Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916. GREAT RUSH ON FOR CONVENTION SEATS One Mini hivs SUNK) for Six Tickets to lii'pilliliciiii Nil tinmil liiitlipriiij;. HUGHES AND HARMONY IS . BRYAN SCOFFS AT FORECAST rN WASHINGTON I'nllUnur.l lrnm (,. ,;r BIT II (ONTKSTS FII.KH fn M.iy -Willi Sccirtnry j,mc II l!i' iioMk unit liltt MiifT until nc 'tr'iill aiul n law fnloi ifirooli.ii" il'Hiii; tin' work of trnii fniiini j l1"' t ! 1 1 tii Into ii convention r,t tlir il.lll- for tlir ItppuMk'llll lm tioiu. ciiiiU'iiliiiii Jurm 7 nro rapidly ink' .e j, ii, Ariiiiiyoinoiits for the cnrc unit ii of ilMcKiiten nml visitors nro ..ilKir.ilo than ever liefoir, acconl i SiTKi.uit-at-Arins Wllllmn '. mH innn to npiimo Kliliti ttnnt .1 ml II"' fait Hint .ttlMlrn lIUKlit-a 111.1v n-o lit to ilrrliirr Hint lm will not accept, thr miinlnntlon, With forty-nlno mrp on the lluslici flilc nml twenty mho on thr Uo.u m,1o the IrmleiM of rrKprcllM fartlolii lire lirtiillni; nil of thoti- .. 1 o 1.. , ,.,.t I thr ilonliltnl rlL-lil. . 1, ti... 1 1 . . 1 . , mien r.iy 111.1t ear 1 ii.'..f.-.lim- .1 v ,(!' n.cro f iliiv III dll.V I'll.ltlKr.l, m lir put ilmvn 11 "lliilllilflll Annum thr n'V'tt arr iiImi ini'lliilnl tiller ill li'Kllti'M Who llllsllt Mite for t'nl. I. It is liflne poliiteil out liy tin Hoot mill tl'iit .hiKtlei' llunlii'M will he at tin fllll till" of lilH MltMIKtll vvlivii tlm riimeullou opi'liH nml that .Mr. Hoot . more tllirly to K11I11 from then nil. The IokIi' H lint illllti ele.'ir tn the nine ohMMler of thr political tnlml ami Km v 01 hIiium. lull II IM rilllllllrlltlj HHM-lll-ll DEFENCE PARADE BRYAN HEARS PET THEORIES SCORNED maly tli.jl'r IhbU easier W..11... tli. drift'""" -Mr' "'I"' ii-'iiilti..t.-.l iiml If l,r in unuouir.eiliy tuwanl JhmIIcii llimhen I II 'IV. In Ihlx coiineitlnii t vviik learueil vck trnlay that one of the propiiMtliiiiH lielnw put to the iloiibtfut (lehnateH l.i that thr Hoot iMIiilhlaey Ih tint bring liromoteil with any I1H1 that Air. an lm liomlnntl, hut with the lilru that the Hunt ilelenateH from Hum Stato will lie mmiltiulateil in the to rrvo the Hiiiom of thoHo otwinlxiitlon men who want to Rt rlil of HiiRlirs If they can. Stone. Whin me N'.itlonal Coniniltten IicrIiih toidirc eMio'i Juik- 1 to coiublrr con .ijfil i-e.its llirra will bu a marxeil con Uii! from the famous "steam roller."'.i.s of ft,UI Jc;'r ago. This jcar lS:j forty-four neiita aic contested, In t.aJi.iS ' fill'' 0 delegations from uor,-u atnl l-'uur ear 11 so wile hundred vonlenled ,ul. More than a majority of the at.fC.itf." llAU' ,lec" elected at I r:in.irl, T explains tho .small num. Itt of ivnte.ilf'. Ihe iJiitcstK no far filed arc; Florida, 1, ilrorcla. 1". 1-oulslan.i, 2 , Mlsmli i.fl'i M KMHiri, 1', Oklahoma, I , South Cr-jtu..i. o, Virginia, I, mid the tilntrlct II Coltiiiiln.1. Nearly all Involve fac tional illsinitv!', thoo of Louisiana ami ioifcU lirl'KJ a contest between the -black and tan" nnd "Illy white" fac tors. NeVfr before In the history of political eonnitlons have there been an many Utilicati 111' for tickets. Time will bo between J.nnn arul 10,000 ticket sUeii out ns f ulliiwn : UcleKaten to tl. cjnventlon, 1,000; extra tlcketn to dfleeates. being one a piece, 1,000; to tltfrnatc, 1,000; jiress tickets, 700 ; for ditrlbutlon ninoiiB Chlcasoans by the dtlici.s' ceminlttee S.210; to the eleven ambrs of the national convention aub C'lnimttee, :.2U0; to the members of tfae National Committee, belnc fifteen nplece, T.5 for distribution nmotiK Presidential car.iild.itct., bclne ten for each, H0. Price for lx Ticket fl.OOO. HH W I'pham. chairman of the lo Ml committee of arraiiKements. has the liCrtbut 'Hi of nlMut 2,000 tickets and u an liiilie.itlon of the demand he gave ti s experience, as he was leaving for Sew York 'o-day for a conference with C1lrm.u1 Illiles, when .1 Jr.iti whofe tan m olltbs and business was of uf'le.eiit moment to gain Instant ad mlrtan. e to his office: 'The only way you can et eight tickets is tn subscribe J1.000 to llio con Tirtlnn fund," was Mr. Upham'a ultl- BU'll ' ' do ou want the money?" mi.J 1 le .itnr "In thirty nvlnutes," replied Mr. Cr u 1 T ie -nan dcp.uted. In fifteen mlnute III -f it.iry was back with a check for J 1. 000. .''tr fiat the price went up. 't n- prominent man Inquired of Mr ' . .ia 11 . "II many tickets ran I have If I ml-. e Jl,0'i to the convention fund 7" be .,.! ".- bluntly replied Mr. Upham. "He v s .1 check." smiled the vUltor. To promlneut men to arrive In Chi cajo N).il,iy in the vntiKUard of conven tion v tors wire Kdmuud J. Wachtwl of Bi,i 11 ire. chief clerk of the Republican .latioi . I lonventlon and Udward I'. Tiu;.ei of Indianapolis, assistant sei-Itant-at-arnis, a llonieirlt Ml reps West. "Sentiment for I'ol, Itoosewll is swep ta the ltocky Mountain reslon." This 11 tne message brought to Trogresslve It Is lielng pointed out that twenty or more limit men from this State, holding fast to their tlrst choice, could bo used In combination with somo of the "fa vorite son" delegations to nut on n nomination of any one for a considerable period, during which nnytlilng might happen. One of the things that might hajipen would be a telegram from the Justice saying that lie could not accept, which would leave the "allied" deleg.i lu a. ery stiong position. Hughes men here sav that thev have 110 reason to think that Justlco Hughe will not accept the nomination If It conies only after 11 long tight. Iloot Camp Claims Forty. T'rom the Iloot ramp ramc figures showing that the Hughes men nte too optimistic. It was axserted that th" delegation now stands forty for Iloot, inriy lor ungues nnd seven doubtful. One Iturton man was discovered nmong these seven, but tills delegate Is said to have run the gamut of Hoosevelt, Root, Jlughes, Weeks and Hurtmi In his went 011 thr speaking platform he would glow In public fitMir faster than would JiiMIrn Hughes; Tills h) seriously aNrrinl In tlm fain of tho record of .lustln: HtigltoH as 11 rampalguer when he was tunning for llovi rnor of this Stair. What may have hieu an luillrallnu that the nomination of Justin; Hughes Ii taken as assured was tlm suggestion made yesterday that r.ilrhaukH would be a pood running partner for him. Mr. I'airbmiks has the Indiana delegation mid a strong following In other States. I, mik for A'lre-l'reKlden t In West. If the nominee for.tlie Presidency comes from New York or l'enns Ivanla or New Kngland the nominee for the Vlco-I'resldenry would probably betaken fiom one of the middle Western or West ern States, and In this connection It was suggested that with two vacancies In tic I nlted Slates Senate from Indiana to bo tilled this ear there would be a good chance of the Itepuhllraus winning both Mats If Mr. Fairbanks wero on the ticket. I'.x-Senator W Murray Crane of Mas sachusetts was In tov 11 esterdaN. He Ciills Vtilf for Knnl in I'riiiuiry Moit Sitfuificiiiif Tlinn Mnrcliors. TALKS IN IWOOKIiYX IIAII. William J. Pr-an considers the mlddlo Vestern pacifist vote for Henry l'onl's nomination for President a better Indira tlnn or the whole country's attitude to ward national defence than the parade lint Saturday In New York of 145,000 men enthusiastic for preparedness. Also Mr. lirynn doesn't think much of th parade anyway, nnd Implies that It was thr work of corporations, munition makers and controlled newspapers. Mr. Itrynn made this known Inst night to reporters before he spoke before 2,000 Norwegian Americans nt the Hrooklyn Arademy of Music. In his speech Mr. Iliynn In soke the aid of Norwegian Americans In securing votes for women, prohibition and that millennium when swirrds shall once and for all be turned into pliiiighhnre. "The vote for Henry l'ord has .1 grent deal morn significance than your parade. mid It was not worked up by any Inter- Siiririrc Sprnkn nf Snviiifr.s Hunk Dinner Lislcns In Defence Tnlks. CII.MUtKX IX CENTKXAUY said that the delegation from his State ' "led parties," said Mr. Ilrynn, He made would go to the conxentlon nml vote for no tefeteiice to nny of thr threr national ! Hie man who could win. No our can tell onvilitlons now drawing so near and now, he said, who that man will be. but did not Indicate whether he believed the bis opinion was that thr contention would not be deterred from Its determi nation to waive nlde cory considera tion except that of the nominee' ahlllt. to get ntes. It Is likely that the Marsaehusetts deligallon. Although unlnstriicted, will l'ord vote In the middle West augured Hie peace man's nomination. Of tin pa 1 ade Itself he said 'Marching HTi.nnO people seems a bg showing, but they arr but a small fraction of the people In this city, who nie only n part of those In the Slate, who COLONEL IS SILENT, BUT PERKINS TALKS The.v Receive Encournfrinjr Kc lrts ns to the Tielejrnfes From PennsylvnniH. MOOSE MAY NOMINATE FULL STATE TICKET Col, noosevelt came to the pity yes terday to spend the clay at his desk In the offices of the .Vrlropotlfc;n Mnpatinc, where he declined to make any comment on the primary results In Tenns) Ivanla or Vermont or on nny other topic. The Hoosevelt Non-partisan League was not so reticent, however, nnd gave out for publication a letter written by Henry A. Wise Wood saying that the men reported Judge Seabury of the Court league's purpose meets with the appro- of Appeals as being highly favored as the ballon of the rank and file of the do-' pat ty's nominee for (lovernor. The I'm- glr Senator Weeks a complimentary . nnle n mrt of tho-e In the vote before proceeding to real business, country. People will hardly claim such la demonstration will necessarily exprres the sentiment of even yjur own section. "Here you have coucentrate1 all the forces of the preparedness propaganda. You have the capitalists, making money selling munitions, and thos capitalists nre Influential In controlling newspapers which misrepresent the views of the nation. You have here. too. the head quarters of the big corporations who want a big army to overawe their work men, nnd you have your share, It not more, of the militarists who know of no Influence but force. It would be Mrange If all these elements combined wero not nble to get up a parade. "If lto.000 farmers In some agricul tural centie marched In parade and M'ir-lA.1 li'xinnra npilnil lirvtmrriliiMaa It Members nf the executive committee i,ar,,.. , mentioned In the New of the State committee of the National York papers. It wouldn't have any more Progressive pirty met here yesterday to Influence on 1-istern sentiment than discuss the State ticket for the November "u ,'i,r""" " election. It was said nfter the meeting' ir irv.m snoke much of the nerfr t that sentiment was strong for a fulli peace he hoped the Norwegians w.uld ticket and an active campaign. I "pIi -cure. and referred with gratiflca- .... , , , tlnn to the fart that Norway was one of Not the least Interesting development I )c flr,u.0untrles to sign with the I'nlted w.u the discovery that many committee-) states one of his thirty peace treaties. Jinltre Senlmry INplily Favored for Governor I'nrty He ported Stronger. fence movement. Mr. Wood was one of the members of the Naval Consulting Hoard until hla reslgnitlon mo months ago. His letter U the Iloosevelt Non-partisan League Is a caustic attack upon the Wilson Ad ministration, which, he sas, has had .1 weak, vacillating foreign policy and has suffered a moral breakdown at home. grrkulxr ate not alone In looking toward bim as a possibility. In Meinooratlc .lr..t.ia !.'. hMl. L lif.TIL- f t.r,tli.llt I v ,,,! uoneii as one 01 ine nesi nte gi iters in ..... i.,.r..t,,...i i... tv... lir .1 vn thr State, and the returns of bis election I li ll,u,,l ,lf t, No-i weglan Hospital. John arr uuoted to show lus t the bfiich Hreiicth. 01. of the factors that have determined tho Pregiessiws to make a campaign this fall Is the report from Stato leaders that Hie party stnngtli this ear will be much greater than the enrolment tndl- Men. regardless of party affiliations, have catis. Many leaders declare that there come nt last to the conclusion that no is .1 widespread desire on the rank and man other than Hoosevelt is competent to IV"""; handle the present situation. Is Mr. William Jennings Bryan was a sur prise speaker at the centenary dinner of the Savings Hanks Associations at the Hotel Itlltmoro Inst night. It was surmised by some that Mr. Ilrynn was also slightly surprised, for coming late Into the banquet hall he ran Into several redhot preparedness speeches being delivered by such men as Or. Charles Alexander Jtlchmond, president of t'nlon College, and Joseph A. I.awson, a lawyer of Albany. Mr. Kiwson made the ex-Secretary of State color a deep red under his tan by one little portion of his speech, hut when It came time for hltn to talk the ex-.Sccre-tary only devoted about two minutes to his views nnd thereafter talked of "Thrift," the password of the evening. It was 11 o'clock when air. lirynn came quietly Into the hall and took a chair unrecognized. He was not ex pected by the diners nnd only President James II. Manning knew he was to come. Just nt that moment Ur. ltlchmond was saying: "Choose you this day whom ou will serve?" and from tho applause It was appal ent the bankets weie en thusiastic alsjut piep,irednes Then came .Mr l.awson lust after the surprise guest had gone up to the head table, and Mr. Lawsnn told the bankers that slnco they provided bolts and locks to guard tlm savings of the poor, the country must prepare to defend them from the Invader. Then he said that If a farmer up back of Albany hears a gang of hoboes Is going to raid his chicken house he dors certain things. Offers Xo Dots of Peace, "Does he." asked the apeaker. "go out to his pigeon house and there select, lug a nice white pigeon, tie It with a sllktn cord to his hen house as a dove of peace'.' Docs he1"' "He does not!" shouted about every one of the fixe liutidrtd bankers present "No." was the coiiimeut. "He loads his old shotgun and gets teady." Mr. Ilrynn. who was well received, said he did not have any spiech to 111 the oociiHlon. lie was not accustomed to addtevsitw such audiences. He had many otln r Mieechf s, but not one for bankers. However, li lidded lm was only ttnltig to nay a very few words about pmmrcd nes, although he might saj more. "I am not ashamed to believe," he continued, "that Christ s phibxnpliy of love Is more potent to-day than all the teriniSm nf prep.ltrdness " The tin ent war he said came after twentv-llve ears of roiriiWte preparedness and that philos ophy is fatae which b'lleves that pit patedness prevents war, He cited "pistol toting'' on. I said that it applied equally to nations. The iiarade lat Mtttuday did not terrorize the men of the lengthy iniisi'-al prngramnm nnd ; est who are willing to tight If need be, nit prerer to worK wuen tnere is no danger Insight. Thereafter be talked on thrift. othfr speakers at the dinner last night were ICiwene l.amb lib birds. State Superintendent of Hank-; Andiew Mills, president of thr Dry Hock Savings Hank, and Mr. Manning. association In opening tho meeting lobl how tho first savings bank deposit was made by Curtis Itoberts. n negro, who on December 2, H1C, placed live dollars with the Philadelphia Savings Kilnd So. clety. Slum then savings banks have grown! then- am now about IT.iinii.iion savings batik iiccounts In 'tho roiintr with deposits aggregating seven billion dollars. Only (lermauy mid Japan show 11 greater number of iiccounts. ho said. Mr. .Manning said that this Is tho lima for tho workman to begin saving. Wages arr high mid work Is plentiful, nnd no our can tell how Mrently reserve funds may be needed af ter tho war Is over. T. R. STAMPEDER HISSED. fori llodHr Man I'orcrd I'roni Cum mins Convention Plnlfnrni. Ckiiaii Kapws, In., May I". -Hubert 1 Italy of b'ort Doilgo was lilssrd ftoni thr platform at the Republican State convention when he attempted to stam pede the convention for Theodore Hoom velt. As the Port Dodge man took his seat shouts mid groans wero heard from nil parts of the hall. The attempt camo Just nfter the coni nilttei. on resolutions reported sttungly Indorsing Senator A. II. Cummins' can didacy for President. PENROSE WINS BULK OF STATE DELEGATES I'eiinsylvntiln Will Send Split Delejrntion to Clii enfro Convention! Pmt.Atir.l.l'itlA, May 17. A spill dele gation from Pennsylvania. In the He publican national ronvrntlon wns elerted nt Tuesday's primaries. The men who won their ceats through the harking of Ibr Pi'nrosr organization, there seems little doubt, will be In the majority. Proportions of the division may not bo determined accurately until the dele gates arrive. In Chicago. (!ov. Hrumbaugli and Senator Penrose, leaders of contending elements In tho party, will sit together In the convention, both having been elected delegates at large, l.'ach side to-night Insists It has a ma jority of the delegation of members. I'enro-o lieutenants nfter overhauling returns asserted tho tluv ernor wilt lm lucky to havo moro than seventeen delegates. At tho llurrisliurg headquarters of thr committee which ill tected the lltuinb.iiigli campaign It was stated that nt least forty-otir delegates favorablo to tho llovernor have been elis'ted, I'nofib-lal returns nin far from com plete. They show the easy nomination of Harmon M. Krph.irl, Penrosn candi date for State Treasurer, and thn suc ress of duties A Snyder, backed by the Penrose forces, for the Auditor-time nil ship over Speaker Charles A. Ambler In a fairly close contest. Shouting by the Prnrnsltes fell off to night, however, wlirti 11 smash came in loss In the trturn from thr light for the four iioinln itlous for Congiessnien nt large. The flmircs showed Hepresentii tile John It. K. Seott of Philadelphia, esperlally matkcil by IVnioe for tie fial, leading nil the 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 by 11 good maiglii mid his tiimilii.itlnn Mi In. illy as sured, Hepresentatlvr lit L.ilge Daniel R I .-if ran of York county, also "tu lied jilowu," may land on the takel with ISiott Scott and t.afean put up 11 tr- markablr fight against thr two candl . dales picked by Penrose to displace tlietn I Isador Solid of line nnd Joseph Mo j lillghlili of Philadelphia Wars are becoming less and less crnvnon," Mr Ilrynn Inform' d his hearers, "and I Impe when this bloody conflict is over they will become less and b sf common " Mr. Ilryau spoke between two numbers Hkrland was chairman and the Nor wegian Choral Society sang and the S aiullnavlan Symphony Orchestra plaved. Tiir nudletnt eang "The Star Spangled Hanner" after Mr. Hryan got through. Wood's opinion. "Where the Administration was strong and masterful at the beginning, domi nating Congress nnd bending that body lion no matter what may develop at Chicago. State Chairman Walter A Johnson re pi rtcd that the special train for the dele gat. on from this State to the national convention would leave the Cram! Cen tral mi June I In two sections, ,. s,ii, to Its will In matters of comparative In- that two sections would tu t accommodate all wi o are going ami inui many ito- signlflcance, thr Administration has now . , D . ."- 1 " . grt ssivr eninusia: h'a'Iquarters to-day by Clarence Phelps I abdicated Its leadership In the hour of .1 Juw ., nl), 3 ,, m.nfCM(:0,0r''Vl".Sp.r-"!R!'- fta,V'.li;lr Ureal national emergency." said Mr. The executive man of his pirty In Colorado Neither ' n.t n a- Un on Mav "t Hushes. Hoot, Cummins nor any of the Wood. "It has quit under tire. ''" on .na .1. favorite sons will satisfy the voters of the Wcat, according to Mr. Dodge. The ca.l for Hoosevelt comes from Demo era's as wtrll as Hepubllcans and Pro re.lves, he asserts. "The literal minded voters In the West have made such a sturdy fight for their pr.n-lrb-s that It Is foolish to believe that they ran be switched to nny candi dal, Just for the sake of harmony." M'd Mr. Dodge. "When It comes to Roo-pvelt party lines have been elimi nated. "There Is little Hoot sentiment. As for Hughes, the West likes a man to be outspoken, perfectly freo and olwvt ocard In national problem. No one kr.oa where Hughes stands, llesldes he Is not the type of man whose person alty arras to Western voters. BEAT WILSON IS CRY FROM THE PHILIPPINES Bepiililjean Delegate From iliinila Says Islanders Don't ('lire Who Does It. enthusiasts will be leaving on on June .. committee will meet GOO IN TAMMANY GOING. Nfwton Whiting Ollhert. former Vice-O-'nior-tJencrnl of tho Philippines lUnds and now a lawyer In Manila, hi is one nf the delegates to the He MMl.'an National Convention, came 10 b"w M'sierd.-iy with the word that JH in h.s part of tho Pnlted States no My cares who beats Wilson. Mr. till b't was a.coiniianled on lila trip by " 11 Lawrence, tho other delegatu ''"in the Philippines, and by Henry 11. JI'-' ov I;, publican national committee f from lb, l-lanils "' pi-ople are for any one who will iMH.e On- Administration In Washlnif tw ' ne sa , delegates we havo 11 vine, but wrj iu going to try to get O'.e and if we do It will be cast for on., who can win. We arc against the 1I111i11lstratlon not only, because of n.u ins happened In tlm Islands, but h's use of tlm disastrous effect upon u" '''a this Administration's Kar liist- Mil J ),;, ,a, "Th- desertion of China In her hour J' "i"'! and in our hour of opportunity 'is tiirue.l t,e KillidiioH ngiilnst the 1 on Adinlnlstratlon. china wants lh" irade of the I'nlted States. Hun "'Is of millions of It Is there to be '"1 It Is easy to get. Tho Chinese ji'i us to come, but we do nothing. The l.,i Pollute seamen's law has taken our ii.iK fr0M ,), .,iri,. ,i the Jaii 'iH" are getting what wo should have. The remit Is that freight rates to the ' ''illpuliies have Increased to the point OM.etng prohibitive. ''lima needed only our moral sup Jit. hut this Administration backed " nd said that It was none of our mi'liiess, The prestige that John Hay's I'ploniaoy mado for us In tho Kar Kast n loi and the people of the Islands 'el It keenly. Japan Is making every J'jrl not only In monopolize tlir ' lilnese trade, but also tn dominate the "fine, and that uu-nnn us. Hut It Is ""t too late. Kngland Is unable Just " to do anything and Japan Is liandl I'Ped through her participation In the B'lropean war, Willi tho right kind of jwv'rnment Washington we would "111 have a fair chance of holding our wn." It Is against such a background that there looms now the man whom you are urging us all, regardless of party, to make our President. It seems to me that wv can do nothing less. If we put country above petty political considerations and patriotism above party or peTsonal preju dices." Although Col. Roosevelt declined to sav anything about the results of tho primaries In Pennsylvania, (leorge W. Terklns, chairman of the exuutlvr com mltter of the Progiesslve p.v.y. who wai one of the Colonel's conferees yesterday, said he had received-reports indicating j that many of Pennsylvania's delegates to thc-ltepubllcan national convention will be either out and out Hoosevelt men or by 110 means dead set against the j Colonel. I Among tho Colonel's callers were Hob-1 ert Harnn, lieoige von I.. Meyer, former Secretary of the Navy: former State ( Senator J. Mav hew Walnwrlght and Miss Catherine Hurke of the Scottish 1 Hellef Corps. Mr. Itacon said there was j nothing political In his visit. Thero was only one topic on which . Col. Hoosevelt would talk to reporter.' That was the rejecting by the Senate of 1 thn appointment of (ieorgo II. Hulilee of New Hnmpshlre ns a member of the . Federal Trade Commission, Ho said: I "I am genuinely sorry that Mr. Hubleo 1 has been rejected. Thero could have: Imjcii no better man for the position. It Is a real public loss that he Is not to 1 serve." Col. Hoosevelt motored hark to Oyster Hay last evening. He will return to the I city to-day to take an afternoon train to , Detroit, where he Is to speak to-morrow I nt noon. I Children tltl In Cenlensry. I'lve selfcHd children p.irtlclpited !n riispert of Peitre In St. I.iiiiIi "' opening eercises. j uey were w in- 1 rt'.. o; in. esr.i- cniiicsi on inriii con-Kt-eps llown Allrniliinrr. . ,u,.ted bv the a.o. utlon They were Tammany Hall's delegation to the Thomas V. Wofclechowsky of the Hut Detnocratlr national convention In St ' h.non Central High School, wh ee prize Iiuls on June II will consist nf between vvi 1100 In gold. Jessie ll.irlon of the ,".110 and i'.Oii braves and there would be j K ticslnn High S. hool, ISO In gold. Mormon- If tb re were any prospect of .1 1 tuner Hurr Williams of the Aeademlr tlkht for the nomination. II gh Sch 'Ol, Auburn, :,". . llyman Wan Tin re will be three or four special trains , of the Vonkers High School, 115, lor tin ir accommodation, which will ,.111! I.aura Marie Noipio of the Hrvant have New- York between S and 10 A. M ' ll'gh School, Long Island City, $ 1 it on June 1; j President James II Manning of the j Gentlemen, The June Bride! The silverware that you give to the Bride must, of course, be dainty aa the Bride herselfl But even in a wedding present there is no really pressing; nrcd for extravagance. "TUr Minr vn'"' """(7 fur " '''"'' ess"- -is a rule in the Silverware Section iIm. , Flower Baskets, Vases, Hint Bowls, Tea Sets, Trays, Casse roles, Spoons, Butter Dishes If you have a wedding Rift in mind ;miv " ""' Iriwrrhl ''''' fd Mm Stiirr. Mth to Mth 1st 11. In 3d At. - rAV' -y phe U. S. Government now is helping to develop Yellowstone and other National Parks. Secretary Lane of the Department of the Interior is taking a lively interest in ! getting more citizens to see Yellowstone Park and our other national beauty spots, because our national scenic resources arel properly conserved only when they are , used by a maximum number of Americans. An important part of the new government program is the publication of beautiful, authentic descriptions of our great playgrounds in booklets which soon will be ready for free distribution. Through the courtesy of the Interior Department the Union Pa cific System will co-operate in the movement to increase travel to Yellowstone Park by reprinting the government book on this wonderland. To all who send in their namesthis book will be mailed as soon as it is off the press, togetheri'vvith full information ' on how to reach the Yellow-, stone, rates, etc. About two-thirds of all who visit the Park enter, through the western gateway (Yellowstone tstation; , t the Union Pacific entrance, be cause Colorado and Salt Lake City may be seen on the way without added expense, and also because this makes a con venient side trip on the way to California or the North Pacific Coast. Send for free booklets about Yellowstone, f UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Joins JSmt and West with a llouleiud of Steel J. I). DeFrlcst, (J. H. Aftt., Union Pacific R. R. WoolvMirth Itiiildlnii, IM, llnmilwiiy, New York WA 'A WA I Red Tubes Were Made Before Red Tires Our "Peerless" and "Standard" Red Inner Tubes are known to every experienced motorist. It was the great success of these tubes that led to the introduction of our now famous Empire Red Tires. When you buy a tube, specify the Empire "Peerless" or "Standard" Red Tube. The "Peerless" is extra heavy Wr heavier than the ordinary tube and will stretch IVz times its length without a strain or break and jump back in perfect shape. mpire Wear Longest "Peerless" and "Standard" Empire Red Tubes are thick and tough and stretchy. They never get brittle or spongy. The heat of friction never bothers them. They can be vulcanized and patched over and over again. The Empire "Standard" is of the same quality of rubber, but only about the weight of the average tube of unknown or uncertain quality. See the Empire man today and get equipped with Empire Red Tubes and Tires the unbeatable combination. EMPIRE RUBBER & TIRE CO. Nw York City Brunch, 240 Weil 55th St Newark Branch, 889 Broad St. Brooklyn Agency, Farrell Auto Co., 1178 Bedford Ave. Home Office and Factory. Trenton. N. J. INCREASES LEAD IN Automobile Advertising In April The Evening Sun again led all the evening newspapers in display automobile advertising. With a Total of 27,013 Lines It Showed A Gain of 11,496 Lines Over April, 1915 The Evening Sun carried more display automobile advertising last month than tho Mail and Post, or Mail and Globe combined. Figures for the first four months of the year further emphasize the position and importance of The Evening Sun in the minds of automobile advertisers. They tell the story clearly in this wise: Evening Sun . 105,098 lines Journal 79,126 lines Mail 61,705 lines Post 55,473 lines Globe 55,439 lines Telegram . . . 52,129 lines 1 During April The Morning Sun also showed a substantial gain of 11,118 lines over the corresponding month last year. During the first four months of the year The Morning Sun carried 152,042 lines, a gain of 49,299 lines over the first quarter of 1915. The answer is plain -automobile advertisers are taking advantage of the well known purchasing power of Sun readers.