Newspaper Page Text
1'' THE WEA Rain to-day anil IT SHINES FOK ALL Highest temperatu ; lowest, 44. Lctniled weather, ma! IpattK on page 11. VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 230. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1916. Copyright, 1916, by the Sun Printing and Publishing Association. PRICE TWO CENTS. w'Her: 16 WMbw fair PRICES IN U.S. STILL SOAR AS DOLLAR DROPS Fijiiires on Nearly All I'om inwlities Expected to Climb Hi til War Ends. priM'IIASE POWEH OF MONEY IS BADLY CUT Jleivliants Face Inclination to Overbuy With Dis astrous Results. Th iipwatd movement In commodity prices, taking them as ,i whole, con tinues and shows hut little promise of Kiting until the basic cause for the uplift In the market In this country the European war is lemoved. it a recognized fact that present h. iii prices arc due primarily to the Impetus given our domestic trade by the heavy buying here of the belligerent ntlonj since the outbreak of the war. With foreign Governments stepping Ir.'.o our domestic markets and order Ins millions of pounds of metals, many i. ioes, thousands of cases of clothing, en of grain and millions of dollars oith of munitions, the result was that tl domestic consumer, fearful of being cjulil short of this or that basic com :ta1 i) has been Inclined to stock up h'Auly .it Increasing prices. tomo tvminodiiy markets It Is . aid that buy r an; no.v overbought. Hcce-'tly the features of the general b-islnts- situation have remained un-rliangc-d and they continue to show In creasing Intensity as the spring season flns anil fair weather promises to fa clllUIr outdoor activities. A general hortap.- of materials Hiid labor will Tie to cheek the work that might oth ers Ite lie accomplished. According to tcporls this check will not prove serious, but It will hold back some of the opera tion the country at large would like to Me progressing rapidly. Full employment and a gradual but urc advance In wages are reflected by the retail trade reports throughout the country. Merchandise Is widely distrib uted ami retailers arc Increasing their purchases for some time ahead. The heavy demand from abroad con tinue" our weekly exports reached a ntw high record recently and an abun dant of money and credit has aided In rs'MiiE commodity prices to abnormal points. The fact that price are higher M that a large number of articles are "ringing more dollars than heretofore Is . .'hi ,';,nuMa,!110 approval by per- I fins w no al e mumw ihn .nln. !... i soui'i He wis.- to remember that uo.ler , . . . " '".i ii dine circumstances the dollar does not luue the same purchasing poner. Th purchasing power of the Ameri can dollar at present Is less In the ma jority of Ini-taiices than at any time ..nce the laht perlo.l of Inflation during the c; II Bdr and the several years fol .Clng it. Tlie dollar now has a pur rhu.lng jover of from onc-thlrd to two thirds it strength a ear or a year and l months rtgo. An development or accident In this irtanc th European war causes the M'ci-t.itlon of a shortage of supply bv reason of unusual demand. Prolonged ret unusual demand Incites buying, and I! U .t., of men who sell things fear that they will not be aide to buy ma-(rut- In -lie quantities they desire and that their -ntract deliveries may be de-laje-l they expect following and reorders T'te result Is that there Is a desire to mw ii,,, condition and anticipate It. rd ir.'hii Inijlnc done In excess of "l'ilremcnth Thus buying becomes 'Pculaile and cimipetltlon causes higher IriMs Finally prices reach levels where crdln c industry cannot support them. U'nii. ivhant mil the manufacturer stop wring .niiMticlp.itiofi of a drop In prices, rl it is tlw n iliat some men Unci that hey haH oxruncked themselves at high If els I'n. e Lege to decline, and when tlie ren '.irriug burdensome stocks fall to thin- is ,, mi ui further decline, which ontn ijs as ii iuIp until all of the troiind g4ii,s by the rise has been lost 'tn u.ii-tl) soinethlng more. lnll..un of cr.dlt and Inflation of com n''"l pricis generally occur at the Mir. t me. ad ,,M condition Is never rm.z.,1 until n. i,..,rtoi, and accom unjuv teriod i,f il,.M.,iin,. ,r,.. tjon 1, Thlll deilatlon and contrac 'i'n fin, ,w mil.ctlon and expansion is i absolute certainty UETAL i'MCKS SOAR, WU WILL GO HIGHER Andrew c .irneaie's characterization of i..e Heel iiLlnMri .ih "prlnc.. or pauper" "-' I'l-llllll CIIU J.UIII- e- a. Hteel wna pauper. Now prin e ami long as the abnormal ra.uj r ,r M am) h.1.1 roducta con. l-njs it wi,t continue prince. ,u'" "'" "" manufacturers and mcr il. . . ' " lrl'''' '" "ll,Br '" Mlieitf fur I I" Ul.lljllltv to make deliveries "cause of lIIOII.IL',,. Illll III ...lllu , . . .Me mi, ,n ,m.7 Saie u, ,, ,,,, , ' ' v'" . .vis ,, ' LT 'l'"' " :l, ..?.".' 'Pta.' of i, r,i,,,.iu ,,, '. . i .' "'i 'I ,. ,.i,., . .. '.'.. '.,""".."... '"'h- -nalnde'r ( , ' yf to'MM- The Government Is re Jj;I r...., t,.h., , r r , 1 Inctant to arrest him lest It nrouie In 151T n.iiimu n citation amohg the workers whose sav- Ihe n,.. ,,,, fr.ltlln of lf. M'P0 , w , id,, adduce in price of IS a 'CIV'"1 1 !' "" Vne,i w'tes 'Ml I 'lllii.lul ,.M. I. ..I - (01111,-, ... .r ; , r , '"ur!" ' c ton f.,r !ll e;n i ne loi nr ce of I2K ai...i a. ..i . mim iium nrin lor inir- Ollll.-t' ....iii II l...u . ( u..k " n""n mini ncei-l iitw as well as piince. The ad- ,, '," ""' 'l"'C Is explained as dun to re tl,.,roiui, hpeelllcntloiiH on the part ine r.o ,ds a, l their growing leu- Cl'.'.u '. "i""" " belter mil than tho v'" taiii ttd , -lil na Ahead. 'l'hft ""'" 'iiarket is in alraiit the " lie conqn,.,,, ,, for prurcay ,,, i , '"""i' Ince llso iwglnnlng of 'Lr !'"' s":"' ,ir0H1 rllln and i " "' " ordeieil hundreds of mill i ' "f "'s of this metal In our mar om w "'h r'Viori that they aro nearly J'J to liceml.ef 3), 1n, 'V" Jinniied from ir, and 17 a pound , 27 amJ 2w cinU j (: on rowm vagi. I LABOR FIGHTS COHFUL8I0N. Vlll Mr nit Breach Between gov ernment and Worker, Mara M. I. Spfclal Cablt Dttpatch to Tim St. London, April 16. J. 11. Tliomaii, Laborlte member of Parliament. In a speech to the railway workers of South ampton to-day referred to tlie news papers attacking the Government and the sulfation In favor of unrestricted compulsory military service. He said: "The only certain way to lose the war ,..,; (.iinui ui iiiiiiimi will niUUIlU Hie neck of Cnglund and lCurope would be to break the natlonnt unity. Towanl that end the agitators seem to lie drift In. The workers appealed to Premier Asnulth to stand firmly by Ills nlcdce ami never to adopt compulsion for com- pulsion s sake." The speaker contended that comput- slon of married men could not possibly prouuee more than soo.oon soldiers, i These, he added, could be obtained, but at the cost of a breach with labor. "The workers." said Mr. Thomas, "are J fully alive to the press Intrigue. They are setting why some or tnc leaders to- ' day are watting trial and arc deported I with no charge formulated against them. while others aro nllowel to defy every ' vestige of the defence of the realm act and no notice Is taken, we shall resist, even In time of war, a dictatorship by the press." CURTIS PREDICTS ROOSEVELT. Philadelphia Publisher Think ye Will Re .Vest President. Tacoma. April 16Cyrus II. K. Cut-I tis, the riilladclphla publisher, who 10 1 I en route home from Honolulu, believes thnt Roosevelt will be elected Presi dent unless the Republican party should spilt again. He said to-day: "1 as not n Koosevelt man. 1 voted for Wilson, but the utterly unprepared condition of the country makes me wish 1 had not. There are a lot of old duffers around the Union League and other clubs, in t'hlladelphla who dislike Roose velt. Home of them have been bitterly orposed to him, but they're going to vote for him." In Mr. Cttrtls's opinion about the best thing that could happen for the United States would be a break with Germany. "It takes about n ton of dynamite to awaken the average American," he said. "A break with Germany might do the trick 1'nless we become pre pared war with one or another of the European nations Is inevitable." FLIERS DROP BOMBS ON CONSTANTINOPLE! Trnvol flOO Miles and Shell Powder Factory and Hancrnrs. special lahl? Despatch tn Tar Stye 1.ON0ON. April 16. Starting out from a Mrltlsh navul bake "somewhere In the .Kgean." three Hrltlsh njvjl Hrrmilunpt Hew to Constantinople Friday and bom-' .. .I-.. .. ... , , " i- ioj mm aeroplane hangars In the Turkish capital. Despite wind, rain and thunderstorms all three returned safely, having achleied the greatest aerial feat of the war, so far as distance Is concerned. The flight to Constantinople and back covered n distance of more than 300 miles. At the same time another British seaplane fiew 1 to Adrlanople. where bombs were dropped on the railway station. This machine, too, returned unharmed The Turkish War Ofll-c admitted In a statement to-night that "villages near Constantinople" were tsimbardeil "un-1 successfully" by two enemy aeroplanes, but made no mention of the attack on the hangars In the capital Itself. The Admiralty's statement follows; Friday evening trurtc naval aero, planes threw bombs on the Zcltunllk ponder factory nnd the aeroplane han gars at Constantinople. Another machine bombarded the railway station at Adrlanople. All re turned safely. The flight to Constan tinople and hack measured 300 miles. The weather was flue at the start, hut wind, rain nnd thunderstorms In tervened. A despatch .from TJttR Sun's cor respondent at Rome says : "Austrian troops,- Including artillery men, with several batteries of heavy guns, have arrived at Constantinople, which Is now garrisoned by and Germans exclusively, all available Turkish troops being on the way to Ana tolia. "The Austrian' and Germans, besides guarding ill Sultan and protecting Enver Pasha, the Turkish War Minister, who 'is extremely unpopular, being blamed for the prevailing shortage of foodstuffs, are destined to defend the Turkish capital In case of a revolution and possible attempts to force a sepa rate pe-tce. Such attempts. It Is be lieved, would have to be preceded by the surrender of Constantinople to the Allies." STRIP GERMAN SAVINGS BANKS? I.lebknerht C.'hnrsres Coiiiniandrer- Ina nf Small I'onds for l.nnn. Xprclal Cabtr jirrA to Tnr. Srv. Ixwocin, April. 1" (Monday). Tlie Unity Telegraph lenms by way of Rome that Dr. Karl I.Iebknecht. leader of the ..-..I 1 . .. l .1 nCW IllllilCrtl IMIII., Him-1'W.Cll III I IIST Re rlitnf on Afirll 4 mat Germany n order to cover her last war loan emptied tlie Mivlngs banks throiwhout Germany. All mention of l.lebknecht'K utterances Ings were commandeered. " TWO HURT BY JOY RIDERS. Tnxleah fa Driven Upon 'i"lr" Fink Arenac fllrlerrnlk. .Homebody took a wild ride In a stolen taxlcab yesterday afternoon and as a re sult a mother nnd child nre in the IVs Hospital. Tho ti'Xl llrfcl appeared careen'mr down l'lfth avenue. At Sixty-ninth street it dashed upon the sidewalk In front of the iiotne of Ogden U Mills. Mrs. Vntonia Pollanz. 32, of 300 Hast Heventy-seventh street wut wxlklng there wllh her three- year-old son, August. Hoth were knocked down and the taxi disappeared. Hi on af lei ward Patrolman found It, badly battered, In front of 101 Katt Klxtynlnth street, hater William It Icy of 330 Kant Fifty-third street Ap peared and said It was his anil had bn tplen from In front of till Third ave nue. Nobody knows who t tola it. FRENCH MAKE TRENCH GAINS NEAR VERDUN 1 Captlll'C 200 PriSOHCI'S ill Fitfht to the South of Douaimiont. i I ii e -iJ llMiiMn 1 UiiH.M . A , HIM M(I RKITLSK OF ATTACK Sprual CiiMt Hetpotch to Tun St." Paws, April U. Another French counlcr """'I the region south of Douaumout on the east bank of the Meuse was successfully carried out late yesterday afternoon. German trench elements against which the attack was directed wete captured and 200 prison ers, Including 'two olllcers, were taken. The lull in the German offensive In the Verdun legion, which has been Inter preted as Indicating elaborate prcpara- .,. t. ,. , .... , ., " ...L,. .... ,.l.. v . . ' . continues. No attempt was made at an advance by the German infantry last night or to-day, but the German heavy artillery directed a heavy bombardment to-day against the sector Hols d'Avo-court-Hlil 3fM, against which the tier mans have directed much of their energy recently. The French attack of last night Is described In the following nfliclal com munique Issued by the War Office this afternoon . The bombardment continued last night on the left bank of the Meuse, on the sector between Avocourt and Caurcttcs wood. On the right bank we delivered a spirited attack toward the end of yesterday against German positions south of Douaumont. This effort, which was completely success ful, made It possible for us to occupy certain elements of lh enemy's trenches and capture 200 men. of whom two were officers. In the Woevre ourHrst line posi tions were bombarded Intermittently. There was no Important cent on the remainder of the front, except the usual cannonading. Hoth German nnil French artillery was engaged to. day In the Oouaumont re- glon and there were scattered artillery nueis iii me woovro. The War OlDce ln,ued the following communique thl evening : On the left bank of the .Meuse, the enemy bombarded with violence our positions pi the Hols d' Avocourt and on Hill 304. On the right bank there wan activity on the port of the urtlller forces on both sides In the rcKlon of Douaumont and In the Woevre. In the sectois of Moulainvllle, lluudlomont and I.cs Kpargc". The da as i datively calm on the ret of the front i BRITISH RAID TRENCHES. .Mark .Near Hethnne-I.n HsTsare lloail -4-4'aafiil. Sttcttil Cublr HttvateK to Tin Mv I.oNtmN, April IC The following re port form Hiltlsh headquarters In France was Issued to-night by the offi cial press bureau After the explosion of two mines our troops carried out a small raid on enemy trenches ninth of the Hethiine-I..i ltasee ro.ul with satis factory results. To-day tint,, was artillery activity lit the regions of Arias, Neuvllle-St. Vaast. (Irenay and Loos. FRENCH ATTACK FAILS. nermann Report Repulse In Doiinn- nionl-Vnnx Sector. .special fable I'l'potrl. to Thk Sc. Hnni.iv. via Loudon, April 10. A French attack on the Fort Pouaiimnnt Vaux sector last evening was nisilsejl with heavy looses to the attacking forces. Tlie assault was made In considerable numbcre and after airolotwed artillery preparation. The German" took 200 prssnnere. Tl tllclal statenient Issued by the German War Otllco to-day says On both side. of La Hassio canal the attilltry activity has Increased, Also there have been a number of lively mine engagements. In the Vermellcs district an Cngllsh position about sixty meteiw (sixty-six yards) long was blown up by our mines. Bast of the Meuse yewtcid.iy eie nlng there was violent lighting on the front from Fort Douaumont to tlie Vans canyon. The Flench, after lunplo artillery picp.cratlon, attacked Willi considerable forom, but were repulsed with heavj losses. About 200 n wounded ptlwiners were left in our hands. "VERDUN TO END WAR." lialsrr Tells Tri tttnvk Should Terminate Most lilt Irs. ,er,i t'atilr Ptfpatrh to Tux 9r. P.iltlH. April HI. In a review of the recent fighting on the, front north of Verdun the 7 mips says: "The Crown Prince's offensive de livered on April ! against tlie whole Verdun front was directed especially against the sector between Avocourt and Cumteres on the left bank of the, Meuse up-J the section from the right bank of tho river to tho woods of Haudromont farm. "The Genitalis were repulsed every where except tn the south of Kethln. court, where they succeeded In entering an advanced work after lieavy artillery had demolished It, Tliey also got it fool Ing in a trench east of Vacherauville (on the eastern hank of the river at tho foot of the Cote rtu Polvre), "The struggle continued on April 10 around llcthlncotirt and Lc Mort Homme, and on April 12 a local attack wan made on the Caurctteu woods. "The enemy employed rent forces in thewi attacks. As Indicated by prisoner taken on the front between llaucourt and the Meuse alone twelve regiments be longing to five separate divisions were used. For the troops representing two of these divisions this m their flrat engagement. "In congratulating the French troops, Gen. retain said i '"April P was a glorious day for our troops. The furious assaults of the Crown Trlnce'i aoldlora were everywhere crushed. The Infantry, .artillery, aappera and aviator of the second army hay PARLEYS WITH BERLIN FUTILE, WILSON THINKS Washington Hears Ger many Will Stand Firm for I Boat Warfare. '.MILITARY .NECESSITY.' BASIS OF TEUTON PLEA Wasiiinutox, April 16.- Germany Ii ready to make counter proposals or dis cuss a compromise on the submarine Issue, but will not cede unconditionally any American demand hi plltig a radical modification of her methods of sub marine warfare. Thl, In a nutshell, tepresents the ptetent attitude of the German Government as Ambassador Gerard at Iterlln understands It Fi lends of President Wilson sy he fully realizes this and has reached th'e conclusion that further diplomatic nego tlatlons are useless. Honcer, the Presl dent is understood to have before htm the new submarine note prepared by the Secretary of State. Up to a late hour to-night he had made no appointment with Senator Stone, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, or Chair man Flood of the House For.ilgn Affairs CcKtimlttve. Roth Senator Stone and Chairman Flood expect to be summoned to the White House to-mortow to discuss the situation. Tlie Presld.nt remained indoots all miming going oier the data which will form his Indictment of Gcrm.inv's whole programme of siibmarTne warfare. Count von lierristorfT. the Gep.uan Ambassador, spent most of the day In the country and shows tin oiitvf.,..i ..... ... ..... ! situation. German Knvo) Hopeful, Tne Ambassador takes the view tliat It Is useless p. woi i) In ii.Haiu.i and thtit If he had permitted ;nmself to be seriously disturbed every time the sub marine msiiu h-canic acute he would have grown gia and old befme now. t onse.UetitIy the Ambassador Ik watting calmly until the President makes Ills next move. Despite reports fiom olllclal quarters that tlie President H deter mine.! to force an accounting with Ger many without further delay, the Ambas sador is reluctant to believe that Ger uiauy'x xlesilnt on tlie whole Issue will not be favorably considered bv tho United Slates Government. In discussing, the matter Informally wltli his friends Count xou HcrnMorrf states frankly that be would dceplv re gret leaving tlx United States at the present time as he hn devoted his elYori'i ami energy to prevent ; break between Germany and the United States. Jut as ,e devoted "the best yenrs of bin life" t an endeawir to prevent a break between Gieat Itrltnln and Germany. Hut Sir IMward Grey wanted win- with Germany, according to tlie Ambassador, so hw efforts jirue,t i " in" Herman view- will lie that If a diplomatic break with the United ' iii-i.ii.. viiin ine fUliltlarlnn Issue It will be because President Wil son, rather than Germany, has wanted Germany takes the position that It has bceji willing to make concessions to avoid a break, and that It In still willing to make concessions, regardlccs nf the fact that "Kngland has conceded noth ing to the Aineilcan demands." Rut the German Government feels that "mill tary net.slty in its tight for national existence" compels It to draw tlie line against cedlni- rimrhlm. i,i.i. . i.i ""'VI' "lll cripple the submarine s.s a weapon of naval warfare Won't find V Boat Warfare. Here U the crux of the whole jimtter. according to the German viewpoint. President Wilson. It 4s said, wants to force Germany to adhere to his princi ples of humanity and contention for American rights as he understands them even though the effectiveness of the sub marine be ciiitaljed. Germany, It s added, can never submit tn this Tho German people. It Is explained, are clam orlng for tnoie rigor In the submarine campaign, which they he tald as Ger many's most effective weapon for get ting even with Ungland. Abandonment of the present methods of submarine warfare never would be tolerated by the Gentian people now, according to oltlcialH In touch with conditions' In Geimany. The one hope entertained In German quarters here is that the Piesldent's communication will not ically force tho Issue but will leave a basis for ills cusslon and compromise. If President Wilson will bn satisfied with a more detlnlte understanding as to the warning of merchantmen by German submarines the German Government will meet him" half way, It Ih said. Likewise, If the President desires Germany to reconsider and refraino Its entire regulations gov erning submarine warfare Germany will wllllnglx enter Into diplomatic parte) on the matter and even go In the extent of promising reforms which the Herlln Foreign UMlce believes would prove emi nently Mitlsfactory to the United States. Wnnlel Arbitrate question, Tills pnunlse for the future, it is said, would be backed by assurances that past "regrettable" occurrences will bo amica bly adjusted by n mixed commission or submitted to any form of arbitration which the President may suggest. To this extent Germany Is willing to nccede to any polnta the United Hlates may wish to make, but on tls- main Issue the actual curtailment of the ef. fectlveness if the German submarine campaign Germany Is determines! not to yield. Furthermore, Herlln will lake the View, it Is said, that the United Htiit.H, not Germiiay, would hn held responsible for any break In friendly relations that iiiIkIiI it-ult from the President's In slstence em the main Issue, Officials at the Hliile Department ex plain that It Is the main Issue only that Is really Involved In the President's tight for tho protection of American lives on the high seas. The Prisldent cannot obtain this protection, they say, so long as Germany udheres to tho present meth ods of submarine warfare. i:ither tho Preoldent'H fight for principle or Ger many's so-called fight for "military necessity" must glvo way, they add. It Ii stated, furthermore, that Germany fully realises this, The Incompatibility of Gennany'a sub marine warfare with the President's principles for the rights of humanity and for American rights Is said by officials to-night to -explain why Germany's good Con Ha Ufa1 on fooaei Pagt, FORD MAY HEAD THIRDPARTYON A PEACE BASIS Uabbi Wise Tells of Steps In OpiMise the Two Old Oro-unizatioiis. foi:soimm:kpaiKdxkss HACK THE 3I0VKMEXT: A "third party" movement, based on two principles, progresslvlsm nnd anll mllltarlsni, with Henry Kuril. Frank Walsh, chairman of the Industrial Re lations Commission, npd Herbert lllge low of Ohio as Its Presidential possibili ties, has already made great strides In the middle West, according to lUbbl Stephen S. Wise, who returned yesterday from a tour of the leading cities In that inert of the country, during which ho made speeches against preparedness. The movement will probably reach the crystallization stage in the course of the next few weeks, but Dr. Wise would not enter Into a discussion of details or per sonalities in connection with It. Dr. Wise, Amos Pinchot, Mr, Hlgelow ami Prof Scott Nearln were the lending speakers In the nine day tour lust ended. Dr. Wise did uj care to say anything about Ford, Walsh and Hlgelow In con nection with the projected "third part)" until the reporters :u ,H house last night showed him a telegiam from Pittsburg. 1 nls stated that the tour called the truth alsnit preparedness tour" found that there was much middle Western dis cussion about an antl-milltarlst party movement and mentioned the three names as the. pr .liable party leaders. . i:na rlloi,, sa Or. Wise. "I bellel,. 11 ii,, ..v.,..- . . ., , " I .tiiuil IO say th.y they have been so mentioned." n,' Wise then said i7'"m .'.h" fin,ler "f lh" ,"l"'"-in wrote w ith authority was continued by the fact that he was the public Ity agent of the nntl-.nll.tarlst committee- which cot.! due-ted the tour during which Dr. Wie and tin- others spoke. It .,., learned too that if the "third , S s ..igaliU.itlon will be perfected through the efforts o( Itudolph Sprockets or .-.hi I raiiclsco. who is now in the l-it M.iei-kel i 1 ML' earned the name of the "Wilson" Ho went on the stump for Mt. Wilson, iv .,""'cr "l,,'ak" on the tour with Dr. Wise were convinced of an Imprcs s ve sentiment in the sections they Melted for nn anti-tnllltarlst party. Itii ncc.-lty from their point of view wa. expiess-d by Dr Wise In th. wav If the two old turtle, the Democratic and J.epulill, an. stand upon platforms of pre-par.-!nes ,! pllt fort)l ,.,, (.1t0, pledged to that end those people who do not want militarism In this country "ill have no other course than to or nine- th.-:r own partv and put their own candidates ; the Held ".-peaking for mself !lt not for the nnti-nilllt.irlst coinmitte...-' Dr U Ise. --my Journey has led me to Oei that the time may be nt hand for the creation of a new party, a pirtv Hint sbn 11 be uiieiti. vocally nnd unalterably iHiti-mtlltnriM. a party that shall bo lundamentallv iirogreselve I ,v fimda ntentally tirogreesive. for I ant 'thinking or that Iniprovlsi-d im- opportunely abandoned progresslvism adopted In otilci- to elect a miiHt fascli.atlng gentle, man to the Presidency ' "iil.-l o l-lubi Militarism. "If a progressive and antl-milltarlst party is to be founded, a I believe It ! must b... Um purpo will not be to give (any man a bully time In the White .House its aim will lie to iioiiii form that shall express tlie iil,hnrr,.n of every American of the militarist ten-J oen. ies wiucii to-day endanger tlie verv life of our democracy. Who are to ho Its candidates? The American people who believe in the perpetuation of dem-oc-ratlc Institutions and who loathe tlie possibility of establishing European mill, tiirlsm In our land the American peoplo will name them " Dr Wise said lie understood that there would be n meeting of the guidlnp spirits among the antl-mllltarlsts In the course of the tievt few weeks, but where and when lie could tint tell It Is prob able that Herbert Hlgelow, who was chairman of the Ohio Stale constitu tional convention a few years ago ; Amos Pinchot and itudolph Spieckels are pre paring plans. The movement s distinct from the- strictly pacltlst movement, salel Hr Wise although It ts believed that if sucli a party is founded it would gain tin- support of the paclllsts as opposed to the iiiitl-uillltarlstN. "The," said Dr. Wise, "cannot understand how deep is tlie feeling of the Slates of the middle West against what Is believed to be the artificially btlmillate-d preparedness panic, and the West Is rlKldly Indignant at those poli ticians of small mid smaller degree who an- making the preparedness question a matter of partisan advantage. President Wilson's earnest speeches evidently made a deep Impression upon the com munities that heard him, yet It Is felt that the President's preparedness pro. gramme t almost moderate by the side of the Wiioil-Kletcher-ItoosDvelt-Onrd-ner-.Meiikcn programme, tin ow ing to gether the big and the little." full for .lull lit llooai'ie-lt, "At th meeting ill Kansas Cit), at tended by alsjut t.dfiO men and women, some unci In the audience shouted at me, 'Why don't you give It to Itoosovelt'' I answered, 'If nece ssary we-ll take care of tin- I'oliinel on election day,' and the uudlence roared Its approval, I "After ten days of contact Willi tho gieat Inland e-nipliiY continued Dr. Wise. "I it I it pie-pared to say that If a referendum a national referendum could be taken to-morrow on the uues Hon of militarism via preparedness, an iiiiineiiM number, possibly cvrn a major ity of the American electorate, would by their vote register their unwillingness to have- tho republic Hung into tho mili tarist maelstrom. To urgo that the mid. dlo We-st Is Indifferent to the menace of Invasion or attack Is an Intolerable libel upon ono of the most American sections of the country, certain In the event of war to give unstintedly of Its eons to the Hi-ivlce of their country. "I should say the middle West Is alive to the menace of militarism involved in any such preparedness programme as Is being urged by the extremists to-day, Kor example, whenever tho Slater bill, which has passed the State Senate, was referred to by Amos Pinchot or any speaker a wave of Indignation swept over tho audiences at the thought of compelling boys to undergo the military tralnlnc," U. S. TROOPS INVITED TO PARRAL, THEN SHOT DOWN ; VILLA ALIVE, SAYS HOWZE GEN. PERSHING'S REPORT ON THE PARRAL FIGHTING WASHINGTON, April 16. The following report, dated yesterday, from Gen. Pershing, commanding the United States forces: in Mexico, "was transmitted to the War Department Ity Gen. Funston to-night: " 'My telegram of yesterday confirmed. Full report from Col. W. C. Brown, Tenth Cavalry, and Major Frank Tompkins, Thirteenth Cav alry, this morning. Frank Tompkins's column, Troop K, Thirteenth Cavalry, nnd Troop M, Thirteenth Cavalry, entered Parral 1 1 A. M. on the 12th inst. " 'Frank Tompkins, preceding, was cordially received by higher civil and military officials. Military Commander Gen. Lozano accom panied Major Tompkins on way to camp. " 'In the outskirts of town groups of nntlve troops nnd civilians following, jeered, threw stones and fired on column. Major Tompkins took defensive position north of railroad, but was soon flanked by na tive troops and forced to further retire. " 'About 300 Carranza troops joined in pursuit and Major Tomp kins continued to withdraw to avoid further complications until he reached Santa Cruz, eight miles from Parral. Fighting ceased about fifteen miles from town. Major Frank Tompkins deserves great praise for his forbenrance. " 'Gen. Lozano attempted to control his men when firing first be gun, but failed to. " 'Col. Brown with Major Charles Young nnd a snuudron of the Tenth Cavalry was eight miles away when notified, and joined Major Tompkins 7 P. M. " 'Reported privately forty Mexicans killed, nil soldiers, including one Major.' One civilian wounded. Americans killed, two; wounded, six; missing, one. " 'Major Tompkins slightly wounded by spent bullet. " 'Major R. L. Howzc, Eleventh Cavulry, arrived Parral yesterday from San Borjn nnd Unlloza, having had several skirmishes with Villa men. One man killed, one wounded.' FUNSTOX." VILLA DEAD, BODY FOUND, CARRANZA CHIEFS INSIST Bringing Remains From Grave at San Francisco Borja to Chihuahua to Get Identification Army Offi cers on Border Doubtful. I. Ml mil , April 16. lien.tllirrgon, Minister of Hal, last night announrrd thai Villa was dead nnd had been hurled In the village of San l'ranrlro I he vtar Department had previously rrrrlied n inrsvage staling that Ibe bandit's bod) had hern exhnnird by Carlos Carranza and hi being taken by blm and his soldiers to Clilhuiihua Pit). Kt, I'so, April lti. Pancho Villa is ele.ul unci his body has been taken out of Its lonely grave at San Francisco Ilorja, nrar ('uslluiiiluclilc, Chihuahua, nnd positively Idi-iitlllcd. according to Me!im seml-otllclal ndvice.s and private- messages from San Antonio, Mexico, to-d.iy. Villu bad died from gangrene us a result of a wound in hU left knee, It cms said. Tho story of the tlncllng of the body ivttie from several onrccs. First rauza ollk-ials recc-lvevl mcs-wins from San Antonio and Madera, both In tho State of Chihuahua. Later a private; tiii-ss.igi) from San Antonio. Chihuahua, also told of the tlncllng of the lody anil gave the- details. This message naid that former Villa Colonel captured by tit-n, Cava 7.os, a Carranza commander, offered If his life was sparoJ to whovv where Villa wa.s burled. The offer was accepted and ho led n command under Col. Carlos Currnnza, nephew of the First Chief, to a lonely prnve f-ild to be that of the- former Mexican leader. Tho tiie-ss.ige until the Kuly was posi tively Identified on being taken up and that an examination )iowd that death had re-siilti'd from gangrene as a result of n gunshot wound in the left knee. The body was being brought to Antonio to be taken to Chihuahua city and then to Jtinrez, the message said. Story I Sat ( reel I led. liter reports from FunstonV head quarters at San Antonio and from other points, tend to discredit the .Mexican claims of Villa's death, Andres (iaicla, Carranza Consul In Kt Paso, hh soon as he received the fliet le port of the rapture of Villa, sent a tele giant to Oov. Uutlerre-z of the State of Chihuahua asking liliu to have the body of Villa sent to Juarez that American's might view It nnd satisfy themselves of tile- dentil of the b.uullt. Consul (tarda expressed great pleasure over the news and gave it full credence. So did lien, Oinvlra of the Juarez gairl son and the Juarez people generally. Tlie celebration which wax In progress In Juarez yesterday, rejoicing over the first anniversary of the defeat of Villa at Celaya by Oen, Obre-ion, wim made u two day affair and continued this after noon nnd to-night on receipt of tin- m-ws that Villa's body had been exhumed nnd Identitlul, The stoi y of the location nf the body tallies with that told b) Cartanza's fol lowers a week ago ugardlnt; the death of Villa. It was slated at that time that he died somewhere In tlie vicinity of San Antonio or Satevo nod had been hurled on a ranch. One of tho Mexican In formants of Hen. Pershing's men nt the time said he could point out tlie grave, 14 1 It lee not known If he was given a dint ice to do so or not. . The Americana did not credit the le pott of the death and continued their rluucc after the men who had been knuwn to be with Villa, In the hope that Villa vvao with them, or at least that If wa.t he would be captured, This morning messengers from the Carranza detachment In Sun Francisco Ilorja brought In the news, according to the despatch from San Antonio ami Madera, that the body had been taken out of Its grave nnd had been positively Identified, Villa had been burled, It was stated, ns lie had causevl so many others to be Interred, with Ills fighting clothes on and without any sort of a coveilng except his everyday wearing apparel, Tho message from Snn Antonio to ilay said Villa's t consent on his light leg hud be-en split because of the terrlhlo swelling resultlns from tho gunshot wound received at Guerrero, That Villa suTered great agony be fore hlti death Ih reported from many sources. A party of seven Mexicans reached Juarez laat night and uald that they had escaped fiom Villa at S.etevo, at wlilc li time lie was bclle-ved to be dying, but wns tiding night and da v. cursing the Americans In one breath atul cr.vlng out In pain in another. These linn were being held pr.soneis by Villa, thej said, but as death drew nearer lend his men were cliiveti on" In vurloiiK small bands by the continual at tacks of the American and Carranza troops he was unable to tniard his prison ers and they ecapcl. Ono of these men, after learning the story to-night that the body nf Villa bad been dug up and lilentlpVd. snicl "We knew when we Ictt Villa that he could not live Ills leg had swollen so large that his ttousers leg had been cut open. The wound was n bad one and the broken Imnes wore protruding He had only the services of a native doctor when shot and the doctor did tin; best he could to remove the pieces of bono from the knee with his pocket knife. "There was nothing with which to prevent blood poisoning and the llrst day after the wound we all felt mr that Villa would die, for wo hid seen his men and our own prisoners are Car ranza soldlersl die from fallute to have th'-lr woiin'N treated and vc knew tlie awful agony that men suffeied under such conditions "Villa was brave, however, and he rode on horseback when .in ordinary man would have given up. When we heard him scream with pain we knew that he was ulTerlng terribly, for he was not a man to give way tn pain, and when he was wounded those who saw the wound dressed said that he never uttered a groan as the doctor probed for the broken bones with a knife As the poison t,egnn to get Into his sv stein Villa had a high fever and nt times he seemed out of his head, but lie never foigot to curse the grlngoes. Ills fever was so high that his face was swollen and his brown, sunburned skin became re-d with the tire of the fever. Ills Hps were parched and his tongue was swollen so that lie could scaiccly make himself und, rstood when we saw him last at San Antonio, lie was head ing south and we vvrre sure that he would die before lie cduld get much further. I am surprised that he got thirty miles from where we last saw h'm." The message received to-day did not say when Villa's body was expected to reach San Antonio for shipment to Chi htiahun city and gave no details as to who had reported that It had been ex humed. Operator !riil Word, The two messages to the I'airiiuza officials came from the railroad oper ators at San Antonio mid Madera These points are wldel.v separated. The pri vate message from San Antonio stated that the body had been rcenvotvil and "Ih being brought here to bo taken on a special train to Chihuahua city." An American sent the message and It was not In code. Messages fiom ricn. Pershing and Americans ofllolals were anxiously awaited to-night to bring details of the discovery or mole positive proof that the body had been found. Consul (larcla and Hen Uavini both denied to-diiy that there had been any attacks upon American piopetty In the vicinity of Parral and pronounced as falfcc the telegrams received hero yes. terday by the Alvarndo Mining Com patty stating that the plants at Presena had been looted by Mexicans. Hoth also denied any knowledge of any further lighting net ween American troops nnd Mexicans In the vicinity of Parral. Itloilng took place In Clilhtiahu.i city to-day, aivordlng to report received in Juarez this afternoon. Thirty former Vllllstas were arrested, charged with starting tlie trouble. Tho Juarez olllelals aside from admitting that trouble took place In Chihuahua city declined to ills ciien tho r.ffrtir. CONSUL HERE NOTIFIED. Telritram Prom 111 Paso Tell, nf Villa's lien I h, Juan T. Hums, Mesu-an Consul in New York, received tho follow lug telegram yesterday from Andrew, li.nvl.i, .Mexican Consul at F.I Paso, Tex. ; "Tim tclogrnplilo o'rators of Cusl hulrlaohle and Madera reisui that the Ixdy of I'lincho Villa has been found and will bo taken to Chihuahua. I will pro. cure continuation of tho report and will transmit Ii to you. "Anpiikh (Iaik-ia " Consul Hums said vestenlny that the feeling against Villa In the two townn mimed was very strong'. (iiiirison roimiimiiler 31 et I lie Americans Ten .Miles From Cit,. ASSrRKI) HIM OF FI'IKNDLV IIKCKPTJON Once Within Town .Mexican Soldiers Fired on Americans. HATTLK WKXT OX KOI. FIGHT .MILES 1 10 Mexican Soldiers Killed I Villa Located North ! of I'arral. Six A.nto.xio, Tex., April Hi. -Tnat the attack on tho American troops at Parral last Weciuc-day wan not only premeditated but carefully planned is confirmed in a report to-night from lien. Pershing In which Meijor Frank Tompkins, says, that the Cnrr.inzn, oflt-c-ers invited hint und Ills command Into the town und when in thoy InforriieMi the America lis thut it site been se lected for their encampment Just llh "tit the tiivvit limits. A Cnrr.inza otllcer ina tho Amer icans ti'n mile.i out from Patral anil extended the invitation m behalf of tin; y and civil authorities of l'.i rial. A Mi-cond nio.,:t2e fiom Pershing to night says that Major Hubert I.. Ilowze "f tilt- Kl-'Vinth Cavalry ti.rts that Private Klrby of Troop M killed and Privates Kerroski and Clifton of Troop 1-; were woundi'il. Major Iloivze. vv ho Joined tin- itter- I :cin troops at Soma Cruz rcsirtid 1 tl at Villa W.IS lit -.he minima 'ns miuiIi- west of l..clsirjj. vvlileli t northwest of I' Major Iluvvze was operating; in that section ami went from then- on Wediie.Mlay to Cruz ten tnllcs northwest of Parrai. lie t-avs lie got information considered alisolutol re liable that Villa wa.s in the mountains there ;ind so teH.rts 111 his message) which ri-aclie-d lirs-iihniai ler here to night. He-port Cnitir lie cropln 11 r . The official teport from Con Pcr-hirir j e aiiie via aeroplane to .amliiilpa, then I via wireless to Columbus and llienc.; to . Oen. Funston by wire. No reports haw j been received bv den. Funston tegard ; Ing the second battle at Ii Is , belle'ved that the re-ports Col Hrown de. , sires to send by aeroplane to Chihuahua clt.v are; about the second flht I According to this report. Major Ieiiiiikln.s with two troops of the Thir teenth Cavalry. M and K. eon-lstln.- of only about luo men, mnri-licil tut" Par ral on Wednesday tifternoon and were pleasantly rece, cd by 1 leu. I.11.11110. the. I'cmtiwitiiiunt. .Hid the c-ivll niithoi Hies, who nppatciitl.v welcomed the Aniet Icutis. !en. l,iiAin,! designated t!lt, t iic-amp-tiii-iu for the Ann man troops ami of fered to the Americans to the ramp site1. Hiding alongside of Mnjor Tonipkln-', lien l.oatii started with the troops for :lie camp, when so'.ilier.s nf the .Mexican gnrrWnn and a eivilinii iiinh nttai-ki'd the Ann news Knowing these were I 'at nol diers. Major Tompkins did 11.0 want to make a stand auainsi tin tn and re treated tu near the e-iinip site, whole the Amctic.iti troops, iiiittitnulinred two tn one. took up .1 poMtniu Is-lnnil r.nlivMil emlsinknie nt. While making a defen. e ih-v were flanked by Son Carranza soldiers who i-aine tii from tin- other side, driving the Americans from their itupnn ls.-d shelter and pursuing them In their ivtiv.u For eight miles the light continued with the Mexicans siilYirlug a losw of foity soldiers. Including one major and one civilian killed and mam wounded and tin- America's losing two soldiers nnd six wounded the latter number In cluding Major Tompkins who suffered a slight wound 111 the cln si At Santa Cruz, eight inlle.i of tils- battle ended when tJv Americans were teeiifor. n bv ioI. Hrown with a squadron of imi Tenth Cavnlrj llellri-el lo 10ld Trouble. bile I'en Pershing did no! so indo ate, eicn i'unston assiiiin ,s that Major Tomp kins orib-red his men to withdraw fiom Parral without llnng when the soldiers ami civilians began hulling stnnes and filing on the Americans TM-. In as sumed because orders to all emm inders of American tronps lete nvplie I lo hcoM -lashes with Carranza troops ami inn lo attempt to occupy towns or cities An other reason for assunilng Hut th Aineticaiis did not return the lire in th.c, It'll. Pershing's report slated (hit Mm I Mexicans eio killed and wounded when Major loinpklns tpado Ins stand bch nrt the railroad embankment and In the run. nlng light to Santa Cm eii-n I'lllistou does nn believe Ainepi can troops used machine guns iigaumt the Cut In rutin- more Mexicans would have been killed and wounded, lie Is of opinion Major Tompkins's com j maud bad no machine gun troop or m would have had It In action (leu Kunston saUl he regretted that 'Major Tompkins was nimble to hold his I gmund ut the tullroad embankment, a I ho considers the moral rrtect upon the UejUciina would have been exacillator L& . . r . .,'. , . 'nab