Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916. HERMANS. MURRAY WEDS MISS WARREN fliM'iiiMin Ceremony Per formed in SI. Tliontns's Cluireli li Two ('Ini'in men. flow r. its roVKit ai.taii jl x 1i,tii I! Wnrtcn. itauelitrr nf J'.- .i '' ,'li:"'l" Ullltil Win roil. i il In llrriniui H. .Murray, u J(n of M' ami Mr Ititxfll Murray of 0tli" S V. n ml till t'lty, ritentay .per 'i s Thomas's Church by the l!c I'r Unict At StirrK, wlnr of ' ......... . .iiwi thf. It,.,- tif ' JJ ( lll.Mtn " ' ' 'I ... II CI j, yi.i Tr . icrtor f draco Church tfif ,1J' ' crfoetltcly decorated "h ma.""" of p.tliit.1. white it ml pink H,itr" .tml white roaes wore placed on lr .ilta' Alms Hit' pcm of the main ! ttetl' clll-dcta of llllta. The hrldo ciitcied the t'lttircli with her filriei who pa"' IiiT itwny. Hit frown of hlte tulle "Itli Houncc. of point j-r made walking letiKtlt, ami tffr w.i- .i Ui itt i tin train of while m'lii ' '1 "liter I'roiitdo, which hunt? from the. iioiililers Ut toll of tulle. (,frof,, with M)lnt lair, was arranged ith rap effect, ami Kite carried a bou quet of wliil" orchid ami lilies of the vtllev Ml? Mnrf.irct Warren, the bride's i,.tf, was Iit maid of honor. She wore a oositiuio of l.ttcndcr entlti and tulle ttlHi a hut to correspond, enrry- s a la e" iliiurr of lavender Irlti nntl fjii(i nf the n.ittiti h.ilt as her cos. ' ,xe The other hrlilal attendant, Mrs. Leonard .1 U'yoth, ills Amy Frnd'fh Johnson. Mis KII"o HuntitiK pn KM' eke ami Miss Ktlnor fuller, ne'e dirseeil alike In coslunics of cream rolornl Lire anil taffeta, oxer which srer worn tunics of two hnde of pink HI Tho.r hats were of pink tulle I'd ra'lti and they carried arm bou trusts of pink rojrs, Amhro.e S. Murray, brother of the brMfcrooin. acted as hi best man. The u-htr". cre Prancls Winner Murray. Sr (ieeffrey Taylor, T Dwlcht Part--Mse, Frederick II. Wooley. I'.iul H, I2crett I.ewl of Tallnhnsso, F.i, an.) RcRlnald Adams of London. After the ceremony there was. a re ffrtlnn at the home of the bride's par H. '12 I'lfth avenue. Among the nut were Mr and .Mrs. Russell Mur rv Mr ami Mr. Frederick W. Van iifW't I" Keerton Webb. Mr and Atrs. William t'tirtlt Ioinoret, MKa Julia rswter Wrls. Tr and Atrs. William 11. Ml" Porothy Anderton. Atr. sr.l .Mrs I.lnd'lry Tappllt, Alls Alary Tti ie Uthur S,-hermerhorn, Atlss 4-i ti- ermer'iorn, Itaroness Itaoul tie Caff" reii the Mle ltantllton, Atr. iri '.-s Charlt.i JI Dltson, Air and r o, l m M I'mlsrwood .Studios Mrs. Herman S. Murray. Jfr F'm kltt Ato't Wurner. Air. and Vr - wtt Clinton Full", Atr and Mm I'-mard L. Norton, Jr. Air. and Mrs. W lu icr Washington. Miss Tieu !" H'f a . At. and .Mm Richard lltnrv Warren, the Rev Or William H V btvrt, P Glherl Thebaud. rienja "In II LummW, Mr and Airs, tlouver r.f'Jr .Morris Carnochan. Air. and Airs. rv. Hp A. S, Franklin, Airs. William C. nlck, the Mlscs Amy and Alargarer lick, Mr and Airs, H. Hobart Por tr Mis. Dorothy Porter. Air. and Atrs. J. Horton IJ,tm. i'aul and Thayer lacaccl, 'Man Palmlerl, Pr. Ilward L. Par ''lV. Mr an. Mr,. Carl von Alayhoff. Mr and Mrs John F Panlell, Airs. K. Li-nn Short Mrs. Charles IT. Jones, " aid Mrs Walter U Stiydam and Frttlen o Maeponell. 'ireene Kvcrltf. r"'' .k N J, M-,ty IT. Allfk T.lcanor ' d T;v rut dauKhttr of Air. and ''' ' 1 f. It l'i .rltl nf It-. IViiIp.I li,r and Linuald Greene of St. Louis f-e mar' .eil to-t.igiit .n (trace Kplhco W 1 ur it by tho Rev. Charles T. va. , ,ei, re. tnr The bride was attentled ' M " Allgnoti Train of Frederick. Mi ' '"'u 1 of bono" tind by .Miss tM ,rii of Onu xe, Atlss Alarguerltn K k rs of y,ifi nr,ln2e, MIsh Lottie Jtlack r; -kivn and .Miss Itarbara Hall of .v-v Yrrk as bndvftmaidH. William '"t M ' rd of Greenwich, Conn, was "it nun and the ushers were John Wll "1 nml Theodore Train Iierltt. "hrrn r,f t'.r bride. RIchHrd Connor " New n,i (!y Cleveland of Oraic It letianl l.lumi, 1 . M l M 17 Miss Alary '' ''iff. iiughter of Air. and Airs. I. R'.i. of Whitehall. Aid., was r d.T to P.n.lcn Frederick Gore 1 s n . in St .Mine .s pnites etjpil I'luirch by the Re. Rd Helfenstein nf St John's Cluircli, ' ' i by llm Rev Joseph '- n t.,r .,f St Anne's r (l'vin.iids the AIIses Alll WUite RlUaheth J Rrnwne 'i H Randall of ll.iltimnre , Ae'.i. ,f Washington, Alnrgaret " i' Won i f ter, Alas , ami Townsemi of New Vorlt. ' man was Hiuugn Howes Hod S' . ami llm ushers Thomas " 1 I.1 signs Kdtwirrt Ilreed, v' I I . Robert Alatiry, it. i-i; .in.J Lieut. G. W Ham- ft la ';c I. .Mm it' ie i I t. an '1 I Mir II J'j I IS It. T, 1.1' i.uilc u Irtliui il, ' ' iiki.i.k, N. Y .May 17 The 'I Mfs Ltl'lin Lnukvi KirtMnd, ' "' Mr and .Mrs. Wllllsn G. ' I-,' r htnniit Manor, tn Fred. !- i . ' 1 a well i,ii,',nn varlttsnian of '" '' f liochelle. toot iilace ' f p r liorni of the hrldr'n "'"" To ( rit'liard Cobdcp. "r of f, Larrhinont Epeopal 'wicn, omeuted. $9,000 RAISED FOR BLINDED SOLDIERS Sightless Vletim of Onlllpoli Cnnipiiijrn Spenks at Kilz Carilon Itenefil. DINNKKS PUKCKDK AKFA H Perse.tnt-Alajor Robert Atlddlemlss, a blind llrltlsh Koldlor, recently nf th Klmt's Own Scottish llorilercr'. spnk at an entertainment last night at the llltz-l'arlton for the benefit of the Per manent llllnd Relief War l'und. lie urged further help from America for the soldier who, like himself, have been disabled front all active service, and who, were It not for the training schools for the blind, would become charges on the community. About $J,000 was reallr.ed from the entertainment. Sergt. Allddlemlss lost his sight bv the bursting of a shell during the fight ing at nalllpotl on April 10, IMS, and nrrlved In thl country a few davs ago to help raise funds for his blinded com rades In the war hospitals. He de orrlbed life In St. Dunstan's training school, where he said he had been taught to read and write and had learned n trade. "I haf llxed through n hell of misery and hopelessness which besets a strong man In the tlrnt months of his blindness." he said, "hut now, thanks to the training I have received, I feel able In compele with the seeing members of my new profession. Since this new life hat been awakened In me I buve done evetythlng In my power to assist others In the same way. t'nfortimatclv many training schools such an St iitntan's aro not available, and they nre urgently required to cire for the thousands, who aie completely crushed by their greitt misfortune ' Among thoe on the programme for the entertainment were Tom tvbson. Miss Ada Andrnva, Airs, hangtry, Frank Pollock. Inn Claire, Charles Cherry. Arthur .Stanford, MarguerltB Korrcwt, the. Arnault Hros.. Tavlo Klttay, Blua Ityan. Maurice and Florence Wal ton, Lyn Harding, Plsle Ferguson. Sir Herbert Trco and Paul Cappilanl. Robert T AtcKce and F.lsa Alaxwell's tableaux called 'The Vision of Life," which wero given at the benefit for the fund held at the Hippodrome recently, were repeated. Among the patronesses, many of whom gave dinners In advance nf the entertainment, were Airs. Philip At. I.ydlg. Airs. Cornelius Vanderbllt, Airs Harry Pnne Whitney. Airs. Charles liana Gibson, Airs, Charles P. Alex anrier. Iatly Colehronke. Atrs. Herman Oelrlchs. Airs. Henry P. Perry. Airs Pembroke Jones, Atrs. John Hrcel. Mrs. K. II. Harrlman, Airs. O. II. P. HeImont, .Mrs. Oliver Harrlman, Airs. Alexander I. H. Pratt, Airs. Preston P. Salter white. Airs. Oliver Gould Jennings, Atrs. Alfred Anson, Mrs. Henry Clews, Airs, Otto H. Kahn, Airs. Ogden Mills. Airs. William Post. Airs. Herbert Shiftman, Airs. James Lowell Putnam, Airs. Aus tin Gray, Airs. Arthur Iselln and Airs. William Jay, LETTERS FROM DICKENS SOLD. ('orrrspondenre Tells nf III Sue re ax nm Header In lloston. The first letter from Pickens to his friend ami sub-editor, William Henry Wills, after his first reading In lloston. In which he said, "The city Is abso lutely mad about It.' w.ut sold yester day at the t'oggeshall sale In the Anderson Galleries to George I. Smith for Ifin. The letter Is dated "Parker House, lloston, Dec. 3, 1S0T, I cannot convey to ynu an adequate Idea of last night's tremendous suc cess." Pickens said about his reading, "You may be cettaln that It could not be greater " ln another letter, written a few days later from the same place, he tells his sub-editor that he Is "going on (be- tween ourselves) at a clear profit of 1.30U pounds per wveK : mc leiiei was sold on order and brought J'10. A Pickens autograph letter, written from Folkestone In 1U5, In which he. irom i-oiKesioue in in which ; . sharply criticises Thackeray. In which Dickens says that people In Boston stood In the cold for twelve hours to buy tickets to his reading was sold on order for ISO. Tho tntnl snips vstcrdav amounted to I Vniin Th. Vr .n mint for narts , ,U' Jn of ?bt CoLltall ilhran- one and two of the t of,gesitai linrarj. I SMS r lnarKFr,,n' LOCKE SALE TOTAL $1,373. Colored Aunntlnta nf Ilndson Vlrwsi Allrart Interest. Colored aquatints taken from thn "Hudson Hlver Portfolio," engraved from paintings by V. G. Wall, were the centre of Interest nt the ealo from the library of Charles E. Locke nt the American Art Galleries yesterday, Tho "West Potnt" view, bought by Kennedy & Co., brought the top price, 1 37. Other views were "Near Flshklll," bought by Kennedy A Co. for 129: "Near Fort Alontgomery," bought by II. Frledenberg for $32 : "Palisades," bought by Erskeln for 126: "From Flshklll, looking Toward West Point." bought by Erskeln for J21 "Hudson." H. Frledenberg, 20, and "Newburgh," It. Frledenberg, U'S. Cooper Institute hought the book on architecture by Adam. "The Ilulns of tho Palace of Diocletian," for $30. A complete set of Haliac's "The Human Corned v" was bought by Gabriel Weiss fnr sir. The II u onniiisi eerirs, i .i.ii .rlsliie 'tbe works of Poe and others. 1 was u Mi:. . . . , .u. I The total sales for the day amounted to $1,373, PROF. METCHNIKOFF VERY ILL. Head of Pasteur Inltnte. ParU, In Hrrlnne Condition. p.nis. Mav 17. Prof. Rile Metchnl- koff. the distinguished bacteriologist and head of the Pasteur institute, is reniroij ill with heart trouble. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mr. and .Mrs. Silas Wright Eecles nf tho Apthorp havo announced the en gagement of their .laughter, Allss Alii dred Eecles. to Preston Erie St. Clair Ixcke of Pasadena, Cal Air. Ixicke was graduated from the Columbia School of Atlnea In 1900. Tlte engagement has been announced of Allss May C Wagner, daughter of Mrs Alary E. Wagner, to Charles hlslinp, n son of thn late Mr and Airs. Robert Illshop of Ilrookllne. .Mass. Miss Jeannette Criiden, daughter of Mrs. James D. Ortldcn of 137 Prospect i'atk West, Brooklyn, has nnnnunced her engagement to Alaxwell Peabody. son of Airs. Herbert 11 Peabody of Hrallle hero, Vt The engagement of Allss Alatguerlle Alahan, daughter of Air. nnd Airs, Joseph II Alalmn of 12.17 Dean street, Hrook ly'n to Harold Ellsworth Richards, of Mr. and Airs. Thomas H, Richards of lr.' Kingston avenue, has been an nounced. Mlrhltrnn Man K.masred In France. fiftrinl CnbU Pnpnlrh tn Tnr St)s P.nis. Alay 17, The engagement of Mile Therese A!er"!er and .Morris Cis sards of Grand Hapldt, Mich, la M. nouncod. 'Sometimes when I am NEW VITAGRAPH CO. BOARD. llsnn littereats llepreseiiled In a5,OI0,tlll( rnnrrrn. A suhstantlaJ Interest In the new I Vltagraph Company of America. Incor porated In Albany on Tuesday, It was learned eterdny, will be held by In terests Identified with the American To bncco and New York traction companies The board of directors will Include H. 11 Hampton, vice-president nf the Ameri can Tobacco Company, H II. Vreoland, president of the Now York City Hallway I I ! ,1 .Inn ,1 1 II l .1 ItVnil U son of Thomas F Itvan other mem- -ni, Vou are Oj'lv 15 for a dav In hers of the board will be Albert IT I ,,, , PxcluMVP hom(. ln Newport Smith, who is to be president and treas- , a rllanc iim, f wIn vou. pc , 'h; m"".'".'?'; 'I r.Tr'i -"tertalm-l by one of Nfporf most in i C S, focr, tar" charming hoste.-s!" Anlur,,,t 1"h made that His',,-'' the cr- that will resound In ; company, which Is to take cner tho old Grand Central Palace when the Allied, Vltagraph Company, had sold U Otm.OOv Haiaar. burlnnlng June 3. gets under on0 , lhe ytllP ,; ,)t.r cen, nrHt ,m.rt-' Ra(:e noU.s to Hornblower - W eeks The new company has an authorized , capitalization of 110.0UO.OOU 7 per cent, preferred and J 15, nod, 000 common stock, Only a small amount of the former Is . . .." ; . !: - ' . J.uwu.t""' oi tne latter. TlM rl,an- l,,"',",' " lnh" "vvr pllu r . T1 f ,h ,,, ,,,. -'T"'i!!S!5d X r"" at abUt NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. Mr and .Mrs. Carl F Jlokcr of r.3 East Seventy-fourth street have gone to their summer home on tho Kurkson road, Seabrlght. .Mr and Airs. Meredith Underhlll of nnd win thn day at Newport has de 51" Fifth avenue have gone to their terred tho Newport hostesses from their country place. Field Point road, Green-1 determination to do nil tn their tower to wlch Conn. I make the Allied Haiaar a success. Mr" and Mrs. William Stursbcrg of A1nrt!'c,r, llu,ri"c TTviiCi1 tTTiiiii'" 512 Fifth nvenue nre nt the Homratead, '0';! tho of ladylike thrills Virginia Hot Springs, where they will Only men may compete for this, and the remai until June 1 lucky winner Is tn be handed the fol- remain until June i. ncp fem,nln(, thr. The last of tho supper dances ar-1 A n,orlnK trp wm, ldtherlne Stln ranged by Airs. James lt rno nnd ..tilers i flfm , ,)Pr alrshp, n regular scorcher of will U given to-night at the. Coterie TiAl wlth tlle tn0Bt ,arB woman Club. 40 West Fifty-eighth street. ut(,moblllst the committee can find, an Nelson Douhleday who will marry I Allss Martha Nicholson In Providence on June 10, -will glvo his fnmwell bachelor dinner nt Sherry's on Saturday evening. A card party for tho benollt of the i.nii.iinir f.,a ,,r ti.o Miiiih.-ittim lv,.. Ear nnd Throat Hospital will be held nt li;on arran(?e(J bv MrBi T SuiTur,, Tab Ur ii n H fra .T. Ptnreneo Shnrn. ler and Airs. J. Clarenoo Sharp. A dance to aid hospital work of the Allies will be given to-night nt the Iltltmoro. Among the patronesses are Lady Horden, Airs. Frederick Y Lal zlel, Airs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Mrs. Richard Derby, Airs. Jules S, llachc ami Airs. Daniel Guggenheim, The wedding or llss Florence Led yard Illalr, n daughter nf Air. nnd Airs. C ldynrd Illalr to H. Rlvlngton Pyne, will lake plnco In St. John s t;ii.ipel, Mr nnil Mrs W t. Curtrr. Iimtun, HeriinrtlBVllle, N, J., on Juno 16. A nmatl Mr mid Mm W K. Matthsw", MeJIs, l' reception will follow at Hlalreden, the an. Mrs. P (' Hitchcock, country homo of tho bride's parents, In 1 llostnn; Mr. nd Mrs W. II. l.yford. Chi Peapntk, N. J. I '"fireslin C Mursn. luitlmore; II. II. Air and Airs, T J. Oakley Rhine-1 Hurrnns, SesttK Wssli lsnder cava n dinner last nlcht at their I lolllliw noil lloberi II Andrews. Iln intiner ao n uinncr last nigni at tneir i ,, tr ngtou. ( llnrr Inston, home, 36 Wost Fifty-second, for I Air and Airs. Philip Rhlnelander 2d, I Majestic--Mr nnd Mrs. V Hssttv. Ha who returned front their wedding trip , vana . Mr nn I Mrs. J Me rrill. M.irrnl.i. ,e.ste,d(,y and who were married a eek ''ilrehmo'.I.I, Mr. ti iixTVl !! ago. Young Airs. Jthlnclander waa Allss! wim-mi". Turonm Ilrun larsons. Those at the dinner Plain H V Jtunh snrt A M. Orn, st were mainly relatives of the young pair , ,","1,.r,,t ,- r pmr,n. Ptt.hUr. The board of managers of Dm New. Mrs Charles II. Miingrr. Duluih York Zoological Society will glvo tltnlr I Wo!:"r"sVr,."';,.V iM?lS.rril, loll annual garden party this afternoon nt ft V-l). 'L-obar'n. "'lio.ion.' V uZJSi the park. Among thoso on tho reception ; Kerflt, Cincinnati committee will be Airs. John Purroy Alltchel, Airs. Cabot Ward. Mrs. H. Fair field Onborn, Airs Frank K SttirRls, Airs. H, Cnslmlr do Itham, Airs. O, Ledyard Hlalr. Alra. Percy R. Pyne, Atrs. W Plerson Hamilton. Atrs. Archer Al. Huntington and Airs. Henry Al Til ford, A successful auction bridge tourna ment In nld of the St. Agnes Day Nur sery wns hebl yesterday afternoon In the ballroom of the Colony Club. Among the patronesses, nil nf whom had tables, were Airs. Robert It. LIvlngHlnii. Airs. Vernon C Urown, Airs, Gerrlsh If Mil liken, Airs. Chalmers Wood, Airs Geoigt E. Turnure, Airs. Ernest Flngg, Alts. John Ilerwind, Airs. Georgn Ethrldge, Airs. James Simpson, Airs. Henrv lv ereaux Whlton and Mrs. John Janowuy, most beset I seriously think of renting a pair of whiskers. -President Wilson. DAY IN NEWPORT HOME IS PRIZE IN RAFFLE Tifkcls Will Pp Sold at llio Itii.imr Held for Allies Xt'.vt Month. n Among tne many tilings mai are; t be rallied off, runn'ng all the wny ' from necktle.s autographed by poets to high power touring car, will be a free, trip to Newport nnd a day's entertain-1 merit hi ome villa where hitherto only I ",,", na.ii.-s ... w. r,.K.trr have been permitted to enter. Just wo th" hostess Is to 1-. whether , . ,.,.... ..... ,,. V, n t. Iteitrorit or HonteNidy else,' has I "dosed The reason for till". It was. sild e.terdny ttt btzaar headquarters nt the Hotel lllltmore, Is that .several i Newport leaders hae volunteered ami thn committee Is h.tvln; dllllculty ln choosing amoiig them. Not even the possibility Immediately suggested, that sonxi I. W W. person might get the prlco and buy a chance nftcrnnon spin with Atrs. J. Stuart lllack ton Hi her motor boat, neeral hours of posing for the movies as tho hero In the most strenuous play that cnn bo found nnd dancing In the evening with 1'lnrencn Walton as partner Hie conimilteo oeKui jcsiernay erri Ing tea at tho lllltmore headquarters nnd every day now there will ne dally tea nnd discussions. A committee of ton on entertainment Is shortly to be formed, with Airs. Price Post as chatr nian ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. MeAlpIn Mr. nd Mrs. Charles P. Tft, t'lorlniiiitt; J. Hsubsn Clark, Jr . Wash ington, Mrs. It. P Albright. Ddtrolt; Mr. ninl Mrs J. fl Whits, Fnn Frsnclseo. It,. T r .tm' tla Mlln. Pla and Plnyrrs. Char!" Pllllngh-m nnd Floreni Zlecfld have engsged Pi e l tl, l.thin to be tholr K-ntrnl at.igo niHiiager when they open tho century Theatre with u new musical pro du.'tliiii next fa- Wliichell 'ii and .Inlin I, unldeu hate arrnngeii t" make ihelr New Yorii prmluc. Hon of "Like Mother Made" nt the (lately Theatre la Auul The pluy has linn written by Mr. Smith slid Jack lUimrd Th rompany is headeil by Forrest Wlnant ami I.uules lliitter Mils. Tlinmnrn Pwlrakaya. rersntly "with thn I'avlowii l.all.'t, will tin thn principal dnncrr In the new bummer show "The I'sesltig Phow nf Hit" which opens hnrll) Virginia Pox Itrooks hen been engaged hv Ur Herbert Tree for thn ro of Aunt I'ao In hl forthcoming production of "The Merrv Wives of Windsor." Wlllard II nek will Introduce a nsw play, let called "ihn Double nipnsitre" when hn pptart at the Talac ThsaUs next week. ENO WILL CONTEST HALTED. Jnrur la III and Isoi Will lip Filled Tn-dsjr From Special I'nnrt. The trial of the Amos F. Eno will contest beforo Surrogate t'ohalan and a Jury, which was to have started jester day with the opening addresses nf the attorneys, was halted as soon as Sur rogate Cohalan took the bench A p!i sii :an s rertltlcnte was banded to him which stated that .Morris Laugsdorf, a Juror, had suffered a "bad attack of stomach trouble, which Is nlwnjs worse when he Is under a nervous strain '" Counsel for the contestants, who had been seeking an adjournment because John H. Stanrhfield, chief trial coun sel, had not finished nnother cae, did not appear disappointed, but Austen CI Pox, chief counsel for the proponent, said "Why not tnke sonm one In the court room? I would bo willing to ac cept Air. Perkins" Mr Fox teferrrd to the former District Attorne;. , an at tornev for the rtintetatUe Surrogate Cohalan suggested laughingly that a Juror could be picked up on the struts It was then arranged that seventy members of the panel summoned for the trial who had not jet been called were to be notified by special messengers to apar this morning, when the empty scat In the Jury box will be filled. .Many women attended the session of the trial yesterday because of the be lief that It would proceed. Among them were Airs. Henry Lane Eno, wife of tho Princeton professor who Is one of the contestants: Airs. Austen G. Fox, Airs. Amos It. E. Plnchot, Airs. Authur Train, whose husband will make the opening address for the contestants to day, and Alias Ilcckett, dntighter of the ex-Surrogate. MOLLEE FANCHER LEFT $2,100. pheT Chief Heir, lint Will .Vol Accept the Stoney. Alollle F.moher, Brooklyn's famous In valid, who died on February It, lift an estate of f 3,500, which, owing to varlon claims against It, will be reduced to about 12.100. lly her will, which has not been filed jet, W. Claud Heaton of Wntcrtown. N. Y a nephew, receives nil the estate with the exception of n few slight gifts to two friends. As nbout $1,000 nf the estate Is represented bj gifts received by Allss Fanchtr at her golden Jubilee, held the week previous to her death. Air Denton hns Indicated that he will de cllne to receive this and have It tunud over to the Alollle Fnncher Memorial for Cripples, thus leaving him only tuUO from the estate. Stephen Phillip Left Only "'.'A. i Special Cable Pmpateh In Tint Scs IosnoN, Alay 17. The will of Stephen i riillllps. poet editor nnd dramatist, who ) died reoentl-, hue been proved He left only C (I2S) WILLS AND APPRAISALS. IIRKKY Iltl.bBllltANI), who died Mateli ii, IHt. left IH5.U2 In real eil.ltn nn I aecurltlei. Ha gave a third Intereit In Iih real estate, worth UJ.000. to his wife, lien rlette It. Illllnbraml. and left the re riialrider of lh slats to two dxuichteM and a son JOHN S FltOTIIINOIIAM. who died I" Brooklyn on Juns U, 1H. left h net estate of Mbl.tDI, according to n cnrrcie.l arptalsar report nid in the SurrnKdte'M oHlce jesterday lhe wliiow, Katharni.i I,' Krrtthlnghani, ret the town hone mil contents ai it tlrace Court, atue II? ami H". 0K0 In csh outrUht Tim rouul' , jil.i at Day t'liore. aliin B 6, tl a , ami 'lie mlilusry estate, S 8 C R. A 6 r. art lie I t ht r for life At lior deith both iruta tiss to thn teetator'n elutci, Mars T I' ow Thn lattnr'n Interent tn appraised at t:54.t fiAVin ltnoWEIt, who died In Ilrook ly ii on February It, left a net eetate uf ISI.lts to his three imnn, Frank I).. 1M wjrd rt. and David flrower, Jr HAMUKI, F ENOS. tn the f-nr tint thn tnlsht nuffnr financially from tirem.i turn distribution of thn etnte nf thn .. te Hamuel F lings, Mrs Helen Day Snv.ler of :: Prospect plaoe, Hrooklyn, applied to Hupremn Court justice Cnlliislmii yeiterday for sn Injunction against the sole nurvli Ing trustee, her stepson. Louis J Snyder Counsel for thn defendant nald his client welcomed an opportunity to gnt a con truotlon of thn will, while counsel for the petitioner said they mersly touxht to pro tect Mrs, Snyder's Interest, whloh may amount tn lit tin an 1119,000 or an much as 1600,000. An accounting Is rronilie.l, MISS SAItAH A. ovnr 0 years old, who died In Hrooklyn Murrh : list, left 150,000. which la dlvtdsd among nearly 100 heirs. Hurrogste Kntchani yesterday appointed W Ward Rjnlth and Daniel H Smith, thn executors, as tempo, rary admlnlatralora, CLUBWOMEN'S TOPIC SERVANT PROBLEM I'.iennlal Convention lo Seek Solution on Two Days of Session. I NO FltKK POWDKK Pt'lTS Twenty thousand clubwomen, dele gates and visiter ijt the Itlennlal Con vention of tins Genera! Federation of Women's Clubs, will apply themselves next wick to the solution of the servant problem. Representatives nf the ten thousand women's, rlttbs In the country, honiekee per balling from .Maine and Cal ifornia, Texas, and .Michigan, and all tne Statca In between, will tell their personal experiences with maids and cooks, and what remedy, If any. they have for the well known aversion of tho model n working girl for the kitchen. A special conference on this tnple will be held next Wednesday nftcrnnon In Room F at the Seventh Regiment Ar mory, and on Saturday afternoon fol lowing there will be, an open conference at the jsnnie place on toelal nnd Indus trial conditions, State and club presi dent: to bo tho speakers. Although conferences and board meet ings are to till the hours right along front Sunday, on which day the board nf the Gmeral Federation gathers for Its Initial pow-wnw, the formal opening nf tho convention doesn't come till Wednes day night. On that evening, utandlng on a platform hanked with Dowers In the grrat ball of the Seventh Regiment Armory. Gov. Whitman and .Mayor Mitchell will welcome the clubwomen. Mrr. Percy V Pennyhacker, president of the General Federation, will preside. Pr. Katharine Ilement Pavls. chairman of the Hoard of Parole, and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. president of the National Woman Suffrage Association, will speak. Airs Cult's presence on the programme must not be taken to mean that suffrage will be discussed. The General Federation ndopted a suffrage renlutlon two years ago at Chicago, ami the club leaders say they don't want It to come up again. Those who put the resolution through ate disposed to let well etiouEh alone Tho, on of the Immigrant will probably be the great n".!inn for iIim iisliui tit this r intention. Jut as euff'.tge was at Chicago, Preparedness Is to be dodged. a there are peace wnmi'ti it, the f. deration who don't Motnl for preparedness The e'.een depart ments nf the federation, composed of women from the forty-eight Statts, are c:lis, art, cneerviitmn, education, home economics, industrial and social concll t ons. legislation, li'.eraturo and library extens.un. music, public health and the 1' wits officla'ly denied yestetday by Mrs Wil..:nt G-aitt llrowr rhahnwn of the b.enntal board, that 5,000 powder Miffn had been ordired to be delivered at the Seventh llcglment Armory Satur daj. as reporttd "No j-iwdtr puffs," she said. "Any woman who wants a powder puff must her own. We shall have the dtess. Irig rooms provided with pins and hair pins, but I'tey ure necessities. .Mirrors we slmll not put In. Thero are enough of those at the armnrv row, provided for the s Idlers, 1 suncie." ZEEGLER OPERA AUDITOR. -iifhnr nnd Critic rtti ci-eil Itrrivrn nt the Metropolitan. Edward Zlegler. author and music . r't!. has been appointed business 'imptrnlicr nf tin Metropn Itan ojnt.'i Company to tike tse jilace of John llrown. whose rekignatlon was an tiiuitu'ed on Tin .l.n Mr '.icgler will a.v.timn his new duties nn June 1. Al- Zlegler is known as nn accom plished musician and nn nuthotlty on mus.i-al eubjects. He was born In Hal t'more In 1 S 70 nml after coming to New York studied under Pranz X. Arena. In eiT V.irk Tii-dny. rtutsry Ciub. luncheon, Hotel JlrAlpln. rt.iletv for Cuiture. dinner, lintel A'.". ' 3)1' .M ail',n..l A. '.Ttlnn nf Msnufrturer, mtettnir. It'itv! Wa.dorf Society of riirtnln.1 ln.liitry. Nw York - ... i "' ' ' -"" Itolitt'i'v I'eum'ftre of rnrnl Ke.l- erst on e' w run's Oiutu iunrhton, Hotej Atrr. 1 P M I lUinliriilf.- Co.hj - wtll tulk on "A merles. , !'"&, nd'anui' ' "'m " 7'.cu,.lon ..n 'Mi:it'ry .rrlcs. Com-i pj siry or Volunteer." Earl Ha,' Columbia , 1 Tierlt - SO 1'. M and elenlriK. AmTliitn S I'-letv t'ontro' of Cnnesr, hlii. tr m. link- Aesitemv of Medlclns, 17, Wet P-rtj 'li'rl s'ret sn I' M 1 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION LjI IllOO A. M. TO AI30 I'. M. liACII HIT, The Lnrge and Very Important Collection of Beautiful Objects of French Art and Decorative French Furniture Of the Highest Artistic Quality Representing the Styles of Louis Quatorze, Louis Quinze, Louis Seize, nnd the First Empire, including Cabinets, Writing Tables, Commodes, and Salon Suites in Aubusson and Gobelin Tap estry. Also fine Bronzes and Marbles, Clock Sets, Miniatures, a large Aubusson Tapestry, and many reproductions of famous Objects of Art in the National Museums and chateaux of France. To be Sole) by Auction without reserve or reatriction on the Afternoons of Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, Mny 27, May 29, May 31 and June 1, lie. ginning at 2i30 o'clock each day, by order of M. JULES RATZKOVVSKI (lltletal Commissioner-Appraiser of Paris and Cairo, who brought the Collection to America Chinese and Egyptian Art Kino Porcelains, Bronze Mirrors of the Han Dynasty, important Old Pointings on silk and parchment, two largo I'lemish Tapestries in cry fine condition, and many other rare and beautiful Objects, to be Sold by order of Thomas Jefferson Rynn, Esq,, Attorney, of ."Sew Tork City. Iridescent Glass, Persian Potteries, Babylonian Tablets, Roman Bronzes and Coins, antique Watches, rare Persian Kurs, and many beautiful Necklaces of Egyptian Beads, tn be Sold by order of Mr. Arret Khnyat, .tmi I'll Its Alrnur, Nrn Tori. These important and valuable Collections are now nn Public Exhibition and will be Sold on the Afternoons of Friday and Saturday next, May 19 and 20, 2:30 o'clock. Catalogues Mailed Free to Intending Buyers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Miiillsnn Atenue nl liniiisnn Atenue in i ALLEN KELLY. .Voted n .Nevtspitper Worker on At lantic nml Pacific Cnusls. Allen Kelly, first city etlltnr nf Titu Sun, tiled on Wednesday In Los Angeles nf tuberculosis. Air. Kelly was born In Cambridge, .Mass., sixty-one etir ago. After ob taining newspaper experience on the Pacific coast, working fnr the San Fran cisco Vnll and other papers, he returned to tho I2ast, wtote editorials for tho Hoslott (llobn nnd then became managing editor for the Fall River lllnbr. On March 17, 1SS7. Air. Kelly lenrned that Amos Ctimmlngs, managing etlltnr of thn newly established Kvkninu St:.s was looking for the right sort of men. He climbed the stalr.s In tho old Sl'N building ami saw Alt' Ctimmlngs. "l'o gnt to have it city etlltnr," said Air. Ciimmlngs brlelly. "Can you be a city editor?" Air. Kelly said he could and landed tho Jnb, which he held fnr seven months. Later be went to San Krnnclsc.o In the employ nf the ,'rtimhtr r as city editor, editorial writer, feature writer and man ager of special editions Mieccsslvcly. and then became city editor of the Los Angeles J'lmri, He had also been em ployed on the Philadelphia .North Ameri can and tho New York .Vcita when Frank Atunsey owned It He was a big game hunter of note , and served a term as State Commis sioner of Forestry of California. He captured nntl took to San Francisco AInnarch. the llnest grizzly bear ever taken Into captivity. Monarch was for years a feature of the zoo In Ooldrn Gate Park. Atr. Kelly leaves a son, Sherwln F. ami a widow, Florence Finch Kelly, Clinrlrs Adnnts. Charles Adams, assistant treasurer nf the Ward llaklng Compatiy, died last night at bis home, Sutton .Manor, New Itochelle. lie was hnrn In llelfast. lie- bind, on October L'i, IS 55, and c.tme to this country In early youth, llu had been with the Ward linking Company slncn It established In business In Pitts burg and camo here four cars ago. .Mr. Adam was prominently Identified with .Masonic, nctlvltles In Pittsburg and was l ast Grand Commander oi Allegletiy Comm.itidery In that city lie was stew ard of St. .lohn's Alethitdlst Kplsmpal Church, New Itochelle. lie Is survived by hl w'fe and one daughter. .lames Cinnuli .Intiilsnii. .Iame Gough Jamlsnn, 4S c,n old.' of .109 West Ninetj -third street, presi- dint of the .laittlsoti-Semple t'onipanj. dealers In surgical Instruments, died ' yesterday. Air. Jamison wis born m Leonardtown, Aid., and was a m mb.-t , I of the Southern and the Alar) land so - tidies and was secretary-Ketieral or tne National Society of S'Mnns nf Colonial Cavaliers. He was a number of tin' I W I'llI V-lllll II II, KIMll'lll. !. I-. IWl , nine year. serving as tpiarterntastHr- sergeant for fHt .ears ndrr ,1. Pnren. Andrew J Foren, 7C years M-l who . had been engaged tlrt In the hat tnanti ..... ....... .m .- ..,,...,... - ..Z "V. .v.,:' estate, busimi-s In llrnoklyn for fifty jears, Is detul at his home, 92 Seheriuer horn street. He was a member of the board "f managers! of the Hronkljn As lilt- n.i'i'iiljii .v socla.lon f r t be It, " a o he I por ,,nd the Irp oklj n ( oiigregatlonal Club. His daughter. Mies Ltura A. Foren, survives him. .liilin liiiialiiiii. John Alonahan, f.''. years old. member of a contracting flint at Elnihurst nnd a veteran of the civil war, died sud denly venterday In a trolley car .n Hor- I den luentii; on the way to Iong Island !('it. He was unmarried and Is sur- led b a brother. Patrick Alonahan, and a sister, olive Monahan Item li'Crre. f.e-n MrCree of th McCree ti.iwnpnrt Troupe, a tliler we.l known 'n the cir cus buines. fell dead jeatuday in te ring of -the lllngling Clr.-us al Da.Mon, Ohio. Jut aftir liking his Until 1k.iv to the .uvlati-e ,f 1. . .iii.o p. rsons He had been a rlrctn qui st. Ian tT thir'.j-s: years and was tho brother .f .lunie Mc Ctee, the viunl"ll.e net"- and author He leaies n wife and a son. Edgar T. .leronie, Sot'Tlt 'Nor. walk, Cnn. May 17 Ed. gar T. Jrrome, priMdent of the Jerome ; 1 aper " on, .any. lias an omce .it 31 1 West Klftt-thlrd street, -New York. ! died to-d.u foliowlng a Uroke of ' nKip!ey, He wa 77 vears old. The luneial will he held ben. Friday nfter- 'noun i I, mils Klein. Louis Klein, son nf the into J.icnh Klein, died yesterday in his limn In South Twentieth street. Flushing He was 4, ic'lt" "U n'3, " decorator Cnpt. P, Satiford llancroft, Rl'tleii, Pa., May 17 " apt P Sin- BEGINNING TO-MORROW i i a HI 11 UJ Ifli 1 hil hi i l i I t mm l 1 3 fortieth Street. Net, York iiriiein ntreet, ,-eit inm 71 mm sot smm new m crrr o n vi r. w vifij5 ti k. m. to n p.m. Unrestricted Public SaU This (Thursday) Afternoon tnd AFTERNOONS of Tomorrow (FritUy) and the 20th, Zli, 23d and 24th l 2:30. This (Thursday) Evening & EVl'.N'lNGS o( Friday of ThiiWe eh (My 19) and the 22.1, 23d and 24th al 8 o'clock The Extensive Collection of Antiques, Art and Literary Property Formed by Mr. Charles E. Locke of this city, Consisting of Old Lowestoft, Wedgwood, Benn inglon, Leeds, Staffordshire, Copper and Silver Lustre and other tarty Lnglish China, Setres Porcelain, Old French, Grtman and Anilo American China, Historical Plates and Othar interesting Specimens, Old Pewter, Ancient Fire Armi and Other Weapons, Antique, Co lonial and other Furniture, Oriental Ruga, Old and Modern Paintings. the Mule Mill Hp rnnditrted hy Mil. IHOMS i:. KlllltV anil tils, Air, Otto llernet, nf tho American Art Association, Manager -V A mill i, I'.lil m , MndlMtn So Ho. fold Itaiictoft, aged Sfi leats. for twenty- tt (nrs nssociate editor of the linticr i nunty llciwil, died to-day. Until ii wa stricken ten days ago he waa at Ins ediluiial desk dail Air Bancroft was bum in Canaan, Conn, lit lSfit he i nlisled with Company G Itllh Penn sylvnnl i Infantry. In Ufa bo cnm here nnd t torgttlilzed llm U thcrapuon Institute. llss liirv i:, CnKlinr. Pi.Ai:nBt.ti. N. J., .May 17 AI. Mary IT C'dthar, 75 years old. a res'dent of N'orth Pla nfli ld for fifty ye trs. died I ; there to-day Sho .m a native of Spnngdule, N. J. - ----- HONOR FOR NEW YORK ARTISTS. ,!,,,,. Mrlmti. iiimI Architect nrri-n Ke Mtititinient Prlar, ; Washington, Mav 17 V II. .Ve- ,1U. a,.tptnr. of New ltorhel'e, N, T .(t,.t T V. Warren, an h tect. of Urimklyn, l,ae been awarded llr-t pr.ze In thn "innet tin. i fnr i es atx f T tlt new Fran.-'n S. cut Kev niontiitvt to he i reded a! 1'ort Mcllenrj, llt'tlmore. The aunounceim tit was ir t ie to-day bv Seer, tury I laker, who appri'l the award. The design provides for ; jeml-clrctllar ,,,.ltfnrm ,,f whl,,,,,, , , , .,,,r, ,v,, a bene nch nf iii" stmo im- with a l.i rote statue of bronze In the quadrant depleting a half clad man p!n'.ng a primitive stringed Instrument, Tk ,1..... i . . . ll ,'.-":,,. ' , 'erreV Is ; vrIn "The Star Sptngled Manner" , , , , f , , ,., , ' ELECTIONS AT BARNARD. rrcnlimen nml Hnplioinitrcn .N tl ms Oltlecr for ett Veiir. ll.irnnril freihmeti nn I wiptotnores In M e . t . i t s l".p,ir!.i'it . i ie. ufficcs e.ateril.iy. .ll lirtin Kek was dieted .oni; le.i.i.T of I no k iplinmnra . '.t.i for t.est .M.'ir. M f.s (il.uljs it. f-l1is wtlti rl.e.en lm-llltF1- 111 I tccr of Hie .Worfuriodri!, tlte cl,iJ 'iook of ll.trn.i'd. -!t M Vntit'lu I'louirh ns nrt trlltor, il'H Itutli lliixlns ton ttdntirtr nn, M:m I Inn : t While secretin y. In the freflfititi rlnn M ileorirln St.irltroiieli tins , le, te,l t-ot u leader, Mi,- Katlierine I'.irkti elii rmr of dec oriitlotia. Mlm Adeln Alfki . Ii.ilrmnn of entert.ili.inentK and Mish "era Klop-is- its ch'ilt man of the yopltnmoro d.incs f.'t next year ( 1 1 Colleue IMIInri i nine. The e.irly b.ttuiiiet nf the Campus Association. Inc., pnli'lNlieri of tho Crtnijiiu, the Cltv Colleito newypiper. will he held to-niKlit at th Hotel (."nniher l.u -1. THE SEAGOERS. '-all'.nc to !tt It th" ticii'r!iit a Ac nn liner Oicir II. fir un roi.rh.iren Mr and Mr llenrr iir,t r M Maehold tt,itniri O I. Mllmnre. first fipl Ixlf An iereet W 1 Creion, eeore. tare. Amenrin Kei li.iesy at IMroirat Huso r.vets t'nl Arnol lo tCrum Heller Cart M If Itentrlk- -e(T, tarv American Ktntiw-y at Corstnn tltio-.le John Ml' k i:lml V imlth. U. iron WilJemer Ux- hH'.l f. II Ilu-tnn. Mr nn.T Mrs J. Oils- ,en. Cint Svi'rre tlru"ln tnve Whltn Arriva'" by th t'unirJer Cu-pathia. from t.liertinol: Mr W W Allen Mr ami Mr. o. A Ii V lhtrr WM.innn ' Mr ntnl Mrs It r .V T Mlteh.ll llohenn I, II Ilini'.i frst U l'.ir-nn .1 If llwrv 31 Alt JUKI). TATI1AM fOTTHIt - On Tuestay, May I, nt the ehspel of ft Jain-',. Cath dral of M John the I)lvln, hv the Jtev, Wlllkim M (iresvener. I D, Parsh ' Iniee Potter, rifliiuhier nt th" lata itlxlit Itev Henry i". Potter, to KJwIn fathani of New orit DIED. IPlM' - ' N'ew Itnehelle, .V V. Ml)' 17, "Jl. Oniries Ad una. In hl atstr-rlrst year. N'etl' e of funerBl hereofter OIIAtTNCKT. At M reaMenea. tH Madi son avenue, on M,iv ".C, Il'.lhu rhauneay, on of N'Athititel an.l IVliahih Swl1 SallKtiury I'tuuncey, In hie seventy. elitli uar Tuner.i at Trinity ("hii-eh. rrldnr, Mny It. nt ll A. M Interment ut Pourh keepnle llt'TCMIIS-l1V On Mav 11 OertriKl I snee. wltiii ef John Wvinan llntehln eon. mri Ti on TrMnv at S P M M WliehlnRtoii Sniar South J WtlPClN James (lnueh, en TueeMay, ' Mav 1. ntit em ef Paker A ornt Sarah M Jinihin ' Puneral eiivtiv, 10 A M .Xattiritny May :n. lliir. nt ciniri h nf the lt'.lv Nam. ( AniKter'Iniii avenii an 1 Ninety sixth treet, Nev Yoit. Ii.tfment Calvary I'emeterv. t'.tritA lterthu 01ti I'uneral "TUB rrsniiAt. i itriicii." ;n west Tiventv third etre-t i I'rnnk V Camp hell Hull Hi, ii i, Thursday ofernoon, t 30 o'clock. Sr.Nl.l!V sent ee for tha lata William Htiui ii were li.' t at the reel ilenea Tiinailny u' Ureal HarrlnRton, Mans He I, turliel In- bi nt3w, 1 .11,1 C . anil nine rlill 1'en WAUIIWllU, - A h'" resMen-e In Mntta palsett. Mass M it 1' James llltca cock, eon ef the a'a 1" (ward Hertrt sod Josephine Jl'trhi'Oi'k WnrdwalL tn the forty-nlnUi te.r of hi" e.e. Kuneral eertl.'es he d rdtirsday at MM tnpnlvett Interinrft at I'tlca, N T., K-rhliiy M iy " MIKIITAKKIW. M