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10 lUn -THE NEW YORK HERALD PWNPBD 1833-1835. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. MAR, 5, JMO. tub . Fran . srvln VVriJmn. Vici.Brl(lni Win, H. Tlthvlnctco, gscratary. r iBiui a Jiunnv. rmiuini. NCW8STANII PRICES. . Pally, tw teals a towr In New YU niy anq sunurpa tno inrr eews eiw iiirvi, evador, uvq ccnii) ai 1mwJii, ten maji, subscription rates. NUNDAV anlv Ann 3.33 rlU.VDAY on r, Canada 9.00 8.35 M .Tor all polnti .west ot tho mimIuidpi Jlvir add II year'fgr dally or dally and PAILT 4 SUNDAY,, !0.0Q S 13.30 All cbaoks, mnny orders, Ac, made payable to Tha Sun-Herald. 13.40 ),B0 to Da (foreman EdUUn. Published in Paris evsrv day In tho year, Price In ParleM centimes, dally and Bunsey, , PAUfa OffflCB. 49 AVENUB DH L'opbra. . ' information concerning advertising! rw far the European Edition my be ootalnsil ifrn mam mow yortc oroce. Tha Aaaoelatad Prcaa (a exclusive!? an titled la the. ui for ranuhlleatlen ot all newa despatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper ana alio ine local newa punueneq nerein. , , AH rights of republication of special qeipeicnts nerein are auo If our frlenda who favor ua with manu. eirlpta and iiiuetraiiona ror puoiicauon wih lo have rejected articles returned they must it an cases eenj stamps ior was pvriu. i MAIN BUS1NBS8 AND EDITORIAL Of. FICE8. ISO BROADWAY. TISLBPHONE, WQWTM JO.OW, Industry and Comraerco Are Freed From the Danger or Arbl- trory Destruction. ' -With (be welcoruo died decision of the nuprcmo Court ends a legal nurt litigious war which for years has ... . i , ,i jiarusea cxpnnuins wninij u" business In nil our nitllomit fields, has vrcatcU vai-t economic turmoil, has cos-t corporations nud tho Gov crnrocnt millions of ilollora,nml bus put losses upou the country of per haps billions. .This particular opinion, declares clearly that tho specific United States Steel Corporation hos not beerr op erating la violation of the law nud to the Injury of the public, but on the contrary has been operating witnin Its legal rights and to the general Interest. To that extent the decision applying specifically to the defendant corporation may seem merely to give It a clean bill of legal health and to authorize It to prescrvo Its corporate existence and contlnuo Us corporate conduct so long as It does not trans gress the statutes. Nevertheless, the very principles and facte upon which this opinion Is based must be as souud for nn a Kregatlon of textile mills or of shoe factories or of shipyards, as for a combination of steel plants. The very esrencc of the decision Is that a cor poration can bo great without being Immoral, that good conduct or bad conduct does not depend upon the bulk of anybody or anything; that nn Industry or u business, like an In dividual or a nation, may possess the power to do wrong, but if It does npt commit, a wrongful act It cannot he held to be guilty of crime. Furthermore, with this decision tho judicial, legislative and executive branches of tho Government aro now merely brought Into harmony on tho fundamental questions not only of the light of great financial und produc tive combinations to exist, but of the Rational need that they shall exist and function to do for tho country tlie great works that can be done only by great Instruments. After Its own practical experience pf railroading too Administrative Government of the United States now knows the benefits that can be ob tained for the railroads, for the ship pers and for tho consumers of the country out of transportation systems so closely linked physlcully and so vlscjy centralized as to management that' they can' be operated and 'main tained practically as, a single great national railroad. Tho Executive au thority now recommends railroad con riolldatlon. The Congress authority provides for It. 4'et It was the United States Con gress which passed laws against rail road combinations along with other combinations. It was tbo' United States Department of Justice which prosecuted tho natural and Inevitable systems of tho Northwest, in what jvas known as tho Northern Securi ties case. It was the Supreme Court of the (United States which smashed the Northern Securities Corporation, it was the whole United States Gov. eminent, executive, legislative and Judicial, which toro apart not merely j'oilroad consolidations but railroad relationships all oii the United States, and thus-erected a stone wall in front of tbo normal development of tho American railway system. Wo bavo spoken of the colossal loss ito the Government, to tho great, in dustrial combinations and lo the country from these past years of In aiscriajaata and frcnxlcd trust bust ing. The direct outlay of the liti gants tbe Government and all tbo defendant corporations while run ning up Into tens Of million in our judgment was only a drop In the fuckct compared with nil that those ittttt busting years cost tbo American people. For 'who believes the slic ing of the sreat Standard Oil organ ization into dozens of smaller organ izations could fall to ndd to the cx-Iiensc- of maintaining and operating them? Who can doubt t'hntthe doz ens were put to it to earn more in the azerefcate, each operating for It- . tban. the. single one would bave Kjt or iiuimippi QIYf! tine fllx One , By Mill, Postpaid, "year. Montha. Month. JJAJLY BUNPAT.,i.M l.OQ 11,0? DAILY on y,.......'. O.IX1 4.80 .15 .411 been? Who can doubt (bat U tb udded costs, all the different profits bad to come out of tho public? Who can doubt that tbo same Milmf i'truo hbput 'tho so-called tobacco trusts, the mnchlucry trusts, tho railroad eonl truatfl and oil tlio othors Everybody reallies tbo truth now, Tho American people wont no more of the ruminiuck trust punting, Spring's at the End, Jlnrch Is at ooco the hope mid tho dcsnalr of tho wlnlor tired CW dweller. Its lengthening days bring to him hopes of spring and wnrmtn : Its hltlns wlnda civ mooda of black despair when he wonders If wlntor will ever cease Us chill. There ore (lava In which he Is convinced that the lion has devoured tho lamb long since ; nud that If thcro arc to bo any green pooh In tbo future, they must garnish some other meat. But, when ho glances expectantly un at Uie sky now and again, as nil nature lovers do, no mnttor how deep and dusky their city caflon, hope sings softly but qulckcnlngly In his heart. Ho knows Spring's at the hwd ofthls gusty purgatory. "Ho Jeans with old Ueht In hl eyes And waits hb willows wait for gprlntr." It is all very well for Horeas to play tricks, to uttcmpt to forestall the vcrunl season. The expectant city dweller may be never so little of a nncan. yet the song ot UUCcn woiaa echoes softly in his cars nnd with It the promise of the balmy olr&, toe warm suns of April to come. If JIurch has Its trials, it lias thoso certain consolations In storo. The Psychology of tho Diplomatic Boom. One of the first duties of a now Sccrctury of State Is to write a po lite letter to his predecessor nsKing blm to select a painter and arrange for sittings, so that his portralfmny bo added to the collection in tne Diplomatic Tloom, whero Ambassa. dors and Ministers ore received by tho tltnlnr head of our department of foreign affairs. It Is a pity that in the early years of the Uepimlle It did not become the custom to hang, in audition to tne pll painting, the letters In which one Chief Executlvo after another ex- nrcssed his sense oV tho services, good or bad, rendered to himself and tho nation by departing Secretaries. Portraiture accomplished under such circumstances would have u value greater than anything that was ever posed for In a studio. John Bull Again Plants Ills Feet on Earth. The cxtraordluary wclcomp tbo House of Commons avc to H. H. AsQUHit when ho took his seat as member from Paisley meant more than au exuherant outburst of emo tion stirred by the reappearance In public life of a statesman of high uttalnnieuts. The popular demonstration In Mr. squith's honor spontaneously raised by Englishmen and English women in the streets of London meant a great deal more than inero1 satisfaction over tho reinstatement In legislative office of a lawmaker of unusual skill and foresight. The especially punctilious greeting extended to Mr. Asqumi by his successor In the office of Prlmo Min ister had a significance far more In teresting than tho recognition by Llotd Geobob of a member capable of leading the opposition to tho pres ent Ministry with ardor and in formed intelligence. Each of these noteworthy displays of sentiment, fromthe Impulsive trib ute ot tne popuiacc to tne lormai salutation by tho Prime Minister, be tokened one thing: the fact that Eng land is once more getting her feet on the earth politically, and that "Eng lish men and women nre preparing to faco again the problems of their do mestic life, the problems of their em pire and the problems of the world with English sanity, with English hard hcadedness, with English capac ity to face the truth. It is nn error to assume that John Bull Is Incapable of hysteria. It is a mistake to believe John Bull docs not fall into moments of weak senti mentality. It Is n blunder to accept the theory that John Bull at all times and under all circumstances keeps his head. John Bull sees red sometimes. John Bull gets moon struck sometimes. John Bull loses bis head sometimes. But John t?5y has the great nnd saving quality of nlways getting his senses back before- his unreason has ruined hlmBelf and all those dependent on blm. Thus the amazing tribute paid to Mr. A8QUITH Is not merely evidence of the regard In which he Is held. It Is testimony to the approaching restoration of tbo dependable and trustworthy processes of peace gov ernment In England, throughout the empire, and consequently all over the world. The short cuts ot war gov ernment, the suppressions of war politics, the extravagance, blindness and despotism of war government arc to bo- thrown Into the discard. Thd Insanity which has sought to treat great free nations as helpless children, to exploit their weaknesses and to render their strength ineffec tive has lost Its power over the mind of thd English nation. The subterfuges and false pretences a desperate struggle, literally n strug gle for existence, mado necessary In some cases, deslrnblo in others, or simply .endurable In a great many, are going to be cast aside In English politics, and w&en they have been SUN cast aldo thara thty will soon low potency In the politics of other ua lions in which they etui hold sway. What the Immediate In. En llsh politics may produce In detail It would bo Idle lo dlwusa. Hut .Kofi land has served notice on tha world that from flow on her affalra are to bo treated on sound nnd. enduring principles of political nnd economic phllotiopiur, Agulu tbo English n tlon Is going to faco facta whether facta nre pleasant nud reassuring or brutally alarming. Again John Dull Is going to meet each Issue on Its merits. Judge each project coolly and In tbo light of experience, ond uiovo with caution but not with trepidation, to tho protection of his material and spiritual possesions" and when John Hull moves uanoly, watchfully nnd Intelligently toward u desired goal In politics, In commerce, In Industry nud In finance, It behooves others to see to it they do not lot folly rulo their courses. Misunderstanding With Two Eml atnt Incendiaries, Tho Department of State has found It uecessary to make public an. nouuconieut that It uover has re ceived what Is described In press des patches published recently as "anew peace proposal" to tho great Powers In which "Soviet Itussla pledges tho establishment of democratic prlncl pjes In Itusslu and the calling of a constituent assembly." The version of the published re port which tbo department spcclfl. cully denied said : "It promises further to withdraw tho decree annulling: Russia's foreign debt, restoring: 60 per cent, of the liability, and also to pay arrears ot interest, giving at a guarantee for the fulfilment of it's obllatlona con. slderable mining concessions of plat inum and silver to an Anslo-Amerl-can pyndlcatc. in return and in addition to the formal peace treaties tho Soviet Government would re quire (treat Britain and other coun tries to abandon all Intervention In Russian affairs. It also proposes that the United States allow a credit to Russia conditioned uppn consli erable concession!! to that Country." The department Is obviously ns much at a loss to understand this move toward "peace" alleged to have come from the Lenlne-Trotzky outfit as Americans not holding Govern ment Jobs nre. When did tho United States go to war with Soviet Russia? How can .the United States make peace with those against whom the war making authority of the United States htis'never declared war? Perhaps Lunini: and Tbotzky arc a little confused about the reposito ries of nuthorlty In this country. They may bellovo themselves to be ot war with President Wilson nnd seek tho recognition of thcln Govern ment by the United States. Our Most Fainted Bridge to Go. Though built in tho '40s for the Important purpose of bringing Groton water to New york High Bridge was regarded from tho first as ornamen tal rather than useful. Now that the city drinks from the CatskJll supply for the most part the Roman struc ture over the Harlem Itlvcr It is as Roman as tho tower of Madison Square Garden Is Spanish servos no utilitarian purposo whatever, except in so far us It Is a promenade. So the War Department has given the city n year In which to remove two of the piers Jn order that tho navi gable capacity of the waterway may bo Increased. It Is expected that the easiest method will be considered the best and that the familiar aqueduct will be pulled down. Although It has never been o sym bol of New tork, like the Brooklyn Bridge or the Stntuo'of Liberty, High Bridge will be remembered because the artists have taken care of It as a "picturesque bit." It was painted and etched and drawn continually, and figured as often in Academy exhibi tions os Jn tho shows of the inde pendents, appealing equally to real Ists like George Lutes, Impressionists like Ernest Lawson and engravers like OHAnrxs Mieixtz. It belongs as a landmark to the period of the old Tombs, nnd nooubt thcro are thoso who. will regret Its disappearance on general principles. But there Is more local significance about a singlo span of tbc new Hell Goto Bridge than could be found in n dozen High Bridges, under any sort of favorable conditions. Ambassador Shldcbtra mad the New Japan. Like tbo famous British statesman1 and Parliamentary orator who was charged with being young, tho new Ambassador from Japan need not at tempt to palliate or deny bis youth. If he bo tho youngest of the envoys of highest rank who bave thus far been accredited to Washington, be is not lacking in that' quality of "years that bring the philosophic mind." Such a mental development Is not tbo out como ?f Idleness or lack of experi ence, nor Is length of days an In fallible proof of wlstlom. Kijueo SniPEnABA, born In Ka wachl, a province In the very heart of Japan, is opo of .those central minded men whose affiliations aro not with traditions nnd parties. "From the in fluence of tbeso forces nnd resulting habits of mind, action and even hard ened prejudices, the career of Suide haba has been singularly free. Young as be Is, there are -few men In' the ac tive political life or government ser vice of-Japan who bold bo fine a bal ance. His motives and positions are markedly tkoee implying benefit to AND NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 192 tb nation at lon, Instead of adbar cueo to parllts. In fact, his mofJt otreuuoua contention, ns revealed, In both bis private correspondence and his public utterances, has ever been tbls; that neither at homo uor abroad ought cltbor tbo current national pol Icy or tbo soul of Japan to bo judged by tbo trend of any one body of men who.bold temporary power- He Is emphatically a .man of the new ago, which In 1868, after a cen tury and a half ot Interior Intellec tual preparation. Including much mod' ern culture, was ushered In. All his life hos been spent ns a Btudcnt or s an active participant In tho pract' col aide of public life. Graduating in 1805 from tbo Collego of Law In tho Imperial University, he served In the agricultural and commercial depart' ment In Toklo and then ns vice consul "or consul at Chemulpo, In Cores, and at London und Antwerp, For one yeqr he was counsellor of the Embassy In Washington, Mudo Mln later at Tho Hague, he was called to thp Foreign Office In Toklo un Vlee Mlnlstcr, when the great world wr had begun, serving until the autumn of iPlf), when ho was appointed to the high offlca of-Ambossador to the United States. If his predecessor, Mr. Isnu, suf- ferod largely because bo was unable to solve the enigma of tbo Executive mind at Washington, wo tru9t that SmmcirAJU may bo more fortunate In discovering what Washington means to do. Iu any event, let him not for get that, whatever be the purpose or action of the American common wealth's brain, which centres on tho Potomac, tho heart of the wholo na tion finds no mean expression In the metropolis on Manhattan and In the reception wblch the Japan Socloty will give him to-nlgbt, Six to One In Oil Control. A commlUii) of the British Board of Trade baa mode u report to tbat body on tbo world shortage of po trolcum, nnd the consequent high prices of its derivatives, among wblch asolene Is of primary Importance. The committee says "tbo greater hulk of tho petrol landed iu this country England at tho present time Is produced by American, Dutch or Mexican companies, which nre outside of control by His Majesty's Government" Jn view of the situation, the com mittee continues: "We are strongly of the opinion thit tho whole question of produc tion, price and distribution ot motor fuel la ono which should engage the attention of the League of Nations, or otherwise should be made the subject of International agreement between the Governments of tho principal tin porting nations with a view to coop eration In aiming at a fair level of price chargeable for so vital a neces sity of modern Industrial life." If the American, Dutch and Mexi can companies producing tbc oil now used in England arc to be consigned to tbo League of Nations for regula tion as to tho "production price and distribution" of tbc commodity In which they deal, will tho famous si British votes In the Assembly of the League be cost to Influence fixing of price schedules and allotments? If tho Anglo-Persian Oil Company, In which the British Government owns a heavy interest, becomes in volved In the transaction, will Persia's voto In tho Assembly be Influenced by Persia's philanthropic protector? And, finally, are the American oil lands Uncle Saw has set aside for his fighting forces to be thrown Into the pot? Before this benevolent plan goes much further it ecems reasonable to suggest that these questions should bo answered. Now York may bo a Httfe behind New Jersey In adopting; a damp act, but on the other band Us lawmakers hope to givo 6 per cent, beer to the thirsty Instead of a 3H, Pr cent. non- Intoxicant. ' District Attornoy Swakn is Irritated because the "master mind" ot a gang- ot bond thlctts failed .to givo himself up according to schedule. Such con duct ta truly Inconsiderate; yet there have been District Attorneys who went out and got thieves, regardless of the 'masterful" qualities of their minds. Pifrls is again under war time re strictions, says a despatch from the French capital. Judged from the pro ceedings ot tho Peace Conference and the struggles between the Italians and Jugo-Slavs Paris has not been far removed from,-the fighting line since armistice day. Tha Babble Blower. Baia knots you uAdAer, in Ut.iilot plan. TA thought cf CMUhood ttnyr When I wa blowing bubbles, long aco, Watching aweet colors grow. With freakish changes of thinxs far and near Traced on tho air blown sphere. h; had a wish that ty some msglepall Myself therein might dwell! How could tbat be, while I tha babbit bltwT And as a ale h X draw, Tha lovely mystery dipped Into nsutbtt With that. I had a thought What it a giant being, standing high , In soma fletd of tha sky. Blew bubbUs, havlss Si tils; c!is ts dc. Far out upon the blue. And called them worjda and then, as I had done, a Had wished to tlya tn onat v I solved tha question r Mo. not ercn Ha Could tn Ills own world be. The bubble blower'a placa (It must be ao) Outalda to keep and blow! . . . I dipped my pipe again, and gently breathed A wonder, rainbow wreathed. I watched: then, with a giddy Joy Z played Twaa bubble worlds I made; My part, to toss them off; far ni they danced , Then Into nothing glanced t Why should Ono blowing bubbles In the sky Care any mora than I! tout know ton In tcttot ittger isring traps TAa thought o CVt'MAatfi Hravit Edith M. Thomii. MAIL IN STREAKS, Curious Working of Mr. Barjeson's System In the Case of Norway. To Tun Surf aw New York Uerawu On December 6 and 19 and January 2 I nostod letter for Chrlstlanla, Norway. These latter reached my correspondent on January J5. njtwaen fhtla datea I also pooled four copies of Tub Burr and Tn Niw'YoBnyJfsnAUi at weekly Inter. inn joyr copies reaenco tnoir tlnatton simultaneously. Readers of your pap" aro Inforowd by the Post Offlca Department that mall Is forwarded to Norway triweekly. If this Information n correct, why wr my letters ancT newspapers Tield here to long without having been despatched? My correspondent Informs mo that this mall came on tha same steamer, and was delivered to him In Chrlstlanla the fol lowing day. From tills It is obvious that tht delay was not, In Chrlstlanla. Ac cording to steamer departures direct from hero to Chrisllanla the letters should have reachtd their destination on December 18, January J and January 1$. Criticism appears of little good, so wo let tho facts speak for themselves. Nrw York, March S, W. 8. 0. SERVANTS MIGHT REBEL. An Objection to a Larr Compelling Them to Shovel Snow, To Tub Sun and New York IKrald ; Suppose the Board of Aldermen passed the law demanded In a letter signed "R," to mako servants keep the streets Clean: has "R." considered the next move? What If the "house man," alarmed ejy the new responsibility, leaves "R.'a" em ploy? will "R." again-invoke Alder mania authority to hold him to her ser vleo? No law compels the keeping ot a liouso man. If this particular specimen Is re fractory. let hla employer repfrce blm witq a tetter, an American, preferably ; or even manage to do without peoplo really do, you know, -it. A. 0. Whitman, Maes., March 'z. 11 - " 1,1 a Pay of Romestlc and Other Workers. To Tub sun and Nbw York- Herald : If tho Board of Aldermen could pasa a law to compel household servants to clean the streets, why should not tho law apply to other, employees such-an salesmen, saleswomen, clerks, butchery. bakers and candlestick makers, not for getting a few typists and manicurists. Just for variety! They arc all wage earners and aa wall paid, even better paid than tho average servant, even omitting "the room and both and aood. food." They receive more In casb'and their workday Is eight hours while tha house servant's day ranges from twelve to fourteen hours. New York, March J. A. M, P. BIACKWEILS ISLAND. Recollections of a Descendant of the Original Proprietors. To Tun Suh and Nbw York Herald; My great grandmother. Letltla A. Black- well, held tho deed of Blockwells Island, It having descended to her In a direct line. She regarded It aa a treasuro be yond prlco and parted with It only a short time before her death, giving It to her cousin, who txjra the name, and who reverenced that strip ot land so closely connected with New York's early history. The Isand waa sold, not voluntarily parted with, however, for purposes al ready stated. Within the grim walla of Ua prison I was tatcen aa a little child by my nurae, and scenes there aro viv idly recalled of wretchedness and misery, but memories cling more closely still around sufferings relieved, for sreat has been the good achieved by humanitarian and other workers for the uplift of tho soul, and countless materia blessings. Strengthened in mind and body, once hopeless creatures now take a parting look at "God's aero" with feelings not unmixed with reverence nnd awe May the name Blackwell cling forever to thoso onco veraant pastures, anu ior those once domiciled within Its walla who have regained freedom and found righteousness nay Ua name shlno "os the stars forever and ever." LSTITIA HAR8KLL. Bcshkill, Pa., March 1. BEST TO .STAY YOUNG. In America Old Age Is a Handicap as Regards Work or Play. To Tits sun and New York Herald: It is easy to philosophise on the pleaa ureo or compensations of old age, but I suspect that none of us would object to remain young It ho could, America is a flno country for youth, but a poor one In which to grow old. Gray hairs per se are decidedly not pop ular among us and are almost a fatal handicap when looking for a Job. In case their possessor ts rich, no la afraid to retire, being threatened with death from ennui. When every one is busy there Js no one with whom the' re tired roan can talk ofTlay. Finally, to add to the terrors -of old age we have Invented prohibition. Youth with its hot blood and high hopes has little need ot a stimulant, but oh, how different is it with the old I When the blood Is cold, the Joints stiff and hope nickering low, what a aolace la an oc casional glass ! But that has been taken away and now well, aa I say, AmejJfia. Is a poor country to grow old in. Nbw York, Marcn z. eiokho. UP GO THE RENTS. X Peoee loving Cave Dweller Won ders What to. Do. To Tub Bun and New York Herald: While I fully recognize tho difficulty of counteracting the economic law regulat ing supply and demand, may I ask if it Is Justly applied In the case of the apartment house in which I havo been living for nearly three years? Two and a half years ago I secured a two years lease at 11.800 a year. On re newing my tease, which I could get for only one year, my wit was advanced last October to Sl.SOO. My landlord now informs me that It want to remain for another year I must pay him $3,000 a year. 1 waa prepared for a reasonable ad vance, but, I ask. you, do you consider 6S 2-8 per cent, a reasonable advance 7 I can assure you that It is not Justi fied by the Improvement In service. Is It Justified by the increased taxa tion Imposed on tho property and owner? There aro about aeventy-nvo other tenanta In the building In the same fix that I find myself. W. J. G. New York, March 2. The OnUa Na Sherlock. From tit IflouffAa Weriif, Jack Kale la playing on hla celebrated outja board trylnc to locate Frank Hon-, derson, who plungid through a glaaa door at tho county Jail and made his escape, but tha board only trembles aa If la a, trance. i. KING'S COLLEGE WINDSOR. library Trcosnres Saved When Hi Vain PoIldJag Was Burned. To Tub Bon and New York Heiuip; Permit mo to correct an erroneous lm presslon conveyed In the letter of Don aid Macdonald relative to tho unforlu nate destruction l?y fro of the main building of King's College, Windsor, Nova Beotla. Had Mr. Macdonald known that the governors of icing's College the trustees are poor men and that they did, lets than a year ago, add about 975,000 to the college insurance because that was all that Jhey could afford to carry, n mignt nave ueen teas cnucat of them. The fact Is that while King's Collego Is one ot tho finest and most cfllclent ot all Canadian universities, Ua endowment la the smallest, being undrr 1550,000, When the sovereign Uinta of Tennessee repudiated its bonds about forty years ago, King's College, holding several thou, sand dollars tn thoee bondr, suffered heavily, It would bo O- graceful thing on the part of the Legislature of that 8tate to make thoso bands good with accrued interest. When the Canadian army went to the front, 87 per cent, of the students of King's College went with them, leavln behind only the physically unfit, und that without being, drafted. Fortunately, tho lire ot a month ago did not destroy the real treasures of King's College. Some of these treasures consist of eighteen volumes from tho celo brated Aldlne press and twenty Elze virs.. They Include the Boydell edition of Shakespeare and Milton, 'the blocl' letter edition of Chaucer of, 1687, and the llrst edition of Milton's "Paradise Ist." There are scores of rare 'manuscripts and Illuminated missals ot tho very ear llcst date. Altogether King's College is a unlvcr sity of unusual Interest to those Inter ested in higher education and In tho fin' est traditions of learning. King's Col lege haa now threo Rhodes scholars at Oxford, a testimony to hep mclency in teaching that no other university in the world can show, B. W. R. Tatleh, St. Georgo'a Rectory. SciiENECTAor, March J. GERMANY'S CHIEF HOPE. On Russia's. Future Pepend the For. tones of Many Nations. To The Sun and New York Hera lb Flume may fix tha attention at the mo ment, but always thcro darkly looms Russia In the eye of him who looks abroad vast, turbulent, complex and largely hidden from clear view. Despite Egypt or Armenia or events on tha bori dera of the Adriatic, nevertheless one towering problem overshadows them all. It la Russia and only Russia. In the Btrlintr TagtWaU Max Rosen discusses the peace treaty In Its appli cation to Bulgaria; and he sums up bT declaring that a real Bulgarian settle ment must await the reappearance of Russia In Europe's councils. In Paris it Is the same. L'Echo do PaHt gives space to a discussion of Germany's emigration problem by Mau rice Barrfis, who sees distinctly the Ger man trend toward Russia- Technically, the world war Is over. But Is Its real victor yet certainly de termined? It ts the far future that alone will decide that. It la not necessarily the winner of the final battle In a war that remains the essential conqueror. It la that one of the combatants which shall show itself the gainer.' In a national sense, at the end ot a substantial period of time. When tho great catastrophe broke Uppn Europe, Germany had mado tre mendous advanced In Rit6la. German business men had entered Russia in great numbers, had married Russian women, and had become immensely strong and constantly growing factors In tho com mercial and industrial life there The German language had mado notable In roads also, It is yet possible fpr Germany to show herself the winner of the great war. She will assuredly do so If the Allies fall to counteract her policy, with lgor nnd with promptness, in the vast arena once ruled by tho Romanoffs. AnTUtm Elliott Sproul. New York, March 2. CHECKS AS RECEIPTS, Tho Advantago ot the System Shown by Twenty Years Experience. To The Sun and New YOrk Herald : Your correspondent "F. A. 6.." writing on the subject of checks' as receipts, falls into several odd errors. To save time and to avoid any suggestion of controversy permit me to. recite tho ad vantages of the system: 1. There aro no disadvantages ; seem ing possibilities thereof are readily proved groundless. 2. The loss of a paid check is so in- frequent as to bo negligible. 3. The two parts of the statement contain Invariably the namo 'of tho Is suer and essential dates. 4. Check stubs have no value as direct evidence; protect your check. Mark Twain says, "Guard tbo bosket." S. The omission of returning receipts saves a lot of time ana a lot or post age on what should be dead matter tho moment that a check is written. 6, Writing limitations or stipulations on checks Is generally a waste of time. See Crane, pp. 7, 8 et seq. 7. The system is not a war measure ; It originated about twenty years ago. and, as its advantages bave becomo evi dent, has steadily extended. 8. A settled principle of law Is that "the debtor must seek the creditor," and tt folldws that a receipt may not be demanded as a matter of Tight. For his protection the debtor must hoYe witnesses or evidenco of payment. Vfty not therefore see to it that his check is on a bank that Is conducted with a fair degree of accurate treatment of Its business and not given to losing checks? Does not "F. A. S." know that ho Is not required to accept a charge made against his account unless the check Js returned as evidence? 4. I know of ecorrs of butliioaa con cerns using the system and having never a suggestion of a hitch. 10, Finally, nobody owns the system: It is public property and a defenco there of may not bf dubbed special pleading. SUMMtT, N. J.. March 2. C. A. A Pin and Candle Auction. Front tht London Daily ltall. The many centuries old custom ot lot- tins "Poor Folk's Close" erery fifth year baa aeatn been observed at Old Baling- broke, where ltenry IV. waa born In 1396. The biddings cesas when a pin Inserted In a burning candle falls. Tho fleld. threo aeres. was let for 113 10s. For about twenty. years It haa nut aiada mors than IS. iMWANllR fitf I N HEARD IN HOUSE B!01ici rrcscnts PrograRiRio for Lands, Homo Mi and Money Compensation. CALLS HALT TO DELAYS Committco Lcadors Finn That Legislation Is Not Likely at This Time. ifsfrlol to The Sew nd New Yosk Hmw, Wabhjnotqn. March 2. Tho Amer can Legion through Us representatives appearing to-day (beforo the Houso Ways and Means Commttteo demanded that Congrcea take Immediate action to ulve tho service man a bonus or aomo other, financial aid, euoh as loans for farms and homes. Franklin D'ouer, na tlonal commander, and Thomas W. Miller, loglslativo agent, declared the Inrinn had waited lone enoush for Con, cress to act on tho soldier aid question, Tt wan nnnarent mat ino leeiuira uc- mands would, meet strong opposition In the committee. Jieprcseniaiivo koob' worth tnhlol. Renublican. and RoprC' aentatlvea Kltchin (North Carolina), and Garner (Texas), Democratic icaocru, in dicated by questions mat mcy peuovcu tho condition of tho Treasury prevented legislation of this kind at this time. Durlnir the hearings Mr. Kltchin churscd that the members of tho legion In con vention In Minneapolis last November did not aek for a bonus ana mat tne leaders wore misrepresenting me sen timents of tho men In asking for one. This was denied by Mr. Miller, who said that 3,000,000 of the service men need financial aid to make up for their war losses. In his statement to the committee Mr. D'OHor said: "The overwhelming ma jority of ex-rervlce men feel strongly that this Government owes an obllga Hon to all persons who wcro hand! capped either bodily or financially be cause of military or naval rervlce dur ing tho recent war. 'The American legion,, representing over one million ex-service men and women, spoko very plainly on this point at Its national convention last Novem ber. "In accordance with resolutions passed at tho national convention of the Americjin leglon Un national bene flclal leg'vlatlon committee Is now ready to submit recommendations for legislation covering four features, as follows: "1. Land eettlement covering farms in a)) States and not confined to a few States. "2. Homo aid to encourage' purchase ot home In either country or city. "3. vocational training tor ail ex service persons desiring It, "4. Adjustment of compensation or final adjustment of extra back pay based on lengtn of service for those not desiring to avail thenwelven of any one of the previous three features. "The ex-service person to be given hla option of any one, and only one, of the above four features, and only upon his application." WAR VETERANS ASK $60 A MONTH BONUS Will Not Let Legion become "Single Track" Affair. Special to the Sun np Nkw Yoik ntsun. Albant, Feb. 2. World war veterans ot thirty-five counties, at a conference hero to-day on tho question of "adjusted compensation" for ex-service men. fa vored legislation which would givo for mer service men a bonus of f 10 a month from tho State and J50 a month from the Government for each month spent In tho service. Opposition to the bonus plan nrovel weak, It wns'lod by Georgo W. Wicker sham of Nassau county and Georgo Compton of New York county. These men urged tho Legloh to direct all ef forts toward obtaining legislation which Would belter the condition of disabled mon. This proposal was answered by Statements that the American Legion should bo strong enough to take care of both programme not placing Itself In n position wnoro It coulu be styled "a single track affair." Hamilton Fish. Jr.. waa chairman hf the subcommittee In charge of the hear. Ing. The committee Is to report back to the Stnto executive committee, and this body will recommend what legislation' should bo supported. A majority of tlie jtepresematives favored the bill pre pared by Miss Marguerite U Smith (Rep.) Assemblywoman from Manhat tan, for n monthly bonus plan and the programme of the national legislative committee of the Amorloan Legion. 17 YEARS DECIDING DAMAGE. Appraisers Vtx Property hona Due to Brooklyn Subvrny. A Drn?fi0llnr unni... ago by tho city to appralso tho damage uuim iu properiy niong joraiemon street, Fulton street and Flatbush avenue. Brooklyn, hv thA eonRtmintlnn if i-,a nlA ' ....wi, v . Mill VI, 4 subway, was completed yesterday when commissioners of appraisal nied a final report wun ine supreme court. Tho re port makes awards of less than $50,000 for damage to property nlong Fulton street from Court Squaro to and includ ing part of Flatbush avenue. The streets In question aro Brooklyn's ... ,-.,..-....-, ,ii9,Hj(iinipni of damago Involved an examination of 150 parcels of land. Thirty thousand pages of testimony were taken. The ilwarilH for ffamne-A tTnnn tn TitnlAmAn street property have already been nied. PREPAYMENT REFUSAL STANDS Ottawa Refuses to Qoeatlon Action of Roada Toward V. S. Ottawa, March 2. Tho Board of Railway Commissioners has decided It would "not be Justified" In Interfering with tho decision ot Canadian roada to refuse to accept prepayment in Canada for, goods shipped to the United States except where freight classification or tariffs provide for It This was announced W-day following receipt of protests from Rhlnrutr throughout tho Dominion against the roads' action. Vnasnr Gets Brltlah Educator. Dr. Wlnlfrpfl r?. r?nlila nr sity of London, the third British ex change educator brought to the United States through the Association of Col legiate Alumnae, will eoon begin her wok at Vassar College. whero wm lecture nn physiology nnd hygiene. She nrrtvtri Mnmlnv on IIia farmantn Am.i i. noy at the home of Mrs. Edgarton Par- Eonj, v.j I'arK avenue. Finds Connterfeltlnsr Doubled, Washington, March 2. Countorfeitin haa doubled in the last six months, due to the circulation of a greater number of Government securities, including Fed eral Reserve notes'. Chief W. K. Moran of secret service told thp Houso Appro priations Committee to-day, In asking ior increaseo appropriations ror round ing up countCTfcltcriL AND THE NEW YORK HERALD. TUB BUN too founded by Bea Dai; (n 1S33 ; ran new yojik iwiiald mat founded by Javitt Gordon Bomtelt (it 13)5. TUB SON pasttd into tho con. ttfil oj Chortea A. Dana in IMS. It became the property of Frank A. Munsty (it 1916. TIW NBW YORK UBHAW rcpiotoed the tote property of Ua founder until Ns deathtnlh"lZ,whenhta son,oUo jQtntt Gordon Bennett, succeeded to the ovantrtMp of the paper, which continued tn hit hand until hit death tn 1011. TUB HERALD beeamo the property of Frank A, iluntey jn 1920. BUSINESS AND KIUTOHIAL OKFICr.,1. MAIN BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL, OFFICES. 580 BROADWAY, TELE? PHONE, WORTH 10,000. BRANCH OITICKH for receipt ot 4vr. tlstments and sale, of paper t. FHINCirAb UPTOWN OlfFICU Uersld Building, Herald Kquare. Tel. Uroeley 0000. HARMS!! OFFICB-I05 WEST 123TI1 8T.. NKAJl SEVENTH AVI.. Tel. IM Mornlnfijdn, Open until 10 P. M. WASHINGTON HI'.IOUTS OFFICE 835 WEST 181BT ST. Tel. OOPS Wadewortb. Open until 10 1. M. DOWNTOWN OFFICE 200 BROAD WAY. Open day and nlaht.- BROOtaVN OFFICKS-BAQLE BUILD. INO, BOS WASHINGTON T, Tel., 1100 Main. 4 COUHT ST. Tl. BIOS Main. Qpen until 10 I'. M. BIIONX OFFICK 5t Wfl.t-IS AVE., until io" MT' T"' B69a Mlf0M' 0p" Principal Foreign and Amerleun Bureaus, WABHINOTON The Munsey Building. CHICAOO U08 U 6ale 8U LONDON aO- Meet St. PARIS 49 Avenue do 1'OperayM Bui du Louvre, There aro about OSO advertisement re ceiving stations locatnd tbroufhoat New Vjrk city and vicinity where Sun-HernM advertisements will be received at office rates and forwarded for publication. Daily Calendar THE WEATHER. For Eastern Hew York Fair and warmer to-day.' Increasing cloudllness to-morrpw; moderate eouth winds, be coming variable. i-lir fw 'eff'r-rslr and warmer to-dsr, IncrjatJiig coudlneti to-ojerrow; geolle eoutU wfndv. For Northern New Enalsnd-Fslr and warmer to-day; to-morrow fair In csst. Inrrrsslnic cloudiness In west portloo) moderate south wiods. Fur Southern New Eolsp(-Flr and wsrnjr r to-ily: Increasing foudloe to-morrow; mt. crate south winds. For Wpfttfirn Vol,, VM.1fllatH 'Iu cat portion; to-morrow cloudy; proWily WASIIINOTnV. llarrh " rr....... I. hl.h !l ,bS Atlantic and rt flulf Ktatr. aod fruni the M. Lawrence Valley westward to North Dskota nnd tbc Canadian Northwest. ElfC where Iu the west it in low. iihn,ii, prert In. Nebraska, Culorsdo, Ksnns and tho nuuiiinTM, too centre i ueprcsitos ovcrljlo; soutbet Colorado. Snows and rains were general west of the Rocky Jbuntalos. There were also 1vaI powj from Montana eastwsrd Into upper Micqln. Klsewnere fair weather prevailed; It istsiucb colder to the piaiesu resloa ind the Northwest, aod generally warmer over the remainder of the country, with tho hltoest teninerstures In Texan. Kllltnir fiv.t generally tbls morning throughout tUe Slato of TSe eastward movement of tho Colorado dis turbance w III be attended h anona or- n, northern sod rains over the oulbero dlnltlcts. rracnlus the upper lake region, the lower Ohio and lower, Mississippi vsltrya by to-morrow night, continuing Thursday snd extending- (nto the lower lakn .refflon. fh timu Ohln and the western portions of the south Atlantic nwirs. r.iwwucro in me east and souls tne weatbrr mill bo eeneMllr fair tn.mnrmw anri Thursdsy. it win be toniowbut warmer to.mnrr4w In the east and aoulh. It will no colder Thursdsy In the Islto region and the Ohio Valley. nh..M.atlni.a a. Tfl 0,.... wremratth meridian time: " nnraati alallnn. at a n u t .. jiaimau . Temperature. Bar- last:) Stations. HirhXow. omcter. bra. Weather. Clear .Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Ft. Cldy Clear C esr Cloar Cloudy Clear Claudr i! .7. "w Baltimore lltsmarck Buffalo.. ,,. Charleston Chicago fMnHnniiH . . . ksleveJand uonver ,, .01 Cloudy Jacksonville.. . Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear .Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Kansas Uly,, Milwaukee. ... Now Orleans.. Oklahoma Cits Philadelphia.. Pittsburg-..;... t-oruand. We., PorUand, Ore., finlt T.nbA flit. San Antonio.., nan Francisco. Washington..!! LOCAL WEATHER RECORDS. . s 4 if in if Barometer jo.a k Tt Humidity , w t Wind-direction N.B! H, Wind-velocity .!.......... 10 & Weather dear Clear PrecIpltaUon Nono None Tho temperatnre In this rlty yesterday, is recorded by the official thermometer. Is shown In the annexed table: 8 A. M....3J 1 P. M....S3 a P. M....M A. It.. ..34 3 P. M....U T p. f . 10 A. M....M 3 P. M..33 S P. M. .31 11 A. M....34 4 P. M....S9 9 P. M....JO ' M 35 S P. M....30 10 P. M....30 A. If.. ..34 3') P. M....5S 31 11 M. 33 49 9 P.M.... 34 33 J T, M....33 ,. lSlld...v 34 Highest temperature. 34. at 3:13 A. II. Lowest temperature, 31, at 7 A. M. Averago temperature, 33. , EVENTS TO-DAY. ' z , American Manufacturers' Export Association, loncheon. Hotel Pennsylvania,, J8:50 I'. M. , no ivNii,4 iiuuau r.oie ror opeecn im provement. nsMtlnr. Wsshlueton irii- 1111, school. Seventeenth street and Irving placcr8 Major a. Dj Freest Urner of the Lefsretts Escadrlllo and SIsJor Mauri ConnoUv nf ih American Air Service will apeak at a roeetine of Naval Military Post. A. E. i, 30 West -.illj'juui.u eiicci, ai oiju t, p. Dr. Hulls Cole will lecture In the nalisl Library. 413 Madison avenue, at 4 P. M. Hnh. Ject. '-Beyond tho Veil." Reception aod banquet 'by the Zionist Organ isation of America 10 Abraham (Joldbera, at Mansion Hall, it St. Mark' place, 7:30 P. it. Japan Society, dinner and dance, Hotel Aitor, 7:30 p. M. aainy way ciun, meeting. Hotel Astor, 3 Mlssoorl Women's Club, meeting, Hotel Astor, 2 P. M. ' First Church of Divine Science, meeting. Waldorf-Astorls. 8 P. M. Sfl'ithlind Club, meeting, Waldorf-Astoria, 3 P. 51. . (' Verdi Club, mnslcsle, Waldorf-Astoria, 31 A. M, Jnnior- League, rntcrtitntnent and nin.-r. Waldorf-Astoria. 8 P. it. Dr. Henry Neumsnn will lectnre on "now to lift the Most Out of Hooks Wo Read Willi Our Children," at the Ethical Culture School. Central Park West and HUty.thlrd Mrect, S P. If. Song recital, by Lou Mcllbaln. Kdncatkinat Alliance. 197 East Brosdway. 8:15 J". M." Kshlblt of -tha att collection of Max Hold stein. American Art Galleries, Madison square aomti, 8 P. M. lecture by Lout- Lozowlrk on "Modem Ten denclrs In Art." the Educational Alliance. 107 Kit Broadway, ft 1'. M. Kablbltlon of uork hi roannfactnrera and dfUmer. the Metropolitan Mnwura of Art. ..i,.t.,iJ ..J I 1 um.hi , r,M IvrCuauuir. Association, Hotel Comroodn-f, all day. Brooklyn Food Show, TUlttcontb Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, all lny. Dr. Jessie Wallace lljglisn wilt lecture oa "Is There One Koclallom or Ar Thsre Stsnv Varlf llesT' at 02 Rest Tw.atr-fltlh street, 0:45 PUBLIC LECTURfeS TO-NIGHT. "Rrltsln and Ireland." br draco r. CM. well. P. S. 101, Islington nienno and 111th MrM-t. Illustrated. music Kaurniion." ny sirs. Msry nreenty Murrey, Central Jewish Institute. 133 Kait F.lghly-nrth street. Illustrated by musical selections. "Current History." by fieorga A. llstlnx. Cooner Institute. Eighth street and Fourth avfftuo, ' Jlncii Adi Ahout Nothing,' by rror. j. i. Carter-Troop, New York Library, 503 WcJi 14.'ih street. Nillont ana tie rrerent situation jn i.n rope," by Prof. William B. Guthrie, Y. M C A., 5 West 1231b street. , 7S (I H.68 ,, 1 , 4 t.M 34 U .10.31 4! St M.S0 , 10 Ztt.K , 13 suj , . 42 14 S0.10 4t h 44 K).0 i w :t i 4 zs so.i: , . 41 U a.M , 44 ;o 64 tt 73.M re ij s.oo .i (!) 33 iM , 3 S3 50.03 .1 SS . 30.30 , eo 40 w n :. .i to n , II 0 30.18 . 11 33 50 .OS .! 6) 4 S3.M .: TS 43 39.(0 , 34 41 30.13 .1 51 14 JO.02 , 31 ii 30.03 48 31 30.33 ,