TO LEGALIZE TRUSTS FOR FOREIGN TRADE Amendment, to Sherman Law "Will Permit American Com panies to Cooperate. WILSON APPROVES IT WiiwtsoTON, April 18. Tlie federal Twrtc ioniinleoti hue drafted and will submit io Congress an amendment to the Sherman anlMrust net which will per mit fombltmtloiib' of American nintiu facttircra In the export trade Ln the form ef nssoe-Utloiis, cartel, or pelting gen rift Thlr, It In tf.ild. Is the most advance! nep ecr taken by the (lovermneiit to encourage export trade and to enable American liiiiimfacturerw to eoirrt'elo tilth foreign manufacturers, nho are or ganlied Into selling ngcjuiea or uvo ciatlens. The. Sherman antl-lrust net applied to combinations of American manufac turer In foreign trade, and It lian been averted that It has ferlounly hanill Wped tliein In retaining business; In foreign rountrlcs. 'where' they met the competition of manufacturers of tier miny. England, France, Helglum and ether countries, the ilemrnnients) of tilch encourage selling agencies or un loclatlors or combination. The Htnendinent which the Federal Trade. Commlflon will bubnilt will legnl It cooperative :isoclutlun, combination er outline agencies for the purpose, of enraging In the foreign trade, provided nothing donu by the HMoctatloiia, welling agencies or combination! restrains trade In the United State. This amendment will also provide that the. Federal Trade Commlsslun shall have power to prevent American tiuim-fae-turersi engaged In export trade through the association, combination or filing agency from uslnf unfair meth ods of competition against American competitors, even though tho acta con stituting such unfair methods are done In foreign countries. Another provUlon will require erery association, combination or telling gency engaged In export trade to tile with the Federal Trade Commission Its) contract of association, combination or gency. the location of Its office, place ef business and full Information with re gard to Its membership. The action of the commission In for. mutating the amendment Is based on an Invettigatlon It has made of the t-ubject nong manufacturers, exporters and merchants, and It was found that the ntlment was almost unanimously In fivor of relieving the manufacturers or exporters of the penalties of the Sher man act In connection with foreign trade. Thi' commission also sent agents to foreign countries to acertaln the form ef organizations and methods employed by foreign competitors with whom American business men have to compete In those countries. It le understood that President Wilson heartily approves the amendment and that he will urge Congress to pass It at an early date In order to assist American manufacturers In holding: markets which thry have obtained during the past year or eighteen months which were aban doned by other countries but In which It Is believed competition will be re sumed with Increased vigor when the ar ceases. KatlonaJ ftaratr Calna RpatIIt. The National Surety Company's quar terly statement hhows the largest earn !rics In the company's history. Tho operating earnings In the quarter were more than S547.000, or at an annual rate Pf JMSS.OOO on a capital of $.1,000,000, which would be $70 a share. Deprecia tion in the value of securities for the quarter was 164,000. It Is understood that premiums Increased $100,000, or at the rate of $400,000 yearly. BUSINESS TROUBLES. t'liitrtrfi reports 30 business failures rn the I'nltei States during the week, ectlntt 307 for the previous week and 374. If . t: nn1 (or the corrtipondlnc f'kj of 1JIC to 191?. The middle mates yl it. New England 31, Southern 7, sstern 15, Northwestern 17 and fir lltttsrn 30. CUnada had it, against 3 for the preceding week. About 0 per cent. M the coneerns falling had capital of lets I. 'Vi. '-lno nd per cent, had from II. eoo to KO.00O capital. Rerelrera Appointed. tMHC-TATi: COA.L COMPANY. INC. "'niter Peterson has been appointed r r!tr for the Interstate Coat Company, Inc., wholetalo coal, at 17 Battery place, Jy Judge learned Hand of the Federal Co-jrt, In supplementary proceedings, on application of Kellogg A Boif, attorneys for the Susquehanna Coal Company of P.lliaa'elpuU, a creditor for on J'llgmcnt obtained on April 30 for coal old In 191 S. The company waa Incor porated on May I, with capital Jock 1150.000. but waa never rated at . T5,treet'K Isaac D. Wett l president. trips BAItNETT rtONS. INC. -Judge land has appointed Mtn Bertha Item baugh receiver for Louie slarnet Kona. inc. manufacturers of cloak and suits !' West Thlrty-teeond street; bond, 11.000. Liabilities are reported to be M.000 and assets $:,000. Bankruptcy Petitions. CHARLES V. LA AS. builder, of Mount Vrnot. formerly a partner In the nrin "1 Durktn & Lasa, builders, at 10J Park sienue, New TorU ttty, hus Died a I ' It ion ln haiiltruntcv Individuals- and partner, with liabilities 1107. im and eta ?,3 In unliquidated claim for ' anc. on contracts with tho Hoard of Ldui'atlim m Publlo fchool so, this city, 'hlth ha been ueilcned to crrditorr. nd on the Bridgeport, Conn., High f iooI. They are aald to have lost '0 000 on the Bridgeport contract. The 'Irm ii formed In 1911. the other partner waa Alice M. Durkln, a well knonn woman builder. n. KING BAKINU COMPANY A P't'tlon In bankruptcy lias been filed (alnot rellna B. King, trading a the r 11 King Biiklng Company, at 1:00 Jamaica avenue. Queen, who reeldea at IMS Anthonv avenue. The Bronx. Lia bilities Ht I&.000 and BHseta 11.000. i!f)llHI3 HCIIIFI" & CO., INC. A petition n bankruptey ha been filed agalnet Morris Hthlff A Co., Inc., wholesale 7alr In diamonds and Jenelry at 13 Nm street. The company made an 'lsnment on April 13, Liabilities are k'Ht-l to be J10.000 and asaela ll.OOd. rllll.I.IP MYAMM A petition In bank, y hurt been filed aralnat rhllllp J ams, commlsklon merchant, at 333 f'um street. Assets are said to be t'. 000. A(.,I,K WATHrtPHOOF COMPANY, INC. . petition In bankruptcy has bean "led stAtnst the Kagle Waterproof Coin Pinv. Ini' manufacturer of ralnroats at - I 4 i:ast Broadway. Liabilities ara 000 and aaseta SI, SOD. Tho compuuy incorporated in ISIS and Manuel ltol(ii Ik treanurer. BMtNAItn ZKLLliK. tailor of 131 West l.lchty .fourth street, formerly In bual J at 13 West Tlilrty.nlnth street, has VlT" " P'Htlon In bankruptcy, with lla blll'lea ;.36 and no aatets. DiHlisrge Granted. "Ono.SOI-K & KDSON Judge Hand baa Iranled a discharge from bankruptcy to ..'ui.ufT i: Udsuii, iiiufCiUrcr Cf 'ur , fonnsrly at to University place, atalnst whom a petition waa filed by 'TMiior. on lecmlir 13, 1911. and who 1 hdd liabilities of IJ0.000. t'ompoaltlons Cenflnartl, rlir.LI'b IlltOS. COMTANY, INC. Judge llar.d hs confirmed a coiupoallton of I I; tip, itrot. Company, Inc.. manufacturer "f hratlm apparatus at 310 Watar street, 313 Ilroadwuy and at Washington, D. C. 'Uh creditors at 40 cents on the dollar, payable 30 cents part In cash and part in property and 40 cents In notes. Lis- CK II. FINKKLHTE1N Judgs Hand rnmlrmed composition t Mack H. Hi.ktlsleln. trading as the Wlllard Com. Pany dealer tn clothing and men's 'urnlslilng aoedr at 31 and (41 Bread "far 1 tli crf'tors at 39 cents on the ..War cash. I.labllltlea were tlt.7tf, itir.l. WOOI.K. a dlaiuoiid broker of ill Mouth Third street, Brooklyn, ye- siqbv men a. vaiuntarv staiaiian id nans robtcr with II,I.IT lUMiHI sit ai ,s. DAIRT PRODUCTS MARKET. ..tSHl-T,:r rThe 'ne-'ket was firm on light auppl es and more actlto buying. For the 2liL,,niff.J,ur.ln ,nl .wk hera was no HJ'i. the lower prices bringing more buyers Into the market. Flocks were bet. lr cleaned up at the close. Unaalted Nated, packing stock and ladles stilt very fhort and firm. Price! Creamers ' ',".' 3 core, Ji4r.: hlrlitr scoring, 3U0 JUjc.i firsts, 33'il 33ic.i seconds, 3i.v 2;'.'.'x. ,,,',1.rd'' ''"Ci unsalled fstiry, alNtlSaiir ; prime to clinlce, SSdltc, held extras, common to tine. 30f3:iC. . Htate dairy, tlnest, 3S!r33i,c.; good to prime, SstrSSUc: renoatrd, extras, 33m 3: flrats. 314331'.; ladles, flrMe, 3w .9'ic; packing stock, current make, lint, sjc.i No. 3, IT lie. Oil Ktl.HI", Oil Cl.l arlvlr.. r.1 . .hllll.. advance In England, export buying wh i more active, I'speclnlly for new whim twins and Cheddars and choice skims. All lines sold at nrm prices for both local and foreign account. New while stock In IIiii Ited aupnly. but colored goods fairly plen Jirul. Held etorks becoming rapidly ex hausted. Prices: Klal. held, lolurcd and while specials, lti(Mr. ; average fanry, UtilS'iCi flats, fre.h, specials. Its (a 1 7c. heddars. held. rpclat, lH'.WH'ic. . good to fine. M7tflli,i' ; daisies, single!-, held line to tlnesl, s ISHc. Twins, held specials. UUttl'tjr, good to prime. 1C 'tli'ic; undcrgrjdrs. lield, lorl'Sc; fresh. I4ifti'.. Wlaconln,' held. ls U'i;.i single daisies, held, m, nHSc. double daisies, held, 11'ijTlHSc young Amerlras, hM, ISSUlO'ic: fresh. 17c: Nlate sklmr. specials, current make, lttr Uc.j lower grades, C0llr. EUtlH On unexpectedly light suplles yesterday the market held firm on all grades. Dealers asked a premium for specially lino packs from Northern sec Hons Southern gooJs barely steady. Wrtlei and checks selling readily at iso lation. Price.: Fresli gathered, ettras, 33StlI4e.; storage packed tlrats. 33tt 33tc: firsts, 31tI3:Sc.: seconds, :0 1, u 31c; dirties. No. 1, l'to:oc.: No. 3, 18', n 15'ic.i nearby hennery whites, 34(o3f,c., browns, 330 34c: iplied. 33Hr33c.: duck, Htate. 30U3KM Maryland and Halllmore, selected. 3tO 30c. : Western ind bouthern. 3SU3c. ; goose, 40 3 60c. I.1VI7 POULTRY About IS cari wsro unloaded yesterday mid with light supplies the market remained firm despite moderate trailing. Fowl were cleaned up at Thurs day's prices. Broilers fairly plentiful and slow; turkeys, nominal: ducks generally poor ami easy, DltESSED rOVLTKY Receipts of fresh dressed stock were it little larger, but de mand was sufllclent to take care of all that arrlted at tho linn prices. Market was well cleaned up, with no surplus tn carry over Turkeys generally irregular In quality and price, but other descriptions sold readily at quotations. Prices: Dressed turkeys, Western hens and turns, dry picked, 30ft 33-.; chickens, t: In box. Wester milk fed, 30c: corn fed, 1 Strive, fowls. 13 to bov, dry packed, Western, Co lb, and oer to dozen, 311iS133c: 13 to 4 U.S.. 3UU3IC, under 30 lbs., 17'jlSe; Western, dry picked. lbs. and oter, Zt :l',l'.i 4t lbs., '.'H!31LC; 3 lbs. and under. 1?'iHl9o.; old roosters, lCc. : squabs, rrlme white, 10 lbs to doren. ti.SO, 9 bt l(,7S, 7 lbs.. 13. JO. Frozeni Turkeys, selected young hens. 31c: toms. 37nJ3c; No. 3. 3303lt'.: broilers. II to box. IS to 34 lbs., 30c.S corn fed. fancy, 37c.: chickens, 13 to box, milk fed, 3t to 3 lbs., 33iC 33Hc, 43 to 47 lbs., 3tr3mr.: corn fed, 31 to 38 lbs.. 33F.: 43 to 47 lbs., 33 He: fowls, Wettern, boxed, tio lbs. and over, 31c: 36 to 43 lbs., lS'jc; old roosters, ISHc. RAILROAD EARNINGS. 1911. Changes. Canadian Northern: Third week Apr. 1834, 000 Inc. 1193,000 From Oct. 1.... IM13.S0O Inc. C.MMUO Chicago Great Western: Third week Apr, !:si.i:i Inc. tI4,0S From July 1.... 13,333 579 Inc. 931,173 Leulstllle and Nashville! Third week 'Apr. tl. 197.195 I tie. I33I.570 From July 1.... I9.3ie.39t Inc. C,3:3,49 Hlo Grande Southern: Third week Apr. i?,S3 Dec. 1433 From July 1.... 4 4f.73 Inc. 3.944 Toledo, St. Louis and Western: Third week Apr. 1113.438 Inc.. IU.373 Frum July 1.... 4,nc.:si Inc. 731,473 DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA W15STEKN. AND The Delaware, !ickawanna and West ern Itallroad reports to the Interstate Com merce Ccmmltalon for March: 191C. Cnangea. Il,:34,39l Inc.ll.vt4.sio :'.i;.:is inc. 313.331 Total oper. rer. Total oper. exp. Oper. income From July 1: Total orcr. rev Total oper. exp Oper. Income.. ii,:is,:; inc. 1134,47: !!.:a:,?:t 31.'i3.7I3 Inf. I.Sls,:J4 13.I39.C07 Inc. 3,SSS,1 ONTARIO AND WESTERN. The New York. Ontario and Western Rallwa Company reports for March: ism roa earnings,. Net earnings.... Deficit From July 1: Gross earnings.. Net earnings.... Surplus! Inc. f s.iUl .H1 Dec 07.391 Inc. 1C7J3.433 Inc. 1. :.:: inc. 714,303 Inc. 4.49 41,070 IH.5:i lU.toi CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO. The Chesapeake and Ohio lines report tor March: 1916. Changes. 11,397,851 Inc. 11,037,110 3,4C,63; Inc. C73.313 51331 Inc. 3S0.SI3 Totat revenue.. Total expenses., Net Income,... From July 1: Totnl retenue,. Total oper. exp Net Income.... .T13.X4S.S9T lne.t7,0C.4:9 . 33.C3T.0H Inc. 3.31 !.;; . :,109,943 inc. o,iiiv;cj NOKTOLK AND WESTERN. The Norfolk and Western Railway Com pany reports for Marth: , 1918. Changes. Rwy. oper. rev.. I5.050.SK Ine.ll,C.'5,3JJ Itwy, oper. Inc . 3.1 inc. 1,073.134 Net Inwms 1.94S.33S Inc. 1,133,397 For nine months: Rwy. oper. rev. .143.344.IST Inc.$11,4l!.94 nwy, op. Income. Itl.HS.KO't Inc. T,33,llt Net Income 14,511,339 Inc. 7.T6J,3:i NORTHERN PACIFIC FOR MARCH. The earnlnrs statement of tha Northern Pacinc Rallay tympany for 1he month of ?iarcn loiiowa; 11. 7hanaes. Total oper. exp. Cross lniyme, . . . Net Income Net surplus Total oper. exp, Oross Income... Net Income Net surplus f3.4U.47l Inc. 1791.094 3.H4.C4-. Inc. 911 "39 3,131,471 Ine. 11, 137 691,111 Inc. H, 13T :9.159.JT Inc. 199.313 3C.IIT.aiH Inc. S.T53.S13 19.C3I.4I0 lno, C,74M3'J C, COS, 410 Inc. CT45.SJJ ILLINOIH CENTR'AL. The Illinois Central Ra!lroa4 Company reports lor iuarcn; 191C. 4?hansaa Total revenue,, Expenses Net retenue, , From July : Total revenue,. IS.943,011 Tnc. IS39,3 4.733.3S0 inc. SI9.C35 ,. I1.310.IS1 Inc. I349.C31 .IS1.731.S7! Tne.t, 055,477 Expenses , . 41,331.705 Inc. 3.7CT.530 Net revenue.,,, Il0,49, 111 lnc.ll,38T,95T BUFFALO AND KUBQUEHANNA. The Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad corporation reports rur .vareni 191. Oross earning f13T,!3T Net oper. rev 35.79 Net Income 44.TC9 Surplus 13,993 From January 1 to March JI Orrws ewrnlngs, , , , I44C.TOC Net oper. rev ISC. 539 Net Income 1T3.0IC 191 S. tlOI,95'.l .:39 9,035 I33C.CCC SI. SIT 39,517 89,591) Hurplus 170.741 YAZOO AND MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. The Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Rail road Company reports for March: 1914. Chansea. Total revenue.., Expenses Net revenue., From July 1: Total revenue.. Expenses 11.051.531 Inc. tr.0.461 107,019 Inc. 19, 1; t:SI,S03 Inc. 131,377 .110,334, 444 Inc. II, 303.347 , T, Its, 179 inc. 3CI,I0ll Net revenue... 1S,06T,99 Inc. 1140,141 PACIFIC COAST COMPANY. The Pacldo Coast Company reports for Marcn: .... 1916. Chamee. Gross earnings,, Oper, expenses,. Net earnings. From July 1: dross earnings,. Oper.. expenses.. 1531, 919 Inc. 3I,74 41,014 inc. 13.433 1ST, 915 Inc. 15,410,178 Ine. 4,611,117 Inc. 11,111 699,919 395,913 Net earnings 1163,739 Ine. 911.001 BESSEMER AND LAKE ERIE, The Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad reports to tne imvrsii ismnisrcs ivin muTslon forM.rch! Total oper. rev Net oper. rev,. Oper, Income,, From July 1: Total oper, rev, Net oper. rev... Oper, Income. 96S1.4SI Inc, I23I.1JO nun inc. iso.iii 111,630 Inc. 150.159 it, 9ii, 3o inc,i:,ooi,oei 3.9I9.CII Inc. 1,461,1(3 3,771,000 Ince) 1,411,153 MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA. The Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad reports to the Interstate Commerce Com nTUou for March! jm Total oper rev... Nat oper. rev.,,, Oper, Income..... From July 1 1 Total oper. rev... Met pjr. rv...i Oyer. le lio.eis Dec. 11,594 t3.7T( Dec. 733 17,117 Dec. ill 1114,111 Dee, '.Ml' iiS: ftl.ll EXPANSION OF TRADE GOES ON UNCHECKED Best Previous Hceords Rtoiid ily Surpassed, llcporls "Dun's' Continued expansion of commercial nnd Industrial activity Is reported In the weekly reviews of trade. Oiin'a ea: "Tho best previous records of production and distribution, of earn ing mill uagi'M, urn Momllly surpassed. ITven after great expansion, legitimate cntcrprlso shows continued augmenta tion, though vurloiH influences combine to hinder Its growth Consumptive re- lulrementv, howcter, are obtained In unprecedented volume, utid Industrial facilities, while constantly Impmved and ,.,; : ... . .. . , j . , ,, tiii?iAVf ahe liuiiiKM. Tlie iioara ei ucn- Increased, arc Inadequate, to handlo ullirl Appraisers held jestrrday that small the work there Is to he done. "Only In relatively few Instances have the extremely high cost; restricted new demands, and reports of premiums for prompt shipment, are !y no mentis un common. Delivery problems, however. still bulk large: at a period when un checked operations Hre essential, pro ducers arc handicapped by thn ehortago or raw materials and or skilled labor, by strikes at numerous points, and by the transportation congestion, which, though .less; serious than previously, con tinues it source of annoyance." llrudftrrris ayn: Countrywide ac tivity ln wholesale as welt us In Jobbing lines continues, the politi cal situation Is deemed to be less sciloue, overwhelming activity Is the dominant feature of leading Industries is likely to remain so. In fact, until crop pros pects ehapo up more clearly nnd there lire comparatively few signs of uny ma- lerlal lttini soon coining to pais in either Industrial or commercial chan nels. Substantial achieved actualities heavily outweigh any doubts that arc abroad." DRY GOODS SUPPLY EXPANDS. Jtcarclfj- of Labor Chief Problem al Mill. The Dry (oorfs I,"coaomlt says: Though It l tlll unequal to the dc matid, there nrt- Indications that the supply uf merchandise la expanding. Little, If an thing, Is now heard or the scarcity of riyestuffs, the sHern emplia tiling rather the svarclty of labor and the higher wages either paid or de manded. Varlouw bleaclierles. however, are reported to he rtmnlnc thrro shifts per day of twenty-four hours, und un Economist ft.ift member who visited two of the largest New England tcxtllo cen tre this week found mills riumlng over time, though the, hours would have been till longer could additional operative), have been secured. "Added to the Increased output Is the slackening of purchases by retailer, usual upon the close, of the Kitsterti trade. Unfavorable weather throughout a great t-ectlon of the country has also checked the demand at retail. "The consumption and distribution of wool and worsted drcs goods, and to eomo extent of mlks, also promlt-cs to be temporarily Interfered 'with, as it result of the lockout which the coat and suit manufacturers have agreed to declare Immediately. The woollen goods manu facturers assert that any tteaknes created In their line by this condition will he more than nffwt by the Inert-used crwt of production through higher wuges." SINCLAIR OIL ELECTION. OfBcrra and Illreoloratr cil fur 0,000,000 Corporation. Tlio following directorate) of tin new i:n,O0O,000 Sinclair Oil and lUi; i re Corporation was elected at a meet ug yentcrday; II. I". Slnel.i.r, Albert Jitrati-s, C V. D.tvldson, Theodore Itoosevelt, Jr., New York city: W. 11. Ison, J. M Cudahy and . T. l'entun. Chicago; K. B. Huston. II It Kemp. K. W. Sin-, clalr. TuNi. Okla.. and II. V Wright. Kansas City. H. V. Sinclair w'as flectwl president; J. M. Cu-lahy, tlrt v Ice-lireei. dent and treaj-urer: V. H. Ison, eccotul vice-president, and 11 v. .Sinclair, secre tary. The Central Trust Company has been appointed trustea of th bonds, of which $20,000,000 nro to be issued; the Colum bia Trust Company, registrar of bonds tho Liberty National Hank, rt-glstrar of stock, and the Union Trust Company, transfer iigent One million e-haros of stock will be Issued Willi no par value. Alstrtln .Mnlonry .Mnat Appear. Supreme Court Justice l'Jclelmu'y de elded esterday that if Martin Malonc.. oil man, does not appear here on May 'J for examination before trial In the- 1-ult brought against htm by tho McBrlde Studios to recover 115,000 under a con tract to bultd an altar In a Iloman Cath olic church ln Scrnnton, Pa., his answer will bo fctrlcken our. PUBLIC UTILITIES. The Alabtma Dower Company, the oper ating aulldta-y of th Alabama Traction. ; I.lglit and Power Company, haa ordered from tho vVstlnghnu lllectrlc and Ma nu- ' facturlng Company a lO.OOO kilowatt lur- ' bo generator and all other elecirleal eiulp- . ment, Tills Is to Im Installed In the ! new slemni generating plant to bn con structed In Ihe Warrtor coal flelda of Alabama The company has ulao ordered . six 1,300 horse-power Stirling bollets an-l haa plaeil i-ontracts wltli the I P, Mor ris Company for a'O horse-power , turbine. This new plant un tho Warrior i Itlter will have an ultimate rapacity ol to. 000 kilowatts and the addition of th now unit to the hydro-e-le'ctrle plant bringt the rapacity of that etntlon up tu 90,000 horse. power. The Northern Mlaslsslppl Hirer Power rVmpany, which Is a subsidiary of the Northern Slates rower vompany, nas called the tl'.lSiS.ilOO twenty-five enr 5 per cent. Ilrtt mortgage bonds, duo June I, 1911, for payment on Juno 1 it t in!, and Interest. This Is on nf tlie lust steps In tho consolidation and readjustmi lit of the funded debts of tho Northern States Power Company of Delawarn and Its subsidiaries Th Arkansas Valley Railway. Light and Power Company reports for March Kron earning of I'l'J.ltl. an Increase of I7,01 over tho llgure for .March, 1 9 1 S. and urt earnings of 113,070. an lncreato of IS.Of.'i. For tho twelve months ended March 31 tho company reports gross earnings of II . 15;. HO und net earnings of 1130,407. Tho former bhows a gatn of 117,404 and tho latter a gatn of 171,737 over the llguret last year. The Appalachian Power Company re. ports that for March groa earnings In-e-reaaod 48 pr cent and net earnings 103 per cent, over March last yoar. For tho year ended March 31 grosa earning, have Increased 34 and net CO per cent, over tho preceding yrar. , The March report of the W'eet Penn Traction Company, including all subsid iaries, discloses gross earnings nf l&uil.. 190. or u gain of 1111,790 oer March 131:; nt. "f 4,1 fain nf Te 0!H, and a surplus of 171. 675, a gain of lit). (13. For the quarter ended March 31 the report ho groaa earnings nf II, 433,441; which I 1314,414 better than thn1 figures for the first quarter ot 1 1 6 : neti comings of I734.931, an Increase of 1190. 743 and a surplus of 1339,33;. an Increase nf (113,413. These earnings have enabled tlie company to declare an Initial quar terly dividend ef lt Per cent, on Ihe preferred stock, payablo on May II loi stock nf record on May 1. The General Oat and Electric Company' report a roiiimnia lucrrase oi or -i.l per cent., or 1139,101, In the operating revenues ef Its subsidiary companies tn tho nrtt nuartar of 1914 over the revenues In tho same period last year. Net earn-, Ings showed an Increase of 119,911, or 33.9 per cent, l-'or the first quarter of this year th Manufacturers Light and Heat Company rtport groaa oarnlnga of 11,311,197, net earning of fd.WMU Hi urpltw ol THE SUN, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916. NEW GOODYEAR TIRE ISSUE. Broker Offrr 910,1178,000 of 4'n-. malatlvr T Per f'egl, Preferred. Klnel, Klnnlcutt&Co. and Doiultilck & Domliilck, with Uorton & Co., Cleveland, lire offering at llO.'i a stiuro )10,37S,000 f thf new Isnii',' of 7 per cent, cumula tive preferred stock of thn Ooodycar Tiro nnd Itubher Comnaiiy. which they re- cnily purchased. Tlio total nuthorlied ixsue limouiits tn f :,p, 000,000, of which $1 ",.100,000 In to Ihi Issued ln the near future. A blmllar amount of common atock will bo authorized and Issued soon Of tho new preferred J7.12-.00O la act asliln lo retire old preferred on July 1. 1510, ami the remainder Is to !o used lor new construction nnd additional working capital, At nil times the com pany will maltiliilti total net useta I'qulvatent to n share and net quick iisaetn equnt to IMS n share on thn out standing preferred etock. CUSTOMS DECISIONS. sulilrt composed of plain white china, used ny women hiki cniinn yarn concerns in con nection with their machine, were correctly taxed tor duty by tho culoms collector at the rote of W per tx-nt ad valorem under paragraph to. tariff act of 1913. The import ers, (irorge llorgteldt A Co , claimed classifi cation ai butloni wlih duty at tho appropri ate rate under paracraph 339. Tlila contention Is overruled. VELVET TABLE COVERS. -The duty en table covers made nl rotton teltet imported by R, II. Maey k Co i rrdmrd in a derision lust rendered by the Hoard of (leurral Ap lralir- The lollcttor levied a tax at ine rale of i per cent ad valorem under para graph 357. at of 1913, as article made frimi Pile fabrics The board sustaineil the claim tor duty at Hie rale ol X r i-ent. ad valorem ...,aer narairrnpli 3 as Jacquard llrured up holstery goods, f'otton tiirklsii towels Im ported by the same firm were roiered hv this protet The prnleet.ints win in their rmiteii. tlon for duly at the rste of 35 per rut ud valorem r.illier than at the rste ot 4) per cent, ad valorem udder paragraph 3' 1 SILK MOFRNINO CHAFES The fnlled States Court of L'iltou. Atqieal ha- jn-t ruled that itnods roniniertially knomi as silk mnuriiliit' trapes, varying tn width Irotn i In 43 Inches, are properly dutiable at the rate of 43 per i-ent ad valnrtm under the leneral pro. tilon for woven labrle of silk In paragraph 314. tariff act ot 1913 Tlila decision sustains a protest ol Auffmurdt A Co and rever- an opinion rendered by the Hoard of l'mtnl States Oeneral Appraiser When entered h re the wide food were as-essed lor duly as veil Inis. while the narrower were a1 esset lor duly as trimmings, both at Co iier cent, ml valorem under I'tratrapli sr.t of the exittln; tanfl law Hoth classes of good were claimed by the Importer! tn he dutiable under para graph 31 The inu ttrat ram belore the General Appraiser, who affirmed the collec. tor's assessment at the higher rate The im porter then appealed and the Issue wa re viiwed by the custom ourt In the decision lust rendered the lower duty Is held to be correct. TIME DETHCTOR?. -Watchmen's clocks or lime dftetur ersnt-o-ed of a eloek move mint, a numls-r nt k and a leattier piiueh. Imported bj K. C llau-t'-rg, were the nli. Ject of a cu-loms controtersy adjusted je.ter lay by the of lit ner il Appraiser Duly wa- iifesed upon tlie Uets at 1 lit- mle nf J' per cent ad valorem unis-r igTaph 147 is manulacturrs nf metal an. upon tin pom lies a- manufacture of lfather unler naragrapli fA tariff art of 191.1. at In rale of 3- pr cent al valorem Th li-otestani-i-Jalne. that the whole w. .in entirrt. dui: able a time dets,ior under paragraph lfl at the rate id 11 per cent ail valorem This claim I su-taified AltTIKHMAt. ItOOKINO SLATE M . Ito gan ol Mt.vtaukte lot bffon- ihe i.enenl Appr.user ttst.rday tn a ('.aim for a lower rale ot dutv than tint a-ce pj- t',e ml leetor on arllh ill rootin, slue 'the. n lrtrrs claimed Uut al tn rale ot 10 per cent ad valorem a manufa-iiire- of asbestos under rarigrapli 317, act of 191? wtale lh boaid holds ttial futy was eorreetly a--,sel at il-e rate of .'" per cent, ad valorem under par.urapli SI a earthy or mineral substance who'ly or partly manufaeliirrd I'HEHItlB our cherries, Imported from Italy b J V Nnrdlmger, were Ineorreeily eiassilled by the eustems ofli-talt ar ririe-l Irint-. dutiable it lc pr pound tinier para sraph 117 tant! ail of '913 an-onling to a iIeeiion liituled ilown eierd.iy t- the Uoir' of Culled Stales Cenrral Apprners The Hsi'inony showed that ttie ttierne art gathered, when ripe and pi .Mr J upon , loth. wliere tliey are allowe.1 to dry in tie sun lor two or three ,t:ts. when Ih-y sr put into barrels without any oilier trsatm-nt or 1 1 imputation in whl l, iciMitimi they ate liniio-lol The boi'd Mnds that thy should ha teen cla-slti ! at npe herrle with duly it the rale of He. a bushel under tie sain- paragraph OtiL.T Judge Cooper ef the Board of l,i-:i-ral Atrrairers r.and i down yesterday a reai'Pr.Us.nient decision on the foreign market talne- ot omlls shipixil here t-y lnero-o Calilllliertt A Co of II.l -1. Ital) Tie Cett i rat Appr.d-er write "Voperte Candlile Ke ira 3 Iraii-. JO x ,", I" i .70. emend -t 13 '"i adt .meed to 14 91 l.rc e.w-ii; dlltn. i-ol crate, Mitercl at 14.70, adv an el to 167 lire ra'h Fasi-e per BainbliU lw,m col as.ortel eiitereq itt tiro per meter, no advance Ase'iiramanl Jaciunrd nr- 'm entered u 1 4. lire etch, no advance? ditto. 'm, enured at 34.40 lire :,.ii nu adv incr u,iin l.s).-m, entered at 371' Im- raili. no aliauc ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY For Some National Advertiser 90,000,000 PEOPLE PASS THIS POINT YEARLY 41 ,i II.!' '. 'A. :i.JHIfiNf-I-ltoWil - all IV . TO ONE NATlOriAL ADVERTISER ' I Mi&ISi hr t lira ; :iMmm usAint- .r-a-iitRi-e--Ti-iin.t ... -' - r nT--aJJtw Jjrr.nui iirv, -.-z. ' 1 ttll l: .ESS -vs, ir?t IT' f Trt FjaS. SiS: rTr. r( ,Umr-J f''.irrn, 1 1'nil.m ,lj " ' J-ijH.i44 li-Sli DJj L . If ,IIU f'ih lui-se'tt,.. i-. -V- - - ' , i M..s- - . . i SUS4 111 nlVI ti --!-' I'-Urlg a Li''ii Former "Sun" Location Cor. of Park Row and Frankfort St. The upper sign indicated above can be leased to a prominent advertiser at $1000 per annum. This is the greatest piblicity in New York City at the price. Ninety million people pass this corner annually. This roof sign will be seen by all using Nassau Street, Park Row, Brooklyn Bridge and the Municipal Building. It is plainly visible from City Hall Park, Broadway, etc. Again : Circulation 90,000,000 Per Year Price $1000 CHARLES F. NOYES COMPANY, Agents, Phone 2000 John 92 William Street APPELLATE COURT DECISIONS. roiiiplrlp 1,14 MiiikIi-iI llotTB by i ... . l ira! Iiriiiirlineiii uiiision. Tho following (U-ols IntiH were handed down yesterday by tliu Appellate Di vision, First Department : In the Matter of flgiiiuiid J. flplehler as executor. Decree affirmed with costs. The people, i respondent, vs. L Htrudler ,v. Son, Inc, nppellHnl, Maine vs. Maine. .luJenisnU afltrincd. No opinion, unlet tiled. '"orporallnii of Hie line Arts Ilulldl g, appiliuni, t. William I'. Connor and an other, respondents, Judgment afnrnivd with tost, is'u opinion. Ordi r tiled. Ileriiurd l CDoniiell, appellant, vs. ,lneiih V. Keyrouse et sl respondents. JndK iiient Hfllrnied with tosts. No opinion, ismlth, J. cllrs-ntlng). Order ill.-, I Hugo Oppentu liner et n.l rsspondent. vs snlllan pliiilt I'avlng Company, ap Ju l, int. Judgtnetit ami order Bfllrined with costs No oplnhui Order flled. Tho People, Ac., resp-mdent, vs. Fas qualo Mlluni, Imtniaded. appellant Judc tnent affirmed. No opinion. ilrder niea. .Vlhtrt il. Ilrns et al.. attnellants. VS. l'hlllli llcnochsteln. respondent. Judg ment and order alHrined with costs. No opinion Order tiled, I'. Hints Jetlii,i .is adtnlnlstrlg, respon dent, vs. Jueoh Okln, iippellant Judg ment and order reverted with costs and complaint dismissed with costs on the au thority of Kellogg v. Charity foundation Co-np.iny (303 N v., 1st). Order tiled. rpdrrlck Kdelsteln. appellant, va. Coney Is" m l A llrnoklyn Itallroad Company, re spumieni JU'lgnient und orders affirmed with costs. No opinion. (Clarke, 1', J, dlssenilngl. Order nied. tiara il. Clark, respondent, vs. Carrie H. (luon, Impleaded, sppellsnt. Judg ment artlrtned with costs. No opinion. Order ni-1. Kmmtiei Herts, re: pondent. vs. George A Win 'oelt, appellant. Judgment and order iifilrmcd with costs. No opinion. Order tiled. Maiden Lane Realty Company, retpon dent, vs. Andrew J. Roblnaon Company, appellant. Order affirmed with 110 cosia and disbursements. No opinion. Order Hied. Ursine Schenker. respondent, ts. Henry Doscher et al.. appellant Order attlrmcd wlih 110 co-it and disbursements, with ate to defendants lo withdraw demurrer nnd to answer on payment ot costs. No opinion, order tiled. fame ts, Same. Order nfflrmed with ll'i tost and disbursements. N'o opinion Order nir,i II l.-li in on-1 Assets Collecting Company, appeiiuiit, ts. Maurice M. Slernberger, respondent. Order afflrmed with $10 costs and dlHburacmeulf. Nu opinion. Order tiled Isaac Polsteln, appellant, vs. General A-eident. Tire A Life Insurano Corpora. Hon respondent. Dstermlnaion und judgment affirmed with costs. No opinion. Order riled. Charlotte Andrews, an Infant respon dent, vt Jams C l'argu, as tresllent Ac, appellunt, Judgment and order affirmed with tostt. No opinion Order nied. The People, Ac respondent, vs. Max Mliitkv. appellant. Judgment alhriiied. No opinion. Order nird, S'amuel I Tllton and another, respond ent, in, Putnam-Hooker Tompan). ap p nt. Juda-netit und order wtitrmed with tosts v., iiitiiuti Order flled John v strrtuiK a trustee, respondent, vs Walter A. Well. Impleaded, oppellant. Or lers attlrmcd with 110 roits nnd dis bursement und slay vucntrd. No opinion. Order nied People ex rel. William J. Shearer, appel lant, vs Michael I make et al., respond ents Order with 110 costs and dlshur-'-'.ents. No eplnleu. order Pled. AI- i .e ler Her, appe lant. vs. Slmnn C'l- e. a - .1 unoth r. rrsputidi-Uts. 4ruer a1!rne3 ulth l tis-h and 'i-l-nrseinen't oplti.on order il ed In lh matter of i:dward J. Kitopp o-ler aihrmeil with llo ists and dn-hu-etnents No opinion Ol dr P'ed. i;.iwrd Wnlsh anl another respondents, v l.'a-i Rtter Rattnxe Instttjtlun. uppel lar.t Ordtr atMrn el wl-h lla cost and disi arsetnent. No opinion Or ler filed lu-nt-ftri Kgmlnas. appellant. vs Wi.s,-i.ti-ro Cotlleiy 'o , re-v'-n-lent Or uer ullrmed with flu costs and dlsburse-n-ents No opinion. Orjsr filed Mtrlon .1 liarlly appe lant, is .7. Frd IMerson. Jr.. nnd Mioiher. respondent. Order afflrmed wlih 110 mils and dlttmrse ments No opinion order tiled Vlatter of Vtu'.le Contractlt. Company, appellant, v Douglas Matbewson and an other, respondents. .ain ts. same, or drrs a" ' ue.i with 1. test and dlshurte-lnen-e . op nlon Orders hie 1 llerti-u.l' I ,'lHeho. respondent, v. Louis Burger t : ipp -Hunt Orde- affirmed with 119 cost -i ,1 disbursements. No opinion Order riled. Nlehola power Co. vs. Samuel Ftern. Inip'e.i le.l appellant Order allrme-1 with llo cti-1 im 1 disbursements. No opinion. Order rtled. Morton II MftnharJ, respondent, is Alda lieldelb.-rr appe'lint Order afflrmed with $10 cost and disbursement. No opin ion Ordr riled )l!.-)iard M Iorsi. respondent, t HouU-r. W. A IJttd, ilertri p. i-,.ieiiin Co iipprlliii:' uider afimied "I'll 110 e .-ts and dist-iir-ement No opinion or der -lied Com . Sprll'.er. cppellant. t People Vaudevl! . Co. re-poudent Order artlrnied with 110 ce-: - 1 disbursements. No opinion Orib - file I In the matter of Cr -lobsl N Ms lan, de ceased, order hfTlrm-! with llo cost and disbursement N.i opt it .n. Order n'ed. Virginia Kt nda.l. e-p.-ndent. vs. Kre.l. erl k hnauf--i. apicl ir. order afflrme 1 wPh 110 cost, and uistni enieirs N opinion Order tiled Samuel Green, nn Infnnt, respondent, ts (Official Police Department Statistics) I ---VJt CUOTHgg asua. - "fTTf l1rir-, 9 It .lA-AT-----gl.l lf-i" .Bt lPtlBI still '" " mu mmmmmm. Mark Rosenthal tt al., appellants. Order affirmed nlth 110 costs and disbursements, No opinion, order filed. Abraham llerger, respondent, ts. Ebllng Krenliig Company, appellant. Order af llrni'd with 110 cota und disbursements No opinion, order filed. Frank I, Whltcomh vs. Nelson B. Uurr. Motion to distill appeal granted with 110 oesls. Oruer nied. . Henrietta Mlchaeils vs. Dry Pock Sav ings Institution et al Motion to dismiss appeal dented on condition stated In order. Order filed. ... John D. Ostrandsr as administrator vs. Holbrook, Cabot A llollln Corpoiatlon. Motion lo dlamlss uppcal granted with Itu costs unless appellant comply with terms staled In order. Order tiled. Anna Jacohson va. Ignatx Jacobson (Mat Brown, appellant), Motion to dismiss ap peal granted with 110 ciats. Order filed. Maine vs. ame (Max llrown, appellant) Motion lo dismiss appeal granted with 110 coats. Order flled, . , Louis Meitel ts. Mlnsssl I. Nchwarsteln et al Motion to dlamlss appeal granted without costs. Order tiled. Julius Kramer et til. vs. Benjamin Fleischer. Motion to dlsmla appeal grant ed with 110 costs. Order tiled. Pclcr Dutlv vs. Charles I. Ament. Mo. tlon to dismiss appeal dented. Memoran dum per curiam. Order tiled. Mary A. Williams et al. vs. Sarah A. Donovan, Impleaded, Ac. Motion to dis miss Hppeal denltd. Order nied. Arthur Warrlner ve. Tho Hocking Valley Railway Company. Motion granted; ques tions certined. Order tiled. Daniel K. I'omoroy et al., vs. same. Mo tion granted; questions certified. Order filed. J. W, Cuahman Co. vt. Edward W. Itsllow A Co., Inc. Application granted Order signed. lgnata J. Aymar va. Satnual J. Blooming dalo et al. Application denied with 110 costs. Order signed. Max Klelnman vs. Henry Kupfer A Co, Ine. Application granted. Order signed. Standard Scale & bupply Company vs The City of New York. Application granted. Order signed Joseph W. Jacobs vr. American Plav Co. t al. Motion granted; question certified. Order flled. James F. J. Morris vs. Henry O. Hay. Motion denied with 110 costs. Order filed. Waller C l.ow a trustee. Ac. vs. Rich ard II. riwartout et al. Motion denied wlih 110 co-tt. Order llled, Ollvo A. Hlllard vt. City of New York et al. Motion denied with 110 costs, Order filed. L. Meitel A Co. vs. Nat. Jewellers' Board nf Trade. Motion denied wlih 110 cost, Order tiled. lMward .7. Walsh vs. Mllislppl Olass Co. et al. Motion dented with lio costs. Order tiled. Edward Mcliiroy vs. Floral Park Villa Co. Motion for stay granted pending de termination of appeal. Settle ordtr on notice. Harriet Ftlnstsln va. Max Schwartz et al Motion for stay granted on condition that defendants give an undertaking In the sum of I3.0lo and that the appeal b prosecuted expeditiously. Settle order on notice Nicholas Power Co. ts. Herman II Old den . al. Motion denied. Order Wed. National Nassau rtonk of Neer York vs. James C- Clear'. Motion granted. Order Max Potner va. Kunrok Brot. Co Me llon denied with 110 co.ts. Order died. ln the matter of Charlra It. Ilerbst Application granted Settle order on notle-e. t'OI'.MtTNKRSIIII' NOTICES. HARRIS. WINTIIItOP A CO. Pleats take notice that the persona hereinafter named as general ptrtners, and IIK.VHY l. llAHCOe K Jt L1K.V A. IllI'LKY and II. WILSON, as special partners, hive formed the limited panne-si tp of HAKIMS. WlNTHROl' & Cel., to b con. duited under that nam, to renew and continue the limited partnership of Harris. W.nthrop A Co., which expired by limita tion un April 1. 13K; that Ihe principal p. ace of huslnra of tald partnership It to b, located In Nw York Count). The general nature of the builnen to be transact.-.! by said partperthlp ta the doing of a general commission and brokerage business, a id the tn stocks, bonds, grain. co;on, coffee, produce and other merchandise. Th- name and residence of the general partners are, John F. llarrl. Tuxedo lark, N. Y Il-nrv Rogers Wlnthrop. Wool bury, N. V . Charles tl Smith, Re. N. Y.j Theodore 11. Cunningham. Ilvanston. IP EJiMii A. Strong, tlreat Neck. N. V , Woodward Hancock. New York Cltv. N. Y Hugh Wythe. Chicago, 111 : Leeda Mltche talk. Koret. Ill ; and Rene A. do Rust). New lork City. N. Y. All the general and xpeclal partnera are nf fu;l age. Th special partners are 1IKN11Y 1. nAllCOCK. .i resident of New York City. N. Y . Jt'LIHN A. HIPLKY. a leu'.dent or Hrookvllle, N. Y.i and WAL TER II. WIlsON, a reslJent of Chicago. The amount of capita.! which the tpsclal ptrtners. Henry T Bahcock. Julien A, Itlpluy and Walter IL Wilson, hate respec tively cotitrlbated to tlie common stock of said limited partnership Is respectively 1300. 000. tlOO.000 and I3S.000. ild llmllid ptrtnershlp Is to bea'n Apr'l I. lls'. snd to en,' Apr' 1, 1517 Dated New York. N. Y". March 37th. 1911. HARRIS. WINTIIItOP A CO Duly signed and acknowledged by a'l th reneral and special partners P.Tr.NT, PATENTS secured, trade-marki registered. protect your Ideas: ask Washington oftice for free bonks and Hit rf Inventions wanted: ad vice free. RICHARD II OWES, 169 Owrn Hide . Washington. D C New York office, Vfoolworth Uldg Phone Barclay TSS4. ll ..r, i ta I ' r 1 rsM ..ji -icy-. nunniii i i.. ; - MOeinoa J 1,'CLOTHCS J. rrrtum.l'. h "' II if If . V,lirir.i to SAVANNAH Stm thriffiiit itjt. Fire it sea m kxTaTsMihf ceafMtable sieuiwriip. Tw itj in Sarannah, Ga., Itre liest dty a( tba South. Beit tmie in tk warU far jaded nerraa. BPFIINO RESORTS. ' """""""1 s,...-.,. I Vacations I . - Srtarcltff lofcgr AT BRIARCUFF MANOR, It T. OPENS MAY 11TH BOOKING OFFICE AND 7ULL INFORMATlOll 402 MADISON AVE, II T. TELEPHONE 7070 MURRAY HILL. MKtV JEBSKT AtlmoU Cttg, HOTEL CHELSEA OeeuoTlnt" entire block of oeean rront. in the fashionable Chelaea aectton; 100 bed chambtrs with private baths (freab. and Ma watar). High elasa orchntra. eafa. grill. c. I'rencli ehefa. Oolf prtvllsgea. Autos meat trains. Ijooklet. Open all rear. J. O. THOMPSON' A CO. Tha set a new r tariiard of aen-ire comfort eLvnlttv I iamut TiMnaornKmjwrvLiKrifcaasi I ATnricarrsBi uiiwenrvnarv l jnw Town Boeriisis since: vp titiks bin mt LtADIKC RESOHT HOIELOf THt WORLD ilitajli'BUeini ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. OWMOtsHIV MMSCCMtNT. tOSIAH WHITE a SONS COMPANY HOTEL RALEIGH tit. Char I fa taave A lit t a The popular tfctlou, lthln 1eM attd sound ot tlio ocnn, 200 Urg: rooms, all open ipoiure. prtiat? bath, runntnjf wutr, porchei, ntnr, tP C'ulalne und Dfrlf? bt nhttiln able Low ratM Booklet. II J. DTNUS. HOTEL LELANDE On tlio heach. Massachu-tts a l"no1i atructed 01 ean leu, eleealnr, electric lights, tirltute bathe. Hate on n-iiuest W s. HAWK. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND Ml. (AIIOI.I.NA A VR. AMI ItF.ACH lr1ai Ualht. running In rooms Clatator to street lotcl. S'i.i parlor. Capa city 110- Svtclal rates. Booklet. R. 11. WILLIAMS. Laadlng hlgh-claat tnoettrate rate hottL Alk.insrlo wntiili Ar . near bracti. Ca AlDCinarie pai,t) -100. Special I.' up etir. tie ip srkly. steam heat, private tatha, elevator, sun parlors, excellent tibts lava Dtag dlnneri), llooklsl. J, l. COl'B. ATLAVTH' CITY. N. J. Anirls raninua A Year Resort. NEW JKK-EV -prlng 1-aUe lletvrh. Ei in: m:h m ssex k SusseX HOTKl, IVI) COTTAGES, SPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. M hel squsr rtlMtlj on the . Tin- uorrr nr u xr nr THF tTf.l stic ro.7 1 bsth-vims with r-flt ar.1 eeld . wster fillt.P TKNM RAT1UM1 wii.i. rn ji'm: io l salsr It Terseotl Maotrefnent f DAVID B. PLUMER I . T KKATINO, Personal Iteprerentatlr. 3s nfth At.. V, Y Tel. &3S5 Murrtj 111 THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring Lake Beach, N. J. An I'lieieelleil lluiol Directly on tho Ocevin Front With Eeery Attraction for the dimmer Hte,r, Hally Concerts and Danrr- Talm and Tea ltoomsmrrl'hlnt: theOr.n Teinnls. Unit. Alomrlng, Killing, l'Wilns. I'anislns, f-urf Uathlns Will Open Saturday, June 17, I'nder Management of Frank F. hhute. Bookinp- Keprrentative, EDWIN s T Nil. New Tork ((fllee, lintel lllltmore. THE SH0REHAM ."I'rlng I.a4es Ha, h Neee .lsrsei- Modern liniel, Ini-ated on the Like, two I'lut-ks from the Ocean hathlng h"in h Opsin MayCOtli. I".. K. bPANOnNlimtd, I'r p JfEW slERHRV lathewaaal. LAURELINTHEPINES LAKEWOOD, N. J. AN IDEAL RESORT FOR SPRING SOJOURN 60LF, RIDING, TENNIS, CANOEING FRANK F. SHL'TK, MCJR. I akewneKt, N, J, Noted for Us homelike atmnsphrr. (lolf. Music, Danrlng T, U KPANUr.NHKUO. Mgr. MAINK. TORK IIAHHOK. M4TNK. BBAUriKtJL. Ocean, lfarhor and Coun try comhlned. 1'iirnlshrrt rotagea fr rent. Prices from IS00 up to 14,000. JOS. 0. DIIIDOES, It II A I, ESTATK. VERMONT. HYOE MANOR, Mr II, ds la at 2 ves 'h until Msv 1 mllne ensse ments lor se.ison of IfilB Tor tiookle t andti!or malion adilrtsa Mr HYDK. Tel Schuyler WHITE 8ULPIHR srRIMia, ty, v. The Rrssnhrisr Wltlte Suiphur Springs, w v TOl'RS. Reserrallont A 1 1 diets all rnute. rail er boat llest service, lowest ratet MARSTEIli, UM B'araj, Ne York City. BERMUDA' 21 lc ud. Incllotelaceommo. datlons. Prank Tonrltt Co,, 330 liriiadw). ,V, V BFRUIIHA Burprltlngly lew rates. Beoklst. BCnaUUe, DiT,a Toors, Mil B'ww.N.T. 13 ROUND $35 TRIP AU S4iRMr Rtaattta IimIsmUsI Casasall gsrTleWl ar TaarWt Agar as new Tots omtm I4S W. U 81. I74S BKTANT On ihe Ocean On flntwt coatwlM -.trameri ln fn world with ctlrm ronnertloni to All MPiniis nwnrtH of the Houthwcat avnii 1'acIRc L'UA6t 5 to 21 DAYS Attrarthe v.u-atlon vnrtge at S33 tri Iso. IncludltiK meals and accom tuoelalloua uu bLeaLncrs. Clyde-Mallory Lines Pier 3(1. North Itlver. N'ew York, rily Tkt onii'cs, '.".iu anil H3S ll'way. riNAVlAM fWHL iiii 9ERIGAN LINE U Nerwir. SwtrUav Denratrfc NEUTRAL FLA8 Outside war ism .No ContrabaaA Carried. . RloJeru riteameri. ln.noci 18,000 Tea OltgL I llallrConnectlon with All KuropeanCllltsj. I i-'1'!'. 'aie. uh, ill llear II.. Mar IS iuUhnaonOonlac.,Agts.,10'war..V.r. CUNARD NEW YORK LIVERPOOL OrtUUNA TL'ES. ifAV :. I P. M. Tl'SCKNIA HAT., MAY , NOON ai.ll'UKMA SAT,, M.VV 13, NOON CAMLHONIA,., . S VT MAY !7, NOON CAltl'.vrill . !-'AT. MAY 57, 6 P. M. To l.leerpni and (I.Khgow- NEW YORK LONDON tl'AVVOM Tt KS MAY 8. & P. M ANDANIA... SAT.. MAY 10. S P. II, AI-.M'NIA. . . .SAT MAY .7, I P. M. rn 'Ine at 1 1 a ' I r.i x I si-si si tu; r.. m:m york. ! American Line I AMERICAN STEAMERS 1 Under the American Flag . N. Y. Liverpool, I i;r 62, N. R., Noon -l.l.oiil. ir. :.) I'lnliinil . Mario White Star Line IN. Y.- -Liverpool, her 60, N. R., Noon rinlanil Mm in ll.iltli- ...Mar K t !r t mri an I'lag nrriCK.ii ii m ..vv. th. nooo ttortar. FRENCH LINE .vuiii.iKiue i.eueraie i rnnaatiantiaufj .-tit tit, I SaUings tor BURDEAUX 1 ROCHAMUEAU. . .Apr. 29, 3 P.M. , ESPAGNE ..Mar 6. 3 P. M. i LA TOURAINE. . .May 13, 3 P. M. CHICAGO May 20, 3 P. M. I roit INKOIl.MATlON AI'l'LT 1 COMPANY'S OFFICE 'nN OLD IMIMINIOV LINE. Tn all point Houth an.l Wett. livery wek day. 1 r. g. Plsr J5. North Itlser. Tel. J300 rranklla. MEAMIIII' TICKETS. In any port. omeul Auent ai tines. Hnjinnml A liltn-nili Tit., '.".'S ,1th At.,N,T. canaiiiin I'Aririr kaii.wat co 13.11 nriiuilniiT. . V. t'lte. THE HE l-I.EASED." BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE t $1.60 COLONIAL LINE 'MTMnK T I EIKKIM. gl.OO. Vel ilaya nJ Min iv .it 1 P. 11. from PI si, N t- f . W. Urn iDn ft. I n 1 i - i-r tlit. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3 trs 1 I'ler II. N. II. ft. Futtea daily at s'OO P. .M Muslo. I New Loudon (Numk-hl Lln, sin, l, Pltr 40. N K. ft Houston St.. srstk days !V:oVpr"-: p"-'",-K-n- t. I New llaeeu I. Ine. ttrt. Iv, Ptr 11. A n tu Catharine St. week days only, t;M . i u.; Pier io. ft. e ::d St.. s.'s p, it. SI lllreet MUM MIUMSIIIP LOX n.:1"im.,.7k .i PORTLAND ItcittueiU'ate Ull'nlnl. liionrMIVsCort IUMI.IIN MI'IMMIIP LINKS. ritllPO.Ia. m:ai.m n'i" " Heard . f r -twelitl i.e. 1 ' lrk ! ' ' ' ' ! re t.t by tha 1 "' Its efflces. M I 'pit Hulldlng, ' r Street. ' m on Tuesday, 4 t , i ,, tir furnish' I' " connections. snt arpurttnancea mesa tn th ahaftt tho Cittlclll Aqua- sn.1 time lh bids 1 .ti 1 read. Pamph- New iili. I I .1 M ,v ". t Ir.s am' n ' i Mi i " n for eonln t.lnv ' -r if tn i 1 -. i . duct In Nn" 1 1 t tl.. i ,i 'I he ti-itili. i . p i lets rnntuliilrg n for Mddera ami contrai-t .lraiin in t. ntialnd at the anove ftd-iri. nt thr ones of the Sacra tary. ty il.-po!!'-it the r.ini of ten dollars illOl In usli or l-s eiiila1ent for each pamiihle Tn- f .rther partti-nlara apply to the on of the Prtneipil A,. It tant En gineer Ol H iihoi-e it -ilte-s rit l,l.i:-! ints.-i. President, i tl itt l ' c-tl vowie K. JnllV I .. t Vl romm!toner of th mr t of FMpply. ilPut (IPITiTiini-TOVv '-.-rtarT, 1110111.1 rios MiTin:. ktati: or snw vi'iiK. nrrici: or thk I ,' 11 1 . 1 IIs 1 1 1 - 1 I i s. Till- i l.K I II I-' . I '--u -.l In rlupll eel, lie re in .-eii'ii. mi' t- NIAfiAltA lllVnt 111 l"i VI Ml iiMP '11, a dome U . . 1 1. r , t 4 hi, I... ofllce en fllN !'.' tl dii ' ' v I fur the "I llitan d ol a , poratl-in iiiulei se.-tii., ,.l foriii.-si 'i' 1.. "it t'i therefrom 'hat am i - -rpn: i'1.,l lltl - ltd ' "lli ill t- d III th'si i' ii' paper i ot -mh cor "f the (leneriit ' 't appeatn - on has com r to he dl. ru'i -I Wll.vr.s-' tny Im ii J ni l i'i- tee" of offlra of the e'relMry of at the rity of Album, 'hi nineteenth ...i nf April, e'ne th"iii"d nine Inn 1- i t" I t'veeii. T, I' e llriiiis siainn Ibcsll ' W VATT, f.rennd rtiitu'v t- -re'ary of t-'iata HUCKIVUII S AUJOI UNED H M.E. ny rii-er .f tin i i irt the llecelvsr's l-sls ot .hs r oreiu-e Iron Work Hand adjourns 1 until Saturday, thf ISm day of May. l! at 11 o'. 01 k in tlis forenoon or. Ihe prn. ses nl P. -rci ce. N J At ilia' time will t-e ioW ihs Plant, con sitting "i I'- It'el rst.iie. Hul'dlngs, Y. lures, Mncliiiien. Tools. Equipment. Ml. terlals and ."IP' 'ec'thsr wlih tn othr R rstate Ui.linllnB ;IP Ptlllng, Hulldlng Lots IT A rs of Pannlund, Also .HP 'ens of c.i' Irfn Pips, 708 lldratits, 10 t-rs ef rittleg und :P1 Valves. Dated April I. lsH. HAItOl.D H WEI.I.P, Hscalvsr, OARKILL, GARKIl.U gcllcltort. 'Ha ..yAU'.sSaitlaMsa 1, , ....... ., - . , , ,