Newspaper Page Text
'.7 I ; TfiB SUN AID 'KEW YORK HERAII; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1920. 'if- SHIPPING NEWS FROM ALL PARTS F THE WRlB77 v 1 WWJt NO CUT IN COMMERCE DEPARTMENT WORK House Refuses to. Reduce Agencies, Restores Attaches. Special to The Bi-n and Nrw York HtKAir. ' Washington, .March 2. Tho Houso by,a voto of 210 to39 to-lay refused ju sanction partial abandonment or drastic reduction In tho Department of Commerce ugenclea for tho development of foreign frade. which was recom mended by tho House Appropriations Committee, After two hours debate an appropria tion of Jl5,000, for the continuance iurlng the flaeal year ending Juno .10, 1921, of thoso commercial attaches of tho Department at tho principal burl nesa centres of tho world, was reinstated in the Italalatlvo. executive and Judicial upproprlntlon bill, A short time later tho appropriation for foreign trade In vestigations was increased from J17B.-1 000 to 325,00O. tho amount originally OBkfld by 'Li Department. Thero Is ' overy Indication that tho amendments will ba. approved by tho Senate. NOTICE TO THE SUN AND THE NEW YORK HERALD'S Ship Nnv3 Office is adjacent to the Barge Office at the Z?af tew. Telephone 1572 Broad. CLOSING TranaatUntlc -Mails. WEDNESDAY. MAIIOII 3. Ireland: also parcel Pott mailt, atr Gullfosi. 12 M. . . Belgium and Luxembunr ; also parcel poet mills tor Delirium. Luxemburt; and utlaian Conio. atr Londoaler. 8 AM. .. , Germany (; alio parcel peat mails for Ger many. Austria and Czecho-Siorakla. atr hero lee, 12 SI. Italy (t). atr San Glorxlo. 8 AM... , Netherlands: also parcel Doit mails, atr F J Luckenbacb.i'30 PM. , THURSDAY. MARCH 4. Swln (): also parcel post malls for Spain, fanary Islands and Ceutn. Melllla and Tangier In Ji.imcoo tr Antonio Lnn. SAM (irecce (?), str Megall Helles. 8:50 AM. IVH'inl ): 'also parcel not malls f'r ror qual and Madeira) atr Mormiyao. 8 AM. Seneaol. Sierra Leonej Gold Coast. Laaos and Mxerla. atr Bendu. 8 AM. SATURDAY. MARCn 0. Tranee and other countries 'la France (); alw pjreet nnat nulla for France. &c, str Chi- "ffim'p'e. Africa (except South) and West Asia: also parcel post malls for Great Britain. Ire land. c. str rhilsdelnble. 3 AM (sup 0:30 AMi. Kurope, Africa and West Asia (mall ). str Cedrl". li-AM (sup 0:8O AM). , , Europe. Africa and West Asia (mall ). atr Imiirrator. 8 AM (sup 0::3O AMI. Poland (t). str Mexico. 8:30 AM. ,, Smith Africa: also parcel post mails for Union of South Africa. Becnuanaland Tro tertorate. Portnaneae East Africa. Northern snd Southern Rhoileala and Sonth WeitAfric I'mtectorate. str Satartla. 0 AM (sun i:ZO AM). Italj It), str Realna d'llalla. 13 M. Mail for South and Central Amer ica, Weft Indies, &e. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3. Smith Braril. Argentina. t"ruuay and I'Jra rair. str Lalse Melsep, 12 M. (.anal Zun-. I'anauia. Shmor (printed mat ter. Aoi. Mcaiaxua lexcrpt east coas;i, Ami lull. Oholutari and prints. Ac. tor Nacaono. 'jernriaalpa and Yuscaran illondurzs). Caunt and .S'artuo departments of Colombia. bcia. i. l'eni (eicrnt luultost. Ilollvla and Chile (other i.urU of Honduras and letter mail for fiJUJ dor str Adom. 0:30 AM. Jtmali-a. atr Prlnceea Max. 8 AM. Jamaica and Colombia (Canal Zone and Pana ma ). str XItItcs. 7 AM. DEPARTURE SAIL WEDNESDAY Kerowlee. Ilsmburar Gulifoas Reykjavik ."V-'"' Ssn (lloralo. Naplri nnd Genoa..... F J Liukenbaih. Rotterdam. Fort Hamilton.. Bemnda Hulls. Maraauea. Ancon. Cristobal lundonler. Antwerp- H:00 PM 3:00 PM Noun I'M 11.00 AM ' Soon AM Noon 9 00 AM 10:00 AM Noon F.uclM. Montevideo. c. . . . . Tlrlves. KlnatD. CrlatoUl. Ac, Princess May. Tort Antonio..... SAIL TIICRSDAT- MDrinunao, Lisbon LidiJu. Dakar. Ac N'onn Noon PORT OF NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MARCH, 2, 1920 Steameri Due in New York. DUE MARCH 3. Sailed. Feb S . Fab n , F.b 7 . ., , Feb 13 ., Feb 12 ., .., Feb 12 . ..Feb 14 .. I.Feb 12 .. Feh 13 .. Feb 13 I ..Feb 14 . ........Feb 13 . . . . . . . . .. Feb 13 ........Feb 14 . , Feb il ., ........Feb 10 . Feb 18 . Feb 2i . From. Vigo Liverpool London Louden .......Havre Steamer, tlidlco Youuchlchl .. Somerset Invincible ..... ilaiuda ....... ktepban faatsuma ...... Uka Farce.... ituby Kuckhannoa .. Carolyn Woiidrlcbem ., Thnrdls Awensdaw ... Vauban Pennyworth . . Verentla II R Mallory.. Itlver Orontea. San Jnan 'il Vslle ssconla London i V.nt.H 1 l'.V.'...Hvr .....Malaga Olbraltar ....Barcelona ....( ,,,,reeno.'lt ....Olbraltar ....Llverpord ...Dartmoulh Newport ....Olbraltar .... Gibraltar ...San Juno ... .Oalveaton ..Queesitown ..Feb 1 ., , ren in.. ......... Fe 20 . .........Feb . DUE MARCH 4. Canada Frederlk VIII West Harcuvar. ... iKx-bft Aledo Derona , Port Lincoln Wynnochee Allagussb North Bend Moncallerl Medina Fort Victoria..... Alamo El Alha.. Arapahoo Ban Jacinto ..Feb' . . Feb 21 . ,;Feb 17 . ..Feb 17 . ..reb 23 . ..Feb 17 . ..Feb 18 . ..Feb 18 . ..Feb 15 . ..Feb 23.., ..Feb 10 . ..Feb 21 . "Mar 2 . ....Marseilles ...Chrlsttail.i LlveiTKd Gibraltar Fay.ll Olk..l... . ..ut.'i .,,, . ., Londoi I .... Rotten! ini i Algiers , ....... Faynl Olbnltar rithnltir Bermuda 1 Peb Sfl .... (lalve. tin ....O I ei- n ..Jacksonvlllo Havana ..Feb' 27 ..Mar t ..Feb 20 DUE MARCH' 5. Royal George.,.., La Tonralne liyffeld, Marsodak.... city or Savannah. St MU-bael Ulnnesotan...... . Feb .21 , ..Feh 23 ..Feb 17 ,.Feh 18 ..Mar 2 ..Feb 20 ..Feb 21 ..Southampton ........naVTe Falmouth (llbraltnr .....Savannah Bar ha do. ,,..St, Xaraire Almanac for New Yorlr, March 3. Son rises.... A t IVoon .tie.. . 4 32 Ptf I : & 40 sets.. Jloon sets... 0 21 AM To Prevent Grip - Tmkm "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets"0 Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c NAVAL ORDERS. Bpt'clal fo The Sum and' nw TonK IiinUp. WASHINGTON, March These. nral orJcrj were- made public to-day i Lieut. Fred W. pranircr, to duty Marine ex. pedltlonarr force, Haiti: Lieut. Homer II. H. Harrison, to V. 8. 8. Yarnell, a oxecullre officer; Lieut. Charles O, Hathaway, to turd Inspector of machinery. Newport Newe (ihlp Uulldlnr and Dry Dock Company; Lieut. John 11. Kneln, to u, 8. 8. Lea. ua executive officer; Lieut. Howard it. MeCleary, to duty Marine -expeditionary force, IIilll: Lieut. J. D. Thompson, command U, S. B. C-30J ICoav mandanl 13th Naval district): Lieut. Arthur, H. llltter, to dutr rncrultlni station, Oniahn; Lieut Dow H. Nicholson, to nary yard, Uos. ton. In public works' department; Licut.-Com. Edmund W, Stroltmr. to command U. B, 8. TJpshur; Lieut. (Junior rrade.) Walton R. Read, to U. B. 8.- Rodferi; Lieut. (Junior rrade) Charles J. Jlend. to U. 8 3. Schley: Ueut, (Junior rrade) Hart D. Btcphens. to V. 8. S. Brooklyn: Lieut. (Junior mrode) Murray T, Wllkerson.ojU, B. 8. Edsall. and on board when cnmmluloned: Lieut. (Junior trade) Wlllard O. Lockwcod, lo U. S. 8, Houston. Tenrherat Pay Hills nusuctl. Aldant, March 2. Tho Senato and Assembly Committees on Cities to-day voted to report favorably tho Lock wood Rlmpson bills designed to mako possible) Immediately Increased pay for teachers of New York city. MARINERS. OF MAILS. Bermuda, atr Fort Hamilton. 7:30 AM.. Porto nicoCoracao, Venesuela. 8t Thomas, St Croix. Ia Rom ana. San Pedro d Macorla and Su i DomlDM City, atr Zulia. OiSu AM (sup 10:o0 AM), THURSDAY. MARCH 4. Ara-entlna, Uruay and Paraxuay (). atr Euclid, 0:30 AM. Knnth nmll mtr OnalVIII 1 1U Bahamaa. lacludlm Inartia and Fortune' la!- ands. Yucatan and Campecht (other parts of lie tiro .1. atr Rln Jirlntn S-Srt M Argentina, t'njxuaj and Paraxuaj, str Penn sjlraulan. 12 M. FRIDAY. MARCH 5. Cntia, str Mexico, 8PO AM. North Ilratll and lqnltoa. str Michael, 0 AM, SATURDAY, MARCH 0. Coati Rica. Canal Zone. Panama. Salvador (printed matter. Ac). N'lcarauua (except eaal coast). Amnpala. Choluteca and prints. &c. for Nacnorae. Teiraclealpa and Yuscaran tllon dnras). Canca and Nartnu departments fit Co lomlila. Ecuador. VHu (except loaltoO. IollTla end Chile iCuha and other parts of Honduras "ncMfttfr mall tor Eal,rador 'I. str I'listorrs, Berinuds. str Fort Victoria. 7:30 AM. Porto Rico. St Thomas. St Crol;. Li Bomjna, San l'fdro de Macorls and San Domingo City, str Braion, M SO TM (sup 9:30 PMJ. Turks Island and Dominican Republic, atr Huron., 0:30 AM (sup 10 AM). Transpacific Malls. Cloe at New York at 8 I'M as followa: Philippine lalan.Ia and specially addressed mall for Japan, Carta and China. Tla Seattle. str Ixlon. Slarch 4. . . , . Hawaii, tla San Francisco, atr Wllhelmlai. "llawail. Japan. Corea. China Slam. Siberia. Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies, rla San Francisco, str Persia M;ru. March 6. Hawaii, Samoan Isisnda, Australia and New Zealand, tla San Francisco, str Sonoma, March 11. Japan. Corel. China. Slam. Slbla Cochin rhtna. S'elherlsnds East Indies and I'hlllnplne Islands. Tla Seattle, sir Siiwa Marti. March i , Tahiti. Maraneaaa, Cook Islands Sew Zea land and peclll addressed mall for Australia, via San Franclaco. str Moana, March 13. Must be specially addresned for this steamer. tl'arctl post malla and specially addressed correspondence. OF STEAMERS. BAIL THURSDAY. Nneces, fialveston. San Jacinto. Prornso, Ac Pennsjlvanlan; Montevideo, Ac Acbe, Charleston anil Jacksonville. I' de Sutniatetnl. Cadli '. El Cld. (lalveaton , Lcnape. Jacksonville , Menll Hellas. Piraeus Crossbill. Rli Janeiro. &e I itlae N'iel.f n PloJ'nelm City of Montgomery, Sarannih SAIL FRIDAY, Meilco. Havana.,' Nomi 3K I'M Noon 3:00 PM N'oi 10:00 T'l f OO PM 3:00 I'M N'oou Noon Nouai 'l l, unc. j.a. uubu.i w.. ........... Momus. New Orleans TIME OF HIGn 'WATER MARCH 3. Sandy Hook 22 AM fl 31 PM Oovernor'a Island 7 08 AM 7 27 PM Hell date (Astoria) 0 00 AM 0 32 I'M CTTlie time given In th above table la East ern stsndard time and Is furnished by th United States Cosst and Oeodcttc Survey. DROPPING OF TIME, BALL. NEW YORK. March 2-The time ball above the Navigation and Marine Kngineerlng Schvl' of the Seamen'a Church Institute. No 23 South street,' dropped to-day at exact noon. 73tli meridian time. 3 hours slow of Creenwlch mean time. Anr one desiring rrect Greenwich mcJii time telephone Broad 207. ARRIVED. Sir Imperator (Br), Liverpool Feb 21, lo the Cunard Steamship Co, Ltd, with 410 first. 400 second cabin and 331 steerage passenters, malla and mda. Went to pier 54. North River. Sir Northern Pacific (tramporp, Antwerp Feb 22 and Portamoutu. E. 23d. to the V ft Army Transnort Service, 'with 114 officers and, civilians. .113 troops and stores. Went to pier 3, 1 1 oho lien. Str Calsbrla IBr), Leghorn Feb B. Naples 8th, Messina Oth, Pslermn llth and Ulbrallar lr.tli, to the Anvhor Use, with 1 passenger and md.e. Went In pier 33. North River. Sir Challenger, London Feb 15. to the Amcrl' can line, rlth mdse. Anchored off Liberty. Str Port Ltn-otn (Br), London Feb 16, to the Cunard Hteaniahtp Co. Ltd, with mdse. Went to pier K, Weehawkrn. Str Sommen (Hwl. Oothenhnrg Ian II end Newcastle. E. Feb 0, to Furnes. Wlthr k Co, with mdse. Will an (o pier 3d. East Itber. . Str EnglewooU. London Feb 2 and St Michaels 17tb. to the Cosmopolitan Shipping Co, In bal- ia.i. itrnt io pier iiooosen. Sir nvmerlc Air) London Feh 11. to llonlder. Weir A Bovd. In tallsst. .Went to Robins' dry dock. Brootlvn. ' Str Brlndllla, Dartmoulh Feb 0, to D T War den. In ballast, Str Hoxle, Hull Feb 14. to J II Winchester A Co. In ballast. Went to foot of 20tb street. East Itlver. Sir Freeinsn. Cette Feb 10, to the Cosstwlso Transportation C, In ballast. Ordered to Nor folk and proceeded. Sir Santa Cecilia. C.lhrsllar Feb 11. to the Oreen Star line, ln'b-iltast. Went to Robins' drr dock, Brooklyn, Str Algonquin. La Romani Feb 10. Maccrla 17th, San Domingo City 2ist, Sanchez 'AM. Samana 2-til. Porto Padre 24tli and "Inrta lalaml -lib. to the Clyd Steamship Co. with ." in Hengers, malls and mdse. went lo pier 31, Brooklyn. Str Matura (Brl, Demerara Feb 10. Brighton 2uth. l'ort Spain 21at and Orenada 2l. to the Trinidad Shipping and Trading Co, with 40 pas sengers, malls and mdte. went to pier 24. Brooklyn. 1 Str Jlanoi (Bt). Demerara Feb 10, Barbados 21st. Martlnlqu and Dominica 22i, Antigua and St Kltfa 23d and St Thomas 21th. to the Quebec Steamship Co. with 114 paaengfr. malla and mdsc. Went to pier 47. Norrh River. Str City of Publa. Oonalves Feb l7, Cape Haiti iuih and Santiago' 2,1th, to the'Rapor'l Mearash p line, with mdse. Went lo pier 40. Nortb River. Str take Lllleusun. Saguai Feb 11 and Nue vltsa 2slh. to R I Csmeron. with sugsr. Went to Warner's Sugar Refinery. Edgewater. N.I. Str Mtmplace. VIU Feb 20 and Xnettlas 23th. ,l-.,ne.Mu",n Steamship line, with radsc. Slr Mercury (transport). Criatohal Feb 21 and San Jnan 23th. to the V 8 Army Transport Service, with l officers and civilians. 89 tiopa.an1 stores. Went to pier 4. Hoboken. Str Meilco. Havana Feb 27, to the New York and Cuba. Mall Steamship Co, with 201 passen-ge-s, malla and mdse. 8tr Nueces Oslveston, to the Mallory Steam, ship Co. with mdse. J".E'..MoBtei. Ne?' Or'eana, to the Southern PacfTlc Co. with Elw. .vS,rKn,B'' Jackaonrllla and Charleston, lo the Clyde Steamship Co, with passengers and mdse. .Str Cltj.of Montgomery, Sarasnah Feh 28. to the Ocean Steamship Co. with mssengera and mdse. Went to pier 33, North River. Sir Jefferson. Newport News and Norfolk, to ' EUROPE. WANTED To pnrthsic Ford touring cars. Ford chassis and Ford one Ion trucks, for cash, against ocean documents C. 1. P.. I. A. 8. or t. O. B., for Immediate shipment. Mall or cable lull particulars with cbuals numbers average, also number ready for shipment, to 11. BC0XLA.VD. 21 Southward Bridge road. London. India. Manufacturera'and Merchants desirous of having connections with Indian market will benejdt greatly by communl eatlne wRh tbe DHIWAN1 TRADING CO, Ltd, Delhi, and TUB CENTRAL EX PORTS A24D IMPORTS, Ltd, Calcutta, the Old Dominion Stcarxahln Co. with Mssen. (era and radse, Went to pier Vj, North River.. Sir Mcgsll Ifellai (Uretk). Norfolk Marfh 1. to N A Oalanos, with rndao In transit to i'lrseus. Went to pier VJ. , Brooklyn. . Str Uovereior Forbes. I'hlladrlphU, In ballast. Went to ICmiilr stores, llrookljn. i Sir Clan Macquarrle nr), Boston. Tug Patience, towlni- II barxvs. Tun Minnie, ton Ids 1 barge. . Iteturaed-Str lU-tbelrldse, hence for l'rt Lubos. WIRELESS REPORH3. Sir Frwlerlk VIII (, Copenhawn for New York, was (170 miles K of Ambrose Chanaol llihlsblp at noon 2d. Will probably dock 'Ihunular morntnir. air tbojai ueorcc iBr). Sonthamnton. Ac. for b. Is sxnoctm to arrlr. at Hal: illfax at uejiiant wennesuay, Str Henry II Mallory. Naplea for New York, Is exivciva to uoca auoui u ah vteaucsusy. By 'United States NatbI Comnrunl. cation Service. Atmwell 13 mllea K Caw Henry noon 1st, Aillanca 313 lulles 8 Scotland light vessel noon 1st. Amprtro 1C1 mllea N Diamond Sboal noon Cd. Anacondn N'0 miles from Nantucket llxht tea sel AM at. Antllla lat 31' 41 N. Ion 70 M W, noon 2d. Arllnxton l mile H Fire Fathom Bank lliht Teasel noon 1M, Babbooalc I'M tulles SW Diamond Shoal soon BalJbiitle' 148 miles SW Diamond Sboal doou 2d. Beaeeirier 243 miles H Sabine bar soon 2d. Bradford 000 ndles NV fspe Mala 8 I'M 1st. Briton pasied Fire Island 11:20 AM 2d. C A Canfleld 7 mllea NK Winter Quarter Sboalu noon 2d, Caxambu 2SS mllea R Martins Industry won 1st. Cssllewood lat 38 SO N. Ion 74 31 W. noon 2d. Cathlamrt 4.'l mllea 8 Balboa noon 2d. Chalmrtte 123 miles 811 South Pass noon 2d. CHlcaaw lat 37 N. Ion 03 37 W, noon 1st. Cltr of Rome 132 miles SW Diamond Shoal City of St fouls 214 miles 8 Ambrcs: light v" nl tHVn D.I. ' Coiedale pasted Cape CUarlea llxht rettel noon Cowicbe 30 miles SW Moiilank Point noon 2d. Cretan paed Fire Island 2:31 PM 2il. . Dellsle US miles SE Ambrose llxht ttnl noon HUlwyn 23 miles S Dlsmond Slioal 8 I'M 1st. Udlito abeam Cape llMirr H:.Vi AM 2d. . El Orlente Utt mllea W Tortugns noon 2d. I'.l Slalo 00 miles SE South Pass noou 2.1. Evnrett 70 mllea 8 Fire Island light veaael noon 2d I Ren II F Hodges 120 miles 8SW Ambrote light vessel noon 2d. . . Olenrldre 00 miles S Cspe Chsrles noon 2d. Oulfoll 330 miles E Sabine bar. noon 2d. Idaho lat 40 11 N. Ion 08 37 V. 8:29 I'M 1st. Imperial 128 miles S Cane Mala 10 AM 2d. Incold 83 miles B Cai Henry 'noon 2.1, Isabels 00 miles SW Diamond Shoal 0 I'M 1st. L J Drake 123 miles NNE Diamond Shoul noon Lackawanna 100 mllea E" Ambrose llxht vessel fjkenCan'nonsburg lat 30 41 N. Ion 73 SS V. IjkeFosa'll 103 mlles.N Hstterta noon 2d. Uke Foucbc 400 mllea 8 W, Diamond Shoal La'kcVeneva 21 miles NE Cape Charles light Ln,ke,llulrstnra 'miles BW Capc.Lootout noon' ... Like' Kittle 217 miles 8W Diamond Shoal roon' iXv't- Parhuta 70 mllea N Diamond Shoal noon lke Superior lat S3 S2 N, loa 73 W. noon 1st, Ixnil.lana 27(1 mllea ESE Sabine noon 2d. Maiden 37 miles NF. Cape Chsrles noon 2d. Mariners Harbor 118 miles E St Augustine noon llfwu Mam lat 3 12 X. Ion 73 20 W. nocn 2d. Mernmount 400 miles F.rp Henry uoon 1st. Mlnnesvtan 0R3 miles E Cspe,Msr noon lirt. Monterey 302 mllra S Scotland light "Vcaiel SInnamar,477 miles 8 Scotland light versel noon ParVl'ienla lat 30 38 N, Ion 73 24 W. noon 2d. lJ"sSl? Bridge lat 28 33 N. Ion 88 13 W. noon IVHrlne 137 mllea E Ambrose lbrtit vcsel noon lWnoke 280 miles 8 Scotland light veaael noon Ls'iVlIunt 130 mllea 8 Ambrose light vessel .. .11 mil.. V. T,ho I.lsnd noon 2d. Sagua 298 nilles F. Ambrose light rewel 8 San Jose "50 miles S Ambroe light vessel noon Sam'i Bnrlmra 34 miles 8 Ilalhm S AM 2,1. 5aratnaca :0 mlle,8 South Pass noon 1; . Sherman SO miles NE Cai)e Henry noon 2d. Sclmeraet 1M miles SE Ambrose light tcsscl Splendor 'lat 32 N. Ion 77 W noon 1st. Sum.h!ne 4 inllea S Kenwlck Island noon 1st. Tjlmonntaln 210nll-a 8 Ambrose light vessel VaUSilal230 miles E Ambrose light Tesfel neon "il VeVntla 310 miles E Ambrow light vcsl noon Waithichlc ISO miles K Caoe Henry noon lit. Western 0-ean 272 mllej N Jupiter noon 1st. West Alcoa 6rtl miles K .Cane May noon 1st. West (laratio Wl mllea E 0crfalls light vessel WesTlsi-'y 303 miles F. Ambrose light Tesl 5Stn?ii 13 miles F. C.sre ltenry 8PM 1st. 1m 44 miles N Cspe Henry noun 2d. binding Uulf 400 miles E Cape Henry 8 PM Inf. 'Airspa 233 miles W Kingston uoon 2d. PASSED CITY ISLAND. , Bound South. Tugs John Car.flt. light lat 7 AM) : Eislern. with 2 barges lat 7:41 AM): Spartan and Oil mat. with 1 (st 8:30 AM): Comet, light Ut 10:20 AM).. Bound East. Str Pawnee, New York for Ronton. Tugs Wstuppa, wllh A baracs. (at iSli AM; W S Taylor. nh (at7:l3 AM): llog-r Will- 1 jams, onu iai AiW t ft. CLEARED. tFrom the U S Naval Communication Service. I Str Uke Orogan. Rarvklnsnn. Cork, Dublin nnd Belfaat Moure A McCormsck. Str Amanda iN'nr). Horresen. Reyklavlk. Ice-land-J II Winchester A Co. Str Oolden (late (Sort. Ammdien. Bergun. Staranger and Chrtatlania-Benham & llove.en. Str Valdura illr). Plough, Antwerp via Phila delphia Cunard Steamship Co. Str Kerowlee. Jones. IliimDuTZ Kerr Steam ship Co. Str Vltnivla (3rt, Germell, llavre-Wmiii, nt Spence & Young. .... . - Str P de Salnwtegu! (Spi, Ilo Irlinic.'. Cad'x nnd Barcelona Lull Llaliwi. Sir Berenice iDnfilil. Frerbl.s. dpc Haiti. Port de Pslx. At-runeh. i:dy.V Co, i Str W t: (5orx. 'Mr, friitobal I'aaaiua Railroad Steamsblii Co.- , t . Sir Ancoo. HuJglns. Crlstobjl-l'snsmi Kali rol Steamship Co. ' Sir Tlvives. Tcrfrx. Kingston. Cristobal. Ac Ciiltid Fruit Co. , . , . , , Ntr (I it i rowe inn. rcen, run I Warner, Qulnlan A Co. , . rt't?tr Fort Hamilton (Bit. McKeiule. Hamilton. Bermuda lurneaa. Withy, ft Co. . Str El Mar. Davis. lialveston-Soutbem Pa- clSt5rCLvuchburg. Kenncv. (Jjlreslon-Msllory SWlh'f-C8r v. n,t... I W h Orace C. Str t erro tiaruo, c.prai. uniiv.iww. pi. West India Steamship Co. str Apache, Staples. Charleston, and Jackson-vllle-Clyde, Slesmshlp Co. Str Consjgrove. Krwtoffersen. Norfolk At- 'gihr'r he?AdeIaMc (Br). Dill. Perth Am-poj-J V Whitney ft Co. SAILED. Strs Edward L Dohfny III. Tamplro: Apa;h. Chsrleston and Jacksonville: llmlella (Br). Olasgow v a Philadelphia: Kalserln Angusto V clorla IBr). Liverpool: Toledo Bridge. Go hen toJg"uif Ogderi, Slacorls: Joslah Mary. Wll- Naolea . .., . ... . . . Mrs (ilenMIvflur). wq i Janeiro, Janice, .r: Tuladl. N''v Orleans: Ijake low. Norfolk: El Mar. (laheiton: Msraval (BrL Demerara: rtere nice (Untrhl. Cape Haiti: West Eldara, Yoko haina. Shanghai, Ae: Ocn W C Oorgas, Crlsto- ui. 1K, Motor ship Bayonne. Phjlsdelphla. Motor schr Gusnacaste. Newport News. Tugs Boswell. towlne 3 barges inased out Ousrsntlne at 0:10 AM): John A lingoes (do et0:33 AM). M , .! . . I V. .... ... . . , ' - - - 1 Th corrected reading of the. barometer (reW dnevd lo sea level) at New York on Tuesday. Marcu 2. 1020. at 8 AM. as reported by th fulled States Weather. Bureau.. was. thirty and Sailed isi, air i'ransasi) ii.n. ..cwtafur. C-VWeiy approximaiea wmi iiuunrru i seven and elght-tentha (707.8) mllllme .-I.. all .n.a.1. .AW WlniT 111 A. apitoxlmatea wven hottdred and slaty )d eight-tenths (707.8) mllllmetns. Cap r all vessela sow lying In or sear tho iiorta of New yort: and Brooklyn can advan- serving whether Ibelr own barometers require any considerable correction or adjustment, i Wind at Sandy Hook. 8 PM. SE, .7, mllea: clear: light ground awell. At City Island at sunset, M, light breeze: clear; so sea on account of Ice. FflREIGN WEATHER, dABLE GRAMS. TltTVrWTmi atareh !i naromnter at noo. 30.01 Inches; wind, NW; weather, fair; tern- ! pcrature, 03 deg hanr. I CAPE RACE, NF. March 2-Barometer nt noon. ;uj incurs; wind, .ms, strong sreezcj weather, dull and cloudy: temperature, S3 d; Filir. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Str Mocaiatn. operated by Munsorl, Steam ship Co. aank at foot of 9lh st. Bnoktyn, j-u-tcrday AM. BOSTON. March 1-ShIpnIng Board sir Hil ton. Dartmouth. 1", for Baltimore, before re ported out of coal, waa towed. Into .Newport lata to-nltht by. Coast Ouard colter Acnshnet. iast unsrqi cuirer Acusaaei. uss issen in tow schr B If Warford, coal laden, bound for Nantucket, which bad bees uaablo to nt be yond Newport because of the Ice. It Is elv yond Newport because of the Ice. It la exyl pecica aoai me Acusoaet wiii w buiq io reacn Nantucket with the; actjooocr toaomtr mora .GALVESTON'. Tex. Feb 29-Str AsUetim. mlngton. u: .ocuouarir, ..m,"..,u, Norfolk anil Newport ,i.Nwa: Wllhelm ''Ifb.en. Port Loboa: West Indian. , Santos snd Illo .umlro' via' Norfolk: .Agwldale, Ceaoa and before reported arfoond. wat floated yeiterday and proceeded for New Tork. HALIFAX. March 2-Sevto lives ate believed to have been lost when crew of atr Bohemlau afterward Ua Bobealan broke lu to and aank, -tOXDOX. Slarch 2-Str Pontla. last reported bound from Stockholm for Ilapgo. went aahore, but aflerward got Uf vtlUi alsslstaace anil put Into Ystad. SIA.N1L.V. Feb 10-U 8 str Crook arrived here to-day V tow of U 8 atr Dlx. - Former lost four blades off propeller In tee off the Siberian coast. MOHILH, Ala. March 2-Tifg Calvert, which arrived' to-ilay from port Arthur with bara Allegutny, reports In severe storm ibet barge .iiingo. iiicn uroxe loose ana ssus. vrm nun ast and Jacob Hatch, who were on board, were dronued. Str Lake Strymon reports hnvlsc passed an rerlurni'd barte 13 mile. 8 of Southwest Pass, Miss, The barge Is lunrosed to be the Mam my, which left 'port a fen' days ago In tow of tug Alax. , NEWPORT, RI. March 2-Sblpplng Board atr Cedsr Springs, which went on the rocks at Rose Island last sight, was pulled clear at high tide late today by the. Coast Qmrd cutter Acushnet. She was apparently undamaged and prepared to proceed to Boston, I'illMDiai'llI A. March 2-Htr Numtaug, from Gibraltar Feb 17 for PMMe'hl". la r. poriMl l.soq mllea V, of Virginia Capes with ateerlng gear illsahled. Is proceeding lo desti nation with jury rudder. SAN l'RANCISCO. March 1-Str Rogilay (Una) liaa beealn .colllaton here and bad hole store above waterllne. Dangers, to Navigation. (Reported to the Hydrographlc Office. . Feb 17 lat 30 23 .N. Ion 74 60 W, a red nun buoy, 1 v Feb 17. lat 33 30 X, Ion 71 38 W. a woodeu spar about 23 feet long with wreckage ut tarned. . Keh 17. lat 33 34 X. Ion 73 W, a heavy plerv of timber about 13 fet long with 8 or 10 aplbei protruding from II. Feb. 18. lat 32 48 X. tm 37 01 W, sdir Res teflan. abandoned: crew picked up. Feb 13. Lit 43 M X. Ion 32 W. the derelict schr (Iwendoltn Warren lllrl with 0 fert of water In hold. Feb 11,' lat 33 34 X, Ion 43 W. a partly sub merged, derelict with, two spare brJiectlng sbove water. The tallest spar was marked with a white band about 3 feet wide. CABLE REPORTS. AVONMOUTH. March (-Arrived, atr O -leda. Baltimore via Norfolk and New York. AALKOitO Feb 22-Arrtred. bark Flxatjerne (Nor), New York via Qneenatown. AMSTERDAM, Feb 27-Arrlved. atr Radja (Luuui. ornr aur. ANTrt'KRI'. Feh 2rt-Snlle1. sirs Toronto (Br), New lurk iiornpy uastie (ur), unariea- ton, a'DET-AIDE. tVh 20 trrlrM uehr n.tlltv. (!rsv lliror. A III OA, Feb 2B-rrlvel. sir Ooa (Porl), New York via Balboa. Callso. Ac. ANTII.LA. Feb 2uSallnl. str Manx laics (Url. I.hrrpnol. URIXIMM. March 1-Salled. strs Remle' (Helgl. SVw York: Brailavon IBr). Sandy L'oak (for orders). ,' . BItKMKN Feb 22-Salled. gr Lake Falima Savannah, RARCRilNA. Feb 26-Salled. atr Ilia dr Panvy (Sn), Nevr York. .BILBAO, Feb 20-8alIed, itr' Mar Rojo (Sp). New York. . FOMBAV. Feh 2:l-Avrlved. str Langton Hall (Br). New Y-orU. HAT VIA. Feb 20-Arrlved. str Rottl (Dutch) New York via Port Said. Ac. 1U.TAOS AlllKM. Feb 2S-Salled. sirs Ijke Farundus. Boston: Frnnkmere Bri, New York. Kallwl Feb 20. schr Golden State. NVw York BALBOA. March 1-Arrlved. atra Ssn Juan Chamnerlco: 2d. Coulee. Antofagasla: St IjuI tFri. Tab-nhuano. SMIed 1st. tr Santa Tecla. Salaverry: Coth lamet, New Zealand. BllRDOK. Feb 28-alled. str Kt MlchaM iRr). from Santos, Rio Janeiro and Tara for New York. Sailed aiih. Mr Hellenes (Br), from Buenos Aires for New York. Sailed 20th. aim Vaaaii (Br), from Buen- Aires and Rl i Janeiro for New Y'ork: Tennjsan (Brl, from Santos and Rio Janelto for do. Boats DEI.TOItO. Mnich 2 Mulled, tr Akt mane ill. Col vi. , I1ERMIIH, March 1, I'M-ArrlveJ. .Ir Fort Vl't.rl' C'ri. vw York. OVRI)iriV Marfb t-rrived. str Pacific Tnnspirt (Br), New York, CMMZ. Keh 2 -ValM. ablp Monte B'.inca lltall. Norfilk. Silled 2,tli. str Cadlx (Sp), San Jnan, PR. Arrived March 1. str Leoa XIII (Sn). Havana via New York. rONSTtNZA. Feb 20 Arrived, str Lal.e CIKbiirT. Constantlnnnlc. (IIISTOHAL. March 1-Arilved. strs Tuscan Prince' (Brl. Norfolk: Lotalu. New York; Id. Lake Flyniii. Norfolk, Sailed in. str Santa Marta. Cartagena: 2d Beaunioat. Blueflelda; bauairci. New York: Barrliigto-i Boston : l'ort larwln. Newport Nwe tl-.eeniok. Palo Blanco. Mex. C41BMtIIiV. Feb 2-Salleil. tr Ukehurat. Phlladelnbla; Klnt Judith. Phlladelnhls; Del in Ira 'Brl. Norfolk: Etfahorg (twi. New York. OUnu'AO. Feb -M. 0 AM-Arrlvcd. str Mara calbo. New Y'ork, nENVrPOlw. Feb -ArrIvcd. str James Whitney. Mobile. "Pth sir S'l'n-ar. Vrfolk. TTLIV. Feb 2 arrived, str Milwaukee Bridge. New Yrtr"t via Cork, Plt.NflKSFHS. March 1-Pased, str Eglantlcr (Pelgj.' New Vi.'t for Antwerp. DCVNFT HEAP. March l-l'assed. airs Coke, sit. Norfolk f ir Aalliorg: Oecar II (Dan). New lorfc foT Co'H'nhagen. DUNKIItiC IVb 20-Arrlved. air Monmouth (Brl, New York. 1'Al.MrI 1 II. Feb 20-Arrlved. str AlssYan. It-'llni-re fur Rotterdam. I'YM. Ks 28-Salled. air Btomcla (from ?ni'.i. .Norrou. '.HL'A- Cub... Feb 20-Arrlved. atr Fir more, Newimrt News (and sailed for Belli ni GHENT. Feb 27-rrived. str East Cape. Nmv o-iean via Norfolk and Antwerp. GIBRALTAR. Feb 21-Salled. tr Maigu--" sew Orleans; 26th. Mlliuro Hial). Ilamp- (. n Pft-rt. Sj'IM SV1 "Ir Flint (Nor). Hampton Rnad. rrtfwl i'filh. str Glasgow ftto (Jap), Nor- GENOA. Feb ,24-Arrlved. str Orleans. Baltl ' wore. Sailed I'oh 21. chr Eleanor Tavlor. Barbados aod I'pllo'i t.'es. Sailed Feb 21, str Vcsnvlo (Hal), namptoo RoaiN. " Ml.' 1 1 Feb 2n-SaIlcd, str Grampian Range llln. Purtbind. Me. , HOIISKNS. I'cb 33 Sailed, sir Hclraer Morcb (Dan' Hamu'on Roid.- HAVRE. March 1 Arrived, str Siamese I'rlnre (Brl. New Y'ork. . IIIIKLVt Feb 27-Salled. strs Lake Freer Mir. New York: SRili, Mont Cenla (Frl. Norfolk. HAVANA, Feb 21V-Arrived, stn Sag Harbor. Charleston: iJiit Alrada. do: C Iipe y Ijrvtz ism. Bsnelon.i. alld 20h. strs City cf San Antonio. Mo bile: San Jacinto, New Y'ork: Lake Chelan, d: rt, -i.i'n -tiri - "rle'-x: t't"l' Bridge, do: W T MacDonald (Bn, Moss l-olnt. , , HALIFAX. Vs. March t-Arritrd. str .Maple more (Brl. Portland. Me. . , . . Sailed March 1. str Domlnloi IBr). L'ver Piol: Satnrtfla (llr). f-om l,vrp.wl for Port land M irtirtia,an..N'w Y'o-ir KOBE. Feh IR-Arrlved 'str Toba Maru (Jap). New York rla Savannah. Balboa, Sin Francisco and Y'okohama ..... LIVEItlMMiL Teh 5i-&al!ed, atr Kalberlne Park (Itr) Hampton Ifoada. . ..... Sailed Feb 2S. str Daniel Welstcr. Ncrfolk via Oalvetcn. . , .. .Snlled March, 1. sir Dandrennan (Brt. New Arrived .March 2. str Lake Flanders. Tensa- 'jONDON, Feb 2n-8alltd. str Blalemoor (Rr). Bmosv. Irk. . ,n . LIZVHD. March 2-Pacd, itr Mahopae (Br). Philadelphia for London. .... Passed 2d. strs Cansdlnn Navigator. (Br). St John. NB, for Liverpool: Wathena. Philadel phia fo- Antwerp and Rotterdam. LISBON, Feh 24-Salled, schr Dnnham Wheeler, New York. M NWIESTEtt, March 1-Sal'ed. str. laantl. Hamnton rto.d.j Ottsws (Brl. New li-lun-. JIAKSKILt.ES. Feb 20-Arrlved. atr Blonlken (Nor), New York. MATN7.iS. Keh 2 Sailed, stra IJte Oa knna. New York: Ikc Annette, Savannah; Ilamir (Norl. Philadelphia: Lake Qednyr. Phtl ndelphU: schr Charles S Gawthrop. Port Ar tlr: Jiii'llto Tomna, , NAPI-ESFeb 23-Arrlved, atr Trotea .(Ital). fclrr.titi'. reh 20-Salled. str "Strlndi (Norl. New Yerlr. ' PLYMOUTH. C. .Feb 23-SaIled, batk Alta. Honolulu. Arrived- 1st. lr N'lwtw Amsterdam (Dutch), New Y'ork for Rotterdam (and proceeded). . PORT TALBOT.- Feb 28-Salted. atr Naplea Maru Uapl, Hsrapton Itoads. PATRAs. te 20 Sailed, srr Susijcshanua. New York. . PORT. said, fob -'.-ArriTeiL sir Fanta Malta. New York for Bombay and Calentta. I'lJtiM. reb i'j-xirivct. str vi (Ur).icalcut(a rot uostoa, in.-vaii-ill iv iMiviuu. HKVAVl. Feh "I Sailed. te Caa. tie (Bn. fwira Singapore for New York. CARA, Fb 27-Salled. str Manchurlaa Prince IBr), from Ouesos Aires. Montevideo. Ac. for New fork. Ssiled Fab 23, str Blela (Br), from Buenes Aires and Rio Janeiro for Boston and New Vork. . .. iiirrrt,iiuA.M. jrto -ssuea. sir lamana fit. I F.' .V Wmmi deliite rstMck lta - Arrlred Mlh. str War Subador fBr. Iort Arthur. ROUEN, Feb S3-Salltd. itr Aram fBr), Beaumont. mo JA.VKIRO. Feb :a-Salled, str Chlcato Brldte. Baltimore. ,, , noirin.intj.s. Feb 2a-ArrlTed, atr New York, New York via Plymouth. Bailed Feb S3, atr Western rialns. rh lis del- "'tailed Marcb 1. air War Doara (Brt, Tort '.it- 1 SrlTIIEAD. March 1-gslle.L str West Hard, away (from Hamburf), New Yorlr. , SV NAZAIIIK. let) ir-Arrlved. atr JIHcliell. I'hlladelnhla via' New. York. UT MICH A ELS.. Feh ; .sn-Sailed, atr Armeala (from Valencia. Sew "lort. HVON. Feb 1.1 trrlred. sirs Wni V Paie. Fhll.iilelDbla: nri' laru (Jap). Nor'Jlr.. sj'K.M, reo - .iniTcu, srr v.oiuraonT rortland. Ore; 24th. Fuahlmi Maru (Jap), 8e "'st'le,! 10th. atr Juatla. Smttte. 8ANTOH, Feb 2S-alled, atr Aldan (Br). N'ew .JAartL'Anlred. rtr Justin w vt rar Para. Rla Janefm. KlNTIinO DR CUBA. Fh 3D Italic wtrm IealdntfcatrS(la Cabrera (Oust). Puerto Bar- Ttos: Kantisio at guna. tsan vowaso; s aim as. VWWSH Iirsii. ioriixpii, jih. SUKZ, Feb 2J-Arjlfcl. sir Oinfa (Br). Yoso hsms. i. tot New York. SIiXNOHAI. Fcb,?a-.rrlred.stra Cross HttlA Till acknhsmsr W.,1 K.Ar ,8T JOHN. NB. March S-Salled, airs plan (Br), Londooi Eakasonl illr), Cuba. TRIBSTE. Frb 2tt-Arrlved. str Pa i 'ft 7yr.. V'"i VALPARAISO. Feb 20-Arrlted. str Coute ne, Itali'more Tla Colon. . VANCOUVER. BC. Msrrb 2-SslIed, ilr Em- ku .as li.. stt.s ' V.. L.I..... "ft . VICTOUIA. lie, ilarch 1-Ualled, str Katori Mini (Japi. Iloug Hone. Y0K0ljIA. Feb 18-ArrIved. sirs Ben salem. Now York va Balboa and llunolulu; Abercoa, Porthud, if, via Astoria, a. FOREIGN PORTS. By Mall. BERMUDA. Feb 17-Ajrlved. sirs Newburgh. Dunkirk for New York (with rudder damaged, sailed 201 h): luiherold lllrl, London (and sailnl 2lat for Jamaica); 21st. llboda (llri. Ulasgnv anu sailed ZM for Jamalcali 23d, Chaudler. 1W. Jlallfai (and aa led 24th for si Orolx). Sailed 20th. t'tra ileccbleaf (Br), Jamaica I 23th New 2t)tb. I'oughkeepsio, tT'.T.ofJ1.- If- 'br Lewla 11 HAVANA. Feb 21-Halled. uowsrd, Aiacrs. str Counersrllle, HALirAX, Feb 20-8alled. etrs Aghloa Oera. slujos (Oreek) Olbraltar Ifor orders): 271b, (Isltymore (Itr ..(llasgow, I'AXKNQUB. Fr 22-Salled, sir Admiral Wslnwrlgbt. New York. . , SINilAl-ORK. Feb 10-Sjlled. strNLake Tarm Ingilale, Hong Kong. 8T J0I!N,7IB. F.b 27-8alled. atra MatUwt Yi'i'f. AB!.w?rCS J''aI1,J leu (Url. B-lfaat; Mellta (Br). Liverpool. AMERICAN PORTS. IBy Telegraph.) 8jSTOItIA, Ore, March 1-Arrlved. atr TYaban. vi1ttHL'.,--,S.a,I.JiM' ."sl, s,"cl1 l'Salled, ichr Alice Cooke. Honolulu. niS'li ',. lrcb 2-Arrlved. atra Cano Pic (Br), Naples. Ac; 'Victorious. Norfolk: Crn Ihprne. Nuevltas via, Charleston: Eyota, Nor .'i'KllOfis Savage. Norfolk, towing barge No iV,rf,olJ'.,OM""t b,r?e Malvern, from Port, land, aod Iron (jueen. from Newburyrart. (.eared lt. strlloonsborough. Norfolk. rHllVl '"J.! i.,,P. V.k0 ' W"'h!'urn' Nor irrik: New v S.. i 'i. A,i'"ciiHiw, lossnc lur). IS , . r.i""uiu, iiaiiiiDon. ..8i Rdj?1' ',,r'-K'tFriiy. Piraeus and Con stantlnople via St John, NR. god Loulsliur.', tu!.!'.kIIl'nc'. Nu'tolk: Uku Oaspar, do. Sulletl 2d. stn Ot.airatumle. Antwerp: Noitli Iniid. Yarmouth; Nacowhec. Savannah: Nan luckct. Norfolk: Lake Harney, do: Lake Gas Wf. :, !' Secarlty. .New Yoik, it-ivlng bargu Sowny No M: Triton, for Sands, la t, to tow barge Foreat Belle to. Vineyard ilaten (there will exchange' tows with tug Miry Potter, which Da a Canlsteo and Chenango, from New Yorkl.-WInd at Highland Light. NE. 10 miles: partly cloudy nIITIMOKB. ,Md. March 1-itrlved. atr Dorcieater. Providence. ,i.lrrliTi.iM' '?'. Amateldyk (Diifch), Rotter dam; Fe tore, Daiquiri: Gothland ilielgl, Ant iverp and Botterdam:,,Uke Akkra. New York; "rlent, Dunkirk via Hampton Itoaira: Trevcnn illr). Liverpool; Iincaster, Genon! San lemiil ' 'I f. tanH. Tuxpam: Gloucesltr Beaton; Republic. New York. Nailed Feb 28. str. Georgia. Pott .rlhur. ?.!l!Sd.J'l.rcb tr Goodspeed. "ort Tamnn , ni.sii.tuua iitr (tape cod Cusll. Maaa Warvh 1-Arrlved. atrs Mihawk afrj .1 II Dev drcuv, I atleT sailed 2d); lugs ClATs A Hoane wtii I barge; Wyoming, with 3. Arrlvivj 2d. motor barges Texaci No 140 and .omy No 3: tugs Mastiff, with li barges; On tario, nllh 8. CHARLESTON, SO. March 2-Arrlved. stn the .mitis, Nassau Sound (whip) alio went iciou.1 Feb t and was (lusted Ms'ch 11; Ars iwIrK'. Jacksonville iflnil cniceeira for New; Lake Faribault. Boston: Clsa. Ha ian; tug I XV Merrltt (coovoje!) The Lambs md broieeded for New Yorki. billed 2d. stra Conncrsville. New York: Lake Calreua, ilo; Lake Stirling, Manatl. Cuba; Milghts Itlnnd, Cardenas; Lake Llcwo. Nor .olb: Katabdlii. Jacksonville. , CAPE HENRY, Va. March 2 I'asaeil In. str Urd Downshire (Br). l'ort Tampa for Baill uiore. Pastel out 2d. strs Carib, Baltimore for B' meu a n, I Hamburg via Philadelphia and New ).VTkl .A'tor. iNor). Norfolk for Kingston. XX'Iml E 12 mllea: clear CHATHAM. Man, March 2 Patted tug Gr, Ijatairg. fruiu Phlladeliihla. towing trarges Oak 1 tall, fur Portland, and Cumru and l'axluoa, fu Nrsrspurt. Passed 2d. 2 AM. tug lenspr. Phlladflptill for lloston. towing barges tlctoraro. Barry nn t Mr.naioviiiey ilatter for.Lvnn). GALVESTON. Tex. March 2-Arrlved. strs Lake Champlalu. New Orleans; Clark MIBs, i.n-konrlllo; lake Flume. New York: El Dla, ilo; Mexlcano (Nor), Havana. ,llfii 2.1. strs J B O'Neill. New York; J M ilantlgcr. Tamplco. .lltiNOI.LLU, trb 20-Sallid. str Nanking. Xokulmiia. JACKSIINVILLK. Fla. March 2 Arrived, ilr llohavik. New Y'ork via Charleston. Sailed 2d. sir Merrimack. Baltimore via 5a- . KrV' xxtst. Fla. larch 2-Arrlved. sir Nam list. Tampa. .Niiini 1st, sirs Idmpasae, Galveston; 2d, No 82 lllrl, Manaanlllo. MAN'IM. Feb Is-Sallcd. str XX'eat Caddoa. Sail t rjiwlseo. . M'SHU E. la. Mi'ch 2-XrTlied. str Herman XX Inter. Bocas del Torn; scbr Harleny XV (Br), 11,1 1 .Wtfl. Arrived 2d. str lake Strymon. Galveston. Sailed 2d. atr Romulus. Mexico. Sailed, M. Kehr Jean F Anderson (Br). Ha rna. NTlV ORLFUNS. I. March 2-Xrrlved. strs Daunedalke. Clenfuegos: Fourth Alabama. Rot te.imni: Gl-nclg, iliri, Manti: Jamaica. King ston, Ja: Passaic Bridge, Havana; Qulmistan l.lundi, Puerto Cortes. Cleaned 3d atra Ileredla, Bocaa del Toro'vla Cristobal; KenonR Genoa via Norfolk: Mont pel If r, Hull tla do: Tokufuku Maru. (Jap. Kobe aud Y'okohaK-bl. Japan, via Galveston; Ynin.i, Porto Rico. , Sailed fiem Port ads 2d. strs Chalmette, Havana: Coyote. 1exa City: fllffwoo.1. Nor. folk; El Rio. New York: Hawaii Maru (Jspl. Yokohama and Kobe via Cristobal and Lo An geles: Iroquois illr). Luadon: I.'Enlrj (Frl, ltordeaut: Ijike Fontanel. Glasgow via Nor folk; ) T XVarlug. .lacksonvllle. NEXVPORT NEWS Va. March '.'-Arrived, stra Transvaal (Hani, Philadelphia! Anaildo Savola II (Ital). Philadelphia: Carl.holm (Swi, liothenbiirg (and sailed): Neuburg, Dunkirk. Sailed 2d. strs Kale (Greek), Brrmcrhavei; Mlrlts (Nor), Tatnirfco; Courageous, Bunion; schr Orleans, Havana. NORFOLK. Va. March 1-Arrlrcd. stra Gloucester. Boston; Rockawar Park. New Y'ork; Irnaflr. dorljke (Tyatsl. do: 1'swtuctfl. Hn vsns: Texan, Genoa; (Menial (Vori, Perg-n: Pendrecht (Dnicfa). Fayal; XX'llfrld Lanrlcr (Frl. X'ancouver: Carlaholm (Sw), Norar: i or slca. Boston: Niels Nlelreo (.Wl. Chrlstlanla. . Arrlve.1 2d. strs Kdtsto, LlTrrpnol; .Xoj. lVrtland. Me: Nordfjcld (Nor). Itollerdam; .umeric iKri, imiigue. &c: ttaireslt, Juckmij VI e: liike Starv T. Ill tcston: Mtinaoiii't Cob' : West Athiwa. Newno Caxlaa (Braa). Ll.bon; West Ashawa, Newport Nei.a 'autiKkct, r-avaniulj for llavii- (jiirt a.ituii fin. Canuonslum. l'rovl- Fallen strs Lake deuce: Xet. laMtl. do: Orlout. Ilenoj! Evanze, loa iGrceki. ilo. Sailed 2d. strs Lake Genera. I ton, licterly. Ma.a) Snug 11a Gleortdie. Uarrc: Covwlale. Bo roston: Art ng. arlior. Boston t (Br). Glasgiiw; guantlco, Havana; Stephen R Jom-s, Barbados: XX'est Hampton, Liverpool: Elba iltali. Ulbrallar (for orders I: UVe I)u:i tuore. lloaion: Ixtke- Bledtoe il: Alfred Nobel (Norl. GeaKi: schr James II llrske. Piraeus. NEWl'OltT. Rt. Slarch l-Urrlved. str 1111 ton, Hellenism for Baltimore abort of coal). WIRT ARTtlCR. Tex. March 2-Arrived. strs Virginia. Norfolk: I.lgonlcr. savannah: Gulf of Mexico. New York: city of Everett, do: Brit lh Earl (Kn, AvormiHith. Arrived 2d, strs RoTal Arrow. Sabine; rior Ida. Amesrllle: Ssntllle (Br). Lough Swlily. T Slle.l.lsl. strs Chyeucc (Url, lUrMWS 2d Socoiiy. New York. PBNSACOLA. Kla. March 2SalIed. str Co a nit. Iliiuipton Roads. PORT TAMPA. Fla, March 2-Arrivel. sir llnnnsfon. Pessscola: tug Senator Bailey, with barge Conneaut. l'ort Arthur. - Sailed '.'d, str Lake Ferrona, New Orleans. PHILADELPHIA. Ta. Feb 2-Arrlte.L atra Long laland. Wilmington. Del: March 1. Easel. Arrived Ma'rchCJ. stra Eduardo Sala (Cubani. New Y'ork: Grecian. Jacleonvtlle. Cleared 1st strs Delansin, silrate norl (Chile): XVcttern Ally. Norfolk! Sauta Rita. Tamplco. Cleared 2d. atra Olockson. Xladlvoatok nnd Yokohama; Ijrsmle. Tamplso: Wyncute (Br). Glasgow; Banan iNor). Port Antonio, Passed un Reedy Island 2d. 7 AM, str West em Maid. London for Philadelphia, Pasied down 2d. strs Jala Mend! (Sp). Phila delphia for Sagunto via Newport News: XYlone abandoned ship at 4 o'clock tula morning she Mas breakln? up on Sanibm Ledges. Soou MISCELUWEOCS. All vesasla ahould- be tboroushly fumljatsj er disinfected when In port, Vf baa .the largest staff of Fumlxatlnx Ungtneera backed by facilities .and equip ment. to exterminate vermin auurisfullr anywhere. . .Oerrtis and vermin absolutely destroyed without odor or dlacoloratlona within alz hours at a low cost. Our service ta guar anteed. Send for Free Literature on Numlfntton. GUARANTEE EXTERMIHATlWi COMWfl 1 W0 FIFTH A.VErarWVBLT27K-7-f IAKINE FOB SALE OR WANTED. SBasBMkAXs-aAiAAiSsSsiksssAaStasS CHAINS AND ANCHORS, C W." PISHBlt 15 Whll at 'Phone Bettor .. STEEL. 811IPBC1LDINO FOB 19aM021 DR. LIKKltlKS. In addlllon to thre-, 12. Knot" sleamsfilps we are bulldlnx for the Southern Pacific Com pa or we'can'iMW' lalie order for other sleamsblps cf tbe following specified types for, deliveries durlus .la,st onarter of 10:q and fhmujhout 1(121'. ' OCEAN VnEIOUT STKAMHIIIP3V 2000 TO 10.000 U. W. TON'S , UL'I.K OIL STOAJl'IlIt. lO.Ifri TO 18.000 D. W. IONS. PASSENGER fcTEAMSHlPS. 2W .J'T. TO ' .I0 VT. DOWNEY sniPBnif.DINO COrtPOHATION. 'Arllnrloo. Statn Tali Ad. N. T. NAVICTATIOK fiCHOOl.: third matoa; 5! aecobd, tit, maatera, S5; llcenae guaran teed. Written:' days, evenings. CAPT. PENNniCK. St Garden place. Doroufb HalV Joralemon: till Main. WANT steel hall, fair condition, about 900 tesa dead welnt. Immediately! chtarx s. H.. 1M Herald, Ucrall aaetic bigo (Br), io Jo(p- TWon and, llouenl Andyk (Dutch), do for, Iti.terdam, via Fernjndlnal Guirttrrem. do for Port Arthur; City of, Flint, do for New Orleans. . Arrived at DelawaYe Breakwater 2d. 8 30 AM, tug James M llrvok land sailed ft 1:0 1 Passed up I'd, str Casey, Havre for l'hlladel- Pll'aesed out 1st. 8:30 I'M. str Lake Fossil, Pbllsdelphla for HoustoVit 0 I'M, tug CneatMa. Passed out 2d. sirs West Gainho Phi aileb nhla for Llvertwol via Antwerp; Creiao. ilo for Boatoni C A i aiifli-W. d for Tampli-o; Colt; mer. do for Norfolk: Casper, do for 8t Na islf; "la Havre.-Wind NE. 12 miles; liaiy; mndtVfix"o. Me. Feb 20-Artlod. lug Car lisle, Philadelphia towing barges (nrilngtoii and Enterprise land wiled at noou Mkrili 1 for Gloucester, wbero she picked .up ba rges Lincoln and Tuckahoi. for Philadelphia, cajlmi at Salsu) for barge Maple Hill ami passed Cliathr-ut at 0 AVlved' 2d, sir Salurnla (Br), Glasgow via Halifax; si-hf Virginia Dare. Norfo k. Sailed 2d. strs, Canada (llr), Liverpool via Halifax. NS: Cabotla, (Br), Olassow; Matoa. Sll'K.AM.nCM,,,'1?;eh 20-Arrle,l. lug Tama qua. Philadelphia. Tilth barg; Tilliiiincud. for A uthweat Harbor (and eft March 1 for Port; hTnd-pf'ked u" Itwt Eagle Hill. Ysrliey nnd PotUtSwu Vn7rioc?;de.l for l;b ladelphlu, lipit ,"s".fl,dCt.h1;U,3Ui'l !i,!.gA swa'.ara. Phi........ nhla towing buree ftlchardron (calling, lit Port- Fa uri'MrlroVc st?s Persia Jlaru (SapL Hung Kong: Maul. 8"iAriLE. XVash, Slarch 1-Arrlved. (r CUT A?KvVdn2d.u.''E.ern Crows, D.lresi East "ANCP&DltO,r'c.l. Feb 20-Arrlved. str J B "'s'lu'e-d SlU'.'SSVe.t Coyote. Rotlerdaia; "5:;yiXUAl,.TMr.?-2-8.l.e,l. atr Corp wLSffir'tfy't'l.. March XV. stra STEEL' SHIPBUILDING FOR 1920-21 DELIVERIES In addition to three 12-knot 8team.hip. xve are '"1 fof carter of 3.000 to 10,000 D.W. Ton.. BULK OIL STEAMSHIPS 10,500 to 1C.000 D.W. Ton. PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS 250 ft. t! GOO ft. DOWNEY SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION Ar.lnvton, Staten U and N.Y. STEAMSHIP, EXCPIISIONS nnd TOPBBl VTlio Beat In Travel irillltHIIHsVI West Indies Cruises I.uturlora C'rubes on -splendid specially-chartered sloaru-hlps of lit' tlTit hlte Fleet. RemarUablo roulr. Iiienl arrangcmenla. Haymoud-ft hllCJU ) sen Ice. See the Tropics in April The Most Wonderful Month in. the Year Visit Cuba, Jamaica,. Pansm. n'ral AraTlca ami Nassau vhen tbe Klorlous TVcat Indian illruate la at its absoluto perfection. Sea t bu niaitnlllcent tropical foresu aWao itli flower. Spend Katcr week In rawluatlat Havana Cruises Sail Apr. 3 and Apr. 10 Passenger may loin at Havana a( tbe end oT tblr ula'w l.i FIj.-iU Cllur lours lo California, Europe, South Amcrlci, slapsn, China, Kound-lhe-World Write at once for details Raymond & Whiicomih Co. 225 f iftij Avenue, Telephone Madison Square C270 AMERICAN LINE New York One U7 Carmarua. . . Imperator,...'. , . Vasari Rop Georgt K Y.. via mii'.ai Columbia , Nliuretania Pannonfa i Saxonia. , Carmama. Royal George Mauretania. . . , Caronia, .' Columbia Imperator K. A.Victoria .. Saxonia... New Yon. ...New York ...New York ...New York ...New York . ..New York ...New York ...New York ...New York ...New York .. New York ...New York aaaBHHauiRis.' Tor later salllnc apply tu 21-24 STATE STREET NEW YORK 1 M M Lines AMERICAN LINE Fast Mall Steamers NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Philidelphia 12' Noon, Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May 8 New York . , . 12 Noon, Mar. 20 Aor. 17 Mi; 1 SL Paul ... 12 Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 21 May 22 NEW YORK HAMBURG Manehuri .,Mar.2f Mir 8.une 19 July 31 Monjolia . .April 11 May 22 July 3 Auj. .14 PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL Harefford Apr. 5, May ID RED STAR LINE N. Y. SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP KroonIand...Mtr. 17Apr.2l May 2) Jul? 3 ! Finland Maf.24Miy 1 Juns S July 10 Lsjiicd Apr. J May JunK July u Zetland , June 19 July 21 WHITE STAR LINE n: y.cherbourg-southampto.v Adriatic Mar. 20 Apr. 24 May 29 Jul; S NEW YORK LIVERPOOL r.J.:, . M.r 6 Anr. If! - Eillic. isNovU, Mir. 11 Apr. 17 May 22Juia 25 Oriana End April - . Celtie a P. M My IS Juns 1J Ju';3l NEW YORK AZORES GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA Canape... -'I p. M. Mar. IS May 11 July 6 Cretie. . . . i . . a P. L Mar. 31 May 25 July 21 httmUiMl Mm astir! Mwu Zmymj 9 Broadway, New York West Caut of South AmerlCH. Kitndersoa at Sos Csg'l Sgtnlt, H Broadrray. Pioneer. W M Burton licroche and Petrnlelne Illr); 2.1. Standard Ol Co ileamer and barge; acnr joncpuni". ' ,, ST ANDREWS, ria, Jiarca i-naueo, acnr Sehoiiie, .San. Domlngy City. . . , SAVANNAH. Oa, March J-Arrlved sirs t. turlo Uiuanucle III. lltall. Ghent: C v of Co liimbus. lloaion: Howard, Philadelphia (and sailed for Jacksonville); sihr Mluas Prince ''tjillri 2d?'atra Asliboc. Rotterdam! Mulnua. Koli 'and VokoUaum; City of Savannah, New YisfArsP0RT. M. Jlarcii 1-Arrlved, tug Valley Fji.-jie. Philadelphia, towing barges Tioga and leeport land lelt at V.M AM .il for Portland for orders). AMERICAN PORTS. . Illy Mall.) ... OLOUCBHTBR. ilsss, Feb 2D At ulrcit. targe NOLIb.Hvbl'Arrlved. sir. Newr-irt News. San Francisco for. Guam aud, Manila; YoVemlti'. Philadelphia via Balboa for Hong Kn'eV IIEDTORD. Mssa. , March f-In norl (for harbor), tug Perth Aniboy. towing, barges A Km. tilouceVfer-for 'iwviuBc ir traOi.lf. trade" Port Attliur; March 1. i'ejar Sprlnr. KOCItLANn. Me. March 1-Ar:lcd. barge PohatTOiig, Port Reading: .Xuiperu Chrome. Inr SaTfRANCISCO, Cal. l'eb 23-CIeared'. bark ''sATpEilROCat. Feb 25-SalIcd. atr M.r.l.- "xllNI'YABD IIAVKN. Mass. Slarch l-.Xr-rlvcd. tui Mary XV Piitter. lowing bsrgea Cnnis teo and Clienaiigo. New iVrk for Boston XX'Vom S. -vi fouilSytTgariV: 1A0!-ni. .'n. Tin. for Boston, and TK). for Bev. erlr. I g"1.!"??.;"'? S; Hie Deal Tratti - Plymoulh - Cherbourg Southampton Class Cabin Service Moderate Kates Fast United Sta'cs Mail Steamers "PHILADELPHIA"..Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May 8 Jnnt 5 "NEW YORK" Mar. 20 Ipu 17 riay 15 June 12 "SLPAUL" Mar. 27 Apr. 2 May 22 .June 1J OFFICES, t) Broadway, New York 'Phone ISM Bowline Qrcen rt. . Passcjiger aitu l itliil.t Senttes New York to Plymouth. Cherbourg and Liverpool . . , . . . .Mar, 6 New'York " Cherbourg and.Southampton .,-Mar. 8 New York ".Liverpool Mir. 8 u.i:r.. di 2.,u u ...I c...t. v M.- 0 I lyiuujlli. lavic Uliu wu'j.uaiiipivi. . . . . ' Londonderry and Glasgow. , . , . . , '...Man 13 Cherbourg and Southampton . .Mar. 20 Patrat, Dubrovnik and Trieite. Mar. 31 Plymouth, Hamburg and London. ......... , Apr. 3 Liverpool.,'. i ,'. ..Apr. '6 Plymouth Havre and Southampton ..Apr. H Cherbourg and Southampton Apr. 17 Liverpool, , Apr. 17 Londonderry and Glasgow, .j. , Apr. 17 Cherbourg and Southampton .'..... May I Liverpool. .... . . . , May 8 Plymouth Havre and London..,..., May 12 BEHMDM lital Wtnttr Vacation lUsorl FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Fast, twin-screw, palatial steamers S. S.' TORT HAMILTON" 1 1.000 Tona Dlaplaccmerit . S-alllr from New Yors: every WedneaJar. S.S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14.(1410 Tons Utsntncument Kalllug from New York every Saturday., No passports reliilr1 for Uormuda. I For further particulars apply to Li r,iniirpp.nrn,iiM . . , r- runitua'DLitmuun L.irsc Fumes Housu, Whitehall St.lN'err YorV. FAB RE LINE NEW YORK TO PALERMO AND PIRAEUS 8. 8. CANADA ...SIAItril II t 8. S. MADONNA.. ,.J1AY IS' N. i. IO rtKitlO, NAPLES, MAK.itiiXES S.H. MADONNA .MAIL 187 H.H.PATItlA. APH.10. Jl'NKIO. JULY 31 .S.S.CANADA.. ..MAY 3, JliNK!3, Aid. II i S. PItOVlP.NC'K (new) .ll'.NK 13.AUd.3l A.UKES, LISUO. MARSEILLES S.N. KOMA MAIt. V), MAV S... MKI'IANNIA A I'll. 17 'Krom Pinvldenve the my.) I Cabin' Accommodations at moderate rates. . J.iV.I-h'll Oo-.tieo'LAtts.. 17 tilsle St,..t. JAMAICA, B.W.I, PASSENGER SERVICE HOOK NOTV FOR S. S. PRINCESS MAY, About Mar. 15, For rates And particular!. DI GIORGIO & CO., Inc. 61 Brodaway. . a?kM Bowllas rsea IVJaaj STF.AMHIIIP, KXCLRSION8 nnd TODBU. T" While in Europe SWlT2ERLa4ND jourhutdquaritTS jfUR office is an olficial Government institution for the purpose of affording free advice regarding Travel, Touring, Education and Resi dence in Switzerland. We in vito you to take advantage of our service. All questions will be impartially and cheer fully answered. Send for pocket A'o, 52, containing Hold Guide, map, etc, enclosing 10 cent postage. Official Agency of t'.u Swiss Federal Railroads 241 Fifth Ave., New York P BENCH UNB totttu ratio) fUrnst mkmt Specla' Departure " S. S. "LE0P0LDINA"? (Former S. H. Ulueclier) NEW YORK HAVRE ', March 12t Noon Kveellent Accomniodullons All Claises. NEW OKh.-HAVKE 1A TOUIUINK. MAIL 10. A PH. 24, JUNK " ., rilANCK 3IAII, IR, Al'It. 14, 3IAT 1 1101 1IAM1IKAI) JIAII. Al'It. SS. MAY ST l. HA VOIR.. .MAIL 27, MAY M, JUNE 10' . U l.tlltw'IVK. APR. 3. MAV I. MAY SO T.AVAYBTTE .. APR. 10. MAY 8. JUNE 3 NEW YOKls BORDEAUX ClllC.KiO (from Pier SI..N. II,). ..MAR: rt MACIAIIA (from Pl.r II, N. R.)..MAH. II COMPANV'a OFl'ICB. II STATE 8T.. N. T. GET YOUR STEAMSHIP INFORMATION trim ticnerat meadquarten In any city the Itaymunil-Wbltcomb elUco la tho pUc lu brim our alesum ship problems. We nra (ifflclall ap pointed aitenta of nil Transatlantic anil Transpacific llnea and tan furnlab choice reservations nnl tlcliets to Ku rope. West Indies. South America and any part of the world. Come to ua and let our experts tell vou Just what you want lo knnvr about tailings b all llnea and rnmtiaratlvi Cost of accommodations. hAVUONJ & WlUfOOrlJ CO. ;. II. il. fqr Meunnlilp luformatlon, S atli Are. New Vorlt. H3LUND AMERICA LINE NEW YORK to KOTTfiKDAlVi Via Plymoull) & bbulogiH-iuKtiir - Salllnes delaed on account of Strike lit HOLLAND. H. 8. Noordunl, sulllnx not before MAR, il) .H. H. Itotterdam, salllnc not before MAR. ZI B. S. New Amsterd'm, Milling not before Ap A Isr rules anil further Informatlaa ajiailf Csaeral Passenier Offlee. Xtata Ht. S.t.- ' GREEN STAR LINES StGUWO FI1EI0IIT SERlICi en aurk t.enua uplea, Baltimore to Hirer Hate, tar Caat. Ilarra and Osralsaux, Antwerp and Rotterdam, rklladslphla ta Adriatic afnd (lrM Atss auk orjice a lisaisr sh Braaal 1&U. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALANP-SOUTH SEAS, t Via Tahiti and llaratonca. Mall and passenger service, from San Vrancltoo, A sailing every ii days. UNION STEAM-J BMP CO. OK NEW ZKAI.AND. . ltd California at.. San IVanclaco. Cat. or TIIQ3. COOK & SOS. MS Broadway. N.T. Norwegian America Line NORWAY SVViiDl'.N - DENMARK Modem Twin Screw ,'jtcaraep. rergen.rjjrd, ,, Mar. 12, Apr; 23 Stavanger jord Apr. 2. May 11 I'assenirer Office. M0 HrlJte St.. X. Y. LI.tlVD HAUAVIJO. Tba Fast Italian Mall Ua. SKV VOHK NAI'LES tlKNOA. FUnNBSM. WITHY & CO.. Ltd.. Qen. Aet, J. Whitehall at- New York city. r SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINB '. Ilenmarh. Nsrway. Kws4sp. rasstmar Oftlea. I Broadway. !. If. V. Y. direct to OOTTIENBIIHO. SWCSCy, BWKIHKIt AHKHICAN LINK. U taf b Amerlran Einrrss Travel Ileparlment," 65 llruudtvay. Phone Ilonllns Green 1V00R, , .Montreal or Quebec (o Europe.. Can. Pa. rifle Ocenn Sen Ices. Ltd.. K'3I llroadttay, HP.VMSII IIOYAL MAIL IINE. LUIS I.LANSO, Aaent. IMer I. K. It. Tins rrrnuc nE rLKASEW COLONIAL LINE DAtTAUBYI0V $440 DUS 1 Uil & RAIL PR0V1DENG IRECT BOAT W - Alt Ont.lil- taterooma. II.M t nAU cAbqve Prices Indude Wit Tjx bull i. avis Pier Sir, Nortb Kivsi, Ually . and Sunday at i P. aL Fhcns gpnnar essi, ri"?i.r l'ler tie Voinloll.lalHl fit, office. FALL RIVER LINE To BOSTON, l'rom lltr U, N. K.. Fulton SU 6 P. M. tlrclieslra un l'Jeb Hont. - .....w.v ,viiivirll t.lNKl. Rlr. Im-Sr Id X. lt.'llo'ualon ."t. wk. day only. 1 'so p.' m. Lvipr. in, b. n s:n at., t p. m, NEW IIAVKN LINK. Str. I vs. Pier 2S. FALLRIVERLINE lo Bualou. se. LvPler 14. S.U a:09 P.M. nr"rfO'N WulAIiON t'OMPANT, i t- n ho- "i""'rs: In Atirll. COOK'S Travel Service COVERS TOE WOBUJ. ihos. coorC&pspN. ta K'nir. m Flfta. Vf9. CHJ Jua tr. I as. r