Newspaper Page Text
WAT m 11 THE SUN, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916. - . " i .ii .- GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. J. K. Rice, Jr. A C: Will Sell M American Chicle Com. A Pti. 100 Aluminum Co. of America lonllrona National llank M lines nl, Co. I'fd. 100 Cumberland Corp. Com. PM. 100 Kitolrrn Slrrl Cam. ft lt ltd. 10 Herman Alliance Inauranra til llarrlman National Hank .. 1IM) Hair ft Kllhurn Com. ft rfd. 10 Home Insurance AO Ingrranll-Kand Com. 100 lntrrborongli Hapld M National Surety 0 Ncm .lcrey Zinc in It lor Talking Machine 10 Wlm-bcter Repeating Arm 800 White Km k Com. J. K. Rice, Jr. fc Co. Will Buy 100 American Chicle Com. AO Aluminum Co. of America 100 IIimvtiis Co. Com. ft I'fd. 40 Continental Insurance AOChattiam ft riifnl Hank too Ciimberlaml Cnrimratlon rfd, 100 Ka.trrn xtorl (all laaura) AO K. W. Mlaa Com. . 28 Herman American Insurance AO North lllier Insurance tA Niagara lnuranre AOlt'llannnn Corp. Com... . 100 Poriihonta, Cona. Colllerlea !., Texas ft PacMc Coal 7 WlnrhrMrr Repeating Anna 100 Wnrlhlnglnn rump ft Machine) 300 White llork Com. J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Phones 4001 to 4010 John. It Wall 81.. N V. FINANCIAL NEWS . AND COMMENT r Check Stock Im provement, but Strength Is Shown. MARINE ISSUES UP AGAIN NEW TOBX ITOOZ EXCHANGE PRICES. Railroad til Other thares. Friday, Xnih It, 1918. Cloilnc IDIt. HIU. I ASH. I HI. I lala. I I OpenHlrh- Low I en. I I In est. TRADE ACCEPTANCES Recognizing the Importance of Acceptances as a means of increasing and simplify ing domestic and foreign trade, wc have prepared and issued an interesting and valuable monograph on this subject. Copies on Application AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 118 Broadway New York City The Most Suitable Investments A thn requirements of Ihe large numlMT of Investor, who purchatHi lainds from us necessarily differ. It la our .tl.-y to have continually on hand Ail i x.piiI r and dlierslfled Hal of choice Investment bonda iullable fur rons-riatlio Imeatmenl ty Inrll l,l,,aU lv,nl. mn,1 Iniaf comnanlca. I Those who ask to hare their name n, seed our mailing Hat to receive our Weekly Offerlnira Nn. X) 17.1 will hp :idilsi,l regularly regarding nur current ll-t of securities and their prices. L A. B. Leach &Co. Investment Securities 149 Broadway, New York Ruffaln After an active forenoon the rtock itmtket yesterday became less animated and the rtaliiB- price movement of the week wni! obviously halted, although In Kpeclal directions there wait a continued display of aggressive strength. The as pects of the session suggested that the approaching week end reretis was exer cising restraining Influences over Im proving tendencies and the numerous Im portant malterx, bearing on various un certainties of marketwlse Influence, In which developments are pending were well calculated to check efforts on ths lonstructlve side of stock. Nevertheless quoted values gave a tus laltied exhibition of firmness, and while there were nlgim of trading bearlshness lute In the day, the list gave no evi dence of subjection to pressure which would be regarded as at all significant. Total dealings were iibout up to the average of recent volumes and stocks, were In the main strong, actively so In the morning and quietly strong In the afternoon. Further profit tukitig wales helped to restrain the advancing move ment, but selling was well absorbed. When comparatlxe dulness succeeded the early activity there wan no develop ment of softness. Heaviness was confined to a limited number of Industrial specialties which declined moderately In the last half hour under trading bearlshnesH. Home final Irregularity resulted, but the closing tone was generally strong. The most pro nounced feature of the session waa the fresh turn of strength In the Mercantile Marine shares, which rose rapidly In the afternoon. Anaconda and American Smelting asserted advancing leadership In the Industrial department early In the day. Heading provided similar leadership for the rails, but railroad stocks were on the whole simply steady and did not continue their upswing. Sufficient factors of restraint were Im plicit In the news and In the considera tions Inspired by u prudent regard for pending uncertainties. It was manifest that Mexican affairs were shaping to ward a crisis. The disturbed labor sit tint inn, which Includes the further steps to be taUen In the controversy with the railway unions, was advertised by an nouncements of wage Increases, which have become almost a regular dally re port The overshadowing Influence, however, was provided by the posture of the German illfllcully. Despite the optimistic advice's persistently Issued by llerlln. Wall Street exhibited a Justifiable sens of caution, which operated to pre vent too much discounting of nn ad justment which might once more avert a breach of relations. 19 42 20 25 U 75S 84 69 94 564 69 1 52 S3 4 50 H 27 4 23', 50. 09 4 344 96 S 46 107 It, 128 198 1051,4 914 454 98 18i 20 42W 21 25 76 94 694 94S 56 , 69 4 154 54 H 1U 51 H 28 24 '4 614 70 35 96 47H 108i 1284 201 106 9 46 984 194 8641 SG'i 101I024 100"i,Il)0Ti 10 88 85 H 75 1ft 2H jr.-. I Chicago llnfton I'hllnd.lphla IiHltlmore t.onJnn , BANK and TRUST COMPANY STOCKS CLINTON GILBERT 2 Wall St. Tel. Rector 4S48 108 88l 85H 76 2K 460 " 4 I 71 U47illl4H 54 1 54 H 9SU 98 28 I 29 924' 92 21 21 '4 167 1674 53 53 14 110 1104 KIV4 6 90 124 35 94 914 11 12'i 364 94 "4 101 4 1284 129 174 22 54 ' 41S 254 49 86 i7; 00 ft 54 -a 4l 2, 50 I 864 100 30 ' 30aji 1334 1344 20H 20U 94 95 814; 8l, 231 240 MONET AND DISCOUNTS. if" dva. 90 day. Ilt(ti : 1i 3'" 3'4 TIMK LOANS, a It monlha. 1 i Is montha.. '6 monlha .3 -AU. I. ANS. Ijiw 2i; Iij llenewal rate 2M rOMMKIM'IAI. I'ArF.R llert Namaa other Names. Four to aix mo itft.tij so to 90 dtya :itt, BANK ACXKI'TANCRS. iu day 2lia:4 1 dayi.. . ,2,'ai!( Hrserie Kank lllarnunt ttalea. Illa in Over lo Ove- '0 Over no "2 rl5 2 I 'tj 98 i 100 , 49 494 25 264 35'i 36 I 514, 62 44' 444! 39 41 1264 127 , 124 1244! 335 ,340 ' 113 116 163 164 . S64 874 1194 120 1 40U 404 49 50 112 1113N 100 105 101 101', 454 45 ul s 49 174 74 S6U "1 1 1 s 6 6 S 6 494' 17 714 S74 201 -it 59i 714; 69', 5 IN 771 tin ton. ... 3 ew Yo-t. . . 3 I'hlladelDhU :t t rvaeanl... 3i litrnmona. a A 1 l.i n a, . . Chicago, it. t ou a Allnnenpolla K.irai. t'ltv Dallsa trleaa. up lo JX uptnAj We know of a low-priced jecurity in a company destined to become The "Ford" In Its Field In points of output, operatinf? efficiency, and supplying the public with a reasonably priced product in j;reat demand. This security will shortly give an investment yield of over 10 on its present selling price. Write for full particulars. C.R.BERGMANN&C0. Inrcsimenl Securities. 66 BIMIMItt Y. Ni:VT TURK Tflcphonea Hector 1340. 1311 505'J. 7.W, 3S25. 4. 3 I 4 t nn Krsnrl'o. 3 3i; 3j UltoOO. 4 4 4 4'j 4 4 4' 4 H 4h 4 H Clearing llouae Daurra. NV Vork riearlnc llouae ej-hinrea. 3.IM34. haline . t2.1 f.18,188 Sub-1 teaa ur credit balance, 1693. Al l Domeatlc Eirhango. Kxchanve n New Yor.( at d imeat r rotitrea: iloa'nn. par; Chicnito. 5c. dtacount Rt. Ims, pur: San Fr.incis.'o. 30c.; Montreal. $t.0."2i Sllter. nr "liver In lond 3'i: New orle, 71 'i Mcilian dollars. .VS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. HATES ON LUAD1NU CENTRES. It lib Low Cloa. I'r.r. Ljndoa Sterling Cloae. De-rand. 4.76 7-H 4.Ti 4.7 7-11 4.76 Ml 4.76 IJ-IM.77 Cabloa... 4.77 rrt Franca Demind. 5.M Cables... 8.U2 4 Berlin Marks Ueaiand. 74 U CaMea... T4!l BATES ON OTIIKU COUNTRIES. 4.77 lt.e.1'4 5.93 A.3 li ft 8.MV4 5.02 J 74 74 M 74 V 74 !J 74 J 74 ji Idea 42 .'..17 t37 l'.t.7ll .10.21 l-aat rrT. lie- fa- mnd ble. 41 H 42 .-..1H .".17 11.40 30.40 12n I'.l.MI 30 21) 3(1 OU an.ii KIDDER, PEABODY & GO 115 Dvonshlr St. Boiitnn, Corrfupondentii of DARING IROS. k CO., LTD., Lonioi C.3IH.' 3t)..Vl 13 no Itl.rll .10 2. 30 0.1 30 20 103. CO .('II.MCTKllKP m, Union Trust Co. of N3w York 80 BROADWAY Fifth Av, SStli t nith Av A 'Oth Ht. ACTS AS EXECUTOR.GUARDtAN.TRUSTEE.Ets. Allnui. liitereat on Yeaterdar He- t!a mand HnllanJ Oulldera 41'. swn ; ra i s., , .s is Ita'v i Ire ... .0.37 t Ituaa a riunca . .;u.. Auatrli Kronen 12 0". I . 'pain e e'aa. I' i 'wedrn Kron-. 30 31 lenmi-k Krone 30 2) So- av Krone. 30.30 I Argentina l'eo .10.1.05 10.1.70 103.81 TIMK UII.L5 UN LONDON I Umicrs t'onrawcla' io Ua 4.73l;0 daya 4.72 tj t DO days 4.71 Hl'.K) day. 4.70), I , ni'Pie : flrilli It, a, vt i 17 Wall St. I Auua I'arlir. Normal Gold Points. Sew York, .Mint l.quivuoita. import... ciporia l-raniu. .I I8JD frinra, SI .1.2221 M.i l.. 92 24cena, 4 marlta . 04.112 liuHdiTJ. 4().i'i centa. I llonn. a0,O4H Kronen, m zo ce iii, i m wp.,a,i, i . lire. O.IH2I1 lire. $1 3.221 Kron- (Hc dl.iai). 20.70 enta, 1 croun 26. ,0 HaKi. i 1W0 ."rancs. II 3.2JI - 't 124 66 12S ' 24 S4 4 S3 , 53 i 964' 3 8 -1, IS ' 117 3'., 4 '4 4U 60 7 1 56'. 70", 2SU 126 j 66T,' 12D4 ' 244 $i 84 I 16 4 10 1900 Advance K 800 Advance R pf 1200 Alaska 3 M 700 Allls-t'hftlmers 300 Allls-Chalmcra pf 300 Alnsku Juneau 1300 Am Meet Sugar 100 Am Heot Sugar pf 6200 Am Can 2600 Am (Tar & Vdy 1200 Am Coal Ft 600 Am Cot Oil 100 Am Hide & I-eath 200 Alii Hide A Irfttth pf... 100 Am Ice .' 3700 Am Unseed Co 3100 Am Linseed Co pf 12400 Am locomotive 300 Am Malt pf 23200 Am Smelt 600 Am Steel I'dy 100 Am Sugar 800 Am Tel & Tel 700 Am Tobacco I OOf Am Tubaet'o pf 7800 Am Xlnc 8001 Am Woolen 100 Am Woolen pf 700' Am Writ Taper pf 36100IAnacondu 3200IA. T & H l'e ex dlv 12001 A, T A S IV pf 300 At Coast I.lnc 2890O Haiti will l.oco 2800 Malt & Ohio 300! Halt & Ohio pf 6500 llatoi'lliis 600,llpth Steel 32001 H V Goodrich 2001 II V tloodrlch pf 100 Hrown Shoe 100 Hrown Shoe pf 100 Hutterlck Co 2S0O' Butte A Sup Cop 400 Cat I'et 400 It 'on 1'aolnV 150"0Cent Leather 100:Cent Leather pf 3000 Chesa A Ohio SOOIt-humller 300 Chi A Alton 600,Chl tit West 800IChl tit West pf 43001C, M A St I 100IC. M A St P pf 2200'Chl. H 1 A P 3400!Chllp Copper. 3200'1'hlno Copper 2S00 I'nl Fuel & I 400,Col A South 200 Oil A South 1st pf 1100 font Om 400 foil (ins 14S00iOirn Products 700 Corn Pruducta pf 23700!Cruclllo , 200! , 100 I J. I, A W 400 Den A Hlti (ir , 1200 Den A Hlo (!r pf 300 Dot Cnlted Hy 14300 Distiller Sects: 700 Dome Mln.... 17500 Krle 2500 Krle l.-t pf....: 600 Krln 2l pf 200 Keiler;il M & S pf 400 K W Woolworth 100 F W Woolworth pf 139 (iep t'hem Co 121 lien Chem Ci pf SOO'tieli Klec Oi 200,(lrunliy Con 1400!flt Nor pf SOOKlt Nor (re ctfs 3100 (Jrcene Copper 100'Hurve.ster N .1 i... 100 Harvester Corp pf 300illllno!n Central 7700' Inspiration Con 200i hit ,Kr Corp pf 13200 lilt Nlokel jC300 Interborn Con 200 InterlNiru Con pf 2600.lewell Tea 900. Kan City So... 39 21 26 75 9 684 94H 67 i 69 151 ' 63 51 27i 23 T 51 i 694 34 94 T4 4 l08Ti 128 196 20 43 214 26 i 75 U 9 69 94H 67S 60 !i 165 64 9 51 27& 24, 62 , 71 34 974 474 108?. 12S 97 17 39 20!i 75 9 68 94H 56 691,1 151'i 63 9Ts 51 27M 23!s 504 694 31 94 47 108?s jiiua 1 1 i i 195 20 Vi 42 20T4 26 754 9 69 94S 66 69 i 153 63 9T4 51 27 24 51 694 34 96 ?i 174 1US! 8 1-3 197 'itfi' iahi. tn,M, loci' 2 I '.li,''5, PIHH I'fH 464, 464l -ir.Vi. 46 984 98 1 98 14' 98),4 iS'in rj-i,' ts-. iii.-, 84 4 86 4 1 8441 864 102 'l02r- 102 .102 101 101 l 1 01 1084 1084 108 88I41 89's 88 864, 864' J54 75' ,, 7" 7' 'I, 2'.l 21.i 102 101 108 88 85S 450 . 162 64 774 3 U 4 4 4 14 1 4 4 4 1 r 2 I 1H 4 6 1 1 24 114 i 1 14 64 4 ! 644 96 , 96 28 28 1 92; 93li 214 21S' ,,lfiS4 168 4 1674,1674 .' 534 63 4 52 V 62', .1110411104 1104 1104 2S 450 1 459 4 ,i , 7t 114 111 ,',4U 64 4 96 1 96 28 1 28 92V 92, 21-i. :IA S 4 104 -- s BID AND ASKED PRICES. Closing prloe of Btooki In which thr wsra no trarumotlona yasterdayt Bid. Asked. AdamtEX.130 14.1 AAgVU... 03 AAgCh pf t7 Allrflhm. 11.1 AllrSIl pf.l.VI Ainian 01 1 in ACr&K.pflin AmCoal.. 2.1 AOI'pf . 11.-. ACot6 pf.101 AmK.tpr .122 Ainlxto pfiot AmMalt.. Ti ASHfpf. ,ltl, AHKpfA. IMii ASItfpfll : AmsniuT.,i3ti B7U 103 H l7 111 ll)l nn 103 120 102 VI4 Ml 143 AmSn tif..lri.1 U 1111 AinStipf..ll.l)i lln Icl.vt.a. ATel&Ca. till AntiArlxir AntiArpr. AsM'taKI,. 2H AnsoOII. . A4. Haldol pfltm Ili't.listlpfl3.1 IlklynKT. S4Ji IlklyL'd .12.1 II00U1F . 2Ji HootliKpf lintnaTer. a iiurn.M1.. 111 lltltltppr.lll lltirnallro -llurnall pfl03 llttahTer.. 11 t'alivipt. 40 1 Cnn.So . flsl CltUiifNJ27() tVllASATI too Chi A I pf II fliHiNV.I2ll fhNWpf.lM fhSPAO.11.1 ChSPO pf!3J t'lTAStl, .'111 ('' 711 t'lmfcl'tu Mil. del pip,. 411 CltteltP Itt Chli ttpf 1117 ' ColSninf 41 (ompTR. 44 fn(IKI.P.107 fontcpt los 30 11.1 1011 l.V) H.I I2H 40 IIS) 13.1 s.2 llo 114 47li MM 32.1 I42C 20 127 17.1 12.1 30 72 If lin'i M lon'j Bid. Asked. Contsj... oft no CrexCar.. 4ft o CrlpCr... ar. 84 CrliiCr pf 3fl 40 CuASu pfln.i 109 riBvttjtr.. :ui l)(.fAllttd.l4U!f 111 W 132 HI n io'( M Me tin. Deere pi. 03 I)rt Ed . .131 DetJIiM . NO Ilet&M pf HOC DlaMatchlOO DulS.siA. 3 DufSAPf ! KlerNtorll (7 Klie.VPlts H4C I'nlMJlK. Ill (IWIIelni.lfl7)i IS1 nwillpf. H fleliMn. .410 4111 tldiMopfllS!,' 114!$ OlllfSle4 I 71 UlllfS I pf 87 ll tlllllM 2 Pf 7U id Hae.kakW. 2.1 .'1.1 llarNJpf.MA 110 HarCorn. 70ii 7.1 lli,ni.ntH2liL 131 IntAgCnr. IftVs 17 tntNlopf.UH, Intl'api'r. lojj IntPapf.. 4fl Inacr-Hd 210 lnirr-R pf.104 laCentral. laCenpf.. , l' JenelT pfinslj 10') .lltniaer.. SO M JKar I pflll JK'Mc pf 84 K (' I't 8 AM pf . . Oft KtaiDnM 3 HUM pf. H. lljT pf,0! KlnsaKlect'JSl. I. Hffi'dH 1.104 la I.KrleAW. in I.K&W pf 27 l.ltrMTo .2311 l.UMT Pfll", lirlllard .lll)l l.rllld pf.11.1 U.wWIl 1! I.WII I pf S2li 112 II 47 22.1 89 H 4 .VI 07l 12H) 1IM1 13 3(1 24S Bid. Alked t urn 9 of sn Mack(!os. 7RM Maniin.. 1 MaiiHhlrt. W) Mans pf.. 1111 Ml)pS. W MIJHpf. .103 MexPnf,. 0.1 Mli-liron.llO 6'4 M8IPASS M pf 130 MStPASSI MM,. 74 MKATpf. Ill MolP I pf. U2t Monti'., 77j MurAiK.x.. S24 NfAStl. 120 Nntllla ,110 NIlMir 12IW Natt'AM.. 73ii Nt'Aspf.lns NKASpf. 02 Nlad pf.ll3 Nut Itynf M I pf. Nat Ity of at a pi, oj NYCAStL t pr . 7 NYCfcStl. 2 pi . . 52 NY flock 0'' NVIAIV 11.', NurfSo .. llllj Nf&W . 27'i NfftWpf ex ill v i NortliAtn. 0.15 NWTAT. M Paldlrpf aillj P.ic('oaal. ftl) Pact' I pf. 70 P.-ici'2pf. m ParMall.. 2.1 1'aeTA.T.. 33 1 PTATpf. tiftc p.t'M 1 i,r. I P.t.M2pf. 83 3 no 1IH ft.1 105 ll 0? 130 nn is 07 1 i 7m RS'n 141) 121 12.1 711 110 (M lit 23 7H SI 13 K 20 24 2S no imj, 120' t PiairAK liw! 1I1HJ 21 ll 'CI'Af tl. if H2 PlithCo 411 prtwAi' 1.1.1 no 11.1 IIKI Ml 2(1 311 1ISC M 111 12 HI 41 Bid. Asked. PrStlOpf.100. 103 Sulckatipr 4 yatmpr. os Iteadlpr. 41 Hrutlnr. 44 HrnvMr..l;off Hi NL&NPipfaH KI,ASF2pf 2i Htl.SoW.. Ill 15" RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Tranatetlans rrara Orsanlag ta liM F. M. Ool Midland 4a eertioeatas C0IS0 art 4t4 anM . n I Stl.HoWpf 40 Mrx-Upf I2.1) Sloaa-tapr. Wl ie Hl'Rfiiiir.lintj 1211 MUtld.lIpfSH S7 stiidalilir.11171, lit TexPll.T.115 12.1 TstLJtW. fi 7 THtlAWpfS 12 THt LIcW ct 2 tl Tstl.tW pfct S 1-' TnlnCRT 9.1'j Wl TriiTpr.123 tlmlerwd. Kl Wl t'ndernr..llfi 120 L'l'igMTg. ftu l llt'lifM pflOSl.' Ill) UCInSpf.llA 117 I'liRylnv. 11 12 t'xrlp... in'.' 21 DSCIPllf. 4R .11 t'NKtp. 40 M I'PUm pi.. M) .'2'i t'SK.Vfltl. 411 42, t'.ultltr I 'i I'j t'SHAItpf l'4 I 1 Valt.VP . 47 4S!t WelFKxp.12.1 121 Wcath I pf 7(1 73 WeylH'n 202 22.1 Weyllpf..lU 110 WlllyaOid pfct 103 104 WhlAI.K. 4, 4 '4 WAI-li2pf4lj Kx dividend. Where a "n" follows a quotation It Itvll ealr. a bid or orfcr (or ten shorra. Am A XT deb M 1 M0...... 074 Am Cot Oil ta 1009. .....0.7 Am nidsA Ij M ,1000.... I o:ns Amer Ire deha 5000 SO AmRmeltfee ta I l O 1KX1 ... 1 I OU AmTATeT 414a icono.... I 07S AmTA'l rltla WOO 1121s Anxlo-Fr .v mnnn tirt ion nftls J().. :noo.. M"0.. ;wi.. io, THE CURB MARKET. Heartlon ' PUBLIC TJT1XITIES SECURITIES. t,2 's 1'1's s 126,, 354 94 4 129 174 21 -14 53 424 25 49 4 8: 62 S 92 Ji 12 -I 354 94 4 129 17;, 22 544 12 254 494 86 f,l 90 S 124 35 94 129 174 21 53 -V 41 25 19 85 614I 90 9 1 124! 354 94 129 11-4 22i 64 4, 41 19 1 1344 1344 1341, 1314, ' t 'i 4 194 94 82 4 2.1S 224 114 214 100 1 9 -i, 36 52 4 tl 10 20N 9 IS 82 231!, : 224 12 221 100 ', 50 25 36&, 52', 191; 94 M 23S 221 111, 214 100 19 4 204 91V, M4 2381, 100 Ijia 25 35' 14 4, 10 1274 127', 1261- 1264 51 a, 14 o 100' Knn City So pf... Tire.. Ill 65 s; 96, ..' 384,120, 1 tl ! 1 11S4 4 44, j4i 113 664 22i; 234, 174 174, 1324 133 1034 1034 34 ,36 I 20 25 ! 68 4 594, 1224 1234 1104,111 65 70 10 ! 104 564 56a 103 ,1034 78 82 27i 28 ni 'in pf.... pf.... Pf. M. 30 10 . I 98 i 99 464 474 1231,4.1244 160 162 36 16 8" 15 23-1, 36 874, 1 354 364 178 181 , 33' 97 208 214 214 60 604 33' 974 !15 1 1 IK.U .1 llil , as. 11.1 1 40.346 '.0,334 i ft. 1112 I .I..U0 ft.ltU 95 93 129 1294 4Si 49 FOREIGN BANK STATEMENT. DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON. A1111I si The .latrnietil ol the leceiiita and diebtirKmeiila ol tins Tret. U17 shouu: Thti" nio Kiacal Itna-lpla I'D HIVMI r...H.I4t IMsbursenieiila iJ.IOI.tin4 t.i',.474.!i:7 Surplus 13.s:.:i.!HJ 'f.'i M3.JH3 pehclt neceliitM fiotn euatoniH lodnv. lii',?,014: in ttritnl leiciitte, iinliiiiit-y. 11,17127.',: ttunme tnx. ,lf.J.7'."i. .nid ninu rllaiiemia, 1!',S.(JJ. Nation ii hinU nutca recelied for rtdemp- lift,, ttt?r.-i(ij! " "Thfl' citrreni xlnli iiinit of the Unllrd Stale, Tii-asuur lor April :7. c.r.Nr.UAi, roND Available sold 1 il,ti'M ul cr United Statcb notes ,, itioiia. 1. ink 000-4 ami Federal rev'.-.' ,ut( a Certified (hrika on li.inki 101I101 coin atul- ajtver bullion 1 , .-, Dopo.lla in hanks and Philippine Ti raui AvallHhli- I'tirriiicy in Tifaury and bank. liedui-t rurrrnt liahtlttiea N.t balance in crnrnil fund IlKSKKVK FUND, (lota roln and bullion 'I It 1 141' k-ltNIl To rjkwm outManrtlnx cerllnt'-ales l,U,Mf,M Urantl tola) ca.h a.aela In Treat- i.uo.iH,ta rn.i17.3lfl I!,3J3.3'W !l OOl.tlSI i:.7J :,c:;.3co mi ,Ji S2.3J6.34t ::i.ii.M n.urt.vtx ia,:7j,wi liu.ija.ou HANK OF FJtM ANY. The werKly tateniint of the Hank ol Ger many ho the folloMiu.- ilutitiat ?larli. Marks. (inld reserve 2,,-!l,wi,ouo Inc. 4,000.000 Commercial paper and Treaeiiry bill I.JIJ.iwVtfO Ddv'.'I.O-ai.Oia) liircul.-ttlon .C.IJVUoCmI lie,- lU.Ofti.Ofto Prlvitn (liOflla . 1 .l?.0-m.lX DcC.IiH.OOVii) IJol.l r.wne tuverins circulation and lunl.-lti- ..ot-- 2 pir ftfiit.: iticreae, .3 ier cent The lourtli war loan 1 ti-t .itmeiu , p.ul in catli up to April iunouiued in a,T ).i 1 nttirK,. or "7 3 per cent, of tho total sub- notion, uhtle money borrowed bv loan b.iiiKs on L-ullateral amounted to 3rt.000,ooo niarke THE METALS MARKET. topper Nllll Mlronx Tin lllBher I, end liile. Copper 1 mil LniieH MtrioiK. Huhlm-pa la Hill i until,-. I to rtUllvely .mall Iota fur nhlpuient prior lo eVpteiiiher. Theio la mine Irr' eol.irlt) In price., e.peclHlly for AukuH ahlptnent, ale of electrolytic continue to be rt ported at 30 ti 5131c. for pot unit April, ut 305i 30'ic. for May and Dune, 3a. UJOc. for July und snw-'H'-ic. for Auiuat. Later deliveries are entirely nominal til 2'i'fl :IHc. but thero It very little demand. Kxnorlt renorltd yriterday wer onlv 213 tnna. During Iht week thty have been only B.5I1 ton.. April foreign .hip, menla to data ar 19,18(1 tnna. Imports ye.terday were 700 Ion. pig copper from I'hll'. Mince April 1 receipts at Atlantic ports have been 6.240 ton. of copper, iiO lont of matta and 3.135 tuna nt ore, The London inarkM for American electro. lytic was ugaln up II lOt, to 1143 lot. UtHtidard waa unchanged. Tin waa higher abroad and atronger hara for all potltlont. Although tha Tus can I'rlnca bit arrlv.d with tit ton and 185 10 6H4 101 54 31 1334 824' 904 234 1454 143 102 73 i 524 1064 83 V, lid 1 1: 1 174 124 108 60 144 454 27 574 31 45 914 12 27 "36 1864 104 62 103 64 324 1334 82 i 914 244 1464 1444 105 744 524 1094 83 , 1164 SIN 17 42 1094 52 14 454 274 57 514 48 92 14 235 364 2900 Kelly-Sprint; 31900 Kennecott , 1900' Lack Steel , 10900 Lee Tiro 1600 LehlKh Valley... 37oo Iiiir Island 200 Louts A Nash. . . 100 Muckay Cos pf. ., 100 .Manhattan HI. .. 16600 Murine 66400 Marine pf ctfs... 4400 Maxwell Motor. . 700, Maxwell Motor 1 600 Maxwell Motor 2 19700 Mex Pet 1900 Miami Copper. ... 50 Minn A St Louis 400 Minn. St P A S S 300 Mo. Kan A Texas 400 Missouri Pacific 400 Missouri Pncltlc ctfs..,, 100 Montnnn Power pf 600 Nat Lend 500 Nat K A 8 2200' Nevada Con 700 N Y Air Hrake 8000 N V Central 100 N V. Chi A St t. 100 N V Dock pf 2400 N Y. N II A II 3300 Norf A West 3200 No Pacific 200IOld Dominion 13400 Ont Silver 13500lPenii R It 400 Peoples Gas - 200 P (.' C A St L 4300, Pitts Coal 700, Pitts Coal pf 300 Pitts Steel pf 4001 Pr Steel Car COOl Public Service 100 'Pullman lit I Car ex dlv 70o;iulcksllvcr 2200 Hay Cons Copper 100 Kuy Steel Spi; 12001 Uepubllc Steel , 64200 KeadliiK 100 Seaboard A L 100 Seaboard A L pf 100 SearK-Hoelmck ex dlv.. 200Sloss-ShefIleId 2600 Sliattuck Copper 5400 South Pac 300 So P R Suk 6000 South Rail Co 400 South Rail Co pf 100 Stand Milt Co 6800 Studi-bakcr 1800 Tenn Copper 400 To.vis Co 3800 Tex Pacific 200 Third Ave 100 Tob Prod pf 500 U11 Hob A P 200 Uiv Huu; & P pf 15800 Union P.-VCIII0 100 Union Pacific pf 100 I'n dRiir stores 300 Un Hy lnv pf 600 Un Fruit Co 12800 II S I Alcohol 200 U S I Alcohol pf 10300 II S Smelt 1700'lT S Rubber lOOll' S Rubber 1 pf 32600 L' S Steel 4160 I' S Sled pf SlOO'l'lalt Copper inft'l'luh 160ovii-Car Chem. 121 310 111 164 , 7, 120 4 i l ; 514 ,113 101', 101- 614 44 16 ', 73 sr. 251, 69'. 71 121 310 1 1 I 161 87-i, 120 4 40 , 614 113 121 330 111 163 V74 ll'f, 40 1 19 4 1 13 104', 104' 70 51, 78', 254 12 6' II2S4 23 4 82 73 84 552, 9S4 38 184 1011, 46 5I. 4!'- 174 714 74 2.'V 694 724 57 71 63 79 2S 125 67 128 4,1 24!, 85 73 81 65f- 99', 38 4 1S4 121 332 114 163 119- 404, 49 V 113 104',, 14 4 3- 2". 14 V; K I 24 1 ProHt TaMiia; Cnuaea tfler Knrly ritrrnalh. Mrenslh and acllrlly marked the forenoon ti inline on the rurb yelerdny, but around noon iirotlt taklne cati'-u reacunn. iw"- lon ere ,lllit howeier. and koikI tuppori w ns aa-orded at the loner level. III .pile nl favorable rrporli on the Herman lttiatloii trailer, were its-lined lo aw.Ht iletltillo new" Alter an initial advaise ol poinls Lhev-ro i. ,,.i t., i,,iiii,f mile u further tl , .tu,u, , iiiiw, , 1 .Mll.Ti- fill .,1,-1 ,.aiit The tm.trnvenirlil wa aoclatMl wlltll .-.,... u U .4 tiarlle if nf Mime hlchly enthulaatli: reporla of the com- i .m,.r,.., Waterworka. B 1st pf lutiy a iiiture ouainea pro-pcci, '""". Atlantic " i.twppr. estlmatea ol earnitita ami me exn-ir.i nouiiirment from Ihe naval board calling tor Mflv aubnianiiea a ear for Ihe next three eara were offered in cap illation ol the (harp "rlM" In Mtbmarine boat, whldi eold nl 33. a .-aln nl about point, till" week , MidMile Steel adiamiil a point or ao In tlie rarlj tradin,' but lost all ol lla calii and ioe,l itticlianied on the d.iv tuba Lane Mljar lettered It, price by 1, point', lull eaml oft Irncllotiaily Inward the clov An oilier tron-- spot wa.a Maxim Mnnlllona, Met ropolitan Petroleum eiami-neo a new man level but tailed 10 retain Its Haiti l opiera noweo a neavy iiinimvr, 111 r.. . . M,l l.,-i...,n t irt-iil.-,r Mnl.atnr .Klia-trlcSecuritleapr... Mine. w.i siriuix. followitu I tic advam-e In -ther metal The stuck wild up lo J". an mer luchl Initiroiemrnt ol '. nl n point Tinted Verde Kxlen.luti weak through out Ihe -rloll and c1o.m with a ileclltle of a point While Oaks up suziiity. 34 4 loi- 1014, 45 514 48 4 111', 735. 81 254 59 4, 71 ' 664 Eft 1244 67 , S ' 221 80', 724 84 54 964 454 61 -4 49 4, 174 59', 714 664 70 514 7S 28 I 12S , 214 "4S 72''. Si'" 54 , , 964 14 24 i. 14 14 -t- 1 Oil, were active, but price ntoeinetita were n irro Until rxn a .iron. lone ri ltlll and San Kra!iel"i 4- -crtea adlu-tnn-nt f' moved up Iraettonally INPUM'niAI."- Adlmudark Klectrlr Power ...... AillnimUek r.lei-trlc Power pf American Ha i 'iitnjianv Amirlcm l.lht. Trartlon... .... I .Mticrlcti Unlit.. Traction pf American (Isa Klectrlc Inier'can llaa.t Klivtricpf ' Ainerlean Power Light Atn-rtcan Power. I.lffht pf I American Pnbll t'tlllilr, . litit.rlrnn lnblte fTlllltleM tif . ... Anicrl'-an Materworkaci Llretrlc. Carullna Power, I.lsht Carolina Power Unlit pf. Cltl.-aNenlce riili-ferlcepf Colorado Power Comiiany.. Colorado Power Company pf . . . , , I'nmmnn.MlMi Power Ttv. L. . . . Commonwealth Power Hy, Lpf, lidiier liaa.l Kb-ctrlc xen 5s , , ,, LUvtrle Hond DepoMt pf K.ler-rli bond Share Vi nf Kmplre IH-irlct Klectrlc pr , 1'iali-ral l.lnhlf traction Peileral l.tiiht. Traction pf I liaac-r Klectrlc securities l-c,l .-.lerit Pnw i, lllfl. Northern Ontario Light . Power.. . Northern (in'ario l.i . Power pf. . I Northern Mates Power Co . .. 1 Northern Stales Power Co nf , Northern ytates Power, U41 I mark Power. Water A" and Olen itis 3 14 384, 384! 4 14 l$i 1174 ns'Slii74 117-; 4 44 4H 112 66 23 V 17 a. I 44 4S 112 , 66 i 2.1U 174' 3 4 4 4-S, 112 65 3i 23 4 . 17V 3 4 4 4- 112 66 23 4 I7 33 4 25 59si 1324 131 132s 13 104 104s, 1034 103V 334 33 Vi 334 25 25 ! 25 C9'i. 59 59 123', 124 1234'1234 112 1124,1114,1114 70 4 704 "04! 704 S's 104 8'a 10 66 4 67 4 66 V 56i 103 ,1034.103 ,1034 794, 80 794 80 274 2R4 274, 2S 10241103 102 984, 98'4 9Si 4741 474 464 123 ,124-Wi 123 4 160 4 160 4 1604 160 4 10 98S-4 464 1243, 34 23 36 4 834l 154, 36 .,179 3 4 234 :i4 i Hi', i 86 5 , 154 36 1 179 3 23-1, 36', !7- 8S'4 154 1 36 !l79 I 52 32',' 33 4 1 32 I ..7 V 97 4 974' 210 'I'lS 210 2iVi at;1 204, 60 V, 60 4 J 60 I 94; 91; 94; 1294 130; 129 484 49V 4S4 34 23 V 364, 41! 87 161 36 18 io-; 62 103 67s 314 134 82; 914 214 1 164 146 100 400IVII I, C A C. . Vn-Car Chem pf. . Wnlmsti Wiibivsli pf A. .. Wabash pf It. . . Klectrlc. !!. West Md pf. ... Weht Un Tel... Wheel A I, IS 1 SOO'WIIlys Overland SOOlWlH Central.... 700 2400 1300 6700lVfHt 1S00 Went 100 1400 100 pf. 1S7 io; 62 103 6 31 1179 - .".:i 974 212 214 60 94; 129 49 186; 10 62 103 6 31 : 4 14 4 14 a 3 14 4 .1, 4 " 4 4 4 1, "4 186 10 62 103 r.Ti 31-1, 134, 1334:1334 82 V 82; 82, 914 914 914 24V 24 4' 24; 1464,146 '146 1 174 1434 '1 134 2 4 11 4 ', 14 K 4- i; lira J'"" Aetna Kxrlo-tic-" tn Zinc pt w I . ii'a tui AJax Hub Tire . . t- ' Am Marconi 3' , V Am Dru? snd. 13, .-i All li A W I .. 33'j .i'i All I! A W I Pf . I Harnett O A t.. . 3'. 3f"i Car l.tshl .. f-'a S" Can Nal l.a- ... 1 pi Carbon stetl ... W 3.-7 Chei rolet Motors 13 . toMk-n Refining -3 ( Co,len Oil A 11.. -: .VI) Co-.len Oil A I! pf I', ) Con llrd ol lx-1.. A l'o Cuti.l CatK- Miff 3.' . Cuti.l ane s tf.. S ') lrik'- seaburv . 137 w0 Knipire Prtrol . . 3P Oil . lia liallll Wll W I C3'! .'. ( ll S'ntial h (ti itilatiamo sus K' r.V' Hall siffiial . 17', -. Ila-Uell II l-'ar.. . 3-., .i Holly sue pt w t :,', T'.i llou-to'i Oil. ... 11 i Inter Motors pf.. 3J ITt-'.ltltcr Petrol 11 IT." Inirr Rubber ... IJ'-i 1 Kathodion llr pf. .3 3i. Li nn Phono. 1", W1 Manhattan Trana 1,, tfio Maxim Munitions Ji, ;:) Midvaie steel . f.,-i Mujai e Tttnt 4.'") MUakogee Hef H"l Met petrol Pali Amer Pet ut PcerleM .. IVrlman Kim IT.. Poole Enciu 1") Sipulpa Itetlninz ra'.i tajidard Holora ) si l. s ti y w i t--' utimarlne lloat lti Tobaivo Produin, 63 Triangle Film Ii, -C"i I'm Protit shar I K L'ni IVeatern 0,1 76 .v rntversal Motor 'a po P s 1.1 & lit .. 3'. S") Victoria i't :m Wahaah V T w I to, U" IVah P T Pf w I, 4 'i Waylami O A fi . MINING JJt Butte C 7. J. 400 nmte New York : jm Canada Copper. ! S) Cona Aniona ... 1 7f Con Nev 3("i 'Kmma Copper... 46 ) Firat Nat Cop.... 8 It.) Howe Sound f (M Iron blo,.om Ja W Mumbo Kxt JS no Kenellck iilnc 14, r I Hose II J-ai McKln Par.. .. M Maie1lc Mine... i lin '.Marih Mining .. 1 i aMotlierlode ?JH :,M) Nlplaaltll 7'i paai "North Star 71 S'' Hav llrrMilet. ... I'i ) Kex Con, .. . 1' :V Serateh i.ravel il Ci M Jn-eph Ixad . l". (Mi stand silver lad IU to.1 Stewart . A f Mlci raa Mln Jf M Tonopah nelniont SIM Totiopah Jim II. 1 sun Tn lliilllon 130uO S Cotit SI.. . H Ji-i railed Verrie ...W, .-(O 'Weal Und Con. . !3'a 16.--0 Zinc Con Co.. .. ! HUh ea It". Il'a 33 !. Iiw cat 1'. Tl'a t-M. V, 13', 3:'i I. p. I'acltle (las, Kliclrc Pacific lia-.t Lbs-trlc pf l(,i,iilll.. ItalUv... .( t.U-ht (Vl. lii-piilitii Hallway. Light Copf. . --oiithern i 'ailfornia KdlJin I -o-lhern California Kdlvin pf. . . Cloi- -oiithwi--icrii Power. I.'ght pf. .. in- -landnrd (.. Ftectrte l'a, , landant (iaa, Klcctricpf I len'-i-vs Hv Light i Power . . t,J I Hy Light , Power pf. . . 31, i 1 elrdn Traction i.igniri rower. . . II i 'I nlc jo Traction Light A Powerpf. 2'k, I I'ttlte I Light. Itat!wa, t' Light. Hallway, l.tpf... It, I U eatern Power ,,! western i-owrrpi... I'M I'a 1", I) :.v, Js. ii', n rt 1..T, 3.M, (-. f.. 137 I', I'a 63', M 17', 31'. S", 13 Ii I.'', 33 tin, Hid . . 51 . f . .13) . .371 . Ill ..lis . . . . .. ti . 44 . . 73 1 . ; i.i . 14 . . 93 .. it . . 04 . ,17 . t-s'i . 354 . I) .. 04 . 4 . . or . . J' . OT'i .. . . 13 . . 44 .l0 . . 11 . . S . 14 a U . S"'a . W . 20 s!i . 01 37 . 72 SOli ion; . JJb . 13 . 34 li . 13 . 51 33 . ftl . 34 . JT . i4 . to Asked. 73 M i:j 30 IM'i 149 .13 M f.l S to 51 1 .10 07 11 M'i Si), 1014 (19 4 01 a 100 s II 43 :to 14 ai ci v?4 M, 30 Wll, H :o 7.1 ns 100 121, 37), 11 n JS i 51 70 17 et oris olis .no .0.1 .11.11- .on .Oolll MO O A1, .lion nnis loco I) r ew n,ii4 sioo no ArrentlntOv 54 1000 II 1 W Armour 4U, mi, , n:tl I50OO OilVl ATAMFcvfa 40IXI.... I O I 1 1 A T A fl Per la lit) toooo.... ion ATrf4FreP 4a aooo ti :t PCdil DSi'S loco.. ....o:t ikwi na'a tow nyu AT Mr adl ta atamned Itwi .....H.IU At f. l.lnerlt 4a fOOO. ..8 0 II . l ia tdal 30100..,. 1 OOlfi HaltAO gold 4-. looo n 1 ij 100 Il I "-a 100 II I . aono O I j n a u cv 4ta ?oeoo on n,tt.o p i, k w Va 4a roo-i Mill, l1t.Ohln lal "OOO. ... tl'J7 , inn n:i I'alutOSWIiaa Sioo ooti Hethsteel et 4a 3300.... I 0117, Heth 811 fdg a MOO.... 10 11, Bkn Rap IT 5a ins loco... tnoo, 5000 8 a ta Cumti Tel . i looo.... OB?g 1000.... I OO. nelHudcTf 5000. ... 1 071g 500.... 1 07 rno ... 0034 DelAllud cr 4s Jd" .100 Dele) Hud ref la IOM.....,0 7-1s Detroit tin 414s Moo 7 01 J 30300 HO I oo.,,,.,HOl2 toco . . ,f4t)i- DlatlllersSec 8a 4im..e 7 40s IJ100..C ..7 .a, I5000 7 44 4100 7 4-14 DomOanada la 15;t twin.... laooo.,., tooo,,.. 15)01.... 1124 130000... 1931 '000,,.. I70OO.... ItiOO.... 5000..., MY 14 T tall JI 4000 0fj4 JTT.l4t'rl. IS5::::::SS NYWeatch'ter A Bottott 1 4Ht 1000 7rt4 1000 7jJ"J 1000 7 0 J NA W 10-W If imo.... I aa ai iorthPao 4 , looo ?! OrRallANav 41 1000 0 7g 70OO......BS or an L fd,f 4000 oa to OreWashRR NaT ref 4i ICOO......8OI3 Penoa 4la Ityj 1000.... IOOIj i'enna tn 4H tem etfa K100....IOII3 penna 4s 1J. iio' ataw. ., .,,7" 5000.... 1 008 .0 83, IMairlilard Jj 1000.. . 1 a .o'o .0 81, Pub flerr llorp :08V,'. ofNJaa .1183JI V8 Oljl. W riaai neaaina ; .1105, ,OOI .OOS Krle c mer A looo. . .onij iuui in-.! irwio fx I1 1 a - '!'."'. r, n-n iaa a. 143 100000 80ljIOOOO 089 2000 8 ON,!' 1000,. .... 08 4 10000 8.113 5(1100 BO'S r rle tea 4 30I1, . 7 41 OTCO. . ,74 riaK Coast 4',s 10000 Oil I lull tr M fd ts Series A 50O0 ...,7ai. ML A SF gm ft tnoo.... 102 StLASanFrfdx eerlineftte. 1000 7 414 rlfa ttamna! 5000 OH etlxSF M lJ' rlfa .tarn pel 1)100 liJ .... I iS'l ,,,,.,... III fen CTJcnSIPMftVMnwa ir,oo. .. 1 00141 1000....I ao III cent 4t 111 fanAAAi-asa,, Preflt TaUda. Whll th tnrat advance, of tho rail, rotvd trtocks continued yesterday, it (l on a smaller scale tlian 011 Thursday In vltm of the fact that forclcn keii.n failed to appear with these stocks tn easier tone watt nscrlbcd to profit taklrtr by persons who did not wish to cajry tin stock over the week end. Filday l, a sort of evenlnc up day always, and rsji. Izlnn on tho short or the lona Mds ) bo looked for, especially In thc-sn timer. Railroad newa as far 03 It concerrei carnlnga and labor matters waa goner ally favorable, word having been re celved that some 24.000 Mft eoal obera. tors In Pittsburg had Kono back to nork. Readlnn was olio of the idronf-cst of the railroad issues, selling up to JJi, within 1 4 points of ILs hlKli record price nf last March. Ruinois that New Vork Central might Increase ltd dividend rata nt the next meeting of Its directors wan responsible for a show of Hlrencth that stock, which was, however, da. slpated by profit taking during the. after noon. Tho market In the railroad Hocka continue., to be largely, with little public participation, although brok ers nay that the public Is carefully watching tho action of the rail,. a.: 50011 Bill! Inrilanatlteel Ijoo.... I OSl lnterb n T rtf 5, 1000 noon .Olit, ioo OIHj .vioii ...Dili, 2W0 tililo 1000.. ..Hilt lnlerboro.Met rol truat 4U, 4000 , 7 tl a moo 7 !t t, IntPmp tat 5a certlllcates ion 7!1 1 0 00,1 Iowa Cent 4a 1 Otll, ... v.'. 1010 HOIS 1000 .no Hrahd AL4a tamped 1000... ...81, ReabdALref 4a 1001 on? Srabd A I. adl 3001 in. 300!) OOl, :00Osl0...OO58 "n0"- i.-Pi'l5 So Hetl TAT a 1000.... 1 OOU So Paclllc e a 2000....IO413 .V00... 104U Ii 3000.. ., 1 O 1 ataninea tooo.. . 1 o 1 fal Oaa A P. 34 7090 UO 'en Darn 5a 1003....IOI ' en Lei tner 4, .'000.... 1 O 1 "s inn I rl ' Cent racltle lat LAN All Knox ion MH'i, A Cln 4a CentlyAIUlaSa, 50OO H7 1000.. 04 1 1000 .87U Ten V'ermnnl lal Slanhat IIV 49 tooo Haoi 5ooo ....oaij rhesrti)4la ..Manna rlt 4M irrnn n.ifa eerlltleatea CAOcr'alaa IW10.. IOOI4 Kann 8 ref 5a 1000 OliU Kan Cltv ter 4a 5000 8 8 Lack Stl ta 1133 1 1000 0 0', IJirlede Oaa Sa 1000.... 1 O 1 ) f on A: Naah la tOOOO 01134 1 0 4la 104 4 1 04lj I 1)41, ,1041 104U toooo. 100M... 25000... 1110.1. . 15100... iiwvi So i.elflc CT 4a IfVOO 8 73l Po Pac ref 4a 3001 li" 3O00 8 0-s lo Kwy gm 4 3000 7 0's MOO 7.0S4 .oouthltyStl. 4a 3000 80lj Mend Gat Os I00O.... IOJ3 4000.... 1 O 1's Third AvadlJa 1000 8 1 loxra 3000 I (a Par vaUa IH. STANDARD OIL QUOTATIONS. following are the quotations for the Standard I oil stocks Par. ft 1100 a, !!', 11 33 lC'i tl-. C!, f.', tl', l' .i, i'a 3r. ti'. 3 3r, 13 , If. 1', 13 41 , ,3 ' .i J r.-', J2'-i '! 113 111 113 10 1"3 p P'-. 13 U 11! 13 . f, '. IS' j 114 13' ll's r 3s ! 1 i.- I? 40', 41 4 I 1 3 111 I'a in: i f-S f-S 1I4 (M i 19 rm J'. 71 I'a 1( M !'. 1. it J'i 6 Ir. II 13 :', H', ts 4'. t! '.!, 4 r.4 I'. fi Ii, sr. "a 21, 1.1 ..., 13 I'a I Vnglo in Oil :: Atlantic U-f . V, I lio-ne.-icr.ini I Itm keve Pip.. I ch(--broilgh Mfg . ( ..Initial I III I'n . ' , .....In..,, (Ill I'n.. IV..-.,.f 11. 1 i-iitubcrland P I. . 1 I or, t llt,e I. . . (,l,-n.V.'lgnaloll.. 100 lialem -hs pr . I Illinois Pipe I.. . , ' Indiana Pipe I... Inter I'etro Co. , V.i,,n! Iranslt N v Iran-It . . Northern PL . Ohio ol' Co I'enn Mea Fuel . . Plerc. ml I'ralrl.-oil. (iaa Prairie Pipe. .. ! Solar lief Co. . So.ttheru P 1. . outh Pa oil southwest Pa stnn oil of Cal . stan Oil of Ind Stan 1 i-l of Kan slati ol' of K stan ( nl of Neb Stall Oil of N J s..n ( II! of N V . -uti oil of Ohio san, Pinch rntoti Tank 1, . Vacuum oil Co 1 Vta'lill'.ttnn 'l s 1 1 en tunc . S (I u!d all on" Yeaterday Pol .U'osl ,5'. IS', f70 07'. Thurs-alay. 111,1 Asl.1 ' In-MIA . ...Mllta 20300. qiu nun. rWt I fid 10001 ' ,8d1i 7000.... IIO's Till StL.V4 4a 100M . HOIs HOOO . Oltl4,?000 - .00 30oo.M...8tll, :3). . iili'ailorllamAllts I'hl A Alton 3S 30KS1.... I'l'JlL50.1"' ,-. -r,'. 1000 . 00 wo, . , mi's "'-"'"vf.r l M.ty Joint 4a sooe.... 1 001, 111 11 Rl, Slex Petrolm ft i ni iiAy gm 11, r-cries-; .aim uyjol l(i 1 I 'i Chll4.6 Ill.Usa M MP4 SSit ia anrn H ft I, loon. Oil A Lr'le 1st Slo Kan A Ok ia 1 OOlalTol A OCs-m So I (IO 2100 1000 Uflin Union Pa. 4a. 1000 . 0012 1 n Pac cv 4a I im. n '1 3?ai -S .s,m,. .. . . ou-l. I'n KK MP fd .csi, ... t'H 1000., tons 1 n?ia Phi Imlllnt).. Mo K A 'lex 4- 1000.. . I I 4131 2000 . .. 7013 C'StADtl' e SillOOOO,.. .71 I0OO.... 107 I .000 I 1 '4 O121j1l00O0s....:i4l!' ooo 3100IO lonwo.. 1000. JJ'OO..., 1 0718 1110O1.. 1 1171, 4 M A St P CT llsa :,ooo.... 1 oou Mo kt Tex 3d 35W) Hm 40 inooo 500 4 0 . 7C0O. Mo KanATfdg looosio 0100 o ti s :i4i3 :i4 :i:t7, :t:t3i :i4 :tn)2 tin :ia', A Prerednett fllsek. Prlendg of Submarine Boat, which f.ia been displaying; considerable, activity and strength on the curb of tale, explain that lis recent behavior is due to the fact that It Is no longer a "war bride," by, a preparedness stock. With the Vnltel States becoming more and inora eon vlnced that preparedness for war 13 one of the greatest needs of this country and with Kuropcin war orders f,cctn!hftly on tho decline the company Is said to t. casting iidoui in iiir iiotnc ncld for lu big orders and prollta. Sotno of the more mathematically Inclined of fie curb brokers ore trying during their i-p-are moments to work out tho problrtn of u,. effect of the preparedness speeches upon the stock. PreiiarcdncM specclua li,i beep numerous this week nnd the d vnnco In Submarine lloat has been nrra rapid than usual. LaM Monday it waa selling nrotind 33. rentes. day II soil aa high us 39 and closed nt .IIs, polr' above the week's opening price. Helping Ihe Sletalg. N'ewg from Mexico to the effect that the Carranza Oovernment has decided to prohibit the export of gold und ellier from that country exercised a bcneiicUl effect on tho stocks of metal company, owning properties In that country It was reasoned In Wall Street tint if tli decreo became effectlv Ihe mine owner. In tho United Stated would Kit Inceare profits. SIcst of the collier contpatii. in this country produce town gold r silver along with their copper. For th reason the metul btocks at, a whole d played greater strength yesterday h? for several days. Anaconda was rj;i daily strong, advancing 24 points t 864 nnd closing ul 864, up la, points from tho previous close, 7, nesseo Copper gained ', of a point to 4-1 while United States Smelting. I'efin'rs and .Mining lose 1 points:, clocnc ut 73 V Maiara. 15'. (-co m ..' C'; "'4 S . l.i, 44 f'l 1M 370 351 3M 34) M 04 7 14 HI 1ft) "71 I0O) P70 KOI 100 14.1 k0 ,1 l0 (V) ;0O 31) 300 311 .'.0 41 4.1 41 It 1M f 711 43 ', 100 205 210 205 711 100 154 l!1 14 1.1 100 US ll III 114 100 170 171 tTO 172 51 7 ICO 34 ion il It'j 11 . Il'l IP, 112 50 la H'i IT 11 100 171 174 170 173 101 ion in 25 230 211 22J 2d 23 51 f2 54 fl 2.', 13 II 11 t, 101 410 ,12 4i 411 100 211 -.12 21t 100 .90 S1 01 3oc) 11.1 111 t'i in P7 100 Ml .V) .US 51 100 IP.- tl !03 111 101 245 .4) 212 2,4 100 J4 '32s '43 MS 100 1,5 ,!0 111 431 ) 145 70 .'0 -71 130 .155 03 34 .,63 111 52I 525 3t 5'2 100 200 21. 207 .1 1 100 511 eJ 54) en 101 111 120 111 I JO 110 i n ! I00 2-0 ;4ja 239 .43 10 34 4) 35 43 1I10 .. 1I11 !f3l 1424 Some Slock Uxchunce brokers wer. Inclined to associate tho strength atil activity of tho common and prfe-rt. shares of the Torn Products Ilefl'itr Company jestcrday with tho exhibit in: on the floor of the exchange and at the Luncheon Club of a sample bottle nf j new product put out bv that conn. ,r '"'"her Ja 'The new product Is a substitute for . ... lO-i'S'il j nr,l ,,. ,,, .. .. . Com Product htock who cxh.b i ' sample tin n:imi is ".Minora," "It's'liann. ' he lidded, "sliutil i , be 'Slazumti.' " Pom Products common i-lnse, , yesterday, up 's of a point, prcti rred lo.-n I '-s point, to 94 uiOK-1 at 91,, a gain of 1 , pint Thursday's close. ir-ne I fillip Mnrrl.ilrrn 41-1, 1100. CO..,, 1 DO )0O. ..Hi:', i .-s rmnia si 1000.... I OOl? MorrltftT:, 3'm '0----l J'J C M St P fd 4fio M73t,U S steel af Si 4Us Siont I'wr Js looo. ... 1 O.I 2001 O'Jll '0"" "IIV '000.... I 047, Chi MIMStPla Nash FIASh tat Oioo... lo.l J'rrsjo.. HII2 200) . . 1 07UI tooosl. HI 4. a 2V0.... .01! Nat Tube 5, 5000.... I (1-1 (StAStPdeb lOOs 1330.... I O-l'S Sicw Orl Itwy A regtercl 14000 021s Light I4 ..'CO.... H14 1 C.Wgm5s SOeo . .mo a 0, 01100 2000..,. 1 I Olj N V Ceo deb a ctf VA N Ural. 30MO.... I Hi's, 2000 Ojn, 10110 I)4lji 1000,.,. I I :iS 11000. .. .01 .000 oil I4W... I i:rv Vlite'a fd debl ( hl.t N w 31-s itooo.... I I :iaj looo .HO 4000 8 0 7M0.. .1 III ;s aaltwyjs I ...... , am , . 'i.. . ,. r, -7 .. reglstere.1 NrcijV 4V,i M Va Ity 'i P &a I was partly through sympathy, 1" I 4000 874 Cl.lltlXP ref ta "KVI 118 ( lil A W ind 4. May 'OH ... OOI4 POO . loot. Wabash lat NYCIIty 4a US) 7000 ... 1 O 71 loon..,, 100 aniMer i.a as I '8 IntrriiH 4 IoiihI Mi-Ui-1. While International Nickel' Seeitenlay with tile other met. , t , , inoo 70 iNYllty 4a usjilOMo I I Chile Conner 7. 1 S0C0. .. 1 0(1 1 certificates , 63....i:l2ljlNYConRV4'a.' 7.000. 1 ' '3wi . . I il il ,v)0 lit!,, W es.rn Klec 3a I 4000,...t:i:iUNYna,KlecLt ICM....IOII3 5om ... I ililU, II .1 P 5s West Sliora 4a woo.... 1 :i:i 1 tooo.... 1 04 300 11012 loii; lOti-ii'ioti, 'i' I lOt-.-', I tl I (l.1,, ( .1 O, 63, 1 63; 62,' riS 10S4'108U'108'2 insu 83',! 81 I S3 4 I S3 4 1164 1164 111! 111! 814' 82 81 SPi 174 174 174 174 407, i-.iu, iiu,1 4-j ij 108U 1II8U 10814 ifwu' M .i'i a: r.i 1 114, 144 14', 46.' 14'i1 4oL 27', 49; 114 414 :tiB.-, 474 914 13 1244 36; I s; Il'l 471,4 92 13 :27 36 27 674 ii 174 91 13 12 14 227 3.-;l 36 r.7', JP.i 174 92 13 .4 1' 4 11 2, 14 I- 1 14 3 Total sales to-day, 704,100 ahnres. Same duy 1915, 985,710. January date, 62,248,800. Satna period 1915, 38,429,600. Whero a "0" follows a rjuotutlon It IndlciitPs 11 hid or offer for 10 plinrea. tha Hwanmora with 50 tont, dl. charges will not be made In lima to apply ou April contract., conieipiently spot tin was stronger at tiOijf 6c. yesterday. Tha ad vance of (1 10a. at Hlngupora to 1201 10. wa the rcspona, to further large aulea on American account for July-August shipments from lit" Ha.t Indie, Hympa. thetlcally that position waa 'o, per U. higher here, at 44 lie War rlaka haie advanced again sharply and add materially to the expanse, of .hipping tin to thtl country. Tht London market n it It, higher on spot at f 1 9 . Rlandant waa up (1 011 fulurea but down 15s. on Mint, Lead waa quiet and ea.ler, with mod erate nates at 74,c, for Slay shipment at llaat 1, Iiula. Ixindon waa Pa. lower on pot and "a. (til. lower on future.. Spelter t qulel and temporarily difficult to soil over t7S(ill7Sc. for .pot ami April, at 174T1',I', rr Mav, 11 1 J6s. m H lie. for ,1une Hnd at 1 3 'J 1 5 14 e. for third Juartar shipment at Kant Ht, l.ouli. Tha aindou market advanced iii on tpot and I on futurta. PONDS. Iisooo Cuban Sltr fa 'IS IJU 0T'. ir-) C A O ta w I 'IS 07S fo Mldvale S 5s w I. 97si !"7', IJftl) SI I. A S K A 4. C3', li'l', 12-.O0 St L A S P ad) a 07', OS', ts m ' 4f 5 t. "A 75 14". H (4 s 11 3-.,la J'i :i 41 u 11 16', Hi iS J4 f. 1 s It K'; 13', 4'. S7S !;' f,1 t7l, 3 It! I 'a i to 1 tS r . Kt dividend. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT BONDS. 4 14 St 7S 21 IS 17 ll If" a IS ll I 13'' ', I 14', 'Ihe pillowing are quoted on a percentage li5'!mp. Jlaturlty.Raia. Bld.Aaked. Atlantic Coaat Line.. 19IH 33 4-4l 4 30 4 OS 1WIS-,1 14S tl 1 Haltlmore, Ohio. inn iws-ii.s 1 ins. . Canaillan Pacific. Cur clinch , Ohio. . ( lies, Ohio . , chic. Minn .. ( hi, Northwestern cbl Ho. k Mc Pac. ( hi si I ,1 Ml i'Ii ('In Chi. st I., lid II111I-011 . . I.rlc llallroad llo.-l.lng Valley . Illlnola (ntral.. . 1 ou. Nah . . Mo Kali ,V Tcaaa. . Missouri Pacini f Y Central Lines. . Norfolk Western . N 1 N 1 1 1 1 Pa (icn Prclgllt . st I. I M ,V smith. . " St L.V s,,n Francisco, 1 Sciboar ' Air Line . . I South' rn Paclllc . . . . 071. 1 Southern Hallway. . !7S 7'. ML, 61', fhtstPMAOrn .livvi 1 0 a Ii registered ! icoo.... I I Hits NV.V1I&1I 4a'J3 ?1(i SO CMneeUnt ' 2ono . So West Union 5a 3K 7 I Ij-N VOnti W 4s I0C3.... 1 OOV 1 ChocOlO ginta 2000 8OI4 WeaU ril CT 5a , I'.OO Dllljl 1000.... 1 1 0 Transact lont from t:45 P. SI. lo Closing. I AmSmelt1ec (i Chile Copper 7- 8 V 4'to neb as SC00.... 1 1 Olj 4300. , , I il it 10)00 . . I 1 .11 lAmSVritlMs tooo . I ilillj n YCttr 4la ) I 1100 7,1 Col Midland 4 I9W0... 10!i 1 Anglo-Fr Ss 'am 7 ? Yilty 4s Ml mom n.1 Den . IIIoC. ,al 6100... I nnq .nooi O.IM 1000 7"rs,NY C.asKlecLl Armour 4isa urn. Kl) rer is. 11 A I Ms 20000 pits,, tone. nor' tooo.... 1 04, AT A sK adl 4, I)om Canada 5s NY lira adl 8a stamped I 1124 30 . 0 05, 10000 8.H4. 10000 O8I4 ! Y Tel gm ,a. 11.4 O 1311 1011 ICoon 0HI4 10100. .tools S3O0 0 81!NYWeatch'ter P4 Oct 444a tp-il Met 4- N Sal Alloaton 4Ua 5100 0 071 jroo. ...104 1000 7 0 lirth fit fdg 4s Krle cr 4a aer n'Peo A n Ino 1000.. .101-1, i'oio 7H4 10iHi 's'S HuahTrrninl 5 l!rle cv t, aerl) looo U4 1000 M7-S S'"n. . 8.1ii. Heading am 4a CenOacnSa looiio 8034' 2003 nillj Hlf,-31 1910-34 101424 1914-24 1914-20 1914.21 1014.27 1914.31 1H4-2J 1923 191421 1114-21 1314J1 ISI4-2I 1914.21 19I4.31 ni-2 HI4.2I 1914 24 1914-21 I9I4-2I 1914 21 1914 21 1914-21 1916.24 4r-3 4'1 4V,-3 5 5 4'4 tW 41 ,,,-3 5 5 4'f3 44 4 4.41, 5 5 44 44-3 4 .10 4 (S 4.53 40 4 44 5 3s 4 23 5 41 4 35 4.4 , J.'t l.5 I 13 4.311 I .'4 5.75 f 75 4. .VI 4.30 4 .VI 4.73 6 25 574 4 4J 4 Tl 4 53 other reasons for the Mruc' aetKlty of the Issue. Rumor, ."c rent that the directors of the at their meeting next ueelt are to declare an extra dividend. Tie has proved somen, bat of a d a, . I metit to Its folloncra since It, pa- 1 juas reduced and It was transferr J ; the curb to tlio -stock U.schance t . to a certain extent failed to tcs; I 1 good news and has fallen bch.ti s of the other war stocks. Vest ,1 , advanced 14 points on a torn re e ' I 13,200 share. Rumors are t extra dividend will amount perliatis 4 per cent, and If this !s so It I' inc dish payments from last year's ear- if of 24 per cent nnd would s'.ll' leave substantial amount to be transferred ' , the surplus account. A stock d -m! ' 1 10 was also declared last fall. 2000.... I OO's I'.rle gen 4s Cent Pacific la. 2000 SJ n eel Oct 414a 1000 wrtli , ;0 ! 00)10 8rt , sa . lioo Hills , ,2 I Cll A O joint 4 ,0,1 '"" ei STANDARD OH. SUBSIDIARIES. coo Annlo-Amrr 15' h"'4 If. tlaltna Slimal Oll.lf.7 157 113 Ohio Oil Si'O 231 f, lralrle Pipe Llne.ItJ 212 jo Stand Oil of Cal. .211 247 73 S O of 1 ex dlv .Ml WO 13C sfiihl Oil of N J.f'M Ml U4 Stand Oil of N Y.2I0 211 15', IV. 234 21! 2 1" r,n f.M 210 ir,'4 I'd 231 213 217 IV) t-.'l 211 CURB STOCKS CLOSING. Aetna Kaplnslve, w I. AJ11 Rubber Tire... . Panada C F Canada C . I Pf... 4'errn de Phm-o , . . -icrolct Motor Cuba Cone sugar, , , , Intel- Mer Mar. ...... Inter Mer Mar pf. . , . Ml. I Mile Steil Mlitvdug Mines K.t II Corn . Standard Sll-Lead.. . . suliinarlnn lloat 'Iiiliacco Prod Tliauale !',',!,! ctfs, . , United I'rollt Sh World Kliui . Yesterday. Thursday Hid Askisl Hid. Askisl 111, I9lj M' j f.1 k4 37 rj'J 741, H ei'i '! ,'. ID-It it SH f7l, .1 S4 34 134 611 t4 1S Mlj Cerro de Panco M, Mldvale SJteel ia ai 40l ill 13-11 .... I'i Hon os. . . . . Il I.. t7) ei( 7(. "! t'J 1 i'i 110 97)1 14 37 I'a (,.'', 24 ', SJ ei'i 11 34 PJ HJI4 14 ', I'I 44 51, I 915 ll. .1714 JS 41 US I5-J Ii III 07l 4Ud t1, I Hi lit 7i SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. I1.19S.000 3,014,000 THURSDAY. Pali by eubTraiury to bankt, Paid by banka to SubTreaaury. Loan to bankt on day's trana- tlona 11,411,000 8INCF3 KRIDAT LAfTT, Paid by fHibTrasury to bankt, IT.1TI.009 Paid by banka In flubTrraury, t,SOS,000 1ki3 to bankt 19,710,000 lo ea to banka iimi Derlod ore- vtoui week..... 4,TI,0a St P A N Pan Os 1000 7'.17 2000.... 1 on.. Intrrhoro-Ma. So Paciae cv 4s rol trust 4K4 .1003 8 70 1000 7itl3 fOOO 871J K 1' Ktsi M 4s fol'acSF far 4a 2000 7 7 1000 8 0 1 aek SHI fa 1971 Texas Co cr 4a IriAe ,ini. SS.V. ... ,,H ini MllftSII'S'ill lark Stl 6t l (lT1lyRAL is , i uv 5,10)., ,. 11:14 1000 ...100 ,ns. 2000 ... 1 OilSII.ea 4. Past a, I Un Pac cv 4a ,,., I M,SU' cv 1, 1000.... 1 0014,3100ft H07, , -a 1 iHs-, aianns i ll (in' 300. ... 1 0113, rlrlllcte. , j, t'hl MllStSU'4,li'00,... 1 OOl 3 00, 1935 IIOoOO. ,,. I 0 0 500 2130 tinUUsOflO.... I OOla1 4 25 I CA NW deb IH.13 1 II StP A HSU 4S , on , 7000.... I O 4 ). 3000 Oil , 15, 'hl HLVPItvOsiMoK Tex 4s , (0 IN".... I 0 1 '2 5003. . ..7 I.I4 4.75 1 a 111 rii-rei a. , .-sac lune aa 4 ml 1000 .. . II 7 'V 4000.. ,.31 1 Coluln col tr 5a 1000,, nslnxxw 7 .it,1 :S Total boud aalisi (par value) J2. 088. OOO UnltK HP fd vuo-i. ,,,;i;i 'IOOOsIO...;!.'!, 3000.10. ..ill! 5 li s steel l is .1000.... 1 00 Wabash lat 4000.... 1 o:ix H abash 1st Del .'Mi. I 0 a 1 OO.VI WabaahOniS' s 10 1 .ouo 7 y Coaldn't Sllke It. Although It made several s'tsttir" yesterday the preferred stock of tho Ir ternatlonal Mercantile Slarlne C"inrrr failed to break throuajh Its prevlou, Mr1 record price of 85, reached lset Jarifi Just before the close of the inarkf Marine preferred sold st 85 nine t'm" while It followers stood srou-d tickers and hoped that It would go ' new high ground. They were i-orelv d's appointed, for Just at the finish o' ik day's trading It scaled off to MS ''.' It closed with a gain of 3 point, ova' the previous clos). In one bol rnR houfe a cuttomcr made a gend ";'e.i- tip ' througli taking bets of f 'iione s "t the stock that it would not go ' ' SHORT TERM NOTES. MUNITION STOCKS. Aetna new. Aetna npi pi Aineiic.iu llrasa tAttus Powder Atlas Powder pf Atlas Ills .. 14.ilM.i-k A Wilcox . . Itllss, K w ... Iill-j.. I! W pf ( aii Found Forging! c.inaill 111 Kapl ...... Can idi.iu Kapl pf . . . . Carbon steel 1st pf. , Carbon Slei-I 2d pf Colts rin, . . . , t'ria ki r lita'ler . .losciih Iilion Cruclbla, llu Pont I'ow new , , I 1 1 Pont P deh 4 pf.. Hercules Pow Hercules Pow pf Hopkins. Allen pf , ... N'llcs. Ilciiirnt-Pond . Mies Hi nietit-Pond pf souvill Mlg 41 Winch Hep Arms Kx dlv. tEx right!. Yesterday Rid. Asked. Thursday. 10 23 14 23 74 41 70 S 245 270 5a j;, 71H .OS -JdO 20s 101 101 101 ini 14 23 11 25 11) 114 113 IH 3-0 39J 31 3'H 71 S3 75 kl 170 190 ll 1 so 300 310 ;.ll 3V1 101 110 100 no SO 90 75 si 54 43 31 1,1 775 f00 771 SIM 100 i) 10,1 nn 211 '.'.I (0 2v 3IS 325 3J0 jno 101 11, mi in 355 37S ISO j75 111 110 115 119 41 71 (II ;i 140 170 I Ml 1:0 100 IO'i 1011 101 540 550 NO MO 1500 1900 IMO IVOO NEW CITY NOTES. Int. Security. Due. Hid. N YCIty 0 M.S Sept. l.'H I0IIJ NYCIty 0 MS sept. I.'lf toil) Offer. 1014 103! ! Yield. 2.00 3.37 FINANCIAL NOTES. DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS, Comp iny and Term, fl - Produce Coke, quar terly !!-Prodme Coke, ex It 11 llubbi-r und Tiro, quartet I) le.i Itiibbur and Tire, extra Scott Paper, .mil-annual Semot Kolvay, quar terly Pemet Solvay, extra.. fkiuthern Pipe Line, qiiartei'ly J. 41. White Kngtneer log, quarterly..,. , Tain A .Towns Manu facturing, extra West Pcnn Power, in itial, quarterly Btk, Amt. Payable. pfd iae, , pfd If. 60c May 15 til May 15 Pfd IViTo May I $;.o 1 u.oo M. Juna Pfd l;et Juna t May PM l Mar 11 Knautli, Nachod A Ktihne announce their io offices In the llqultabl. Hand ing, 120 llio.nla, after Slay I The Yale A- Tow lie Manufacturing Com pany ha, declared un extra dividend of 5 per cent, payablo May 5 to Mock of record -May 1 Hugh A Punc in, formerly rhlef clerk nf tin, transfer dip in incut of the Guaranty Trust i'ouii.iny of .New Yoik, haa been ap- pointC'i as asai't nil hi-ciciary uf com puny. The Tire and 1 lubber Corporation has declared an Initial quarterly dividend of .',0 tents a fhire and all elra dividend of 2:, nuts a rh.irc. paablu June I, to liol.lrrn of ri cord Mav 11 The I'nlled States Ktc.inikhlp Company, Il I- lenol'led. hi" sold lu Uih (liilena Slsnul Cotiiiati for HJa.uOO. a ion, cited three niaelvd Killing ic.ei which waa purchased ti-oin Cungr, t email Scull) for 142,000, cnintiiinee or s.'ien ntncer.s and mom bers of tile Cnnsolldaleil Stock Uvchutice ailended the funeral enerday of u.n,. soiinenliot k, whlih took place trom tjio Sontii'iibcri! ickiilenec. 450 Manilla xtrret. The nronx. Mr. rtniiiriiherg had been a member "f lb" (.'ouaolldaled Ilxchanse Unco April 21, 1SS3. ,nBe Ity mutual consent Word It. lliger and John It McConilll" announce tlutt tho llrm of W. II llauer , Co xv 1 1 1 bo Milled ."4kiy 1. 10H. and as their aucceasora tho Ilrtn of J. It. McComllle A Co, hHi n nrgnulred. This tl r t it will be composed nf .loltti 1! McConvlilo nnd John V Hani nioiid , general partners and Ward II I'.igrr a, special partner. At a meeting of tho board of director, of the United State, .Mortgage and Trit.t Company Henry 1.. Servos was elected secretary tn place of Alexander Phillip, resigned. Announcement v,, also made of the appointment of John A, Hopper ax manager of the company. Seventv. third treet branch office nnd Charles S. An drews, Jr.. aa assistant mansg.r. Security. Rato-I'liy. Dua. H!d AT.TSC4I-,FA Feb l.'H tn'i Allien. .1 M-.N Nov. ,'!7 Tl AnCnpC 3 M-4 Mar 1, 17 100 15-1 AVRyl.l't .)-l Jlllv 1,19 0", ATrtSP. 3 June I,'I7 111 1 H.()ltltill) June i.'U r-ia.i H.oltK Cj.l.ll June 1,'ls 101 1-10 HUT . , 5 .I..I July l.'ia pv', I J.J July 1,'Jl 9- CPacltR A M-S Mar ?,"J4 lo!', c.oltlt3 JP Juno l.'H 101 1 1 .v 1 11 a .sisi M-pt, 1. i, , li;p,I.CoS Ms Mar. 1,'I4 07 ' Krle It It., .lis.. () Anr I.'I7 1015-14 Hen Rub 5 .1.1) Pis. I 'I' IM 910 K-A Aug. 1. 14 II"', FA Aug, 1,"I7 100'. A-O Apr. I.'JI 7-14 A-O Apr, l.'JS 9"J A(i Apr I. .11 "S M-N Nov l.'l? 1 l', P. l i b ll.'l- tot', A-O Anr. 1. 1 P'l A-O Jan 1 .l.) June I M N Mav I J -1 April 1 ore 1 00 I"' lie I l ' 1 It (lovl)C (lnv lit', (lovllC (lnv no. tlol DC. llockV. Intllarv s l.(l.KIC. MM L't, .6 MOKCo.t NK.NCo.o .NoSP .0 N V NIL llwi 41.M-N Mav I PcntiCo. 4'v.ll) JimcIS, 23 I' 101 1 17 100 JO 99', ItciiiArm 1 SollvCo 5 PnFrlC. 1 11 est Pow4 Win lrCo.1 uii.ii: 4 WVaTK 0 WHIty . .4 P I VI 1 M-s Mar. 2 M N May I, A-O M,r 1 MS liar 1 A I) 11,1 I J I) June 1 J-J Jan. 13 17 111 Jt PI' II 11 '" H I ' 1 f 07 11 100 . AaaunilnR call fo- June I. HI DAILY FINANCIAL CALE-ilUE DIVIIULNDS payahi f. Company and Term. 1 ' American llrct sugar, qtiar terlv American Dl.trlct Te'egmp', of Nov Jersey, quirto' Consolidated, quarter' Distilling Compiny of ei lea, quarterly ' Iiigersoll-ltnnd liueraoll-P.aud, elk ' Heneflck 7.lnc Corporation iitonthly "r National Zincs and Leal monthly 4 ' Ooieola Consolidated Mlnln- , quarterly J , Ptalrle oil nnd, quiilor - ; Pralrlo oil nnd Una, 1 f ' Pralrlo pipe Line ' Pulled Mlalcs ltubbi una tcrly. ... " Cnlled States Rubber qui .. , terlv ... r'l Wesllnghouse lilecttlc 1 Manufacturing, quattcrh 1 . .a.i.iM., fM., mm ,av -,akiAiU4t4Uw 1 f a . 1 V i . . i.