OCR Interpretation

The Sun and the New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1920-1920, March 14, 1920, Section 3, Image 31

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llndicnl Change Makes Ex
tra Point Easier After
a Touchdown.
TlfE TR0
Jfpw Kulo to Protect the For
ward l'nssci' Minor
Tho Intereolteglato Football Utiles
rnnunlttoo concluded Its session nt the.
11 tol Biltmoro yesterday, and ono of
the most Important of the many changes
imposed was tho elimination of tho punt
out after tho touchdown. In the game
ti"t fall it practically W.U1. mean a tally
(if seven points for every touchdown, for
i!vo will bo very little to hinder tho
making of tho fxtra point following the
coring of a touchdown.
Tho interpretation of tho new clause
n'lows the sldo maklpg.tho touchdown to
-jlaro tho ball anywhere in front of the
goal posts. Kven should tho touchdown
ho made at tho angle of the Bidellno tho
(.poring sldo is at liberty to bring the
kill right In front of tho goal posts and
p'neo it at any distance near or far for
tho frco kick. It was decided that the
touchdown scpro should Tcmaln equal to
m polnts. as of yore.
Thero was considerable surprise when
Walter Camp, secretary of the commit
ted, announced that a move had been
mad to do something for professional
football. E. K. Hall of Dartmouth was
: ;ipointed chairman of a committee of
three to draw up a code of rules which
nill ho sent to all the colleges through-,:
out the country asking, whether or not
the "pro" game should be given any con
sideration. If the majority favor a recog
r n ion of tho cash element' steps will be
taken to put the sport on the risht foot
ing. One of the most vital changes touching
the actual playing rules was with regard
m the protection given to the'thrower of
the forward pass. Heretofore he has
been open to all sorts of attacks from
the onDosine side, but the new rule gives
him much tho same protection that the
i unter Is awarded in performing a kick.
The wording of the new rule is plain
enough when it says "There shall be no
rujghlng a forward passer after the pass
la made."
No specific penalty has been drafted
ai yet for an offensengalnst uis rule,
but In due course It will In all likelihood
be tho same ns for roughing a kicker,
which Is a loss of five yards; or maybe
It might still he more drastic and may
icsult In a fifteen yard penalty or a dis
qualification. Itule ChniiHed fiover-ilns Sulistl
tnte. A lengthy discussion occurred over the
Interpretation of Bule 2, Section 2, gov
f rning substitutes, and the outcome was
n decision which will guard against
f.iture confusion, a glaring example of
w hl"h took place in connection with the
Harvard-Princeton game last fall. It
will be remembered that an incoming
quarterback failed to relay to the team
the complete instruction for tho change.
Ills predecessor at tho pivot was to take
a linesman's place and the linesman was
t come out., "Tho new clause which will
i over the point reads:
"After a player, has reported to his
proper official and the change has been
madmhe substitution' shall be considered
as cflRipleted."
What is termed unnecessary roughness
came in for some treatment and the rule
on the point was extended to meet with
a form of play which for a long time has
tipi n regarded as unsportsmanlike. The
l:i.er.s call it "Indianizlng" a man who
a ttially is not engaged In tho play. The
i ndus operandi of the act is that some
llavers who are). adepts at tricks fling
themselves In front of a man and no mat
ter on which side, he is it is often worked
5 issfully and the player who is about
tn enter Into the play then and there is
This new clause will be Inserted In
flection 5. Rule 'XXIII. and will read
' 1 'lipping a .man obviously out of his
play." The jienllty for thfe or any other
infraction of' the ruloVill bo a loss of
fifteen yards.
Tho proposal of Henry K. Coffin of Har
vard, 0I, that a game should consist of
actual plays was considered, but no
(iflnito action taken, although it was ad
rn.tted that the plan may be tried some
' nm to see It It Is feasible, Mr. Coffin's
I a prevents "stalling," but It was not
' wed in a serious light. Several of the
mmltteo ald that there are at least a
ti mdred ways of "stalling" and to try
i"l remedy all of them would mean a lot
"' complication not practical In a football
Tf was expected that something in the
' app of a rule would bo forthcoming
8" it the numbering of playors, but ac
i rO:ng to Walter Camp tho question
ji laid aside. On the outside it was
understood that Harvard, for some unex
plained reason, was against tho plan. It
ipprars that tho objection against the
nme Is finding the right sort of num
bers. It was pointed out that after one
period of play all numbers look alike
after rolling in the dirt, and tho spec
tators are as much at sea over tho por-
nallty of them as if they had no num-
The ruin governing feints by players
t' draw opponents offside and the duties
"f 'h refereo was -enlarged. In future
t the refereo Is in doubt that a player
" bcrately mado a false start hods em
r ncrcd to order the play made over
- m. As to a man getting Into motion
! no the ball Is put into play, tho ref
and linesmen aro specifically
f i-ged to' watch out for such violation.
frittered here and there throughout
" long list of pages In the rule book
' o were a number of minor changes
' elucidate tho knotty points for the
nf-nt or officials and players. One In
r rticular alludes to the famous old shift
P'.iys, which tho committee rules that a
Tiacr who shifts must como to a stop
and have both feet on tho ground.
Rule VI. Befction 6, met with a slight
'tiar.ge governing a fair catch. The
'muse, "advancing toward the ball,"
a.i taken out and the following sub-s-itufed.
'Trior to attempt to catch
tho ball." This will leave tho entire
ft!on to rend: "A fair catch Is made
fcv catchlns tho 5all after It has been
kicked by one of the opponents and
Wore It touches the ground, or In. slm
' arlty catching the punt-out, by an
" her of- th4 'catcher's own side, pro
' 'Ie l the player (except In the casjs of
oint-out, where the signal Is neces
' prior to the attempt to catch the
a ngnnls his Intention to take a fair
" by raisin his hand clearly above
r.'n ntad and does not take more than
to .atepwHtee fnaWntf U -catch
Athletics on Large
Scale in the Army
TIIMJTIC8 are to bo promoted
on a Inrgo Rcaln in the United
States Army, nocordtnir to tho
plana now under way. Major Eliot
V. Graves, head of tho Athletic Di
vision of tho War Department, has
laid out a comprehensive field or
ganization, which la functioning un
der tho Education and Recreation
Branch of tho War Department
The general plan of organization
consists of a Department Athletlo
Officer and a Departmental Athletlo
Council for each of tho six territorial
departments of tho army.
Tho Departmental Athletic Council
Is composed of the various district
athletic officers within the depart
ment and others especlaly Interested
In tho furthering of tho programme,
In each of tho departments there Is
n number of, athletic districts, each
headed by a District Athletic Officer
and haying a District Athletic Coun
cil, composed of the camp, post and
station athletic officers within that
Each camp, post and station also
has an athletic organization of Its
own, tho camp athletic officer and
the various unit athletic officers
serving as the camp athletic council,
Plans Made- at Meeting in Ho
tel As tor to Raise Money
for Trip.
The Olympic Commltteo of the United
States Football Association, "feeling
that It Is Imperatlvo that an association
football team representing the United
States bo 6cnt over to the' Olympic
gamos nt Antwerp," proceeded to ar
rango plans at the Hotel Astor yester
day whereby a squad of amateur soccer
players up to the number of 22 would be
sent abroad. The estimated cost of the
trip will be from $20,000 to $25,000,
which amount will be raised through the
United States Football Association, club
and Individual subscriptions and benefit
The committee votod to recommend to
the national council of tho United States
Football Association that It pledge up to
tnrce-rourths of the resources of the or
ganization after tho present season Is
completed, with the balance to be raised
through benefit games. State associa
tion, league, club and Individual sub
scriptions. It was voted that the State associ
ations appoint official iinanclal cam
paigners In every soccer centre through
out the country, from Maine to Califor
nia, who will make every effort to raise
money through the means suggested. It
also was arranged that the State associ
ations would name Judges of playing
talent, who shall attend trial games 1n
each section and make recommendations
to the Olympic committee for Its guld
anco In selecting players.
'President Peter J. Peel of Chicago,
who, with J. Ogden Armour, will attend
the Olympic games, presided over the
meeting. Honorary Secretary T. W. Ca
hill of the United States Football Asso
ciation was In attendance, as was Col.
.Manning, soccer member of the .Ameri
can Olympic Committee : John A. Fern-
ley, ex-presldent of the U. S. F. A.; C.
A. Lovett of New York and Sam Good
man of California, representing the Cali
fornia State Football Association, which,
according to a good source, may furnish
a few of the Olympic soccer equaxl.
Winton E. Barker, absent committee
man, of St. Ixuis was elected Olymplo
committee chairman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Van Win
kle Are Extended to Win,
Badminton, one of tho oldest games
played with a racquet, made Its bow for
the season on tho courts of tho Bad
minton Club of New York, which has
been tho only local club devoted to tho
old English sport for more than thirty
years. Tho competitive season was
opened with a mixed doubles handicap
tournament. In which eight teams parti
cipated. It had been hoped to complete
the event in one afternoon, but well con
tested extra gamo matches prevented
that, and play will bo resumed next
In the lower half of the draw Mr. and
Mrs. Edward K. Van "Winkle, who have
held several championships Individually
and as a pair, reached the final round,
but were hard pressed to advance owing
to handicaps they allowed their opponents.
Both In the first and second round they
were carried into extra games. Flaying
from minus 10 aces they defeated Mr. and
Mrs. Rex E. Wlgham and then eliminat
ed Miss Isabelle Gregory and F. L.
Durland, who started play from plus 4
Tho summary:
Badminton Club Mlied Donbles First
round Mrs. C. O Warner and J. Jt, Red
flsld (milium 5 aces) defeated Miss Edith
IIndr and Dr. h. di Zeresra (minus 2 aw),
-15. 15 It, 1S-14; Ml Gertrude Van
Winkle and Robert Tj. Strebeigh (minus 7
linen) defeated Mrs. Robert Ij. Strebeith and
M. M. Fisher (plus 6 acts), 5-9. Miss
Isabelle Gregory and F. I... Durland (plus 4
aces) defeated Miss M. Leale and Herbert
P. Pearson (wratch), 15, 154: Mr. and
Mrs. Edward K. Van Winkle (minus II) aces)
defeated Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Wigham
(minus 7 1S-8. 8-15. 158.
Second Round Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Van
Winkle defeated Miss I. Gregory and P. I
Durland. 156, 015, 1816.
IU S Trimmer Defeat 3tnn(clalr
High School Lad. Xtt to 17.
ffpdo to Tne Sex id Nsir Tobk Hkbaid.
Mont clair, N. J., March 13. The
Montclalr Athletic Club swimmers de
feated the Montclalr High School team
in the tank of the former "to-day, 2(- to
17. The diving of Follett of the High
School and the swimming of Fanning
were the features. The summaries:
60 Yards Won by W. Crane. M. A. C; Har
rison, second; Tsjlor, third. Time, a 3-5
10J Yards Won br Tannins', M. A. C: Ken
nedy, second: Bemen.. third. Time. 1:071-5.
200 Yard Swim Won by Balch, M. A. C.J
Be ford, second. Time. 2:6J-5.
Faxr Dive Won br Follett, High School;
Balch. M. A. O., second ; Bojd, High School,
thRelay Race Won by Montclalr A. O. teim,
eompovd of Fanning, Balch, Crano and Pren
tice. Time, l:ll.
EftcW to TBI Son iw New Toik Hxialo.
WrxxiAMSTOWN, March 13. The In
tramural Baseball League proved auch
a succeos at 'Vyilllams 4aat spring that
a similar organization has been formed
In basketball. Sixteen teams, divided
Into two series, are now competing for
the fraternity championship of the col
lege. Xumerou new players who may
1 of help to thejvarelty In future years.
preHfcelmj - ib37lai4 4 Chelan,
$200,000 FOR
Col. Robert 31. Thompson
Starts Subscription List
' With $5,000.
Tentative Pates Are An
nounced for Tryoiits for
Various Teams.
Tho sum of $200,000 will be required
to send a team of American athletes to
Belgium next summer, according to an
nouncement mnao at a meeting of the
American Olympic Commltteo lfcld In
tho clubhouse of the New York A. C.
yesterday. It Is proposed to raise thld
money In various ways.
Ono way will be from subscribers for
Olympic team button., who will be
known as contributing members of the
Olymplo committee. Kach button will
he numbered. Any person contributing
$5 or moro may obtain one.
Button No. 1 will bo awarded to Col.
Robert M. Thompson, ono tlmo presi
dent of tho American' Olympic Commit
tee. Mr. Thompson earned this distinc
tion by being, tho first ono to make a
contribution. Ho telegraphed from Chi
cago to Guetavus T. Ktrby, president of
tho committee, to put him down for a
subscription of $3,000.
Boys and girls under IS years of nso
who subscribe $1 or more will receive
cards on which their names will be en
grossed. Another source of revenue will be
from funds to be raised by prominent
citizens of New York, Chicago and other
largo cities, whoso names will be added
to the list of members of tho American
Olymplo Games Committee.
Moneys received from all sources will
bo, turned over to Willis 11. Booth, vice
president of the Guaranty Trust Com
pany, who was elected treasurer In
place of .lullan W. Curtlss, who re
signed. Mr. Curtlss served as treasurer
of all American Olympic committees
Blnco 1S96.
Tentative Date Announced.
Tentative dates for tryouts wero an-1
nounccd. Candidates for tho track, and
field team go through their test's In
Pasadena. Cal. ; Chicago and Philadel
phia on Juno 26. The finals will bo held
In conjunction with the National A. A.
U. field and track championships at Bos
ton on July IT.
Men swimmers of the West will take
part In trials at Chicago on July 12.
Kasterners will race In New York on
tho same date. Mermaids with Olympic
aspirations will have their tryouts In
New York on July 11.
Track and field performers selected to
go to Belgium will leave here July 24,
arriving on the other sWo on August 2.
Marksmen and trapshooters will sail on
July 3. while the swimmers will get
under way three weeks In advance of
tho dates selected for their competi
tions. Major-Ge-neral William Wright told
the commltteo that army men aro much
Interested In tho games and that repre
sentatives of his branch of tho sen-Ice
will take part In nlno events.
No Programme for Nnvy
No set programme has been mapped
out by the United States Navy-ln regard
to the gamos. This was made quite
clear by Commander C, B. Mayo in a
brief speech.
Among tho delegates present were
Gustavus T. Klrby of the Intercollegiate
A. A., president of the committee, who
occupied the chair; Major-Gen. William
M. Wright, Gen. Palmer E. Pierce, Maor
Elliot Graves and Capt. J. B. McCabe,
L'r.lttxl States Army; Commander C. B.
Mayo, United States Navy; Bartow S.
Weeks, Frederick W. Kublcn and Sam.
uel J. Dallas, Amateur Athletic Union;
Dr. Graeme M. Hammond, Gcorgo.II.
Breed and "W. Scott O'Connor, Amateur
Fencers Association ,of America; J.
Clark and It. It Spotts, New York A. C. ;
David Slayback, International Skating
Union; Frederick Fortrrreyer, Dr. George
B. McOrath'and Harry Fnn Burke, Na
tional Association of Amateur Oarsmen;
Col. William Llbboy. Princeton. N. J.;
O, Randolph (Manning, Peter 3, Peel and
Thomas "VV. CahlU, United States Foot,
ball Association, ami Dr. Reginald IL
'Sayre, United States Revolver Associa
Xvy Sqnnd 1'roven Too Strong for
Collegians In Don! Meet.
Annapolis, Md., March 33. Cornell
wrestlers succumbed to the Naval
Academy representatives this afternoon,
the score being 27 to 4. The Midshipmen
won three bouts on falls and an co.ua!
number on decisions, Maokey's victory
over Hough in the 115 pound class sav
ing the visitors from belngr blanked.
They gave their opponents a hard -fight
in every bout, however, and worked for
a fall rather than tho decision. The bout
between Mackey and Hotigh required an
extra six minutes for a decision.
Tho summary:
115 Ponnd Class Hacker. Cornell, won de
cision from' Jloufh. Natal Academy. In nine
minutes and an extra Mot or mx minutes.
123 round Clas Oallerr. Nan! Academy.
threw Ackerlr, Cornell, with arm scissor and
tar Kelson hold )n 3 mlnntm 57 seconds.
138 rouna uiass swigerr, xTai Academy,
won decision oyer Conror. Corntll, in nine
145 Pound Class-Plxton, Naval Academy,
won decision orer AiSJtr, cornel, in nine
15S round Class lelyerton, Karal Acad
emy, nalned decision oTer iiacnnac, Cornell.
in nine minute.
175 round Oass Elmars, Kayil Academy,
threw Beam, Cornell, with bar and chancery
hold in II minutes li fronds.
Eliminated Class Winnie, rarai Acsdemy,
threw Huntlni ton, Cornell, with chancery and
arm hold in seven minutes.
Flnr Opens on Montclalr Coortu
AVI tit Champion A AVlnner,
Montct,air, N. J.. Saturday. First
round olay In 'the Nerr Jersoy Ctate
fiquash tennis tournament began on tho
Montclalr Club conrta mis atternoon,
with Earl Fink of the Englewood Field
Club defending his title. Fink had as
his opponent In the round W. C Becker
of Montclalr and defeated him, 15 1,
15 k, other scores were:
II. V. Crawford, Motrtdatr. dafeatsd J, O.
Tfaldron, Montclalr, lo-fl, 18 Hi Frank BeW.
Montclalr. and Jama Sanders, Uoutclalr won
by default.
Second Itound Ellis AUma, Eiser County
Conntrr Club, iWeatted W. II. Spencer, Mont
clslr, 7-1S, 1S-3. 15-8.
Jay Gould, the world's court tennis
champion, will play nn exhibition squash
match with Frank KIdde. the Montclalr
A. C. champion, on the Montclalr courts
tomorrow WCteriwai
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 13.
The Columbia University cham
pion fencing team defeated Yale
10 to 4, m a meet here this after
noon. Yale s treshman fencine team
won from Columbia 6 to 3.
Ringside Experts
Declare Wilde Won
OLBDO, Ohio, March 13. The
following Is the opinion of sport
ing authorities present at the
ringside of the Wilde-Mason twelve
round fight last night :
Sam Hall, Chicago IIcraM-Examl-ner
Wilde won easily.
J. K. Wray, St. Louis rost-De-ipatch
Wilde won by jards.
Joe William, Cleveland A'cics
Wilde won seven rounds.
Tom Andrews, Milwaukee Journal
Wilde easily tho winner, although
Mason fought a great battle.
Ollle Pecord, Toledo referee of the
Wlllard-Dempsey fight Wilde won.
C. W. Howard, Toledo Times
Wilde easy winner.
Ad Thacher, promoter of the fight
Mason won by a shade.
Kntry for National Indoor
Tennis Championship Shows
"Well Balanced Field.
When play starts at tho Seventh
Regiment Armory to-morrow in the
fourteenth annual national Indoor
tennis championship for women forty
six aspirants, a record field for the
event, will be drawn In the first and
recond rounds. The entry, which closed
yesterday, exceeds by four names any
previous list In an outdoor title tourna
ment. While some of those who have
been most prominently Identified with
tho championship, Mrs. George W.
Wightman, tho ntlo holder; Mrs. Frank
lin I. Mallory, Miss Eleanor Goss, Miss
Marie Wagner and Miss Marion Kinder
stein, aro among the absentees, enough
players of ability are Induded to In
jure nn interesting tournament. For
the first time In many years the field Is
so well balanced that It is difficult to
ramo a probab'e winner.
It has been customary to announce
tho draw on the day entries close, but
tho committee decided not to make It
public until to-morrow, in order to
avoid the possibility that weaker play
ers, finding themselves drawn against
title contenders, may be frightened
away hy the prospect of defeat In the
first" round. The committee, of which
Miss Marie wagner Is chairman, be
llovcs that many defaults will ho pre
vented by withholding publication of
tho draw.
The names of tho entrants were an
nounced, however, and teveral h'nts
nero given as to th strongest players
In the different quarters of tho draw.
In tho upper quarter, for Instance, :t Is
known that Mi3s Clare Cassel. Mrp. Ingo
Hartmann and Miss Martha Bayard are
the contenders. In tho second quarter
Mrs. Frederics C. Schmltz, ono time
champion; Miss Edith Slgourney of
Boston and Mrs. Samuel H. Waring
stand out prominently. In the third
quarter Mrs. M. B. Huff of Philadelphia.
Miss Caroma Winn and Mis3 Cores
Eaker aro among the asplrnnts. while In
tho final quarter nro Miss Phyllis Walsh
of Philadelphia, recent winner nf the
Florida State championship; Miss Hel
ene Pollak, Mrs Percy Wilbourti and
Miss Evelyn Seavy of Kansas City.
On form one might venture a guess
that tho eeml -finalists in tho upper halt
will bo Mies Clare Cassel and Mrs.
Samuel II. Waring, and in tho lower
half SIlss Caroma Winn and Miss Hcl
erio Pollak. But those who have hecn
following indoor tennis tournaments
this season aro looking for upsets.
The entry follows:
MIj A. K. OTkjrm.m, Miss TJlllsn Scliarman,
Miss Caroma Winn. Mrs. B. Stem. Mrs. C. C.
Parsons, .Miss Hutli It. ilarden. Mrs. U. Irscy
Vonatlit. Miss Florence Pond. Mlsn Krel.vn
Seavr. Mrs. M. B. Huff, Mrs. Kenneth S. Bill
inn. Mlt Anyusta Wnrm, Mrs. Hamuel II.
warln. Mrs. rercy Wllbourn, Mrs. Cyrus Clark-,
-Miss Muriel Blnien, Mrs. A. lAwlor, Miss Katli
nbn mm Marion Schuster. Mrs. G. II.
Stanwtx. Miss Helen flmldt iflss Mario SmMt,
MISS IVUlA CailCTS, aire. ilBUiBIUl J'ntu, M-!
Cores Baker, Miss Phyllis Wnlsh. Miss Hose
Ksplau. Mrs. Helen Klein. Mrs. Frederick C.
Hchmlts, Mrs. F. II. Kesham. Mrs. O. C. Or,
ham Miss Helen Tollsk. Miss imrothy Conn,
Mrs lngo Hartman, Miss Alice Bayard, Mls
Martha Bayard. Mrs. Hlen B. Wolff, Mrs. Kd
Ti. n,onrrn. Mrs. W. n. TTltchard. Miss
Cure Cawei,
Mrs. Frank
Damrau. lira. J;
Manhelmer, Mrs. W. B. Dun-
can. Mrs.
Leslie Bancroft and Miss Edith
As a result o fa victory over E. Domt-
Tilcfc- vesterday A. H. Lockott la now In
the title round of tho University Club
squash racquets cnampionsnip. jio won
rather easily, 154, IE 12. although his
opponent was showing to better advan
tage toward the close. In tho champion
ship wratch this -nroek Olr. Lockett is to
play the winner of the semi-final between
D. MiioanK ana . u. union.
Princeton X. J March 13. An In
novation In aprifig sports will be at
tempted when Coach Nlcs takes charge
nf the soceeV candidates In college to try
following Is the opinion of sport- ! ' WM " 'MkV . WMmtiW
antimiiUrtntfeiirwsT. fan1! nrr -nrf rrtn,yrirrH T"4 rrt i-"Mr ""'""'p" ft
Columbia's Champion Fencing
av List of Dates to 15c
Adopted at Meeting on
- March 27.
When tlii- executivo committee of the
I'nltcd States l.awn Tenhis Association
holds Its spring meeting In tills city on
March 27 tho adoption of the annual
schedule of sanctioned tournaments will
bo tho leading subject for consideration,
but there will bo other matters of Im
portance. For ono thing tho Interna
tional tennis programme will assume
definlto shape, for final determination
will be made of tho question of sending
teams to the British championships and
tho Olympic gaYnes. The Davis Cup sit
uation may also be clearer by that time.
At present America does not know
whether Its announced preliminary tie
with South Africa Is to stand or whether
a new draw Is to bo made with Canada
included. It appear to bo up to Canada
to request tne nations already drawn to
rec to a new arrangement thnt will In
! clll(3e n team from tho Dominion. The
same situation occurred in una, when,
owing to cablo delays, Pouth Africa was
left out of the original draw hut vns
admitted Into the International event
when tho countries Involved decided to
accept tho entry nnd make n new draw.
From national tennis headquarters has
coine the announcement that the tour
nament dates of 193". Judging from tho
unprecedented number of applications,
will surpass In number those of any pre
vious year. The most difficult task In
Ik-tlng them is to avoid as many con
flicts of dates as possible. Offhand It Is
estimated thnt moro than 200 tourna
ments will 1 IUIpiI .-xi'liivlsn nf national
The commltteo will also have for
consideration applications from two sec
tlonal associations for recognition under
the new constitutional provisions. One
come. from tho Missouri Valley district
and the other from Philadelphia, which
now Is tho centre of tho Middle States
Association. In both S.t. Louis and
Philadelphia rival associations aro vy
ing with each other for control, nnd
tho probability Is that until they settle
their differences nnd work together
under ono association no recognition
will bo given by the national body.
Tho two factions In St. Louis nre tho
Central States Tennis Association, which
-Is a ibranch of tho SL Louis Amateur
Athletlo Association, an organization
that has controlled amateur sport there
for years, and tho recently formed St.
Louts Tennis Association. In Philadel
phia tho Philadelphia Lawn Tennis As
sociation, composed chiefly of smalf
clubs. Is fighting for control against
tho larger and older clubs, that Includo
Mer'on, Germantown Cricket Cluh and
tho Philadelphia Country Club.
A communication from officials of the
French association will also demand
the attention of tho committee. It bears
bn the part tho International Federa
tion Is to play In tho adoption of univer
sal rules. The plan Is to pass this
prerogative to tho federation and the
Idea has been accepted nbroad. The
Europeans want the United States to
share In this- activity of tho federation
and they regret their Inability to effect
a solution of tho difficulties now block
ing tho acceptance of the plan in this
country. Negotiations aro in tho hands
of v Watson M. "Washburn, who repre
sented the United States at the Inter
national tennis conferenco In Europe
last year.
Sptclal to Tim SDN ad Jiiw Tobk HcaiU).
jjTATB Colleoe, Pa., March 13. The
dato for tho annual Term Stato Intor
scholastla track and Hold meet has been
set for May 15, Tho preliminary an
nouncements and invitations will soon be
eent out to the majority of tho high
schools nnd preparatory schools of the
State. Plans again call for two classes,
Class A being made up of preparatory
schools and Class B of the high schools.
Indiana Normal was the winner In the
former claas last year, wftllo Harrisbu
Wwi . -77m cnm.
Opens Up Hijr Gap in First Unr
lonii's and Scores Easy
Sprcfrtl fo Tim Si n- ash New York Heiiaih.
Havana. Cuba, March 13. A light
rain fell Just before post time here to
day, but tho track remained In good con
dition but not fast. Spugs found the
soft going to his liking and made a run
away race of the two-year-old event.
He assumed a long lead quickly and was
easing him up at the end. Vic Munoz
was second, with the favorite, Iloseat,
third. Roseate was unfortunate In the
early running, Sho met with Interfer
ence several times, but closed gamely.
In winning the second event Gleamer
ran a remarkable race. He was off last
and was many lengths out of It In the
early running, but raced through an
opening next the rail on Hip stretch turn
nnd, closing with a rush, won going
away by a length.
The third race went to Top Rung after
a hard drive, which lasted through the
final furlong. The son of Out of Reach
got up In tho last stride to win by a
Jockey Chlavetta was tho riding star
of the day, bringing three winners down
in front.
The results:
First Race Purse, Gflrt; t'o-year-oldi; four
furlonss Snuirs. 1(0 (H. GarnerK 2 to 1.
4 to 6 nnd 2 to B, won; Vic Munoz. 110
(Mountain). f to 2. even and 1 to 2, second;
Btneate. 107 (Taylor). 7 to S. I to 3 and
1 to 4. thlr.1. Time. OMJ2-5. Wlsh'.nr, WhiJ,
Charm.mt. Uttlo Pointer, Fiction ami Ascut
ncy alsrn ran.
.sreond Hace Purr, Ihrec-year-iCd
and upward; claiming:; six furlongs X.he
Glenmer, 103 (Carmody), S to 1, 2 lo 1 and
even, uon; Precious Jewel. 101 (Tr.vnjO,
4 to 1. s io 5 and 4 to fi, second; Hasty Coxa,
107 (Chlavetta). S to C. 3 to 5 and 1 to 3,
third. Time, 1:15 3-5. Bed, Frankie Burke,
Sea Beach, Blanche Dorialton, Marty Lou.
James O. p.nd Jutland also ran.
Third Race Purse, 000: three-yrar-olds and
unnaril: claiming:; six furlonirs Top Runr,
101 (Chiatetta). 3 to 1. 6 to 6 and 3 to 5,
won; Jack Dawson, lot (Do Mayo), S to 1,
3 to 1 and S to h. eccond; Clip. 101 (Jan-ell),
r to 1. 2 to 1 ami even, third. Time, 1:16.
Mary FitzhrUh, Unnise Child. Stilwto. Iron
Boy, May Mauiaby, Leoma and Tranby also
Fourth Race Purse, JW; three-ycnr-olds
nnd upward: claiminsr; six furlongs Utile
cote, M (Chlavetta), 4 to 1. S to f, ami 4 to f,
won; Snow Queen, 104 (E. Fstor), 4 .to 1.
5 to R and 4 to 6. second; Plantarcde. ;0S
(Jarrcll). 10 to 1, 4 to 1 and 2 to 1. third.
Time, 1-14 4.5. Lowell. Kl Cnronel. Hill Sim
mon, ohasta. Lamp Post. Dclancey end Kins:
Worth also ran.
Fifth Hace Purse. $W0: three-year-olds ami
upward: claiming; five nnd a half furlonirs
Annabclle. 10S (Chiarettai, 8 to J. 3 to 5 and
1 to 3. won: Danlora, 101 (Wilson), ?. to 1.
'4 to f, nnd 2 to C, second; Little One. 10s
(Brown), 8 to 1. 3 to 1 and S to 5. third.
Time, 1 :0-S 3-C. Ticker nnd Stealer, He's a
Bear, Babylonian, Stere, Spectacular Girl
and Northern Belle also ran.
Sixth Race Purse. JfiM; four-year-olds and
upward; claiming; one and a sixteenth miles
Ouido Post. 106 (Wilson). 5 to 1. 2 to 1 nnd
even, won; Fortune's Favor. Iu7 (H. Garner).
6 to 1. 5 to 2 ami 6 to 3, second; Royalty, 1W
(Carmody). fi to r, 1 to 2 and 1 to I, third.
Time, 1:511-.", Eda Herrmann, Native Soil,
Royat ami Frank Keojh also ran.
Seventh Race (Purse. ISco; fnur-year-olds
ami upward; clalminj; one and three-sixteenths
miles Attorney Mulr. V) (Tryoni.
2 to 1, 4 to 5 and out, won: Great Gull. 10J
(Mangan). 7 to 2, 7 to II and out, second:
Buck Nail, 110 (Crooks), 2 to 1. 7 to y and
nut, third. Time. 2:03. Slippery Silver and
Woodthrush also ran.
ClnaCN Sermon "With Victory Ornr
Connecticut Youna;ater,
Cutler School closed Its basketball
season yesterday with a victory over
Illdgefleld High School of Connecticut
on tho Cutler court yesterday. Tho
score was 31 to 23. Brawner, right for
ward, accounted for 22 points for the
winners. Ho cagod ten basket3 from
the flold. Tho lineup:
Cutler School. TlldsiQeld H. S.
Brawrmr Ittarbt forward Hltnhcock
TIigsin Tvft forward . Holmes
McEliry Centre Stralton
Mus.-henheini Biht euanl lllinrwortli
(Tasu- lft guard McKrrniii
Goais from fle'rl Bra-nr to. IUliu i,
Chase 2. Hitchcock 4, Holmes, Btratlon I.
(kials irom loui urawtitr 2. Strattun
lor Holmes. Tlma at
Sports Horses Kennels Automobiles 7?
Jockey L.vkc Guides Hev
ironic Ahead of Sprinters
in Fourth Knee.
Wins Ovcr.Milo mid Three Six
teenths Koutc Rip; Crowd
Nr.w Orleans, March 13,jr-Although
tho programme was mado up of over
night events n big crowd turned out to
witness tho sport nt tho Jefferson Park
track this nfternoon. It was the hit
Saturday's rnclng of the season, and It
geerned as if' all New Orleans was bent
on seeing the thoroughbredB In action.
The fourth race, n dash nt six fur
longs, was the feature. It brought to
grther a fairly good field of sprinters
and furnished a keen contest. Lady
Hrikmncl, tho three-year-old daughter of
Ilrummel, ,voi (ho long end of tho purse.
She was superbly ridden by Lawrence
Lyko and was well In hand at th'j end.
Anticipate finished second and Who
Cares was third.
Tantalus carried tho cnloia of It. II.
MeCartor potter homo in front In the
llfth event. This race was at ono mile
nnd three-sixteenths. Tantalus was
much the best, and had little dllficulty
beating out Sun Cod, which took the
second end of the purse. Franklin tin
Ished third.
Madeline Lillian, which was formerly
Petunia, scored over half a dozen Juve
niles in the first race. Silver Springs
was second and Joe Goodman third.
The results:
I'lrit Ktic.. Tii.y.ir nlds; purse ?00U; full,"
'mini Miidi'lin Lillian ( funnel Ir IVtnnmi,
H5 (Wh.ltli fioin. I,, t. tn 2 ninl I'n-n. fini! ;
Mlier s!i"it';-, lis iltnilrizinvi, 1) In .. I tn a
and 2 to 5. srvoml; Joe Goodman, H" (Itninnti
elili, S to 1. ." lo 2 ninl Men, third, 'lime,
0:4(1 3-1. I and's 1 )f. Ky Opener, Onior K, and
Twinkle Blue iiImi ran.
Secoul Itui-e. Tlireo-ye.-rf"oli! nnd ui: i-lnlm-int;
pirsc .ti'ifi; five and n hmf riulmtK.
Mu'iisuiiis. 1 1L! (I, le), 10 tu 0 to 5 ninl 1 lo 2,
first; Kitnlic, His ( U'lilttlngtun), 1H io D, li tu .'
and I) t.i fi, second; Knliiuuor, 111 (Wilde), ! to 5,
7 to 10 ami 1 tu a, third. Time, 1:0$ 2-3.
Huzzas, NfC, Valcilo West and l'eggy C. also
r.i n.
Tli'rd Il.sro rmir-yfar-olits nnd up; claiming;
purse fltio; six fi.rliuuv Trusty, 112 (Wlilttlim
toni. II! tn 20. nml (nit, first; RoiisU-ll 107
(Widii. (1 tn 1, 7 to .' mid out, second: Piillm.
103 living!. P In 2, (! tn ." and out, third. Time,
LIS 4-5. Cnliilt I.nxs also ran.
I'mirtli Hace. TlirT-ywii-lils and up; purse
.1700; Mi. fiirlnn.'s. I.nly Brmiiimd, 112 (I.ykci,
11 In '.'(I. 1 to 5 ami out, first : Aullrlpate. 112
(Wld.i). (1 In 1, S tn 5 and 1 In 2, m-cuihI: Who
Cms, till iMnoiiiiy), (1 In 1, 7 tn ,i mid 2 tn fi,
third. Time. 1:15 2-3. Diamond Girl mid U--uleut
also ran.
1'iflli Itace.-Tantnlus, S to ,"i. 2 lo ft and out,
'rst; Sun God. otii, 1 to 4 and nut. second;
Trnnlln. S to 1, 7 to r, nnd out, third. Time,
2:01 2.1. Kliiiinlnii nlsu ran.
Sutli Race.- Build, S tu 1, 7 to ' and .1 to ft,
flist; Tit fur T.it. .'! to 1, cten and 2 to 3, sec
ond: Lehalafre. S In ,". " to ft and 1 hi4, third,
nine, 1:,10 4-1. Uookt-ry. I.lttlo Cottage ami
KiiIipatianiiiH-k 111. ali-o mil.
Setenlli Iinoe.-I'. G. King. S to 1, 3 lo 1 and
S to !i, first; Green Mint. 2 to 1T 4-t ft and
2 to 5, second: Brlekley, SO to 1. U to 1 nnd
5 to 1, third. Margaret N., llruoUand, Dr. I-cry.
Martiim, Yorkist. .1. I". CunmiltiKs, Shanirwk
Grceu and M. Galviu also Tan. .
Coach Is Trying to Develop
Pitching Material.
Special l Tnr. Kin a.m. New Yomc HnnAtt.. ,UUD', announced yesterday Boston Is al
' ..., , T, I lowed to score the unfinished game at
Itkaca, N. .. March 13. Because of , the third board between It. T. rilnrv nf
the mud Coach Henry has given up all
thought of outdoor baseball work until
the team starts South In the first week
in April. Practice continues In the qngef
with the gradual elimination nf all but
tho most likely vnrslty candidates.,?, '-'
Twenty-four pitchers and catchers
and thirty-five Infieldcrs and outfielders
have survived two cuts. A third cut is
duo within ten days which will leave
only a good sized varsity squad.
On account of the loss of Olsen. Cor-1
nell's only first rate experience! pitcher,
Henry is devoting much tltr..'- to de
veloping some new material. Tho most
promising pitchers aro Andrews and
Wolf, of last year's freshman team;
Dodson nnd Mnloney, southpaws, tho
former having pitched one game on the
varsity last year, nnd Rlckard nnt
Hcicbrook. llenry is teaching thorn con
Ensworth, Abel Ballon and 0'I.cary
nro leading for catcher, with no marked
superiority for any of them nnd none so
far proving himself a first rate man.
Among tho experienced inflclifcrs left
nro Murphy, first base on the varsity
last year; Sautcrs, a former varsity
second baseman; Howard and Spiers,
former vnrslty shortstops, and Fritz, a
former third baseman.
Cross, Davles, Mullcr, Xeii - and
Spader, of last year's otitflelil squad, aro
loading the candidates for the outer
The squad has made marked progress
under Henry's coaching and some of
the players look good. If the team wero
sure of good pitching Gornell fans
would not hesitate to predict a success
ful season.
First Hace Fife and a. half furlongs;
three-year-olds and upward; claiming; purse
SWi. Fot Foot. SI: 'Baccarat, 102: 'Loc
Kloethe, 102; 'Pen Butler. 102: V.-ulavelle,
103; Famum. 103: Cafeteria. 105; Feliadad,
105; Brier Fox. 107; Lcnshen'a Pride, 108;
nnielnnt, 11: James G.. 114.
Second Bars Five and a half furlongs;
three-year-olds ' and up; claiming: pifr.se,
Sf.00. Willie Woods. 102; 'Sophie K., 103;
D. C. Girl. 101; 'The Snob. 105; 'Prince
Easy, 106; Weymouth Girl, 103; 'Lackrose,
109: 'Twenty Seven. 112.
Third Bace Three-year-olds and up; fho
and a half furlongs; claiming; purse. J6():
Major Bradley. 9S; 'First Pullet. 101: "Ap
plejack. 1M; 'Bon Otis, 107; 'Helen Atkin,
107; 'Presumption, 109; 'Yorkville, 109; Lady
Ivan, 112; Fickle Fancy, 112; Premium, lit.
Fourth Raco Six furlongs; three-year-olds
nnd upward; claiming; purse, JSOO. 'Polar
Cub. 86: 'Goldstone. 90; 'Bora, 9t; 'Dainty
I.ady. 99; 'Marlon Holllna. 100: Golden Bed.
101; 'Briir. 102: 'Ed Garrison. 103; Thedodcn,
104; Hocnlr, 107; Mellora, 103; 'Trophy, 109.
Fifth Bace Grand National Handicap; mile
and an eighth; three-yeam-olds and upward;
itoooo added: IWar Snlrit. 99: llgal. 101:
Kiku, 106: Iollte. 109; Scotch Verdict. 102; Blue
Wrack. li : IHudmo, ids: tlisnk o'jiey, 112:
Bnford. Ill: Walnut Hall, 115; Bally, 119;
Cromwell, 1S7. fPrcss entry. JW. V. Thravcs
Sixth Race On mile: four-year-oMs and
upward; claiming: pursa lX): 'Little Cote,
97: Zoto. 98! Balph 8.. 99: 'Daisy D.. 98;
Martylon. W( "Old Eylers. 101; Burllngame.
101; Timothy J. Hogati, 104: 'Zodiac. 104;
Frank Keogh, 106; Msxlm'a Choice, 108; Ned
Mllejbnght. 103.
i Sevenm uace -Mile; iour-yearom and up.
I i-.nl- eial-nlng: oo: 'Cork. h- Wir Tsx
jot Tarable. 102: 'Tokalon March, 101;
I 'Hands Off. 104: 'Encore, 101; 'Manokin, 107,
iChtllum. 105; The Talker, 111; White Crown,
i 115; 'Gordon, Itiusdl, 113.
Usirtntloo- sUovanra rMmedt
Takes High Scratch Trizo
With Total of 95
h Or Shooter to Mnko 100
in tho Travcrs Island
Handicap. ;
Willi A. B, rtanney high scratch and
A, P. Bennett leading tho handicap divi
sion, two now names wero added to t
list of winners for tho season at the
Travcrs Island-traps of tho Now York
Athletic Club yesterday. While both
theso gunners have been regular con
testants in tho Mercury Poot contests
throughout tho winter, this Is tho first
time that thoy have tlgurcd as victors;
but, whllo long delayed, their honors
wero worthily won, ns In a drlzzlo of
rain and poor light Ilannoy shattered 95
of the 100 saucers, whllo Bennett wai
the only ono of the field of thlrty-sevon!
to touch the century after nllowlos for
the handicap,
lianney also won the leg on tho Tray
urs Island trophy, and In the Haslln cup
event had the batlsfactlon of making a
Biniigm. it. is. sioan and Martin MoVoy
were others who touched off perfect
i strings.
j T. Tecktill, with a total of 17, won tha
leg on tho Uuermcyer trfphy, whllo J. I.
I Hrnndenberg was tho only one to catch
the "ghost" disc as It made Its flight
I from the traps. Tho distance special
lounii u. s. .McCutcheon leading and W.
It. Delchhnty figuring as tho runner-up.
The rcnt-us:
"an-.C Tr.Ti, llsln Clnli Mlhr : A til.
v. n. ii.a-nn .. i -.,
Z Ituset-i i '.'j
1. H. Ai'dcl Min. I it
V.- S. Silku'ttli 1 Jl
J. II. Vandun'r.2 ij
X. Webb m
.'. W. 1 tension... 4 !9
I :j 0 l'l 1 23 V- 3- -.0
1 23 1 IS 1 21 V 4- 1
1 :'."i 1 23 1 20 V0- S J
I :'.! i :: 1 2:1 ss- ns
2 10 2 21 2 24 M-11ai
2 22 3 21 2 21 M-ll- SO
fi 22 f. 2.1 f. 20 C4 tO fit
2 21 2 21 0 22 7S 10 IS
1 23 1 22 1 2J J JT
2 22 0 22 1 21 tii- h- H
0 24 1 22 0 23 112 J 93
0 HI 3 22 3 25 S2-11 93
0 21 ill 2 24 82- 7 85
1 23 2 23 2 23 g 87
2 23 2 23 2 24 SO 9 95
2 20 3 23 2 22 SIM- 9
1 23 1 24 1 24 93 - 97
2 21 2 22 2 21 Sl-lff- 91
2 23 2 21 2 19 72- 8 89
2 23 2 25 2 24 9010-100
223 2 21 222 85 B P0
0 12 3 11 0 13 32-111- 70
6 19 6 22 21 61 M 82
3 22 ft 17 3 19 74-13- 67
2 23 2 23 2 25 f& - 9S
3 22 0 19 3 22 80-11- 91
6 1!) 6 23 24 M-28- 93
3 21 2 22 3 22 79-13 92
0 14 0 21 0 20 82 0 82
fi 21 0 17 0 18 7!- T9
4 22 4 21 4 21 67 -18 85
2 23 2 23 2 22 89- 9 t
52 3 21 5 21 7022- 91
7 20 7 20 7 20 S3-K-"- 83
OH 0 23 0 19 80 0 f ft
0 20 0 21 ft 22 82 0 S3
0 23 0 20 0 22 SS- 0 .S
I. A. Brown
W. Iiozdeti...
..2 20
..1 20
V. J. Ham
M. McVuy
II G. Vosel...
H. S Smith...
T. Tcrkull
J. T. Bishop..
It. B. Sloan...
A. 11. Banney.
G. II. Storso.
..0 22
...1 23
. .2 23
..2 22
..2 21
..3 23
..1 23
.2 22
(1. S. McCiitch'n
! 17
A. I . Bennett. .2 21
W. d. Allen 2 24
I). W. Glnek....4 20
(!. Gilchrist c 16
W. It. Ieleli.mty3 5
I". B. Steihen'n2 2.1
W. W, Pealiody.3 23
.1. P. Connors.. li :4
J. Nlda 3 23
Oitcii rther....O so
C. B. .lames. ..0 2.1
.1. Callahan.... 4 19
,T. I. Braiidenli'gJ 21
J. O. Taylor... 3 23
II. II. Tteeic....7 23
.f. Wanlllng ....0 21
B. I!. Gnltlii ..n 19
J. Snellen ..
0 21
But New York Wins Tele,
graph Match, 6 1-2 to 3 1-2.
As a result, of the decision of Walter
renn Shipley of Philadelphia, refereo of
tno telegraphic match between the Man
hattan Chess Club and the Boston City
.Now York, former rftnte champion, nnd
(j. H. llabblttt of Boston, making tho
final score of tho match 6 to 3', in
favor '.of tho Manhattan Chess Club.
Wflen play stopped on the day of tho
match Black claimed a draw on the
ground that the same position had 'Q
curred three times. Itefereo Shipley,
however, decided that the rule govem
In gthc polnti required that It be the op
ponent's tuin to play at the tlmo of
making the -la!m, which In this instance
was not tho case.
After thli 'uueelion was tleatcd up
tho adjourned position was handed over
yesterday to H. ljelms of this city the
official adjudicator, who declared it to
bo a win for Babbitt of Boston.
Gnln Second Victory In Pokkcj)
lmrir Cup Illlllnrd Tourney.
J. M. Shea yesterday afternoon gained
his second consecutive victory In the
Poggcnburg cup handicap amateur bil
liard tournament when ho defeated
Charles Worcester, 115 to 85, In tho
Koitlnnal Kecrtallon of Brooklyn. Bo.tlj
contestants nr clnss-C playeraand wero
playing for 113 points each.
Shea got off tn a bad start and was
forced to trail his opponent until tho
sixteenth and yeventeenth Innings, when
he made runs of nine and ten rc3pef
lively and took command. From tbla
rtgo on Shea improved nnd had Utile
trouble with his opponent. Tho match
lasted forty In pings. '
J. Ward nnd Hobert Stelnlnigh
ba the contestants in to-morrov
noon's game, wlilo n tho ngln
Julian BIco will oppose Charles 1
ter. Tho score:
.1. M. Shea I13)-0 O23OB1O0
4 0 9 10 0 10 2 1 5 .9 3 0 0 1 2 1 7 1
2 2 0 9 1. Total, 113. High runs, 10, 1
Ateragc, 2 33-40.
Charles Worcester (ItSl-l 7 0 0 3 If
: o i o i 13 i J o i s n n in in
0 1 3 0 0 0 3 5 Total. 83. High runs, i
and 9. Average. 2 7-39.
Trillin till Oter Dartmouth Alh-
Ird-a, -7 tit -'(1.
S-pedil tn Tur. Sis A,n New York IIoiLD".
Cambkipck, Mass., March. 13. Har
vard defoatml Dartmouth In a gymnastic
meet hero this afternoon by the score of
27 to 2fl. Capt. Campbell of the victors
was a double winner, with 10 points, arfd.
Wiley and Bragger, his team mates, .ac
counted for the remainder of tho point).
Olsen. Garta and Capt. Kraeer each
scored a first for tho Green. Tho sunie
Horizontal Bars Won Ijt Campbell, Har
vard; KasAleux, Dartmouth, second; Wller,
llarr.-i.-i thrrd.
Sldo Horse Won by Olsen. Dartmouth;
Wiley. Harvard, second; Homer, Dartmouth:,
"chi'b Swlmrlrw-Won by Garta. DartmoutHj
Brasrrer, Harvard, second: no third place.
Parallel Bars Won by Campbell. HsrtaritJ
Homir, Dartmoutli, Kcond, Wilcj IlarvarU,
"fTy'ln" Bing Won by Brarger. HartarA;
Wiley, Harvard, second, Wilde, Dirtmouthj
"riimhling -Won by FraseV, Dartmouth:
Wilde, Dartmouth, secorri; Biijjcr, Hjtrxfl,

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