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SUN . AND NEW THE 4U TTTT i mmmmm-0i i i i i n - i I . i , . -lt AMnH nv thai miTBOM Of affording mutual guarantsae of-peUt leal Independenca aad IWIOTI IJ' UgtUx to rrt and aawll Ilk, and the nanl.ASLv! League of Nation U th d""1" embodiment of that purpose te treaty of peace. Hie chief motives which. Jed us to enter the war will be 6 unless tliat covenant !i ratified ana feci upoi.wlth vigor. We canPi la honor whittle It down or weakM It, at the Republican leaders of tne Senate have proposed to do. K we are to eicrclue the Kind of leaatr snlp to which the founder! i of the republic looked forward "hlch they depended upon their "? to establish we must do this thin prlth wursge and unalterable d termination. They expected the United BUtea to be always the leader 4n the defence of liberty and ordered peace, throughout, the' world. Wd W are unworthy to call jwW tkel' successors tiales we fulfill the m purpdie they entertained and pro- . ClThedtrue Americanism, tlia only true Americanism, la .that which ipute America at the front of. free na tion itnij redeems the great prom teea which, we made the werld when we entered the war. which was fought not for. the advantage of any single nation or group of na tion but for the salvation of a". It Is In thla way we shall redeem the sacred blood that waa shed artd make America the force she should be in the councils of mankind. She cannot afford to rink Into Place ttiM nlnn have usually occupied and become merely one of J those i who scramble and look about for selfish, advantage. The Den'0ratl; W has now a great opportunity to which It mut measure up. .The honor of the nation is In Its hands. WOODSOW WlLSOM. . . Ida rblwi T.rm Reference. l TKM.nt Wilson's uncompromising position on the Versa! MM treaty has been expressed on at least one prior occasion since the treaty's dettat ta the a tint IIA WrOte wucr iw . S to the Kansas Stat. Democ, " ,ome thro weeks ago saying the &. should b. the para mount Kue of ,he cimsn- as no discussion of the qualifications yMusTb-led in this cn ' : sii.i. um em molt m.nv slate josstblllty of being a cana. . Went again, nlttfough there have been many opportunities for him Jo do so. tne ueorsia p . C, HUGO OPENS FIGHT FOR GOVERNORSHIP Left Off G. 0y Slate, Secre tary of State Serves Notice o'f Primary Contest CANDIDATES ALL SIIELVED nrfraniration Lenders Seek a - - r Nominee, Not Involved la Capitol Fiffhts. Hptta TitS PM a"" Saw Ifosa Hui.. Awawt, May 9. Francis If. Hugo, Seefetary of Htate, has served notice on the Republican tttate organisation that If he does not receive the party's In- Innmunwrnr h nomination for (Ut' enwr he will go Into the primaries and make a ngnt against Hie onnun""n and the field of candidates, Having Brunt MirM v.ftPI hlllldlnv 1111 A DCfSOn&l machine, Mr. Hugo has put on the war paint and declared ne win noi renp fighting unless beaten at the polls. fV t Wumi tn.iufi InJnv fnllntl'ltltf AIIIO UVl,w .W-WMJ , the ofllclal call Issued by Oeorgtf Olynn. State chairman, for the conversion to b held In Saratoga In August. At that piete ticket for. prenenuiion in tne To the antaxement or nepooiuan poii llrlin. mhn An nnt alt IA th IflPlir CtSllh rtls of their party It has developed that the sentiment or tne leaner at trua usne favors one of the following as the or- Mttluk.lnti fmf In th nnmlnnllnn Nathan Miller of Syracuse, formerly J twee or me couri or Appeals. n.rlrom n Knell. ttitnnfunt3tlvit Congress from Potsdam and Republican leaaer or bl uawrence county. Jesse 8. mimpB 01 eteuoen, superin trnaent or insurance ana BiraiKiu ganlxatlon Republican. Hated for Miner Oflleea. funitlitalM fnr olhr RtsU nfltaea who urn brlntr fAvorablr considered by Ijeuienani-uovernor oenaior unric( W. Walton of Ulster. Atlorney-aenerol Charles D. Newton. rtnominaiion. Deputy Comptroller! Charlea C. Lock or . hen his name wae entered without nis wood Stnator (mm Brooklyn : Cafayetts I consent, he made no move to nave It a aieason,- secretary to the State com- : wllhdrawn. although later It was with. mlttee- ; drawn by the Georgians who made th atilu Treasurer N. Monroe Marshall, antry. . . .. I senator from jenerson county, a oanKer. This situation, coupled wlth the furtbsrjJima u W1U of New yorki 8utis 'tact that none of the Democrat!? Mndj-Ijj,,. fof alx yttni Is expected to (dales for the Presidential nomination Is rMttu I ... t.1- Nkl n en nnt Unit OUt .'t vnn nlnirnrm. mlkrs sUch han expression as that Made to-night by blthe President very signincanu F t nMHnn inr In nnlv one DerrtO Jcrntls Presidential possiwiity entereo in hhe Slate prlmar)- election anu ne is ;-tiini.M n tLAnn KMnatnr ChAmber i.ii nMnnxratlK chairman of thB tjienate CommltUe on Military Affairs i L ..i u a in-,ir a nil heated Quarrel fith the Administration, which PreeU C dent Wilson apparently never nas ior T gotten. In a speech' In New Tork city 1 in the winter of 191T Senator Chamber i talh said the War Department had . "Wallen down completely In Its work, a 'letatement which Mr. Wilson Immedl- ately challenged. The row attracted the f widest altehtlon at the -time. ! Unauestlonsbly It Is the Intention of the untl-Chamberlatn forces to use the ? Prnldenta teleram against the Sena t tor In his race for renomlnatlon. un f doubtedly, too, the telegram will be f used In other States against Demo s' cratic candidates who while serving in ? the Senato voted for the Lodg rsser 5 tatlons to the Versailles treaty. WQIENDS ASK WILSON TOlYiELD ON TREATY i rVcsl Fermerty Suppirfi iVe R4rvtienM StmnJ. i . 7 . . The jfjaue of Free Nations Asaocla tlon anhodneed yesterday that twenty Ight friends of Preseldent Wilson have lent an appeal to him to resubmit the ,peacetreaty to the Senate and yield In 'the matter of reservations so that the treaty may be ratified, thus permitting the United-States- tc-beeome a .member 581. the .egue,Natlons at eViCe. .Ir tually all 6f the twenty-elghl fuul pfsvl usly supported the President's stand bn the treaty. . The appeal stAtea that its-signers be- ft,. s TMtti tiaa'fiiinlUil tila flutv tit honor MX ta&tovprtnz to obUIn tlA -tlA.SUM AM-, ilil lAaaiM at A4lnttl1 V I Icned, ania t).t "OiereipontlbHItr tat ftierraUim nd.tlilr dsfccU teftti with lhlr AlitW . w MirilD M V AVe wrw Haw vwn-p Isaiah -WW th. rkerge, Surnhatn,. Jr.. Clive Day;, Stephen P. putttn, Charles ST. EII4t. -Edward A. Fllsne, idhfi P. avlt, Mtay. Oay, & A. tirbilsr. Kormast IJapgwsd, cnartt: H. Haskins, a. . cs -iZt. -L. w. -r.a -hLaj vjicm aurncu viui-rioa o jnacivnau- Ccorro ircFaddtn, David Huntef MUltr. yarainai uiooons, uevrga vr. xiornn bawson I'aray, wiuiam u. naunatrs, Kllery Sedgewlck, Charles Seymour, Ida jo. laroeii, jonn a. ttyan, William Alien wniie ana Aiiyn a. xoung. JOHNSON MEN CLAIM MISSOURI BALLOTS Senator to Arumer Chatge tu - to Hit KMhalimu Angus McSween. Eastern manager of tto' Presidential campaign of Senator Hiram w. Johnson, returned yeaterdar from the Missouri Republican cbnVen tleh at Kansas City and Stated that the Missouri delegation would vote for Sen ator Johnson at Chicago when It be esmes apparent that Oov. Frank O. Lowdtn of Illinois cannot win the nom ination. "Or reason of ths fact that Gov. Iiowden failed to obtain the indorsement of the Missouri convention, Mr. Mc Sween said, some of. Undelegate WAUld vols for Senator Johnson on the first ballot. - Senator Johnson is preparing to take hifl fight against chargei of radicalism before the business rtyeiuof ths, country. His headquarters here have accspted for Writ tentatively a number of cneaee- menu to speak before bodies of business meo, mciuamg an engagement in jJosten Slay 14, and another In Bridgeport, Conn. ..Efforts are being made to' effect a joint masting of sevtral civic organlialldfta.ln New Tork city, to hear ths Senator. He eapeeu to speak also in Cincinnati. .Phil adelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, St louls and psrhspo Denver. Those pfcn are teautlvs by reason of Senator Johnson's dsstro to go to Orsgen. for ths prlaUHes, The Eastern managers of Msiorqen. XnaifdTVod'sampalfhJsUtd yer slay that-Oie gel the ,ca aeiegates me Wyoming Htpubliean convention will name to-day and the two delegates which will be umtd in jforto ihco to-day. rresfdfM A cost a Ihaagarated. .. SAK .Jost,. Costa Uca, May 9. Julio Acosta was Inaugurated to-day as Pres ident pf the Republic of Costa Rica. Ths diplomatic representatives of Sal vador. Nicaragua-and .Headuraa vera tjprtasat at.tfee. cerwusar. , The attitude of the Ttepubllcan leaders on tne uovernorsntp s tne cause oi general nstonlaKment-In political circles. In all the rcekoninr here It has been assumed that Thaddeua C. Sweet. Eu gene M. Travis, State Comptroller, and Senator Henry M. Sage of Albany were 1arilna anrfMata urith whom ihft or ganization would have to reckon, but the latest Information from the Inside Is that none or the three is Ming con sidered irHnuitv. The New York frity leaders ore said to be opposed to Mr; Sweet becaUJt of resentment against him growing out of Mr. Sage. Is tagged as the Barnes can didate, which means that the antl Barnes factions up State are opposed to tha Sanafni. fVimnlAllar TraVla'a An rflitAi-tr annaara tint tn haVA hn don. sldered seriously anywhere outside of Brooklyn ana tne income tax oureau. YlntiMtah tadm ara anvtaua to avoid factional contests at the outset of tho camualghi That Is believed to be nntald nf thhVttatc fanltnl. Knk Sweet, Senator Sags, Comptroller Travis ana omers, v(no aspire to uie omce. nave ItAAn .atl naritr famlaa tn tha .Tffla. 1alta IhVAilk. Th.l aMIvlllaa In hahalf of humerous controversial measurss. They have supplied Oov. Smith with strong campaign ammunition. It IS for Ihrtl nauti ttia nrAnlutfatl laailara am Here they should go outside the Capitol to get a candidate wno naa not Dtn mixed up In legislative fighting and wnhta atfvltfa tnVa nnt arnllaM ItlA hostilities of various group of 1tlMns, VawIlllB to Be) SISetraefaed. Tn AtinrAnr Ihm wPanltnl rrrtwdtM how'everV the party leaders appear to nave entirely ovenooxea nr. uugo. ne itAf-llna tn ha aldatrnrkad It haa ban VVIIUIIVU, yVtKIUtl IWC .VI b. " . W.J yeirs that the Secretary bf State's ac tivities have all been directed toward obtaining the nomination for Governor, ana nu announcement mat ne is) pre pared to carry his fight Into the prl martaa nvalniit nn nrantnlftailnn Mtiitl. date Is causing the party leaders much ttnaaalfiMH. Ttiav adtntt fnnltlv that Mr. Hiiro might give them a hard battle. wny tne organization aoes nor care tr t TTltitn mnn Alaavf ha a Him alrafaiit nnA ratnila In amfru mlna trt organisation rules, la not known. It la a tradition or me nepuDiican party tnat nfr man can win a nomination In this data wltnnlit na-Mnlaallnn tia'lrln Suit Mr. Hugo declares he Is ready to make tne ngnt, even in tne race or tnat net. The organisation leaders' have btsn anlmdlnfr nut aantlmant tn fha last torn Weeks and admit they are amaxed by ftia aa-tant nt If tri'a eAtlAa AAXo JSADE CHUSUH ELDER. Seirpriaea O. O. P. Committee ftr Ovantntr gessUa Wltk Prayer. Soxmvan. Ind.. Mar s-Will 1L JJayr, chairman of the llepubllcan Na tional committee, was ordained an elder in tne Presbyterian Church here to-dar. He lakes the place left vacant by the dfith of his father, John T. Hays, nearly a year ago. The father had held the lace for thirty years. Chairman Hays, who has been active In church work from boyhood, surmised ths member of the national Committee whan he opened the first meeting after his election with prayer. 1Q000 students arc how smrolfed At Cokimbia Utshrmity. The faculty numbers about 1,200. In serving Columbia the Knicksrtocker IctCompany fe wtrvipg not only enough people to populate a gttjd dty, but people from almoin erery quarter of the gtow. Intelent peopk fully ap preciate, the fact that Khkkttttacstir Ja Hyge- xabaolutely pure. 1 lttb Ttjpfami answer itmUtMtt arrrr Knickerbocker ICE Company Senator aJohnsoffi Hot Lead in Delegates Actually Pledged YORK HERALD, MONDAY, MAY REPUBLICAN LEADERS GATHER IN CHICAGO NmtUnal Committeemen Will Cheet Temporary Chmtnib 10; iwo, -l I-- QONTRARY. to rt potts tktt Mtfot-GtB. 0Mxf Weoi bu upwtrd ol too delegates pledged to vote tot his homiatthn in the Re publico) Nttio&iJ Contention, imtsilgation by THIS SUN AND NEW VORK HERALD shews kit total pledged votes to be tnly idi. Senutot Hittm Johnsoa of CtlUotnit, a the othtt hsnd, hta 103 pledged delegates. Th iesHlt el the investigation is shown in the following table: Total No. State. Dele gates. Wood. AUbama..... i .. Arlxona... , 0 . .. Arkansas 13 K.llt !. S vaiiiuriua Colotado. 20 12 John son . 26 lew. Hani kn. ipg. To be Unln- Con- Klect struct) tested, etl. all do 12 Connecticut.. 14 ' .. .14 0 .. 0 aTKJftflft leass-eassstaast 'B a a ..a a Georgia 17 Idaho. ,, Illinois 8 SB Indiana 80 at. 26 20 20 12 12 16 Iowa v..... IMIHMIl t Kentucky... Louisiana... Maine Maryland. . . Massachusetts 35 Michigan SO .Minnesota 24 Mississippi 12" Missouri....; 30 Montana 8 Nebraska 16 Nevada 0 Hew Hanpthire 8 New, Jersey,.... m New Mexico. o New York 88 North Csrollna. 22 North Dakota 10 Ohio ,..... 48 Oklahoma 20 Oregon io Pennsylvania 76 Rhode Island 10 South Carolina 11 . South Dakota 10 Tennessee. ... to 'Tesaa is Utah 8 Vermont. 8 Virginia 13 Washington 14 West Virginia 16 Wisconsin.. 26 Wyoming 6 Alsska 2 District of Columbia.. 2 Hawaii t Philippines 2 Porto Rico 2 SO 26 16 0 io 30 8 c90 20 )I6 ii 20 is ft) 8 17 b8 It Totals. 84 .12 .. .. 64 2 , . 8. . , . . .. .. 16 ... "C-. .. .. . .. .. .. .6 8 16 12 .. .. 6 ....... .. .. .. 88 .. io 0 ..... 88 18 2 elO .. .. 178 ( 10 a a . 11 10 .. 18 .. .. ..- 4 .. .. 8 ,i ha 2 1 11 1 ... .. .. .. .. .. ".. . .. .. M6 .. :' .. .. 26 .. , mO Sa"S 2 e 2 2 8 " .. . .. S 101 109 67 40 371 70 167 BVV P astvswu t Washington instructed for Miles Poindeiter. a Convention, May 11: b Delgates-at-large, convention, May 18; c Convention, May 12, will be asked to iftstrucl for Wood because he got Plurality, although sot binding majority, in primary: d Instructions for Wood defeated in convention at sane time passiair resolutions favoring him; e Preferential, and direct priBaarv, May H f Prefereatlal and direct prf. mary, May 18; g Convention, May IS; h Convention, May 26; k-Prefer-rntial and direct primary, May U; m Convention, May 10. Bpeet'it tt Tns Iw sso 'Jfsw , Jos Hatuo. CtCA00, May 8. Itepubllcans from alt over the country are gathering In Chicago to-night for the msetlnaf' t'th namihllran National Committee which meets here Tuesday to elect a, temporary chairman for the National rtepUblleah riKu.Mllnn tn Juna. Will! Haya will arrive to-morroj; A. T. Hert of Kentucky, chairman of ar rangements, is scheduled to ge( in iw to-night, according to "Inside M. .Il.nnnul k OhlfaffO'S DOHtteAl rin phnim for the temporary chairmanship has simmered aawn to three. Senator Mdge, Senator Beran and Albert Deverldge. i i "t "UST SALE OF THE SEASON" MkMIWIMgl (nW m Tf0LQm FREE VIEW 9 A. M. TO 6 P. ! M. Continuing tJnlllJQal of Sal ' An ImpMUftt AmMkkiw f COSTLY ANTIQUE AND MODERN Household Furoltire IMPOBTCO. AND ALAVOINE, FRENCH A CO.. and Othe Well-Knovm Malwrs Expensive Curtain, Many OfkAtal and Chinas Ruga and Ltt Ct- pats. Foreign 'and uemesue dlinmiu . ...v, ' ..... aa ii and Glassware. Bremaas, MfH Sculpture, OW Copper, a I-Wfs Quantity el Fine TaWa sud tad Urstn, Valuabk Fura end Ml! Unaaui Obleeta of Emballlswsumt and Utility. Desirable for City and Country Horn TO BE SOLD AT . UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Thatcher M Adams Several Other Important Estate and forAecountofSerreralPrlvateuwnars, ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, OF THIS WEEK MAY ,13th, 14th it 15th, Beginning Promptly At Two o'CJock catatogue natte on receipt af rutr Cents. Tbs Bal Will B Conducted bjr MA. THOMAS B. KIB1T asd hi, aMUtants, Mr. Otis aHratt aad Mr. at. B. rash. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacara T. t aad 0 East (3d St., MalseB S SstiU. THe Store Is dosed at 5 P. ML daily Altnum tt (Ho. MADISON AVENUE - FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Thirty-fourth Stmt Thirty-fifth' Street Woineiis Crepe -de Chine Dreks Skirts in the new plaited models, will be placed on sale to-day (Monday) at the exceptionally low price of $i28S The assortment comprises 300 attractive Skirts in white, black, brown, navy blue, tan and telnte de chair (Third' Floor) ' ' , A Special' Pimr&tiase of CIS IO, Yards' Printed Georgette Crep will be on Special Sate commencing: to-day (Monday) at $2.35 per yard . . . - This.all-sifk georgette is of choice quality, 39 inches , wide, and numbers over sixty color combinations v ( (First Floor) rvev ,tJvt V-al C VIS' A. jar- - at M aZ. . . fetook his Key with lub Imikk coiting Mm $41.67 etotiy mwt . MIL B. recently tailMi Ut mA Amencc. He pec3 to be jpm tycar- ! A Before leATing hefrtaiM to Mt deposit box to clip certain coupon! whicls . would come due during Wan ftbienct. Following his usual custom, lae tinted ' tile coupons over to our coupon depart ment for collection. y So far, so good. When Idie coupons became payable, we presented them to the paying agent of the corporation which issue the bon4& We learned that the bonds, themselves, had been called for ieinptkm,aijd had exited to bear interest horn the date on which they were called. We telephoned at once toMr. It's sec retary, advising him that the bonds should be presented. We were Sold the bonds were in safe deposit and Mr. H. bid the only key. iUntil his return nothing can be done. Meanwhile an unnecessary loeaf 14167 each month continues to mount up, For a small fee, Mr. It could have protected himself against such loss by making use of a COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Saie-Keepkag Aecomtt e Tftbta micc operflee-aa foOtws: Ytm atiag us jtmt tttunAHM. We frte jva tr TMdftt fr then We litt ibtw im hjkb f tHtmi . saabeisarTaidli. W cellwt Itimm httk aheA4lw fay it is tltMf ts4 otlit tlw Sflmal to jttw ctwiBg coovttat Or. we will rtoklf la addition,, a SifeKeepiaj Acctsist vraali relicts 7 of all trouble in U Ths Idag at U Uem Ttx CetMaim. f. Tk6 spia Mt! ftmft oelks&e mijmmi. " S.'Tk) cellectioa oC liTi4id ckeoka. k. lie'collMttM of Mortgage laMntt afei aitiiili la iMjawats, If itolni. ' S. 'The proaipt preteatatiaa. aS. eellartaaa a( tmgi iajg IwaA, ot aWe aaUai f or re ief ptfaa. sK Tha eoUectiaa ef iaceare 'sVrNim . iff twaintermed in thit utinywring, Ktmmitul Mrvfcr, mw sMggtgtytm nam further pmnkalan. AVk fntideta tw Manager in ckvg m tmy em ' ef tm ejficH will 6e glad to talk My., ' nsvau HeWiber ef Federal ReeeneSiHem i j.