Newspaper Page Text
1? I 9bw emu tv i iitto fiUUl mult IJUAUUU liLWWW AWA '' Property Owners Form ghovjol , .'Brigade After Areola to City Offlclals. SEND 3IESSAGE TO MAYOR Eyprcsft Hope tfliat Ho. Is ; "Having a Find Time" nt Fnlm Beach, t , , v Tlie Went Bldo Civic League, com- I posed of property owners who aren't sat-. 'isflcJ with nnythlnrf snort of results, lina been having trouble Ip setting tho minia ture snow mountains removed from Woat Soycnty-aecond street ond other thor oughfares In that vicinity until yester day, when many of the members put on old clothes and holped load the unow into tho wagons, Mcctlnfes were held In the Hotel Majestic and lettoru were writ ten by the president of tho league, Cope land Townsend, to tho head of almost every municipal department In tho City except tho Marriage Bureau In an effort to gain tho assistance of tho snow shovellers. But all to no purpose. And so when tho work was all done jasterday, chiefly through their own ex ertions,, the members of tho league held a pow-wow to decide how best to expresi their gratitude to tho Mayor for the help they hadn't received. They decided on this telegram: "His Honor Mayor John F Hylan, Palm Boach, Fhi.: We snow shovellers ealuto you I Hope you are'havlAg a flno time. Signed West Side Civic League" Among tho arrivals at tho hotels yeb terdaywere: WALPORK-ARTORIA Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Iarliall, Auburn; 0. It. Hunt, Islington. Kj.; L. II. Dewey, Roanoke, Va.l Mr. and Mrs. J. It V,rnml.t mA fa-. elm.... 1." --. ...vw..... r li l.iruiH. u uu nJk llliuvu -die, V. a. A., from CnMcns. Germany. McALPIN'-Mr, and Mrs. It. If. Patten. Bos ton; t!., Brlx. Copenhssens Ororgo Aekertnan, Cape Town, R. A.t .Eredrrle W. I'hlppi, Nor folk; 0. E. Wood, Jr.. Halllnwre. CLARID(1E-Mrs. IF. II. Curtmrtre and Ed. ivsrd Irvlntf. Cleveland; I II. llraljara, M. Jo. ST. IlKOIB-Mr. and Mr. Curtis Klrir. Mem phi. Tenn.i Mr. and Mr. It. C. Swayte,' Tor. rlnaton. Conn.: Col. J. A. Blair. Jr., Ojstcr hut, n. i,: r. ami Mn. jvuwira iiyerson, r Clilrnjo; Mr, und Mn. George U Storm, Crten. Mlrh. Cnnu. IMPERIAL--Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dllllng, In rtlananolii: Mr. E. 0. Roblnaon. Tmonlm Mr. and Mm. Jolin . Adanla. Erie; Mr. ami Mrs. II. Hunt, Rochester: Mr. and Mra. James Ours. rrATldrnrc; Mra. Grace E. Rluley. RITZOARLTO.V-Mr. and Mra. Atkinson lAllca. Itechester. N, Y.; Mra. John ft. Until and Mlis Himh Wyocatc, I'a.: W. A. BIbop, Toronto; II. A. II. Lcboi, London: Mra. Henry Thrr, Philadelphia. RILTMORE-W. D. rhlnney. Boston; Datd MaeKrntle, Dallas; V. J. Battler. .I)Ttono; K..B. Cmtrion. Buffalo; Mra. Maurice Curraa, jivnmtr; jirx, u, k. rimer. rim urn. BELMONT Mr. and Mra. Herbert McOreetr, Toronto; W. M. Clearwater. Tuxedo Park; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lron. Irorldenre: (j. V. Slsuch. fee. Chlearo: Beverly Iloblntion. New York; Henry Breckinridge, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Claiborne, Richmond. COMMODORB-C. H. Tbrall and Mefi C. lurall, Harana; u. A. Gallirer, HoiToKe: u. II. Remington, Hartford; W. H. Elivnrd, Washington; E. P. Bennett. Worcester: W. P. Dunlap, Chicago; K. O. Fill, Miami; J, Perry Parsons, Webster, Mass. MANHATTAN R. R. Rees. Troy: C. M. Thompson, Boston; 0. N. Hurlbnt, Wsterhnr)-; Mr, nnd Mrs. 'John M. Rrant. Bedford Hills. X. Y.: C. R. Wood. Phlladelnhla; T. W. O'Brien and W. A. Mclleo. Washington; C. C. CooV. Hartford. MURRAY HILL L. B. nontlngton. Taw. tucket; I. A. Kershaw, Clinton, N. J.: Edward I.frli. Jitneilown. -V. l.i Bennett Rodaera and T. Echaw, Mttabnrg; Mr. and Mra. Clarence JJ071C, HI. IWJ". BANKS JOIN BESEEVE -SYSTEM. Six State Institutions' Admitted in Second District. Tho Federal Reserve Bank of New Tork, In announcing yesterday the ad mission of six State banks Into tho Fed eral Rtservo system, staled vfliat in the Second Federal nescrvo District were 133 State bonk members of the system., comprising 34 per cent, of the eligible State banks In number and 75 per cent. In resources. The admissions In the week ended March 1 were as follows : The Industrial Bank of New York City, the Merchants Bank of New York City, formerly Merchants National Dank; the State Bank of Shortsvillc, X. Y. : the State Bank of Belmont, N. Y. ; the American Bank of Lackawanna, N. Y and tho Bank of Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. KEEP THE THROAT FREE FROM GERMS. Formamint Tablets destroy them and prevent sore throat You can relieve that sore, painful throat quickly with Formamint Tablets. For they kill the germs and prevent infection of the inflamed membranes. You keep the mouth and throat an tiseptically dean, refreshed, and soothed with Formamint Tablets. Buy a bottle today tonight try one right away. They are harmless though powerfully germicidal. Don't let your throat bo the home of countless germ colonies. Destroy them. Singers, actors, smokers, etc., find Formamint Tablets pleasant and bene ficial. 60c. all druggists. ormamint tie GERM-KILLING THROAT TABLET WHITE TO-DAY FOB FREE SAMPLE It It of generous alio and will prove, to you that FORMAMINT Is wooderfully effective as well is nluuni Ira mnuth and throat troubles. Krad.a, 2-ent stamp to pay poatago and we ...1,. 1 - .11 ,U , UA.14U1J! mVWA fUU IUI9 irCU VilA. vuuu The Bauer Chemical Co. ins, w. tsm St.. New vwk SEE YOUR SKIN IMPROVE WITH POSLAM'S USE Just a little Poilam 'on sick skin tpread to cover the affected surface -will soothe, cool ajid comfort. And the skin, urccd to throw off Its disordered condl- tlon, should respond splendidly, so that gratifying improvement may do quicaiy acen. Slmnle. because Poslam la -powerfully effective ; Safe, because thero la nothing n It to harm ; Advisable always, becauso i-rup.Monal skin Is, risky 10 tolerate, troublesome and moarra.Sislny In the ex trcmeX Let Poslam show the way to ,erfrt skin health. Sold everywhere. For -free sample wrrto to Emnnrenc Laboratories, U3 AYeat 47th St. New York City. Poslam oap, medicated with Poslam, brbjHtens, beautifies QmjtiiiWhA&v. ADRIFT FOR St DAYS, BUT CLUNG TO MAIL Hawaiian Finally Rescued by K Japanese.' After flfty-ono days at tea In an open boat 'with no supply of food or water, J. Kalepa. Knnehalcu, a liuiliy Ha iullnn mall carrier, has been returned to Honolulu not only allvo but very littlo (ho worw for his oxperlcncc, Nearly two montliu ago Kanchaku etartrd out with a littlo motor bout containing tho mall for a ltuf-day's run to a neighboring Island, On tho uuy engine troublo developed and by tho tlmo this was fixed the supply of fnNnTnA unu AvhrtnntH tlifnuirli 'tho I waste due to the rcpalrc Caught In tho currents between the Ulcndii, the little craft drifted and drifted hundred! of miles, but always within easy swimming distance of tho shore. Kanehttltu, however, refused to desert the mall or to abandon the eraft of his employer. For several days no was without water and for many days he was without food. When 1( did rnln a canvas drained tho water from tho littlo deck forward Into gusolcno cans and u flohhook and pleco of red cloth to Httraot fish enabled ine unfortunate: man to catch enough to' sustain life, Itcscuo was finally effected by Japa nese fishermen who were putting to sea tor a long trip. Their hatches were well filled with Ice, so that 'to return to Honolulu caused them u very consid erable lose, hut with characteristic con sideration they took the motor boat In tow and put bock to Honolulu, That day the men. In the Japanese market made up a considerable purso ond pre sented It to tho Hawaiian who had been so faithful to hla trust. JAPANESE PROMOTE . GRfZAT RAILROAD Capital Involved Will $100,000,000. Be Accordlnc to a plan of Toklo and Yoko hama capitalists, a copcern will bo pro moted with a capital of $100,000,000, and doublo railway lines will be. built between Toklo and Osaka, a distance of 290 miles. Each train Is to consist of five or six cars, each car capablo of nc commodatlng 60 to 100 porsons. As the principal object of tho railway is for lone distance travel, only four or Ave Intermediate stations will be estab lished, and the dlstanco between tho two cities will be covered In six hours, at the rate of fifty, miles nn hour. , Trains will be despatched from cither terminus at nn Interval of one hour. If the scheme Is allowed by tho authorities ond becomes an accomplished fact, there Is no doubt that tho existing pressure on tho steam railways will be relieved. JAIL LEGACY F0l FAKE HEIR. 'Tollali Count," Who Borrowed on Mythical Ilequests, Is .Sentenced. Zdzlalew C. Komorowrky of 336 13aat Elghty-alxth street, who obtained sev eral thousand dollars under tho pretext that he was a Polish Count who had re ceived millions under the will of a sis ter, was sentenced yesterday to not less than two years In Sing Sing by Judge Mulquecn In tho Court of General Ses sions. He had received notice" of a legacy of J 1,000 from a relative In Poland. V. S. License Ured for Doctors). Ciiicaoo, Slarch 2. Federal licensing of physicians and stricter requirements were advocated to-day before the Con gress on Medical Education and Licen sure here. Eight hundred doctors from all parts of tho country were present "A thrill a minute" is the way onC of the millions who read Louis Tracy described his new de tective story The Strange Case of Mortimer Fenley "You'll Say So" Cdwird J. Clodo New York Ikatfsliid BOOKl M3 STOCK REDUCTION SALE The inauguration of the New Management of Heory Malian'i Ine, it the occasion of this Sale .to make room for Incoming Stock. The New Management it "Starting Right" .in itt effort! to observe r the policy of "Complete Stocks Standard Works Very Low Pricei." Inv'estlcat this Introductory offer, it will prove to yeur ad-, vanlan to dOao. 42 B'way and 55 Nn Street fn the Heart 0 i Wall Ctrtci DUMct. Read the Book and See the Play 'SHAVINGS' by Joseph C. Lincoln Shavings Wmself is a typijal Joe Lincoln character. A wind null maker, quiet, queer but re spected by th? 'whole village, his life is calm and peacefu. till a cer tain woman moves in next door to the shop. Then it is just one excitement after another This book is recommended by and may be rented from WOMRATH'S LIBRARY 15 East 28th Street. Sltveat th Street. G43aUdUon Avenue llcnrj' Malkan, Inc.. Broadway. 3 Iltctor St. Arcade V. 8. litpren Bids. 900 Madison Avenue (earner 4Iat St.). (Srand Central Sta. (nr. .'Mendel' Kelt.) (tja M.i-lion Ave. (near 70th St.) l(4 in-tlion Ave. (near Hid St.) jiv 1 twuy (near 7Htli tit.). Ho ll;u.i(a.OlthMtreotandBroadUr. 2TDJ Urnadway (neartlOSth Mreet). J4K) liioadway (near 143d Street). Philadelphia. 15 South 13lh Street. Italtlniure lfl W. Saratoga Street. Waablniton U16Fat..N.W..Koomlll. m ii'Ab. r earn 1 v CANADA AWAITING SIR ROBERT BORDEN Premier Expects to Itoturn to Duty Soon, if His Health . Permits. WILL vNOT HETIItE NOW 'Sir Gconro roster Itcmains Acting PrJmo Minister and Abeyance. By a Slag Cttrttponicnt of Inn Ec.t'AXD' New VonK Heiuid. Ottawa, Ontario, March 2. Tlio- re- -turn, of tho ministers from New Tork, pvlicro they mot Sir Ilobert Borden, and their brief public statement that he will return to duty later In the nenslon, It health permits, Is Interpreted to, mean that no decisive efforts will be put for ward by tho Cabinet to end tho present situation! that Sir Gcorco Foster will continue to bo octlnp rrlmo Minister; and that qucstlona of policy will bo dealt with as becomes Imperative from condi tions, iwrt for reasons of expediency. In consentlns to acknowledge thin plan and bo a party to It. Sir Robert Borden Is not consulting his own desires only, but tho earnest entreaties of party lead ers. The logical think for him to, do Is to retire, ho Is at tho crest of his public career; his placo In Canadian history Is sccuto: nnd It IS extremely doubtful If his Government could bo returned. There arp four vacancies In tho House of Commons, two In Quebec and two In Ontario, Writs have been Issued for elections In Kamouraska, Quebec, and Tcnilskamlnsr, Ontario, for April. The result wIllBuldo tho Ministers In rcor conization of the Cabinet Friends of the Government seo Hon. J. D. Reld. now Minister of Railways, as first President of tlto now Canadian National System, with Howard G. Kelley. now president of the Grand Trunk and an efficient rail way engineer and operator, for general manager., Hon. J, A. Caldcr la spoken of for Canadian Minister to tho United States. Woman Killed by- Ambalauce. A Red Crow ambulance crossing the Bowery t FourUi street yesterday Awervcd suddenly to avoid ttrlking Mrs. Frances Fasanp of 315 Bowery. The ambulance) mounted a snow pile and was passing tho woman safely, when tho left side wheels went Into soft snow and the car toppled over. Mrs. Pagano was caught directly beneath and killed. Select Your Foreign Markets The rich and prosperous countries of Latin America offer un rivalled markets for American manufacturers and exporters. Agricultural machinery, tractors, auto-trucks, automobiles, .building and industrial materials and supplies, and general commer cial goods are in big demand. And this demand is steadily increasing. The Pan-American Financial Congress in session recently at Washington contributed much toward expediting trade between Latin America and this country. y lia Hacienda Spanish and Portuguese Editions Monthly ' for fifteen years has co-operated with, anci server manufacturers in building and promoting profitabeexport trade with Latin America. The two separate editions of La Hacienda circulate among leading Importers and Dealers and the Consumer Buyers with whom large export orders originate. Our research and service department will make trade investigations and market analyses, and furnish basic facts and figures for you. Complete co-operative foreign sales service is accorded our advertisers. Honlltt of general itformation. and copy of LA -HACIENDA mailed upon request. La Hacienda Company 52 Broadway New Sidway BIdg. New York City Buffalo; N. V. FAR EAST HOLDS FAVORABLE BALANCE In Pgsition to Pay for Goods, Bought Here. ' Washington, Feb. Whllo the net trade balanco,ln favor of tho United States-In 1919 won ?t,017,73,000, eev era! south American and Far Eastern countries held balances against this country of JflSt.O&J.OOO, taystho annual report to-day of tho Federal Reserve Board In naming tho countries to which extension of credit will not bo necessary for tho continuance of foreign commerce; The board's analysis shown that the British East Indies hold the htfrnest bal ance against the. United States, Imports i from tho East Indies for tho year ex ceeding exports by 1240,634,000. Cuba was next, with 3140,310,00V,' and Brazil followed with a favorable balance of $118,916,000. China's balance was Jt8, (39.000 and Japan, with 343,039,000, silently exceeded Argentina's tot'at of 143,190,009. Chile had a balance or IM197O.OO0. These countries, the report pays, in general aro In a position to pay for goods bought, from the United States, either through exports or by the ship ment of gold. Kentucky Standard Oil Ileport. Tho Standard Oil Company of Ken tucky reports for 1919 nctproflts, after Federal taxes, of 52,229,038, equivalent to 337.10 a share on Its capital stock, against 31,463,948, or 324.33 a share, In 1918. I'rotlts for 1919, before taxes, were 33,726,033, an tncreajo, of 31,012, 085, and net after taxes of 33.220,033, an Increaso of 3762,035. Dividends were .unchanged at 3720,000, and tho year's surplus was 31,506,033, an advance from tlmf of 1918 of 3762,085. Tho total profit and loss surplus as of the close of the year amounted to 34,240,640, an Increase over that of tho year before of 31,406,033. SHIRT CLEARANCE High Grade Negligee Shirts at $1.85 & $2.65 were $2.5 to $4.00 Ail iveat Fattrrns. Soft Cuffs Only. $3.00 stiff cuff shirts at $1.95 k 55.00 Russian cord shirts, $3.45 Short Stiff Bosom Shirts To close at $2.75 MW12 "iSMadtMJ xiskons fir Sfuina . pom . d . mnSiSZ Juhedca J ioaetier-Mi& Wiiw Gmtiofip as Gad Sjiert Clollics or Kimball BIdg Chicago. NORWAY'S FISH AND FAT.S FOR GERMANY . , . i Premier Arranges Credits, Is London Report. X.0N00N, March J. A wireless des patch received horo from Berlin an nounces that the Norwegian Promler has stated that Norway Id prepared to supply Germany- with nsli and fats Qft AMtiSESIKNTS. AMEMCA'S FOREMOST Winter nnrrlnn',r,vfoth-KT-"'o0 WIIUCT UaraenMATINEBTO-M'.W. LOUIS DK FOB. WORI,D"A dawl nt "e apertocle. 1'aaafS all tlin rw," . BOOTH TP84- th,W.of IVway.Eva.8a0, . " faltaeMT0KlaytSa.SH). iio Ditrichstein In "THK I'URPMi MASK." QfKT ''."Mm nr. ll Vay. K JVtnOl. Mat. To-day and Bi 4-H.H'.I(I I Hat, 3:40 Frandne Larrfmoro Cf A 1 1 ") A I lntbefamouromeiy kVVrAt N1VVU, ELTINGE Matru" K way.KvH.au10. Hat.atailO. PLAYHOUSE West 48th St. Eves, at 8:30. "A FRENCH TKU Tl W7 1 i ne w onaer A Play of Locet mtU m en!.-. r i'Who play3 deftly, alluringly, bowitchingly "Mr. Woblcott,rimcs yT THE SELWYHSPreVX MMf xnttO wgov caiw THE 'COMEDY GEMl! ' f mm W 1 W selyn' HfiRRiste MB KSSSSiS83orBii.Mo ivs.BJo-wiivtoi.3Ar.iSo The Selwyns in rt present- Jane SUBURBANITES HAV AMPLE TIME I'OSITIVELYTUE BIGQEST TO MORA RAYPQ Theatre. 4 Ith St.. W. of Rroadway. Evs. S 4X INUINrt DrtlLO Loap Yeir Maltnce To-day. Best Seats II.M- r'Possesaed ViaOR HERBERTS SffiSWSIjay T My Golden Girl -i, ,.r"ecommendkd py everybody I abundantly of Pep." Eve. Sun. kOttOiCOTS OSKi COWIW WT r f r AMnraniTRtL ar .to.i Ha-aiiamncfiais luin jiz.oi uwih Wl'none in uryani. turiiuu iv . Mat. Wril. & Sat. 2:S0. iTha Musical Corrreiq Hill mi with EDITH DAY NEAV YORK'S h E A D 1 if O T II C1WIPIPP BVay&40thSt. Evs.830. LMrlKE. M'TO-DAYandSat.saO. ETHEL In Zoo Aktns' Tlar. E Declassee GEO. rflMAN BTay & St.Evi. 830. M CUrlAlN Ma(a. wed. & Sat. 320. FIRST MATINEE TO-DAY 2:20. Sam II. Harris presents AlirtVnr WILLIAM Rocb COLLIER Laughter I in THF. HOTTENTOT FUNNIEST FARCE EVER WRITTEN. SEATS HK T.I.I NO B WEEKS AHEAD. B'way. 44 St. ' Evs. S 30. Criterion MatsVnur.: Sat.3:30. LIONEL BARRYMORE N THE LETTER OF THE LAW ii.a miK HQtinm KNMCKERBOCKEn.n-y.38St. Xvs.8flO. Maw. Wl.&Sat.2.-3J. MATINEE TO-DAY. ENTIRE OKOHRSTRA tlgO. nALO. 81.00. 2d TIAIvO.. MIC. HENRY W. SAVAOE oOorj The Sunsmny uapo ju wtmi SHAVINGS from Joe Lincoln's BcjV Boot. "Like a. breath of life froai the root bcaehraonahotanmuiera All Scats at Box Office Kcsolar Prices. day. fcvo. jouraw. HUDSON I Booth Tarkington's ffAPffi r.larftTiCfi. Wad. & Sat, 3 20. I ,.,. V. . "Best Light Comedy Ever Written by an American-Uaywooil Broun. Tribune. I m Theatre. Wost48th8t. Ergs.830. Lyceum Mats.Tc-morrow & SaWrdiy3--W. r rtrc -nl ninr na lllopwood Cohan & Harris Mat.Tday k si?.30 j0 7 Ma ABSOIUTS MJArWIC TBIU8?H A MABTfcUPUCt PtAX tUMiTBUCTIOH fOy RITA WETMANI POP. MATINEE TO-DAY. Bt Scats 3.00 ar GLOBE "Apple Blossoms" -Ki KreWer-Jaeobl-Le Baron Operetta. f with John Charles Tliomas. Wllda Bonnett. star Cast. Mata. W ed. A Sat. 'C la a HoIidAi- ai ine mn. 11.11. PQDRQHfi Siat rm tale for I weeks; AP raw 13 UvntUlHaLt. STMl CAST ' raw mi mug cMMbaU a. a aWrrruE credit, since Narway -la convinced that tho German people win compiy their obligations." The despatch adds that the Leipzig file opened with 11,000 .firms, exhibit low nnd that 90.000 visitors ba.vo ar- Lrjvcd; Including 14,000 foreigners. " Maine tti Inerenxe Artillery. x Wasmwoton, Marclt 2. Malno was huthorixed by tlio War Department to day to add one company of paaj artil lery to it quota, of National Guard units. THBATHES AND HITS, DinECTIOM OF "Crotheti' Best PIy."-. Sun HESHE Ith RAOIIKL OKOTIIKIIH ami OYItll. , KHIUUllr-i. "A Compicuously Fmt W-Truns. 1 itt.. Theatr. 4th St. AV. of rinjadwa Little Kv. sab. Mat. Toay at Sat. 3 M, oood haionv hkats 83. si.00- LfcJN IruVL. MaU. To-day Sat. II :30. SAMBERNARD&BORDOHI Fantaitlque Mu'il cal Itpvue. AS YOU WERE "IVIS.6W MATS.WlDfir ST WO ClEO MAYFIELD FIRST MATINEE TO-DAY. Matinee To-day at 2:30 O' MY HEART.' " f 1T11 rui i nine Laughter and Ttml InMa.Hnw IIP IMMlf V K fZVI CI TAKE A TIP-SEE A SELWYN HIT" YOU CAN'T GO WRONG Smilin1 Iroujii The DRAMATIC TrlllPH BPOADliUHST THEATRE-W.iiilt&Sr: DIRECTION- GEO. BP0ADHURST Eves. SJO- rWtlhrai Sal- Z.y CATCH THEATRE TRAINS MUSICAL HIT IN TOWN. Hnsiiovolt and pltiuancy" 3un-IIoraId tOlfl iJl. Mats.To-m'w&Sat.SJO. K vA.i MacKELLAR SUCClKss nt.' two sKAsnva. tJACT 1C ITHOT UUI U WCJI wllh PAY TIAINTER. 9 AaTOR-Mat3.Wed.& 8at.3ao.Eva.saO firlNEELLICnT'S Ks.3ao. Mats. To-day U Sat. 3:30. JOHN DREW S ii'Tcrfcction of High Comedy." ffttf Times K A T It K 8 A N p SUOOES8K8 New Armf rrrlam Thea.. W. 42d St. nmstcraam Kv. .,. Mtl. a,,s MAT. TO-DAY. 50c to $2 THE SEASON'S MUSICAL TRIUMPH Monsieur Beaucaire The Massasci-Tarklnatnn Melodic Rom. KW AMftl'kltljAM Uiiiiu,jl'i.o.Sh!iV REOPENS VlCr CCI H Mon Mar 8 9 o'Clock Revue SEAT SALE FRIDAY. "GIRLS OF 1920" 3D EDITION MIDNIGHT FROLIC OPENS THURSDAY. MARCH II. MATS. TO-DAY (POPULAR) & SAT.,2.30 CHARLES niLLINOIIAM'S Latest Musical ComedyJoy Ride "THE NIGHT BOAT' Bv Anns Caldwell. JEROME KERN'S REST Twin uvs. H30. at Tha libkkty. ureenwicn y uiagej Tnun) &Sat 3ao FIRST MATINEE TO-MORROW, EMILY STEVENS In Philip Moeller's New Comedy. With O. P. SOPHIE IIEGOIE VII OAIETY.TI'y.4fl8t.Ev.830.Mata.Wd.&St MATS. TO DAY. FRIDAY & TUES.. 20 EUGENE O. O'NEILL'S GREAT TRAOEDY BEYOND THE HORIZON CRITERION THEATRE SrEO'L MATS. EVERY WEEK. 5 John DrtSkwitfrt ABRAHAM UHCOLN . Cort Thaatrc west -ts u c Eves. S:IS. Mats. TO-DAV A Bat.. 3:15. HENRY MILLER'S jSf&ffiS Evs. S'O, Mats. To-ra'w A Sat.. 330. HENRY MILLERaJ5j BUUKHEBATE5S "Eltctrtfrtes effect.' Burna MahUe. Mall BELASCO S&S.", LenoreUlric By O'conro Srarborouih and David Belaico. STANDARD Bjway.flOSt. Pop. Prices. JlrtlNUrtILi Mats.To-m'w&Sat. v UMliirw "DADDIES" Ed MUM? VI ag11 J r I With "1 nirli in Fnlso Firo runic ,A .young Italian woman bperntlmr ft lewlnir machlno in tho loft factory of thn Rnaetaitv Knee Pants Company, on ,. firth fiw of 206-203 . Canal street. yesterday cried "Fire" when the electrlo fuso attached to tho machine blew out with a shower of sparks. The' cry pro duced panlo amonjf the fifty or more other employes and thero was a rush for the exits. Several of the girls -were , over come Jn tho crush. Firemen louna Jen nle Chende, '25, of i Centre Market Place, who had fainted. She was wicn nomc, AMUSEMENTS. tEB AND, J. J, 8HHDERT. I VDIP 4Jnd.W.rfH'way.Eves.flaio. MatlneTo-day&fiat.330. FIRST MATINEE TODAY at 2:20 WALTER HAMPDEN In E 11 By Percy MaeKayo . "ImnrMjdvM and noblr did. Hona. "A glorious ftruro." Tribune. "tlnmrnmnrt f,lonilni-n 'WnUU.IIersM. "Will live In literature." Morn. Toleirraph. "A flno fliura . . . Reaooant oratory." Times. ... "Finn and dimple . . . Tnorongniy ouman. Evo. World. . , .. "Beautiful, brisk and cleao-cut spectacle." rrf?he.. . ... win do long rnroemoerea. oun. "Reads with a lieauty and clarity that sots a model," Eve. Telegram. .... .''Afinoflirureofaman." Eve, Mall. , "Audience largo "3 eajerly responsive.' Kv. Pnaf . KVKHY AMKIIIDATJ SHOULD SEE 'OEOROE WASIIINOTON.' IT WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER AMERICAN." Journal or commerce, PRINIPPV SOth.E.ofB'way, Evs.SSU rUUNUriDO MaU.To-dayftSat.2a0. HERMAN TIMRERO'S TICK-TACK-TOE Words. Music ft Lyrics by Herman Tlmhorn. S?nRn;m West4.St. Eves, ataaa lVIUtUOVU Msu.Today ft 3 30. A SENSATIONAL TRIUMPH! ri cii? In Arnold Bennett' Ferguson f,BgiSW BELMONT SS7. HAHIE O'MBL PASSION FLOWER mMPnY'way.EvenlnrsS35. VAWlEXH Mats.To-m'w&Sat.3da. MY LADY Arnerl'sj wltD Clifton FRIENDS comedy) Crawford PLYMOUTH gto-Sat. Eve John Barrymore'" Richard HI. ,LflngaCTC Mats. To-day &St..3:30. i POPULAR PRICE MATINEE TO-DAY I I' Ray Comtlock ft Morri; Oest Pretont ijMONTu Adam and Eva ( hnrmiirtitr amulng.canltally nrtH-TrlU'o CENTURY THEATR5 I To-nicht at S'lS ( I MATINEE TODAY.' 50c to $2 Ray Combtock ft MorHs Oest Prose nt 35u- APHRODITE COMPANY OF 300 l'EOPLE-8 8QENF.S. '(UKNTUUV OKOVK.ItTor Century Tnei. JiMorris Gest Midnight Whirl jnvs.UflO. BwtAftfrThentreHlinw In N.Y. AMERICAN SINGERS OPERA CO. In Gilbert ft Sullivan's Comic Opera Burlesque "Tlio Ixwt show I ever n In my lir." Aletsndor Woollcott of the Tlm'. PARK T.,,EATRI!-ColuJnbu'clrc''-lKv,-ri VrATw Matlneo Saturday 3:18. 8:1S. n?ir.L-'way. IMtaTo-m'w UamCKorooleyI532E-s.830 ft8at.3UJ0 THE THEATRE GUILD Announces "JANE CLEGG" ByStJohn ErrlneAuthor of "John Fcriruson" BIJOU West 4Stb St. Eves. S30. Mats. Wed. ft Sat, 3 3a DI7DI1D.I in West d St. Eves. HXO. ia- uutwMats. Wed. ft Sat. at 330. in CASINO ??h Broadway. Evo. . M-To-m'w ft Sat. 3 aof MUSICAL COMEDY EXQUISITE. I Little. Whopper With VrVIENNE SEOAIs, SHUBFRT Tlien..44th.V .of B y.Kv.S:15 onuoci i Mats. To-m'w and Sat.2:I5. DOUOLAS MacLEAN and nonis hit In "SlinVS" .Conitily. RlvellOrchestra IALTO'- MARY MILES MINTER duny or iiogue s Harbor imc J"niALTO ORCHESTRA O B- F. Keith's rALACE Mats.DaUr35c-tl. SOPHIE TCOICER Nina Payno ft Co. Frank Dobson ft "Sirens" HELEN KELLER R U. F. holtu'a iverside B'way ft Bflth St. MARIE OAICILL HARRY FOX ft Girls. v"A Recklrus Evo." Bronson ft Baldwin, oths. 81 WoIUnon Cross. Toto; Dorothy Shoe maker ft Co., others, ft Constance Talm&dge'slatttt Picture "Two Weeks." Keith's St. ft B'way. l-opuiar Prices. Vk.ifOUTM WBBK, ' On The HdilsrUt Past J ' LOEWS New York Theatre & Roof Cont. 11 A. M. to It I. M. Roof to I A. M. Mary Macharea. "The Forged Bride. Loew'AmericanlWf'?y5: ANDREW MACKIAUSe&ta And Eight Other Bis Acts. Reserved le Roy Stilts -'ARONERS Orf Tntt NIGHT STRAND ORCII COLUMBIA. Bwayft 47. Twice Dally .,Eres Maids of America with Bobby Barry S;15 SOTIXa AND MsTTACJUNTE, I iPARADI,SE,, rAllAila Sherbo's Wonderful Orchestra i Direction of JACK LENIGAN AN ALL NIGHT DANCING CARNIVAL AMUSEMENTS. NEW I0RK SYMPHONY (ORCHESTRA Walter Damrojqi ....i,..coNpucTorf Carnecle Hall' Sat. Aft. Msreh I. at J:. Sf MPrtONY CONCltRT for Tpun PejPl ! 'tKfCATES Aeolian Hall, Sunday Aft., March T, at :. I, Bunaay ah., iren AGATES Soloist, LUCY POPULAn PROGRAMME. Cnrnesle. 1111, Thurj. Aft.. March 11. at 3. PONSELLE Berllos. Bellini. Warner. Tlcltetat Bore Offices. OEO. ENOLTSB, Mgr. METROPOLITANS MA .. a nr uritti'pnA'A Mrntr p Alda. Oordon. Oalll: Klnpton. Cond. Hadley COQ D OR. uarrientos, ounaeiius.aiuuiis COQ D'OK. Barr lentos, Bundellus. amu Zaneltl, Bolm. Cond., j3amboscheOJ TimiH. h:1S. OBERON. Ponsel leTlTo rd vy tier rill, at o. i hvfi iir.&u uiuda Oalll: Caruso. Rothler. cond. Uodanjicy. SAT. at 3, l 2. plAliun. rarrar. Usui r ! Farrar. Oalll fjlarttett. Do Lui ir.M rtftf.hlM. Reffumla. Gnnd. wnltt. . Rothler. G uona. wo NEXT JXTMON.H.1 AL'KusnWAMORB. Bar- f'enio.9parkw.-Cinty WKD.atTSOSharpJ". o,ieI,wa. D'dur.dd Pact PARSIFAL. MatzanaueC. Whltehlll.Rnthler.DId Itothter.btdur. Cd.Bodanxky HIPPODROME, Sm. Eve Mar. 14,8:15 ' H a-. TITO ,. RuffO Acslstloir Artist ANNA FITZIU Tickets. 2r50. 3. It.80 $1.00. Mall Orders Now to Hippodrome. i uox vmce oaia ipana jiiarcn. o, CARNEOIE HAI.L,4Pat, Eve., Mar. Yi VlR8T AFFliARAtfcB of the ISADORA DUNCAN DA-NCERS Assisted by Full Symphony Orchestra. Edward Falclt. Conductor. i I Tlckettll to $2. Now on Bale at Pox Office. CARNEGIE HALL. SAT. AFT. MAR. 13 At 3:30 riano KoclUl JOSEF HqfmanN LatAppear'eThlSaason. (Btelnwayplano. CARNEOIE HALL. BUTjT.. MAft. 7. at 3 Son Hocltal REINALD WERRENRATH At! Englddi 'Prorani. (Btelnway llano.) Aeolian Hall. Mon. Eve.. Mar. teat 8:W. ELSHUCO TRIO Beethoven Tschaikowsky Program. (Mason ft Hamlin Piano.) PHILHARMONIC JOSEF STRANSICY. . . .. Cenductor CARNEOIE, HALL To-m',w (Thurs.) Evr 8:10 A FrI. Aft . 3:30 rualf ALBERT SPALDING To-morrow: Hadley Symphony. "Four Sen. sons." Conducted by the compo9er,Deltus,&c. Friday: "Erolca," Symphony, eto. Next Saturday Evenlnr, March 6, at 8:30. AVf RUDOLPH GANZ All Toha'lkovsky Proerarfttne, Including "Pathetique" Symphony Tickets at Box Office. Fellx F. Lelfal. Mrr". Hippodrome. Nt Sun.- Aft. Mar .7 JOINT CONCERT BONCI AL 1J VyllV-l PROOItAM MATZENAUER SEIDEL.,. TJcIteta J3.50. f3. SI.SO. 1 1,- noir on sale Htppo4roma Bot Office, HIPPODROME Next Sun, Night siAiicu 7tn at :--conccrt by JOHN Mc Cormack SEATS NOW ON SALE AT HIPPODROME BOX OFFICE. AEOLIAN HALL, SAT. AFT.. MAR. . at 3. First 'Cello Recital In two years by PABLO CASAL S Reals 73c to I5i N . OfTlre. M;t.Me(r.M'lealDarei'i. Jl" wnillsmllnlllsso. cord; Music Hull. Bwny i Centra) ParkV OJ NEXT SATURDAY EVE.. 8:15, Second Piano Recital JEROMK RAPPAPORT Sensational Elht Year Old Boy rianlst. Tickets Now at Box Office, personal Ri. Hepry- Schroeder. Mgt. Hugo Houcek. Philadelphia Orchestra TUES. EVE.. MARCH 9, nt 8:15, Carneele Hall, 'Schubert. Three excerpta from "Rosamundo," Hadley, Overture, "Othello" i ' conducted by the Composer. BRAHMS. SYMPHONY NO. 1. C MINOR. OPERA TICKETS PHONE A IRQ GREELEY "tloV Igeats All Parts of House. Subscriptions Bouirht. Soil Jacobs' Ticket Office ixormanaie Hotel, Ii yJSSt. CAPITOL BROADWAY at 51 Street. BQI IM in 11 WM.CI VMH Preients "THE FIVE. J. rLinn(l5.00)LX)LURPUTE" Ciniis and Mia!c Nove't1 .-ni - yn BROOKLYN AMD8EMENTS. CTAR "ir. iT nr-.lfu'ton St. Mat. avery Bunaay two pit Concerts HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS 14th Street, neat Fourth Avenue. AT0P REISENWEBER'S Columbus Qrcle and 58th St; Six of the Most Beautiful . Hostesses a. 1 ' BP si mi jkL 1 1 s?!W ssssssssssssssssssssssssss