Newspaper Page Text
aJ,.'WlelwTYi THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, -MONDAY, MAY 10, 1920. Buyers1 - Headquarters Grand Central Palace Time and money can be aaretl by foreign and domestic buy trt who rislt this ExpeeiUea which includes Permanent Exhibits &nd Salesrooms of 300 I.eaiMng, American Manufacturers and of foreign countries. Telegraph us for hotel reser vation, appointments, and fer office facilities. International Exposition gt Industries Grand Central Palace New York, coo lift of ezhlBlU so ailk pace sent on request. On Free View May 12th, 9:30 to 5-30 P. M. Important Collectioi of the Works-of HIROSHIGE The Japanese Landscape Master Formed by Col. H. Apjileton Victoria, B. C, Canada. Including the floret coH action of the 'Hundred Views of Yedo" rrer ofSered to the American nubile. With TUrun IMnU by Moronobu, Maaanobu. Klyo mluu, Ktrcmasa, a few rare books and tlx fine Kwacho Panels. To Be Sold by Auction MONDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, May 17 and 19, at 8:15 o'clock. The Walpole Galleries ' W. S. SCOTT i Auctioneer. 10 EAST 49TH STREET Profusely illustrated Catalogues on Application, al-00. Eteeiers Rmmmtml Bwi-Opti for tii Eyts nrraksana and eye sperialkta pre cnbe Ben-Op to as a safebwactixmcdv ia the treatment of eye troubles and to sUwathen eyesight Sold under money reread gsarantee by all druggists. POLES TAKE HEFF AFTER THREE DAYS Tlieir Array Enters the City on Heels of Retreating Bolshevik!. LITTLE FIGHTING AT END But Defenders Made Despcrato Resistance Before Quit ting Oatskirts. KeepYoorSkin-Pores Active and Healthy With Ciiticora Soap T. Hfiii.iri Satp.Ob(tainst.T&tasaJDa By tht Auociatti Trtu, WAS saw, May 8, Polish cavalry en tered the city of Kleft Saturday morn Inc. on the heels of the retreating Dol- shevlM. The city lias been evacuated by the BolahevlUl. The Polish Infantry kept up Its advance toward Kieff during- the day, cavalry detachment keeping con tact with the Infantry forces. The city waa entered by the cavalrymen from the west, after an advance through the Ukraine lasting twelve days. There was little flfhtlnc. according to reports reaching Polish headquarters In Warsaw, the cavalry coins Into the City kU day mb the infantry advanced In a treat semicircle. . A few machine cun shots were fired In the early mom- tnc as the cavalry appeared, but this Are was quickly Bilericed, and reports say that the evacuation of Kieff becan soon afterward, or us soon as the advanclnc ktroops appeared in force. Flghtlnc Across Rivera. The stlflest fightlnc engaged in by me roles toefore they reached the out Bklrts of Kieff was alone the Irpen River, Just west of the c:ty. The Bol- shevlkl, well entrenched, defended the strtp between the Irpen and the Dnieper until they were literally blasted from their positions. The Poles first crossed the Irpen northwest of Kieff, near its Junction with jhe Dnieper, after a three day ocht before the city s rates. Boon after ward the passage of the river was ef fected In force at various points over eroercency brldces, some of which were built under the fire of the Bolshevik ma chine cuns. The Malln-Kleff railroad bridce across the Irpen was destroyed by the retreatinc enemy, but is beinc repaired by soldiers, aided by the local population. For two days the struggle was for the most part an Infantry battle. By the end of that time, however, the retreating defenders had recovered sufficiently from their confusion to bring up artillery and put It into play. Meanwhile, the Poles also had Drought up guns, but the prog ress of the artillery to the battle front was much hampered by the rough coun try, the dynamited highways and bridges and various obstacles placed by the Bol shevik! to handicap the advancing Toles. Red Gradually Fall Back. It waa early on Friday that the So viet troops began gradually to give way before the Polish cannon Are on all aides. The defenders fell back upon Kieff, where the only available crossing of the Dnieper was to be found. Modern ar mored trains from the south on the Pol ish side aided the infantry In their fight for the ancient Russian capital, but the advance along the railroad from Fastova was made under the rreatest difficul ties because of the railroad being under fire from the Bolshevik guns In their positions along the chain of hills en circling Kieff. I Armored trains were brougnt up ny way of Malln also, and these will move Into Kieff as soon as me nnoge oor the Irpen Is repaired and win .stand by with reenforcementa to be sent Into the city. In preparation for holding Kieff aealnst counter attacks. An offensive was begun to the north in Polesla, the military commanders having decided that an attack was nec essary to offset the Bolshevik concen tration In the region beyond Moilr. Tne first day's fighting resulted In the cap ture of Cholnskl, east of Mozir, and the railroad town of TVasllewlcse, north east of Mozlr. Much material, the statement adds, was taken by the Poles. Rumania Seek Pftliak Alliance Afainat Rumul COPENHAGEN, May 8. The'' Politiken publishes a report from Budapest that feverish mil itary preparations are proceeding in Rumania; Berlin newspapers say that the Rumanian Premier has gone to Warsaw to negotiate with Gen. Piliudski, the head of the Polish State, for an alliance against Russia. 'BOLSHEVIKI MAKE . PEACE WTH GEORGIA 1 Recognize Independence of Be- public and Define Her Boundaries. WOULD GIYE HER BATUM after fighting rear guard engagements near a crossing of the Dnieper, the Bol shevik troops are concentrating on the left bank. ENVOYS OF LEAGUE BARRED BY SOVIETS Poland and Ukraine Conner Send Delegates. London, May 8. The Central Soviet, a Moscow wireless message says, an nounces that In view of the fact that certain members of the League of Nations are actively supporting Poland I Batum governments and also the dls- Black Sea Outlet Ceded and Opponents of Soviet to Be Surrendered. Lokdon, May 9. A peace treaty has been concluded between Soviet Russia and the Republic of Georgia, according to a wireless message from Moscow. The treaty provides that' Russia shall recognise the independence of Georgia and undertake not to Interfere in Geor gia's internal affairs. That republic shall comprise the fol lowing territory: The Tlflls, Kutals and and Ukraine, warring on Russia, It can not by reason of military considerations admit into Russia any delegation which Includes representatives of those nations, althouch the Soviet supports the pruv ciple of th league's decision to rnd an lnvestlgatlnr delegation Into Russia. The statement complains that the league has failed to protest against Poland's action ; declares that the Soviet Is ready to admit all newspaper repre sentatives giving guarantees that they will not abuse the hospitality of the Russian people, and will afford facilities to the British trade union delegation as guests of the Russian trade unions. It concludes by stating that a com mittee has been appointed comjiriBlng Comrades Kamencff, Lltvinoff ana Mur- sky, who, Jolntlr with Tchitcherln, the Foreign Minister, are authorized to admit at the proper time the League of Nations delegation without convok ing a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Lokdok, May 9. The Foreign Office has withdrawn Its objection to granting passports for Delegates Quelch and McLalne, named by the British Socialist party to visit Russia. Therefore, the delegates will start at the earliest pos Bible date for an investigation of Rus sian conditions. GERMAN SOCIALISTS PLAN SOVIET RALLY To Held Demonstration for Ruuian Reds To-morrow. Bek-IN, May 8. The Independent Socialists are planning to hold a great demonstration on Tuesday in favor of Soviet Russia. In a manifesto printed in the party organ. Die FrHKHt, it is declared that all signs point to the in tention of the allied Powers again to draw a circle around Soviet Russia. The forces for -the attack are to be Increased." adds the newspaper, "and it is probable that Hungary, Serbia and Rumania will be participants." London, May 9. The reports that Hungary is setting herself against ac ceptance of the peace treaty have been confirmed in Rome by Oesee Hcrozcg, Hungarian Councillor of State. An Ex change Telegraph despatch from Rome quotes the Councillor as declaring that Hungary will not sign the treaty with out modifications, including provisions for the holding of plebiscites In dis puted territory. CF0CH EXTOLS TJ. S. VALOR. loKDOK, May 9. A Bolshevik com munication says that in the Kieff region. Paya Tribute to American Soldiers and Women Xarses. Pxttis, May 9. Marshal Foch. speak ing to-day at the celebration of "Moth- eers' Day" at the Interallied Union, touched on the valor of the American soldier and his great services during the world war. He also referred to American women. who, as nurses, had cared for French and allied soldiers with so much' devotion. tricts of Zokataly arid Sukhum and portion of the Black Sea governments. Georgia is to disarm all Its military forces, groups and persons hostile to the Soviet Government and intern them in concentration camps, to be handed over subsequently to Soviet Russia, whose Government undertakes to spare their lives. AH their military supplies, val uables and funds, however, will be con fiscated without compensation. Georgia undertakes to relieve from punishment and from further prosecu tion all those at the present time under prosecution for acts committed In favor of Soviet Russia. Gen. Penhlnc Leaves M. Thomas. St, Thomas, Virgin Islands, May 9. Gen. John J, Pershing arrived here on Friday on board the United States trans port Northern Pacific from the Isthmus of Panama. The General s stop was a brief one. the transport after a two hours' stay proceeding to Porto Rico. SEES NEW BURDEN ON GERMAN LABOR "Verwaerts" Comments em General Electric Financing. Beslxk, May 8. Commenting on the announcement that a prominent group of American financiers had purchased a 2L, 000,000 mark block of new shares of the German Electrjc Company, the newspaper Vorwacrta points out that as the payment for -the shares is to be in dollars It is plain that the General Elec tric Company desires to psy for its American raw materials with shares. "The Americans," continues Vor-, uiaerts, "evidently do not desire German paper put General Electric products, and are taking previous dividend .bearing shores instead. Thus the German work ers are permanently made to pay tribute to foreign capital, for It Is their labor that earns the dividends. "If the General Electric Company's raw materials had been obtained by ex change against German potash and other wares we would have been spared this liabllltr." The identity of the American group has not been divulged by President Rathenau, although It is taken for granted here that the American General Electric is the purchaser. The Asso ciated Press Is Informed that the names of the American buyers will not be an nounced for the present, as further deals In other directions are contemplated. SHOTS FAIL TO KILL TURKS' GRAND VIZIER Bomb Also Misses Egyptian Minister of Works. Bv tht Autciattt Press. Constantinople, May 8 (delayed), An attempt wna made last night upon the life of Dadam Terid Pasha, the Grand Vizier, at his home. Three shots were fired at him, none of whclh, how ever, took effect. CAino, May 9. A bomb was thrown at Hussein Darwichc, the Minister of Works, is he was motoring homeward from his office Saturday evening. The bomb struck the gasolene tank of the motor car, slightly Injuring the chauffeur. JAPS AND RUSSIANS PLAN BUFFER STATE Prelude te JZvecumtion of Vladivostok Region. SpcUI Cabh Dtttatck fe Tbs 8w Jfrw To Mssaui, CopgrioKt, 1K0, bv 8ns as Jtsw Toss; BxaiU), , Toxio, May 8. Minister Uchida an nounced at session of the Japanese Cabinet that negotiations were proceed ing at Vladivostok between the com mander of the Japanese military forces and representatives of the Soviet Gov ernment of Russia for the establishment of a buffer State as a prelude to the evacuation of the city and district by the Japanese army. Mr. Uchida announced that in appre ciation of the Japanese position the Rus sian Government was willing to do its utmost to guarantee the safety of Japa nese residents and the protection of their property, which is essential to evacua tion. Vladivostok, May 6. The Provisional Government has anounced that elections will be held soon for a Far Eastern Provincial Parliament. The declaration calls for the developmeut of the na tional resources and industries with Rus sian and foreign capital and maximum freedom for Russian and foreign enter prise. The Government Is organizing an lntenantlonal board of trade, consisting of Russian, Chinese, American and Japanese business men. There is a martcd shortage in food stuffs In the marl time districts con tiguous to Manchuria. Tiffany & Ob. FIFTH AVENUE &37I5STREET ' Paius,25RuedelaPaix London.221 Recent Strew Pearls Diamonds Jewelry . Silverware Stationery REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT DEMPSEY & CARROLL1 Art Stationers and Engravers 5 are now located in their new store 13 East 47fh Street. New York AMUSEMEITTS. AMURfTMF.W'XB. Rhythm in Motion and' Soapsuds V Constant nibbing of soft fabrics over hard "wash 'lioards is destructive to the fabric and very wear 'ing upon the one who does the rubbing Uaiform, uninterrupted swashing of clothes in soapy water makes the Electric Washing Machine the , most efficient cleanser yet it does not injure y.tJjqiiabric, however delicate ' sQld hand-methods cannot do these things ' The-Electric demands no exhausting human labor j The Mew York Edison Company '. - ef Tear $ervke . General Offices: Irving Place and 15th Street ' District Offices' m where Electrical Appliances of all kinds are on display- reres FINAL CLEARANCE COATS and CAPES of Cloth, Silk and Lace Smart Models for Traveling, Street, Evening and Sport Wear, also Imported Models from Jenny, Lanvin, Doucet, Callot, Cheruit, Agnes, and Drecoll. $45.00 $65.00 $85.00 up to $210.00 NECKPIECES Specially Priced 1 for Spring and Summer Wear NATURAL and DYED CANADIAN MARTEN RUSSIAN SABLE . NATURAL &id DYED FOXES FISHER No Approvals, Credits or CO. D's Fifth Avenue at Fifty-third Street New York AMKltlCA'3 FOREMOST THEATRES AND HIT8. wmicr uaraen matinee to-m-w. ) r AMUSEMENTS. DIRECTION OK UIE AJfD J, J. SHUBERT. 1X3U1H DE FOE, WORLD: "A duzllng new ipecucls. !uuea all the rest." - Alstiiwea Wed. and Hat. 3 :15. WED. MATINEE $100 FLORODORA En. BOO Good Seat at (2; 550 at tl.iO :70Oa t S1.O0: OO t SOe: other t S2.50 und S.I.OO. limnch ticket omcc In Central Thtm..7thtllr r a c I m n ?oth hi. : Tf m OIK Tl Tt'. - a m.r .A ''-"ai. ? ru. Hal. BETTY, BE Musical Comedy fieiuatlont LASSIE"! awawo BiOfetST MUSICAL MJT! MAXINE ELLIOTTS fi, Sif WED.. MAY 12th. HNE0ATS JOHN I. WILLIAMS Present. ALL SOULS' EYE with Lol Fisher and Crrll Kelshtler. HARRIS Tomorrow Eve. CARLISLE Respect for Riches w'th Lucille Watson a Wm, Dcvereux 33th SLvtel-S?5'W Ev.a:0.S7Bth Time WW M.Mu. Wed. & Bat. 2 :40. ITo-nUtht. ".""A'""'. OOP to (2.00. Charles Cherry and Franclne Lamraore la the famous comedy SCANDAL 44TH ST 7?,.1tre- Y,-. 1 B'nx- ev. g ao. AiX, Maltoses Wed. ana flit. 230. CECIL LEAN in "LOOK WHO'S HERE with CLEO MAYFIELD Musical Coroodjr Triumph- BOOTHIffi cg&WoN0T SO LONG AGO Sothern-Marlowe oSMat Bat. at). EVERY EVE THIS WEEK: TAMING 0 THE HIIREW; BAT. MAT.. HAMLET. SHUBERT ff-. Last 2 Week, COMEDY '. nr. n'way. Evenings SS popular mat. to-morbo w. ooe mm. MY LADY I America I with CKft& FRIENDS I gS& I Crawforl, CENTRA! Tn- 47 Ht- St.30. WUN 1 KAL. Maltaeea Wed. & Sat. aOQ. T -SAM rj IREtfE I Bernard and dordoni '"aMM"6 AS YOU WERE RIIOII 45U stt w-of B'war. Ere. SM. Dl JUU Mat. Wed. (Pop.) ft Sat. 330. The Ouija Board NOW AT WIMK HATO1GAH.YERWK STEELE AND DISTINGUISHED CAST EA'ENINOS at Stan A? alAMAASUktirA nUKUOLU iS FIRST MAT. WED. vv jc i rnw ai iiy2 HAPPINESS sJTf MOST UtlAKJOUS M8CE&1UV PRIMCCS5 THEft. U39 5T. CVS.a50 -MATS. "WED. 6TSAT. f Ft rw. yrs EAST Thm Air I WEST wm fMSAwna r ntimm wot w ft.. LAjrSUAUttr.jjj,. Wed. & Sat. 330. F. Rar Comstock & Morris Gen Present MHAdam and Eva 'Polite Cotnedr. Rare ft Refrrslilns.'-Worid. 4tK sf ThairJJ'way.iTa.H30.ia3d ZP"131 MaU.Thun.ft8at.sao. (Time I SI ORM With HELEN MacXELLAB Gsrrirl- Uelejla23.Er.sao.lMts.Thunt. '-rSSSthStTnrB'irar.i ftSat.30. THEATRE GUILD'S Greatest Buccess. "JANE CLEGG" Dj BtJohn ofJohn Ferituaoa." Globe ' um r' cua aBnost fwleilr. , BnOADHURST,W.44thStXT.830. Jane COWL' ui "EM.iL.irr THRfinnir Last Weeks. Mat. Thura. ft Bat. CCT WVM Wet 42d St. Errs. 830. CHARLES I PEGGY J RALPH KING J WOOD I MORGAN fai the Musical Hit "BUDDIES" VuHfaWltSJSfh. Era. 830. Mata.Wed. ft Sat. The Muskal Comedy Hit. IRENE I with ADELE ROWLAND t VRir Thea.,43d, W.ofB way. 101.830. AUt. wed. MlKlcal . andJlat. 230. "Keruaical" Comedy Hit BEST S FJ TIMr.F Tt"-w- 2d Bt. ets. Bao. Martinique wth Jonephlne Tletor ft Etnmett Ciinrlsan rvqJUDUC Matii. Wed. (Pop.) ft Sat. at 330. Mar j one Rambeau In Channlng Pollock's Groat Melodraiu The Sign Z Poo? H BELMONT . nv. eD NANCE D KEIL B30Jltn.Thur. T -n n n ft sat. 23a In InerajsionrJowcr XTWKK1U-HU Chinese Wife," as Oriental Amertcanf Drama (of M oal and Mao nets by Pormt Halser and Clara Berancer. with rorrrst Wlaant. Madeline Delmar. Leh Wlnslow, Praoee Nellson, Frank Conner, ilabol BertivJan. Meredith ft brlllant aun ponltut cast. Beats Thura. LAST 7 XMERICAN UINGEBS TIMERS incUKtsiaiaaii RUPPIGO "BostJCaRtalld CBorn. nn Hrrw v. v" A PARKT?iCA.TKE- Oolumma Circle lEi a Ti ! LAST WEEK EATS $2 Sat. Mat. Fin TOW wren St. ETe.at830. rUI-lUIN Mata. Wed. ft Sat. at 330. "OH. HENRYl' PLAYHOUSE weataSthBt. Era. 830. aw, wed. ft Bat. 2 Wit! JEAV: EAULKS I Wonderfil TUfli LITTLE THEATRE " gfe" f Evsit 830. MU. Wed. ft Bat 230 V ( RICHARD BENNETT in I Eugene G. O'Neill' Grr,t Drama Beyondthe Jrjonzon r AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. "IHllllllllHlllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllHllllllllllllllUm corner Heter5t 20 Norfolk St 4it Broadway ejCnaI St io Imng'pkee aeraer 15th St 124 Wcr43aStt1wreeBB'waya:6th Ave Nht and Emergency Call: Watklns 3000 Open Until Midnight 151 East6thSt between Lexington &jrd Atbb i5EastiarthSt near 5th Ave- j6aEait 149th St near Courtlandt Ave ' Tremnnt Ave cor "Monterey Ave wsn !w-- rr,rjgasav Broaawau at Slst St. Phon CtrcleS500 oUBwAY' STATION AT THE DOOR. WoKldiaesHea' Eduard Bowes Manoinfi Direct r.evlral by popular request of Humperdlnck's JOYOUS COAND OPERA HANSEL GRETEL with Star Cast, Chorus of 100 Orchestra of Mi and complete new apectacular production by John Wencer. Another Grcd FeaturcforiheuKiddia" LARRY SEMON The funniest fellow on the Screen m "SCHOOL DAYS" and" EASIUEL COLDWYN ft REX BEACH present REX BEACH'S Greatest Picture THE SILVER HORDE' NEW YORK'8 LEADING T11EATHEH AND HUCC ESSES EMPIRE ffiy. LAST 8 TIMES Etc. 830. Last Mats. 'Wed. and fiat.. 330 in Zee Aklns' Play ETHEL BASmORS DECLASSEE Assssa GLOBEXn.830Jtfta.WetLft Sat. "Zlpptoat to Town."-TeloBram. "The, Girl From Home" CharleaDllllTiirham'iMuslcalFarce HfcRY MILLCPS $m EVEiBiO-rWB THUB6. 6. SAT 2 20 HENrt fULLER WAICHE SATff Bu FOHSI THE SEASON'S TOIUMPH turn mm GEO. mWAN, E'wy.3Bt. Eti.830. I. - " ' Mats. Wed. ft SAM H.'HARRIB prescnu Collier In THE nOTTENTOT." "It's a Rlnt.' Bat. 330. I"B1GGKHT ILADGIUNO (HIT IN ITOWN." Jsfm, mrinkrmor "Wmt'44th St. Eres. 83a Jtlata. Tburs. ft SaU 33a BELASC0 Lenore UlricgATJS" a-, turm Scarborough and DaTld Beuaco. Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i j W i i i i i J 1 1 1 j j j j U i i i i i , i Yi I j 1 1 1 7 ill RET16I0US ABVilKTISKIffKNTS. j TtET.TGIOUS ABVEEllSiaiLENIS. A NEW PAGE IN HISTORY WILL BE ADDED at CARNEGIE HALL, 57th St, 7th 'Ave. on THURSDAY EVENING, May a"3th At 8:15 P. M. 1 Doors Open 7:30 P. M. SPIRIT COMMUNICATION Will Be Demonstrated by J. Hill, WeBKnoW Medium Under Directira of tke Spiritualist Ckurch of Adranca Ttcus;kt Reierrations at Box Office, Carne-ie HalL . . i i n-wayft38lhBt.ETi.83a von WEDNESpT MATINTtEimRE nncn. DnitBeat tUID WWAf SHAVINGS lUat Box OOtn. nqnumr rmm. FRANCES STARR tnTiggl Tiger! NEW AMSTERDAM? Mats. Wed. ft Bat. HOC to 82. No Higher, gEd.Wynn Carnival wlfli ED. WTUN, "The Perfect Pool." "IT IB JOLLY GOOD FUN." Ere. World. 8 tdu can&l" ZffGKU BOAMBO0PAT. nt.Danca co ra SraoKo I TWO ENTMfiy fraWI5)W tT0nin6nm tlj-lmt, atS. yJOUX L. GOLDEN presenU GAIETY. B'y. 48 St jT.83aMU.,Wed.ft Sat- Cohan & Harris Si ITS ALL THE GO LETS GO Mta. Wed ASaU 2 30. BAM H. U ARRIS presenta tin Musical Comedy BmaaMnTi Honey Girl Beats BeMlns 8 Week Ahead. HUDSON Booth Tarkington's arence "CI Wna41hBt. ErsASOJaaU. w nt r-o "Beat IJaht Cmnadr Eter Written .br an American. Hcrwoo3 Broun, Tribune. 1 Vnri TM Thea,Wi Ssh8t. En S30. IKAMRE Mala. Tama, arxl Sat . 230.' DAVID BELASOO prtest DIGGERS" laSoi liberty l&ftMWa "THE NIGHT BOAT" "ITS A JOVMDE." GreenwicJiNruMAve. TO-NIGHT AT 83a EMILY I NORMAN i OP STEVENS J TitEVOK HXOOIE AndBrimant . CYV1T T HTlZV " Author of "DECLASSEE." Sujiporttar Cart, in By ZOE AKINS, J Cent, iia-i"""- -r.,. net, 'r-- 43a w .a neSMOSw Mai ust'W Jrrass. - laTheaJUxlne iMosaae re., at a. 'A. flSsi 1AEX17TXXBS - of lh Pajeant None Can Af ford to Mis. "U'KU-itTClS!,- ANITA STEWART TheYellowTyphoon' XartonllolBiesSeenle Strand Orchestra, P B.F.Keith"a I JACK KOBWORTH liai-1 rlnorenee Roberts Fredrick ALAv, -rtoseJlnt. GaHacher ft Hoi- H3'-ay A Tth Bt. Hey. Jean Adair, others ft Baats. pauy s-sixrw wmwu m m. SPRING FESTIVAL In B. r. Keith's ITVIVERSIDE HTiray and BC Bt. 10-BIG ACTS-10 Curtain 2 -ana B sharp. m lea ""stfosii a nX WBSawaK smPjW-TfcCriF ofATM:IItJ--NOWOPEM Direction of Huco nieswif eld r EstsSBtlfjai Cecil B. De me s ."Why Change Your mr mm iBwaidfte ipiALTO rSsickleton's Trip for thePole" (Final FartT) Dorothy Daftoa TheDarkMlrror KlToll Orchestra BryanlWaihburn "Mrs.TempIe"i Telegram.'' Braea Scenic. RJal to Orchestra. LUNA SATURDAY CONEY ISLAND PRYOR'S BAND PRCP DANCING I I IJ, MENAOEHIE I CDCC CD3CTJ8 1 L.J1 RIDBS rX3LUMBIA.B-wajr A i7. TwJes DaUy.IErae. LEW KELLY ft CO. IttlL BSOOBXTK AXU8ZHZNTS. JTAR JaynrTTUanBt, Mat, Tl.'JaSr- Dally J FOLLIES offtEASURE "WRE3TUNO ETEBYaH0KDAT. SPECIAL' SERVICE is offered LOST and FOUND advertiser. L The Sun and New York Herald. " For inf prniatioii call Greeley--6000, extension 6.