Newspaper Page Text
HI v t WEATIIBI! POHECABT. Itoii' tu'iliiyi lo-moNuw purity etotitly mill warmer l iniuleriite northeast wUltirJ. IliglieM (rinptmluft, yi lawent, j below, ., n.. itlllH H")H Will 1e foUnll Oil lilt fill I II Mil I (Hie. A HAPPY BLENDING. The amalgamated SUN AND HERALD preserves the best traditions of each. In combination they cover a wide field and make a greater newspaper than either has ever been on its own. AND THE NEW YORK HERALD .NEW YORK, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1920.-&ff.; ajtw,. 116 PAGES ' PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. I .XXXVII. NO. 164 DAILY. $ In (irratrr New Turli. 2 i:ihre 10 Cm In. 7f LIES MflKM nolo i WAR CULPRITS DUBLIN CASTLE SEIZES CHIEFS MUST BE TRIED OF SINN FEINERS I 'on in II tin ii ii nllll lli'l'lhl's III He h Tli mils of Rov luti in (ci'i'iiinuy. IWuinliip Follows Flying1 of Fins on 1 lie Oily Hall. r DKTKIIMIXI'I) , 'if lli'iilsh (Jovern iin 1 hii hi Kx-Knisor ni, i t i "troiiJy. TAKWN OUT OP II03IRS i.h'l ii I'rlni'i' Huppi''" iirllciiiliiii. . Mni'lit'ii . S0I'(IHT Dnko of lit .Marslml '.u.nti- Them. Warship Waiting- in ay to Carry Prfsonci's to ICngluml. h ' 'Van t. ai .Vmr h,' '.. Mil rtttklt Tttrirtll ' .11 Neither the throats no i Government to retdgii, mn MirmtK rtf Itnlihevlst rls I ii wiiuiliin will deter the Al- e i i.i.'li move in extradite and to vr firriiinn who were responsible nr tiumii.iM war crimes, It wis uu ilmrimi ' il stated here to-duy. The "eml-nlltrlfil statement issued wm-ii iirnjliiR that tllero had boon .iv ru'MKH' In the list of Germans . h wif 'urged with war crimps rM i nprtiMiry in order to ..ut an i .'.I for ull time to reports tlmt . Uir hid changed their mind . ii i. rrtnlii war lenders of . 'i ,11. "' , u i li regarded as mi Indion .(in i r iho reply of tho Council of AmUunrtdors to the last German note tlirn It meel.4 un MnndilV. I lluuliln (inmr la Chantrd, rtmih opinion has been much per t -w.f iiv (ha lenientalmost Indlffer- attitude of Great Brltcln to-. v s ii .i iiginp tho cx-Knlcr to trial r .V nfiixftl of the Dntcli Govern 'o it livnr lilm to the Allies. MAYOR-ELECT IX JAIL Government's Raid May Menu Tts Asstiinptton of Local Authority. XrW Cn.'e M.;v7if, to The Sr am Nut Y-inif llrnAi.n. fopDilflii, W. nil ilgktu rtterrid. nrnujf, ,lan. m. "It's lllppal: I'll het Ihp rastlP will coino to tear It down." wild one Dubltner to another yr.ter'Jay while the Rlnn i Keln flag flew over the City Hall In defiance of Dublin Castle. "And they'll not." replied the sve ond. "They'll not notice It for a week and then they'll deliberate, and by the time they have douo that they'll be used to It." But the Castle did neither of these things. It turned out troops at 4 o'clock (his morninir and nided and tirrested everv rilnn Keln ollklal found at Jiontp In bed In Dublin. Limerick, Thurles mid elsewhere In the ptov liice. The prisoner ure belnjr Kath ered In Dublin for transportation to England, and llrltish warships already are In Dublin Hay awaiting them. IflrMt Motr 'of (iovernmrut. i t " 'J - ' This l tho first move, of, tho Govern ment Ip the camjJalgn to defeat Sinn Keln control of the local boards fol lowinat tlie Uellsnco of the Government In Dublin and ehewhere yestcnl'iy. It wss taken because (he autliorltles are ooalldent" thai a Sinn Keln outbreak and n hmen now clwise that the'""1 rebellion is impoft-iblo now. al- 'i ii'' iilaylnc a double came In UK! i' punlMilns the Hermans who fii-nihtp.i crimes dtirlnc the wir. ... (hp harse wa made that the mmi viclded to CJerma.t threutB of 'Hi.l'HHii hecaiiM they believed that ttk , i,jlnptis interet.s might be hurt. tbousli tt mluht not i later. It l hoped further" that quick action' will forestall a crisis pending the dis cussion of the home rulo bill in Parlia ment two weeks Iiuce. It Is admitted that (hese tactics may bo described as provocative of Ireland, but It Is Insisted that this Is better than the bankruptcy nn.l .11 1 . ...I. I -.1. . t. 1 ..: .w, ...... The t'tni. h nmlntuln that the treat) j of ,hc H,nn Fcn Ioca, councs wng drlv. . . arrli d out lo tlui letter, and J K (he municipalities. f ' ie Allies slm- weakness nod The step taken by the Government Cif r mans to shield those j may oc tne preluile lo the general as . .. . i,nro.t in. iinvinir sumption of local authority by Dublin A Personal Word to Our Readers I have deep concern about this first issue of the amalgamated SUN and HERALD. I t'hould have liked to a thoroughly representative number, but with the confusion of bringing two great newspaper forces together it has been impossible. Moreover we have been literally overwhelmed with advertising- so much more of it Mian we had counted upon that our mechanicaldepartments are strained to the breaking point. Naturally I am very happy over this splendid manifestation of generous cooperation on the part of our representative advertisers. With less advertising we should have had room for more reading, but as It is we shall have more reading than most of you will care to wade through if you feel on this point at, all as I do. With zero weather and the influenza to contend with this has been an especially trying time to undertake the prodigious work of consolidating these two great newspapers. But we made the plunge and here is the result not all I had hoped for, but a lot better than the .suspense of inaction. We have an amalgamated paper now to work on, to improve, to polish and perfect. To this task we shall give the best there is in us. And in this purpose I want to tell you of the line loyalty of both THE SUN and THE HERALD newspaper forces and to tell you too of their enthusiastic cooperation with me in bringing about this union. It is their hope and my hope that in the amalgamated SUN and HERALD we shall give you in due time a thoroughly- worthwhile newspaper a newspaper of wide scope and sound purposes. FRANK A. MU.NSEY. 3E FIFI WIDENER BOLSHEVIST FIRES ELOPES AT 17! TO SWEEP EUROPE, SAYS VON. G WINNER I ireje 36 ARE INDICTED WITH HAYWOOD Daughter ; of 3Jt. and Mrs. - JoscplhWidoncr Wcul in Tennessee. '. It. LEIDV, liHLPIWKOOJl Celebrated German Financier arid Bank SaAys America Js Guardedf by Atlantic Now but Her Turn Will Cofak'Later It. W. W. Mtinbers Charged ctor of Deutsche! l-Vfai Plot to Overthrow j V. S. Government. TREATY IN SUSPENSE; G.O.P.MA YA CT FIRST; ITS STATUS IN DOUBT MOVIES Gets First Glimpse in Many Months of Current Events of Country. CONTINUES TO IMHtOVE V ..WITf JXTILE LIST Young Jltnt Ifi -Eiglite.tju a"m)! r1 Soi Qfr1ir. iiiiil Mrs. Joseph r; Leidy of Philadelphia. i. ip v.. . rimos the treaty of ' . i m well be tuin up .... i . ni here does not at .lire In brliiRliis (lie K I .. i'i-owii 1'rlnce to trial. .. n i.iiinu its efforts on ex- .1 i ..r..i lo'insinc before a com- "i.i "i ' those Generals nnd sub i.urns ttii.. i-pread terror and de "aimn i mi iKhout northern Krance i iU'.n uin .mil In all occupied terri- Csftle. The rl.m w.s ftown nben Alderman land, was' cIi-,hi Major Imrlne the ! tc Itter A. R. Wldener,. once Investlturo a republican sonir in the ! luad of Phi adelphla's traction Inter- Speciol Detpat 'h to Tna Sex xxa New Voitt En.vLn. I'liiuitCLPi.u, Jan. 31. To the great surprise of society. It became known hero to-day that JIIss Josephine Pan- court Widen .-r known to her friends . as "Kill" d 'tighter of Mr. and Sirs. Joyeph H. V idener and granddaughter nu - .1 . if t.he nermann who heail 1 . rimes which It is nniltted were published I Im t i, n Ii. ,M. Hun . " ... ' gallery of the municipal chamber, across a narrow court from where the bullets (lew In the Uaster rebellion, was plainly audible thiouphout the castle. Ilriitilillenii t'neoni prom III our. ' Tho Incident Is ylRnlflcant of the un compromising attitude of the republi cans. They ndmlt frankly that they now have no hope of recognition from the Kngllsh Government, following tho refiftL'il et llir. rtritluh Inhnr rlplmtlnn Die tlrst time. Nothlnc .., aEree tuf' IpIkIi senaratlon. and the .1 - -lure the iirinl.-tiee has jedamtio,, of jr. Asqulth that home i" ,'nl as was this list .f , rulc aon(. )s uosslble. n the newspapers -ere Ateanwhlle the orBanlzation of the re mt of (ierinan atrot .tlcs . PuMi-an forces Is proreedlnB rapidly on (he' basis of (he money which is pour WIiii rr llpiiinudeil. i Mr.' In from the domestic loan and from . 1 America. The result wll be that when ,lrml the" list: bill comes m, iarament will find It iiv refill of llavarla. J,hnrRe,l . that ,,, 80Uth of ire,an,,,s as wen or. .rug women nnd gir.s from ,Ml, as ,,,atcr wag ,n mi " . ui ifd by his army Into Ger-! i.f Wurttemburs, com- K'turtlt Army, clmrsed . -if i nutans at .Vamur i iv J -j. ,. lommandini; the . n-il r lib IuivIhk put to . Sends and with having .it .Verchot. I: h.ireed wild inven- Ardeunes and Belfast, Jan. 31. An unparalleled scone for this city followed the election yesterday by a vole of 20 to 13 of Al derman O'Doherty is Derry's first Na tionalist Mayor. The audience cheered and waved Mass and handkerchiefs nnd shouted up to 'he opposition, "Derry I has stiricmlc! ed I We will make you 1 chew v pod !" i tp Aruenne ami While the Mayor vas lielns installed .hi ihos. I l(. crowd anK "God Save Ireland." von Mackeiuen, charged j Mayor O'Doherty In his address de .ii emllariwn and klllluM In ciared that fiius. If they were of an In sulting character, would not be permit ted to fly from the Derry Guildhall' in the future. He added that a long and painful chapter In the history of the country had been closed. A Sinn Kelner was elected Slayor of tfllgo He said no British delegation would be 'received by him during his yi ar of offlcif. . 1. 1 -ie i. . imrgod with com- ' ' n inler "f Hdllh Cavell anJ ,i- i .1 Mie i apelle, charRrd with i He high sean and with sub- i ',i'e i-ontrary to the laws of viinlrrt I. iiiniiK I'liein. ' . ' . Sai Jere, ilir.tsul with n v n.i'iila 4iid Syria, "it .iiri-iI with hnvlng l- '.in irnvM to tske no ...i eharged Mh pll . 'i 'tig miNMernl IDS notw . . Ii umI with liuviiig ' - i tvilmna In I'arlon. liwrei. liuiKnl with is at I'mnn .Mnxdrbum. --. otmti:,l iih cruelty ' 'tup ItMlileben ' 'I. enmity to prlr-oners. ' It .. low. charged wiih. the ' ' ' rsebiit nnd with put ' ' ' " eiviibin. 11 ii'ueffel, charged wii;,' iimnaiMler Valtntlner 1 rmnei, clurged Willi i.tiiers rharxed Hniisti prHoners at ests, had been married to carter uan dolph Leldy, son of Dr. and Mrs. Jo seph Leidy of 13ia Locust street and grandson of the late Dr. Joseph Leldy, who wa3 one of the foremost surgeons in tho Unitul States. Tho marriage took place to-day In Knoxvllle, Tenn. Dr. Josep l Leldy, father of the young man. was unwilling to go Into details about tho wedding. He said he did no' know whether the engagement of the youtl f ul couple had been an nounced anc that he waa unable to say whether any members of either family had amended the ceremony. The young ride' and bridegroom are both. In their 'ens. Last spring, when Mr. Wldener in New York and Mrs. Wldcncr In Ljnox, Mass.. were Issuing denials that their daughter had been tahen to Lenox and put under close watch to chick the development of a supposed love affair, Mr. Wldener de clared his daighter was only 13 years old and (Mrs. IVIdener said she was "not yet 1" " The bridegroom Is 18 years old. The bride is helrcis to one of the wealthiest estates In this city. Her parents' home is Lynnewood Hall, Elklns Park. Last spring they took her to Lenox, where, so It was said, she could find n climate more favorable to her throat. rrolrntnnl I.nymen Onther. I'lTTSiiL'r.o, Jan. 31. -The Nitional Laymen's conferem e (o consider the tfliole tusk of the I'rotestunt churches of North America at home and abroad was organised here to-day with eome two hundred delegates present from all pirts of the country. " " Downtown League Lauds "The Sun and Herald" PfWMI ( ftht,1 114 ed hero that tho "' Tlrplt d'rfs not so reason for thin iT.cls.1 source. . xiMaut'.,' .''""'T J l'!Mfnll.B. , SBiinnf l.ui-iii, Th. Wkli. " ViivtHii. Booking n"HE Downtown League, repre Renting nearly n thousand businoss houaca, tenders its felicitations and well wishes in the advent of THE SUN -AND HERALD, and believes that tho combinatior. of great circulation, superior joutnal'sm and the wcl fnre of its readers makes this r.n cpocli without parallel. Tho writer has been a student and patron of THE SUN end the Herald for over thirty-five yearn and knows the value of each. DAVID ROBINSON. President Downtown League. RUSSIANS ACCEPT ALLIED TRADE OFFER j Agree in Principle, but Want Mori' Information. VMie, Jan. 31. The directors of thjb Central Unlo i of Russian Cooperative Soclctlei at, Moscow have sent k favor able reply to 'he proposal that commer cial relations between Russia and the i:utent be oi ened up through these so cieties, to a 1 Tilted extent, according to the newspapers to-day. The reply, J' Is stated, accepts In prin ciple tho Su remo Council's offer of January 16, ts only request being for supplementar Information. TWO POLISH ARMY CLASSES MOBILIZED Called to the Colors to Meet BoUhrvik Advance. WarsW, fan, 30 (delayed). The Polish army classes of 1900 aniMSOl have been cabed to the colors. A report frt m Warsaw published Jan uary S5 by tt PollUktn of Copenhagen stated that tho Polish Cabinet had. signed a. mob lltatlon order, taking this aetteft fetouuifat tfee BeUuvlfc advaaee. By RAYMOND SWING. IttRi.iN', Jon. ao (Delayed); Tiie gfooinlesa fctiUcwuettTof future wa's given to The Slt? asd New Xonu.lIeiMLD 'jMlay vou Gwlnncr, Germany's most prominent financier, ifyiltyX'CMr.of. tho Deutsclio Bank and ouo of the promoters of the Bagdad ruUjvay scheme, .which helped to precipitate the war. He referred to Nekton's theory of gravi tation nnd compared the decline In the price of the murk to the same law. "Why has the mark declined practically to zero?" I asked hint. "BewniM' of the law which Xcwton discovered 300 years ago that n IhiiI.v falfs with greater acceleration the nearer It comes to the ground," he said. "Another rwicon Is that your President wits nut able to say at Vev- j Millies, 'We have a contract with the German, nnd iiiiIom we can keepj this contract, we must retire; for without redeeming our pledge clvlliza- ;iou cannot he rebuilt.' "The fires of Bolshevism now arc ready to incinerate Poland. They will sweep all Europe. Bight now, you in America are, perhaps, safely guarded by the Atlantic, but you will have your duy with tbeaBolshevlkl later. Calls Poles Rabble Too Feeble to Resist. "Who is going to hold off the Bolshevikl In Europe?" he asked. The Poles? That rabble? The Poles have not been capable of organized effort for years for centuries. Here In Germany It Is proverbial. When there arc three men in a discussion nnd all of them try to talk at the same time it Is called a 'Polish llelchstag.' "The Poles led hy a music lunster Ignace Jan Pndercwfkl amassed & national debt Hi astronomical proportions like the German debt. Two huudred millions of marks, isn't it? And they had no part of the Russian debt nor any Indemnity to pay. "The Polish fabric will be torn until there will be nothing left of it. "There is no government to replace the present German Government. Tho' Right wing is incapable of taking charge and tho Left stands for Bolshevism. What else can come but civil war? And all thls-is because your President, with his knowledge of Europe and geography, was 'con tent to make on the continent a Balkan peninsula. "Frank Vnnderllp of Now York city sokc thetruth In his ueok on what was happening in Europe, tilthoiigh he had not been in the Central Empires nor In ltissla. An Englishman, Mr. Keync, 'saw It coming and retired from a position with the peace mission. "If a man tears your coat do you knock him down and beat him to within an Inch of his life? derfonflfcM CS .ynm .inryr-ji,acii by Arthur! " Bond FixC(t-nU$,0d(U. President Does Some Walking, but Passes Most of Time in Wheel Clinir. paf Despatch to Tug Sc.n and Nkw Yobk. HtllALli, Washington, Jan. 31. President Wil son got Ids first Rllmpso In many months of what Is going on In tho out side world In a news way when motion Pictures of current events were shown to-day at the White House. Tho pic tures were of general subjects, being the ordinary news weekly pictures thrown on the screen throughout the country. Motion pictures recently have been mo of tho President's diversions; and they have been shown througha pro jector rigged up In the Whlto House. Several motion picture plays have been given, but this Is tho first time that current events have been (dis played. Mr. Wilson Is able to walk uround tho White House n little, but most of the time he passes In his wheel chair. His Improvement 111, health ds said to continue slowly. Inquiry at the White House developed the fact that as yet thero Is-no plan for tho President to go away from Washington to hurry along his recuperation. It still lsl believed, however, that before many weeks he will go to some Southern resort where he can have quiet and rest and at the BJimo- time be nble to ehjoy the 'opfin air. Assertion That Two-thirds, Vote Is Necessary to Bring It Up. , (V CLOTURE RULE ENDED, Subject to Unlimited tk-' ' bate if Again Presented to Open Chamber. DEMOCRATS GIVE NOTICE ' Hitchcock Will Ask Actioit n-i. 1 n n .1.11 ..-" J HVV. IV, UUl IIUPUUHCUIIN May Move Earlier. 1 Social betpateli to Tn Sis axd New Yobk HeiuiD. Chicago, Jon. 3t. Thirty-seven members of the I. W. W. and other radical organizations are named In In dictments returned secretly to-day by the special Grand Jury which has been investigating the activities of radicals In Chicago. Tho true bills were returned before I Chief Say Germans Will Fight Rather Than Starve. "Here we sit in a room none too warm. If coal be too expensive to bo purchased In unlimited quantities .by the wealthy, how must It be with the middle class? A few years ago they enjoyed comfort and plenty on incomes ranging from six to twelve thousand marks. How do they exist now? What does tho official who has a few hundred marks a month, do when he goes to buy n shirt and finds that it costs a hundred and eighty marks? He goes without the shirt. - "To-day the streets In Berlin .are filled with men In uniform because It Is the only. clothing they possess. When these uniforms ore worn out what .will these, men do what will happen? "They will stop you and me in the street and take our clothing and our shoes." Herr von Gwinner spoke of the effects of poverty Jn Oermnay on tho public health. "The infant mortality In Berlin has Increased 50 per cent, becauso babies, when born, are wrapped in paper, there being no clothing for them. Only wealthy Germans can afford linen to-day. ' . t "Men do not die of starvation without a fight. They will fight. Do not lie deceived by the gayety you sec herb. During the French devolution they danced every night, and so they are dancing here. "All this is because we Germans allowed ourselves to be badly governed end our bad govcrpmenb made one great error. It (ltd not tell Russia that we would do nothing to obstruct her work in achieving her nsplru iom In connection with Conslantlnople. Had that, one word been spoken Ihc mobilization pt Russia would have been against Turkey not against us." Herr von Gwinner was asked if he did not think that the problem could be solved through a foreign loan. "Whatever negotiations lilfherfo have been begun showed not only 0 Justice Crowe. Prominent among tho leaders charged with con spiracy to overthrow tho Government under the new State law are William Haywood, former secretary of the I. W. W. organization, and Tom White head, who served In Haywood's office while "Big Bllt" was In the Federal penitentiary. Flvo piembers of the executive com mittee Othe I. W. W. are among the men Indicted. They are George Speed, have'"8 chairman; Henry Bradley. George Bradley, l-red Nelson anu unaries u. Miller. Koecoe T. Sims, one of those Indicted and who Is said to be the leader of tho negro I. W. W.s and radicals, Is a Jan itor In the City Halt. The bond of each man was fixed at $5,000. Haywood and Vladimir Lossleft already arc on appeal bonds from the Federal penitentiary at Fort Leaven woith. Speed has completed one term In that Institution. Tho serving of papers against the I. W. W.s brings the total of Indict ments against radicals that the present Grand Jury has Issued up to 160. Previously the Jury had caused the ar rest of eighty-five members of the Populist party and thirty-eight of the Communist Labor party. Stato'a Attorney Hoyne announced that John Ballan, a member of tho na tional executive board of the Communist Labor party, warrants for whose arrest were Issued both In Chicago and In Bos ton, entered a plea of guilty in Boston, . . i . mu- c... Mi where ha was arrested. Tho State will await lhe outcome of the Boston caso t.cfoio attempting to extradite Ballan to Chicago. Prof. Krnst Kreund of tho department of law in the University of Chicago nnd Mrs. Clara M, Schcvlll, said to bo tho wife of n professor of foreign languages In the university, signed tho bond of Joseph Shaflr,. who was -secretary of a branch of flic Communist party in the district surrounding tho University of Chicago. REDS OFFER PEACE OR WAR TO RUMANIA Soviet Troops to Advance if Terms Are Refused. Vienna, Jdn. 31. Despatches from Bucharest statn that the Bolsh,cvlkl ars waiting r.t the frontier to offer peace terms to Rumania. If the terms Are refused, the advicos say, tho Soviet troops will advance. INFLUENZA JUMPS THkOUGHOUTVS. Malady Is Less Virulent Than Epidemic in 1918. Special Dctpalch to The Sex and Nsit Yonr Herald. Washington, Jan. 31. Telegraphic reports of health condltjons throughout the United States received by the. Public Health Service to-day Indicate a slight Increase in the number of influenza cases over yesterday. At the same time tho oflicials are encouraged by the general report from all sections that the charac ter of tho malady is less virulent than that encountered In ISIS by many de grees. That it Is the samo disease as that which dealt death from one' end of the United States to tho other In 1918. but In n vastly modified form, Is the opinion of the specialists of the Tubllo Health Service, who point to the suddenness of Its development and tho remarkable area covered within a few days which marked thi sweep of "flu" two years ago.. The Public Health Service' has received re poits from the Paclflo Northwest coln cldently with reports from Florida, Rhode Island, New York, Michigan and California, which incline them to this diagnosis of tlyi revived plague. MERCURY AT 2 BELOW, SEASON RECORD HERE Big Drop in Short Time- Rise Is Expected To-day. , Yesterday was s'ew York city's coldest day of the winter and the first January 31 In tho history of tho Weather Bureau that tho mercury reached two degrees below zero here. Tho . temperature allowed other freakish features besides, Thero was a-variation of 2it degrees between midnight Thursday and lo o'clock last night In which tho ther mometers wavered everywhere between 24 abovo and tho record low mark. With Whlto River, Ont., reporting IS degrees below, thero was nothing for New York to get chesty about. t Tho rapid fall was brought about by n, cold wave that centred first over the lake region, but when it began tts south ward trip It was Joined by a second from tho vicinity of the Hudson Bay country. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning a temperature of H degrees abovo zero was recorded. .n hour later It wis 20, nnd tho next, hour saw another drop of; 4 degrees to 1C. The fall continued steadily ' to 0 o'clock yesterday morn ing,, when It was only two degrees above zero. At 10 o'clock the mercury went to 4 ; at 1 It dropped to 1 nnd continued rising until -4 o'clock In the afternoon, when It h't three degrees. At 7 o'clock last night It went to two below. There was an Inclination to rise shown then and at 10 o'clock one degree above was registered. Tho forecast for to-day lncludcd a hint that warmer weather l due. Continued The Carlibid Sprsdel Salt Is the best nturl ullno aperient pre-i-riW v phTtlc.VriJ a'.l ovsr tn worn. W le for booklet la tho Curliban Product ifljtn'.l, J WW Ol., .-tliworft. ait. Dcmocrntlc View of (he President. At a dinner of tho Cleveland De mocracy last r.lght at the Hotel Astor. W. Bourke Cochran, talking ot llie Lcaruo of Nations, said that President Wilson had been "walking backwards'' since hl last visit to Kurope, that he had been a "rubo among International con men" nnd, that It was tho duty of the Democratic party "to save him froni himself." Profit nrodiielnK real estate Is on sale In the -Nit Torlt American' rtut Ettate column. Head for 1'iufli I for no suit. 1'hona Colutnbui Utt-liv, Special Denpalch to Tn Sus ash Ntir Vubk WAsiltxc'roN, Jan. 31. Tho who!" peace treaty contest in tho Senate ! In a state of suspense and uncertainty. One reason for this Is tho peculiar parliamentary situation respecting Ii turning on some of this Senato rules. Early In to-day's session of tho Sene ate Senator Walsh (Mon.) arose, and with tho explanation that ho spoke In behalf of Senator Hitchcock (Neb.), , who 'was out of town, served notice that on Tuesday, February 10, Senator Hitchcock would move to take up tln treaty for" tho Senate's consideration, thus carrying out the programme adopted when tho efforts to procure u compromise failed yesterday. The announcement occasioned in discussion or Inquiry, ed. far as con cerned proceedings ou the floor. Ali day long conferences and cloakroom' discussions of the situation wero In jirpgress. The most Impressive of the re-ports circulated waB that long be fore February io a move will hav -bte'n made on behalf of tho Republlcaiv leadership to take up the treat and that It probably will prevail. Thus AVoiiId Preserve Control. " Whllq scveia Senators, intimated tha this coureo might Jic adopted, Scuato.t. Lodge (Maes,), Republican leader, wou-( not discuss the suggestion further tna.': to iaj- tfjat .o.f 'ctAirsc. If- vas ofie of- ISf' things thai might happen and to Inti mate that' .If tlw treaty wjia.,haauBhty() .nrall, tt would' be''wIffiout any oojee ' tlons. Senators lvhaomjeatured that a Rc publican move Would bo made to take "rj up the treaty before February 10 pointed out that by this plan tho nepubllcait. leadership would keep tho initiative in Its own hands, Instead of suneiitlerini' It to tho acting Democratic leader. ien; irtor Hitchcock. It was explained tln alllrmatlvo control of' the siiuatio might prove of th"? greatest imcorla -as n mnl'or o Martvcl' and i.trm incntnry tactics. Manugcrs on both tides Ihc party alsl. are busy studying nnd chatting the In teresting parliamentary situation. At tho bottom of their considerations lies always tho question : "Can a simple ma jority of the Senate take up the treaty or does If require a suspension. of..the rules nnd therefore a two-thlrda vote?'' And along with this tho corollary in quiry : "If the treaty Is brought, back before tho Senate does It come with the cloture rulo of last session, under which It wa voted on, still attached to It and rot ci nlng Its future consideration T" Subject to n It ill lug. A to tho first, Republican leaders art) positive that parliamentary regularity arid decent adherence to the rules dt mand a two-thirds vote totalte up the" treaty. But It ts admitted If the Vice President shall rule to the contrary, and If then his ruling shall bo sustained by a majority of the Senato, the rulta ran-. not stand against that decision. Thi Senate Is a law unto Itself. Jn iho cloilng hours of last secession the Senato three tlmo3 overruled the Vice-President, nnd tbJ3 committed Itself to the very position that would inalio a two-thirds voto neeessnry to resume consideration of tho treaty. Several Senators who at that time voted to overrule the Vice-President wou l have to reverse themselves squareiy now. In the view of the parliamentary sharps. If they should undertake to get the treaty up with a mere majority vote. In the view of the parliamentary purists there are Just three ways to get tho treaty onco more before the Senate. One is for Pr-sldent Wilson to withdraw It, and then resubmit It. That would start tho wholo proceeding again de novo. Another Is for the Senate to give unanimous consent to tnko It up. Tho third Is by n two thirds vote to suspend rulo 13 dealing with reconsideration and then take l: up. Onco taken up It would bo In or der for the Democrats to offer a new resolution of ratification with the reser vations they aro willing to accept and press for a vote on these. Itullnir n to Clotnrc. As to tho other query, namely whether tho treaty, if It comes back before tha Senate, must como with tho old ctoture rulo appended to It; there seemed llttla uncertainty after tho proceedings of last session had been studle'd carefully. At the time the cloture rule wds adopted limiting each Scnntor to a single hour of speaking and requiring that when, tho debate under this limitation had worn ltsch out votes should be taken on all pending proposltlon-t and on rati Station, Senator Lodge asked mot specifically when cloture rule would te.ife to control. Tho Vlce-Preldnt they held that thi cloture rule would end whenever tha treutv ohonM h" disposed of It could ha ilispod ot by ratification, or by recommitment to the Foreign Relations Committee, or by sending It back to tho tt k S I t '1 i It . at 4