AntoTa. .. I. ,.i Ktnmt 4' .'( ( l rst N.I top . '1 ov. Viold t-nn s 1 ... tiold KWAtus (.I lie. la Minti'.t ... 4II . .1 How- nuli.l. . . - too 'Jumlio Ktten .' r Krreliek Z rl dlv 1... Ksrr Uike . . 4 r.. McKilUetr liar... 41 Manu topper .. l.'i 'Marsh Minn. I IV. 0 Mnlherlo'te ;-4..i vipl'alllC V. " Snttb Mar It : It iv lie' ,ia ... 5 . Usj Con- S 1"... 8rMch llrarel. j. Tor. . . 17 M Joseph I".l bet 1-. ' Mai. I Mlve- JA tv..i .sip... vi trtltif .' ' TottoiMti P'lmei.l 4'-. " roneii-h J ni Hut 7 t Touopib l.tti 11 ie White Ovlt" . . svyt r s Com M .. 17 JS..O I'ltlle Venl- .. .. l'k POND 113,... Cl-e A Ohio I... iv. 1 I M h M 1' 4 w t !'. tovnt M- lv ale s. .' w 1 9C'. srAMiAnn on. srn :'t M aio- Km . . l-'- v 1 Hi. 11 oil ST., . . IT-.ine I1j. lane -1 '. MaiMt Oil el Cal i- t i 0,1 Oil ot S J -i. ' tai ! Oil "I .N V ... acuum Oil 'II. i-r.'s rer thare "S .14 7, b-.f.i 4'i 4', S4I, it 14' US 37', 4.. tt ."Vi 3v, .1 r.t .s't 73 :s p.'. A p. mi SI in 1.". M, 44t 14 :'i :.Vi 3H St PTJBLIC UTILITIES SECURITIES, ! RAILROAD AND OTHER 10NM. Arllmndarlt flleelrle AnirnimarK laectne American i.trnt ct Amsrle.n l.lffht A American lla, A V.lrctrlc American tla. A Kleetrlc pf..... American Oa. (Vmtpany American Power AS l.lshl Amerlrati I'owret Mailt pf Amerlem 1'iiMlc rilllilcs. Aitierlean Public I'tlllllm nf American Waterworks A r.leetrle, Amerlran W W A E partle'g t.r... American Waterworks A V, 1st pf. Atlantic V A I. Porn pf, carotin Power A I :am Carolina Power A Light pf CI He. Hrrvlre rules Hervlre pf Colorado power Company Colorado Power Company pf.,.. . , oininunwraitii , nwrr ivr .t Commnnwenlth Power Ky A L pf, Bid. 'kea. . Transaction, from Opening to ti 1. M. iB!Z"W ?! ?2 Adam. r.P 4. Cnl I" . I Ml t N V N il H lotion "il 33? ' IPOS etlt't Jtvo. II.'. . !H?,2r ill 111 Alaska 11 ev fs font nentl C Is !.... 1 1 4Js i?i?.r.i?n pf' 11 .', rrt, full p i oo...,.loatj NY r Mt a .111 , yi ,.1:1 :: ft's ,, ,. ti . 74 : ,. 14 ,. 54 ,. ,. 3D ,, tit .131 ,. SO .. s7i; .I"1 ,. f3 Consumer. P Co Minn S. IMt I" llenvrr Ha. A Kleetrlc gen M Kleetrlc bond Dentrdt .f . "1 , Fleclrlr Pond A Hhare tVittf. MU Kin hire lilorici Kleetrlc pf. ' Keileral Light A Traction IS Federal Light A Traction pf. ts fl A P.lectrlc fteniHtle. IM Ha. A Kleetrlc Hw-urttlw pf. ! tlreat Wctem Pow 5. IM , Northern Ontario Light Power... IS.4 Northern Ontario Lt A Power pf.... , Northern Htatrt Power Co M;S Northern Htatet Power Co pf V3I, Oiark Power A Water M, Paelrlc Ha. A Kleetrlc '54 Pacinc Ha. A Kleetrlc pf HI Hrptibllc Hallway A Light On ' llepubllc Hallway A Light Copf.... Ji,, Vmnhern California Kdlwn WU Southern California Kdl.on pf lot fnutliwrntern Power A Light pf..... 4 Standard flat A Kleetrlc..., ' Standard tla. A Kleetrlc pf. 33' i Tenne-teei Ity L'ght A Power I2' Tennese lly Light A Power pf..., 1 Toledo Traction Light A Power.... SI Toledo Traction Light A Power pf., SI t'ntted A llallwara. . l ulled Light A Hallways Itt pf., Western Power Western Power pf Par Taint IM. tt M I7 en. it i? M M IS.' I3 HI iH Ifl si t? 1 1,1 74 IM 11 tt 131 (.1 H It (I 4 V44 :n t.3' n 31 75 ' M'i Its) I t'l 344 u , , 34 77 IJI, j! I IPO 1 tin I Am Co' "M V. AmPratliSec Wl).,,, I Olj I WO, I .. I I Oil AmTATev tt I Uetla I vioo, 3091. I OH , I OHU icco) 11 1's .roa 11 s .en,i 11 n, 1000 n 17, 7C0t HIT, Am Threatl t, SOW IH - Am Writ P : tut 7;i. I0D3 7aiKrlitcv II w I I00O tlolilf.nono Ctib'h'A'mSugl. icoo.,,. 1 vjij Cuban 3t 1914, 00 HeltHiiilcv Us 2003 I llll I, iiw.,,. I iiu-rf '' ". Dei j II111I 4'4. -W0- leeCO..,. 1 O in 7,1 soon 7 o.N, 1000. . ,70'a jnoi. . ,7fjt I5.-11 75ls NY lira dl M ,001,., ...n i". II I 'J .11 in. .vtvo 0 1 tj Alii T A T clttdlien ' lilutl is NY Tel era ua inno. c ,7H't soot n-ua 7000 3 ...7hN NYWettfh'ter Drn&IIO reft. Alloston 41s tooo , .r07! fnon ...,7H4 H'ktlllrnSee St.Nnrf A W el f K"m. , 7!Ha 3000.... I 8 I fs giivt 711 it S300,.,. 1 a 1 ij ims) . 7 II is Norfolk A W 41 t.s. 7!tl., toon c. Ollt. 1 ojoonn ii. til HH-. toto , HIS StnUiNorfAWPoct.4. GOSSIP OF WALL STREE7 linldrnma, The stock market enti-icii the doldrums es(eriln,v 1 , Miino who even applied 'lie n,. nevertlmless expr-sshe w,' 1 ,,, Us! Its condition. Not has tho entire II. t lOtauO ...H.I l' 'Ml ...MO-Isi 1000. .. .PO'l S0,)-J 11014 I3SO00 ...,s,o .lisnnn.-ai; si M lint. KrtsMOli :f"V. . ..Ii.ljt Jlnoo,. ,nrl looro. 7.14 tooo . o 1 U tooo 111I4 iiiooo..te ,7.')',' '00 tl.J'st 34000 ll.'iU tlen Kleetrlc S.. som, . H'lH 11.11, scon.... I Oft 1000... ...on'? sro onls Hud A M Mt North Paclj lloe-t taflerlMA I 1000. . (1(11 too tiai, sooo 7:14 OntTransH s'.ooi ll.")l(ilndlanaS(Mt M sooo ..... IK100 Iinis I' 1 "''! "r en " in"" .11.114 tutsro it 1 roi gvpsi .tl.T. lit 1141 SOOO 0;' .O0I4 7000.. H0 4'0" ''.I' .HAIjl SOOO . tllllt-i PadCoilt 1st .ll.lts 1003 till. I 1000 ...--Ol. n -. -u. l.,,-i,A..,.t p.nTIAT4t O.Mi! roltruttim I5000....IOOJS .7M!islPenna tUt l '-, s C. s. lit !' lis. -'"1 3 ,tt, :-7s tt.- 13', 14 1 sr.1. ';. ". s I 4'. STANDARD OIL QUOTATIONS. Following are the quotation, fnr the Slandar.1 Oil lorki: .u.., j rirruT 1 niini.r 1.1, 14 rt 4 V. I.'. r. Hi, IS i. r.t 4t I'. I Ifli, I'. r'-s 40 l' Anrto-Am oil., . AtltntlcH-f. ... Il'.rne rrrm ItiicKeve Pipe. . . Ch.elroiigh Mfg Colonltloil Co . Cotulnentiil Co. Crescent PL ... Cumberlsttd I I. Kureka PIih- f. . tlatena Mens! OH. tislenavicpf . Ill'imU Pine Ii Indlan-t I'll"" L Inter Petro Co, NMInrm! Tran 1 N Tr.n.ll N'nrlhem P 1 . IIMntlll (V. I'enn Met Ktiel . Pierre 4 Ml Prairie till A Oa.. Prairie Pipe Snltr lief Cn So'ilhern P I. intilh Pa 4 Ml iiitltliwe.t Pa. M.lltlllnf t'al sou ! "tan Oil of Ind -P Stantillof Kan i . I ..n tll nt kv 1' 4'. 141, 141, 1414) .'3 t :S S r ;i, 11, t, is '. -s i . 1-, Hi :i f s: v, ti tv :- 13 41 4j 41 'l R ,j i) 13'. 1. 1, ' ' tt 41 41 It 11'i 1t n r.i S3 S7 :s i; 7'. 7 7', 17 1 1 4 ft, t so 1 1 17-. t: ' l-1, -. i, 11, ''. 73 7! 71 . "1 ' 5- to . t : s l, 1:1, '; i.i, :c, Mt4 .,', !'., '. ', ;v, fs'v ?t', .1? .!''' " j .t 5.-t sa r.. Slant) nf KT Man OH or Nell . . Man Oil nr N J.. "Ian Oil of N Y. . Stan Oil of Ohio.. Usui A Flneh.. . . I'niun Tank I. . Vacuum Oil Co . . U,shli'tonltl S. I I "Cl llllHi" NO old "all on". Tar ttl'l vl.ej. Inn. Atked . ri H4 Is 14 H ,li)3 es. 475 ifi :o . 151 311 SCI SH 3"l . tl ICO 101 IM ;o., tOO 71 1 ?"l "4"- 7S3 . 161 170 Itl i:t m 101 311 331 1:0 .1 M tO 41 40 ,1 IDS ,! M M fl . 101 311 S.o til -.14 too it: iw uo 1 vi 100 II US 4 lit IM 170 lit lit t. M 103 107 IC4 H7 ri 1;', n i:1, 11 11: ii it :o h :o 101 l7 It 10 li IM 11 HI I'O PS 31 :ii "t, 1.11 :tt It it It to i,- . SS It'-. 11 144 IV , 101 4:.v 4-.o t:i t'.n ll 51.' SIS 131 t'6 100 Jtt s1 ?4 ftt 101 :o; :it stt st. 131 3t J',1 3: :r 100 107 II- in? Ill 10t .M 757 J' im ,'t: (tt tn nr , 19-1 171 t1 t-1 4?l ISO 3 37" 755 341 . 100 3J1 IU M ' J'O . 100 Hi : t:i . . 100 'tn :i; soj j. too fto :o f.i m . m hi 110 i3-i i-.t IN fl 1 II 41 iw !3i ::7 .-.1 ::t 19 4 ,S 4-1 41 11..1 it 0 15J IM: SHORT TERM NOTES. CURB STOCKS CLOSING. 1034 534; - 118 162 Aslna F,nlOIVM I I Mat Itul.brr Tire CalloU CAP ... Canada (', I' P." 4'erro ilc, i 4'iil.a ( 'atit- uctr In . r M.r Mar Inter VI rr Mtr pf . . . Minnie stow ... . 1 Nuas.lrs Mine. . . . 11,1 II Ce-p Mstuliis-I Mi-Lcail. Mlliltlarltl'.. boat . . . I chu-cn I'nsl 1 r'nnvli-l'llm clft. , I i.Hcl I'ri lli Ml Mor.d I tin. . estrrday. bid. AvUi-l 1 Vi , 1 1 70 - 7.' 4 . . . la'i f-4', 17 Tlmrslar. l-ic, .k,i 1 .f... T. pr., 237 411 .1 871, .' 1.1 4 3T 34 98 1, .1-6 . 214 .' 59 4' .'91 ' .' 884 .'14H-. .' .134; .'197 '! T, . 62 94 . I3a7s 23 4 10 52 .88 4 15 22-. o 514 87 15 4 367 234' If 514' 74' 15 ' i 1 t'. S''l 17'. 4 r. I'. Hi Hon 11? c. rra do l'avm t.. aildtalt-MtrJlv w t. . Ill ll 1, 3.' f.T, It 70 4 I . 1', II f', Ml, COTTONSEED OIL. 1 1 984 1 8.) ' 21 I I 9!'i ' 'vv " si I ' 967, ' VVK, ' 200 r 36i)u r ll'O c :ioo i" 3200 I' 5011 1 ' 5110 p 7i'ii I' I2000 I' 5oo I' 5 '.. 14 91i 1.. 18s " 2a. .in 1- 97 ' 94 I. Si.,' V.I 1414 14341134' ..31.. ,124- 195 '196 1 4, 74' 74 ' 62 ' 62 ' 91 ' 91 1314 1234 124 83 ' 83 I 8:1 !"'. 94' 94 144' I 14' 111.; HI 141 141 23 ' 23 1 "3 I53 4'l.1.1 144 144 114 2 24 6s Us 4 4t, tuatUM sott on horp'y ;:sr.lav l-.p't. Hie litliirovemeul In In r.i Llquld., ini, w.i. 11. . iiil.ierul!, vo'-iiup an, r I111. : s we-e .i-uutic I'll slr. I'rnle "11 s,. rs.-irt-.l mure f-eely nrfered al 7.'1 t 71. 1' 1- illl'i.-lst 1.1-t that 1 .itisutltltig lli- uuiry (or ol. I1.0 t. . it iptl-l Ihe piisl lew ts, ,r.-i . would abb ugh l'li , iititltiiisii rising I. it. 1 'ter d, man i rm . iiiiiiioimii lard ti i.c iireuK'ii Hi-out 197 (i2 91 .Man ii .M. -I lis . . . .-.eptenilter. in tnl.t-l . . . . ('lo. ,11c IM l.-es ln.Cn.f pi ...11 In. TP I in s 111 si ., pi ss pi.Tii 1 III 77 p . ;.:t 1 -a I'n V. . 'a. 1.1 I. In . in 7.1 in id 111 lis ill si! II 117 Int. Fectirltv n.te.Par. Hue. nid AlitTlll'ir.- ten, 1 i.ira-, AmC4. . l V Nnr. I. 17 101 , Arfop4" 8 M S Mar. I.'l? 101 , A llyl.l'e J J .Inly l.'H 97i ATAtK. 5 J-J Juns l.'IJ IOIi-11 It.tolllUSJ II .Inn., i.'l? I00:. HAOKIIt'vl-H Juno I. 'It lot , III! r . 5 .IU .litlv l.'lt 101 JJ July I. SI t, M M Mar S.'.'4 10.". J-It Jim- l.'U lit , M.S Srp. l.'IJ X 4 M-.N May 1. '17 v . 1 II .IllurlJ.'l lsl'.' M 1 Mar l.'lt S7 Ap. I. 17 101 7.14 It.-c. 1 "is lno' . K. Aug. 1. 'in ns. I' A ll. I. 17 IM-. M N .Nov l.'lt 101 14 I'.A Feb. 13. I IC1 , A-o Arr. l.'lt iw A-u Jan. i,':i ti .Il June l.'U 10-14 VI N May l.'IJ Pit M-N Mar I.'l IO0' OfTer lo 1 , I'd in CHOI . CParBII 1 AOKIIS CAW It 1 I ColiPCo 8 1 1,4 III' 4 1 LPALCoS : ti.'ic it si,.ii .i.iiitiii. s liuv lit'. 3 (1UIHC S Ibr'.V 3 IntllarT LliA KIC.4 MWI'lll Mil Kit o 4 NKNaCo N V Nil HI PennCo. 441. f) iiem.trma r.v fn 111- Co S I tiPrtiC I 11 Kmc 3 HcvtPnwi WlttArCol IKti.vK 4 MVaTK 9 WKItr .4 Yield, t I t 01 ' J7 t 31 111 i I'l IW15-l4iOO 17-14 3.0" mt'. nf, IM If'1. IM4 Iil'. lo.lij.14 4 .1 t 31 5 ". j tj 4 1; 3 ; J.Oi to ICt II. 14 3A1 Jlllt-IS.'gl 191 II IS Itl P 100', I'll, 101 1 10.' , 101 I9ti 1 tool, 1M1-14 I 3 no 4 s' S"1 3 .0 .rt 1 S3 53 t, fi S.fO It.'OOS. pot . I7.-O03. ItsiOO . MO., fro,, 'too.. .(.. loeno 041. 3ww:.!.!!73 SOOO.... I Oft !'J AtlADativSd In'r Paper 4,'Penna 4'l ii locoo Hllj 1000.... 1 1) HI 3 40M ..lliai A T A 8 I" ev .t. Iowa Cent 4t Penna g m 44 7PO0 ... I 0 I s 1 I too o7'i "! ATAMl'rent, lnt Paper ev 3 10003.... I CJ jooo IMS, 1000. ... Hfl34,Penn ts IM' rnoo. IMIi Jap tlv. Her-1 1000 OQI Mioo t-H man itmnad penna 4t tnoj, fro 1141,10030. ..771. sooo JJ' W IIJ.I41K I) KtsA8l 4, PeoOACfdtia AT&MFtdli.l rcn ., 71I two. . . I O 1 ... Hill linnf'A Psclst Hv Steel Mpr t ATAHr Pit L . imsi.. .(1(1 tlsll 1300 not. :too.. ..tift 13400,1 Ofts Atfoa.tLlne 4, toco . . .1141 'Headlnt m I'tie H'J-S KanCItT terttl WtOO U4t. II A II J. H11 10000. StrtlsiltOOO, . . 114-8 300, .10 1 SS000 ,KH I SOOO . ..H:i 4(,oo ...1007, LarledeCiasfdt Hen IAI 111 4101. IHOT, 1000,,,. I O lis' 5009 HI'-1 llAtlcvm. .-,001.... I O'J isono HHI4 loo) . ti HI Lack HH M 19.11 Stot t)OV om .. tl ti V 33001. ...II47. Illofin col tr ti PiiKs) . lllll) 1000,. ...II 43,1 1000 lift roo tin, "'0' H4ij PUoA (irl.iut flallAO p I, Il IfiOOO 04'' 10003, .. flf( A W Va It , e 1. 4 W lt Sllvilron M 4t 50l ,e H H 1! .'.101 Il II 14 .WO .71113 ItsitAOlil.-i mt! som OPlj MlsanFrfdi s.ooi .nais.Ls.liMS 4. nil .tr, tamn-1 llal'A03W3H tooo H4lji '-too eiaij 1003 H I s sooo 041, SHl.oul.HW tn tjeo I. 1 1, MS 4. I'll v ... 78" Itelh Ml fdg .. 3WO0 . ll.'ili Sin ..... 1 11 1't A last . "'eo II t7 I7W.0 IOI 1000.... lull, so Hell TAT 4i llethSleel e, 5. SOOO . Ill It, .'000... 101 eoo, I 04 Lmif lllfdt 4v 10001. . I O I Is Itkn I'm Kl l.t son . no snPnrc. stanme.1 Ihlgh Val 4'-st liooo,... I (14.8, 1 0.11 iti'ji. 1000.... 1 oa '4, son... 1 1141, ooo ins I.A Nash r-n r 13003. .. 1 047, I f.hTermnl . "003.. . 1 I VK, 500.... I OJIj .mo iiii lam A Na.h t, l.v.tsio IO40J l 1 1 l.v it s. 11000 ,,, .tla.--.' scoo.... 1 41.) not, . rn l.s-ith..e 1. :to, H7l-)lSniiti Pari. loooo,. , I nil JSro-l, ,. HT-t, Ml .....Hlllj e.10 toiJatocoo list 'southrrnRvS. rent Pacifle itt iwn, .hmi, it-ro.... 1 O'Ju I1SO0 HOis Mich 4'en 3's , SOOO.... I OUla l'AiCTt'( -tsv s-o Hnj tn U .tool Sol, VliiSMMAAtlta Itvvt 7 1 woo, .000 v Tt t Maul fl Si .00". itl Minn A. Ml. 4s 3000. . . onla Chl.t Minn , lo-io II 1 1 Tenn CAI Ht 'I ,V" 4 4 MnlviTu 3d .'V).. .1(1 1 3, f 'II A ... joint t let 4 I i3,Tnnf'op . ret i.gwvt tist. MulvAT f 4i, full paid .nr . Hi, ." .V 181, 41M . I 174 Clil IIAorni 4 Mo I'aelrl in Term II II Attn 000 Hit, pvi I lion nfMLl. 4 hi IIMJ III 1. Mnnt I'wrS. I tooo . . .Kif, toot (i.M, 1000 117 Intro it CMIIAO IH31 I'M II"'-, .00" 7B7M tlio-i s.'ilj M'tt .ail iclf ,. 1 S0oe.l1 , . 7 HS r i s. ,'. . 1 ll() ,j i ll Ind A so I" .Nat nnam Icco . .H0I4 (" . . .tS l .M A st 1' cv NY Mrllr it lla, . Itoj . .104 I too . .lotll, Nl Ceo deb tt CM Aftl'itm I'ico . I I 414 tli recUlcreil 1000 ... 1 4IV7, lr-00 s,. I'M.... I V1 Nl l.'ctl tl. I A S'lVirmli v,-t Il4''j tons . '.. Il, M 4'etub'b is I HndtyAI 3. CM IIIAP Ilv5 1 .11 a srvi .7'.' IK," ...4 4 fM 11V. C S Ituhtssf 4 no.,. 44 Haiti moo. . ,lou CMIilAPItjl, ,N1 Cn con 4 te-l .1 t (" s,il I--00 St. I .'e-1 ,104 s, Chll.lU'ref t t ,MOI,' 11 4 4 ,roo . (171, M Con 3t,. 1 .tooo..,. 1 4)41, rtj' recinen-i lor ........ niiitiif,..i...i ' ':l ..r .1 . - vi ,1. u .,1 in-imi) unit ,,,1,1 s iruu mi r or t 11, tiie......M n,. turnover was sont.'W Imi laiV-er 'tin'. tho day previous. 518.suo sh,,r,-. ,.h',." Ing hands, but prices niovdl u "' o, ' a narrow range upward tl. ward tliat tlieie was ,.f . ' ',.'' market. The beh.iv'or of th- 1 t , , Perhaps all tlio In ire provu (, i .. fesslonal Wall Htieel in x ,. n , rv amount of good nou that ,- , ,",; appearaiuo fiom dav to ti,y 1 ,' b-nt earnings! of the r-'oi-'i, , p,','.',' tile Increase of more than UMU'0,1 if .' gross earnings nttd nniie ilia, ).ort(.,a not by the I'nlon Pacilh f.,r I', .nia v together with tit.; Initial ,1, ,,,),. ' Inspiration Copper wliU-ii rt , " tremcly sallsfaciory on. .served to arouse no enlliusiusii) at a 'I o, .. 12,000 shared of Pulled Slate, j.,, . eommon cliaiig'-tl ltaiid.", aid Crucible, the most .itdlcu s' n 1. ., o, list jesterttay with a turnover of it ;o'o shares, failed to furnt.-h its 1 u (oni,,. sensations. ' Tenneaaee Copper. The weakness of Tennessee Corrr since the lire which destroyed that c,v-. pany's trinitrotoluol plain cor.tin tied yesterday. It carried tn: pi, 0 dnitj to 52 4, within 4 of the IovksI future it which it lias sold this year, This weak, ness was reported lo be due to the fact that the damage done by the nre wi really much greater than has generally become known. The conpnny is j-tia i0 have taken orders for tho flllltirt of a 8j chemical contract from Itiistta only a short time before the desiructlon of i trinitrotoluol plant, and P Is rutnorrj that the tire will result In 1ml 1 ng tip. the completion of the contract from three to six months. Moreover, the hlsn 1 said to have destroyed 1 liri;e qtumlt of supplies In the burned hti'Ming Tn nessee Popprr closed lat-! ibgV. at tj, loss of 4 of a point fr '.n the p-v p,.1( llital price. er Top fr SHrer. Bar silver rote lo u new Mgl- pri- on tills movement yesterday, telling tt 1,0.4 cents per ounce. The prevlvm lilsli price recently made, was M'l, en'i per ounce anil was reached on Thurs day, equalling the high price of Novtm. tier. 1913. The unusual rise of the, prlc of lite metal Is due to Hm present cr-at demand for lt for coinage purposes an. the fact tliat a large part of the wurlft I kiiimlv baa been cut off by the rtrlf It . ''A..imc..J "i will Mexico. As a result or tiie now nic price for the metal on this moienrei! Wall .Street seed the excuse b) put u? the to-called tllvcr stocKs. ivi.. i.'ia tat. M. Mar. 3 '17 101'i .'i Mar 1.17 101 , M-N May l.'lt Kit, A.() Mar. I, '17 10014 M-S Mar. l.'lt 9)', A-o Oct l.'i: no .l.ll June l.'i; 47 J.J Jan l.'u 103'i 10011.11 4 05 ioi 7.i :. r lOI'l 101 lev, ICI 41 101 4 '1 .',40 I 0 cm a iv ln-i 4 ny t; l s ii,, wo .. 1 04i tres . 7tii, ,ioo .77 Va Cito Itt ' ('hue Cooper J. NYCity 44' s' -'w ... HOln 400U.. .Mils May ValronCAC S 1 "4 1 If-V.... 1 H7ls 4CC0.... no roo. . .1.1 01, V V4'lt-tW l! Va Itwy 5. 1 If., . I :l I Is .Vol 1071 1M0 .. (1.8S, trlttrs-l.evt.'a vM'ltr tt.t al 5000 ...Hbtt vo 7(4 '4 : 00. I (t'jv. Wabath Sd SS3... 7.14 I'OOO. ... I O VI, 3000... ... 0834 , 00 71. 1003. . .in. 1 UctrrnElee 5, t t'l '.t ML cm TO 1 I oat, 7000 . 1 ll'J'4 l.i 1.1 vies, i. ntnn m r s.-. 11 a p 4 .000. . iiii V s,tj im s. tl .. I. Central tl pv) 1, -io si 7 w York Central. Neatly one. half of the total turaiier in New York Central on the excharn yesterday nits executed In tne purchi of .l.lno sliutes. Total trading In Ne" York Central i.mouttU.1 to on.y 13 20" shales. A broker acting for a we' known speculative houte n Itl, h halo' ten been associated Willi big tlurkst movemei.ts was lespoiitlble f-r U' transaction, which was put thro'jgh .t fO0t.V) ,7Hlj' UlA 'I'h.n, hssiiimI Ii, bs ltl!k .!., . 'jjc,"'. '''"itV-U I -r"" In the purchase, although tit "coo,",!!! 11 7 4 stock promptly rose " of a point How lfto. ,,.ti7lt ever, as soon as the .Strict had reviver;, toto"5 p'oii frt''" wonilerment at a transaction .vrK4i.ll,..n(llj itl.., eisc 111 a nun 111.11 n.-i t.ttisi Ihe matter decreased Tha exce.It' carnlngi; stateinents of other rai:roid now making tlitir apy.earaiae and t ' probability tliat t lie fnrthroml' r Oentr iTKirt tor l-'cbruary will be eve.. b'.lt than It-, predecessors created little s;tc illative inlere-t and tiie Hock cl-,ed at H'tit, ,111 advattce ot 4 ot a p -1 ' r Tliur.-d.iy-y .losing tuot',tln . nolj I'll Pac cv 4t 'oro n : Awuiminr call for Juns I, tAuutuin call fo- Mar I. 1(14 Hit NEW CITY NOTES. Int. ecu-ttj.lte Par. Dua. Bid. O.fe-. YleM. N8 City I M s Sept. i.'l ion. top, j.u NYl'lir M-S ."ept. l.'U I3J7.1S 111', 3.10 Lite Mock Market, IT.IUAY. M K, li .4 ll-'-ipt- of ' v ere s..i,v h .,, ). liudlns- ivlth , arrivi;- S" .a-s ..r t'l- marl,!.' Me. r- wer.- Iti k-"i,1 ,-ttiutid n-t nrtn. t- .., v . i'i,n , o . nr-u, i.n,i in-' ru to h 01 . t,- ..hv. nrin ,.1 1-,-hli:ill The . em-, I'.nii 111.111 t'i prill, c -tr-ts I--1.I at 17 '! I -I I'l '.II ..-i ioi It.. , I, ul . at f, -i at I ., 1 run, nr. at 17 7'. .r.-s.e. I,- - I I 1 at lllll 4. p. r il I...- . l- 1I-1 .-..1 tntlve side.. t....lii- ..f .....-s isre '.1 1 1,. ol. 11. .lu-itti 3i. Inr Hi' tnarVi-t iio.i-l ... , I...: vrals 'vr Si "tree. httrWr. other, frio. th- .-l. were cj.-at.d. tuuiiiii,i to vhnl -e eal- -old at lals r l"0 '.b- . iil'i. ..t I7n 17.7., 1 c'es it moderate ii man, I lit I'l'vitlv, r.,. ,lt iln-s-ed veils, r.iunlrv dress, d i.a'a i , . o inv. er at l.'m l.,r. Hs.-.tpls ,if she, p an, I. nil-- ,.--e head anil with prevent- arri.i1 tin w.r.- I c,r. on ,.iii. I'll oiai-ti-' 1 Just it-, nit st.ailv. v. I'll netrlv ill t'i urierinr-, -akeu I'.imnioii tn t.rl'in- sli -. , icw,-. .. at 1 1. "I p'r I'"' It- at I I . olilttion to t llr!) prill!" allib. it 11(1 C; 7',. 1 'ills It loi-s.e.l nt,--..-,. t 10.il4, i,r lb (ire...., ' a- 1'- tlv'.. . t few h'.ir or, s.e.i ,1 10. . lOtint.v ,l-e,.s,l In. th. .tl.,- l-iiiihs .it 13 'i it. '.a jisr i in iss Ha. Int. of 11- g. I.ete l..'a ll.-l J -t- , 'tiling til'out 11 carl" id for tin- in.irl.-t I Pri c in r- st-iid ilood medltiin im-, Kl.t. sold ill II" 10 per I"" II'- . riillSll. at 1 '" 1 .T' t' dtissct hoi,, wee- .t ,,d at 10 7111. I Inn.a.llon. fr,,m Si.A P. M. In 4 losing. I Alvt i- cv ss Hen .1 llloti 4. NVt'ltv i. M ! ret. full p-1 -.oiO . 7S.I4 .14,00, , . 1 0VI4 'COO ... I I'V lii.tlllcp.terM N ( It t 1. mi; Am Cot till v .,, -) 7a 4 -vi I oh Iter. ...H7 I rt-cv I) I VV KnMrli 1 Ant-m -If'-c o. .vi.v, -.nt. HOjO 7il l."3) I I Hit l.ri gen t Ni I el cm 4 is, Aml'ATcT4l, 3V1C.. . .7-11? (lot IIH'i Ad Iiimj Pllnnb Stl 414. Serf Mi-ith .Vi 1000 ..l us ( HI ..:himc.7Ii Anno-I'renchi. pioo . Hit. ,s W n.?4 .-,00,1 !l.1l luterti It i' re! .0v0 lllll, 1 .vi" . p 0 '. M Ufll Nor'lil'ac t. irioco. ..H.'.ii loo. nn,i. 7000 , Armour (i.s u, lililj Nortli pe 1 I JV . ...H I vo,xi,, , iiiiv, lroo llll , Al.tnf sh I. 4. Met 4r Ml I. fdg tt t.eni litis rot trust 'r.t .. ,i):i'i lis. lev 41.. lr. 7;l4 OreWath llll A '. ,vo Hilt. ,' n-i CHv ter 4. Nuvp-ft. , H.ln Ml fdg J. v- s-s.1., two HHIj 03.... 1 111 "con s.f, )mH, htls. The Bond .Market. I liven though attlvlty In the aio, !: I Let haa lai;ulshe.l there Is almost t prc-eptlble let up in the riemnnd for h!' grade bunds. H!g dealers ill tV - fl , of security say that while there h.. V tome cr-Hsatloii in the purchase of .,ow by tradeis tiie intiuiry from r.;"tu' ami investors continued excellent Pr.. all indications the offer rt f " I JTa.rino.O00 5 per .eiit. poll bond, of t.-t j 1 'omit on of Cm. id. 1 bv a powe,',, tr, tr.' IPC syndicate 'eslerla ua e- " a" pearalice of being l( ru i(s, rieprit-entatives of .1 I' Mi-"ri" A- t'o., who llt-aiii'-l the rvtd - , , a, ' flint d l i-omiii.'tit on t!.e P,-r -: y teniae be.vonJ kaiuu; , u .1 for the bond, ivtifi extrctnelv ... tory In other ' ivies h. - t ere rumors that the isvje '.-1 iJr-tj lcen, let P ' . 1 I ollllrineil 8 lll.nppoliitoiciil. Iixn llaii 'lr it lv .11 City -o .1- Pae - A T 5 1)1, r.fl,io (in :roo 1 non. lotr . , I 0 1 1. Le lcde C,s. '., H.o ll'lc ml I, I OTO HI "4 Ltcnell A M 3. low . ...H4S. sciri.icr,.i 'If'.. . I O vartr... vkl . .117 8. MA O h-iv c. Steoo l"(i 1118. Si Lotll, 1. vio-ii i r v. ion) . , ,"s.i. .'Is CI tiav A I. 5 ; a I no IV lit Pacific !! .11 ..Dl. I In - A II V. tv-o Hill. " .11'" C, ll cv 414. .'1-0 Slit. t'll.t t! Joint t. I-H'0) H i ,,.1 .1 s-.. mi main ( I lii.l A "1. I. ."010 .. .HM 100.1 IK)., M t en .let. It, cu . .lo,r, I l,sip ,-v .1. . i 1141, -a lly M ,v (Mt .UK:. .Il'll-'t M t cl del, 1. pot' , ...7H,, Judging from tor action . '. t s 01' lite American Hp . I.e.,.-. ., . Ing Company Mrdenlav Wall s'-ee' considerable disappointed :i ,, taken by the . s, -, P-i ton T ie dire, tote au'l.-t' 2c 1 , '' ot inriniift pt. let i. i I - - Ml.lrnri M , 1 16 per it 111 1.11 .lu i..-ii.i .. ' y. f'nin H.i.-i. :i wc. t'" rii,.v-vir r lilt r-nrhieil c-rtttt.-.l.-. . g.tvmtll -----" I I .M A M I' CV IKM N 1 I ,'ll con 4 I I0l . 1 tlfil 1 . HO ti 1,-T, , l hi,.. 4 ... i,t-r ,'i. Nl Ceti j.m I - . I .1 I 10 ,-','V ' IU" I .1(1 t, N S 4'lt) 4i. 3, fci .t-ll. s-ni V,) 1. '.-m 1 1171. looor ....7S1 11 rc I 11714, 1 ).... 1 041, I ( 1 inln 1 ol tr .v Nuvt-mliiT 'if 11., j, 7 Its 'no 1 117 .eoe UHls ( .."iiii 4, t-030 .. I 0714 I i'l Total Isnitl .al, . par t Hii-i (l.;IS,i,Ulll) t Hi it t. e were to have n 1 . 1 ti l.i.t c v , per sll.l-c In I -rr Lie .oiliiti -it . .. . ti.i.,.. ,n ., .1... .11....1, ..n Jan A P.talt ' ' ' to,,i ' t!44 t pany's as'ets. Tltc : Ki I'acille cv 1. 1 pei-u led lo ,1 diffc-i- 1 A l retl t ,e tt ' , to 7 4 nt. 1 ' ' 'I 2 ', poll !s ,.'. 1-. plan fron, H'.Mj s, ;w ,-m t" 1 .'.,-- :. V lu. 1 I lur.l Av.ret t, local M'JIj t nnuii'j.4 tt ' ") ,. H7U V .-. IPCl .( ) I iiii. 11 Piielnc Ibiriiltiu e'e ise net of Killtl nf litis. Ilesi- of ovvi . .104I4I Pacltle was able t, W.I T BID AND ASKED PRICES. t'lo-ini.- prices of etockh In which tilde were 52 52 111", 110', ' s4 7 v;, ' 1167. 814 18 ' 15 1. j 15 144 277. ,,1284 ,' 311 ITi.,' 90 llo 14 1167,.' 814' Is 4 .1. 154 4.14 2 s 1284' 664' 77 I 201.'.' is 911 1014 -t 2 'lol.-ll s.lles lii-il.iv, ii8,soo shiili t. .-.tliio il.i) I9I5.3T.1.50O. .Iiniiinr.v I In (Kilo. iu,i. a'.. "ti r-iiini. pi-lion ii'io. i.i,ou;',iioit, Wlien- is "f" follows 11 iiiiit,'iiiui 11 ini'icntcs n 1,1,1 mf,.,. f,,i- lo sluin's SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. 1 DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. TIHHSHAI , Paid by Siili-1 ri-asitry lu hanks I l.i;.,i'.t'0i) Paid Hv li.nli. to Mili-'l risisur.v . I.nnn.nan Ices tn hanks mi da)'s Iran. ai'llnll.-. 13111 OHO HI.S'l'i: I'lllll.M LAM' I'nld l.v ,-uli- Pre isur) t,i l,.i nli. I , 1 1 ti mid Paid In- I. inks tn full I'lcasul) 1 3.10,0,111)11 Isiaa In banks . , ,'.,,'.'.'ii,00il la'sa lo UHiikb aa me pgilu-i pre tloua ieik 7,464,004 itiviiii:i p.waiii.i: i '.niipaii) niid 'I criu r-'lk .'hl'iik'i' ItiirllUKtiiii ainl ipii ie Itattioitd ipiat i-t-li II, l .-.,'. . i'titulir, pi r 1 . 1 1) . . . . t .no lleriiilrs I'mvil. I, cxtla ... iiiin lliillii-stal.0 Mlnliik, 1 1 1 .... 1 1 1 1 v .. Mavny llll, 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - K,voy oil. .Mra Union Tank Lint,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. Virl li pf 1. 1 -.1 nr-u M.rshpll. I lli mi , tn . i t-AI' pi I HI'.. Viiii'o.l -.'H C.iPrpl ll'i'. j l ..'II pi IOI Xnillspf IK I VniVlnll I V-ll I 0.", ' Vin-iiutl I.e. ii.-npr mi VinTilAl li'. ' V..ct.HI .1 ' hmi Mir i i pr . - , V .. t I.I t. , Vlll'iil.l llll , Habile, pfllis lli-lll-ll I II, I'l IH't.illl pi 1 1 I , III.I.Mil'ii l'." 1 1.. Mill' Hihi'IiI pi llriiunsli -.J Hu.Hli- pf '.17 111 nnl c- I"'. Hill HAP 'II Hllllll'pf I I I I iiiii n.ii priii.'. ' Hu-hTei- IU- lint 1 1 rt. I.. "J"', I'.lliMl ,S'j I 'Hiii.rN i-.'.'o CciiAsATll.c Cl-itli pfllll ClilA.Mt Chl.vM .r I'J I'llNW lit 170 ChSI'AO 11.', CliM'll pflllll I'l 'I 'AM I. II I'lcAI'llk 7U , Cl. , P-p . Hi', I I'l. II I' 71 ciui-ii pf in; ', I'olA-o 27', t nl- .'J pf 11 ti'oiiipTIl 1 1 '. 4'oltlti. I III, III, I' I ' I I'lintCati -I i nun ' pr in; I'rlpCr . CiipCrpf. II il Ar.icn ...ti. lot I n"i 117 us Hi'.". la in, ... i i ij lo io i 1 1 J lin I l.'i lr. I.H in lis ' llll. I III III. ll.'ll III I. -a I II 1 1 J -I Cu iu-ii :!!.- I i'n -ii plin.i Dhj HAL an 1 1, U lin, I I ."at I HAM Ji:. ! Di.T.' pf 'l D.llAIHIr - 1 DIHlr pr I.. ' Di-ir.d l.ll , IMAM -O Dt-t.v M pf t-ts.. I let I n .-.'. 1 Dill AA. I i Dili A pr l.i, Kl.v-ioiH i'.'JI.j LticAPlts 1'c.lMA- S'7 I'Mlwll 1'JIS I'WIwii prp.MI. ' liW II. llll h.74 li til I -r lltlj I ii-lll ll.-,JI liV'l h I il lit It f till, licllMo. IMI ll.i, L:-k , -, Il.trN.I -r 11,14 , Hid Cor prion lilt ', ntr il In.lij I in N i.- pr.i in .li hi II pr In .1 Is'i-f I 1'fll'J jii'Mi' pr i; c I t .1 Al or ,-,s , Ivivi.tllM I MiM pr lv. II) pi cn, l.e-li-ili-ll ; Liit-icAw. ii I.LVv pr ;;j laeTli-c .VI , I.UMTo '..'.tl l.MI'.i 1 1 1 K laillllanl 1-7 i I a-l lll.l l,r IIJI, i LANii.l, I'.'.", lai-e. W It Hi ' L II I pr 7 I.W II J pr ol ' Mack, 'o- 7tl MitllHIl I MlillMliit 1 1 Mlltspt III ltd A.ltn! B.41I I l.M '.'III ti.i III I ' . Ill', ittno III! 4-0 .1.1 ll'l 1117 llll I I 'J llll sli 141 - .ir, 07 'i llll ' II .Mll, I ISM I-', s.1 .Ml Mil il Hill. I MnvDiiSI -HI I pi U. 40 iMlchUtu, 10.'. MA-ll 1,1 M-ll'AS-i , M Ilia, M.-il'As- I Mm ' -M-H'.V i Ml.l. 71 MI'Allpf 7lh' . Mlv.VI I ', MKA I'pf III', Mo'P I pr U', Mil' pr I IS' , Mi.Pac I', I Mnl'cil I . Mir.'.i: -iiij NCA-tL I'.M Nat 111. IS'I Mil. I'f I'Jt'i , M 'A- i'l Itlst, Ni.lKA- J, NI.Aspr HI NLcnl 1.114 Ma-ad pf.ll.l . Nat 11, i.r , M i nr - ! Nat ll) of I M J pt ti', NM'A-lL:it4 , NSCA-tl, i.r 7- I NCAML ' j nr mi I.NllliK-i. Ill', ' n Dkpr i- NM.AW III', Norr-n 'Jo NfAWpf -ll', rvorin lnt ti'i Noli I'A I.. 7'J NWTAT .VJ.. PaliHi-pl Pe( 'ni.t Pact' I pi. Pact "j i.r, Pa.-TA I'.. I'lATpf Pet A M I'.V.M I pi' rcnr.i; n PCI AMI, 7 i PCCAMl. pr ihi I'lillaCtt II iiiHii i.r. . iih ITMiicpr.iw), no traiikacii.iiis Hid Ake.l l .1 i-'i 117 -nc tl., , ISO i r , Ills pi1 Ml' M 7'J t'.'l .I'l 111 1.1 I'll ; it. I Ati.ei) ll)-ll-pl. l"i 07 IliadJpf C Hi', H. p-il pr Hen, In-n, I2J Hi" kl.l , ' ; lluimlyct 1 1', I.. I Pi , li ii'in l.v pt ct 'jj :io vi Ml.-., l.i ir mi,- sl.s. pr to 1 1 4, s.-al.Mrl. Lit, it,.. tl -cahW.pra..', ,ii,;4 ii;t . M trs-lt priv., -.'i, II a Moss--h .-al ;,s .-. -i...s t.r. in .,. 1", -I'!', vie sli) MAO. 70.- tut .-iiini-opi.iii IJI Tcvl'c l. T. Ills-; 'UCorl. 17' 'J,.: iWa" '"V. H7'! 1 t-l.v w pr -or 1 ,-t :i III Til. AM t.r. i . it I -1 vi l llll. I-PI llll If. I'lill.tP k', -' , i'i.r :..i ..i i l CiwMU ic" t.l , I CUM l III- " llll ! cu-pr ii , I.. , l 11) in pr s"i ,ii , Dm. pr ui MM Pin .-,.' .,1 I -l.M I'l Hit in., i I sllvp l.'i in - c-HMipr i , j. ' I'f llll III ValCAC. ,1J .Mi VullAP mi i i ) lire ,'jiij o.r, ill ) II pi. 1 14 Mill) .Ol '... 2.111 uiitAi.i: 'j-, .i MAI.Clpfll. I,. WM.K'J pr a 4 i W bt Yll .1 1 .1 , ' "I'v HIV .1.1 HM- VI t.t IIHl kit p.. IJ M in iji, mi 104 'Kx iiii i, I, nil Whfl-i- a 'V ' Mlhm. a I ., 11 .1 1 i 1 .1 1 it ind, call-, a n. ill' nfli-r It..- lv tharr RAILWAY EQUIPMENT BONDS. I he miloutng are ntiotcil nn s 1 1 rcctltaco h. - s ill-.- I. l ,nt It' l iml Line I allliilosciV lllll . Itul Unci A Put. I'-illaillall Pacltle Car rllnillA Olllil I I , .,V lillio Chic on. A Minn cii'it- Niiri'iwctrrn ( li U.k 1-1.4 Pae.. ( In -t L.v N O Cle i 'In I 'hi A .-I L. . II. 'I.V lin, I-., n f ri.- II tlii o el lin. tint X'atlev llllnoN Cctilr.l I nillsA N.i.ll tin Kail.v I'eta. MWnilll Piclllc N 1 ('"tnr.-tl Line, Nii-fiilU A W.-strrn N 1 8 HA II ... Pa li.-ll IVrlnht . M I. I M .1 south. SI I iV -alt I rallt'lMSl Seal n,i-it Air I ill" v,nitltt ill Pacill t-n ittu ru lii.lliiay Ma'tirltv.llate. laid '.'.I i"itt :i 111 1) tvis ; I 'ii-v I n.s-.M IK'S 7 . HI4..M t..J7 PIS Jl fllS.Jt n nb:i lll'-SI Ikltl.JJ Itld-Sl ii"-:i .1114-.'. riid.34 M14-7I isKt IVIn-Sl l llil U miti .') tWrt .'I im ji I'd' "t t'i 4, 4 ,-3 1' 4', 4 I f '4 4' ,.5 3 i tl, r 4li-5 i .1 3 4'.-l 4', It 4.1", 4' i l'v.1 H'd .t.lcl. 4 ,'.i , nn 4 . 4 f. 1.31 4 .13 4 411 3 l 4 .") f ?! 4.31 41 4 ;n 4 .'.'I 1.41 ..'t 4 ;". 3 V) i'.jo 4 40 I !i 4 4) I .' I '1 3 7i I l.l 4 .',' 1 .11 , I.) , 4..'-, 4 .'il 1 I I 4 .'1 4 t 4.11 -.75 ! 4 IS I I JO I I" 1 4 .'I , spile of -he publ!.-..' ' able carnlCL's stale , and the eliillt mot I.- . 21'. Net ri venues pa'ii.- those of the (.-rrcspi- .'. t, afn, Mil1)!- ntal tip. I i l-V-Tiiai '- i ct c ." I .' f S.ltn.l'vii. Ti.. t, . !3.JI6.6s.:. while ll ainiiillite.l to 12. TT ' '.s. I..1VO.T2.'. over I'V l; .fi I IllOtlll IS I'lOlll Jill - .' the total opei.itii,), i' 136 12. showed ,,ii l.i. l. 'i IX. 137. While the Hot re. V.".'.8s7, to j:hi.T3'.i 1 atllig iticolne ui., 1 1. e t" f 2T,IT7,324. f I MUNITION STOCKS. Ila'clt cr la pp.. I nli A petition ''i bat k i, lili-l against fh.nlii. W business as eiiailie ' . i' '" " II. Pi uci.p. Illll-.l. ,, I Mlcl.els. JS0. l: is .' .s i insoheiit, made pr, I- i ' Ja, ! of .'.0ll and r. moved i in) ei li l.lalilliiics .,..' S I -3 anil assets' ,pollll,, Clllilli-s I. ii I bond $. illO 4 t.' 4 C, j ri 5 on l-'rcdd ick , ,',i ' 13.1HI0 ; Nettle 4 it' 4 71 Ai-itia Ei I new. At 'l a I vpl Pt Vuii'ii. all Ilri... Atit. Pointer ,ti is P..M.I.-I- ir llits-i.-l. , Wlleiu . IIII., I . iih.-, i: w pf entail i round A Po-g ( Hiiadl in l.tpl! ill 1 vpl pr Carlton sic I t.t pf CarlHin -lui ,'d pr Colls Arm. Cit.'kcr M hccli't- I IU Plllll I'lllV ll.'lt 1 1,1 Pont P .1.-1. , pr . Hi n iiic. Pow lletcuie. Pow pf . l...UIn. Ml. n pf Mh-s. Mcini ul I'niid Mies, bi-nii-tit Pond nf S.tnill Mr l o winch Hip Aruu . . Lt diudenl I per ceul. 1 evi.Tdiyj ' iv Hid X-k'r Hid AvUtvl, i I VI , VII ,, ji" ;7v ioi lei 73" "4il -Vi In' ;"' lo.' no Ul 1-3 I.'l I'J l',l . l'i Hit l il V. 71 vv 17! .'iH Id i', i SIM 3 n SOU Jt'l ii" in lu nn vi '5 SI S'i ol st ia ,t , H'l ,M M, mi , la; :m ii.- ioi 41 131 fill M pc. io4 nn is'. .fl i l.ll j ii; i.. ;t i.'i i VI (,.-, t:.'. i.'. r- ..i I'Vl PC. 101 g. ,i . t . u.'i I 1.1 .0, SMI V4l J. K. Rice, Jr. V Cn. Deal In (lMIIlllll "f llHiiUn 'I rnl lliillalo niii-r A l.r.i. I'ltiiltnt'iilHl I ii"ti nt im i:. Wl" llirrlitiiMi N. li.inl. hit. Ai lit tnn I d i i I i t ( Iiuit-oII.Kkii.i l.l lilt! I. in ii!inth ( Mkta-lltfllel.rillt Nl'W .Ifl M'J iin I'hrlpi-. ItinU.- A I llini' tlrH A I nppi'i i HI liiiiiifm liirlnv Irltir I hII.(m, Mm 'tin Int'lic-alrr Iti-iir iliiit: ' Hlilnc(nii 1fi t A Oiilnin- J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co Phoiii s tool 1 M ll