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THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1920. CADY STANTON 1 1 ttj Suffragists' Fifty Year Fight Reviewed on Eve of Victory Notable Women and Stirring Events in Struggle for Franchise Are Recalled While Ratification by. Only Two More States Is Needed for Success ELIZABETH Women Voters in the United States, 26,800,000. Number 01 women 21 ycira of ae and over in the United State' Entimatc based on 1910 rfMiu. (No allowance Is nude for allenf.): Albania ... . 5' Nevada 19,954 Arioim .. H ftfi New Hamiwihlre US,j9 Arkifiat .. 3C193 New Jersey. ... 810.321 CViforma .. .. 731,324 New Mexico W.4S7 folnr.ulo . 231, ,"67 New York 8,033,8 CniHuTticut . 3ivf.ll North farolina. 671.423 Delaware C4.2V1 Wuth Carolina. 37MS3 Vlonrla lofi.TO North Dakota... 134.646 fifovia ft. 463 Ohio 1,633,17 Tflaho H'm Oklahoma . . 381,813 Illmoic 1,754.240 Oreion 185.165 Indiana SIT, 7.3 Pennijlmnla 2,325,4M IOa S4,WS IthcVe Ulaml. . lS3.0atl Kan .. HI.M7 South Dakota . 147,60.) Kentucky 63T.T31 Tenneiaee -94.44! Loeiuana . .. 434 SSS Tezaa 972, 19 Maine 245.309 vtah 91.301 Maryland . . 44)3.500 Vermont 117,971 MasachU9ette ..1.1S1.903 Virginia S7D.320 Mlchlsan . . H64.631 Woahlnaton .... 300,499 Minnenota .. . 893.SS2 West Virnlnla 313.465 MlMlaslppi... 444.233 Wlaconjln 671,271 MiMOUri .. .. 9W.167 Wjominir 31,711 MS.T.ana . . 89,915 . Nebraaka 327.M4 Total W.SW.OM By MARTHA COMAN. A DETERMINED, simply dressed woman wearing her dark hair brushed smoothly over her ears and colled in a knot low on hef neck was seated tn the front end uf a street car In Roches ter. X. Y. The town sheriff stood on the rear end of the car. Now and then he glanced uneasily toward the prisoner In his charge. Her firm mouth and flashing eyes somewhat daunted him. "Fare!" demanded the conductor, ap proaching the woman passenger. "I am a prisoner." she said, looking up from contemplating her slender hands en cased In silk mitts. "I am travelling under the escort of the sheriff. He Is In the other end if the car and you will have to ask him for my fare." And Susan B. Anthony, for It was she, set ifd the fold of her dress, which had been sllfhtly crumpled In the recent struggle which had resulted in her being sent to 'he CVmrt House for having tried to cast her vote on the ground that she was one of th" "people." That was nearly half a century ago. If "Aunt Susan" were alive to-day she would find that those widely criticized militant acts o' hers and her sister pioneers had actually helped to lead women straight to political freedom. And If she could be here to-mnrrow. March 22. she would probably see the ratl ftat!on of the Federal suffrage amendment by the full thirty-six States, after a battle for freedom that has lasted since 1S69. Only Two Statea More. With thirty-four of the States having algned 'he measure, all hopeR of the political equality leaders are now centred on Wash ington and Delaware, where special sections to consider ratification of tho Eighteenth Amendment will be held within the next twenty-four hours, There Is little doubt that the measure w'll go through. Washington has been an equal suffrage State for several years and the Delaware Legislature is considored to be fa vorably Inclined. It would hardly have the temerity, suffragists argue, to vote against the amendment, knowing that the entire suffrage world Is looking to this tiny section of the United States to change the political complexion of the country. However, If Delaware should defeat the amendment the suffragists will pin their hopes on Connecticut and Vermont, both of which hold regular sessions in 1921, and one of which might be persuaded, they believe, to call a special consideration of the measure if it needed Just one more vote. Twelve out of the thirty-four States already In line ratified In regular sessions. The twenty-two others called special sessions. Is it any wonder, therefore, that the women of this day are rejoicing in what Is practically a triumph, and that in their rejoicing they remember those who laid the foundation of the movement, the organizers of tho women's rights cause? The National Woman Suffrage Association, "f which Susan B. Anthony was president fr eight years, was born of poor, but honest Parents, In 1869. and fortunately for a cause which was to progress steadily, If slowly at time?, toward victory. It happened to have a ".ilth godmother. This was Mrs. Eliza beth I? Phelps, who installed the sturdy child In spaeious quarters at 49 East Twenty-third street. For some time the new organization, sort of woman's bureau, held weekly meet ings, and its home became a salon friendly to reforms in general and to tho franchise eeker In particular. One hundred signed the pledge and be came charter members of the national asso ciation. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was elected h first president and that time Miss Anthony refused to accept any higher office han that of member of tho executive com mittee Mrs. Stanton served from 1889 to 1S92. when Mls.i Anthonj1 was elected to the chief "Wee, which she occupied until 1900. Mrs. ''arrle Chapman Catt succeeded Miss An hony and held office from 1900 until 1904. "'hen Dr. Anna Howard Shaw was choen national leader. In 1915 Mrs. Catt was again elected president and succeeded Dr. Shaw, "he, has guided its destinies ever since and now winding up the affairs of the fifty ne year old body, which has bean voted out of existence because It has aoc-xapllihed Its XX I I H.XV-M.MVr.JK WkllHn III SOT HHrJk VI ' WPS mission. In Its place there has been formed tho National League of Women Voters, with seven regional directors and leagues In every State to correspond with the State suffrage associations. The suffrage association was really the outgrowth of a convention called to discuss woman's tight. This was. in IMS, at' Seneca Falls, and was hrought about by the com bined efforts of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lueretla Mott, with the cooperation of Martha C. Wright and Mary Ann McClIntoek. The organizers decided to exclude men" but either from curiosity or other Interest a number of the recognized voters not only attended, but men actually presided over and otneered tho gathering. The convention adopted a declaration of sentiments modeled after the Declaration of Independence. The next great gathering was held four years lattr at Syracuse, and was called to consider woman's rights. Delegates from eight States and Canada were present. Be tween the dates of the two conventions meetings were held in various States, one pf ospeclal Importance being the Salem, Ohio, convention in 1850, which brought together Frances Dana Gage, Elizabeth Robinson. J. Elizabeth Jones and Josephine S. Grilling. The women attending this convention sent a memorial signed by 8,000 men and women, calling a'tentlon to the unjust laws concern ing married women and asking for the right of suffrage. Formed Another Body in 1869. During the same yiar the Massachusetts women, under leadership of Lucy Stone and Pauline Wright Davis, were gathering their forces. In the samp year, 1850, they held a convention at Worcester. Among the speakers were Lucretia Motf, Ernestine Rose. Abby Kelly, Antoinette Brown and Dr. Harriot K. Hunt. The next woman's rights convention was held in 1861, In Indiana, and the following year saw the 1'ennsylvanla women gathered to ' discuss the political equality question. When the National Woman Suffrage As sociation was formed eighteen years later In New York, another group of women met in Cleveland, Ohio.nnd organized the American Woman Suffrage Assocatlon. Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe took the leadership of the latter organization, whilo Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Miss Anthony headed the for mer organization. Tho two suffrage organization split on campaign policy. The Anthony-Stanton ad herents considered the Federal amendment the most Important work ahead of them, while the Stone-Howe followers preferred to win the fight State by State. During this year, 18C9, when the two na tional organizations were formed, Wyoming granted Its women the ballot and for twenty four years the light for tho franchise was waged, but not another State followed Wyoming's lead. It was in 1872 that several women, among them Miss Anthony, believed that they had been enfranchised under the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides that "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge tho privileges or Immunities of citi zens o'f the United StatesT" With fifteen women of the same belief, Miss Anthony reg istered In Rochester and in November she cast her vote. ho was prosecuted for this "crime" by the United States Government and fined f 100, which she refused to pay and which was never exacted. Another attempt to gain political recogni tion for women under the Fourteenth Amendment was made by Miss Anthony and her followers, and the case was carried to the Supremo Court. The case was decided against tho suffragists, and Miss Anthony then turned her attention to securing tho passage of a new amendment. This was drawn up iri 1875, and since that year suf fragists have worked both in the States and through Congress to have thelr.right to the bnllot recognized. Introduced Firat in 1878. The Anthony amendment, as It was called. was Introduced for the first time In Con gress In the Senate In 1878 by Senator A. A. Sergent of California. It was reported ad versely to the Senate by the committee, but the next year, 1879, the adverse report of the majority was accompanied by a favor able report from the minority. Year after year the suffragists have gone to Washington to plead their cause with the committees. MIsb Anthony personally un dertook the work of seeing that the amend ment was Introduced annually until 1890. The House of Representatives voted on the amendment for tha first time tn 1911 and INEZ MlLHOtlAND BOISSEVAIN Ratification of Suffrage Amendment. 2 Michigan 3 Kansas . 4 Ohlo ... 9 'Massachusetts 1 'Texas 10 Iowa 11 Missouri 12 'Arkansas . . . 13 'Montana . J 6- 17- -New Hampshire 19 'Mains -iV 'North Dakota 21 'South Dakota 22 'Colorado 23 Rhode Island. Gov. Utfjla. Seiute. Houno. . K It June 10 24-1 54-2 . H ft June 10 Unan. Una n. . K It June IS I'nan. Unan. D R June 16 27-3 7J- D R June 16 Unan. Unan. . R Ft June 17 Unan. 133-4 . R R Juna 24 .12-8 153-44 R R June 25 34-5 184-77 . D D June 29 Unan. 96-21 . U n July 2 Unan. B-5 . D DIvM July 3 28-3 125-4 . D D July 20 20-2 76-17 . D R July 30 3S-1 Unan. . R R .Aug. 2 Unan. Unan. . R R Sept. tt 60-5 120-6 . R R Sept. 10 14-10 212-143 . D D Bept 30 Unan. Unan. . R R Nov. 1 Unan. 73-2 . R R Nov. 5 24-5 72-68 . R R Dec. 1 38-4 103-6 . R R Dec. 4 Unan. Unui. . R R Dec. 1. Unan. Unan. . R R Jan. 6 37-1 89-1 . R DIv'd Jan. 30-8 71-25 . R R Jan. 1? Unan. Unan. . It R Jan. 16 it-t Unan. . R R Jan. 27 Unan. Unan. , D DlVd Feb. 7 Unan. Unan. . D R Feb. 10 18-2 84-21 . R R Feb. 11 29-6 Unan. . R D Feb. 12 Unan. Unan. R R Feb. 19 17-5 86-10 D D Feb. 27 24-15 84-12 . D D March 10 15-14 47-40 31 'Arliona 34 'West Virginia (Katllled at special session. ) STATES WHICH HAVE I)K FI9ATF3D RATIFICATION. Gov t Alabama D 3 Georgia 3 Mississippi D 4 South Carolina h Virginia 6 Maryland j Washington nnrt Delaware have called sessions for March 22 STATES WHICH 11 AVE NOT ACTED. Guv Lcgls. !ov. I.egls. Senate. House. D I) Sept. 3 18-13 No vote I) I) July 24 39-8 118-20 I) D Jan. 21 21-16 106-25 D I) Jan. "24 No vote 93-21 I) D Feb. 12 24-10 62-22 I) D Feb. 17 18-9 64-36 1 Connecticut R R 3 Louisiana j) D 5 Florida i D Gov. Legls. 2 Vermont R R 4 North Carollnn D D 6 Tennessee D I) tho Senate voted on It for the second time in 1914. While Miss Anthony led the national cam paign at Washington, Miss Stone and Julia Ward Howe had been looking after tho State work. In 1900 the two national associations decided to comblnp their activities and unite under the namo of the Nntionnl American Woman Suffrage Association. Mrs. Stanton was elected presldert of the combined asso ciations and Miss Anthony continued to as sist In the work. It was after the amalgamation had been effected that the New York city headquar ters wer opened. Three years after estab lishing 'tself here the association removed to Warren, Ohio, where Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton had full charge ol the campaign work. In 1909 the association returned to New York city, and since that time has conducted Its campaign from here, first from offices at 505 Fifth, avenue, partially maintained by Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, who becamp active In tho movement then, and later from 171 Mad ison averitre, the present homo of the rxi'lr ing organization. In 1912 the association formed a Congres sional committee, with headquarter in Washington, and with some of its best trained and brainiest women In charge. It was in this yes.r that Miss Alice Paul and Miss Lucy Burns Identified themselves with tho national association. Miss Paul was made chairman of the Congressional com mittee and Miss Burns her chief assistant. The former, a young, pale faced girl, had served a term in Ho.lowny Juil for her mili tant activities under the guidance of Mrs. Emmeltne Pankhurst, then the head of the Women's Social And Political Union of Great Britain. Miss Paul and Miss Burns did not long remain with the national association. They orjranlaad tha Conralon-1 Union on line similar to those on wliich the Pankhurst organization was formed. In 1916 this bo camo known as the National Woman's Party. The Woman's Party leaders, the "rllcket Ing suffragists," as they are often allied, began to work for the passage of tho Eighteenth Amendment, but they followed an entirely different course. They adopted militant tactics, they staged the spectacular, and they helped materially to win the victor-. Their success lay In a 'psychological analysis of men's character hitherto not considered In the suffrage campaign. They understood the dislike, almost fear, that men have of being ridiculed. And the Woman's Party leaders played on that fear. They caused Senators and Representatives to lie laughed at and ridiculed whenever they could, and they did not draw the line at the . President. Whether men and women approve of their methods or not. It must be admitted th-H the National Woman's Party hnvp ac complished a great deal In their four years of concentrated effort. The conservative wing of the suffrage movement, then led by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. frequently disapproved of the Woman's Party's tactics. They would never have at tempted such methods themselves. But when a recalcitrant Senator or Representa tive was made to see the light all women and most men rejoiced, whether tho conver sion had been accomplished through a course of conservative, persuasive and educational methods, or by. reminding him of his neg lected duties by means of truthful, If some what Impertinent, placards. The "Woman's Party organizers went to prison, and Mies Paul was forcibly fed. ITor followers here were ready and willing to submit to the same treatment. Many of them did go to Occoquan, whero they wore tha ordinary prlnon .run, at Um ordinary prison food and slept on the ordinary prison beds. They told of their treatment In detail ifter they were released, and later they or ganized the "lYlson Special," n train which toured the country and carried most of the women who hud twen Imprisoned for having picketed the White House. Tho National American Woman Suffrage Association has a membership of some two million women and is organized in practi cally every State. The National Woman's Party has a large membership nnd has Amendment was to come before the State Both organizations have had representatives in each of the States where tho Eighteenth amendment was to come before the State Legislature, whether in regular or special session. Tho victory so far belongs tlrst to those pioneer women who started the movement, then to the leaders of both factions who de cided to abandon the old and slower method of winning suffrage State by State, and who renewed the campaign for the passage of the Federal amendment. The National American Woman Suffrage Association has Its weekly organization, The Woman CMzen, through which It keeps the suffragists Informed of the progress of their cause. The Nutlonal Woman's party has Its publication, The Suffrapist, dedicated to the same purpose. Both have frequently ben sold by feminine "newsies," whoso appear ance even a few years ago was looked upon as unusual, almost militant. But as far bark as 1868 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, founders of The Revolution, were spreading their political tquallty propaganda by means of this jour nal, when It was sold In the streets by girls dressed In red and green uniforms with their suffrage papers tucked Into bags. When Susan B. Anthony retired from the presidency of the national suffrage associa tion the organization had a debt amounting to S2.000. Miss Anthony did not leave this for her successor to pay off, but with the help of a few friends, who hnd before come to hor financial aid. she paid off the entire sum. Some, of those who assisted her In this way were Mrs. Leland Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell Sago and Senator Thomas W. Palmer of Michigan. Women Uae Own Namei, The sanction, of the custom among mar ried women of using their own nameB rather than those of their husbands tn relation to activities in which they personally partici pate may be traced to Miss Anthony. Within the last decado tho custom has gained such ground that one no longer is startled to find tho husband's and wife's names on the same letter box. When writing to Senator Palmer about tho association's deficit sho said, "Please write out Mrs. Palmer's name In full her very own name, I mean for I do not want hor to go down on the page of history as only an attachment of Thomas W.; she 13 a full-orbed SUn nil by herself." Periodically the suffrage movement rallied to Its support women of society. In 1909. when the national headquarters were re moved from Ohio to New York, many of the social leaders Joined the suffrage ranks. They organized their own leagues nnd always gathered for one of the big parades which wero then a feature of the State campaign for tho vote. But long before that social celebrities looked with favor on the cause. .Mrs. Ruther ford Hayes, as the "First Lady of the Land." graced the suffrage convention when It met In Washington in 18S1. With her were some of her White House guests, members of the Supreme Court nnd of Congress and other persons of note in the diplomatic centre. In 1894 New York city's fashionable set Joined tho movement. The constitutional convention was being held at that time, and Mrs. Josephine Shaw Lowell nnd Mrs. Joseph H. Chonte called a meeting at Sherry's to sign a petition to strike from the New York State Constitution the word "male.: The list of names affixed to this petition Included n score or more of those best known In the city's fashionable circle. On tho list were tho names of Chauncey M. Dopow, Russell Sage, Frederic U. Coudert. the Rev. Dr. Rnlnsfonl, Bishop Potter and William Dean HowpIIs. Weary of besieging Congress year after year with no results, the leaders In the move ment soon began to see that their hope of political recognition lay In winning the States. Of this change In tactics Mrs. Ida Husted Harper of tho Leslie Woman Suf frage Committee says: "It early became apparent to the leaders cf tho movement that there would have to fc a good oval of furorahla actios try f States before t'ongress would give serious consideration to this question, and therefore, under tho auspices of the National American Association, they have continuously helped with money nnd work the campaigns for securing the suffrago by amendment of State constitutions. "In 1910 at insurgent movement devel oped In Congress and extended Into various States to throw off the party yoke nnd adopt progressive measures. One of Its first fruits was tho granting of suffrage to women by the voters of tho State of Washington. Under the same Influence tho women of California were enfranchised in 1911, a far reaching victory. In 1912 Oregon, Arizona and the well populated State of Kansas adopted woman suffrage. In 1913 the Leg islature of Alaska granted It, and that of Illinois gave all that was possible without a referendum to the voters, Including mu nicipal, county and that for Presidential electors. In 1914 Nevada and Montana completed tho enfranchisement of women in the western part of the United States, ex cept in New Mexico, over a third of thf whole area, "The effect upon Congress of the addi tion of from three to four million women to the electorate was immediately apparent. A woman suffrage amendment to the Federal Constitution had suddenly become a live Issue. "There were altogether fifty-six of these separate suffrage campaigns, with victories In only fifteen States as the meagre result." Next the women leaders turned their at tention to obtaining Presidential suffrage, and up to 1917' this had been won In North Dakota, Nebraska, Indiana, Michigan", Ohio and Rhode Island. Then came Arkansas, giving Its women full suffrage In all pri maries, equivalent to a vote In regular elec tions. t The Victory in New York. In November, 1917, came the full victory in Now York State, the first Eastern Stato to enfranchise women. Fresh from their victory here, the New York women turned their guns on Washington to help their sis ters win the Federal franchise fight. The nmendment was Anally passed June 4, 1919, Then begun the ratification campaign, participated in by the conservatives and the militants. And the battle ratification, ended In nine months, marks the shortest time it has taken to ratify a Constitutional amendment. In the 1920 elections more than 25,000,000 women will vote in the United States. Although ratification of tho Eighteenth Amendment has broken the record In regard to the number of special sessions called and the speed with which it has been secured, the speed has been attained in spite of ob stacles that ranged from the Japanese men ace tn fjchool code lights, and from ancient personal prejudices about women and the home to modern political fears of the "Irre concllables" that women. If they had the chance, would vote for the League of Na tions. Campaigns were directed against either the Governors or the Legislatures in all but five of the thirty-six States that havo ratified Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, Ar kansas and Montana. How bitter tho opposition to suffrage wns became evident as ratification ncared con. pletlon. In the last doubtful States- New Jersey, "West Virginia nnd New Mexico "plots" had to be thwarted, parliamentary tricks turned, powerful Interests circum vented. In West Virginia the Lcglslatut deadlocked, was held in session while a vo'e was rushed from California. It was cnlj when the supporters of suffrage appeared armed with pillows, thtrmos bottle and packs of cards that the opponents gave up tnelr effort to adjourn theesslon before the extra vote on the suffrage side arrived. In Now Mexico a plot to make the native vote "the goat" and so wreck the chance , of women voting in the next election was spoiled In the nick of time. Old Documents Present Problem WHAT to destroy and what to savo In tho way of old documents, news paper nnd other publications has given rise to the organization of tho com mittees of Congress bearing those peculiar titles: "Disposition of Useless Papers In the Executive Departments" nnd "Examination and Disposition of Documents." The names of the committees Indicate the duties devolv ing upon their members. Moreover, not only public officers, but the directors of libraries and museums, to say .nothing of private collectors, are often puz zled by the accumulation of matter issuing from modern printing presses. A hill was some time ago Introduced In Parliament to enablo the trustees of the British Museum to distribute or destroy "valueless printed mat-, ter In tholr possession." Immediately a Shakespearian scholar of prominence objected. He argued that no one could discriminate between what may bo valuable and valueless for the historical In vestigator of tho future. "Who knows," he nsked. "hut that the trade circular, the country newspaper or tho street song may throw a most Important light several hun dred years hence upon some mooted qmutlaa of our present UfaT"