Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1920, Carboi Stttl ALL liaUES QtiertmattllniM Pittsburgh Securities HOLMEf, BULKLEY A WAlIHIOf MEMBERS Kd York Stuck Pliuktrii Ssxd; nMiff IWm Bank Bldf . Pitttburtit n New Tee FOREIGNERS SEEK AMERICAN WARES O'wwrtanitles Offer to U. 8. Kanufactnreri to Iacmse Overseas Trade. FEDERAL LIST 18 GIVEN Gathered by Department of Commerce, Whlck "Will Sap ply Additional Data. DEMAND. MAKES INVESTMKtff SAFETY The profitable cpttttim erf telephone cereMtM to lev dependent of martee eoa dittoes. Soitkweiteri Bell Telepkiie Ct. tenrfni ont of tbt meet rap idly devtlopiac MCtlaas of the United States, ha earned more than dauHe Its interest reqdrcMsta. WE OFFER THE 1 . FIVE TEAR CONVERTIBLE GOLD NOTES for for to net erer 7.86 full .euttoJwi .ask roster a. b. iu Hollister, White & Go. lMorporatd in Mu St.. Cr. TrtRttr ri. ratbeM ekui ateu rwiMeiphu Town of Hempstead, U. F. ScWl Ditlrid Exempt from all Federal Income Tax, and New York State Income tnd Personal Property Taxes. Due 57,000, serially Dec 15th. 1928, to 198, and 84,500, due 1949. ftku t0 jpitM 5 TO 0ALS BY Blake Brot.& Co. 44 TTAIA BT, NEW YORK CITY. ill Derottitai St, Bourn. Mus. . General Motors OocporaifCofi (to SIM) SUTltO BROS. & CO. iSrmhrn N. T. Stock Exchange lit StWADWAT. IfKtJC YMOK Teieseeo Sector n Special Letter this week en U.R.S. CiiJyStreiIic. Rttent Special Ltittn on Brsa rrtniroa - Steely M K(7(m OMtefeeJ Moat,! Copies Ufn rtejUMt ssTAaiaaa we Members N Y- Curb Market Ami. eSBfCOAOCE, MeXWYWIK Ttlvpfeea greasl tiu Atlantic Lobos LYON AND CO. reSuN.T. " TeLieteSM Merrill, SpkcrMfg. Ca Lynch s ph. Stock Cirnitr A-4i ID Bntdtrs,, N. Y. Mmim A'a IV Stet EtOmft The weekly Hit of foreign trade op portunltln sathered by the Department Jot Commerce is given below, DeUlled Information regarding these trade jchsjiee. may be obtained br American firms through Tuz Bun Ann New York 'HsBuld. provided the Inlerrosrator sue- clfleally state the number of the Item and piece each Item on a separate sheet Hit query will then be forwarded to the Department of Commerce, which. In turn, will supply him with further data. As the Information is intended by the Department of Commerce to be given only to bona fide American firms, those w!?h!as the Stta are require tu fill out a blank, which may be obtained at room 714, Custom House, New York city. Readers 'are cautioned not to send queries directly to the Department of Commerce, as. Tit Sun akd New Yokk Hwuio'i serial number, due to the In tricacies of compilation, differs from that of the Department Tki Sun and Niw Yok Hxkald does not furnish credit r&tlnca or assume any responsibility as to the financial jtatus of business men or firm abroad. The list of trade opportunities follows: J8I9, A commercial agent In Cubs detlret to steer an agency for the salt of rlc, po tt(iM, onlom, corn, wheat ftour, rem metl, gratni, brans, canned cooes and meat proa uett, such as pork, ham, bacon and lard, salt, tith prodnct and ether foodstuffs. 3020. Quotations ire desired br a sales company ta Paraguay en paper hapkint similar to samples which wets forwarded, and mar be examined at the bureau or It district 'offices. 121. The director of a tannins school In Spain drtlret to purchase tannine machinery and equipment, and requeita that catalogue be utrmltted for examination. Sdfi. A ahoe finding merchant in Canada aeaires to sectire an arencr on a commle elon baste for he tale o( thoo flndlnce, in rJodlnt thread, eyelets, laces and ornaments. MX3. A rOnunerrlal agent in Auetralla de sires to weure an ag-ency for the sale of gas. water, eteam, air and .hydraulic pipe and flttlhgi, eeptelally malleable ca and water (ittingt. SA24. Au automobile garage firm la Blu crland dellre to purchase and eeeure the sole agency for the tale of motor cars. 2d2J. A eompanr in England desires to se cure an agency for the tale of all clattet of celluloid, ruleanlts and ceneral fancy good. , liSd. A commercial agent In Ireland de- 1 .IrM A HniK .Ti av.nv fnp ft,. ..1. rtf children's hoota and shoet of medium quality. 627. A merchant company tn Scotland de tires to porchas women's corsets tn quan tities of from 30.000 to G0,0OO a year, and plana to rlatt New York within a few months to make contracts. 262. A druggist In France desires to pur chase and art as sole distributer fpr France f teeth, dental cement and dental supplies, lie alto desire to be placed In communica tion with manufacturer of synthetic por celain teeth. Zdlt. A manufacturing rompany In Spain desires to purchase eocoanut fibre threaded tn two strand to be used In the making of sacks and double mats for the -crushing of llvee. It I desired to purchase In quantity of five tofts monthly. 2(130. A farmers cooperative aesociatlon in South Africa desire to receive quotations and general information geardtne canning ma chinery for the preserving of peart, peaches and pineapple. 2491, An Importer of American coode In Turkey detlret to be plaeed In communication with manufacturers and exporter with a view to e ecu ring the representation for the salt of breadttufft. flour, rice, dairy prod ucts, mineral oil, cotton and woolen groodt, hosiery, leather, shoe, rubber good and rubber shoes and wood. 2632. A commercial agent in Australia de dree to make agency arrangement with ahtpsmi brokers In cities of the Atlantic and Pacific coast of the United Statee, with a new to nanoung ouetnets ror lirmt not al ready represented tn Australia. 2C33. A manufacturing firm in England de sire to purchase Ivory button making ma chinery (automatic). 2634. An enrineer in Italy desires to our- chae machinery for the dally output of 300 doient of fine comb.. X&l. A grocery firm In Australia detlret to eeeure an agency ror tne taie or canned perk and beans, canned salmon, preserved fond stuff s, dried fruit and general woodenware products. 234. a merchant In Palestine desire to ee eure an agency for the sale of agricultural Implements, belting, carriage and wagon ma terial, electrical coodt, enameled ware, hardt ware. Iron and steel products, machinery, paints and varnishes, paper and stationery. sanitary supplies, tool, wire goods, food products, leather and leather goods, dry goooa, noeiery. Knit ana mutun unaerwear, 'drapery, men's and woman's furnishings and notions. 2817. An Inquirer in Algeria desire to pur chase driedbleod, nitrate of soda, nitrate of lime, guano, potash and phosphoric add. 1431. A firm in Australia desire to ter-ur an agency for the sale of a low priced motor car. 2S3S. A manufacturer in England desire to purehare pottery machinery of an kinds. 2440. A commercial agent in XUly detlret IS Ncure an agency for the tale of electrical material in general. Including small and medium t-phas motor, electrical pumpliuj machinery for water, and tractors. jail. The purchase I desired by a man In Canada of a peanut roasting machine. 2842. A commission as-ent In Turkey who has storage facilities desires to eeeure an agency on a commission basis and consign ment of good for the sale cf American products. StiS. A merchant In Algeria desires to cure an agency for the al of manufac tured rubber articles of all descriptions, tires for automobile and trucks, and Inner tubes, bleyclee and motor cycle acceesortes, raincoats, pharmaceutical supplies, Ac 9S44. A brewer In Belgium deslree to in crease hla output and wishes to parch brewery equipment. Including tanks, refrig erating machines, cask. Ac S84S. Aa electric power company in Japan ..ifa ta surchase In very large quantities esJranlsed iron" wire ef all sties, measur fc instruments (meters, Ac), for ue In electrical work, and ironwood screws. . t nanufacturlns company In Karfand desires to purcha and secure an W for hs'sals of bright steel bare for hfeh speed capstan and automatic machines; that to, free ctrttlnx mild steel. aM7 The proprietor of several store In antr desires te purchase and secure for tkV safe of novelties. Bample Sean goods are especially requested. 441 A mining corporation In South Africa Srs toDWhM electrical furnaces fer fl.1 A , t ttrm ttee). the fumac eVbemad of hlchly refractory material, Th representative in Peru of an AaVrtcan f Inn. oetlres to ecure , an acency (rem maEBiaciurrr. or j . . uJh retireeentatlre In I era! rsmbaadles ana stasdrlas deelree te be placed 1st esrmnunl cation rltn taansiactar era and export agents whs can tvspty than with commodities ta Urte sjoaMHlee. EatKL A MHua.rHal . thrv amftlxattm J In Metros desire ie-soear aceacles for Hi - ' - v, textile prDnucre, vuva a jm m (new and second hand), cordage, belting, twine, thread, sdeettflc machine, hospital supplies and accessories, surgical supplies. Inurnment, moving picture apparat aad suppltet and films. Vtei. Catalogues and' price are requested by a nan in Bisatl tor the purebas at (Machinery for making paper boxes from manufacturer and eapwters. 20C2. a commission agent In Greece desire to purcha cotton stockings aad cotton and woollen yarn for the manufacture of flan nels and stocking. i(WJ.- A commercial reprtsentatrrs In franc ceelres to eeeure an agency for the tale of eneral merchandise. 2CCI. A merchant dealing la antiques and a contractor te the Government la Meso potamia detlrea to purchase boots and shoes, hosiery, hardware, fancy and sole leather, tlearettet, Ac. 2CC1. A company In Sidtxerland desire to ret In touch with firm exserUn. electric Incubators complete with all necessary ac cessories, for use with current of 120 volt. A sample Incubator I requested and it found atlfa-.tery several hundred will be pur chased. IBM. The manager of a film company tn CtechoelovaktaVdaelrea tn represent firms fer the sale of films shewing lnduttflal, social, .drematla ami comical picture. 1 SMI. A chemist in Spain desires to pur chase a ranklnx paste In all color a applied to leather, whether vegetable or chrome tanned; or would bay the process of ' manufacturing rights for Spain. tUh, A company In Norway desire to pur chase machine tools. Including punching, tending and shearing machines, tor heavy work. SOOt). Akents and firms ta Cane desire te i be placed tn communication with manufact urers and exporters for the sale of automo I biles, motors, c, boots and shoes, construc tion material, coal, cotton and woollen goods, canned goods, food products, carpets and ruRi.'electrieal tupplles, furniture, hardware. giaaswart.noaierr.tas ana eicetrirai rixinrre. household goods, leather and leather good, linen, machinery, metals, motor eyelet, paper i Industry and machinery supplies, oil paint I iiigt, c oils and greases, portable houeee, Phonographs, railway material, silk, gooot, ous, textiles, tools, tramway supplies and typewriters. 270. An Inquires in TJrattl desire to corre spond with publishers for the printing of school books In the rortugueet language for the use of primary schools In Br&tll. 671. A company Is India dlrt to pur chase cement manufacturing machinery and sundry goods, such as hardware, stationery, paper, ahoet. chemical, and staple line. 072. The owner of cqal minis tn Swltxer land dealre to purchase coal of every kind and quality, petroleum and mining supplies tn very large quantities. Sd"l. An acency le desired by a man In Prance for the tale of all office suppltet, principally typewriters, calculating machines, flllnc systems, furniture, desks, time docks, carbon paper, typewriter ribbons and regis ter, f 471. A newt agency in Australia desires to purchase literary, technical, trade and specie! magaxlnes, books on technical subjects and fiction. TMNSFERTAX A LEVY ON TRADER Would Drive Small Investors bat of Stock Market, Is Fear. luaaaateiaAa Wtwnfc mm ti ill Rights STOCK CLINTON GILtEKT iSuN.Y. TeL(W elTdselris to purchase 0.090 to 40.000. ncerr Casks similar te tnoas osea in in (Ef California but with a capacity of T aeAlMtallurctst In Australia desires to Scy for the tale of machinery 1 . 4.1 'l?. dls to our- TfS of 71 wreiUttTwi of ' iiSrUre U Mndco desire to secure VwrnciU for ths sal Of glaes ana (is proo SSf'iScn is bottle, orenware. Incandejcent EeVwhiiow glass and mirrors: rnacblnery "W IK- tamiM miuj. nieh as llrht fSS- rfSSolen anilnes. Irrigation puaplnc 1.. liht ch4 plow' and barrows, light ?.B!It,Vor.. rll sued .refrtreratlne LIBERTY BONDS .'soralnatlons boucte fse cash ft? '- . tuSMC s MS-SU, iX igSl 7 fcSt and r Power) and general 2S?harS "taeJudlaa netten. noreltle. rbcanole. cheap crockery, cheap sU SSSTcakes of white borax soap and shoe to pur- .Ln LA' in South Cspi .ST eeetrs to purcha engineer' ma I'j.iim. i -rnc i i m uSm fma. bench and fine 1 7T- ' ' I CBISS wn. v - . ' ' . u rURDY it CO. ULMll 1111.1X1 a.u . , SSon basis fer the sal rlc. riej meal. SlaeT fruttt. cemf eeUoaery, dry food prod- laoel. motor accessone tno nhVran ftttlagr and appHaBCSs. Y 364. A oomrnerclal agency firm In Den it rr.Cj it. mr-erm the eunnty wo a eon- T0BEY & KIRK f"" X, Y. trrooK trttmavHK eineri WANTED 'nencan Thcrmes leittk WLK AND RIGHTS a- L aSlTA man in Honduras deetres to rent nwrtnk' pktre mm of all klads. requiring new CTOcrammo of flra or six rrl a wees. ret a weex. . li-m . n.ri-i areser firm In Aus tralia desire to represent firms for the sale rf any American manufactured foods or P mSTa Arm t importers In India of sen-1 This year' epidemic of sprlnc fever seems to have seriously affected the common eense of certain Congressmen who have recently burst out with In genious tax. Inventions. They- seem to be under the hallucination that a per petual motion tax matthlne can be t nade to meet the national emergency. First came the proposal for a capital levy, masked as a retroactive tax on war profits. Now comes the proposal for a further tax on eecurlty transac tions, which is only another variation of the capital levy. It hat ro aroused the New York Stock Exchange that a meeting was held on Friday t.o frame a protest A committee may ro to Wash lnxton to point out to the "Ways and Means Committee the harm that would result from such an additional tax. Although the exact terms of the pro posed eecurlty sales tax have not been revealed, it is supposed that the plan is to levy two cents on every ten dol lars ci the Jtm: amount of the sale. Like every other tax, direct or Indi rect, that tax on capital would be paid by the ultimate consumer of capital Industry. Industry obtains capital by selling; securities. To sell securities there must be a market The market place is the New York Exchange and oftier exchanges, but the real market Is the Investor and speculator, large and small. But the large Investor or speculator supplies only the Initiative and the groundwork for security markets. The great superstructure is furnished by the nubile, consisting of small margin traders, who risk their Ravings In the hope of making a profit 'Whether the margin trader is, theoretically, a bless ing or a nuisance," practically held the backbone of the stock markets, from which Industry obtains a great deal of Its capital Now the proposed tax Is a direct blow at the margin trader. He borrows four fifths of his capital, or more, putting up the balance himself. But. when he cells or buys he pays the tax on the whole transaction, covering all capital which be employed. He Is simply the inter mediary, borrowing capital from a bank or elsewhere and passing- It along to In dustry with a percentage of, bis own money. Under the proposed tax he would lose automatically S to 10 per cent of his own capital In tax and eomjnlsslon par mente on every transaction. The wealthy trader who pays cash would lose only about 1 per cent of his cap ital on v trade. . The tax. therefore, would resolve It self into ar levy on the small investor and trader, who supply capital to In dustry. It would drive small trader out of the market still further depress ing eecurlty values and increasing In. terest yields. Industry would thus be compelled to pay more 'for Its working funds. Obviously a tax which would entail such consequences la not a levy on Income or profits, but a levy on capital SIXES COMMERCE ESPESTS. Chamber Will Hole Exntnlnatioa 'Between Jome 17 and 29. ti.m n Tlneh ehalrman of the 1, " !.. MmmtttM nf the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, has announced that the second com merclaivexnmlnatlon for those wishing to qualify as experts In commerce would be held between June 17 and June In the Chamber rooms In (S.Ltberty street Their applications for (permission to take that examination must be filed be fore Mar 15. In di'Jbieslng the examination Prof. B. C. McCrea of Columbia University, who la in cnargc oi uro iiuunoer ex amination plan, which was founded last year by A. Barton Hepburn, said:. Wide Interest Is being displayed not only by'young men and women who are eager to increase their knowledge of trade requirements but also by big downtown corporations looking for proper material to carry on their busi nesses In foreign fields. There Is a crowing demand for those skilled In this work and to place the right person with the right firm we have organised nn employment reitry.H A. H. Tits te Head New Coiapaxty. Arthur H. Titus, vice-president of the National City Bank, has been selected president f the First Federal Foreign Banking Association. The association In the Institution forming under the cooperative auspices of a strong group of banks and manufacturers In; this country to obtain organized facilities ready for extending much needed new forms of credit tn conducting American ; business abroad. I Th$ Better to ; Serve You: - We moved today to ' our own building at 120 LIBERTY STREET ; where we have in creased space ,and facilities. , Our new telephone, her is Rector 8701. tm- THE FOUNDATION COMPANY Engineering Conatructors NEW YORK CHICAGO DETROIT NKVYORLBANS ATLANTA SEATTLE PITTSBURGH PARia. rHAMCE BAN FRANCISCO MONTREAL VANCOUVER LIMA, PERU 1 TEE WEEKLY CUM MAiKET. INDUBTMALS. High. Low. t if. 4C3 3 12 40 81 M , 44 TS M 1 a s S1H 10 IMi II Eales, IlfiOO Acme Coal... 3 700 Aetna Ex.... V4 12700 Am WoolrtS., 3 100 Air Reduc... 42 110 Allied Pack... SJ 1M0 Aluminum Mfg 23 iw Amai Tire s. . i 200 Am Candy.,.. iw Am writ v 300 Austin Nichols 3300 Armour L... 300 Atlantis T... 24S Am Chicle... ISM Am Chicle rU 30 Am-Drit Mfs AS Am-Brlt M el 500 Ueuford A P. esoo not. Am c. 100 rtrit-Am T reg 50H fO Brit A T coup. 2014 0400 Cr Light.... 434 Carbon Steel. .100 2300 J I Case 1M 100 Cent Terete.. 8 17(100 Oere Auto... 81 2300 Col Emerald.. 7 400 Conley Tin .F, .23 .203 Cramp Bliik..lA0 evOO Cuban-Am 8.. 67 000 Dtvlea Wm A. 414 330 Empire steel., 183 Eastern Pteel. 100 Empire Btl pf. 1300 Farrell Coal... 04100 Oen Asphalt... 100 floodrtar sf... 700 O Motors, old. J10 700 O Motor, rts.. i 3200 Oen Tractor.. 13400 Ooldwyn Plot. (1100 Garland fi 3. . 3400 Grape Ola.... 3000 Orape Ola pf. -J400 liance KnlOg. 100 Hall Slsmal... 10200 H.r'lea Paper. 74 4000 Heyden Cliem.. Vi 700 HydrMIe Bleel.. 3H 100 Inter M, new. 00 Imp Tob M) Indian Pack,, 23 Inter Rubber., son Krr'm Rolether 184 4.W0 Ubby McNeil.. 304 00 Lincoln Mot A 44 800 Locomobile.... 11 BOOO Llg-Mar Coal.. 1 100 Lima Loco.... 78 600 Mercer Motor. 14 1200 N Flre'of pf... 14 1200 Nat Ice 404 KO Womcblle.... II 3400 Nor Aei Taper. 54 -IS New Jersey Z.2S3 300 New Jer Z rla. 18 Jino Orpheum Clr.. 304 300 Pacaat4 Mot. 12 200 PalehOgue PI. 41 lis Procter 4 !' 1M Prlou Delder 2S4 11500 Perfection T.. 2H iwxi pressmen Tire " ' 4400 nadlo Com... 24 5000 TUdlo Com pf. H 2230 Rainier Mot... 43 4400 n J Bey B w L 45 101 n J lie B. old.SJO W Itepub Tire, It. S 1200 rtoekaw It M.. 104 1500 ftanu Cec.... It 80 Ringer Mfg.. 130 100 (ttand Parts.. 38 100 Btand OAK. IT 00 8la Q A E pf. 3T4 23 Btand Mot.... T4 11 Sluts Motors. .460 100 Stewart Mfg.. 434 B700 submarine 1).. 14V 000 Swift Inter.... 43 J4SO0 Bweete Co.... 3 m Thllnklet Pack 144 7r0 Time Bq Auto 40H 4500 Triangle rtlm. S 400 Unlersal Pap SS 1000 TJ S Dlstribut 474 1330 U B 8pd Tl. 314 32800 V 8 Bteam. ... 24 l.'OO TJ 0 Transport 104 7800 United rlc Pro 14 0400 TJnl Prof Khar 24 500 Uxold Tire.... 4 2400 Unl Ilet Candy 1S4 1500 Union Carbide 834 2000 V Vlvaud In A 04 800 wiuy corp... ipj ; u pi w 84 14 42 22 12 7 21 J4 134 27U 38 3 13 4 n 204 1184 .,H II e 74 3 204 130 St 41 S3 78 80 Sk. ps 300 14 4 21 44 14 24 V 21 314 10 94 10 18 284 404 10 14 78 18 IS 40 10 5U 73 134 28 22 40 138 334 4 34 2 24 41 41 500 34 ! It 135 ft 184 374 74 440 434 114 30 14 144 31 A 4 43 30 24 -104 14 4 134 S3 u H Last. 24 r4 42 22 224 7 um tniiT. c 100 world Film... 700 World F 2d pf 4 BTANDAflD OILS. 300 Anglo-Am Oil. 14 SS w rninc tr 40 Booth P L....S00 170 SOU of Cat. .333 670 B Oil Of N T. .417 SO Vacuum OIL.. 383 fit 214 ?fe 31 M 3 12 24 8 304 184 24 83 19 6 75 8 23 153 53 414 S3 71 80 40 71 88 SOU 14 1 23 5 Ift 324 3 1 64 33 314 10 84 104 It 28 484 10 78 18 184 404 10 54 71 184 304 23 41 130 334 24 24 24 24 41 !i 560 34 4 114 127 20 17 374 2W 440 414 14 St 14 144 404 4 24 31 24 104 24 4 4 134 84 104 II 67 4 4 Chge. i -14 -1 -1 -4 - 4 3 4 -3 3 - 4 - 4 3 14 il 4 24 4 re 54 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 V -3 1 H 4 - 4 3t -14 -4 - 4 -20 14 1 U 4 -14 - 4 - 4 4 8 1H 3 34 H - 4 tto 3M 231 371 34 210 300 330 413 380 'INDEPENDENT OILS. e rvsrt a w 1111 ... A 4000 Allen Oil ...... U BP400 Allied Otl.....t fiiflO amal ROTaL.T S3 W 53 4 104 44 24 l" 224 14 4 074 54 14 II 14 5 Z 33 23 l 20 34 94 34 14 3H It 27 S4 4 8 104 1 124 34 t 14 r i 85 J 4 6 24 8? 4 34 374 r 24 14 84 A t 114 14 34 34 'i4 140 28 14 4 32 44 144 23 '3 3 tey 1 114 24 at x x 1 2 4 iSi io.ii! T na. 34U 314 ipeeomams Pet... m 10400 teuy '"f --,' eeo eoutn cnau. 7a t ooA-A,l.n rtnfr 4400 Ark Nat Ga. SIOOArkNCasrts 5000 Big Heart ... 34100 Boon Ofl .... r000 Bos Mex 32800 Bos Wyo eOOBraxoa OH ... 8400 Carth Bynd ... 400 Cent Btates .. 7000 Cent Am Pet. 400 Circle OU ... 1 400 CIt Bar B etfs. 1 300 CUle Ber pf . . 6775 Con Kef 4400Cotdn A Co. 3400 Col Syn MM .-.hln. . . WWW WiWiH. - , . 4700 Uom Oil , 14 ISOODuqoeene... 7200 Elk Baain Pet., f'. 5800 Eng Pet 14 POOOEimer Oil .... U 12000 Federal OU... 3 POO Fensland 4800 GUllland Oil.. 394 1100 aillllan4 O Pf 8J 10300 Olenroek Oil.. 1 5500 Granada Oil.. 12 3000 Ouffey OUleep 31 400 Harvey Crude. H nOO Hereule Oil A 8 POO Horn Ofl..K. J 5400 Home Petrol.. 34 1500 Houston Oil... W aOOO Hudson Oil.... 4 (1500 Int Petrol 4 8260 lavtnclbl .... 41 10A00 Island Oil .... 8i 10700 Kay Co'ty Oa 24 7700 King Petrol... 24 P800 Livingston .., 14 1750 Lone Star Gas 39 2000 Magna OU.... 44 1800 Manhattan.Oll 8 500 Maraealbo OB. It 22900 Merrltt Oil.... 114 5400 Metex OU..... 34 0200 Metropollt Pet 44 100 Mrs ran.- VM Mexico OU.... 14 68.10 MIdweet Ref..l49 1,00 Midwest Tex.. A flASO Morten TH... 34 2700 Noble O A O. 1300 No Am Oil... tAi rvtn vtiel..u. liou tutia vi-. r. 7500 Omar OU 44 700 PanhandU..... 13 300 Panhandle pf.. TJ4 44i30 Pnnok OU...- H l.e W7l : IS 1H nvi 1TJ0O FhlUH V tU. 1400 niu y " LAAan VvWl sld'Hsffa An Vtsvv-.! Tl rttj sultM latsJl RMk Oil UHHtT Mwmm alre4 Qt1eairti TetXstl JtVW . epa - jjaso Ryan Ot..... 4 aim Sea OU A G. .. 3. 5400 Eeqaorah Ou.. ' 14 a... 144 oa. 4 8 as 38 2 to 21 4 10U t 5 2 24 74 , It T 84 'ft 124 ..4 14 ,U 84 s 3 aH 24 34 83 4 3d 40 34 af if1 1T4 34 4 11 14 1474. 3 14 si 3 21 Times Squsire Auto Supply 'Com. & Pfd. BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED LISTED ON THE NEW YORK CURB G wynne Bros. Tel. Broad 5270. 5 Broad St., N. T, 7P00 Spencer Pet... 10000 Stanton Oil..'., 1500 Stanton Oil. n. 3400 Superior OU. ., 6400 Tex Ranger... 300 Texas Chief.. lT3Tcx Pao Coal 10400 Texon Oil HOOTrinlty OU.., inno Tropical oil.. 11800 Un Tex Oil... WJVIe OU new... 5A00Va1can OIL... 1200 Vhelan II800 White Oil.... 800 Woodburn . , , MINING 904gJAlaj.Br Cot.,. If, w' AiatKa nines.. 4500 Am Tin T... 800 Am Mines 2000 Arts Silver.... 5500 Atlanta t 04 17 0U 35 3 ,t. 18 17 17 4 . 14 1 1-4 . IB 17 18 I .83 70 78 1 4 K 4 .. 444 . 184 18V, le m .14 4 1 . . 14 34 14 .. - 44 4 U . 1 1.1.. . 7 04 4 -1 .44 44 44 -4 5 2KO0 Belcher T)lr..t 1 4 11 6000 Belcher Ext..'t Hzuonif Leg 4 7000 Booth t 5 tllflORoe A Mon...t 02 7.i Caled Mln....t32 .1500 Calumet A J.. A WOO Can Cop 1A 11800 Caedelarla M n 110" Careen Hill... 3 2100 Can.- Arts... A HPOO Cons Cop M.. 44 400 Con Vlnrinta. 3 12200 Cortex Stiver, t5B 8500 Creaeon Gold. 1 4500 Crerent McN. 4 00) Dell re re M.. 30 7800 Divide Ext... 142 11100 El Salvador... 24 20800 Emma Silver. tlO insoo Eureka C... 14 30200 Eureka If.... I A SPOO 49 Mining.... 14 2400 Golden Gate.. V 12400 Gold Con 110 8700 Gold Devel... 18 tOO Oold Kewana. 73 9700 Oold Merger.. T24 15800 Oold Silver P. tO 01700 Geld 4ton 123 4500 Great Bend.. t 4400 Hecla Mining. 44 500 Honduras Syn 19 2200 Howe Bound,. 34 000 Iron niotson.. H 0000 Jumbo Exten.f 8 800 Kerr Lake ... 4 O0 Keyeton Utah 1 19700 Knox Divide, t 7 11000 lAulclan. Pa 11 15 1000 Mcrcin rar..f 60 18 19800 McNamara ... A 4100 Magma Cop... 31 8500 Marsh Min...f 0 1300 Maaon Valley. HI 1 7000 Motherlode ,.t 55 M 8100 Mother L new. 54 2700 Mur Mntrid..t 77 . 4 1200 National Tin.. 41.: 74 3100 Nlptealnc 10 - 4 7400 North Star....t 7 1500 Ophlr Bilver.. 4 4 4850 Prince Con.... 4 4 18700 Re Cans fu 4 4500 Rochester M.e 18 A I 24900 Roper Group. . 4 t 4000 9n iw e 4 I 00 Seneca Copper 114 4500 Silver Mountt 71 iTfin mtv tr nt a h. iii 4 8OD0 Silver K Dlr.t 3 - 4 700 So Am P A O. 64 ' I i-OA a an - T ..1 . ,.v, a u.l 1 1 1 ..-. n 500 Stewart Muv.t 21 4050 Success Mln..t 3 2700 Tono Belmont. 2 10800 Tono C Boy.f t MOO Tono Dtvlde... 2 S700 Tooopah Ext. 1H 18300 Tono-JIm B..t 19 6000 Tono Mldway.t 13 4500 Tonopah Mln.. 1ft 800 Tono Mlxpah.t 12 6700 Tono Mont...t 14-s 7800 Tono Rea E,..t 18 12000 U 8 Confl....t 10 4200 Un Eastern.... 34 1100 Wash Gold Q 114 63700 Victory t 13 Koo West End C... 14 ttOOO White Cape..t 12 iwi nniic u azi.T . PtOOWllbert t 1 7000 Ttrrlngton..t 4 BONDS. 118700 Allied Pack 8s. 714 C9 suoo Am Tel a zx.. kh 94 10000 Am Tel 0 34.. 934 934 13000 Anaconda C (I 91 R9 04000 A-Am OU 74.1004 100 2000 Belg Gov fie 21 96 84 9000 Belg Got 23 894 89H 8000 City Sere deb C 98 96 27000 C C C A 8tL 6 84 84 80000 Cenael Text 7s S 17 713000 Del A Hud Te..l004 100 14700 Goodrich T 7e, 96 954 81000 Inter R T 7s... 73 69 32000 Kenneeott C 7s 924 914 25000 Norfolk AW 6 984 984 19000 Rui'Oot B4s.. 36 .211 1289000 Sinclair 74.. 98 . 974 loono Boutnw lieu, 7i pth 10009 SwedUh Gov 6 S3 82 3800 Bwts Got B'J 844 84 eAOOO Texas Co 7s... 984 98 58600 Western El 78. Ptli 914 14 ft I . fi 7 4 74 31 US 4 I4'4 4 3H & 30 Ofl 8! 1 i 8 3 18 1 4 c 4 1 5 H. 80 344 18 64 54 75 34 94 5 4 -.4 144 A 4 1Q$ K U 44 14 4 v. 4 -.4 '1 12 22 7il 4-: ft 4 U 24 - 4 KM 1W .. 14 .. 3d -1 3G - 4 .. 10 1 14 4 JA - A 14 - 4 44 j-1 -1 - 4 1 -1 2 1 4 19 34 4 6 4 1 6 ; 60 37 19 24 53 -1 1 A a 54-4 77 10 2 1 n 1 ' H 4 4 - 4 3 24 4 u Tl -1 3 tl 2 -4 -4 -4 4 4 7 .. 18 18 .. 3 5.. 144 144 .. TS 78 5 14 14 --4 2 3 1 04 64 21 21A i 171A 18,A t.A 11 1 1 1ft 14 .. 10 10 13 14 1 38 18 1 84 84 -1 JA 3A - A 11 iu :: i!H ,!A 22.. 4 64 -I 3 34 .. 894 -1 M4 - V 34 -4, 89 -4 1004 t04 914 984 28 CS 974 83 44 PSt 1 n u 4 - 4 LJl 1111 nil nil nil 1111 silt ejst iiu sn me 1111 uir 1111 nes sits'ns m laJ Wkt &tywM Rational Pank of ileto gorfe CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION .At 'Ae ddse tf busintts May Alh, 1920 ASSETS Loans and DUcOunts ' 593,830,899.74 U. a Bonis and Certificate of Indebtedness. .' 12,321,400.00 Other Bond and 8tock. , T 4,813,171.59 . Banklnj House 800,000.04 CustometV LlabiUty Letters of Credit and Acceptances 14,097,673.77 Cash, Exchange due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 20,430,803.98 Customers' liability, Account of Loans...- 2,883,7337 Interest Earned 260,688.11 , 1148,780,764.84 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (paid In)'. . 7.. $300,000 Capital Stock (earned) 1 2,700,000 , 8,000,000W Surplus and Profit (earned) : 10,161,401.12 Total Capital, Surplus and Profits .'. $18,161,468.12 Unearned Interest T 667,846.03 Reserved for Interest and Taa... 87,640.91 Circulation Outstandine 444,420X0 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 14,096,168.60 Deposit 84,718,078.69 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank r 31,903,426.89 Bonds Borrowed , 810,000aW Loans for Account of Customers 2,866,788.27 $148,780,764.84 OFFICERS HERBERT IC TWITCHEIX, Chairman of the.Boara. PERCT H. JOHNSTON, President. " fllAKft K. 110UBT0N, Vlce-Prta. EDWARD IT. BMTTH, Cashier. BAMUEL T, JONES, Asst. Cashier. FRANCI8 HALPIN. Vlee-Prea. EDWIN OIHD8. Trust Officer. WILBUR P. CROOK, Asst. Cashier. 1SAAO B. HOPPER, We-Prea, JAMES L. PARSON, Asst. Cashier. N. BAXTER JACKSON, Asst. CLIFFORD P. HUNT, Vlce-Prei. J. O. BCHMELEEU Asst. Cashier. Cashier. JOHN B. DODD, Asst. Cashier. H. M. ROGERS, Foreign Dept. DIRECTORS FREDERIC W. BTEVENS. CHARLBB CREKET. CHARL7S8 A. CORLISS. . W. UWLE.V HOOSEVELT. ARTHUR IBELIN. ' HERBERT K. WrTClUCLE. ROBERT WALTON OOELBT. FREDERIO A. JUUXIARD. PERCY U. JOUNflTON, RIDLET WATTS. pMiiii tiii -r " irlHI AAessa4Aeasjsu il in i i ieti itsssiitsittjsls SMSJll 1 1 1 ggas lis LsH rm rrrr Trn mi t in " 1 1 1 1 im 1 "tin i4 im'iiir mi mi Ilii itrr- urn um u The Citizens National Bank of New York Estcbliibed 185: Gandentti Stakmtni ta CamHrolltr tAay 4. 192? ASSETS Loans and Discounts TJ. S. Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness Other Bonds and Stocks Customers' Liability, Letters of Credit and Acceptances. . . Cash, Exchanges, due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer. ... . Customers Liability, Account of Loaue . Interest Earned 1 $52,250,430.84 3,050,271.64 428,500.00 6,035,316,18 14,073,685.62 1,375,000.00 58,841.64 478,172,045.87 . LIABILITIES Capital Stock . . . . $3,000,000.00 Surplus and Jfrofita ! . . 3,046,833.14 Total Capital, Surplus and Profits $6,946,833.14 Unearned Interest . , .'. 433,032.96 Reserved for Interest and Taxes. , 285,045.40 Circulation Outstanding 978,000.00 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 6,063,6528 Deposits . 45,009,241.90 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank . 16,180,840.00 Loans for Account tff Customers .. 1,375,000.00 $78,172,045.87 OFFICERS , Edwin S. Scheack. President i Garrard Costly, Vice-President Jetfe M. Smith, Vice-President Albion K. Qhapman; Cashier James McAllitter, Assistant Cashier Samuel Shaw, Jr., AubUat Cashier ' Cliffotd R. Dunham, Assistant Cashier Robert D. Scott, Assistant Cashier Robert B. Raymond, Mbt. Foreign Dept. Ernest J. Waterman, Mgr. Trust Dept. : ' DIRECTORS William Fellowes Morgan Charles L. Bernheimer Walton P. Ktotsley Chariot Alien Munn Edwin S. Schenck Ralph L, Cutter William S. Gray Frank Presbrey Garrard Comly Dtrwin P. Kingilev Otto L. Dommerich Howard F. CUrk Henry A. Caesar John A. Garver Faais for lalon Club Ronira. Funds for the establlshtnent of cost clubhouses tor the 400 Atoerlcan Lcrlon I - W , - l. . . . I uaiia la new a or ciiy mine sougrnt br the American Lesion of Greater New York. These peats hare a membership of approximately 30,000 former service men. The plan br which the money Is to bo raised prerides for the sale of tickets of admission to Luna Park. CcmT Island, by an &rransement which the legion has made with the manatte mest The tickets will be for the period between May IE and May 21. PRODUCER ASKED TO BRINGDOWN PRICES Appeal Made in BehtAf f Fixed income Cioss. an a r-irv i n tit nation's croducera to take thought for the middle class person with & fixed income who Is helms squeezed into bankruptcy by the trend prices, was sent out yesieraar 07 wn. uwntarv.treiasurer of the National AsaodaUon of Credit Men. It is Just as patriotic for people to econo tntu nmr it nra durtnjr the war. he said, and only by retrenchment can cur rency be deflated ana prices oroug.11 Oown. rum .Tfp.viMTv. nf our noooie since Armistice Day has been phenomenal." said Mr. Treicoe. "We sacrificed gladly during- the war, but we have been on a rampage of extra rapince since. The people who epend recklessly are losins; slfht of the nation's tradition, we, should practice and preach constantly deelarlns that for ourselves we Shall do our test to stop this Insanity, and bring to a close the melodrama of extrara . I. minr rar into the heart feftV,,WJ . " of the people and produdnjt results that are Immoral and destructive. "Prices have reached a peak where the' middle class Is flndlnr It difficult to live with even a moderate degree of comfort, yet It resentment and com plaints cannot be expressed In strikes. Those directly engaged in production, whether on the labor or the capital side, heed this comolalnt and help to 'bring down prices. Prices can be low. .ered If capital ana laoor will rexresca." K0HXY A1TD EXCHANGE. CALX. MONET FOR WEEK. Mixed Collateral. Open 9 High -... 9 Low Last T Tear's high, SS Tear's low. S All Industrials. Open 9 Huh .........-.. 9 Last ".'.'.'.V.'.!"!."r Tear'a high S3 Tear low 6 TIME LOANS FOR WEEK. All Industrials. Sixty ears sw Ninety oara...-.H4 Four months. u8v,t Fire months... 8K Six months.... 8H85 Mixed Collateral Sixty days SfStf Ninety ear.. ..88 Four months. Fir month Biz month.. ...ewe . . .84jt8t4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. LONDON. Monday Tuesday Wednesday .. Thursday 1... Friday fiat order .... Monday , Tuesday Wednesday .. Thursday .... Friday Satarday .... Msnday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday Friday Satarday .. Monday Tuesday .. High. 13-83 , 3.87U XA4H 3-83 ....... 3.834 ...... S.83U High. 3A3U ....... SJSH' , Vo S.ewW 3.84 -PARIS. Demand Low. 11.84 S.83H 3A114 J.S4 3.83H 3.83 -Cable Low. 3.844 3.84 3.81 S.S4 3.84U 3.81U Last. $3.83 1.83 V. SA4 !U83 3.(B"4 3.83 Last 13.834 3.S4 3.844 "3.83 3.84 1 33 li Hllth. , .0003 , .0810 . .0800 , .nolo , .0834 .0040 Demand 1 , Low. Last. .0803 .0803 .OM1 .0003 .0003 H .0008 .0808 .0810 .0833 .08:4 .0834 .0034 High. , .0811 .0804 .0004 Last .0004 .0004 Wedntaday Thuraday .. Friday .... Saturday .. Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday , Thursday .. Friday Saturday ... 000T J .v.k::: 'SB 3 0641 4 BEHLN. , Dei High. 0174 0)79 f 0184- 0181 r 1 tVkVM , 0183 Monday ... Tueeday .. Wedneeday Thursday . Friday .... Saturday .. High. . 3 .0173 J 0180 . via- .0183 .0183 ' .0183 STOCK EXCSAXGE New Tork ended May 8, Monday ... Tieadey ... Wednesday . Thureday ... Friday ..... Satarday ... Stock Exchengj ism: . STOCKS. ' 1PM. 191 1S80.179 IMi S40.I43 Ex.eJ 107.112 1 98911 l.TSi OiO.STO 1,781 4183 1,01 Totals .... 408,788 year to eate.ioi.eexuos wa BONDS (TAR VA: 1830. 1018 113.4081)00 .I1JJ73 . 13414,000 Etclol 1J.JI1.000 13J73.O0Q I4,i:,ooo 6.189,000 Mun... Tues.. Wed. Thur. Fri... Bal... Total 173,810,000 IM.839, Tear tO ft date. 1 J84J,000 1.1H.S13 1T.4SI, 1S.3S1. ll,48d 8,486, t 5 f Sjvii'A'."fv'ii jfyL8sW i i ftu - - v.-V -