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Mrf!,iiti,',.A''r,"iW'V''i 1 SAYSBOSDSWOUiJ) BRING ABOUT PAMIC. .. &r?i Pension Oppa,:Iiut Strong Appeal Malty to Aid III and Wounded. 0,1,000 HEX ABE IN" NEED Senator King, Hep. Fell and Mrs. Wendell Phillips Ad drcsa Meeting ITere, ' Warning that taxation necessary to 'trovtce tj.009.00fl.060 for bonuses to ser vice mn would orlng about a panic wit given yesterday afternoon or Ben. mr William II. Kins of Utah, and ' Jleprf tentative Herbert O. Pell; Jr., ot .Van- lor. The two Congressmen were the prln cipal speakers at an antl.honus meet In? heM In the auditorium of .the En sineering Societies Building Uftder the ,jlnt euiplces of ths City Club Poet i,f the American ision uiomi .on j.ittee for Aid to, Disabled Veterans. i ol. Henry I- Ptlmson. formerly fjeere of War. tvettded. v though the principal reason fer the titetlnj appeared to be apposition to t -. prupos-j lil lit We tonus in iry service man, & very strong ap fit for Immediate all for the CIMOO v wndtd end sick men In need of as- t -stance wet also made. In thu appeal the sddrtss of Mrs. Wendell Phillips. j.-esidnt of the "Carry On" movement, as most effective. She told of how aervice men who were discharged front closing government hospitals with a promise thai their eases would be han. died within six weeks, went compelled to wait from two to eleven months tor 1 iniaUl aid. Brine helpless they were compelled to live on the charity of their relatives, friends or Uie puNic, 'I think America has felled utterly in King care of these men who gave e erything.' she said. The-publlo doesn't .'ream ef their awful condition. Of 74,000 mental cases men known as twi light eases 38,000 could be salvage II the money was provided to do It Of 030 of theee men turned out of Oar rmmnt Institutions 600 went back to asylums or other institutions or com mitted suicide. I don ( win one awe tolled man should receive a bonus until those who rave 100 per cent plus are cared for." "I'm not In favor of the bonus, which m.jht be called the service pension sys tem, and whether it la popular or un popular I shall not vote for It. Senator Kins- declared. "If the Government goes out an1 takeJ is taxes money which should bo left for saving, and the public haa no money to Invest as,a result, you're point to have a treat financial panic here. I doubt whether the Goverrnfcn could float a )3.000.00o bond Issue to-day. even at a high rate of Interest. We've ret to stop this extension of credit upon credit of Inflation, of ballooning. I think there Is no leiral fir even tnoml obli?atlon on the Oovennent to ffive boustles or pension to uninjured nun simply for service, Representative rell said ther should be po consideration of expense In re storing wounded or otherwtse disabled men to health and usefulness, but said ?it when the Government had squeezed :90n.009.000 out of the people there wbutd be little left for tht wounded. V letter from1 Wlll'arry Howard Taft putting himself on record against the bonus was read by Col Stirc son. t WILSON BUDGET IS 2 BILLIONS TOO BIG 81. 007,(585, 3-t9 Sufficient to r. tt o nn nun t. a. jin ivst u. 0. V. Committee. Tin WiUon Administration has de manded 51. 93:, 3U, 571 more for current,! upcrauon 01 uio uovenuneni in than Is actually needed, according to a. report of the Republican National Com mittee en Policies and Platform, made public yesterday. The total of original and supplemental estimates submitted by ths Administra tion to Congress far pperatlon of. the j'overnment exclusive of postal and fixed charses. according to the Republi can committee, is J.Oe0.00,MO, or nearly three times as much as the com mittee believes the Government ean be operated with dirrtnt lilt. An ap propriation oMl,00T,eH,I is all that 11 needed, the committee says.. The committee's estimate is arrived at by increasing the lilt requirement by the normal growth of 33 per cent, to which tle committee adds SO per cent tor atiov for the abnormal increase in tcsu due to the war. The current op eration expenditures for lilt amounted to J5a0,545.3l9. The Administration's estimated feted charzes for 183. including pensions, na- ueoi interest cnargea, purcnass ef foreign obligations. Panama Canal, ac. amounts to. $l,0,Qa,00. as ejalnjt 3131.351.359 for 111. The Republican committee- found that the Administration spent for cur- u operation an average qf more man 5l.:oo,oou a day during ths month of Ajril. which was trifle less than the felly average of 311,101,000 for the srtcedls; ten months of the enrrnr Jl year. Federal expenditures for Ul win txceea revenue from ail uurces by ((00,000,000, says the COW ee, adding that that extra vagascis directly to the failure of the -Wtohlstratlon to wind up those special, activities taken over or developed by the Administration, during thex waf emer iacy and iu Inertia, in terminating tjn ttcfraary war work.'' The committee has complied tt data JJI report for use of the Republican periy in formula ting its national plat- iwm. jhe committee's suggestions for! rmeoying these conditions la, contained tj following .words: "Tne remedy for meeting ths first nditian (excessive current opsrsUen r04t) lies In the speediest fsalhte re tw to a peace time, bails of current operations. "The remedy for meeting the secaul wadltion (increased fixed charges) lies " a gradual reduction of the Interest d linking fund ehsrses by the pe totforr of the national debt Itself," CHICAGO STOCK YARD FIRE COVERS? MILES I 'ftcwi u Tut 8 Hrv 7mm JiW , Chicioo. May W rfoE 'Ptcial aUrpts. rushed to ih stock 350 St Nlchoias avenue, a flro story at Pe&aw 1t; T- ,0, - J nrd, to-day flght a huge ptuss that double" flat 35x199: 364 St.Vlcholas Smith: also for 'the iJohn T..,soJt.Com fPt mtr two miles of brMrf the avenue, a Ave story dWo flat 3lxl03x ponjr bw In Highland nte. Pel lalon Stock Yards Cowwrtylwd threat- i irregular: abo 191.110 East lfllth street, ham Manor, to , Dudley JUchr- to spread acjoss thj cnUrB Vards. ;tr 'r tery stfigle flats. lxl.99 ach. Mrs. JJettlo llwdr lher Property Tn ..,.i?7 r..!2 i r"t-i. rrti Lt sin Weat irtftv-first'ot ss Barker wvenue. White Plains. ry hore Tarn, an7 hay extend-1 from Twenty-thlrd to Forty.ltfth I for Charles A. Work J also 417 WeetU TUpter. lne tt orfHalstead street "qfjso horses 11 4Ci street a five steer 8partoentJ7x Allahowrh AJ a tne barns about 168 were iumwd (n 189. for the estote of Asutfc I. Fuerth; idneyjWV Gold at The ... II. .'... 1 I. . nietitvaunh street a Ave rintard and La The lilnun wa estimated at 113 ,i . .. Ji&fM- The lire started '.tt- " t ' ' 'lALWATEHEWS, NOTES' WOSSIP ( aidir Co. Plans-Addition In .West 46tk Street to FKtk Avenue" Store. The J. M. flWdlng Company pUni to bract an adcHlUn (a its store, at 84- mI Fifth avenue, on thl site of 1 Wett iForu-sUth street, on lot dhoo.b. it rwiu pe twelve stories high and of sttel skeleton construction. The entire southerly side over the fifth floor will be .a aeries of steel sash and wire plate alaaa. which wilt lve lent llcUt for the Glddtnc Studios. The arcmiecT, Benjamin w. Levltan, esti mates the cost of this work at llJO.ooa, Construction will twain Immediately. and it Is expected that the building will ne ready for occupancy by January 1 Cooperative Flaa (or Hotel. Calvin Operating Company, Hugo Na than president han taken ever the lease en tne Hotel Wentworth. at SI to l West Fbrty-slxth street, which has still fourteen years to run. The hotel Is twelve stories In height and contains 113 rooms. A new plan of cooperative tenancy will be introduced. Apartments are to be sold to subacrtbeni for the full term ez fourteen years frex Mar 1. liX. at a price equal to four times vthe annual rent at 191) rate. That Is. each sub scriber to the plan will be entitled,, on payment or tour years' rent tn instal ments, at lilt rates, to occupy hi apartments, fully furnished, for the next fourteen rears without any further charges except a monthly service tbVffe of f 10 per room. R. H. Mner ds Co. Hay Warehoosee ft H. Macy ft Co.. Inc.. boucht. through Wtlrr.erdlns ft yield, five ware houses at elMM gloventh avenue, 7Mx 119, four four and one Ave story build ings. The seller waa Marietta M. Stuhr, BosIboh BotMlas Beats. Bletman A Co. resold to a client of Joseph A. Seldman the twelve story loft at (IS Broadway through to Mercer street, JtxJOO. Cedarhurst Oarage, a four story struc ture, 71x103.3. at 141 to 143 West Btghty-thlrd street, was purchased by Samuel H. Stone from the heirs of the Havemeyer estate. The six story loft. 30x10. at SOT West Broadway, adjoining the south- cast corner of Bleecker street la to be taken over by the 107 West Broadway, Inc.. with M. Krachow, p. Rubin and M. Helfat aa directors. Title is held by the Mx enreund estate. Sterling Motor Tnwk Company bought the two story building, ItOxltO. It oc cupies at the southeast comer of Twelfth avenue and UJd street from vF"ranlt H Gellles and others. West Side Dispensary and Hospital, at 1JJ West Forty-second street ha purchared the adjoining property at Hi, and wli)' build an addition to cost about 175,900. nice A Hill sold for the Clem Realty Company ll! Broadway, a twenty-five root lot with a three story bulldlnc. ad- Joining the Hotel Cumberland, at tht southwest corner of Broadway and Fifty-fourth street DtrelltBff Sales Reported Q. W. Cahen bought the Sve story dwelling. 1x30, at the southwest corner or West End avenue and Uurhty-nmth street, from D. C Smith. The buyer will alter Into small apartment. The property Is at present occupied by the Hamilton institute for Boys. N. A. Irwtn k Co. sold for the esUU of Amelia Yard the four story dwelling. 10x10, at 12) Lexington avenue tn Ir. Phlfater, tenant; also for MLss Emily Charles, the four story dwelling. J0x5. at SI0 Madison avenue, to Henry Mandal. Innei A Center cold for St Vrain Realty Company the four story !0 foot front dwelling at 11 Qramerey Park. Shaw Co. sold for Anna B, Doyer, 3X4 Wen 121st street a three story dwelling, ISX100, M. H. Galllard A Co. sold for Mrs. Josephine L. Dlabrew the Ave story res idence, 33x100. at 333 West 191th street adjoining Rlrerslde Drive, to the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, it B. P.el burn was attorney Jor buyer. W. C. Wbtte for seller. Pease A Elllman sold for George H. Church the five story dwelling at 333 West Eightieth street 33x100. Kverett M. Selxaa Company sold to the Selmor Homes Corporation. 1(0 Bast Seventy-second street a four ttory house J 13x114.4, for Louts Meyer, represcnte1 by M. Morgenthau, Jr., Company. Douglas Gibbon ft uo. soul ror Diego De Suarejr. 147 East Fifty-fifth street, a three story dwelling. i.ixiQ. Shaw A Co. sold for Anna it uoyer. 314 West 131st street, a three story dwelling, isxjoo, Thomas Leonard sokl ror Herman TurkcL 137 East lOith street to Prank O, Blanch! and Ellu BlanchL a three story dwelling, je.eo. Albert It Ashforth. Ia&, with Her. rls. Vought A Co sold the 1 (.Sales three story dwelling at 159 East Fifty sixth street William Wolffs. Son sold for Dr. San ders 137 East Ninety-first street a three story dwelling, to Mrs. HSljabeth Leeds Reed: also US East Nlftety-flfth street for M. Baumgarten, a three story dwell ing. 11x199.1- f, Irving Walsh bought from Elisa beth W, Floyd the four story dwelling at 33 West Ninth street. 33x11 James II. Crulkshank void to Fannie Walsh 374 West 137th street 11x99.11. a three storw dwelling, through Harry Sugarman. Charles 8. Kohler, Inc., sold for Mrs. Cornelius W. Slade. a client of George W. Campbell 45 Bast 131th stoset a three story dwelling, 30x100. adjoining St James' St B, Church. G. Walter Campbell sold for the O V. Oden Hughes estate 5S3 West 113d street, a tares story dwelling, is.ig 194.11, to the Elgin Construction Com. nany. Brown. Wh lock Company, Inc. sold for the CtorU estate at SI West Seventy third street four story dwelling. 3lx 194. to Dr. aamuel Kepetsky. tenant The four story dwelling at ixs west Ninety-seventh street tSxl00.ll. has been sold by Edward H. Proud man to Michael Malanso. F. R. Wood A Cot. Inc., and Tucker Srierera Company sold for the Incor-! poraieu uwner. w mico dwelling at 314 West Sevtgty-flrs street Kroma A Tauberteotd for Louis IL Belnig 151 Bast Rlehtr-secoad street a. fnur storv dwelling. UxlHtJ. to Arthur T. SatelWe. who contessplstes extensive aHeratlona. Houghton company ano t-e iuiyii.ov entry sold for ths Hessteln estate, a three story dwelling. 17x109. ae 197 West -Seventy-eighth street J Apartment sa Flat Sal Amtr Realty Comwiy. W Mntt M UM teet a. five story aportroW JfxlklN. West Whty4ourth street, i five .-..teuuit fuxino. fu the utate Swwk.ij mi-i w.,. Trlfe.SUN R four story apartment. :qgi00..for Mm. Catherine J. Robert, William WollTa Ben sold for Andrew ?V8 mJV- wi"met house. ISx 1034, at 3S Kast Seventy-flrst street James H. Crulkshank bought from fcesile smith and others 1133 and 1H3S flnl avenue, six story, tenement. 3T.4x 100. through Harris. Vought A Co. BUTTERICK COMPANY MOVES TO BROOKLYN Tali Big 5c in Ftmtbush IndtutrUl Building. The Butterlclt Publishing Company 11,3 tf11 t:'m Jare feet of space In the Fiatbush Industrial Building. Bor ough Park. Brooklyn, for ten years at n aerrte renUl In excess of H50,- JVl trMt vin t"l w In clude 30.JOO square feet on each of the paeeroent. first and second floors. The lease was negotiated by Alfred F. Wli son. The printing and binding dspartment Wii. Iwlalled on the first two of these floors and will be devoted to printing andpreparing for publication A'eery l . K "" nd Adeenlsre. having ,0j1 circulation of 1,(04,909 copies a month. The coming of I)utterlek"s to Brooklyn will result In the employment ?Li S!" numb" o young women In the folding and fashion department The new location was selected because of the advantages of light arid air and because ? ihe innovation in indutrial,hous!ng that has been undertaken In thlr section of Brooklyn. MlfCBIXATfKSUS LEASK5. j vtoss i Ilrown Company leased for ,h nealty Corporation part oi tua nrat noar nnrf h.imn r tv. eiegel-Cooper building, at 8Uth avtnue. s-ignteenin and Nineteenth streets, to the Interchurch World Movement of America, for a period of nine years and nine months from May 1 of this year at an nnnual rental of $100,000. if. Rosenthal Company leased for J. Fried fifth and sixth Coora In is &ut Twenty-fifth street nt nn aggregate ren tal or to Chanut A Cie, Inc. Douglas Gibbons A Co, with Douglas Elllman ft Co. leased parlor floor iu 113 Madison avenue to a book concern. A. A. He reman leased, for the Union- All Realty Corporation, store at 47 West Thirty-seventh street to Scsaman A kojcs; also second coor in 113 Sixth avenue to Jennie H. Jones, and third floor to John B. Friob. Pease. & El lima n leased In the Lord's Coort building offices to the Consulate of Norway. Pease A Elllman leased dffiee space fn 19-31 West Forty-third street to A. Llttauer. Thomas Leonard leased for Humbert Mlele. to Anthony and Mary Pottrr, a three story dwelling, 17x100.11, at 34J East tilth street. Baatlne ft Co., Inc., rented (he follow. In apartments In It Gist Thirty-fourth street to Partjuron Johnson, Orpha Stll genbauer and Marjoris Tempest; tn 5u Bast Thirty-fourth street to Charles E. Williams, and In 54 East Thlrty-fourth street to Margaret B. Shannon. Douglas Gibbons & Co. leased for Miss Grace M. Curtis a furnished apartment tn 34 West Fifty-sixth street to David A Lain. Charles B. Van Valen, Inc., leasejl for the 110 Wtillam Street Corporation In the new building on the northeast corner of John and William streets, hall of the ninth floor to the Western EitCtrto Company; half of the nine ttenth floor to Peter White A Co.. chem Icals; half of the elghtenth floor to the McN'oh A Jlertln Pipe Company; the other half of the eighteenth floor to the I-oiuJon and Scottish Assurante Cor poration; half of the sixteenth floor to the Prudential Oil Company, and quar ter floors te Anton Sondiiclm A Son. James H, Sumner Company and J, F. B Wcod, C. P. A. Henry Shapiro A Co. have Inaicd for the Schulte Clgsr Stores Company the large northerly store In the Hotel Wal llck property to the St Regis Restaur iu ts for a term of twenty-one years r.t sn aggregate rental of over fOOO.OQo, BHQ.VX THANSACT103I9. Horace S. Ely ft Co. sold for the American Heal Estate Company 1318, 1314 and 1134 Evergreen avenue, lSOx 100, Improved with Ave story apart ment houses, to a client of Samuel Cowcn. J Fred Oppenhelmer sold the five story triple apartments 30S3 Tiebout avenue, northwest comer of East 150th street 33x100, to Wllhelmina Stunt. William Wolffs Son sold 1120 Wll- klns avenue, two four story business properties, for the E1U Realty Company. Shaw A Co. coin ror tne i-ayne estate 313 and 114 East 135th street two three story dwellings. 71.1x100 each. TL Osborne smith, inc.. sold for jsmma Powe the dwelling at 101 1 Grand Con- cqurse. Walter E. Brown sold for William Rankin the vacant plot at the northeast orner of Grant avenue and East l5th street to a client for Improvements with stores. BROOKLYN MARKET REPORTS. Green Brothers sold a detached dwell Ing at 57S East Seventeenth street .for William E. Hart to Hans l ureen. Bulkley A Horton Company sold 333- 3139 Church avenue, three story six family flats. 30x137 eacK for the Sin clair estate. B. J. Sforsa sold for the Calgah Realty Company, Inc., to Anna Ferrnro the four story tenement, with store, 3 Ox SO, at 9730 Fourteenth avenue. Walter S. Roes and C C. Gretslnger sold for Juell Bte the five business build ings. Including the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Seventy-sixth street, known as 7191-7903, and 11 Fifth ave nue, OTHER HOROEGH. DEALS. Raman-Callman Company leased to thi Hlghgrade Toy Manufacturing Company the factory, lOBxiee, on the r.oth side ol Jamaica avenue, west of Sherman street Long Island City. The bcildtng was simultaneously sold to an vestor. Klckert-Brown Realty Company sold 0 J. Hay Hunt a twenty root two lory dwelltaff In Ditmars avenue, be wen La wrench and Chauneey streets. rleUlh, Qtieens. Harris, vought' to. sold to A. J. enten dwelling In Florence avenue. jysiqe. I L. MosTatt A Sthwab sold for Wilfred J. Funk a vacanrpiot at WesterUlsh, S. 7.. to ths Procter A Gamble Company. vhlch wU erect dwelling for one of Its employees. iUBl'RBAN TRANSACTIONS. Httdon Land and Improvement Coin paay boaght the Terminal Building, CI-70 Hudson street HoboJten, N, J.. from Charles Servnte, who acquired it at anctton a lew weeKS ago irom itopert p. Steutenburgfa. Frank JIughes Taylor Company of Monlclalr. N. J sold for Ruth Tlemann te F. Havey- the dwelling at 31 Bruna- , wick road, 99x138 : for Frank M. Sawyer let. W9.enio TX? lilami this. MiMnrwt ft HO North MoupUtn fvemtv. jW- TUh rl r7 V, to T. Y. Hobby, threegh prmeo Son sold a residence ror Goidsmllrv ai the roner ol rintard nd laurel avens, Kew.Bo- ehelle. K. Y to Terence J; MrManus: to sldaey W. GoMsralth a house, at AKP-NBW YORK HERALD, MONDAY, MAY ISO SOME SITES TO BE SOLD Di BOGOTA Bvcoper of Pretty Jersey SuhurKNeeds Funds toPt . Vp More Houses. One of the most Interesting auction sales of suburban building sites is that to. be held Tuesday afternoon, when iW restricted lots will be disposed of In Bo gota, N. for Oeorge B. Hitchcock, ths builder who has done much for the development of Bogota into a favorite abode for the New York commuter. The auction will be conducted by Charles 8. Oerth of Oerta's Really Exports, New Orleans. La., n a big tent at Palisade and Fatrvtew avenues. The beat Iota to be offered are across the street from the West Shore Railroad station and the moat remote ones are about t&i minutes' walk from the sta tion. Some of the lots afo in the midst of prettily developed sections, where well designed, well built homes abound. Other. are tn sections where consider able building operation Is now golngton. There are thirty business sites to be sold. They' are In the restricted busi ness section near the West Shore Rail road station plaia. Buyers will have en advantage In that thty will, if they desire, have the services of Mr. Hitch cock 'to improve the lots with dwellings er business butlOings. Bogota la a community of S0 people, the male population consisting largely of .Sew York business men. The town J consists of smnll tndlvldual homes buitt'by Mr. Hitchcock, who Is regarded an one of the best builders In this pert or the country. The town . Is on the west Side of the range of hills back ot the Palisades, overlooking the Hacken rack River, across which lUs the city of Hsekenxack. Xr. Hitchcock has devoted all of hU cnerglc during the last ten years to the building of this community, and his efforts hare been rewarded by find Inn read- buyers for Ms houses, which riuifc-c in pnee irom j,uuu 10 aoout ?.wu. He must have more money now to con tinue his operations, and the best way hs ean obtain tt Is by selling some of his property., That is the reason for ine saic, ana tne money ODiainea irom this sale will be applied to the con struction of more homes of the type that have proved attractive. XEWAUK ACTIVITIES. Louis Schlesinger, Inc. sold for the estate of Harriet A. Clement to Abram W. Wheaton, 113 Bouth Seventeenth street a two and a half story dwelling. 40100, also the plot lMxlSO at the northeast corner of Degray and Oration avenue, to John B. d'Homergue. who will erect a two and it half story resl- aenee; also dwelling. JixlOO, at 35 Ber. wKd street for Charles Snmmcr, Jr., to tasper J. Maler, and the four story building at 353 Mulberry street to H. cscnuix fc son. Feist A Pelst sold for Joseph Sejal the one family dwelling 33x131, at III Jlonmouth street, to Henry Steffenty. and plot 3SX30, at ! Sussex avenue, for iuiciiaei and Mary Judge to the Port Newark Manufacturing and Investment Company, which plans toi eruct a twu story' building, also leaved, store and basement at the northwest corner of Orange and Seventh streets for Edward Ward to C. J. Counes. TRANSACTI0K8 EECOROED. TR.iNflY.IW. (n'lih rm an4 sS4res of oxner rul sir tenwy.) Dewntews. (South af focrtteath Hrtt:. ItTH ST. 310-19 E. t 1. i.-Tim nn.r n Smith la Cm h JHkmi, ratallTrtJ. Mr ; tty. HIT Ge ..... ..two C HctuulSI cl si 10 gamwrll tt 51 .vi -P"I JO; any. T (1 T Co ,., not) BARROW 8T. . .. JtC.i-Ji P N,tJ. seti to Mr K Urwdy. ea the pmtoi, My J: etly. N Y T M Co l iiovviuir. s. so.10 n Oro.t st. sin- Nier lo afcr Ah. mt .M.eo. MI S, alt). P Welhuky, lt-rr..lt00 WEDT ilWA1. 33. e f" ailfXWSnaV D laMbersur .(a L 4 J lUldLB Co, S Orevne It, mtn t,0OO, May tf uy. fa N Krul rlek. 1". Nuuu st tied atilrupolltan 8- ilank t Hothbart 2vV",r n:'."v;"-"V'i"J,i''-",' BTit ST. &30-OS E. s s. 4ax3&-3arah Qeag and aco 10 .Clare taalbtrr. SS lit av, q e, Ajrll 13; attjr, II a Uryera. 1 UadtMa v , $ SAME ranrEUTY-CUn LaMbrr te Abr La4kvr.,S3 1st st, rate 1?,0U0, May i; attr. lame ......3100 U Q'UtWm anJ aae, tsCtvid an! trtxs. to aaou KMinsoia, u Jaesswi st. mtg J7.0CO, April 14: atty, J Offeabach. 11 William t , ,, H.W watkii t. ui, n s, 40.10 c Oliver et. UUxULlO-rMarU H Coster and see. tint. Sc. to Antanto BanlU. SI Roosevelt it. Mar S: attr, N Y T M Co e,T3o mi'htu.- bi, Hi, n 1, jn,. t itauoa it, rw e 3C9x a w IUi s S. te beg; Mar tea Vi. n t. 23.XUTS Imt-K Y ur. In k .Tmi Cu to Arthur N Williams, IS rerry it, May 5; attys. Emmet. M It U wan st satao) 8AMB PBOPERTT Wm T Emmet to N Y Ufe lai k T Ce, Oct'XS. 1K: atty. L T . T wo ,,, .,..St WEST WWAY. 4. s. US n Sprlas st. XisIOO-I'ellM Court r Co tu llarrt Rralttee, ?n mat ism J. t . ., n- v M Court st, DUyn., flM VTK3T im'Af. w cor Murray at li.Sa l.3z lrre St Lk's 1MU) to ftl Writ uvar (,'orp. iza uway, a and s. May atty. HTUT Co. , Jioi WARRSN ST, . n . T3.1Q e Church st. n-lxfei-.tate Charles I' Kdfftnan to Hop-klMaa-Btrsen Co, May 0: attys. MMdfe b:olc k B. 4S CeJr it...-. 100 8AJIE pnorETtT)T-HaUiuoc-Drrea Co to Warren-Rraodwar Corpn. 94 .Uway, cue WX)j. May S: ty, 704T Co 3100 WASHINGTON RT, lit, t s. oTr-Kla ti sicstaniu to uneaseereusn utg te tans, 11 Stale it. Jan 10 It WAfiUINCTON ST. IU-UI. e a. 4OttHs0x3 P Tnckenaaa and ana. trus, lo Emily Xras, 150 B IM st. Jan 3; atty, T O T Ca , iu.OOl SAME l-rtOfprtTT-Marla at Tuektroun te SAME PliOL'SnTY-Emlty Krauas toChene- Moucn uts ce com. rata ixloso. uar HOUSTON ST. a s, TU w Cannon it. .a sa-jao R Llvermera tt at te Panny O Lugar and Clara ts wife Edwin U Karri Ita. Canasteta. N Y. 1-3 part, Feb ; altyv, Spencer. O W. 31 William stlOlft 6TA.NTOX BT. a t: JOJ y Caryatlt it, S SUi lrree-lttnrietu Dleltteld la Davt Xenn, MB W 131th st. mtg SSJOO. May : alty, U Brccr, lia Rway , 1 East Hdr. (East af fifth aveaue, between Faurteenth SITH ST. a 1. H V 4th. av, at0.4-F B Jennlnsa to Arrow llaldg Corpn. 317 Bway, Jan II; atty, J 11 Cer. 317 Ilwmy. . . .$100 MTH ST, ltl E, n s, SHtonA-Hry MrCor. mWk and aao to Sophie Wltte. 330 C 4M at, mtn 1 1 3.0SO. ABrll 33 , .flfto 49TH ST. SW- K. a a. falOilA-jBo K Tato Un to U V Freund. 93 E Kth rt mte P.00O, Msy y. attys, W 8 A A Katseo- steta. 43 uay......,....u ..' MADISON AY, S31. e s. m4 if SM St. 3993 an a muHon to 1 samel a HawstrriW Madison av, and ano. .mtg 190.000, April 10; attys. Kneauas. HI rtwa Cedar st4t LEXINGTON AY. 17. e s. IM p Isl it ltlitO-EMn J Baaaer le Ceo D K. mtr Stson. May 9 atty. T T Co.. 4100 33n.PT. 139 E, e e, 3os(--CharleUe D Alltsna tv Eurars iloldg Co. Ill Bvar. mtg MtteO, March 39: atty. Q AlUcea, iu .,,.. 1 .,...... .,f mi 3D AY, 5Awr a;u.. SMrWanU a iantw ie iJNiaa tio.iae at aw st, ,tetg April , I? agrees. H IW. 4l 3-. V. ..Mt...t.....Sl -.Ttl ST. V w. lt.4 w Park av. ITiIOS rAfK ar.- n w roe t. lCCiilT May L. wirr McneJaa J Uarivtt. to N J tiarrett. J W pUh at, mtg -VS09, Var I: 11m. wtra, a or, w iiwaj......ieo liii J7n.i fcWo t. riK. 1 ;K 1 "ir-'Ji.'.' . h st. sia t u we sim 1 :p AYt " f Ht et. si tie tVut-c!! tn AMti Cxc?. fi2 Si av: . ajty, L AmUbem. 301 Bwaf .,$1 BIST BT, n . as e U st, io.9x(V-v R Arm- broster to Wtnwta Realty Oerps. b e4e, a. r. April n; ettv W sHeetier C. 1W Mb av...... 11 LEXINGTON AV, s e ter Htlt t HH-ZilSJS -lea Wta te Harry H Ksha, sntg fee.. poo. April II, 1BOS; attyf. Welf. K I N. 31AI SJl'lV ... . . . . k. .aiUU " M.t..MM(it s.o.eeooeew Weal Side. (West ot Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and UOth itieetr.) 718T ST, Y, n I, 4tT10sl9X3-EjnU S mts S13.0TJO. Mav R: attv. TOOT Co. 110(1 WTlt 8T, 131 W, n s. I6.iieo.0-W!a t n.r.. 10O Chrlitle to Myron W Hltllns, 133 W 77thTLOT8 179 and 190-Hunta Point Reahy 0 1 mts llOjow; May 7... ,...100j -ir s. Walsh to Kmfea Tofaoe, 9CA mi AV, fa, s e s, 3U 49th st SOxao Bryant av, mm JMt. AstO Hi atty, Clara A Blbbero and ano to United Clfar Tllte Ooa. 4 T Co, IIS Breodwsy....9IHn Stores Co at America. March 14: auy. IWAY,; e T3ii e Itoaton ar, Mx SAME PROmtTV-UaUed ciar Stores Co to Rnttis R V1. Htb rtiu-kFth. Jf v., mt 9113,000, May d: atty, T O A T C0....410U 47T1I BT, CM W, n t. n 100.3, fortdes AprU 0. 1920-Chat F Brown, rtf. to Cbaa Muh. 333 13th at. Wett New Yark. N J, April 13; attys, Montgemrry. P A T. 3 Wdn at ,.9900 47TII ST. 3dT W. n s, Jdl00A. faredoe Asrfl p. 1930-Same to tarns. Aprtl 13: attn. eame .-. u 99JO0 9TII AV, -w s, n.9 u 38th st, 19ssO-Vler- ree r unnton te iiaun T riaese, biockt bury, Kent. Eng. May S) atty. Spier A B. 33 Wall at ..91 BROADWAY, n e ear 93d it, M.ail0.ti-X 143.4-PranXlln BMg Ce to Keth M Wat. ttrs. 231 Uth it. Anrll 30: attis. Stoddard 4 M. 139 Bway Il iji nr. i, ill) s IW av, xnsojan u Masts to Leslie M MaeU, Hoervwe cen tre. L I. 3-7 part, a t. April 3: attys, Sal ter k B. 110 Nassau at ...91 10ITII ST, 3d3 W, n s, tTil00.ll-.Wni J Carr te Win C Strange. Jr, 70 West End av. mtg ilJiOHO. May 9. 3U 71 KT UT. StS W, s s, 17.toir.S-Car4tne Klcs to Nlla E Sierra. 3311 Bway. et el. rats i, May 4; atly, tot co...i Cstewo. (Manhaitait Island,' north ef 118th ttrtet.) 139TB ST, it s, U. e Sth av. t0sD9.U Eewltable Life Aseur Seettty to Hueaaa J Oliver, Atbury Tartt. U J. b and s. Iter I: attr. H J Oliver. 1113 Ssrlnswood av. Aibury rrlc HI ,.,! IMTlt ST. 10 B, s , 33.UtOO,ll-irxnna!i Heller to United Via Ceree, IIS Bway, May 0: attr. C. D Clregory, lis Bi.ay....l II7TH ST. 374 W. s a. A Raymond to Fannie Wahth. 3T4 AV 127th t. mt? A.V). )(ay ,1 , 3100 143D BT. 154 W, s t, liiOO.s-liattte Man liehns to tfand and Mtthalte strarhan, 3T W 13iii it. mt 4930, May I; atty. T OAT Co $1 )43r 8T, 3.VI W. a s, !!altte Man helms to S and N 37 W 13.4th it. mtr p,33 tl I'LEASANT AV. w , 33.11 s 113d it, SOxlW) -Caroline II Field to John J Lynch. M4 E 138th at. b and a, c a g, AprU 3; atty. C Steel, 400 E 130th st AKDEN ST, 13, e , ITtHO-DevM Knrolned ta JltMto tlosdrnan. IS B Uth et, and Jacob Oe-khnan. tSO Thetferd av. Bklrn. mtg tlSMO: atty. TO IT Co 10 iuu ot. n w, n s, is.snu.e Mane a Uode to Wm J Keller, 19 Xumet terrace, tato 110.000, May 3 91 CONTENT AV, , w s, COl o 131th it, 19.9HT.S Bleysey Corpn te Rssrtr Shsedy. 33 Hanmek p, rates ft3JB9, April 39; r pisvuntia. w asvaQ 31 ITll ST. v nr tahara st. ioii.3 te rr ratnek j ifvrtr to itayport Uvlldrrs. 1S31 Waterloo pi. rots 313,000, Anrll U. attrs. 8now A 8. IS Wall rt....l HSTJl ST. 319 W. n a, 1.VAI99.U-H M AkraHam to PTiida Esensttln. ZTt W 113th p.. vi.wu, niim bv, .ifi 1I4TII ST. 10 K. a s. 33.4lim.ll-CaUed Mts borca to uneyenaa juany uorpn. iza Bway. May 9; atty, C D Ortswy, 111 Bwar .. .. ... 31 !D ST. 331-3M. n s, SOiTJ.O Ahna D Tro anae tt al te Samuel unrer. ciiens Falls. N Y. mts 343,0i. Aprtl 30; attys. Goldsmith A K, Ills llway 3100 t:.iTH ST. s s. 334.19 w JWsr. and 100.3 e Riverside Drive. 100 Concourse Estates Corpn ta Karris Mendel baum. 13 W STlh at. anrT ano, b and . March 3; attr. TQtT Ce... SI Bronx, HUGHES AV. 2310. see, iixIOO-Harry llrek.rman to Astonle Samegtla. 1(83 3d av. mte 3.000iA9rll 30; alty. L T k T Co; a c andrTT. I00 M .fcST av. a i. 51.1 It w ot lironxuaie av, lS.9xfMUxl9.1H.-Edw A Schlll to Ueo H Daum, 3US0 Heacywell av. mtge W.C00. April 30; atty, J A gtetonwtx, luir It lSOth at: o e and 9100 BICHARQPON AY. 4449, e t. 90x11- Ainaada U M Oxee to i'aultce Klaher. T Walton av, mtst t,3uu. Mar I. atty. L TOT Co; e e and 1100 DOON AV, w a, lot ft a a( ZHd it. 3Tix x-i93.ll Land Co C Edvuttald to KrU tlna Otutafsoa, 430 Park a. May 3; atty, K Uuitafson, 130 Tark av SI MARION AV. a(o2, n e tor. 35.ltxlOO.Ux J0.TxDa.a-Wm O IWrbfit te Jotia B J lar. 3SH1 Marion av, mte IS.OW), May 3; atty. N V T k M Co .... HO.NEl WELL AV. w a, 131 J ft s of dlv lots 130-31 B Trillion t. iwj-Trl-liaroush Holding Corp to Wm Scholar k lfe, 1911 Honeyvirll v, mtge 93,000, April 3d; atty. L T k T Co; o e an.l. lou UiiOOK AV, a c cur 119th at, S3xi-tUinoM lioUhic Corp to Ulnnle Janos, 3d at Mark's nlaco, utse ,an. May 6; atty, Minnie Janos. 3d St Mark's place; o c and , .VT7....SI00 OtHIEN AV, n e cor titjd tt, MxW-Manlial-tatnUle lit alty Corp to frank B tiuUea, Wl ft NU'lielas av. nlir xxi nm M . i. atty. Wni lVnaeck, 3S W loth it...... 91 r-'" ..itwwn i a i rs,Da u stay- hew ano. 74 Helsey it., Brooklyn. Uve 3. !9!8; atty. R ltkk,. 3a3U im.i.. tla-iNKLtiO. AV.'Vwa ' Vr'V'fc'totos.V-Vm 1 J i? a; e ami ixl3sttL3 SOI 301 9100 i.Jx Meyer ,;'', tevine. 191 BwaJ; TotilW TIT . " eami uskuiulu. 1843 d it, llklyn, mtg 3U.OOO, May 9: attr. It Bamett. 44 Court tt, Bklyn; c and ilOO PECATLH AV, 930. e ,', afflOWoer toe .fa,?.'" D."- OS B 197th in ,S.,,'WM' M5' 8: Benensoo, MO Willis av: o e and tiH. Wm:,rCmTV,, m WMhlnitoa av. 43x9T-Ma Drey to Clatrv Ooldbcrr. W 113th st. April 13; ally. M Sul: rajer. 3 Park Row ........-fSi W.1H,e.f2SBT'Ka,' WashtogSrl ay. 18.3x43-Karah len te Isabella Hart ".tot st. April 13; atty. BWachsler: WEII IER COUTix' n ' 's' " l e Wa7h7iatoa ajr. 43xfl7-Serah Leon te Max Bfey, W B Bwlr'". ,,; 8 wtaS. WIBHER COUlit s "J. ' i e ' WaVhtagton av. 33x113.4; also Wither fjoort. n s. 193 eW-aihltigton av. t.-.i!CI.-Itrwood Realty Co to Sarah Lroo, 133 W 91st at Aprtl 9; atty. 8 Weettsler, 39. Bway 81 BROOK AV. a e cor lth it, 33xtJtV-Nerth- ern Holding Co te Oefnolr HaldtBg Co. IltO Bway. mtg 332.000. May 8; Tit! mVx OeUee, Uio Bway; e c and!......... fion WHiT.fCIAyi . "s4Ji33HH 11 Natban Rudkn t .1 t i.vS ti...V J4J 3d av. mts ST.JOO, Yockilton, 310 Bwayi e e and 9190 1WTH ST. CCO, s 5. i5xl2l.lSst8,Sal-AlVJa 11 Ltonhardt to lioslt KraSsl; J9g9Dth eate av. mtg t3j000. May ; ttr. J ,,w'nbretJ. 3 Beakman tt; a e and...tOO BECK ST. 787, w s. BxlOO-Anna Bode and ana to Samuel K Rom, (T Berk St. mto Kono, April 30; atty, D Tlcklla. l3 way; a e and 8100 TATLOR AV. 1130. 13x3-Dora Kaplan te Morris Kaplan. ITiO Taylor av. May S: attr, M Kaplan. ITS) Taylor av,. 91 I33TH ST. t . l&OA a Alexander av. 19,3s ICO Louise raul to Jean J Moere and wife, XX B estn st. mtf 94.309, April SS: atty. TOOT Co, 178 Bwar: o e and. JIM KINOSBRIDOS RI. SO, s I. tsTTJIiSOlTS.S Ltjbuck Co to Sarah Ball. KIT Bath eats av. mtg 3Vtf9, April 19; atty, T O. k T Co. 18 Bwar; o e and j..,...3IQO KMOaitRtDGE RD. 313.1x19x78.7 Leytmck Co te Sarah Bell, MIT Baths at ar. mtg 18,000. April 33 1 atty, T Ok T Co. us Bwar I c and aim WEflTCHESTER AV, a e war Eagle av, (as xi24.naausii. uhum wnfni ana ane to CaroUne E Stumpf. 813 Basle av. 3!ay 8; attr. TO I T Co. 178 Bway... .... .sAssn MAPES AY. stetr 119th at. 109.1 IxltotOSx sJ a i rTias in nmaa tuaentnal and ono. iuu atapee av, mtg tmujo. Hay S; atty, T O T Co. ITS Bway , ft LAY AV. 1331. w s. lJbM -TltSTt-ftL Anaa Deutsch to Idiots Jasseleahn. 303 "C lesthst, mtg 98.090. May 3; atty. M Sehenkman. 37 Cedar st: o e and.. ...8109 nauinniuuE av, n w s. t-o-e n ibbui at. 33.lxl48.3x-3sl-Mk:-iati c Mereeey and ano ta Maream M Gardaer. 879 Si load at. May'": atty. Margaret M Gardner. 5TS B 183d st: a e asd 3ieo VESTCltlwmut AY. s e cer Easts ar, HAS syrs.f jfftu.e ataaea u nrisn at to Ca-eltoa B Btumpf, 813 Eagle a. Mar 3: . !! TJ? ?.Co- IT0 11T:.1 S ad..8t90 Kent l. 14. n .. ia.oxiti.isie.S31! Martartt Matt to awry a ansn, tt K 30th at. May 7J. atty, Title. Guar A T rto. IM Brnadvavt e and. ttM 199YH ST. 994. s t. 3A9s73JtstoJxssLt-CtHo rneMerort ana ana a rrrsur stentsito and ana. mt lattrvale av, mtf 8VM0, Mar 1L52& VS' r LP8' n3?-l-'-ti BABNK8 AY. see Adee av, a yojx rt e n 9Ti.3s n fatss a w -aaa James H Waiawrtotiticd ana to JUut Pesenik, USA Masieoa av. Aer 34 1 attr. 3CX". J.V '"T'' i-''--'i-Jrw- IMth rhamhenrer 'fVTfult 8 Oessoer, ISO B ltVh tt. mtg 4A3, Apr 13.19; a lira. CHara Broe. SOOth it aad Wantisr i".5Ji J3" .v."ilil. "jvv i"0 rdOATlHl AV. 3999V ft a. 34WU4a.fMI4 10r 19Zi. iU-S-SUrv X Graham t4 JviU ftUouS, 3 K SMU) St. Mtv SJJOOl A Oil aWs. O-lfara ires, W as4 Wetr aer A-y-v.-A' liViiaV.,Ji;'li MAWOS AV, . e o. te.ltJB;asf. rr Pwww et at U Rett Lwck. 5M W I(u4on ar. mts Hjoeo. Marrh ; attys, O'Kera rm. 9eta rt aA WrMsr 'av: o ,,?nf,7irt'Vt'"'':'":'Ui,J,K!i2! SMMMSSMVil Al W HMBM 1 lmsw IfUfoIlt sImm sM1 st PrJ,-wt rriiwle to Ono BdtnalM-l. 1SH lUrrtsea , May ; attr, Title Guar k T Co, IT nar ,..,.11 lIArtKtsav AT. e s. 35 Cornell ar, iroriue'ii ottinaerg te A eras ( xnx ana wiie, ssv ntmi rm nv, mtg si,nsu, sy 0: attr. Tttla Claar t, T Co. iTrt n.... a . Co to Aeom A Yalxe. ITS W 331et St. VUv 1 and ....1.. .9100 BA1UCT Av, see, PC3. n e Seeteo av. WeUlS Volia Larkln and Kenny Const r Co to Alfred L Larkta. HI9 KUsabrMee Ttrraee. lOM tl attr. K Belalt. SM G mth it: o e sad , $100 midum-.-tuwn BP, n s. U-UlOtLIr-Ibary Barber to.riue M Hewitt asd wtft, 1JIT Jarvts ay. Mar S: attr. Title Ooar TCo. iTSPmadwayfoesnd ttoO uuMoufl a v, a, 3D a 11 fin si. sbsioo; ais o one-half lat Rleuoa av. steer tilth st, Kx!09.f-Mlchal M Reynold ts ratrlek J Cvrley and wife. tT id av. sits 94J10O, April 17; atty. Lawyers T T Co, ICO Broadway; e and. ,. 9t 0L8A80N AV. s e eorvUKh St. 33st09A nttu Charles to Patrick 3. Ctrrtvy asd wtf. 45 Id av, April 39; atty. Lawyers TAT ve, jwi tireaeway... ft MORTGAGBft. (Wl'-h name and address or lender and at torwy.) Downtown. (Sooth ef Fourteenth rtrteO AROEN BT, 33. e s. 343 a Node av. 37x119. 6 h. May 4 JsceO' ttaeAme asd aae to David Komlntek. S3 KrOy St. and ano. 1 yrs, G; atty. L T O T OO..; U0 CATirt-aiJJK Br. S3, a a. so a Cherry rt 3SilxriAddJxs.. p n. May i-Joha B Cerslslla to llr urendt. 99 Naaaao st 3 rtr a i.:oo WKST BROADWAY, n w ror. 133.SxIIJx Irres. p m. May 9-08 West Hreedway Corpn to M btisca' itoVDttat 411 W 113th it. a m. MU alty. H7TIK Ce tllajOOO llOZK BT, IS-20. nwi, atne.NTA Urvnklm Bridee, runs o w SfltXS to WUllirn t (21S-1S) x n r M.lx a a r a e 103.! to Reee st x a w te beg. p ra. Acrll 3CBailts Wood to Mrtmpolltan Rralty Ce. 41 Park Raw, 9 yrs. . prtor mtf 4171,000: atty, n Lmtreion. lit Hassan t 4373,000 Moutn.t BT, 7. n a, 30S.G e Itedion at. runs e SXDx n.w Tt Jx a C3.0 to beic Martaa rt. 19, n a. Z3,3x.1-x trrer. p m. May 3 Arthur K Wllllame to N Y Ufe Ins 4 Trust Co, S3 IVall et: attr. L T I T Cm.. J..HT.SM) itt m, aie-ia, bii, wmj, m, star a (lea H Jaekseei to Kanaaa L Brealaw, 14T3 rrestdent it. Breektyn. an ano; atty, II L Brealaw, 30 Court rt. nroaktrB. .910.990 3D AT. 44 e e. 91.3 s Orh St. XO.txt P tn. May 3 Samuel Ersnewaky to Bowery Sal Bank, IS! Bowery, doe and tat as bond: ay. T G A T Ce - 313,009 BAIUtOW ST. 42, a e. MxSS.S. p as. Mar S JUry K Itrady to Johs r Nelson. 94 Bank it, .11: alty. NTT1H Ce. S,orM BLZECKER ST. e a. ZL8 a 10th St. 39.3s 3dsSlz39.9. p tn. May 3 Louis ptataoeal to Ore A MlftaslonL at Olra RMre, N J. 3 yrs. OK; address. 133 Nassau st 93,009 sirrccs sr. 13. e . 3iAxsoxt4.4sKi. m. May s-rttb!lsbere Koldlnc Csrpn to Wm Zinsser Realty Co. 113 Bway... P1.0OO WARRKN ST, 18, o . 73.M e Ctrurcn st, :sirr). a nu May 6 Hosktaaon-Bersen Co to Estate ef Cltae Fred'k HeXfmaa. 238 B ay; atty. NYTAXOe fJCdno WATER ST. SSI. h a, 49.10 Oliver st, 19.10s 00. p m. May Astonle ftortut to Msrtlui B Cotter. SO E Slit st and ana, 9 yrs. : attr. N T T a M Co 44.0M WASHI.S'OTO.H ST. e e. x9. Jan 3-Ealry Kraoss to Paul Turasrstan. Tuxede. HI, and arm. truJ. 3 yrs, 3; attys. Rvarts. C. t 1. Wall st 13X000 CHERRY 8T, 4 73. s s, 33ttn.Sx23xiia7. p m. April :s-saml scnetnraM to Jos M irtinen. SS2 w -3d st, and an. (ro. 3 yt, t; attr. L T It T Ce - 97.00 WEST RROAPWAY. 343, e s, 100 n Grand rt. 231100. p ra. May B J k L IWdinit Co to Jonas I UMberxer. 37 VnnUlyr av. Instab. SH; attr, Max Monfrted.. 99 n,..r 99J09 Bt.EECKER ST, 3-B9. n e. KLSslfA n to. April 33 C iRHicKer t. inc. to Lame R Wilts. Greenwich. Cone.; Charles S Wills. Greenwich. Conn. Erswet H Oaruner, 359 Rich av. Mt Vernon. N T. and the N T Tnut C. 3d Uroad rt. inatal. altvi. De rarvet Bros. 30 Broad st..903,ono CANAL ST, too. n s, T9.4 w Mulberry st. runs n Ail w .zx s si ana id limi st x e 10.4 to be-Mary T. Florence O Taylor and Edw C sod Maml I Oeerr to Lawyers' Mort Ce. 39 Liberty st. due May t. tea. 311,000 STANTON ST. 33S-333. s s. 39.18 e Goerta St. 7SJSx3u.IS3i.WI J, P to. v . iioui fcert Garare Oceratort to Mctrepontan Sav Beak. 39 Cooper -X B. 3S: attys, A 8 W Itutealns, 84 1 Will- linn, it .l.OnO 8AME.pron. bide loan. May I Sam to Mm. k u. ttftvs. tame... .....91S,rtvi ORIJENWICH 8T, 38. w s, 41.11 s Cham. ovn pi. aj.. ' 7? , 7-, "i. AttUidt Realty uorpo w ito "-'""" ... c..Mri. i t rt at 3 vt9. H4: attr LTA TCo . &V!!0 ItOWERVv e . 100.3 n Grand at. -'V"; Jm. May a-Anr Asn io " . th st. Brooklyn. Install. 9. pr B? S33.MX) 0? CANAt. BT. KIT, n a. 33 v Mu4rn- i. T--. r.-.3.4. u m. May Itaae Prisma a and ano to Florence Oeery Tay- 7 . . . . r 1 1 ii m t JSn v ler. Knw M ana md . 1 v i.lL .i m t ri CS. nr mt 111.0M! attr. TOOT Co... SXf Eatt Stde, (East et Filth avenue, between Fourteenth ana uwin LEXINGTON AV. 13ST, e a. 3A9 ft ef 91rt at. IS SiTO. p m. Stay 6-K.Une A Kxlb t a Edwin J Sander, Hotel Netherlands. 39th it Mil av. tastale, 3 p e; alty TO T Co ..4"? MTH 8T, n s . 303 ft e ef 3d av. TOiira.. May 3-Sophle Wltte to Mary McCorrolek. 169 West Win st aoe, J 7", w atty. T tl T Co. :yvtfS 9TM ST. II B. n e a. Uatia. May . 3-Hy U Hoyt. Jr to Robert M Bsn. jwwciair, N J. I yr. P e; address 42S t'" st .............-. ........... ..fto.W I4TH ST. n s. SO It w af th av. KlxlO.l. p m. Jan zl Arrwe llaldtoa Corpn to Prederie B Jenrdnt. 99 Park av, due Feb II. 1953. ratge as bend: ally. TOO T Oe J53'?' 33D ST, 11 E, n s, 10x99.9, P n. May 6 HattU Llssbergtr to Bowery Sav llank, 3 yrs. 3W e; atty J.THI C 111,900 tio ST. 333 B. o s. K.llilK.t, p m. May Lydls, Armbrusttr to Theresa Faust M Artoa si act. Brooklyn, I yr. p e, prior mtg 11100; atty, Otto Beller. 1JM 3d av 37.000 West F4d. i (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and UOth atresia.) 49TH ST. n s. S1J ft w ot Sth ar. 19x103.3. teasebeld. Mar 1-Carea L sBosertsoo to Mary E KUlten. 49 W 40th sL,dwe Jaa I, HC3, IV, P e; atty. M W Tuttte. 19 Wall st BROADWAY, n e ror Sid St. IOS.lxl4l.3x 102.1xUl:4, May T Kath M Watttrs to union lume tvav oana, ewe a hi tl . attys, Butcher, T A Madlsnn av SAME prep. May 7 Bams te tame, due earae; attys. lamt... 9370.960. ITTH ST. n i. 113 ft w of 10th av. 3 lets each MilPO-J. 3 pm, mists 91A3BO each .-has Mirk to Edw Ashforth of Lincoln- dale, N v, ano (trus, 3 yrs. ah altv. T a 4 T Ca 9 93D ST. 131 W. n 8. 18x1008. May 1-Ltbble to . m.l. II... m. mp i U Broadway, due k ratge ss N4, . . ,!v0OQ P4TH BT. ui w. n s, jaaxiina, m m, stay 7 Myron W Hlgtins to Bite CT Christie, 104 W 79th at. 10 yrs, 3Va p c: attr. T o t Co :...!i9jn 31 ST ST. n e s. 143 ft w of Sth av. Six BS.S. May T Mayer Mayer., inc, to Isaac Buntns. 113 W 88th st. due Mav 10, 1913. 9 b c... ,. 93,009 9tsT st. it w. n s, imoaa. p m. Mar f Aiice m ueoai to joao r urowtji. m oraage, M J. due Mar 1. 19S3. doe. Briar mtn 311.080! Uy,E J Bsseltea, 3 Recttr st , , ifffl 7TH AV. 713, a e e. 30b3 A n et 49th. St. 3030. p ra. May tt-t'ni'd Clears Starts Co at America tor Clara A Blfftro. 3134 Green st. San Franctseo, Cat 10 yrs, 9 p c: address National Bank of Oammerce, t. . . . i fiaaiau at .....,..tIW,uw C-T. BT J-V XL' r. m Alt tl m. I . I Jt.8xltl.9j P m, May fr-Wm J Kallsy to Maria E node. Colonial Hotel, 81st st and Columbus av: alty, TOST Co.... 119.990 76TH ST, 41 W. a. 1199. p io. Mar 7 Mart F r; Itolandts to the Mtrnryntan av Bank, 39 Cooptr itjuare E, 3 yrt, . p e: attys, A S W Hutchlns, 84 WUU Urn at 113.000 818T SfT. 304 W. s s. 37.6x193.3. eouol Ilia, with mts 943.000, dated Jtme , ISIS, May e-Bths liytnaa to Lrats J Will, 1T4 W 97th st. tt at tnt: atty. T O 4 T CO 913.080 tern bt, t w. a a. sitae. APru JO Mar) r B Itolarwltl to Erring Realty Ce, 40 E 10th st. (nstslt, Oft. pr mtg IITA09; attr. Jriock, lftj Bway...,, w 99.309 MTH ST. 41 W. n s, llx:. p m. April 30 Msrte F E Rotandr te Alcheaurt Rialty Corps. 98 Bwsy. 1 yr, 1. pr mtg 913.000; atty, Jtromaj A Korln, 0 Bway...,..lieo Vp4ewf. CONENT AV. 8, ws.t4.ln KTth a. k)xt.axie.xti.. n m. Apru Kactr Stittdy to Wry ty Cerpn. Nyirk. N Y. S yrs, 6 atty. It aae 34 Rfeta. 334 J4TI,ST. Mt Yf. n s, lVlta59.11. p m. Mar , SfV7 . ....,... --VW JVTTH pr, Riv w. n s, 10X99.11. P a. Mar . "fi-FrWa Erennrln 7o Raee Abmhan. if I Hlt U. Bklrn. (jutsja. Ki. fr ns 1.T rl: alir. TU1T CoTt tl 3Ti) I J' 't t Wiii, taaew.ii. p m. star -T (.Ajiamas.rai.iri Faoaio Walah lo JOS HCralltosaak, FrOt-.VJSjreen. faeaUgUrsgs, X.I Mtj N"Y. : yrs: S; atty, H T Tl Oo i. xe ton I31D BY. t t. 11 t loeevtar. ttgjMi) stair X Uedfrey Krlkaea U AseTrOew, II KMsaSetli v, ArUMjtaa. K J, doe Aoetl 14JD BY- WY, s. ant.ltl to. Mar Oemiiiti Stracban to Hart I Maatutnvt, 3T3 Ctral 1-ark West. 3 yrs. ; atty. T a tame. InstaU. (Mi attn. siaAdlke.M riAAM.1I a v. w s, a tTJri it, IT ileld. Eutton essare, London, Kntlaad, 9 , 3; attyo. CoriU M. P ft Coltso .illJ!, Miex. oi, n a, ju r tcnox ar, isajvevit. o sn. Mar Tnrtu ri...iH, A ...LWJ MeAttlster. Jllector st....9iCS9 'USJ8?'.1" a: n MxHL MaytO Xyf MeKenna, to Chas p Fotttr. 1817 3d ar, 3 yrs. 3H: attr. Arthur Levenlhat. .Set Bway 911.730 tiitti ot, est . s s, l9.9Ioail,.p an. May B Pettr IS Csonxo to Jesepldrte Collo. a "ter P. run! uauc. N J. instau.' . ,j!j-r'''krr av. fiklya,. 4.000 Kay I-Hudson J Oliver. Jr, to tbfe Bqalta' bte Ufe Atsfar Society, 9 yrs, 0; attys. ,Aisand.r ft a. IM Breadar.......3te,WO 144T1I 8T. n s. 33d e Lenox av, runs e 103.9 to exterior st x n w 989.9 to ItMl, st s w 17SX s.ltllx e 330X s 90.11 to beg, -May 0-Martha M k Wm J Rodeert, r. to Babettt MotUr. ICR Oraad Cotcttdrar. 3 -.i'.8' 9Aty, L T k TCo iiivii ox. w a, at e s latum et rent's 13.7x n e D3.a to Mii. ,t Mao ta , April 39-Martort Butteers,. Inc. te City Mt Co, 13 Wall st. due an tot av bond; attys. Snow k S. 13 Wad st. .9100.000 wji T. in w, s s. 1BX90.U, b m, stay T-kath D Darts te Abr Meats. 979 Bwav. a yrs, Bay 3HS: atty. Paul HtlltiA-r. 320 ,...Mt-yu Bronx. ALDUS ST; n a, 30 e Pall at, tOsjeO Bebecca Rlrsch trt Dollar oavs Bank, STK 8d ar, tmtals, Key T attys, Mac- kellar 40, CeUr at,.,,,..,.7..34,t3e8 MAJM03I AV. 3373. irxzv-Hvb-crt J Leaesek to Mary Donne, UI9 Marton av. luitaU. 8. Jlarch ; atty, O'Uara Brae, sooth st and Wetater ev...,,4.0HQ 30tax 8T. s a. 903.4 e Marian ar, UixOOx alXxl00.(l-Mary J Graham te Avrust Murphy ,and wife. Mamaremck. N Y, 4 yrs. 4. Bent 30; ally, tyilare Bras, Moth st and Webettr av..... ..,.93.099 DECATUR AV. 3990. 13. 9x1 t0.1OtiAxl li Jutta Feldnun te Mary J Oraham. 9 ,w lU3d st, Initals. 9, Arrtl 19; atty. OUars, Bros, 200th st and Wtbsttr at......9W' BAitVEH AV, n f cor KCIui rt, t StB.9s n e ITalx n &V. 0 c 33.U n 101. U wM) Jslins recenlk ts James II Walnwrtttit and ano, exrs and trus. tM Central Park W. 3 yra. HS, May 9; attys, Tyler A T. 3D Chereri .. ...,914A0 13711 et Mi E. l9.11x3d.9x30i3iT4-arr' r euoxnan to Rose tnetsenroan, ino nnx av; Inttal lt, AprU 9; atty, O. KoeatCs feerr. 09 Nasau at .j. ......... IL0 WESTCHESTER AV, titer Eagle a v. 30.9x is.exvxiixt-carmine u. etumrt te steaee a. Wrtsht er.aL exrs and trus, 119 W 78th st: tnstats 3t Mar 8: attr. TOOT Ce. 179 Bway i Htjeeo joeseiierm te' Anna oewtsen, ui ciar av; issiais vmi saaj- a; ar, w sLia,ev tau st ...93JV90 MATES AT. a a car linn st. zesioo-itTBMA iteeenutal end ann to Jaeoa rrtee ana wut, TM Vtrftan .. TtVlrn. Ifi.l.t. tIM I: attr. TOITCKI Bwav MJVm I30TH ST. 143 E. JtXaiIt.TxlS.9lI14-Miry trpniaae te Martarti Melt. Walton e-v. 3 yrs mi May 7: "attr. T G k T Co. 179 Bwar 99.000 BAINHRHKIH AV. n w . 143.0 n e ISfltA st. 13.bl4A.:i23kl43-Martatot M. Gard nrr to MU-hatl C. Maroney. 3 yrs Vk'. May 7; atty, M C Maroney, SS49 Batabrldee av. 99A09 rNITSnSITT AV. 182, 49xll3.19tlOJSlOe. lo wm L rhelan. inc. te wm 3. smith. Taphonk. N Y. 3 yrs 9; atty, T Q ft T Co 810.000 NBlON AV, 1933 ,13xSJx!3xji9Ji-Bemard ceauea to stanm exssjey asa ware, twet WoedycTtt av, 3 yrs Ml May C; attr, M, Feener. 1041 Woodrcrrst av 9130 BROOK AY. a e cor Ith st, SlO.V-Oeloeur lioidin cerp to Joseah Him an. ess Earie av; Install fl; May . ally, J. Ilyman. 899 Eaela av -. .....990500 I33TH ST. 344 K. 19xl00-Jehn J Moere to Jenn F rendergast, Jr, 333 K 131th St. KES0XT8. iMg ItUnd. Fer T we tinem lOWSPRING&SUMIrBZR "UTE3 j I mlautee -from Brtadsrty, Gtorloue rosthtna. dtllgbltai srteaea. train ag ale, haalthfnl tnelrenatku. euiaqer aperu, 1 " BKIflHTOX 8EAC11. N. T. 119 roeias. It prlrata latha ttittc beat t!tt. trie lights, saaafctsi vrtandaa, trerr botal cenvsoMnee and comfett, evn parlor. Write far Stoahtet PONCINO. Mt'ailU: N4MT ef f ffy. BASSBALL thrice wetaly orJ the Alosnae's own athletic! field, Aedreas tmtu JCNE-IOTB Alaeaae Hotel. AAaaHe CMy, HOTEL PANIfACl Pea BrUhi, N. J.' Americas and Eeropean puna. Restau rant Attached. Telephone Sea Bright 83. EDrraiuv rasau, rrwp. Atlantic aty. F, .fluim 1Hs4 iBTaalVi OlllxSsllltl PDaT4. VKitUmWKHlW tSOU IA HlMlaViliT atfrTT l'usj - U4ajwrw. rdivlp(r AtvAmeTPrCiR. Plan, not Try CIRENDON HOTEL Wnto Ave, ss Pflaeh. AH fWeoaewSh hot asd e14 runsusg woteri pel rate oaths. Lakeweed. 34. t. LAUREL- in-thcPJNES LAK8 VPOOD; N. J. OPEN THE YEAR 'ROUND YoUI vacation cfcssas,, whetber of the woods or seaahoTeV 'will be rcaksod at LakcTTOcxi. Mites cf ' rie (Melts, two beauti ful Wkt'a and the nearfey ccean await 'you there. reasgttaalo. THE CUNWOOlVOfrSM May IS xTMUU.Uklt.r.tUonam.Prtrp. E.StorfOter TWlaw pelawer M ait r tiaF. "aP- ATI asnlse- Cjs'ada, CAN AB3AN. PACIFIC BAIhWATf, 8DaTaetftuAauUfTK ejTTT.Il-X (Jim - - sen f ttT. "s7Ky if: attr, T '6 A V Cry. inin bj- 1 a t w sMMtevaea. iuioer issfflfr1 to- una raoL EOfliwaed, N J, Instil, , in; nt wtr, T o T Co, lpt WE34Sm OflejRT, 0 s. 109.8 s Washing ton av, ts.ii UCtr Coldberg to Mac Btey. ear, 34 B Tlth St. IpstU. Mile, U; atlr.H Wethelrr. 993 Bwsy.33 B940K MT, 787, 33alOO-alnwl E llott to ChHttW Bode, (to 3d av, 3 yrs,. 8. Apt -301 ally. C H Fredtrlck, 33. We 0 at j...i. .31.099 WaUHMat Opuirr. n s. 117.4 Waihlng. n aw. 14.2xt3-C.alrs Qoldberx to Mat arer-,txr. 84 E T4lh St. Instls. 3H5 . Ae nt atty. 8 TVeetwIar. 398 Bway.SlioO WETHER COURT, n s. 193.10 e Washing ton av. I9.3X43-CIalre Goldberg to Mate JDrer, rxr. 34 B T4th st InatU, Wli, . Apr Ul attr. B i aiir. h weemitr. sm nway.l7.4iu K COURT. a. Ill Wiahttir. ns.itlt COURT. It s. ten av. ICSxU-CUIre Ooldhenr to Mast Oreyexr,- 94 B 74th St. tastb. 3H. wrtuv-w S&,SJvrt-,-,r'.S:' Bway.SI WEIlIEBt COURT, n S, 103 a Wattling- r, M.2x-CTtrt Goldberg to Max "Wi.esr: 84 E 74th It. Indite, !M, AW U: ar. n Wechsler. 393 Bwar.SlJflO WWHRH COClrT.n s, 133.8 e Waihfng. torri av, 18,1x13 Claire Ooldberg to Max 7Jreyf. exr. 84 K T4th it. Instls. &M. nfi&t&l&SL" Weeheitr. 393 BI5iAnb"ON Av 80sll-Paullxe flfer to Amend 3 K Odee and husband. VS !". ,T' M Tier bend. May 1 ; atrj-. .JMRwca. 98 Nastaa st 83,no4 IIONETWKLL AV. w a, 1S4J a dlv lots. SJS ?'S'': Trttoent, 33xt90J-Wm Sehwlae to Trt-Jseroush Holding Corpn, 1073 Honer- w!2."'yLta)"-', fril 30i atty, L T TCo. ISO RrMi.iv. . t. am VAN WBSJT AY. 90S: 18Ji.lil-.llxCaa- oeo Daum to Frederick Bchtll. 80 Van -e v liatala. Wf. April 30: atty, n A BrtlSH. Sen vaa Nirt7., umn MANIOA BT, 3t, 33loO-Wm Kathntr te nny torpn. ssi sin av. uwia;-. 8. April 19; attys. Kirk k D, 130 Fulton st ax.ono 13sm BT, 9 s. 130 e Bo Boulevard. Uitno r-rsns K-mptlmamj t Anna K Heetr. mtn, 910 liMi et. Rten-eead BB1. 4 yrs. 3H9. April 9; atty, F Hempelmann. 1M7 Ralp", av, Braofctyn.. 91.300 WmBtB LEASES. 3TH BT, d V. aa-Matarte A Fvfter to'Intx, ine. w out av, et at, 81 yrs crera ' I. tPtt; atty, Ltwtr M Schtuer. 80 Wall at v fttJiaj 97H AY. 494. an-lth 8t aad SUi Av Ce to noejneer Berkman L Ot, l w SKttt at, II 3-13 yrs freni Feb 1 IPlOi atty. Morris Peeoet. 80 Nassas at...810jOOO and Sll.OOil LEXINGTON AV, 1119-13, aU-Frleda Hart to Samaet latmstrU. 894 Amsterdaisr' av, S rrt I mm Mar 1. teas ..1H.DIHI BOWSRr, HA. all-Alfred Battit and aae. trua, oo uymaa rwg-tman. on tne premise-. 4 - . . . , ha . . mi t a jf iiwi mas i. t0an.....-........e.HM 40X11 ST. 111-33 V, ahEauna C KnteHl ane ase, ear aaa trus. te te vnuoen. sit W -44th rt. and aav 31 yrs from Aog 13, 18)9,, 43 yrs renew; .atty.. Wm Klein, 110 Ilroaiwwr ......916.090 and Jis.of 3D AV, I9TJ, north str-Alrtaa, Kttttrer to 3nare Ialrme, on the preralses. 3 tn from Hay I, 940 rrTKlsr.Ttto.aO w. eth n-itht o Rar o ta rtifl Helper, 991 W 133d si. B yrs IrmrALIHI ItKO MADISON AV; 119-141; Strt it. 33-9. aB Aeseetate Owners to 31et.Madbeo Ce, TO K 43th st 31. rfs renew, fram Oct 1. 11T to ArrH SO, 1931: Tt A It BIS. ehange ,ptaee 339.390 to ITLOUO D7STiUt?nOI., C0LIX0ES, &c. TUT, Y,' ", SOBIOT. OF RKTRKTARIKS. W;-,-44 FIFTH AVKNtIB (43th Bt.l. The oldest aad preeminently the most rue eeiiftrL Preoaree for and abtalss excellent eeerrtarial peaTtleiM. Indlvtdual lnttri'-ttoi only, riermttU-itt eatraaee at soy .time. Write tor roraseoes to. MTXTAI, rtrNMtffX BtEMIBNI. ttTT KHOSU 9S Weat 3th Mtreel. SKretarial tratnlsg: tndtvtdaal Inetruetton, Ojuoleh Carefully, tanjht. Pruners Stndtea, Broadwarr IC8 VTest sth 8L An odt'erttsemcn1 in (Ac Lest and rooad rolomss ofTHSSlISAKDS'llW YORK HERALD efftrt a real postlWHtr f tetevaHng your lest furdycrtp. HOTIXS AND BXSTAUKASIS. . XX RBOW' "aismsofisai" An Elaborate ftarua fnUring lbs Bast Cast and Caoras oo BrtadwVf Tw'cd Nightly as TiSt aad 11130 EHELvj IcoLUr-tBua cmcutmsms edlaTT9a79Ba,'SJl ,'ahto, erUeto M CA Bte&ttseA mm, mut " StoaTet mm TWmy lutihrMt Diffg ON TME MOOT Swef try Hudn Bress SwcialTalsThd'Bota S1.K1 8 to 9 BXatltB IN CBHX ONLY ' Krw Drive attn!- St Seiim atoiit UJCSlRNB. set West Titn St MOTaVL WltLAWD, fit st A Watt gad at. rfOW ON EXHIBITION IN SILO'S Fifth Av. AYtGaUAfies, 4E.4SthSt. S. W. Cor. Vandorbrk Avo. aaaes P. SHo 4k Sea. AoctietxeeTS Ef-THRE CONTENTS Country Home at Suflmi N. Y. OF TWSJ LATE Ida Mo Ryan JoJm Borry Ryoa ortd Control Union Trust C- of Now York, Esscuters. A Crjlkrctlsm 4f Early AnMtiean Furaitur, China anl GlatJM-ware KZ3d8Tia FRtUSAM fJYSTATE COLOftlAL IsUNStON CBit win r THE. ClOftTENTS OF THE GRAEF COTTAGE ALLENHrRST. N. . , AND The rroygrty of tha Late Mrs. Prter C. Baker, ReMfi-OTw! frotti 9f QT&t9 erf Hv9 emtefTSsrwssrt- KOW ON EXHUtflON SALE DAYSf , TseawvYaW (TtK34tC7) WcekstAwAy, TWfreUy, Ffritj jti Weky f'2 P, M.. ArU centiriues tko folltrwiag week. Art. mJvcTtPcmcnt o tie Xosf os4 FninrI;caiuwBj of TltX'SfX A,VD .YSIT yOK fCALO ofe8 O ro! tquiMil't'J -48 a. at recovering tfptir 1997 prfTrr. iiiatoswiiaia te Tneaiure Kaog 3 see. Oatex. Anr S:. attr. V ittttw S4 m. to toluj13m ' Muin! m stsw-