Newspaper Page Text
.Tiffi SUN AND NEW- YORK HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1920. u i S' 1 .1 1 t EEAii estate rAT auction, TO-MORROW! 450" BEISCE 450 ". 30i " Pffif 30- A U C: BOGOTA, SALE ON THfe GROUNDS , 2:3b P. M. and Again at 8 P. M. Wet Shore of Susquehanna Trains, to Pogola1, GcrtB's Realty Experts, Auctioneers George B. Hitchcock, Inc., Owner ' Trlrphonc Uadftnsaok S , 4 CITY REAL- ESTATE. -WSt YOUR COUNTRY KSTATE8 WITH ' BRYAN L. KENNELLY, Inc. 11)' COUNTRY lEVfAVB DEPT., ISO BROADWAY. SEW VOKK CITY. .TkIiWARB i. lltMIAK. Real Kstule Moolworih Building. Insurance. Geo. C. Ponler, Int." fefRfi V71LLES RAY rACTlVSg '''From natter? (i lth pt.. Inclusive. GREENWICH VILLAGE ittest port) two jf-klory'and basement houies .adjoining, 40193. idmii Vox D. T., 10 Union .'fthovc Bltth St .Vh Ay, tri Xortn, Blrcr. 'Chance of Lifetime1 1mIhI,Iii i 1 1 , , . I Ll.hl , r ' Ft ihi .ui; nituniiti a-,iBii, iii.iwi West Bldr ihsrtm.nt hollar, "a hlt-h Hams rl apartments of 1 and 2 rooms. Cm bo usmj a apartment. Jioure, or apartment hotel, unfurnished of furrilihi-d: 'Bent about $70,000-October. Price $300,000. h. t: wood. 2Z0 BROADWAY Ilorouih- of Ilron Hole or Ilent. m BARGAIN if, FUe Moo-. 10 famlllen: Al .location. ..I- 4o9E.134THST. lov renta thiirt 4tic room for steam hfftt Rnd hot watr). S4.A:C! rnntrf not errft building for price (cash)-, 131,000; easy ivnns. BARGAIN. LEAVING' CITY. VIII sacrifice, it . choice business corner, i and S room apartments", lidt water supply, at subway and near ,1. stations; savings' bank mortgage; sllnefti! terms arranged. uwncr, jiiu Bun-iieraiu, yiiariem. Itor.tnth of Brooklyn "1 ne Kent GARAGE FOR QALE ' 18th. St. arid 4th Av BROOKLYN, N Y. P(1P8EfIrtN JOHN A. O'NEILL, ' MAlI't7.Vt.' BROOKLYff', WATER .FRONTAGE, SI acres o'n.Jamiilin Ilav. JUnc-.lii. JAMAICA SOUTH, 23 ACRES. - I.Odo 'ffet' frehlate on Itocx'swsj' arnptir; for (alt or fjrhiotf: brokeM protected. Osricr, J09.'01incn.-119 West 4M. , Doroaah of Oueens Sale or Rent. GREAT HOUSE BARGAIN $r,r)0 buys beauftful, $11,000 liouif; fore- A i i y it..!,.,!... .ii . . . i .i boulevard. 'Tarquetry, open fireplace,, tlletf, Is IK tllaM klfrhfn. Arflnfln AenrikiinTi : -,$2,000 cash. Easy parments. Save brokrr- riaTelephone OWNER, 6515 HolUa ACPfWlSJIT'ti 3rf brie family homes ,,MAOLUI11Ei war), completion, 0-7 l'and R rooms and -bath: enclosed porch, tile lrttchcn'ahd batfl. parquet" floors, auto drlve- J'lt'MV. 1 ' V . $7,450 TO $11,000 iOfQco 1294 Jamaica" an .near Voodland av. tumn si.l. wooqnaren- uniit ic ' Beml-bunialow type, frame and stucco; itulit 5 rooms,, every lm- jSuet floors: ba,rSm.-lB)4k sale. HAKTEAU, ,'ta..-l. -Jor sal. , or rent. 4-5-fl uuajiun.. rooms! r!"" down: ounga Zjow plot, Ml ,4owp, , J10 per month; take .LKockaway train, get out at Hamilton Beach W. HAallLTON, 11 Jonn m. ' 'Borough qf Rlcbmo'nd Solo or Bent. mjt 'nvuof t?rri trim sPiRnv at I flOEAN IinKBZB. SOUTH UBACH. BTATEN IBUM4P, .iu wih iiui.a LOWS: ALT NBITLY . KUBNIBIIED. WITH AW?-IMrh0VEMENTS. PHONB, TOMPJUNflVILLB 519. .CAN, BE BEES ANY HAY of? Tlrti BKAtMf. BTT ESTATES, 821 DAY ST.. STArLETON , BEAL ESTATE OUT OF QITY. Ixitig IsUnd 6Je or ntgu i"w Bent, lld.000.00. Jult remodelled, lie ach ' rights; IB rooms. .1 baths, (la- ragc. Sound view, N0..4S2L. 'MI)B XICI10I.S, IS E. HlhjBf N.Y.' riaxa 1123. FOR SALE, LONG BEACH At station don't tike bus; tlwflO.cAsh on rmal purchase plan!. Absolutely all .city lm roi(croenU. Weat fMJton SL J. CLARENCE DAVlEa, "HOMES WlTULVniE HOfR 32 Nassau St (3) Johiv 1171-3. TTestchesti Sale' or Rrnt. Two Westchester Farms BEDFOnn AND LONOniDOK, M,000 and 903,000. W. J. tOCKWQOD, SO Union Pflnsre. NewTTork. -phone Btuyvesant 27. 50 ft.: easy terms-. Harlem It. B., 20 1 m p r o vtm.nts, mln; oiit. OWN EB. 20-lfl 8th av. own Aft'; nurstnr lalaiul' Club,' U I rooms. '5 bath. 5arage, I etc, No. B273. I J-J& " 'IXdd Mciiots; 1 .fkJ PiWt Koad; Bye, Tel. IUM, , I . 1-1 Tw 84th St.?f. Y. nara UM. J ' i ' - II i - I i i n Jrestwoo'ii!300 PELHAM REAL ESTATE rl"im-: - , New Jerter t9at pr Ilent. V'MONTCLAIR NubSJb8Ii,uitn r. M-'CBAWLEY A BROS 8.S.Brsktrt, Opp. Lackawanna Terminal, urn estAtX auoiton. , at - T I O N REAL ESTATE OUT OF .CITY. New Jtmr-Halt or Itrnt. MOUNTAIN LAKES NLYY JLK3C.T, 20Modira Hob-ii for car round living ready for occupancy now; $9,500, easy terms, buys a 7-rooni house with t bath and' 1-3 acre. $15,500 a in. room home with 3 baths, gr.rage and 2-3 acre. Many prices, rites and dflicn. Easy commutation to N. V. City; Hon ft. elevation. A little cah and your rent buy one Cal for. details and plans at Moun tain Lakes, Inc. 170 BroudMiir. N. V ('. Trl. 1321 l ort. SPRING LAKE COTTAGE. Virr .ittrariirtly furnished: It rooms, newly decorated: one block ffnm ocean and m Ukr. Anr broker. . O'SITLLIVAK. 107 Monmouth av New, York. Tf Uphone 2131' ENGLEW00D ltK.I.USTATC H. Weatherby & Co., Englewxxl N. J. Connect lent A-Knle or Bent; FOB HA 1.1', stone house. 17 rooms, o baths. Griucc; cottage. &c. t, r.cres. Vl-w. No. 13S. un a xitiioi, V fireenKlch, t onn. Tel. 1717. Q. Tiorldtt Sale r Btet. ORANGE GROVE Ha;f two tnlUs (rum rallroail station aixi abfrtit 00 igllesi outh of Jacksonville; C0 Arrvf nhorit 1 nrhi Amnk. tsA.,. - ork or vicinity. Aildrms "M," 003 Arbuckl FACTORIES 'FOR SALE OR RENT. FACTORIES WITH POSSESSION FOB SAI.K OB I.KASK. 17,000 feet, ilowntnun Ilrookljn. 0 story uricu, ;: luevaiors, ngut on aides, suod Dower plant. i - 33,000 feet, Neuark, N. J., 3 story brick corner, oppo.ue uarKct-. street station,' lnna ii. Ji.; large power plant, tx-ltlng, shaft Inc. c. lOO.WiO feet on waterfront. Newark. N. J.. I story hva,vy brick storage irarehouse. 1.10 root oock, large jam spate, short walk Hudson Tubes'. Brokers mlt... WALTER J. SMITH, 188 . 'BUSINESS PEACES TO LET! Above Kth Kt, (p 'ssth RL (lnrlusirr), Kast Bler to North Blrer. , . ADJOINING i. ., , PENNSYLVANIA " STATION 1 - ' V .7th Ave., 30th to 31st Street 17 Mory' Budding " NOW rrE.INO,EJlEQTED Vear 3Uln Post OfTlre. Abbut 20)00 Feet Pet Floor Unobstfuajed llgljt. No rqanufacturlng. STORES. ' larGPoWices - ENTIRE FLOORS Apply to Your Own Broker or REGENT REALTY CO.. 31 jrKST 42l 6T. :TO LET: Offices and Showrooms, Bancroft Building, , 3. West 29th St. Reasonable Rent, Good Light Supt on Premises. 726 Eighth Avenue ";; Building For-Lease. TABTICULABS. TO Pftl.N'ClPALH ONLY. 1NQQ1BK 413 'EAST .1KTII.BT. ' 40x70 Loft;, aleam hat,M electricity, Jarce-' freight elevator: light fnUrsldes": 13,100. NECllNEEB, 207-2O0Kast 4Pth'Ht. 27M Arademy. APARTMENTS-FURNISHED. S3d St; S. WCorasr MaHijon Are. newiy uecoraieu apartments, oni- room ami bath, SttO op; tiro rooms, bath, 3 up: hotel serrlce; .exlrsordloaty value: block from psrk; restaurant. '(OTEf, ASIITOX. CITY REAL ESTATE. From Battery to J4th St.. Inrluslve. WE have buyers for your dwellings, flats' POBTEB A CO., 150 West 123th at. i Above llth Ht. to 59th HI. (Inclusive). Hast 'Blrer to North River. FOB SALE OB TO LEASE. A 35 year established deoartment building: could be used for business n- manufcturlng purposes; good paying stand: owner retires. M. LEVY, 104 3th av Nevv YorV clt.' ' t AbovVOth fif. Jth". At. , to r East ' River. 2013. '2013. 2017 LEXINGTON XV.l st'HM St. Three 'story and basemetitlhot Water, bot air heat: '11 rooms, hath! price 110.000 eacn; terms, bco r; b. btukuib, 14 wall at. Telephone Rector 837S. , - ' Above 9th St-0thT. to NotUi River. BAHOAIN. In tf story elevator near Central Park: nearly CO- feet wide a'Darfments: a roonu and baths esxtj. Price $123,000; mort gaEu.S70.000. S ier cent.. JO rears. Itenta. vir SlS.000. , " . . ' . ' HijywytiN a huhiw. iot wes( 72d Bf, HOMESEEKEIlfi. 120 West 111th IU prt- 114,000; jlepn..,WEST filjjB IlEALTV? 20$ ft rittrBlllnr. 11 Mnnl. ,wa h-. U. . uroaawar, cicpnanw vonmnat JVi;, roonj 191, . Washlnfton" Heights,,. Abov.e lt3ih St.. West of U At. - DKJTT 6. story apartment on' Helchts. 100x M; ten smalt apartments on each 'floor.' Mortgages-. $170,000. Trie $223,000. Old rents over S.Vt.000: from October 1. .143.000. 8LAWHOX HOnUM, ,16? WestyKd ft. Borough of JIanhatfan Sllscellsneous. AMEB. BEALTY ..''! Broadway, buys rnoice Aiannaiian .ami nrnnx propenies, BEAUTIFULLY furnished (S room, apart- ment; tell lor $2,000 as u. Schuyler DT39 0 j Buanresfl id tjfiT. 'Above Ilfh'tU. Jo Wiliest, (inclusive), I , '.. "pat JUra to 'North, Hirer., rr Fmisev .to May, 1921 Attractive;" Convenient Storage Space ''Ground PloQft 33-ft by ISO f-tr, high-ceiling, of build ing, on 'Wesf,3tth Street. Especially available for furniture 'or 'bfher htgh class storage: Price aftrac: tive considering high rates Phone Greeley4 l: CITY real'tate; Apuytcn I)dyH and ilTrdalc, aiiotb iioriem nivrr. COUNTRY eilatc. "Knollwood." at Ilher dale. N. ,i about tWo acra:' rvildeiice, nln bedroomi; all coniTnlrncVa; tiled ba,thi Raraav, nrrenhouie'i, ' tennli court.; year rpjind home In a beautiful community! north Idc niverdale road, fiVld t.), juet. ait of nrldnton road. oppoIUrnivrdald.' Country Rrhooli look for my rln; baritaln; potaeiialon at once: carelaker. PhotM and-facta. tci V. n. STUItOIB, Jt Wall, at. Hector B3T3. ' ' .. '' ' noreufh of .Honx-Sal qr Kent. I'Oll HALn-Nln room 1io"ue. Marbla Mill ""t on. Weat 21.1th. at.i JH Improvement MrbieVlm. ,nqulr -a 'J.Corlcar phxce'. .Hi. !ST" W f't?Houm and lot. alt W i , ..vuc vuii.niua iwimn; run ""CKd for two fanvlllca. Apply LOUIH J03KP1I. 2.M Orecnwlchit; 11 , ' ' Horourh of llroolilyn Sale or Kent. NKW 2 family brlck'aeml-detachrd, Incloted porcnei all modem lmprovetncnt;. II room, if batlmf rtcim heat: parnuct .flodrs; oubo -jraraaea;. builder.' on ,'premlaca. 5tth lit mH (Ilk a .-in n,,t iniwiwt) 4. HKVBN 2 family houses, an 1 fnrallv tnr ip, an ir.r rrsmencoini jieasnorr. iar Cain (julck buyers. .IinVANT, BEALTY; 200 West 42d. Bryant "1W.- ' ' TWO family hnun Brooklyn. 2 blocks from BltYANT BBALTY, 201 West I2d t. Bryant Borough of )urrn Sale or Bent. FOB.,sle or rent a benuiirdl Belle Harbor ten room house; steirrf hc&tt ,'all modem Improvemehts: Immcrilitte possession ; Inspect Saturday and Sunday. -Telephone 220.1-J Belle llnrbor. REAL ESTATEr-OtJT OF CITY.. lmt Island Sale or Rrnt. AN unusual opportunity 14 offered to buy a beautiful Colonial cottase with every mod. trn Improvement and unusually attractive surroundings, largo living room with open fireplace; porch 2r feet long; steam heat, gas, electric light: grounds beautifully land, scaped: near water and station, 2 minutes' out: golf Hub near by; price $13,000. $.1,000 cosh, balanco on mortgage. J, 8. WITIIEnS, ... tannrram av.; irn t.m? vanaerullt AT Doiislaston Manoj, j,. I, Three lots, V uiiur, , 'ii uvaini!if ujiirniieu niue S.I.WSJ: sell for $3,000. B. K 200 Sun-Herald. Har lem. FOB BENT. For , tho season, beautiful estate, M acres; fronta'f on Long Island Sound, near golf courscj 14 room house, barn, garage, cottage. ic? vegetable garden, orchard, woods. L. y., CLAKli, Port Jef- irrnon, u i, HOUSE at 111 Glean ,t,. ElmliurAt. L. I.: 10 rooms: all modern Improvements; lot .10x iw, iiiii: rrsnuiiHvic, ri'ayy ,ipr, occupancy; seen any time. . , SI'RI.NUriKM). L.. .I.-Bonses .ipd.lots; Mr gslos. SCIIABKIIORN. 'opposite statloa. Telepboae Springfield 1117, . , Westchester ,ate or Rent. CHESTER HILL, MT. VERNON. BRONX VILLH: restrllcted retldence DroDertles: acre and half acre plots. LUCAS, 20 Depot pi. Hicpnonc -mi in. vernon, n, 1. New Y'ork State Bale or Rent. HIGH class timber tract In New York State, near railroad, with or without taw mill; excellent furniture or general inmner proposition., i,vm, im i;ha.n. care f. n. Meier. 181 Broadway. New York. I'OWEI.IJ). House, garage, over acre. 400 Knst li'tn si,, lirjokirn. Frathush 42(hu. 2'j ACRES of lAnd, 'a' "'rottm house, hot water heat: city water: barn and M foot' chicken housef beauttfirl -view;. 3 minutes riom depot: located on luch hill at Highland Mills. Orange Co., N. Y on Erie: good trnlns, lli.Ooo. Write! or call on Dr. J. E. KEQUA, 104 East 40IJ1 atNew York city. New Jersey-Bal or Bent. ARTISTIC seml-tiungaloif 1 seven rooms, tiorch. terrace, bath'.' heat, electricity; lOOx 200 ;excellent shade; depot, rebootseight minutes: T.MIO. BUCKLEY WIIEELEH, Bldgeuood. N. J. 1'OIt SALE New Colonial house with wide . rent re hall running through house, large Hying room; dining room,' butler's pantry, kitchen nnJ IOllet first floor: four bedrooms nrut hath sernnd. ttn bedrooms And lislh third; lot 12.1x18.1; high ground; 10 minutes' alk from nation, with 'R' minute impress servlco to New Ywk. W, W. WILSEY, Jlldgewnod.' N. J. -Tel...W07. ., . - , FOR SALK New. ht-uso of tapestry brick .l.nt,.. T . II. In rnn-n d nlng room, kitchen, laundry and toilet first floor, three bedrooms indjiafji second, bed room and bath third: lot .0x230; high and wooded: seven minutes' walk from station: $13,300. W. W. WILSEY, Rldgowood. N. J. Tel. Rldgewood 1407. ' IF YOU .WANT TO RENT. BUS" OK" SELL FURNSIHED APARTMENTS, COTTAGES OR 1IUI1-.L-S, FEE MIPS 'MIIRl'HY FIBST, MEM1IEB NATIONAL BKALTOItB. HANDLE BUILDING, THIBD FLOOR, BOARDWALK AND MELROSE AV., ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. NEW frame seven room bunralow at Slngac. N. J.: fruit trees-jion- premises; located within five minutes of trolley and 15 minutes m railroad station. For. nartlculars aDPlr to owner. D. BUFFALO. Single. N. J. Massachusetts Sale or Rent. COUNTRY house In smsM' village near golf course, 3 acres with spaded lawn vegetable rarden, garage and Ice-house; dwelling haa five master's rooms, and two baths, furnace, hardwood floors, electric lights, telephone, glass enclosed porch! for, sale to close an estate, $8,000, or for rent furnished for sum mer for $700. WHEELER.- TAYLOR. .Great Harrington, aiass. Miscellaneous Sale or Rrnt. 11.000. "PRICE $t.P00. Pnmrnrtable old fashioned house. 10 and bath: 17 minutes by subway to 42d St., Manhattan.- OWNER 1rl Nassau. Bcek man 2(183; ' FARM PR0PERTY. - - WIDOW must sell-.bejuUful home, gentle; men's 80 acre farm, with stock, 48 miles from New York: place must bo seen to, be appreciated: re'al bdrtWtf, $13300. JOHN OTT. 3f4 .1th, nv'.. BHoonfyn. SUMMER RESIDENCES TO LET. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. 1N-BELT.B. HARBOR, FURNISHED, FBOMitAY. 14. TO OCT. 1: RENT $1,300. REIBBLEPHONE BELLE HABBOR 234n..OB HAM$IELS 210.. SUMMER, RESIDENCES 'WANTED. WANTED furnhheB houe for -summer. about 10 rooms, hf lc4t'2 baths: -In West chester, preferabt'1''Ofmker ,Hldgo section. Box O. K.. FnresP Hilly' t,. I. REAL ESTAT WANTED. HOMES WrriliS THE HOUR. l : - (Katnt eTftrrwhens.1" Phone, call or vrlts? J. Clarence Dariss. 32 tfassauist-John 1171. REArFTTjCujlA, ( s-s . i iua;pnirf . . An finndred snd slxtracm ef land, fseln the beantlfnl Bsy of Clenfueros. Cuba, the most' Iniporftrit-eoDinTerclat port In Cnbs after Rsrans, and xrltbwtt .doubt the beat aod Isncst nsy in ineisiaoq This nrooertv hat s-.weter-frooUre. of at least 1.000 yards, snd therefore sdmlrably illed fur the bulldttKt of a dry dock, the tester balng deep.alUalosg the entire front. "Winding tb ve.rj good, creek tbtt lays mid-' vrsv of the property at jbe water front. ' Tnere is siso pirniy oi umesmnv specisny suited for the tnsmifscttirtag.drtber .finest lime (there is a lima kiln. la operatfcm). . Also a stone ooarrr. from, which larn smmint of blocks are Jju.irrlrd .srery year for ...Ibtln. MIMM. , There Is also a large tne of tltriber list vrhirh bss.nerer been toorhed. II c... rii -ta.4L.t4i '2AAJm raivmim rut- tin, hh.. auuia ....v. 'Jj CABRF.RA PRBF-'Zaras "No, i. SaaU Cla-i, Prar. SU. Crtra, Cuba. ' " 3USINES3 PiAOES ' TO , LET.' 'boTo llth fit. ir Mln fit. (Inclusive). East .Hirer Mo,t North' Mlver. prevailing! 6000. Branch ,19. From Bakery to 14th St.. Inelu.lte. FOB HAL3!0 years' Uas, 74 'Dey, IS2 Washington st., or will alter to suit tenant, MEYI3B 8INUBB, 123 East 23d st. Oram- ..MU VtlY HALF of of lice, with telephone and towel service, mommy; also man, oeiK priw lege. 3!) 4th av,, opposite Wanamaker's, fourth floor.' Telephone Worth 231. LKIlT private office, also desk riiom: tele phone and stenographer optional: . reason able rent to responsible tenant. BMALLEY k t.'O.. 232 Front st. Jleekman 4073. OFFICM space .for rent at 111 Broadway; approximately noo square feet. Apply room 22011. 14 Wall at. "STORK and basement, 237 Lafayette St.; 3,000 square feet'; fireproof building; sprinkler system; rent $.1,000. BBETT fc (lOOI)B CO.. 382 3th av. SPACIOUS prlvato office, furnished; tele phone, etenogrArhlc service; $100. 200 Broadway, room 1003, Above 14th ,St. to Ct, f. (Inclusive), East River to North River. FpB LEASE, MAY, 1021. , Attractive floor, 33 ft. x 130 ft., high cell ing, of bulldlnR-on West 34Ur St.; especially available; for furniture or other high class storage; price, attractive considering high rati' prevailing. i'liono urteiey now, Branch 10. ONE, and t,wo fuvira for light business; alsb wo rooms. 411 West 30th st. PARI.OII floor. Al business section, adjacent to Blker-Ikgeman, United Cigar, Schulte cigar stores, for offices, light .shop, show room: $123 for whole: 6 7th. av.' DUBOSS CUMlAiS Y. PARLOR floor, ofdera, studios, apart m,nl. JO W 1?(t. STUDIO apartm'ent; private bath; light bust. ness; one floor up. .14 West '2"th. KTH AV. offices at 42d si.; beautifully fur nished and decorated; sublet $123. Ad dress X. V., 337 Bun-Herald, Herald square, A bore 39th St. 5th Av. to East River. 1.1.1 East HCth. Store, modern Improvements; suitable for dentist or light manufacturing. Above 30th St. 3th Av. to North River. SERVICE STATION MANUFACTURING LOFTS. 100 West. End av., near n.lth St., two floors and .basement, nOxlbO each: no posts on aay floor; concrete floors; fireproof building; 300 gallon under ground gas tank and pnmp: full slxe vIentor for automobiles: Immediate ponsesslon. Write or phone KEENEY 1CAR.MEN CO.. 140 Cth av. Chelsea 1343, or your broker. Miscellaneous. LOFT tor studio; will alter to suit. A. BROWN. 22 West 23d.i NEWLY furnished suite of 300 square feet' with telephone In new building, between' 3th and mil a vs.; long lease to He lira Die per sons. I'hon'e Vanderbllt 7337 for appoint ment. Borough of Brooklyn. BUILDING. 10x100, six' story,' basement. OWNER, on' premised, 170. "Bands nt Brooklyn. . . V" ' ' . LOFT to let, one story, Iflsh celling; brick building, 32x30. wlUi gallery 10x73 fiet; cincrete tioor. u I'enp St.. nrooxiyn "T" FACTORTES FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR oargalni In Commercial waterfront properties see Joseph T. UnUtgaa, U Uberty st. , APARTMENTS FURNISHEJ); ABTISTICALLY and completely furnished apartnientt two rooms, bath and. kitchen ette, .to refined iicople, with beat references. JONEB. 229 Madison av, or phone l'lftia 643. BRIGHT and alrx apartment, furnished: ele vator and telephone: two rooms and bath; malii and valet on. premises; $1.10 a month. May; 1.11 Apply superintendent, 411 Madison v. Tel. -i.kIi vanueruiit. GBAMERCY PARK T-Vo room kltchenehe: sublet to one who will buy "furniture; ;no agents. A. 114 SoniHetnldr' Herald square. CORNER, 0 light rooms! apartment elab orately furnished, player piano; Central Park West (00's). ltione 2372 .Riverside. Monday, 10-1. June 1 to October 1; $300 a month. FOR RENT-Furnlnlied or unfurnished, two front -.ropms, kitchenette and bath apart ments: turnlshed $230 'per month. D1TII- kiduk, x west .vnii. ENTIRELY refurnished suites of 2 to I rooms, with or without kitchens: rent 1100 monthly and up;' complete hotel ser vice, gas. electricity, linen. &c: entire house redecorated and refurnished. HOTEL SCHUYLER ARMS. iOS-lll West tlth st. FIVE rooms and sun parlor, furnished, to lease, pttvate house., large apartment, facing New York: all Improvements: refer ences required. Apply MENCONE. 324 Moun. tain road. West Hoboken, N. J., or phone union Lnurse inzn. FOUR rooms and bath: well furnished- llcht airy; convenient to all far lines i tour rmnnlh,1 I.. .. fall aflant-A-. U.-J.- Tuesday or Wednesday, EA8T0N,' 230 West nun, apartment wj. FOUR rooms, all light, southern exposure, high class elevator apartment: rent rea sonable. Apartment 03, 313 West 113th st. r.l...41 D.0A UlIAND CONCOURSE 3 rooms, .richly fur nlshed; on corner of IDSth st; moderate rental: nca subway: reference. Box 110, Brarsdale. or phone 33 Fordhamj LUXURIOUSLY furnished five room apart ment, southern exposure, 'extra servants' room," for rent until October, longer If de slifed. 10.1- West 8.1th St., Sundky only by appointment. Phone Mornlngstde 5350, apart ment 33. LARGE room, alcove, bath, beautifully fur nished; Immediate possession. 48O7 Lexing ton av. . BUNNY. AIRY AND COOL APARTMENT. DELIGHTFULLY FURNISHED, 2 ROOMS AND BATH, LINEN. MAID SERVICE. ALL NIOIIT PHONE AND ELEVATOR SER VICE: SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2 MEN; CHARMING FOR MUSICIAN OR COM POSER: ABSOLUTE QUIET AND U8E OF BABY GRAND1 PIANO ALL DAY; $1S0..3 WEST WITH ST. 8EVKN ROOMS. 1 BATH. ELEVATOR SER VICE. ELECTRIC LIGHT. PIANO; $100 A MONTH: JUNE 13 TO SIRr. IS. TELE-, PHONE 1100 LENOX. OR WRITE L. M. l-LM r.ll.- B, l.r,.1.1UT),N AV. SEVEN ROOMB. ONE BATH. ELEVATOR , SERVICE... ELECTRIC LIGHT. PIANO; Sinn a rrjrii-. urvc -r VVi-?4 vi' -i a, U . , L. ... 11 Or.l l . 1 J. TELEPHONE 1101 .LENOX, OR WniTE L .-a. a w ..... loi a,r.lffj,y. -j V . BEVEN nOOMB.'TWO BATHsi FBOM MAY ER 3833. TO sublet, five room apartment, neatly l"uiC nlshed, from June 1 to October 1: $33 Der m.i, intnmiv -a H.-a a .l ' r' .umi.n. .maajaa, mo ri.i limn. . . . V ";"'" rjiiiucm i rum june 1 to October 1. four well furnished rooms and bath, 183th st.. corner .Audubon av. j ,imiw n.mwpiui stflu, 0TH AV. (corner BOth t.) An exquisitely studio, boudoir and bath, tn an exclusive apartment hotel, overlooking Sth av.: may be had up to Sept. 13; reference required; rent $330-per month; Includes maid service; can bo seen by appointment. Telephone Plata 7ft83 before 10:30 A. M. or after (1 P. M. 'WMT 27TH ST. , Two .rooms .arvit hath. -modern, $90. T2D ST,, S01 West. Attractively furnished r suite of four1 rooms' and bath (non-housekeeping), for i rent for six summer months; high grade residence street, one block from Riverside Drive." 103D 8T., 11U West Eight rooms, cool, airy apartment June 1 to- September 1: $00. i'tione Academy-ior appointment. llMTH (near Drlvei.-fllx roonis, third, front'.' i;j; immeaiaie; lour monins. wadswprtn 6811. apartment '83. ' ' 5 yr-' 123 West 7Jst st-Two rooma. bath. kltclti .etie, .attractively fumlHMi ionic leaiei pOMualon . June' I J keen bjr appointment. Telephone-' flchuylef 3012 Marnlnge 0 to 1. i I3.-.TII. run WKHT. TO BUIII.KT Klttit JUNE 1 TIM. HEITEMIIKIl 1. CnMFnljr AHI.K PUnNIHIIED AI'AHTMKST. PIT! iioomh ANiriiATit. ai.i. i.iniiT: nf.r.VA- TORt'.TELKniONR: NO CJ1II.DJIKN; ND DOT.B. APPLY 1'HOM 3 TO ft, 8EB SU. 1'KIIINTRNPKNT. 13.1 WEST 10TII BT. rt Apartment 11, foor room 'and bath, yll fumlehrdi rent:l!0j aummrr montha only. J. IHVINO WAtJIH. T3 Wet llth ft. St 14(1 11AHT 40th ST.-S rooms, kltttlfjjytlo.and rxvin; 'oeaimruiiy turnisnoflj te'fn -orio sublet. Apartment (12. , - 20(1 WKRT 07TH HT.-TWO BOOMS, LABQE FOVKU .HALL. VNUHVALy i'J'AROIS B AIHBOOm , A BTISTIC A A LY nfRNlBlIED, IN THD StORT MODEBN AND LUXU BIOUS , APABTMENT HOUflfi IN. CITY; bEBVrdE OPTIONAL: UNTIL. OCTOIIEB, 1D?2. OirSHOnTUR TERM, TJJLEl'ltwNfJ 0M CIRCLE, ' Borough of Bronr. t FOUR room apartment, with bath god at tractively ., furnished, situated on ground floor. Apply 24SO 0nd Concotlfvi Pbone 73n" Fnnllism. . , , K4.I1I Tlebout av. Four rooms, bath; beauti fully furnished; Vlctrola; convsplent to all elevated lln,es, Lexington av. subwa. Ford ham road station! rent reasonably o right party. Mr. TEItWILLaUR., t , Borough of llrookl'yn, , ., A PABTMKNT Brooklyn Hel'ghta,- thres rooms, kitchen and bath. 3 mlnutro to Wall street, 20 minutes to Times Square; newly decorated and newly furnished throughout! rent $143. Phono appointment Mlni4273-,. ' Europe, LO.S'npN malsnnelte to be let for flvo months from about Mny 20; newly furnished; rent 113 per week: linen and silver by arrange ment; soldier servant can be left; two sitting rooms, one large bedroom, .three small; Mtchen, bathroom and two lavatories: two minutes from Gloucester road tube and. un derground. Apply cablo Mrs. COLLIE, care of Minerva, London. , APTMENIS UNFURNISgEB From Battery to 14th St., Itu-lustww APARTMENT, six rooms and bath( eleotrlc lights: Immediate possession: rents $100 up: month's deposit: building being thoroughly renonirn. mi west lUlll si. 13TH, 241 West.-Four, five rooms, bttlu all Improvements; ruiwly decorated. Above 14th M. to 60th St. (Inclusive). . East River to North River. ! APARTMENT Lllng room, bedroom, kltr cnenette, nam; breakfast aen'ed, 3U west 34th st. ' ' FRONT apartment, large sitting room, beo roornvbath; unfurnished; lease till October, 11122; maid and valet on premises?. $1,800 a yea?: immrmate occupancy. Hupervntenueni, 414. Madison av. Telephone 4.137 VanderDllt.' , ' J Above 90tli fl. Sth AV.'to East, Ttlvrt. TITO room' apartments', every hnnrowmenf. 24C East :4th. Rhlnrlntidi r 047. ' I Above 30th St. 3th Av. to North River. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. Immediate possession; newly redecorated, eight rooms; elevator; six rooms: $l7.1-$2.-0. ERNEST TRIBE!-- niUN. ,ioa West 07th. IS West COtti it.-2-.1-4 rooms, elerstor. klfh enette: nesr park: spi'clsl Inducements for limnedlste rents). Bnperlntendent on premises. 71TH ST.. 4(1 WEST. TWO ROOM APART- MKNT. $1.20O-$1.400: LEABE, 104 West 04th st. (Little Gem Apartment). Three rooms and beautiful Dutch tile bath; nothing like them In town. Agent on prem ises. 30 Manhattan Av. Four beautiful rooms, bath: high class elevator apartment. Su perintendent. Washington Heights, Above 123th St., West of 8.tli At: "' niVERSlDE DIUVE. 70S (Mtth).-Slx and elrht room. rmnnH Hnn, Slf. itn ..nil fihlA piisicisn. AUQuoon wvs. loruanai wi. 1WO, four. seen rooms, modern elevator apartments; Immediate occupanjcy: refsr encca. Superintendent, 00 Plnehunt av., cor ner West 181st st. . ' TWO and three, room apartment to rent, lat est Improvements. 460 West 143d. MIST (Broadway;. Elevator, 3, 4 and r, rooms, $05 up; possession. Wadsworth 0230. j ICIST. 720 West. Elevator, five rooms front, te'lecorated: $100. SUPERINTENDENT. ' ' Hale.--K!eTator; $-9 rooms, fl&O upi posMi iion. wadsworth 922). Cortlandt 5(. . ltiBntisTh nt n-anlf Ivn DKAUTLFUL upper floor, new, 2 family optional; aubway: 1100. 437 KM it-, n'Jl-n. 100 MONTAGUE ST.. HltOOKt.YN Borough Hall and Clark St. Stations. Four rooms and bath : $123 Three rooms and bath....,' ......111.1 Three rooms and bath .'....$110 Four rooms and bath: housekeeping...., $140 CLINTON TRADING CORPORATION, ' 180 St.. Brooklyn. Main 3940.1 APARTMENTS WANTED. Unfurnished. '' I WANTED IN MANHATTAN, preferably me west sine, moderate priced apartments, 3, 4. 3, (1 and S rooms, for possession June 1: liberal commissions to agents. Inquire 0th floor, 1403 Broadway. Phone Bryant 000; FURNISHED ROOMS TQ LET. i FURNISHED rooms, .private house, Wash ington Heights; largu front room and smaller room, third floor; large room, sec ond floor; very moderate. Telephone Audu ban 2773-1. ' LEXINGTON AV 70.1.-Large rooms, finest furniture: all Improvements. .Plata 4Q78. STH BT, (near Sth av.). Two room suite. front, southern exposure, open fireplace, bedroom, adjoining bath, telephone; private entrance: reasonable. Phone Htuyvesant 303?, 52D ST.. 33 West Large double, two single. well furnished, bath and kitchen prlv-, lieges: $30. '$20. Appointment. Cfrcle 4720. 7JTH ST., 134 West. Large front room, private house: gentlemen: refersnces. , 81ST, 203 West (West End). -High class room, running water, suitable two! elevator apartn.ent. KARGE. apartment SE. t 67111 ST.. 121 West. Large . rooms, com fortably furnished; sjltablo.pouple or gen tlemen. NTH ST., W West. Large room,, .comfprT ably furnished, parquet, electricity! couple boTH ST.. 40 KAST-Large .furnished room. private family. ,$fi per week.- Green. . , 01ST, 102 WEST Nicely furnished room near bath: $7; -single r one flight up. Jacka. 142D, 547 WEST Apartment 3. 'robm and i bath: $10 week: private family. i ldtfTH ST., 001 Wesl-TWo well furnished rooms In 'elevator apartment, facing Broadway; buses, subway and-can at -cor-rer. Call Wada-orth 8250 .. 1S0TH. 000 West.-Bedroom and parlor; at tractively furnished, piano; all conveniences; suitable' business couple; .references 'ex changed. Apartment '2-F. . ,r Long Island. A LARGE room with' private bath and prt-' vats porch, 200 feet abort! the water, with 20 mile .view of Long Island Sound, for rent with board: two other rooms adjoining; most rvflned surroundings; strictly high class' rate $23 to $40 per week per person.! Christian family- Inapeetlon. I believe, will convince' you there Is nothing better.' RUBY ' T." SNEDECOR. Summit av.. Sea Cliff, L. I. Hione 170 Glen Cove. ' - EDGEIIERE. L. I., 13 UIVAUa'a. OOafl Bl, , FURNISHED ROOMS: IDEAL HOUSE BY 1HE BEA: BATH. RUNNING,"" WATER ; itoV nv KITCHEN: OPEW S1"n luranr-,.! TION. . " UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, I'ARLOR and bedroom, light housekeeping; builness couple preferred; near Oxone Parle section, 30 minutes to New York; 13 minutes o Rockaway Beach. Richmond Hill CI 13". BOARDERS WANTED. ' WEST END AV.. 315.-rrlvale family, beau tiful room, twin beds! also shut room: bath! unexcelled table; references; gentle men. S4TH, 100 West. Two large outside rooms, couple or semicrnaii, electricity; excellent hoard. Apartment .1. Circle Kj. COUNTRY BOARD. Connecticut. PHYSICIAN, charmingly located on shore -of Long Island . Sound, New Haven suburb. accepts In We home selected maternity and convalescent patients, also elderly, deilrlng good rhome-and rare; no Insane) accepted ; reasonable .rates. For particular address DK JOHNBONr corner Beuqh and Peck av.. West Haven, Conn. ; ' -i. ' 1 . r. i ' ' Imi Island. , TUB ELK INN. Lynbrook. L. I., 4J'rnlhute -from New York,. 13 mtiruH ' f f Mn Xong Beach. Elegant " rooms bn .FAiroirnni and American plan. -Telephone rtsrvailocj St4V. ' APARTMENT&-nmNfilE.'J COUNTRY BOARD. Westchester. ROCKLEDOH MANOR, I!4 Bruea av., Yonkere, Tel. 5314. ' ' ' American Plan. Staten Island, FIBBT rlass house, boarcers or conaUi. cents, boating, bathing, fishing, commut ing H minutes, within walking, distance of station. 'I'hono 1172J Tottenvllle. -..-.a ,i . w v, ,tnnn Charming, Homtllke,' Alt Year Residence. ' 10 Mln, Delightful Salt Across Bay. Elegantly Furnished: Excellent Culsln. Parlors. Porchea, Lawni,.Comforti. " Weekly 120 Up( Capacity T8 Booklst. 11 Year Under On Management. ; 71 Central A v., St. Ocorge. 8. I. New York, AT Hastings on Hudson Attractive country home, wilt rent large room, with private porch, to gentleman or business couple: ret- erences. A.. S3! Hun-Herald. BUSnJESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR RALE A trucking business, established five years; seven trucks, ltt to 3 ton; may bo seen by appointment. Sunset C034. FOB sale, In Brooklyn's brst location, auto supply store, gnsolene station, vulcanlitng Plant: 31 years' lease; going Wost: sell rea sonable; good opportunity for right man. K. IC, 440 Bun-Herald. Fulton st. WANTED NEW ENGLAND AGENCY BY EX-BOBTON BUBINEHB MAN AND lHJlt. MBit BUCCEBBFTJL HA LEHMAN: MER CANTILE AND IIUHINI-aiH Hr.r KltKNUKM ! HAVE COMPLETn OKFIUK EQUIPMENT. A. II. C P. O. BOX 2103, BOSTON MAHS. MACHINERY. Electrlo Mots and - -Power Equipment DISTRIBUTORS. Fairbanks-Morse . and General Electrlo 'Motors. i. Fullv Enulnneri Reoalr Deoartment. We buy, sell, exchange, Install, repair and Maintain ciecincai equipment BROWN-HUNKELE COBPOBATION, 12-24 Mechanic at., Newark, Phone 2811-2812 Market. LAUXDRY tnncblnery. new" and rebuilt: we buy and sell complete plsnts. EQUITABLE LAUNUnY- MACHINE Cinp.i(Jrend Centraf l'slsee.. sixth floor. Vandrrbllt D713. ONE twenty ton screw press for auto repair shop; bargain. SILENT KNIGHT MOTOR UKI'AIU UU., frill west Mil St. U0T0RB0ATS, LAUNCHES, ETC. GLASS cabin family cruiser, 40 ft. X 0, foyr cylinder 4 cycle h, p. engine; pilot nous, engine room, toilet, galley. Icebox aft cabin, electric Hunts. Boat seen DUDLEY'S BOAT- HOUBE, , 108th st., North niver, or phono MOOBE. iiiersiae sow. 22. 32 -ft. hulls. 430 uo:v21 ft. dories. $18: tackle blocks, sll -slim: bow fenders for twa boats. HABRY O BKIBNE, 721 3d sr.. Brook lyn. Telephone South 1431. MUSICAL INSTUMENTS. ' ATTENTION. PHONOGRAPH 0WNEB8. ' Have several thousand Bliss reproducers that are being sold throughout the United States at $0.30. Our price $2.23 while they last. Special price to dealers In quantities. GEORGE FISCHER. 173 3d av.. between lflth and 17th tts. Telephone Stuyvesant 8003. WM. BEDFORD CO., player piano special ists; tuning, repairing, actual builders of player actions; for $100 we will build a genuine 88 note player Into your 63 note player. 7807 3d av., Brooklyn. Telephone Shore BoadlOon. PIANOS, A $230 Victoria phonograph: used three montha: 30 records: sell any price. 021 East dtli St.. apartment I.. CHASE electric piano, Wclte-Mlgnon attach ment; cost $2,400; sacrifice. 1070 Madl son av. FURNITURE. LEAVING for Europe, sell fur.ilture com plete outfit four ' rooms and bath: Vlx months' lexie: rent $42. Schuyler 7008. .PURCHASE AND EXCHANGE. HIOHEST prices paid for ladies' and gents' discarded clothing. BRAVERMAN, 1381 rulton st Brooklyn. Phone Decatur 878. : INFORMATION WANTED. MISS FJORENCE NOLAN, formerly steneg rapher Herald Square Hotel, about 13 years ago, will hear of something 'to her advantage If she communicates with 201,' at same hotel. K. O. B. . - - PRIVATE 'Detective Mi1. . Katy Xormerly Sheldon Agency, phone 3844 Rector. Im portant. i , LAWYERS,; ANDREW J. SMITH, 'fl.V.Park Row, New York; no charge for consultation: evenings by appointment. Phone Tleekmah 5470. CONSU1TATIONS free; bankruptcy. Incor porations, collections, accidents, wills. JAMES, jOQ Broadway. Cortlandt 3113. , PATENT ATTORNEYS. ' PATENTS. , ' OVer 70 years' practice, all' communlca lions strictly confidential; handbook . on patents free on request! special 'facilities for office consultations. MUNN & CO 13.1 Broadway. ' LEGAL NOTICES. k tVnW k V fllf T I DT w rr ar.A..Hr. TOM T STOCKn0LDEIl3 AND CREDI. In irsnanee of the Interlocutory Judrment- ew lork County, between Orestes DeMartlnt focklwlders of- the American. Ballast Log Company, a domestic corpora (.Ion, In dissolu tion, defendant dated December 24, loin notice J Hereby given to all stockholder' of, the American Ballsst Ig Company, besides the plaintiffs In said action, and all creditors of and persons having claims, against jald Amerl. ran n a 1 ? a a , l-a r-Amn--.-, . . . claims .as. stnekbolders, or their elaliis as - . . - ... v....-n.H, iuumeni lu.reor to 'William M. Chadbonrne, Esq.. the Referee dnly appelnlsd In and by the siid 'interlocutory Judgment, at his office. No. " 103 RroadVsy' Borough of Manhattan, New York City, ol or a-r.urc ia, miu Aieierrr. " Dated, New York. April 37, 102O. AT.VBF.T. II. Tntfvr.vr Trustee of the property, money and otli r 01 me A.l rtiU-Vi U.U..31 UJU LUHI-A.M, In dlssolutl (0 Broadway. Borouih of If.r.tilHln New York Clt: 111V.MII SIEUKISI', Attorney for Trustee, . 22 William St. Borough of Msnhattan, New Jerk City. SUPREME COURT of the State of New York. County of New York Eliza Iforswe, plaintiff, rgainst Joseph Boyaoce, defendant. Siimtsons, -Action tor absolute divorce. To the-above named defendsnt: You are hereby summoned to answer the com. plaint In this action, and to serve a copy of yoor answer on the plaintiffs attorney with:n twenty days after the serrlce of this su-nmons, exclusive of the day of serrirei and la care or your failure to appear, or answer, Juil". ment will be taken against you by default for the relict demanded In the complaint. Dited New York. March 22. lfrat " IRA B. 8TEWIART, ., I IlilntlfrsAttorney. v..,mraau & w. iflllLC TN, ,-o. ay urC4U- wiy. Borough ?t Manlnttsn.New York city To Joeeph Boyance.' th. defendsnt above named: The foregoing summons Is served upon yoa by publication pursuant !o sn order of Hot.. Edward J, Gavegan, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of tlw State o! New York. dat,l the 10th day of April. 1820. and filed with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of the Ooootv of New York, at the Canute rv.. Ilocie. at Borough of MinhittSn, City, County' aafe M 41 ak A A VH a,aka-,la inq oistvir oi tuia. Dated, New York, April 17. 1020. IRA BLISS RTEWJUIT, . PlalntifTs Attoniey. Office end Post Office address. No. 346 Broad way, Borough of Msnhattan, New York City. SUBMARINE WIRELESS COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given to all persona hav ing claims against the above named corpora tion. Submarine Wireless Company, to pre sent the sane forthwith at the office of Frank L. Crocker, ntlomey. No. S Nassau Street, Borough of 'Manhattan.- New York City. ; - PUBLIC NOTICES.; REFTOTD ouple rh'toipraUithre! h.shhv slrl. cna to three years of excellent home and alt .advantages of edu.' cation; write gtvlng all particulars; all' renues connaenuai. Auoresj i. c. u., p. a. box S22, Clt HaU Station. FOR SALE, BAROAIK, Duparquet refrigerator! practl rally new; wprtli $2.000:. 7 ft. high, . ft ft, deep, 1A. ft. long; will aell IMX). LAIIIEnR BROS, (telephone rrlneeton 7S0), 0 Wither- spoon sr.. tnncetnn. w. J. BIO BTOtlADK WAilKIIQUHK MALE Big hirgalns In new period rurnuare BIIANI) NEW DAVKNrOIIT BED $50.' fan bark velrtr living room set $' Three piece rest leather library set Walnut dining room set ' 31 Walnut bedroom 'suit complete $ LEXINDTON STOBAOK WAREHOUSE CO. t0 Lexington sr., nesr Hth st. BOXES, 12 In. wide, 22 In. long. 4 In. deep, outside sides and onds K In. thick, bottoms W In.! the ends are strengthened with band Iron and the bottoms have 3 cleats; price 20 cents each. MirTBOTOLlTAN MATEBIAL c.. l.TTl Flushing, av.. Brooklyn, w. r. lll.'AUTIFI.'L crystal closet with nit . LPQDEKn. 63 West 70th it., folumhus tl7. DUE to change from residence to apartment will Mil in extra, fine Oriental rug (Hem), site 19,7x11, 1; for $1,000 1 also a Khiva Bok. hera rug, site lQiS.l, for fiso: perfect mndl tlnni worth four timet il murk! miy consider selling two smallir Orlrntil mis. (71 Blver side Drlre, apsrtment ti. Telephone Morning- sine n, IHA.MOND3 bought, sold for cssti onlyi tstatea taught. BENNETT, 175 Broadway Up stslrs). . FOR SALE. Opporlunlly for a good electrician and motor repair man to buy a fully equipped business, electrical and inicblne shop, ESTABLISHED TEM TEAni Urge Industrial locitlon. Buib Terminal; price $4,000. A. C, box 117 Sun-Herald. Brooklyn. FOB Sale X-ray motor generator. 110 volts. s. c a. P.: also one Western miuimeier, price reasonable. KEBSLEB, 4303, Sd ar Bear .Hum si. rorniiam wai FOR HALFr-Safes! 2 large safes, good eon- dlttnn. call nth Boor. 10 Kast, antn st. NATIONAL CASH BEOIBTEBS. Wei guarantee to rent or Mil a better NATIONAL for less money than any other cast, register company; ansoiuieiy guana- leea; monuuy paymenu: aiso oy ricn-n, renalr. ACME CASH RErHBTEB CO. (Est, WO), iii West til it. (th sr.). Bryant 1U3. NEW hand embroidered silk bedsoread. cost $350, will sacrifice for $150: rrtust be seen m oc- appreciated, .none uearora iiium. OIL paintings One each. Bl&ckelock. Tvler Edward Gay and others,' DITHRIDGE, '. west win st. uircie mw. tfTOVBS and STOVE BEPAHIS: re pi Irs fur nlshed to fit sny make -Store, name. Steam or Hot Water Heater manufactured. STOVE REPAIR COBPOBATION, 22S-230 Wster St., corner Beekmia, New York, Tel, Beekmia 8478. Brsnch 184 Mulberry St.. Newark. X. J. TEAM dspple frays, warrinted. 1.47S rich, 1150; twenty horses, JM upward, ROOFER, l ruiton st Brooklyn. 'Prospect mis. WILTON, Axmlnster, Brussels. carpets, rugs; reasonaoie. trriL,LirUU, 024 Madison av. (Mlh). Plaxa 8833. , ' An- advcrftcmcf jn tho Lost and found columnt .of TIIB 8UN AtfD NEW YORK 11 Ell A LD offers'a real potiiMUtV of recovering ilour lott properf y. ' SITUATIONS WANTEDt-FEMALE ' Cooks, c COLORED girl wants position as cook or general houseworker; good" experience: city reference. 'Phone Riverside 4023. ' 17 West COtli. care Martin. COMPETENT Gormhn cook: American fam ily; country preferred; wages $70; no cards. 42 (East 58th st. Doran'a bell. COOK wishes position In private family; best reference. Please call M. 0 163 East 04th it. . COOK, German-Jewish girl, by day, 11 years' exDerlence: no Sunday work. I'hnrie im.r. vaie Zulu, jienna iireenwain. COOK, first class, Swedish; feupper, e-enlng, and Sunday dinner. B..' 3 Sun-Herald. Her. aid square. ' " , . COOK-HOUSEWORKER. high grarte: refer- rin-;i .-uji.ury. Liaiianner, (il cast, luatn. MARRIED young Finnish wpman wants po sltlon as cook in Drlvate famltv irhera hm. band can room. Write' H. 'WaHiafnen, 337 East 34th st. ' " SWEDISH, competent cook; laundress, clean ing, aay or ween; references. A. 110 Sun Herald, Herald Square. Chambermaids. Ac. CAPABLE North Ireland girl, chambermaid, waitress; best references; city only. 130 West (18th st.. third floor, front. CHAMBEBMAID-A IadycIoslng her house In June would llke'lo secure country position for her chambermaid asslit waiting whom she can highly recommend. Call Monday, 307 West 105th. CHAMBERMAID,- first class1, ' wishes per manent position: 10' years' oersonal refer- ence. Call 1 East 71st. Monday. CHAMBERMAID, waitress,' young girl, American family; no cat-ds. Bailey, 448 East 143th. CHAMBERMAID,' first class, foi the city; private house preferred. Call Monday be tween 11-0, 134 East (14th St. , Dressmakers, .Seamstresses Milliners.' A VISITING mllilher' will remodel any old nm. i'q". L-rxingon av.. cor, nan St. DRESSMAKEB, first class, colored, desires work, home or by, day',. raAaonaple prices; references, M. C. 130 Bun'.Herald. Har lem. 4 LRE8SMAKER, designer; high rlass styles: at home; measurement, ami fitting by np polrttment to' customer: out Ford. 2412 7th av. 2120 Audubon. DRESSMAKER, experienced, makes elegant dre-ses: r,ssonAhf nrtrea. 44t Mnnhattnn av. Morningside Taii. DRESSMAKER and designer, stylish clothes; 'also remodelling. Call Guttman, 143 West il.,, mi I'RESSMAKER by the day or week; first class. Write It. Ponlou. '414 West 120tli si. i-none n.itu iviorningsiae. DRESSMAKER, stylish dresses, remodelling. out, name, ijtt, uu west 3iitn, two tiignts. GOWNS made, $10; skirts, $3; out day, $3. uiAUK. w west I72d. . . HIGH class dressmaker wishes few more customers: alteration. Eberhardt. 103 West liMa PARISIAN dressmaker, formerly with Pa quln; evening or street dresses; home or out. Louise, 100 West 48th street SEAMSTRESS, plain sewing; out. Apart- worn u, aciiuyier uoti. General Housework, &c , ' COLORED woman wishes situation, house work, plain rooking: sleep In or out. Call' or write, 302 West UOth St., two flights up, front, east side, Lillian Barnes,'' care Mrs. Harris. .1 COLORED girl, housework: reliable, conipe- tent; reierence. Mciacan. inn west st. COLORED girl wishes general homework or . 1 . f . in T. - -. . ,nj . I iinir. , -ji, m l i-,u ai HOUSEWORK and maid tor lady; light ecl ored' girl; manicurist and facial. Miss Iulse. 231 West 141st at., apartment 31; AuauDon m.mi. HOU8EWOBKER. half time; competent, col ored; reliable, neat. Storrey's bell, 2172 Sth av. HOU8EWORKER or cook, alone: city, coun try: experienced: colored. Sesslnz. 10 West 00th: T HOUSEWORKER, half time: no Sundays' preferred: American, colored! reference. Jones, .100 Lenox nv. , HOUSEKEEPER Refined, elderly woman: good, plain cooking; neat, clean: family' two auuita: rei.rences. uox 3. 1508 2d av, HOUBEWOKK by competent woman; coun try; good reference. 1.11 West 20th. WOMAN, capable, Swedish, with girl eight! years, wisnes nouscwora; gooa cook; adults: good references: country Preferred. II. 8., care Carlson, 1143 3d av.. corner 07th,' T.aundresas. r. I a i-quiu lautmi a ,.is (uuu uni- Hon In the country by June 1: best r4f- mm a..!.!.-. ' ' , , - I n . . a , n,n c-. . ,, , . t. ' linn,, r... lu.m. Eiuii-iicmiu, .uroomvn L'AY'S work, good launuress -and cleaner; l$4 a day. Lehll, 117 East 127th st. rtST class laundress, day's woVk, $4.10.a y. uariing. uo west lAia st. LATNDRE88: city,' country; . first class; ' steady, weekly. Starks, 140 West 142d st.. opofVment 42. COLOjlED laundress; fine washing; home or Ml(!l-.r.-an.,. CVan,l. I'm tV-a. r.-l -. YOUNij girl wishes to take washing home. aurs.fijcwiB, oi wesi laim su Nurses, Ho. IRISH woman to mind children: would tike to goto country tor summer: best refer ence. , 117 Sun-Herald. Herald square. WOMAH wishes take nut baby; light duties. Top bel 218 West 33th. YOUNO woman wishes position: sraod refer. ences: t&ke care one or two children, r.n Mrs. Want, 789 Amsterdam av. Waitresses, c. WAITRES8, English, married; thoroughly understand her work, take" butler's nl.r.. small, Chrtitttn family; husband competent rardener, or 1ould take housemaVa placet $143 monthly?' ' beat referehess- .i.i. full particulars nv letter S. J 349 West 24th. Mll-'ellaneous, A3 JANITRESS, clld water apartment: best oi reierewes. ,a. ill eun-Herald, Herald square. , i COLORED girl wari-l halt time or day'i work. Phone Aud. V230, apartment 33. 1 SITUAWQKSfWANTEDr FEMALE Miscellaneous. COLORED rookJ, houseworksrs, waitresses, laundresses, compgnlons; jnountalns; ri-f erencea .laveettgated. Greens, Uornlngilae W173. . - COLORED Koman trlshs halt time, WIJI- ums. 20il West HQtli. ' COLORED woman, half ttme,- 'afternoon, refarlnce. rrovo. jju west-outn st. COUPLE, wife excellent cook, man under- tors, wish' positions In country! 1 year' re.rrvncv. - y. ... . ... i.i-,i jwin. DAY'H work, laundress, cleaning, cook din tier, anything; competent. Slmondi, -ptione' llton narism DAY worker, packing, .useful, anything, ramrillor mgs, clothlngk Gerstel, ttlephoini ntiia liariem. w ,i,,?,,.. BENCH jiiolil. flalrdrealer, packer, sewer -l.u fJsUm! fnr luronA nnlv. A., tm Bun-Herald, llerald square. HALF time, A. M., six days: competent worxer: coioreo. iirerii. iyt.i mh. HALF time, A. M, or 1. M.; neat American' colored. Williams, 343 Lenox av. LADY leaving for abroad wishes to place her Japanese lady'i mald,t long, experienced, refined, halrJresSlng. manicure, seamstress; I Ml montll, -ry-l est mm ! ,ii.. rttiwinii LADY'S maid, good seamstress, little chain. uenvora, aqoo rr.ur.iiv". ,wii,"i. .i B-. 103 East 00th St.; grouqd floor, LADY'S maid, German; understands drvsi. making:. ?H years' reference Call jo-l. Monnay. sj wesi oyin. MAID, experienced light colored young " "I"'-- ... Ammtmm r.MlllAn t--l woman, rr nv, time nreierrra. 'flumw. " ,-" i New- York city, apartment 3. WOMAN, ' experienced,! office or building cleaning; reicrences. viuuis, uu a. , store. , . ,An ndtierfdtmenf In the I.oit , and RWtd column of THE SUN AND SEW "YORK HERALD offefs a real powlblHty of recovering your Idif property. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANMB--FEMALE. BOOKKEEPER, competent; controle bal ance; stenography; $30. B., S3 Bun- Herald. Herald square. Herald, lieraia aguare. BOOKKEEI'ER.p3 jfoars experience, dealres position. B- Jf Bun-llerqld. Herald square. COMPANION. Lady wishes to place French governess wiiw Ion: sews and embroiders very wellw Addren by malt MrJOVto Mrxni,ver(lale, New York COMPANION, American lady.iof reflnemeni, tilghly recommended, -deslrea poeltlonr is companion to Invalid or aged'laxlymoderats i.l... Mh-M.,., Address II.. , ii. , ...... - --a, n? Hun.Herald. Herald square:- ' ENGLISH lady of good family and educa tion, desires' post as resident secretary at the beginning oY-Jolyr age'3: 'experienced travellers' goodTrenclf: 'fond of 'children; ex cellent references: ""ApU 32, Rltx-Carlion Hotei. FREKCH"goTernssf, , very good musician; references) ' wisliea Western 'position. B., 103 Bun-HeVald. Herald" square. Kindergartener os, visiting eowmesj to chlldrerf. afternoon! t. references. M., Sir, .West l.nst. LADY, lik.' children: goveVneaii excellent reference. 431 West 47th at. References. MANICURING." facial., scalp.. McDonell (col- Ored). tASi'Wes lOUlll, apariiueii. i, awuu- UUI1 IMI. MANICURING, home, out. Swanson. 281 ueiieviue.av,, cyrncr uhciu.i ,h..i, N. J. MANICURING Expert. h,ome or out, by ap pointment. Butler. .120 New, st. (opposite tubes). Newark. N. J. Market. 740. , MANICURLNO expert. . wlsJjts .few more clients, home or out: 0 to. 7. 841 tith av. MANICURING; home Or appointment.' Lewis, 18 Centre st..iNewark. N..J.. opposite tuhe. MANICURING RJane. Hours 10 to 9. 11S3 Broad st.. Newark. N. J". MASSEUSE.' licensed, Swedish, wishes posl iinr? with lady' or 'child lo to to the coun try Olson, apartment 18, 1 Manhattan av., CB5 ' . NURSERY 'governess,- German, wlslies poM- tlon to children! r rauiein. asi west .urn, SECRETARY',' accountant; experienced, will visit home, attend accounts, correspond ence, manuscripts ; terms .by Hour, ttay, Week: references. ovlchangeiW B.V OKSun HeraTd. llerahl square. ' (A " TXPlpT.' experienced. d"rsrea evening w.drk. A., oiu aun-tieraiu, i-uuon si. HpusekeetcM and JanpreW. nttSEKRK:PErt.v woVVlnc. flwrdlkh. with nine-vear-old girl": best of references. JIit. Oscar Johnson, East 84th. ; HOUSEKEEPER. 35; jooA, reffrencea. Write J, Oes.ner, 1331 3d av. JANITBE38: nen couple;' rvllables colon-d. willing, obliging, competent- 'Banks, .".Oil UtTIIUJ. nr. '! RESPECTABLE martted ' wqman,- husband employed. Wants position' as caretakeri l competent, trostvorthy and- tan furnllrbet of references. Call or write .110' West 00;!i st- riione'.Rlverslde SXSt,. "- ' SITUATIONS WAD-MALE. ACCOUNTANll-TDcWriVtmatU audVied. UP&IIOU 1 VlU B(-ISBaUia., anilllCIUCIIUI alltu. without bookkeepers; corporatrOn, prtne ehlp,'accotmtlng;i reasonable 'charges. Greene. 14S7 Hudson Terminal BulMinr.' Telephone Cnrtlsnrit 1379. i 'J' ACCOUNTANT. Junior, references, expsrl- enced, conscientious, wishes .to -help .ac countant few days per week or evtrflngs. A., a , , J r . ii, nun-iiriuiii. A. A.-tamiSE. KALE. 'TRAINED . lr all branches: extensive" traveller; .now.ili- engaged: c6untry or travel. Address Nurse, 00.1 Lexington av. Telephone 880 riata. ACCOUNTANT, 24, reterenctj, does same work tor hair price, a., nra eun-Heram. BOOKKEEPER., at present employed; -reliable, steady; call after S V. M.: salsrr $33! middle aged: married: 2U years" ex perience: excellent references. B., 833 Sua Herald. Fulton St. . BUSHELMAN on men's clothing wtshel situation wRh reliable clothing .concern; wages moderate. Rose, 1142 University av., Bronx. "' ' , . , BUTLER-VALET. 8wl"s. age -lO.'rtperlenced, good worker, personal refe'rc-ices, wlshei position, now or In June"; thls jfsrplly going to Europe: have high Bflary...-,Bjitlcr, box oil. I nr. jii nv.' n ftvi. entu.sirA ro tvtth party to Europe, periect, t-ngiun ana French: experienced,, trTe,!lI dlsengs?" May 20. Address o! 8., ' COt 'Bun-Herald. Herald sour. ' V ' I BUTLER,, valet, English: fully experienced; references: age 30. C. 20.,8un-jlcf$ld, irrajn nquare. BUTLER., yalct. expert, tralnett; Iilglily, In dorsed prominent families: personal fecom mendatlons. Rhlnelander 1037. BUTLER, valet: Japanese; absolutely Wrst class; personal references. S 3ta West 58th. , CARETAKER Man and wife; first class refersnces. Write 3. B.. 324 3d av. CHAUFFEUB. mechanic, best of reference. seven years' experience, careful driver: v 111 go anywhere: private family; drive, all makes; I am a Cadillac expert, neat looking, refined, light colored American, age, 27: wages $33. Write 2,400 7th av,, apartment .4. H. M. Bmlth. V . CHAUFFEUR. Skilled .mechanic highest credentials from former employers', as pri vate chauffeur; two years last position: spe- , clallst on'hlgh grade cars', knowledge of all: ' most careful driver: neat appearance n dependable. Telephone Lepox 0S70. Ask for ' Lowdon. i ; CHAUFB'EUri. ilECKAJnC: . 30. married, no family: position" pmate fam ily: 12 years road and shopr best references, own tools, 'own repairs: will- mdve or. go an-hore. Please call Main 0497 'all day. CHAUFFEUR, flrat class mdclvanlc. careful 'driver, tfeaf of "rferences,"Iexaj iexperlence. wants position; living quarters: rharrled. no children. . JJ, nscher...S2 Nofthav., New T-V .II- Vt v wti aVibn ' ia-tllHeilP, Ufi I - ACJ -WWITm CHAUFFEUR, 27, single, mechanic, experi enced bn .CadtUao4lenauU. Btta. Hudson aad Ford? careful . drlveri, strictly sober, wishes position, with private, family, city, country! reference' b;i 03 Sun-IIerald, H (lid eauarr."'f s "- ." ' CHAUFFEUR. 81, single,. 10 years experi ence i also two In army: mechanically fit to handle any car: would appreciate and take Interest In good position; salary $40. Han ford, 146.1 Amsterdam av. CHAUFFEUR. ITALIAN, of character, married, strictly temperate. Al machinist, with 12 years' experience on.hlxn, grade cars; best references. A., 27 Sun- neraid. Herald square. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic., useful ; Swede. 28. single; 7 years' references from private families; any high grade cars; $30 week, city, country; touring. A 62 Sun-Herald, nrnin square. CHAI'FFEUR-Mechanlc, private family; years experience, 4 years reference former employer: American. 34, single; $.13 city: 2j room, board, country. A CI, Sun-Herald. Herald aquare. CHAUFFEUR, useful all repairs, American (20) : neat, eafsful driver: four years' city drivings 'good.' jnfferencca: any car:-$23: liv ing wltli nrcirty, a:. 03 Sun;Herald, HeraU CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. $1, single, wishes position private s(veral years'1 experience best references.' Gt-brge' Belts, 353 Grove st Brooklyn.. " ' . r CHAUFFEUB'MECHANIC. coiered, deJlrep 'njltlon:''Vxperlenr!r on CAdllt.ic, Hud oA Wlhton PtclcVrd: -33; refefencos. Willi'. 'phone Audubon 9324.