Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1916. 20 4 M i m FATALLY HURT RESCUING TWO WOMEN IN FIRE Skull of Kenneth Tt. Collins, Plnsh Manufacturer. Frac tured In Full. HE CARRIED VTCTTMS DOWN FIHE ESCAVK GIRL WINS FATHER AND $100,000 AT SAME TIME Kenneth Ti. Collins, 30 yeais old, presl-1 Sent of the, Collin & Alkman Company, dealers In plush at 13.". Klflh avenue, and 11vln at 223 West Klghtleth .street. waa fatally Injured last evening while trying to rescue two women from a moke filled flat nt t West Klghty elxth afreet, lie managed to enrry the women down a tire escape from the third to the second floor ami then fell to the I eWewalk with a ladder which he was attempting- to put In position In order to finish the descent. His skull wait fractured and his left shoulder wan broken. Mr. Collin mat taken unconscious to the Knickerbocker Hospital, where he died late last night. Although there im much hustling S.monff the tenants to reach the Htreft. and several narrow escapes wero re-1 ported, not a person In the eight families ' was hurt. Among those rescued was Mrs. J. K. Michaels, an elderly blind woman. Tell I'olli-einnn. Rnn to At 9:3i n'iliM.1, h )oung man lan to Policeman Howelcn at Klgiity-rlghth street and Columbus avenue and tol htm that great pinTs of smoke were Is suing from the cellar of the lilUott Hat on the northeast comer of I'lghty-Mlxlh street and Columbus avenue. How den sent In an alarm iinvl rati to the build ing. He found the smoke dciutcst on the Columbus avenue side under the fur store of E. St. Schwarts. The policeman bounded up the stairs leading to the apartments and on the second floor met flalstead llynard an he .was lending out his mother, sister and his blind grandmother. Mm. Michaels. Howilen took charge of the women and llynard ran back up stairs, to get other tenants. The apartments 1 .. j, , t . ...1. I.,. . i " 'in. iioe-ei u. mis uinu woo mount: t)lleh etirte,! i in u,i nlr uliuft I) On the third Iloor Mr. llynard saw Kenneth 11. Collins, who was carrying n n umbrella and a brief case, lead Mrs. Ulla lanlwlg Mini a Mrs. Mull'iy through an open window lo the lire escape. Mr Collins had entered the building for the purpose of making tesciies and found the women helpless In the smoke. When Mr. I'olllut rcachcel the lire eacape platfmm he calmly dropped his umbrella and brief case over the railing, nnd carried Mr. laidnlg In hl arms to th" second floor l.imllnc while Mrs. Mai ley climbed down behind him. I 1 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSBBBBBBBRSBBBBBBBBk. ' i' " - s "',;.'''"il::illl ! 'V 1.. W' t? I BBBBBBBBBBBl . !U "V o W 1 1 If V3S. J SBBBBBl " . ' 1 1 iiai-i-.-v Hi sbbbbbbi v x--. in i pirns.:- X .. RUNS AUTO ON GREEN GAMBLING WAR TO STUFF AND WATER HIT REALTY OWNERS Prof. Knriclit Says Compound j ' Swann and Wood Dccidi to Ih So Simple Any One Could Make II. Prosecute Property Holders VIh Went to Card Men. COST J 1-4 CENTS HALLUX j WAHXINttS WILL HE SENT Kouls Knrlcht, chemlat and Inventor i of Karmlngdale, f. 1.. has. or ilalms to have, a liquid that will make gasolene la thing of the past, put automobiles within almost every one reach and break the Standard Oil Company's con trol of the petrol market A transparent greenish liquid Is the new genie of the automobile. Four ounces of It, I'ror. Knrlcht sa.s, mixed n-lth (Uc gallon of plain water such as Is ued for sprinkling lawns, will make live gallons of motive power more stable nnd explose than gasolene. And the beauty of It Is that the preparation ex clusive of the water, will c,ot only l'.i cents a gallon. lie nas been working on his fluid for i three years, the chemlet -aid yesterday 'when a half tln.cli newspaper men went After a conference yesterday between WOMEN DEMOCRATS CLASH AS TAMMANY ITES SECEDE Club Election Attended by Fuss Over $2 Fee in Which the Words, "a Bunch of Cats" Figure, and Every . body Tries to Talk at Once. Beware! Dltrlet Attorney Swann nnd I'ollce Com missioner Wooda both said. In announc ing that a brisk campaign would be un dertaken airamst uambllnc houses, that I the tmmi.s of hullillncs 111 which gam bling houses nrj allowed to locate would find themselves In trouble with the county pio'-ecutor's olllce. Them Is a law fm bidding owneis or agent- to lent their property knowingly for gambling purpofcs. Not many pins-c-ciitloim have been made under It be-c.-ium; ll lias been hard to prove guilty knowledge. Hut the two otllclals agteed upon n course of procedure whereby they will provide the necessary knowledge to thuM) owners who allow their propcity to ! used for gambling ihiiimscs. The police, according to the plan, will M'liil infill miition Itnmeilliilely to the Dis trict Attorney Winn they learn that T.iniiu.iiy ll.tll seceded from the Woman's Democratic Club yesterday. Led by Miss Julia I.. Sanders, chairman of the Woman's' Democratic Committee ot the Fifteenth Assembly district, and Mrs. .Mary M. Lily, lawyer nnd the Tarn many candidate to succeed Mrs. John Hlicrvvln Ciosby as president of the club, it siiuc of Wigwam Hilmlrets inarched between the L'tosby and aiili-t'insby I factions. i "Hy the way," she said. "Just before the meeting began 1 asked Mrs. Skoog It she couldn't tlx It up ho I could vote. It being In doubt whether my dues had i been received In time, and she, w.tld, "Oh, )cs, we can tlx It up. Of course oil' will tote for the admlnlstintlon candi date, Mrs. Illrsf." 1 said no. I vVas going ( to vote for .Mrs. Lily, and then there, whs ii lerv liele entlhle change In her away from the biennial election at tlioj nilpPOt, she didn't think then that sho I Intel Artor. They announced that they would resign and form a club of their own, but later they decided to stay In the piescnt organization and worry tho opposition. "If they do." said Mrs. Crosby, founder and retiring president, who! ruling caused the exodus, "we'll make It hot for them." Inspired by Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. Charles 1. Hirst, the nvvv president (Mrs. l''s'-') appointed a com mittee to revise tlu constitution so any body who annoys the president can be put rli! lit mil. liver since this club was founded in lOfij It has been a leal lively nrganlza- gambling or dlsoideilv liouo has been tloti. What with llrst this little thing iiicnid. The District Attorney will lui- nnd then that little thing. Its meetings mediately send for the owner or agent , "Id generally be depended upon to lur- out to see how It workid. At last, foiirj weeks nco. he solved the problem, tie I said, and since then he has been ill lying .his two automobiles about the little vil lage without ever btoppltig nt the local ! . .7.1 "a 1 lite premise-., lay l-'foi.. him the evi- entertaining copy when reporters a gallon and still going up !';"; u,Fn ''" ;' Hill K liiomiseil to .iccmie white ''"' law If the mvnei oi ag. . it con ; lines eleph.ui- on li s bands lie cannot fnl- " 1" lb-i'laie to b. ued Illegally he low an.v of the usual of . ' ' " r, li.uiHir liable to proeeutloli fo; , is discovery on llie maiket He caniiot a u-li-ny , fotm a cniuiianv and patent the fluid, nor J mis ni-inoii, sain ine uisuici .iiornev, ineie is in possnniny oi vet ll It to any hlg corporation I h ingredients of the snpet-gasolene are so Iniplc, he confesses, that any In man owning a machine could go to the diug store and buy a few ounces of them, mix them together, slop at the town pump and then laugh at the garage man. Beatrice Arabella Barker. Patent Xot Fraslble. To patent It would be as bad. Trim tn 1'iibniik t.ndiler. Policeman Powdcn called to Mr. t'ol lrna to take the women In the second story window. I'nlllns, however, at tempted to unhook an IS foot ladder hanging from the third story' platform and lower It so as to suspend It from the second story platform, but In so doing he fell with the ladder to the sidewalk. Tho ladder struck Policeman Ames In the back, knock'ns him down. Collins crumpled up on the pavement and Dr. Leddy took htm to the Knickerbocker Hospital. In the meantime Policeman How den rescued Mrs. Ludwig and Mrs. Malloyl from the lire escape by wav of a window , and escorted them to the etreit. I The blii7. whs coiiilneil principally to j the cellar, although It did omc damage to ijehnarus fur ittore. The los was placed a jr.,000. Mrs. Katlicrlne .1, Adams, the victim In the celebrated Roland B. .Mnllimciix case, ran a tenant In the flat House when she died In 19S. The dictum, as laid down by Justice of the Supreme I'oint, Hpsik- that Heatrlce Ar..,lla Hirkcr. IT ears old. Is legitimate a to her father. whether her mother acted In good faith or not, and Is therefore entitled to share In the ll.noo.notl estate of her grandfather, Charles darker, who died In Hrookljn In 1 T r, . was unanimously sustained by the Appellate Division es tuday. Justice Thomas writing the opinion. I'nder this decision Miss H.uker will ' Inherit about Jloa.Of'O from the estate,! which was held in trust tluough one generation and Includes the premises M.w occupied b Frederick l.ocser , I"". In Kulton strret. The decision does not hettie the legitimacy of Miss Marker aa to the mother, but that had been done alieady In an action trhsl before Jutlce Aspl nn 1 1. Miss darker Is the daughter d Mrs. Kftelle D'Tgeloh and lives at Hrnoklme, Mass., with her mother and stepfather, Henry I". Dorgeloh, llnston manager of Pie Line. Met father. Charles S. Marker, died In 1!0I and Ma widow suliseiiientl,v was married to Dotgeloh, tint before either of these marriages, vvlien less than H years ai. toe girls motlier had con tiacted another marriage with Alphonse Murtha. Ibis marriage had never been voided either hy death or court decree. It is belli that the girl's father ciilcrcd into h s marriage in gooil faith, believing that his wife had never married or fore. It was Mis, Dorgeloli's complicated martal ndventurie which gave rise to the iicf.tlon of her daughter's legitimacy and led lo four veals of litigation and several suits. The other Hirkcr hlr. nine in number, raised the iiuestioii when .Mrs Dorgeloh undeitook to Miter her I o msh'er as n party to a partlt on su't. Tool contended that the girl was not entitled to shale In the estite. ar Mi" Dorgeloh had another husband (Muriha) living when elic was man led to Marker. Mrs. Dorgeloh took the matlir before Justice Kapper, who dismissed It on perjured lecitmony, Mrs. Dorgeloh al leged, Thereafter Justice Hlackmar de cided in favni of Miss Hallo r. bill failed to clear the mother's name. So Mrn. Doreeloh htoucht an action to annul tier marriage to Murtha. After considering the evidence Justice Astilllall El anted Mrs. Dnrgeloh'ji peti tion, She testified that she was .voiing nir.1 stagestruek when the marriage oc curred and that she had always looked upon it as a mock marriage, although a iergvnian perfonned the ceremony. She thought the marring) icrt.tlcate would help her obtain a theatrical engagement, she sold. Murtha. as keen for nil annulment as the plaintiff, corroborated her testimony So Ml-s, wins m every phase of the litigation, her right 'o Inherit lie'ng established and her legitimacy on both sides. MERCHANTS WIN RECRUITS. 1,400 ON MYSTERIOUS LORIMER GOT SI, MO ,000 STRIKE AT HASTINGS 'TO BE COUNTED' BY U. S. for tlve cents would bring a enpv of the papers from Washington to nnv one, aim me fo-inula c nitd be obtained As long as th" nvenige autninob.'.ist made enough only for himself nnd d.d not sell It nothing could be done "The '.dm I have." said I'lof Knricht, "i to get the lioveinment t" pay me an award for m discover) as a public benefit. Knlllug In this. I may try to get the autoinoblli makers, whose bus!- ne-s has been Injuied bv t ie hlgl l of gasolene, to nav me im uu fi inula ,11 the liiteres s ,if their lniM'ies I do not wont a fortun- I have tvvrntv other ti-.i.eiils isMied to me and o fair Income ft ion them, hut 1 onl.v want a fair le turn (or my vcats of labor on Hit dls. covci v . "Would 1 sell It to the Standard Oil t' ?" he siiaii'ed back the ipies tlon when It was Hiked. "I would not. t want lo leeak the Sl'Uidard nil font Imny. 1 am not a so, i.ilNt. except In tlieor). but 1 want the people to get the benefit of this Would flic Standard i ul Company sell m.v preparation it t a few cenls an ounce? fs It selling gasolene lit a fair price now ? "Hcshles, I Imve another icnsoii. Twenty years ago lleii-j M. l'laglcr re fu.ed nie the frnlt.s of in labu when I hi ought out an Invention fiat the Standard ull I 'nnipany sought The oinvauy was then sending about 40, bairels of o,l abroad a yem. The learrelM had to b" lined to prevent wiistage. I devcb'p'd a cheait, noil-! cracking lining. Albeit A Drake, thru! Hie "Nistor of the Stock Exchange' and 1 in) friend, financed nic W; wint to si d It. A demonstration wis given. Mi.' Diake askrd" for me M l"lg- 1 lor laughed a bin and said he'd give H "ifin, I was inr and wanted to sell. but rat'"-- than see ui" lose llk -le unking every landlord or agent nu ally of the District Attorney In ridding this oil) of this evil. No owner of real es tate wants, to l.e In ought Into court for 1 nowlngly ernilttlng his premises to Is) used for IIDgal purposes. I am goltu to hit every head I see In tills frlglitful evil and I kunvv 1 am going to have the cooperation of every department In the city. "Wherever a Magistrate falls to do his duty 1 shall have the evidence sunt lief ore tho itiand Jury. Personally I feci that ill" cases would belter be sent to Special Sessions Court for trial, but on occasions it will ieiinru Indictments to make those in the game take notice that gambling must be stamped out In tills lit)." Magistrate Ten II) ck In the Tombs police court yestcrd.i) held for trial eight men charged with gambling who had weie allowed in. Hostilities .visterday began when Mls .Minnie Schancs. who louteiided that she had Jollied and paid her i" in plcnt) . time lo comply with til Mile that a member iutlt have be loi.gcd thirl) da)N to vote and talk at the election, tried tj make a speech. rnolil fW II on. The Taniniiiny-Llly faction, suung together vvllli Uh skirts held carefully 1 awn) from the rnisliy mcium, sincaciro nuil (lien groaned. "The electioneering that has gone on hcie Is shameful." cried Mrs. Lillian It. Slie, one of the Lllyltes. "There Is Miss Mnrv Donnelly distributing the nd- . .. . ., ...... I...- ..I Ii'm lilliusiraiioii uchci hkoi iifii- .'. . " , n na Insi ih.. law to do anything of the' sort within thirty feet of the polls." VVi 4 tit This is the moth four times enlarged that deposits the eggt that produce the larvss that feed on fun. Safety Storage for Your Furs Here, on the toth floor of New Wanamaker Building, wheie it is always Winter, and dry. Telephone Stuyvesaut 4700 Extension 136 or 137. JOHN WANAMAKER Broadway at Ninth speaker Cat Slmrl. "Miss Donnelly," Mrs. Crosby ill lected "Our Mary" In n long suffering tone, "gather up those tickets )ou uav distributed Mui talk about election- .ring.- she went on. llMng the Lllyltes tlirirm Afl pit) PDAMT Willi her "women have Is-en stand- NIKliK IIH IIK. IlKANI lug around tight by the door with perfect iUUUU VI LMli UllfUl 1 bunches of the oilier ncaeis, sayiim, at the tops or their Honest th,. Moth Talk a Once. "Sit down," commanded Mrs. Crosby. "Von haven't belonged the requisite thirty clays." "I can't help It If the postman didn't deliver my money order," cried Miss Schancs. Moth women talked at once for scvernl minutes, but Miss Schanes with onlv a voice w.-ih no match for Mm. Croshv wltn I her voice mm her gavel. up in ine ircasuicr s cieto;. "Hive me inv $2 back," she demanded. "A bunch of cats; I wouldn't be seen belollgilK; to )ou." -nil. very well,- eahl Hie treasurer. 1 .virs. .. i;mil Sl.oi.g, and clutching her 2 .Miss Schalies maiehed lo the door. "I can get a nice dinner with this." she lem.irkiri, As c-he went out she iiioiignt 01 mineming to contribute to few Vote for Mis. Lily voiies." Li crv body talked at onre then for some 1. me. but at length Mrs. Cioeby succeeded In dealing the :rr. with th" aid of hoi gavel, so nominations loiitd be made Mrs Site placed Mrs. Lilys name In nomination, and she had a nice little speech, ornamented with a few Morlcs, all ready. Hut Mrs. Crosby cut her short "Out of order . talking too long." she said, pounding her gavel. "Oh. very well. If I can't tell t stories I'll leave," said Mrs. She. "And Mr. Lily wants her name with drawn," cried nil agitated woman In lav ender, who proved to bo Mrs. Lily her self. Then the Lll.vltes arov and filed out, leaxlmr the Crosbvitcs to hold a nice She inarched j quiet, harmonious, unanimous election all by themselves, Mrs. Harrison lirey the Lllyltes, shool. out In the hall. "This Is disgraceful." she said. "1 I have been In Albany for two weeks, and WEDDED BY CONTRACT Itllllclifff (il'lllllllltl' Itt'l'OIIIPS r.riilc of Iliii'vnril M,i 11 in I'liiisiuil .Miinncr. discuss nu thai was already going on been a 1 ivied ten davit ago bv Dan I'ottgau's sipiad Judge wanu gave .111 opinion appioi- log en id playing under ceita, n conditions. ! 1IrriT1 . . . ruvrr,r;".,n c,uta! WIFE A HOME VIRAGO, The underlying Idea Is the linmtunl parlclpatlon In gaming as a iiuuie) making pursuit. The cpiestlun would be, whether II Is a gambling establishment which .vields the proprlttor or proprie. I tois a i nut mi the games plavcd iheiein , . "This olll, e does not lake the position that nietel) by playing a game of diaw poker .1 man coiistltu:i himself a gamb le r, but on the contraty that game nr all) other soeial game may be pi ived In a man s club or In Ids home pro-' vliled the 'club' Is not organized for the! purpose of gambling, and providing the mei" plaving of games at th" club Is a meru incident of the purposes of the club, and not its main object." I mhnlled the orderly way the latuie conducted Its business, can't we women do the same"" "It shows we're not tit for the yet," napped Mrs. Saudrts. Legls- Why v otc ELOPING BRIDE WAS SAYS SCHOOL TEACHER HOUNDED BY SLEUTHS Very ('r.'ii'inus OhImMp. Hp AtliN Thi'ditPtiPri lo Kill j Hop, Ts Ilpply. i HAT SALE TO HELP WAR FUND. Total Nnvr Is 4,1117 In t'nmpnlgn for n.OOO Vleiubrrs. This city Is Just ahout twenty-eight times morn populous than Portland. Ore., but Its Merchants Association Isn't twenty-eight times as big as Portland's by liny menus, which Is one of the rea son, the .Merchants Association of this city Is hustling for a ."i.OUO enrolment. Hard, unselfish, enthusiastic work brought the membership up to 1,497 yes terday, which Is about the same aa sa.v in 4.600. On Thursday, April 'JO, when the campaigners meet nt luncheon in tint Hotel Itlltinorc. Arthur Williams, Will iam C. Hreed. Clarence Whitman, Silas 1). Weflli. Waller Scott, Charles It. Uimh and other enthusiastic workers In the cause expect to close tho membership roll with the tlve-tlioimaudtli man. Major-lien. Leonard Wood will bo the guest of honor at this luncheon. Among tho recruits enrolled yester day wein ex-Sectetary of War Henry L sitlmsou, Morgan J. O'Mrien, William M, Dyckman. ex-Attorney general of the United States (it-orge W. Wlckershani nnd K. P. Ilntehlns. Tho merchants committee, which did the hest work for tho day, was committee 10 K. A. Muscheulielni, W. ( Miischeiihchn. Andrew A. Hull ton and Thomas M, Oebovolse. I'orpiffiiprs Kniplmril hy Nn tinniil Conduit Cm. Ilnvc Trou ble liivt'iiliiiir Dciiiiinds. llllt fioVPIMIIIIPIlt Kllt'W l.otiii. He Snys Contrn difts Foi'iriiii Tostimoiiv. of 1 $307,130 FOR SALVATION ARMY, CaaapnlKti to lie HaUe anoo.ooD will t'ontlnord. Disappointed but not discouraged, the Halvutlou Army announced yesterday that ll would continue Its campaign to rulao fSOfi.UOn until Tuesday or Wednes. day of next week, or perhaps longer. At noon the clock In front of the cam paign lieaihiuarterj, at fill street registered $:t07.1 30, completing the sixth rtay. To-day was to havo been the last, but owing to the unusual number of war relief organizations collecting money Just now unexpected tiltlleultles have con fronted tho campaigners. Yesterday's total was $ll,'-'i", the Y M, A. team leading with subsci lp- ( tiollh of Jt.KSu. The next highest was .lolui Allen's bukluess men's team with IJillO. I An omcer or the army said some large HvsTlMis, N. Y., April H. 'Hie thoii saiid four hundred empIo.vces of the Na tional I'oudult ami Cable Company are now out on strike. Seven hundred men from six depart ments Joined the "n who went out yes Urday and with the aid of Sheriff Wcl saiidanger of Westchester count) per fected some sort of organization to-dav and appointed a committee to discover sonic demands to make. There Is considerable mystery about the strike and many rumors concerning Its origin. The company employs ,1,r,lil men and since the outbreak of the war has beu engaged III the nianiifiictnrii of munitions. The men on strike lire nearly nil foreigners and are not mem hers of any labor union, local or Inter national. They weie not known to have a griev ance until )esterilay morning, when the men of the sheet department suddenly told their foreman that If lie did not give them an advance of per cent, In wages they would unit. He asked them 1 lo see the higher officials, but lliey would not wall, walked out and carried I oilier men with them. The others Joined ' them to-day. Hi-causo of the violence of the strike four years ago President of the Village ' Thomas J. Goodwin sent for the Sheriff. That offcer managed to get 500 of the ' cTien Into a hall on Washington avenue to learn ivhat It waa all nlsiut Heyond saying they wanted more money the men I could tell iilm nnthiiig. 1 ' Thereupon the Sheriff In a speech sug- gested that a committee made up of two men from each department be appointed. He tol dtliem they must formulate de I mands and present them to the company. He told them they must formulate de I disorder or he would have to lake action. I Thev must stay home and keep unlet, not lli.-vuo. prll It nx-Senator l.orl mcr testified late to-day that both the national nnd State bunking departments knew of the means by which the 1t Salle Street TruM and Savings Hank wa tn be turned Into a State Institution. The former Sena'tor. testlfjlng In his own de. fence on conspiracy charges growing out of tlie failure of the bank, denied that there whs an) Ailng wrong In llie traiii-a.-tlon nr transfer of Jl, .'.".0,11110 from the ntral Trust Cunp.tny of Illinois t the the propertv of releasing the hydrogen of this The money was La Salle Stieet Hank used as capital stock. "I went to Charles i. Dawes of the Central Trust and told Iilm that we needed II, '.TiO 000 fn lie counted by the H ink Hxamlner," the witness said, "and I asked him if li" would cash a check for that jiniiiinl He said he would. "Hoth the State and national bank de partnieiits knew of the transactions. Then was 110 secret alsjut It." When he took part lu the organization of the Lu Sallo bank lu I ft in, Mr, lnl ner said, lie was worth neaily iri.lo.iKin, Tun years later he was so pressed lln.iii elally after his disastrous tight lu the Senate and kisses In business he had to borrow $10,000 from a personal friend. He has little wealth to-day, ho wild. Chiilins M. Munday, vice-ptesldent of th" bank, was the real malinger, the wltncs testltled, He told the court that he frequently put money Into the bank and drew only small dividends. 1 Mr Iirliner challenged the accuracy I of testimony given by .lames H. IVirgan, former president of the r'lrst National Hank, and nwen T. Iteeves. president of the Drovers National Mank and a I former national hank cNsmliicr, tin In- I slsled that Mr. I'organ wan "mistaken" 1 and "i-oufused," and In a number of Instances asset led flatly that lircuin-' stances related by both hankers did not ' occur as etateit Ml. Drake paid me my shine of that price and kept the discovery secret I w nt no more dealings with the Standard Ull Company" lilvt's n lleiiionalrnllno. l'rof. Ihiihii gave a demonstration of ll,s tluid .vctcrda). lie Idled the gaso lene tank of each of his two cars with water and poured in a siitllclcut quantity of the greenish liquid. Then he cranked up the car and off she went. One of the ne!.iaper men brought his own auto, mobile with him and two expert median Iclans. He told the otheii, who arrived later that the new preparation had been tried in his machine and had driven it. The method of making the fluid Is simplicity Itself. No apparatus fc. needed lie.vond two dry batteries and an elec trode In a water tank Ills fluid, l'rof 'l'nrlcht says, decomposes water Into Its constituent gases, liidrogcn and ox) gen Il.vtliogcn. an explosive gas, Is fed from the tank Into the cylinders, detonated b 'the spark plugs and exhausted lu the usual way. The only -ecret about Un tiling Is the ni sterloiis lluidt which has I.eaclltiK stftt I'nntrllitilr for lliri Preach Orphan. j A sale of spring and summer hats will I." held 011 Tuesda .rid Wednesdav of next we, k from 10 until '. o lin k at T2.1 r'ifth avenue for the benelll of 1 tint! L'e des Arinc,"'. for til' father- ' h s.s chllditn of Kraie-e, of w hi -h Miss l.ulslta l.cland is chairman of the New York brunch The hats have been do-1 nateil b) some' of tlie city's leading shops I anil b) mall) friends of thou Inte'rcsteM In tin- organization The prices will I Mm tmsH Morrl- IT'cne. te.tcl e- In Puhllr Sehool S, told Supicine Couit, Justice HIJur yesterdav why he was com- pellcd to leave his wife, Mrs. Rose Ks-' civ, on February 1'.' l ist. In opposing ; I cr application for a separation. 1-scoe ' said "li ntn the heclnninc of my inanicd' I fe oil relations were m the nature of an 'iiniicd truce' The plaititltf Is a voman of vile, virulent and violent tem per, with a tongue that matches; or is su perior to her temper. Such a thing as a family iti.irnl which lives Its short miration ami then dies a natural death as to liet iiioiii,,v n, , "Tin' plalhtllf Is one of tlio-e nnom-1 Mlsa Anne T'age Id of llr Mass., a Hndcllffc graduate, and nice of tho Itev. Dr. Percy Stlckney clrnnt. him become the vvTfc of Hobctt Leopold Wolf a Harvard graduate now associated witi tho American Telephone and Te'carrjph Company, by a contract marriage. Wolf nnd Miss l'age were; able to ersu.i'14 CII) Court Jiitleo La Fur i to rin the contract by having the lcv In elreia I .unison, one of, tell Justice La Fetra that there tas r, , her head mournfully rmson why the tnairlage shoti,,i mt t,,, I place. The mart Inge i'on,..icl was sign."! t,n Saturday, but it was not made pulil 0 until .vesterday. when It nii.l ,u ii- County Clerk'K olllce. It the-, l!,CM cl that Miss Page went to llie 'ii-i'lurs ,f Justlie La Fella ,ie.'iompained v ,f parents, .Mr. and Mis. (borge II Pane of Urookllne, while Wolf vv.i panied by his father, I. .1 Wo,' f Cleveland, and other relatives Vhri the bride and bridegroom filed their ton tract ycstcielay they were cotn'lcl to pay fees of ll.o", but lhere ws no other charge They expected tn Ml.e i'. contract away wllii them, but er n. Hired that If they did so tlie 1 r n .irnass wouldn't be legal. Their eoi ir.i 1 ii" third to be ;lb el iii Count) I'hrk SC'll-i iler'rt olllce. line of the clauses In the , am act a promise to "faithfuil.v peifeo n tn h" tommiiiiity all Hie' duties lend nhllgat in of marriage necerwary to its werlfarr The bride - father said t ie ) on g pto had been niairleel bv cm tni i.ltl-e the) did lint be ,v ill .1 r, g ce-einoiiv Mr. Page nddesl 'Me' es I b.v i.iiitract w ,11 soon le-comr 1 stor). The hruK niolliei Is m . M.r, Hiltchcsoii Page, one of the lead g iu- frage wtikeis 111 Massachu-, I 1 former pii-nlent of the Ma - is i Hqual Suffrage Association OLD SOLDIER A SUICIDE. Drives Wife I'mm Ittiettn nod 'fii-tt sliools llloiselr. More liotnils Hcnrd of Ih'tilli of .Mrs. Stpvnis." FnriiUTly .Miss .Mcl.nii'ililiii. ,:ilie., froflt ,.' In S I Tt XI es l.r.i,...s lv- I'.m.ll. .tun el. ,iln,i,i. lillCS frequently fllUIIll, U WOlllrfll VV llO of llie coinmlttee leir the sale, will be 1 ''PI '" uracloiis and charming to assisted b) Mrs Stiihcn II. tHln, Mis. who meet n.-r. but who Is a virago ' James W. Markoc. Mrs Charles Dana her own bom-. She never had a kind, liibson. Mrs. Willi.uu C.i .enough. Mis true or e eqit woiel tei sa) when discuss. Theodore flaveMne)iT, -Mrs llowaid ! Ing our fileiids with me. To sum It all Cin.hln". Mrs. Will.trd str.ili-lit. Mrs 1 up I found living with her a 'hell on secret Prof. F.nrhiit is most Jealous Ills chemical bottles .ne marked III code, and lie cmptlis the automobile tank afler each tun Kacli iiiotnlng be mixes the fluid anew, sei 110 thief breaking Into Ills laboiatoty may discover Its preparation. Prof, linricht is ila wun old. lie as born In Ma)ence, (Jerniany, and edu cated at the t'nlvcrslty of Carlsiulie. , eurtii." a coiiilnuation of such existence . linpossib'e 1 iiave eniluretl It for )eais. but human ei,diuiinie has Its limits." I Mis. lscoe. to whom was awarded . jr.o a mouth aliinoti). says that her lius 1 band has 1111 Income of more than ?2,xfl0 n year. She l.ves at 2 fix West tilth 'stii'it and Is entliely without means f-tf fippf c HffrcT r,f adds, she de-clares that her husband tllXin ilLLLOf IVlUtJI Ul I irealeel her e'riielly ever since their mar- tiagi' on June' 3H, 11M0, ami told her he 'mufti a mistake when lie marilcel, Sho s.i)e he told her lie would kill her If she , dlel lint leave, 1 Mis Hse'oe ns-erts that her husband toiiiped tit f until she fainted on No iv ember 1" last, and when she regained riniscliiiieiiess slie found hlni'klng her, liscoc lle'llle'll Ills Wife's chlllgCS. Theeslore Hoosevelt. Jr. Mrs litin ''ray. Mrs. I.ciui.ud M. Thoinas, .lss lidlth Wi'tinore, Miss Jane't.i Alexander ami Miss Sarah Schuyler Huller. POWDER, LOW NECKS, Peill'I'SOll M'1 Srliool (iir TtM) I'liVololls. lllsll'Ul'- tor Hi'cii'cs. Di Dotni'igo Mrnder Capute. 11 1 at tonn) and e'X-VI e-Preslilent of Cqha has bien retaliiesl b relatives of .Mrs. 1 trace McLaughlin Stevens to have her bod) sent here for burial In tin family plot. More eletalls of the fatal ending of the elopement of Miss Mel-uighlln. elaughtcr and heir of the late Patrick McLaughlin of and iicmge M. Sle-veiis. a Harlem garage owner, were Ira 1 ne, I ve-stctday. .No sooner had the couple arrived in Havana than detectives be-gaii annoying tliem. The) were fenced to leave a hotel be auso of the constant watching, liven after the) Up I e slilelii'f Ul a promlm-nt family the elctectlve, con tinued to watch them. Miss McLaughlin had been made III bj the' constant annoyance, ami Stevens began to fear her health was breaking under the strain It was at tills time, that Miss Mi-Uiugbbn i.iught cold. Her weakened, condition from lose of sleep and won) over the pie-eiice of the ,1c tes'tlves left her pnw erics to light off the tcver that folloue-d. Stevens bolte-vew that If Miss Mc Laughlin had not been annoyed by the detectives she would have survived. He mantes her death to the detectives, who, lie ki.vs. weie winking on their own Ini tiative' m llie hope or being bought otf, 'llie Havana pollen Dually frightened them away. lucre was no indication yesterday mui me win ieii ny .virs. Stevens Is lo he' conti'steel. Th,. vx lit contains .1 cia , winch savs that any one of the bells who contests the will is to lose his sua 1 c. WHEELER STILL BESIEGED. Individual contributions, wete expected at the last minute', but that even If the SPRING SLIPS; GALE ARRIVES. Interfering with the other ll.ioil who urn sllll at wot, the Sheriff snld The committee selected finally made ill. lis mind to ask for a i'O per rent. In crease In pynd a nine hour day, which thev already have, The rumors about the origin of Hie . .. ... ...... ... .1 1.. .t.- Temncrntnri limns ea tun., urn elnnert liernre file naif mllllnei ,oi.., - - . IVgure Is reached the training school and 'fff ,' nl7 ,f, 1 n, . 5' niher improvements would go through. I visited New orli city several weeks ago even though It be necessary to mortgage .""I consulted will, men who have, been the new building. 'active In other niunllloiia strikes. Commander I'S'.teiCellpe Mnottl reeelyei 1 " " th following telegram from President I STRIKERS SEE SUBWAY TIEUP. Vllson: "My wai inert goisl wishes go I I Urirrrett nalntiovTS In HrooUIn. S01110 weather got ndrifl last night, 1 Wife"' tletcctlves Keep X lull ti- pcal lei I'otirl llnat Wall, I Albert liallatlii Wheeler. Jr.. Interned I at the l'nloii League Club, will be In I terni'd there until Monday unless be I tiles to make a run past the ilelie'tlves ciiipln.ieil b.v his wife, Mrs, Claudia Cail slcdt Wheeler, who are gii.inllng the exits of tin club day and night. ' The icllef expedition, reported on Fri day to be on tho way under Albert Wheeler, Sr., did not iippenr, The eider 1 Mr. Wheeler could not be located in the clly last night, William F, S. Hart, attorney repre- seiitlng Hie younger Mr, Wheeler, ap peari'd before the Supreme Court )cj,tcr day and asked fur an order vacating the warrant for Mr Wheeler's arrest lie pleaded thai there hud been a "gentle, men's agreement" Itelweeii A mil Fnchs. former counsel for Mrs. Wheeler, and the besieged banker. In Ibis agreement Mr. Wheeler compromised vx It ti hla wife lu place! of p.i)lng the l:i,finn overdue iillmony and JfTtnfi a mouth lie was to , April 14 Depute the fact I that only twclio months ago Mill) Sunday was successfully chasing die devil mid all Ills works utnl pomps out of this city there seems to have' been a slight rclapso tow-ant frivolous, fads 'iiml fauiie.t. even among llie gills of the 1 Palersiiii High School, At an) 1 ale. Miss Caroline I lemming- 'wii). assistant principal of the high school, has heen so saddened 10 llml Hint hi'r girl pupils mc gliding the Illy Hint Miss I leiniiilngvviiy has elecieeil that 1 the piacllce of Improving upon natuie must be stopped, Slie has issued oiele rs that low ticckeel waists, high 1 led I shoes and poelwcr pulls henet'fortli must 1 onspii.'Utiiisly absent. I A minor that some high school girls , bad been dismissed lieeause of Hie ga)cty I eif their gaib wiih elenled to.elay by Miss lleiniiiiiisway. She admitted, however, I that she had thought It necessary to speak to some of the gills uboiit Ih'lr "extia attractive" methods of adniii iniiiil The lectures had been dellveied privately, she said, not In tho chins 1 looms, Fine pnniler Injines the Uln nnd STUDIO RAID BRINGS DIVORCE. FORCED TO ACCUSE MOTHER. .Maurice I'niiiprls, A HIM. anil ctress xcciittet In Terttlniniiy. in the leroinnietid itlon of a referee who took testimony In secret, Supreme Court Justice NcwhiiiBcr has granlnl a jilivorce to Mrs. Mary H. Conipris from Maurice Comprls, one of the foremost ' mural aitlsts of the country. The tie ' was found guilty of mlscftn I eliict with Claudia Scott, former Hippo. 1 ilioiin show girl, who was his model for 1 the painting "Dawn." The ihlef witness for Mr". Comprls (was John C. MciIowmii, a family friend, who Is an architect employee! by McKIm, Mead White He watched tho de. , fendaut's studio for thre-et, nights while 'occupying a rootn above. He told of , hearing Comprls speak the name "Clau dia" freqiienlly and addicss her in tif. I fectlnnate terms. , McCiownu lestllhd that eatly one I morning wln'ii Cotnpi Is had Inoiight Miss Scott to the studio from the Hippodrome, I ho telephoned to Mrs. Comprls ami she went down Willi a friend, Mrs, Katheiino John V Ciliric. II. tch'g apli nr a 11 mid Spanish-American w - 1 a after having chiescd his vvift 11 d I1 " llve-year-old daughter ( n the a; 1 meill with 11 revolver, c ,11m fed sq i last night. liarllcr In the even tig had made an attempt to Jump fro 1 ' vslndow of their apartment on fie ' floor of the telienient house a' .".i"1 liter' 117th sttect, but had been rcsn.i. '.ei his wife and nelglibois. Cunic had been at home for 'v vvee'ks, siiffi'iing from a in nw down. Last night a'ter lie hai ix rn illssuadcd from Jumping out o' t.i window he went to a bureau nr.vte: where he obtained a revolver He lmv his wife f 1 out the room, and vv le r was away ho killed himself Itenlt) Snlntller fint in I'riton. David W. Scott, an nttnrn-r seit a former employee in the Land Olhc- ' Wiislilugton, lileailed guilty hefors Judn Howe In tlie Fnltcd Stale? Dis'rr t i"ur yesterday to Using the mails to defrnut III the sale of forged soldier'" land cer tificates, lie was sentenced to etrMfi months 'n Atlanta penitent 1.1 rv. ul-,, cause's the girls to acinic! loo much, ,,. Thoy R, ,, lhr Htu,Ul tm,gh iiav f.inn and vi"" a niuiun . . 1 .....1.. making Hie lights of Woolworth pPk 1 1" r""rl l"-'"'!"""" """' ' "'"' Ircmiiloiis for a few inliiulca when tlio "!,J' Viinil. out of a pellucid i;y, came roar lug from llie frosty west, at alrtdilp out to you In your effort for new strength in a new endow tnent,' One of the contributions yrwlordnv 1 wiib $1 from a crippled little Fast tilde 1 girl her savings for two years. MoADOO ON WAY TO CHILE. Treasury srerrtary Invlle Arven tlur I'rolclriit tn Unit II. ft, Bur.s.OH Aliir.s, Anrll 14. William el. McAdoo. Secretary of Hie United States Tressury, left here to-day for Chile. Mr. MeAdoo p.elel a farewell visit to HrealdNit d a I'Ihzu this inoriilug and ImrrUel him to vialt the United States, II alio gav a luncheon for Francisco Oliver. Minister of Finance) of Argentina. Union Leailrra Say Walkout of. Worker la Mace crUliia. iffleera of the Iiilernutloual Tunnel I iiii'l Subway Constructors Union llie subway workers' organisation said yes. lerduy Hint work In Iho new llroiulvvay Seventh avi'iiile-LexIngton avenun tubes was absolutely Heel up and thai less I than 'J per cent of I he usual working loreo was rrporiiiiK mr 11111.V. See'relnry Carraher of tho union wild thai Hit; success of Urn strike was al ready assuii'el. "We have things lied up as It Is," said Mr. Cariiiher, "hut In case thero Is a hitch wo ara prepared tn call nut tho 1,':00 Hiibwuy engineers. If Unit hap pens, there will not ka wheel rolling anvprhere." speed, about seventy-two miles. Tho mercury, which had risen to tho gentle April temperaturu of U- In the lale 11 f I'.dtvnrd A, laaca IHnbarretl, The Appellate Division In disbarring lidward A. Isaai's yeslerelay ruleel Hint dlshonesly and fraud lu personal deal attention," Miss lleiiiinliigway said. "I I .1111 sure that our glrl.i ale sensible I enough to be made to see that ovei -I iiiloriiinenl will result In their lielng erili-, 1 eise'il oil Hie slice! and III other public ' places, 11s well us In 1 1 it- I r own homes." Tim assistant prllicipnl la linn in Hie belief, she su)s, thai II will not be dllll ' e 11 1 1 lo I'xert e'liotnrh llltllleoee over th'' 1 high school girls lo bring Uicin to the point where lliey will agree willingly to Ihiow away their vanity baga and other, first aids to face and figure. ' Ctrl Weep. Illlltrly titer leslllj Iiik In Divorce Soil. XIIMOIV, I., 1.. April 1 I Compelled to give Information on which her father, lidward It. Dennieaife, 152 West fjinj slicet, Manhattan, Is expected to obtain .111 absolute dlvoicc. Doiothy Dciimcade left the Siiprt'ine Com t hen this after noon wei'plng bitleily. Doroth) is 17 1 eatH old and her mother, Luella 11. Dciillie.nle, was accused of liilscondllct with AiiKiistiiH Scharfi'iilii'rg of L)ii lirook, a trotting horse owner. The' action was undeteiided. Dorothy told of having seen her mother go slclgii ilillug wltli Sch.11 fcubiTg and 011 trips vvllli him in Ills motor She said 1 she had seep her drinking with him in sal 's- The gin told how her niothe i had admitted to her father last vcar that she had been around vvitli Scbai feu berg 1 Cloth " ami mid she ktii the !,,(.. Z, , her mother BllttCmUt DrOWIl. 0 I'ctitncaiie asked foi the ciistcnlv of Hie six-) eai -old son, who is mm living with his niothei' They were married I twt iily-iwo .vc.irs ago. The shades of our ances tors' clothes have been re produced accurately in our suits of ""Forefathers' 1 v e innouncliig a telegram for Comprls. Th witness tt.ild Miss Scott was tecllnlng on a couch wearing a nightgown and Compiis was lu his pajamas. Mrs, Compiis said to Miss Scot t, ' A n 11 "Now, Claudia Scott, I've got )ou at last," and she icplleil, "Well, what -are von going to do about It?' MISSING BILLY'S" COAT FOUND. of Hny lilt-nllrlcs tunc 1 lernoon, diopped 11 degrees, II wiim i IngH" Is Hiillbient ground for revoking n a tlay of April varieties, rain, sunshine, lawyer's right lo practise, Tim testl coolness uinl the thieat of front before nioiiy showeel (hat isaaca had been sucel dawn to-day. There wan 1.37 Inches 1 by a man who charged falsa rcpreseti of nilu, which fell iilmnst perpeiidlcii. ' talion and Iho charge iigulnst him wan larly most of the murnliig. proved, 111 ivinii up 11 nay or unusual weather a raluliow spnnni'il nil lirooklyn, while its eioublc, a Utile less distinct, spreael oulslile In a greatiT ar il, The two wero seen for fifteen, minutes before the Hitting sun dissolved lliem, The .-4 n nu that cioiacd the blast vx a s sailing off .NaulucUii Inward liuiopu lasl night, To-day, Ihc foicciiHterH aay, hould be fair and to-morrow IlkewlM and -warmer. Mall Mvtlnellera te-ntrncril. For using the niallii tn solicit adver tising for a fake Army-Navy football programme, liilmiind II, Philllim and 1 Klngdoii Straw wtie seulcuccd by Judge Howe lu the United States District Court yesterday lo serve a year and 11 day eueli lu Atlanta penitentiary. Phillips recently oame here from Ian Vtanclaco. Straw Uvea In thia cltya DIVORCE SPEED RECORD SET. decree lirnnlril I'nllotrluc Wed- rllnar tin .Inuiinry III l.nst. William Ferdlnaiid Musch, who mar ried llabiilo Itiisch oil January 111 last, gol a tllvoice flout llt'l- befoie SpelllC Justlco Now lunger )cslenlay, on Hie ground thai he learned 011 J.inunty 'JL' last she had bi'eii guilty ot miscon duct vvllli two men. When ho granted the decren Justlco Ncwhurger said Hint If his, memory nerved hint right the case t a record for epeed, DESERTED, ALSOP WINS DIVORCE Atti-el llnsbnnd nt Girl Wife Mar rlrel Wlien Mr V 77. Pi nsiuiiil, April 1 1. Churgliig de seillon, liilwatd M. Alsop, who married Miss I'ilTIo Pope 1 1 1 11 of Macon, tin,, In I III", when she was 17 and ho 77, has won a ellvorco here, Their marllal troubles have tlguied in the pi ess it number of ttmes. Follow Ing a hone') iimou In liurove and dlffeieucrs Ilia! ilevelnped 111 their New Vtnk honie, Mrs. Alsop begun suit mid went on the stage. She iilaed fur one week lit Ham ilierMtflu'H Victoria Theatre, Mrs. Alsop also has sued for a share In the estate of her husband, valued at aeveral million dollan. f liliriiiciils Vlonlh, Ai.I'vm. Apill 11 The Hi m liace of Hill; lill l. Ih" olnbt-t 0i,i i, y who ills.tppcaied fioui (he .side ot his sister In front of .1 motion plctino thea trc a mouth ago to-iuoi rmv, was found lo-nlglit lu tho "line Hush," a wild spot about live miles we. st of this city, Heinier D. Howe, State botanist, who was hunt ing for eaily specimens, eauio upon a child's coat, hat and undercoat In n clump of bushiH by tlie shin of a pond, I lie brought thrill to pollen licaihiuartei s and they were taken to his aunt Willi whom the little orphan lived, Slie Iden tified them as the clothes worn hy tho 1st) 011 the tlay he disappeared, A few da.vs ago a letter signed hy "Tlie lllack Dogs" was icceivi'd by the aunt demanding a ransom of $.',,0u0 for the relurn of little Mill)'. An inipiovn ment 'association lu tlie clly ban plnce offered 11 reward ot J500 for the return of the boy. The police have formed i)p theory ai to the finding of the clothes. green, black and grey The cloth itself is a faith ful reproduction of'tlhU the Pilgrim Fathers wore back in 1620 the wool is jirown to-day in the same count v in England. Hosts of other handsome Spring suits in our stores. Spring overcoats, loo, in profusion. Everything for Sprin4 fo" men and boys. neglitered Trods Maiik Rogers Peet Companv Broadway at 13th St. Broadway nt Warren "The Four Corners" HU'.'", nt j-lthSt Kilt'i Ave, at AM St, V' V'iii,'5i)'ijii-all'eniryw 'tt'Mifiiw&,er.a'ifa;iltii.itTi, ' ' u . . ... - , ' . .'r.txrVlxla',v:i..te.i'.-'Vl......'-' f 'Vf--' :'-'-