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THSUN AND NEW YORK HERALD,- MONDAY, MAY 12 JUL GENERAL ASPHALT Annual report revietccd. Recent market activity discussed in circular 148. Sen! upon rejuttt. ESTABLISHED 1906 41 BROAD ST. NEWYDOTw mione'.BrtMi. 23 I WAR BRINGS GREAT wealth TO EGYPT BONDS IN NEW YORK STOCK; EXCHANGE 1910. Sales for week.. $75,ei.000 WEEIC ENDED MAY 8, 1820. mt. mt. I .mo. - ' mt. , :. $r,828,000 $30.151.000 1 January 1 to date.$l,S84.2J,000 $t,l3,lz,000 4O,(lt,O0O TmnnvfrifiliPil in Antc-Bcllum M. nays, Buauen iiipncB Are Creating Problems. CQTT0N TRADE GROWING Has Large Favorable Balance of Trade, Giving People" More Buying Power. GEHTML AMEllCJM PETI0LEIM Bought Bold Qu4td GkbU m mart. McDERMOTT & WHITAKEi 44 Broad St., New York runs Uroad 3334 4731-J. $100 Will Produce $15 per year in the participat ing preferred atock of an estab lished distributing corpora tion earning 16 times dividend requirements, with probability of liberal extra disbursements. Details free on request for Letter J-20' J. T. KEANE & C6. 44 BROAD ST.. NEW TOB1C PHONE 1007 BROAD. The National Bank of Sooth Africa, Ltd. Resources Exceed 5287,000,000 10 Wall Street New York R. E. SAUNDERS. Agent. sn YisTsssTsssTsssTsssTsssTsssTsssTsssTsss r. h m 'Ur COLON" 4CHN U MCRRILU Mim OIRIOT ROUTB TO XENTML Ml SOUTH AMERICA i Ntw York Offia H Bread sfaeef ' Fa, Bread 747t a. i a ii i NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT established unjler, tfrvplla'n Law, June 1191, with, the exclusive right to Issue Notes payable at Sight, tb bearer. . CAPITAL ;.....(....... 11,000,000' Xln 300.000 Sham 6f 110 each, fully paid). RESERVE FUND 12.000.000 Governor P. T. ROWLATT, Eq. ; IIBAD OFFICE CAIRO. ' "Bub-Governora J. HOME. D. HORNBBT. BRANCH ALEXANDRIA. LONDON AOENCl't and ? KINGpglXAM gf.. LONDON, The Hank transacts all 'kinds of banking ' i biilnn. .Ilod-el-Faraar (Cairo), Hchag, Tantah and JZagazIr r.d In 'the Soudan at 'Khartoum, Jort Soudan. ' Office In Earptiat CalroHKaad Office), ilesandrla, Aaslout, Aaiuan. Denha, BeAl ' filler, Cblbln-cl-Kon, Damanhur.-Fayourn, . Keneh, Luxor, Manaourah, Mlnlcb, Mouiky (Cairo), Port Skid; Buaklm.- and the Sub .'Agencies at El-Obeld. .Tokar and Wad tlfedanl. Another cornerstone of British finan cial strength Is revealed In tho 1910-19J1 ! br.t'eet for the administration of Egypt, submitted by the Financial Adviser at Cairo, Sir Paul ifarver. The remarks ac companying- the budget shed Interesting Might on the transformation wrought In I that ancient land by the war. The impoverished suzerain state of ante-bellum days Is now rich enpugh to have her problems of Inequitable dis tribution of wealth derived from the' war and the concurrent high ctSst of Ilvlne problem. The Financial Adviser points out that Egypt has foreign Investments estimated at fElS2,ooo,QQv, that private deposits In her hanks have Increased In Ave years from E,600,000 to f EJ5,000,000, and that her mortgage loans have been reduced- from iE4O.0Q0.O0O to E28,000,000 In that period. The production of cotton was stimulated greatly by the war, and Egypt built up ft large favorable trade balance. That trade has given her peo ple an additional buying power,' repre sented pirtly by an Increase In paper currency, which amounts to ES0,000, 000, Egypt's revenue receipts for the fiscal year 1919-1820 have been so large that Instead of an expected deficit of fEl, 550,000 there will be a surplus of 'fEJ,000,000. (The Egyptian pound Is worth at par almost exactly 15.) By the simple device of pegging the rate of exchange between London and Esrvnl at a fixed figure and giving Egyp tian pJtt'r money a cover of British short dated Treasury bills, the entire Influence of Egypt's favorable trade balance, her Increased production and her larger wealth were exerted In favor of the English pound Instead of the Egyptian plaster. In other words, by giving British Treasury bills to Egypt In exchange for commodities, England settled her trade debt In that quarter without shipping gold. The Treasury bills were used In the .same manner as gold would have been used for currency reserve. As a result the Egyptian plaster stands at par In London, but at exactly the same dis count as the pound sterling In all other parts of the world. The British Treasury bills held by Egypt represent a large part of the for eign Investments mentioned oy me Financial Adviser. Eventually, those bills will .migrate back to London In cancellation of principal and Interest of loans extended to Egypt by England for public and private purposes. The Egyptian budget, disclosing unex pectedly large- wealth. Is a striking Illus tration of how British capital's world wlde.ramlflcat.Ions were of untold advan tage 'to the mother country In time 'of war. 341 liberty 1st is 80.00 637 liberty 3d 4 83.30 640 Liberty 1st 4 Ks; 86.74 803s Liberty 3d 4 M S3 3t I Ubcrt 2d 4 Ms reg 84.00 0023 Liberty 3d 4 SO.OO l4460Liberty4til4X 88.8.1 MM Victory 4H , en.60 33 Victory 4 fts reg.., 03.00 S2I7 Victory SN 08 60 High- Low- Clog- ITet r II est est. Ur. Cb'rs. Rlrb. tew. 02 30 B0 30 01.89 .00 100.40 80.30 84.20 86.001,30 03.884.80 84.00 83.06 .34 02.42 84.30 83.40 MSO-f- .00 M.00 (15.00 84 00 83.16 .34 02.80 84.30 84.08 84.08 84.00 84.06 0.00 89.001.00 04.08 80.00 8340 83.70 .14 01.00 84.00 03 04 06.04 .30 0940 03.00 93.00 03.00 03,00 03.00 03.93 93.03 AO 09.40 93.03 188 ADtio-Frrneh 8S 93)( 16 City of Bordeaux 8s 87K 6 City of Lyons ila 87 Jf 7 City of Mamfllej 6i 871. 110 City of Parts i 00 304 United KlfifBHs 1931... 93f 100 United King H 33 rets. 03ff 230 United King SHs '30 rets. 03 161 United King SKs 1037... 86 94 Dotn Canada BH 1931 . . 07 U 3 Dom Canada 1930, . 00 S4 Dom Canada 1 1921,,.. 07 J. 34 Dom Canada 3s 1026. ... BOH 46 Dom Canada As 1020. . , . 00K 65 Dom Canada fis 1931.... 00 26 Republic of Cuba Ss 1004. 00)4 13 Itepubllc of Cuba 6s 1014. 81 H 34 ItrpubUc of Cuba 4H... 73)( 142 UB of Mexico Cs 33 it 13 ,U 8 of Mexico 4a 30 10 Argentine Oor ts 71 X 10 Dominican Republic 6.., 83 J 37 atyof Copentaagen 6Ks. 76 4 Chinese Got la 44 10O Japanese 1H4HI 76M 193 Japanese 3d 4H 73 K 411 Jspznsss U 32JC 8 vity of Tokyo Ss ia),' 07 IS 08)i H mi 7 87)f 80M 04J 03 K 90H 83 H 93K oom 07W 88 80H R8 00H 80) 73 31 36H 70W B3 74 H 3H 78K 74M S3 S3 87K ft 87K H B7 H mi H 04W M 03W H 00 )( 86 - )( 07 1M 00 M 8 mi BOM M ooh l 80 ( 90H H 81 M Hi 73M K 33M !' 30 3 71 - ii 83M 1 73 H -2M 3H H 76K H 78 33 .' 38 1 93.1 WW 03 H 03M, 03 03H 87 87K 87M 88 07) 03M 93 M OOM 98 M OOM 98M 08 M OSM 98 07M 93M 93M 86 77 43 37 78 86 80M 34 83 83 71 80H 13 NY State 4M- 100 100 2 Va6iDroirDD4.Coctfa. MH S4M 5 NY City 4M' 1987 May. 04 K 01 0 N Y City 4MelP67 Not. 04M 04 1 N Y City 4H 1963 04 M 04 1 N Y City 4 Mi 1967 93 03 1 N V City 4 Ms 1960 87H 87) 1 N Y City 4s 1937 04M 84)4 1 N Y City 4 1938 83 M 83 1 N Y City 3Ms I9&4 May. OOH 80M 28 N Y City 3a 1964 Nov. 81 ) 79)4 100 7) 107) ,84M M 60 94M K 100M 04M IK 100M 04M H JOOM 03 a 100M 87M H 84M 83M 2M 80M 1M' 80i 3H SECOND COMMEECE TESTS. Qaalifleatlon'Examlnatlona to Be HeJd.IIere In Jane. examinations for those who wish to quality as experts In commerce will be held for the second time In the Cham ber of Commerce of the Stato or .New YoYk. 65 Liberty street, between June 17 and 29. Irvine T. BuBh. chairman of the executive committee or tne cnamoer; announced yesterday. Applications must be In by May 15. Prof. R. C. McCrea of Columbia Uni versity, who will conduct tho tests, raid thn has been n steady Increase of In terest, and that those who pass Junior or senior graoa examinations win 1 helped to positions In which there will be real prospect or aavancemeni. Minn tf-hnnl op rollere training, or studies In hanVtnor. forelcn exchange, business forms and foreign trade arc regarded as essential preparation. New York and Ilarifard Inuranee btocty. Did. Asked. Aetna Casualty it Surety 4flO tn Insurance Co 470 Aetna Life Ineurance Co 570 Aeaurahce Co. or America u- American Alliance Cliv at New York.,.. 205 Continental Jj Commontrealth 300 fidelity-menu 403 460 soo Hlnklna- Fnnd I'nrfhaae of INIKILNATIONAI, AUHICCXTUBAL , COIITOBATION 1rli. VnHiraffp anil f-Allat.ral fnmt (ZnA flnnri. Notice li hereby civen that Bankera True: Ipv.nViin Company, corporate Tnutee under the Flrr, I Glens Falls ilortrage ot International Agricultural mh t Rutaera Corporation dated May 1, 112, to Bankers I Great American, new stock ri ' . 1 , r-nmnanu an .1, V Tl t . I Trufteej, aecurlor the. First Mortgae-s an') collateral Truet rivs Per Cent. TwentT 'Tear Sinking rund Gold Bonds of aaid International Asrieultural Corrjoration will ijiurchaae for the Sinking: Fund bonda latuM under slid mortgage to. 'an amount audi clent to exhauit at nearly aa may be the um of JS,H.5:rnow,hj!d by said cor porate Trustee iln .said, sinking fund, and said corporate Trustee hereby Invltesisealed affera to b aubmitted to It on or before i: o'clock noon' May I3 ,1J!0; at Its Cor- J orate Trust Department. t -Wall Street. Unhattan. New York City. 'for1 the sale to It of such bonda. at erlcea to be named In such offers, whlcri offers 'shall be for II or any part X the bonds so offered, provided, howeter,-. that no offers, will be accepted which shall be for a sum In ticess of one hundred and three per centum iivi!) of tnepnncipai amount or euen onds. and accrued Interest. Notice of acceptance of offers will be mailed on or refore Ms.y 14, 1120, to the makers of such nereor a are accepted, at tne aaareeses eeignatea Dy tnem, respectively. Delivery t bonds accepted with all unmatured cou- I Iiians attached should be made at the office 9ll)f said coroorate Trustee on or before S 'clock P. M.. May 17. 1120. after which Sjlate Intereat on-accented bonds will cease. United States Treasury decisions require hat Kedera-. Income Tak ownership csr Sjncatea for amount of accrued intereit Inust accompany auch bonda when pre "Hented for payment. Dated at New York this 4th dar of Uay, 1510 ' ' UA.UHKKH XrlUMI- COal PANT. ' Corporate Trustee". 11. F. WILSON. JR.. Vice-President. Co. Hanover Hartford Fire Ins. Home National Liberty National Fire Ins, Co... New. York Plate Olats.. Niagara ..' North River Northern . Pacific Phoenix Insurance. Co... Standard Fire Ins. Co;. Btuyvesant- t Travelers United States Westchester R2S , 83 , SO 1000 265 , 8'. , 373 , 530 ISO 470 110 -230 40 .102 ' TO 30 GTS 43 :o TB 323 3T3 00 53 275 05 585 360 100 490 130 260 45 BO 505 80 73 58.". ro 33 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co. WANTED FOR SINKING FUND 2., B. & Q. Nebraska Extension Four Per Cent Bonds . orovided In tha Truer, aforirare of the ahltaro, Burlington an&i Qutney Railroad J)ompany, date4 Jlay :, 1113, the sijm of m $294,410 'n-o Ilondred and Ninety-Four Thousand sesSeur Ifnndred 'mnA Ten nllM has he.n fit apart for the purchase for sinking fund hirposes of Chicago, Burlington and Qalney R. Cos Nebraska Extension 4 per cent 'onds, doe Mayl, 1927, at the lowest price .ot to exceed ;110 per cent and accrued ite'resti ' 1. Sealed proposals to lf said Bonds, In orsed "Proposals of CU B. and Q. Nebraska xtenslon UondiS.iWlll, be; received by Tha ' nii England Truat Company. Trustee. HI Devonshire St.. BdJtdn, Mass.. until Tues iy. Jlay 18, 1830, at ,10 o'clock A. M.. when le Dias win oe openea ana av accepiea ds trill be declared. - Accepted bonds arc to be delivered to and ..Id for by the State Street Trust Co., at V ofTce. 33 Strf Street, Boston, Mass.. , id Interest on such bonds nlll rrase Hay 1. 1320. ' T. J, IIOtVfi.N. Irrorcrer. Lo..n. iiiy f, itn. ORGANIZE FOB PUBLIC GOOD, i Noted Persons In Institute ef Ap- " piled Christianity. Through the Seabury Bociety an nouncement was made yesterday of the formlns: of the American Institute of Airolled Christianity, ft laymen's mow ment designed "to change the present dcTilorable attitude of the public mind which seems to want to get all one can and give, as. Utile as one" must," Among the persons mentioned as Interested In the new movement are Lieut-Col. Theo dore Booseyelt, Argyll Rosas Parsons, William TV.'Orr. Frederick Irving Cox, Edwin H..' Hess, Francis' Stockton Mc Dlvltt, Cornelius Vanderbllt, Jr., Walter P. 'Long-. Ephraim M. Youmans, H. C. Perrin, Joseph A, Banks, D. H. Mc- Alpln. 3d. H. E. Taylor, oscar w. uir- hom, James B. wooxan, n. v. ixs Varennes. Frank K. Zimmerman, a. Perry Osborn and Mrs. Frank H. Dean. Ijhe amis or me inamuio tc m mm man anu women lor vuiuiuccr dci.ii-c for the public good and to teach scien tific management of men and things In relation to God and the public good. As sociated with the movement In an ad iHurv canaclty are Bishop Charles Sumner Burch, the Rev. Dr. S. Parkcs Cadman, the Re-. J3r. Robert Watson, &! Rev. Dr. Charles L. Blattery, George rdon Battle, William Fcllowes Mor gan, qen. George W. Wlhgate, Major Gen. John. F. O'Ryan and Dr. John H. FInley. It Is planned to open a Public Good Service Station. Patient Shoots' Himself. After suffering a year from tuberculo sis, Msx Bahry, 30 years old, of C35 Backman street, Brooklyn, shot himself through the head at the Monteflore Home, Balnbrldge' avenue and Ounhlll road. The Bronx, yesterday. It could nor be learned how he obtained posses sion of the revolver, as he had not been 17 Adams Express 4s B6 86 tfl 1 Alaska Gold eves series B 13) 13M 13H 1 'Albany h Bus 3H Of 67 67 4 AmAgrChemmOTBs,.,. 0O) 80M 4 American Cotton OIIs... 83 83 39 Am Smelt 4 Refining 6s.. 7BM 74); ' 70 Am Tel 4e Tel cv 6s 03 63 M 68 Am Tel at Tel dt 8s 77 74M 1 AmTelftTe.cv4Hs.... 78 78 38 Am Tel a Tel dt 4s 78 74 M 67 Am Writing Paper 7s BOW 70M 3 Ann Arbor 4 7)i 37); 13 Armour 4Me 77 73 6 Atch Top 4t Santa Fecv4e 61 COM 200 AtrhTop4t8PcT4sl06O 80M 80 103 Atch Top & Santa Fegn 4s 72 70 M 6 Atch Top &SF gn 4s reg.. 68H 68 M 30 Atch Top &fl Fad 4s std.. C4M 63 H 2 Atlanta Charlotte is... 84 84 13 Atlantic C Line 4 72 H 71 J 33 Atlantic O Line coitr 4s.. 62 60 K 3 DsJdirtn Locomotive 6a... 06 06 301 Baltimore 4c Ohio 6s 86M 83H 20 Rattlmoreft Ohio 8s 1003. 60 j 38 M 120 Baltimore & Ohio cv4Ms. 60 38M 68 Baltimore ft Oblo gold 49 . 60 68M 47 Baltimore a Ohio 3 Mt.. 81 80M 43 BaltaOhlo8W3Ms.... COM 89 27 BOPLE&WYa4s... MM 63 8 Bait k Ohio TA 04s 43M 4SM 4 Bethlehem Steel rs 6s.... 00 00 11 Bethlehem 8 teelfdg 3s... S3 81 13 Bethlebem Steel 6s 1036. . 80 70 20 Bklyn Rap Trans 7s 40 M 2 BklynRapTran7astmped 33 33 1 Bklyn Rap Trans 7i ctfs.. 37 37 4 Bklyn Rap Trans 4s 22 21 M 15 Brooklyn Union F.l 1st. .. 62 M 61M 4 Bklyn Union El 1st ltd... 62M 61 8 Bush Terminal Es 74 M 73H 2 Bush TBldg 1st guar 6s.. 74 74 0 California Oas & Elec 6s.. 84 H 83 K 21 Central Leather ts 03 OlU 28. Central ot Georgia 6s MH 83 76 Central Pacific 1st 66 M K 0 Central Pacific 8Ms 78 78 3 Central Pacific S L 4 64 COM 0 Central R R of N J Si.... 06 05 0 Chesapeake Ohio 6.... 83 84); 4 Chesapeake Jt Ohio fdEs.. 82 82 106 CbesaaOhlocvBsl046.. 74 H 72 63 ChesaatOhiocv4Ms.... 70M 07 40 Chea4tOhlo4M 70 69); 3 Chi A Alton 3s 44M 44 36 Chi ft Alton 3)S 33 K 32M 334 Chi Burl ft Qulccy Jnt 4s. 04H 04 23 Chi Burl ft Quincy gm 4s. 72M 1 3 Chi Burl ft Quincy HI 4s. 70 78M 2 Chi Burl ft Qy Neb 4s. . . 86H 86H 1 C&EISsUSMtgctfsSstd 62 63 1 Chicago ft Erie 1st T3 72 24 Chi Great West 4s 52 61!,' 14 Chi Mil ft 8t Pauley 6s... 63, 02 H 41 Ch)MUftStPgm4Ms... 72 H 72 60 ChlMftStPconr4Ms... 64M 63M 41 ChiM&8tPfdg4Ms.... 55 54 11 ChlMftStPdeb4s 55 4)( 22 Chi MH ft St P 4s 1025... 72); 71, M 2CM&StP3M. 64K 54H 2 CMftStPCftPW&s.... 96M 04 2 CMftStPWftM 94 04 11 Chi ft N W gen Be 87.H S6M 48 Chi ft N W gen 4s 70 67 1 ChlftKWex4s 86 86 1 Chi a; N Wafts 60); CO); 1 Chi Rat wars 1st 6 62)1 62ft 04 ChlRocklal&PacrMs.. 63 01 ft 8 Chicago St P M ft O 5s... . 84ft 83 ,26 Chi Union Sta 4 fts 71 if 70ft 61 Chi ft West Ind 4s 36ft 56 111 Chile Copper 7s 00M 08ft 181 Chile Copper 6i 76 Jf 73 1 C C C ft St L 4ft 74 74 4 C C C ft St L gen 4s 66 63 0 Cleve Short Line 4fts.... 75M 76)X 16 Colorado Industrial dt 5s. 73 73 11 Colorado Southern ex 4 Ms 60); 68ft 1 Columbia Gas ft Elec 8s . . 83 83 6 Comp Tab Rec 6 82 SIM 6 Cento! Coal of Md6i 73ft 73 08 Consolidated Oas 7s 100ft 100 601 Cuba Cane Sugar eonv 7s. 97 )J 05ft 1 Cumberland Tel 6s 81ft 81ft 3 Del ft Hudson cv 5s ., 79 70 0 Del ft Hudson 4 fts 08 06 10 Del ft Hudson ref 4s 70 70 7 Denver ft RtoQrande 6s.. 63ft 63M 43 Denver ft Rio Grande 4s.. 60 30 109 Denver ft Rio Or ref 6... 44!,' 43 1 DesM ft Fort Dodge ex 4s 40 40 10 Detroit Tunnel 4ft!..... . 73); 73ft 3 DetroltUnltedlst4fts... 60 60 2 Distillers See Corp 6s 75 75 3 EastTeun VaftOaconCs 01 -IK -lft 3 ooft 83 75 04ft .1 73M -IK 78 1 74 ft X 70ft 1 67ft lft 73ft 3ft 61 M 80ft ft 71 K ft 68ft -7 ft 03 M H 84 ft 71ft 1M 61 06 ft 86 B9M M 59M ii 30ft 80ft H to H 63M 1ft 43M 90 82 1 79); ft 40 2 33 7 37 M 21 K K 61 IK 61 IK 74 M - ft 74 2 82ft 2ft 01 86H K eoK li 78 ft IK 1 1 I 1 68ft 2ft 69K ii 44 ft 32 ft 94) 71 78ft 86ft 82 72 62 63); 72 64 64ft 56 72ft Mft lft 04 1M 04 ) 87ft 3); esM iK 86 ft coj; ; 62ft I 63ft H 84ft ft 71 ft 56ft M 99ft ft 76 V, 74 86 3ft 75M 1 ' 72 - ft 68ft I 85 3 SIM ft 75 ft 100ft 97ft 93 M 90 ooft 81 83M 38ft 17 72 X 100 89ft 86ft 09ft 83 83 80ft 83 ft 61 84 69 ft 89ft 83 K 79 71 H 88 ft 80 71M 97 92"M CO 67 70 84 77 61 63 97 88 86 0 40 47ft 28 64 63 81ft 82 OOM 07ft 04 78 82 M 70 100ft 04 85 a ih 77 ' 77 '49 38 OA 81 84 02 52 83 60 73 ft 78 H 73 62 63 70 ft 60 ft 98 ft 96 X 05 80 02 63 ft 70 67 87ft 83 X 61 108 86 77 70 88ft 74 75 69 3 ft K ft 1 ft 1 76 ft ioi M 1 100 91 ,t Erie 1st con 7s.. 07. 07 30 Erie 1st con 4s 60f,' 40); 13 Er!ecY4A 35 34 4 Erie cv 4a B 36); 31ft 10Erlecv4sD 36ft 35ft 11 Erie gen 4s 41 40ft 10 Fkvida East Coast 4 fts.. 77 77 73 General Electric 6 98 97 3 General Electric 6s 83ft " 83ft 1 General Electric 3fts 63 63 2 OranbyMtncvesserA. . 03ft '05ft 1 Great Northern 4 fte 74 74 7 Green Bay ft W deb B.... 7ft 7 18 Hocking Valley 4fts 63ft 62ft 36 Hud ft Man fdg Baser A.. 37ft 65 100 Hudson ft Man ad 20ft 19); 10 ininols Central Sfts...... 83ft 83 ' 4 Illinois Central 4s 1933... 63ft 61ft 33 Illinois Central rf 4i 1935. 66ft 65 ft 3 III Cen Cairo Bridge 4s. . . '70 70 81ft ft 70 ft 06 70 4ft 68ft 3M 59 ft ft - ft 40 2 73ft ft 60 ft 75 3 91 10ft 01 07 ft 08 40 1 34 ft X 34 IK 30ft ft 40ft Jl 77 ft 83 ft 85ft 06 ft 81 70ft 67 ft 48ft 43 83 69 8S 07); x 83ft ; 63 ft 03ft ft 74 1 7 X 63 ft 1ft 67ft -rift 20ft ft 83ft 3ft 63ft 3ft 66ft H 70 . -1 60 41 41 44 47 80 oo); 07 70 03ft 83ft 10ft 73 60 33 ft 03 73 ft 76ft 80 MM 88ft 93 ft 90ft 06 88 88ft 88K 00 60ft 73 30 28ft 70 70 74ft 43 60 7 S 64 100 60 04 04 04 OS 87ft 84 83ft 78ft 77ft 63 13 67 m 83 74 ft 02ft 74 ft 78 73 ft 77ft 49ft 75 0ft 80 70ft 68ft 63ft 84 71ft 60ft 96 Sift 68 63ft 8 78ft 69 63 45 89 ft 81 79 38 33 30 21ft B3ft 61 73 ii 74 63 91ft S3 65 ft 78 60ft 95 84 82 7 67 69 ft 44 39 K 93 71 78 86 ft 52 73 51 62ft 73 63 64 54 70 63f 04 04 86M 67 SO 60ft 02ft 60M 81ft 70ft 56 08M 76 73 62 ft 76ft 72 67ft 81 81 ft 73 09 03ft 81ft 70 00 70 02 69 39 40 73ft 60 75 80ft .93 49ft 33ft 30 33ft 39 74 ft 07 83 63 00 74 7 03ft 34 13 83 61 63ft 70 High- Bilea est, 1 rUinolsCenChlJenSs,,. 77ft 10 Illinois BKel 4ft ,.. 74ft 60 Indiana Steel Ss 00ft 406 Intcs RTrafSslOM 54 ft 84 Inter-Met col tr4ftt 17 10 Inter-Met col tr 4 fts ctfs, 16ft 73 Inter. Atr Chemical 8s.,,. 80 81 lot Mer Marias col 8s.... 87 4 Iowa Central 1st 70 3 Iowa Central 4 39ft 4 CanCltrFtSftMas.... 60 11 Kan Qty Southern rf 6s., 63ft 31 Kan City Southern 3s.... 81 64 Kan City Terminal 4s.... 63 10 Keokuk ft Des Moin 1st 64 4 Kings County 4s 63 0 KXngsCo4sstd 63 14 Lack Steel 6s 1933 93ft 3 Lack Steel Ss 1950 00); 3 Laclede Oas 5s 70 64 Lake Shore ft M Bo 4s 28 . 80ft 3 Lake Shore ft M.So 4s 31. 77ft 26 Lehigh Valley 6s 06ft 30 Liggett ft Myers 7s 103 3 Liggett ft Myers 7s reg,', . 103 25 Liggett ft Myers 5s 80ft 1 Long bland con 6s 79 1 Long Island s 1037 63 8 Long Island fdg 4 61ft 45 LoalsruleNashvina4s.. 73ft 1 LfcNAtlKnoiftCln4s. 63 3 Loulsrine ft N St Louis 6s 07ft 3 Louisville 4 N St Louis 3s 50 7 Lou ft N Bo Monon col 4s. 60ft 1 M shooing Coal R R 3s... 03ft 1 Manhattan 4 33 3 Manhattan 4s stamped,., 64 1 Michigan Central 3fts... 60); 7a Mldvale Steel 8a 80ft 1 Mil Lake Shore ft W 1st.. 00ft 3 Minn ft 8t Louis 4s 38ft 12 MInn8tPBSMarie4s. 73 1 Mo Kan ft Oklahoma 6a.. 50 28 Mo Kan ft Texas 4s 64 13 Mo Kan ft Texas fdg 35ft 10 Missouri Padftccon 96); 11 Missouri Pacific 6s 1023.. 87 7 Missouri Pacific Ss 1020. . 83 126 Missouri Pacific gen 4j. .. 63ft 1 Mobile ft Ohio new 6.... 09ft 23 Montana Power 6s 83 Srst Ch'ge. Low est 77ft 71ft 88 81ft 10 15ft 79 88 70 39 69); Mft so); 63 ft 65 S3 S3 93 87ft 70 79ft 76ft 03ft 96ft ft 103 101ft 103ft ft 111 Closing. 77ft -3 73J -3ft 89 I ft 63 ft 1M iK H 15 to j; 86ft ft 70 1 39 60 63 81 63ft 65 63 S3 03ft ft 87); i 70 80ft 1 77 3K LIBERBNDS GET MO AIDFROH BANKS gh. low. uov. mruing Bays i cderai He- sw 'in 73ft 88 ft ft -3 ft 3 84 01 ft 68 19ft 10ft 84 ft 03 ft 71 44 74 73 K 69 76ft 73 Wft 83 04 03 ft 81 87); 83ft 3 Nassau Electric 4s Si 20 National Enamel 5s 03 . 10 NatRysMexlco4fte.... 31 4 New Ort Terminal 4s A... 61 38 New Or! Tex ft Mex 6s. . . 47ft 6 N Y Air Brake cv 6s (6ft 233 N Y Central deb 6s 88M 3 N Y Central 4 fts 70ft 9 N Y Central con 4 66ft 23 NY Central deb 4s 70ft 12 NY Central 3 fts 64 6 NY Cen Lake Shore 3 fts. 87 6 X Y CM ft St L deb 4s... 07ft 4 New York Dock 4i 60 4 NYOasKILUftPSi... 73ft 13 NY Gas El L II ft P 4s.. , 01 1 NY Lark ft Western 1st.. 100 3 N Y Lack ft Went 4s 00 20 NYNHftHcvO 60ft 1 NYNHiH 4U050.... V. 5 N Y Ontario ft West 4s. . . 65ft 21 N Y Railways ad) 5e 6 15 NY Railways ad) 6s ctis.. 0 8 NY Railways rf4e ctfs... 25ft 3 NY State Hallways 4 fts. SO 31 NY Telephone deb 6s.... 80 70 NY Telephone 4ftJ 70 6 N Y Wist ft Boston 4 fts.. 39 X 1 Norfolk Southern 5 50 100 80 70 63 I ft 74ft 63 07ft 48M 69ft 03ft 53 64 66ft JM 00ft 38ft 73 0 S3 33ft 06ft 87 61 Sift 00ft 81 ft 23 88 21 60 46ft 06ft 87ft 70ft 0ft 69ft 62ft 68 63 60 73 ft 60M 100 00 68 43 64ft S 6 23 0 88M 74 ft 39 50 100 80ft 1 79 8 63 3 eift ft 74K X 63 -3ft 97ft 48ft -1ft 69ft ft 93 65 1 84 3 66 ft 70),' H 103 80 ft 03 87 etft 4ft 76 100 6bft 63 03 ft 60 70ft" 60ft 6iH 09K 1)4 101 38 X 73 3 SO 63ft X 38ft X 06ft 87 j; 81 3ft 52ft 1 00ft 81 ft -IK 33 3 03 21 4 60ft X 46ft 1 06ft 6ft 87ft ft 70ft 60fti--3M 70ft 1 63ft .ft 67 1 63 60 73 ft 61 100 00 43 ft 83ft 60 60ft 38 07 ft 01 89 AO 103ft 83ft 28 07ft 30 63 03ft 09K 03 ft 79 73 63 ft 70 63 75 07 ft 85 63 ft K ioi 48 Uft 18 78 83 69 37)4 so); 63 50 ft, 63 63 0 61 91ft 80 70 70); 74 K 06); 101 ft 100 80 70 63 61 ft 74ft 63 97ft 48ft 60 ft 03ft 83 ft .63 66ft 76). 03ft 36 73 SO 63 3S)i 96ft 66 81 Sift 90 Bcrve'Cannot Keep Up'Priccs Artificially. DECLINE DUE TO SELLING Ho Writes Scirator Owen That Commerce and Industry of Country Comes First. 81 23 88 21 00ft 46ft 01 87 70 63 00 63ft 3 63 63 74 W 60ft 00K 00 07); 45 64ft 8 S 25 0 4 Norfolk ft West grn 6s. . .102 M 103ft 1 53 Norfolk ft Western cv 6s. . 97 95 ft 65 Norfolk ft Western 4s.... 69 68 6 Norfolk 4 Wetdlv4s.... 73 73ft 11 Norfolk ft WertPoc 4s.... 72ft 72ft 2 Northern radflc 4 fts..., 71 71. 102 Northern Pacific 4 70ft 09ft CO Northern Pacific 3s 61 0 3 NorSUPwrlstSsserA.. 74ft 74ft 3 Ontario Power 5s 82 81 2 Oregon ft Cal 1st 5 87ft 87); 2 Oregon RaUway ft N4v.. 70 70 67 Oregon ShorMJno fdg 4j.. 77 73ft 15 Ore Wih RR ft NaT ref 43 65 65 11 Pacific Gas 6s 74ft 74 13 Pacific Tel ft Tel 6S 83 80 ft 3 04 69); ft 76ft 43 1 5J S4ft 1 61 7ft 5 ft 7ft 25 I 31 SO 1 53 88,'X X - 96M 88ft 76 l)i Sift 74M 39.M 44 84 M 50 J 56 ft 49 102ft X 104ft 102ft OOM 104ft 05ft OS X 80 67 73 ft 78)J 73ft 73ft 5); SO 73ft 71 ft TOM ft MM X 74 ft 6ft 81 1 87ft ft 70 73ft I 65 75 80ft 1 81ft 60 ft 56ft 85 83 03 ft 81 83 72 ft SSft 88 ft 70 70 ft 0 74 ft 81 87 ft 68M 76)4 64ft 74 60)1 1401 Iennsylranta7s 101ft 106ft 101ft )s101ft 100ft 104 Pennsylvania 5s 1068 83ft 82 09 Pennsylvania gm 4 fts A.. 76ft 74ft 8 Pennsylvania 4fts 1021... 9ft 96ft 2 Pennsylvania 4fts I960... 83 83ft 15 Pennsylvania 4s 1048 79 79 1 Pennsylvania 4s 1141 reg .. 78 78 2 People's Gas ft Coke fdg Ss 38ft SSft ' 6 Penrla ft Eastern Inc 00J 19 26 Pen Marquette 5s A 80 70ft 2 Pero Marquette 4s B 61 64 1 PhUa Bait ft Wash 4s..'.. 78 78 28 Phil. Co eonv 5s 192 J 88 If 67ft , 10 PLorillard7 101ft 101 33 PLoriilardSs 80 80 3 P Lorillard Ss reg 79 79 1 PCC48tL4KrrB.. 80 SO 5 Pocahontas Con Col Ss... 80ft 80ft 32 Public Serv Corp KJ 6s.. 60ft 60 00 Reading gen 4ss 70 76ft 36 ResdlngJerscy Cen col 4s 86ft 83ft 42 RloGrande Western 4s... 80ft 50ft 47 Rock Island AT ft L4fta.. 63 01); 10 St Louis ft Iron Mtn 4s... C8 68 17 8tL&IMtnRlvft04s. 64 63); 5 StLRockyMtftPacSs.. 60 89 178 6tLoulaftSF4sserA... 54 52ft 42 8tLoulsft8F5seerR... 65 03ft 38 StLouls&BFCsaerC... 83ft 82 116 St Louis ft 8 FadJ 6s 69ft 56ft 267 St Lpuls ft S F Inc OS 46 43ft 14 8t Louis Southwestern 1st. 61ft 60ft 12 St Louis Southwestern 3s. 54 53 20 St Louis S W cou 4s 51 60ft 4 St Paul ft Kan C Sh L 4 fts 58ft 8ft 4 StPaulM&M4ft S3 ft 85ft 3 San An ft Aransas Pass 4s. 68 57ft 0 Seaboard A Lad J 34); 33ft 8 Seaboard A L ref 4s 44 42ft 1 South Bell Tel ft Tel fis... 81 81 249 Southern Pacific cv 6s. . . . 99)j 98 95 Southern Pacific cv 4s.... 76 74ft 112 Southern Pacific ref 4s. . , . 71 69ft IS Southern Pacific 4s 63ft C3ft 4 8oPac8anFranter4a... 63ft 63ft 66 Southern Railway Ss 70 78 91 Southern Railway gen 4a.. 6ft S3 3 Tenn Coal I ft R R gen fis. 87ft 86ft 31 Texas Co conv 6s 36 Texas ft Pacific 1st 6s. . . 33 Third Arenuo ad) fis . . . . 4 Third Avenue ref 4s 4 Toledo ft Ohio Cen 1st . . 1 Union Bag ft Paper 5s. . B5 Union Pacific 10-year Cs. 02 Union Pacific 4 36 Union Pacific conv 4s. . . 27 Union Pacific ref 4s. 83ft 78ft 96); 85 79 78 58ft 20 '80 64 78 88 101ft 80 79 80 80ft 60 70 3 ft 86 1 69ft 81ft ft 68 1 64 ft lft ft ) X -oft j; ft -3 ft ft 1 in -2 ft 60 63 ft 64ft 82W 80ft 45)i 3 X IX 2K 2ft 61H ft 63 lft 51 1 58ft ft 85ft 1 87); ft 34ft ft 43 lft 81 H osj; 78 j; 69ft lft 63ft ft 03ft 4 70 ft 68ft -rift 80) ft 04 ft 84 ft 07ft 03ft 80ft 78 67 37 87ft 71 82)( 80 110 83 79 00 82 ft 00 82); 89ft 67 64 73 72 72 60 K 71 ft 87ft 66 SOft 64 ft SO soft 66); 02 SOft 74 05 ft 83 ft 70 78 58 IS 70ft 64 78 67 103 83 79 SO SOft 68 ft 71 76 68 60 ft 68 63ft 67 63 ft 03ft 61 86ft 39ft 60 63 48 ft 69 SOft 60ft S6 41ft 30ft 70 24 41ft 83 ft 89ft 98ft 79ft 81 68) 6 United FuelOas es 00 1 United RR San Fran fdg.. 28ft 68 Un RR S F fdg Un Tr ctfs 23); 31 US Realty ft Invest Ss... 82 ,104ft 104ft 104ft 78 23ft 40ft ,83ft 80ft 07ft 79 80 07); SB 23ft 23 so); 70ft ft 23 lft 41X 1)4 83 ft so); ii A lft 3.M 3 -4 ft 1 1 08 70 BOft 68ft 00 23ft 33ft 81ft 40 83 H 100 ft 81ft 79 ft 73 ft 78 ft 87ft 61ft 03 103 ft 83 31 Sift 84 BOft 104 SSft 83ft 81 04ft 30 30 84ft 39 ft 80ft 97 74 ft 69ft C3ft 03 ft 78 00ft 78 ft 23ft 40 83 89)4 97 78 X 80 69 83 SSft 23 74 20 United States Rubber 7s.. 100ft 100ft 100ft ft 103 ft 100)1 107 United States Rubbers.. 0ft 79ft 80 DO TOM 6 United States 8meltlng 6s. 07 ft 07 97ft K 105 07 337 United States Steel sfSs.. 04ft 03ft 02ft 1 00ft 03ft 2 U 8 Steel sf 8s reg 03 03 03 07 03 8 Utah Power 6s 75 74 74 3 85 ft 74 3 Vrglnla-CarolinaOhlsr.. 03ft 03ft 03 1 05 ft Oi 1 Va Iron Coal ft Coke 5s.. 73 76 73 IX 83 ft 75 3 Virginian Railway Ss 75 74ft 75 1 86 ft 73 14 Wabash 1st 83ft 83ft S3 ft ft 81 83 6 Western Electric as 94 94 04 07ft 03ft 11 Western MarylandT4s. . .. 60 49 60 ft 3); 4gft 11 WestNYftPagen4s... 3ft 3J1 63ft r-3ft 63 63ft 25 Western Pacific let 78 77ft 78 84ft 77ft 8 West Shore 4s 68 ft 67ft 67ft' ft 74 ft 04 ft 6 Western Union 4fts 73 74 74ft lft 81ft 74ft It Wilson 4 Co 1st 6s 88ft 88 SSft ft 08ft 89 35 Wilson ft Co CV 6s 88 86ft 87ft .ft 03ft 86ft 7 Wisconsin Central 4S 63ft 63ft 63ft 1 TO 63ft Sjrrtal Co Tun 8cn and Nrw Yosk IIdulo. Wabiiihoton, May S. Gov. Harding, for tho Federal Reserve Board, has sent to Senator Owen (Okla.) a pointed re ply to the Senator's letter complaining that high Interest rates brought about by the board had depreciated the mar ket prices of Liberty bonds. The Reserve Board states that there are 121,000,000,000 In Liberty bonds and Victory notes outstanding, that no arti ficial manipulation will hold them at par, and that fewer discount rates on Liberty bond security would so drilln the resources of the reserve banks that these banks would have no funds left to sustain, much less foster, the commerce and Industry of the country, which tlfey aro directed to do by the neservs act. The present financial and economic situation 'as It affects Government secur ities is outlined at length In the letter. which states : "A glance at the rediscount rates of all Federal Reserve banks during tho year 1919 and a study of market quotations ror Liberty bonas during tne year ougm to convince any one that the decline In the market price for Liberty bonds, and Victory notes has resulted from circum stances entirely beyond the control of the Federal neserve- Board or the Fed eral Reserve banks." The board cites the discount figures and shows that for a year, during which the Government bonds declined, tho Re serve bank discount rate was on many of them lower or Just equal to the In terest coupon value. Support was given to the statement of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Lefnngwell that the real cause of decline In market value Is tho spending of bonds by those who bought for patriotic and not Investment reasons. General Cauaea of Decline. , tiimo fnrta the board states completely refute Senator Owen's contentions and hla statements. Covering the general causes; of de;llne, the board said: There are about J2r.000.ou,uu oi Lberty bonds and Victory notes oui- s'andlng. The cannot oe Drougiu oac to par "by artificial methods. Experi ence has shown that Utey couia.noi or held at par last year by federal ne fw dim-Hint rates below their coupon mt and It would be very unwise In the present circumstances to estaDiisn a uij count rate on paper secured by the?e obligations much below the current rates for money, ' "There Is a worldwide demand .or capita!, and the demand for bank credit In this country Tor agricultural, commer cial and Industrial purposes t Is heavier than has ever bcert known before: In vestment demands for new ccnstructlon. for the maintenance and equipment of railroads, and for the financing or our foreign trade are very great In the face of nil these demands should the Federal Ruwrve banks have continued to offer a low discount rate on paper secured by Government obligations a rate far below tho current rates for money thoy would have been over whelmed with applications for loans on these aecurltles and the volume would probably have been eo great as to have far exceeded their utmost lending power. "While the Federal Reserve Board is authorized and empowered by paragraph (c) of section 11 of tho Federal Reserve net, under certain conditions, to suspend tho reserve requirements specified In the act. It believes that this power is graniea It for emergoncy purposes, and that It Is not the Intent of the act that the Federal Reserve banks be permitted to operate as a general rule with reserves below the legal minimum. The board therefore has taken and must continue to take sucfl steps 4s In its Judgment may be neces sary to enable the Federal Reserve banks to function normally with reserves not below the minimum required by sec tion IS of the Federal Reserve act. In view of the provisions in that section for the redemption of Federal Reserve notes outstanding, it Is important that these reserves be maintained. Jto Let Vp In Credit Demand. "Ordinarily In the early months of the year there Is liquidation and discount rate work to a lower basis. There has been no let up, however. In demands upon banks for credit during the present year: j the total of discounted and purchased bills held by all Federal reserve banks n. iwnmber 28. 1919. amounted to $2 780,090,000 ; on April 27 tho total was $2,888,748,000, While some may argue from this that the advance In discount rate made by the Federal reserve banks on Januarv 23 has not been effective, the board Is firmly of the opinion that had these advances not been made the de mands upon the Federal reserve banks would have been much heavier than they have been and" that the banks would by this time have all been below their legal CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK PHIUDEEPHIA CJffiSTNuT U SECOND PHILADELPHIA, May 4, 1920; RESOURCES Loans and Investments.. 13009,996.81 Loans on Government Obligations 14.013,227.34 Due from Dank. 6,010,194.92 Clearing House Ex changes 2,533.129.80 Cash and Reserve 5,017,773.13 Customers' Liability un der Letters of Credit and Acceptances. C,TG6,383.T0 ' 173,821.707.03 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Net Profits. Unearned Discount...... Reserve for Taxes.,,.,. Circulation Deposits Letters of Credit and Ac ceptances Rediscounts with Fed eral Reserve Bank.'.., 12,000,000.00 4,310,356.24 302,151.82 234.070.31 105.000.00 49,140.650.08 12.63IJT.Q.11 NEWTON W. 873.821, 707,9.1 CORSON. Cashier. SANTIAGO ELECTRIC LIGHT & TIIAC- tiii.n iiinra.ii. COMPANIA EIXCTKICA DE ALUMBKADO a TBACCION BE SANTIAGO First Mortgage Flfty-Ycor 01 Bonds, cur January 1st, 1939. Ths Equitable Trust Company of New York, succrasor to the Trust Company of America, as Trustee under the Companla Elcctrleo tin Alumbrado .y Tracclon de Santiago, Mortgago dated March 27, 1101. and supplemental Mortgage dated August 21. 1112. hereby Invites offers to the Sink ing Fund for the sale of bonds Issued under- said Mortgage to exhaust the sum of Twenty thousand one hundred and thirty four dollars nJ forty-nine cents (129, 114.49). Bonds offered at the lowest prices will be given preference. Sealed offers Hill be opened at the cfllco of the undersigned. No. 37 Wall Street. New York City, at twelve o'clock noon on May 27, 1120. The right Is reserved to reject any and all offers. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Successor Trustee. By LTMAN RHOADE3. Vice-President, Mar 3. 1120. Uptown Branch of New York Ftock Exrhangn Firm has open ing for well connected ASSIS. TANT MANAGER capable of taDrcg control of office. Address T. O.." P. O. Box 822. City Hal) Station, New York City. CONGRESS WILL ACT ' ON CAR SHORTAGE Legislation Sonj?ht to Assist Koads in Financing New Freight Eqnipment. FOUR PERISH AS FIRE SWEEPS FLAT Three Are Trapped in Rooms in East 61st Street. nntsMo th Institution lately, and had n,i visitors. Dr, Arthur Ginsberg heard th. awakened by her eons, John and Will Awakened at 3 o'clock yesterday morning by. fire, which already wag sweeping the stairways, tenants of a four story apartment building at 300 East Sixty-first street, had time only for their own. safety. Three men who slept in inside rooms and did not awake were burped to death. A fourth, who was rescued, died , later. The dead are Thomas Long, 60; Tlmo. thy O'Connor, 60; Thomas Butler, 88 years old, and George Joyce, 42.' Joyce was, taken to Metropolitan Hospital, where he died. Long and Joyce were tenants In a suite rented by Mrsv John Daly on the third floor. Mrs. Daly was rhot and hurried In, but Bahrv was rieai. H was unmarried and had no immediate Telativca. lam, and a boarder, Joseph (iulnn, heard the alarm and ran out with them. The yoflte. ray In thdr haste they left the door to the stairway open, and that Long and Joyce 'Were cut off from reaching- the tire escape by the flames. O'.Connor, who lived with two other boarders in rooms rented, by Mrs. Mary Byrne and her two sons, on the fourth floor, met his death In a similar manner. Long's -body was found In the charred bed. Joyce 'said he supposed Long had escaped. He tried to fight, his way to the stairway and managed to get to the third, floor, but gave up the attempt to reach the street and came to a second floor window, from which he was rescued by' firemen. Tho fire was discovered by Martin (Merman, a New York Edison Company employee who turned In an alarm and then ran with a ladder from his repair wagon to the windows of an apartment on the second floor, from which ho res cued Mrs. Mary Bertonl, her daughter and three boarders. The damage wag estimated at 110,000. The ground floor of ths building, from which the fire started. Is occupied by the Standard Confectionery Company, The cause of the Are was not learned. reserve. "Durlnff the year 1919 the board tested the policy' of attempting to control the credit situation by admonitions and warnings without raising rates. While convinced that It is necessary for the Federal reserve banks to pay the closest attention to the discount policies of mem ber banks, and particularly to those which are large borrowers, and that it Is their duty to Impress upon the member banks the necessity for the exercise of a discriminating judgment In granting credits, the board feels that the appli cation of a rate Is a vital factor in credit control, and It notes with Interest your view as expressed in the course of your remarks In the Senate on Friday, April SO, that "when aggressive borrowing banks ask in excess oi tneir own reserve the Federal Reserve Bank Is Justified In Imposing a rate that will penalise those banks, thus automatically checking the abuse V "While you do not say so In direct terms, your letter intimates that tho Fed eral Reserve Board should adjust Its dis count rates with ths view of sustaining the market value of Government bonds, but paragraph (d) of section 14 of the Federal reserve act provides that rates ot discount to be charged by the Federal reserve banks shall' be fixed with a view of accommodating commerce and a ABTHUB H. irniS GETS POST. it. ii- i a.. . . . , I Business. were raica reuueca wim a He "Will Be Head of First of Edge vlew of bringing Government bonda back Law Banks. The Federal Foreign Banking Associ ation, the first Of the Edge law banks, will be headed by Arthur H. Titus, vice president of the National City Bant His acceptance of the post was an nounced yesterday. The association la to par It is the board's belief that the desired result would not be attained, while the demand upon' the Federal re serve banks' would be so 'great that they would have left no resources available for the accommodation of commerce and business. As a matter of fact the policy of the Federal Reserve Board to curb' In flation wlH In the long run result In im- belnsr formed nMr f h .n.Mti... Droving the market value of Liberty r,l.. e n .. V s. . bonds, and a contrary policy of furnishing pices of a strong group of banks and credlt at cheap rates at a time like this manufacturers for the purpose of faclll- would Impair the market The value of tatlng- extensions of new forms of a VtomUa to pay a sum certain at a credit In conducting American business SaJ,, ,.nfla."on abroad. i which tho board Is trying to controL" Mr. Titus Is 14 years old. , His first oanxing connection was with ths Na tlonal City Bank as a clerk In 18381 Ha became superintendent of South Ameri can branches, and In 1)19 wag elected vice-president For five years he has been director of the orgaizatton of branches In Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and .Chile. British Merchants at Trinity. The party of British merchantswon tour of the United States attended ser vices in Trinity Church yesterday. The Rev. Wllm H. Frere of MIrfleld. Eng. land, who preached, urged the business men to devote more time to rellcton j and less to worldly pleasures. Special to Tut ScK snd Nzw Yoik Hcuxo. Washington. May 9. In response to urgtsnt requests of Western shippers last week before tho Senate Interstate Commerce Committee Immediate con sideration Is to bo given by Congress to methods of solving the existing short age in railroad equipment through lib eralizing the means by which the roads can be assisted in financing- new re quirements. Drafting of. legislation with that end In view Is expected to be gin this week In the hope of completing It before both houses recess over the political conventions. Conferences between chairman Cum mins and Each, of. the Senate and House Interstate Commerce committees respec tively and members of the Interstate Commerce Commission are planned for to-morrow or Tuesday relative to tho fohn of the relief tb be provided, while a special meeting of the Senate commit tee is planned for later in the week. Hearings were conducted last week before the Senate committee, but these have virtually been closed. Among thoso who appeared were representa tives of grain dealers and shippers from the middle Western and Southwestern States, officials of the Association of Railway Executives and members of prominent financial institutions In New York. - I Representatives of the railway exec- utlves tqok exceptions to what they said has been a widespread Impression created by published reports of the Sen ate committee hearings to the effect that the roads went before Congress on their own Initiative to ask additional appro priation of 1500,000,000 from which the Government would make loans to the carriers for financing new equipment The recently enacted transportation act provided a revolving fund of $300,000. 000, of which about $125,000,000 would be available for that purpose. This, the railway executives Bay, Is not Justified by the facts. Upon appearing before the committee representatives ot the railway executives were asXed regarding the extent of the shortage in equipment and what was being done by them to rnaite up me deficit their plans ior nnanciug; men requirements and to what extent In their opinion In view of conditions or tne financial market the needed funds could be obtained from, private Investors. In reply the carriers officials told the committee that practically orders for equipment had been placed during 1919 by the Railroad Administration. As a result they said a substantial shortage now exists. In order to bring the supply up to the point it ordinarily would have been had normal Increases been made while the roads were under Govern mental control they estimated that about 100,000 freight and 4,000 passen ger cars, together with 2,000 locomo tives, would be required at. an aggregate cost of approximately 1610,000.000. The suggestion was saade that the L C. C. might find It possible to devoto perhaps (125,000,000 of the $100,000,000 provided In the transportation act for making loans to railroads. Aa this would h Insufficient however, to meet the amount required for new cars ttca ' other equipment several of ths ofltaMa recommended that In view of tha preeant state of the financial markets, it might be wise for Congress to apprODrlate about $500,000,000 from which to mako' loans to the roads. ' COMMONWEALTH OF rENNSTLVA.S'U ,99J. Issus of $30,6Ck09t), Lean 6rle-M 4V.. 83.4W.SM. kwir. n-. j.i. , ,ar 8I.640.0M. 6-year, Dae .laJy . iKt, lS-rear, Hue July I mo, mt AAA ABA II..- ,-lL T .HI. A,tM. 15-yer, One Jly 1, ftru. tl,0M,eM. U-year, Itae Jly l, 1H4. ft.8M.040. !-Jrar, Dae Joly I, Ills. fl.8M.8M, Xl-yrar. Due Jaly 1, 1141. U.yrar, Dae fair I. 1913. iiOtM. fS-jear, Due Jaly f, 191V. ttMM. 30-year. Dae Jaly 1. I3. FREE FROM THE PERSONAL PROPERTr TAX IMPOSED DY THE STATE W PENNSYLVANIA. EXEMIT FROM TUB NORMAL AND ALL BU11TAXEO, ALSO EXCESS PROFIT.-) TAXES OF THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER EXISTING LAWS. Offlco of the Auditor General, Ilarrtsburar. Ma 10. lrr-1 Sealed proposals will be received by tr. undersigned . at the offloa of the Auditor General at HarrUburg, until 12 o'clock not, i, Wednesday, June 23, 1920, for eighteen million (16.000.000)1 dollars, loan of the Com mcmrealtti of Pennsylvania on ths follow ing conditions: This Issue ta a part of a loan of 830,000,000. authorised by an Act approved the 16th oar of April. 1919, and together wl'h the previous lesue-SERIES A makes s total of HOr 000. 000. Issued under the authority granted, The bonds now offered, amountlnit In the aggregate to 118,000.000.. fill he 'dated Jul 1. 1920. and will bo payable at T Phila delphia National Bank of Philadelphia. Fis cal agent or the Commonwealth, In lawful money on their respective maturity dates, as follows: $t,M,M. Jaly 1. 1011. ' 11,004,000. Jaly 1. 19K. $2,90400. Jaly 1, I93S. St, 004,000. Jaly 1, 1931. t.0O9,OOO. Jdly 1. 133. Il.8,000. Jaly I, 1970. U.090.0M. July I. 1940. 11,000,60. Jaly 1, 1941. t,Ok,to. Jala- i. 1043. gt,6M.0OO. July I, 19tC. tt.099,000. Jaly I,-1939. Interest at tha rata of four' and ons-Mjr (4W per centum per annum will be paM m-mi-annually, on January 1 and July 1, at lie office of ths Fiscal Agent Of the Cotn-nwnvrraith- in PnllaOelphU. All bonda Issued under the provisions of this Act shall bo exempt from taxation icr Slate and local purpoaos. . ... . Certificates In registered form will be Issued In auch amounts as ths purchasers may teoulr In the aum of on thousanl tlOOO) collars, five thousand (3.009) dollar, ten thousand (19.0001 dollars, fifty thousand (M.000) dollars, and ono hundred thousand (100,000) dollars: and In coupon form In the sum of one thousand (1,000) dollars. Sail certificates will La tUcrchangcabl as to 'Nrotlab:e Interim Certlfleati will be lulled If detlrmt. pending the engraving of 'laltlvc certificates, and mar b ohtalntd from tlw Fiscal Agent on the day that pa7 ment Is made for the loan, or thereafter. Proposals mint be mad upon the pre scribed form of blanks, copies of which mav he obtained upon application at the office ot the Auditor General, or from tho Ilsjnl ANo,b!d will be consldtred unles ac.-en-panled by a cortlf led .cheek o certificate of deposit drawn to tho orfer of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania for an amount equal to two (2) rr rentum of the principal ef till Imn for which tt-e.bld Is made. Cheeks or certificates acrompanylng Wis not 'accepted wilt be returned by mail to the bidders within forty-eight (48) hours fron the time of opening of the bids. Ee-wstts o surceasful bMders will be applied In rartls ' payment of the amount of tlw loan awarded to them. No allowance will he ma for literrst on an admwe payment from tin time a bid la submitted to tho time of settle. "settlement for the lean awarded must le made with Tho Phlladelphle. National JJan.t. 'ral Axent for tne lommoimcira Pennsylvania. In the following, manner, to wit It will be options'. tth Mdder to r.iaVs settlement In full on-er beforo puy. si. i i"n tfcree P. If., or make sis partial (payments, te wit:. S3 000,040. TbursaarJaiy I, ura. sur" 'f.t 009,000. Monday. August I. 1914, Ti PKWKSO.e0fl. Wednesday, September 1, ISM. MOOO?' Friday. October 1, 1910. Three S3.00O.O6O. Monday, Novrmber 1, 1110. a.uZi: Wednesday, December 1. 19M, n.M t If. I The undersigned rcservo the right to reject any ana all proposal, ur --",,.,. any portion of the loan for which bids shall be received oa mny be deemed for the be. Interests of the Commonwealth of rennsyl- Twnh the exception of the 311..000 1 Issue of 1010 obovo referred to. the State Is free of all bonded Indebtedness i not now provided for by moneys In the Sinking Fund. Of the .foresaid Issue of 812.000.000 the State has repurchased bonda. to the amount j pf 81. WO.- These bonds are a legal Inratment for trust flinds and constitute ono of the satest and mt deilrable Investments that can be Ahtalned The wealth of the sovereign Stat of principal, certainty of. ,e" ' a ready eale for. the bonds at all-times.' WILLIAM C. BPrtOUL, Governor. ifARMO'N M. KEPHART. ( at stats Treasurer. CHARLES A. BNYDER. Auditor General. 4JN10N OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA , First Lien 5 Twenty-Year Sinking Fond Bonds. - f.. rnmninr of New YOtK. Tr'upWotCallto, 2'ry SSTim: tXTt&nil fued ,Triunder for sale to the Sinking Fund ei ,0l-?n accordance with provisions of Article 4, Section 2 of the above Indenture. Bonds to the aggregate principal amount of $703,000. , 2 In accordant with provisions of Article 4, Section 0, of the above Indenture, a sufficient principal amount of Bonds to exhaust tha sum of $16,947.18. Dl,u V. tiwv. , v ...a. , signed Trustee at twelve (12) o'clock now on Monday, way sun, ivv. .uv us" -served to reject any or all tenders. OF NEW YORK, Trustee. By LYMAN RHOADES. Vlce-PresMent. May 10, 1920. Copper Canyon Mining Company Tho report of the Company will be mailed on application to the Company's office, 25 Broad Street, New York City. KENNEDY & CO. Et. 1884 BRANCH 627 Brfst&on Ave, Cor. 59th Si MAIN OFFICE, 74 BROADWAY. Direct wire to Consolidated Ex. Floor. ngt?no?AND ' TO THE STOOSHOLDXBfl OF TBI DELAWARE1 AND HUDSON COMPANT. Notice Is hereby given that tbs ANNUA!. MEET1NO ot the Stockholders of TBI DELAWARE AND HUDSON OOMPANT will ha held at tha offlce of tb Company. No. 81 Hassan Strstl, la the Borough ef Manhattan, City of New York, on TUES DAY, MAY 11, 1919. at twelve o'clock noon, for the election of Hanagsrs of Iks corporation for ths ensuing year, and for tha transact Ion, of auch other business as may properly ooma before the meetlag, including considering and voting upon tki approval and ratification of all action ef the Board ot Managers and- EaeeutlTe Committee since ths last annual meeting ot stockholders, and all matters referre4 t In the Annual Report to Stockholders for the fiscal year ended December 11, 1911. Ths pons will open at twelve o'clock noon and remain open for at least one hour. Stockholders of record at the close of business May 1, 1910, shall be entitled to rota at such Annual Meeting. ey eraer oi me soara or uanagera P.-M. OLWHANT. Secretary. in c w aovaw mmrMH atf issf. TJJE FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, 18, 19, 20 and S3 William Strset, New York Otfe Ths Annual Meetlrur ef tha sA,Ssswjase cf THE FARMERS LOAN AND TM7ST p&! PANY for tha slectlon of Dleocvrs held at the office ot the Company on TOSS DAY, June 8th, 1920. Polls will, be ep from twelves o'clock noon to on o'clock F. U. AUOUB1U8 V. HEELY. Secretary. THS annual meeting ot the Stockholders of th Stater Audit Company will be heli w wn,w u. iav vumpsnr, no. . un.. war. Cltr Of New York. Ooenuah of Man 1 hattan. on the nth day of May, 1110, at 3 CANADIAN WHEAT PRICES TO. tSSS&SSZ Men of such other business as may prop erly com before tb meeting. F. F. BARTROP, Secretary. , Dated May, t, 1110. Western Grades Advanced 35 Cts., Others 40 Cts., by Board. Wiiwrpxa, Man., May 9. The nrlee to mills of all grades of Western wheat was advanced 85 cents a bushel, and British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec wheat 40 cents a bushel, In new regula tions Issued by the Canadian Wheat Board, effective, at midnight. May 8. a no maximum wnoics.H0 prices of bran end shorto were increased 13 "a ton. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Kottce Is hereby given that the eo-pirCi: ship heretofore carried oa by George W, T. .Skinner and Wllllston II. Benedict at 66 De.' el. and 117 Waahlngton St.. In the City ' New York, has this day been dlS90lrrJ M mutual consent. (lEOrtOR W. T. ftKIN'XFii. 11. ir 'I llWe.l'lliJ.J Usy l. -u. .. s . i --